Seminar topics in additional sports education. Blog tsnti "progress": seminars, staff training. What will change and what will remain constant? Let's talk about it in workshops.

Additional education is “an independent, self-valuable, personality-oriented type of education, capable of meeting the individual and creative needs of the individual, active participation in solving the socio-cultural problems of the region "(Builova L.N., Klenova N.V. How to organize additional education for children at school? - M .: ARKTI, P. 9)

The most important characteristic of additional education is its correlation with the principle of natural conformity: all its programs are offered to children of their choice, in accordance with their interests, natural inclinations and abilities, which determines the personal significance of education for children. V additional education a different, in comparison with the school, type of interaction between the teacher and the child: the teacher does not just transmit information, but forms a developing environment.

WHAT IS THE PROGRAM OF ADDITIONAL EDUCATION? The goals and objectives of additional educational programs, first of all, are to provide education, upbringing, and development of children. In this connection, the content of additional educational programs should: correspond to the achievements of world culture, Russian traditions, cultural and national characteristics of the regions; appropriate level of education (preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general education); directions of additional educational programs (scientific and technical, sports and technical, artistic, physical culture and sports, tourism and local history, ecological and biological, military patriotic, socio-pedagogical, socio-economic, natural sciences); modern educational technologies reflected in the principles in the principles of education (individuality, accessibility, continuity, effectiveness); forms and methods forms and methods of teaching (active methods distance learning, differentiated learning, classes, competitions, competitions, excursions, trips, etc.); methods of control and management methods of control and management of the educational process (analysis of the results of children's activities); teaching aids teaching aids (a list of necessary equipment, tools and materials for each student in the association).

To be aimed at: creating conditions for the development of the child's personality; development of motivation of the child's personality to knowledge and creativity; ensuring the emotional well-being of the child; familiarization of students with universal human values; prevention of antisocial behavior; creation of conditions for social, cultural and professional self-determination, creative self-realization of the child's personality, its integration in the system of world and national cultures; the integrity of the process of mental and physical, mental and spiritual development of the child's personality; strengthening mental and physical health children; interaction of teachers of additional education with the family.

1. Typical programs 1. Typical programs are the state standard of education. These programs are created at the state level, approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and are basic in the work on this profile. 2. Modified (or adapted) programs 2. Modified (or adapted) programs coincide with the standard ones in content and logic, they are changed taking into account the peculiarities of the organization and formation of children's associations, the mode and time parameters of the implementation of activities, non-standard individual results of upbringing, development and education. Changes are made to the structural components at the discretion of the author; there is no standard rationing in quantitative and qualitative terms. Diagnostics of the results for these programs is determined both by the quantitative indicators included in the program (knowledge, skills, abilities) and by the practical achievements of students (reporting concerts, competitions, exhibitions, olympiads, etc.). H. Experimental programs H. Experimental programs are designed to reflect changes in the fundamentals of the content of education, or changes in the principles, methods, forms of education in the interests of its improvement, as well as to introduce new pedagogical technologies. However, such programs, after successful testing and examination, can move into the status of an author's program. Types of working educational programs of the system of additional education for children.

4. Author's programs 4. Author's programs are fully developed by a teacher, methodologist or a team of teachers or methodologists. Their content is a set of proposed means of solving problems in education, which are distinguished by novelty and relevance, originality. The author's program should contain a hypothesis and its conceptual justification, goals, objectives, ways to achieve goals, methods for diagnosing results at intermediate stages and at the end of implementation. Productive ideas in the author's programs are ideas aimed at creating a comprehensive educational route for students. Such programs should be equipped with author's technological aspects, have two reviews: internal and external.

According to the level of development According to the level of development, the programs can be: General developmental, aimed at solving the problems of formation common culture child, expanding his knowledge about the world and about himself, social experience. Satisfaction is expected here cognitive interest child, expanding his awareness in a specific educational area, enriching with communication skills and joint activities in mastering the program. Specialized, aimed at identifying and developing the abilities of children, acquiring certain knowledge and skills in their chosen type of activity. These programs are focused on the development of competence in a particular area, the formation of skills at the level of practical application. Professionally oriented, aimed at familiarization and subsequent deepening of a particular professional sphere of life. They help to identify the personal capabilities of students and determine their choice of profession, to gain the basics of professional knowledge and skills. These educational programs provide for the achievement of high results of education in any subject or practical area, the ability to see problems, formulate tasks, and look for ways to solve them.

According to the purpose of training According to the purpose of training, the programs are distinguished: 1. Cognitive, giving in-depth knowledge of the discipline being studied, developing intellectual abilities, broadening one's horizons. The goals of these programs are to introduce, expand and deepen the knowledge of children and adolescents in certain areas of science, art, domestic and regional culture, as well as the formation of an individual mechanism for mastering sociocultural activities). 2. Research orientation, aimed at revealing and developing the creative abilities of children for scientific activities, the formation of the necessary skills for research work, the ability to implement the author's idea. 3. Social adaptation, aimed at the development of positive children social experience, social roles and attitudes, the development of value orientations. 4. Professional-applied, giving certain skills and abilities in practical activities, forming a specialist who owns professional knowledge, skills and abilities. Focused on 2 main goals: a) the formation of a specialist in the field of science or practice, which is absent in the basic secondary school; b) familiarization and development of certain skills and abilities in currently relevant areas of science or practice. 5. Physical and sports, helping to exercise healthy lifestyle life, developing a system of prevention and correction of the health of students. 6. Leisure activities that fill students' free time with active, emotionally and psychologically comfortable content. 7. Developing artistic talent, which affect the emotional sphere of students, carry out "immersion" in the artistic image

According to the form of organization of the educational process, programs are distinguished According to the form of organization of the educational process, programs are distinguished: 1. Complex, in a certain way connecting separate areas, directions, activities into a single whole. 2. Integrated, studying several industries in a single way. Based on the theory of knowledge and the understanding that the search for knowledge is the best way of research, which establishes connections between academic disciplines. Z. Modular, consisting of several independent, stable, integral blocks. 4. Through, measuring the material in the directions included in them, taking into account age features children, their number in groups, physical condition, moral and psychological comfort, etc. Creating an educational program is a creative and complex process that requires special training and painstaking work. The educational program of the teacher is a clear indicator of his professional pedagogical skills "(Kulnevich S.V.. Ivanchenko V.N. Additional education for children: a methodological service. - Rostov-on-Don: Teacher Publishing House, P. 84-88) .

The structure of the program of additional education for children The program of additional education for children, as a rule, includes the following structural elements: 1. Title page. 2. Explanatory note. 3. Curriculum. 4. Educational and thematic plan. 5. The content of the course being studied. 6. Methodological support of the additional educational program. 7. List of literature: - list of literature used by the teacher; - a list of recommended literature for children and parents; 8. List of equipment required for the implementation of the program (based on the number of students). When developing a program for several years, the structure of the program becomes more complicated mainly due to the repetition of parts 4 and 5. The volume of each block of the program may be different. Applications of a different nature can be added to the program (creative scenario of the event, proposals for creating illustrative material for the topics of classes, methodological developments for organizing individual work with children, etc.).

Scheme for compiling an explanatory note The focus of the program. ……………………………… The novelty of the program lies in ……………………………. Distinctive features of this program from existing educational programs…………… Relevance of the program………………………………… Pedagogical expediency of the program is that…… (Brief analysis of the educational level of children, features of the educational environment)…… ………………. The purpose of the program:………………………………………………… Age of students:……………………………………… The lower age limit is explained by the fact that…… ……… Age limits may vary according to the individual characteristics of children. Duration and stages of the educational process. The program is designed for ---- years of study. The volume of the program is ……hours, which are distributed as follows: 1 year of study – 144 hours (4 hours per week). Training modules: "____", "_____", 2nd year of study - 216 hours (6 hours per week). Training modules: "____", "____", 3rd year of study - 216 hours (6 hours per week). Training modules: "____", "_____", Content and volume of starting knowledge necessary for the initial stage of mastering the program…………… Training is based on the following pedagogical principles: ……………………

The following methods are used in the learning process:……………………………………………………………… The program provides for frontal, individual, group forms of educational work with students. Frontal work presupposes (allows, provides, provides for…)………………………… Group work presupposes (allows, provides, provides for…)………………………………... Individual work presupposes (allows, provides, provides…)………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Class mode: .. (how many times a week for how many hours, breaks, time intervals between classes)…………………. Predicted results and criteria for their measurement As a result of mastering this program, students should know: ………………………………….. should be able to:…………………………………………… …… The learning process provides for the following types of control: Introductory (………), current (………), milestone (………), final (……….). Forms of control: ...... (test, test, interview, mini-conference, report, creative report, participation in the Olympiad, project defense ...) Forms for summing up the implementation of an additional educational program at the end of each year of study: .... (exhibition, festival, intellectual marathon, final holiday, competitions, educational and research conference, etc.)…… Funds necessary for the implementation of the program:… (educational, methodological, material technical support and etc.) ……..

An example of a curriculum for 3 years Name of the topic - subject Total hours 1 year 2 years 3 years 1 Acting skills Stage speech Stage movement Mass work Make-up basics History of the theater-816 7 Applied arts-12- 8 Etiquette--- 9 Performance staging Individual work--16 Total hours: 144216

Approximate scheme for drawing up an educational and thematic plan Educational and thematic plan for the 1st year of study Theme Total number of hours Including Theoretical (hour) Practical (hour) 1.………22- 2.……… ……… ……… … ……….….… ……. ….… Total: The curriculum contains the names of modules, sections, topics and the hourly distribution of the material. This gives an idea of ​​the stages of completing tasks and acquiring knowledge. The educational and thematic plan is drawn up for the amount of time that is provided by the program for each year.

Approximate scheme for compiling the section “Course content” Course content First year of study Section 1……./title/…….. (2 hours) ………………………………………………………… ……………… Section 2……./title/…….. (10 hours) 2.1 …………/title/……………… ……………………………………… …………………………………… Workshops:………………………………………… …………/title/……………… …………………………………………………… ………………… Practical exercises:………………………………………… …………/name/……………… …………………………… ………………………………………… Practical exercises:………………………………………… …………/name/……………… …… ………………………………………………………………… Practical exercises:………………………………………… Section 3……./ title/…….. (8 hours) ………………………………………………………………………

Methodological support of the program: providing the program with methodological types of products (development of games, conversations, trips, excursions, competitions, conferences, etc.); recommendations for conducting laboratory and practical work, for setting up experiments or experiments, etc.; didactic and lecture materials, research methods, topics of experimental or research work, etc. List of literature - a list of literature used by the teacher; - a list of recommended literature for children and parents An example of the placement of sources of literature in the list: Fadeeva E. I. Labyrinths of communication: Educational and methodological manual. - M.: TsGL, p. or Galanov A.S. Games that heal (for children from 1 to 3 years old). - M.: TC Sphere, p.

Municipal budgetary educational institution of additional education "Center for Children's Creativity", Okhansky District, Perm Territory

Baryshnikova Nadezhda Ivanovna director for educational resources management, teacher of additional education


for teachers of additional education


Modern approaches to organization educational process in additional education

Target : introduce modern approaches, principles and forms of planning and organization of the educational process.

Seminar progress:

Introductory remarks: the topic of the seminar, the work plan, the actualization of the issues raised.


slide 1.

The learning process in additional education is less formalized than in a general education school and does not have a rigid framework.

Individualization of education in the system of additional education for children is carried out by the child himself, who himself makes the choice of what is interesting for himself. . The position of the teacher is also changing: he acts not only as a carrier of knowledge, but also as an assistant in the formation of the student's personality.

Performing the function of a consultant, a teacher of additional education most often has a strong personal influence on children. Hence the increased demands on his personal qualities.

Slides 2-5.

The educational process organized in the system of additional education must meet the following requirements:

    have a developmental character , i.e., should be aimed at developing natural inclinations and interests in children;

    be varied in form (group and individual, theoretical and practical, performing and creative classes), and in content;

    be based on a variety of additional ;

    be based on developing methods of teaching children ;

For a teacher of additional education, it is no longer enough to know only the subject area that he teaches, he must:

    havepsychological and pedagogical knowledge;

    use diagnostics of interests and motivation of children in order to ensure such a variety of activities and forms of their implementation, which would allow different children with different interests and problems to find something to their liking;

    based on society;

    reflect regional characteristics and traditions.

Slides 6 - 19.

A training session is the main form of organization of the educational process.

For an activity to be educational, it must becarefully prepare and plan.

A seminar was held in this direction. Let's look at some aspects.

A)Class types:

    learning new material

    formation of skills

    consolidation and development of knowledge, skills, abilities


    application of knowledge, skills

    combined lesson

    control lesson

B)Targets and goals

C) 12 slide.Didactic tools .

G)Lesson structure . In general, a training session of any type as a model can be represented as a sequence of the following stages: organizational, verification, preparatory, main, control, reflective (introspection), final, informational. Each stage differs from another in the change of activities, content and specific task. The basis for the allocation of stages can be the process of assimilation of knowledge, which is built as a change in the types of activities of students: perception - comprehension - memorization - application - generalization - systematization.

17 slide. Common Mistakes in the preparation and conduct of classes.


    Lack of specifics of additional education

    Occupation overload(show all the best at once)

    The dominance of the form of the lesson over its content

    Failure to meet class times

D)Recommendations for conducting classes .

Teaching methods

Consider two classifications of teaching methods.

    According to Yu. K. Babansky

Verbal ( the source of knowledge is the spoken or printed word)






    Working with a book

Visual (the source of knowledge is observable objects, phenomena, visual aids)

    Illustration method (showing illustrative aids, posters, tables, pictures, maps, sketches on the board, models, etc.)

    Demonstration method (demonstration of instruments, technical installations, videos, presentations, etc.)

Practical (gain knowledge and develop skills by performing a practical action)


    Practical work

    Problem solving

    Object Modeling

According to M. N. Skatkin and I. Ya. Lerner

    Explanatory-illustrative method (the teacher communicates the finished information by various means, and the students perceive it, realize it and fix it in memory)

    reproductive method (its essence is to repeat (repeatedly) the method of activity on the instructions of the teacher)

    Problem Method (the teacher poses a problem to the students and himself shows the way to solve it, revealing the emerging contradictions, the purpose of this method is to show examples of solving the problem)

    Partial search method (the teacher divides the problematic task into subproblems, and the students take separate steps to find its solution, each step involves creative activity, but there is still no holistic solution to the problem)

    research method (providing organizations with search creative activity of students to solve new problems for them, creative application of knowledge)

Traditional forms of organization activities of children in the educational process.

- Lecture - an oral presentation of a topic that develops the creative thinking activity of students.

- Seminar - the form of group lessons in the form of a discussion of prepared messages and reports under the guidance of a teacher forms analytical thinking, reflects the intensity of independent work, develops skills public speaking.

- Discussion - comprehensive public discussion, consideration controversial issue, complex problem; expands knowledge through the exchange of information, develops the skills of critical judgment and defending one's point .

TOconference - meeting, meeting of representatives of various organizations to discuss and resolve any issues; instills the skills of open discussion of the results of their activities.

- Excursion - hike or trip for the purpose of inspection, acquaintance with any attraction; enriches sensory perception and visual representations.

- Expedition - trip of a group with a special task: it solves a complex of diverse tasks for organizing effective practice in the process of obtaining a profile result outside the classroom conditions.

- tourist trip - movement of a group of people for a specific purpose; implements the goals of knowledge, education, health improvement, physical and development.

- educational game - an occupation that has certain rules and serves to learn new things, relax and enjoy; characterized by modeling life processes in a developing situation.

Non-traditional forms organization of children's activities.

- Presentation of an object, phenomenon, event, fact - description, disclosure of the role of the subject, social purpose in human life, participation in social relations.

- sociodrama - role-playing game, predetermined by the position of the main characters; the situation of choice, on which the course of life and socio-psychological relations depend, awareness of oneself in the structure of social relations.

- Protection - the ability to project changes in reality in the name of improving life, the correlation of personal interests with public ones, the proposal of new ideas for solving life problems.

- Round table - collective work to find the social meaning and personal meaning of the phenomenon of life - “Freedom and Duty”, “Man and Nature”, etc.

- tea drinking - has great power, creates a special psychological atmosphere, softens mutual relations, liberates.

- "Toughie" - solving difficult issues in life together with a group, a confidential conversation based on good .

- Day of good surprises - an exercise in the ability to show signs of attention, to bring joy to people.

- Envelope of questions - free exchange of opinions on various topics in a friendly atmosphere.

- graduation ring - report of graduates of creative teams, analysis of the past, plans for the future; creating an atmosphere of friendship ; developing the ability to interact with people

Summing up the seminar. Reflection of teachers.

The structure of the innovative lesson

(according to N. E. Shchurkova)

Stage 1: organizational.

Task: prepare children for work in the classroom.

The content of the stage: organization of the beginning of the lesson, the creation of a psychological mood for learning activities and the activation of attention.

Stage 2: verification.

Task: establishing the correctness and awareness of the implementation homework(if any), identifying gaps and correcting them.

The content of the stage: checking homework (creative, practical), checking the assimilation of knowledge of the previous lesson.

Stage 3: preparatory (preparation for new content).

Task: providing motivation and acceptance by children of the purpose of educational and cognitive activity.

The content of the stage: the message of the topic, the objectives of the lesson and the motivation for the educational activities of children (for example, a heuristic question, a cognitive task, a problem task for children).

Stage 4: main.

The main stages can be the following:

1) Assimilation of new knowledge and methods of action.

Task: ensuring perception, comprehension and primary memorization of connections and relationships in the object of study. When acquiring new knowledge, it is advisable to use tasks and questions that activate children.

2) Primary check of understanding.

Task: establishing the correctness and awareness of the assimilation of new educational material, identifying misconceptions and correcting them. Apply trial practice tasks that are combined with an explanation of the relevant rules or rationale

3) Consolidation of knowledge and methods of action.

Task: ensuring the assimilation of new knowledge and methods of action. Apply training exercises, tasks that are performed independently by children.

4) Generalization and systematization of knowledge.

Task: formation of a holistic view of knowledge on the topic. Common ways of working are conversation and practical tasks.

Stage 5: control.

Task: identifying the quality and level of mastery of knowledge, their correction. Test tasks, types of oral and written surveys, questions and tasks of various levels of complexity (reproductive, creative, search and research) are used.

Stage 6: final.

Objective: to analyze and evaluate the success of achieving the goal and outline the prospects for further work.

The content of the stage: the teacher reports the answers to the following questions: how did the guys work in the lesson, what did they learn new, what skills did they master? Encourages children for academic work.

Stage 7: reflective .

Task: mobilize children for self-esteem. Efficiency, psychological state, performance, content and usefulness of educational work can be assessed.

Stage 8: informational.

Information about homework (if necessary), briefing on its implementation, determination of the prospects for the next classes. Task: providing an understanding of the purpose, content and methods of doing homework, the logic of further studies.

The stages outlined can be combined in different ways, some of them may not take place depending on the pedagogical goals.

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METHODOLOGICAL SEMINAR for teachers of additional education


Modern approaches, principles and forms of planning and organization of the educational process in additional education

Target : introduce modern approaches, principles and forms of planning and organization of the educational process in children's associations.

Seminar plan :

    Features of the educational process in additional education.

    Training session - the main form of organization of the educational process

- purpose and objectives - types of training sessions - requirements for the organization of classes - forms of work with children - teaching methods - the main stages of a modern lesson. 3. Outline of the training session of a teacher of additional education. 4. Master class of a teacher-psychologist "Methods and techniques of psychological unloading of children in the classroom." 5. The structure of the innovative lesson according to N.E. Shchurkova.

Seminar progress:

Teachers are divided into groups according to areas.

Introductory remarks: the topic of the seminar, the work plan, the actualization of the issues raised.

1. Features of the educational process in additional education.

What is the educational process in additional education, how does it differ from the educational process in a general education school? (Answers from representatives of the groups.)

Summarizing the hypotheses put forward, we can say: The educational process in the system of additional education for children is specially organized activities of teachers and students aimed at solving the problems of education, upbringing, and personal development. The learning process in additional education is less formalized than in a general education school and does not have a rigid framework. Individualization of education in the system of additional education for children is carried out by the child himself, who himself makes the choice of an interesting type of activity for himself. The position of the teacher is also changing: he acts not only as a carrier of knowledge, but also as an assistant in the formation of the student's personality. According to the outstanding teacher-innovator V.F. Shatalina "... the main function of a teacher is not so much to be a source of knowledge, but to organize the process of cognition, to create such an atmosphere in the classroom in which it is impossible not to learn." Performing the function of a consultant, a teacher of additional education most often has a strong personal influence on children. Hence the increased demands on his personal qualities. The educational process organized in the system of additional education must meet the following requirements: have a developmental character, i.e. should be aimed at developing children's natural inclinations and interests; be varied in form(group and individual, theoretical and practical, performing and creative classes), and in content; be based on a variety of additional educational programs- modified, copyright, adapted, all of them must undergo a psychological and pedagogical examination before being included in the educational process and psychological and pedagogical monitoring during their implementation, so as not to harm the physical and mental health of students; be based on developing methods of teaching children; for a teacher of additional education it is no longer enough to know only the subject area that he teaches, he must have psychological and pedagogical knowledge; use diagnostics of interests and motivation of children in order to ensure such a variety of activities and forms of their implementation, which would allow different children with different interests and problems to find something to their liking; be based on the social order of society; reflect regional characteristics and traditions.

    Training session - the main form of organization of the educational process

The educational process is carried out through educational lesson. Question for group discussion: Define a lesson. Based on the definitions, we summarize: training session this is a form of organization of the educational process, limited by time, involving specially organized by the teacher teaching children (transferring knowledge, skills and abilities to them in a particular subject), as a result of which the children learn this knowledge, the formation and development of skills and abilities. For an activity to be educational, it must be carefully prepare and plan. The teacher has the right to independently work out a model of the lesson plan that is convenient for himself. Lesson planning starts with defining goals and objectives training session. This moment is often problematic for teachers. It is necessary to proceed from the very concept purpose- this is the intended result of the actions or activities of the person for the implementation of which they are aimed. As a rule, no more than 1-2 objectives of the lesson are determined. They should be specific enough and achievable in one session. One of the traditional mistakes of the teacher when formulating the goals of classes becomes abstract or excessively large: for example, the goal of educating children in love for the subject, nature or the formation of a complex of ZUNs cannot be achieved in one lesson. Goals are achieved through decision tasks. Tasks should reveal goals, specify them. When planning the tasks of the lesson, it is necessary to set tasks taking into account the age characteristics of the students in this group, their educational readiness, upbringing, and development. Traditionally, three tasks are set for classes: educational, developmental and educational. Practicum in groups: Formulation of the objectives of the lesson. Colleagues, you were given sheets with task definitions without headings, after working, determine which of them are indicated on the sheets. Sign. _____________________________________ 1 - to promote the formation of personal qualities during the lesson ..., 2 - in order to solve the problems of labor training and education ..., 3 - to carry out moral education, to ensure the study of issues: patriotism, humanism, camaraderie, ethical standards of behavior ..., 4 - to solve problems aesthetic education ..., 5 - to solve the problems of physical and sanitary and hygienic education, performance, prevention of fatigue ..., 5 - to form right attitude to nature. ______________________________________ 1 - to solve the problems of developing in children the ability to highlight the main thing in the material being studied (learning to draw up diagrams, plans, formulating conclusions or control questions), the formation of skills to compare, classify, generalize the studied facts and concepts ..., 2 - to solve the problem of development in children ensure independence of thinking during the lesson ..., 3 - ensuring the development of students' speech ..., 4 - to form in students the ability to overcome difficulties in learning, provide situations of emotional experiences ..., 5 - for the development of cognitive interest in children ..., 6 - in order to develop intellectual abilities , thinking skills, transferring knowledge and skills to new situations .... __________________________________________ 1- to control the degree of assimilation of the following basic knowledge, skills and abilities studied and developed in previous classes ..., 2- to ensure the assimilation of the following main tasks included in the content of the topic of the lesson ..., 3- to form, continue the formation, consolidate the following special skills and skills for this training material…. Summing up the work on the formulation of tasks, we summarize: Educational tasks specify, what knowledge, skills and abilities can be formed on the educational material of the lesson. Tasks for the development of students determine which cognitive abilities of students to develop specifically, how to develop the will, emotions, cognitive interests, etc.

Educational tasks describe what worldview conclusion it is possible to bring students to and what educational opportunities to implement on the teaching material of the lesson.

The study of educational material involves the following didactic cycles: - study of new material; - application of knowledge in practice, the formation of practical skills; - knowledge control. In accordance with this, the types of training sessions are distinguished. Question for group discussion: What are types of training sessions? The result of the work of the groups is the definition of types of classes: study and assimilation of new material(lectures, explanation, demonstration, etc.); consolidation and improvement of knowledge, skills and abilities(repetition, generalization, exercises, problem solving, laboratory works and etc.); generalization of knowledge, skills and abilities(independent work, seminars, discussions, conferences, auctions, performances, etc.); combined(training session with all elements of the learning process); control(final). Each type of training session has specific requirements, but there are also general requirements. Question for group discussion: What kind requirements is it necessary to submit to classes in additional education? Summarizing the responses of the groups: General requirements for classes in an institution of additional education.- creation and maintenance of a high level of cognitive interest and activity of children; - expedient use of class time; - application of various methods and means of training; - high level interpersonal relations between the teacher and children; - the practical significance of the acquired knowledge and skills. Question for group discussion: What kind forms of organization educational process you know? In additional education, depending on the tasks to be solved with students, the teacher works frontally, in small groups, individually. Traditional forms of organization activities of children in the educational process. - Lecture - an oral presentation of a topic that develops the creative thinking activity of students. - Seminar - a form of group classes in the form of a discussion of prepared messages and reports under the guidance of a teacher, forms analytical thinking, reflects the intensity of independent work, develops public speaking skills. - Discussion - a comprehensive public discussion, consideration of a controversial issue, a complex problem; expands knowledge through the exchange of information, develops the skills of critical judgment and defending one's point of view. - Conference - a meeting, a meeting of representatives of various organizations to discuss and resolve any issues; instills the skills of open discussion of the results of their activities. - Excursion - a collective hike or trip for the purpose of inspection, acquaintance with any attraction; enriches sensory perception and visual representations. - Expedition - a trip of a group with a special task: it solves a complex of diverse tasks for organizing effective practice in the process of obtaining a profile result outside the classroom. - Hiking - the movement of a group of people with a specific purpose; implements the goals of knowledge, education, health improvement, physical and sports development. - Educational game - an activity that has certain rules and serves to learn new things, relax and enjoy; characterized by modeling life processes in a developing situation. Non-traditional forms organization of children's activities. - Presentation of an object, phenomenon, event, fact - description, disclosure of the role of the object, social purpose in human life, participation in social relations. - Sociodrama - role-playing game, predetermined by the position of the main characters; the situation of choice, on which the course of life and socio-psychological relations depend, awareness of oneself in the structure of social relations. - Protection of the project - the ability to project changes in reality in the name of improving life, correlating personal interests with public ones, offering new ideas to solve life's problems. - Round table - collective work to find the social meaning and personal meaning of the phenomenon of life - "Freedom and Duty", "Man and Nature", etc. - Tea drinking - has great power, creates a special psychological atmosphere, softens mutual relations, liberates. - “Die Hard” - solving difficult issues in life together with a group, a confidential conversation based on good relationships. - Day of good surprises - an exercise in the ability to show signs of attention, to bring joy to people. - Envelope of questions - a free exchange of opinions on various topics in a friendly atmosphere. - Graduation ring - report of graduates of creative teams, analysis of the past, plans for the future; creating an atmosphere of friendship, mutual understanding; the formation of the ability to interact with people There is a diverse arsenal teaching methods, methods of motivation and stimulation of cognitive interest, control and correction. Consider two classifications of teaching methods.

According to Yu.K. Babansky

Verbal (the source of knowledge is the spoken or printed word)

  • Explanation

  • Discussion

  • Working with a book

Visual (the source of knowledge is observed objects, phenomena, visual aids)

    Illustration method (showing illustrative aids, posters, tables, pictures, maps, sketches on the board, models, etc.)

    Demonstration method (demonstration of instruments, technical installations, videos, presentations, etc.)

Practical (gain knowledge and develop skills by performing a practical action)


    Practical work

    Problem solving

    Object Modeling

According to M.N. Skatkin and I.Ya. Lerner

    Explanatory and illustrative method (the teacher communicates the finished information by various means, and the students perceive it, comprehend it and fix it in memory) shows the way to solve it, revealing the contradictions that arise, the purpose of this method is to show examples of solving the problem) absent) Research method (providing organizations with search creative activity of students to solve new problems for them, creative application of knowledge)
In accordance with the didactic tasks, the main stages of the modern lesson are considered. Question for group discussion: Highlight main stages training session. In the process of discussion, we single out the stages of the lesson: 1. Organization of the beginning of the lesson, setting educational, educational, developmental tasks, communication of the topic and lesson plan. 2. Checking the knowledge and skills that children have, their readiness to study a new topic. 3. Acquaintance with new knowledge and skills. 4. Exercises for mastering and consolidating knowledge, abilities, skills on the model, as well as their application in similar situations, the use of creative exercises. 5. Summing up the lesson, formulating conclusions.

3. Outline of the training session of the teacher of additional education

All of the above positions: types of training sessions and requirements for them, forms of work, teaching methods, stages of the lesson - are reflected in the plan that the teacher draws up for each training session. At the heart of the diverse options for planning training sessions are General characteristics: - each training session has a goal, specific content, certain methods of organizing educational and pedagogical activities; - any training session has a certain structure, i.e. consists of separate interrelated stages; - the construction of a training session is carried out according to a certain logic, depending on its purpose and type. Group work: Consider and discuss possible variant lesson plan. PLAN-SUMMARY

training session

Date Topic of the lesson Purpose Tasks:




Lesson type

Work form

Teaching methods

Equipment for the teacher

Student equipment

Lesson plan:

    Organizational moment. Checking the readiness of children for the lesson. Creating a mental attitude to work. 1-3 min

    Checking homework - creative, practical (if any), checking the assimilation of knowledge from the previous lesson. 10-15 min

    Learning new material. Message topics, TB, introductory conversation, familiarization with new material ( new technology, reception, exercise, product, variation, etc.). 15-20 min

    Independent (practical) work of students. Consolidation of knowledge and methods of action. Practical tasks. Training exercises. Fizkultminutka. 30-40 min

    Summary of the lesson. Exhibition of works, oral summing up of the results of work, conclusions, statements of children, evaluation, encouragement, etc. Homework (if any). Reflection. 10-15 min

4. Master class of a teacher-psychologist "Methods and techniques of psychological unloading of children in the classroom" The psychologist actualizes the importance of physical education and physical education in the educational process. Fulfilling independent work, children are often busy with monotonous business, especially for classes in children's associations of fine arts, DPI, a chess club, and a music school-studio. In order to change the type of activity, to relieve children psychologically, it is proposed to include the so-called psychological warm-ups in the lesson. This form is often more interesting for children than traditional physical education. Under the guidance of a psychologist, teachers get to know each other and "lose" several psychological warm-ups. 5. The structure of the innovative lesson according to N.E. Shchurkova Earlier, we considered the plan-outline of a traditional lesson in additional education. Now let's get acquainted with the structure of an innovative lesson according to N.E. Shchurkova. In general, a training session of any type as a model can be represented as a sequence of the following stages: organizational, verification, preparatory, main, control, reflective (introspection), final, informational. Each stage differs from another in the change of activities, content and specific task. The basis for the allocation of stages can be the process of assimilation of knowledge, which is built as a change in the types of activities of students: perception - comprehension - memorization - application - generalization - systematization. Group work: The study of innovative classes according to N.E. Shchurkova (hand out on sheets). The structure of an innovative lesson according to N.E. Shchurkova. Stage 1: organizational. Task: prepare children for work in the classroom. The content of the stage: organization of the beginning of the lesson, the creation of a psychological mood for learning activities and the activation of attention. Stage 2: verification. Task: establishing the correctness and awareness of doing homework (if any), identifying gaps and correcting them. The content of the stage: checking homework (creative, practical), checking the assimilation of knowledge of the previous lesson. Stage 3: preparatory (preparation for new content). Task: providing motivation and acceptance by children of the purpose of educational and cognitive activity. The content of the stage: the message of the topic, the objectives of the lesson and the motivation for the educational activities of children (for example, a heuristic question, a cognitive task, a problem task for children). Stage 4: main. The following can act as the main stage: 1) Assimilation of new knowledge and methods of action. Task: ensuring perception, comprehension and primary memorization of connections and relationships in the object of study. When acquiring new knowledge, it is advisable to use tasks and questions that activate the cognitive activity of children. 2) Primary check of understanding. Task: establishing the correctness and awareness of the assimilation of new educational material, identifying misconceptions and correcting them. Trial practical tasks are used, which are combined with an explanation of the relevant rules or rationale 3) Consolidation of knowledge and methods of action. Task: ensuring the assimilation of new knowledge and methods of action. Apply training exercises, tasks that are performed independently by children. 4) Generalization and systematization of knowledge. Task: formation of a holistic view of knowledge on the topic. Common ways of working are conversation and practical tasks. Stage 5: control. Task: identifying the quality and level of mastery of knowledge, their correction. Test tasks, types of oral and written surveys, questions and tasks of various levels of complexity (reproductive, creative, search and research) are used. Stage 6: final. Objective: to analyze and evaluate the success of achieving the goal and outline the prospects for further work. The content of the stage: the teacher reports the answers to the following questions: how did the guys work in the lesson, what did they learn new, what skills did they master? Encourages children for academic work. Stage 7: reflective. Task: mobilize children for self-esteem. Efficiency, psychological state, performance, content and usefulness of educational work can be assessed. Stage 8: informational. Information about homework (if necessary), briefing on its implementation, determination of the prospects for the next classes. Task: providing an understanding of the purpose, content and methods of doing homework, the logic of further studies. The stages outlined can be combined in different ways, some of them may not take place depending on the pedagogical goals. Summary of the group's work: Group presentations. Discussion of the structure of the innovative lesson. Opportunities to include such a structure in the practice of their work. Summing up the seminar. Reflection of teachers.
  1. Ss program for high school students. // Read. Learning. We play. 2007. No. 2. P. 75. Litvinov K. News of educational and gaming software: a review of disks / / World of PC. 2008. No. S. 84


    Do you want to become a mathematician?: materials of the mathematical department of the lyceum "All-Russian Correspondence Multidisciplinary School". Tasks of introductory examination.

  2. Planning and organization of the educational process 24 Structure and content of educational programs for attested specialties. 36


    As in other faculties of the pre-war institute, the teaching staff of the Faculty of Language and Literature was small. Over the years it included V.

  3. Recommendations on the organization of the educational process and the preparation of local regulatory legal acts in educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia collection


    Antropov A.G. - Deputy Head of the Office of the Organization of Professional Training of the Department staffing Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, candidate of legal sciences;

Moscow seminar for training personnel for integrated development and organization of work in the field of tourism and local history educational organizations interdistrict boards of directors of educational organizations of the city of Moscow. The purpose of the seminar is to improve the quality of school, inter-district and city competitions and sports tourism rallies, improve the quality of school, inter-district competitions, improve the quality of organizing sports trips and expeditions. Seminar objectives: development of uniform standards of regulatory documents when organizing the release of groups on tourist routes, preparing and holding competitions in sports tourism and competitions; creation of safe conditions during trips and competitions in sports tourism and competitions "School of Safety"; development of uniform requirements for organizing competitions, setting stages and preparing distances, organizing refereeing and the work of the secretariat at rallies and competitions in sports tourism, competitions "School of Safety"; creation of a system of interaction between inter-district (reference) sites for tourism and local history work in the system of additional education in the city of Moscow. The seminar consists of a theoretical part, a practical part, as well as credit judging at the city stages of events. The theoretical part of the seminar is held according to the schedule (see Appendix "Seminar Program"). The theoretical part of the seminar is held at the address: Moscow Children's and Youth Center for Ecology, Local History and Tourism at Bagrationovsky Prospekt, 10. Directions: st. Fili metro (1st car from the center), then walk 5 min. The practical part of the seminar is held according to the schedule of classes (see Appendix "Seminar Program"). Mastery judging includes a minimum of two days of judging at the city stages of events. Refereeing is counted only if, according to the results of the competition, the marks “good” or “excellent” are received. Participants who successfully passed the seminar receive a certificate of participation in the seminar from the Moscow Children and Youth Center for Ecology, Local History and Tourism, as well as a certificate of completion of the seminar (for assigning or confirming a judicial category) from the Federation of Sports Tourism - an association of tourists in Moscow. Refereeing is counted only if, according to the results of the competition, the marks “good” or “excellent” are received.

To participate in the seminar, you must send applications using the form (see attachment) to the email address: [email protected] until September 14, 2017 inclusive .

Contacts: Kovalkov Dmitry Vladimirovich

Seminar - workshop.

"Modern educational technologies in additional education"

Purpose: Understanding the need and possibility of using modern technologies as an indicator of the pedagogical competence of a modern teacher.


The program of modernization of the content of education affects all aspects of the educational process. Its tasks are to achieve a new quality - a quality that meets the requirements for a person in today's rapidly changing conditions.

In addition, the new procedure for certification of teaching staff identified the problem of introducing effective innovative directions in the development of the educational process. One of these areas is the use of modern educational (pedagogical technologies).

business game

Everyone is divided into three groups: "Students" "Teachers" "Experts"

Discussion Question: When is a student not interested in learning?

When is a teacher not interested in teaching?

Within 5 minutes, by brainstorming, participants make a list of reasons, provide experts with 2-3 most relevant problems for this topic and voice them.

Exercise "Association"

I invite you to express your associations with the concept of "educational technology". (Sayings are recorded on the board).

The definition is given on the slides.

Educational technologies are classified on the basis of the nature of educational activity inherent in them. They are distinguished by two: reproductive and productive.

Reproductive activity: main advantage this method- economy. It provides the ability to transfer a significant amount of knowledge, skills in a minimum a short time and with little effort. Human activity can be reproductive. performing or creative. Reproductive activity precedes creative activity, therefore it cannot be ignored in training, just as one cannot be overly carried away by it. The reproductive method must be combined with other methods.

Productive activity: is aimed at the formation of new knowledge directly by the students themselves, here the teacher acts only as a guide.

Now each group needs to select characteristics for the reproductive method and productive.

So, we will analyze modern educational technologies based on these approaches and methods. It cannot be said that we do not use completely modern educational technologies, many of you use elements of this or that technology in your activities, now you will understand this.

In an institution of additional education for children, unlike a school, there are all conditions in order to separate children according to their individual characteristics and interests, teach them in different ways, adjusting the content and teaching methods depending on the level mental development and the specific capabilities, abilities and needs of each child.

The condition for the effectiveness of the development of any curriculum in the add. education is child's passion the activity he chooses.

In additional education, there is no strict regulation of activities, but voluntary, humanistic relationships between children and adults, comfort for creativity and individual development make it possible to introduce personality-oriented technologies into practice.

Pedagogical technologies based on a student-centered approach:

  • Student-centered learning (Yakimanskaya I.S.);

  • Technology of individual training (individual approach, individualization of training, project method);

  • Collective way of learning.

  • Technologies of adaptive learning system;

  • Pedagogy of cooperation ("penetrating technology");

  • KTD technology;

  • TRIZ technology;

  • Problem learning;

  • Communication Technology;

  • Programmed learning technology;

  • Gaming technologies;

  • Technologies of developing education.
Technology of student-centered learning (I.S. Yakimanskaya) combines learning (normative-conforming activity of society) and teaching (individual activity of the child).

The purpose of student-centered learning technology - the maximum development (and not the formation of predetermined) individual cognitive abilities of the child based on the use of his life experience.

As a starting point, it is necessary to accept the premise that additional education should not form anything by force; on the contrary, it creates the conditions for the inclusion of the child in natural activities, creates a nutrient environment for his development. The content, methods and techniques of student-centered learning technology are aimed primarily at revealing and using the subjective experience of each student, helping to develop a personality through the organization of cognitive activity.

It is fundamental that the institution of additional education does not force the child to study, but creates conditions for the competent choice of the content of the subject being studied and the pace of its development. The child comes here on his own, voluntarily, in his free time from the main classes at school, chooses the subject of interest to him and the teacher he likes.

The task of the teacher of additional education - not to “give” material, but to arouse interest, reveal the possibilities of each, organize joint cognitive, creative activities of each child.

In accordance with this technology, an individual educational program is compiled for each student, which, unlike the educational one, is individual in nature, based on the characteristics inherent in this student, flexibly adapts to his capabilities and development dynamics.

In the technology of student-centered learning, the center of the entire educational system is child's personality Therefore, the methodological basis of this technology is the differentiation and individualization of learning.

In institutions of additional education for children, it is possible to use such differentiation options as:

  • recruitment of study groups of homogeneous composition;

  • intragroup differentiation for separation by levels of cognitive interest;

  • profile training in senior groups based on diagnostics, self-knowledge and recommendations of children and parents.
The technology of conducting a training session in the system of differentiated learning involves several stages:

  • Orientation stage (negotiable). The teacher negotiates with the children about how they will work, what they will strive for, what they will achieve. Everyone is responsible for the results of their work and has the opportunity to work at different levels, which they choose independently.

  • Preparatory stage. The didactic task is to provide motivation, update basic knowledge and skills. It is necessary to explain why it is necessary to learn how to do it, where it is useful and why it is impossible without it (in other words, “start the engine”). At this stage, introductory control (test, exercise). The didactic task is to restore in memory everything on which the lesson is based.

  • main stage- acquisition of knowledge and skills. Educational information is presented briefly, clearly, clearly, based on samples. Then the children should move on to independent work and mutual verification. The main principle is that everyone acquires knowledge himself.

  • Final stage- grade the best works, answers, summarizing what was covered in the lesson.
When controlling knowledge, differentiation deepens and turns into individualization of learning, which means the organization of the educational process, in which the choice of methods, techniques, pace of learning is determined by the individual characteristics of children.

Individualization of learning - a fundamental characteristic of additional education for children. Due to the organizational forms used in it and the different nature of motivation, various personality-oriented practices have become its generic feature.

The main goal of additional education - to personify the educational activity standardized by the state and society, to give it a personal meaning.

Learning individualization technology (adaptive) - such a technology of education, in which an individual approach and an individual form of education are a priority (Inge Unt, V.D. Shadrikov). Individual approach as a learning principle is carried out to a certain extent in many technologies, therefore it is considered a penetrating technology.

At school, individualization of learning is carried out by the teacher, and in the institution of additional education for children - by the student himself, because he goes to study in the direction that he is interested in.

In accordance with the indicated provisions, in an institution of additional education for children, several options for taking into account the individual characteristics and capabilities of students:

  • Acquisition of training groups of homogeneous composition from the initial stage of training on the basis of interviews, diagnostics of the dynamic characteristics of the individual.

  • Intra-group differentiation for the organization of training on different levels if it is impossible to form a full group in the direction.

  • Profile training, initial vocational and pre-professional training in senior groups based on psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of professional preferences, recommendations from teachers and parents, students' interests and their success in a certain type of activity.

  • Creation of personalized training programs in areas.
The main advantage of individual learning is that it allows you to adapt the content, methods, forms, pace of learning to the individual characteristics of each student, monitor his progress in learning, and make the necessary correction. This allows the student to work economically, control their costs, which guarantees success in learning. In a mass school, individual education is used to a limited extent.

Group technologies . Group technologies involve the organization of joint actions, communication, communication, mutual understanding, mutual assistance, mutual correction.

There are the following types of group technologies:

  • group survey;

  • public review of knowledge;

  • study meeting;

  • discussion;

  • dispute;

  • non-traditional classes (conference, travel, integrated classes, etc.).
The features of group technology are that study group is divided into subgroups to solve and perform specific tasks; the task is carried out in such a way that the contribution of each student is visible. The composition of the group may vary depending on the purpose of the activity.

The modern level of additional education is characterized by the fact that group technologies are widely used in its practice. Can be distinguished levels of collective activity in the group:

  • simultaneous work with the whole group;

  • work in pairs;

  • group work on the principles of differentiation.
During group work, the teacher performs various functions: controls, answers questions, regulates disputes, and provides assistance.

Learning is done through communication in dynamic groups, where everyone teaches everyone. Working in pairs of shifts allows students to develop independence and communication skills.

Group technology consists of the following elements:

  • setting a learning task and briefing on the progress of work;

  • group work planning;

  • individual performance of the task;

  • the discussion of the results;

  • reporting results;

  • summarizing, general conclusion about achievements.
Participants perform tasks in groups "Construction of a fairy tale", then each group announces the result.

Peculiarities group technology lies in the fact that the study group is divided into subgroups to solve and perform specific tasks; the task is carried out in such a way that the contribution of each student is visible. The composition of the group may vary depending on the purpose of the activity.

. There are technologies in which the achievement creative level is a priority target. The most fruitful in the system of additional education is applied Technology of collective creative activity (I.P. Volkov, I.P. Ivanov) which is widely used in additional education.

The technology is based on organizational principles:

  • socially useful orientation of the activities of children and adults;

  • cooperation between children and adults;

  • romanticism and creativity.
Technology goals:

  • identify, take into account, develop the creative abilities of children and involve them in a variety of creative activities with access to a specific product that can be fixed (product, model, layout, composition, work, research, etc.)

  • socially active education creative personality and promotes the organization of social creativity aimed at serving people in specific social situations.
Technology involves such an organization of joint activities of children and adults, in which all members of the team participate in the planning, preparation, implementation and analysis of any business.

The motive of children's activity is the desire for self-expression and self-improvement. The game, competitiveness, competition is widely used. Collective creative work is social creativity aimed at serving people. Their content is caring for a friend, for oneself, for close and distant people in specific practical social situations. The creative activity of groups of different ages is aimed at searching, inventing and has a social significance. The main teaching method is dialogue, verbal communication of equal partners. The main methodological feature is the subjective position of the individual.

Classrooms are created as creative laboratories or workshops (biological, physical, linguistic, artistic, technical, etc.), in which children, regardless of age, receive initial professional training.

Evaluation of results - praise for the initiative, publication of the work, exhibition, awarding, awarding the title, etc. To evaluate the results, special creative books are developed, where achievements and successes are noted.

Age stages of creativity technology:

  • Junior students: game forms creative activity; mastering the elements of creativity in practical activities; discovering in oneself the ability to create some kind of creative products.

  • Middle school students: creativity in a wide range of applied industries (modeling, design, etc.); participation in mass literary, musical, theatrical, sports events.

  • Senior students: implementation of creative projects aimed at improving the world; research work; essays.
Creativity technology features:

  • free groups in which the child feels relaxed;

  • pedagogy of cooperation, co-creation;

  • application of teamwork methods: brainstorming, business game, creative discussion;

  • desire for creativity, self-expression, self-realization.
Technological chain of group creative educational work (I.P. Volkov, I.P. Ivanov):

  • Preparatory stage (preliminary formation of an attitude to the matter - it takes the minimum time so that the children do not lose interest).

  • Psychological mood (determining the significance of the case, setting goals, opening remarks, greetings, etc.).

  • Collective planning. It can be built in the form of a “brainstorming” in the form of answers to questions (The team is divided into microgroups that discuss answers to the questions: for whom? Where and when? How to organize? Who participates? Who leads? Then the answers of each group are heard and a joint choosing the best option).

  • Collective preparation of the case. Selection of an asset, distribution of responsibilities, refinement of the plan.

  • Actually activity (high cultural level). Implementation of the developed plan.

  • Completion, summing up (gathering, light, round table). Answers to the questions: what worked, why? What didn't work? How to improve?

  • The results of the collective action.
TRIZ technology. How creativity pedagogy is considered technology "TRIZ" - Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (Altshuller G.S.). This is a universal methodological system that combines cognitive activity with methods of activating and developing thinking, which allows the child to solve creative and social problems independently.

Purpose of technology - formation of students' thinking, preparing them for solving non-standard tasks in various fields of activity, teaching creative activity.

Principles of TRIZ technology:

  • withdrawal psychological barrier in front of unknown problems;

  • humanistic nature of education;

  • formation of a non-standard way of thinking;

  • practice-oriented implementation of ideas.
TRIZ technology was created as a thinking strategy that allows every well-trained specialist to make discoveries. The author of the technology proceeds from the fact that everyone is endowed with creative abilities (everyone can invent).

The process of inventive activity is the main content of learning.

According to psychologists, TRIZ technology forms in children such mental abilities as:

  • the ability to analyze, reason, justify;

  • ability to generalize, draw conclusions;

  • the ability to think creatively and flexibly;

  • the ability to actively use the imagination.
The methodology uses individual and collective techniques:

  • heuristic game,

  • brainstorm,

  • collective search.
Ideas are evaluated by specialists who first select the most original proposals, and then the most optimal ones.

Research (problem) learning technology in which the organization of classes involves the creation of problem situations under the guidance of a teacher and the active work of students to resolve them, resulting in the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities; the educational process is built as a search for new cognitive landmarks

The child independently comprehends the leading concepts and ideas, and does not receive them from the teacher in finished form.

Problem-based learning technology involves the following organization:

  • The teacher creates a problem situation, directs students to solve it, organizes the search for a solution.

  • The student is placed in the position of the subject of his learning, resolves the problem situation, as a result of which he acquires new knowledge and masters new ways of action.
A feature of this approach is the implementation of the idea of ​​“learning through discovery”: the child himself must discover the phenomenon, law, pattern, properties, method of solving the problem, find the answer to an unknown question. At the same time, in his activity he can rely on the tools of knowledge, build hypotheses, test them and find the way to the right solution.

Principles of problem-based learning:

  • independence of students;

  • developmental nature of education;

  • integration and variability in the application of various fields of knowledge;

  • use of didactic algorithmic tasks.
Methodological techniques for creating problem situations can be as follows:

  • the teacher leads the children to the contradiction and invites them to find a way to resolve it;

  • presents different points of view on the issue;

  • offers to consider the phenomenon from different positions;

  • encourages children to make comparisons, generalizations, conclusions;

  • poses problem questions, tasks, sets problem tasks.
A feature of this approach is the implementation of the idea of ​​"learning through discovery" : the child must himself discover the phenomenon, law, regularity, properties, method of solving the problem, find the answer to a question unknown to him. At the same time, in his activity he can rely on the tools of knowledge, build hypotheses, test them and find the way to the right solution.

Gaming technologies

  • freedom of activity;

  • emotional high;

  • equality.

V practical work teachers of additional education often use ready-made, well-designed games with the attached educational and didactic material. Thematic games are related to the material being studied, for example, "Modeling cases from life", "Natural disaster", "Time travel", etc. A feature of such classes is the preparation of students to solve vital problems and real difficulties. Creates an imitation of the real life situation in which the student needs to act.

Game technologies are used by teachers in working with students of different ages and are used in organizing classes in all areas of activity, which helps children feel in a real situation, prepare for making decisions in life. All groups early development preschoolers use play technology.

  1. Preparation stage

  2. Implementation stage

  3. Analysis stage
Designing full assimilation technology:

  1. Preparation of educational material, dividing it into fragments - training units, preparing tests for each fragment; definition of the standard of complete assimilation. After the allocation of educational units, the results that children should achieve in the course of the study are determined. Current tests and verification work are of a diagnostic nature, which are given a value judgment - "mastered - not mastered."

  2. next sha d - preparation of corrective educational materials, which are thought out in advance and prepared in the form of special tasks. Of paramount importance is the orientation of students in the activity being studied: the perception of the essence of the subject, the ways and means of assimilation.

  3. Preparing children for work, explanation of the basic rules of work: good results everyone will achieve if they help each other; everyone will get the help they need in case of difficulty; The teacher then introduces the children to the learning goals and how they will learn in order to achieve full assimilation. The presentation of the material is carried out in a traditional way.

  4. Organization of current knowledge testing, evaluation of current results according to the scheme "learned - did not learn".

  5. Organization of corrective work. According to the results of training, children are divided into two groups - those who have achieved and not achieved full assimilation. The first study additional material, with the second - the teacher organizes corrective work, which ends with a diagnostic test, a control task.

  6. Final check for the entire course carried out on the basis of a test creative work, which children know in advance and can compare it with the standard.
It is the achievement of the final results, the definition of the "standard" of education that makes additional education meaningful, and the student knows what he is striving for in mastering the content of the subject. Determining the end results is one of the most difficult problems. Therefore, educators develop programs that contain fixed educational outcomes. In principle, there is no compulsory certification in additional education. And the most important means of managing the educational process is the objective and systematic monitoring of children's work.

The results of monitoring the educational work of students serve as the basis for making adjustments to the content and organization of the learning process, as well as to encourage the successful work of the best students, the development of their creative abilities, independence and initiative in mastering knowledge, skills and abilities.

The results of the control are reflected in the register of work of study groups.

Control is carried out in the following forms: interview, listening to the best answer, discussion of the finished work, filling out answer cards, test, abstract, defense of the final work or creative project, testing, fulfillment of sports standards, control exercise, participation in competitions, olympiads, competitions, performance at concerts, participation in exhibitions, fairs, etc.

Several times a year, reviews of students' knowledge are held in the form of KVN, quizzes, olympiads, competitions, concerts, open classes, which is a form of evaluation of ongoing educational programs. Such forms of work with children increase their interest in learning. And teachers have the opportunity to see the results of their work.

The technology of complete assimilation allows to achieve good results for all students, because:

  • sets a single level of knowledge, skills and abilities for all children, but makes variables for each student time, methods, forms, working conditions, that is, differentiated conditions for mastering educational material are created;

  • the progress of each student is compared with the established standard;

  • each student receives the necessary assistance;

  • diagnostic tests allow you to adjust the work of children.
In the conditions of additional education of children, today there is a real opportunity to allocate the time necessary for the assimilation of educational material to each child: to complete level groups, or to organize work within the group according to individual plans.

Gaming technologies (Pidkasisty P.I., Elkonin D.B.) have means that activate and intensify the activity of students. They are based on the pedagogical game as the main activity aimed at the assimilation of social experience.

There are the following classifications of pedagogical games:

  • by type of activity (physical, intellectual, labor, social, psychological);

  • the nature pedagogical process(teaching, training, cognitive, training, controlling, cognitive, developing, reproductive, creative, communicative, etc.);

  • according to the game method (plot, role-playing, business, simulation, etc.);

  • according to the gaming environment (with and without an object, desktop, indoor, outdoor, computer, etc.).
Basic principles of gaming technologies:

  • natural and cultural conformity;

  • ability to model, dramatize;

  • freedom of activity;

  • emotional high;

  • equality.
The goals of education of game technologies are extensive:

  • didactic: broadening one's horizons, applying ZUN in practice, developing certain skills and abilities;

  • educational: education of independence, cooperation, sociability, communication;

  • developing: development of personality qualities and structures;

  • social: familiarization with the norms and values ​​of society, adaptation to environmental conditions.
The ability to get involved in the game is not related to age, but the content and features of the methodology for conducting games depend on age.

In practical work, teachers of additional education often use ready-made, well-designed games with the attached educational and didactic material. Thematic games are related to the material being studied, for example, "Modeling cases from life", "Natural disaster", "Time travel", etc. A feature of such classes is the preparation of students to solve vital problems and real difficulties. An imitation of a real life situation is created in which the student needs to act.

Usually the group is divided into subgroups, each of which independently works on a task. Then the results of the activities of the subgroups are discussed, evaluated, and the most interesting developments are determined.

Game technologies are used by teachers in working with students of different ages and are used in organizing classes in all areas of activity, which helps children to feel in a real situation, to prepare for making decisions in life. All groups of early development of preschoolers use game technologies.

The technology of conducting a training lesson-game consists of the following stages:

  1. Preparation stage(defining the learning goal, describing the problem under study, drawing up a plan for conducting and a general description of the game, developing a scenario, placing actors, agreement on conditions and rules, consultations).

  2. Implementation stage(directly the process of the game: group performances, discussions, defending the results, expertise).

  3. Analysis stage and discussion of the results (analysis, reflection, evaluation, self-assessment, conclusions, generalizations, recommendations).

All teaching, developing, educational, social technologies used in the additional education of children are aimed at:

  • wake up children's activity;

  • equip them with the best ways to carry out activities;

  • bring this activity to the process of creativity;

  • rely on the independence, activity and communication of children.
New pedagogical technologies can radically reshape the learning process. In the conditions of additional education, the child develops by participating in playful, cognitive, labor activities, therefore, the purpose of introducing innovative technologies is to let children feel the joy of work in learning, to awaken self-esteem in their hearts, to decide social problem development of the abilities of each student, including him in active work, bringing ideas on the topic under study to the formation of stable concepts and skills.

Modern technologies in the work of institutions of additional education for children are combined with everything valuable that has been accumulated in domestic and foreign experience, in family and folk pedagogy, they allow you to choose the most effective ways and methods of organizing children's activities and create the most comfortable conditions for their communication, activity and self-development .

The modern organization of the educational process in the institution of additional education for children has a personality-oriented focus, contributes to the full development of those abilities that the individual and society need, which include the individual in social value activity, contribute to its self-determination, provide opportunities for effective self-education throughout the subsequent life.

The educational process in the institution of additional education for children is based on the implementation various kinds children's activities; free choice of pace and depth of development of educational programs is provided for everyone, active interaction of children is carried out different ages in the educational process. Personally-oriented technologies "launch" the internal mechanisms of personality development.

The study of the use of new pedagogical technologies in organizing the activities of an institution of additional education for children suggests that they are one of the most powerful means of socializing the personality of a student, since they contribute to the development of such personal neoplasms as activity, independence and communication of students.

The success of the application of new technology does not depend on the ability of the teacher to implement a certain method of teaching in practice, but on the effectiveness and correctness of the application of the chosen method at a certain stage of the lesson, in solving this problem and in working with a specific contingent of children.

But the main thing is that the teacher must be able to independently analyze his work, identify shortcomings, determine their causes and develop ways to correct them, that is, the main professional skills for this work of the teacher are analytical.

Thus, the teacher, when introducing new technology into the educational process, should be able to:

  • apply the teaching methods and techniques used in this technology;

  • conduct and analyze training sessions based on new technology;

  • teach children new ways of working;

  • evaluate the results of the introduction of new technology into practice, using the methods of pedagogical diagnostics.

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