Is it possible to swim in the Persian Gulf at night. Where to swim in the UAE, in the Persian Gulf. danger in the water

One of the main attractions of the UAE is the warm sea with clear water and white sand beaches. On the one hand it is the Gulf of Oman (Indian Ocean), on the other - the Persian. All the resorts of the Emirates, except for Fujairah, are located on the shores of the Persian Gulf.

The “character” of the sea depends on the Emirate. For example, in the bays of Ajaman, Ras Al Khaimah and Sharjah, there are high and low tides, and in windy weather high waves appear on the sea. But in Abu Dhabi and Dubai, on the contrary, the sea is almost always calm (this is partly facilitated by the nearby artificial islands). The depth changes smoothly, the water temperature is usually several degrees higher than in the Gulf of Oman.

The water temperature in the UAE is always above 18 degrees, and in summer it can reach 35 degrees and above!

Basic rules of conduct at sea

So that your vacation is not overshadowed by troubles, while swimming in the sea, you should follow certain rules. They may seem banal to you, however, by following them, you will save yourself and your family from many troubles.

  • Swim only in designated areas. There are many free and paid beaches in the UAE, so choosing the right place for swimming will not be a problem for you. As mentioned above, there are quite strong tides on the coast of the Indian Ocean. In addition, swimming on the “wild” beach, you can come across a coastal current with an unpredictable character.
  • In no case do not swim if you see a raised red flag.
  • Almost three dozen species of sharks are found in the waters of the UAE. Although almost all of them are safe for people, nevertheless, constant monitoring is carried out on the beaches of the Emirates and, if sharks are found, vacationers are immediately notified of this.
  • It is best to swim in special rubber slippers, especially for children. These slippers do not interfere with swimming at all, while protecting your feet from injuries from sharp stones and corals.
  • No matter how beautiful and harmless the corals and other marine life of the UAE did not seem to you, do not touch them. You may get hurt or run into a poisonous sea creature.
  • Do scuba diving only under the supervision of an instructor. On the coast of the Indian Ocean there are many diving centers with a variety of exotic activities: from ordinary diving to deep sea fishing and night crab hunting
  • If you are an inexperienced swimmer, then if you are going to go snorkeling (swimming with a mask and a mask), put on a life jacket. Although all the beaches in the UAE have a lifeguard service, caution on the water has never hurt anyone.

Follow the rules of behavior on the water, and enjoy your holiday!

Every visitor to the Emirates should familiarize himself with the rules of conduct in this Arab state. Many violations in the UAE have serious consequences. Large monetary fines and even long prison sentences. Dangers can lie in wait for you in the water and on land. Tochkamira will tell you about the three main dangers in the territory of the United Arab Emirates and tell you how to avoid them.

The first danger is a hot climate

In summer in the Emirates, the maximum temperature can exceed + 45ºС. Residents of the UAE are familiar with such conditions, but Europeans literally do not find a place for themselves. Therefore, air conditioners are located in all public places, including bus stops.

To move around the city, it is better for tourists to choose public transport or a rented car, they have an air conditioning system.

Hiking is best postponed until the evening, when the sun is ready to go below the horizon.

In order to protect yourself from dehydration and sunstroke, you must:

  • Regardless of the time of day, it is worth applying sunscreen to the body, because the sun in the Emirates is active even at sunset.
  • Plunge into the pool or the sea at least once every half an hour so that the skin cells are nourished with moisture.
  • It is better to go to the beach in the morning or in the evening. The hottest part of the day is from 11 am to 3 pm. At this time, the sun is at its zenith, and it is not worth staying in the sun for a long time.
  • You need to drink as many fluids as possible so that the body does not suffer from dehydration. Finding a kiosk with drinking water is not a problem, there are a lot of them on the streets, inside the malls and on the coast.
  • Clothing should be made from the “right” lightweight materials, such as linen or cotton. These fabrics are able to pass air through themselves and provide natural ventilation.
  • Refreshing drinks such as coffee, alcohol or sugary mineral water should be avoided. It is not recommended to eat a lot of meat and deep-fried foods. Drink more liquids!

The second danger is exotic reptiles and inhabitants of the seabed

Another important problem that can be encountered in the UAE is exotic reptiles and inhabitants of the seabed. On land, snakes and scorpions can threaten tourists. In turn, the sea can bring an unpleasant surprise in the form of predatory fish and poisonous jellyfish.

Danger on land

On land, a tourist can face three main dangers - these are:

  • snakes;
  • camels;
  • scorpions.


The Arab Emirates began to develop only at the end of the last century. Up to this point, sparse settlements and nomadic families lived among the dunes and shifting sands. Many resorts that are now popular have grown in the middle of the desert, and at the same time, snakes have migrated to the metropolis.

Basically, the snakes here are harmless, but there are some that cause panic not only among tourists, but also among the indigenous people. These include:

  • Arabian cobra;
  • false-horned viper;
  • horned viper, etc.

The venom of these snakes is extremely poisonous. One bite is enough to cause devastating consequences in the human body. Most often, poisonous reptiles can be found on deserted beaches, in remote resort towns and in the private sector. They usually hide inside air conditioners or in the bathroom.


Camels, at first glance, seem harmless. However, with closer contact, they can injure an inexperienced hiker. Bruises, abrasions and scratches can easily be obtained from a fall from the back of an animal.


Scorpions are found all over the world, but in the UAE they are harmless. Of course, the effect of shock and numbness when meeting with a scorpion is guaranteed to a tourist, but this is only from surprise. They live in the desert, and they are afraid to approach people, but when traveling through the sands, you need to carefully look under your feet.

danger in the water

All crowded beaches in the UAE are equipped with a special shark net that prevents predatory fish from swimming into the tourist area. But there are a lot of them in open water, so you should behave carefully there. Thus, 4 main dangers can await in the water of a turisa:

  • water snakes;
  • jellyfish;
  • sea ​​urchins;
  • crabs and sharp stones.

Water snakes.

Snakes, just like people, suffer from dehydration in the summer, so they can often be found in the water. In such an environment, snakes are harmless, as they themselves enjoy the process of bathing. But still, it’s not worth swimming closer to them, you never know.


Unlike the Black Sea jellyfish, which only amuse tourists with their presence, the Persian Gulf jellyfish can seriously harm anyone who encounters them. The most dangerous of them wash up on the coast in September-October, they sting everyone who touches them, and make burns on their body.

sea ​​urchins

These are the most dangerous inhabitants of the seabed in the UAE. They are found on all the beaches of the Emirates and these meetings can end in serious consequences. The sea urchin is poisonous and stepping on it, you can not immediately notice it, all the symptoms will appear within an hour.

Crabs and sharp shells

Small sharp shells and shy crabs are abundant in shallow water. In general, they are not poisonous, they do not bite, but they hurt differently. Stepping on a sink can cause a deep wound that will hurt for at least a few days.

So that the vacation does not become a headache, you should wear rubber slippers to enter the water on the beach. Shoes will reliably protect a person from meeting with the "sharp" inhabitants of the seabed.

The third danger is the mentality of the country

Any tourist planning a vacation in the UAE must understand that he is going to an Arab country, with its own rules, laws and prejudices, which include:

  • Arab-Israeli conflict;
  • alcohol consumption;
  • religious prohibitions.

Arab-Israeli conflict

The Arab-Israeli conflict arose in the 40s. of the last century, echoes of it find a place at the present time. Some tourists may simply not be allowed into the country and sent back home at the airport. And all because of a banal visa in the passport - an Israeli visa.

In the UAE, the road is closed to everyone who has a stamp in the document about visiting Israel and those who have a passport of this state. You will have to postpone your visit to the Emirate until you get a new passport.

Alcohol consumption

The Emirates is the only country in the world where alcohol is strictly prohibited. For importing it into the country, for distribution and drinking in public places, you can get a prison sentence.

If the craving for alcohol is great, then you can try exclusive brands in the 5 * hotel bar and special bars. Of course, you can’t take it with you, and its cost is simply prohibitive.

Religious prohibitions

The Emirates is an Islamic country, so it is worth honoring the religious affiliation of the locals here. Girls are not recommended to wear revealing outfits and tight-fitting clothes. Ladies should behave modestly and restrainedly, UAE residents speak negatively about public hugs and kisses. There were cases when tourists were given real prison terms for kissing in public.

On city beaches, you can often see a banner prohibiting women from:

  • topless sunbathing and bare chest;
  • wear swimsuits with "thong" swimming trunks;
  • wear cotton underwear that is translucent when wet.

Ideally, all girls should wear a traditional Arabic bathing suit, similar in appearance to diving clothes. Fortunately, you can buy it in any shopping center upon arrival in the country.

  • It is forbidden to film religious and state objects on video and photo cameras without special permission. It is also not allowed to take pictures of local residents.
  • You need to enter the mosque and other religious institutions barefoot, shoes, as a rule, are left at the entrance. Women should definitely cover their heads with a scarf.
  • In the holy month of Ramadan, it is dangerous to be in a religious country, because even chewing ordinary gum can cause a flurry of criticism against you.

Who knows the waters of which sea, gulf, ocean, the shores of the UAE are washed by? Wow, almost no one knows how it turns out. Many have been and swam here, but some say about the sea in which they swam, others swam in the same place, but for them it was already the ocean, and still others had a bay in the same place.

So it goes. There is a lot of controversy about this, the waters still give coolness to vacationers in the UAE. Some people say that there is only a bay, others talk about the sea, and others even about the ocean. Let's figure it out.

This richest country attracts tourists with its fashionable resorts, bright sun all year round, oriental exoticism and various attractions.

There are a lot of them here: both ancient, covered with a thick layer of dust of history, and super modern, those that amaze with exquisite architecture and masterful execution. Natural, created by nature itself at the beginning of the world, and artificial, reflecting the wonders of engineering.

The greatest wealth of the United Arab Emirates is, of course, oil. And besides it - the sea, which calls to plunge into the clear water and feel the freshness and the coast, strewn with fine, very clean sand. What is the sea in the UAE and is it there at all?

There are several options for which body of water caresses the luxurious coast of the Emirates. This:

Gulf waters;
- Sea;
- Ocean;
It turns out that all three versions are correct, if you look from the point of view of geography.


The United Arab Emirates has two coasts: one is washed by the waves of the Persian Gulf, and the other - by Oman. Most of the country, and, consequently, a significant number of local resorts are located on the shores of the first "sea". The second gulf is a connecting link between the Arabian Sea (which belongs to the Indian Ocean) and the Persian Gulf. Therefore, we can safely say that the UAE has access not only to the bays, but also to the sea and the ocean.

Dubai is the most expensive, although the best resort in the country. Everything here is designed for fastidious and financially independent tourists. Hotels, beaches and artificial islands are marked with five stars. At every step there are shopping malls and restaurants. Top attractions: Dubai Museum, Sheikh Said Palace, World Trade Center, the world's tallest skyscraper Burj Khalifa, Ski-Dubai, the largest boutique Dubai Mall, man-made islands, the famous Palm, and others. In short, there is simply not enough to count here, all the Dubai wonders must be seen for yourself.


I walked along the bay in the Jumeirah area, not far from Beach Park. Jumeirah Beach Park was closed to serve LADIES and their children, so the gentlemen's entrance was closed. Yes, there are those days. But it's okay, I'll still come to this beach, or rather to this Beach Park, on another day, of course. In the meantime, I decided to walk along the beach, stretch my legs, and, to be honest, look for a place where you can swim freely. If I already got to the sea, even if it's in Antarctica, and the Arctic Ocean is the sea, and it's -30-40 outside, I still swim.

Well, here it just should be included in my mandatory program. Therefore, I stomped on foot along the sea line, along private cottages, parking lots, yacht parking lots, and some new buildings. What I can’t get used to in the UAE is the fact that there is a permanent construction site here. It already seems that everything is at the level of fantasy, but no, they are all building something, and building it. The local Arabs themselves are perplexed, wondering and arguing among themselves, when will this massive construction end? Some say that another year, two or three, others that another ten years, and some say that I don’t want to repeat it.

As a result, I found a small and clean beach, where I found a secluded place to change clothes, since I had swimming trunks and a towel with me. With great pleasure I swam and sunbathed for an hour. The water is cool, where it feels like 15-18 degrees, but it's still more pleasant than in June, July, when the water in the sea is hot, like at home in a bath, about + 33-35.


The sea in the Emirates is special and very beautiful. At any time of the year, fans of water sports have a rest here. Luxurious beauty yachts can be seen in every city, surfers are trying to climb the highest wave. Divers are simply delighted: after scuba diving, they will meet with a bewitching, colorful and truly living underwater world. For beginners, it is best to go to Dubai, where the depth is not great. But for experienced divers, other resorts are still more suitable - Musandam (on the border with Oman), Fujairah, and Sharjah. Already in May, the water warms up to +25 degrees and stays that way until November. And in summer the temperature of the waves can reach +33°C.


Sharjah is a special city. You can't drink alcohol here, and the nightlife can seem boring. But here are very affordable prices, good conditions for windsurfing and diving, cozy coffee shops. Of the attractions of interest are the King Faisal Mosque, the Golden Souk market, monuments to progress and the Muslim Bible - the Koran.


Abu Dhabi is a city that needs no introduction. An oasis on the edge of the desert. Luxurious and modern, it is considered a paradise for shopaholics and lovers of exotic excursion programs. From here, groups go to the desert in jeeps, to the Bedouin settlement, here you will be offered an overnight stay under the starry sky. There is a fad in my plans, to go to Abu Dhabi and to the Bedouins. But not all at once. We are moving slowly and step by step. But we do not miss anything, at least we try so hard. Remember the old joke about the realization of the plans of a young bull, and an old bull, in relation to a herd of pretty cows? Well, that's pretty much how it is for me. Of course, I'm not a young bull for a long time.


Fujairah is a small and cozy resort, where there are very few skyscrapers and an abundance of historical and colorful buildings. It is surrounded by amazing natural landscapes with hot springs, beautiful waterfalls, emerald gardens. A find for active tourists who want to conquer the mountains, explore the wadis and the seabed.


Choosing a place to stay in the United Arab Emirates is not so easy. Consider where is the best place to relax in the UAE.


Dubai, Sharjah, Fujairah - these and other places are attractive in their own way, but wherever you stay, you will find a high level of service and an oriental Arab atmosphere.


This city deserves special attention because it is the only one in the world where there is a 7-star hotel shaped like a huge sail. We go to him, he is certainly familiar to me, this is the Burj Al Arab, and I will introduce you to him, it's worth it. If you are a fan of shopping, feel free to go on vacation to Dubai. There are hundreds of shopping centers here. And of course - clean beaches, warm water of the Persian Gulf, exotic greenery and a lot of entertainment.


The Gulf of Oman, on the shores of which the Emirate of Fujairah is located, boasts colorful fish, lazy octopuses, fast crabs and colorful living corals. A truly heavenly place for lovers of the underwater world. You can swim with a mask, or you can approach the issue of acquaintance with marine life more professionally. Diving clubs of Fujairah are open for visitors!


Umm al-Quwain.
This emirate offers to witness camel races. People from neighboring areas come to see the breathtaking spectacle. Many tourists are also attracted by an artificial volcano located in the Dreamland water park - a great place to relax with children.


Do you want to fully and completely imbue the Arab world? Welcome to Sharjah - an emirate with dozens of historical sites. All architecture is made in Arabic style. Going here, you need to remember that now strict laws still apply here, in particular, the law prohibiting the consumption of alcohol.


There is also the emirate of Ajman, where (secretly) you can buy elite smoke and elite alcohol almost for free. Any taxi driver will take you, but then be careful when drinking and transporting alcohol around the UAE. And also when exporting it, keep in mind that there are current restrictions. Although you can buy everything without any restrictions when departing from the UAE in Duty Free, it is one of the best and cheapest in the world. Please consult your guides on this matter.

Most of the capital of the UAE is covered with sand, but this does not prevent Abu Dhabi from being one of the most attractive resorts for tourists. Mosques, minarets, skyscrapers harmoniously fit into the atmosphere of a cozy holiday. There are fabulous oases with many species of exotic plants. Gorgeous fountains, long embankments, palaces and residences of rulers… It is impossible to describe everything. Better go and see!


Before you travel to the UAE, check out the list of things you need to take with you. A trip to any country requires careful preparation. Clothes, money, documents, medicines, hygiene products… What do you need to take in the UAE to make your vacation perfect? How much money is needed and for what?


If you are traveling to the UAE from October to April, take a warm pullover just in case, or for example a fleece sweatshirt. This can come in handy for evening walks, especially during the winter months. And although the air temperature will not drop even at night, below +15 ° C, a light breeze can make you want to wear something warm. For now, I walk around in a light shirt without sleeves, or in T-shirts, at any time of the day or night.


Take more medicine. Let them be better not useful than having to run headlong in search of medical help. The main list of medicines includes antipyretics, headaches, indigestion, heartburn, poisoning, burn cream (in case you burn out under the sun), antibiotics for colds, ear and eye drops, antiallergic drugs, as well as funds # 1 for cuts and abrasions: brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide, bandage, cotton wool, plaster.

If, according to the doctor's indications, you are taking medications that contain narcotic components, you must warn the customs office about this in advance, otherwise get ready to pay a large fine.
In general, there are wonderful pharmacies in Dubai, and they are easy to find by the numerous signs "Pharmacy", they are good there because they sell excellent newest original medicines, and the sale of counterfeit products is 100% excluded. If someone is interested in my personal experience, then I bring medical preparations, balms and vitamins from the Emirates, and not in them. What you do in the end is up to you, I also advise you to make an appropriate adjustment for your knowledge of the English language.


What do you need to take with you to the UAE from money? First of all, you need to decide what you plan to spend money on. If your package is not all inclusive, you will spend approximately $300 on meals for a week. In nutrition, you yourself understand that prices vary greatly, as do personal appetites and preferences. Eating in a good restaurant costs 25-40 dollars, and for example, I sometimes like to go to the Cherry cafe, and there I take a huge (the size of a turkey) grilled chicken, with it a large glass of freshly squeezed juice, salad, greens, and a bunch of all kinds of jars with sauces and seasonings. For this I give everything somewhere 10 Dh. The course is now 3.665Dh for 1$ The average cost of excursions is 80-90 dollars. Several excursions are 200-300 dollars. Taxi services cost 20-30 dollars. A certain amount will be spent on shopping and entry to the beach. Total, at least $ 800 per person for a week. But more is possible!


Rain in the UAE is rare. In summer they practically do not happen, but February and March are considered the rainy season. Even if it starts to rain, it does not last long, so you can safely leave the umbrella at home!


Why do thousands of tourists come to the UAE every year? The birthplace of black gold and the richest country in the world has a lot to offer guests. And all this is of the highest quality. The motto of the tourism sector can be expressed in a few words: we surprise everyone, and if there is nothing to surprise, then we will build it.

Today, travelers choose the United Arab Emirates because of:

Fashionable resorts with the cleanest beaches, modern hotels, warm sea;
A unique climate that extends the tourist season for a whole year;
The world's largest shopping and entertainment centers;
Deserts with its dunes and dunes, where you can ride jeeps and camels;
Rich historical past and abundance of sights;
Traditional Arabian luxury and exotic atmosphere.
In order to choose the best time for a visit to a fabulous country, you should familiarize yourself with the weather in the UAE by months.


A feature of the UAE climate is a rather low oxygen content in the air, it is only about 80% of the usual norm here. This phenomenon threatens tourists with the appearance of some lethargy and drowsiness. Although I haven't noticed it myself, I sleep well, get enough sleep, and then I'm awake all day until the lights out.


The United Arab Emirates is located in the subtropical climate zone, so it is dry and there is practically no precipitation. The local winter has only five rainy days a year. In December, the air temperature warms up to +26-29 degrees Celsius during the day, and up to +15 at night. Water in the sea for diving and swimming is a bit cold, because its temperature does not exceed +18°C.


This is the coldest month of the year, because at night the thermometer drops to +13°C, while during the day it reaches +24. Swimming is not possible in the waves of the bays, because the sun's rays warm the water surface by only +16°C. But it is in the middle of winter that the weather is optimal for tourists, but prices are as high as possible.


The last month of winter here is slightly warmer than the previous one, and also more humid. The air temperature during the day is +24°C, and at night - +15. more than one degree, the waters of the bays warm up, the temperature of which is + 17 ° C.


With the beginning of March, the UAE is getting warmer every day and becomes more comfortable, spring is clearly felt in the air. During the day, the thermometer can show + 24 ° C, and at night it does not fall below +17. It is already sometimes possible to swim in the sea, as the sun heats it up to +20°C. This time can be safely called a transitional period between the Arabian summer and winter "cold weather".


The middle of spring in the UAE can be compared to the middle of summer in our strip. Here, the swimming season is just opening, because the water in the sea warms up to + 23 ° C, and the thermometer approaches the optimum temperature for a person. During the day, the air forces it to rise to + 32 ° C, and at night it does not get colder than +20.


The end of spring is a convenient time to visit the Arabian Peninsula. The sun is quite gentle and friendly during the day, raises the thermometers to +37 degrees, and at night to +23. Evenings are warm and quiet, windless. The holiday season has come to its logical conclusion, because the temperature in summer will be tolerable only for the indigenous Arabs. The water in the sea is heated up to +27°C.


Summer comes into its own, heating the golden sand and heating the water up to +30°C. Given that there is practically no precipitation, it is very difficult to endure such heat. During the day, the thermometer can show up to +37 degrees Celsius, and at night the heat drops only to +26.


Midsummer is listed as the hottest month in the United Arab Emirates. Often the thermometer goes up to +50, but the average daily temperature is +40°C. The nights are stuffy, because the air is hot up to +29. Water in the Persian or Gulf of Oman will not give the desired coolness, because the bright sun has heated it up to +33 degrees. It is rare that a traveler dares to visit the country at this time, because even many Arabs try to leave for other latitudes or sit in air-conditioned rooms.


The end of summer is as merciless as its middle. The daylight heats the air up to +41°C during the day and up to +29 degrees at night. Sea waves heat up to +33°C. During the day, few people venture out into the street, preferring to wait out the heat in cool, air-conditioned rooms. At this time, prices for tourists are minimal, so if you want to see the UAE and not go broke, choose it for your trip. In addition, the Dubai Summer Surprises festival, which takes place at the busiest time, includes sales and all kinds of shows.


What will the weather be like in September? Autumn brings the long-awaited freshness, although at the beginning of its first month it is almost imperceptible. The temperature drops to +38 degrees during the day and up to +27 at night. The salt water of the sea is still like fresh milk, because the sun's rays warm it up to +31°C.


Mid-autumn is a great time, the tourist season opens in the UAE. The heat gradually subsides and the average daytime temperature is already +35°C. At night, the thermometer shows +23. The sea is still suitable for swimming, warming up to +25.


The weather in November is quite acceptable for most travelers. About +30°C can be seen on the thermometer during the day, +19 - at night. Water (+22°C) invariably calls for a swim.


When going to the UAE, take light cotton clothes with you - it will help to avoid overheating; in winter, a tourist may need a sweater. Be sure to protect your head, eyes and skin from the bright sun. It is necessary to drink a lot of pure water or a local fermented milk drink called laban, and avoid alcohol.


It is pleasant to have a rest in the UAE at any resort. Magnificent rooms and a variety of entertainment await tourists in 3-4-5 star hotels. But in order to get the most out of your holiday, it is better to choose hotels with their own beach.


In Dubai, almost all hotels offer luxury and comfort in the broadest sense. And it is better to choose a hotel with a private beach. In this case, guests will be offered many other additional conditions that will help to spend their vacation more interesting. Despite the fact that such hotels are practically the standard of the best vacation, the prices for living in them are not so high. They just match the service offered.

The Jebel Ali Beach Hotel has just a huge beach, which can comfortably accommodate all hotel guests. The length of the beach is 1 km, in addition, the beach is quite wide and tourists can stay both in the immediate vicinity of the water and in the shade of palm trees that grow nearby.

On the beach you can go surfing or windsurfing, in addition there is a SPA center and a kids club. Tourists are offered the best conditions for a comfortable stay, on the beach and by the pool you can relax on a sun lounger under comfortable umbrellas.


Five-star hotel Jumeirah Beach Hotel in Dubai it is simply impossible not to notice.

The unusual shape and stylish design attract many tourists.

But the main factor is not at all the appearance. The hotel has a luxurious private beach where you can practice various sports. Guests of the hotel can rent all the necessary equipment and gear.

Almost 300 rooms are offered for accommodation, from the windows of which a magnificent view of the sea opens. For a great holiday, guests can offer:

5 pools,
20 restaurants,
climbing wall,
free access to the water park located next to the hotel.


The hotel's white sand beach Habtoor Grand Resort & Spa and picturesque scenery are ideal for a wonderful holiday in Dubai.

On the beach, as well as by the pools, you can use sun loungers, umbrellas and towels for free. The hotel offers a luxurious and comfortable stay for its guests. Work on the territory:

6 treatment rooms offering 30 types of massages,
steam room, sauna,
12 bars and restaurants where you can taste Italian, Thai, Lebanese cuisine.
The hotel is also happy to welcome tourists with children. For kids, there is a kids club, a separate pool, a games room and a special playground.


When choosing a hotel in Abu Dhabi, it is very likely that you will settle far from the beach, and then your vacation at the seaside resort will be somewhat spoiled. Many magnificent hotels are located in the center, they are designed for business people and you can’t count on special entertainment here. But hotels with their own beach will provide not only sun loungers and umbrellas, but also transport, as well as equipment for outdoor activities at sea.


Beautiful green area and comfortable hotel rooms Al Diar Gulf Hotel & Resort will allow you to have a great vacation in the UAE.

The hotel has its own beach with clean fine sand. On the beach, tourists can not only relax on comfortable sun loungers, but also engage in outdoor activities. There is an aqua center that can offer:

jet skis,
Water skiing,
Boat trips.
Additionally, you can learn horse riding or playing squash.


Hotel Beach Rotana suitable for those who skillfully combine business trips and holidays by the sea.

The hotel is located in the business part of the city and only 50 meters from the beach. The hotel beach is not very big, only 120 meters, but it is well-groomed and beautiful. Here you can practice various sports, including numbers and surfing. In addition, the hotel can offer sightseeing and entertainment programs, SPA treatments, tennis, squash, several bars and restaurants. The hotel offers car rental services, including limousine rental.


Hotel Jumeirah at Etihad Towers Residence has a unique design and even against the backdrop of the magnificent buildings of the Emirates, it looks especially chic.

The hotel offers excellent service, the rooms are equipped with everything you need to relax. The room is cleaned daily, the service is available around the clock.

In front of the entrance to the hotel there is a swimming pool, around which there are comfortable sun loungers. After passing this small area, you can immediately get to the beach, which belongs to the hotel. The beach is clean and comfortable, equipped with everything you need. Guests of the hotel receive sun loungers, umbrellas and towels free of charge. Here you can practice various water sports, go for a walk on the sea or go fishing from a yacht.


The Emirate of Fujairah offers tourists a varied holiday. There are many interesting places and attractions here, you can do wellness or just spend time on the beach. Many Fujairah hotels have successfully combined everything that will help you have a good vacation in the UAE.


Hotel Le Meridien Al Aqah Beach Resort located directly on the ocean and has its own beach.

The beach is quite large, its length is 230 meters. Here you can not only sunbathe, but also go diving and surfing. On the beach you can rent a yacht and go fishing. In addition, the hotel has a SPA center, a steam room, a sauna and a jacuzzi. For young people, the hotel hosts evening shows and a disco.

The hotel is also suitable for families with children. For kids are:

kids club,
babysitting service,
Children's swimming pool,


Hotel Fujairah Rotana Resort & Spa - Al Aqah Beach these are excellent conditions for relaxation, beautiful landscapes and a beach almost at the very entrance to the hotel.

On the beach, sunbeds, umbrellas and towels, outdoor activities and all kinds of entertainment are available for tourists. There is a water sports center and excellent conditions for diving.

The hotel has a beauty salon, massage rooms, a gym. In front of the building there is an outdoor swimming pool, near which there are also sun loungers and umbrellas.

There is a separate swimming pool for children, there is also a mini-club.

The territory of the hotel is very beautiful, there are many trees, neat lawns, flowers grow. Complement the landscape of the mountains, which are located behind the hotel.


Resting in the UAE, you can temporarily plunge into the full of mysteries and secrets of the Arab culture, enjoy a diverse excursion vacation full of impressions. In addition, the UAE is a country where there is warm sunny weather for about 355 days a year, so you can sunbathe on the beach and swim in the sea all year round, go diving and other water sports.

The beginning of the tourist season in the Emirates falls at the end of September, and the end at the beginning of May, since from that moment the hot weather sets in.


Rest in the hotels of the UAE is the enjoyment of decent service and affordable prices, as well as the ability to choose the right option at your discretion.

Each hotel has its own swimming pool, so that tourists can spend their time comfortably during especially hot hours.


The classification of UAE hotels is official and fully complies with international standards. The most popular among tourists are hotels in Dubai and Sharjah. As for the latter, they are distinguished by lower prices in comparison with hotels in Dubai. You can find a detailed description of the most popular hotels in Sharjah on our website.

Also worth mentioning are the hotels in Abu Dhabi, which are located along the coastline. A feature of these hotels is that the view from their windows does not open to the open sea, but to the islands, and the beach areas of the hotels are quite small, due to lack of space.

The most elite are hotels located on the coast of Dubai. These are high-level hotels with a large number of stars, where only wealthy people can afford to stay.


The sights of the UAE are various archaeological finds, historical monuments, palaces and fortresses, as well as monuments of modern Arab architecture.

Among the most popular attractions are the Jumeirah Mosque located in Dubai, the Historical Village Museum, ancient Arab buildings concentrated in the Bastakiya area. In addition, you must definitely visit the archaeological museum of the city of Al-Ain, located here is the burial place of Khili.

Going to Ras al Khaimah, do not forget to visit the ancient city of Yulfar, the huge date garden of Falage al Mula and the hot springs of Hatt, and lovers of sailboats should definitely visit the city of Ajaman, where ancient Arab sailboats are still being made, looking at which immediately there are memories of Sinbad the Sailor. Going to look at all these sights, you can go shopping.


In the UAE, tourists are constantly offered a lot of excursions, so when choosing, it is important to immediately clarify the list of activities planned for the tour.

As part of sightseeing tours, you should definitely visit the capital of the UAE - the city of Abu Dhabi, which is known for its 90 fountains and the historical monument "White Fort". Also, it is worth going to Dubai, where camel races are regularly held. It is in Dubai that the palace of Sheikh Mohamed and the lagoon of pink flamingos are located, as well as the ancient fortress-museum "Dubai Dungeons".

Excursions in the UAE - this is a visit to various water parks. Water parks "Wild Wadi" and "Dreamland" deserve special attention. Here, artificial waves, waterfalls, subtropical downpour and even a black hole await visitors.


Resting in the UAE, almost all tourists devote a lot of time to shopping, as in the Emirates you can find goods from any corner of the world. This includes exclusive designer perfumes and cosmetics, interior items, modern clothes, and a huge number of accessories. Of particular note is the Riga Road located in Dubai, which can be safely called a shopping paradise due to the combination of reasonable prices and an abundance of goods.


The cost of holidays in the UAE practically does not depend on the season. But still, the maximum prices fall on the period from September to May, when the tourist season is in full swing. At the same time, tour operators constantly offer last-minute tours, so you can choose a more economical option.


On this, perhaps, my thoughts about holidays in the UAE can be
finish. Of course, I will be glad if someone had
interesting. Perhaps someone can use
some piece of information from here.
Happy travels to all!
See you.

Ras Al Khaimah is the capital of the eponymous emirate of the United Arab Emirates. About 90% of all inhabitants of this territory live in it, and it is here that the resort life is in full swing. The resort is young, its active development was started no more than 20 years ago. But today it is in demand as a place to relax, where you can find the best balance between the cost and quality of the services offered.

Resort Ras Al Khaimah on the map

Ras al-Khaimah is located in the north of the country, on a cape that separates the waters of the Persian and Gulf of Oman. The resort area is located on the coast of the Persian Gulf. It includes several bulk islands under the general name of Al-Marjan. The archipelago belongs to the Arab company Al Marjan Island, engaged in activities in the field of hotel business and tourism services.

Ras Al Khaimah has an international airport that is home to the emirate's airline RAK Airways and the UAE's low-cost carrier AirArabia. And if the first one flies within the countries of Southeast Asia, then the second flies to several cities of the Russian Federation, Ukraine and Kazakhstan, but, unfortunately, not from Ras al-Khaimah.

Most tourists arrive at Dubai Airport, the main resort center of the country. The distance from it to Ras al-Khaimah is 100 km. The path passes along the modern autobahn. The second nearest airport is located in Sharjah at a distance of about 85 km from the resort.

Beach and sea

The beach at Rixos Bab Al Bahr

The total length of the RAK beach area, as the emirate is abbreviated even in official sources, is more than 60 km. True, this includes the beaches of man-made islands. The sea off the coast of the resort is mostly calm. Winds, and even more so, storms are rare. The water is clean and clear even in high season.

The beaches are sandy with white or slightly pinkish sand. Somewhere on the coast you can find picturesque dunes. The entrance to the sea is gentle and safe. Some tourists in their reviews talk about places with shell rock and large boulders off the coast. They do exist, but most often on public beaches.

Municipal beaches are often overcrowded and poorly equipped. The beaches at the hotels have good infrastructure and offer a lot of entertainment. From boat trips on a yacht or catamaran to incendiary parties. By the way, guests of other hotels are allowed to entertainment events, subject to the purchase of drinks. Yes, you can buy liquor in most hotel beach bars. But this does not mean that there is no dry law in the emirate of Ras al-Khaimah.

Resort accommodation

Five-star hotel Waldorf Astoria Ras Al Khaimah

Ras Al Khaimah is a dynamically developing resort. New hotels open every year. Basically they are marked with 5 or 4 stars. Most of them have their own beach area with good equipment. The resort is considered a leader in the United Arab Emirates in terms of all inclusive and ultra all inclusive. More than half of the hotels offer their guests a holiday without any worries and hassles.

However, when choosing a hotel, it is worthwhile to carefully study the services that it offers and where it is located. Despite the fact that the hotels have their own beaches, they can be located far from the coast. The set of services in the all-inclusive system is also somewhat different. If you have financial resources, it is better to give preference to holidays on the islands.

Top five:

  • - the most luxurious hotel. An oasis of luxury in the desert. Accommodation in villas with private pool. The only negative is that the prices bite.
  • - an excellent golf hotel. Within walking distance of shopping centers. Luxurious interiors.
  • is a family hotel. Part of the Rixos hotel chain . Impeccable service.

Fours with good reviews:

  • - club hotel First line. Great beach. All inclusive.
  • - City hotel. Shops and cafes nearby. The name Hilton commits to excellent service.

The top three are:

  • - Located next to the beach.
  • city ​​hotel with a good number of rooms.

Fans of self-reliance in the resort can rent an apartment or villa from local residents on airbnb. The prices will pleasantly surprise you. In addition, for the first booking you will definitely get a discount of 2100 rubles.

Vacation with children

Ras Al Khaimah is suitable for families with children. It has a milder climate, warm and calm sea with sandy beaches in shallow water.

There are few children's entertainment in the resort. Many hotels offer an on-site children's pool, outdoor playgrounds, animation and babysitting services for an additional fee.

The most chic place for kids, where life is always in full swing - the water park "Iceland Waterpark". It has 30 slides. True, there are no super extreme ones among them, but guests will get their dose of adrenaline. Attracts the design of the territory. From a green oasis among the sands of the desert, visitors, having stepped over the threshold, are transported beyond the Arctic Circle. They are waiting for eternal ice, polar bears, penguins and the hot sun of the Arabian Peninsula.


The infrastructure of the resort is quite developed, but it is worth making allowances for the traditions of the country.

Cafes and restaurants

Italian Restaurant Piaceri Da Gustare

There are many cafes and restaurants in Ras Al Khaimah with a large selection of dishes and destinations. If you are not satisfied with national dishes, then you can go to the Italian restaurant "Piaceri Da Gustare" or the institution "Ayoka", which serves Japanese cuisine. In "Moti Mahal" visitors will get acquainted with the culinary delights of national and Indian cuisine. Surprisingly, there are also chain fast food cafes here - McDonald's, KFC, BurgerKing.


Most of the entertainment is offered by the hotels themselves. Among them are not only parties, but also sea fishing, trips to Dubai, excursions to interesting places. There are few places of entertainment in the city itself.


Going to Ras al-Khaimah, you should keep in mind that public transport within the city does not work. There are regular bus services that run to Dubai and neighboring emirates. You will have to move within the resort on foot or by taxi.

Walking in the heat is exhausting. Taxi is expensive. Therefore, when booking a hotel without meals or with half board, you should choose a hotel where there are shops and cafes within walking distance. And also find out in advance how far the hotel is from the sea and whether there is a transfer.

Tours and attractions of the resort

The emirate of Ras al-Khaimah, and the resort itself is rich in sights and interesting places. The city is divided into two parts by a bay. Previously, in its place was the city of Julfar - the largest center in Asia for the extraction and trade of pearls.

Currently, on the west coast, you can visit an old fort with watchtowers made of light yellow sandstone and a mosque made of coral blocks. It is interesting to visit the National Museum, which displays a rich collection of corals, pearls and jewelry made from it. In the modern part of the city, the Emir Palace, exhibition centers, numerous markets and shops await visitors.

Road to Jebel Jais

Exciting will be a car, and then a hike to Jebel Jais mountain, El Daya Fort, a trip to the hot springs of Khatt Springs and the Wadi Bi canyon. Those who wish can visit the pearl farm and the picturesque Al Gail Park. And of course, a trip to Dubai is very interesting.

basic information

A bit of general information that is most often of interest to tourists planning a vacation in Ras al-Khaimah.

Travel budget

A room with breakfast at the Rixos Bab Al Bahr hotel will cost 28,000 rubles per day

It is worth noting that there will be no budget trip, which way of rest you choose.

  • Prices for all-inclusive package tours start from 110,000-120,000 rubles for seven nights when staying in 4 * hotels 1-2 km from the beach.
  • If you choose accommodation without meals, then a good three with a free shuttle to the beach will cost 60,000-65,000 rubles. It should be borne in mind that a snack at McDonald's with a Big Mac and French fries will cost at least 350 rubles. A trip to a cafe or restaurant will empty your pocket for 6,000-15,000 rubles, depending on the establishment and order.
  • The ability to cook on your own is only in the villas. Some apartments are equipped with an electric kettle, but nothing more.
  • Every tourist is charged a tourist tax. Its size depends on the level of the hotel and the number of nights. In a five-star hotel, in terms of Russian rubles, you will have to pay about 5,000 for 2 people when staying for a week. In apartments with 3 * the amount will be half as much.

You can save money by choosing periods with low demand for tours for your trip. As a rule, this is the middle of January-February and the summer months.

Climate and travel time

On the coast of the Persian Gulf, you can sunbathe and swim all year round. The most comfortable weather in the resort is in spring and autumn. Air warms up to +27-30 °C, water - up to +23-26 °C. Summer in Ras al-Khaimah is hot weather with temperatures of +40-45°C. Water heated to + 33-35 ° C is not refreshing.

The winter months are relatively cool. Temperatures of air and water are almost equal and are within +23-25°C. The nights are not cold either. It's time for travel and sightseeing.


Shopping in Ras Al Khaimah is one of the best things to do. In numerous shopping centers you can buy goods of famous brands, as well as products of local manufacturers, visit a cinema, cafe or restaurant, and take a walk along your own promenade, such as in the oldest shopping center "Al Manar Mall". In addition to it, tourists note:

  • Shopping center "Al Hamra Mall" with a wide selection of electronics and household appliances;
  • Shopping center "RAK Mall" with goods of local manufacturers;
  • Shopping center "Safeer Mall" in the old town, where you can buy original spices and aromatic oils.

How to get there

The easiest way to get to the resort of Ras Al Khaimah is from the airports of Dubai and Sharjah by bus, taxi or transfer. Travel time will be 1.5-2 hours. There are no flights from Russia to the local airport.

Cons of the resort

The negative aspects of the rest in the resort of Ras Al Khaimah, many include the remoteness from Dubai, the lack of public transport within the resort and a small amount of entertainment.

In general, Ras Al Khaimah is a great place for a classic beach holiday. It is suitable for those who are tired of the hustle and bustle of big cities. Relaxation on the coast of the Persian Gulf with a view of the artificial islands, sightseeing of the city and rare outings on excursions. Plus, the prices are pleasing compared to the promoted resorts of the United Arab Emirates.

Inspirational video - an overview of Ras al-Khaimah:

We wish you a pleasant stay!

Below is a selection of the best last-minute tours to all resorts in the Emirates. If Ras al-Khaimah does not fit, choose other resorts.

I can’t help but talk about Dubai, the emirate that has sunk into my soul so much that I’m ready to go back there again (although I usually prefer to see different places)

Remembering the preparations for the trip, I remember my joy and expectations - which certainly came true! Before the trip to the coast of the Persian Gulf, I had not had a vacation for a long time, a beach vacation for a year and a half (which was not so easy for me :), and it seemed that a vacation on the sea or ocean was something very far away. Even packing my bags, looking at the photos of the places where I will be photographed so soon, the feeling of the coming vacation did not come. And taking into account the fact that the day before departure I was at work with a temperature, you yourself can imagine what my mood was like!

But here I am already on the plane, 4.5 hours and welcome to Dubai!

Passport control, retinal scans - be prepared to stand in line. And so, I leave the airport and already rush in the Audi to my hotel. (More precisely, the apartments… which turned out to be just huge! Fortunately for me, they gave me a double room (which is at least equipped for four), and my happiness comes from the huge room, spaciousness, great view from the 13th floor… Well, what to list now :) I highly recommend Tamani Hotel. It is located in the Marina area, I also really liked it:

Having settled in the hotel, I hurry to the beach - even though the sun had already bowed to the horizon, I could not help but go to the water, not to enjoy the sound of the surf, which I had not heard for so long. Jumeirah beach, sandy beach, blue sky, tall buildings overlooking the Persian Gulf, crystal clear water... Here it is - happiness.


The next day, in the morning, I went to visit my relatives, who were accommodated on Palm Jumeirah . Crystal clear sky, bright rays of the sun in the morning. I'm driving in a Lexus with a bright interior, the driver turns up the music louder, we approach the famous Atlantis hotel, go around its territory and head to the edge of the palm branch. I can say right away that this area is simply beautiful! Especially cute cottages at the entrance to the island, beautiful architecture and lots of greenery. The view from the palm tree to the city is also very beautiful:


But back to the palm tree. Hotels here have their own beach - and this is a big plus. They are not crowded, vacationers have their own sun loungers, towels. Not all hotels in the city can boast of this. Therefore, if there is such a request, it is better to look for a hotel on the Palm Jumeirah. There is also crazy-colored water, sand with shells.


There is another wonderful area for recreation (I just lived next to it - JBR ( Jumeirah Beach Residence ) is a beach area with boutiques, cafes and restaurants, good hotels. The beach is public here, and most of the guests, even the first-line hotels, are located on the sand on a par with others, though under the umbrellas of the hotels. I saw sunbeds with umbrellas only at the Habtoor and Hilton hotels. And you will have to walk a little to the inviting water of the Persian Gulf - you can’t put a sunbed near the water, they stand at a distance, and people on towels are located in front of the sunbeds of the hotels (this is the plus of the palm’s own beaches). The sand here warms up not very quickly and not deeply. Alas, the beach is not perfectly clean - there are cigarette butts.

In general, I felt sorry for the people who paid a lot of money for such pleasure ... Because the hotels on the first line cost a lot.

I really liked the beach Jumeirah Beach next to the Burj Al Arab sail. It is not very wide, there is no “promenade” nearby like on JBR, but a sail flaunts to the left of the beach - a very beautiful building :) the beach is clean and there are not many people on it.


It gets dark here very early - at six o'clock the sun is already setting below the horizon. At seven o'clock it seems that it is already deep night ... But after four o'clock there are very few people on the beach.

Most tourists dedicate one day to a trip to Atlantis . This one didn’t pass me by :) A good water park, I can’t say that I had a crazy delight, but it’s worth a visit! A ticket can be bought in advance for 225 dirhams (2000r), or on the spot for 250. If you take a ticket with a trip to the aquarium - plus 50 dirhams. But I do not advise doing this, since there is practically nothing to see there! We walked around it in 5-7 minutes. Renting a towel costs 10 dirhams (you can take your own), renting a cell costs 40 dirhams.

You need to come to Atlantis by the opening of the water park, that is, by 10. The first hours are not so many people, closer to dinner, queues form for any slide. With the sunset, that is, after five, everything is closed. And then - huge queues in the locker rooms, showers and taxis (we stood for an hour), so it's better to get out a little earlier and avoid this and save yourself time.

Although, of course, it’s hard to stop and leave when you can ride the slides;) by the way, there are not so many of them, but they are different - and just riding in pipes, including in the dark, and free falling, and riding in a big bun for 6 people, well, a lazy river for those who do not like speed. There is an attraction when the floor is being cleaned under you and you are flying down at an insane speed ...

There are several cafes on the territory, but sandwiches and hamburgers are everywhere (by the way, not cheap, but large portions - a lunch for two with a salad, a sandwich, a drink and ice cream cost about three thousand rubles).

The food in the Emirates did not impress me at all ... Seafood is not popular with them. I didn’t want to try the camel :) I can’t say that food prices are cheap (like in Moscow). But I ate mainly at the hotel and in the malls, sometimes somewhere in the JBR area. I had to look for Italian cafes or with European cuisine.

shopping . My trip was in November, the velvet season, and this is the time of the influx of Russian tourists (since school holidays are also at this time), there were no discounts, the prices are the same as in Moscow, and for many things, especially branded ones, even more expensive. The Dubai Mall is, of course, very large, with famous fountains and an aquarium inside.


Emirates Mall is smaller. In both centers there are both very expensive boutiques and simple ones, starting from the dawn. By the way, in all rooms the air conditioners work at full capacity, so it is better to dress appropriately - at least with your hands closed.

Near the Dubai Mall there are famous fountains and the tallest building Burj Khalifa . I advise you to go up to the observation deck - just be sure to buy a ticket in advance via the Internet.


Fountains from 7 to 11 pm every half an hour, crowds of spectators are surprised by the music with their beauty, height and power of water. Definitely worth a look!

I will also briefly tell you about a trip on a boat-restaurant, which the tour operator advised us (supposedly with a transparent floor - but this is not so)). I liked it, very tasty cuisine, a variety of dishes, good quiet music, and it is very beautiful outside the window - the old city at night. The perfect place for a date!


Be sure to dedicate one of the evenings to a trip to Marina area - it is insanely beautiful (I just lived in it). This is a man-made marina. Skyscrapers, yachts, cafes and restaurants with open verandas and hookahs are a great place where you want to come back again. People walk slowly and enjoy life.

Wants to say that there is a lot of construction in the city. For tourists - unfortunately, but Dubai is a construction site. Big, never-ending construction. You drive along a palm tree and watch how future hotels, houses, skyscrapers are being planned ... In the city of Dubai itself, there is also a lot of construction equipment. Therefore, be more careful when choosing a hotel - construction under the windows can ruin your vacation. But for the city this is an unconditional development, an opportunity to earn money in the future.

Abu Dhabi

I will tell you very briefly about the trip to Abu Dhabi. It is also a very beautiful city, well-groomed and clean. A must is a visit to the Sheikh Zayed Mosque.