Sage for women to have children. Sage for conception. How effective is this method of stimulating ovulation

Even in ancient Egypt, sage was considered a sacred herb. He won such a reputation thanks to his wonderful properties that help a woman get pregnant faster. After devastating wars, Egyptian priestesses in the streets distributed this herb to all women in order to accelerate the appearance of offspring.

Modern women also do not neglect the miraculous properties of sage. Many couples looking to have babies, but who have not achieved any results after many months of diligent efforts, use sage to stimulate ovulation. What is so valuable about sage? What is the correct way to take this herb for infertility? Are there any contraindications to its use?

How does sage affect ovulation?

There are many reasons why a woman cannot get pregnant. One of them is the lack of ovulation. Italian scientists conducted a study that showed that estrogen therapy when planning pregnancy in women with ovulation problems, in most cases, leads to the maturation of the egg. In other words, an increase in the level of female hormones in the body stimulates the onset of ovulation.

Sage contains substances similar to female hormones - estrogens. Therefore, the use of a decoction of sage inside allows you to increase the level of these hormones, which favors the onset of ovulation in women who have not had it for several months. Due to this property, sage is called phytohormone.

Sage for conception - how to take it right?

How to use sage to stimulate ovulation? To combat infertility, a decoction is prepared from sage. The best way to buy the herb is from a pharmacy. You will need sage leaves, they are suitable for conception. How to make a decoction? A tablespoon of sage is taken in a glass of boiling water. The dishes are covered with a lid to infuse the broth. Then it is filtered through a fine strainer or gauze.

You need to take the broth regularly - four times a day at regular intervals for fifty milliliters (a quarter of a glass). They start taking sage on the fourth to fifth day of the menstrual cycle, and stop taking it on the eleventh or twelfth day. In the following days, sage is not drunk, because there is a possibility of ovulation and fertilization. If pregnancy has not occurred, the course is continued the next month according to the same scheme. After two courses of phytohormone therapy, a monthly break is taken, and then the decoction is taken again.

I would like to draw particular attention to the fact that at the first suspicion of pregnancy, you must immediately stop taking sage broth. Otherwise, you can provoke. The fact is that sage reduces the level of progesterone, which is produced by the corpus luteum until the placenta develops. Progesterone is essential for the normal development of the embryo. Sage is able to provoke uterine contraction, as it raises estradiol levels and increases blood pressure. All these factors can lead to sad consequences.

It is important to know that sage with infertility will only help those girls who have a lack of estrogen. With an excess of them, the broth should not be taken, as this increases the risk of developing endometriosis and causes menstrual irregularities. If hormone tests show an increased amount of estrogen, but you cannot get pregnant, it may be worth looking for another cause of this problem, because the lack of ovulation is just one of the reasons why pregnancy does not occur. An excess of estrogen leads to irritability, edema, and pain in the mammary glands. If the growth of these hormones is not controlled, their excess can even lead to breast cancer.

How effective is this method of stimulating ovulation?

Women who have experienced the magical effect of sage speak enthusiastically about this phytohormone. Even if they did not manage to get pregnant during the first course of phytohormonal stimulation, they noted that ovulation did occur. This was evidenced by an increase or the presence of ovulation, the test showed. If sage is actually so effective, why not use this method when planning a pregnancy? Remember - only judicious use of the "sacred herb" will help you become a happy mom.

Contraindications to the use of sage decoction

If you decide to drink sage for conception, first you need to familiarize yourself with the contraindications to its use. Before starting treatment with chemicals, we always consult with a doctor, and in the case of phytotherapy, for some reason, we ignore this important event, and after all, herbs can have a strong effect on the human body. Who is contraindicated to use sage broth?

For people with low blood pressure, it is better to refrain from ingesting sage decoction. Diseases of the thyroid gland and kidney also serve as a warning for the use of the "sacred herb". During pregnancy and lactation, sage should not be considered a drug at all. Among the contraindications for taking sage can be distinguished and a tendency to uterine bleeding and menstrual irregularities.

Difficulties with conception affect a lot of people. The common and well-known medicinal sage can help solve this problem. Sage for conception has long proven itself very well. It would seem that it is an ordinary sage, but how much benefit it can bring. The main thing is to know how to take sage so that conception occurs quickly and without complications.

Sage medicinal.

Briefly about infertility treatment

Before talking about the help of sage during conception, it is necessary to understand the simple truths associated with conception. For example, if, during one year of regular sexual intercourse without using contraception, conception does not come just right to talk about infertility, in one or both partners at the same time. Statistics show that male and female infertility occurs in 50% of cases. But do not rush to panic, infertility is treated quite successfully and effectively. Infertility can be cured and even if treatment does not help, infertility can be overcome. Perhaps, in your case, it is enough to undergo a course of treatment with hormonal drugs and conception will not be long in coming.

Before deciding to prescribe yourself the means for conception on your own, you need to know that self-medication is very dangerous. Even seemingly simple "herbs" can seriously affect hormones. Hormonal imbalances can lead to many complications. Therefore, if there are problems with conception throughout the year, you need to consult a doctor and do not delay with it. A woman should visit a gynecologist at a local antenatal clinic, a man visits a urologist or andrologist at a polyclinic. Both partners must undergo the examination, so you can more accurately diagnose and prescribe a suitable treatment.

Important! You can take a pair examination absolutely free of charge at the state family planning center.

Self-medication is unacceptable

Here's what self-medicating with herbs can lead to:

  1. Overdose can occur, although it is difficult to believe. An overdose of herbal remedies can lead to very serious consequences. You don't need to check it yourself.
  2. Herbal treatment does not always help; they may generally be useless in some cases. How can you treat “I don’t know what,” and without even knowing what? Sage, for example, is anti-inflammatory. How will the anti-inflammatory effect of sage help with thyroid disorders, which are very often the reason for the lack of conception? The scariest part is the wasted time that could be wasted on real medical prescription treatment based on diagnosis and diagnosis.
  3. With kidney disease, with oncology, sage is completely contraindicated. In this case, taking sage can even be dangerous.

If there has been no conception for a year or more, you cannot wait any longer, you need to urgently consult a doctor. Perhaps, in a combination of this treatment, sage will also be prescribed as an adjuvant. It happens that "herbal medicine" is prescribed as the main means of therapy.

About medicinal sage and its properties

Sage has long been used for conception and fertility treatments. Even at the dawn of civilization, in ancient Egypt, it was used in rituals and helped women to acquire offspring. Sage was considered a gift from the gods, because it helped to get pregnant faster. Even in our time, the properties of sage do not remain unclaimed.

Many people use it for difficulties with conception and for some it really helps.

To understand in which case sage will help you get pregnant, you need to find out about the main reasons leading to infertility:

  1. Inflammation.
  2. Hormonal imbalance.
  3. Strong stress.
  4. Constant depression.
  5. Anomalies in the structure of the female reproductive system. Such anomalies can be either acquired or congenital.
  6. Disorders in the reproductive function of the partner.
  7. Neurological disorders.

When is sage good for you?

You need to be treated wisely. Sage treatment is no exception to this rule. It is likely that after the diagnosis is made, when the exact reason for the lack of conception is established, the doctor will prescribe sage. Whether it will be the main remedy or an auxiliary one depends on the nature of the disease. Conception sage is usually prescribed to stimulate ovulation when irregular cycles are involved.

Stimulation of ovulation with sage

Stimulating ovulation with sage will help you get pregnant faster.

Therapy aimed at stimulating ovulation with the use of estrogens has been around for a long time. Stimulation by female hormones helps the egg to develop, which increases the likelihood of conception. Sage contains plant estrogens (phytoestrogens). The mechanism of action of such substances on a woman's body is quite similar to her own hormones. Sometimes this property of sage is necessary in the treatment of infertility. But it all depends on the test results and diagnosis.

Enlargement of the endometrium with sage

For conception and embryo attachment to occur, the thickness of the endometrium must be within the normal range (from 5 to 18 mm, depending on the day of the menstrual cycle). The endometrium is a special mucous membrane that covers the uterus. It is for this layer that the embryo will "cling" after leaving the fallopian tube. In many respects, the state of the endometrial layer and the success of conception, implantation of the embryo and its subsequent development will depend.

Sage promotes the growth of the endometrium thanks to herbal female hormones in its composition. The endometrium itself is very sensitive to changes in the hormonal background.

If there is not enough estrogen, the thickness of the endometrium will not be optimal and there will be no pregnancy, because the embryo simply will not attach to the uterus.

Any treatment should be supervised by a physician. When taking sage for ovulation, you need to regularly monitor the concentration of estrogen in the blood. If you overdo it with the amount of hormone, unpleasant consequences can occur, leading to complications. It will be very difficult to get pregnant with an excess of estrogen. Estrogen must be normal for successful conception.

Sage properties

The healing properties of sage are quite extensive. Sage has a beneficial effect on reproductive function. Here are the main medicinal properties of sage when planning a pregnancy:

  1. The growth of the endometrium has a beneficial effect on the process of attachment of the embryo to the wall of the uterus.
  2. Pain and discomfort during menstruation are much weaker.
  3. The follicles in the ovaries grow better and more evenly.
  4. The work of the ovaries is getting better.
  5. The cycle bounces back and becomes regular.

Not all gynecologists approve of the prescription of sage for fertility treatment, despite numerous studies proving the beneficial effects of sage on reproductive health when planning conception. Doctors urge to take the use of this herbal remedy very seriously. You need to start taking sage for conception only after the approval of your doctor.

We must not allow a situation in which we “heal something, but cripple something”. The appointment of this medicinal herb for conception should be only after examination, including hormonal levels.

If sage has been prescribed, the treatment regimen and dosage should be strictly followed. It should be borne in mind that sage suppresses the secretion of the hormone progesterone. This hormone is extremely important for the onset and maintenance of pregnancy.

Combination with other herbs

Sage for conception can be used in combination with other herbs.

In some cases, combining sage with other herbs will enhance its effect. This effect can be obtained if you know what to mix it with and what properties the herbs have. Here is a small list of herbs that, when combined with sage, give enhanced results:

  1. Red brush. This plant can strengthen the body before pregnancy. The action of the red brush is similar to that of sage. The combination of these herbs enhances the anti-inflammatory effect in the genitourinary system of both men and women.
  2. Linden also pairs well with sage. Both of these plants are suppliers of phytohormones. Plant hormones make up for the lack of estrogen in a woman's body, thereby increasing the likelihood of conception.
  3. The boron uterus is another source of phytohormones. With the right treatment regimen in combination with sage, you can get pregnant very quickly.
  4. Knotweed is quite effective in influencing ovarian stimulation and ovulation. In addition to stimulation, knotweed mixed with sage successfully fights inflammation. Knotweed is also known for its diuretic and hemostatic properties. Fertility treatments with sage and knotweed are very common.

How to take sage for conception?

An important point is the way to prepare and take sage for early conception. The scheme and form of admission should be determined by the doctor. It is impossible to deviate from the treatment regimen. To select a sage treatment regimen, the doctor will prescribe an examination of the patient, which includes:

  1. Hormonal blood test.
  2. An examination by a gynecologist is required.
  3. Measurement of basal temperature. For conception, you need to keep a daily BBT schedule to determine the exact day of onset of ovulation.
  4. Ovulation test.
  5. Ultrasound examination.

The purpose of the survey is to establish the cause of the lack of conception.

If infertility is a consequence of ovulation disorder, then sage treatment is suitable. In other cases, sage will not give the desired result and may even harm.

Reception scheme

As a result of the examination, the doctor will determine the exact day when the egg reaches its optimal condition. Based on these data, you can build a sage intake scheme.

Sage for conception is usually taken in the form of an infusion according to the following scheme:

  1. Treatment usually begins on the 4th day after your period starts.
  2. The course of taking sage continues until the final maturation of the egg.
  3. After ovulation has begun, sage should be discontinued.
  4. How many days to take sage for conception will depend on how many days are in the patient's menstrual cycle.

If, after the course of treatment with sage, conception does not happen, it is recommended to repeat the course. If the pregnancy has not occurred a second time, you need to take a break for one month. The body needs time to rest and recover. After a break, the treatment can be repeated according to the described scheme.

If, as a result, sage treatment helped and conception occurred, the course of therapy should be stopped immediately. During pregnancy, the intake of infusions and decoctions is strictly prohibited. If you do not stop taking sage in time, your pregnancy may end.

How to brew and drink the broth?

For sage to help get pregnant, it must be properly prepared and taken.

Sage for conception is used both in tablets and in the form of a decoction. According to many, the decoction has a stronger effect in the treatment of infertility. Sage leaves are best for making a decoction or infusion.

Decoction preparation scheme:

  1. A teaspoon of dry and crushed sage leaves should be brewed in 200 ml of boiling water.
  2. After that, the broth must be simmered in a water bath for at least 10 minutes.
  3. After the water bath, the broth must be allowed to cool, the broth must be infused for at least 30 minutes.
  4. Before drinking the broth, strain it.
  5. You need to take the broth 4 times a day before meals, 1/3 cup (about 70 ml).

Preparation and use of infusion

The preparation of the infusion is a little easier. It is enough to pour boiling water over one teaspoon of sage in 200 ml of boiling water and let it brew for at least 2 hours. After brewing, the infusion is ready and can be drunk. Strain the infusion before use. Take 4 times a day, 1/3 cup before meals.

Sage bags

Sage leaves in tea bags are very convenient to brew.

Medicinal sage can be bought at the pharmacy already packaged in sachets. They can be brewed just like regular tea. Only after brewing, the brewed sage in a bag should be given time to brew. Usually 2 hours is enough. After drinking the broth 4 times a day, 1/3 cup before meals.

Douching with sage

Sometimes sage treatment is prescribed by douching. Among gynecologists, this method of treatment is rather controversial. Douching has many contraindications. Douching is strictly prohibited for women after a recent abortion or childbirth. Also, douching with sage for conception is not allowed in the presence of inflammatory processes and during menstruation.

When douching, certain rules must be strictly observed:

  1. Douching with sage should be carried out with a solution of weak concentration.
  2. The decision on douching should be made exclusively by a doctor; self-medication is unacceptable.
  3. Frequent douching with sage leads to inflammation in the genitals.
  4. Inflammation of the genitals as a result of too frequent and lengthy procedures disrupts the microflora.
  5. The time for the douching procedure must be strictly observed.

In addition to contraindications for douching with sage, there are general contraindications for use. Despite the beneficial properties of sage for conception, you need to know about contraindications.

Contraindications to taking sage

Sage should be taken seriously. This is just a harmless "herb", the list of contraindications is quite voluminous. Before using it, be sure to study this list that the treatment did not harm.


  1. With hormonal diseases.
  2. At the beginning of your period. If you start taking sage on the first days of your period, the discharge may disappear, provoking inflammation. The walls of the uterus will not be able to cleanse completely.
  3. Disorders of the thyroid gland.
  4. Oncology.
  5. Sage should not be taken for conception after ovulation.
  6. Kidney disease.
  7. Allergy to sage and its components.
  8. When breastfeeding.
  9. During pregnancy.

As you can see, the list of contraindications is quite impressive. Do not neglect it. Sage can help if you know how and when to use it. The thoughtless use of this phytopreparation can lead to sad consequences. Therefore, before taking sage, you need to consult a specialist.

For a woman, the word "well-being" is closely related to a family hearth and a bunch of little children. And it is not without reason that sage is popularly called "the herb of health and well-being." Future mothers who managed to achieve success with the help of this plant can tell how to drink sage to get pregnant. But it must be borne in mind that any medicine has its own doses and contraindications, which are worth knowing about.

Benefits and Applications

Often in pharmacies you can find sage in sachets for conception. This herb contains special phytohormones that act on the female body as estrogen, which is responsible for the productive development of eggs. In this case, the plant affects the cervical reflex. Such properties help a woman get pregnant as soon as possible.

Along with sage, doctors often recommend the boar uterus to achieve similar results. It is advisable to alternate the intake of these two herbs, keeping the same preparation and reception scheme.

To achieve good results, you need to drink sage correctly for conception. There are many options for medicines containing the extract of this miracle - herb: lozenges, tablets, alcohol tinctures or just a packaged drink. Helps to get pregnant with both sage tea and decoctions.

You can make the tincture yourself or buy it over the counter without a prescription. To prepare such a product, you need to take freshly squeezed plant juice or its seeds and insist on alcohol.
In addition to influencing reproductive function, the agent is used in the treatment of the thyroid gland and as a medicine for the throat.

Taking a decoction can significantly reduce pain during menstruation and PMS symptoms. Sage lollipops are great for coughing, and after 35 years, this herb helps to rejuvenate the body.

Admission rules

Before starting a course of treatment with this method, you should be tested for the level of hormones and only after consulting a doctor should you start taking a natural medicine.

How much sage to drink for conception? As a rule, one course from 5 to 12 days of the cycle is enough. But there are times when you need to drink a decoction of 2-3 cycles in order for the long-awaited pregnancy to occur.

Before starting treatment in an alternative way, you need to consult a doctor leading a pregnancy, who will study the results of hormone tests and tell you how many times a day it is preferable to use the medicine.

How to drink sage to get pregnant:

  1. a classic broth consists of a tablespoon of dry raw materials and a glass of boiling water. After that, the medicine is infused for 20-30 minutes;
  2. drink the broth, preferably 3-4 tablespoons 2-3 times a day;
  3. it is necessary to strictly adhere to the equality of the intervals. Keeping regular intervals between doses of the medication is very important when planning a pregnancy.

Therapy with such a remedy should begin on the fifth day of the cycle and last up to a maximum of 12 days. Then ovulation occurs and, accordingly, conception is possible, so it is dangerous for the fetus to continue drinking sage for pregnancy.

A short course of treatment can be repeated for 2 months in a row, but if conception does not occur after that, it is recommended to take a break for one cycle, after which the course can be resumed.

Pregnancy product

Can sage be drunk during pregnancy? A decoction or tincture will be very useful in planning conception, but as soon as the result is achieved and the test shows two strips, you should stop taking the drug.

Since the plant affects the cervical reflex and acts on the body in a similar way to the hormone estrogen, further intake of the herbal medicine can cause premature birth.

Milk with sage for coughing during pregnancy is also not recommended, since such a remedy has a similar effect to a decoction. For treatment, you can simply gargle with sage without swallowing the drink.

Why sage is not allowed for pregnant women:

  • the grass actively affects the cervical reflex, which is good when planning conception and bad when pregnancy has already begun;
  • the plant contains phytohormones that affect the body like estrogen, and hormonal imbalance during pregnancy is harmful;
  • the product contains a large amount of tannins, which, in some cases, can provoke constipation.

Drinking sage during pregnancy is contraindicated, even if a natural cough medicine is needed. Lozenges can be a good alternative for the expectant mother. Such a product contains everything you need to eliminate the symptoms of the disease without harming the fetus.


Blindly trusting the reviews of mothers who managed to conceive a baby with the help of such a folk remedy is also not worth it. Each person has his own characteristics of the body and only a specialist can determine the reason for the impossibility of fertilization and say whether sage will help.

  • with a tendency to uterine bleeding;
  • with low blood pressure;
  • if a malfunction of the kidneys is diagnosed;
  • during lactation, since the properties of the plant provoke the loss of milk and negatively affect the fragile body of the child;
  • decoctions, tinctures, as well as sage with milk during pregnancy cannot be drunk, therefore, as soon as the long-awaited effect is achieved, you should immediately stop taking it;
  • with uterine myoma, thyroid hormone deficiency, polycystic and endometriosis.

The boron uterus also has a similar number of restrictions, therefore, in the above conditions, this method of increasing reproductive function is not suitable. If, with such diseases, one decides to take medicinal herbs, then the woman will not only lose precious time, but will certainly worsen the course of the existing disease.

Despite the fact that traditional medicine is constantly evolving and offers more and more means to solve the issue of infertility, people continue to trust traditional methods. It is important to remember to observe the dosage and the rules for taking the medicine. Knowing when to drink sage to get pregnant, a married couple will be able to quickly succeed in this sometimes difficult task.

How to drink sage for conception? First of all, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive gynecological examination and be sure to pass an analysis for hormones. Only after that, the doctor prescribes a course of therapy with this herb. It is important to follow the treatment regimen and not suppress the growth of progesterone, which is extremely important for the implantation of the ovum and its development.

Treatment of infertility with sage () in folk medicine is a well-known fact. Various conception recipes can be found in herbalists. In addition to decoctions and infusions, healers recommend drinking sage juice with salt. For example, in ancient Egypt, this herb was often given to married women in the form of tea. In gynecology, herbal medicine has recently become more and more popular. However, not all gynecologists of traditional medicine trust sage, as well as other well-known phytohormones - the red brush and the upland uterus. And when prescribing hormone replacement therapy, doctors often choose synthetic drugs. There is also an opinion that treatment with folk remedies in our country is given too much importance. Some herbs become "brands". Gynecologists urge to remain vigilant and not self-medicate.

The mechanism of action of sage and the benefits for the female body

How is sage useful for women's health? Under what diagnoses is the herb contraindicated?

How does the herb work?

The causes of infertility can be very different - congenital and acquired pathologies of the organs of the reproductive system, hormonal failure and lack of ovulation, dysfunctions of the genital organs, inflammatory processes, neurotic disorders, stress. Sage for pregnancy is prescribed only after establishing the cause of infertility, in complex therapy with other drugs. This herb is taken to normalize hormonal levels. When is sage beneficial?

  • To increase estrogen levels... Sage is a natural estrogen. What role does this hormone play in the menstrual cycle? Under the influence of estrogen, the follicle grows and bursts around the middle of the cycle, and the mature egg leaves the ovary into the fallopian tube. This process is called ovulation. Conception is not possible without ovulation. Sage is essential for increasing estrogen levels, follicle maturation, and egg release.
  • For endometrial growth... The cause of infertility can be hypoplasia - a thin endometrium (the mucous wall of the body of the uterus, lining its cavity). Depending on the phase of the cycle, the endometrium changes its thickness, it is sensitive to hormonal levels. If a woman's body lacks estrogen, the endometrium will be thin throughout the menstrual cycle. This, in turn, reduces the possibility of implantation of the ovum to the uterine wall. As a natural source of estrogen, sage helps to increase estrogen levels and increase the thickness of the endometrium. The positive effect of the herb on the growth of the endometrium has been confirmed in scientific medicine.

Interaction with other herbs

Sage is often taken in combination with other herbs. It is their combination that gives a healing effect. What herbs are phytohormones?

  • ... It is a phytohormone (progesterone). The herb is used to treat cervical erosion, mastopathy, inflammation of the genitals, adhesions of the fallopian tubes, ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids, endometriosis and other female diseases. Borovaya uterus has antitumor, anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating, antispasmodic effects. Also, this plant helps with menstrual irregularities, painful periods, amenorrhea, during menopause. The combination of sage and borax for conception gives a positive result if you adhere to the regimen on certain days of the cycle. Read more about the use of the boron uterus in gynecology.
  • ... This is a well-known "female" hormonal herb. It is prescribed with the same diagnoses as the boron uterus. Also, the herb has an immunostimulating, adaptogenic effect. For women, it can be prescribed before planning pregnancy, to strengthen the body. It is a prophylactic agent for inflammation of the female reproductive system. The red brush is usually taken along with boar and sage. Read more on how to drink the red brush properly.
  • Linden . Many people know that linden flowers are an effective remedy for colds, with a strong anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic effect. But the grass also contains phytohormones that are beneficial for women's health. Linden is recommended to be used in combination with sage.

What are the contraindications for herbs? Ingestion during pregnancy and lactation is strictly prohibited. Since sage belongs to phytohormones, it cannot be taken on its own for any hormonal disorders, thyroid diseases, cancer diagnoses. You can not take the herb at the same time as synthetic hormones, their levels can increase significantly. This will cause the menstrual cycle to malfunction. Acute kidney disease and grass allergy are also contraindications.

Cooking and taking sage for conception

How to properly prepare infusions and decoctions from herbs? It is equally important to know how to take sage to get pregnant. We emphasize once again: only a gynecologist can prescribe a course of treatment with phytohormones after an examination.

How to prepare a decoction and infusion

Drinking sage with infertility can be in the form of a decoction or infusion. What is the difference?

How to brew a decoction

  1. Take 1 tsp. herbs.
  2. Pour a glass of boiling water over.
  3. Simmer for about 1 minute.
  4. Insist half an hour.

How to prepare the infusion

  1. Take 1 tsp. herbs.
  2. Pour a glass of boiling water over.
  3. Insist 2 hours.

Strain the broth and infusion before use. Drink 1/3 cup 4 times a day before meals. In some recipes, the dosage of the herb is increased (1 tbsp of raw materials is taken for 1 cup of boiling water). The question of increasing the dosage should be clarified with the doctor.

Scheme of taking sage for infertility

How to take sage to get pregnant? First of all, it is necessary to confirm that the cause of infertility is precisely the violation of ovulation. Before starting the course of treatment, you must remember the following:

  • undergo a gynecological examination;
  • do an ultrasound;
  • based on examinations, hormone tests, basal temperature measurements, the doctor determines on which day of the cycle the egg matures.

It is after the determination of this day that a course of treatment is prescribed. What are the admission rules?

  • Begin to drink the infusion from 3 or 4 days of the onset of menstruation.
  • They continue to drink until the maximum maturation of the egg.
  • The course of treatment depends on the length of the menstrual cycle.
  • For example, in the classic 28-day cycle, they begin to drink grass on day 4 and end on day 12 of the cycle.
  • For a short cycle (21 days): drink from 4 to 10 days.
  • With a long cycle (more than 32 days): drink from 4 to 17 days.

It is forbidden to take herb:

  • in the first days of menstruation, since the herb can stop the discharge and lead to stagnant processes, inflammation due to poor cleansing of the walls of the uterus;
  • after the onset of ovulation, since this can provoke the tone of the uterus, the fertilized egg will not attach to the wall.

Often, when determining the day of maturation of the egg, errors occur. Therefore, if in the first cycle there is no desired result, the course of treatment with phytohormones is repeated for the next two cycles. After three months of treatment, you need to take a break. A course of treatment is allowed 3 times a year.

External use

Douching with sage is prescribed for thrush. It is also carried out in the complex treatment of infertility with phytohormones. However, the procedure is not as harmless as it seems at first glance. In gynecology, there are opposite opinions about the treatment of gynecological problems with douching. In what cases is this procedure contraindicated?

  • Acute inflammatory processes of the pelvic organs.
  • After childbirth and abortion.
  • With menstruation.
  • Before visiting a doctor.

Douching with sage for infertility is carried out only as directed by a doctor. It is important to observe the duration of the course and the dosage (weak concentration of the solution) so as not to cause irritation and allergic reactions. It is also necessary to remember that douching leads to a violation of the microflora of the vagina and can provoke inflammation of the genitals, including fungal, bacterial in nature.

Sage has been called "sacred herb" since ancient times and is a symbol of wisdom. Translated from Latin, its name means “to feel healthy”. As a medicinal plant, it was mentioned in his writings by the ancient Roman Galen, a famous physician and author of treatises. An aqueous decoction of sage leaves has also become famous as “Greek tea”.

Even in China in the 18th century, a box of this plant was changed by the British for two boxes of their tea. In addition, the inhabitants of Ancient Egypt knew about its beneficial properties and used sage for conception. So, after protracted wars and all kinds of epidemics, women were advised to eat sage, which increased the likelihood of getting pregnant. And the healers of Germany knew about the hemostatic, anti-inflammatory and astringent properties of sage.

It originates from Mediterranean countries with a dry climate. The area of ​​its growth is mountain slopes. For medicinal purposes, only the leaves collected when the plant was in bloom are used. Has a pronounced aroma and bitter taste.

Sage for infertility

It has a very strong effect on female hormonal function. It has medicinal properties to reduce pain during menstruation, cessation of lactation in the period after breastfeeding, and sage is also used for infertility. Its use is prescribed for problems with conceiving a child, as well as heavy menstrual flow. It contains astringent ingredients that slow down bleeding. The fact that it is a natural estrogen allows it to be used during menopause.

Sage for infertility is taken in the form of an infusion of seeds. In this case, sage is used for conception by both men and women. In the second case, it increases the ability of the cervix to draw in sperm and removes female frigidity. However, you should be very careful when using sage to conceive. It is a potent agent and should not be taken in large doses and for a long time, as it can cause poisoning or damage to the mucous membrane. After treating infertility with sage, you should stop using it during pregnancy and subsequent lactation.

Herbalists with extensive experience in herbal medicine recommend combining sage with linden for conception, which will provide the maximum effect, since linden contains an impressive amount of phytohormones.

There is a tendency for the manifestation of infertility in connection with an increased level of prolactin, which is inversely related to progesterone, in this regard, herbs are prescribed that increase progestogen, as well as affect the pituitary gland and lower the level of prolactin. It is recommended to combine the use of herbs that are capable of exerting both estrogenic and progestogenic effects, which makes it possible to use sage very effectively in infertility along with such herbs as lumbago, hops and others.

When using sage for conception, it should be remembered that it has an estrogenic effect and its use will only be shown at the beginning of the menstrual cycle, in the so-called follicular phase. Keep this in mind when using sage for conception. If a woman does not have menstruation, it should be applied starting from the fifth day of the cycle.

Sage for infertility. Application

Sage for conception is prescribed on the fifth day of the beginning of the menstrual cycle. You need to drink it about 10 days before ovulation begins. The entire period of treatment for infertility with sage takes 3 months. If, after the course passed, it was not possible to become pregnant, then sage for conception can be reused after one month.

The recipe for sage infusion for infertility is as follows: it is necessary to dilute a teaspoon of sage collection with boiling water (200 ml) and strain after it is infused. It is taken orally daily for a quarter of a glass before eating. During the day, you will get it 3-4 times. Drinking the infusion is strongly discouraged before going to bed. Brew again daily.

Drinking sage for infertility is best with drugs such as Utrozhestan or Duphaston.

Another version of the sage recipe for conception sounds like this: one tablespoon of sage infusion and infusion of hop cones are mixed with infusions of hawthorn, cyanosis and calendula, in the amount of one teaspoon of each drug. You need to drink half an hour before meals throughout the year. The effective dose for a single dose is 30 drops per tablespoon of warm water.

Sage can be used for infertility, as well as for women with inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, in the form of warm baths, to which the infusion is added. The procedure is carried out in a sitting position.

Sage for infertility. Reviews. Contraindications

Unfortunately, most people consult with doctors only when it is necessary to take chemical preparations, and consider the old "grandmother's" recipes absolutely harmless, forgetting about the always present limitations and exceptions. If you are taking sage for infertility, then you must very carefully monitor this process. It will only be useful for those women who have difficulty in producing estrogen on their own. For those whose body produces it in excess, sage cannot be used. If you use sage for infertility in this case, it can lead to the fact that the follicle will burst prematurely.

In addition, this plant is contraindicated during pregnancy, especially in the first weeks. Contraindicated for people with fibroids and endometriosis. And also, if, as a result of treatment with sage with infertility, you feel unwell, then the reception should be discontinued.

But, nevertheless, sage is a very effective drug. Sometimes the results can be overwhelming if sage is used correctly for infertility. Reviews of women who have felt its effect on themselves are mostly enthusiastic and confirm that as a result of the course of treatment, they became pregnant.