Head of the Human Resources Department Kikot. Ministry of Internal Affairs and Vladimir Kolokoltsev are now under guard

Businessman Aleksey Nagorny seizes other people's property under the patronage of high-ranking officials from the DEB of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, headed by Yuri Shalakov and the Main Investigation Department under the leadership of Ivan Glukhov

M. Basmanov

Businessman and social activist Alexei Nagorny proudly wears a public award - the Order of the Golden Star for Loyalty to Russia. However, his frequent business trips to Arabia and Beirut, as well as his recent attempt to seize a Russian strategic enterprise, make one wonder - whose fatherland is represented in our country by a member of the board of trustees of the Union of Social Justice of Russia and the former co-owner of the Yuzhnaya Hotel Alexei Nikolayevich Nagorny?

It is not known how the fate and career of Alexei Nikolaevich Nagorny would have developed if not for his relatives. Of course, the beginning was laid by the father - Nikolai Akimovich. He is a harsh man and knows life firsthand - Nagorny Sr. served for a long time as a prosecutor of the special prosecutor's office of the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Russian Federation and oversaw numerous "zones" of the Tula region. Having received a decent legal education, Aleksey Nagorny came up with a simple business: the father provides the convicted citizen with parole, and the son receives money for this from the relatives of the lucky owner of parole. But, with the retirement of Nikolai Akimovich, Mr. Nagorny had to look for another source of income. He tried himself in show business, usury, trade. Then he settled on operations with "cash out" and a vast market for mergers and acquisitions.

Here is a list of garbage dump firms that Nagorny A.N. used and uses:
Amigard LLC TIN 7706674011 General Director Alekseeva Natalia Vyacheslavovna
Imedi-Service LLC 7704032700 Yu.I. Oprisko
LLC "Stroyresurs" 7736572560 Sobolev Alexander Olegovich
Aliada LLC 7733631426 Konyushev V.A.
LLC "Interface" 7743621762 Rybina Natalya Nikolaevna
Komplekt LLC 7715675205 Ischuk Oleg Pavlovich
LLC "City-Group" 7704584980 Fedorenko Anzhela Grigorievna

Family and business ties

Nagorny learned to take advantage of his family ties a long time ago, in the mid-90s, filling out his relatives for the posts of heads of various dark firms instead of himself. Among them are Nikolai Akimovich, a veteran of the prison prosecutor's office, and Nagornaya's own sister, Maria Nikolaevna, who at one time worked as a federal judge of the Savelovsky District Court of Moscow and was fired for an unknown reason, and a stepmother, and a cousin. But the record here belongs to the younger brother of Nagorny's legal wife Natalia Alexei Olegovich Chistyakov. What attracted this person to the charming schemer is unknown, but he helped Nagorny in the implementation of many schemes, including participation in a high-profile scandal with Image Bank (in 2001, his leadership was involved in fraud with counterfeit bills).

Nagorny carefully carried his love for correctional institutions through the years. At the beginning of the 2000s, he invested his wife's money in the Yust-telecom company, which was engaged in the installation of telephones in correctional institutions throughout Russia. The project promised big profits, but Nagorny was again let down by the "dark side of his personality" - he started a stormy romance with the bride of the Yust-Telecom CEO, for which he paid with a share in the business and his wife's money.

Having successfully passed a streak of failures, in 2006 Nagorny headed Yuzhny Hotel OJSC in Moscow. On the post of general director, Nagorny did not bring the hotel to prosperity - although with skillful management such a hotel in the capital could bring considerable “white” profit. Instead, the seasoned raider successfully siphoned off OJSC funds through his own front companies. When the shareholders decided to sell an unprofitable asset, Nagorny did not like the number of shares due to him, and he applied classical scheme- he organized a raider attack on his own enterprise, frightening the shareholders, and then offered them a "worthy" buyer.

Do the gullible shareholders (far from stupid and not poor gentlemen) know that even then Nagorny made quite good money precisely on the fact that, firstly, he nationalized the funds allocated for defense in his favor, and secondly, thanks to undercover intrigues, put in his pocket a good difference between the price announced to his partners and the real price - is unknown. That's how it was. At the end of 2007, a deal took place, where the Guta group of companies acted as the buyer of the Yuzhny Hotel OJSC, and the majority shareholders of the Hotel acted as sellers. The intermediary between the group of shareholders and "Guta" was Nagorny Alexey Nikolaevich, who at that time was the General Director of the hotel. His task in this case was initially to find a buyer, arrange a deal, conduct negotiations, and, of course, represent the interests of shareholders in negotiations.

The total value of this transaction is USD 24 million. The very decision to sell the shares came to a group of majoritarians in the spring of 2007 after a failed raider attack. The initial potential buyer was Nerl. The deal was almost at the stage of completion, but did not take place due to the usual human greed of Nagorny. So, "Nerl" offered the sellers 30 million US dollars, while the amount was announced to the intermediary, i.e. Mr Nagorny. He, in turn, voiced a much smaller amount to his partners. So, one of the shareholders, Mr. Kostitsin, was named the amount of 15 million, the other - from 21 to 24 million. But Nagorny wanted to get an even greater discount, so it was the desire to continue trading that brought the deal into a stupor. Shareholders, dissatisfied with the protracted negotiations, decide to look for a new buyer, which became "Guta". The deal with "Guta" Nagorny was also able to turn in his favor, leaving the shareholders in the dark about the real value of the sold shares. Therefore, officially the total cost of this transaction was called equal to 24 million US dollars.

But as part of this deal, Nagorny also committed a frankly punishable act. Already during the sale of the hotel, he asked his good friends to buy up as many shares of the hotel as possible in order to get a so-called blocking stake. Having received it, Nagorny could raise the price. So it all happened, only his good friends from Best LLC did not see the money. No, they honestly, for their money, bought up the required number of shares and transferred them to Nagorny. But then, a couple of days later, Nagorny came with a dejected look and said that “we supposedly didn’t have time with our package, the deal was almost completed.” And since everyone was risking, then everyone was a loser: he lost his profit, and Best LLC lost the money for which the shares were bought up. In fact, Nagorny with these shares went to his acquaintance, the notary Kogatko, and they, together, notarized everything Required documents to transfer shares from Best LLC to another person. All this was done without the knowledge and participation of representatives of Best LLC, as required by law. Here Nagorny and the notary Kogatko committed criminal acts falling immediately under two articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation: Art. 327 and 159. I wonder if his partner Goncharenko and his wife's brother Chistyakov, to whom these shares were subsequently transferred, know about this?

In the situation with the sale of the Yuzhny hotel, Nagorny must be given his due - he managed to fool everyone around his finger and remain in the greatest profit. At the end of his work in hotels, he "dumped" the team of lawyers who worked for him for a year. Having signed two contracts with them for the provision of legal services, Nagorny ultimately did not pay for them, sending lawyers to deal with the new owner.

Another notable milestone on the path of the raider-order-bearer is CJSC Geo-System Navigation (TM STARCOM). In the middle of the well-fed 2000s, Nagorny became the Chairman of the Board of Directors of this company with a 49% stake, the remaining 51% were owned by shareholders from Israel and Georgia. The company already then occupied a leading position in the market related to ensuring the safety of cars and their owners, and at present Geo-System Navigation is one of the leading operators of the STARCOM satellite security and vehicle control system. And now, literally at the peak of success, Nagorny is suddenly removed from his post, removed from the shareholders and fired. What is the reason for such a sudden resignation? Here opinions are divided. The first version - the owners of the company traced some connection between the increased number of thefts of expensive cars from the company's customers and the activities of Nagorny, who, according to some information, using his official position, transferred electronic codes and digital keys to the system to a gang of professional car thieves, which allowed criminals to steal and resell almost without hindrance , it would seem, reliably protected cars of premium and VIP class. According to the second version, Mr. Nagorny was exposed while trying to organize a raider takeover of the entire company according to his favorite scheme, that is, from the inside.

"The apartment where the money lies"

Today, Nagorny is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Union of Social Justice of Russia, he was awarded a public award - the Order of the Golden Star for Loyalty to Russia. He also holds a post in a certain "Joint-stock company for scientific and technological development "Region"". This structure is engaged in ensuring the security of a number of commercial structures, and mainly former employees of various Russian law enforcement agencies work there. According to available information, Mr. Yevtushenko, the owner of AFK Sistema, is behind the creation of this organization. How Alexei Nagorny got there is, perhaps, an idle question.

Since then, Aleksey Nagorny has been playing by the rules set by Ostap Bender - he gains confidence in his business partners, gains access to financial documents, and then simply “throws” new friends and disappears into the financial jungle ...

The list of Nagorny's deceived comrades is headed by a certain Mr. Telepin, who gave Nagorny money for a large joint project, but for some reason hesitated to draw up a documentary agreement. When it came time to share the profits, Nagorny simply forgot about the existence of a partner. The courts have begun. As a result of the war, the wife of Alexei Nagorny suffered, from whom Telepin managed to sue an apartment (Nagorny, according to his passport, is registered in a five-story building demolished in 2004 at 36 Begovaya Street).

By the way, Nagorny's legal wife, Natalya Smirnova, is a successful entrepreneur, owner of shops and restaurants. They have been married for 17 years, have two sons, but this marriage can hardly be called happy ...

business adultery

However, almost always Alexei Nikolayevich manages to combine personal life with a career. In fact, Nagorny has two families - for more than three years he has maintained a very close relationship with a certain Anastasia Yakovleva, born in 1987. During this time, he managed to give her a Lexus car and a house on the coast in Bulgaria. Of course, not counting other pleasant "trifles".

But Nagorny wouldn’t be himself if he couldn’t “adapt” a person to his needs here too: Anastasia, so to speak, part-time, using her economic education, works out various financial schemes for Alexei, often clearly illegal. Of course, “passport” the wife of Alexei Nikolaevich, Natalya, being more than 20 years older than her rival, would be terribly unhappy with this state of affairs. Moreover, until recently, it was she who earned money for numerous very costly raider projects of Nagorny. But, apparently, she does not know about the presence of a second family in her dearest husband, who knows how to carefully disguise himself. Although this ability of his will soon prove powerless in the face of a much more serious problem, Anastasia is increasingly dissatisfied with her position as a “spare” wife and more and more seriously claims to be the legal wife of Mr. Nagorny.

Nothing is sacred...

One of Mr. Nagorny's latest projects was an attempt to take over the NEBO-service company. Either there was no longer enough money, or our order bearer lowered the bar of moral requirements for himself below the plinth. But the fact remains that Nagorny went to seize a business owned by a person with whom they have been connected by more than 10 years of friendship. Alexey Nagorny used all his friendly charm - and as a result, after a while he became ... vice president of the company. Having risen to such a position in March last year, he decided to strike a long-prepared strike. First, he offered his formal boss and personal friend, Boris Nekrasov, to transfer to him, Nagorny, 50% of the shares of Sky Service either. To start. Otherwise, he promised problems with the “organs”. And problems with the security forces began immediately after Nekrasov rejected the ultimatum.

A group of lawyers led by Dmitry Gedeonov (Nagorny’s man) and employees of the Federal Tax Service No. 30 fabricated an Act of an on-site tax audit in relation to Nebo-Service, while managing to make the “fake” Act come into force even before it recognized the leadership of "Sky Service". The act with a large amount of arrears was transferred to the ORB No. 5 of the DEB of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the employees of this particular unit “pressed” Sky Service, without hiding that they were being covered at the very top. "At the very top" - this is the head of the DEB of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Major General Yuri Shalakov. Having received the Act in their hands, the operatives stepped up the onslaught, so without any warrants an attempt was made to seize the company's financial documents. When this failed, unprecedented pressure began on the management of the company, including the arrivals of security officers with submachine gunners to the office, nightly visits by the same operatives to the home of the company's leaders, and even the seizure by policemen of the medical records of Boris Nekrasov's family members (president of Nebo-Service) from the clinic, where they were observed. But in response, the security forces received a lawsuit in the Moscow Arbitration Court and a criminal case in a ZAO under article 201 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (abuse of official authority). When facts appeared in this criminal case that testify to the ordered nature of the actions against Nebo-Service and Nagorny’s direct participation in this, the case was quickly taken up to the GSU, where it has been successfully “investigated” for two months now. The case was taken away within 1 day on the personal instructions of the head of the GSU I. Glukhov.

It is no secret that ONTR "Region", of which A. Nagorny is a member of the board of directors, has serious connections in law enforcement agencies and, in particular, in the Main Investigative Directorate of the Main Internal Affairs Directorate. Here, too, without waiting for the “surrender” from Nekrasov, a criminal case was hastily initiated against the leadership of “Sky Service” under the “beloved” police art. 199 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Now Nagorny’s team is fabricating evidence of Nekrasov’s participation in a number of crimes, and in response to the won arbitration, GSU ​​investigator A. Maslikov takes Nekrasov’s undertaking not to leave and, thereby, disrupts his important foreign business trip. Briefly about actors and their roles: A. Nagorny organizer and project manager. "Region" provides an administrative resource and access to government contracts.

Lawyers of Nagorny, headed by Dmitry Gedeonov - contacts with the Federal Tax Service No. 30, work with the media, fabrication of evidence.

ORB No. 5 of the DEB of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, under the leadership of its chief K. Chernikov and Y. Shalakov's personal cover, is responsible for operational cover and constant pressure on Nebo-Service.

The Main Investigative Directorate of the Main Internal Affairs Directorate, under the personal control of I. Glukhov, is responsible for the criminal prosecution and “cleansing” of Nekrasov’s resistance (an example is the fate of a criminal case in the Internal Affairs Directorate of ZAO).

Arbitrations are now underway and criminal cases are being initiated on the statements of Nekrasov and the managers of Nebo-Service: fortunately, in conversations with them, Nagorny did not hesitate to brag about his connections in the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and state security under a voice recorder and openly called police generals ..

Transcription of a recording of one of the conversations between Alexei Nagorny (NAS) and Nebo-Service CEO Evgeny Lakhin (LEE). The conversation took place at the end of August 2009, the editors have the original entry:

LEE Hello

NAS Greetings

LEE... AN question is what, the question is that we started having problems, we thought, or rather I thought that I myself would be able to understand what was happening.

NAS Understood

LEE. No, they didn’t figure it out ... I came on my own initiative, on my own behalf. It's just that the situation is such that I would not want to be extreme .... In 5 ORB they directly told that it is necessary to ask the NA. I wish they would leave us alone and let us work. They left Sky-Service alone, and me, respectively. It just makes no sense to leave the National Assembly now anyway.

NAS It's up to you to decide: it makes sense, it doesn't… You are an adult, you yourself assessed the situation. What do you need from me? How can I help you.

LEE. Well, I don’t know, some advice or recommendation, I’ll be honest, I tried to communicate with Lebin (with the detective of the 5th ORB) through my friend.

NAS Eugene, you are raising a question that is beyond your competence, you are trying to discuss them and find some solution, while you say that you have nothing to do with the founders - the source of the problem, then you are reaping the benefits, this is your right. You are talking about problems. What do you want?

LEE I want peace, normal work. You said that if there are questions, I can call

NAS Well, everything has an expiration date. You think that I do not have enough information to evaluate your words. Do you think this is a kindergarten? Why then do you tell it the way you want? You see, the times when respected employees, management, shareholders of the National Assembly considered it possible to act as it suits them, are over. Now it won't be.

NAS Start cooperating with the investigation. That's all I can tell you. 3-4 months ago I could have told you something else. And now we are not interested in you. You have nothing to protect you as a witness. If you are ready to tell something that we do not know, then let's see, then maybe ...

LEE AN, That's what I'm talking about! We can discuss some issues. What do you need? Cooperation with investigators?

NAS I can go to the leadership and convince you that you sincerely want to help us, thereby somehow participating in your destiny. That's all I can do for you.

LEE That is, there is no future for the National Assembly?

NAS In that composition - absolutely. I'm honestly not sure that we are talking only about the National Assembly. Unfortunately, he endangered the whole family with his actions. They never met me in a work situation. Believe me, none of our mutual acquaintances understands where I work, at what level, with anyone. And they are on currently can only regret.

LEE So now there is no compensation, there can't be a return?

NAS I do not intend to discuss this issue with you. You are not an authorized person, moreover, once you have shown yourself from a certain side. E, you are still evaluating the situation from the point of view of working in the company, you do not yet understand the depth of the problem. You don't understand her, you don't hear what I'm telling you. You didn't hear 4 months ago, and you don't hear now. To date, this case has a political coloring. It is under control. Yes Yes. It will be a very beautiful demonstration case. Under control is the FSB. It's just that if a person is smart enough to dial the current colonel, the head of the department of the DEB of the Russian Federation and say, I will put you all there, along with your Nagorny. I will write to the Prosecutor General's Office, I am a rich man, you are preventing me from working ... The only assessment was - inadequate. Do you know what they do with a mad dog?

LEE What do you need? Come and testify?

NAS Well, first of all, it's in your best interest. If you do not, a criminal case will be opened and you will get yours. That's the whole difference between you coming and not coming.

LEE Well, what can I do? Are there any moral limits? What is needed? AN, I wouldn't just come. It’s just that I, or rather, my friend, was told that the issue of closing the case rests on the problem of Nekrasov’s debt.

NAS What debt? There is no such thing as "debt". Nobody owes me anything. I don't see any way out. Even discussing anything for me today is unacceptable. It's just that after what happened, I don't trust anyone. In order to discuss something ... although I do not see today ... What side are you here? I'm not sure that the further, the more real it will be to help with something. To date, after your call, I asked about it. Thank God, there is a possibility of communication. Well, just from the leadership of 4 generals, 2 are now abroad. I spoke with the deputy. He asked for a certificate. All actions taken on your part are qualified as unwillingness to cooperate, therefore, after the initiation, maximum investigative measures will be taken and that's it. And then talk about what? Then the only question is "how much".

LEE What do you mean "how much"?

NAS How many years. We haven't talked about bribes for a long time. I personally don't need anything. You just need to give evidence. They, Boris Olegovich, Natalya Shangovna, believe that they are right, that they have the right. Until they part with the illusions, there is nothing to talk about.

LEE Well, they will part with their illusions, but will it be possible to find some kind of compromise?

NAS There will be no compromises. It will only be as they are told. All compromises are over. I gave up on this company, on these people. They don't exist for me. Zhenya, you will no longer work in that composition. It's impossible. You do not understand!!! Your picture is missing! And I won't draw it for you. You don't even understand theoretically. I can only give a hint: I don't even know the person with whom you spoke on the level of the hierarchy. This is an artist I don't even know. He has a head of department - this is the minimum level with whom I communicate. I communicate only with the head of the department ... (Head of the Department of Economic Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Militia Lieutenant General Yury Andreevich Shalakov - ed.) The department is united. You don't even know what it's about! The department consists of the best specialists who have contacts with all special services, including foreign intelligence ... This is a complex company. If you are willing to cooperate, then you must testify. Further, the investigation will draw a line. Boris Olegovich has no idea what kind of reputation awaits him in the market. Not only does he work, he will now be presented with such a volume of claims. I personally recommend that you recruit an employee and give explanations. If you are worried that there will be sanctions, then I can give personal guarantees that I will call and say that the person is on the right track. It's just a turning point now, and then...

NAN Calls, asks to confirm that there will be guarantees that nothing will happen to Lakhin if he comes to testify. Someone Slava gives his guarantees. He asks to drive up to Lebin.

As can be seen from the transcript of the conversation, no one in this raider-police company wants to be substituted. Even the names of "his" generals Nagorny does not name aloud, and the "pocket" generals themselves act through their subordinates. This could have been taken as pure bluff, if not for Lakhin's meeting with ORB-5 operative Captain Lebin, at which the officer directly announced to the entrepreneur the position of his command. So the leadership of ORB-5, namely militia colonel Konstantin Chernikov and militia lieutenant colonel Vladislav Kazansky (for Nagorny just Slavik), through their subordinate, again and strongly recommended that businessmen resolve all issues regarding the NS company directly with Alexei Nagorny, who is not an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and is not in the public service at all, but for some reason acts as a “guarantor of legality and purity” in this matter. There are few motives for such service zeal on the part of major police officials. There is no need to talk about friendship here - a year ago, the above-mentioned police officers had no idea about the existence of Nagorny. But Nagorny himself spoke about the financial component of this "friendship" in the sense that the appeal to the services of employees of the DEB of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation will affect the wallet ... Nekrasov. According to Nagorny, it is the latter who "will also have to pay for the services of the cops," who in this case "honestly" work out Alexei's order for the company.

"Bond, James Bond…"

Entering the open spaces of international business in the field of trade in “delicate” electronic devices, radars and navigation systems for aviation of various special services seems to promise fabulous profits for Alexei Nagorny. There is also no doubt about Nagorny's lobbying abilities.

But, apparently, legal business is not for such a hero. Now Nagorny is often seen in Dubai and Beirut. Few people are aware of the details of his business, however, in his financial transactions Nagorny has solid, including Arab clients. Tens of millions of euros appear in the amounts of contracts and loans signed, and the holder of the Order “For Allegiance to Russia”, shining with a gold star, allegedly does not get tired of boasting among foreign partners about his Russian “generals on errands”. Oddly enough, partners fall for it ...

At a recent government hour in the State Duma, Interior Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev actually admitted that the reform presented by former management departments, failed, and billions of rubles of taxpayers were thrown to the wind. Some generals sat down others, and instead of fighting crime and systemic corruption in their ranks, they simply reduced their personnel by 20% and renamed themselves the police. General Kolokoltsev suggested starting all over again.

According to official data, as a result of the past reforms About 200,000 employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs were laid off different levels- mostly officers and sergeants. But with dismissed generals there is always some kind of confusion: either 119 left the police, or 143. The large-scale re-certification did not help to cope with the mess: we hear about the “exploits” of the newly minted policemen almost every day - while driving while intoxicated, people will be killed or maimed , then they will open fire in a crowded place, then they will get caught on a bribe.

In fact, experts at the very beginning of the loudly publicized reform warned: initially, everything was started not as a real restructuring of the work of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but as a plausible pretext so that some Chekist-militia clans could “do” others and sit on financial flows .

Novaya wrote about the generals' groups in the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs more than once. Let us briefly recall the disposition (this is important, since the new reform will have to face opposition old "players" ).

The most influential and numerous lives and works under the flag of the Secretary of the Security Council Nikolay Patrushev (formerly the director of the FSB) and the former head of the presidential administration, Sergei Naryshkin, who was appointed head of the presidential attestation commission. They directly supervised the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Rashid Nurgaliyev and subordinate Kazan and Omsk militia groups (the whole point is that since Soviet times the principle of fellowship has flowed into the leadership of departments). Putin's colleague in the GDR, Deputy Minister Yevgeny Shkolov, Deputy Minister Sergei Gerasimov and head of the DSB (private security) Yuri Draguntsov (former Chekists) were also ranked among the Patrushevskys.

This clan was opposed: another native of the KGB, a fellow student of Medvedev, a powerful boss Control Department President Konstantin Chuichenko and State Secretary of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Sergei Bulavin, who graduated from the Leningrad Higher Political School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Soviet years.

It was not worth discounting the third force: the head of the presidential administration department for civil service and personnel Sergei Dubik - he directly supervised the chief police personnel officer Vladimir Kubyshko .

Maybe, of course, this will turn out to be news for someone, but the very apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (including the minister) was, let's say, not entirely independent in terms of solving pressing, mainly personnel, issues. The Ministry of Internal Affairs was monitored by the “big brother”: compromising evidence on the police authorities flocked (and still happens) to the FSB. True, in three different structures: in the Office "M" (controls law enforcement agencies), the CSS of the FSB (own security and control over the most significant criminal cases) and the Office "K" of the FSB (in principle, financial counterintelligence, but received in Lately a gigantic field for activities outside their profile). All these structures are not very friendly with each other, and in each of them each clan has its own people. Therefore, folders with negatives, examined from three different angles, lay on the table of attestation commissions, which made the final decision: to dismiss or leave.

It is worth noting that this technology worked only for figures of medium size, and serious people from the Ministry of Internal Affairs were eliminated according to a different scenario: first they cut off the oxygen to the “roof” business, then information with “shocking” details appeared in the media, and then a deputy friendly to the clan sent a request to Prosecutor General's Office. If the victim continued to resist, then criminal cases were opened against relatives or colleagues.

It was according to this scheme that the candidates who hoped to take the place of Nurgaliyev were “killed”: the head of the BKBOP (Bureau for Organized Crime Control) Alexandra Bokova (sentenced to 9 years), First Deputy Head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Mikhail Sukhodolsky (in case of refusal to voluntarily resign, they threatened to imprison their son), head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Moscow Region Nikolai Golovkin (they arrested the police "decisor" - Oleg Sudakov, whose activities were associated with the name of the head of the central office) and the main developers of the old reform - Deputy Minister Alexander Smirny and head of the organizational and inspection department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Vladislav Volynsky ("Omsk community"). The latter was called the “golden-headed boy” for his incredible performance, but this did not prevent him from first “closing” his closest assistant for allegedly taking a bribe, and then posting details of the general’s personal life on the Internet. Both Smirny and Volynsky eventually retired. The Secretary of State Bulavin could not stay in his chair either - he became an adviser to Medvedev.

General Kolokoltsev, who became a minister, also had to withstand a serious attack. Compromising evidence was also collected on him, and even at the request of communist deputy Vladimir Khakhichev, a high-ranking task force from the DSB of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was sent to the Oryol region (in 2007, Kolokoltsev headed the local police department). When it was not possible to scrape together, they tried substitute his confidant is the head of the Moscow CSS Alexander Trushkin.

The second front, in addition to the war for the post of minister, is the battle for the economic security department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Chuichenko, the chief controller of the country, celebrated his victory here: the curator of the economic block, Deputy Minister Shkolov, left the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and after a noisy information campaign in the media, the two top officials of the department, Yuri Shalakov and Andrey Khorev, also resigned (now Shalakov works as an assistant to the presidential envoy in the Volga Federal District, and Khorev returned from temporary "emigration" and holds a high position in Rosalkogol). Their positions were taken by General Denis Sugrobov, 36, and Vitaly Skvortsov, a former employee of the Control Department of the presidential administration, people who were not "noted" in economic activity.

The third front is the Investigative Department, which has been rocked by scandals for a long time (take at least "Magnitsky case" ). As a result, General Alexei Anichin left his post , and General Alekseev returned to his place (he is reckoned with the Patrushev clan), who had left the internal affairs bodies. Experts argue that this appointment was a compromise for Minister Kolokoltsev.

Team Kolokoltsev

This is precisely the state of affairs that the new minister had to face. At the same time, some media hastened to declare that Kolokoltsov had brought his team to Zhitnaya - that is, there would be no interference with him. Alas, this is far from being the case: the Ministry of Internal Affairs is still under the vigilant control of the Chekist clans, and key positions are occupied by proteges or relatives of high-ranking officials.

For example, adviser to the minister Valery Kozhokari - classmate of Medvedev ; General Alexander Gorovoy, First Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, who made a dizzying career, is a man from the inner circle of the presidential envoy to the North Caucasus Federal District Alexander Khloponin. When General Sukhodolsky was “killed”, he was blamed for a lot of all kinds of abuses and bloated states in FSUE "Protection" which he oversaw. After the resignation, supervision passed to Gorovoy, and he had already managed to declare that “no changes are planned in the organizational and legal form of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Okhrana, including there will be no layoffs.”

Appointed Secretary of State of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Prime Minister Medvedev's neighbor in the Golden Keys elite residential complex, Igor Zubov, worked at one time in the structures of billionaire Vladimir Yevtushenkov, then was elected to the Legislative Assembly in the Tver Region. Prior to his appointment, he was a founding member of the Foundation for the Promotion of Law Enforcement Development. In addition to the general, the fund included his relatives, the founder of Neftegazopererabotka LLC Nonna Dzhumaki, the founder of Amedica LLC Ashot Aloyan, Oleg Bezrodny, a native of the KGB and a member of the "Cathedral of the Russian People", and the above-mentioned "gold-headed" head of the OID (organizing inspectorate department) Vladislav Volynsky . Now the government has instructed General Zubov to streamline the production of alcoholic beverages.

The already mentioned new head of the Investigative Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Yuri Alekseev, allegedly a protege of the Patrushevskys, had previously worked in the Investigative Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, then in the Prosecutor General's Office, but after a conflict with Yuri Chaika, he returned to Zhitnaya again. By the way, now, according to our experts, Alekseev is tipped for the position of head of the joint Investigative Committee, which means that not far off new war between high-ranking security officials: neither the clans in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, nor the FSKN will want to give up their positions, not to mention the head of the Investigative Committee Bastrykin.

It is also difficult to rank another deputy minister in charge of fighting organized crime, Mikhail Vanichkin, as a member of Kolokoltsev’s team, since he was Nurgaliev’s adviser for six years and served as head of the St. Petersburg police department. And the St. Petersburg people do not appoint a stranger to such positions.

Of the former figures in the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, there remained the chief traffic cop Viktor Kiryanov (formerly the head of the St. Petersburg traffic police), deputy minister and former intelligence officer Sergei Gerasimov (according to experts, Patrushevsky), personnel officer Vladimir Kubyshko and commander of the internal troops Nikolai Rogozhkin.

How long they will remain in their positions is still unknown. But it is known that General Yury Sabanin, the chief physician of the internal troops, who was arrested for taking a bribe, is allegedly already being offered to testify against Rogozhkin in exchange for some relief, and an anonymous letter was sent to the FSB, which tells about the very close relationship between Kubyshko and show business figures. (General Kubyshko composes music for Russian pop stars, and recently visited the fighters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the North Caucasus with a concert team.)

In general, so far only a few can be attributed to the team of the new minister: adviser Vladimir Ovchinsky, deputy minister Arkady Gostev, head of the criminal investigation department Vladimir Golovanov (moved from the MUR) and head of his own security Alexander Makarov.

Road map

The methods by which new minister proposes to pull the police out of the militia swamp are still being discussed. They have already been dubbed "the five steps of Kolokoltsev." To formulate them, a working group was created, which included 31 people. Alas, with the exception of some new faces, the recruitment of United Russia deputies, a lawyer Kuchereny , human rights activist Olga Kostina and others. is a faction of "civil society", which has 12 people. Let's hope that all this is a tribute to the political situation and the same clans that any leader has to reckon with. The "power" faction of the working group included 19 former or current employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the prosecutor's office and the chief adviser of the Main Legal Department of the presidential administration, Valentin Mikhailov. The trouble is that most of the group members just don't come to meetings.

The main ideologist and promoter of the new reform is Vladimir Ovchinsky, adviser to the minister, who, together with a group of like-minded people, developed a Roadmap for further reforming the police and is not going to hide departmental vices. I quote: “They lied to us all the time from the stands that crime is falling. In fact, it has grown by 80% in 12 years! In 2000, citizens filed 13.7 million complaints about crimes with the Ministry of Internal Affairs, on the basis of which 3 million criminal cases were initiated. The rest, over 10 million applications, simply went into the refuse masses, were transferred to other territories, or no one knows where. In 2011, the picture is even worse: citizens wrote 24.5 million statements to the police, and only 2 million were opened criminal cases. That is, the police managed to quietly bury 22.5 million crimes in this fork of lies!”

What is planned to be done (in a nutshell):

1) It is proposed to take the German police as a basic basis. In other words, leave uniforms for the police, but abolish shoulder straps and other "army". Law enforcement officers should be civil officials with their own specifics and pull the sock on the parade ground, for example, operatives or special forces soldiers are completely useless. The former are required to work painstakingly with agents, and the latter are to rescue hostages and neutralize criminals.

2) Upon admission to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, a contract for 8 years will be concluded with a single police officer. In the future, if he worked honestly and efficiently, the contract is open-ended. At the same time, the salary of an ordinary policeman and his boss will be approximately the same - 120 thousand rubles. And no cash bonuses: if you do a good job or if you catch a criminal, you get a letter, an award pistol or a watch with a dedicatory inscription (especially hot debates are going on around this point).

3) Completely eliminate the pursuit of crime detection rates (the "stick" system). And in any form. On the basis of what to evaluate the work of police units, it is still not very clear: it is being actively discussed.

4) Abolish the concept of "refusal to initiate a criminal case" and eliminate the inquiry in the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. All applications of citizens will be accepted, and any duty officer, district police officer or operative can talk with the applicant, draw up a report and make an initial decision.

5) Create a website that will post photos and personal data of former employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who were fired due to compromising circumstances. They will also be banned from working in government agencies. And for life. Over time, "werewolves" from the FSB, the Federal Drug Control Service, the prosecutor's office, customs and the Investigative Committee will appear on the site.

To this it is proposed to add a few details. For example, cancel the celebration All-Russian day police with subsequent expensive corporate parties and "plywood" concerts. Reformers on this occasion say this: "If the police want, let them celebrate the holiday in their units, but not at the expense of taxpayers." And they plan to invite people with an impeccable reputation to public councils under the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. So far, unfortunately, the same persons who sang the praises of Rushailo, Gryzlov, Nurgaliyev, as well as “under-roof” businessmen or “declarers” continue to sit in them.


In any case, even these "five steps" Kolokoltsev will have to go through a minefield. Firstly, the restructuring of the department may turn into another stage of an undercover war between clans: it will be necessary to maneuver and make compromises.

Second: the vast majority of generals and rank-and-file employees are simply not ready to work like their German counterparts. The first have long become dollar millionaires and stepping on the throat of their own business will not. The lower rank officer stratum is quite satisfied with the system of impunity, nepotism and mutual responsibility that has been established over the years. In addition, in the bowels of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, more than one generation of operatives - "stick-makers" has grown up, sitting on the salaries of businessmen and criminal authorities, and so far there is simply no one to replace them. That is, there is a danger of elementary sabotage, as in the case of all other reforms that encroached on the well-being of officials.

The third one is especially surprising: in addition to the FSB (from this misfortune, apparently, there is nowhere to hide), the Prosecutor General's Office has been entrusted with supervising the implementation of the reform. And this is against the background of the recent gambling scandal in the Moscow region, in which high prosecutorial ranks and their relatives were involved.

There is only one conclusion that can be drawn: any, even the most correct, steps of a minister-reformer can run into the interests of the "roof" from among the Chekists and prosecutors. And until the corresponding reform of the FSB is carried out, judicial system and the prosecutor's office, any other reform runs the risk of choking halfway in a known substance.

Alexander Lychkovsky
Boris Petrunin
Viktor Cherkesov
Similar material: ^

Head of the Economic Security Department

Shalakov Yury Andreevich

Police Major General.

In 1982-1984 he served in the Armed Forces, served as an officer in the Turkestan military district on the border with Afghanistan.

Has two higher education. Candidate of Psychological Sciences.

He began his career at the Krasnoyarsk Metallurgical Plant. After serving in the army, he entered the service in the internal affairs bodies, where he worked from 1985 to 1994 in various positions - from the detective of the criminal investigation department to the deputy head of the operational and technical measures department of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Executive Committee.

In 1994, he joined the tax police of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, where he headed an independent unit. Five years later, he already held the position of first deputy head of the department.

In 1996, when Yury Shalakov served as deputy head of the UFSNP, then - acting. head of the UFSNP for the Krasnoyarsk Territory under the supervision of Alexander Lychkovsky, lieutenant general, head of the Federal Service for Social Protection for the Krasnoyarsk Territory, adviser to the governor, secretary of the Territory Security Council. At this time, there was a high-profile murder of Vadim Alferyev, a journalist from Segodnyashnaya Gazeta, who repeatedly wrote about the war around the Krasnoyarsk aluminum plant and government officials associated with it. As a result, the case was reopened 5 times, but it was never brought to court. However, in the future, Yuriy Shalakov was detained for 10 days in connection with this case.

In 1999, Yury Shalakov was appointed to the Ivanovo region, where he headed the regional department Federal Service tax police, in the same year he was awarded the rank of Major General of Police.

In 2000, Yuri Shalakov, while on vacation in Krasnoyarsk, was detained in connection with the resumption of the criminal investigation into the death of Vadim Alferyev. However, after 10 days he was released.

In the spring of 2003, according to the Decree of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin, the Federal Tax Police Service was abolished. On its basis, the State Committee for the Control of the Circulation of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances was created, where Yuri Shalakov headed the Office of the State Committee (since the spring of 2004 - the Federal Service) for the Control of the Circulation of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances in the Ivanovo Region. He worked in this position until 2005.

On June 3, he was appointed head of the 9th Department of the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation, which includes several departments, including forensics and special forces.

From 2007 to 2008 he worked as First Deputy Head of the Department of Economic Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

In February 2008, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, he was appointed head of the Department of Economic Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Married. Son is an officer armed forces (2004)

^ Political and business connections

The middle of the 1990s in the Krasnoyarsk Territory was characterized by a struggle for large enterprises located in the region (primarily KrAZ), which resonated in the relationship between business and government structures. The investigation into the murder of Vadim Alferyev was purely political in nature. This is clear even from the fact that it was resumed several times, and the most active actions in 2000 took place just during the redistribution of property at KrAZ - in early April it was announced that a criminal case had been opened against Anatoly Bykov, a well-known Krasnoyarsk entrepreneur and co-owner of the Krasnoyarsk aluminum plant.

The investigation was conducted by a group of Moscow investigators led by First Deputy Interior Minister Vladimir Kolesnikov. The main purpose of his actions, apparently, was not to investigate economic crimes in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, but to find dirt on Anatoly Bykov, which was later used. After this investigation, in mid-2000, Vladimir Kolesnikov went to work for Prosecutor General's Office.

In the case, in addition to Yury Shalakov, there were ^ Alexander Lychkovsky, in 1996 the head of Shalakova, Vladimir Shakhov, his subordinate and head of the Krasnoyarsk city department of the tax police, as well as Gennady Druzhinin, one of the most influential businessmen of that period in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, was the head of the board of directors of KrAZ, general director, partner of Anatoly Bykov. In addition, during the investigation, the name of Alexander Uss, chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, known for his close ties with the business community and criminal ties 27, repeatedly surfaced.

In turn, one can trace the connection between Yuri Shalakov and ^ Boris Petrunin, the former head of the Department of Internal Affairs for the Krasnoyarsk Territory, who also lobbied for the interests of Anatoly Bykov.

In the summer of 2007, another expansion of people began ^ Viktor Cherkesov to the Ministry of the Interior. So, the former leading drug control officer Sergei Derevianko appointed deputy head of the Department of Internal Security (DSB) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with the assignment of the police rank of major general. On June 30, Yury Shalakov became the first deputy head of the Department of Economic Security (DES) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. The DEB of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is a key department, and in the struggle for it, Viktor Cherkesov outplayed Igor Sechin.

On the sidelines of the Kremlin, one of the most discussed news of recent days has been a small industrial conflict. During a scheduled meeting in the presidential administration (AP RF), Oleg Markov, assistant to the head of state for personnel matters, suddenly "flared up". His anger fell on the head of the department for civil service and personnel of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation, Sergei Dubik. According to the inhabitants of the Kremlin, Markov suddenly interrupted his colleague and stated the following: “In your place, you should generally be silent. I once recommended you for this position, and you spoiled yourself as best you could! Now the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation is discussing that Dubik's exorbitant career ambitions can definitely be put an end to. But until recently, he shared with colleagues that he sees himself in the chair of the Minister of Defense. And at the same time, on the current head of the defense department Anatoly Serdyukov an information attack was carried out, as well as "behind the scenes" attacks inside the Presidential Administration and the White House were organized.

And, of course, on the sidelines of the Kremlin, they discuss all those numerous stories with which Dubik "spoiled himself as best he could." Here is a strange attack on the former governor Butov, and cooperation with Don-Stroy, and "dark deeds" with the general Khorev . They also remember Nikolai Dubik, the brother of Sergei, top manager of Gazprom, Nikolai Dubik, whose accounts in Switzerland receive large sums from contractors of the gas monopoly.

Knife for ex-governor

On September 10, 2011, a former governor of the Nenets region was stabbed in the center of Moscow autonomous region Vladimir Butov. It would seem the usual "everyday life": the hot-tempered ex-head of the region quarreled with two Caucasians, they stabbed him with a knife. However, the crime has not yet been solved, although the moment of the attack of the malefactors was captured by CCTV cameras. From the police reports it can be seen that the blows were inflicted with skill - exactly in the liver. And most importantly, there was an attack in the midst of the "war" that Butov tried to wage against the company Lukoil , closely associated with Sergei Dubik. This "war" has a very interesting background.

CARD FOR 10.09.2011

ATC for the Central Administrative District

Central Administrative District of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Arbat district


September 9 at 23.31 to the service of 02 DC of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow from medical. institutions received a telephone message stating that at 21.45 from house 31 on Gogol Blvd. V. Ya. Butov, born in 1958, residence st…. (Corner case No. 350512 under Art. 111 part 1 of the Criminal Code of Russia).

The scene was photographed, the following items were seized: a cell phone, a fragment of a knife blade made of light-colored metal.

By reviewing the recordings of CCTV cameras, it was established that at 21.40 near the restaurant Gogolevsky, 31, two unknown men of Caucasian appearance approached the victim, after a verbal skirmish, one of the unknown struck Butov several times in the back, after which they disappeared.

Conducted ORM.

The following people went to the place: deputy head. 4 ORC at ESD ATC Pushkarev, acting early. DMIA Furs, beginning. OODUUP Brusov, trace. Sotnikov, o / a UR DMIA Chermoshentsev, Dozn. Mishko, Merzenev's expert.

As detailed in the article "Dubik Almighty" , at one time Sergey Dubik had a quick and successful fight with Lukoil in the Volgograd region and the oilmen “surrendered” to the winner. At the disposal of the Kremlin official was a personal plane. Officially, he is registered with Lukoil, but, at the first request of Dubik, he is ready to fly to any place indicated by him. Also, the chief Kremlin personnel officer got access to all the other benefits that rich oilmen can provide. Dubik guaranteed them full support on his part. Such cooperation was quite successful, until the former head of the Nenets circle Vladimir Butov and his friend Yugoslav businessman Savva (Savo) Kuyundzhich unexpectedly appeared on the way of Lukoil.

Butov, while still the governor of a region rich in "black gold", managed to establish contacts with most of the major players in the oil market, both in Russia and abroad. Of course, he also had enemies. Especially Butov could not work well with Lukoil. When he left the post of governor, he took up mediation in the negotiations of oilmen. And in 2011, Butov had the opportunity not only to pull off a major deal, but to strike at such an unloved Lukoil. Then the former governor received from his Western acquaintances the authority to start searching in Russia for potential buyers for three refineries in Greece and two refineries in Sweden. He took a friend Savva Kuyundzhich as a partner, and chose Gazpromneft as a potential client. This categorically did not suit Lukoil, which for almost ten years unsuccessfully tried to acquire these assets. Half of the oil that Lukoil sends for export is intended for these refineries. The arrival at the plants of Gazprom Neft threatens Lukoil with colossal financial losses. In order for the deal not to take place, representatives of Lukoil immediately went to the Dubikov family. Sergei could use the administrative resource, which he actually did. And his brother Nikolai had the opportunity to prevent the conclusion of a contract at the level of Gazprom, because he is the head of the legal department of the gas monopoly and is on the board of directors of Gazpromneft. In addition, Nikolai Dubik has long and well known Savva Kuyundzhych. The structures controlled by this businessman have received lucrative contracts from Gazprom and its subsidiaries for many years. So, Nikolay Dubik and Savva Kuyundzhych were connected by deep financial “roots”. Employees of the FSB of the Russian Federation still do not know what to do with the payment, found during one of the searches. It follows from it that 9 million euros were transferred from the account of Kuyundzhic's company in the Latvian Aizkraukles bank to the personal account of Nikolai Dubik in the Swiss bank Ventobel as a commission from a certain transaction. Moreover, counterintelligence officers believe that such wiring was far from the only one.

Nikolai Dubik asked Kuyundzhich point-blank: either he is friends with him, or he continues to be friends with Butov and plays against Lukoil. Kuyundzhic chose Butov, after which Gazprom terminated all contracts with the structures of the Yugoslav businessman. This happened at the suggestion of the same Nikolai Dubik, who was repeatedly seen by traffic police officers on Rublyovka driving drunk at the wheel. For this, the top manager of Gazprom was even somehow deprived of his rights.

Sergei Dubik, in turn, put pressure on Butov through the resources available to him. However, the ex-governor has an uncompromising character, so he continued to work on a deal to sell Greek and Swedish refineries. The next business meeting on this issue was to be held on September 10, 2011 in a restaurant on Gogolevsky Boulevard. The former governor could not appear on it because of a stab wound to the liver.

Thousands of apartments from Don-Stroy

At some point, the presidential administration began to buy real estate from the Don-stroy construction company for the needs of its employees. Every year, about 1000 apartments are purchased, each of which has an area of ​​​​about 100 square meters. meters. And we are talking about elite houses built by Don-Stroy. Such a “love” for a construction company in the Administrative Office of the Russian Federation appeared immediately after Sergei Dubik got a job there. Formally, he has nothing to do with providing subordinates with housing. However, in reality, the Housing Commission of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation is under its full control, and it also selects partners for the purchase of apartments. "Don-Stroy" was among the "chosen ones" not by chance. The company was under the control of Andrey Khorev, general of the DEB of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, an old friend of Dubik.

From 1991 to 1999, Dubik was an assistant professor at the Military University of the USSR Ministry of Defense, whose rector was Viktor Khorev, the father of one of the most corrupt generals of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, now the former first deputy head of the DEB Andrey Khorev. Since then, the paths of Khorev and Dubik have been closely connected with each other. Khorev helped Dubik initiate criminal cases against those who were objectionable, send them to a pre-trial detention center. Dubik, in turn, "covered" his friend, contributed to the fact that the general would not have any problems in the service. Having such a high-ranking patron, Khorev and his faithful assistant Maxim Kagansky managed to take dozens of firms under their "wing", among which was "Don-stroy". According to the testimony of Kagansky's guards, who were arrested together with the Moscow investigator Nelli Dmitrieva in the case of a bribe of $ 3 million, their boss often met and was friends with the co-owner of the Don-stroy company Dmitry Zelenin .

However, in the circles of all these corrupt officials from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, “divorcing” businessmen friends for big money is considered quite normal. As a result, Zelenin began to be "milked" under Dubik. “Do you want the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation to buy Don-Stroy apartments? “Pay.” “Do you want Dubik to help in the Don-Stroy business? - Pay", etc. However, even these permanent deductions seemed to Kagansky, Khorev and their patron not enough.

In 2008, divisions of the DEB of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation collected materials stating that Don-Stroy underpaid taxes by 400 million rubles and transferred them to initiate proceedings in the Investigative Committee under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. After that, a new pumping of money from Zelenin began. Participation in this was taken by the "friend" of the co-owner of Don-Stroy, Maxim Kagansky, and another "fixer", a former employee of the Investigative Committee under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Anatoly Shavlyakov (when he was still working in the police, he became famous for coming to work in a Bentley). By the way, Shavlyakov is personally acquainted with Dubik.

At first, they took sums from Zelenin for not initiating a case, but they nevertheless brought him up. And then they began to "pump" money for the termination of the investigation. Shavlyakov and Kagansky said that the fate of the investigation is decided at the "very top" and without the help of Dubik, well, there is no way to do it. As a result, they received $3.5 million from Zelenin (with a discount for friendship), and later also several apartments in new prestigious buildings, one of which went to Andrey Khorev (the general wrote it down as his father). Cash money was transferred directly to Anatoly Shavlyakov, who said that he would immediately transfer it to Dubik. Whether the money reached the addressee, history is silent. However, after that, the investigation of the criminal “case of Don-Stroy” was suspended. And in order for Zelenin to finally calm down, he was sold a fake decision to close the case.

most expensive position

Promoting Zelenin for money, Andrey Khorev did not even suspect that he himself would someday be in the role of a "cash cow". In the summer of 2011, the recertification of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation began. By this time, almost the entire country already knew that Khoreev was the most corrupt police general. Khorev had few chances to pass through the “selection sieve”. He understood this very well, and turned for help to his friend Dubik, who was a member of the leadership of the attestation commission. Previously, Dubik had repeatedly rescued the general from similar situations.

At some point, the head of the DEB of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Yuri Shalakov, and the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs, Yevgeny Shkolov, were tired of Khorev's antics. ORB-3 (which was engaged in the fight against corruption and was not controlled by Khorev) put his office and phones on wiretap. As a result, a disk with a recording of Khorev's conversation with a businessman landed on Shkolov's table. During it, the general indicated the amount of $ 5 million that he wants to receive for his services. Khorev was acquainted with this record, he wrote a letter of resignation of his own free will and took his things from the office. And two weeks later, as if nothing had happened, he went to work. During these two weeks, the "almighty" Dubik managed to defend his protégé. As a result, Khorev's application for dismissal was not satisfied.

In the case of recertification, Dubik admitted to a friend that he himself could not solve such a complex issue, but with the help of the head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation Sergei Naryshkin , who also headed the certification commission, the problem is quite surmountable. Taking into account the level of the official, $50 million was requested from the general. Khorev decided that, remaining in his position, he would “beat back” this amount over time and paid it. Only Naryshkin, as it turned out, was not aware of such ups and downs. He himself personally rejected Khorev's candidacy during the recertification.

And then the general was faced with an innovation that appeared in the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation, with the arrival of Dubik. This is when a large amount is taken from a person for an appointment, and when it does not happen, the money is not returned, promising to later attach it to some other “tidbit”. Khorev $50 million was not returned. In return, he was promised the post of deputy head of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation. Horev has been waiting for a new appointment for almost a year, most of the time living in Israel and fighting off attacks by law enforcement agencies who are trying to bring him to justice for numerous dubious deeds.

======= RTA MOSCOW 2010 09 =======

Surname ..................... DUBIK

Name.......... NIKOLAI

Patronymic ................... NIKOLAEVICH

Year of birth ................ 1971

Full address................ MOSCOW REGION MOSCOW MICHURINSKY PROSP., 19, 1, 294

Date of changes..... 06/01/2004

Document............ DRIVER'S LICENSE OF GOZNAK

Violation ................... 12.8.1 - DRIVING A VEHICLE BY A DRIVER IN A STATE OF DRUNK

RTA MOSCOW 2007 =======

Last name............ DUBIK

Name ................... NICHOLAS

Middle name............ NIKOLAEVICH

Date of birth......... 1971.05.18

Region ................ MOSCOW G.

District................. 0

Settlement ...... MOSCOW G.

Street................. MICHURINSKY PR-T

House................. 19

Building 1

Apartment............ 294

Date of violation........ 07/07/2005


State number ............ P546EC97

Water certificate..... 77ВВ148481

Protocol number ....... 50AB272473