Techniques for managing audience attention. Oratory speech, its features. Public speaking Emotional conclusion addressed to the audience

1. Reading the text ex. 197, answers to questions.

Teacher's comment

Communication can be called effective, in which contact is established between the interlocutors, the goals of the speakers are achieved: to inform something, to convince of something, to influence the feelings, mind, actions of the interlocutor (interlocutors). Communication involves the exchange of opinions. If we are talking about a speaker speaking to an audience, then communication takes on a one-sided character; the goal is to draw the attention of listeners to socially significant issues, influence the actions of people, inspire them, make them like-minded people.

2. Exerc. 198: reading the text, highlighting the signs of oratory (writing on the board and in notebooks). Meaning of the word " pathos»Check in the dictionary. Syntactic analysis of sentences in notebooks.

Let's clarify the type of predicate: compound nominal.

III. Practical work with samples of oratory

1. Exerc. 199: expressive reading, answers to questions.

Teacher's comment

The text reflects the following features of oratorical speech: appeal to the audience, social significance, civic sound, pathos, vivid expressiveness of speech.

Means of establishing contact with listeners: use of 1st person pronoun plural- “we”, which unites the speaker and listeners ( appears to us, of our right, our descendant), and plural verbs ( let's hope); the use of collective structures ( all educated Russia, many of our the best people, the love of society, among this people).

means of expression:

Sublime vocabulary ( celebration, the best, grateful love, one of the most worthy, shine, noble, face, erected, in the heart, speak, coming, great, statue, free, tribute, mouth, monument);

Imperative verbs ( sit, speak);

Comparisons ( shine like him, noble copper face; how about Shakespeare; like Pushkin);

epithets ( best, grateful, worthy, noble, great, free, babbling);

Metaphors ( a tribute to love, in the heart of the capital);

Emotionally colored vocabulary ( sympathize, love, people, great);

Repeats ( became more Russian and more educated, a freer person; hopefully repetitions of subordinating constructions);

Series of homogeneous terms ( representatives of the land, government, science, literature and art);

Appeal ( shine like him, noble copper face...);

Obsolete words and expressions ( tribute to love, face, speak to future generations, statue, mouth);

Sentences with exclamatory intonation.

Obsolete words and expressions are used to create a solemn pathos so that the listeners mentally unite themselves with their glorious ancestors, so that they feel the power of the unity of the people.

All the means of oratory used by Turgenev give this speech emotionality, brightness, expressiveness. Turgenev's speech causes pride in great people who gave the world the great Pushkin.

2. Exerc. 200: expressive reading, identifying signs of good public speech.

Teacher's comment

The most important signs of good public speech: correctness, accuracy, economy. The speech should not be too long, it should be of interest, first of all, to the speaker himself, there should be one main idea in the speech, to which all the others obey.

IV. vocabulary work

Write out the words in the boxes, explain their meaning: repair, restoration, patriotism, patriot, eloquence, rhetoric, orator, oratory, pathos.

1. Work with the plan (Ex. 201).

2. Comments on the plan:

1) Appeal to listeners.

Dear friends! (Possible addresses are "Guys", "Dear Colleagues", even "Ladies and Gentlemen" if you choose a somewhat ironic tone of narration or if the audience is an adult). We all live in our hometown for many years now, we study in the same school, we walk along the same streets. We all seem to know each other well...

2) Definition of the topic and purpose of the speech.

3) Presentation of the most striking facts of history (regions, cities).

4) An emotional conclusion addressed to the listeners.

Here are some of the information that I found in the library, in local history books, in the files of old newspapers, in conversations with the old-timers of our city (region). This is only a small part of what is hidden behind a series of years, decades, centuries of the history of our city (region). And how many interesting things are still waiting to be discovered!


1. Exerc. 200: preparation for free dictation (oral),

2. Exerc. 201: prepare short story about the history of the region,

Lesson 34

The purpose of the lesson: improve skills oral speech, public speaking training; development of memory, the ability to choose the main thing in the text.

Methodological techniques: mutual checking, oral presentations, dictation.

During the classes

I. Verification homework

Ex. 202 - mutual check; syntactic analysis of sentences - on the board (3 people).

and for you. If a speaker tells or reads with interest for himself and the audience feels it, then the audience will be interested.

In addition, try to make sure that in your speech there is not just a chain of different thoughts, but there is one main idea, to which all the rest are subordinated. Then the audience will guess what you want to convince them of, and will listen with interest and wait for you to formulate your main idea at the end.

201. Prepare a short story about the history of your region (city, area). Choose from it the most Interesting Facts. Build on their basis a small speech according to the plan:

1. Appeal to listeners.

2. Definition of the topic and purpose of the speech.

3. Presentation of the most striking facts of the history of the region (city).

4. An emotional conclusion addressed to the listeners.

202. Write off. Check with a dictionary.О Make sentences with the underlined words. Which member of the sentence is

each of these words?

buildings of modern architecture. .tectures, r. .stavirovat an old picture, a symbol of friendship, t. .restve. .oratory speech, r..toric, scientific laboratory, computer class.

Review questions

1. What member of the sentence is called the subject? What part of a sentence is called a predicate?

2. Name the main ways of expressing the subject. Give examples.

3. What types of predicates do you know? How in each of them

and predicate.

5. What groups are the minor members divided into? Tell about each minor member. Give examples.

6. How do agreed definitions differ from inconsistent ones?

7. Tell us about applications expressed by their own names, and about putting a hyphen in applications.


20. Main groups of one-part sentences

In two-part sentences, the grammatical basis consists of two main members - the subject and the predicate. Both of these terms are necessary to understand the meaning of the sentence. In one-part sentences, the grammatical basis consists of one main member (subject or predicate).

According to the form of the main member, one-component sentences are divided into two main groups: 1) with the main member - the predicate, 2) with the main member - the subject. Compare, for example: It's evening. Freezes and Evening. Freezing.

Like two-part sentences, one-part sentences can be non-common and common; compare, for example: Freezes and Freezes in the morning;

Evening and Quiet Evening.

203. Read. Specify one-part sentences. What are these proposals - common or not common? Is the main member in them the subject or the predicate? o Write down, denoting the grammatical basis of sentences.

1) On the reval, the caravan backed ..neighed. 2) T..nulo ve

black coolness. 3) We sit down to the fire. 4) Gus toy fog. Drizzle. 5) The wind is driving ..t rain from the mountains.

(According to G. Fedoseev.)



21. Definitely personal offers

204. Read. Find two-part sentences, then one-part sentences with the main member - the predicate. Specify mood, time, face predicate verbs in these sentences.

that. Will you, Valya, come with me? 4) Let's get dressed as soon as possible! 5) Guys, don't be late for class!

example: 1) I love a thunderstorm in early May. (Tyutch.) 2) We are going to sea tomorrow. (Churkin.) 3) Is it from Moscow

will you? (M. G.) 4) What are you laughing at? Laugh at yourself! (G.) 5) Choose a book to your liking. 6) Sing

let's go to the garden. Let's work.

Definitely personal sentences express the action of the speaker (Reading a book) or interlocutor (Are you still reading?), as well as the motivation for action of the interlocutor (Read a book).

205. Read. Find specific, personal offers. Specify how the main term is expressed in them. Write down definite personal sentences. Label them with words.

1) Tomorrow I'm going with a r..dist and a guide to the mountains.

2) Pavel and I select only the most necessary things from our property. 3) After two hours of dreams .. I will speak with the doctor. .m 4) From what day start. .nat we will? 5) D. .vay today we will examine the northern slopes. 6) Why (n ..) are you going to rest? 7) (N ..) forget to inform the headquarters today about the events of yesterday. 8) Saying goodbye, I shake his hand for a long time.

(According to G. Fedoseev.)

206. Read. Find definite personal sentences and say what form of the verb the predicate is expressed in them. Write with missing punctuation marks. Mark the predicate in definite-personal sentences.

1) I love you Petra creation love your strict

slim look | 2) Show off the city of Petrov and stand firm like Russia | 3) There was a terrible time about her freshly remembered. .nanie... My friends will start my story about her for you | 4) My friend dedicates his soul to the motherland, wonderful impulses j 5) I will tell you a fairy tale that

an old Kalmyk woman told me as a child | 6) Tell me, brother, what kind of girl do you keep under your guard | Show it to me j 7) Then he [Pugachev] turned to Marya Ivanovna and said to her affectionately | Come out red girl; I give you freedom | 8) When the horses set off, he [Pugachev] once again leaned out of the wagon and shouted to me j Farewell to your honor [Perhaps, see you someday j (A. S. Pushkin.)

207. Read, replacing the indefinite form first with verbs in the form 1st person plural, then imperative verbs. Write it down. О In what cases does the proposal express a demand, and in what cases - an invitation to joint action?

1) (To get acquainted) with a new set of gymnastic exercises. 2) (Stand) in one line. 3) (When preparing) for walking on the spot. 4) (Raise) hands up.

5) (Repeat) this exercise. 6) A little (rest).

208. Read the text about linguist. Plan it. What style would you classify this text as? Find words and expressions characteristic of this style. Tell us about the scientific activity of A. A. Shakhmatov. О Explain the meaning of the highlighted word, choose synonyms for it.

Alexey Alexandrovich Shakhmatov

deep interest in the problems of linguistics. While still in high school, he took part in scientific debates. Then it was published

his first article. multifaceted scientific interests Koved languages. A. A. Shakhmatov studied the history and dialectology of Russian and other Slavic languages. He woz

V. V. Vinogradova, “for the first time, a colossal material has been collected that characterizes the amazing variety of syntactic constructions of the modern Russian language.” A. A. Shakhmatov was the first in the history of our science to single out the types of one-part sentences and describe the features of their structure, developed a classification of incomplete sentences. Many of Shakhmatov's syntactic ideas have not lost their relevance to this day.

209. Write down, putting the verbs in brackets in the plural form of the imperative mood. What do you express here, definitely-personal suggestions? О Tell us about the spelling of verbs in the imperative form.

Repulsion from the support - necessary condition movement. But is it always like this? (Take) a heavy stick in your hands. (Get up) on the ice. (Throw) the stick forward. What will happen? You roll 3 backwards. But you didn’t even think about pushing (t, t) with your foot from the ice. We have considered the recoil phenomenon. (According to JI. D. Landau, A. I. Kitaygorodsky.)

22. Offers indefinitely personal

210. Read. Find one-part sentences with the main member - the predicate. Indicate in what forms are used in these sentences predicate verbs.

The villagers are getting ready


and the villages are preparing for sowing.

2) Gardeners

dig in

dig in



On the experimental

rily seed germination.

II. 1) Someone is knocking on the door. - They are knocking on the door. 2) By

go to the phone, your friend is calling again. - Go to the phone. They call you.

Indefinitely personal sentences are one-part sentences with a predicate - a verb in the form of the 3rd person plural in na -

standing and future tense and plural form in the past tense, for example: 1) What's new in the newspaper write? (Shol.) 2) There was a knock on the door. (JI. T.) In such sentences, the action itself is important, and not the persons who perform it.

N o t e.Indefinitely personal and definitely personalsentences can have the meaning of a generalized person, i.e., indicate that the action is performed by everyone, by any person, for example: 1) Chickens are counted in the fall (i.e.

everyone should do so, it is true for any person); 2) You can't fill a bottomless barrel with water (i.e. no one can see

can do this); 3) What kind of birds you will not see in the spring forest! (M.-S.) (i.e. everyone can see).

Especially often predicates expressed by the verb in the form of the 2nd person singular have this meaning. Many proverbs are such sentences, for example:

You can't even take a fish out of the pond without effort.

211. Read and say in what forms verbs-predicates are used in indefinitely personal sentences.

1) In the ward, his stories were remembered for a long time. (Yu. Germ.) 2) A light was turned on on the balcony of the neighboring dacha. (Paust.) 3) They lead a horse to me. (P.) 4) The performance of our choir will be broadcast on the radio. 5) They don't walk on lawns. 6) We do not smoke.

212. Remake two-part sentences into synonymous one-part indefinite personal sentences. What did you do for this? How has the meaning of the sentences changed? o Choose a synonym for the underlined word.

Sample. Children are making noise in the house. - They are making noise in the house.

1) On the square, builders are erecting the building of a new theater. 2) Polar explorers sent two polar bears to the zoo. 3) At this enterprise, workers assemble computers. 4) Researchers at the institute will conduct a series of experiments. 5) Someone touched my shoulder and I woke up, b) In the evening the postman brought us a telegram. 7) Friends invited us to the theater.




213. Change indefinite personal sentences into two-part sentences. How will the meaning of the sentence change?

1) I'm in a hurry. Someone is waiting for me. 2) Don't worry: us

214. Compose vaguely personalsentences with the verb mi call, knock, send, call, using them

v present or past tense form.

215. Read. Specify the type of offer and form verb-predicate. Write off. О Remember and write down three proverbs with a predicate - a verb in the form of the 2nd person.

1) A smart head is respected .. melt (c) young. 2) The case of the word (not) substitutions, .sh. 3) After the case, they (do not) go for advice.

4) Stand up for the truth with a mountain. 5) (C) started., think, then speak. 6) The nightingale is (not) fed with fables.


216. Read. Indicate which of these sentences are simple and which are complex. Write off, denoting in each sentence its grammatical basis and placing the missing commas. What types of one-part sentences were found in the exercise? O What is the basis for the distinction between the particles not and neither?

I. 1) On the mirror-shiny road past why I’m driving

porch. (Tward.)


here we go

square. (Andreev.) 3) At the very beginning, months

morning..nicks. Remember..those? (Paust.) 4) Big was

when the last trees stepped.

go to yourself (n ..) if you want this and to others (n ..) do it. (ate)

Like a wolf (n ..) feed it, he looks into the forest. (ate)

written with a pen of that (n. .) cut down with an ax. (ate)

1) On mass graves (n ..) they put

you don't cry at them. Someone brings them

and the eternal flame ignites. 2) I (n..) love

when I'm afraid and (n..) I endure when (n..) wine..s are beaten.

I (n..) love when they climb into my soul ... 4) Sleeping

calmly under

flowers but

when they find

(V. Vysotsky.)

217. Compare offers. How do they differ? Determine the type of one-part sentences. Justify your answer.

1) Don't be late for lessons.- Don't be late for lessons.

call. 4) This shop sells books. - This shop sells books. 5) Toys are made at the factory. - Toys are made at the factory.

218. Write, replacing verbs in the form of the 1st person with verbs in the form of the 2nd person. In which case (before or after the alteration) is the nature of the narrative more generalized (the reader, as it were, participates in the depicted)?

I usually arrive at the fishing spot (before) early..e. But I smell at the zn..comy. I wake up in the morning in a clean room.

I share. Then vst..yu. Pr .. I cling a backpack to my back. I say goodbye to the guest. .etc. .named owners. (Not) patiently walking towards the thick reeds .. you zar .. slam.

219. Read. Find one-part sentences, determine their type. Explain why the author uses one-part sentences.

A hunting rifle hangs on the wall.

It happens like this: look at the gun and remember something. And thoughts will flow into the past. Mild evenings in the August forest surrounding the sedge lake, morning dawns of spring, gentle autumn with a golden yellow carpet of leaves or cheerful, like youth, carefree and cheerful sunny winter day of the first powder, come to mind. Much is remembered. And everywhere you go not alone. Someone gets up

eat. You listen to the breath of your native expanses, you listen to the beating of your heart, and the same cry of the cranes that have returned again. (According to G. Troepolsky.)

220. Read the beginning of the story. Think about how it can be continued. Use in this case, where necessary to enliven the narrative, sentences with a generalized meaning.

Sunday we try to spend interesting. You are looking forward to the day. That's what happened last week...

23. impersonal proposals

221. Read. Find the grammatical basis in two-part and one-part sentences. Indicate in one-component sentences of the formverbs-predicates.Make sentences with impersonal verbs dawn, shiver, unwell in present and past tenses.

1) Evening.- Evening is coming. 2) It was frosty in the morning - It was freezing in the morning. 3) I want to sleep. - I want to sleep.

common tense or in the form of the middle gender in the past tense, for example: 1) It was already quite dark. (T.) 2) It will be dawn soon. (M. G.) 3) It was quiet outside. (L. T.)

The predicate in an impersonal sentence is expressed

in the following ways:

simple verb

1) Impersonal verb

In the evenings



Note. With the category of state and short participle in the past and future tense, the verb is used

bunch to be in impersonal form: It was nice with you

they talk about different states of nature or people and animals, for example: 1) It's cold outside and 2) I'm cold. In the latter case, the sentence usually contains an addition in the form of the dative case, indicating who exactly is experiencing this or that state.

222. Plan out this paragraph.

223. Read. Find impersonal sentences, indicate

in them the form of the verb-predicate. O What other one-part sentences did you meet in the exercise?

1) It was getting light. Snow field with frozen waves

Nasta suddenly turned pink from the cold sun. (V. Bel.) 2) It is getting dark. The festive evening is coming. (Boon.)

The fight against attention fatigue is an important task that the speaker should not forget about when thinking through the structure and content of his speech. The speaker needs to know the oratorical techniques of maintaining the attention of the audience:

    direct demand for attention from listeners;

    addressing the audience with an unexpected question;

    rhetorical question - not requiring an answer;

  • question-answer method. The speaker thinks aloud about the problem. He puts questions to the audience and answers them himself, raises possible doubts and objections, clarifies them and comes to certain conclusions. This is a very successful technique, because it sharpens the attention of the audience, makes you delve into the essence of the topic under consideration.

    examples from fiction, proverbs, sayings, phraseological expressions, etc. enliven the performance.

Conclusion. The conclusion is the logical and emotional conclusion of the whole speech.

    the conclusion should be memorable, businesslike and at the same time generalizing the content of the speech;

    the conclusion is perfectly perceived, in which the purpose of the oral presentation is emotionally and figuratively emphasized once again;

    Whatever the topic of the speech, it is always necessary to end it on a positive note.

Requirements for the speaker's speech

    Accessibility of speech.

The ability to say simply, intelligibly about complex things is a great art and hard work. There is an aphorism: "Easy business - hard to write and speak, but easy to write and speak - hard work."

The key to success is the speaker's deep knowledge of the subject of speech.

To achieve intelligibility of speech is, first of all, to speak the language of the audience.

    The correctness of speech - compliance with literary norms of stress, pronunciation, word usage, the formation of grammatical forms, the construction of syntactic constructions - is a prerequisite for public speech.

    Speaking briefly, vividly and simply is an essential requirement for public speech.

Speaking briefly is a great art, and it does not come by itself. We must learn to shorten the texts, weed out the superfluous, the unnecessary.

A good help to the speaker is the repeated repetition of certain places in the future speech, each time in an increasingly concise form.

    Speak while thinking! A good speaker creates his word while speaking. It is in this case that the audience reflects along with the speaker. They say about such speakers: it is clear that he thinks and speaks, speaks and thinks.

The manner of "thinking" is one of the most productive in public practice.

    The emotionality of speech is the key to oratorical success.

“Thought enters through the gates of the senses,” said the ancients.

How to get emotional?

    talk about what worries people;

    see what you are talking about;

If the speaker, working on his speech, does not see behind the words what he thinks and writes about, then the listener will not see anything behind them. But if he sees well what he will talk about, then even the most simple words evoke in the listener those thoughts, feelings and states that the speaker wanted to convey to him;

    to involve listeners in the speech should be using the expression: “We have repeatedly discussed ...”, “We agreed that ...”, “We have come to the conclusion ...”, “Summarize”, etc .;

    use the richness of intonation;

    to experience those emotions that he would like to arouse in listeners. The speaker should constantly remember: in order to ignite people, you must burn yourself, show interest in what you are talking about;

    use gestures, posture, facial expressions.

The lesson is aimed at developing students' information and communication competencies (receiving information from different sources, process and present it, build a monologue on the proposed topic, observing the norms of Russian literary language, own the audience during the speech). The lesson brings up love for the small motherland, its history. The presented material contains a summary of the lesson, samples of student work, and a presentation of the lesson.



Let him be called an orator who knows how to convince with his speech.


Lesson Objectives:

Educational: to cultivate love and respect for the history of the small motherland, a sense of self-awareness as a citizen of the country, able to take an active part in its development and transformation; to educate students' interest in the subject, awareness of its need in everyday life; contribute to the education of a free person who independently chooses the topic of the statement, the source of information.

Educational: the formation of students' information and communicative competencies (development of skills to receive information from various information sources, process and present it, accurately and logically build a monologue statement on the proposed topic, enrich vocabulary); formation of research skills.

Educational : the development of universal educational activities: the ability to work with various information resources, the ability to receive, process and present the necessary information, build a monologue on the proposed topic,

Practical (practice-oriented): orient students to use the acquired knowledge and skills in other lessons of the humanitarian cycle, in practical activities,in different life situations and later life (in particular, to be able to speak clearly and expressively to the audience, to master the audience, to subordinate the statement to the main idea, to logically and accurately build the statement, observing the norms of the Russian literary language)

During the classes

1. Announcement of the topic of the lesson.

2. Repetition of the last lesson

Memo (On ​​screen)

How to work on oral presentation

It is necessary to determine the topic, purpose, title of the speech, taking into account the composition of the audience and the situation; draw up a preliminary plan, select theoretical and factual material.

Select the source for obtaining the necessary information (Internet resources, book sources). When preparing, it is advisable to use a cursory glance, selective reading, in-depth reading, make verbatim extracts, take notes, etc.

After selecting the material for the presentation, they write either its full text, or a summary, theses, and a plan.

Rehearsal is an essential part of preparation. Particular attention should be paid to the technique of pronunciation, facial expressions, gestures, possession of one's own voice (tempo, strength, pitch of voice depending on the content of speech; diction, the ability to pause, allowing you to place semantic accents, make breathing easier).

It is necessary to analyze your performance in order to take into account its positive and negative sides.

Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev on the most important signs of a good public speech

(D.S. Likhachev - Soviet and Russian philologist, art historian, screenwriter, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences).

If you want to be a truly intelligent, educated and cultured person, pay attention to your language.

Speak correctly, accurately and economically.

For a speech to be entertaining, everything you say must be interesting to you as well. If the speaker talks or reads with enthusiasm and the audience feels it, then the audience will be interested.

Try to make sure that in your speech there is not just a chain of different thoughts, but there is one main idea, to which all the rest are subordinated..

2. Involving students in the process of setting the goals of the lesson.

Guys, why do you think we need to know history native land?

(educational purposes)

What did we learn in preparation for today's public speaking?

(educational and developmental objectives of the lesson)

What do you think, which of the skills and when can be useful in later life?


3. Collective discussion of possible criteria for evaluating public speaking (cooperation with students)

Teacher : Today we have to listen to prepared public speeches about the history of our region, evaluate not only our own performances, but also the performances of classmates. In order for us to be as objective as possible, it is necessary to create evaluation criteria.

What are "criteria"? Clarify the lexical meaning of the word in explanatory dictionary.

"Criteria - a measure of evaluation, judgment"

So, what criteria will be, in your opinion, the most significant? (student suggestions are taken into account, the teacher helps to arrange the proposed criteria in order of importance by creating a plan on the screen of a multimedia projector)

As a result of a conversation with students, a recording appears on the screen

Public Speaking Evaluation Criteria

  1. Was the appeal to the audience successful? Is the topic and purpose of the speech defined?
  2. Is the topic interesting to the speaker and the audience?
  3. Are the most bright facts from the history of the native land for the development of the topic?
  4. Is there an emotional conclusion addressed to the listeners?
  5. Was the speaker literate?
  6. Can he control his own voice? (tempo, strength, pitch of voice depending on the content of the speech; diction, the ability to pause, allowing you to place semantic accents, make breathing easier;
  7. Facial expressions, gestures of the speaker.

4. Performances of students, assessment of each of his performances.

Pedagogical assessment (on a scale from 3 to 5) taking into account the opinion of the students themselves

Students briefly evaluate their performance, explaining what turned out more successfully and what needs to be worked on.

The teacher, taking into account the opinion of classmates, puts a mark in the journal for the prepared presentation.

5. The results of the lesson. self-reflection

Everyone evaluates their contribution to the achievement of the goals set at the beginning of the lesson, their activity, the effectiveness of the class, the fascination and usefulness of the chosen forms of work.

Suggestion tips:

For the lesson I...

Lesson material...

The lesson seemed to me ...

I learned…

Appendix 1. Examples of student performances

Annex 2. Photos for performances (Lesson presentation on CD)

Streletsky bridge in Efremov

Guys, our city of Efremov was founded back in 1637, in 2013 it turned 376 years old. How many interesting and mysterious things have happened for us in 3 and a half centuries!

Today I want to tell you about how the Streltsy Bridge appeared on the Beautiful Sword River. In 1779, a new development plan for Efremov was approved. It provided for the eviction from Streltsy, Pushkar, Foreign settlements of the city of single-palaces (serving people who guarded the southern border of the Moscow State from Tatar raids).

By the beginning of the 90s of the 17th century, most of the inhabitants moved to the right bank of the beautiful Mecha River, forming villages there that still exist today. The odnodvortsy Streletskaya Sloboda, who moved to a new place of residence, continued to be registered with the parish of the St. Nicholas Church of Efremov. After the reconstruction of the city began according to a new plan, this church was moved to a new location (the current intersection of Komsomolskaya and Gorky streets). Residents of Streltsy Sloboda began to petition for their village to be connected to the parish church by a road and a bridge over the Beautiful Sword River.

The rulers of the city and the merchants decided to petition the higher authorities for the construction of the bridge.

The Treasury allocated the necessary funds for its construction. However, the construction of the access road was hindered by the Collegiate Church standing in the way. For this reason, work was suspended. They resumed only after the old wooden cathedral was dismantled, and a new brick church was erected in another place. This was in 1795. After this turn of events, the road and the bridge across the Beautiful Sword River were built very quickly.

According to archival documents in 1800, the bridge across the river was already listed in official papers. Residents of the village of Streltsy took a great part in its construction. The bridge was named Kazyonny, and much later it was called Streletsky.

Guys, today I told only about one page of the history of our city, and how much is still to be learned! We were born in the Efremov region. In order to love our homeland even more and appreciate everything that people have done before us, we must know the history of our native places.

Believe me, you will learn a lot of interesting things!

(Maksimova Anna, 8th grade)

Efremov during the war

Dear Guys! You know that June 22, 1941 is the most terrible date in the history of our people. On this day, the Great Patriotic War began. She did not bypass our city of Efremov either. This is what I want to talk about in more detail today, because we must remember at what cost our fellow countrymen won the victory.

On November 22, 1941, the Nazis broke into the city of Efremov. The city seemed to be deserted. German patrols walked through the streets, the rumble of engines, the rattle of tanks was heard. There were frequent machine-gun bursts and artillery shell explosions. The front line passed nearby, beyond the Beautiful Mecha River. A heavy fate fell on the inhabitants of Efremov - to survive the difficult days of the fascist occupation. The Germans ruled the city for a short time. They did not frighten the inhabitants with their atrocities. The Efremovites did not bow their heads before the fascist invaders.

On December 6, 1941, the counteroffensive began. Soviet troops under Moscow. On December 8, the right wing of the southwestern front went on the offensive. The third army, consisting of: the 283rd, 137th, 6th guards divisions, the 52nd cavalry division, the 150th and 121st tank brigades, prepared an offensive in the general direction of Efremov and Medvedki.

Early in the morning of December 12, units of the Third Army began to advance. By the end of December 12, 1941, they surrounded the regiment of the 293rd infantry division of the enemy near the village of Medovaya near Efremov and destroyed it. On December 13, 1941, the city of Efremov was completely liberated from the Nazis.

For 22 days the Nazis ruled in Efremov, traces of their atrocities and violence could be found at every turn.
Among our countrymen there were 11 Heroes Soviet Union.

Memorial plaques are installed on all the mass graves of the city of Efremov, on which the names of the soldiers who died defending the Efremov land are inscribed, and below the inscription: “Eternal glory to the heroes who fell for the Motherland in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

On the Tula highway, at the entrance to the city of Efremov, in 1968 the mound of Glory was erected. 17 people were buried there, surnames were revealed - 3. The Mound of Immortality rises 12 meters above the ground. At the foot of it, an eternal flame burns, lit from the eternal flame from the tomb of the Unknown Soldier of the city of Moscow. The Mound of Immortality reminds us of that terrible time when the Efremov land burned and people died defending it from the fascist invaders.
Near the Mound of Immortality, a monument was erected in 1970 - "Tank" in honor of the tankers of the 150th tank brigade, who participated in the liberation of the city of Efremov. The ashes of more than 1090 soldiers who gave their lives for the Efremov region are buried in the Efremov land. 730 surnames are revealed.

Guys, we should not forget about the cost of victory in the Great Patriotic War, on the obelisk to the fallen soldiers in our village Medvedki there are about 200 names of soldiers who did not return to their native places. Among them are our great-grandfathers. Remember them!

Internet materials “Efremov. Website about the city: Streletsky bridge; Efremov during the Great Patriotic War, author Igor Chemodanov.

The teacher used the text elements of the presentation “Oratory, its features. Public speech about the history of the native land”, author - Natalia Romashina (portal of ready-made presentations, Russian language).

MKOU "Medvedskaya secondary school No. 17"

Russian speech development lesson in grade 8

"Public speech about the history of the native land"

Antonova N.N.


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Public speaking about the history of your region Presentation of a speech development lesson. Russian language. Grade 8 Teacher Antonova N.N. MKOU "Medvedskaya secondary school No. 17" of the Efremov district of the Tula region

Objectives of the lesson Objectives of the lesson: Educational: to cultivate love and respect for the history of the small homeland, a sense of self-awareness as a citizen of the country, able to take an active part in its development and transformation; to educate students' interest in the subject, awareness of its need in everyday life; contribute to the education of a free person who independently chooses the topic of the statement, the source of information. Educational: the formation of students' information and communicative competencies (development of skills to receive information from various information sources, process and present it, accurately and logically build a monologue statement on the proposed topic, enrich vocabulary); formation of research skills. Developing: development of universal educational activities: the ability to work with various information resources, the ability to receive, process and present the necessary information, build a monologue statement on the proposed topic, Practical (practice-oriented): orient students to use the acquired knowledge and skills in other lessons of the humanitarian cycle, in practical activities, in different life situations and later life (in particular, to be able to speak clearly and expressively to the audience, to master the audience, to subordinate the statement to the main idea, to logically and accurately build the statement, observing the norms of the Russian literary language)

Course of the lesson 1. Announcement of the topic of the lesson. 2. Repetition of what was learned in the last lesson Memo How to work on an oral presentation It is necessary to determine the topic, purpose, title of the speech, taking into account the composition of the audience and the situation; draw up a preliminary plan, select theoretical and factual material. Select the source for obtaining the necessary information (Internet resources, book sources). When preparing, it is advisable to use a cursory glance, selective reading, in-depth reading, make verbatim extracts, take notes, etc. After selecting the material for the presentation, they write either its full text, or a summary, theses, and a plan. Rehearsal is an essential part of preparation. Particular attention should be paid to the technique of pronunciation, facial expressions, gestures, possession of one's own voice (tempo, strength, pitch of voice depending on the content of speech; diction, the ability to pause, allowing you to place semantic accents, make breathing easier). It is necessary to analyze your performance in order to take into account its positive and negative sides.

D.S. Likhachev on the most important signs of a good public speech If you want to be a truly intelligent, educated and cultured person, pay attention to your language. Speak correctly, accurately and economically. For a speech to be entertaining, everything you say must be interesting to you as well. If the speaker talks or reads with enthusiasm and the audience feels it, then the audience will be interested. Try to make sure that in your speech there is not just a chain of different thoughts, but there is one main idea, to which all the others are subordinate. (D.S. Likhachev - Soviet and Russian philologist, art historian, screenwriter, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences).

Stages of the lesson 2. Involving students in the process of setting the goals of the lesson. -Guys, why do you think we need to know the history of our native land? (educational purposes) -What did we learn in preparation for today's public speaking? (educational and developmental objectives of the lesson) -What do you think, which of the skills and when can be useful in later life? (practical) 3. Collective discussion of possible criteria for evaluating public speaking (cooperation with students) Teacher: Today we have to listen to prepared public speeches about the history of our region, evaluate not only our own performances, but also the performances of classmates. In order for us to be as objective as possible, it is necessary to create evaluation criteria. What are "criteria"? Let's clarify the lexical meaning of the word in the explanatory dictionary. “The criterion is a measure of evaluation, judgment” So, what criteria will be, in your opinion, the most significant? (student suggestions are taken into account, the teacher helps to arrange the proposed criteria in order of importance by creating a plan on the screen of a multimedia projector) As a result of a conversation with students, a record appears on the screen (see slide No. 6)

4. Performances of students, assessment of each of his performances. Criteria for evaluating a public performance Was the appeal to the audience successful? Is the topic and purpose of the speech defined? Is the topic interesting to the speaker and the audience? Have the most striking facts from the history of your native land been selected for the development of the topic? Is there an emotional conclusion addressed to the listeners? Was the speaker literate? Can he control his own voice? (tempo, strength, pitch of voice depending on the content of the speech; diction, the ability to pause, allowing you to place semantic accents, make breathing easier) Facial expressions, gestures of the speaker.

Stages of the lesson Pedagogical assessment (on a scale from 3 to 5) taking into account the opinion of the students The students briefly evaluate their performance, explaining what turned out better and what needs to be worked on. The teacher, taking into account the opinion of classmates, puts a mark in the journal for the prepared presentation. 5. The results of the lesson. Self-reflection Everyone evaluates their contribution to the achievement of the goals set at the beginning of the lesson, their activity, the effectiveness of the class, the fascination and usefulness of the chosen forms of work. Suggestion Tips: For the lesson, I…. Lesson material... The lesson seemed to me ... I learned ...

Appendix 1. Examples of student performances Streltsy Bridge in Efremov Guys, our city of Efremov was founded back in 1637, in 2013 it turned 376 years old. How many interesting and mysterious things have happened for us in 3 and a half centuries! Today I want to tell you about how the Streltsy Bridge appeared on the Beautiful Sword River. In 1779, a new development plan for Efremov was approved. It provided for the eviction from Streltsy, Pushkar, Foreign settlements of the city of single-palaces (serving people who guarded the southern border of the Moscow State from Tatar raids). By the beginning of the 90s of the 17th century, most of the inhabitants moved to the right bank of the beautiful Mecha River, forming villages there that still exist today. The odnodvortsy Streletskaya Sloboda, who moved to a new place of residence, continued to be registered with the parish of the St. Nicholas Church of Efremov. After the reconstruction of the city began according to a new plan, this church was moved to a new location (the current intersection of Komsomolskaya and Gorky streets). Residents of Streltsy Sloboda began to petition for their village to be connected to the parish church by a road and a bridge over the Beautiful Sword River. The rulers of the city and the merchants decided to petition the higher authorities for the construction of the bridge. The Treasury allocated the necessary funds for its construction. However, the construction of the access road was hindered by the Collegiate Church standing in the way. For this reason, work was suspended. They resumed only after the old wooden cathedral was dismantled, and a new brick church was erected in another place. This was in 1795. After this turn of events, the road and the bridge across the Beautiful Sword River were built very quickly. According to archival documents in 1800, the bridge across the river was already listed in official papers. Residents of the village of Streltsy took a great part in its construction. The bridge was named Kazyonny, and much later it was called Streletsky. Guys, today I told only about one page of the history of our city, and how much is still to be learned! We were born in the Efremov region. In order to love our homeland even more and appreciate everything that people have done before us, we must know the history of our native places. Believe me, you will learn a lot of interesting things! (Maksimova Anna, 8th grade)

Appendix 1. Examples of performances by Efremov students during the war years Dear guys! You know that June 22, 1941 is the most terrible date in the history of our people. On this day, the Great Patriotic War began. She did not bypass our city of Efremov either. This is what I want to talk about in more detail today, because we must remember at what cost our fellow countrymen won the victory. On November 22, 1941, the Nazis broke into the city of Efremov. The city seemed to be deserted. German patrols walked through the streets, the rumble of engines, the rattle of tanks was heard. There were frequent machine-gun bursts and artillery shell explosions. The front line passed nearby, beyond the Beautiful Mecha River. A heavy fate fell on the inhabitants of Efremov - to survive the difficult days of the fascist occupation. The Germans ruled the city for a short time. They did not frighten the inhabitants with their atrocities. The Efremovites did not bow their heads before the fascist invaders. On December 6, 1941, the counteroffensive of the Soviet troops near Moscow began. On December 8, the right wing of the southwestern front went on the offensive. The third army, consisting of: the 283rd, 137th, 6th guards divisions, the 52nd cavalry division, the 150th and 121st tank brigades, prepared an offensive in the general direction of Efremov and Medvedki. Early in the morning of December 12, units of the Third Army began to advance. By the end of December 12, 1941, they surrounded the regiment of the 293rd infantry division of the enemy near the village of Medovaya near Efremov and destroyed it. On December 13, 1941, the city of Efremov was completely liberated from the Nazis. For 22 days the Nazis ruled in Efremov, traces of their atrocities and violence could be found at every turn. Among our countrymen there were 11 Heroes of the Soviet Union. Memorial plaques are installed on all the mass graves of the city of Efremov, on which the names of the soldiers who died defending the Efremov land are inscribed, and below the inscription: “Eternal glory to the heroes who fell for the Motherland in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. On the Tula highway, at the entrance to the city of Efremov, in 1968 the mound of Glory was erected. 17 people were buried there, surnames were revealed - 3. The Mound of Immortality rises 12 meters above the ground. At the foot of it, an eternal flame burns, lit from the eternal flame from the tomb of the Unknown Soldier of the city of Moscow. The Mound of Immortality reminds us of that terrible time when the Efremov land burned and people died defending it from the fascist invaders. Near the Mound of Immortality, a monument was erected in 1970 - "Tank" in honor of the tankers of the 150th tank brigade, who participated in the liberation of the city of Efremov. The ashes of more than 1090 soldiers who gave their lives for the Efremov region are buried in the Efremov land. 730 surnames are revealed. Guys, we should not forget about the cost of victory in the Great Patriotic War, on the obelisk to the fallen soldiers in our village Medvedki there are about 200 names of soldiers who did not return to their native places. Among them are our great-grandfathers. Remember them! Malygin Nikita, 8th grade

Construction of the Streltsy Bridge Supplement to Anna Maksimova's speech

Streletsky bridge today Supplement to Anna Maksimova's speech

Mound of immortality. Eternal flame. Addendum to Nikita Malygin's speech

Supplement to Nikita Malygin's speech Near the Mound of Immortality, a monument was erected in 1970 - "Tank" in honor of the tankers of the 150th Tank Brigade, who participated in the liberation of the city of Efremov.

Materials used Internet materials were used: “Efremov. Website about the city”: Streletsky bridge; Efremov during the Great Patriotic War, author Igor Chemodanov. The teacher used the text elements of the presentation “Oratory, its features. Public speech about the history of the native land”, author - Natalia Romashina (portal of ready-made presentations, Russian).

Oratory speech, its features. Public speaking about the history of your region Words know how to cry and laugh,
Order, pray and conjure,
And, like a heart, bleed
And indifferently to breathe cold.
... A call to become, and a recall, and a call
Capable of a word, changing the way.
And they curse and swear by the word,
They admonish, and praise, and vilify.
Y. Kozlovsky "Word"
Let him be called an orator
who knows how to speak


face, professional
doing art
The person making the speech.
Say something.
A person with a gift

The speaker should

Find something to say.
Arrange found in order.
Give it a verbal form.
Remember all this.

Kinds of eloquence


What is correct speech?

The speaker must have a high culture
speech. This requires knowledge of the rules.
literary language and the ability to choose the exact,
intelligible and most appropriate means for
expressions of thought.
The norms of the language are generally accepted in speech.
educated people pronunciation rules,
vocabulary, grammar.
Speech (stylistic) errors are allowed
as a result of a violation of the norm in stress and
pronunciation, incorrect choice of a word or its
shape and erroneous construction
syntactic construction.
When choosing a word, consider it
meaning, compatibility of a word with others
words and other features.
In oratory it is recommended
stick to bookish, not colloquial

Owning your own voice

The speaker must be sensitive to
sounding word.
The semantic perception of speech depends on its
pace, strength, height.
The speaker achieves great effect by changing
tempo, strength, pitch of one's voice in
depending on the content of the speech, that is
avoiding monotony.
The speaker must have
good diction, that is, to pronounce words
clearly and clearly.
An experienced speaker pays great attention
pauses: they allow you to do
certain semantic accents,
make breathing easier.

How to work on oral presentation

The speech should be carefully prepared: it is necessary to determine the topic, purpose,
the name of the performance, taking into account the composition of the audience and the situation. Then
draw up a preliminary plan, select theoretical and actual
When working on book sources, you need to use a quick look,
selective reading, deep reading, verbatim extracts,
take notes, etc.
After selecting the material for the speech, they write either its full text, or
abstract, abstract, or plan.
Rehearsal is an essential part of preparation. Particular attention should be paid
on the technique of pronunciation, facial expressions, gestures.
You need to analyze your performance in order to take it into account
positive and negative sides.

Three ways to speak

Reading is official speech.
Creation at the moment of pronunciation.
Memory playback.

Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev on the most important signs of a good public speech

If you want to be real
intelligent, educated and
cultured person, please
attention to your language.
Speak correctly, accurately and economically.
For the performance to be
entertaining, everything you say
should be interesting for you too.
If the speaker with enthusiasm
tells or reads and audience
it will feel, then the listeners