The project of tutor support in an educational organization. My project of tutor support for a high school student in a multidisciplinary school Project for a system of tutor support in education

Innovation project

"Model of tutor support

individual educational program for a high school student of a multidisciplinary school"

Educational institution:Municipal budgetary educational institution "Secondary school No. 5" Multidisciplinary ".

Status of the educational institution:Regional innovation platform on the topic "Development and practical implementation of a model of a multidisciplinary school of the third stage, the main content unit of which is an individual educational program of a student."

Organization address:628309, Nefteyugansk, microdistrict 2, building 29,

First part.

Project name:Model of tutor support for individual

High school educational program

Multidisciplinary school.

Relevance and novelty of the problem.

The basis of social self-determination of the student's personality is value-semantic self-determination, i.e. defining oneself in relation to general cultural human values ​​in order to highlight and justify one's own life concept and position. The socio-economic transformations that have been characteristic of Russia in the last 10-15 years have dramatically changed the orientation of Russian society, which, naturally, has led to significant changes in education. Today, the tasks of education and upbringing are not only the formation of an integral system of universal knowledge, skills and abilities, but also the formation of individual activity in schoolchildren in the field of self-knowledge, self-development, self-determination, independence, the ability to successfully socialize, future adaptation in the labor market and self-realization in life.

“The main task of education in present stage development human civilization should be the creation of conditions for the independent choice of a person, the formation of readiness and ability to act on the basis of constant choice and the ability to get out of a situation of choice without stress ”(From the report of the UNESCO International Commission on Education in the 21st Century).

The general education of young people ends at the senior level of education at school.. Therefore, the functions of the high school predetermine the direction of the content of all school education and are very important for the formation and realization of the potential capabilities of high school students, "testing" their own strengths and abilities, finding themselves before entering adulthood.

Problems of the general averageeducation at the senior level of education:

1. Young people, entering adulthood, are not ready to solve the problems that society and the state put before them: to navigate independently in any situation, find a solution in non-standard conditions, use life experience to make responsible life and professional choices.

2. Reproductive teaching methods lead to standard thinking of young people, unpreparedness for creative activity, inability to make independent decisions, to conduct a search.

3 . Formality in conducting pre-profile and profile training

leads to the fact that high school students are not ready for a responsible choice of their future profession and sphere of professional activity.

4. Difficulties professional self-determination in high school are due to the fact that the formed professional orientation of schoolchildren is divorced from real life.

5. Professional self-determination is complicated by the lack of personal experience of a high school student in the chosen field of work and knowledge about professions.

In order to solve the above problems, it is necessary in high school to provide students with the opportunity to design their future and form the necessary resources for a conscious professional choice. At school, it is necessary to create all the conditions for the individual educational activity of each student in the process of developing his abilities for self-education, self-determination, self-organization, understanding his educational plans and prospects.

These conditions include:

Individualization of the educational process, which is ensured by the provision of independent choice by high school students of options for studying subjects (profile and basic), elective courses, forms of education, independent determination of topics and areas of research, design and creative activities;

Expansion of the space of social activity of students, which is ensured by their inclusion in various forms of public presentations, the organization of profile tests, internships and practices;
- organization of the space of reflection, which is provided within the framework of consultations and discussions with students of their educational goals and prospects, educational stories and events.

It is impossible to create the above conditions without introducing a special position of a school tutor into the educational space of the school, providing a connection between the individual educational needs of the student and various options for achieving it.

Tutor- a historically established special pedagogical position that ensures the development of individual educational programs for high school students and students and accompanies the process of individual education at school, university, in systems of additional and continuing education.

Tutor - this is a mentor who accompanies, guides, but does not give ready-made, specific answers to the tutor's questions. The tasks of the tutor are: to "teach" the ward to plan their own educational activities, to carry out its analysis, reflection, independently raise questions of their own development, outline growth prospects, conduct education through different ways of working, teach them to comprehend successes and failures.

On May 5, 2008, by Orders of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 216n and No. 217n (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on May 22, 2008 No. 11731 and No. 11725, respectively), professional qualification groups for positions of workers of general, higher and additional vocational education, among which the position of "tutor" is fixed.

This academic year, our school received the status of "Multi-profile" and the issue of creating necessary conditions for the individualization of the educational process, the expansion of the space of educational and social activities and the activity of high school students has become relevant and urgent.

We faced the goal of developing a model of tutor support for a high school student in a multidisciplinary school as a means of achieving the desired result.

Initial theoretical positions

Project Modeling conditioned objective processes taking place in modern society.The project was developed in According to Federal Law "On Education" dated July 17, 2009 N 148-FZ, which states that "the content of education is one of the factors of the economic and social progress of society and should be focused on: ensuring self-determination of the individual, creating conditions for its self-realization", as well as "to ensure the formation of a student's picture of the world adequate to the modern level of knowledge and the level of the educational program (level of education)."

Project strategy defined:

The concept of specialized education at the senior level of general education;

Draft Federal State Educational Standards;

National Educational Initiative "Our New School";

The project is being implemented as part of the activities of the regional innovation platform fordevelopment and practical implementation of the model of a multidisciplinary school of the third stage, the main content unit of which is the individual educational program of the student.

The methodological basis of the project is:

  1. Humanistic concept of education and upbringing, pedagogy of cooperation (A.Maslow, K.Rogers, Sh.A.Amonashvili).
  2. Personality-oriented education (I.S. Yakimanskaya, V.V. Serikov, N.I. Alekseeva).
  3. Concepts of specialized education (E.A. Klimov, N.S. Pryazhnikov, N.V. Nemova).
  4. Theory of self-determination (P. Shchedrovitsky, A. Popov, S. Ermakov).
  5. The activity approach, which affirms activity as the basis and condition for the development of the personality (L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev).
  6. Theories of personality socialization (I.S. Kon, A.V. Mudrik, A.V. Petrovsky, V.A. Shapovalov, F. Rozhkov).
  7. Theory and methodology of project activities (J. Dewey, E. S. Polat, S. T. Shatsky).
  8. Theory of learning according to individual educational programs (A.A. Popov).

Objective of the project

Development and practical implementation of a model of tutor support for an individual educational program for a high school student in a multidisciplinary school.

Project objectives

1. To develop the content and mechanism of tutor support for a high school student of a multidisciplinary school:

Purpose, tasks, directions of tutor support for a high school student of a multidisciplinary school;

Stages, subject, actions of tutor support;

Means, forms, technologies for the implementation of tutor support;

Determine the end result of tutor support;

Diagnostic methods for monitoring the effectiveness of tutor support.

2. Develop the structure and content of an individual educational program for a high school student in a multidisciplinary school:

Purpose, tasks of an individual educational program for a high school student;

Components (sections) of an individual educational program for a high school student;

3. Create conditions for determining and further developing the own resources of high school students in a multidisciplinary school through:

Individualization of the educational process;

Expanding the space of social activities;

Organization of the space of reflection and analysis of one's own

Activities of high school students;

4. To test the model of tutor support of an individual educational program for a high school student in a multidisciplinary school in practice.

Main idea of ​​the project

Organization of tutor support in high school as an opportunity to maintain and develop in each high school student an initiative and author's attitude to their own educational activities, designing an image of their future, to culture, history, value and social aspirations aimed at forming:

Subject competence of a high school student - a knowledge base for further professional education in accordance with the educational claims of the student and his plans for the future;

Managerial competence of a high school student - ways to organize individual and collective activities (planning, design, research, creativity), design of activity products (project, research, presentation, social project);

Communicative competence - ways to use various kinds of resources to implement their ideas (human resource, resource of information systems, resource of collective mental activity, etc.);

Sociocultural competence - ways of socialization, inclusion in various educational, professional and other communities;

Readiness for a responsible choice of the sphere of the future profession, professional activity.

Justification of the significance of the project

for the development of the education system in the city

The developed model of tutor support for a high school student of a multidisciplinary school is an educational technology that provides training for graduates who are able to solve the problems of an innovative economy.

The results of the innovative project can be used in the system of training and advanced training of teachers during the period of transition to federal state educational standards of the new generation, to organize specialized education at the senior level in any school in the district.

Project Implementation Program

Stage 1 - design (2010-2011 academic year)

1. Study and analysis of psychological, pedagogical and research sources on the organization of tutor support for a high school student of a multidisciplinary school.

2. Development of the structure and content of the model of tutor support for a high school student of a multidisciplinary school: determination of the goal, tasks, directions, stages, subject, means, forms, methods and technologies for implementing tutor support for a high school student

(See Appendix 1, Appendix 2, Appendix 3, Appendix 4).

3. Selection diagnostic methods, methods for monitoring the effectiveness of tutor support.

4. Development of the structure and content of individual tutor consultations, group tutor consultations, reflective sessions

(see Annex 5)

5. Development of an exemplary scheme for the work of a tutor on a high school student's request (see Appendix 6)

6. Development of a system of trainings for the formation of confident behavior, the development of leadership skills, the ability to make responsible choices

(see Annex 7, Annex 8)

Stage 2 - practical (2011-2012 academic year)

1. Introduce tutor support for an individual educational program for a high school student in a multidisciplinary school.

2. Approbation of group tutor consultations with high school students on designing their own individual educational program.

3. Organization of individual tutor consultations to determine the individual educational request of a high school student.

4. Implementation tutor support of the stages of an individual educational program for a high school student of a multidisciplinary school.

5. Approbation of personal growth trainings “Training for confident behavior”, “Me and new circumstances in my life”.

6. Approbation of educational events: educational cartography, success forum, promotions, competitions, festivals, presentations, role-playing games.

Stage 3 - generalizing (2012-2013 academic year)

1. Analysis of the results of tutoring of an individual educational program for a high school student of a multidisciplinary school.

2. Formulation of the main conclusions and recommendations for building a model of tutor support for a high school student in a multidisciplinary school.

4. Conducting an examination of the results and products of innovative activity.

5. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the model of tutor support for an individual educational program for a high school student (analysis of data on the life trajectory of graduates).

Means of control and ensuring the reliability of the results

1. Estimated result:

Implementation by each high school student of his own individual educational program:

Development of one's personal potential: cognitive and professional interests, abilities, opportunities, competencies;

Self-determination in the choice of professional sphere and future professional activity;

Educational activity of a high school student;

The ability to analyze, reflect and correct their own activities;

Ability to independently set and implement life and professional tasks;

Design, research, social competencies;

Teamwork experience.

Tracking way:

  1. educational monitoring;
  2. observation, methods of statistics, methods of psychology (sociometry, individual cards, testing), questioning, reflective sessions, educational cartography, portfolio of a high school student;
  3. implementation data analysisindividual educational requests of students;
  4. analysis of the results of the state (final) certification;
  5. analysis of data on personal and socially significant achievements of students;
  6. analysis of data on the life trajectories of graduates.


In the course of the project, an attempt was made to reform the individualization and profiling of high school students of a multidisciplinary school through the implementation of tutor support. In our opinion, high school should become an institution for the socialization of students, give them the opportunity to design their future and form the necessary resources for a conscious professional choice and life plans. Therefore, the school needs conditions for the individual educational activity of each student in the process of developing his abilities for self-determination, self-organization, understanding his educational opportunities and prospects.

The project provides an opportunity to change the existing system of profile training of high school students, taking into account the problems of age - the search for one's own identity, self-determination, as a practice of becoming, associated with the construction of possible images of the future, designing and planning an individual path: educational, life and value perspectives.


1. Vinogradova N.M., Bespalova G.M. Social test, practice, project in a teenage school. - M., 2004.

2. Gladkaya I.V. and others. Fundamentals of profile education and pre-profile training: Educational and methodological manual for teachers / Ed. A.P. Tryapitsyna. - St. Petersburg: KARO, 2005.

3. Individually oriented pedagogy. Collection scientific papers based on materials of the 2nd tutor conference and regional seminars. - Moscow-Tomsk, 1997.

4. Mettus E.V. I am learning to choose. - St. Petersburg, 2005.

5. Profile education at school: models, methods, technologies. Handbook for heads of educational institutions. - M.: Classic Style, 2006.

6. Pryazhnikov N.S. Methods of activation of professional and personal self-determination. M.: Publishing House of the Moscow Psychological and Social Institute. - Voronezh: NPO "MODEK", 2002.

7. The development of the child's individuality - the path to the formation of democratic consciousness / Recommendations for organizers and participants in advanced training courses for teachers "Creation and development of a democratic, tolerant way of life in the school", compiler and editor A.N. Tubelsky. - M., NGO "School of Self-Determination", 2001.

8. Rezapkina G.V. Me and my profession: A program of professional self-determination for adolescents: A teaching aid for school psychologists and teachers.- M.: Genesis, 2000.

9. Smirnova E.E. On the way to choosing a profession. - St. Petersburg: KARO, 2003.

10. Theory and practice of organizing pre-profile training: Educational and methodological guide. Part 1 / Ed. S.V. Krivykh, G.N. Shornikova. - SPb.: SPb APPO, 2005.

11. Tutoring: Idea and ideology. Materials of the 1st Interregional tutor conference. - Tomsk, 1996.

12. The student is the subject of the educational process / Edited by A.N. Tubelsky, G.A. Biryukova. In 3 parts. Part 2. - M., 2005.

MOU "Secondary School No. 5" Page


Tutoring in high school

Annex 1

Model of tutor support of an individual educational program for a high school student in a multidisciplinary school

The purpose and objectives of tutor support for high school students

Escort directions





Escort item

Escort form

Accompanying tools

Maintenance result

Appendix 2

Model of tutor support for a high school student

(structure and content of the tutor support model)

The purpose of tutor support for a high school student

Creation of conditions for a conscious choice by each high school student of the sphere of future professional activity in accordance with their resources, capabilities, and abilities.

Tasks of tutor support

Contribute to the mastery of the culture of choice and co-organization of various educational offers by each high school student;

To assist high school students in designing an image of their future and developing the necessary resources for a conscious professional choice;

Organize work on the use by each high school student of the entire possible resource of open education and the construction of his own individual educational program;

Create conditions for the development of the personal potential of each high school student

Directions of tutor activity


personality possibilities

Awareness of their interests, abilities, opportunities, resources;

identification of weaknesses and strengths;

Development of personal O potential, social competencies.

Subject- the possibilities of a certain object

expanding the boundaries of the subject knowledge of a high school student through the involvement of knowledge of other subject areas.

Social- possibilities of the surrounding society

joint work of a tutor and a student to analyze the infrastructure of educational institutions in terms of their resource capacity for the implementation of an individual educational program.

Annex 3

Subject, content, forms, means of tutor support

Accompanying forms:







educational events;

Success Forums;
- educational cartography;

- portfolio management;

- counseling;

Profile and professional tests;

Pryazhnikov's activating techniques

The ability of students to identify gaps in knowledge when solving a new problem;

Ability to extract information from various sources;

Independently master the knowledge and skills to solve the tasks;

The ability to draw reasoned conclusions, make informed decisions;

Ability to work productively with team members

Escort item

- readiness for self-education;

Willingness to solve problems;

Willingness to use information resources;

Readiness for social interaction;

Readiness for social and professional self-determination;

Communicative and social competence

Appendix 4

Tutor support functions


Designing an educational goal for each student;

Correlation of the set goals with the capabilities of the student;

Determining the responsibility of a high school student for the process and learning outcomes;

Development of projects of individual training programs.

Organizational and activity

Organization of spaces for joint activities of students;

- carrying out installation messages;

Formation of small groups, teams;

Setting goals for individual and group work;

Organization of the work of the round table, intergroup discussion.


Identification of the motives and needs of students;

identifying student characteristics and learning skills;

diagnosing the dynamics of changes;

states of motivation that change in the process of learning goals and needs;

diagnosing difficulties and limitations;

monitoring the activities of students throughout the training;

Assessment of the level of satisfaction of students with the process and learning outcomes.

MOU "Secondary School No. 5"


Tutoring in high school

Annex 5

The structure of an individual tutor consultation.

  1. Establishing contact.
  2. Main part:

A. Identification of the student's current request.

B. Work on the request of a high school student.

B. Discussion of events that took place in the educational


D. Joint analysis of the implementation/non-implementation of the agreements reached at the previous meeting.

  1. Fixing new agreements. Homework. For example, a recommendation for reading a particular book, watching a movie.
  2. Completion of the tutor consultation, agreement on the date of the next meeting.

The optimal duration of the consultation is one

academic hour.

Appendix 6

An approximate scheme of the tutor's work on the request of a high school student.

1. Definition of the topic. At this stage, the tutor, using open questions, encourages the high school student to set the topic of discussion. For example: “What would you like to discuss today?”.

  1. Focus on the topic of discussion. The tutor asks to describe the request in more detail.
  2. Goal setting. The tutor helps to determine the goals and intentions. Direction of questions - "What do you want to achieve?",

“Why do you need this?”, “What do you want to know?”, “How will you do it?”.

  1. Search for ways to achieve the goal. The implementation of this stage depends on the level of maturity of the student: someone is ready to think, reason, think, and someone is waiting for the tutor to suggest ready-made solutions. But it is at the stages of goal-setting and the search for ways to achieve the goal that the tutor solves the problem of developing a high school student to the point of being ready to take responsibility, so it is advisable to call for an independent search. The focus of the questions is “Let's think, how can you achieve what you have planned?”. After identifying several ways to achieve the goal, the tutor offers his ward to choose the most suitable option.
  1. Consolidation of responsibility. The meaning of the questions is "When you

Will you start implementing what you have planned?”, “What problems

Can you collide in achieving your plan?

"What kind of help do you need?"

Appendix 7

Tutoring Products

  1. Portfolio of a high school student as a portfolio of educational achievements.
  2. Writing an essay by a high school student, the analysis of which will help the tutor to objectively assess the personal changes that have occurred.
  3. Tutor's diary.
  4. The result of tutoring activity can be a change in the status of the individual in the group and the desire for self-actualization as the desire of a high school student to more fully identify and develop their personal capabilities, the need for self-improvement, for maximum realizationits potential.

Appendix 8

Stages of designing an individual educational program for a high school student in a multidisciplinary school

Stages (sections

Stage 1

Determining the cognitive interest of a high school student as the basis for building an individual educational


Carrying out diagnostics of individual cognitive interest, preferences, inclinations.

Using the methods of tutor support of individual cognitive interest: the sign method is the analysis of personal educational history through the analysis of texts of a high school student: a specially written essay, story, diary.

The role-playing method is the creation of a game situation of immersion in a historical (literary) image and a description of the position of this hero, the projections of the student's views on the position of the hero are analyzed. Communicative method- group discussion of the position of the student.

The method of diagnostic questioning is the analysis of the student's educational history.

Discussion of the results, diagnostic results.

Stage 2

Formulation of an individual educational question

Projecting the image of your future in professional and personal terms (who I want to become, what profession to get, where I will go to study).

Determination of the educational question of a high school student (what I know and can do, what I want to know, why do I need it).

Revealing the essence of cognitive difficulty - what exactly is lacking for a high school student to determine in choosing a further educational path to achieve an image of his future.

The main method of posing an educational question is the discussion of the student's position by means of a tutor's question: clarifying, alternative, provoking

Stage 3

Educational Goal Setting

Formulation by a high school student together with a tutor of an educational goal as an expected result.

Correction, concretization of the educational goal.

Stage 4

Search for educational resources

Search for a tutor and high school student different sources and resources of education as a means to achieve its goal.

Drawing up a "plan-map" of the educational route - a listing of all the found options for means and sources of knowledge, indicating the sequence of "passing the points of the map."

Points on the map of the educational route: books, articles, consultations with teachers, scientific sessions, laboratories, elective courses, meetings with specialists, the topic of a project or research, questioning parents and friends, visiting a specific site or meeting in a chat, etc.

Analysis of the plan-map, its adjustment

Stage 5

Implementation, discussion, analysis of the individual educational plan of a high school student

Implementation, discussion, analysis, adjustment of the plan of educational activities.

Independent activity of the student to implement the plan.

Discussion with the tutor of emerging difficulties and problems (once every two weeks)

Carrying out work on the comprehension by a high school student of the meaning of the actions performed in accordance with a specific goal.

stage 6

Analysis of the results of the individual educational program of a high school student

Analysis and selection of the result of the activity: portfolio, project, research.

Correction of the educational goal, further designing of an individual educational program for a high school student.

MOU "Secondary School No. 5"



Stages of tutor support for the IEP of a high school student

Stage 1 . Modeling by a high school student of the IEP (launching the "image" of his future, awareness of his cognitive interests, opportunities, inclinations, long-term and short-range goals and objectives) through trainings on self-knowledge, disclosure of one's potential, tutorials on modeling the "image" of I" and IPO.

Stage 2 . Designing an IEP (what profession I want to get, where, what I want to learn, what I will do for this, search for information, resources, means) through the training “Projecting the image of a professional future, group, individual tutor consultations, trainings on self-organization, planning my activities.

Stage 3 . Correction of the IEP (comprehension and correlation of results and design) through reflective seminars-practices, business games, projective techniques, discussion of reflective texts, portfolio analysis.

Stage 4 . Self-realization of the IEP (control, reflection, correction) through the inclusion of a high school student in different types educational, creative, research, project activities: educational competitions, subject Olympiads, scientific sessions and laboratories, creative contests, conferences.

Stage 5 . Presentation of the IEP (presentation of the results of work, reflection, correction) through trainings, business games, conferences.



Individual educational program

______ class student



2011 - 2013



Program development date________________________________________________

Tutor __________________________________________________________


Concept Development

Image of the future

My professional


inclinations, opportunities.

Characteristics of my future (profession, career, position in society, family, etc.)

What profession do I want to get

Where do I want to study: university, secondary school



Education form.

Alternative 1

Items on

profile level

Name of items

Want to have

marks for this subject

I have marks for this subject

What will I do for this?

Elective courses

Distance learning incl. distance courses

Lessons with a tutor in what subjects

Preparation for olympiads and competitions

Self-education (subject)

artistic, sport school, mugs,

studios, sections

Scientific laboratories, scientific sessions

What do I want to learn

I want to learn

Where can I learn it

Set goals, plan your educational / social activities.

See and calculate the main problems, build assumptions about their resolution.

Plan your future.

Make decisions and take responsibility for them

Express yourself, the world of your feelings and ideas in text, art.

Skills of professional self-determination.

Research skills.

Own information technology, work with information.

The ability to argue, discuss constructively.

Intellectual competencies: explore, analyze, reason, think critically, prove your point

My educational project

Problem I need to solve this school year

My goal for this academic year.

What resources do I need to achieve my goal?

Expected results

Project Implementation Plan.

Student ____________________/______________/

Parents ___________________/_____________/




In the last decade, the priority values ​​of school education have changed: reorientation to the development of interests and abilities, to the formation of key competencies of students in the intellectual, civil law, communication, information and other fields. To achieve these areas, it is necessary to develop cognitive activity, independence of students, and monitor the dynamics of the development of their cognitive interests. Helping the student to realize their educational and professional prospects is helped not only by the teacher and psychologist, but also by the tutor.

The organization of the tutor's activities at the school is determined by the relevant regulatory framework. At the federal level, this is directly the law “On Education in Russian Federation”, Labor Code, “Unified Qualification Directory for the Positions of Managers, Specialists and Employees”, section “Qualification Characteristics of the Positions of Educational Workers” (Order No. 593 of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated 14.08.2009). At the level of an educational organization, these are the charter of an educational organization, a collective agreement, internal regulations, an employment contract between an employee and an employer.

Normative legal acts are the basis for the development of school local acts: provisions, job description and etc.

Tutoring activities - this is an activity to accompany the student, aimed at creating conditions for him that provide the possibility of personal development, carried out by the tutor.

Tutor support of the student's educational activities - this is a special type of pedagogical influence, in which the tutor creates conditions and offers ways for students to identify, implement and comprehend their conscious choice of specialization and cognitive interest in mastering the main educational program, and the student independently develops and implements an individual educational trajectory.

The main direction of tutoring at school - this is support for the formation of general and professional competencies of a student in the framework of mastering the main educational program in the chosen specialization and building an individual educational trajectory for students.


The tutor, being at the same time an organizer, a consultant, solves a wide range of tasks related to self-determination of the student in the surrounding educational space, building an individual educational trajectory together with him.

Target - to create conditions for a conscious choice by each senior student of the sphere of future professional activity in accordance with their resources, capabilities, and abilities.


1st stage (grades 9-10) self-determination and adaptation:

    accompanying the student in self-determination in relation to the chosen specialization;

    support of the student in the process of adaptation in the new educational space;

    supporting the student in building a personal educational trajectory;

2nd stage (grade 10):

    support for the development of general and specialized competencies;

    support of Portfolio formation;

3rd stage (grade 11):

    supporting the process of self-development and self-education of the student in the framework of mastering the main specialized educational program;

    support for the development of general and professional competencies;

    accompaniment of self-control and self-analysis of movement along a personal educational trajectory;

    support of Portfolio formation;

    support in the formation of the student's idea of ​​the direction of his further professional development.


The tutor interacts with all participants in the educational process within the framework of the college's activities:

Study work: drawing up the educational part of the student's individual educational trajectory, inclusion in research and scientific and practical work, organizing the student's independent work in academic disciplines and specialized modules.

Educational work: drawing up an extracurricular part of an individual educational trajectory, inclusion in cultural and extracurricular activities, organizing leisure activities, additional education, participating in social projects both inside and outside the school.

Socio-psychological work: detection (diagnosis) psychological features the personality of the student, the formation of an understanding of the status of the student of the school, the correction of behavior, the development of the psychological and physical properties of the student's personality.

Profile work: organization of space for inclusion in professional activity(inclusion in scientific and practical projects, mastering the programs of educational and industrial practices).


Forms of work used in tutor support:

    individual support;

    group accompaniment.


Social- opportunities of the surrounding society joint work of the tutor and the student on the analysis of the infrastructure of educational institutions in terms of their resource capacity for the implementation of an individual educational program.

Subject- the possibility of a certain objectivity expanding the boundaries of the subject knowledge of the student through the involvement of knowledge of other subject areas.

Anthropological ( personality possibilities)

    awareness of their interests, abilities, opportunities, resources;

    identification of weaknesses and strengths;

    development of personal potential, social competencies.


Escort item

    readiness for self-education;

    willingness to solve problems;

    readiness to use information resources;

    Readiness for social interaction;

    readiness for social and professional self-determination;

    communicative and social competence

    the ability of students to identify gaps in knowledge when solving a new problem;

    the ability to extract information from various sources;

    independently acquire knowledge and skills to solve the tasks;

    the ability to draw reasoned conclusions, make informed decisions;

    Ability to interact effectively with team members




    educational events;

    success forums;

    educational cartography;

    portfolio management ;


    profile and professional samples;

Tutor tools:

    Consulting technology;

    Question posing technology;

    Active listening technology;


    Technology of accompanying cognitive interests;

    Technology for supporting design and research activities;

    Case method (method of analyzing specific situations);

    Group work technology;

    Educational tourism.



    identifying the motives and needs of students;

    identifying student characteristics and learning skills;

    diagnosing the dynamics of changes;

    states of motivation that change in the process of learning goals and needs;

    diagnosing difficulties and limitations;

    monitoring the activities of students throughout the training;

    assessment of the level of satisfaction of students with the process and learning outcomes.

Organizational and activity:

    organization of spaces for joint activities of students;

    carrying out installation messages;

    formation of small groups, teams;

    setting goals for individual and group work;

    organization of the round table, intergroup discussion.


    designing an educational goal for each student;

    correlation of the set goals with the capabilities of the student;

    determining the responsibility of the student for the process and learning outcomes;

    development of projects of individual training programs.



Stage 1

Determination of the student's cognitive interest as the basis for building an individual educational


    Carrying out diagnostics of individual cognitive interest, preferences, inclinations.

    Using the methods of tutor support of individual cognitive interest: the sign method is the analysis of a personal educational history through the analysis of student texts: a specially written essay, story, diary.

    The role-playing method is the creation of a game situation of immersion in a historical (literary) image and a description of the position of this hero, the projections of the student's views on the position of the hero are analyzed.

    The communicative method is a group discussion of the position of the student.

    The method of diagnostic questioning is the analysis of the student's educational history.

    Discussion of the results, diagnostic results.

Stage 2

Formulation of an individual educational question

    Projecting the image of your future in professional and personal terms (who I want to become, what profession to get, where I will go to study).

    Definition of the student's educational question (what I know and can do, what I want to know, why do I need it).

    Revealing the essence of cognitive difficulty - what exactly is lacking for a high school student to determine in choosing a further educational path to achieve an image of his future.

    The main method of posing an educational question is the discussion of the student's position by means of a tutor's question: clarifying, alternative, provoking

Stage 3

Educational Goal Setting

    Formulation by a high school student together with a tutor of an educational goal as an expected result.

    Correction, concretization of the educational goal.

Stage 4

Search for educational resources

    The search for a tutor and a student from different sources and resources of education as a means to achieve his goal.

    Drawing up a "plan-map" of the educational route - a listing of all the found options for means and sources of knowledge, indicating the sequence of "passing the points of the map."

    Points on the map of the educational route: books, articles, consultations with teachers, scientific sessions, laboratories, elective courses, meetings with specialists, the topic of a project or research, questioning parents and friends, visiting a specific site or meeting in a chat, etc.

    Analysis of the plan-map, its adjustment

Stage 5

Implementation, discussion, analysis of the student's individual educational plan

    Implementation, discussion, analysis, adjustment of the plan of educational activities.

    Independent activity of the student to implement the plan.

    Discussion with the tutor of emerging difficulties and problems (once every two weeks)

    Carrying out work on the comprehension by a high school student of the meaning of the actions performed in accordance with a specific goal.

stage 6

Analysis of the results of the student's individual educational program

    Analysis and selection of the result of the activity: portfolio, project, research.

    Correction of the educational goal, further design of the individual educational program of the student.


Stage 1 - design (grades 9-10)

1. Study and analysis of psychological, pedagogical and scientific research sources on the organization of tutor support for a student.

2. Development of the structure and content of the student's tutor support model: determination of the goal, objectives, directions, stages, subject, means, forms, methods and technologies for the implementation of student tutor support.

3. Selection of diagnostic techniques, methods that provide monitoring of the effectiveness of tutor support.

4. Development of the structure and content of individual tutor consultations, group tutor consultations, reflective sessions.

5. Development of an approximate scheme of the tutor's work on the student's request.

6. Development of a system of trainings for the formation of confident behavior, the development of leadership skills, the ability to make responsible choices.

Stage 2 – practical (Grade 10)

1. Implement tutor support for a student's individual educational program.

2. Approbation of group tutor consultations with students on designing their own individual educational program.

3. Organization of individual tutor consultations to determine the student's individual educational request.

4. Implementation of tutor support for the stages of the student's individual educational program.

6. Approbation of educational events: educational cartography, success forum, promotions, competitions, festivals, presentations, role-playing games.

Stage 3 - generalizing (Grade 11)

1. Analysis of the results of tutor support of the student's individual educational program.

2. Formulation of the main conclusions and recommendations for building a model of tutor support for a student.

4. Conducting an examination of the results and products of activities.

5. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the model of tutor support of the individual educational program of the student (analysis of data on the life trajectory of graduates).


Expected result:

    implementation by each high school student of his own individual educational program:

    development of one's personal potential: cognitive and professional interests, abilities, opportunities, competencies;

    self-determination in the choice of professional sphere and future professional activity;

    educational activity of the student;

    the ability to analyze, reflect and correct their own activities;

    the ability to independently set and implement life and professional tasks;

    design, research, social competencies;

    experience of working in a team.

Products of tutor activity:

        1. Student Portfolio as a Portfolio of Educational Achievements.

          Writing an essay by a high school student, the analysis of which will help the tutor to objectively assess the personal changes that have occurred.

          Tutor's diary.

          The result of tutoring activity can be a change in the status of the individual in the group and the desire for self-actualization as the student's desire to more fully identify and develop their personal capabilities, the need for self-improvement, to maximize their potential.


    educational monitoring;

    observation, methods of statistics, methods of psychology (sociometry, individual maps, testing), questioning, reflective sessions, educational cartography, student's portfolio;

    analysis of data on the implementation of individual educational requests of students;

    analysis of the results of the state (final) certification;

    analysis of data on personal and socially significant achievements of students;

    analysis of data on the life trajectories of graduates.


    program (plan) of tutor support of the student;

    work plan with students for a week, month, quarter;

    individual educational trajectories of students;

    schedule of work with the tutor group;

    children's attendance log;

    analysis of the implementation of the educational program (requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards) by students;

    student portfolio;

    materials for monitoring educational results and the effects of individualization of education of students, etc.


The project made an attempt to reform the individualization and profiling of high school students through the implementation of tutor support. The high school should become an institution for the socialization of students, give them the opportunity to design their future and form the necessary resources for a conscious professional choice and life plans. Therefore, the school needs conditions for the individual educational activity of each student in the process of developing his abilities for self-determination, self-organization, understanding his educational opportunities and prospects.

The project provides an opportunity to change the existing system of profile training of high school students, taking into account the problems of age - the search for one's own identity, self-determination, as a practice of becoming, associated with the construction of possible images of the future, designing and planning an individual path: educational, life and value perspectives.

Tutor support project

The participant in respect of whom tutor support is carried out is a student of the 8th grade of the branch
MBOU "Tokarevskaya secondary school No. 2" in the village of Chicherino
Markina Natalia. Her age is 15 years old.

1. general characteristics child in respect of whom tutor support is carried out

Natalia has been studying at school since the 1st grade.

A capable girl, she studies excellently in all subjects. Has logical thinking, owns educational material at a very good level. Maintains high performance during all lessons. Expresses ideas clearly and consistently. Owns a good vocabulary, which allows her to analyze, reason intelligently and draw conscious and meaningful conclusions. He knows how to objectively evaluate his own work. Dominated natural-mathematical abilities, loves to read.

Natalia lives in a complete, financially secure family. Parents' education - secondary special, mother- medical worker, dad is an engineer, parents provide all possible assistance in realizing the cognitive interests of the girl. The atmosphere in the family is non-conflict, trusting relationships, the level of mutual understanding with parents is high, parents strictly control her behavior and do not limit her independence in obtaining knowledge. The family is financially secure. Parents constantly keep in touch with the class teacher, attend parent-teacher meetings.

The girl is disciplined, does not conflict with teachers. Diligently follows orders. The style of behavior is friendly, calm.

The girl is confident in her abilities, optimistic. Knows how to set a specific goal and strives to achieve it. Physically healthy, enjoys attending classes physical culture.

Natalya p accepts Active participation in all-Russian, regional competitions, distance olympiads in subjects of the natural cycle. In the All-Russian Olympiad in geography and biology at the school level, he is the winner, at the municipal level - the prize-winner. Natalia is the winner of the Regional stage of the All-Russian competition for young researchers environment- 2nd place, took part in the regional stage of the regional scientific and practical conference of students "The Way to Science" in Michurinsk, winner of the regional competition "My Earth - my fellow countrymen", winner of the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad of research and educational research works of children and youth on the problems of environmental protection "Man - Earth - Space" (Olympiad "Constellation") - 2nd place; winner of the regional competition "Yunnat - 2016"

She is an active participant in the All-Russian online competition "Environmental Education". Joint social and environmental project of teachers and students "Live, spring, live!" - 3rd place; Is the winner of the International distance blitz-tournament "I am proud of you, my land" - 1st place; Multiple winner of Olympiads in Geography of the International Project

2. Characteristics of the cognitive interests of the child.

The girl shows a special interest in teaching natural and mathematical sciences, participates in various olympiads, and wins prizes in competitions. Erudite, emotional, inquisitive, she demonstrates excellent knowledge of subjects, relying not only on textbook material, but also using additional literature. Natasha has excellent skills in using a computer, research and creative activities, is fond of sports, is the chairman of the research and development department for schoolchildren "POISK", attends volleyball and tennis sections. Her hobby is photography. Indifferent to animals. The object of constant admiration is horses.

3. The purpose of the individual educational program.

    To develop the skills of research work, the ability to think independently and creatively, to use the acquired knowledge in practice;

    Creating conditions for self-expression and self-realization of the student through mastering the solution of tasks of increased complexity in preparation for the OGE;

    Ability to independently acquire and apply knowledge for his subsequent professional education.

4. Tasks of an individual educational program.

    creating conditions for deepening subject knowledge in the program of geography and biology grades 5-9;

    providing an opportunity to correlate the level of their knowledge with the level of tasks of Olympiads and tasks of increased complexity from the OGE;

    formation of the ability to apply theoretical knowledge in geography and biology in practice, when writing research and creative works;

    mastering algorithms and techniques for solving tasks of an increased level of complexity in geography and biology;

    development of intellectual and creative abilities;

    Organize viewing a series of video lessons on Internet resources with an analysis of the solution of OGE tasks in geography and biology;

    Send them to complete tasks from the demonstration options of the OGE in geography and biology in the online training mode;

    Develop a program for an elective course in geography “Geography of Russia. Population.” for solving creative tasks, “Biology around us” tasks of increased complexity, found in tests for the OGE;

    More actively involve schoolchildren in research and development, in scientific research in the field of ecology, biology and geography;

    Take part in all-Russian and international remote online competitions and the All-Russian Olympiad in ecology, geography, biology different levels.

    Check the implementation of training options in geography, taking into account the time spent.

    Create conditions for the analysis and reflection of their achievements and failures.

5. Map of educational resources.

Elective course in geography “Geography of Russia. Population"

Paid additional educational services


Branch of Tokarevskaya secondary school No. 2 in the village of Chicherino Map of educational services

District, school library

Teachers, parents, friends

Program distance learning

Internet resources: - various preparation materials - video tutorials tutorials "";;

6. List of possible project topics within the framework of the implementation of the IEP

Formation of knowledge and skills that form the basis of geographical literacy;

Actual problems of the population of Russia, the ability to analyze statistical materials on this topic when solving tasks of the OGE;

Methods for solving more complex tasks with detailed answers on various topics;

Formation of the ability to analyze and interpret geographic information presented in various forms;

Methodology for identifying the relationship between climate features and a geographical object according to the table;

Methodology for comparing and analyzing the length of the day, the height of the Sun above the horizon, depending on the geographical location of the object;

Formation of cartographic skills to determine geographic coordinates, distances and directions along topographic maps;

Methodology for conducting experiments, experiments in research and creative activities.

Planned educational events:

Realization of the creative potential of a girl: classes in research and development, sections, circles, classes additional education, prize-winning places in olympiads (regional level), in municipal, regional, all-Russian competitions on various topics, maintaining a positive trend in education (excellent student).

The student has developed a willingness to make a responsible choice of the educational profile.

The student has the skills to work with information in the field of educational and professional resources.

The student is an active participant in professional and personal self-determination through the design and implementation of an individual educational program plan for the Olympiad and research movement in ecology, geography, biology.

Formation of own interests, experience of working with resources various types;

Experience of self-presentation in various communities, experience of working in a team;-

Ability to analyze and correct own activities;

Experience in building your own individual educational trajectory. Russian State Children's Library

Natural Science Educational Portal

Portal of information support of the Unified State Examination for the geography lesson - " RGO. en"

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Pervomaiskaya secondary school" Pervomaisky district of the Tambov region

Generalization of pedagogical experience on the topic

Tutor support for students in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard

Erina Anna Sergeevna, teacher of Russian language and literature

1. Topic of experience: "Tutor support for students in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard"

2. Information about the author of the work: Erina Anna Sergeevna, teacher of the Russian language and literature of the higher branch No. 1 of the MBOU "Pervomaiskaya Secondary School" in the village. Staroseslavino

3. Conditions for the emergence, formation of experience.

    increasing the level of learning motivation

    mastering educational technologies and providing psychological and pedagogical support to the child

    realization of the abilities of students with increased educational needs and high level development of self-education skills;

    assistance to low-performing students who have gaps in knowledge during the entrance, midterm and final examinations;

    elimination of difficulties in preparing students for the state final certification

4. Relevance of experience.

The new tasks set today for school education significantly expand the scope and purpose of educational standards. At the same time, the effect of the correct introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard depends entirely on how much managerial, pedagogical and educational activities in each educational institution will be thoughtful, purposeful, technologically armed and provided with the necessary resources. In the context of the introduction of new standards, the development of the child's personality, and not "acquired knowledge", becomes the semantic guideline. This radically changes the target orientations of the educational organization. Priority is given to:

achievement and maintenance of a high level of motivation of the child to education;

achieving the level of knowledge necessary and sufficient for the next stage of education, which ensures competence-based development and solution (at the level of independent activity) of educational and social tasks;

achievement of independence in educational and socially oriented activities, reflective assessment and self-assessment of results.

5. Leading pedagogical idea of ​​experience.

The need for personal support of the student, moving along the educational route designed by him, in the process of becoming his responsible choice, the teacher's assistance in solving independently set self-educational tasks. This is a promising approach to the development of a methodology for the formation of readiness for self-education.

6. Duration of work on experience.

September 2014-present

7.Experience range.

The material is intended for teachers of the Russian language and literature working in high school, as well as for all participants in the educational process as part of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard.

8.Theoretical base of experience.

Tutor support is pedagogical activity on the individualization of education, aimed at identifying and developing educational motives and interests of the student, the search for educational resources to create an individual educational program, to work with the educational order of the family, the formation of educational and educational reflection of the student. Here, accompaniment should be understood as joint movement tutor (as a companion) and student (as the main actor) in the educational process. The work should be aimed at building on the material of the real life of the tutor the practice of expanding his own capabilities, at self-determination, connecting the subjective attitude to building his own progress towards success. The tasks of the tutor are: to “teach” the ward to plan their own educational activities, to carry out its analysis, reflection, independently raise questions of their own development, outline growth prospects, conduct education through different ways of working, teach them to comprehend successes and failures, build interaction with other people and structures for solving the assigned tasks. Properly organized tutor support contributes to the development of the following competencies of high school students:

subject (collection of a knowledge base to continue the education of the student);

managerial (the ability to plan one's activities, to carry out its design, as well as the ability to formalize the results of one's activities (project, research, etc.);

communicative (use of various resources for the implementation of educational requests (human (including collective)), informational (for example, the Internet), etc.);

sociocultural (implementation of socialization, for example, inclusion in various educational, professional and other communities). The subject of tutor support is an individual educational program of the student, which describes:

a way of organizing his education, including a description of the image of the future and the goals of education,

work with a map of educational resources, which includes the subject content of training,

a set of activities that can be provided by the lyceum or in cooperation with others educational institutions(both in the city and outside it),

reflection and evaluation of the implementation of the program (individual items, activities), communications during the implementation of the program, including those made on the basis of self-assessment of the replenished Portfolio.

9.Experience technology.

The purpose of this experience is to achieve: a high level of a child’s motivation for education, a level of knowledge necessary and sufficient for the next stage of education, which ensures competence-based development and solution (at the level of independent activity) of educational and social tasks, independence in educational and socially oriented activities, reflective evaluation and self-assessment of results.

Methodological tasks of work in this direction:

    optimize the capabilities of the existing school model in order to form an open educational space,

    identify a set of organizational and pedagogical conditions that ensure the inclusion of all subjects of educational practice in the design of the educational process.

Pedagogical tasks of the work:

    “teach” the ward to plan their own educational activities,

    carry out its analysis, reflection,

    to independently raise questions of their own development,

    outline growth prospects

    carry out education through different ways of working,

    learn to make sense of successes and failures,

    build interaction with other people and structures to solve the tasks

This experience is implemented using the following methods: problem-based learning; design methods; practice-oriented activity; analysis and introspection; self-learning (both individually and in groups). The most effective was the use of such technologies as "Case-training"; "Debate"; "Portfolio"; "Educational journey" ("professional journey"); "Development critical thinking through reading and writing. During the design process, it is necessary that each student be able to formulate their educational goal at this stage of work, while assessing their ability to achieve it and, most importantly, taking responsibility for the process and result of education. In the course of organizing activities for the implementation of the planned, it is necessary that the following events take place:

organization of spaces for joint activities of students;

conducting installation consultations;

formation of small groups, teams;

setting goals for individual and group work;

implementation of planned actions, taking into account the tasks set

organization of the work of the round table, intergroup discussion (as a possible result of the activity).

Further, it is necessary to monitor the activities carried out together with the students. Why is diagnosing the achievement of the goal (diagnosing the dynamics of changes), monitoring activities during the process. At the end of the control procedure, an analysis process is necessary in order to plan corrective actions. Why is diagnosing difficulties and limitations, assessing the level of satisfaction with the process and results of the work done), as well as the level of motivation, its changes. Here, the students' goals are adjusted for further work, i.e. further progress or in the direction of the implementation of the previously set goal or its change is discussed. Possible products of tutor activity:

Tutor's portfolio (both informational on solving a problem, and achievements).

An essay by a tutor, the analysis of which will help the tutor to objectively assess the personal changes that have taken place.

Tutor's diary.

The result of tutoring activity should also be a change in the personality status of a particular student in a group, as well as the emergence (development) of the desire for self-actualization as a desire to more fully identify and develop their personal capabilities, the need for self-improvement, in maximizing their potential.

Pedagogical methods and technologies

Achieved results

Problem learning

Creation of problem situations in educational activity and organization of active independent activity of students to resolve them, as a result of which there is a creative mastery of knowledge, skills, abilities, mental abilities develop.

Project based teaching methods

Work according to this method makes it possible to develop the individual creative abilities of students, to approach professional and social self-determination more consciously.

Research Methods in Teaching

It gives students the opportunity to independently replenish their knowledge, delve deeply into the problem under study and suggest ways to solve it, which is important in the formation of a worldview. This is important for determining the individual development trajectory of each student.

Collaborative learning (team, group work)

Cooperation is interpreted as the idea of ​​joint developmental activities of adults and children. The essence of the individual approach is to go not from the subject, but from the child to the subject, to go from the opportunities that the child has, to apply psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of the personality.

Information and Communication Technologies

Changing and unlimited enrichment of the content of education, the use of integrated courses, Internet access. ANDusing a computer to receive and work with information on electronic media, from the Internet

Health saving technologies

The use of these technologies makes it possible to distribute various types of tasks evenly during the lesson, to alternate mental activity with motor activity.

Portfolio innovation assessment system

Formation of a personalized account of the achievements of the student as a tool for pedagogical support of social self-determination, determining the trajectory of the individual development of the individual.

Differentiated learning

A form of organization of the educational process, in which the possibilities and requests of each student or individual groups of students are taken into account as much as possible.

Target differentiated learning - creation of a comfortable environment for learning and personal development, taking into account individual psychological characteristics.

Differentiation can be carried out according to the following criteria:

    according to the content of the assignment

    according to the form of organization of work in the lesson

    according to the method of pedagogical support

    according to the way of perception of information


Providing comfortable, conflict-free and safe conditions for the development of the individual, the realization of her natural potentials. The personality of the child in this technology is the goal educational system, and not a means to some abstract end. Manifested in students' learningindividual educational programsaccording to their capabilities and needs.

The student's request is determined according to the following scheme:

1. Formulate your educational goal.
The goal is a subjective image of the desired, the expected result of the activity. To set a goal means to predict, to predict the expected result. The goal must be specific, i.e. it is necessary to indicate: a certain period, the successes that you want to achieve in general and in certain areas, the ways of receiving education after school.
2. Define tasks - ways to achieve the goal.
Tasks - a plan of your actions to achieve your goal, which is developed: for a certain period, for specific types of activities, for individual subjects.
3. Choose the forms and methods of teaching.
Choose those forms and teaching methods that help you effectively master the educational material, or offer your own. You must: know what and how you are taught in the classroom, be able to formulate a proposal for the teacher on the use of the most effective methods of teaching, be able to determine the forms of self-education.

4. Determine the forms and methods of control
Choose your preferred forms and methods of control: how often you need to be checked so that you study well, what is the best way to check your knowledge, how you should exercise self-control.
5. Plan your learning activities.

An example of an individual educational route preparation for the exam in the Russian language

Student 11 "T" class Kozlova Alena Alekseevna

1. Goals of education (The goal is a subjective image of what you want. Indicate your goal for this school year - in general, in individual subjects.) _- prepare for passing the exam In Russian. 2. Tasks of education (The task is part of the goal. Determine how you will achieve your goal.)
First of all, I want to learn how to write essays-reasonings on a linguistic topic and on a given text.
3. Forms and methods of teaching - explanation of the teacher, independent work with measuring material, writing trial essays, computer testing.
4. Forms and methods of control (as a whole, for individual subjects). For me ppreferable: written work on questions, test, oral answer on questions, work with measuring materials, retelling from a textbook, computer control, search for an answer in the textbook, test (on the topic), project, abstract, essay (underline), other (fill in)
How often do you need to be checked: lesson control,
thematic control, quarter control, etc.

Date ____________________________

Student Signature ________________

Parent's signature _______________

Teacher's signature

Alena Kozlova's individual educational route for the second half of the 2015-2016 academic year



Implementation timeline

1.Diagnosis. Training work No. 1 according to the type of exam in full.

Time to complete the work 100-110 minutes. When performing work, it is desirable to create conditions that are as close as possible to the requirements for passing the exam.

Not set


2. Analysis of the results of the training work: the checked work with the calculated points and the assessment is given to the student, the evaluation criteria are announced, the correct answers are shown on the board, the process of self-examination is underway to eliminate the teacher's accidental errors.

Do the work on the bugs


3. Methods and techniques for working on an essay on a linguistic topic.

The structure of the essay of reasoning. Templates for writing. Test writing under the guidance of a teacher.

Write an essay Option 17.19.

14.02 2016

4.Independent work. intermediate control.

Not set

21.02. 2016.

5. Techniques for working with essay-reasoning.

Learn patterns for writing

01.03. 2016

6. Trial writing an essay on the text of Option-17

Not set

15.03. 2016

7. Independent work. intermediate control. Analysis of the written essay. Compliance with the verification criteria.

Write an essay Option - 10


8. Trial computer testing in full


9. Independent work. Weekly essay writing. Checking and consulting the teacher.

April-May 2016.

The implementation of this model made it possible to increase the level of motivation of schoolchildren, their independence and responsibility in solving such issues as drawing up a curriculum, setting educational goals, and evaluating the results of educational work. The teacher in such conditions acts as a coordinator, creating favorable conditions for meaningful learning, stimulating curiosity and cognitive motives. The results of the work give grounds to consider such a way of learning productive, promising, meeting the requirements of modern society; inspires confidence to continue to improve this training model.


The results of the final attestation of students in the Russian language



Average score

11 "T"


11 "T"



The results of students in the Russian language in the inter-certification period

1. The level of progress of students in the Russian language at the end of the academic year - 100%

2. The level of progress of students in the Russian language according to the results of the Higher School of Economics (final test papers) - 100%

3. The level of quality of students' knowledge of the Russian language at the end of the academic year - 69.2%

4. The level of quality of students' knowledge of the Russian language based on the results of the Higher School of Economics (final control work) - 61.5%


The results of diagnosing the level of students' motivation to study the subject

Most of the class formed a stable motive for self-education. Students began to perceive teaching as a socially significant activity. There was an orientation not only to mastering knowledge, algorithms of educational actions, but also a desire to draw up a program for obtaining additional knowledge. Children began to work actively, learned to set goals and mastered self-control. Developed the ability to overcome obstacles in achieving goals. They mastered the culture of educational work.


The effectiveness of students' participation in subject Olympiads, competitions and competitions at various levels


Municipal level

Regional level

Federal level



Winners and runners up


Winners and runners up


Winners and runners up



Conclusion of work on this topic

Thus, today, starting work on testing new educational standards of high school, we are talking about a different education that develops a person as an individual, independent in constructing life and professional tasks, in generating personal meanings. We can build new look result:

the school is successful if all students are created conditions that generate motivation for education (study and joint socially oriented activities); if all students are given the opportunity to develop their independence in subject and socially oriented activities; if all students are provided with the right to develop and implement a reflective self-assessment of the results of what has been achieved;

a teacher is successful if, together with teachers and parents, he learns the “internal law of development” of each child, which consists in the emergence of new subject, social and personal tasks based on his developed capabilities, creates a motivating, active, competence-based and reflective environment for joint activities with each student;

a student is successful if he develops as a person: he is motivated to set and solve diverse tasks in subject and social activities, is able to show his personal qualities in individual and joint activities, develops a reflective self-assessment of his activities

10. List of used literature

1. T.M. Kovalev. Materials of the course "Fundamentals of tutor support in general education": Lectures 1-4.-M. Pedagogical University "Pervre September", 2010.

2. T.M. Kovalev. Materials of the course "Fundamentals of tutor support in general education": Lectures 5-8.-M. Pedagogical University "Pervre September", 2010.

3. Kovaleva T.M., Kabyshcha E.I., Popova (Smolik) S.Yu., Terov A.A., Cheredilina M.Yu. Profession "tutor". -M.- Tver: "SFK-office".

4. G.M. Bespalova. Tutoring support for a student: organizational forms and educational effects (article from the website of the International Tutor Association ").

5. Tutoring support of individual educational programs at different levels of education: materials of the international scientific and practical conference (March 28-30, 2012, Perm) / under the total. ed. L.A. Kosolapova; Perm. state humanit. - ped. un-t. - Perm, PSGPU, 2012.

6. Kovaleva, T. M. Organization of pre-profile training and profile education at school: tutor support / T. M. Kovaleva // Innovations in education. - 2007. - No. 11. - P. 14–26.

7. Kovaleva, T. M. Modern quality of education and the principle of individualization: [method of tutor support] / T. M. Kovaleva // Head teacher: modern school management. - 2012. - No. 1. - P. 68–72.

Student tutoring project

teachers biology MBOU secondary school No. 1, Michurinsk, Shatilova I.V.

1. General characteristics of the child in respect of which tutor support is carried out.

Zhidkov Mikhail, 13 years old.

Tutor support is carried out in relation to a teenager studying 7 "G" class MBOU secondary school No. 1 of the city of Michurinsk.

During his studies from grades 1 to 7, he shows excellent academic success, is the winner of the school and municipal stages of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in the Russian language, biology and ecology, and Misha also actively participates in competitions at various levels. In the class, Mikhail developed good interpersonal relationships with all students. Never goes into conflict, always ready to help his classmates,. Shows leadership qualities. Treat teachers with respect. The main group of health, but there is a visual impairment. He rarely misses school.

Misha is quite sociable and very responsible. He is purposeful, has a high capacity for work, has good creative abilities, and is sensitive to the opinions of other people.

Brought up in a complete family. Mom Irina Yuryevna and dad Sergey Alexandrovich have higher education. There is a younger sister Sophia, a future student of the 1st grade.

2. Characteristics of the cognitive interests of the child

To identify the features of cognitive interest in a 7-grader, various methods were used:

    determination of the intensity of cognitive interests by questioning (V. S. Yurkevich's test);

    observation of manifestations of cognitive interest. The method of observing manifestations of cognitive interest made it possible to collect additional information about the manifestation of cognitive interest during Misha's activities in the lesson in natural conditions (method of G.I. Shchukina);

    Torrens test for creativity (adapted version by A.N. Voronin);

    detection of search activity (method of M.I. Lisina).

An analysis of the studies carried out made it possible to draw a conclusion about the level of manifestation of the student's cognitive activity and creativity of thinking (indicators "fluency" of execution, "flexibility", "uniqueness"). Mikhail has a high spontaneous search activity, shows interest in the essence of phenomena, in their essential connections and patterns, seeks to understand difficult issues, seeks to overcome difficulties in complex problematic tasks. The predominance of a high level of development of interest and an average level of creativity ensures high search activity in most academic subjects. When developing an individual educational program, it is necessary to take into account the fact that cognitive interests of a high level of development, combined with a rich outlook, a high level of knowledge, require for their development an appropriate favorable environment that renews and deepens knowledge, ensures going beyond curricula and introduces sciences with maximum using search activity.

To determine the priority sphere of practical and cognitive interests of a teenager,used the diagnostics of cognitive interests according to the “Map of Interests” by A. E. Golomshtok (modified by S. Ya. Karpilovskaya). Thus, interest in the subjects of the natural science cycle (biology, ecology, physics) was revealed. Misha also has creative abilities (he studies piano at a music school).

3. The purpose of the individual educational program

Personal development and self-determination of the student through the development of resources cognitive activity in an open educational environment in accordance with independently presented educational requests.

4. Tasks of an individual educational program

    Determining the preferred type of activity of the student.

    Organization of student's own activities based on personal needs, interests, aspirations.

    Development of skills of self-education, self-education, self-realization.

    Offering the child alternative ways to receive education, depending on his age and individual characteristics.

    Creating a comfortable environment for effective learning.

    Organization of psychological and pedagogical support of the student.

5. Map of educational resources



Tutor support


I know-I can-achieved

1. Good level of knowledge in general subjects

2. Subjects of particular interest are: biology, ecology, Russian language, physics.

3. I know how to conduct elementary research, write essays, make presentations, use Internet resources.

4. Results in the previous academic year:

participant of the All-Russian intellectual competition "Olympus" in mathematics, biology, winner of the All-Russian competition "Biological Championship".

5. Winner of the city music competition.

The psychological and pedagogical service identified the types of giftedness of the student: intellectual, creative.

Tutor's tasks:

1. Ensure the variability of the student's extracurricular activities.

2. Draw up an MI taking into account the interests of the child.

3. Develop research skills.

4. Improve further creativity and leadership qualities

5. Promote creativity


I want to learn - learn - achieve

1. Engage in research activities in the field of biology.

2. Continue successful participation in subject Olympiads and music competitions.

To compile the IEP, specific types of activities are selected from the Opportunity Matrix:

1. Work within the framework of the LEU section of biology.

2. Participation in the classes of the school circle "Eco Lover" and the program of additional education "Organization of project activities".

3. Participation in events held at the school (musical evenings, concerts, class hours).

Participation in competitions, olympiads, quizzes of various levels on the interests of the student.


My steps towards the goal

1. Reading additional scientific literature on subjects and working with Internet resources.

2. Classes in the "Eco Lover" circle.

3. Attendance at the course "Organization of project activities".

4. Work in KNOU

5. Participation in subject weeks, competitions of various levels.

October: participation in a concert attended by the Teacher's Day, participation in the school stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in biology, ecology, Russian language

November: participation in observations of nature, participation in the municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in biology and ecology.

December: participation in the projects of the section of the LEU biology.

January: participation in the NOU school conference with the results of research in biology;

February: participation in the action "Feed the birds in winter"

March: participation in a concert dedicated to International Women's Day, participation in the municipal stage of the competition "Agribusiness Ideas".

April : participation in the Day of birds, participation in the school scientific-practical conference "Up the ladder of success".


Participation in school and municipal concerts dedicated to the 71st anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War;

Participation in the regional scientific-practical conference "Agribusiness-Initiative";

Tutor consultations;

Classes under the program of additional education "Organization of project activities".

Monitoring and analysis

Learned - Learned - Achieved

1. My discoveries:

Identified the influence of environmental factors on health;

Developed the project "Mobile eco-laboratory"

My victories:

Winner and prize-winner of the school and municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in biology and ecology, prize-winner (2nd place) of the school scientific and practical conference "Up the ladder of success", winner of the regional competition "Agribusiness Initiative" (1st place).

My achievements:

He graduated from the 7th grade of the general education and the 3rd grade of the music school with excellent marks.

Work on ITM contributed to the development of the student's intellectual and creative abilities, which made it possible to achieve good success in educational activities.

Misha took an active part in all subject weeks competitions. Worked on the project "Mobile Ecolaboratory".

Psychodiagnostics revealed a positive dynamics in the level of formation of a number of indicators of intellectual giftedness.

6. Use of various resources.

A) Inside school resources:

Elective courses (Russian language, mathematics, physics, etc.);

Additional education programs ("Organization of project activities", "World of Physics", "Robotics", etc.);

Extracurricular activities (scientific society of students "Filyonok", photo studio, circles: "Ekolovenok", theatrical art "Mask", musical, etc.)

B) Resources of the immediate social environment:

Favorable relationships in the family, as well as with acquaintances and friends;

Financial and informational assistance to parents (necessary consultations and the Internet, assistance in organizing trips to other cities and excursions).

C) Resources of the socio-cultural environment of the "proximate availability":

Museum of Local Lore (department of nature);

Museum of I.V. Michurin;

Michurin State Agrarian University;

VNIIS named after I.V. Michurin;

Central Genetic Laboratory named after IV Michurin;

Children's music school;

Children's sports school;

Center of children's creativity;

Teenage club "Peer".

D) "Remote" external resources:

Agribusiness centers (Tatanovo and Izberdei);

Excursion trips to other cities, regions, countries.

Scientific and educational institutions of Tambov, Moscow, Lipetsk, etc.

E) The most important Internet resources:

smart ass - - Children's Russian Internet Festival: news, participants, organizers, projects.

Phystech-Inform-Bureau - counseling center for schoolchildren
- Opportunity to get answers to questions on the latest achievements of science and technology from leading scientists of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Academy of Education; and also, together with peers, participate in independent scientific research.

Guide IN THE WORLD OF SCIENCE for schoolchildren. -
Thanks to this catalog, schoolchildren can find not only educational materials, but also other useful materials of a methodical, popular science, informational, bibliographic nature.

Olympiads on the site "Developing Education" - Tasks of Olympiads in various subjects organized by the International Association "Developing Education"

"Virtual School of Cyril and Methodius" -
The project is an analogue of a comprehensive school on the Internet.
encyclopedia. Located at www.

Innovative educational network "Eureka" . -

Information portal "YaClass" -

7. List of possible project topics within the framework of the implementation of the IEP.

    project on agribusiness education - "Shock Freezing of Vegetables";

    "Influence of nitrates on health";

    "The whole truth about fast food";

    "The ABC of Health".

8.Planned educational events.

    participation in subject Olympiads;

    participation in competitions and conferences of different levels;

    participation in online contests, forums;

    development of new projects and creation of presentations.