The name Lina is the origin and meaning for the girl. The meaning of the name Lin. Interpretation of the name. This is how Lina appears in different life situations.

Consider the spelling and sound of a name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 麗娜 (Lì nà). Japanese: リ ナ (Rina). Arabic: لينا. Hindi: लीना (Līnā). Ukrainian: Lina. Greek: Λίνα (Lína). English: Lina (Lina).

Origin of the name Lin

The name Lin has several versions of its origin. According to the first version, the name Lina has and originated from the name Linos (Lin), which was borne by the founder of the city of Linos - Lin, the son of Apollo (Greek mythology), which may be translated as "flax" ("linum"). Also translated from Greek, the name Lina means "sad news." The New Testament mentions Lin, a Christian from Rome, an associate of the Apostle Paul. There is a possibility that the female name Lina is a derivative of the male name Lina.

According to the second version, the name Lina, translated from the Latin language, means "siren". This is what the inhabitants of these half-women, half-birds with beautiful enchanting voices called.

It is also known that after the end of the First World War, when the international peacekeeping council of the League of Nations was formed, many revolutionary-minded Soviet citizens called their daughters Lina - from the first letters of the League of Nations.

Also, the name Lina in many languages ​​is used as a diminutive appeal to names ending in "-lin": Evelina, Polina, Carolina, Angelina, Nikolina (Nicole), Pavlina (Paulina), Apollinaria, Galina, Magdalena, Horkhelina (Zhorzhina, Dahlia), Vitalina, Vasilina, Rusalina, Elina, Akulina, Evangelina, Kapitolina, Angelina, Adeline, Alina, Liana, Lydia, Linda, Liliana, Eliana, Ursulina, Amalia, Jacqueline, Ulyana and many other names.

Very often in Europe, the name Lina is pronounced as Laina or Liana, Line or Lynette. It is quite possible that these are separate independent names, and Lina is one of the variants of the address.

The name Lin in different languages ​​has different translations. So in Arabic, the name Lina will be translated as "beautiful as a palm tree" or "tender", in Denmark - "pure", in Greece they can also be translated as "Greek" (derived from "eline"), in Italy - "sunlight" ...

In modern times, the name Lina is used as an independent name, but continues to be used as a diminutive-affectionate reference to many female names.

The nature of the name Lin

Lina is a sociable and sexy girl. Among her peers, she is always distinguished by activity. Behind a strong and strong-willed appearance is a receptive and kind nature, but Lina is not easy to convince of anything.

She often quarrels with her parents. The character traits of the girl contribute to the fact that she often finds herself in various difficult situations. Lina enjoys success with the opposite sex. Purposefulness helps her in her studies at the institute.

Lina's work shouldn't be too rigid for her. Painstaking work is not for her. As a specialty, this girl usually chooses such professions as an artist, sculptor or doctor. In her work, she is always fit and neat.

Such qualities as an analytical mindset, curiosity, and an excellent memory help her achieve goals in life. Emotionality, bias and irascibility often interfere with Lina and spoil the attitude of those around her. The girl tries to restrain her negative emotions and not show resentment. Over time, she becomes irritable.

The mystery of the name Liana

Such a woman has incredible pride. She is secretive and has an unstable nervous system.

Liana is gifted with some kind of talent. She can prove herself in art or make an excellent musical career.

Liana is feminine and sexy. She will easily take revenge on the sly of her rival. Liana is envious, but does not know how to be angry with a person for a long time. Liana is tormented by envy. Such a woman prefers to be in a man's company, does not tolerate communication with women. She is in love and often has many romances.

Many Lianas do not get married for a long time.

Astrological characteristics of the name:

Lin Numerology

The number of the name 3 corresponds to creative people. They are talented in arts, sports, fun and reckless. However, they need constant adjustment. Without it, "triplets", as personalities, are carried away greatly. With a patient mentor and advisor who can be one of the relatives or just a close person, the "troika" can move mountains and achieve incredible success in life. But in the absence of such, the fate of the "triplets" is often unenviable. For all the external invulnerability in their souls, the "troika" are quite vulnerable and sensitive to criticism. Difficult in personal life.


Planet: Saturn.
Element: Earth-water, cold-dryness.
Zodiac: , .
Colour: Black, olive gray, lead, dark.
Day: Saturday.
Metal: Lead.
Mineral: Onyx, chalcedony, magnetite, obsidian.
Plants: Caraway, rue, hellebore, cypress, mandrake, pine, ivy, wrestler, belladonna, blackthorn, comfrey.
Beasts: Hoopoe, mole, camel, donkey, turtle, ants.

Lin's name as a phrase

L People
AND AND (Union, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, "Together with")
N Our (Our, Your)
A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)

Interpreting the meaning of the letters of the name Lin

General description of the name Lin

From the ancient Greek "linos" - "mournful song". It is also a shortened form of female names ending in "-lin" "-line".

The character is flexible. Stubborn, like a father, but in terms of mental organization - like a mother. She is very capable, achieves the goal through hard work. She treats people well, feels subtly when she is being lied to. Internally, it is direct, concrete: first he thinks, then he does. She behaves in a contact manner in the company, dances, sings well and amuses guests whom she invites to herself. She loves to visit friends herself. In marriage, Lina is lucky, she has children of different sexes, she is a good housewife, very clean. Loves children, but they complicate the mother's life with their stubbornness. Lina often conflicts with her mother, gets into different stories and suffers because of this. It is popular among peers. Kind, loves freedom of action, certainly graduates from the institute. She is very neat and efficient in her work.

"Winter" do not understand jokes and can take offense for no reason.

"Summer" are not offended, very kind and always meet halfway. Some devote themselves to religion.

"Autumn" can knit and decorate different products. They are calculating, they have a rich imagination. Good leaders like to travel.

Adult Lina, born in December, will strive to subjugate her relatives and friends, no matter what it takes. She tries to make her every action carefully thought out and bring tangible results. Compared to many of her friends, she is more hardworking, disciplined and persistent in her work. Strict, closed, restrained. Knows how to cooperate, find a common language with colleagues, attract their sympathy to himself. She, when necessary, skillfully adapts to the situation. He is moving well up the career ladder due to his professional inclinations and talent.

Lina works as pediatricians, educators, nurses, television assistants, music teachers, tour guides, programmers, salespeople, secretaries. Wherever they work, they have order in their affairs.

Lina is characterized by sober reason and practicality, thriftiness, thrift, and prudence. Sometimes he tries to find a compromise, and not only for himself, but also for those who are close. She tries to avoid deadlock situations, seeks not to come into contact with rude people. In a team she is inventive, capable of all sorts of innovations and reforms.

Knows how to appreciate life in all its manifestations, whether it concerns work, free time or other business events.

The sexuality of the name Lin

Lina is always considered a woman, emotionally unbalanced, but sincere, with an original sense of humor. Such a woman has the ability to attract weak and mentally unbalanced people with only one goal - so that she pity them.

The negative qualities of character include the desire to always be needed, in demand and irreplaceable. She needs to learn a more relaxed attitude towards life, since it is not always possible to live at the expense of others, and you cannot live on humor alone. This behavior scares off serious men and attracts the weak. Frequent change of lovers threatens Lina with serious problems in her sex life. She subconsciously strives for many at the same time, which can lead her to a spiritual dead end, so a man is suitable for her, in whose power to change her inner world, make her think differently. If Lina can fall in love, then this is for life, she will hold on to this man with all her might.

Nothing is impossible for her, she will always find the right way out of any situation. She needs to understand that life is very difficult, she must constantly work in order to ensure herself an appropriate position in society in accordance with her requirements and expectations.

Lina also treats her sex life with a certain amount of humor, as well as life in general. Children can completely change Lina's thinking, for them she will become a reliable helper and friend. For the sake of her family, such a woman will be able to change a lot, not only in herself, but also in her professional life.

Energy named after Lin

Lina, Liana, Liana - these are the three sides of the same name, and they all sound differently. Lina - in this name, easy mobility, swiftness; Liana - pretentiousness and plastic; Liang - sensuality and a penchant for introspection. Which of these sides prevails in Lina? Or will all this be reflected in her character equally? The latter is difficult to imagine. However, it is precisely this variety of options, oddly enough, is one of the most important characteristics of the energetics of the name, because due to this, the mobility inherent in all options is further enhanced.

It is not excluded, but rather, even very likely, that in her life Lina will try on all these masks and, perhaps, stop at any one, or may prefer to use them alternately, depending on the circumstances. So it turns out that the seemingly insignificant fact of the diversity of a name provides a person with the broadest opportunities. First of all, such attention to her name and to herself makes Lina a very proud person, and the ability to be different gradually inclines her to secrecy. To what extent this will manifest itself and how it will affect fate is difficult to say unequivocally. The possibilities are too wide. For example, a woman who chose the name Liana will be dominated by some imperiousness, while Liana, whose vanity is already satisfied with a beautiful soft name, is most likely sensuality or hopes for a successful marriage. However, it must be said that most women opt for the name Lina and their character shows a tendency towards consistency, purposefulness and, at the same time, heightened emotionality.

At first glance, Lina is easy to communicate, but most often this hides her vulnerability, she just tries not to show her grievances or internal feelings. That's right, because she is used to playing some role! She is energetic, as a rule, has a sense of humor, but with her secrecy, this is not enough to get rid of internal tension. This is the greatest danger for her, because sooner or later Lina can become very irritable. The most favorable thing for Lina is to stop accumulating nervous tension; it's better to just smooth over your vanity by wrapping your sense of humor on yourself. It is kind self-irony that will allow her to reduce the number of problems in her life and release internal energy for a more fruitful activity than empty experiences.

Secrets of communication with Lina

No matter how tough, independent or domineering Lina may seem, it is usually not so difficult to influence her, the main thing is to find the right keys. Try to talk to her heart to heart, it is quite possible that she will open up to you and you will find in her soul a kind and sympathetic, but maybe too vulnerable person.

Positive traits of the name

Lina is characterized by kind-heartedness and friendliness. She is endowed with the ability to magnetic influence on others, has an irresistible attraction to people of the opposite sex, so she will have many unusual love adventures.

Negative traits of the name

Tearfulness, moodiness, pessimism are common for Lina. Lina cannot stand restrictions, strives for independence and wants to surpass those around her in everything, although sometimes she is visited by bouts of sadness, melancholy and gloomy forebodings.

Choosing a profession by name

Lina is characterized by a fascination with mysticism, although she does not succumb to superstitions. Lina can be a good historian, philologist, and writer. Everywhere she will easily and quickly make friends, conquer people with her friendliness and generosity of soul. Perhaps she will show a talent for singing, dancing, music.

The impact of the name on business

It is quite possible that next to the insecure Lina there will appear people who will show a greedy interest in her talents, and then they will suddenly disappear, leaving her in complete uncertainty and financial "hole".

The influence of the name on health

Lin's name incompatibility

The meaning and origin of the name: "Flax, linen" (Greek). According to legend, this name belonged to the son of Apollo, the teacher of Orpheus

Name energy and character: Lina, Liana, Liana - these are the three sides of the same name, and they all sound differently. Lina - in this name, easy mobility, swiftness; Liana - pretentiousness and plastic; Liang - sensuality and a penchant for introspection. Which of these sides prevails in Lina? Or will all this be reflected in her character equally? The latter is difficult to imagine. However, it is this variety of options, oddly enough, that is one of the most important characteristics of the energetics of the name, because due to this, the mobility inherent in all options is further enhanced. It is not excluded, but rather, even very likely, that in her life Lina will try on all these masks and, perhaps, stop at any one, or may prefer to use them alternately, depending on the circumstances.

So it turns out that the seemingly insignificant fact of the "diversity" of a name provides a person with the broadest opportunities. First of all, such attention to her name and to herself makes Lina a very proud person, and the ability to be different gradually inclines her to secrecy. To what extent this will manifest itself and how it will affect fate is difficult to say unequivocally. The possibilities are too wide. For example, a woman who chose the name Liana will be dominated by some imperiousness, while Liana, whose vanity is already satisfied with a beautiful soft name, is most likely sensuality or hopes for a successful marriage.

However, it must be said that most women opt for the name Lina and their character shows a tendency towards consistency, purposefulness and, at the same time, heightened emotionality. At first glance, Lina is easy to communicate, but most often this hides her vulnerability, she just tries not to show her grievances or internal feelings. That's right, because she's used to playing a role! She is energetic, as a rule, has a sense of humor, but with her secrecy, this is not enough to get rid of internal tension. This poses the greatest danger to her, since sooner or later Lina can become very irritable. The most favorable thing for Lina is to stop accumulating nervous tension; it's better to just smooth over your vanity by wrapping your sense of humor on yourself. It is kind self-irony that will allow her to reduce the number of problems in her life and release internal energy for a more fruitful activity than empty experiences.

Communication Secrets: No matter how firm, independent or domineering Lina may seem, it is usually not so difficult to influence her, the main thing is to find the right keys. Try to talk to her heart to heart, it is quite possible that she will open up to you and you will find in her soul a kind and sympathetic, but maybe too vulnerable person.

Name trace in history:

Lina Stern

The life of the physiologist Lina Stern (1878-1968), the first female academician in the USSR, turned out to be very difficult, but bright and eventful. Born in Latvia, she showed great aptitude for science from childhood, and at the age of thirty-five she graduated from the University of Geneva (Switzerland), where she was left at the Department of Physiology for further scientific work. In 1925, Stern moved permanently to the Soviet Union, where she was a professor at the Second Moscow Medical Institute for almost twenty-three years, and in 1949, along with other leaders of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee, she was arrested and spent three years in prison - without trial and without investigation. Then followed a link to Central Asia ... It would seem that such tests could break anyone, however, returning from Dzhambul, Stern, as if nothing had happened, continued her scientific work, heading the physiology department of the Institute of Biophysics of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

Science owes this bold, principled, strong woman to a number of discoveries, including the method of obtaining hormone-active drugs. Her works on the study of the foundations of physiological processes were recognized throughout the world. However, one of the most important things in her life Lina Stern considered helping the Jews who suffered during the Second World War - that is, exactly what she suffered both exile and prison for.

The most popular version of the origin of the name Lin can be called the origin from the Greek male name Λῖνος (Linos). But what this name meant among the ancient Greeks is still debated. According to one version, the name Linos may mean "flax". According to another version, the name is translated from Greek Lina means "sad news"... Well, and another version that the name Linos is the name of the son of Apollo.

Another version of the origin of the name Lin is that it is the feminine form of the male name Lin. Lin is one of the disciples of the Apostle Paul, who lived at the beginning of our era in Rome.

Another version is the Latin origin of the name. The name Lina is translated from Latin as "siren". So we can say that according to this version Lina's name means "siren"... Sirens are mythological inhabitants of the waters, half-women, half-fish. It was believed that the sirens lured sailors with their beautiful voices to the reefs, where they died.

And of course the name Lina is a short form of a huge number of names. These are names ending in -lin. These are such female names as Adeline, Alina, Angelina, Vasilina, Galina, Evangelina, Carolina, Liana, Polina, Evelina, Elina. If you think that Lina's name is a short form of one of these names, then you can find out the meaning of a particular name by clicking on the link.

The meaning of the name Lina for a girl

Lina is growing up as a pleasant and kind child. The girl is active, inquisitive and has strong volitional abilities. This both helps and hinders Lina. It is very difficult to convince her if she has already made her opinion. The problem is that she stops hearing arguments. Parents should be more attentive to the formation of the girl's character, since re-educating Lina is a very difficult task.

Learning is easy for Lina. A girl endowed with such curiosity that everything new is a joy to her. In addition, she is neat and persevering. This allows Lina to easily achieve good grades. The girl is equally good at exact and humanities. At the same time, her creative inclinations are good. In which direction it will develop is rather a matter of chance.

Lina's health is average. She cannot be called a sickly girl, but her health cannot be called strong either. If the girl goes in for sports, then many health problems will go away. Its weak point is usually the nervous system. Lina is prone to excessive inner experiences, which is completely invisible from the outside. Lina suffers especially painfully from quarrels with loved ones.

Abbreviated name Lina

Linka, Link, Linchik, Lino, Line.

Diminutive names

Linochka, Linusha, Linushka, Linochek, Linusya, Linuska, Linusik, Linulya, Linulka.

Name Lin in English

In English, Lina's name is spelled Lina.

Lina's name for passport- LINA.

Translation of the name Lin into other languages

in Arabic - لينا
in Belarusian - Lina
in Danish - Line
in Spanish - Lina
in Italian - Lina
in Chinese - 丽娜
in German - Lina
in Norwegian - Line
in Portuguese - Lina
in Ukrainian - Lina
in French - Linette and Line
in Finnish - Liina
in Swedish - Lina
in Japanese - リ ナ

Lin's name in church(in the Orthodox faith) is absent (it is not in the calendar). Since there is no name in the calendar, then Lina will be given a name different from the name in the world at baptism.

Characteristics of the name Lin

If you try to characterize the adult Lina, then it is worth noting the directness, kindness and, at the same time, emotionality. Lina is a fan of honesty, and diplomacy is akin to deception for her. She often makes problems for herself with her sincerity. At the same time, Lina does not want to offend anyone and is constantly surprised at the result. Unfortunately, she rarely learns from her mistakes. Lina is also characterized by relaxedness and sociability. She easily makes new acquaintances and knows how to find an approach to people.

In her work, Lina gravitates more towards creativity. If at the stage of study she is noticed perseverance, then monotony in her work annoys her. Lina does not like it if her work restricts her severely. At the same time, she is punctual and accurate. Lina develops irritability and excessive tension if her work is not enjoyable. She will be ready to change even the most advantageous place, only to make her work a joy.

Lina's family relationships are usually successful. She knows how to arrange a home to be so that everyone in the house is pleased. She is a caring wife and a wonderful housekeeper. Lina loves to receive guests and knows how to do it. An external assessment of her success at home is important for her. Lina is also a good mother and loves her children. She pays a lot of attention to them.

The mystery of the name Lin

Lina's secret can be called her vulnerability. She painfully perceives the reproaches of others, although she herself is often too strict. She is especially hurt by reproaches from people close to her. Lina deliberately creates the impression of herself as a strong woman, but this is rarely true.

Planet- Mercury.

Zodiac sign- Twins.

Totem animal- Mole.

Name color- Green and Orange.

Plant- Chemeritsa.

A rock- Jade.

Meaning of the name Lin: this name for a girl means "flax".

Origin of the name Lin: Greek. The name Lina is derived from the male Greek name Linos.

The diminutive form of the name: Linochka, Linushka, Linok, Lin.

What does the name Lina mean: According to the first and most popular version, the name Lin is translated as "sad news." And it came from the word Linos - that was the name of the founder of the city of the same name, the son of Apollo Lin. It is also known that in ancient times the meaning of the name Lin could have come from the word "flax". In the New Testament, you can find references to a Christian from Rome who was an associate of the Apostle Paul.

Another version says that from the Latin language the word can be translated as "siren" - this is how they called half-women, half-birds with charming, beautiful voices, which were spoken of in mythical legends.

Another interesting variant of the origin of the word. So, after the end of the First World War, an international peacekeeping council was created, which was called the League of Nations. And many revolutionary-minded persons preferred to call their daughters Lins, and believed that the name was explained by the combination of syllables from two words: "League of Nations".

The woman sings, dances beautifully and can keep up a conversation on any topic. An unusual combination of intuition and rational thinking makes her the ideal worker in almost any field. If Linochka can curb her temper and desire to command, then she will have a happy marriage.

Angel day and patron saints of the name: the name Lina celebrates the name day once a year: June 26

Zodiac: Gemini

Characteristics of the name Lin

Positive features: The name bestows kindness and friendliness. The name is endowed with the ability to magnetic influence on others, has an irresistible attraction for people of the opposite sex. Attaches great importance to love affairs.

Negative traits: The name brings tearfulness, moodiness, pessimism. This girl cannot stand restrictions, strives for independence and wants to surpass those around her in everything, although sometimes she is visited by bouts of sadness, melancholy and gloomy forebodings.

The nature of the name Lin: A girl with this name is very sociable and has a charm that makes her sexually attractive in the eyes of males. But you need to understand that behind her strong and strong-willed appearance, a very vulnerable person is hidden. True, with all this, the owner of the name has stubbornness, and it is incredibly difficult to convince her of anything. On this basis, she can often quarrel with her parents. Her character in every way disposes to ensure that Linochka finds herself in difficult situations. And all this is because she does not seek to fit her behavior and her life as a whole into the established framework. We can say that this helps her to be more goal-oriented and achieve what she wants.

Very often, a girl gravitates towards creativity and chooses an appropriate profession. She will make an excellent sculptor, artist. Do you want something more serious? Then Lina can try herself in the profession of a doctor. In any case, Linochka will look for work that is not monotonous, not limited by the framework. By the way, in her work she is always accurate, obligatory, accurate - managers never complain about such a subordinate. She has an excellent memory, she is objective, literate. However, sometimes she is biased, quick-tempered, and this greatly interferes with her in life.

A girl named Lina, born in winter, is more open-minded and has a sense of humor. She, who was born in the summer, is often touchy and irritable.

Lina and her personal life

Male Name Compatibility: The union with Akaki, Artamon, Varlam, Vilen, Dragomil, Zvyaga, Istoma, Ladimir, Milan, Naum is favorable. The name is also combined with Khors, Julian. Difficult relationships are likely with Avvakum, Galaktion, Gordey, Ephraim, Hippolytus, Modest, Patrikei, Selivan, Theodosius, Philemon, Phoca.

Love and marriage: She is easily injured in matters of the heart and passionately experiences all the vicissitudes in love relationships, if she is really in love.

Family life, as a rule, is very successful for Linochka. She is happily married, knows how to create coziness in the house, and often invites guests into the house. In raising children, she attaches great importance to rigor, since she cannot endure their stubbornness, which, by the way, was inherited from herself.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: Lina is characterized by a fascination with mysticism, although she does not succumb to superstitions. A woman can be a good historian, philologist, and writer. Everywhere the meaning of the name makes it easy and quick to make friends, to conquer people with your friendliness and generosity of soul. Perhaps she will show a talent for singing, dancing, music.

Business and career: It is quite possible that next to the insecure Lina there will appear people who will show a greedy interest in her talents, and then they will suddenly disappear, leaving her in complete uncertainty and financial "hole".

Health and energy

Health and talents: Linochka may have diseases of the nervous system, she may have to undergo ear surgery.

Lina's fate in history

What does the name Lina mean for female destiny?

  1. Lina Wertmüller is an Italian screenwriter, film director and playwright.
  2. Lina Cavalieri is an Italian opera singer with a soprano voice.
  3. Lina Krasnorutskaya is a former Russian professional tennis player.
  4. Lina Kostenko is a Ukrainian poet and writer.
  5. Lina Medina is the youngest mother known in medical history.
  6. Lina Stern is a Soviet physiologist and biochemist.
  7. Lina Söderberg is a Swedish model.

Lina in different languages ​​of the world

  • in English: Lina.
  • in French: Lina, Linette.
  • in Spanish: Lina.

In each country, the word can be pronounced differently: Lina, Liana, Lynette, lina. And it is not always translated the same way. For example, in Arabic the meaning of the name Lina is "tender", in Denmark - "pure, immaculate", in Italy - "sunlight", etc. Today the name is used on its own, but can also be used as a diminutive form.

Lina is a female name that is now not particularly common in the CIS. He is more often found among the representatives of the older generation, and young parents rarely give girls such a name.

Lina - the meaning of the name

This name has an ancient Greek origin and in translation means "sad news". In the mythology of Ancient Greece, it belonged to the son of Linos. His female counterpart is Lina. The meaning of the name leaves a sad imprint on its carriers. At first glance, these ladies seem to be very simple and sociable, but behind this lies an extraordinary vulnerability of the soul. However, girls try to hide their grievances and emotional experiences from the people around them. The bearers of the name are distinguished by their energy and a good sense of humor. However, these qualities are not enough to get rid of internal stress in time. Due to the lack of timely discharge, this can be dangerous, because it can develop into grumpiness and irritability.


If the girl is a born actress, then most likely her name is Lina. The meaning of the name determines that a child from early childhood begins to try on different behavioral patterns and masks.

Often, bearers of the name in their early years become hooligans. They also have frequent mood swings that range from deep seriousness to unbridled amusement. This behavioral diversity is inherent in the manifestation of the energy of consonance "Lina". The meaning of the name also makes its owner a proud and proud woman, but fragile and defenseless at the same time. In her character there are such traits as consistency, purposefulness and great emotionality. The meaning of the name Lin makes its bearers practical, economic, thrifty and prudent. They always have a sober mind, are ready to compromise in disputes and conflicts, so as not to offend loved ones. It's not that hard to influence these girls. The main thing is to choose the right "key". If a lady named Lina opens her soul to someone, then the person will see a very kind and sympathetic person in front of him. These girls are popular among their peers.

Professional inclinations and team relationships

What the name Lina means gives its bearers such qualities as creativity and ingenuity. They are always ready for various innovations and reforms. They try not to come into contact with boors and rude people. These ladies really like freedom, but they also pay enough attention to their education, and therefore they always try to graduate from the university. At work, Lina is very diligent and tidy. Bearers of this name make good journalists, musicians, artists and teachers.

Personal life

Lina, as a rule, are prone to quite frequent changes of sexual partners, which brings them many problems in Subconsciously, these ladies tend to many people, which ultimately leads them to a spiritual dead end. However, Lina needs a man who is able to turn her inner world upside down. If she falls in love, she will try to be close to this person. These women make good wives and wonderful mothers. With the advent of the child, Lina's thinking changes radically.