Additional education for children. Additional education for children Private center for additional education for children

In 2010, there were about 1,800 general education schools in Moscow, in which almost 800 thousand children studied. At the same time, there were even more preschool institutions and were approaching the level of Soviet times. Several hundred public and private higher education institutions in the capital open their doors to a million students every year. The number of non-state educational institutions cannot be counted. A good education in price, but often you have to pay a rather high price for it. Will there be better quality tuition fees? How to choose an educational institution within your means and not miscalculate? There are quite simple ways that are applicable to all educational organizations without exception.

Specify the year of foundation of the educational institution: the older, the stronger the traditions and the more harmonious the work. Compare the number of courses or services offered: quantity does not mean quality, but it can mean an attempt to provide a comprehensive education. Does the organization have branches in different parts of the city? The opening of the second branch probably speaks of the relevance and successful activity. Does the educational institution have Feedback? Is it possible to find all the necessary contact information in the public domain on the Internet: last name, first name, patronymic of the director, telephone number for inquiries, address Email? Does the organization offer deferred tuition fees? Is it possible to attend a trial, demo lesson for free? Does the student provide teaching aids and the necessary equipment?

Part 2

The choice of a nursery and a kindergarten in Moscow is a rather arbitrary matter, since usually children are assigned to a preschool institution at their actual place of residence in advance. Without a Moscow residence permit, it won't be easy to get a place, because the distribution of such children in kindergartens is on a leftover basis. A child with disabilities will be sent to a specialized garden: speech therapy, orthopedic, for children with vision problems, etc. True, the latest decisions of the Moscow Department of Education in relation to such preschool institutions indicate that this specialization can be completely curtailed, and the child's health problems will become exclusively the business of their parents.

Many people think that private or commercial kindergartens are more prestigious, but in reality, not everything is so simple. The fact is that state kindergartens are constantly checked by state bodies for nutrition, group classes, medical supervision, and so on. All kindergartens in Moscow have recently been attached to a school and even carry the same number with it. Therefore, when choosing a garden, find out which school it belongs to. The attachment does not oblige the parents to send the child to this particular school, it simply guarantees a place there. It also happens that several gardens are attached to one school at once. Considering that many schools are also a kind of "attached" to universities, an interesting picture emerges about the attachment of a young citizen to an educational institution from childhood to adulthood in the framework of civic education.

Part 3

Before you go in search of a school, take special tests for your child, which will tell you about his interests, inclinations, talents. Look at an educational institution that can maximize the abilities of your baby. Study in detail the teaching staff of the school, as well as the number of students in the classes. Less is better. Remember, there is nothing more beautiful in education than one-to-one lessons with a good teacher! Visit the website of the school, college, or study center you are interested in. Is he there? Is it updated? Good organization in one is a sign of organization in many ways. If the site has a forum, look at the posts: from them you can learn a lot about the inner workings and the state of affairs.

Visit the website of the school, college, or study center you are interested in. Is he there? Is it updated? Good organization in one is a sign of organization in many ways. If the site has a forum, look at the posts: from them you can learn a lot about the inner workings and the state of affairs. How many students of this educational institution have passed the Unified State Exam for 80+ points? What was the GPA? The average USE score in Russia for 2015 was 59.47 points. Compare it with the data for the school of interest and draw conclusions. If an educational institution does not advertise the results obtained by students on the final exam of the Unified State Exam or the OGE, this also says a lot. In general, the suppression of data by an educational institution is an alarming factor. Does this school or gymnasium participate in city or regional Olympiads? Is it regular? What are the successes?

Part 4

Go to several sites of the Moscow labor market and see a selection of offered vacancies for university graduates. The number of references to the university per 100 vacancies will give you the first clue about the relevance of the educational institution among employers. Look at the information on the official website of the higher education institution. Divide the total experience of 20 faculty members by 20. Ideally, this would be between 10 and 25 years. If the average length of service is below ten, this may mean an imbalance in the direction of young specialists, if higher, then, perhaps, this educational institution lacks "fresh pedagogical blood." Specify the average length of service in this particular institute: a low indicator indicates staff turnover.

Quality higher education usually in direct proportion to teachers' salaries. If an educational institution charges high fees for educational services, and at the same time, the salaries of teachers are not up to par, you should not expect good things, since teachers usually devote their energies not to students, but to finding additional income. Unfortunately, this is especially true for many public universities. For non-state educational institutions, the most relevant information is work experience in the field of education. The less years a university has been functioning, the less organization and coherence can be expected in the educational process of an educational institution, the less stable students' knowledge will be at the end. In all sections of the catalog, we added the ability to leave a review about educational institution some of them will also help you make the right choice.

The Moscow Center for the Technological Modernization of Education annually engages about 2,000 children in the following creative circles, studios and associations:

3D modeling and prototyping

Moscow schoolchildren can learn about all the variety of 3D technologies and plunge into the exciting process of prototyping at fascinating master classes, which will be held by the best specialists of TemoCenter. For high school students, programs for volumetric modeling have been developed based on the three-dimensional editor Autodesk 3ds Max and 3D printing. The guys will learn about modern methods 3D printing. Having worked on modern equipment for 3D printing, they will make a full-fledged 3D model from simple volumetric figures. And for younger students, entertaining master classes have been developed. With the help of 3D pens, children will draw three-dimensional figures of their favorite cartoon characters or fairy tale heroes, a tree of friendship with their names or "avatars", create and assemble technical structures from the simplest mechanisms, make a real stained glass window or decorative decorations for their home.

Children's Television School

The Children's Television School is an opportunity to master the basics of television professions, to take part in real television production. In our studios, and there are more than 10 of them, they teach how to work in the frame, master the basics of cinematography, television directing, video editing. Students go to the shooting, interview famous people, broadcast their programs. The works of television educational studios are regularly aired on the Moscow Educational Internet TV channel.

School of Multimedia Journalism

The goal of our school is to help children master a promising and exciting professional direction, which will one day help our students proudly say about themselves: "I am a journalist!" Journalism contributes to the development of communicative and organizational skills, teaches the ability to work in a team and intelligently plan your time. The TemoCentre School of Multimedia Journalism is a partner of such media as: the Moscow educational Internet TV channel, the Russia Beyond the Headlines multimedia project, the Vverkh youth magazine, the Penguins of the Feather festival.

School of Young Programmer

If the guys are planning to become developers computer games or mobile applications, want to learn network administration and practical cybernetics, then they can learn this at the Moscow School of Young Programmers, opened at TemoCenter. Scratch Gaming, Game Programming, Samsung IT School and 10 more programming courses! The School for Students hosts numerous activities aimed at developing interest in IT education. The School's partners are leading IT companies: Kaspersky Lab, ABBYY, 3D-quality, Yandex, SAMSUNG.

Scientific and technical creativity

How are special effects created in blockbusters? How are 3D and 2D cartoons shot? How to build your own robot and teach it to execute commands. How to beat a grandmaster in chess and what is Tavreli chess? How to create a miracle using a computer, a sheet of paper and a camera? How to correctly ask a question in a search engine and build a diagram? What is augmented reality and how to create it? Our teachers will help schoolchildren find answers to these and many other questions during classes in the circles of scientific and technical creativity.

Each person all his life asks the most important question: what is the purpose of his life? There may not be a single answer, but one of the most important and indisputable goals is self-development and self-improvement. The most precious vessel in your life is yourself, and the more you fill it, the more opportunities you will receive in return from the world around you. Kindergarten, school, university - with each step of education on life path You replenish the stock of knowledge, impressions and develop that which is inherent in you by nature. However, “I only know that I don’t know anything,” Socrates said, urging people not to forget that life is given to us for continuous learning and learning. The time allotted by the educational system may not be enough for the embodiment and development of everything that you want to take in this life. For five years you gnawed the granite of science, but from childhood you wanted to play the guitar, draw or dance? Or does your child show interest in a wide variety of arts, science and sports? It's never too late to do what you've always dreamed of! There are a huge number of centers for additional education in any region and for people of any age in Moscow and in the Moscow region. On our edu-inform portal you can easily find any schools you are interested in. Courses foreign languages will give you the opportunity to learn a new language and get a certificate. Business Education Centers will allow you to learn the basics of doing business and gain the necessary knowledge to start your own business. Trainings The most varied profiles will help you how to understand yourself a little better and find harmony with the world, and acquire some unusual and useful skill, for example, speed reading. To master or improve the work with accounting programs 1C will allow 1C courses... To improve or simply get a driving qualification for any vehicle, you need driving schools, whose addresses are on our portal. Creativity centers and sports schools take on the development of creative and physical capabilities for you and your child. If your child gravitates towards the arts, then dance, theater, art and music schools completely at your disposal; if the secrets of the universe haunt his mind, then scientific and educational centers guide him on the path of science. A computer for all ages is conquered, if you want to pass computer learning... They will help you get additional education or just improve your qualifications professional courses... BUT beauty and health centers will teach you the secrets of youth and work with appearance.