Military review of the third world war. Russia and the New War: Scenarios and Possible Consequences. On the creation of holographic worlds for possible variants of the future of the planet in the Subtle World

Despite some discrepancies, the general outline is seen quite clearly. In prophecies, we see, as a rule, a mixture of a desirable and a truly fulfilling future. If we take this into account and make an amendment to the author’s bias, his praise of his religion, culture, country, people, then we can get a fairly adequate picture. It is also important to take into account the fact that, as a rule, visions are valid only for the area where they were made.

I found it interesting the visions of the Swedish fortuneteller Anton Johansson, which he set out before the First World War. In this regard, many believed that he was mistaken in comparing his visions with the events of the war. Today it becomes clear that much of what he said has yet to be realized. Johansson describes the appearance of a huge vortex over the Panama Canal, which will pass across the planet, at the same time there will be a volcanic eruption. It will go north and destroy many American cities, then pass through Europe and go to Siberia.

Of greatest interest are the events described by Johansson, which in many respects have something in common with the visions of other European visionaries: China will occupy India. Iran and Turkey will be occupied by Russian troops. The Russians will enter the Balkans and Italy. They will pass through Hungary, Austria and Switzerland. In France, local communists will seize power and go to Spain, where there will be 25 million victims only from. Then France uses hers against Sweden. Germany will start Civil War... Russia will join Finland, Norway and Sweden. Gothenburg will be captured by the French. The northern parts will be given to Russia. The Civil War in England will be bloodier than in Germany. Russia will attack the United States, so they will not be able to help the Europeans. Big cities will be destroyed. As a result of the civil war, the United States will fall into five parts.

As markers of the onset of World War III, Johansson calls the socialist government in Sweden and the war of England in Ireland.In addition to the above prophets, there are many separate predictions in the literature that complement the picture of the war and the events preceding it, allow us to look at them from a different angle.

According to Adam, in 1949 the Mother of God told him that a war would begin in the Southeast, but it would only be a diversionary maneuver, the main attack of the Russians would be directed at Sweden, Norway and Denmark. At the same time, parts of the Russian army will reach the Rhine through Saxony and Thuringia. In the South, Russian armies will join up on the Yugoslavian border to move to Greece and Italy, then through Spain and France to reach the Atlantic coast.

Bamberg should become the center of the world communist government. The southern army will be destroyed, and the new German Kaiser will fight with the northern part with the help of modern weapons. There will be a big battle in Saxony. The remnants of the Russian army will be driven to Russia. Many Europeans said that after the war there would be a revolution in Russia, when the communists were finally removed from power, and the people would again believe in Christ. The fact is that during the war, the communists will play an important role and will start persecuting Christians again.

Today it is also becoming clear that the so-called "red Islam" in Turkey and other countries is angry with Catholics and is going to take revenge on them for the wrongs of a thousand years ago.

The Englishman White in 1976 saw in his visions a war in which the Russians occupied Germany and Norway. Before that, the Russian army wanted to attack Israel, but the "heavenly forces" destroyed it. Russian troops will be forced to leave Europe because China will attack Russia.

American soothsayer Brinkley says that Georgia destroyed the Soviet Union. One can argue with this, but if we look at who our foreign ministers were, it turns out that they all lived in Tbilisi: from Shevardnadze to Lavrov. The 08.08.08 war, which Saakashvili started with Russia, is also worth considering.

Many immigrants from Georgia live in Moscow, not to mention the famous Georgian thieves in law who operate throughout Russia. The vision of two atomic explosions belongs to the same visionary: in Chernobyl and in Norway. If everyone knows about Chernobyl, then nothing is heard about Norway (if this is not the Kursk accident). Perhaps this explosion will follow.

Interesting are the visions of an unknown Austrian predictor published in the book "Visions 2004" (1994). The author describes in detail the events that will precede the Third World War. In particular, he talks about the problems in Europe that will lead to power left and right-wing extremist parties. Joint demonstrations of local criminals and visiting Islamic migrants will lead to riots. Not only large cities will be plundered, but also small settlements. Particular anger will be directed at representatives of the Catholic Church.

According to the author, Russia is using the unrest in Europe for a military attack. There will be an energy crisis before World War III, as Russia will stop supplying hydrocarbons. Small atomic charges will destroy the center of New York, and everyone will think that this is the revenge of the Arabs.

The second event is the war in Saudi Arabia where the Americans will try to seize the oil fields, but they will not succeed. The war in Saudi Arabia will go on without application. America will lose control of this region and will be ousted by China in the international arena.

The forecaster spoke about the influx of a large number of migrants, which is coming true before our eyes, when a wave of migrants from Syria and other Arab and African countries poured into Europe. He noted the strengthening of the role of Islam and the reluctance of European youth to serve in the army.

Germany will end the period of economic prosperity and its positioning as one of the major creditor countries. Its economy will not be able to cope with the costs of unification of Germany and the consequences of the global economic crisis. Poland will suffer from the military in the south of the country. In Russia, stability and an atheist government will remain, despite the growth in the number of believers.

The return to Orthodoxy will take place only after the Third World War. There will be no economic crisis in China, which will be able to modernize its army. Before the Third World War, communists will come to power in Europe and persecute Catholics in Italy and France during riots and street clashes. Western Europe will be covered by a wave of visitors from Eastern Europe, Asia and Africa, but the main reason for the Third World War is the energy crisis. Many Europeans will believe in Russia's peace plans. The appearance of Russian tanks in Austria and Germany will come as a complete surprise to them. The Americans will not interfere and the "evil" Russian army will take food from the population. In panic, many will flee to the West. The third World War will last two years, the Russians will reach Italy. In France and Italy, pogroms and fires will destroy not only Rome and Paris, but also many other cities.

Atomic bombs will begin to be dropped on ships in the Adriatic Sea. Clashes with the Russians will be in Turkey, Bulgaria, Albania, Hungary, and everywhere the Russian army will be defeated. The Chinese will come to NATO's aid. They will capture the south of Russia. Their tanks will be better than the Russian ones. The main battles between the Chinese and the Russians will take place on the territory of the Czech Republic.

The tipping point will be the use by the Germans of a secret space laser that will destroy all Russian missiles. From now on, the Americans will enter the war and apply. As a result of the explosion of the atomic bomb in the North Sea, the coastal regions of England, Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark and Germany will be flooded. Western Bohemia will especially suffer, where the Russians and Chinese will actively use tactical nuclear weapons. The Chinese will try to surround the Russians. At this moment, the Russian nuclear arsenal will detonate and the explosion will be of such force that the earth's crust will rupture and an eruption will begin. Prague will be covered with ashes and earthquakes will take place all over the earth. Poisonous clouds will go to the East, there will be a five-day eclipse, when five billion will die. From this moment on, they will try not to use nuclear weapons.

The Russian army will be seized with panic, which the Germans will take advantage of and kill all Russian soldiers. A military defeat will lead to a new revolution in Russia, when the communists will be killed. All German-speaking states will unite and elect a new Kaiser. China will receive part of Siberia. The Vatican will cease to exist. Alois Irlmeier The Bavarian fortuneteller Alois Irlmeier (1894-1959) is well known not only in Germany but throughout the world. His military review of the Third World War has become a classic and many soothsayers refer to him. With these words he illustrates the situation before the Third World War: “Everyone was talking about peace, Shalom! A new war suddenly breaks out in the Middle East. Hostile ships appear in the Mediterranean. The tension is growing. The spark that will blow everything up will be the murder of a famous politician. " From the East, troops will go to Belgrade, which will turn to Italy. Simultaneously, three tank wedges will unexpectedly reach the Rhine. The population will run to the West in panic. Tanks will crush cars on the Autobahn. Frankfurt will be hit hard. The Rhine Valley will be subject to airstrikes. The yellow dragon (China?) Will attack Alaska and Canada, but will be quickly stopped. In Irlmeier we find many specific predictions that are difficult to verify. For example, the city of Landau will be hit by a random bomb. One tank column will pass through the Czech Republic, another through Saxony, and the third through the north. They must unite in the Ruhr area. The headquarters of the army will be in the Upper Palatinate. Tanks will drive day and night. Flocks of American drones ("White Doves"), taking off from the African desert, will drop chemical bombs on Russian tanks to stop the advance. Prague ("The Golden City") will be hit hard.

People, animals, and plants that are exposed to chemical charges will turn black. The Americans will poison the whole strip of land from Prague to the sea. Tank columns, left without supplies, turn north. The offensive ends. last fight will be in the Cologne-Bonn area. The townspeople will take cattle from farms where there are no people. Paris will be burned by its own inhabitants. In Italy, many priests will die as a result of the religious war. Dad, disguised as a woman, will be able to escape.

The North Sea will "boil", waves will flood the coastal areas. Some islands will disappear, including parts of England. During the Third World War, according to the visions of Irlmeier, an eclipse will occur. To survive, you need to close your home, seal the windows with black and stock up on food for three weeks. All products in glass jars will deteriorate, you can only eat tinned metal. The water will also be poisoned.

In Russia, there will again be a revolution and a civil war, with many corpses lying on the streets. Party leaders will commit suicide, and the people will begin to truly believe in Christ. As a date, Irlmeier saw three nines, but did not know what they meant. The number "three" speaks about the duration of the Third World War: three weeks, three months, three years? As a result of the eclipse, more will die than in the First and Second World War, but the survivors will again turn to Christ. Abortion will be canceled, the old man will become the king of Germany, who is crowned by the Pope in Cologne. The climate will get warmer and happy, well-fed times will come.

When will World War III start?

If you believe these predictions and proceed from the events that should precede the Third World War, then apparently these events will not happen soon. At least not earlier than 2018-2019. The fact is that before the Third World War an economic crisis must occur. There is a lot of talk about him today, but apparently the American system still has sufficient strength and will last for some time. Moreover, recently we can observe how all Russian resources go to support the American economy. It is the economic crisis of America that can cause a domino effect and spread to European countries that are not ready for it.

The collapse of the Euro and the political crisis associated with migrants may well lead to the events described in the prophecies of the Third World War. They can be used by both left-wing and right-wing extremists who organize mass demonstrations. If the state does not cope with this, then pogroms can lead to a chain escalation of violence, and arson and looting can bring down an already weak economy. Events reminiscent of a civil war are foretold for Italy and France. They will be extended to other European countries.

Another important marker ahead of the outbreak of World War III should be the war in the Middle East. Events in Syria today already demonstrate sufficient fierceness and involvement of many countries, but today Russia and the United States are allies in the fight, and the forecasts speak of an unsuccessful attempt by the Americans to seize the oil regions of Saudi Arabia. The destruction of the center of New York is also an important event preceding the Third World War and will be carried out by the Arabs, seeking revenge on America.

A very small but characteristic detail against the backdrop of these events is the assertion of one of the seers that Russian tanks that try to break through to the Rhine will have a flat turret, although all Soviet tanks had a round turret. May be it comes about new tanks that are going to be delivered to the Russian army and order 2,000 pieces. Their feature is not only that they have a flat tower, but also that the crew is in a special protected capsule.

According to many German forecasters, the Russian tank wedges will be able to reach the Rhine with almost no resistance, where they will be destroyed by NATO chemical and nuclear weapons. As for the weapons of the Third World War, one of the prophecies says that a secret German laser satellite will play a decisive role, which will shoot down all Russian missiles. This is the military review of the Third World War.

As far as I know, the Germans have not yet created such a satellite, and military lasers, although they already exist, but only at the testing stage. So the beginning of World War III will have to wait at least several years, although the American "hawks" are eager to fight, accusing Russia of all sins, arranging various provocations, such as with the Boeing shot down by the Ukrainians.

Some German visionaries said that before the Third World War the military would come to power in Russia, although today we see that liberals from Chubais to Yavlinsky remain in power, advocating the preservation of Russia's colonial status.

World War III scenarios

The most detailed scenario of the Third World War we find in the Athos monk George (Victorious?).

“Russia will withstand another provocation - an attack from Georgia, and this time it will destroy Georgia completely. The losses of the civilian population of Georgia will be appalling. While the Russians are fighting in Georgia, the Ukrainians, incited by the Americans, will begin to rudely provoke Russia.

Turkey will allow American ships and aircraft to enter its straits and airspace to strike at Russia. From now on, the countdown for Turkey will begin. Very soon the Russians will defeat the Ukrainians and will be greeted with joy by the inhabitants of Ukrainian cities. For the first time, air battles between Russians and Americans will take place over Ukraine and the Black Sea, and the Russians will be victorious.

A dictatorship will be established in Turkey, and at the same time the Kurds will revolt. There will be a worldwide economic crisis. The economic systems of the states will collapse one after another, payments will be stopped, popular rebellions will occur on the basis of the economy, and the inhabitants of Europe will refuse to serve in the army ... The war will go on in our immediate neighborhood: Albania, Croatia, Bosnia, America and NATO against Serbia and Russia. In Greece, the government will fall within a few weeks, and we will go to the polls. This is where the ruling junta in Turkey will attack us. The Russians will send troops into Eastern Thrace and lands on the other side of the straits. Western troops will land in Albania and begin to advance east. Part of their troops will go along the road to Greece. The allies will hate the Greeks terribly for not fighting the Russians ... Western soldiers will rob houses, rape women of all ages, kill people, burn churches, and mock priests. But the new crusaders will be overtaken by punishment at the walls of Constantinople.

The Black Sea will become a Russian lake, after Turkey is conquered, which will experience the Russian secret weapon. The Russians, hurrying until NATO had time to help Turkey, will destroy the whole country. Even earlier, they will enter Georgia, Ukraine, Armenia and Azerbaijan, pushing back American troops. In the north, the Russians will conquer Finland, Sweden, Norway, because, although these countries formally have neutrality, it is from their territory that the first serious blow to Russia will be inflicted, the victims of which will be civilians. Then the Russians will enter Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania and Moldova.

The populations of Orthodox countries will rise up, overthrow their corrupt rulers and conclude an alliance with Russia. They will be Serbs and Romanians, but not Bulgarians. After that, the Russians will march south to help their Arab allies and especially the Iranians in the war with the Americans. By this time, the Americans will take possession of the entire coast of Iran, but will not be able to advance inland, since the Persians will desperately resist. The Russians will march across Persia and defeat the US-NATO forces. Then they will invade Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Kuwait and finally Israel.

At this time, the United States, at the request of Israel, will make the first attempt to use nuclear weapons, but the Russians will neutralize it. This will cause interruptions in energy and communications throughout the world. The Russians will then enter Egypt and take over the Suez Canal. During the offensive in the Middle East, Russian troops will pass through Greece and enter the Balkans to help the Serbs in the fight against Muslims (Herzegovina, Albania?) And Catholics (Slovenia?), And win. Only the betrayal of the Chinese will break the Russians and force them to divide their forces. Although at first China will be on the side of Russia, after a while, seduced by the power over the entire territory of Siberia, the Chinese will allow the Allied troops to stab the Russians in the back. "

If you believe this prophecy, then the beginning of an open war with America will be a new provocation from Georgia. Georgia in any case plays an important role in the undeclared war with Russia. In addition to the provocation of 08.08.08, many Chechen fighters found their refuge in Georgia. Important role the Georgian diaspora plays in Moscow. All Russian foreign ministers (Shevardnadze, Ivanov, Lavrov) are from Georgia. An Israeli strike on Iran was planned from Georgian airfields, which for some reason did not take place.

The Americans continue to supply weapons to Georgia and Ukraine, promising to accept them into NATO. As you know, in 2008 (the year of the financial crisis in America) the offensive of the Russian army was stopped and Tbilisi (Tiflis) was not taken. What could be Georgia's "provocation"? Most likely, we can talk not about the "attack" of Georgia on Russia, but about the launch of NATO missiles from the territory of Georgia at Russian cities and military facilities.

Then everything goes according to plan: Ukraine is turned on, but Ukrainians will not show much zeal to fight the Russians. Turkey is the next country to declare war on Russia. Recent events in Syria have created sufficient internal stress to wage war. It turns out that in recent years, the Americans, setting countries against Russia, are kind of cocking the trigger, twitching the bolt in order to prepare for a shot. In Poland and the Baltics, Romania and Bulgaria, propaganda work is actively underway to mobilize the population of these countries to fight Russia, because the Americans themselves do not want to sacrifice the lives of their soldiers. Since the Americans have the most developed military infrastructure in NATO, they will still fight, but not as aggressors, but “protecting the little brothers” from bloodthirsty Russia. Moreover, they hope that, given their influence on the Russian government, they will be able to stop the "war" in time, not allowing it to develop into one that threatens America itself.

The Americans want to wage the Third World War on the territory of their periphery, away from Washington, leaving their center well protected, especially since it is so vulnerable and glass skyscrapers cannot withstand an air explosion of even a single atomic bomb. George predicts the defeat of Georgia, a victory over Ukraine and the partition of Turkey, which will give part of its territories to the Kurds and Armenians. The Russians in bloody battles will seize the straits, but give them to the Greeks. It is interesting that in this prophecy about the Third World War we are talking about the first air battles with the Americans over the territory of Ukraine.

As you know, there has already been an incident with a Su-24 aircraft, which "attacked" an American ship in the Black Sea. Russia's ground offensive will be quite unexpected for NATO, so the troops will try to occupy as much of the Middle East as possible and reach Iran and Egypt. Israel will be the first to use its nuclear weapons against Russia. At the same time, military operations will take place on the territory of the former Yugoslavia and Scandinavia, from the territory of which a blow will be struck at peaceful Russian cities. Victories on all fronts of the Russian army will force the Americans to change their policy towards China. From America's enemy, China will become America's friend and attack Russia, occupying Siberia and the South Urals. But the prophecies of George do not end there.

In his opinion, a war between Russia and China will follow, as well as a war between Russia and Muslims. Arnold Krause's scenario The second in terms of coverage of the events of the upcoming war can be considered the modern scenario of Arnold Krause. This scenario is largely based on the prophecies of George of Athos, but adds some details, in particular, the number of nuclear bombs is indicated here: “The West will take control of oil production in Syria and Iraq. Turkey will make another "mistake", with the quiet consent of its overseas curators, and then nothing will stop Russia from a land operation from the Caspian Sea, through Iraq. The grouping will be divided into two parts, one part will go to Turkey, uniting with the Kurds, the second to the south. It will be a shock for the West. Iranians will join the group. Together, they will seize Iraqi oil production, and then end with a powerful blow in Syria. The Saudis are urgently mobilizing the army, but the end will come for the Saudis too ... The Armenians and I will reach Istanbul in two months. Turkey will be the first major battle, when 50,000 deaths per day will become a common statistic. This will not last long (about two weeks). To slow down the advance of the Russians in Turkey, the slowly smoldering fuse in the Ukraine will come in handy. After the regrouping of troops, the Asian company turns into a European company (and this will be the southern flank), the Kiev one - the central one, and after Sweden, Norway and Finland have shit, the Leningrad one will appear - the northern flank. The Persians will want to bleed the Jews. Unfortunately, this is the military review of the Third World War.

The European company is divided into two stages. First: the Serbs will rise up against the usurpation of the country, we will go to their aid. The Greeks will let the troops pass without problems, the military will be greeted as liberators from Anglo-Saxon domination, but the Bulgarians, together with NATO, will stab the southern group in the back, this step will entail great grief. The southern group will be defeated. After that, China will fully enter the war. He, together with the Pacific Fleet, neutralizes the US Ministry of Finance. After the southern group is lost in Europe, Russia will detonate hydrogen bombs at the bottom of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. The tsunami caused by this will wash away coastal cities, and, most importantly, wash away southern England with London and its bloody queen... Will fill a little France, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden. In America, New York and California will be washed away. American missiles will fly at us, but out of 160 missiles released, only 9 will reach their goal !!! After they shoot, they will receive an answer, but only for military purposes. We will fire only 20 missiles - 19 will hit the target. China is sending its ground force. Several million strong Chinese guys will completely cleanse North Africa, and the second part will go through Turkey, where they will finally finish off the underground. Because there will be a lot of guys in Africa, they will blow up a couple there atomic bombs but that won't stop them. Second: The Chinese will go in three directions, to the Balkans, landing in Italy, and through Gibraltar. Dad flees to the States in panic (by the way, he will bring the news that Europe has fallen). The northern front will deal with the obstinate northerners within a month, and the central front will march through the streets of Berlin in 72 hours.

The NATO group in Bulgaria will be dealt with very harshly, and it turns out that almost all NATO troops were there. The second front will be Muslim fanatics, they will also do a lot of nasty things, but not so much to stop the army. Americans will think: “Europe is Russians again! So do not get you to anyone! " And they will launch 20 missiles. We will shoot down only one, and to be sure, Europe will be poisoned so that everyone there will die out, both our and Chinese troops. In Russia, nuclear attacks will reach 16 cities: Moscow, Murmansk, Rostov-on-Don, Novosibirsk, Vladivostok ... There will be many missiles, from submarines and small ships that will reach their targets, but the destruction will be small. Radiation will be only at the epicenter, and 5 km away. it will be relatively calm from him.

Europe will be re-populated in 5 years, mainly by Persians, Indians and Chinese. We will not go, because we ourselves will have to populate the void. We will suffer serious losses (half of the population will die). The third world war will be three years (active operations), so it will not work to sit out on the stove. " This scenario is very plausible from a military point of view. Its only peculiarity is that China is an ally of Russia, which contradicts many prophecies, including the prophecies of George of Athos. Apparently, this scenario describes the first stage of the Third World War, during which the Chinese will be our allies. Also noteworthy are the following general points found in European prophecies:

Nuclear weapons will be used, not only tactical but also strategic;

There will be hostilities in Europe;

Russia will win in the Middle East;

Russia will lose in Germany;

The offensive of the Russian army will be unexpected for the West;

Israel will use the fifth column in Moscow;

Bulgaria will betray Russia;

The main stages of the Third World War

According to Nostradamus, the war will last 27 years. If we take 2008 as the beginning, then the end will be in 2035. I like the date 08.08.08 - the beginning of the Olympics in Beijing and Georgia's attack on Tskhinvali. According to some prophecies, a new world war will begin in the South China Sea over the disputed islands of the Philippines and China. The Americans do not like the fact that the Chinese are converting atolls into military bases with airfields, which allows them to control this entire important strategic region. It is in this area that the situation has been exacerbating lately.

To solve this problem, the United States even plans to transfer part of its troops here from Europe. In April 2015, the Americans, through sanctions and pressure on the Russian elite, managed to agree to return the Donbass to Ukraine. After Kolomoisky left, the rhetoric of the Russian media changed dramatically when they started talking about the Minsk agreements and the transfer of the borders of Novorossia to the ukrofascists (Judeo-Bandera). So far, the West will not insist on the return of Crimea, but hopes that the entire remaining territory of Ukraine will eventually enter NATO and the European Union.

The events in Syria have somewhat changed the situation in the Middle East, but the prospects for further development are not yet clear, although a process of reconciliation has begun, which will last until the election of a new US president. As "markers" of the beginning of the Third World War, the soothsayers called:

War in Syria ("When Syria falls!" -).

War in Africa (Libya).

Decomposition of morals (Gay Pride and Gay Wedding).

In some prophecies, the "black" 44 president will be the last. However, today we already know that the 45th President of the United States was elected - however, the official inauguration will take place after the inauguration.

At the first stage, Russia will win, then at the second, when China opposes it, it will lose and lose part of Siberia. In the event of the expulsion of the Americans from Ukraine, Russia will enter Turkey, seeking to seize Istanbul, but the United States will assemble an international coalition and defeat Russia. After this defeat, when the communists again seize Moscow, and the country can be divided into Russia and Siberia.

At the first stage, the division of Ukraine will take place, the Americans leave New Khazaria, but are consolidated in Poland, the Baltic States and Scandinavia. At the second stage of the escalation of the military conflict, there will be an unexpected blow to Russia from the territory of Georgia and Sweden. In response, Russia will attack the American base in Kosovo, the military infrastructure of Scandinavia, Georgia, enter Turkey and Syria, where it will take part, together with the Chinese, in the "battle of the peoples" against America. In the third stage of the escalation, America will suffer from a geo-catastrophe and a civil war will begin there. Europe will be hit by a meteor shower. Rome and Paris will burn down and will be occupied by the "Muslim army". China will "peacefully" occupy Siberia. The Russian army will enter Germany through Hungary, Austria, where it will be destroyed by Chinese troops with the support of the Germans and Americans.

In Russia, the revolution and the coming of the next Antichrist will follow. Based on the numerous prophecies of war, several basic scenarios can be identified, but it is important to distinguish between scenarios of military action and scenarios of political change. It is better not to classify war scenarios by place, because The third world war will take place at several sites at the same time. It is more expedient to classify the scenarios by allies, which allows you to see the overall political situation. At the first stage, the allies have already decided: America-Europe-Israel is opposed by Russia-China-Iran. Then, as the first group weakens due to economic problems and natural disasters, changes are possible.

A geoclimatic catastrophe could trigger an economic catastrophe in America and Europe when world trade collapses. Russia, in its confrontation with the West, will first rely on its Asian allies: the Muslim world and Confucian China. They will help defeat America in Ukraine, but then there will be a split between them. First, the Arabs will make peace with Israel and start fighting against Russia, but they will lose. Arabs and Muslims will take advantage of this situation and seize power in Europe. Persecution of Christianity will begin, after which Catholicism will never be able to fully recover. Rome and Paris will be destroyed by the insurgent townspeople, migrants and "Muslim troops".

After an international conference (in Budapest?), Russia attacks Europe and quickly takes over Germany. At some point, China goes over to the side of Germany (NATO) and declares war on Russia. NATO in place with the Americans and the Chinese will still manage to knock the Russians out of Europe, using a large number of chemical weapons from Syria. China has already peacefully occupied Eastern Siberia, but now it wants to seize the European part of Russia (Ural). He sends his army to Europe to help the Germans. As a result, American drones, German laser cannons and Chinese light tanks completely destroy the Russian military contingent. At the same time, nuclear weapons will be actively used, which will cause earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. First, China will take part in the war in the Middle East as an ally of Russia and help liberate the region from ISIS.

As a result of the conflict with the Americans, Russia will occupy the Suez Canal and oil fields. However, then China will oppose Russia and capture part of Siberia, the Chinese army will go to Europe, where it will fight for the Europeans against Russia. At the same time, a wide strip of territory from Prague to the sea will be poisoned in order to cut off the advanced detachments of the Russian army. In the south, this strip will not be for the Chinese to enter Europe. As a result of this betrayal of China and thanks to German space lasers that can shoot down all Russian missiles, the Russian army will be completely destroyed.

Muslims will seize power in Italy and France and begin to persecute Catholics. The Pope is forced to flee to Switzerland and Cologne. Catholic churches will be burned and priests killed. After the destruction of New York, Jerusalem will become the capital of the world, where the Temple of Solomon will be restored and the Antichrist will come to power. Geoclimatic catastrophe In the prophecies, besides war, there are other topics: unusual cosmic phenomena and natural disasters.

Of all these problems, geoclimatic problems are very close to the theme of the forthcoming Third World War. It is still not clear whether they will take on a serious scale as a result of cosmic phenomena (comet, new moon, meteor shower) or will be provoked through the use of nuclear weapons, which will lead to earthquakes, eruptions and other tectonic processes. If the visions of a geoclimatic catastrophe are to be believed, the "sea powers" (the USA and England) will suffer from it, as will the coastal regions of the world's oceans participating in the world sea trade under American control. The continental powers (Germany-Russia-China) will intensify (the climate will get warmer).

This scenario of the Third World War can be called quite optimistic for Russia, although it will have to go through many rather unpleasant moments. A geoclimatic catastrophe will forever change not only the physical, but also the political map of the world. Many prophecies point to earthquakes in America and Japan that will flood coastal areas. Many regions of Russia are also flooded: Kamchatka, Sakhalin, Petersburg. Japan, Korea, Bangladesh, Indonesia and the Philippines could disappear completely from the face of the Earth. Italy, Egypt, the countries of the Middle East and the Baltics, Uruguay and Venezuela will suffer. Particularly severe destruction will occur in America, which will cause unrest, looting and provoke a socio-economic and political crisis.

Big number deaths, famine, epidemics and refugees - such consequences can befall humanity, the bulk of whose population lives in coastal regions. Many states will not be able to cope with these problems on their own, and international structures will cease their activities. Hunger, epidemics and street crime will increase the panic, leading to millions of refugees. In these conditions, the danger threatens the sparsely populated regions of Siberia, where not only the Chinese, but also citizens of other Asian countries: Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Thailand can come. Part of Siberia after a hypothetical cataclysm will be occupied peacefully, without the use of the army. As a result of the new "great migration of peoples", Asians will settle in the Far East and Eastern Siberia, which threatens to lose control over these territories by the Russian state.

Uncontrolled migration can arise both as a result of hostilities and as a result of natural disasters. Conspiracy Theory If we assume that the Kremlin is an arena of power struggle between several players, then we can conditionally divide them into groups that reflect the interests of the United States, Europe and England (Israel). Is in Russian authorities double and triple agents working for multiple hosts. You can conditionally consider the modern Russian politics as a struggle on the "Kremlin" site of the main Western forces - the Rockefellers (Illuminati), Rothschilds (Templars) and the Vatican (Jesuits).

Putin initially arranged for all three groups and acted as an intermediary between them. After the war on 08.08.08, the Americans (Rockefellers) decided to rely on Medvedev and his “ United Russia"(Blue) to keep the communists (red) out of power. Imagine the surprise of the CIA when in 2012 Putin became president again. Who beat the Americans - Europeans (Jesuits) or Jews (Rothschilds)? Perhaps they worked together against America. Immediately there were shifts in the government. Serdyukov was replaced by Shoigu and began to strengthen the army.

The Americans began to defame Putin, cut off Russia's finances, imposed sanctions, and began to prepare the Maidan and a coup d'etat. Putin asked the Pope, Italy, Monaco and Bavaria to intercede for him. The Pope agreed, but asked in return to "drain" the ROC into. The game is not over yet, although it is worth recalling that the Jews (Mossad), in addition to England and China, control Israel, Canada and Australia, that is, they have great economic and military potential. They want to transfer Siberia to China, but have not yet decided what to do with Russia's atomic weapons.

Many are expecting some unpleasant events in America at the end of the year. As you know, passions in connection with the election of a new president are very tense there. As a result of some skillful provocation there can provoke a social explosion and civil war, which can trigger a crisis, destroy the old world system and create grounds for. This will lead to a series of those unpleasant events that are described in detail in the prophecies, but which still refuse to believe.


The Russian perception of the threat of the coming Third World War is characterized by:

1) shapkozakidatelstvo ("We will show them Kuskin's mother!"),

2) ignoring ("Until the cock bites!") And

3) fatalism ("What can be, it cannot be avoided!") Or even its complete lack of understanding in the pursuit of momentary needs and small profit ("Let's build another gas pipe to Europe!").

Russia at the moment is completely disarmed and demoralized by liberal ideology and the propaganda of consumer values ​​of the "free world". The Russian elite is completely pro-Western, despite its ostentatious patriotism and "care" for the people and voters. In reality, the Russian elite is divided into three camps. Some for the Vatican project "Europe from Lisbon to Vladivostok", others for the dominance of the Washington Rockefeller regional committee, and others for the red Jewish project of the Rothschilds.

The only chance in a war with the West is an unconventional geoclimatic weapon, when cyclones, tsunamis and earthquakes are artificially provoked. But I don’t think that such projects are being carried out by the Russian military, most likely it is done by those who are waiting for the end of the world, who enjoy the death of millions and are glad of someone else’s misfortune. For example, it can be some kind of satanic sect or one of the many Western special services.

It turns out that the West will destroy itself. If America is to be destroyed by civil war and internal unrest, then Paris and Rome will be burned by rebellious French youth along with Arab migrants. Russia may lose Siberia and return to the borders of the Moscow principality of the era of Ivan the Terrible, a monument to which was recently erected in Kursk.

On August 22, 2018, the third world economic war will begin, namely a full-scale US sanctions attack on Russia.

Symbolically: 22 numbers again! Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said in this regard that the restriction of the activities of Russian banks announced by US sanctions would be tantamount to declaring an "economic war" on Russia. Since the US sanctions and trade wars are waging not only with Russia, but also with China, Iran, and even with Europe, already with seventeen countries, we can say that a world economic war is starting. A Nazi foothold was again created near the borders of Russia, this time Bandera's in the former Ukraine, again created by the United States together with other Western demagogic "democracies".

As one American general said, the United States does not want to fight on equal terms, so it attacks in the area where it has an advantage: financial and economic. They are so comfortable. And it is convenient for Russia to answer asymmetrically in other areas, at other venues. According to Dmitry Medvedev, Russia will respond not only by political and economic, but also by "other methods." What methods can these be?

In this sense, Russia can do a lot of things "useful" for the United States. Stop cooperation not only with the United States, but also with its main vassals in the fields of dual purpose: space, energy, aviation and others. Expand economic and military ties with countries independent of the United States. Impose economic and energy sanctions against US satellites on Russia's borders, as they are potential footholds for a military attack. What prevents Russia, as the United States does, from helping scenarios of "regime change" in their colonies? This, at the very least, will bring them into chaos.

In Helsinki, Trump and Putin agreed, as follows from some comments, on the non-use of nuclear weapons on the territory of the United States and Russia. The rest of the world can be a theater of war, as recorded in the John McCain US Defense Budget Act just passed by the US Congress. If the United States went crazy after McCain, then this should be the starting point.

Following the example of the United States, it is possible to discuss at the expert level possible scenarios for delivering preventive strikes against the American bridgeheads advanced to Russia in the event of a threat of an attack on Russia. As the United States did during the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis.

Russia can become a supplier of security for all countries independent of the United States, supplying them with air defense and other defensive weapons. For example, Venezuela. In addition, Russia can assist insurgents around the world in their struggle for freedom against pro-American colonial regimes and death squads created by the US CIA.

The United States accuses Russia of cyberwar, so it is necessary to proceed from this and present counter-accusations to the US NSA in attacks on Russian Internet resources that exist, and to suppress these sources of cyber attacks. International law does not prohibit anything in cyberspace, and the US refuses to negotiate with Russia on regulating the Internet, which means that everything is allowed!

In a world war, all countries will have to define themselves in one way or another so as not to be caught between the millstones. In fact, it has already happened that Russia is carrying out military containment of the United States, while China is carrying out financial and economic containment. Europe is thinking how to avoid becoming a theater of military operations, while Turkey is already working in a regional alliance with Russia and Iran, and publicly accuses the United States of sanctioned "outrage".

There is still room for compromise as long as President Trump confronts Congress and is not removed from power until ideological accusations are raised. In Congress, some madmen are already declaring Russia a sponsor of terrorism. Russia continues to call Americans partners, friends, and colleagues overseas. Ironically, of course. But other appeals are also being prepared, they are uttered by Vladimir Zhirinovsky when he speaks of the neoliberal fascism of the United States. The statements about the world leadership of the only US superpower, the uniqueness and uniqueness of this leadership, the US support for neo-fascist regimes in the world indicate precisely the new American fascism.

The world economic war can still slide into the world financial and economic crisis. Lord Jacob Rothschild recently addressed the world: “The years of low interest rates and US policy that inflated the capitalization of stock markets are now coming to an end. The global economic model will be completely destroyed, the victims of the crisis will be, first of all, countries with high level external debt ".

A pretty clear message that explains why Russia, with its small budget, successfully confronts the financial monsters of the world: Russia has a real economy, and the monsters have inflated stock capitalization. Therefore, we can agree with Karen Shakhnazarov, who believes that the sanctions will only benefit Russia if we approach this matter wisely. The West was peacefully sucking Russia in, but Putin’s Russia was down his throat, this is the whole point, in the opinion of our eminent director and already a political scientist.

And about Trump and his possible impeachment. In this extreme case, Vladimir Putin can bring down the political situation in the United States with one phrase: "But Trump is my agent!" It doesn't matter if it is so or not, and what he meant in general ...

My series of articles is contraindicated for impressionable people. If you want to keep burying your head in the sand, then go watch the NFL Draft.
No dose of cognitive dissonance, belief in the normality of what is happening and general apathy can protect even the most ignorant Americans from what awaits them in the near future. The Fed's solvency is in jeopardy, and in order to understand the roots of the impending world war and tyrannical martial law, I will have to briefly look at the historical background of the issue.

The birth of the petrodollar
In 1944, an unprecedented system of exchange rates and exchange rates was established. The Bretton Woods Agreement was reached at the UN Monetary and Financial Conference, which took place on July 1-22, 1944 in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire.
The Banksters (for example, the Rockefellers) rejoiced at their luck. The consequence of the Bretton Woods conference was that countries wishing to buy Middle Eastern oil were forced to first buy dollars and only with them to buy, finally, oil.
Within our country, almost everyone has benefited from this system. By and large, Americans enjoyed the benefits of a stable currency less inflation of about 5 percent a year, which played the role of an unwritten tax that went into the pockets of the Fed banksters. This is how the petrodollar was born. If the reign of the petrodollar is ever successfully undermined, our currency unit sinks faster than a submarine with hatches covered with a mosquito net.
From 1910 to 1971, the old guard at the Fed worked to free the economy from the gold standard so that by indulging a protracted and unbridled spending spree, accompanied by the awarding of lucrative contracts to elite corporations without bidding, debt slavery could be imposed on the American people and government. All this should have led to a sharp increase in the [budget] deficit and fill the pockets of the owners of the Federal Reserve.
The impending war with Syria is just an opening act. The main act, after the conquest of Syria, will include an attack by the United States and Israel, and possibly England, on Iran. Iran is the trophy the Fed's old guard needs to keep its stranglehold on the global economy. At first glance, an attack on Iran seems like a good idea if it will save our economy. However, the risks associated with choosing this course of action are astronomical.
On the verge of World War III
Syria is the first real domino in the looming conflict that threatens life on this planet. The dismantling of Egypt and Libya was just a prelude. The real action will begin in a few months with the invasion of Syria under the pretext of saving humanity from the Syrian weapons of mass destruction, namely, chemical weapons. Hmm, is there an hour-long BIV planning a chemical defense drill in Denver or Portsmouth next month? But I'm deviating from the topic, this issue will be fully covered in the next additional article in the series.
Rest assured, America is being led to a war with Syria, and do not even for a second suppose that this war will in any way reproduce the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Compared to Syria, and then Iran, previous wars are like child's play compared to everything that happened to us in the entire history of this country. The Fed's strategy of “saving the petrodollar” is a high-stakes casino where you, your children and the future of humanity act as collateral.
That an impending war is imminent has been confirmed by accusations now being made by the US government that Syria is using chemical weapons against the rebels. In this fabrication of the Syrian version of the false flag bombings at the Boston Marathon, it is possible that if chemical weapons are used, the CIA is the responsible party. Why? Because all roads to Tehran go through Damascus. Iran is the real target of the Fed's military designs because it does the unthinkable when it wages a war against the old guard of the New World Order by selling its oil to Russia, China and India for gold, and this is a dire threat to the dollar's solvency.
First Syria, then Iran
Before invading Iran and facing the specter of Russian interference, Syria must first be occupied and saturated with US (NATO) military forces. Occupying Syria allows America and its allies to invade Iran from different directions. Thanks to Syria, we will see airstrikes deployed unhindered across northern Iraq. In addition, and most importantly, the occupation of Syria would threaten the mobilization of forces within Russia, which would then come under the influence of US long-range and short-range missile batteries installed in Syria. These missiles will most likely be equipped with tactical nuclear warheads. This deterrent could give the Americans enough time to occupy most of Iran before Russia and China can operate on their own. However, this strategy neglects the danger that in this biggest game of weakness ever played out on this planet, the Chinese and Russians may resort to full-scale use of nuclear weapons.
Unexpected zigzags of the impending world war
I don't think China will attack the US in the Middle East, at least not the first. I expect the Chinese to go to Taiwan and allow the North Koreans to launch their nuclear missiles at Japan. There is a possibility that Russia could further invade the United States through Alaska.
I never thought that elements of the script for Red Dawn would ever come true, but how many times have we seen the media tell us what's going to happen before the event? And since we are talking about this, I would venture to predict that China will approach the southwestern underbelly of the United States through Central America, taking into account Chinese control of the Panama Canal and, as rumor has it, Chinese troops throughout Central America, including in Mexico. And if a real mess begins, all sides can launch ICBMs and nuclear missiles from their submarines at each other, and then all records will be reset. I suppose you can now understand why I keep remembering these psychopathic banksters who took over our government.
Iran is public enemy number one
In view of the Iranian threat to the petrodollar, Iran is taking a similar, but much more dangerous position than Iraq in 2001. As we all now know, the events of September 11, 2001 provided justification for the invasion of Iraq. No, Iraq was not responsible for the 9/11 attacks, as President Bush admitted. But this did not stop Bush from turning to his advantage the emotions about 9/11 so that America confused the concepts and tacitly agreed to the invasion of Iraq, during which the Iraqis and all the Middle Eastern nations were dumped into one big heap of those who “want to kill us from - for our freedoms. "
In this regard, why was it necessary to conquer Iraq? The answer is simple, Saddam Hussein tried to sell his oil for a currency other than Fed banknotes (i.e. the euro). It posed a threat to the Federal Reserve and at the same time also posed a threat to the central bankers at their headquarters, otherwise known as the Bank for International Settlements, which controls all central banks. During that period, these bankers would have done everything to eliminate the threat to the world reserve currency they control, namely the dollar.
After the end of the second Iraqi war, Exxon and BP controlled 80 percent of Iraqi oil fields, and no one would sell Iraqi oil for euros or gold. However, the game took a different turn - Iran replaced Iraq as the main threat to the sustainability of the Federal Reserve notes.
Iran is destroying the United States economically. Unfortunately for every man, woman, and child in America, this day of economic reckoning is fast approaching. China started buying Iranian oil for gold. India followed suit, as did the Russians. The days of the petrodollar are numbered, which means that the days of the dollar's only source of support are numbered.
Russians and Chinese warned Americans
Making a pretext for starting a war and then successfully feeding American society the need to fight is one thing. But winning a war is another matter entirely. How serious are the Chinese and Russians in their determination to confront the imperialist US? Given that both Chinese President Hu and Major General Zhang Zhaozhong have threatened the United States with nuclear war if they invade Iran, prudence suggests that the new edition of the Axis of Evil has clearly defined the borderline.
Dawn of the American Empire
America is facing a very difficult dilemma. If we are forced to accept the Russian and Chinese threat of war over the invasion of Iran, our dollar will collapse. If after the capture of Syria we attack Iran, then the nuclear powers with formidable armies have promised to respond. America may survive the first invasion of its territory since the War of 1812.
It is possible that in the game of balancing on the brink of war with the Russians and the Chinese, the Americans will limit themselves only to the conquest of Syria in order to test the determination of the latter (for example, the game of military "weak"). However, it does not seem to me that the likelihood of this is high. The Fed will not back down. They have already killed Gaddafi and Hussein to save the petrodollar. They are not going to retreat in front of the Iranians, Chinese and Russians, because not their children will fight and die, but ours. So does it make sense for the elite to knock down the price of gold so that they can buy up as much as they can at the lowest price? She intends to be the lone survivor at the end of the next big war, which will end all wars.
And how will the elite feed us the war? You can rest assured that there will be even more actions under false flags, one more terrible than the other. And who do you think they will blame? You don't need to be seven spans in your forehead to guess that the last event under a false flag will be nuclear, after which the gates of hell will open.
This is understandable - hands off Iran or we will get the Third World War. But does anyone really think the Fed is going to screw it up? Could the World III course be the reason why so many bankers have left the United States because they know what is coming?
What does false flag shares have to do with this? Here's one hint - once you begin to understand the goals of the globalists, the Boston Marathon bombings and the aftermath of martial law will explain a lot. The last question is the easiest to answer because the government left a trail of documents detailing the state of emergency in its wake, and that description is intimidating. In the next few installments of this series, I will answer all of these questions, and maybe not even just them.

World War III in 2018 -
World War III military political review

Five places where World War III could start in 2018

World War III in 2018 - military-political review, prophecies, predictions

Where and when will the Americans strike?

The recently forgotten threat of a third world war is again a topic of general discussion. A week ago, US and Russian military vehicles nearly collided in Syria. NATO is building up its military capabilities on the border with our country and is not going to give up its hostile rhetoric. What are the scenarios for a possible military conflict? It is necessary to think about this in order to prevent the not entirely adequate actions of our "Western partners", who have long since turned back into "probable adversaries".

Military analyst Valentin Vasilescu from Romania, a country at the forefront of NATO's anti-Russian front, is trying to answer this question on the basis of tactics characteristic of recent US military operations and the characteristics of the weapons used. On the pages of the English-language analytical center "Katehon", he argues that the aggression of the United States and its allies against Russia is not at all an excluded scenario. The United States is obliged to stop Russia at any cost, which, by its actions in Syria, and before that in Crimea and Ukraine, is changing the American-centered status quo. In order to maintain hegemony, the Americans are heading for a major war.

Main direction of impact

According to Vasilescu, the main direction where the US strike can be expected is the western one. "The United States is not planning a landing in the Russian Far East; instead, like Napoleon and Hitler, the United States will seek to occupy the strategically important capital of the country - Moscow," he sums up. According to him, the goal of Euromaidan was initially to create a convenient base for aggression against Russia. Lugansk, the analyst notes, is located just 600 kilometers from Moscow. However, the plan of American aggression was thwarted after the reunification of Russia with Crimea and the creation of the people's republics in eastern Ukraine.

After that, the plan of American aggression was revised, and the Baltic direction was chosen as a new zone of aggression. From the Latvian border to Moscow - all the same 600 kilometers, and to St. Petersburg and even closer. In order for the local population not to be outraged by the fact that their countries will soon be turned into a springboard for aggression, the American and local media and generals in unison began to talk about the fact that the Baltic and Northern European countries are in danger of attack from Russia. In Norway, they even launched a series about the future Russian occupation.

In addition, the US has stepped up pressure on Sweden and Finland. They are not yet joining NATO, but American troops have already deployed. Moreover, in May 2016, the northern quintet - a meeting of the foreign ministers of Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Norway and Iceland - announced the urgent need to neutralize the Russian threat. As a way out, they proposed defense cooperation between the Swedish-Finnish neutrals and NATO.

According to Valentin Vasilescu, the main task of NATO is to inflict a quick defeat on Russia, which will make it collapse political system country. Pro-American agents of influence have been overthrown, Vladimir Putin, and the war can be considered won. Therefore, the United States will act according to Hitler's logic, betting on blitzkrieg tactics. If Russia is defeated, NATO will occupy territories up to the line of St. Petersburg - Veliky Novgorod - Kaluga - Tver and Volgograd.

At the same time, as the expert notes, due to the rapid modernization of the Chinese army, which will pose a serious threat to the United States in the Pacific theater of operations, the Pentagon will not be able to throw all the necessary forces and means against Russia. At least a third of all US armed forces will have to concentrate in the Pacific region, awaiting a possible strike from the now allied China of Russia.

Probable strike time

According to the military analyst, the US has a chance of success only if it invades by 2018. After 2018, the chances of success will significantly decrease, since after the completion of the rearmament of the Russian army begun under Sergei Shoigu, the Pentagon will lose its technological advantage in conventional weapons. And in order to win the war, you will have to resort to nuclear weapons- and this is a step towards mutual nuclear destruction.

War in the air - colossal losses

The main targets of the first wave of air raids will be Russian airfields and air defense systems. Russia is armed with high-quality fighters and mobile anti-aircraft systems capable of detecting and destroying even a fifth-generation American aircraft. Therefore, even with the support of NATO allies, the US military will not be able to achieve air superiority. With great effort, they can achieve temporary air superiority in some areas on the Russian border with a depth of 300 kilometers. In order to secure flights in areas where Russian air defense systems are actively operating, the Americans will be forced to send at least 220 aircraft into the first wave of attack (including 15 B-2 bombers, 160 F-22A and 45 F-35). The B-2 can carry 16 GBU-31 laser-guided bombs (900 kg), 36 GBU-87 cluster bombs (430 kg) or 80 GBU-38 bombs (200 kg). The F-22A aircraft can carry 2 JDAM bombs (450 kg) or 8 bombs of 110 kg each.

A serious obstacle for the Americans will be the fact that the AGM-88E missiles, designed to combat air defense systems with a range of 160 kilometers, are too large to be loaded inside the F-22A and F-35s (4.1 m long and 1 m high). If they are mounted on pylons, the vaunted "invisibility" of these aircraft will suffer. Previously, such a problem did not arise, since in the past 20 years the United States has fought wars exclusively against opponents with outdated air defense systems.

As for the F-22A, they will mostly be shot down. As the expert notes, the Pentagon reports indicate that the US military was satisfied with the results of the use of the F-117 (the first fifth-generation aircraft in the US Air Force) in Kuwait and Yugoslavia and intended to replace outdated models with new devices. The Pentagon planned to order 750 F-22As to replace the F-16s. However, Russia has developed a 96L6E radar capable of detecting American stealths. As a result, the Pentagon reduced the order to 339 F-22A aircraft. While the Americans were developing and testing these aircraft, Russia acquired S-400 systems capable of detecting these aircraft. As a result, the US Air Force received only 187 F-22A aircraft.

To complicate the task of Russian air defense systems, the United States will fire more than 500-800 cruise missiles from ships and submarines in the Baltic Sea. Russian aircraft, primarily MiG-31 fighters, and air defense systems will be able to neutralize most of these missiles, the expert is sure, but this is not all that the Americans can use.

At the same time, the F-18, F-15E, B-52 and B-1B planes, being at a safe distance from the Russian border and not entering the S-400 systems operation zone, will strike with AGM-154 or AGM-158, the range of which is up to 1000 kilometers. They can strike ships of the Russian Baltic Fleet and missile batteries of the Iskander and Tochka complexes. If successful, the Americans will be able to neutralize 30 percent of the Russian radar network, 30 percent of the S-300 and S-400 battalions stationed between Moscow and the Baltic countries, and 40 percent of the components. automated system reconnaissance, control, communications and target designation, in addition, airfields will be damaged, the departure of more than 200 aircraft and helicopters will be blocked.

However, the expected losses of the Americans and their allies will amount to 60-70 percent of the aircraft and cruise missiles that will enter Russian airspace already with the first wave of air raids and strikes.

But what will be the biggest obstacle to NATO's air supremacy? According to the expert, these are effective means of electronic warfare.

We are talking about the Krasukha-4 complexes of the SIGINT and COMINT types. These systems can effectively wage electronic warfare against US tracking satellites Lacrosse and Onyx, ground-based and airborne radars (AWACS), including those deployed on RC-135 reconnaissance aircraft and Northrop Grumman RQ-4 Global Hawk drones.

According to the expert, the electronic warfare systems in service with the Russian troops can effectively jam American bombs and missiles with laser, infrared and GPS guidance.

Also, Russia can create two zones on the border with the Baltic countries in the regions of St. Petersburg and Kaliningrad, impenetrable for enemy aircraft, combining air defense systems (S-400, Tor-M2 and Pantsir-2M) and electronic warfare.

Currently, 8 S-400 battalions are protecting the skies around the Russian capital, one is in Syria. In total, the Russian armed forces have 20-25 S-400 battalions. Some of them can be deployed to the western border along with 130 S-300 battalions, which can be upgraded and equipped with a 96L6E radar that effectively detects NATO stealths. An even more advanced air defense system, the S-500, is currently being tested, which will presumably go into service in 2017.

The author is sure that due to Russia's advantage in electronic warfare means, NATO will not be able to achieve an advantage in electronic warfare. As a result, in the first wave of attacks against Russia, NATO troops will strike decoys in 60-70 percent of cases. Due to the high losses in the first wave of air strikes and the impossibility of achieving air superiority, the NATO Air Force will suffer high losses. The American group of 5,000 planes will be joined by their allies. But they will not be able to provide more than 1,500 aircraft.

War at sea

At sea, the Pentagon can deploy up to 8 aircraft carriers, 8 helicopter carriers, several dozen landing craft, missile carriers, destroyers and submarines. These forces can be joined by two Italian aircraft carriers and one aircraft carrier each from Spain and France. Russian anti-ship defense means - Kh-101 and NK Kalibr cruise missiles move at subsonic speed and can be neutralized at the initial stage of approach. It will be more difficult for NATO to cope with the P-800 Onyx and P-500 Basalt missiles. And finally, in 2018, the Russian fleet will enter service with the "aircraft carrier killer" - the 3M22 "Zircon" missile, capable of traveling at hypersonic speed at low altitudes. "The United States will not be able to oppose anything to this means," the expert concludes.

Superiority in armored vehicles

At present, the samples of armored vehicles in service with the Russian army - the T-90 and T-80 tanks and modernized versions of the T-72 tanks, Vasilescu notes, correspond to NATO counterparts. According to the expert, only the BMP-2 and BMP-3 are inferior to the American M-2 Bradley.

However, the new Tank T-14 "Armata" has no analogues in the world. In all respects, it surpasses the German Leopard 2, the American M1A2 Abrams, the French AMX 56 Leclerc, and the British Challenger 2. The same can be said of the T-15 and Kurganets-25 BMPs and the new VPK-7829 Boomerang amphibious armored personnel carrier. After 2018, Russia will have the most modern armored vehicles, which will radically change the balance of power on the battlefield.

During the Gulf War and the 2003 invasion of Iraq, the United States used mobile groups of tanks, vehicles, armored personnel carriers and infantry fighting vehicles to hack into enemy defenses. The actions of these groups in Russia will need to be supported by massive airborne operations. And here an unpleasant surprise awaits them. If against the Russian air defense systems Pantsir and Tunguska, as well as against the Igla and Strela MANPADS, American combat helicopters and aircraft can use the AN / ALQ-144/147/157 electronic warfare system, then against the 9K333 MANPADS "Verba", which entered service with the Russian troops in 2016, this equipment is powerless.

Homing sensors "Verba" are capable of operating simultaneously at three frequencies in the visible and infrared spectra. "Verba" can work in conjunction with the "Barnaul-T" system, which is responsible for electronic reconnaissance, electronic warfare and automatic control of amphibious formations. "Barnaul-T" neutralizes the radar of enemy aircraft and interferes with the operation of laser guidance systems for missiles and bombs of the enemy.

As can be seen from the above analysis, even now a war with the use of conventional weapons can cost our Western adversaries dearly. The rearmament of the Russian army, which will take place by 2018, will completely eliminate the West's technological advantage in the military sphere. The more ready, powerful and equipped our Armed Forces are, the less likely it will be that the West will decide on an open war against Russia.

World War III military political review