Natural prerequisites and individual psychophysiological features of the person. Determination of the nature of the natural psychophysiological features of a person

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On the topic:

" Psychodiagnosis of human natural abilities"

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1. The concept of human natural features

Psychodiagnostics is one of the most popular approaches to the study of the personality of a person. Psychodiagnostic techniques allow for a short time to assess the level of development of certain features of personality, its psychological properties. Psychodiagnostic techniques are firmly entered into our lives and are currently applied in various sectors of human life - when testing the abilities of children, in vocational guidance, when conducting personnel selection, etc.

At the beginning of the 50s. The original direction of the diagnostic studies of the psycho-physiological characteristics of a person has developed and successfully develops. It was called "Differential Psychophysiology" and closely related to the names of outstanding psychologists - B.M. Teplova and V.D. Nebylitsyna. Work school B.M. Teplova - V.D. Nebylitsyna represents further creative development Idea I.P. Pavlova about properties nervous system and types of the highest nervous activity of animals and humans.

As you know, these ideas I.P. Pavlova was substantiated by experiments on animals and observations in the nervous clinic. The task of work B.M. Teplova - V.D. Nebylitsyna and their staff consisted in experimental study of this problem in relation to man. In differential psychophysiology, it is customary to distinguish between the two sides of the psyche: meaningful and formally - dynamic.

So, B.M. Heat (1985) wrote that among the individual differences, which, first of all, are striking, such important features can be attributed:



Thus, the heat to the number of individual differences attributed all that the individual acquires as a result of interaction with environmental And what constitutes the content of his psyche. But at the same time it is impossible not to notice that people differ from each other how they are formed by the skills and habits, how they assimilate knowledge.

In other words, in addition to the differences relating to the meaningful side of the mental life, people differ in some dynamic, formal features of their mental warehouse and behavior (speed, tempo, performance, sensitivity).

The individual severity of these parameters is determined by some natural factors, primarily the main properties of the nervous system. Giving the definition of the properties of the nervous system (abbreviated SNA), B.M. Heat (1985) noted that these are natural, congenital features of the nervous system affecting the formation of individual forms of behavior and some individual differences in abilities and character. Speaking that these properties are congenital, it was meant that they are formed in humans during the period of intrauterine development and in the first months of life. Whether they are connected with the genotype whether they are inherited, this question remained open.

2. Types of temperamentPavlov

One of the major achievements of recent years in differential psychophysiology was the answer to the question, which is the origin, the genesis of the SNS. The data received by the laboratory team headed by I.V. Ravich - Scherbo (Psychological Institute), indicate that the properties of the nervous system can be viewed as signs due to the genotype. And this means that these features are the most stable, practically not changing throughout a person. In addition, we can talk about the hereditary transfer of features.

At one time I.P. Pavlov believed that there are three basic properties of the nervous system: force, mobility and equilibrium of nervous processes. The combinations of extreme poles of these properties form four combinations of nervous activity, which were identified with four well-known temperament types: Sanguine, choleric, melancholic, phlegmatic.

Here short description These types:

1. Strong, balanced, movable (Sanguine) - a person quick, easily adaptable to changing living conditions, successfully resists living difficulties.

2. Strong, balanced, inert (phlegmatic) - reacts to external influences calmly and slowly, is not inclined to change its environment, it copes well with strong and long-term stimuli.

3. A strong, unbalanced with the predominance of excitement (choleric) - has a lot of vital energy, but he lacks composure, quick-tempered and inconsistent.

4. The weak type (melancholic) is not allowed, often passive and inhibit, strong stimuli can cause various behaviors, up to complete cessation of any activity.

B.M. Heat, analyzing the development of Pavlovsky ideas, came to the conclusion that there are no sufficient grounds for the allocation of four types. Only a systematic study will allow you to establish how much the basic properties in reality are, the nervous system (three or more) and in what combinations they meet.

In the future, as SNS research develops, other typological properties (lability, dynamism, activation) were discovered. We describe more.

3. The main properties of the nervous system

The power of the nervous system (the opposite pole is the weakness of the nervous system) - the property of the nervous system, expressed in the dellibility of the workability of the nervous system, its stability to various kinds of interference.

The mobility of the nervous system (the opposite pole is inertia) - the property of the nervous system, characterized by the speed of changing the nerve processes, as well as the speed of their movement.

The lability of the nervous system (the opposite - inertness) is the rate of occurrence and termination of nervous processes.

Dynamic is the rate of formation of temporary nervous bonds (positive and brake conditional reflexes), i.e. The rate of learning.

Activation - equilibrium excitation and braking processes; Speaks about the total tone of the nervous system (high activation, excitation predominance, low predominance of braking).

IN lately The very idea of \u200b\u200ballocating the types of nervous system and temperament types is raised, since there is no clean type at all.

Another important issue associated with psychodiagnostic temperament is the question of the ratio of human biological properties, its organic basis with psychological "filling" of temperament. In accordance with the concept of the two-mindedness of the psyche (B.M. Thermal, V.D. Nebylitsyn, B.C. Merlin) in the latter it is allocated to the subject-meaningful and formal dynamic aspects.

The formal dynamic characteristics of the mental constitute the features and properties of the human psyche, underlying its activities, regardless of its specific motives, goals, ways, relationships and manifested in the "external picture of the behavior" (I.P. Pavlov). The dynamic features of the psyche are determined by the neurophysiological properties of the human body and make up what we call temperament.

In the works of domestic psychophysiologists, two most fundamental formal-dynamic characteristics of temperament were allocated - general mental activity and emotionality.

Overall activity is a formal dynamic characteristic of temperament, the dynamot-energetic tension of human behavior, manifested in its interaction with the natural and social world. As a general technology characteristic, activity expresses the natural desire of an individual to an increased and diverse load in the mental and psychomotor sphere and serving the desire of an individual to the effective development of the surrounding world.

The main indicators of the overall activity of human behavior are properties reflecting the nature of mental activity in time (tempo, rhythm, speed), the intensity of the mental process (activity, energy, power of emotions, etc.), its plasticity (increased human ability to mental adaptation to the environment in the process of communication and professional activity), as well as the orientation of the psyche (extra-introversion).

Emotionality is a formal dynamic component of temperament, expressing a sign or character of human attitude towards the world, society and to himself. The emotionality of a person includes all the wealth and diversity of human affects and moods: impressionability, sensitivity, impulsiveness, emotional excitability, lability, as well as dominance of one of the leading sentiment (joy, wrath, fear and sadness).

According to the views of V.M. RUSALOVA temperament is considered as a result of systemic generalization of invariant biological components; included in functional behaviors. Such an inclusion leads to a gradual transformation of them into an individually-stable (independent already from the content of the activity) of the system of psychoscoic properties that are conjugate with the main blocks of the functional system (afferent synthesis, programming, execution and feedback).

These properties are: ergic (degree of tension of the body's interaction with the medium); plasticity (degree of ease of switching from some behavior programs to others); pace (degree of speed of execution of a particular behavior program); Emotional sensitivity (sensitivity threshold for possible misappropriation of the result with an acceptor of the result of the action).

Each of the selected properties of temperament in accordance with two main types of human activity - objective activities and communication - should, according to V.M. Rusalov is considered separately, since it is assumed that they are manifested in different ways.

Thus, temperament is:

Manifestation in summing up a neuropsychiatric constitution laid in a person from birth (genetically inherited);

A combination of the dynamic characteristics of human behavior manifested in general activity (the amount of human interaction with the environment, initiative, readiness for action), in the features of motor skills (tempo, rhythm, speed, total number of movements, their amplitude) and emotionality (impressiveness, impulsiveness emotional excitability , the rate of emergence of emotions, their strength, the rate of change of their sign is positive for negative and vice versa, the modality of the dominant emotions).

In accordance with this approach, criteria are allocated to assign one or another psychological properties to temperament. The psychological property under consideration is considered to be tempeanceful if it is:

1. Does not depend on the content of activities and behavior, i.e. reflects the formal aspect of activity and behavior (it is independent of the meaning, motive, goals, etc.);

2. It characterizes the measure of dynamic (energetic) voltage and human relationship to the world, people, to themselves, activity;

3. Universally and manifests itself in all spheres of vital activity;

4. Early manifests itself in childhood;

5. sustainably over a long period of human life;

6. Highly correlates with the properties of the nervous system and the properties of other biological subsystems (humoral, bodily, etc.);

7. Is inherited.

From an understanding of the temperament as a formal dynamic characteristic of the mental property, the illegality of axiological ("estimated") approach to it. There are no "good" and "bad" temperaments, each temperament in specific activities has both their advantages and disadvantages.

temperament Nervous Natural Feature


In differential psychology, it is customary to distinguish between the two sides of the psyche: meaningful and formally dynamic. The content side is all that a person acquires as a result of interaction with the environment and which constitutes the content of his psyche. In addition to the differences related to the meaningful side, all people differ from each other by some dynamic, formal features of their mental warehouse and behavior. The individuality of these parameters is determined by some natural factors, primarily the properties of the nervous system, having congenital origins and little changing in the process of life.


1. Gurevich K.M. Psychological diagnosis. Tutorial. M., 1997.

2. Burlachuk L.F., Morozov S.M. Psychological Diagnostics Dictionary. Kiev: Nookova Dumka, 1989.

3. Overall psychodiagnostics ( tutorial) / Ed. A.A. Bodalieva, V.V. Stream. M.: Publishing House of Moscow State University, 1987.

4. Basics of psychodiagnostics (Tutorial for students ped. Universities / ed. A.G. Shmelev. Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 1996.

5. Introduction to Psychodiagnostic (Tutorial for Peduchals / Ed. K.M. Gurevich, E.M. Borisova. M.: Academia, 1997.

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The same external conditions, the same environment can have a different effect on personality.

The laws of the mental development of a young man because it is difficult that mental development It is a process of complex and controversial changes that factors affecting this development are multifaceted and diverse.

Man, as you know, is a creature natural. Natural, biological prerequisites are necessary for human development. A certain level of biological organization is needed, a human brain, a nervous system, so that the formation of human mental characteristics is possible. The natural features of the person become important prerequisites for mental development, but only prerequisites, and not driving forces, factors of mental development. The brain as biological education is a prerequisite for the emergence of consciousness, but consciousness is a product of a person's social being. The nervous system has congenital organic bases to reflect the surrounding world. But only in activities, in conditions of social life, the corresponding ability is formed. The natural prerequisite for the development of abilities is the presence of deposits - some congenital anatomy-physiological qualities of the brain and the nervous system, but the presence of deposit does not guarantee the development of abilities that are formed and develop under the influence of living and activities, training and education of a person.

Natural features have a sufficient impact on human mental development.

First, they determine different paths and methods for the development of mental properties. By themselves, they do not define any mental properties. No child is naturally "located" to cowardice or courage. On the basis of any type of nervous system with proper upbringing, you can develop the necessary qualities. Only in one case it will be harder to do than in the other.

Secondly, natural features can affect the level and height of human achievements in any area. For example, there are congenital individual differences in deposits, in connection with which some people may have an advantage over others with regard to mastering any kind of activity. For example, a child who has favorable natural deposits for the development of musical abilities will, under all other equal terms, developing in musical terms faster and achieve great success than the child, not possessing such deposits.

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Page 3.

Psychophysiological features of a person are the features of his psyche, development, structure of the body, health condition. Each person has psychophysiological features. Therefore, we can say that a person in its suitable data is more or less prepared for a successful mastering of a certain profession or group profession. In this regard, the question arises: what characteristic features of the person must study? How to define the features and properties of the person?

Answers to these questions and will be the subject of our further consideration.

The most important features of the individual to be diagnosed include: value orientations, interests, needs, inclinations, professional intentions, professional orientation, motives for choosing a profession, character traits, temperament, health condition.

Consider in more detail those aspects of personal characteristics that matter for career guidance work.

Personality is formed in the process of constant relationships with people. All features inherent in personality are socially due. Therefore, value orientations can be defined as an injury to the assimilation (creation) of social values \u200b\u200bin accordance with specific needs.

Each person to strive to assimilate those values \u200b\u200bthat most comply with its goals and interests. In relation to human professional activity, such values \u200b\u200bcan be distinguished that are significance for it:

Self-affirmation in society, in the nearest social environment - to be useful society;

Recognition of relatives, acquaintances, friends;

Self-improvement and self-expression; interesting job;

Applying your knowledge, skills, abilities;

Creative nature of labor;

Become a master of your business;

Romance of work;

Material-practical, utilitarian values \u200b\u200b- good earnings;

Position satisfying personality; The prospect of promotion.

The main role in the choice of values \u200b\u200bis the motives, which, in turn, depend on the interests and needs of the personality, the objectives of this personality.

By the form, the motives for choosing a profession can be divided into six groups:

General motivation;

Romance of professions;

Cognitive motifs;

Motives in which the social significance of the profession is emphasized;

Unmotivated choice.

In character, all motifs can be divided into four groups:

The motive, clearly and reasonably justifying the feasibility of choosing this direction of employment;

Motivation is fuzzy, insufficiently argued;

The motivation is uncertain, non-indemnified;

Not argued motivation.

Detection of motives for choosing a profession makes it possible to learn what prompted a person to choose this species Labor and how tidy, argued the motives of choice. This in turn makes it possible to find out the focus of the individual on values. So, we considered value orientations in the human identity structure. In relationships with other identity characteristics, they can be represented as follows: Needs - the interests of value - motives - goals - choice.

Preliminary trade defdiagnosis involves identifying such characteristics as inclinations, interest, temperament.

1. Interest- This is a special attitude to anything or anyone, this is the need for certain emotional experiences obtained as a result of some people or objects. After all, one thing is interested in, for example, a car, and quite another - to engage in the circle of car. As a rule, on classes to which the student is more inclined, he spends more time and besides the desire. If a person is achieved by still certain results in this activity, then we can talk about the abilities for this activity.

Natural Prerequisites and Individual Psychophysiological Features of the Person

The main disadvantage of the preceding approaches in the understanding of the natural premises of the person is in our opinion, in that not all holistic biological properties are taken as the basis of individual-psychological properties

system a person, but only one or another part, each of which (humoral, somatic or nervous) itself does not have the properties necessary for this.

We believe that, at the base of individual-psychological properties, there are properties of a certainly separate, private biological subsystem, and the general constitution of the human body, which is considered by us as a totality of allprivate constitutions, i.e., all the physical and physiological properties of the individual enshrined in its hereditary apparatus ...

Numerous experimental data obtained in last years At the twins and population-genetic studies, convincingly indicate the hereditary nature of not only the properties of the nervous system, but also many individual psychological properties, such as activity, emotionality, sociability, impulsiveness, etc.

A systematic approach to the study of natural prerequisites of personality not only allows you to consider the biological properties of a person as "elements" of a lower system, which are included in the system of higher order - "personality", but also involves an explanatory principle: how this inclusion occurs.

We propose to call this principle by the principle of "systemics". This principle is similar to the concept of "generalization of J. Piaget and S. L. Rubinstein. So, J. Piaget widespread the concept of generalization as one of the most important mechanismsmov the formation of skills and intelligence ... S. L. Rubinstein determined the character of a person as a system of generalized, generalized motivations enshrined in an individual.

In what same specificity of "systemic generalization" of natural preliminary prevalences? First of all, the fact that natural prerequisites is not an amorphous and passive set of human biological properties, but a certainly intrinsicly organized system with a clear hierarchy and structural needs, properties of the nervous system.

Each particular person receives from nature by virtue of its general constitution a strictly defined range of "reaction norms" of biochemical, biomechanical, somatic, neurophysiological, etc. properties. As a result of biological development, it has an individual level of exchange, muscular development, certain properties of the nervous system, etc., these individually-resistant and hierarchically organized biological components from early childhood are included in the fulfillment of the most different species Activities - from sucking and grabbing behavior to the game, study, labor. At the first stages of human development (immediately after birth), there are seems to be different, various plasticities, different emotional reactions, etc., can be observed, different emotional reactions, etc. However, as a person ripening and developing and developing a specific socio-historical environment. Thanks to the constancy and genetic stability of the biological component, gradually each individual has a certain inherent sum of the generalized speed, generalized plasticity, generalized emotionality and other generalized characteristics of behavior and activity.

These "formal" characteristics individual psyche, as a result of systemic generalization of the psycho-physiological components of activities, regardless of their specific motives, goals, methods, behavior programs, etc. due to the innate constancy of individual-resistant neurophysiological, or rather, all biological components involved in individual-specific activities of a person and constitute the main subject of research of differential psychophysiology. These biologically conditioned formal characteristics of the psyche were called "formally dynamic" (at the School of Teplovitsyn) or Psychodynamic (at the Merlin School) properties.

We believe that more correctly call these properties simply "formal", in contrast to "meaningful", since the adjective "dynamic" reflects only one of the parties of formal properties, namely "energy, power". It can seem to be talking about both "formal-structural" properties associated with the peculiarities of building generalized programs. The term "psychodynamic properties" seems to be less successful, especially since it is fixed by a completely different concept at the Levin school ("The dynamics of motifs"),

Unlike the formal content properties of the individual (subject-semantic structures: knowledge, motifs, goals, relations, etc.) are formed on another "logic" and other law. If formal characteristics are generalized mainly by the logic of the "body" (i.e., under the influence of the action of the general Constitution of a person), the basis of the generalization of the meaningful properties of the psyche is already the logic of the "subject" of socio-deterministic human activity.

The existence in the personality structure of sustainable, generalized formal properties, in particular the formal dynamic, protruding under the general term "temperament", allows a person from our point of view to optimally spend its energy and energy capabilities. Specified on nature (i.e. genetically deterministic), a certain individual level of energy capabilities (a certain level of exchange, the activity of the hormonal sphere, the peculiarities of nerve processes, etc.), constantly placing in activities (regardless of the motives, goals, etc. .), Inevitably leads the optimally associated with the activities of the generalized integration of all biological properties of the individual. The emergence of new system quality, generalized integration of psycho-physiological properties, or, in other words, the system of formal properties of the personality, begins to perform itself | The role of a kind of human behavior regulator in the new situation and the development of new activities.

Thus, the main formal property of the personality, which is formed as a result of the systemic individual generalization of the same biological components (i.e., individual genetic factors, the level of exchange, features, the features, features of the functioning of the central system, etc.) in activity in the broadest system Words characterizes primarily a measure of the interaction of a subject with a medium and with other people from the point of view of its dynamic (or dynamic-energy) tension. This dynamic line of formal properties received the name of "general activity" in differential psychophysiology. The main indicators of general activity, including motor and speech, are: tempo, rhythm, speed, intensity, plasticity, endurance, etc.

Another major dynamic characteristic relating to the formal personality properties is the emotionality of a person, which includes individual-sustainable affects or determination of one of the leading sentiment (joy, wrath, fear, sadness). In emotionality, in particular in modality (sign) of emotions, you can already identify some generalized meaningful characteristics of psyche. However, we have every reason to believe that in the characteristics of emotionality is primarily reflected in the sustainable formal properties of the individual, formed under the influence of generalization, primarily the natural characteristics of the person - the factors of the hormonal and bodily sphere, the properties of the Diencephalon, Limbiki, etc. - and expressing in The most generalized form of a person's attitude to peace, society and to himself.

Thus, emotionality is along with the overall activity of one of the most important formal structures of the individual.

Unlike emotionality, emotions are "private" cases of a meaningful relationship of a person to the subject characteristics of the activity (to those or other parties to communicate, knowledge, to phenomena of public or personal life). In case of informative, the world of emotions is unlimited. Their "physiological support" will depend on the specific level of generalization of the "private" relationship. If the ratio affects the person as an integer, then such emotion becomes "emotionality" and manifests itself at all levels of the individual properties of a person - from genetic mutations, biochemical reactions, vegetative shifts, muscle expressions up to a complete restructuring of the formal properties of the individual. Such emotions are most characteristic of a person in a situation of stress if the relationship is based, for example, on a particular assessment of the upcoming cognitive action, then "physiological support" (vegetative, biochemical, electromyographic and other shifts) can be practically not observed and can be detected only with the help of the most complex psycho-physiological methods. This, naturally, does not mean that emotions, as, however, and all the other informative properties of therapy (knowledge, motifs, goals, relationship, etc.), "hang in the air" and do not have physiological media.

In the informative properties of the identity of the carrier of the physiological, and more correctly - biological, as much as in the formal properties. The fundamental difference between eachformal (namely temperament: general activity and E.fineness) and meaningful properties (relative to natural prerequisites) is that formal properties are such systematic qualities that are formed under the laws of genetics, the general constitution, while the meaningful properties are formed mainly under the influence of specific social factors acting indirectly through internal biological mechanisms.

Such an understanding of the genesis of formal and meaningful properties of the individual corresponds to a dialectic and materialistic representation, according to which the mental development of a person is understood as a single systemic process of mutual mediation of biological and social.

Based on the proposed understanding of the mechanisms for the formation of formal-dynamic properties of the individual, it becomes obvious that only such properties may be the subject of direct comparison with human biological characteristics. Attempts to detect the relationship between the biological properties and the meaningful characteristics of the individual who are often undertaken in the works of sociobiologists and the specific studies of Western psychologists, seem completely groundless ...

Separation of personality properties for formal and meaningfulin real behavior - an extremely difficult task, since formal and meaningful properties are,

according to A. V. Brushlinsky, non-invalid, i.e. mediate, interpenetrate and interdepend each other, merging into a single mental process. Nevertheless, certain level Scientific-abstract analysis Such a separation can be performed on the basis of the presented presentation of the various dominant mechanisms for the formal and meaningful property properties.

Approximately can be outlined at least seven distinctive features (criteria) of the formal properties of the individual (mainly temperament) from the content characteristics of the personality. To temperament should be attributed from our point of view, only such a mental property of personality, which is:

1) inheritated;

2) highly correlates with the properties of the nervous system and the properties of other biological subsystems (humoral, those forest, etc.);

3) stable for a long period of life of a person

4) universally and manifests itself in all spheres of activity and livelihoods;

5) characterizes the measure of the active voltage of man;

6) reflects the most generalized attitude of a person to peace, society and herself;

7) it does not relatively depend on the content (i.e. it makes sense, motive, goals, etc.) of activities, communication and knowledge.

We have every reason to believe that all these criteria (or at least most) satisfy the two above-mentioned the most important formal characteristics of the individual, namely, "general activity" and "emotionality", which, according to the ideas of V. D. Nebylitsyn, And the temperament of a person is ...

The identified links serve as an important argument in favor of the fact that these psychological characteristics of activity (individual pace, plasticity, mental endurance) belong to the category of temperament. The resulting reliable statistical bonds between the individual variations of these formal dynamic and neurodynamic properties also show that the soluble and multi-level characteristics of the person belong to one general and genetically primary factor, that is, the general constitution, being its different specific forms that They enter into various natural relations at various stages of human identity development.

The concept of "systemic generalization" by us allows us from our point of view, not only to explain the mechanism for the formal properties of the individual, but can also be used as a single principle to explain the genesis and other levels of personality properties. The decisive moment for the selection in the personality structure of one or another should be, according to this concept, the specificity of systemic generalization.

If the generalization occurs due to psychophysiological, and more widespread structural and functional biological properties, then we are dealing with temperament; If at the base of the generalization lie dynamic and informative features of cognitive mechanisms, we are dealing with intelligence; If the dynamic and meaningful characteristics of motives, motifs, etc. are generalized, then such psychological education should be attributed to the nature, etc. It follows from here that in relation to the specific complex-comganized object of reality, which is the personality, the system principle of the hierarchy As part of differential psychophysiology, it is realized in the sequence of transition from the lower structural and functional levels of the ordering of the set of its moments (meaning biological properties, and above all the properties of the nervous system) to higher Education - formal dynamic properties. As a result of such a translational movement, new integral systematic qualities of the person are formed: temperament as the lowest psychological level of personal properties, then intelligence, dynamic aspect and character. At the same time, the value of older (underlying) properties and qualities is not reduced and the absolute independence of properties and qualities is not supposed. higher levels Personality as a holistic system.

From the above, it follows that the formal properties of the personality (i.e. temperament) do not exist by themselves, but are included in the "higher-organized" personality structures,in particular, intelligence and character, as the necessary components of the dynamic properties of these structures.

The inclusion of formal dynamic characteristics into the structure of intelligence and character does not mean that intelligence and character are only more generalized and more complex dynamic formations of psyche: and intelligence and character along with generalized dynamic properties also have specially generalized meaningful (subject-send) characteristics.

A distinctive feature of the formation of a character, as is known, is a generalization of the most diverse forms of motivation - from needs, motifs to interests and ideals. That was how I understood the character of S. L. Rubinstein. In character, they are generalized, naturally, not only the meaningful, objective-semantic characteristics of the motivational and volitional sphere, but also dynamic characteristics, which necessarily include formal dynamic parameters of emotionality. Generalized emotional qualities, according to J. Piaget, give the action of the necessary energy and serve as a source of behavior. Emotional (affective, dynamic, energy) characteristics are always as the required component of any motivation ...

Understanding the development of the individual as a single systemic process of mutual mediation of biological and social and socially allows us to be fundamentally in a new way to the problem of deposits, one of the key when studying natural prerequisites of the person. We believe that it should be strictly distinguished by at least two levels of deposits: formal properties (temperament) and more complex psychological formations (intelligence, character, etc.).

If we take into account the first level of deposit, it can be assumed that a genetically fixed combination of human natural properties (biochemical features, type of physique, the properties of the nervous system, etc.) determines due to the action of the general constitution only one or other formal properties of the individual ( i.e., the characteristic of general activity and emotionality). It follows that "congenital anatomy-morphological peculiarities of the brain" are not the abilities (intellect) as such, as it assumed B. M. Heat, and temperament. The temperament, in turn, should be considered as a second-level depository: characteristics of activity and emotionality are the most important components of intelligence, character and other identity properties. And in this connection the famous idea of \u200b\u200bthermalthe fact that "the ability is a development deposit", should be beaten. It should be about the ability at all, but about its dynamic aspect. (The content aspect of abilities, as mentioned above, is determined mainly by social factors.)

It follows that the temperament is not "aside" or "nearby" with intelligence (abilities), but is organically included in it as the most important componentAs the necessary deposit, the development factor, refracting, transforming social impacts per person.

Thus, in the development of the personality, the dialectic of biological and social is filled with specific content.

A single systemic process of personality development occurs through the interaction of biological and social determinants of human being.

In Pasha, the country in the early 1950s. The original direction of studies of the psycho-physiological characteristics of a person developed and successfully developed. It was called "Differential Psychophysiology" and closely connected with the names of outstanding psychologists - B. M. Teplova and V. D. Nesbylitsy. The works of the School of Teplov - Nebylitsyn are the further creative development of ideas I. P. Pavlova on the properties of the nervous system and the types of higher nervous activity. As you know, these ideas I. P. Pavlova were substantiated by experiments on animals and observations in the nervous clinic. The task of the works of Teplov - Nesbylitsyn and their employees consisted of studying this problem in relation to man.

In differential psychophysiology, it is customary to distinguish between the two sides of the psyche: meaningful and formally dynamic. So, B. M. Teplov wrote that by the number of individual differences, which are primarily cast into the eyes, such important features as convictions, interests, knowledge, skills, skills can be attributed, i.e. all that the individual acquires as a result of interaction with the environment and what is content his psyche. But at the same time it is impossible not to notice that people differ from each other how they are formed by the skills and habits, how they assimilate knowledge. In other words, except for the differences relating to the content side of the mental life, people differ in some dynamic, formal features of their mental warehouse and behavior (speed, tempo, performance, sensitivity). If the content of the human psyche in its origin is socially and transmitted from generation to generation only in the order of social continuity, it is different about the formal dynamic characteristics of mental processes. The individual severity of these parameters is determined by some natural factors, primarily the main properties of the nervous system.

Giving definition properties of the nervous system (SNA), B. M. Teplov noted that these are natural, congenital features of the nervous system affecting the formation of individual forms of behavior and some individual differences in abilities and character.

One of the major achievements of the last decades of the XX century. In differential psychophysiology there was a response to the question, what is the origin, the Genesis SNS. The data obtained by the laboratory team, headed by I. V. Ravich-Scherbo, suggests that the properties of the nervous system can be considered as signs due to the genotype. And this means that these features are the most stable, practically not varying through the human life. In addition, we can talk about the hereditary transfer of these features.

At one time, I. P. Pavlov believed that there are three basic properties of the nervous system: force, mobility and equilibrium of nervous processes. The combination of extreme poles of these properties form four combinations of nervous activity, which were identified with four well-known temperament types: Sanguine, choleric, melancholic, phlegmatic. B. M. Heat, analyzing the development of Pavlovsk ideas, concluded that there are no sufficient grounds for allocating four types. Only a systematic study will allow you to establish how much actually there is the main properties of the nervous system (three or more) and in what combinations they meet. In the future, as SNA research develops, other typological properties (lability, dynamism, activation) were discovered, which are not known in Pavlov School.

To date, the following main SNS are known:

  • 1) force the nervous system (the opposite pole is the weakness of the nervous system) - is expressed as the density of the endurance, the working capacity of the nervous system, its stability to various kinds of interference;
  • 2) mobility the nervous system (the opposite pole is inertness) - is characterized by the speed of changing the nerve processes, as well as the speed of their movement;
  • 3) lability nervous system (the opposite pole - small lability or, as in the second case, inertness) - is expressed in the rate of occurrence and disappearance of nervous processes;
  • 4) dynothy (the opposite pole - low dynamism) - affects the speed of the formation of temporary nervous bonds;
  • 5) activation - this is the equilibrium of the processes of excitation and braking; Speaks about the total tone of the nervous system: high activation - the predominance of excitation, low - the predominance of braking.

Of essential importance for the diagnosis of basic SNAs have:

  • 1) Each property of the nervous system as a genotypic feature has not one manifestation, but a wide range of their spectrum. Thanks to this wide spectrum can be achieved in each case best results in the relationship between the individual with the medium;
  • 2) in relation to the SNA, the "assessment approach" is not applicable. It is impossible to share the properties for good and bad, useful and harmful. The properties of the nervous system characterize different ways of interaction between the body with the medium, and not different degrees of perfection of the nervous system.

Due to the fact that the SNAs have a genotypical nature and in this sense are understood as practically unchanged, stable characteristics of a person, one cannot but reckon with them, not to pay attention to them, since their influence is experiencing in activities, behavior, in relationships with others.

It should be briefly staying on some of the most important sides of human activity, where the accounting of natural features has a certain meaning.

This is primarily educational activities. For a teacher, the differences in students according to their formal dynamic features should be of interest, as they speak of such individual characteristics such as performance, ease of switching, pace, the speed of assimilation of the new material. Following the individual psychophysiological characteristics of students, the teacher easier will find an appropriate approach to each of them, tells how it is better to organize their work in the classroom and at home.

The student himself must also have a correct idea of \u200b\u200bits natural features. Very often, schoolchildren who do not know how to use them correctly, i.e. Understand your advantages and compensate for your drawbacks, there are defects of cognitive activity, which directly affects performance.

In the system of professional orientation and professional consultation, in managing the formation of professionality, the knowledge of individual natural characteristics of people is also very important in the professional selection. So, if the analysis of the content and nature of labor implies that some SNAs are prerequisites for the formation of professionally important qualities, it is necessary to draw a person's attention to the presence of such specific requirements in the profession chosen by him. In the case when these requirements characterize the profession as a whole and are rigidly regulated, the person should be informed, with what difficulties he may face and does he have the opportunity to overcome these difficulties with his natural features. If such requirements in the chosen profession are characterized only for some "work posts", it should be recommended to a person to focus on other "working posts", where the regulation of labor behavior is undesirable.

According to K. M. Gurevich, success in professional activity and satisfaction with labor is often determined by how much the rule of "natural conformity" is observed, i.e. As far as the circle of professional tasks facing a person is close to his psychophysiological characteristics and their familiar manifestations. It is known that for relatively an inert nervous system, tasks are difficult to quickly respond to all new in the surrounding environment, and tasks that require a quick transition from one type of activity to another. The rule of "natural compliance" will be violated if a person with an inert system will master the profession, where there are quite often situations that require quick response or switching. When the rule of "natural compliance" is roughly broken, the likelihood of errors in operation increases, its effectiveness is lost.

So, you can make the next general conclusion: Every time, in practice, it is necessary to deal with such conditions and requirements that are precisely natural formal dynamic features (those endurance, performance, noise immunity, sensitivity, etc.) are an important factor in achieving professional success, promotion to more A high stage of learning knowledge, skills, skills, it is necessary to have such information about a person using special diagnostic techniques.