Poems. "Doctor Zhivago" Boris Pasternak. Creative personality and revolution Quotes from the book "Doctor Zhivago" Boris Pasternak

Boris Pasternak's novel Doctor Zhivago became the book of the writer's entire life. He brought him fame, but at the same time, because of him, the writer was persecuted. He was accused of betraying his homeland, expressing his opinion in the book regarding October revolution and further events in the country, and his views did not like the representatives of the authorities.

This novel deals with many life issues: the search for happiness and the meaning of life, the search for oneself in this world, injustice and hope for the best, the influence of strict rules on the life of society and the fate of each person individually, and, of course, social and political upheavals. The book is considered one of those works that everyone should read. Sometimes it is much more important to know history not from textbooks that obey certain requirements, but to see everything through the eyes of people who lived at that time.

The protagonist of the novel by his example reflects the views of the entire Russian intelligentsia from the beginning to the 40s of the 20th century. The story begins with a description of Yuri's childhood years. He became an orphan early. His mother died and his father left the family before her death. Even when he was just a boy, his talent was already noticeable - Yuri wrote beautiful poetry. However, he decided to connect his life with the profession of a doctor, following the example of his stepfather, but he did not leave creativity. Perhaps it helped him escape from the complexities of life, which he had seen a lot.

Yuri became Doctor Zhivago and was talented in his field. Together with other heroes of the novel, they have to go through wars, revolutions, repression, exile, arrest and captivity. They are forced to adapt to a social system that they do not like. In doing so, they must somehow fight. However, not everyone has the strength to do this, and people surrender under pressure from the authorities. Only Doctor Zhivago retains his humanity, and difficult situations only encourage him to display his best qualities. Despite all the injustice of this world, he treats others with kindness and compassion.

On our website you can download the book "Doctor Zhivago" Boris Leonidovich Pasternak free of charge and without registration in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format, read the book online or buy a book in the online store.

The novel "Doctor Zhivago" was created for many decades, but the difficult years of the war, which gave rise to the author's hope for changes in society and in power, became a turning point in his work on it. He wanted to show the dramatic history of Russia during these decades.

In Doctor Zhivago, Pasternak tells about the fate of a man who lived in the era of the revolution. The world, its communion with nature, gratitude the main character reflects in his beautiful poetry. His poems are written about the secret. In them, he will more than once remember his Moscow home, where his beloved was.

Life for Yuri Zhivago runs parallel with nature, you just need to be near and grasp its meaning. He is confident in the unity of man with the world and the universe. The hero tries to find meaning in any manifestation of history, even in a revolution, considering it a great and brilliant miracle of history. Each person, in one way or another, becomes involved in the historical process without losing his human personality. The heroes of the novel express their attitude to life in arguments, conversations, monologues. Doctor Zhivago thinks about creative self-expression, which is necessary for the realization of personality.

The main character of the novel "Doctor Zhivago" does not take part in the events, but, despite this, with his verses, he introduces an understanding of history and his purpose in it based on Christian values. Despite the terrifying reality depicted in the novel, a person survives, remaining with his problems and joys.

Doctor Zhivago is torn between love for two completely different women: his wife Tonya and Lara. One is a dear and loving woman who bore him children and kept family comfort in the house. The other is a kind of personification of short-term happiness, it makes Yuri think about the fate of Russia. It is difficult for him to agree with the inhuman cruelty of the opposing sides Civil War, in which he is forced to be a participant.

Pasternak in the book "Doctor Zhivago" shows his hero, who does not agree with the crookedness of those around him and the coercion of views with the help of force. All this is unacceptable to him, in such a turbulent environment, in such a world, it is unbearable for him to live.

From the very beginning and throughout the entire novel "Doctor Zhivago" the protagonist meets on his way different people, personifying inhuman strength. Yuri Zhivago is looking for peace in his work and support in love. But, then he loses his strong family and connection with Lara. Everything around him becomes more petty and vulgar for him. To survive, Zhivago tries to create, but inspiration leaves him. His dreams and hopes die with those who leave creative forces... It kills the doctor.

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The name of Boris Pasternak has long ceased to be the name of a poet alone. He became the conscience and creative force of his generation. The creativity of B.L. Pasternak is the comprehension of the harmony of the world.

From the originator:

“... Compiling this collection of poems by Boris Pasternak, written in different years, we wanted to draw the reader's attention to a single, organic nature of the main content of his many years of work (1910-1960). Before his eyes, the world was changing, the image of which Pasternak painted, but keeping the integrity of his talent and loyalty to him, he kept a watchful eye on what was happening around him, not deceived by the dominance of the “noisy phrase” and the lie of topicality that reigned in all his adult years. ... "

The collection includes poems from the following cycles:

From the book "The Initial Time" 1912-1914

From the book "Over the Barriers" 1914-1916

From the book "My Sister - Life" Summer 1917

From the book "Themes and Variations" 1916-1922

Poems of different years 1916-1931

From the book "The Second Birth" 1930-1932

From the book On Early Trains. 1936-1944

Poems by Yuri Zhivago 1946-1953

From the book "When it clears up" 1956-1959

On our website you can download the book "Poems" Boris Leonidovich Pasternak free of charge and without registration in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format, read the book online or buy a book in the online store.

Russia, 10.2.1890 - 30.5.1960 Great Russian poet, classic of Russian and world literature. Born on January 29 (February 10) 1890 in Moscow in the family of the artist L.O. Pasternak and pianist R.I. Kaufman. Musicians, artists, writers often gathered in the house; L.N. Tolstoy, N.N. Ge, A.N. Scriabin, V.A. Serov. The atmosphere of the parental home determined the deep rootedness of Pasternak's work in the cultural tradition and at the same time taught him to perceive art as everyday painstaking work. As a child, Pasternak studied painting, then in 1903-08. seriously preparing for a composer's career, in 1909-13. studied at the Philosophy Department of the Faculty of History and Philology of Moscow University, in 1912 he spent one semester at the University of Marburg in Germany, where he attended lectures by the philosopher G. Cohen. After graduating from the university, he was engaged practically only in literary activity, however, professional musical and philosophical training largely predetermined the features of Pasternak's artistic world. The first steps of Pasternak in literature were marked by an orientation towards the symbolist poets A. Bely, A.A. Blok, Viach. I. Ivanova and I.F. Annensky. He participated in Moscow symbolist literary and philosophical circles, in 1914 he entered the futuristic group Centrifuge. Since the early 1920s. Pasternak became one of the most prominent figures in Soviet poetry, his influence is palpable in the work of many younger poets-contemporaries P.G. Antokolsky, N.A. Zabolotsky, N.S. Tikhonova, A.A. Tarkovsky and K.M. Simonov. Since the mid-1930s. and until the very end of his life, translation activity became one of the main literary pursuits of Pasternak. He translated modern and classical Georgian poetry, tragedies and sonnets of Shakespeare, Goethe's Faust and many other works. Pasternak himself considered the novel Doctor Zhivago, on which he worked from 1946 to 1955, to be the result of his work. Pasternak was refused the publication of the novel in his homeland. He gave it to an Italian publisher for publication, and in 1957 the publication of Doctor Zhivago appeared in Italian, soon followed by Russian, English, French, German and Swedish editions (it was published in the USSR only in 1988). In 1958, Pasternak was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature for his outstanding services in modern lyric poetry and in the traditional field of great Russian prose, which was perceived in the USSR as a purely political action. A campaign of persecution of the poet was launched on the pages of the press, Pasternak was expelled from the Writers' Union, he was threatened with expulsion from the country, a criminal case was even opened on charges of treason. All this forced Pasternak to abandon Nobel Prize(diploma and medal were awarded to his son in 1989) Boris Pasternak died on May 30, 1960.