Practical work on the geography of the federal state educational institution (Grade 7). Practical work on the geography of the federal state educational institution (grade 7) Property insurance for residents of the city of Uryupinsk

Practical work number 1.

Designation on contour map continents and oceans.


Using the text of the textbook and maps of the atlas, on the contour map, in black, sign the names of the continents, indicate their area and sign the names of their discoverers, and in blue - the names of the oceans.

Practical work number 2.

Solving problems on a geographical map.


Using a physical map of the world (pp. 2 - 3) or a globe, fill in the table:

Option 1.

geographical feature

Geographical coordinates

Direction from Moscow

Distance from Moscow



Volk. kilimanjaro

Cape Chelyuskin

South Pole

Option 2.

geographical feature

Geographical coordinates

Direction from Moscow

Distance from Moscow


New Orleans

North Pole


cape byron

Practical work number 3.

Determining the direction of movement of lithospheric plates on the map and predicting their position in the distant future.


The work is carried out according to the following plan:

Using the map of the atlas "The structure of the earth's crust", determine

1. in what direction and at what speed does each lithospheric plate move.

2. Name the regions of the Earth where the divergence occurs, and where the collision (compression) of lithospheric plates occurs.

3. What forms of relief are formed at the places of divergence and collision of lithospheric plates?

4. Imagine how the continents and oceans will be located in many millions of years.

5. Make a schematic drawing of the location of the continents and oceans in the distant future.

Practical work number 4.

Identification on the map of coasts and shelf as special territorial-aquatic natural complexes.


Using the physical map of the world (atlas, pp. 2 - 3) and the list of geographical nomenclature (see below), on the contour map of the world, shade the shelf zone of the World Ocean in blue (shelf - continental shelf to a depth of 200 m), sign the names of the oceans in blue , the largest seas, bays and straits, and in black - the names of the continents, the largest islands and peninsulas of the Earth.

List of geographical nomenclature:








East Siberian;




South China;



Big Australian;










Great Britain;





New Guinea;

New Zealand;






Practical work number 5.

Designation on the contour map of areas of high population density, directions of migration in the past and current population movements.


Using a political map of the world, on a contour map, mark the boundaries of the 10 largest countries in the world by population and sign their names;

Using the map “Peoples and population density of the world” on pages 12-13 of the atlas, shade the main areas of population distribution:

1. Eastern, Southeast and South Asia, Central and Southern Europe and the eastern United States;

2. Use blue arrows to indicate the main routes of population migration in the 16th - early 20th centuries: from Europe to North and South America, Australia and South Africa, from Africa - to North and South America;

3. Use red arrows to indicate the paths of modern migration of the population: from the CIS countries to Russia, from Russia and Eastern Europe to Western Europe, from East Asia and Mexico - to the USA, from North Africa and Southwest Asia (Middle East) - to the countries of Western Europe;

4. Make a conclusion about the distribution of the world's population and changes in the direction of migration.

Practical work number 6.

Designation on the contour map of the names of the objects under study and the determination of geographical coordinates extreme points.


When studying the topic “Geographical position of Africa”, using the physical map of Africa (atlas, p. 14), on the contour map of Africa:

    Mark the equator in red, the zero (Greenwich) meridian in blue, the North and South tropics in yellow;

    Determine the length of Africa from north to south along 20o E. and from west to east along the equator and along 20o N;

    Sign the names of the following geographical features:

oceans: Atlantic and Indian;

seas: Mediterranean and Red;

bays: Guinea and Aden;

straits: Gibraltar, Bab el-Mandeb, and Mozambique;

islands: Canary, Comoros, Madagascar and Zanzibar;

peninsula: Somalia;

extreme points: Cape Ben Secca (Ras Engel, El Abyad), Cape Agulhas, Cape Almadi, Cape Ras Hafun;

channel: Suez.

    Determine the coordinates of the extreme points of Africa.

Practical work number 7.

Designation on the contour map of large landforms and mineral deposits.


Mark on the contour map:

Plains, East African Plateau;

mountains: Atlas, Draconian, Ethiopian Highlands;

the highest point of the mainland: Mount Kilimanjaro (5895 m);

the lowest point of the mainland: the level of Lake Assal (-157 m).

Practical work number 8.

Determining the types of African climates from climatograms.


According to the climatograms given in the atlas (p. 15), determine the type of climate in the cities of Addis Ababa, Algeria, Wallen and Debunja, substantiating your answer based on the annual variation in air temperature and precipitation.

Practical work number 9.

Make a description of the humid equatorial forests of Africa.


Using atlases, a textbook, compose a story about the humid equatorial forests.


    Geographic location of the zone.

    Climatic conditions.



    Animal world.

Describing the natural area, reveal the relationship between the components of nature.

Practical work number 10.

Compilation of maps and other sources of knowledge describing the nature, population and economic activities of one of the African countries.


The work is carried out in the form of a report, abstract, essay according to a standard plan:

Plan of the physical and geographical characteristics of the country:

    The name of the country and its capital;

    Physical and geographical position of the country:

a) the position of the country on the mainland;

b) the area of ​​the territory;

c) with which countries and where it borders;

d) the position of the country in relation to the seas and oceans surrounding it;

d) natural areas;

e) dominant soils;

4. Population and its economic activity:

b) the dominant peoples;

c) the largest cities;

Practical work number 11.

Comparison of the geographic location of Australia and Africa.




Features of difference



1. The size of the continents

5. The nature of the coastline

7. Conclusion

Practical work number 12.

Substantiation of the reasons for the modern distribution of the indigenous population of Australia.


The work is carried out in the form of an essay according to a standard plan:

    natural features country:

a) features of the structure of the earth's crust, the main landforms and minerals;

b) characteristic features of the climate (climatic zones, average temperatures in January and July, annual precipitation and their seasonality);

c) inland waters (largest rivers and lakes, their characteristic features);

d) natural areas;

e) dominant soils;

f) typical representatives of flora and fauna;

2. Population and its economic activity:

a) the number and location of the population;

b) the dominant peoples;

c) the largest cities;

d) what minerals are mined;

e) leading industries;

f) the main agricultural crops and livestock sectors;

g) the impact of human economic activity on the natural environment.

Practical work number 13.

Comparison of geographic location South America and Africa.


Using the maps of the atlas, fill in the table "Comparison of the geographic location of Australia and Africa":



Features of difference

South America


1. The size of the continents

2. The position of the continents relative to the equator and the prime meridian

3. In which hemispheres are

4. Oceans washing the shores of the continents

5. The nature of the coastline

6. Position relative to other continents

7. Conclusion

Practical work number 14.

Comparison of major river systems in Africa and South America.

Progress :

Using the maps of the atlas, the textbook test and other literature, fill in the table (the work is done according to the options):



Features of difference

Africa river

South American river

Position on the mainland

Which ocean basin does it belong to?

Pool area

Location of the source and its coordinates

View of the mouth and its coordinates

Main river length

Current direction

The nature of the flow

Feeding the river

River mode

The largest left tributaries

Major right tributaries

Countries located in the river basin

Largest cities

Man's use of the river

Option 1.Comparison of Congo and Parana.

Option 2.Comparison of the Nile and the Amazon.

Practical work number 15.

Designation on the contour map of the countries of South America and their capitals.


Using the atlas (pp. 10 - 11), mark on the outline map of South America: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Venezuela, Guyana, Guiana (fr.), Colombia, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, Uruguay, Falkland islands (brit.), Chile, Ecuador and sign the names of their capitals (administrative centers).

Color in black the colonial possessions of France and Great Britain.

Color green for landlocked countries.

Color in red a country located on two continents.

Practical work No. 16.

The image on the contour map of the shelf zones of the oceans.


    Mark the oceans, sign their name.

    Mark the shelves in blue.

    Mark in red the routes of scientific, industrial, recreational expeditions of one of the (selected) oceans.

    Conventional signs show the types of economic activities of the population in the ocean.

Practical work number 17.

Comparison of the nature of the Arctic and Antarctic

During the classes:

Fill the table:



Features of difference



1. Features of the geographical location

2. The nature of the underlying surface

3. Specific traits climate

4. Features of the animal and plant world

5. Conclusion

Project Protection practical use Antarctica or the Arctic Ocean in various areas of human activity.

Practical work number 18.

Comparison of the climate of individual parts of the mainland located in the same climatic zone.


Using the maps of the atlas, fill in the table and draw a conclusion about the differences in the climate of individual parts of the mainland located in the same climatic zone:

Option 1.Comparison of the climates of the Florida Peninsula and the California Peninsula .


Geographical position

climate zone

Climate type

Average temperature ( O WITH)

Annual precipitation

Precipitation regime





Option 2.Comparison of the climate of the Alaska Peninsula and the Labrador Peninsula .


Geographical position

climate zone

Climate type

Average temperature ( O WITH)

Annual precipitation

Precipitation regime



Alaska Peninsula

Peninsula Labrador

Practical work number 19.

Drawing up a project of a possible trip to the countries of North America.

Creative work, presented in the form: (one thing)

    computer presentation



A description of modern landscapes and differences in the nature of the development of the territory along the line is obligatory.

Practical work number 20.

Comparison of natural zones along the 40th parallel in Eurasia and North America, identification of the causes of similarities and differences in the alternation of natural zones.


Option 1.

Using atlas maps:

3) Enter the results of the work in the table:

natural areas


Features of difference

in Eurasia

in North America

Option 2.

Practical work number 21.

Comparison of natural zones along the 40th parallel in Eurasia and North America, identification of the causes of similarities and differences in the alternation of natural zones.


Option 1.

Using atlas maps:

1) write down all the natural zones of Eurasia and North America from west to east along 40 ° N;

2) Determine the similarities and differences in the natural components of natural zones (average temperature in January and July, annual precipitation and their seasonality, inland waters, soils, flora and fauna) and their location on the territory of the continents;

3) Enter the results of the work in the table:

natural areas


Features of difference

in Eurasia

in North America

4) Make a conclusion about the reasons for the diversity of natural zones and the nature of their location on the continents.

Option 2.

Using the maps of the atlas, on the contour map of Eurasia, mark and sign the names of all natural zones located at 40 ° N with different colors. and answer the following questions:

1) What natural zones of Eurasia at the 40th parallel are absent at the same latitude in North America?

2) What are the natural zones of North America at 40 ° N.L. absent on the same parallel in Eurasia?

3) How does the location of natural zones differ in Eurasia and North America? What are the main reasons for these differences?

Practical work number 22.

Drawing on the contour map of the largest countries of Eurasia and their capitals.


Using the political map of the world (atlas, pp. 10 - 11):

1) mark the borders and sign the names of Bangladesh, Great Britain, Vietnam, Germany, India, Indonesia, Iran, Italy, Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia, Pakistan, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Ukraine, Philippines, France, Japan;

2) sign the names of the capitals of these countries;

3) Color in red the territory of the largest country in terms of area, and in yellow - the largest in terms of population.

Practical work number 23.

Compilation of a "catalog" of countries in Europe and Asia.

During the classes:

Using various sources of information, compile a “catalog” of the countries of Eurasia, noting the most important statistics of the countries listed:

· the name of the country;

· state flag;

state structure;

· the area of ​​the land;

· population;

the capital.

Enter data on countries in the table:

The country

State flag

State structure

The area of ​​the land

(thousand km 2 )


(million people)


Option 1. Asian countries.

Option 2. European countries.

Practical work number 24.

Compilation of the simplest maps of the placement of cultural and historical centers of Europe and Asia.


Using the maps of the atlas and additional literature, on the contour map of Europe or Asia (depending on the option), mark at least 10 most important historical and cultural centers with conventional signs different countries these continents and sign the names of countries and marked centers.

Option 1. Historical and cultural centers of Europe.

Option 2. Historical and cultural centers of Asia.

Practical work number 25.

Work on the ground to identify the components of natural complexes and draw up the simplest plan of the area.


1) During the tour, conduct route shooting and draw up a plan of the area.

2) In a notebook, give short description the route of movement, indicating the observed changes in the nature of the relief, inland waters, soils and vegetation.

Evaluative practical work in the 7th grade according to the Federal State Educational Standard (total 15 works)

Practical work No. 1
Designation on the contour map of lithospheric plates and seismic belts Earth
A. 1. Using the atlas map, draw the boundaries of the Earth's lithospheric plates and sign them;
2. Select platforms within the continental part of the plates using the map of the structure of the earth's crust in the atlas;
3. Find the same places on the physical map and determine the landforms. Sign the name on the c / c in the platform area;
4. Apply hatching belts of earthquakes and volcanism of the Earth;
5. Apply without a signature the direction of the mountain systems of the world on the continents.
B. In the oceans - the direction of underwater ridges.
What conclusion can be drawn from the overlay of maps about -
a) the location of the plains;
b) the location of mountain systems
within the lithospheric plates?

Practical work №2
Designation on the c / c of the climatic zones of the Earth and a description of the climate of the place on the climate map

    Find on the map "Climatic zones of the Earth" approximate average parallels for each climatic zone:

a) ek 0?; b) sub 10?; c) trope. twenty?; d) subtr. 40?; d) died. 50?; e) 60?

    draw approximate boundaries of the Earth's belts on a c / c and sign them in abbreviated form;

    show the directions of constant winds in the tropical, temperate and polar zones with arrows;

    map the city from the map. Describe the climate in this city (6 options):

a) - cf. t? January;
b) - cf. t? July;
c) - amplitude;
d) - min t?;
e) - max. t?;
f) - annual amount of precipitation;
g) - the direction of the winds in summer;
h) - wind direction in winter;
i) the climatic zone of the city.

Practical work No. 3

See textbook p.70

Practical work No. 4
Description of the geographical location of the mainland
Taking advantage physical card hemispheres and the mainland, describe its position:

Extreme points:

What oceans do they wash? Which side.

What seas and bays are washed by?

How does it lie relative to other continents?

In what climate zones is it located?

One column of the table for each option remains empty .

Practical work No. 5
Characteristics of PC Africa on maps.

Using maps of the structure of the earth's crust of the world, a physical map of Africa, climatic natural zones and a comprehensive one, give a description of the PC:
a) - the northwestern part; b) - southwestern part.
According to the plan:

    The geographical location of the PC;

    The relief of the territory depending on the structure of the earth's crust;

    Minerals in PC;

    Climatic zone and its features;

    Water objects and their characteristic features;

    Typical plants and animals in PC;

    Possibilities of economic activity of people.

Practical work No. 6 "Description of the country according to the plan"
Country profile

Human economic activity
a) types of work
b) big cities

Ecological problems

Practical work No. 7

Comparison of the geographic location of Africa and Australia The basis for the performance of the work is practical work No. 5.

    Fill in the empty column in the PR. No. 5;

    Determine the geographical coordinates of the extreme points;

    Name the similarities in the position of Africa and Australia (write in a notebook as a conclusion);

    What is the main difference between the position of the continents?

Practical work No. 8

Comparison of the GP of the continents of South America and Africa, similarities and differences.

Practical work No. 9
Description of the South American river (Orinoco, Parana)
Describe the Orinoco River, Parana, using atlas maps, atlas tables and plan.
The description can be arranged in a table or in a narrative text, or it can be made in a short film using conventional notation.

    Geographical position:

a) in what part of the mainland;
b) source, direction of flow, mouth;
c) which ocean basin;
d) the length of the river.

    What is the terrain along which the river flows. How does this affect its nature of the flow? The nature of the river.

    Nutrition and regime of the river. In what climatic zones does the river flow, how does this affect its nutrition and regime?

    Man's economic use of the river.

    How might the nature of the river change in the future?

Practical work No. 10
Characteristics of the nature of the country and the population of one of the countries of South America
Give a description of the country: Chile, Venezuela. Plan:

    Geographical location (part of the mainland, neighbors, access to the ocean, sea, capital).

    Relief features (basic forms, heights). Minerals, impact on economic activity.

    Climatic conditions (belt, t? January, t? July, annual precipitation), the presence of seasons. Impact on economic activity.

    Rivers and lakes. Use in the economy.

    Natural areas (vegetation, soil, animals).

    The peoples of the country, their main occupations. Tools of labor, dwellings, clothes, traditions.

    Big cities.

    What crops are grown, what animals are bred.

Practical work No. 11

Designation on c / c routes of scientific expeditions in 4 oceans of the world. Designation on the map of 1-2 travel objects, whose names the objects are named.
A. 1. On the world map, mark 2-3 routes of any travel within the ocean with arrows, indicate the years and the leader of the trip on the arrow;
Use the list "The most important geographical discoveries and travels"
2. Find 1-2 objects in the ocean that bear names associated with people who participated in the designated expeditions.
You can, on the contrary, apply 1-2 objects, and then the expeditions of these scientists.
B. Model your own expedition to one of the oceans, write the purpose of your trip on the arrow.

Practical work No. 12
Characteristics of the climate of North America. Fill in the table using the map:

0 -8?




2000 m

500 m

All year long
More in summer


temperate continent

Peninsula California
thirty? NL
Peninsula Florida






More in winter

All year, more in summer






Practical work No. 13

Characteristics of one of the countries of North America (according to the contour map)
Using different maps of the atlas, give a description of the country:
Mexico - Canada in a cartographic way. On the c / c put the features of the countries in accordance with the plan for describing the country.

    Geographical location (borders, neighbors, seas, oceans);

    Relief and minerals;

    Rivers and lakes;

    Borders of climatic zones;

    Hatching natural areas;

    Big cities;

    Conventionally, what is grown, who is bred;

    Select the areas most developed by man.

Practical work No. 14
Features of the geographical location of Eurasia
and its influence on the nature of the mainland
The relationship of geographical location and features of nature

Practical work No. 15
Characteristics of the climate of the place according to the climatogram
A. Using the chart card to determine:

    January average temperature

    July average temperature

    Amplitude -

    Annual rainfall -

    Their routine throughout the year is

    Wettest month -

    The driest month

    Are the seasons expressed? Which?

    Conclude: what is the climate zone and type of climate.

B . Get two charts of Eurasia and North America. Draw conclusions about similarities and differences

"Simple" table.

In this work, students practice methods for creating and using simple tables, as well as text alignment.

Students are shown using a table as a frame around one or more paragraphs. To shift text in a table cell, use the keysCTL+ Tab. Pay attention to the alignment of the paragraph in the center relative to the borders

Insurance of property of residents of the city of Uryupinsk


Client code

Surname, name, patronymic of the client

Property name

Insurance start date

End date of insurance (rub.)

Sum insured

The amount of the monthly installment in (rub.)

Home ownership

Petrov V.G.

home ownership

Romanova K.O.

Volkova E.I.

Country cottages

Gorin V.V.

Country cottage

Kotikov N.N.

Petrova E.N.

Yashkina S.S.


Sergeeva M.A.

car Zhiguli

Popov G.N.

Ivanova S.P.

car Moskvich

Uvarov S.A.

car Volga

Practical work No. 7

"Complicated table"

In this activity, students practice methods for creating and using simple tables, as well as text alignment, using lists, merging and filling cells.

Students are shown using a table as a frame around one or more paragraphs (Form code by...). To shift text in a table cell, use the keysCTL+ Tab. Pay attention to the alignment of the paragraph (Medical documentation...) in the center relative to the borders. Particular attention is paid to the use of an inextensible space when aligning a paragraph in width, but without stretching the spaces between words. As an example, consider any document with an inscription below: the position and last name of the person, when the position should be pressed to the left edge, and the last name to the right. Alternatively, you can use a table with one row and two columns and transparent borders.

Each student is given a printed version of the assignment. He needs to dial it exactly according to the sample.

Pay attention to the size of the top table, the use of lists in the bottom table horizontally and vertically, alignment in cells, the same size of columns, center alignment of the entire table, a thicker border around the table, and also do not forget about the work requirements already mentioned. Be sure to include non-printable characters for a quality check of your work. Otherwise, with the apparent visual correspondence of the student's work with the sample, it may not be correctly performed.

All padding, protrusions and borders are in multiples of 0.5 cm for ease of measurement and execution.

ODUC form code ٱٱٱٱٱٱ

Institution code ٱٱٱٱٱ


name of institution



Practical work 1.

Topic: Description of one of the types of specially protected areas.

Purpose of work: To form knowledge about specially protected areas.


Description of one of the types of specially protected areas (at the choice of the teacher) according to the plan:

a) name;

b) Geographic location;

c) Year of creation;

d) Object of protection (who and what is under protection);

e) The uniqueness of objects or species;

f) Measures taken by the reserve (zakaznik) for the conservation of objects or species.

Pre-distribute objects for analysis to students: Yellowstone National Park,

Belovezhskaya Pushcha,

Kilimanjaro National Park (Tanzania), etc.

Practical work 2.

Topic: Reading and analysis of atlas maps.

Objective: To form knowledge about maps, about types of maps


Description of the maps according to the atlas:


Coverage of the territory of the image

What can be learned from the map (at least 5 objects)

Practical work 3.

Topic: Designation on the contour map of areas of high population density, the direction of human migration in the past and modern movements.

The purpose of the work: 1. Identification of areas of high population density, directions of human migration in the past and current movements.

2. We learn to reflect the results of the work by cartographic means.


Exercise 1. Using the text of the textbook, the map of the atlas "peoples and population density", designate areas of high population density on the contour map.

Task 2. Determine the causes of high population density in different parts of the globe. Make a conclusion. What causes the distribution of the population on the territory of the Earth. Write a summary in your notebook.

Task 3.Using the text of the textbook, indicate on the contour map the direction of human migrations in the past.

Task 4. Plot current movements of people on a contour map. Come up with the signs of the legend of the map yourself.

Practical work 4.

Topic: major cities of the world.

Objective: Get to know the major cities of the world.


Exercise 1. Analyzing the “population density” map, the “largest cities in the world by population” diagram, write them down in a notebook.

Task 2. Mark with red circles on the contour map the largest cities in the world and their population.

Practical work 5.

Topic: The most numerous countries in the world.

Objective: Get to know many countries of the world.


Exercise 1. The students are divided into groups. Each group is given the name of a continent. The students analyze the "population density" map. They write out the most numerous countries on this mainland, the population of the country. Next, one student from the group is called to the board, who reports on work. In the process of students' answers, the table is filled.

Table: "The most numerous countries in the world"


The country



North America

South America



Task 2. On a contour map, mark the largest countries in the world and sign their names, numbers.

Practical work 6.

Topic: Determination of the directions of movement of lithospheric plates on the map and the assumption of the location of continents and oceans in millions of years (based on the theory of lithospheric plates)

The purpose of the work: 1. Consolidate knowledge of the basic provisions of the theory of lithospheric plates;


Exercise 1. Find the largest lithospheric plates on the map "the structure of the earth's crust" in the atlas.

Task 2. Mark on the contour map the largest lithospheric plates, indicate the direction and speed of their movement. Designate ancient platforms and areas of modern orogeny.

Task 3. The doctrine of lithospheric plates provides an opportunity to look into the future of the Earth. Based on the theory of lithospheric plates, imagine a model of the Earth's surface in the future: guess how the continents and oceans will be located in millions of years.

Task 4. Write a short answer to the third question in a notebook, you can draw a picture.

Task 5. Determine which landforms correspond to the zones of platforms, shields, folded areas, faults, fill in the table:

Practical work 7

Topic: Designation on the contour map of large landforms and mineral deposits.

The purpose of the work: 1. To consolidate knowledge about the modern relief, the distribution of minerals around the world;

2. Learning how to work with a contour map correctly.


Exercise 1.Indicate large landforms on the contour map.

Mountains: Atlas, Cape, Alps, Carpathians, Caucasus, Tibet, Cordillera, Andes, Appalachians, a large watershed range.

Highlands: Ethiopian.

Plateau: East African, Brazilian, Guiana, Central Siberian.

Volcanoes: Kilimanjaro, Chomolungma, Elbrus, Orizaba, Shasto.

The color background of the contour map must match the color background of the atlas map.

Task 2. Mark the mineral deposits on the contour map. Symbols on the contour map must correspond to the symbols on the atlas map.

Techniques for designating objects of the lithosphere (mountains, plains, volcanoes, individual peaks).

1. Having determined the geographical location of objects on the physical map, find this place on the contour map, focusing on the lines of the degree grid, coastline, river network.

2. Designate objects on the contour map with the same conventional signs as it was done on the physical map, paying attention to the accuracy of drawing objects relative to the main landmarks.

3. Label the names of the objects as it is done on the physical map.

4. In the symbols for the map, explain how the object is marked.

Practical work 8.

Topic: Distribution of precipitation around the globe.

Objective: Learn to determine the amount of precipitation on a climate map.


Exercise 1. Analyze the climate map of the world.

Task 2. Mark on the contour map the most humid areas of the world - in blue, areas with average moisture - in green and the driest regions of the world in orange.

Task 3. Label the rainfall in each area.

Practical work 9.

Topic: climatic zones and regions of the Earth.

Objective: Form an idea of ​​the climate zone.


Exercise 1. The students are divided into groups. Each group is given the name of a climatic zone. Pupils, using maps, a textbook, reference books, etc., enter data into a common table, which is drawn in a notebook.

Table: "Climatic zones of the northern hemisphere"

Belt name

Belt location





Moderate (northern)

Subtropical (northern)

Tropical (northern)

Subequatorial (northern)


Task 2. Make your own table "climatic zones of the southern hemisphere"

Task 3. Draw the climate zones on the contour map ( color scheme take from the atlas).

Practical work 10.

Subject: Description of one of the climatic zones.

Objective: Form ideas about one of the climatic zones.


Exercise 1. The students are given cards. Each of them has its own climate zone written on it. Pupils characterize the climatic zone according to the plan.

Plan characteristic of the climatic zone.;

2. position relative to the equator and the pole;

3. prevailing air masses;

4. average temperature in January and July;

5.annual rainfall;

6. climatic differences and their causes;

7. adaptability of the population to the climatic conditions of this zone.

Task 2. Fill the table.


Between what parallels is the belt located.

air masses



The table is redrawn in a notebook.

Practical work 11.

Objective: To form students' ideas about the climate diagram.


Exercise 1. Students are given cards with a climatic diagram of a zone. Students analyze the diagram and conclude which climate zone it belongs to.

Task 2. Pupils are given any climatic zone. The students should make a climate chart. Students can use a textbook, map, reference books, etc. to create a diagram.

Practical work 12.

Topic: Analysis of the weather in various parts of the globe.

Objective: Learn about the weather patterns in different parts of the world.


Exercise 1. Previously, students are distributed according to the options for the region of the climatic zone. The student finds weather data in this region for the last 3 days.

Task 2. Students complete the table and analyze it.





Task 3. Students make inferences about the climate in different parts of the globe.

Practical work 13.

Topic: characteristics of the currents of the world ocean.

Objective: To form knowledge about the currents of the world ocean .


Exercise 1. The students choose the course. Using a textbook, maps, and other literature, they characterize it according to plan.

Plan for describing the course of the world ocean.

1. geographical location;

2. type of flow according to the physical properties of water (cold, warm);

3. type of flow by origin;

4. type of flow in terms of stability (permanent, seasonal);

5. view of the current by location in the water column (surface, deep, near-bottom).

Task 2. Write down the characteristics of the flow in a notebook.

Task 3. Mark the main currents on the contour map.

Practical work 14.

Topic: Designation on the contour map of the largest rivers and lakes of the world.

Objective: Learn to designate objects of the hydrosphere on a contour map.


Exercise 1.Find in the atlas and sign the following objects on the contour map of the hemispheres.

    Rivers: Amazon, Volga, Ganges, Euphrates, Indus, Congo, Mississippi, Missouri, Nile, Ob, Tigris, Huang He, Yangtze.

    Lakes: Aral Sea, Baikal, Upper, Victoria, Caspian Sea, Ladoga, Tangonyika, Chad, Air.

Task 2. Find and label the following objects on the contour map of Russia.

1. Rivers: Amur, Angara, Volga, Dnieper, Don, Yenisei, Irtysh, Kama, Kolyma, Lena, Oka, northern Dvina.

2. Lakes: Baikal, Caspian Sea, Ladoga, Onega, Chudskoe, Khanka.

Practical work 15.

Topic: Patterns of placement of natural zones of the Earth.

Objective: To acquaint with the concept of a natural zone and their location around the globe.


Exercise 1.

Task 2. Students are given cards with the names of the natural area. Students, using a textbook, map, reference books, etc., characterize the natural area. Fill out the table.

Name of the natural area


Animal world

Task 3. Mark natural areas on the contour map. Colors taken from the atlas.

Practical work 16.

Topic: Description of the natural area.

Objective: To form knowledge about the natural area.


Exercise 1. Pupils look at the map "natural areas".

Task 2. Students are given cards with the names of the natural area. Students, using various literature, characterize the natural area. Fill out the table.


climate zone


Animal world

Economic activity of the population

Practical work 17.

Topic: Determination of the geographical position of one of the oceans on maps, its relative size, prevailing and maximum depths, the main types of economic activity.

The purpose of the work: 1. Learn to determine the geographic position of the ocean, its relative size, prevailing and maximum depths, and the main types of economic activity on maps.

2. Be able to show the results of the work on a contour map.


Exercise 1. Using the map of the oceans in the atlas, make a description of the ocean indicated by the teacher, according to the proposed plan.

Plan of the characteristics of the ocean.

1. The name of the ocean.

2. Its relative dimensions.

3. In which hemispheres is it located.

4.What continents are washed by.

5. Coastline: indicate the seas, bays, straits, peninsulas.

6. The largest islands within its borders.

7. Bottom relief: average and maximum depth, ridges, basins, whether there is a shelf - wide or narrow.

8. Currents (indicate cold and warm currents).

9. Types of human economic activity.

Task 2. On the contour map, sign the name of the ocean, the continents washed by it, the elements of the coastline (seas, bays, straits, peninsulas), the largest islands within its boundaries, indicate the maximum depth, sign the names of large ridges and basins. Use the arrows to show the currents and label their names.

Task 3. With conventional signs (signs of the legend of the map come up on your own) show the types of economic activities in the ocean.

Task 4. V legend do not forget to explain the meaning of the symbols.

Practical work 18.

Subject: Comparison of two oceans.

Objective: To form knowledge about the objects of the hydrosphere.


Exercise 1. Students are given two oceans to compare. Students use a variety of literature for this work. The data is entered into a table.

Ocean name.

Atlantic Ocean

Indian Ocean

1. Its relative dimensions.

2. In which hemispheres is it located.

3.What continents are washed by.

4. Coastline: indicate the seas, bays, straits, peninsulas.

5. The largest islands within its borders.

6. Bottom relief: average and maximum depth, ridges, basins, whether there is a shelf - wide or narrow.

7. currents (indicate cold and warm currents).

8. Types of human economic activity

Task 2. Make a mini conclusion on the table.

Practical work 19.

Topic: Description of the similarities and differences in the position of the continents.

Objective: To form knowledge about the differences in the position of the continents.


Using a physical map of the hemispheres and the mainland, describe its position:


Extreme points:

What oceans do they wash?

What seas and bays are washed by?

Practical work 20.

Topic: Determining the geographical coordinates of the extreme points of Africa and the length of the mainland from north to south, west to east in degrees and km.

Objective: To form knowledge about the position of the African continent.


Exercise 1. Analyzing the map of "Africa", fill in the table.

Point name

Task 2. Analyzing the map "Africa", determine its length at 20 0 east longitude. Write down the results in a notebook.

Practical work 21.

Topic: Geographical minimum of Africa.

Objective: To acquaint students with the geographical minimum on the continent of Africa.


Exercise 1. The students are divided into groups. Groups are given cards with the names of geographical objects. Students look for them on the map and show objects near the board.

Card 1. Straits: Gibraltar, Bab-el-Mandeb, Mazambique.

Gulfs: Guinean, Aden.

Card 2. Islands: Madagascar, Canary, Commander.

Peninsula: Somalia.

Card 3. Plateau: East African.

Highlands: Ethiopian, Guinean, Ahaggar.

Card 4. Deserts: Sahara, Kalahari, Namib.

Mountains: Atlas, Cape, Drakon.

Volcano: Cameroon, Kilimanjaro.

Practical work 22.

Subject: Description on the climate map of the climate of individual points in Africa.

Objective: To form knowledge about the climate of Africa.


Exercise 1. Before starting work, students should be well versed in the climate map. Reading questions for this class are:

1. What is the average temperature for January and July?

2. How to determine the temperature of a point if the isotherm does not pass through it on the map?

3.How are the minimum and maximum temperatures shown?

4. How is the average annual precipitation shown on maps?

5. How are the prevailing winds indicated?

Task 2. Analyzing the climate map, fill in the table.

An example of filling a table.

Item name

air masses

Temperature, in 0 C

Amplitude, in 0 С

Annual rainfall, in mm

Precipitation regime



All year round

Tropical continental

Tropical continental

Very rare, within a year



As an example, students are dictated data on Liberia. The rest of the countries the students fill in themselves. The table is redrawn in a notebook.

Practical work 23.

Topic: Characteristics of the country.

Objective: Build knowledge about the country.


Exercise 1.

Geographical position of "GP"

(part of the mainland, neighbors, capital);

Features of nature:

a) relief;

b) minerals;

c) climate;

d) rivers, lakes;

e) natural complexes

a) types of occupations;

b) big cities

Ecological problems

Task 2. Record the table in your notebook.

Practical work 24.

Topic: Working with travel maps.

Objective: To form knowledge about traveling around the mainland.


Exercise 1. Students are divided into several groups. Each group is given one of the itineraries for traveling around the mainland of Africa. Students should use maps, textbooks to consider the route of travel. Mark it on the map. Task 2. Rules for traveling on the mainland.

1. Carefully study the route: where it starts, in what direction it continues, where and how the direction changes, what is the final destination.

2. Study the legend of the map.

3. Determine the natural areas and find out through which countries our route passes.

4. Recall what we can say about the nature and people of the mainland on the basis of existing knowledge.

5. Reading the text, do not forget to follow the route on the map. We are trying to mentally imagine the territories we are talking about.

Task 3. Fill in the table.

Route start

End of route

From Casablanca to Tripoli

From Tombuka to Lagos

From Lagos to Lake Victoria

From Lake Victoria to the Indian Ocean

From Tanzania to the Cape of Good Hope

At the end of the lesson, marks are given: 1 - for the design of the card;

2 - for the design of the table.

Practical work 25.

Topic: Geographical position of Australia.

Objective: To form knowledge about the position of mainland Australia.


Using a physical map of the hemispheres and the mainland, describe its position. Enter the data in the table.


How is it located relative to the equator, the tropics?

How is it located relative to the 0? meridian?

Extreme points:

What oceans do they wash?

What seas and bays are washed by?

How does it lie relative to other continents?

In what climate zones is it located?

Practical work 26.

Topic: Designation on the map of geographical objects of the travel route.

Objective: To form knowledge about travel in Australia.


Exercise 1. The students should remember which travelers they remember from the previously studied ones. Which of them explored Australia.

Task 2. Students are offered a travel itinerary for Australia

one of the researchers. The students are divided into groups. Each group explores their own route, which they show on a map. During the answers of other groups, a contour map is drawn up.

Route start

End of route

What objects were on the path of the researcher.

From Peter to Lake Eyrenorth

From Lake Eyre North to Sydney

From Sydney along the Great Dividing Range

For this task, 2 marks are given: the first for the design of the map, the second for the design of the table

Practical work 27.

Subject: Description of the South American river.

Objective: To form knowledge about the objects of the hydrosphere of South America.


The description can be arranged in a table or in a narrative text, or it can be done in a contour map using symbols.

1.Geographic location:

a) part of the mainland;

b) source, direction of flow, mouth;

c) which ocean basin;

d) the length of the river.

2. What is the terrain in which the river flows? How does this affect the nature of the flow? The nature of the river.

3. Nutrition and regime of the river. In what climate zones does the river flow? How does this affect her diet and regimen?

4.Economic use of the river by man.

5. How can the nature of the river be changed in the future?

Practical work 28.

Topic: Characteristics of the country.

Objective: To form knowledge about the state of the country.


Analyzing the maps of the atlas, the table is filled. The country for analysis is selected by the teacher.

Peoples of the country (race, languages, placement by country);

Features of nature:

a) relief;

b) minerals;

c) climate;

d) rivers, lakes;

e) natural complexes

Human economic activity:

a) types of occupations;

b) big cities

Ecological problems

Practical work 29.

Topic: Natural wealth of North America.

Objective: Determination of the natural resources of the mountain belt and plains of North America.


The task that students must complete in the course of practical work is as follows: write out the natural resources of the mountain belt and the plains of North America and indicate their use in human economic activity. Students should be allowed to use textbooks, atlases and other sources of information. The work can be divided into 2 options (1-mountain belt and plains of Canada; 2-mountain belt and plains of the USA).

Write your answers in the table:

Draw conclusions from the table. Write a summary in your notebook.

Practical work 30.

Subject: description on maps and other sources of comparison of one of the countries of foreign Europe and one of the countries of Asia.

The purpose of the work: 1. Make a description of one of the countries of foreign Europe and one of the countries of foreign Asia;

2. Check and evaluate the ability to use atlas maps and other sources of geographic information to solve the tasks.


Analyzing the maps of the atlas, the table is filled. The country for analysis is selected by the teacher.

Geographical location (part of the mainland, neighbors, capital);

Peoples of the country (race, languages, placement by country);

Features of nature:

a) relief;

b) minerals;

c) climate;

d) rivers, lakes;

e) natural complexes

Human economic activity:

a) types of occupations;

b) big cities

Ecological problems

Practical work 31.

Topic: Acquaintance with the tourist scheme of the capital of one of the states of Eurasia.

Objective: To form knowledge about the sights of other countries.


Pupils are preliminarily given cards with the name of the capital of a particular country. They have to make a "visiting card of the city." Example: country is Germany, capital is Berlin.


berlin cathedral

Berlin Zoo

Jewish Museum.

Brandenburg Gate.

red town hall

The design can be anything (a diagram on whatman paper, on a landscape sheet, in the form of a presentation, in the form of a collage, etc.). Students can take information from books, textbooks, the Internet, reference books.

2 grades are given for the lesson: the first one is for the answer, the defense of one's work; the second is for decoration.

Practical work 32.

Topic: The difference in the population and its density of Asian regions.

Objective: To form knowledge about the regions of Asia.


Exercise 1. Students are given cards with the names of the regions of Asia. Students use different literature to describe it. The results are recorded in a table. Rewrite it in a notebook.

Region name

Name of countries

Region size

Region of highest population density

Big cities

Peoples of the region

Task 2. Make a short summary of the table. Write it down in a notebook.

Topics of practical work:

  • Practical work №1. Entering data into cells, editing data, changing the width of a column, inserting a row (column)
  • Practical work №3. Table Formatting
  • Practical work No. 4. Absolute and relative cell addressing
  • Practical work No. 5. Built-in Functions
  • Practical work No. 6. Logic functions
  • Practical work No. 7. Linking worksheets
  • Practical work No. 8. Data processing with ET
  • Practical work No. 9. Solving problems with the help of ET
  • Practical work №10. Formalization and computer modeling

Practical work №1. Entering data into cells, editing data, changing the width of a column, inserting a row (column)


1) select the desired cell;
2) click with the mouse in the formula bar or double-click with the left mouse button inside the cell;
3) edit the contents of the cell;
4) press Enter or click the mouse in another cell.

Change column width (row height):

1) move the mouse cursor to the border of the column (row), the cursor will take the form of a double arrow;
2) move the border to the desired size without releasing the left mouse button;
3) release the left mouse button.

Inserting a row (column)

1) select the row (column) before (left) which you want to insert a new row (column);
2) select Insert, Rows (Columns)


1) Enter the data of the following table:

Adjust the column width so that all records are visible.

2) Insert a new column before column A. In the cell A1 enter No. p / p, number the cells A2:A7, using autocomplete, for this into a cell A2 enter 1, into the cell A3 enter 2, select those cells, drag the marker Autocomplete down to line 7.

3) Insert a line for the table name. In cell A1, enter the name of the table Individual deposits of a commercial bank.

4) Save the table in your folder as bank.xls

Practical work №2. Entering formulas

The formula entry begins with the "=" sign. Formulas contain numbers, cell names, operation signs, parentheses, function names. The whole formula is written in a line, the characters line up sequentially one after another.


1) Open the file bank.xls "Sheet 2" table with "Sheet 1".

2) To cell C9 enter the formula to find the total amount =C3+C4+C5+C6+C7+C8, then press Enter.

3) To cell D3 enter the formula for finding the share of the total contribution, \u003d C3 / C9 * 100, then press Enter.

4) Similarly, we find the share of the total contribution for the cells D4, D5, D6, D7, D8

5) For a group of cells C3:C9 install Thousand separator and digits Two digits after the decimal point, using the following buttons , , .
6) For a group of cells D3:D8 set bit depth Integer using button
7) Add two lines after the table name. Enter the text Date in cell A2, the current date in cell B2 (for example, 09/10/2008), the text Time in cell A3, and the current time in cell B3 (for example, 10:08). Select the date and time format in the corresponding cells as you wish.
8) As a result of the task, we get a table

Practical work №3. Table Formatting

1) To change the format of cells, you must:

  • select a cell (group of cells);
  • select Format, Cells;
  • in the dialog box that appears, select the desired tab ( Number, Alignment, Font, Border);
  • select the desired category;
  • press OK.

2) To merge cells, you can use the button Merge and center on the toolbar

Exercise. 1) Open the file bank.xls created in the previous lesson.

2) Merge cells A1:D1.

3) For cells B5:E5 install Format, Cells, Alignment, Wrap, having previously reduced the size of the fields, for the cell AT 4 install Format, Cells, Alignment, Orientation - 450, for cell C4 install Format, Cells, Alignment, Horizontal and Vertical - Center

4) Using the command Format, Cells, Border set the necessary boundaries
5) Format the table according to the sample at the end of the job.

9) Save the document with the same name.

Practical work No. 4. Absolute and relative cell addressing

1) The formula must begin with the "=" sign.
2) Each cell has its own address, consisting of a column name and a row number, for example: B3, $A$10, F$7.
3) Addresses are relative (A3, H7, B9), absolute ($A$8, $F$12 - both column and row are fixed) and mixed ($A7 - only column is fixed, C$12 - only row is fixed). F4 - a key for setting an absolute or mixed address in the formula bar.
4) Relative cell address changes when copying a formula, absolute address does not change when copying a formula
5) To find the amount, you can use the button Autosummation, which is located on the toolbar


1) Open the file bank.xls created in the previous lesson. Copy to "Sheet 3" table with "Sheet 1".
2) To cell C9 enter a formula to find the total amount, to do this, select the cell C9, press the button Autosummation, select a group of cells C3:C8, then press Enter.

3) To cell D3 enter a formula to find the share of the total contribution using an absolute cell reference C9: =C3/$C$9*100.

4) Copy the given formula for a group of cells D4:D8 in any way.
5) Add two lines after the table name. Enter the text Date in cell A2, the current date in cell B2 (for example, 09/10/2008), the text Time in cell A3, and the current time in cell B3 (for example, 10:08). Select the date and time format in the corresponding cells as you wish.
6) Compare the resulting table with the table created in the previous lesson.
7) Add a line after the third line. Type in cell AT 4 text dollar exchange rate, to cell C4- number 23,20 , to cell E5 enter text Deposit amount, rub.
8) Using absolute reference, in cells E6:E11 find the value of the deposit amount in rubles.

9) Save the document with the same name.

Practical work No. 5. Built-in Functions

Excel contains over 400 built-in functions to perform standard functions to perform standard calculations.
The input of the function begins with the sign = (equal to). The function name is followed by a semicolon-separated list of arguments in parentheses.
To insert a function, select the cell in which the formula will be entered, enter the = sign from the keyboard, and press the Function Wizard button on the formula bar. In the dialog box that appears

select the required category (mathematical, statistical, text, etc.), select the required function in this category. Functions SUM, SUMIF are in the category Mathematical , functions CHECK, COUNTIF, MAX, MIN are in the category Statistical .
Exercise. Given a sequence of numbers: 25, –61, 0, –82, 18, –11, 0, 30, 15, –31, 0, –58, 22. To cell A1 enter the current date. Enter the numbers in the cells of the third row. Fill in the cells K5:K14 the corresponding formulas.

Format the table like this:

Sheet 1 rename to Numbers, delete the rest of the sheets. Save the result in your folder under the name Numbers.xls.

Practical work No. 6. Linking worksheets

In formulas, you can refer not only to data within one sheet, but also to data located in cells of other sheets of this workbook and even in another workbook. A reference to a cell in another sheet consists of the sheet name and the cell name (there is an exclamation mark between the names!).
Exercise. On the first sheet, create a table "Salary for January"

On the second sheet, create a table "Salary for February"

Rename the workbook sheets: instead of Sheet 1, enter January salary , instead of Sheet 2 enter February salary , instead of Sheet 3 enter Total accrued . Fill in the sheet Total accrued initial data.

Fill in the empty cells, to do this, enter the formula in cell C9, enter the formula in cell D9, enter the appropriate formulas in the remaining cells.

Save the document with a name salary .

Practical work No. 7. Logic functions

Boolean functions are designed to test whether a condition is met or to test multiple conditions.
IF function allows you to determine whether the specified condition is met. If the condition is true, then the value of the cell will be expression 1, otherwise - expression 2.
=IF(condition; expression 1; expression 2)
For example, \u003d IF (B2\u003e 20; "warm"; "cold")
If the value in cell B2>20, then a message is displayed heat, otherwise - cold.

Exercise 1.

1) Fill in the table and format it like this:

2) Fill in empty cells with formulas. The applicant is enrolled in the institute if the grade in mathematics is 4 or 5, otherwise not.
3) Save the document with a name student.
Together with IF function boolean functions are used AND, OR, NOT.
For example, =IF(AND(E4<3; Н8>=3); "will win"; "lose"). If the value in cell E4<3 и Н8>=3, then the message will win, otherwise it will lose.

Task 2.

1) Open the "Student" file.
2) Copy the table to Sheet 2.
3) Add an empty line after the table name. Enter in cell B2 Passing score, in cell C2 the number 13. Let's change the condition for enrolling an applicant: an applicant is enrolled in the institute if the total score is greater than or equal to passing score and a math score of 4 or 5, otherwise no.

4) Save the received document.

Practical work No. 8. Data processing using ET

1. Fill in the tables.
2. Fill in empty cells with formulas. A dry month is one in which the amount of precipitation is less than 15 mm (use the COUNTIF formula).
3. Fill in the column Forecast:

  • drought if rainfall< 15 мм;
  • rainy if rainfall >70 mm;
  • normal (otherwise).

4. Present table data Rainfall (mm) graphically, placing the diagram on sheet 2. Choose the chart type and design elements of your choice.
5. Rename Sheet 1 v Meteo, Sheet 2 v Diagram. Delete extra workbook sheets.

6) Set the sheet orientation to landscape, specify in the header ( View, Footer) your last name, and in the bottom - the date of the work.
7) Save the table with a name meteo.

Practical work No. 9. Solving problems using ET

Task 1. Imagine yourself as one of the members of the jury of the game "Formula of Fortune". You are instructed to track the number of points scored by each player and calculate the total winnings in rubles in accordance with the current exchange rate, as well as announce the winner based on the results of the game. Each point scored in the game corresponds to 1 dollar.
1. Prepare a table according to the model:

2. In cells E7:E9 enter formulas for calculation Total winnings per game (rubles) each participant, into cells Q10:D10 enter formulas to calculate the total points for a round.
3. To cell AT 12 enter a logical function to determine the winner of the game (the winner of the game is the participant in the game who has the largest total winnings for the game)
4. Check that when changing the exchange rate and the number of points of participants, the contents of the cells in which the formulas are set change.
5. Save the document with a name Luck Formula.

Additional task.

Complete one of the tasks below.

1. For a currency exchange office, create a table in which the operator, entering a number (the number of dollars exchanged), would immediately receive an answer in the form of an amount in rubles.
Reflect the current dollar exchange rate in a separate cell. Rename Sheet 1 v Exchange office. Save the document with a name Exchange office.

2. Young trees were planted in the park: 68 birches, 70 aspens and 57 poplars. Count the total number of trees planted, their percentage. Build a three-dimensional version of the pie chart.
Save the document with a name The park.

Practical work №10. Formalization and computer modeling

When solving a specific problem, it is necessary to formalize the information presented in it, and then, on the basis of formalization, build a mathematical model of the problem, and when solving a problem on a computer, it is necessary to build a computer model of the problem.

Example 1 Every day air temperature, humidity and atmospheric pressure are transmitted by radio. Determine on which days of the week the atmospheric pressure was normal, high or low - this information is very important for weather-sensitive people.

Formalization of the problem - atmospheric pressure is considered:

  • normal if it is in the range from 755 to 765 mm Hg;
  • reduced - within 720-754 mm Hg;
  • elevated - up to 780 mm Hg.

To simulate a specific situation, we use the logical functions of MS Excel.

2. To cell C3 enter a logical function to determine what (normal, high or low) pressure was on each of the days of the week.
3. Check how the value of the cell containing the formula changes when the numerical value of atmospheric pressure changes.
4. Save the document with a name Atmosphere pressure.

Additional task.

In 1228, the Italian mathematician Fibonacci formulated the problem: “Someone placed a pair of rabbits in a certain place, enclosed on all sides by a wall. How many pairs of rabbits will be born at the same time during the year, if the nature of rabbits is such that every month, starting from the third month after their birth, a pair of rabbits produces another pair?

Formalization of the task:

This problem is reduced to a sequence of numbers, later called the "Fibonacci Sequence": 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, ...,
Where the first two terms of the sequence are equal to 1, and each next term of the sequence is equal to the sum of the two previous ones.
Perform a computer simulation of the Fibonacci problem.