Drawing on the theme of my best city. Competition works of children on the topic: My favorite city. "Business - time, fun - an hour!"

Irina Pavlovskaya

“You are not remembering a big country that you have traveled and learned.

You remember the Motherland as you saw it in childhood ”

K. Simonov "Motherland"

Modern researchers consider the national-regional component as a fundamental factor in the integration of social and pedagogical conditions in the patriotic and civic education of preschoolers. At the same time, the emphasis is on fostering love for one's home, nature, and culture of the small homeland.

Acquaintance of children with relatives edge: with historical and cultural, national, geographical, natural features forms in them such character traits that will help them become a patriot and a citizen of their homeland. After all, vivid impressions of native nature, history native land received in childhood, often remain in the memory of a person for life.

We live in the old Borisoglebsk, named after Saints Boris and Gleb. Small quiet streets, beautiful squares, Urban park of culture and rest, Vorona river - everyone can name their favorite place in the city... The pupils of our kindergarten also have such places. The guys, together with their educators and parents, decided to draw the most beautiful and "famous" sights of Borisoglebsk.

In their drawings, children drew sights and monuments that are in the city.

Another popular place in city ​​- fountain.

Children also painted their favorite places of rest - a kindergarten, playgrounds, the banks of the Vorona and Khopra rivers.

And, of course, the most favorite place for entertainment - Urban park of culture and rest.

The Maternity Portal together with the Museum of Moscow announces a children's drawing competition "MY CITY"!

  • Drawings in any technique are accepted (paints, pencils, felt-tip pens, crayons, etc.)
  • Children from 5 to 10 years old can take part in the program (age is limited by the scope of interest and the opportunity to take advantage of the main prize)
  • Accepted 1 picture from the owner of the conference account with the status not lower than "candidate".
  • The drawing must be done by the child of the conference participant who submits the work for the competition.
  • Drawings can be scanned or photographed (JPG file).
  • The application must be neatly framed (when scanning - unnecessary margins are cut off, when re-photographing, unnecessary objects must not fall into the picture, the picture must occupy the entire frame)
  • The size of the larger side is no more than 800 pixels (larger ones will be reduced to 800)
  • The caption must indicate the age of the child-author of the drawing.

Applications are accepted from October 8 to November 4, voting from November 5 to 11 inclusive. ALL ACCEPTED DRAWINGS WILL BE HIDDEN PRIOR TO VOTING. Results will be announced on November 12.
During the voting, 3 votes are taken from each viewer.

Grand Prize

Free participation in the unique and exciting interactive program "Solar Capital" from the Museum of Moscow.
The prize can be used on one of the following days: November 18 at 11.30, at 2.30 pm, November 22 at 17.00

Honorable Mention

Free admission to the museum for all other participants in the competition.
The prize can be used on one of the following days: November 22 or 25.

More about the prize - the program "Sunny Capital!"

Do you know why many people do not know history? Because they simply did not explain how interesting it was.

The game studio of the Museum of Moscow gives children the opportunity to immerse themselves in the fascinating world of ancient eras and become heroes of a historical novel for a couple of hours.

The studio offers the following programs:

"We meet by clothes"

Children will be able to become a medieval citizen of Moscow, try on city costumes, and also learn a lot about the life of those times. Kids will be able to take part in ancient rituals and make a rag doll - kuvadka.

"Building a city"

Who among us has not dreamed of participating in a real medieval battle? But in order to become a real fighter, you need to learn the basics - how defensive structures were built, what offensive weapons are, and what needs to be done in order to protect your city from the enemy. With the help of this program, children will learn everything about the traditions and customs of the construction of medieval Moscow. They will understand what caused the current appearance of the capital and how our city was able to repel enemy attacks. The program provides for and practical lesson... Each child will be able to apply the knowledge gained by building his own plan of Moscow with the help of the constructor.

"Business - time, fun - an hour!"

If the child is tired of school, it doesn't matter. We can offer a short alternative education in medieval Moscow. With the help of a historical excursion, children will have the opportunity to visit educational institution of that time, to solve a couple of problems with the help of an abacus, to demonstrate the skill of calligraphy on wax tablets - tsera, and also to play Russian folk games during recess.

"Tsar's name days" (Birthday)

This game program will help the child learn about how the name day was celebrated in medieval Moscow. Children will be able to get acquainted with long-forgotten rituals and find out their meaning, play with traditional toys and even sit on a real royal throne.

"Dedication to classmates" (graduation party for students in grades 1-4)

V game form children will be able to get acquainted with the life of a medieval school. They will be able to learn how the teaching of Old Russian grammar, writing and mathematics was conducted. But most importantly: they will have to immerse themselves in the world of school customs and traditions, as well as experience the most memorable graduation in their life. At the end of the game, children will be able to eat buckwheat porridge from one pot and become real classmates. As a keepsake, they will receive a certificate of successful
completion of training, signed by the clerk-teacher.




Drawing competition


higher educator

qualification category

T. V. Dvoryaninova


Drawing competition

"My native city, you are the best on earth"

Target: To teach children to fantasize about the project of the city of the future, in which everyone, both adults and children, would like to live. Develop the ability to conduct a dialogue, listen carefully to the opinion of your appanets, without interrupting them. Foster a desire to portray the world with bright colors.

Equipment: equipment for the game "Four colored corners", landscape paper, paints, pencils, felt-tip pens.

Preliminary work: walks around the city, viewing flower beds, trees, flower beds, sketches, favorite items.

Course of the lesson

Introductory part

Guys, what is the name of the country in which we live? What do you know about our Motherland? What city do we live in? Do you like our city? What do you like the most?

Let's dream up. If you were building your city, what would it be? (Children's reasoning).

Main part

Today I would like to present the world in which we would like to live. The world is full of colorful paints, smiles of people, cheerful laughter of children.

A fairy tale about paints.

If everything in the world were

Same color

It would make you angry

Or was it pleasing?

People are used to seeing the world

White, yellow, blue, red ...

Let everything around us be

Amazingly lovely!

(E. Ruzhentsev)

Game "Four colored corners"

The teacher lays out four multi-colored balls in the corners of the room. Children, at the signal, run to the ball they like.

One two Three!

Run to the most beautiful ball!

Invite children to explain their choice. Tell them what they like about this or that color.

    Invite the children to draw the city of the future as they see it.

    If necessary, help children in choosing a color, etc.

    At the end of the work, make an exhibition and review all the works.

1st child:

This is the city of my dreams.

Here, wherever you look, flowers

And a swarm of spring butterflies,

This city is always with me.

2nd child:

They don't know in him

What does crying mean

Only the laughter of the ball players

And pigeons flying up.

And the happy faces of people!

3rd child:

They do not know the word "war" in it,

Only peace for everyone and always.

This is the city of our dreams

We came up with this city!

Final part

It's great to dream a little among the quiet, green alleys about who our children will become in twenty years. “It's too early to talk about it,” someone will say. But why early? After all, the first hobbies, the first disappointments and the first successes are manifested precisely in preschool childhood. And I know for sure: whoever our pupils become, they will be talented people, because the city invented by them speaks of the desire to create beauty!

Dear friends! Feron company (manufacturer of Viferon drug) invites you and your children to take part in the children's drawing competition!

From November 30 to December 23, the city information portal will host a children's drawing competition "Build the City of the Future".

City of the future- a place where kind, smart, happy people live. They skillfully build houses that they design themselves, lay railways wherever they want to go. In this city, everyone loves to read good kind books and draw. And most importantly, NOBODY GETS SICK here! Dream and fantasize on paper!

Conditions for participation in the competition: Ask the children to draw a picture on the theme "City of the Future" for a chance to win valuable prizes and gifts.

Works by children under the age of 16 (inclusive) are accepted for the competition in the form of drawings, collages, comics, made in any artistic technique. The maximum size of the picture should not exceed A4 format (210 mm x 297 mm). In the composition of the work, the theme of the city of the future must be reflected.

We will look forward to your children's drawings!

Creative work for the competition can be submitted in the following way:

  1. Upload a pre-scanned drawing into a special form for adding works, placed below on the Competition page.
  2. Bring the drawing in paper form or on electronic media to the editorial office of the portal of the company "Info-City" at the address Orel, st. Revolyutsii, 1, rooms 19, 21, 27 from Monday to Friday 9.00 to 18.00.
  3. Send, having previously scanned, a drawing by e-mail [email protected] website in JPEG format marked "Application for participation in the competition" City of the Future ", leaving the following information: name of the participant, his age and phone number for communication with the representative of the participant.

Deadline for accepting works: from November 30 to December 16, 2015 (inclusive). The beginning of on-line voting on the portal from December 17, 2015.

The final exhibition of children's drawings, sent to the competition, and the awarding of the winners will take place on December 27, 2015. in Oryol in the Studio of the Holiday "Gala" at nab. Dubrovinsky, 60

All participants of the competition will have an interesting entertainment program: the room will be equipped with a mobile playground for children, where many different constructors and favorite trains on the children's railroad will be assembled.

For adults:

  1. Master class in drawing from the art studio "The World in Color" - the first and only one in Oryol art studio for adults
  2. Lecture by a visiting pediatrician on strengthening the immune system and using the drug.

We wish you good luck and inspiration!

Elena Demina

Lower Novgorod - city interesting and unique, old, very loved by Nizhny Novgorod residents of all ages... We are proud of the history of Nizhny Novgorod... Traditionally, in June, the administration of Nizhny Novgorod holds a competition for children drawing"My favorite city» ... In our kindergarten an exhibition of children's creativity with the same name was held and works for city ​​competition... Take a look at the work of our talented artists!

In our city ​​eight districts! We live in the Kanavinsky district! Our district will be 87 years old this year!

I love our city is big,

Kanavino is a native area!

Here I was born

AND better place simply no.

"Gate of the Lower"- like this

I would name our area

After all, to the station Moskovsky to us

Trains come from all directions.

We meet the first guests

And here we have that show:

Both the Fair and the Metro Bridge.

You are in no hurry to leave.

Here are the waters of two great rivers

Connect forever!

Cathedral on the Strelka, as if "Prince",

Worth, in "Armor donning".

There are many flower beds and squares,

Beautiful buildings and churches.

Our favorite theater"Faith",

He is in a hurry to please the guests.

The circus sparkles with a new dome,

Invites to the presentation.

And next to the Planetarium again

We are ready to reveal the secrets of the stars.

There is a park where there is a lot of entertainment

And the children's railway

Great stadium "Locomotive",

For those, who likes sport is always open.

There are many large enterprises here.

The district is a worker, a labor one.

The names of the streets contain the names of the heroes,

As a memory of the past war!

Let the EIGHTY SEVEN district,

He's getting younger every day

It increases annually

Number of kindergartens and schools.

And I'm proud of my neighborhood

That I study here and live here!

And on this birthday I wish

Henceforth, prosperity to him!