Automatic and automated process control. Process management. Concept of automatic and automated control systems. Theoretical information for the practical lesson

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Process management. Concept of automatic and automated control systems.

Automatic control is a set of actions aimed at maintaining or improving the functioning of a controlled object without direct human participation in accordance with a given control goal.

The automatic control system (ACS) supports or improves the functioning of the controlled object. In some cases, auxiliary operations for the ACS (start, stop, control, adjustment, etc.) can also be automated. ACS operates mainly as part of a production or some other complex.

An automated control system (ACS) is a set of hardware and software tools designed to control various processes within a technological process, production, or enterprise. ACS are used in various industries, energy, transport, etc.

The creator of the first automated control systems in the USSR is Doctor of Economics, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, founder scientific school strategic planning Nikolai Ivanovich Veduta (1913-1998).

The most important task of the ACS is to increase the efficiency of object management based on the growth of labor productivity and improve the methods of planning the management process. Distinguish between ACS objects (technological processes-ACSTP, enterprise-ACS, industry-OASU) and functional automated systems, for example, the design of planned calculations, material and technical supply, etc. The ACS includes the following types of support: information, software, technical, organizational, metrological, legal and linguistic.

The main classification features that determine the type of ACS are: the sphere of operation of the control object (industry, construction, transport, Agriculture, non-industrial sphere, etc.) type of controlled process (technological, organizational, economic, etc.); level in the public administration system, including the management of the national economy in accordance with current schemes management of branches (for industry: branch (ministry), all-Union association, all-Union industrial association, research and production association, enterprise (organization), production, workshop, site, technological unit).

ACS functions in the general case include the following elements (actions): planning and (or) forecasting; accounting, control, analysis; coordination and / or regulation. Classes of ACS structures In the field of industrial production from the standpoint of management, the following main classes of structures of control systems can be distinguished: decentralized, centralized, centralized dispersed and hierarchical.

Types of ACS Automated process control system or ACS TP - solves the problems of operational management and control of technical objects in industry, energy, transport Automated production management system (ACS P) - solves the problems of organizing production, including the main production processes, incoming and outgoing logistics. Carries out short-term planning of production, taking into account production capacities, analysis of product quality, modeling of the production process. To solve these problems, MIS and MES systems are used, as well as LIMS systems.

Automated enterprise management system or ACS - MRP, MRP II and ERP systems are used to solve these problems. If the company is educational institution, learning management systems are applied Examples: "Automatic management system" for hotels. Along with this name is used PMS Property Management System "Automated operational risk management system" is software, containing a set of tools necessary to solve the problems of managing operational risks of enterprises: from data collection to reporting and forecasting.

Automated control systems of ACS ACS are used in various industries, energy, transport, etc. in the position of director of the Central Research Institute of Technical Management of TsNIITU, being also a member of the board of the USSR Ministry of Instrumentation, he led the introduction of the country's first automated production control systems at machine-building enterprises. He actively fought against ideological PR actions to introduce expensive computers instead of creating real automated control systems to increase ...

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Automated control system (ACS) and automatic system and control (ACS) - a set of hardware and software tools designed to control various processes within the framework of technical O logical process, production, enterprise.

Automated control systems (ACS)

ACS are used in various industries, energy, transport, etc. The term automated, in contrast to the term automatic e Skye emphasizes the preservation of some functions for the human operator, l and more general, goal-setting nature, or not amenable to automatic aization. ACS with Decision support system(DSS), are the basis v a new tool for increasing the validity of management decisions.

The creator of the first automated control systems in the USSR is Doctor of Economics, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, O the founder of the scientific schoolstrategic planningNikolay Ivanovich Veduta(1913-1998). In 1962-1967. in the position of director of the Central Scientific Research Institute of Technical Management (TsNIITU), being also a member of the collegium of the USSR Ministry of Instrument Engineering, he led the implemented and the first in the country automated production control systems at machine-building enterprises. He actively fought against ideological PR-actions to introduce expensive computers, instead of creating real automated control systems to improve the efficiency of production management.

The most important task of the ACS is to increase the efficiency of object management based on the growth of labor productivity and improve the methods of the plan and ration of the management process. Distinguish ACS objects (technological pr O processes-ACS, enterprise-ACS, industry-OASU) and functional aut O matized systems, for example, the design of planned calculations, mat e real technical supply, etc.

Goals of control automation

In general, the control system can be viewed in the form of owls O a collection of interrelated management processes and objects. The generalized goal of control automation is to increase the efficiency of using O potential opportunitiesobject of management... Thus, a number of goals can be distinguished:

  1. Providing the decision maker ( Decision maker) relevant yes n to make decisions
  2. Acceleration of individual collection and processing operations yes nnyh
  3. Reducing the number of decisions that must be made by the decision maker
  4. Increasing the level of control and performance discipline
  5. Improving management responsiveness
  6. Reducing the costs of decision makers to perform auxiliary processes
  7. Increasing the degree of validity of decisions made

ACS composition

The ACS includes the following types of support: information, etc. O grammar, technical, organizational, metrological, legal and linguistic and static.

Main classification signs

The main classification features that determine the type of ACS are:

  • the sphere of operation of the control object (industry, construction and government, transport, agriculture, non-industrial sphere, etc.)
  • type of controlled process (technological, organizational, economic o micical, etc.);
  • level in the public administration system, including the management of the national economy in accordance with the current management schemes about T branches (for industry: industry (ministry), all-union association e nie, all-union industrial association, research and production association and nenie, enterprise (organization), production, workshop, site, technological unit).

ACS functions

The functions of the ACS are set in the terms of reference for the creation of a concrete T ACS based on the analysis of management objectives, specified resources for their and the expected effect of automation and in accordance with the standards applicable to given view ACS. Each function of the ACS is implemented with O the availability of complexes of tasks, individual tasks and operations. ACS functions in o b In this case, they include the following elements (actions):

  • planning and (or) forecasting;
  • accounting, control, analysis;
  • coordination and / or regulation.

The required composition of elements is chosen depending on the type of concretion T noah ACS. ACS functions can be combined into subsystems according to functional and other characteristics.

Functions in the formation of control actions

  • Information processing functions (computational functions) - implement v accounting, control, storage, search, display, replication, transformation O formation of the form of information;
  • Functions of exchange (transfer) of information - associated with bringing the exp a botanized control actions to the OS and exchange of information with the decision maker;
  • The group of decision-making functions (transformation of the content of the information R mation) - creation new information in the course of analysis, forecasting or op e efficient facility management

Classes of ACS structures

In the field of industrial production from a management standpoint, you can e pour the following main classes of structures of management systems: decentralization O bathroom, centralized, centralized dispersed and hierarchical eskuyu.

Decentralized structure

Building a system with such a structure is effective when automating technologically independent control objects for material, energy e skim, information and other resources. Such a system is a collection of several independent systems with its own information and algorithms. O rhythmic base.

To develop a control action on each control object, information about the state of only this object is required.

Centralized structure

The centralized structure implements all the processes of object management in a single management body, which collects and processes information about the managed objects and, based on their analysis, T In accordance with the criteria of the system, it generates control signals. The emergence of this class of structures is associated with an increase in the number of controlled, regulated e parameters and, as a rule, from a territorial distribution O the property of the control object.

The advantages of a centralized structure are a fairly simple implementation of information interaction processes; principled in s the possibility of optimal control of the system as a whole; fairly easy correction To operation of quickly changeable input parameters; opportunity to achieve ma To maximum operational efficiency with minimal redundancy of technical controls.

The disadvantages of a centralized structure are as follows: the need for high O the reliability and performance of technical controls for O achieving an acceptable quality of management; high total length of communication channels in the presence of territorial dispersion of control facilities.

Centralized dispersed structure

The main feature of this structure is the preservation of the principle of the center a lized management, i.e. development of control actions on each control object based on information about the states of the entire set of volume To comrade management. Some functional devices of the control system I v are common to all channels of the system and, using switches, are connected to individual channel devices, forming closed loop management.

The control algorithm in this case consists of a set of interconnection n control algorithms for objects, which are implemented by a set of a directly related controls. In the course of operation, each governing body receives and processes the relevant information, as well as issues control signals to subordinate objects. For real and zation of management functions, each local body, as necessary, enters into the process of information interaction with other governing bodies v laziness. The advantages of such a structure: reduced requirements for the productivity and reliability of each processing and control center without compromising the quality of management; reduction in the total length of communication channels.

The disadvantages of the system are as follows: complication of information processes With owls in the control system due to the need to exchange data between processing and control centers, as well as adjusting the stored information; surplus h ness of technical means intended for information processing; layer f synchronization of information exchange processes.

Hierarchical structure

With an increase in the number of control problems in complex systems, the and the volume of processed information increases and the complexity of the algorithm increases T mov management. As a result, it is not possible to carry out centralized control. s possible, since there is a discrepancy between the complexity of the controlled object and the ability of any controlling body to receive and process s to post information.

In addition, in such systems, the following groups of tasks can be distinguished, each of which is characterized by the corresponding requirements for the response time to events occurring in the controlled process:

data collection tasks from the control object and direct digital control (reaction time, seconds, fractions of a second);

extreme control tasks related to the calculation of the desired parameters of the controlled process and the required values ​​of the regulator settings, with the logical tasks of starting and stopping the units, etc. (reaction time - seconds, minutes);

optimization and adaptive process control problems, technical and economic problems (reaction time - a few seconds);

informational tasks for administrative management, dispatching and coordination tasks on the scale of a shop, an enterprise, planning tasks, etc. (reaction time - hours).

Obviously, the hierarchy of management tasks leads to the need to create a hierarchical system of management tools. Such division, allowing to cope with information difficulties for each local government body, gives rise to the need to coordinate the decisions taken by these bodies, that is, to create a new governing body over them. At each level, the maximum correspondence of the characteristics of technical means to a given class of tasks must be ensured.

In addition, many production systems have their own hierarchy, which arises under the influence of objective trends in scientific and technological progress, concentration and specialization of production, contributing to an increase in the efficiency of social production. Most often, the hierarchical structure of the control object does not coincide with the hierarchy of the control system. Consequently, as the complexity of systems grows, a hierarchical management pyramid is built. Controlled processes in a complex control object require the timely formation of correct decisions that would lead to the set goals, be taken in a timely manner, and would be mutually agreed upon. Each such solution requires the formulation of a corresponding control problem. Their combination forms a hierarchy of management tasks, which in some cases is much more complex than the hierarchy of the management object.

Types of ACS

  • Automated process control system or ACS TP - solves the problems of operational management and control of technical objects in industry, energy, transport.
  • Automated production control system(ACS P) - solves the problems of organizing production, including the main production processes, inbound and outbound logistics.Carries out short-term planning of production, taking into account production capacities, analysis of product quality, modeling of the production process. To solve these problems, use MIS and MES -systems, and LIMS systems.


  • Automated street lighting control system("ACS UO") - designed to organize the automation of centralized control of street lighting.
    • Automated outdoor lighting control system("ASUNO") - designed to organize the automation of centralized control of outdoor lighting.
    • Automated control system road traffic or ACS DD - designed to control vehicles and pedestrian flows on the road network of a city or motorway
  • Automated enterprise management system or ACS - to solve these problems are used MRP, MRP II and ERP systems. In the event that the enterprise is an educational institution, applylearning management systems.


  • « Hotel management system". Along with this name, PMS Property Management System is used
    • « Automated operational risk management system"Is a software that contains a set of tools necessary to solve the problems of managing operational risks of enterprises: from collecting data to providing reporting and making forecasts.

Automatic control systems (ACS)

Types of automatic control systems

An automatic control system, as a rule, consists of two main elements - a control object and a control device.

ACS can be divided:

  1. By the purpose of management

Control object- change in the state of the object in accordance with a given control law. Such a change occurs as a result of external factors, for example, due to control or disturbance influences.

A) Automatic control systems

  • Automatic stabilization systems... The output value is kept constant (the setpoint is constant ). Deviations occur due to disturbances and when switched on.
  • Software control systems. Set value changes according to a predetermined program law f. Along with the errors found in automatic control systems, there are also errors from inertia. regulator.
  • Tracking systems... The input action is unknown. It is determined only during the functioning of the system. Errors are very species dependent function f (t).

B) Extreme regulation systems

Able to supportextreme valuesome criterion (for example, minimum or maximum) characterizing quality the functioning of the object. The quality criterion, which is usually calledtarget function, an extremum indicator or extreme performance, can be either directly measuredphysical quantity(for example, temperature, current, voltage, humidity, pressure), or efficiency, performance and etc.


  • Systems with extreme relay action controller. A universal extreme regulator must be a highly scalable device capable of performing a large number of computations according to various methods.
    • Signum regulator is used as an analog quality analyzer that uniquely characterizes only one adjustable parameter of the systems. It consists of two devices connected in series: Signum relay ( D-trigger ) and an executive motor ( integrator).
    • Extreme systems with a non-inertial object
    • Extreme systems with an inertial object
    • Extreme systems with a floating characteristic. Used when extremum changes in an unpredictable or difficult to identify manner.
  • Systems with a synchronous detector (extreme continuous systems). The direct channel hasdifferentiating linkthat does not pass the constant component. It is impossible or inapplicable to remove or bridged this link for some reason. To ensure the operability of the system, modulation of the reference action and coding of the signal in the forward channel are used, and after the differentiating link,synchronous phase detector.

C) Adaptive automatic control systems

They serve to ensure the desired quality of the process with a wide range of changes in the characteristics of control objects and disturbances.

  1. By the type of information in the control device

A) Closed ACS

In closed automatic control systems, the control action is formed in direct dependence on the controlled value. The connection of the system input with its output is called feedback ... Signal feedback subtracted from the reference. This feedback is called negative.

B) Open-loop self-propelled guns

The essence of the open-loop control principle is hard a given control program. That is, the control is carried out "blindly", without control of the result, based only on the model of the controlled object embedded in the ACS. Examples of such systems: timer , traffic light control unit, automatic system lawn watering, automatic washing machine, etc.

In turn, they are distinguished:

  • Opened by reference action
  • Opened by disturbing effect

ACS characteristics

Depending on the description of the variables, the systems are divided into linear and non-linear ... Linear systems include systems consisting of description elements that are specified by linear algebraic ordifferential equations.

If all the parameters of the equation of motion of the system do not change in time, then such a system is called stationary ... If at least one parameter of the equation of motion of the system changes in time , then the system is called non-stationary or with variable parameters.

Systems in which external (driving) influences are defined and described by continuous or discrete functions in time belong to the classdeterministic systems.

Systems in which random signal or parametric actions take place and are described by stochastic differential or difference equations belong to the class stochastic systems.

If the system contains at least one element, the description of which is given by the equationpartial derivatives, then the system belongs to the class of systemswith distributed variables.

Systems in which continuous dynamics generated at each moment of time is interspersed with discrete commands sent from the outside are calledhybrid systems.

Examples of automatic control systems

Depending on naturemanaged objectsbiological, ecological, economic and technical control systems can be distinguished. Examples of technical management include:

  • Discrete-acting systems or machines (vending, gaming, music).
  • Stabilization systems sound, picture or magnetic recording... These can be controlled complexes.aircraftincluding automatic control systems engine, steering mechanisms, autopilots and navigation systems.

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1. Information process - the process of receiving, creating, collecting, processing, accumulating, storing, searching, distributing and using information.

Information systems are systems in which information processes take place.

If the supplied information is extracted from a process (object), and the output is used to purposefully change the same object, then such an information system is called a control system.

2. Types of control systems:


Automated (man-machine),

· Automatic (technical).

Automated system is a system consisting of personnel and a complex of means for automating their activities, which implements an automated technology for performing established functions.

An automated control system or ACS is a set of hardware and software tools designed to control various processes within a technological process, production, or enterprise.

ACS are used in various industries, energy, transport, etc.

The term automated, in contrast to the term automatic, emphasizes the preservation of certain functions for the person - the operator, either of the most general, goal-setting nature, or not amenable to automation.

The concept " Automated control system”Began to be used in Russia in the 50s of the twentieth century. The intensive use of such systems began in the 1970s – 1980s. It was mainly aimed at facilitating routine operations.

The emergence of ACS is due to the need to improve the organizational structure of enterprise management, organization, institution, etc. Nowadays it is a necessary element of many branches of knowledge and economy of the country. ACS is a collection of a team of people and a complex of software and hardware, i.e. is a man-machine system based on economic and mathematical methods of management, the use of computer facilities.

Automation is based on the widespread use of computer technology (CBT) and the software necessary for them. As technical means of automated control systems, multi-machine, multiprocessor systems have been used, which form distributed information processing systems with the help of computers and information networks. When implementing automated control systems, automated workstations and sections are usually used.

Tasks solved in ACS are divided into tasks requiring an immediate response and allowing a certain delay in execution time.

Basically, the following modes of ACS operation are distinguished: parallel processing, time quantization for batch processing, operational processing, real time and teleprocessing of information and data. In the mode time quantization each application program is allocated a time slice, after which control is transferred to the next program. The increase in the speed of the system's response to the user is achieved by operational(online, direct) data processing... When a multi-program mode of operation of a computer is combined with time slicing and a mode of direct access, timesharing mode. Real time mode intended for tasks requiring an immediate response. It is characterized by remote information processing ( teleprocessing). Teleprocessing mode can be used in other cases, for example, for batch mode of data processing.

Automation can significantly reduce the time for creating new models of equipment, products, etc., as well as service for users, significantly increase the level of their service, transforms and modifies individual technological processes, and sometimes all the main traditionally used technologies. Although initially automated systems were intended to automate complex industrial technological processes, they were called ACS for a reason. The management of any processes is associated with the implementation of the actual management functions, i.e. interaction of people in the process of performing any work. In this case, the activity of the administrative and managerial apparatus is activated and the workflow is improved. Important place in such processes, the information circulating in the organization has always been allotted.

ACS - flexible integrated systems with elements of artificial intelligence. They are focused on the implementation of paperless, unmanned object management with adjustment to changing external conditions and resources. The implementation of such tasks is based on the use of computers, united by an information network or networks with other computers.

For functional tasks that have sufficiently formalized algorithms for solving (financial and accounting, material and technical supply, personnel, etc.), the introduction of an automated control system has significantly improved reporting, control over documentation, timeliness of decision-making, and in many cases this has given a significant economic effect ...

Consequently, for the successful functioning of the automated control system, there is a need for the automation of information processes, and hence the creation of automated information systems (AIS). And so it was in the beginning. As a result, information systems have appeared that allow in an automated mode to carry out processes related to production management and different kinds activities, as well as with office work. In Russia, these processes begin in the second half of the 20th century.

Then it became obvious that AIS can be used not only to improve the management of production processes, but also to improve the quality of created information products and services, improve the quality and efficiency of user service, etc. Information automated control systems have the ability to present information in a form convenient for subsequent use, processing in a computer, as well as transmitting it through communication channels.

2. Automated information systems
Automation of information processes, contributing to the elimination of many routine operations, increasing the comfort and at the same time efficiency of work, providing users with new, previously unknown, opportunities for working with information, creates new problems, the solution of which can be carried out only on the basis of the use of general scientific methods and new information technologies. At each stage of the development of society, they reflect the level of high technologies inherent in it.

The main purpose of AIS is to store, ensure effective search and transfer of information on relevant requests for the most complete satisfaction of information requests a large number users.

TO basic principles of information process automation include: payback, reliability, flexibility, safety, friendliness, compliance with standards.

Payback means spending less money on getting an efficient, reliable, productive system, the ability quick solution assigned tasks. It is considered that the payback period of the system should be no more than 2–5 years.

Reliability achieved by using reliable software and hardware, using modern technologies... The purchased funds must have certificates and (or) licenses.

Flexibility means easy adaptation of the system to changing requirements for it, to the introduced new functions. This is usually achieved by creating a modular system.

Safety means ensuring the safety of information, regulating work with the system, using special equipment and ciphers.

Friendliness is that the system should be simple, easy to learn and use (menus, tips, error correction system, etc.).

There are four types of AIS:

1. Covering one process (operation) in one organization.

2. Combining several processes in one organization.

3. Ensuring the functioning of one process on the scale of several interacting organizations.

4. Implementing the work of several processes or systems on the scale of several organizations.

When creating AIS, it is advisable to unify the organized systems (subsystems) as much as possible for the convenience of their distribution, modification, operation, as well as training personnel to work with the appropriate software. The development of AIS involves the allocation of processes to be automated, their study, the identification of patterns and features (analysis), which contributes to the determination of the goals and objectives of the system being created. Then the necessary information technologies are introduced (synthesis). For the successful implementation of design and organizational work, it is recommended to identify several prototypes of the designed object and the software and hardware installed on it. On their basis, develop several options. Then they choose alternative ones, of which, finally, the best solution.

AIS can be imagined as a complex of automated information technologies that make up an information system designed for information services to consumers. AIS usually uses automated workstations (AWPs) based on personal computers, distributed databases, and end-user-oriented software.

The main purpose of automated information systems is not just to collect and store electronic informational resources, but also provide users with access to them. One of the most important features of AIS is the organization of data retrieval in their information arrays (databases). Therefore, AIS is practically an automated information retrieval system (AIPS),

AIPS are factual and documentary.

Factographic AIPS usually use tabular relational databases with a fixed structure of data (records).

Documentary AIPS differ in uncertainty or variable structure of data (documents). For their development, AIS shells are usually used.

Examples of numerically controlled equipment.

Numerical control (CNC) means a computerized control system that reads instructions from a specialized programming language (such as G-code) and controls the drives of metal, wood and plastic machine tools and machine tooling.

Machine tools equipped with computer numerical control are called CNC machines. In addition to metal cutting (for example, milling or turning), there is equipment for cutting sheet blanks, for processing by pressure.

The CNC system translates programs from the input language into commands for controlling the main drive, feed drives, controllers for controlling machine nodes (turn on / off cooling, for example). To determine the required trajectory of movement of the working body (tool / workpiece) in accordance with the control program, the trajectory of machining parts is calculated.

Information transfer scheme:

Processes that do not take into account the state of the control object and provide control via a direct channel (from the control system to the control object) are called open.

The system in which the control object receives information about the real state of the control object via the feedback channel, based on which it performs the necessary control actions via the direct control channel, is called closed system control or feedback system.


    1. What is an automated control system.
    2. Appointment of ACS.
    3. What functions do ACS perform?
    4. Give examples of ACS.

Homework: Come up with 1 example of a closed-loop and open-loop control system.

Automated control system (ACS) is a complex of hardware and software designed to control various processes within a technological process, production, enterprise. ACS are used in various industries, energy, transport, etc.

The creator of the first automated control systems in the USSR is Nikolai Ivanovich Veduta, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, founder of the scientific school of strategic planning ().

The most important task of the ACS is to increase the efficiency of object management based on the growth of labor productivity and improve the methods of planning the management process. Distinguish between ACS objects and functional automated systems, for example, the design of planned calculations, material and technical supply, etc. The ACS includes the following types of support: information, software, technical, organizational, metrological, legal and linguistic.

The main classification features that determine the type of ACS are: the sphere of operation of the control object (industry, construction, transport, agriculture, non-industrial sphere, etc.); the type of controlled process (technological, organizational, economic, etc.); the level in the system of public administration, including the management of the national economy in accordance with the current management schemes for industries (for industry.

ACS functions in the general case include the following elements (actions): planning and (or) forecasting; accounting, control, analysis; coordination and / or regulation. Classes of ACS structures In the field of industrial production from the standpoint of management, the following main classes of structures of control systems can be distinguished: decentralized, centralized, centralized dispersed and hierarchical.

Types of ACS: The automated process control system solves the tasks of operational management and control of technical objects in industry, energy, transport. The automated production management system solves the problems of organizing production, including the main production processes, incoming and outgoing logistics. Carries out short-term planning of production, taking into account production capacities, analysis of product quality, modeling of the production process.