The concept of cooperation. The role of pedagogical cooperation in teaching literature. The concept of pedagogical cooperation Opportunity in the process of cooperation


The topic of the essay is "Economic essence of the concepts of "cooperation" and "partnership"" in the discipline "Fundamentals of Economics".

Cooperation and partnership, of course, are not only economic categories. No one will forbid a person to use these words in non-economic meanings that are understandable to him. And yet they primarily concern economic relations and are most actively used in economic science. Moreover, many theoretical economists consider cooperation as the main economic relation of the communist formation; partnership in the production of surplus value can, in my opinion, act as the basic economic relation of capitalism.

The economic essence of the concepts of "cooperation" and "partnership"

In this issue, some points depend on the language of use of these concepts. In the West, partnership is interpreted primarily as a legal relationship. There is no separate concept in Russian that corresponds to the Ukrainian "spіvpratsya".

In this paper, our point of view is presented from the standpoint of the Ukrainian language and the political economy of Ukraine.

In official materials and documents, a rather difficult situation has developed with the use of the concepts under consideration.

It is necessary to interpret these categories by specialists, and not by journalists, as is currently the case.

Such economic categories migrate from theoretical economic publications to magazine and newspaper publications, and vice versa, and as a result, they are widely used and used by state authorities in their official documents.

It should be noted that these categories do not yet have a proper theoretical justification, at least in modern scientific literature.

The economic science of today, in contrast to the classical one, pays insufficient attention to the qualitative characteristics of categories.

Let's take a closer look at these concepts.

1. Cooperation

Here it is worth emphasizing once again: we are talking about a phenomenon opposite to exploitation, about exclusively voluntary cooperation, about cooperation without any calculation for any economic or other specific personal benefit. Of course, no new economic phenomenon can be considered as objective, inevitable, necessary if it does not bring a certain economic effect. In cooperation, there must necessarily be a certain general economic effect, the same for all its participants.

2. Partnership

V real life partnership is the exact opposite of cooperation.

This is a thoughtful selfish interaction of partners that arises as a phenomenon only when there is confidence in obtaining a certain economic benefit - today or in the future, and the benefit must be mandatory for each of its participants.

Partnership exists, as a rule, as long as there is confidence in such benefits. As soon as the economic benefit of the participants disappears, the partnership falls apart.

Cooperation and partnership are fairly widespread and effective social processes. Other things being equal, thanks to the concentration and centralization of the economy, they contribute (primarily by their content) to the development of social productive forces. Large enterprises, as you know, have indisputable advantages over small and medium ones. They have the lowest, ceteris paribus, unit production costs, a more developed market infrastructure, higher competitiveness, etc.

When it comes to cooperation and partnership, there is no reason to deny the creation of business forms that are optimal in terms of size - a business of high efficiency. Collaboration and partnership bring a great ability of associations to innovate, to put them into practice, to scientific and technical progress.

Cooperation implies constant creative activity of all participants in the process, achievement of the highest result by each employee, while all of them must constantly focus on the subject of production.

Partnership, while raising the level of socialization of the economy, does not resolve the contradiction between the social nature of production and the private form of ownership, therefore it develops cyclically. Tricks are associated with it, competition, which is not always constructive, and due to the elimination of a competitor over time, society suffers direct losses.

In cooperation -- the leading role of society (social interaction) in human development. In partnership, the opposite is true: the leading role of the partner in the development of society.

Collaboration and partnership are similar in that they involve the interaction of a certain number of people.

It is precisely because of this similarity that the unjustified use of these concepts and the misinterpretation of the relevant phenomena of the economy occur, especially when it comes to exploitative relations.

Meanwhile, these concepts reflect not just different, but opposite socio-economic phenomena.

Cooperation cannot be imagined otherwise than a purely social process. Cooperate direct participants in economic processes - executors of economic work.

Partners, as a rule, are not direct employees, but owners of the means of production. If cooperation is a social activity, then partnership necessarily implies the socio-economic isolation of the participants. If only participants in a single economic process, united by a single social form of ownership, cooperate, then partners can be subjects of individual, private and cooperative forms of ownership.

Most often, the partners are private owners.

When cooperating in the economic process, several employees are directly involved, forming an economic team. So, a large team can also create cooperation between work teams; labor collectives cooperate within the industry, region, country, countries.

Collaboration characterizes collectivism. This is a voluntary interaction of labor collectives, interested in the greatest total quantity and quality of the result produced.

In cooperation, all its participants work for a common result as if they work directly for themselves.

As the most effective comradely interaction of economic entities, cooperation always involves mutual assistance. It also manifests itself (if necessary) as mutual assistance (for example, when a woman performs "male" work, when she is able to perform simple work even better).

The reasons for mutual assistance can be different. It is needed if it is necessary to make more efforts (it is easier and faster to do the work together than alone) or in case of uneven distribution of work in a team with unequal physical data, skills and abilities of workers. Mutual assistance is one of the most essential characteristics of cooperation.

Collaboration necessarily includes competition.

Competitiveness is a natural characteristic of a person's ability to work. It reflects the natural desire to do work faster and better. As long as work has not become the first need of a healthy organism, until then it can be difficult for a person, monotonous, carried out by willpower.

At the present level of development of man's productive forces and abilities, labor becomes physically easier, more interesting, more often captivates with its content, and brings a certain pleasure.

Competitiveness is a socio-economic and natural characteristic of the expedient actions of living organisms. It can also be seen in nature in parallel economic processes. For example, at the hippodrome, horses run not only due to the actions of riders, but also because of instinctive behavior animals. The predominant number of people also want to be the first.

Partnership generates both a surrogate of collectivity, which is understood not as a real collectivity, but a forced one, and a surrogate for mutual assistance, which is realized until the moment when there is a direct benefit from partnerships.

In the absence of benefits, the collectivity, mutual assistance and plannedness formed by the partnership are destroyed, which is why they are objectively not inherent in partnership.

It is also worth mentioning the natural property of collective work - the desire of everyone to be ahead. It's about about different desires - about more when working for oneself and for society, and noticeably less when working for a private owner, for an exploiter.

Cooperation is based on the common indivisible property of the participants in the economic process for the means of production and exchange, which ensures their planned organization. It can be nationwide and collective forms, depending on the level of development of the collectivity. We are talking only about indivisible forms of public property. It was traditionally believed that cooperation could also be based on a cooperative form of ownership.

A deeper and more fundamental analysis shows that the cooperative form of ownership, which cannot but involve the division of the property of the cooperative participants, is not capable of being the economic basis for cooperation.

Forming the economic isolation of economic entities, it acts as an economic basis for partnership.

Cooperation can only be agreed upon. Coordination can only be achieved as a result of cooperation planning.

The process of cooperation is characterized by the law of planned development. The exchange between the subjects of cooperation is also systematic (and not only in the basis, but also in superficial forms). Indisputable evidence of the highest expediency of the systematic organization of exchanges between teams in cooperation is provided by their clear organization in the USSR, which ensured an 11 percent increase in the country's net social product in 1922-1987, on the one hand, and the crisis nature of the development of reformed partner economies (a decline in Ukraine's GDP in 2009 was 15.1%, its post-crisis growth in 2010 was only 4.2%), on the other hand.

Cooperation as a phenomenon overcomes the alienation of members of society from property, labor, and society. It involves the direct participation of members of the economic process in the organization and management of the process, so it is always a self-governing phenomenon.

The latter does not isolate society and the state from participating in ensuring cooperation in society. Denying the command of the social process, cooperation in society, region, industry, enterprise should be organized by the management body. Of fundamental importance is the full consent of the participants in the process with the decisions of the governing body.

A partnership based on private property accompanies the alienation of members of society from property, labor, the state, society, even if it is socially oriented (since a socially oriented society in partnership also involves the exploitation of producers of vital goods and trade employees).

Partners who do not cultivate exploitation overcome the alienation of workers from property, labor and society in enterprises. They can develop elements of cooperation within enterprises.

As already noted, the partnership is based on the social and economically separate property of its participants. Since it presupposes an exclusively equivalent exchange of labor and its products, and labor remains heterogeneous in socio-economic terms, partnership is characterized by an equivalent commodity-money form of relations.

The partnership does not exclude the competition of its participants.

Distinguish between intra- and inter-industry competition.

The first is understood as competition between enterprises in the industry. Partners compete with each other in order to maintain a competitive tone, gain new experience in order to resist competition from outside. This competition, as is known, leads to the formation of the market (social) value and the market price of the goods. Competition between partners from different sectors of the economy involves obtaining the highest profit. Since all partners strive for this, profit rates are leveled, average profit and production price are created, which was researched and proved by K. Marx and has not been refuted by anyone.

Cooperation and partnership - the interaction of economic entities. They interact on different levels-- individual subjects, groups of subjects (enterprises, industries, regions), peoples within the country, peoples different countries and continents. The number of participants is determined by the volume of required joint work.

Cooperation is a form of social activity that is higher than partnership. It is characterized by a common goal, the goal of a certain set of participants in the economic process, its social character; it is not an ordinary economic benefit, not an individual goal.

Both involve the performance of different jobs and different forms of activity.

For example, to repair an apartment, it is necessary to carry out certain preparatory, plastering, puttying, painting and other works. In this case, laborers, plasterers, puttyers, tilers, painters or the same workers are involved, ready to perform the above and other repairs. This also happens in the areas of service provision and exchange. This is where the similarities and differences between cooperation and partnership as socio-economic processes end.

Weak partnership in Ukraine is a tribute to our mentality, more precisely, to our tendency towards independence. In addition, the Ukrainian nation tends to naturalize economic ties. But the development of the productive forces is inexorable. It leads to an increase in the level of socialization of the economy, to public collective and nationwide forms of ownership, to cooperation, which objectively takes the place of partnership.

An intermediate process on this path is the economic, and in the future - and other (political, spiritual) integration of countries. Such is the objective course of the historical process, and it cannot be restrained, not stopped.

A society of cooperation is a society of the highest conditions for the functioning and development of the social system. This is a society for the scientific organization of production wealth and provision of services, optimized exchange of labor and its products, optimized distribution of vital goods and their personal consumption, optimized micro- and macroeconomic processes.

Above we talked about cooperation and partnership in developed forms. A society emerging from capitalism is not capable of immediately introducing this form of cooperation.

As K. Marx writes, here we are not dealing with a society that has developed on its own basis, but with a society that has just emerged from capitalism and retains in all respects birthmarks the last one. The most significant of these is, of course, entrepreneurial spirit, which the USSR did not cultivate, but which brought success to China. Thus, it is likely that socialism at the initial stage is characterized by a combination of cooperation and partnership. This also suggests its inherent division of labor.

Obviously, K. Marx was right, who interpreted socialism as a society with specific commodity relations, when it will provide an equivalent exchange of labor and its products, but not on average, which gives the capitalist market, but "in each individual case." It was this form of exchange that was developed mainly by the USSR, bypassing, however, entrepreneurship (it was not cultivated, but it was not forbidden either).

The initial stage of socialism is characterized by only two forms of ownership - nationwide and cooperative, and then the cooperative will wither away, as well as partnership. Therefore, communist society should be interpreted as a society of cooperation between working people.

Partnership is an important economic relation of capitalism, therefore, it is indisputable that in the production of surplus value it is worthy to play the role of the main economic relation of capitalism.


The paper considers the concept of "cooperation" and "partnership" from the point of view of their content (as economic categories) and the impact on the structure of economic relations of the social system corresponding to them.


1. Demyanenko S. On the issue of modern economic terminology. "Economy of Ukraine" No. 8, 2011, p. 93.

3. Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated June 22, 2011 "On the appointment ... of the Government Commissioner for Cooperation with International Financial Organizations"

4. McConnell K.R., Brew S.R. Economics: principles, problems, politics. 11th ed. K., Hagar-Demos, 1993, p. 777, 782

7. Marx K., Engels F. Soch., v. 19, p. eighteen.

The leitmotif of the Single European Act adopted in 1986 was the legislative procedure it introduced, new for that time, the cooperation procedure. This procedure is more complex than the consultation procedure and the role of the European Parliament

"As part of the third pillar, when using the "Commission - Council" procedure, the legislative initiative belongs not only to the Commission, but also to any member state.

when making decisions in the cooperation procedure is significantly higher. The cooperation procedure has a certain similarity with the joint decision-making procedure, but the cooperation procedure is much simpler than it. It is fair to say that "the joint decision-making procedure is a logical continuation of the cooperation procedure." As well as the joint decision-making procedure, the cooperation procedure is described in a special article - Art. 252 of the EU Treaty.

The cooperation procedure begins, quite naturally, with the Commission's law-making initiative. The draft decision is sent to the European Parliament and to the Council. The European Parliament then gives an opinion on the draft decision (the so-called first reading) and sends it to the Council. In the event of a positive opinion of Parliament, the Council approves the decision. If the opinion of the European Parliament is negative, the Council, on the basis of the comments set out in the opinion, develops a common position (approving it by a qualified majority) on the draft decision and sends it to the European Parliament.

The European Parliament considers a common position (the so-called second reading), and based on the results of further consideration, the procedure may develop as follows.

If the European Parliament gives a positive opinion on the common position or does not consider it within three months, the Council unconditionally approves the decision by a qualified majority.

If the European Parliament gives a negative opinion on the common position, rejects it on the basis of an absolute majority (suspensive veto), then the Council can unanimously approve the decision, ignoring the negative opinion of the European Parliament on the common position.

If the European Parliament, by an absolute majority, amends the Common Position, these amendments shall be forwarded to the Commission. The commission considers these amendments within a month and sends proposals on them to the Council. The Council either by a qualified majority approves the decision as amended by the European Parliament and taking into account the proposal of the Commission, or unanimously, rejecting the amendments with proposals, approves the decision as amended by the common position. No more than three months are given for each stage of the procedure (with the exception of a special period for consideration by the Commission of amendments to the European Parliament on a common position - one month). By common agreement between the Council and the European Parliament, it is possible to extend the time limit by a maximum of one more month.

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Once upon a time, the procedure of cooperation was one of the most common in decision-making. The Maastricht and then Amsterdam treaties reduced the application of this procedure to a minimum. Today it is used only when making certain decisions on economic and monetary union (Articles 99, 102, 103, 106 of the EU Treaty). The decrease in the importance of the cooperation procedure does not allow it to be included among the main legislative procedures of the European Union. It cannot be ruled out that in the near future the cooperation procedure will generally be ousted from the EU Treaty, although the Nice Treaty of 2001 retained it.

73. How is the joint decision-making process carried out?

Unlike the consultation procedure, the joint decision-making procedure is relatively new and the most complex of all Union procedures. It was introduced by the Maastricht Treaty of 1992. Art. 251 of the EU Treaty. hallmark procedure is also an influential role in it of the European Parliament, acting together with the Council as a "co-legislator" in the decision-making process. This procedure is the most widespread today (for example, its application is provided for by Articles 47, 95, 141, 156 of the EU Treaty). It is used in many Community decisions and is one of the main legislative procedures.

The procedure is initiated by the Commission, which submits a draft decision to the Council and the European Parliament. The European Parliament considers the draft (the so-called first reading), and depending on the results of the consideration, the procedure develops as follows. If the European Parliament approves the draft decision or does not consider it at all, the decision is approved by a qualified majority by the Council. If the European Parliament amends the draft decision (or otherwise expresses its disagreement with the draft decision), the Council may agree to the amendments of the European Parliament and approve the decision by a qualified majority or, acting also on the basis of a qualified majority, develop a common position on the draft decision. This common position on the draft decision is submitted to the European Parliament for consideration (the so-called second reading).

Considering the general position The European Parliament can, firstly, approve the common position (or not consider it) and approve the decision, and secondly, by an absolute majority of votes, reject the common position and the draft decision as a whole (absolute veto). Finally, thirdly. European Parliament absolute 130

by a majority of votes, may amend the general position on the project and send them for consideration to the Council and the Commission. Upon receipt of all materials from the Commission, the Council either by a qualified majority approves the amendments of the European Parliament to the common position, taking into account the opinion of the Commission (and if the opinion of the Commission was negative, then the Council acts unanimously) and approves the decision, or does not approve the amendments to the common position, and then the President of the Council and the President of the European Parliament convene a Conciliation Committee.

The conciliation committee is formed from among the members of the Council (or their representatives) and the same number of representatives of the European Parliament, with the participation of representatives of the Commission in the meetings of the committee. The purpose of the Conciliation Committee is to finalize the draft decision, bringing its text into a state that could satisfy the interests of each of the parties. If the Conciliation Committee does not approve the finalized draft decision (or even fails to finalize the text) within the prescribed period, then the draft decision is considered rejected. If the Conciliation Committee, by a qualified majority of the representatives of the Council and a simple majority of the representatives of the European Parliament, approves the revised draft, then it is sent to the Council and the European Parliament for a simultaneous vote (the so-called third reading). An absolute majority of the votes of the deputies of the European Parliament and a qualified majority of the members of the Council are required to approve the decision. If the revised draft decision does not gain the required number of votes in at least one of the institutions, the draft is considered rejected.

The EU Treaty provides three months for each stage of the procedure, with the exception of the convocation of the Conciliation Committee and the period of its work (six weeks are given for these actions).

The joint decision-making procedure is the result of a compromise between the democratization of the legislative process in the European Union by strengthening the position of the European Parliament and maintaining the traditional role of the Council as the main legislative body. The extreme complexity of this procedure is the result of such a compromise.

74. What is the order of the authorization procedure?

The sanctioning procedure is not widely spread (arts. 105, 161, 190 of the EU Treaty), its characteristic feature is the key role of the European Parliament in the decision-making process.

The authorization procedure proceeds similarly to the consultation procedure, but, unlike the latter, the Council does not request the opinion of the European Parliament on the draft decision, but consent, sanction to approve the decision. In the event of a negative response from the European Parliament, the decision is rejected.

The procedure described above embodies the so-called positive validation procedure. The EU Treaty is also aware of the negative authorization procedure (Article 195), in which the Council and the European Parliament seem to change places - the European Parliament requests approval and is empowered to approve the decision, and the Council gives approval to approve the decision.

Together with the joint decision-making procedure, the Validation procedure is the procedure in which the role of the European Parliament is the highest.

At all times, people have worked to create mechanisms for cooperation and unleashing conflicts. These methods are used in many areas of human life and society to achieve the goals of a particular person or group of people. Often, it is the joint activities of organizations, states, enterprises that bring an effective result in a particular area.

What is cooperation?

Collaboration is the activity of several parties, thanks to which all participants receive some benefit. Today, various forms of economic, political, military, and environmental interaction are known. Nowadays, issues of cooperation related to financial support, the use of natural resources, military-political associations, security environment, space exploration, business development, communication networks.

About the essence of cooperation

In fact, cooperation is a process in which the interacting parties, without the use of violence, seek ways to satisfy common interests. The circumstances in which one of the parties can achieve its goals only if the other party to the agreement can achieve the same can be called mutually beneficial cooperation. In other words, the goals of the partners must be linked.

The essence of cooperation is to achieve the common goals of partners, expecting specific benefits from the implementation of agreements, mutual benefit. These three points are fundamental to any joint venture agreement.

About international cooperation

There is an inaccurate understanding of the expression "international cooperation". Sometimes this term means the absence of conflict or getting rid of its extreme forms.

Cooperation is an indicator of the interdependence of states and organizations. The development of international relations has built political, economic, environmental, cultural and religious systems of interaction. For example, unresolved issues related to the global problems of mankind have been exacerbating recently. In this area, it is extremely objective to expand international activities that contribute to the solution of world problems.

The elements of the development of business relations include diplomatic means, coordination of efforts to ensure security, plans to resolve military conflicts.

Why international relations are intensively developing?

There are a number of reasons for improving the formation of mutually beneficial relationships. Here are some of them:

  • Uneven economic development in some countries. Each state forms its own structure Agriculture, development of certain types of industry, infrastructure, education. If a certain state is known for producing a particular product of high quality, then this specialization will stimulate the development of foreign trade.
  • Inequality in financial, raw materials and human resources. About 25 million people migrate to another country every year to find work. Some countries in Asia and Africa have huge labor resources, while in America and Europe there are not enough workers. The extraction of minerals and the availability of other types of raw materials contribute to the development of mutually beneficial ties between countries that enter into a cooperation agreement. For example, some states lend and invest in various organizations in other countries.
  • Inequality in the field of scientific and technological progress. If countries exchange scientists, conduct joint research, develop new technologies and enter into contracts in this area, this will also benefit both parties.
  • The specifics of political relations. This factor greatly affects the volume of trade turnover. A friendly foreign policy increases foreign trade turnover, while a belligerent one contributes to breaking economic ties.

The cooperation agreement implies active actions of the partner states for mutual coordination in the field of economics and politics, which do not bring harm or negative consequences to one or another participant in the agreement.


The search and development of international relations contribute to the opening of access for one or another partner state to the world economy, increase the economic potential, and provide the resource needs of the nation. So, what is meant by cooperation today?

Cooperation is a complex of relations developing on the basis of mutual exchange. In the conditions of modern reality, international relations look like a process of establishing a dialogue, comparing interests, reaching consensus, mechanisms of adaptation in cases of mismatch of values ​​and in conflict situations between regions, countries and organizations.


On the present stage development pedagogical science the concept of "pedagogical interaction" is being revised. The study of this concept is relevant, since the development of the child's personality takes place in the interaction, he learns to navigate in the system of values, the result of the educational process depends on the method of interaction. The teacher interacts with the child in various social and pedagogical situations.

To understand this, let us turn to the essence of the concept of "interaction". Interaction is understood as a set of processes of influence of various objects on each other, their interdependence and change of state.

Exists different kinds interactions: - social, interpersonal, pedagogical, conflict, etc. Today we will consider the concept of pedagogical interaction. In the Pedagogical Encyclopedic Dictionary, “pedagogical interaction” is defined as a process that takes place between the educator and the pupil in the course of educational work and is aimed at developing the personality of the child.

Pedagogical interaction is a complex process consisting of many components - didactic, educational and socio-pedagogical interaction. The content of interaction is understood as the exchange between the subjects of information, values, types and methods of communication, cognition, activities, games, behavior, the selection and assimilation of which is selective.

Interaction is a dialogue of educators and educated, and educated among themselves. The content, character and educational effectiveness of which are determined by what kind of personality in it participate, to what extent they themselves feel like individuals and see a personality in everyone with whom they interact. In the process of interaction, each of the participants takes a certain position. There are three positions in interaction.

  1. Interaction on an equal footing is the best option when the will of one person is matched with the will of another. Recognition of a person, both in an adult and in a child, mutual respect for the personality of the subject parties.
  2. Interaction from a position "from above" - ​​when one suppresses the will of another, this is administrative pressure on the child, as on a small and inexperienced person.
  3. Interaction from a position "from below" - a person obeys the will of another, this is a reverence for the nature of childhood and a fear of interfering in the process of a child's development.

Any interaction between people implies communication and joint activities. The process of pedagogical interaction also consists of two parts: pedagogical communication and joint activities of pedagogical content.

V pedagogical activity There are two main ways of interaction: influence and cooperation.

Pedagogical influence presupposes the active actions of the adult and the readiness of the child to accept them, i.e. to be educated. Such relationships put the pupil in a passive position, he is only a performer of what is set by the teacher. Pedagogical

influence implies subordination to the interests of one side without taking into account the interests of the other. Consequently, the impact does not allow to achieve the set goals effectively enough.

Collaboration is an interaction in which the educator and pupil contribute to the satisfaction of each other's interests. Cooperation involves the provision of mutual assistance to the participants in the course of solving some problem, moving towards a specific goal.

The principal characteristics of cooperation are equality in communication and partnership in joint activities. Equality in communication is ensured,

firstly, by mutual respect for the personality of the participants in communication, and secondly, by the dialectical principle of the very process of communication, teaching and developing pupils, the educator himself learns and develops with the help of his pupils.

Partnership in joint activities implies the presence of certain subjective interests of each of the parties involved, and the interests of all participants are taken into account in joint activities.

We consider interaction as cooperation, highlighting the following signs of such interaction:

and equal, subject-subject interaction between an adult and a child, that is, equality in communication and partnership in joint activities; 7 mutual respect for the personality of the participants in the interaction; . exchange of certain values ​​in the process of joint activities; and the child's own activity in achieving goals, the independence of his choice;

The emergence of optimal interpersonal relationships that determine the positive nature of joint activities. The position of an adult will be optimal if he is an accomplice, and does not take the position of a leader.

The most common and effective form of cooperation and joint activities of the educator with children are collective creative activities (KTD).

Collectively - creative affairs can be classified according to their content:

  • Socio-political - contribute to the enrichment of socio-political experience, develop a civil attitude towards all political events in the country and abroad, to the past and present, they teach children to express their opinions and judgments,

Labor - contribute to the manifestation of the child's economic abilities, enterprise, ability to overcome difficulties, contribute to the process of professional orientation of children.

  • Cognitive - contribute to the formation of a worldview in children, enrich the world of knowledge, broaden their horizons, and introduce them to the secrets of the world.
  • Ecological - contribute to familiarization with the world of nature, awareness of its significance, teach to feel the beauty of the native land.
  • Sports - contribute to the actualization of children's values healthy lifestyle life, realize physical activity.

Leisure - special games, children's fun, undertakings - an effective sphere of self-education, contribute to the formation of self-organization skills. - Artistic - contribute to the education of an aesthetic attitude to life, society, culture of one's own and other peoples, the development of the child's creative abilities.

  • Moral - educational, training forms, contribute to the formation of the child's life values.
  • Working with an asset - contributes to the development of the sphere of organizational work, develops leadership qualities.

Collective creative work is a unique and at the same time very natural social and pedagogical phenomenon that can be taken as the basis for all the activities of the team. The organization of the KTD provides for six stages (I.P. Ivanov). First stage - preliminary work. Teachers, educators establish the place of the upcoming KTD in the educational work planned for the new period with this team, determine specific educational tasks, find out the various options that can be offered to children, think over ways to implement their ideas, outline actions that can set up pupils for work, captivate with the prospect, determine the possibilities of activating the activity of each participant.

Second stage - collective planning. Now the children are on their own. They are looking for answers to the questions posed in microgroups: what is better to do? with whom together? for whom? when? Educators are equal participants in the dialogue with children.

This conversation is conditionally called the collection-start. His success is largely ensured by the educator. He summarizes the proposed options, asks leading, clarifying questions, offers to substantiate the ideas put forward, sets additional tasks "for reflection". The search ends with the choice of the case council.

Third stage - collective preparation of the case. The governing body, the case council, clarifies and concretizes the plan for the preparation and conduct of the CTD, then organizes its implementation, prompting and encouraging the initiative of each participant. Training can go in groups. A situation is possible when children are weakly included, or even not included at all in practical work. It happens that at the very beginning some pupils get carried away, and then quickly cool off, because they still do not have the ability to overcome difficulties. Here the role of the educator is great, the nature of his influence on children, interaction with them. Avoiding open pressure, the educator comradely encourages children to purposeful, creative and independent participation in the implementation of a common plan. How? It can captivate with a good surprise or interest the “difficult” in a secret agreement with him, give special trust in a responsible assignment: “Only you can do this.” In some cases, the teacher suggests options for doing the work, gives advice on using sources for searching.

Fourth stage- conducting KTD, summarizing the preparation. At this stage, a specific plan is carried out, drawn up by the council of the case, taking into account what has been developed by the microgroups. Pupils in various forms demonstrate the experience gained in the course of planning and preparing the case. There is no need to be afraid of deviations from plans that arise during the CTD due to various unforeseen circumstances. You should also not be afraid of the mistakes made by the participants. All this is also a school of life. The educator, as imperceptibly as possible for all participants in the case, directs the children, regulates their mood, and helps smooth out the failure.

Fifth stage - collective summarizing the results of the KTD. It could be a group meeting. In a circle or in groups, everyone expresses their opinion, the positive and negative aspects of the preparation and conduct of the KTD are discussed.

In addition to the general collection, everyone's participation in the assessment of the conducted KTD can be carried out using other means, a survey, filling out a questionnaire through a wall newspaper, and creative reports. The main thing is that everyone reflects on the experience (his own and his comrades) acquired in the KTD, learns to analyze, evaluate, learn lessons for the future, put forward more complex tasks than before, questions. Pupils are involved in the development of public opinion, the creation of good traditions. sixth stage - immediate aftereffect of QTD. At the general meeting in the questionnaire, children and adults make suggestions, share their impressions, experiences, talk about what they have learned.

The educator should take note of all this in order to use in further work. It is known that not all pupils are ready to implement their own decisions, to consolidate the acquired experience. Therefore, immediately after summing up the results of the CTD, it is necessary to make every effort to collectively take up the implementation of the proposals that were made at the final meeting. A program of consistent actions is outlined, and new collective creative undertakings are determined.

Collective creative activities can be very different, they are constantly born in the work of educators using this technique. Each QTD is unique, but there are some techniques that are used at almost all stages of the QTD. First of all, it is impossible to start a search, to encourage creativity without a clearly defined problem or task. It is important that it be determined by the children themselves. If the task is set by the educator, it is necessary to make sure that it is attractive and understandable to the pupils. Depending on how many problems and which of them are chosen for solution, the methodology for organizing teamwork is determined. One of the effective techniques used at almost all stages of collective creative work is the creation of microgroups to solve a specific problem or perform a creative task. Depending on the content, type of KTD, the formation of groups can take into account the desires, interests, abilities of children or on a random basis (using a counting rhyme, drawing lots).

Another necessary technique of this technique is “brainstorming”, when pupils in groups, by exchanging individual opinions, are looking for the best solutions to a problem or task. In the course of brainstorming, a “bank of ideas” can be created, that is, a set of possible proposals for solving a problem or task. Another technique is often used - the selection of ideas, when it is necessary to choose one or two or three options from a variety of possible solutions. The choice of these ideas can be carried out by voting or in a natural way, that is, the participants in the search determine the nature, form of their participation by real voluntary action.

When the choice is difficult to make, another technique is used - the protection of ideas. Each member of the team or microgroup argues for their version, the results of this search are summed up, and as a result, the final decision is born.

Collectively - creative work turns out for real when:

  • the case has a plot, variability, surprises, novelties;
  • the business teaches children to work together, respecting the opinion of each participant, taking into account his interests and desires;

Gives each participant the opportunity to open up, get closer to high level self-respect;

  • the educator is actively involved in inventing, developing the case, but as a hint, adviser, assistant;
  • the form and content of the file, the methods of its preparation correspond to the age of the children in the group, orphanage;

A well-thought-out, interesting scenario of a case has a beautiful embodiment in practice: visual, musical design is used, a room is specially prepared, etc.;

  • each child in the preparation of the case and during its implementation finds roles, assignments and tasks for himself;

But not always the educator can give enough time and attention at the same time to each pupil, provide an opportunity for the realization of his individual interest and needs. Therefore, there is a need to organize other forms of pedagogical interaction and cooperation. Such forms, organized by educators, have become clubs.

There are many definitions of the term "club", but the most capacious, in my opinion, is given in encyclopedic dictionary, where the club is treated as " public organization voluntarily bringing together groups of people for the purpose of communication related to various interests, as well as for entertainment and recreation.

Clubs in the orphanage are a special form additional education and organization of children's leisure. Clubs help to use the full creative potential of adults and children. The club is a multifunctional phenomenon, its peculiarity is in the interconnection of all functions:

  • realization of the child's need for communication;
  • implementation of the exchange of forms of organization of the child's free time;
  • creative, intellectual, organizational and other self-realization of the child;
  • improving the knowledge and skills of the child in the chosen type of activity;

Consider the most commonly used in orphanagesoptions for organizing the club space:

  1. The club is a cycle of classes united by one theme. Choosing one club, the pupil is constantly engaged in it during the entire time of work.
  2. Classes in the club are united by a common theme, but each meeting is an independent lesson. The pupil each time chooses a club.
  3. The club is one lesson where the pupil receives the necessary information, knowledge, etc.

Depending on the subject of the classes, clubs can be called a master class, a workshop, a studio, etc. Classes of clubs can be developed and conducted not only by educators, but also by pupils.

As a pedagogical technology, cooperation between educators and children can also be used in the preparation and conduct of various forms of work.

In psychology, it is customary to distinguish two main types of human interaction in society: cooperation and rivalry.

Do not underestimate the cooperation of people these days. For many centuries, such a method as cooperation has helped people achieve common goals. At all times, mankind has sought to establish a mutually beneficial relationship, which is a solid foundation for the rapid and successful development of society.

The usual understanding of the term "cooperation" includes the following characteristics:

  • Participation in any common cause.
  • Interaction with anyone.
  • Working in an organization/company.
  • Participation in the work of a printed organ as an author.
  • Inclusion in a group of scientists, etc.

In other words, cooperation is a joint activity, during which all its participants benefit and benefit.

From a psychological point of view, the concept of "collaboration" can be given the following definition: it is the ability of several people to work together to achieve common goals. As one of the leading psychologists, Kosolapov, wrote, fruitful cooperation is a kind of process of positive and creative interaction between people, in which the aspirations and interests of the participants partially or completely coincide, and the achievement of the goals of some participants is possible only by satisfying the interests and aspirations of other participants in the same process. .

True joint activity is sincere joy for the success of others. This is the idea that only by working together, you can achieve the highest results.

This is a big step straight from our daily ego striving towards mutual respect and mutual assistance. It is this type of communication that can lead us to the road leading to great achievements.

Psychological research confirms that with active interaction, the individual qualities of each team member are enhanced. That is, it happens that an individual as part of a group performs a much larger amount of work than a person would work alone.

Therefore, people begin to communicate, enter into unions, create organizations. Sometimes you can't do without rivalry, but a wise man knows perfectly well where to draw the line between rivalry and cooperation.

Main types of joint activities

Every day we interact with a huge number of people: at home with family, at work with colleagues, in transport with passengers, on the street with strangers, in cafes with staff, and so on, so the forms of cooperation between people are diverse.

The main types of cooperation today:

  • Friendship.
  • Love.
  • Family.
  • Business partnership.
  • Organizational and legal cooperation.
  • Solidarity.
  • Alliance between parties and states.
  • Cooperation between firms.

The list could go on and on, but for now we'll stop there.

Real mutual assistance is the unity of form (object of cooperation) and content (means for exchange).

Love or friendship are forms of interaction based on absolutely no such manifestations as self-interest, calculation, selfishness, while an economic transaction or business partnership is built only on calculation and benefit.

International cooperation shows us the interdependence of states and organizations from each other. The development of international relations contributed to the creation of political, economic, environmental, cultural and religious mechanisms of interaction.

A distinctive feature of positive assistance is the common interest of its participants, beneficial interaction for all members. Nobody should be infringed, i.e. each side receives what it considers appropriate, worthy and justified.

It should be noted that cooperation of any nature corresponds to four characteristics:

  • Always driven by a common purpose and causes that appear external to the interacting teams or people.
  • Pronounced, i.e. you can watch him; cooperation basically involves the exchange of verbal symbols and signs that are perceived by the other side.
  • It is most often tied to a specific situation or to some temporary conditions, such as a meeting of business partners, a mother's birthday celebration, etc.
  • It has a subjective orientation, expressed through the members of the group.

I would like to note that truly mutually beneficial cooperation is always. But this is not ordinary communication, but the creation bit by bit of a huge puzzle, in the formation of which several persons participate. The result is a beautiful overall picture, the fruit of this activity.

Building the Right Relationship

No matter how stress-resistant and emotionally stable a person is, when he is in conflict with someone, this is unlikely to add energy to him to achieve his goals. The constant tension in the team is reflected in all participants, regardless of who is the instigator of the quarrel. Conflicts in close cooperation are at least the cause of people's bad mood, and in the worst case, they lead to the termination of relationships and cooperation in general.

There are methods to avoid conflict situations and build long-term cooperation between people.

Having a common goal is very important. It is the general one that is desirable both for you and for your partners. Against the background of future achievements, quarrels will seem like a trifle, which you simply should not pay attention to and which only prevents you from moving forward together. It is important that each member of the group clearly understands their role and the algorithm of actions towards the goal.

In a civilized world, all problems can be solved with a simple conversation. For example, to convene a "round table", sit down all together and give everyone the opportunity to speak. In this way, many omissions in the future can be avoided and, by joint efforts, the doubts of comrades can be dispelled.

Since you are collaborating with other people, each of whom is a person with special interests and his own inner life, it is necessary to be tolerant towards others, watch your behavior, be restrained, and not express harsh criticism of the other. Sometimes one unkind look can hurt the opponent.

If cooperation is based on mutual support, assistance, the intention to take into account the interests of the partner, on the desire to strengthen and stabilize relations, then such a relationship will bear many fruits, and there will probably not even be a reason for quarrels.

Sometimes it is very important to make concessions in order to achieve a common goal. All people are not perfect, everyone has their own view of the world. But sometimes it is worth listening to your allies, and holding your idea for a while. This will help avoid conflicts of interest in cooperation. It is very important to reinforce long-term mutually beneficial cooperation with such methods of mutual exchange as loyalty, gratitude, respect and support.

General conclusions

Collaboration is an integral part of our life. To make it successful, efforts must be made by all participants in this process. If during the interaction the participants demonstrate their feelings, gratitude, the need for interaction, the desire to give in, attentiveness towards colleagues and purposefulness, then such cooperation will certainly lead to the implementation of any goals!

The fruitful cooperation of states, companies, organizations will make our society more prosperous and developed, and relations based on mutual exchange will only enrich each of the parties. Thanks to cooperation, a person will be able to cultivate the best qualities in himself and use them for the benefit of others. Author: Daria Sergeeva