Work experience of a social teacher for the competition. Work experience of a social teacher. People I always understand

Comparative data of the social. school passports Academic year academic year academic year Studied at school Incomplete Low-income families Children left without parental care Large families Disabled children 942 Membership in the Higher School of Economics Membership in KDN655 Membership in IDN435 Dysfunctional 181615

Diagnostics of family dysfunction Mini-consultation Trainings Analysis of documentation Studying the protocols of KDN Interviews of specialists Registration of new passports Collecting lists of NBS Filling out registration cards of families Observation of specialists Polls Questioning Testing

Prevention of family trouble Acquaintance with psychological and pedagogical literature Lectures for adolescents Publications in print Applying for a job Children's bureau of good services Registration of the Higher School of Economics, KDN, a narcologist, a psychiatrist Additional classes to help a child in learning SCC Family reading library Complex visits Programs and projects additional education Summer camp Parental education

Program "Family Wellbeing" Purpose: to provide comprehensive social and pedagogical assistance to disadvantaged families Objectives: 1. Study and diagnosis of family trouble 2. Formation of social skills 3. Provision of social services 4. Activation of the effectiveness of social and role behavior in the process of building parent-child relationships 5 .Formation of attitudes towards maintaining a healthy lifestyle 6.Providing rest, health improvement and medical care 7.Provision of psychological and pedagogical assistance

Social and legal block “We and our society” Purpose: restoration of a dysfunctional family in its rights and obligations. Actions: -collection of information and its analysis, determination of the social status of the family, diagnosis of the presence of forms of deviant behavior among members; -working with the mailbox "Your questions" -conversation of a legal consultant "Family and law" -library exhibition "The negative impact of a dysfunctional family on raising children" -consultation of a specialist in social work "Social guarantees for the family" -quiz for adolescents "Actions and misconduct"

Socio-medical block "We and our health" Purpose: creating a favorable environment in a dysfunctional family through the improvement of each of its members. Actions: -analysis of accompanying documents, initial medical examination; - daily consultation with a school doctor; -the course of classes in the hall of physiotherapy exercises "In a healthy body"; -Medical comprehensive education for parents "Health of the whole family"; - tales for the little ones about a healthy lifestyle.

Socio-psychological block "Family relations" Purpose: harmonization of family relations in a dysfunctional family. Actions: -diagnostics of the nature of intra-family relations; -psychological consultation on the problems of family relations; -the course "personal growth training" -family club (assistance in strengthening intra-family relations); -conversation of the family consultant "ABC of family relations"; -speech of the propaganda team.

Socio-pedagogical block "We and our children" Purpose: restoration of the educational potential of a dysfunctional family as an important condition for the harmonious development of the child's personality. Actions: -psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of parent-child relations; -lections for parents "Me and my child - search for relationships"; - sittings for mothers; -creative exhibition of family works; -competition program "Mothers and Daughters".

Social and labor block "We and our work" Purpose: full-fledged professional realization of the individual. Actions: -Excursion to the complex for children "In the world of professions". -quiz for schoolchildren "People of Labor"; -library exhibition "Who to be?"; round table "How to achieve success?"

Social and leisure block "We and our free time" Purpose: organization of family recreation. Actions: -working of hobby groups; -Music and entertainment program "Talents and fans"; -competition program "Family Holiday"; - musical round table "Feast"; -conversation "Household ritual holidays".

Expected results: -to provide comprehensive social and pedagogical assistance to disadvantaged families; -increase the level of social protection; -reduce the number of disadvantaged families; - actualize the need for active participation in public life, which would contribute to a more effective relationship of a dysfunctional family with other social institutions; - to appropriate social experience and behavior in the process of solving problem situations; - to improve the psychological health of children and adults from disadvantaged families; - to raise the level of professional knowledge and professional culture; - to check the effectiveness of the methods and forms used in social and pedagogical work with dysfunctional families.

An article by Natalya Nikolaevna Merzlyakova, a social teacher at the Sarapul Industrial Technical School, on the topic:

"Experience in the prevention of offenses in BPOU UR" Sarapul Industrial College "

Since 2008 I have been working as a social teacher at the Sarapul Industrial Technical School. Our technical school trains children, many of whom were in difficult life situations before joining us: the parents of these children lead an immoral lifestyle, consume alcohol, and do not raise minors. Some of the students are orphans and wards, whose parents have been deprived of parental rights or have died. There are children from large and low-income families, from single-parent families and families where parents are in a state of divorce or remarried. Many of these students were deprived of attention and affection from relatives, and some of them, while still at school, were on various types of preventive care. This category of children requires qualified social and pedagogical assistance to prevent negative conditions. Therefore, my task, as a social teacher, is to show respect for these children, not to humiliate their human dignity, not to offend, to show attention, care and psychological and pedagogical support, to try to educate them as real citizens of our Motherland.

The work of our teaching staff with difficult teenagers and their families is initially aimed at preventing the deviant behavior of minors. The study of problem students is carried out in all age categories. At the beginning of the school year, as a social educator, based on the study of social passports of groups, together with a teacher-psychologist, I compile a list of children at risk and their families in a socially dangerous situation. At the same time, in groups, we conduct psychological and pedagogical diagnostics (sociometry), and provide class teachers with a general description of the personality traits of a particular difficult teenager. In this document, each student is characterized in terms of his academic performance, social and labor activity, his interests and inclinations, position in the team. Having received complete information about the teenager, I draw up an individual plan of preventive work with difficult students, put on the internal preventive account of the technical school. According to the developed plan, together with the class teachers, I organize and conduct preventive individual conversations and educational activities with children that require special attention and support. All the preventive work carried out with a problem teenager is recorded in the card of individual support of the child: its positive or negative dynamics, academic performance, attendance, after-hours employment, characteristics, successes and achievements, participation in various events are reflected.

In solving many problems on the prevention of offenses with students and their families in a socially dangerous situation, interaction with the bodies and services of the subjects of prevention takes an important place: the Commission for Minors and the Protection of Their Rights, the Sarapulsky Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, families, mothers and children, guardianship and guardianship authorities, health care, employment services, which take part, within their competence, in preventive work in accordance with Art. 12 of the Law "On the Foundations of the System for the Prevention of Neglect and Juvenile Delinquency". Cooperation with the internal affairs bodies is effective, it became possible to resolve many issues quickly, preventing critical situations. The ODN inspector responds to emerging problem situations, together we conduct individual preventive conversations with students and their parents and guardians. Prevention service specialists speak at classroom hours, parent meetings, pedagogical councils, participate in the work of the Prevention Council. An improvement in the situation is evidenced by statistics - the number of offenses and socially dangerous acts for three years decreased by 3% (from 17 students to 8).

As part of the work on the implementation of legislation aimed at combating child neglect and juvenile delinquency, our technical school carries out systematic and comprehensive work. Information about minors who do not attend an educational institution without a good reason, as well as systematically skip classes and practice, parents who improperly fulfill their responsibilities for the upbringing and education of their children, is promptly transmitted to the Sarapulsky Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the KDN.

The technical school has successfully organized the employment of students outside school hours. Particular attention is paid to the organization of employment of students who are on different types of preventive accounting. They show the greatest interest in classes in sports clubs on the basis of a technical school and in technical creativity circles, which is a good prevention of offenses committed by minors in their free time. The aim of the work is 100% coverage of teenagers with classes in sections and circles. The main thing is to teach a teenager to do useful things that would distract him from committing illegal actions. It should be noted that the difficulty of educating children and adolescents manifests itself not only in low academic performance, bad behavior, aggressiveness, and committing offenses, but also in such social vices as alcoholism, drug addiction, and smoking. Therefore, to prevent smoking habits, craving for alcohol and drugs, the technical school annually carries out preventive measures prescribed in the target programs: "Social and psychological assistance to students", "Prevention of psychoactive substances", "System of preventive actions of illegal behavior of students", "Comprehensive support children at risk ". For orphans and children left without parental care, studying at the technical school, a program of social adaptation "You are not alone" has been developed. The main tasks of the above programs are: creating an optimal educational environment in an educational institution that ensures the harmonious development of the personality of a future specialist, creating optimal conditions for the successful socialization and integration of children in need of state protection in society, by developing various forms and carrying out comprehensive measures to prevent neglect. , delinquency, smoking, alcoholism and psychoactive substances.

In conclusion, I would like to note that despite the entire system of work on the prevention of offenses with students, the main thing in our practice is love for children, acceptance of the child as he is. During individual conversations with a teenager, we see how he opens up, feels when he is treated kindly, is interested in his deeds and successes, we see him as a person.

We, teachers, really want our graduates, after graduating from the technical school, to make their right choice in their further self-determination, not to break the Law and to be useful people to our society.

Work experience of a social educator

Matovnikova Yulia Alexandrovna

The modern development of Russian society is directly related to the renewal of education. The search for new forms in teaching and upbringing of students is associated today with the process of modernizing the content of education, creating optimal conditions for the positive socialization of the child.

In modern pedagogy, the environment is considered as the conditions in which a person's life, his environment, a set of people connected by the commonality of these conditions proceeds.

The pedagogical (educational) environment is understood as a system of influences and conditions for the formation of a personality, as well as opportunities for its development, contained in a social and spatial-objective environment.

The subject in the educational space is an individual student, a collective of students (group, class, classes, the entire contingent of students of an educational institution), a teacher, teaching staff, parents, educational institution as a whole.

The child's health, his socio-psychological adaptation, personality formation are largely determined by the environment in which he lives. School - this is a special educational space, this is the place where the child spends most of his time, which means that creating conditions becomes a vital necessity in social and pedagogical activity, a favorable climate for the child and his microenvironment, providing an opportunity for self-realization and self-expression of the individual.

At the beginning of each school year work is underway to study the social environment, living conditions of students. A social passport of the class and educational institution is drawn up.

The social passport contains information that provides the basis for the analysis and assessment of the social situation at school. P helps to build purposeful and effective work with students and families.

The contingent of children in the school is not homogeneous.

p / p



academic year

2015-2016 academic year

2016-2017 academic year


Total children





Large families





Disabled children





Refugee families





Low-income families





Children under guardianship (guardianship)





The number of students brought up in single-parent families, of which:




father brings up children



mother brings up children




Single mothers





Families registered with the KPDN and ZP for preventive care





Number of children registered with preventive care:




are registered with the internal affairs bodies




registered at school



Monitoring the study of the social environment of the school as a conditionthe view of her life and development shows thatatthe number of children raised in single-parent families increased. Mostly related to parental divorces. There is an increase in large families, disabled children and children under guardianship (guardianship). All these families are at risk and need special attention, control, social support and protection. The indicators of juvenile delinquency remain at a stable level.

Considering all these facts, the priority in social and pedagogical work remains a personality-oriented approach in relation to students and parents.

In order to provide comprehensive social and pedagogical support and assistance to students in difficult life situations, organize the free time of children requiring pedagogical attention, improve the quality and standard of living of children and families with children, prevent social orphanhood and child abuse, the school works "Social living room for children at risk".

In the 2016-2017 academic year, the "Social Lounge" for primary school children began to work, as it was previously attended by middle-level students. We believe that it is advisable to start preventive and rehabilitative work at school already in the elementary grades, and not wait until the accumulated problems lead the child to serious offenses or, when forced out of the family and school, he finally ends up on the street. However, adolescents with deviant behavior are not left without the attention of teachers. They are helpers, organizers and sometimes mentors for children who visit not only the social living room.

Now in the "Social living room" there are 25 students, 20% are children in a socially dangerous situation. Such children are systematically late for school or missed classes for no reason, have learning difficulties, are aggressive, have an unkempt appearance, and poor relationships with peers and parents.

For each student of the social living room, an individual map has been drawn up with personal data, socio-psychological characteristics and the results of the research, an individual plan for working with the child has been developed (Appendix 1).

In the social living room, a teacher-psychologist conducts individual and group sessions aimed at eliminating existing learning difficulties. In the classroom, tasks are solved for the development of cognitive processes (perception, attention, memory, thinking, imagination), the development of psychological prerequisites for mastering educational activities. The experience of a teacher-psychologist of past years shows that the work on the formation of communication skills helped to reduce conflict situations in relation to peers and improve interpersonal relationships with parents and peers. Correction of violations of the personal sphere allowed students to become more confident, balanced, independently cope with various difficulties.

Subject teachers assist with homework preparation and work to bridge knowledge gaps.
The result of this work was an increase in the progress of students in academic subjects.

Particular attention is paid to the organization of employment and leisure of children, their involvement in circles and sections, taking into account their interests and abilities.

The additional education teacher organizes the children's leisure time. The guys master the techniques and learn the techniques of arts and crafts. Exhibitions of students' works are regularly organized, where everyone talks about their work.

The social educator pays special attention to the legal literacy of children, the formation of a healthy lifestyle,using innovative technologies in our work:

Information technology - presentations, videos, videos, prepared or made jointly with children.

Research (design) technology.

In December 2015, Raya K., a 8th grade student, took 3rd place in the municipal competition of children's creative works “HIV / AIDS. Save Yourself and Your Future ”in the“ Simple Rules Against AIDS ”nomination.

In the last academic year, the children of the social living room attended classes at the Academy of Success school on the educational module Zateynik and today they continue their studies.

In the process of work, a close relationship has been established with the parents of the pupils of the social living room. Parents are encouraged to participate in various activities. The "Family Tea Party" is traditionally held.

The opening of the social living room made it possible to organize a special space at the school for children, where, firstly, they feel safe, and secondly, they do not experience pressure from adults.

Monitoring the quality of the rehabilitation process

as part of the preventive service "Social living room SEVEN-YA"

in the 2015-2016 academic year

p / p


rehabilitation process

On the




On the

intermediate stage


On the

the final


Dynamics of the rehabilitation process

On the

Start %


half year%

Per year%

Weak motivation to learn




Skipping classes



Classes in circles











Self-esteem problems




Relationship problems with parents



Problems in relations with teachers


Peer Relationship Problems



Bad habits



Based on the results of the activities of the social living room, it can be concluded that the directions, forms and methods used were chosen correctly and brought positive dynamics in solving the existing problems of students. Namely, the evasion of some parents from communicating with specialists has turned into close cooperation, the number of children attending associations of additional education has increased, there is a positive trend in the change in relationships with peers, teachers and parents, absenteeism for no good reason has decreased, there has been an increase in adaptation to school conditions. , an increase in educational motivation, there is a decrease in the level of anxiety, an increase in self-esteem, the development of communication skills in a peer group.

Of course, there are difficulties in implementing a preventive service. This is the lack of free hot meals for children, a specially equipped room for games and relaxation.

As already mentioned, the environment has a decisive influence on the formation of the child's personality. For an adult, the family is a source of satisfaction of vital social needs. For a child, the family is an environment in which the conditions for his physical, mental, emotional and intellectual development are formed.

There are situations when a family is experiencing an external or internal crisis - a change in the composition of the family, divorce, illness, death of a family member, loss of work, housing, etc. And of course, in such cases, the level and quality of life decreases, and the family from a prosperous and stable family passes into the status of a problematic, crisis one. Many families adapt to difficulties and try to find a way out of this situation, while others cannot cope with the growing flow of problems, fall into depression, their social activity decreases, they begin to abuse alcohol, as a result, indifference appears not only to their fate, but also to fate their children. And it is at this moment that preventive and rehabilitative support measures are needed, when there are chances for the restoration and preservation of the family. But, as a rule, many families believe that "it is not worth washing dirty linen in public" and sometimes they cannot cope with their problems themselves.

Under the program"The child's right to a family"in MBOU "Tsninskaya secondary school No. 1" work is underway to develop innovative services, technologies and models for the prevention of social orphanhood. Regulatory and legal documentation for the prevention of early detection of family problems has been drawn up. A work plan for the prevention of family problems is developed annually. If signs of neglect of the child's needs are found, a case is opened for the family, a rehabilitation plan with the family is developed (Appendix 2).

The identification of unhappiness in families is associated with the identification of social risk factors. Every year, at the beginning of the school year, a database of school children is created. In the interaction of the class teacher-social teacher-teacher-psychologist, students' social cards are filled in. The social and living conditions of children, family composition, educational level of parents, their age and employment are studied. This data makes it possible to predict the strategy of interaction with the family. In work with the family, such forms are used as observation, conversation, questionnaires, psychological and social diagnostics, visiting families in order to identify family problems. The main information is possessed by the class teacher, who daily works with children and on the appearance of the child, and on his behavior, identifies signs of trouble, makes monitoring to detect signs of possible neglect of the needs of children on the part of the parents (Appendix 3).

Algorithm for working with the family at an early stage.

Stage 1: Studying the family and understanding the problems existing in it, studying the family's requests for help, studying complaints from residents (neighbors), teachers, etc.

Stage 2: Primary examination of the living conditions of the family.

Stage 3: Acquaintance with family members and their environment, conversation with parents, assessment of their living conditions. Comprehensive family diagnostics.

Stage 4: Studying the causes of family problems, its characteristics, its goals, value orientations.

Stage 5: Studying the personal characteristics of the family

Stage 6: Drawing up a family map.

Stage 7: Coordination with all interested organizations.

Stage 8: Drawing up a family rehabilitation plan.

Stage 9: Current and control visits to the family.

Stage 10: Conclusions on the results of work with the family.

The success of social and pedagogical work is largely determined by how effectively the school interacts with the environment, uses the potential of the society in which it is located, how close its contacts with other educational institutions are. Today, partnerships between the school and the subjects of the prevention system have been developed (Appendix 4).

The school implements the "Parents' School" program, which is aimed at increasing parental competence. This program is based on the principle of integrating theoretical teaching and the processes of practical, independent and exploratory activities, which makes the program relevant. The parent school is attended by 13 parents, of which 30% of the contingent are parents in a socially dangerous situation. Classes are held on the last Saturday of the month.

All joint activities of the teacher and parents are built taking into account the individual characteristics of each parent. Dominant forms of teaching: individual and differentiated tasks, lectures, conversations, role-playing games, workshops, discussions.

Attachment 1

MBOU "Tsninskaya Secondary School No. 1"


student of grade 8, ________________, 14 years

Health care

Description of the problem

Tasks, actions

Responsible, term

Expected Result

Has bad habits (smokes).

Hygiene skills are poorly developed. The child is unkempt, unkempt.


Form hygiene skills, a positive attitude towards healthy lifestyle

Rejection of bad habits. The child monitors the appearance.


Establish a relationship of trust with the child and parents. Help to realize the need for clean clothes, shoes, good school supplies to increase the child's self-esteem and status in the classroom, in a peer group.

September-October 2016

(tutor Matovnikova Y.A.,

class teacher Popova T.A.)

Take part in the Day of Health

2016 september minutes

(tutor Matovnikova Yu.A.)

Conduct training sessions and exercises to develop the ability to say "no"

October 2016

Once a week


Sushkova O.A.)

Take part in the video competition "In the rhythm of life" (AIDS / HIV prevention)

April 2016

Engage in sports activities

September-February 2016

(class teacher Popova T.A.)

Encourage the student for a good job with literacy

February 2016

(class teacher Popova T.A.)

Education and cognitive development

Low motivation to learn


Increase motivation to learn.


Organize additional classes with subject teachers

in lagging subjects.


Control over the progress and attendance of the child at school. Contact with school teachers.

Improve the child's self-esteem through individual work


Involve in the system of additional education, monitor the attendance of classes

Conduct a conversation about morality:

"Understand how you grow up"

September-February 2016

(class teacher Popova T.A.,

subject teachers)


during the whole period

(tutor Matovnikova Y.A.,

classroom teacher

T.A. Popov)


2016 september minutes

(tutor Matovnikova Y.A.,

classroom teacher

T.A. Popov)

November 2016

(tutor Matovnikova Yu.A.)

Motivation to learn is increased. The child learns to the best of his intellectual abilities. Additional one-to-one lessons did him good. Feeling success, he began to show diligence in educational activities.

Classes in the association of additional education are interesting. The teacher has become a significant adult for the child. The knowledge gained made it possible to form the normality of behavior.

Emotional and Behavioral Development

Revealed hyperactivity, impulsivity. Risk appetite, expressed need for thrill.

Low level of social control.


Reduce hyperactivity and impulsivity.

Develop self-regulation.


Conduct training sessions to overcome emotional disinhibition. Learn to manage emotions, anger.

Prepare, together with a teacher-psychologist, a computer presentation "I and my emotions".


Regularly involve in responsible assignments. Strictly require the execution of orders.

October-December 2016

Once a week


Sushkova O.A.)


During the entire period

(tutor Matovnikova Y.A., class teacher Popova T.A.)

Hyperactivity and

impulsivity reduced.

Reduced anxiety and aggressiveness.

Self-control skills are formed.

Formation of personality

Frivolous, increased self-esteem, lack of a sense of distance in relationships with others. Conflict.

A task

Reduce conflicts, bring self-esteem back to normal,


Conduct classes to correct social relationships (relationships in the family, school, with friends). Develop a tolerance for others' rights and responsibilities.

Form the ability to objectively assess their capabilities.

Study the environment of the adolescent, identify persons who have a positive or negative influence, take appropriate measures.

January - February 2016

Family relationships

There is no emotional contact with parents. Needs are not satisfied: for belonging and love, understanding and recognition. Parents are not authorities for the child.

A task

Promote the establishment of intra-family communications.


Involve parents in the "Parent School" classes

September - February 2016

1 time per month

(teacher-psychologist Sushkova O.A., tutor Matovnikova Y.A.)

Emotional contact with the mother is restored.

Classes at the "Parents' School", according to the mother,

she was greatly helped in her relationship with her son. They gave me the necessary pedagogical and psychological knowledge.

Practical exercises (games, exercises, trainings) were useful to her as a person, woman, mother.

Class teacher (Popova T.A.)

Tutor (Matovnikova Yu.A.)

Educator-psychologist (Sushkova O.A.)

Appendix 2


Chairman of the council of specialists

T.A. Burashnikova


for 6 months in MBOU "Tsnginskaya secondary school No. 1"

  1. Information about the child (full name of the child, date of birth): ___________________________, August 25, 2005

    Information about the parents (legal representatives) and other members of his family (full name, year of birth, relationship, occupation):

Mother: ______________________________, born in 1987, seller of the "Candy Paradise" store, Tambov

    Address: Tambov region, Tambov region, p. Stroitel, md. Central,

d. _____, apt. ___

    Grounds for working with a child and family (number and date of the legal act on the opening of the "case") order of the Department of Education of the Administration of the Tambov District dated 09.29.2016. No. 320 "On the discovery of a case of neglect of the needs of a child in a family of _______________________________, residing at the address: Tambov region, Tambov district, p. Stroitel, md. Central, d. ____, apt ._____.

    Organization responsible for case management: MBOU "Tsninskaya secondary school No. 1", Tambov region, Tambov district, p. Stroitel, md. Severny, 19,

    The main problem in the family, due to which the "case" is opened: neglect of the needs of the child.

    Nature of the problem: (reasons leading to the "case"): incorrectly formed model of parental behavior, low material income of the family.

    The main purpose of the work : the mother independently raises her son and is able to create conditions for meeting the basic needs of the child.

    Intermediate work goals (according to reasons)

    Increasing parenting competence.

    Stable income and eligibility.

    Plan of joint actions to achieve the goal

p / p

Parental actions

Specialist actions

Period of execution


Parents' signature

Signature of specialists

Interim Goal # 1: Parental competence


Attending a consultation with a social educator

Conversation of the curator "Administrative responsibility of the parent for evading the upbringing and maintenance of the child"



Control over the progress and attendance of the child at school.

Contact with teachers of the school



Attending a consultation with a school teacher-psychologist

Conducting psychological counseling and family diagnostics by a teacher-psychologist: Test "What kind of parent am I?"

Conversation "What do adults need to know about the developmental features of a teenager?"



Attendance at the "Parent School" classes

Ensuring attendance


Interim Goal # 2: The family has a stable income and the right to receive benefits



Assistance in employment.

Establishing contacts with the Employment Center at the mother's place of residence

October November


Collection of documents for registration of child benefits and benefits

Organization of assistance in obtaining a child benefit. Establishing contacts with social. protection at the mother's place of residence


Interim Goal # 3: The mother leads a healthy lifestyle.


Mother avoids noisy companies with alcoholic beverages

Preventive conversation about the dangers of alcohol.

Supervision of the curator



Interim Goal # 4: Compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards in everyday life, creating favorable conditions for the child's living


Organization of a place for preparing lessons and a separate sleeping place for a child

Supervision of the curator

1-2 weeks


Purchase of household appliances (refrigerator)

Supervision of the curator

until January 2016

Curator _____________ Matovnikova Y.A.

Appendix 3

Monitoring to detect signs of possible neglect of the needs of children by parents

Signs of Potential Neglect of a Child's Needs by Parents

1A class

Wears clothes that are inappropriate, dirty, torn;

or the clothes are out of season

Sometimes hungry, begs for, steals or stores food.

Often looks lethargic

tired, not getting enough sleep, weakened

Often busy with younger siblings in parenting

Looks neglected, unkempt, and poorly hygienic

Did not undergo a medical examination, do not carry out preventive vaccinations.

Often says that he has no home or no one cares about him

Parents or guardians abuse alcohol, drugs

Who permanently resides with

Classroom teacher _____________________

Appendix 3

Social partners

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on social pedagogy

on the topic: "The work of a social teacher at school,microdistrict, modern experience "


5th year student

OZO 51 groups

Kleymenova Maria Sergeevna

Phone: 89202437750


Ph.D., associate professor Akinshina O. N.

Lipetsk 2011


1. The system of work of a social teacher at school.

2. The system of social and pedagogical activities of social teachers at school

3.Social and pedagogical activities with students.

4. Social and educational activities with the family.

5. Socio-pedagogical activity with the teaching staff

6. The rights and functions of a social teacher.




Education and training in pedagogical activity are different and at the same time closely related processes. When raising a child, we always teach him something, while teaching him, we bring up at the same time. They differ in their goals, content, methods, and forms of activity.

The social educator is closely related to the education and training of students.

Education (in the broadest sense of the word) is a special, consciously organized process of active activity of an individual to master knowledge, skills and abilities, methods of activity and attitudes.

Education (in the narrow sense of the word) is a special educational work aimed at solving specific educational problems.

Education is carried out mainly through interpersonal communication, pursuing the goal of developing a worldview, morality, motivation and personality, the formation of personality traits and human actions.

A social educator is a teacher who forms in children the ability to make responsible decisions, the ability to communicate and cooperate.

The goal of the social educator:

1. The system of work of a social teacher at school

The changing social and political environment influences the formation of the child's personality. In the conditions of modern life of our society, the ability of students to solve socially significant problems, the formation of an active civic position, patriotic convictions, adherence to democratic values, and positive socialization are becoming an urgent problem. An important direction in our activity is the development of a socially active personality, the formation of socially significant competencies.

Socio-pedagogical activity at school is aimed at the development of these qualities, directly depends on the presence of an effective mechanism for pedagogical regulation of the social interaction of a teenager with the social environment, the implementation of which involves the following areas:

Study of the conditions for the social development of the child;

The inclusion of a teenager in active interaction with the social environment;

Involvement of parents in resolving emerging problems in a child;

Organization of social and preventive space in an educational institution;

Providing social and pedagogical assistance to children who have problems in the process of socialization;

Connecting specialists for working with a child and family;

Organization of interaction of all social institutions functioning in the social environment of a teenager.

Currently, the socio-pedagogical service of schools is working to create favorable conditions for the realization of the rights of the child, based on assisting the student in overcoming difficulties of a social and educational nature, based on his real and potential capabilities and abilities.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks are being solved:

1. Providing social and pedagogical support to children who have learning problems, difficulties in communication, adaptation.

2. Identification of the leading problems and value orientations of children.

3. Increasing the level of social competence of students in civil and domestic spheres.

4. Provision of advisory assistance to parents in solving the social and pedagogical problems of the child.

5. Increasing the pedagogical competence of parents in matters of education of legal culture.

Currently, many schools operate in two shifts. The demographic situation in the microdistricts is such that in recent years the number of students has been declining.

Approximately 17% of families of students are single-parent families in which the child is raised by a working mother. About 1.5% of families are problem families. In terms of social status, 37% of parents are workers, have a general, primary vocational education, 63% are employees, 36% have specialized secondary education and 27% have higher education; 2% are housewives. 30% of parents consider a family capable of forming humanistic values.

At the present time in families there is a tendency in the views of parents - from material values ​​to universal ones; the need for the versatile development of the personality of your child, the disclosure of creative abilities and the acquisition of relevant knowledge; preservation of health.

New approaches and priority directions in education are reflected in innovative social and pedagogical activities:

Creation and implementation of the "Free Citizen" social project.

Development and holding of social, business games, actions, round tables for solving socially significant problems.

The inclusion of children in socially significant activities not only in school-wide activities, but also in city

Organization of co-management activities.

What's in the way?

An effective solution to this goal is possible only with full interaction and mutual understanding of the family and school, with the active participation of all subjects of the educational process.

However, due to the fact that the family is currently forced to solve social everyday problems most of the time, insufficient attention is paid to the development and upbringing of children, family traditions have been lost, which allowed the child to learn universal human values ​​from an early age.

What is necessary?

This concept can be implemented under the following conditions: in the interest of all subjects of the educational process, in a pragmatic approach to solving the problems of the child, the interest of parents, the purposefulness of the activities of the team, the implementation of comprehensive school-wide programs for the prevention of offenses and bad habits, which involve the implementation of:

1. Monitoring the family and social situation of the child's development, studying the value orientations of the family and the child.

2. Assessment of the social well-being of children.

3. Conducting preventive measures aimed at including students in active socially significant activities

4. Organization of support for children in difficult life situations

5. Conducting social counseling to solve the child's problems.

6. Pedagogical management of child development: creating a situation of success, the principle of a competence-based approach to the learning process.

7. The need for technical equipment of the workplace of a social teacher.

2. The system of social and pedagogical activity of social teachers at school

"Each person is a book, you just need to be able to read it. "

W. Chaning, American scientist

"We study not for school, but for life."

Antique aphorism

social educator school family

A person lives and acts in difficult conditions of a diverse society. Human development is the result of a complex, long-term progressive process, during which his biological, psychological and social properties change. These changes occur in the process of personality formation, under the influence of her upbringing and education. The main task of education is to give each child, taking into account his psychophysical capabilities, the level of education and upbringing that will help him not to get lost in society, find his place in life, and also develop his potential abilities, i.e. the task of personal development with the help of individualization of teaching comes to the fore. Human life activity is determined not by adaptation to changing conditions, but by focusing on the future and forecasting. The activities of social educators in our school are based on the development trends of education, future-oriented, relying on the student's own abilities.

The success of a child in school, the upbringing of a socially active person who can make independent decisions is the key to a person's success in life. Every child is talented, every child is a whole world, it is only necessary to notice in time and help the child to reveal his talent based on his individuality and personal qualities.

The activity of a social teacher involves interaction with children, in the process of socialization of which various kinds of problems arise. Communication with such children requires special tact and professionalism.

purposesocial educator: creation of favorable conditions for the realization of the rights of the child, based on assisting students in overcoming difficulties of a social and educational nature, based on their real and potential capabilities and abilities; providing him with comprehensive assistance in self-development, self-realization and his inclusion in socially significant activities, preparation for an independent life.

To achieve this goal, the teacher solves the following tasks:

1. Provide social and pedagogical support to children who have learning problems, difficulties in communication, adaptation.

2. To identify the leading problems and value orientations of children.

3. Contribute to the creation of a favorable microclimate in the classroom.

4. Contribute to the successful socialization of foster children and children with disabilities.

5. To develop the child's interest in self-education, self-education, self-realization, development of personal and intellectual resources.

6. To improve the legal literacy of students; teach to solve vital problems, to include students in socially significant activities.

7. Promote the formation of the need for a healthy lifestyle.

8. Provide advice to parents and improve their pedagogical competence in the issues of upbringing and solving social and pedagogical problems of the child.

A social teacher in social and pedagogical activity is guided by the following main regulatory documents:

1. UN Convention on the Rights of the Child;

2. The Constitution of the Russian Federation;

3. Civil, Family, Criminal Code;

5. The Law of the Russian Federation "On Education";

6. Federal Law No. 120 "On the Foundations of the System of Prevention, Neglect and Juvenile Delinquency";

7. Federal Law No. 124 "On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation";

8. Order of the government of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Ugra No. 302-rp "On approval of the action plan for the prevention of neglect, delinquency and protection of the rights of minors in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra for 2006-2008";

9. By the Order of the Mayor of the city of Surgut dated 22.04.2002 No. 1141 "On additional measures to identify, prevent neglect and delinquency among children and adolescents"

10. By the order of the Department of Education No. 474 dated 13.10. 2006 "On the organization of registration of children subject to compulsory education in educational institutions";

11. The charter of the educational institution;

12. Regulations on the Council of Prevention;

13. Internal labor regulations

Our socio-pedagogical activity is based on the following principles:

The principle of interaction is cooperation with all employees of the school, social institutions of the city to solve the problems of the child;

The principle of an individual and personality-oriented approach based on a humane attitude towards the individual, respect for the rights of the student, teacher and parent, creating conditions for self-development and socialization of the individual;

The principle of positive perception, personality tolerance, based on the acceptance of a child and an adult as they are, and relying on positive qualities, to form other, more significant personality traits;

The principle of confidentiality, which is based on openness, trust, and the preservation of professional secrecy.

The main directions of the social educatorare

1. Analytical and diagnostic.

Socio-pedagogical diagnostics in order to identify the social and personal problems of the child: we study the personality of the child, his individual characteristics, school documentation, medical records, living conditions, features of the development and upbringing of the child, family relations, the educational level of the family, educational resources, analyze, systematize the information received for making a social diagnosis and coordinating work in various areas of activity. We monitor the social situation of the child's development

2. Socio-legal.

Social and pedagogical protection of the rights of the child - we identify and support students in need of social and pedagogical support.

3. Advisory

Socio-pedagogical counseling of students who find themselves in a difficult life situation, their professional self-determination, pre-profile training, counseling of parents, teachers, class teachers, on solving the social and pedagogical problems of the child.

4. Preventive.

Socio-pedagogical prevention and correction - we contribute to the timely identification and prevention of the facts of deviating behavior of students, the formation of the needs for maintaining a healthy lifestyle for students, we carry out preventive work with students who are registered at the school, the juvenile department at the city police department, we increase the level of legal culture of students and parents.

5. Methodical

Organizational and methodological activities - we analyze our social and pedagogical activities in order to improve pedagogical skills; we participate in the work of the pedagogical councils of the school, the school faculty of advanced training, methodological associations of class teachers, on social and pedagogical problems; we participate in city methodological associations of social teachers; we study novelties of methodological literature on social pedagogy, achievements of science and practice; we conduct social and educational research; we participate in competitions of pedagogical skills: city, regional, all-Russian. The main features of a modern person are the willingness and ability to learn continuously; ability for logical, analytical, critical and constructive thinking; ability to make responsible decisions; the ability to communicate and collaborate, accuracy and productivity; tolerance and responsibility, physical and mental endurance - these qualities can be developed by implementing a competency-based approach.

This approach helps the student to realize the integral quality of the personality, which characterizes the ability to solve problems and typical tasks that arise in real life situations, using knowledge, learning and life experience, values ​​and inclinations. At the same time, skills are integrative in nature and are formed within the framework of the study of all school courses and subjects, but are formed in a situation of their active use in educational or life situations. The task of the social teacher is to include the student in the implementation of socially significant activities, to support the child's desire for independence, self-knowledge, introspection and self-esteem.

To effectively solve the set tasks, the teacher interacts with all participants in the educational process: students, parents, the teaching staff of the school and external social institutions of the city. In this case, various methods, methods, techniques and forms of work are used.

3. Social and pedagogical activity with students

Work with students is multifaceted: it is aimed at solving social and pedagogical problems, preventing offenses, forming the need for a healthy lifestyle, self-development and self-education, including the child in socially significant activities. When working with students, various forms, methods, techniques and methods are used. The social teacher has developed and is implementing various programs for students aimed at solving the set social and pedagogical tasks.

The use of technologies allows the implementation of the structural components of activities in stages. So, the solution to any child's problem begins with diagnosis, which includes an obligatory stage of collecting, analyzing and systematizing information. It should be borne in mind that the child is not always able to formulate the problem that arises and explain what caused it. In this case, the task is for the teacher to identify all the significant circumstances of the situation and make a social diagnosis.

The collection of information occurs through methods such as:

Supervision of the child (in educational and extracurricular activities);

Conversation directly with the child, class teacher, subject teacher, parents;

Methods for diagnosing personality, family, society.

To identify additional information about the child, the social situation of the child's development is monitored. The purpose of monitoring is to track the social situation of the child's development.

Upon completion of this stage, we draw up a description of the situation in which the child is, as well as a description of the problem states of the child. This information is recorded in the documents.

The next step is to find ways to solve this problem. To do this, on the basis of the diagnosis, we set a goal, in accordance with which we formulate specific tasks of the activity and determine the choice of ways to solve the problem. The teacher defines all his activities at the second stage as:

The logic of building individual interaction with the child, with the parents.

The logic of constructing a situation of mediation with specialists of the school, city institutes dealing with the problems of children.

Upon completion, an assessment is made of the correctness of the constructed work, its effectiveness.

Based on the words of L.V. Mardakhaeva that "socio-pedagogical technology is considered as the most optimal sequence of socio-pedagogical activity that allows you to obtain a rational result in a specific situation", we believe that the introduction of technologies of individual interaction allows us to scientifically build our socio-pedagogical activity, contributes to efficiency in solving problems facing a social educator. Individual interaction with the child is carried out through the following forms:


Group lessons.

To optimize this type of activity, the program "Path to Success" was created. It is designed to help students in self-realization as a success-oriented person who knows how to set goals and achieve them. The child is offered a diary of self-esteem, achievements and success "I am growing, I am developing" for students in grades 5-7 and a "Portfolio of Improvement" - for students in grades 8-11. Filling out the diary and portfolio is preceded by a thematic conversation. When conducting individual work with primary school students who have problems of a socio-pedagogical nature, topics of conversation are used, depending on the problem, and work on the diary "I am growing, I am developing." The presentation of this program was presented at the pedagogical council of the school and the city methodological association of social teachers.

Children of a special category (foster children and children with disabilities) need a special professional attitude towards them, such children often experience difficulties in adapting to the world around them.

The main task when working with this category of children is the formation of a positive self-attitude and the creation of conditions for their harmonious development. To work with this category of children, various forms are used, one of which is classes in a specially created club.

Many schoolchildren experience difficulties with self-determination and the choice of their future profession, therefore an important direction in the activities of a social teacher is the professional orientation of the student. The task of the teacher is to acquaint students with educational, professional institutions of the city and district, the list of offered professions; to study the needs of the labor market in the chosen profession, to help the student determine his individual inclinations, abilities, trajectory of the further educational path.

Students take an active part in all events organized by social teachers of the school, as well as in city events, competitions, projects with a social and pedagogical focus.

The social teacher includes children of the "risk group" in active play and creative activity, developing their skills of independence and initiative.

For children who are just about to study at school, a program has been developed for the social and pedagogical adaptation of children to school. In the classroom, children form a conscious attitude to their behavior, a culture of communication between people, a culture of speech and creativity are developed. Classes allow children to study the rules of behavior at school, at home and on the street in a playful way, learn skills that will be useful for them when studying at school.

Preventive activities are organized not only in extracurricular activities, but also reflected in the content of the training course for grades 5-9 "Civic Studies" (author V.Ya. Sokolov).

The preparation of a growing person for a future family life is one of the most important components of his development, personal formation, and social maturity. Socio-pedagogical activity at school is aimed not only at parents, but also at school students as future family men and parents, at the formation of students' competencies in the domestic and civil-public spheres, preparing them for an independent, adult life, education of an active, socially mature personality.

4. Socio-pedagogic activity with familyth

In raising children, the family cannot be replaced by any other social institution, since it is in the family that a sense of the continuity of generations is born, a sense of involvement in the history of their people, past, present and future. A psychologically supportive family atmosphere and an emotionally charged life at school play an important role in the education of the student. They create the preconditions for the development of the child's intellect and his spiritual and moral upbringing. That is why the interaction of parents and teachers, family and school in matters of education is so important.

By the nature of our work, social teachers, we face mistakes in family education, we work with different categories of families and families going through different periods of development. These are families with younger schoolchildren and preschool children, families of adolescents with adult children, families requiring increased attention and needing special assistance: single-parent families, low-income families, large families with disabled children, foster children, dysfunctional families at risk, in which traditions of family upbringing have been partially lost and there are problems of spiritual and moral upbringing of children in the family.

Working in this direction, the teacher was faced with the need to streamline the direction and forms of work with the family, the result of this search was the development of a program that has been implemented at the school for many years. The program is aimed at providing parents with practical assistance in the social, spiritual and moral, legal education of children, increasing the social, psychological and pedagogical literacy of parents. Provides two areas of activity:

Correctional and preventive;

Informational and educational.

Correctional and preventive direction provides for individual interaction with various categories of families. Individual work with a child and parents occupies a leading place in the activities of a social teacher. In the arsenal of a specialist there are technologies for individual interaction with the entire environment of the child, and first of all with the family. The social educator identifies problems in the development of the child and looks for ways to correct them. The logic of interaction with the child's family includes an analysis of the causes of the problem and the provision of social and pedagogical assistance and support to the family. Parents are consulted on issues of upbringing, legal, spiritual and moral development of the child. The consultations are not only pedagogical, but also social in nature.

A social teacher conducts primary social counseling with parents of various categories at which, depending on the request, he provides information about the measures of social support provided for by federal legislation and the legislation of the Autonomous Okrug for families with children, or the possibility of providing material support within the school.

The activity of a social teacher is based on the principles of social partnership: equality of the parties, respect and consideration of the interests of the parties, obligation and responsibility of the parties. The success of resolving a problem situation in the family depends on how successfully a social teacher interacts with specialists from various social centers.

Information and educational direction provides for pedagogical education of parents.

When conducting thematic general school and class parent meetings with parents, issues of spiritual, moral, legal, civil and patriotic education of children are considered. Parents are offered various forms of work:

Individual consultations on various problems, this form of work is the most productive, since a specific situation is considered and targeted recommendations are offered

Social-Psychological-Pedagogical Council (SPPS), in whose work we take an active part. In the process of considering the student's problem, an algorithm is developed for providing social, psychological and pedagogical support to the child.

Lecture halls, round tables with the involvement of school and city specialists, business games. These types of activities allow parents to be not only in the role of a listener, but also an active participant in the discussion of the proposed topic.

Thematic parents' meetings are held - 1 time in a quarter, at which the issues of raising children are raised, a dialogue takes place at the level of the class team;

Twice a year, round tables are held where the most pressing issues of raising children are considered, specialists from city institutions are invited to the meetings.

5 . Socio-pedagogical activity with the teaching staff

The activity of a social teacher is inextricably linked with the work of school teachers and is of a systemic nature. Interaction with the teaching staff is carried out in the following areas:

individual work on the student's problem is built with the class teacher, subject teacher, narrow specialists of the school.

The closest interaction is built with the class teachers, since this specialist provides primary assistance to the child in solving his problems.

Subject teachers have direct communication with the child in the educational process. Interaction is based on solving the child's educational problems, monitoring his learning ability and attendance.

Interaction with specialists of the school of a narrow professional orientation (psychologists, educational organizers, speech therapists, paramedics and others) is carried out when it is necessary to provide specific professional assistance.

The methodological association of class teachers (MO), the school faculty of advanced training (SHFK) is aimed at helping subject teachers, class teachers in working with parents to solve the social and pedagogical problems of the child.

The meetings are of a practical orientation and are held in various forms: trainings, discussions, business games, pedagogical workshops. Teachers are offered a great deal of practical material on improving the pedagogical literacy of parents and active forms of interaction between the family and the school.

Socio-pedagogical consultations include issues of a social and pedagogical nature aimed at solving a specific problem;

Speech at pedagogical councils - topical issues related to the socialization of the student's personality are considered. the social-psychological-pedagogical council is aimed at developing an algorithm for solving the student's problem and the role of the social teacher is to develop a strategy for solving the problem in the interests of the child.

6 ... Rightsand functionssocial pedagoga

The social educator has the right to:

Require the head of the educational institution to create the conditions necessary for the performance of professional duties.

To represent and defend the interests of educators (pupils) in the legislative, executive and judicial authorities.

Make official inquiries to public and state institutions regarding the creation of conditions and solutions to the personal problems of students.

Make proposals for reward for the active work of the parents of students, family members of students and their assistants.

Have access to the documents of the educational institution regarding matters related to the performance of their professional duties.

Collect information with the study of the interests of children and adolescents.

Conduct sociological surveys, diagnostic examinations of the living conditions of children.

Refuse to comply with the orders of the educational institution if these orders contradict the professional and ethical principles of the social teacher.

Improve your qualifications.

Submit various proposals for improving the educational process for consideration by the administration of the educational institution.

Inform the administration of the educational institution about the facts of violations of the rights of the child by teachers.

The social educator is obliged:

Together with the administration of the educational institution, identify priority areas of social and pedagogical work and formulate specific tasks for working with children, teachers and parents.

Prevent the adoption of decisions that infringe on the rights of students.

Know and use in your work the laws and regulations to protect the rights of the child.

Timely draw up the documentation of a social teacher.

Plan work and keep records of your activities.

Constantly improve their qualifications.

Use confidential information only in cases established by law.

Functions and role of the social educator

A social teacher, provides social and pedagogical assistance to children, adolescents, the adult population, performs the following functions:

Analytical and diagnostic;


Organizational and communicative;


Coordination and organizational;

The function of social and pedagogical support and assistance to pupils;

Security and protection;


Social and preventive;


By implementing analytical and diagnostic function, social teacher:

Studies and evaluates the features of the social microenvironment of an educational institution, predicts the possible impact of the environment on schoolchildren;

Reveals the personality traits and merits of the teacher, his "problem field";

Examines and evaluates the features of the student's activities and learning;

Establishes the reasons for the inappropriate behavior of children, adolescents, the reasons for the social disadvantage of their families;

Promote the identification of especially gifted schoolchildren;

Identifies learners with emotional and intellectual developmental delays.

Predictive function social educator is that he:

Based on the analysis of the social and pedagogical situation, predicts the process of upbringing and development of the student's personality, provides prospects for the development of the teacher in the process of socialization;

She plans her own social and pedagogical activity based on the analysis of the results of previous work.

Implementation by a social educator organizational and communicative functions:

Promote the inclusion of subjects of educational activity - the public, institutions of additional education and others in the process of social education of the younger generation, in joint work and rest;

Allows him to participate in the formation of a humanistic system of relationships in children and adolescents, as well as to influence the attitudes of children, adolescents and adults.

Correction function

Tries to limit students from the negative influences of the environment;

It corrects the self-esteem of schoolchildren and helps them get rid of bad habits.

By implementing coordinating and organizing function, social teacher:

Organizes socially significant activities of children and adolescents in an open microenvironment;

Includes students in various types of productive activity, taking into account the psychological and pedagogical requirements for it;

Organizes collective creative activities of children with the participation of adults;

Coordinates the activities of all subjects of social education;

Interacts with social protection and assistance bodies.

Execution of functions socio-educational support and assistance by pupils encourages the social teacher:

Provide qualified psychological assistance to the student in self-development, self-knowledge, self-affirmation, self-organization and self-realization;

Establish a trusting relationship with the client.

Security and protective function social educator is that he:

Uses the whole range of legal norms aimed at protecting the rights and interests of students and their associations;

Promotes the application of measures of state coercion and the implementation of the legal responsibility of persons who allow direct or indirect influences on children;

Interacts with social protection authorities.

By implementing psychotherapeutic function, social teacher:

Take care of ensuring a positive emotional state of schoolchildren;

Assists them in resolving interpersonal conflicts, relieving depression;

Assist in creating situations of success for schoolchildren.

Performance social and preventive function assumes that the social educator:

Organizes a system of preventive measures to prevent deviant behavior and criminal behavior of children and adolescents;

Influences the formation of their moral and legal stability;

Organizes a system of measures for social improvement of children from families of the social "risk" group.

Rehabilitation function a social teacher is that he organizes a system of measures for social and pedagogical rehabilitation and support for persons who have returned from places of detention, special institutions, for various reasons experiencing various difficulties that lead to social maladjustment.

An indicative list of documentation and methodological literature

social educator:

Texts of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, laws of the Russian Federation

On the implementation of the rights of the child, as well as by-laws on this issue.

Job documentation of a social teacher.

A long-term work plan of a social teacher for a year and a work schedule for a month.

Cyclogram or work schedule approved by the institution.

Working time log.

Documentation on issues of custody and guardianship, registration at the place of residence, protection of the rights of the child in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the judiciary.

Student Lists:

* registered with the OPPN;

* those who are registered within the school;

* under guardianship;

* from large and low-income families;

* from refugee families;

List of dysfunctional families.

List of disabled children.

Cards for individual social and pedagogical patronage of wards.

The plan of joint work of the educational institution and the PPPU.

Reference information on city and district services for parents and children about possible ways to solve their problems.

Incoming documentation logs.

Social educator's report for the past year.


At present, the problem of cognizing the student's personality has acquired special urgency, because it is directly related to humanistic tendencies that are the dominant feature of the modern educational process. There seems to be an indisputable fact that there is a close connection between the productivity of pedagogical activity and the effectiveness of the social teacher's cognition of the personality of students.

The social educator does a great job with the students. Thanks to this, in schools, a trusting relationship is manifested between children and class teachers, teachers, parents, but most importantly with social teachers. Consequently, they reveal their problems and, together with the teacher, look for a solution. Teacher through a variety of circles, programs, competitions, quizzes, etc. reveals the abilities of schoolchildren. It increases the potential of the child, helps to make the right choice in the social sphere, forms a positive self-attitude and creates conditions for their harmonious development.

Conclusion: The social teacher occupies an important step in the pedagogical activity of an educational institution, because has a thin thread between itself and the students.


1. Andreeva G.M. Social pedagogy. A manual for higher education institutions. Aspect Press, 2001;

2. Aronson E. Introduction to social psychology. Aspect Press, 1995;

3. Vasilkova TA, Vasilkova Yu.V. Social pedagogy: a tutorial. "Academy", 1999;

4. Grigorieva E. "Salvation Island", "Family and School" magazine, No. 1-2, 2001;

5. Kozhukhar G. “Conflicts in the family: dialogue against manipulation”, “Semya i shkola” magazine No. 1-2, 2001;

6. Mudrik A.V. Social pedagogy: textbooks, edited by V.A. Slastenin. Academy 2000;

7. Pedagogy: pedagogical theories, technologies. Textbook Smirnov S. A., Kotova I. B., Shiyanov E. K. "Academy" 1999;

8. Reinprecht H. "Education without restrictions", the magazine "Family and School" No. 12 1997;

9. Sapogova E.E. psychology of human development. Tutorial. "Aspect Press" 2007;

10. Snitsyn N. P. "The work of the class teacher with difficult families", scientific and methodological journal "Class teacher" No. 2, 2000;

11. Filippova G. “Child for parents and parents for a child”, “Family and School” magazine No. 7-8 2001;

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  • Tursenbaeva R.S., social educator

  • MOU Secondary School No. 1 of the village of Varny, Chelyabinsk Region

Main directions

  • Main directions

  • Diagnostic activity:

    • identification of students "at risk";
    • identification of families of social risk;
    • involvement of a teacher-psychologist in diagnostic work;
    • organization of pedagogically directed observation, questioning, counseling, interviews;
    • analysis of work in order to identify positive and negative experiences for subsequent correction.
  • Work in the school team:

    • participation in activities for upbringing, education;
    • the establishment of humane, morally healthy relationships between children and adults;
    • identification of interests, needs, difficulties, conflict situations and assistance in their elimination;
    • counseling for teachers.
  • Working with children with behavioral disabilities:

  • - individual work with children;

    • attracting students to various circles and sports sections;
    • employment of children during the holidays;
    • Inspector's Day;
    • The Council for the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency;
  • - attracting children to day camps at school in

  • vacation time.

Family work:

  • Family work:

    • study of interests, needs, financial situation of families, family relationships through visiting families at the place of residence;
    • assistance in overcoming negative phenomena in the family through counseling, conversations.
    • Preventive and preventive activities:
    • organization of work in cooperation with PDN OVD, district inspector;
    • participation in preventive measures and actions "Teenager", "Children of the streets", "Education for all children", "Protection";
    • class hours with the participation of an inspector of the PDN OVD.
    • Security and protective activity:
    • organization of legal awareness of children, parents, teachers through the design of stands with legal, preventive information at school, class hours, parent meetings;
    • study of regulatory documents, laws of the Russian Federation,
    • taking action against adults who involve adolescents in illegal cases, abuse children.
    • Organizational activities:
    • assistance in organizing the holidays for children;
    • organization of jobs for teenagers;
    • organization of meaningful leisure for students with behavioral deviations.
    • Social work:
    • study of the characteristics of the microdistrict, its educational potential;
    • registration of children and families of the school microdistrict.

Classroom teacher

  • Classroom teacher

  • Subject teacher

  • social teacher

  • Class students

  • Parents psychologist

  • Risk group teenager

  • 1. Studying the student's personality, drawing up characteristics: class teacher, psychologist

  • Study of living conditions: class teacher, social teacher, PDN

  • Visiting at home: class teacher, parental committee, social teacher, PDN. District inspector

  • Involvement in the system of additional education: class teacher, social teacher

  • Control over studies, homework: class teacher

  • Daily monitoring of class attendance: class teacher, social teacher

  • Behavior control at school: class teacher, social teacher, administration

  • Attending lessons in order to identify difficulties in learning: class teacher, social teacher

  • Inclusion of a student in a group for classes with a psychologist: class teacher psychologist

  • Conducting conversations about the rules of conduct: class teacher, social teacher, administration

  • Organization of summer employment during vacations: class teacher

Social and informational

  • Social and informational

  • Socio-legal

  • Social rehabilitation

  • Social and household

  • Socio-economic

  • Medical and social

  • Socio-psychological

  • Socio-pedagogical

  • Supervision and consultation of teachers, social educator, psychologist

  • Counseling for parents

  • Counseling class teachers on request

  • Individual preventive conversations with parents on the problems of education and upbringing

  • Organization of additional help with homework and studies

  • Conducting socio-pedagogical surveys in order to identify social and personal problems of children of all ages

  • Involvement of children in school circles, studios, sections, centers of children's creativity

  • Organization of preventive conversations with parents on the problems of education and upbringing

  • Provision of material assistance to children from low-income families (with the involvement of social assistance departments)

Do no harm.

  • Do no harm.

  • Don't rate.

  • Accept the person as he is.

  • Maintain confidentiality.

  • Maintain a measure of mutual revelation with the client, but keep some distance.

  • Do not take away from the client the right to be responsible for his actions, never give advice.

  • A minimum of special terms.

  • Observe the principle of voluntariness.