When heaven opens for baptism. Fulfillment of desires for Orthodox Christmas The secret hour when the sky is open Christmas prayer

The secret hour is 12 noon and 3 am on January 7th.
At this hour, the sky opens.

Christmas (January 7th) is the time for the fulfillment of our hopes.
At 3:00 a.m. on Christmas Day, the sky opens. If you have a desire, go outside at the right time and looking at the sky, pray to Heaven to help you. You can ask only for yourself and not make wishes that can harm someone (you shouldn’t make a wish for a particular man either, you don’t know what is the highest good for this person)! Although I once asked for the healing of another person - and the Lord helped!
This night is really magical - if you make a wish for Christmas, looking at the open sky - it will definitely come true!

Millions and millions of people lived on earth. But none of them was like Jesus Christ. Just think about it, because absolutely everyone remembers the day of His birth and everyone sincerely rejoices on this wonderful day, repeating with sincere love His name and the name of His Mother, who gave us eternal life and salvation through Her Son.
Whoever washes this morning, having said three times before:
The Savior was born, the light of the world appeared.
I (name) will also be saved through Jesus Christ.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen -
will gain not only mental, but also physical strength. Sick people, having done so, recover.

According to a secret custom, on the second day of Christmas, you need to go outside at exactly three in the morning, raise your hands to the sky and say:

Open up holy sky
Give me golden happiness.
How many on you, sky, clear stars,
I would have so many (name) happy tears.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

When the first star lights up in the sky, take incense, myrrh and a coin in your hands. Fold your arms across your chest in a prayerful gesture, holding the above items between your palms. Looking at the sky, read the petition 4 times, turning to 4 cardinal directions:

"Lord of Hosts, God the Father, help me, grant me the prayer to know, by the power of prayer to open Your Kingdom in myself! To light Your Name in myself with light! Lord Jesus Christ, bless, help and allow! Grant me to know the prayer, to open the Kingdom of the Lord with it in myself "Life-Giving God, help me, give life to my prayer! My deed and Word in the name of the Lord!"

Close your eyes, you will see how you stand between the coils of a radiant spiral that goes to the sky. Whether you feel it or not, the pure spirits of the righteous will stand around you.
Then say three times to yourself, or better aloud, the words of the Great Invocation:

From the ocean of invisible Light in the mind of the Most High, let Light pour into the minds of people. Let Light come to Earth!
From the realm of incomprehensible Love in the Heart of the Most High, let love pour into the hearts of people. May Christ come down to Earth!
From the source, where the Will of the Most High is known, let the goal direct the small human wills to what the Universal Teachers consciously serve!
From the source called the Human race, let the Plan of Love and Light come true! And may he close the door that leads to evil! And may Light, and Love, and Power restore the Plan of the Most High on Earth!

Listen carefully to your feelings, to the thoughts that come to your mind.

These may be the words of a prayer known to you or lines that are addressed specifically to you. But, one way or another, any of your prayers will already have great power. Subsequently, you can turn to the Cosmos for help, advice, information, entering the Cosmic Channel of the Christ Savior by means of the Great Invocation.


On the night before Christmas, they ask for love, for harmony in the family, for children, for the happiness or health of someone close. Although, it is also possible to make material desires, if the realization of this desire will benefit your spiritual development.

You need to make a Christmas wish at 12 at night on the night of January 6-7. And most importantly, the wording of the desire must be in the present tense. Don't think in the future tense.

Heaven opens on Christmas, how to make a wish correctly: Christmas wishes should not be about material goods

Christmas is a time of miracles and magic, at this time angels descend the world in order to make the world a little kinder. It is at Christmas that you need to make a wish - if you do it right, then it will certainly come true. And what should be done on a magical night to make it come true?

There are different ways to make a wish - in principle, there is no single system - in heaven they hear our every request.

On Christmas Eve, you need to go out alone on the street. It is best to move a little away from the houses in order to be in the dark. If for some reason it is not possible to go out, then you can do the ritual in a dark room without turning on the light - so that only the stars and the moon shine.

Looking at the sky, you need to imagine everything that you want to get in the new year. This is a great time to formulate personal goals, focus on your thoughts and dreams. Then you need to close your eyes with your right hand, and aloud list what you want to think of, and with this hand brush all the images from your eyes into the sky.

The universe will certainly hear what was said, and in order to consolidate the result, upon returning home, you need to light a red candle, on which you need to briefly write a request - you can formulate it in one or two words.

You need to draw an angel and cut it out (it is better to take a fairly thick paper). Then you can make a wish (one, the most cherished - it is better to formulate it in advance) and draw an angel with one eye.

After that, you can hide it, and when the desire is fulfilled (various signs will appear that the desire will soon come true), you must definitely draw an angel of the second eye. After the fulfillment of the desire, the angel can be saved.

Heaven opens at Christmas, how to make a wish: Christmas rituals for good luck and health

Conspiracy for Healing.

There are days in which they create (make) amulets for their kind. This amulet also includes a generic towel.

On January 6, on the eve of the birth of Jesus Christ, they buy a new linen towel and speak it for healing from various, including serious, diseases. If later in the family someone gets sick, then the patient should be wiped with this towel, and he will definitely recover.


In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
I speak from 77 ailments,
From any pain, from the night light,
Pretending dryness, from cancer that travels,
Falling fit,
From spoilage, from night cramps.
Mother Mother of God washed her Son,
Wiped with a linen towel.
God bless my linen too.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Whom I (name) will wipe with this flax,
Since then, I will erase all ailments.
Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Millions and millions of people lived on earth. But none of them was like Jesus Christ. Just think about it, because absolutely everyone remembers the day of His birth and everyone sincerely rejoices on this wonderful day, repeating with sincere love His name and the name of His Mother, who gave us eternal life and salvation through Her Son.

Whoever washes this morning, having said three times before:

The Savior was born, the light of the world appeared.
I (name) will also be saved through Jesus Christ.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen -

will gain not only mental, but also physical strength. Sick people, having done so, recover.

According to a secret custom, on the second day of Christmas, you need to go outside at exactly three in the morning, raise your hands to the sky and say:

Open up holy sky
Give me golden happiness.
How many on you, sky, clear stars,
I would have so many (name) happy tears.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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Secret hour when the sky is open

Christmas, when the bright and pure soul of our Lord found earthly life, is considered a holy day. But very few people know that on this holy day there are hours when you can talk with God and ask Him for the most secret, because at this time the Heaven opens. I think you understand, my dear ones, that asking for wealth or harming someone is pointless.

What is this watch? Why are they considered so blessed and have earned such fame for themselves? Have you ever thought about the fact that next to the Mother of God there were witnesses of the birth of Christ - Her contemporaries, who told about what happened? And then their grandchildren and great-grandchildren passed on their stories from generation to generation. Subsequently, these stories formed the basis of the biography of the Savior. There were also miraculous phenomena at that time that encouraged the young Mother. And these phenomena took place at midnight and at three o'clock in the morning on the seventh of January.

A person who decides to turn in these most holy hours with a request to the Lord must be sincere and recklessly believe in Him. You need to ask the icon of the Savior, there must be a cross on the body.

May the Lord hear you and help you!

Conspiracy words for a happy share (for a child)

If a child laughs in a dream, then they say: "Angels make him happy, amuse him." At this point, you need to have time to read the following conspiracy:

Glory to the angels who bring good news.

From the face of the Lord God to my doorstep.

Wings invisibly overshadow the servant of God (name),

From infancy, strengthen him for a happy share.

Follow you, angels, angels,

So that grief does not become attached to him,

So that he gets a happy share.

Three angels at his feet, three angels at his head,

Three angels on the sides.

Eternal joy to you and my baby.

Born on parent's day

On parental day, crowds of people rush to the cemetery and commemorate their loved ones there. And in the churches on this day there are funeral services. Therefore, it is believed that people born on such days have a difficult fate.

My grandmother taught me a conspiracy that reprimands a baby born on parental day from the influence of this, as my grandmother used to say, “funeral” day. Now it is my turn to teach you this conspiracy, and perhaps it will be useful, if not to you, then to your grandchildren and great-grandchildren. The conspiracy is as follows:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit!

I dissuade (name) from a memorial candle,

From the funeral kutya,

From the funeral service,

From magpie, from the canon for peace.

My angel, be with me

Save my body, my destiny

From parental Tuesday and Saturday.

Conspiracy from all troubles

From a letter:

“I don’t know if there are many people like me, but I’m some kind of walking bad luck! Everything is going topsy-turvy for me. Whatever I do, it's nothing but trouble. I remember when I was eleven years old, my aunt took me to the monastery with her. So I fell right there. One woman saw me with a bump on my forehead and said to my aunt:

- Well, if she is flattened in a holy place, then it means that the seal of bad luck lies on her. Find a grandmother healer and talk the child out of trouble, otherwise it will be hard for her to live.

Naturally, we did not find the sorceress. And that’s why, maybe, I live like this: every day is a dirty trick, every night is tears (men shy away from me like from a leper).

I took a trip here with a school friend for goods, so you won’t believe it, I buy a thing that seems normal, but I’ll bring it to Russia - all in holes.

Stayed overnight with a friend yesterday. While she was washing in the shower, I found your book at her place and leafed through it. After that, everything became clear to me. Mila (my friend), when she saw that I took the book without asking, she screamed at first: they say, you can’t give such books to others to read. And then she waved her hand and said: “Okay, read on. It's already started anyway." So I ate it all. Now I will look for your books in all stores. If possible, Natalya Ivanovna, teach me a conspiracy that will help me deal with my problem. Sincerely, Komartseva Natasha.

This plot is read on the new moon at night, with a cloudless sky, over a glass of milk and a loaf of bread sprinkled with salt, which are placed on the table. The charmed bread is eaten, and the milk is drunk, not sharing with anyone. During the ceremony, do not talk to anyone, do not be distracted by calls, do not open the door to anyone.

Those who perform this rite will part with their bad luck once and for all. The conspiracy is this:

How can this milk not be in the udder,

bread loaf

Grain in the field does not germinate,

So do I

God's servant (name),

Do not be in poverty.

I will remember for peace

Woe, bad luck.

And how the ass parted forever

With your shit

So am I, God's servant (name),

I part with my misfortune.

Always, now and forever

And forever and ever. Amen.

Trouble conspiracy

And here is another conspiracy that saves you from trouble. It must be written down on a piece of paper and always carried with you. The words are as follows:

My guardian angel

Deliverer from all evil

Read with me my holy amulet.

Protect with wings, save, save

From foolish people

From arrows and knives

From fire and stones

From the seething water

From the rattling snake

From thieves, ropes and axes.

So that the authorities do not drive away,

The villains didn't catch up

Relatives did not betray, they were not buried alive in the ground.

From tongues, so as not to curse,

From animal torture

From angry punishment

From evil judges, from dashing days,

From the black day

My angel, cover me.

Save, save and defend.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

How to increase wealth

spell for wealth

As I begin this section, I would like to tell you a story. One peasant lived fast, he had a household - God forbid everyone, no money was transferred. In general, he was the most prosperous in the village. And then one day on Easter he drank heavily, and his cunning godfather began to ask him what the secret of such luck was. He foolishly boasted: “My grandmother on Krasnaya Gorka always washed us with water, which she first washed the icon with. Here is the money now I have money and go.

Hearing this, the godfather stuck to death - say yes, tell me what kind of conspiracy is so wonderful. A stupid peasant told him about everything, and after that the godfather got rich. Only now the man himself, having given out the secret of the grandmother, quickly went around the world.

I think you understood my hint and will not tell anyone about the conspiracy that I will teach you now. You should also not copy it with your own hand on a piece of paper and give it to those in need. The words of the conspiracy are:

There are seven pillars in the seven temples,

And in only one there is "Give me God."

There is a true word to that “God grant.”

Solomon himself laid down "Give God".

Who touches "Give me God"

With these words, he will wash himself from the holy icon,

To that a rich fate will open,

Treasures are revealed

Gold, silver will be saddened

According to the servant of God (name).

Truly is, truly will be,

"Give God"

Servant of God (name)

Forever and ever will not forget.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Conspiracy from the motive of her husband

If a husband thoughtlessly spends money right and left, you need to read a special plot over his food, and give the leftovers to the guard dog. The ceremony is performed three times in a row. The spoken words are as follows:

As a dog guards and protects the master's good,

So are you, servant of God (name),

Be careful with money.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

To give a tip

This conspiracy is also called "alms". In former times, servants often used this conspiracy, and they could always count on the master's mercy. This conspiracy has not lost its relevance even today, so I will publish it with pleasure and I think it will be useful to many. In any case, the daughter of a good friend of mine who works as a waitress took advantage of this plot and now always receives a generous tip. More than once she thanked me for teaching her such a useful spell.

They read it on a full moon on a new white handkerchief, which they then put in the pocket of their work clothes so that its tip always looks out. The words are as follows:

God's servants

Give your prayer and care

To me, God's servant (name).

So that everyone who stays near me,

Generous mercy will not forget me.

Put me, Lord, on the hand of gold and silver.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

So that the buyer likes your product

Before you go to trade, say:

Bo is the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

The church is held together by faith, the earth is held together by heaven,

Teeth are held by gums, Winters converge with springs,

Buyers - with my goods.

Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

To sell the goods well

Baptize the goods and say:

The moon is bright, the sun is red,

The sky is clear, trade is beautiful.

I am standing here, servant of God (name),

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,

Not intentionally.

Who will come to me

The one with my goods will leave.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

For well-being at home

If not everything is fine in your house, for example, money has stopped flowing or you have overcome some other troubles, proceed as follows. In the new moon, put the dough and knead the dough. Once the dough has risen, place it in the oven. Undress and put on only one skirt on your naked body. Turn your back to the stove, lift the hem above your knees and say:

How do you, bake, raise bread,

So raise good in my house. Amen.

When the bread is ready, eat it yourself. You can't give this bread to strangers!

How to protect yourself from thieves

Omorochka on a thief

I have already said more than once that there are all kinds of ways to influence thieves. There have always been, are and will be people who know conspiracies and rituals with which you can seriously punish (for example, send insanity) or kill a thief even if his name is unknown. Turning to the spirits of the dead, the master urges them to find the offender and punish him. My grandmother could "stake out" a thief, that is, he fell into a stupor and stood or sat at the house he had robbed, thinking nothing. And she also told me how one dashing man, when she was still small, took it into her head to steal our family icon. As a result, he could not get off the threshold. "Damn" is what she said. And my great-grandmother (grandmother's mother) walked past him on the water, and he sat like an idol, holding a stolen icon in his hands.

- It would be better if he endured all things, but not the Mother of God! Offended Dove, - lamented the grandmother.

When the icon was returned to its place, believe it or not, one could clearly distinguish a smile on the face of the Virgin. There were many witnesses to this miracle, and besides, my grandmother did not know how to lie, and I believe her.

The troubles that I will teach you do not, of course, have such powerful power as those used by my grandmother and great-grandmother, because it will be very difficult for you to cope with such conspiracies. But gradually, if you study diligently, you will reach the heights of mastery. I promise you this. Do not hesitate, if you have the strength and patience to reach the end, then you will learn a lot of interesting and useful things, and you can later pass this knowledge on to your children and grandchildren.

So, here is one of the troubles for thieves. On any Monday, at three in the morning, strip naked and sit on the threshold, after which say these words:

Damask knives, steel needles,

Prick, cut out the brain from my enemy,

Thief, adversary.

Close the light in his eyes

Take out his movement from the hands and feet,

Blow his belly, tear it,

Wrap his legs with cones.

Black is white for him

Red is gray to him.

Let him not find the door

His hand will not take the bracket,

He can't see the window

He won't steal, he won't offend.

I bury his way

I send him longing, anxiety.

The dog is a bird to him,

The wolf is his fox,

Shit is honey for him, fire is ice for him.

Let the brain turn his mind

He won't remember anything and he won't understand:

No name, no family

He is not from any tribe or people.

I roll it into tartars:

To the grave, the earth, the desert.

Like a dead man will not come out of his grave,

So he will not leave my circle.

Be you, my words, strong,

Sculpting, relentless, inexorable:

Neither gray-haired, nor young, none.

From now on and forever and ever.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

A conspiracy against those who plot to rob you

Once a year, go around your apartment or house crosswise, while holding a lit candle in your hands and reading a special plot nine times in a row. Then extinguish the candle and put it behind the icon. The conspiracy is this:

I walk around

The harrow is not a plow.

I defend with the cross

lips, teeth,

Holy words.

Be you thief nailed to the ceiling

With their brains, cotton legs,

Trembling hands, blind eyes.

I'm walking, I'm walking the cross

I dress you in a shroud

I cover you with a coffin.

I put God's amulet on my threshold.

Who plans to come with evil,

I will crush him, I will dry him up with a candle,

I'll drink my eyes, I'll pour my brains out.

Okrivey, lame, goofy,

Be stiff, bezruch, starve,


Roll in the dirt

Don't get along with people

suffer, suffer

And die a cruel death.


Another conspiracy for thieves

Help protect yourself from dashing people and such conspiracy words:

Get up, damn it, to constipation,

To my fence

To the lock, the key, to the well.

Take the thief's sound judgment

Every thought

Turn on his eyes

Spin his brains

Burn it down, incinerate it

And a thief to hell

Take it forever.

Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

To prevent the car from being stolen

The plot is read by walking around the car clockwise. The words are as follows:

Gracious God

Keeps the sun from going backwards.

So the thief won't take mine.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

From childish theft

From a letter:

“My husband and I adopted a boy when he was three months old. He is now sixteen years old. He was small as a devil, but now he has grown up and turned into a real devil. He does not want to study, he left school after the eighth grade, and runs away from home endlessly. On September 23, he set fire to the garage, it was good that they extinguished it in time. What's in his head, no one knows. We are already elderly people, if something happens, it will disappear. And most importantly, he steals godlessly. We hide money wherever possible. Lies and lies, I no longer believe him in anything. He was the eighth child of his mother, I don’t know anything else about that family.”

A conspiracy against child theft is read on the waning moon over food or drink, which is then treated to the child. While he is eating or drinking the charmed treat, the dog should not bark. This conspiracy is very strong and helps even in advanced cases. His words are:

Saints Luke and Mark,

Take off your crowns

Take your scepter

Come to the servant of God (name),

Turn it with your holy hands

From south to north, from west to east,

So that he never takes someone else's,

From this hour I did not steal,

To avoid temptation

All days, all hours, forever and ever.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.


Another conspiracy against child theft

Can you resort to the help of such a conspiracy:

There is a field of chernavka,

Her foot does not touch the grass,

It does not fly and does not run, but hurries.

So would you, servant of God (name),

I didn’t steal, I didn’t take someone else’s,

Throughout the eternal century, he did not steal.

I drive out the unclean spirit from the servant of God (name).

Bless, Lord, for a righteous life.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I remind you that if necessary, the words "servant of God" can be replaced by the words "servant of God" and vice versa.

Protection from violence

How to punish a rapist

From a letter:

“I was born in a large family. Poor mother pulled her veins to clothe and feed us. My father drank heavily all the time. There was no help from him. Looking at him, the brothers grew up as scumbags. One of them raped me when I was just a child. Yes, and others (and I have five brothers) then harassed me. I was afraid to tell my mom about it. At the age of sixteen, I broke away from home, went to another town. Mom then was terribly upset, called me heartless, but if I told her everything, I would break my heart, because my brothers are her own children. She would not have kicked them out, she would not have put them in jail - so it turns out that it was impossible to help me. Let me suffer alone. But at my age it's hard to live alone. I can’t earn money, but I need to pay around the corner. My soul hurts, and my heart is torn to pieces. Maybe I shouldn't live like this?"

From a letter:

“I am sixty-seven years old, my granddaughter is eighteen. When she was six years old, her stepfather raped her. We didn't know anything until she told me everything when she was thirteen. The mother of the granddaughter worked as a milkmaid, imagine for yourself what it is like for her to manage four children. So she didn't notice anything.

I ask all the saints, help my granddaughter! After all, she is now embittered by the whole world. With your prayers, direct her to the right path, and punish her stepfather. Teach our children how to protect themselves from such a disaster. Thank you for the books! I always look forward to the next ones. With a low bow, your admirer.

And here is another tragic story: “If you received my letter, it means that I decided to die.

I went to school, but I won't say which one. One day my class and I went to rest in the forest for three days. In the evening, near the bushes, they put a jacket over my head and raped me. Who, I don't know. They didn’t look for me, probably, and didn’t notice my absence, although I wandered through the forest all night and cried.

All summer I was worried, I asked my mother to transfer me to another school, but she only got angry, believing that I was capricious. I could not tell her the truth - I was afraid that she would scold me. I seemed to hear her words all the time: “Why did you even go! What were you doing in the bushes? I would sit by the fire!”

And I was also afraid that she would go to the director of the school, and he would call the police, the questions would begin - well, how to survive this?

When the holidays ended, a new challenge began. I can't look at anyone, I can't be in the classroom at all. For some reason I feel like everyone is laughing at me. And then they began to throw me notes: “Do you want to go back to the forest?” or “Did you enjoy the forest?” And they call home on the phone and are silent. Mom says it's the wrong number, but I think it's them.

I heard that suicides are tortured after death in hell. Please pray for me that I won't be tortured there.

P.S. Sorry, the letter is not quite clean, I kept it in a box of flour to hide it from my mother.

To punish the rapist, over a lit candle, which is then allowed to burn to the end, they read the following conspiracy:

Lord help, Lord bless

For You said:

"Who will take the sword,

He will die by the sword."

In a field where the land is not plowed,

Rye is not sown, fruits are not harvested,

There is a forgotten grave.

Earth, shake, coffin, open!

Get out of the coffin, fear, ailment,

Longing, torment,

Reach out with a needle, a knife, an ax, a nail.

Everything that happens is sharp,

Anything that cuts sharp.

You are grave forces, I let you go,

I release you.

go and find you

My offenders and rapists.

Pierce their eyes

Don't let the air breathe.

As the dead man does not breathe in his grave,

Let them choke, squirm

Let their feces come out through their mouths

And then vice versa again.

They would suffer, they would not know rest from pain,

They didn’t eat, they didn’t sleep, they wouldn’t raise their hands,

Legs would not bend.

Shake them, stab them, execute them.

How the Lord did not forgive Judas,

So you do not let the rapists go,

Torment them, destroy them.

Inflow into their bones, into the liver of Teze,

Thorns in the heart.

I will take the keys from your coffin.

I lock my words, no one will open my words,

The violent wind will not blow,

My case will not be interrupted by my word.

Heaven, earth, key. Amen.

Sin of incest

From the story of Grigorieva K. F .:

“My parents were alcoholics, where can they be before us children! Here is what happened. My twin brother and I sinned at an early age by imitating drunken adults. Then it became our habit. When we were seventeen years old, we began to live in the open, and eventually we had a son. Sick, of course. A lot of money was spent on medicines, and I did not work. The father of my child (my brother) did not know how to earn money, and bad heredity quickly made itself felt. Then he was killed in a drunken brawl, and I was left with my disabled son in my arms.

Soon I had a desire to send the child to a boarding school, but first I decided to baptize him. My grandmother approached me in the churchyard. She stroked my boy on the head and said:

He is punishing you for the sin of incest. Today he is with his mother, and tomorrow he will be a complete orphan. - And she added, after a pause: - He will not suffer for long, he will live in orphans for a month, and then the Lord will take him away, free him from earthly torments.

I didn’t say anything in response, although I was surprised how she knew about my sin.

The next day I took my son to a boarding school for the disabled and wrote a refusal. For almost a month I hung out with my friends, enjoying the long-awaited freedom.

One night I woke up to a sound that my deranged son used to make. The sound was so clear, as if he was lying next to him on the couch. I couldn't sleep anymore. She kept remembering the words of the old woman who prophesied trouble. In the morning I packed up quickly and went to the boarding school. There they told me that Alyoshenka had died at night from bilateral pneumonia. The doctors could not save him - he was too weak. Many times after that, I went to that church in the hope of seeing the granny who predicted misfortune for me, but I never met her again.

I am tormented by a sense of guilt before the dead child. After all, he suffered because of my sin.

A week ago at the station I found your book on the bench. Apparently someone forgot. Now I want to ask everyone who knows you at least in absentia - let them pray for my sinful soul, maybe then God will forgive me.

If I had such a mother as you, Natalya Ivanovna, I would not have done so many troubles. Forgive me people if you can. Grigorieva Katya.

From time immemorial it has been believed that the sin of incest - one of the most terrible and heavy burden falls on the shoulders of not only the sinner, but also his descendants, up to the seventh generation. And this means that in seven generations children with serious deviations can be born.

But there is one prayer that cleanses the soul of a person and saves him from retribution for such a grave sin. They read it for thirty-three days, in no case missing a single one. The words of the prayer are:

Intercessor of the sinful world, my Hope, the only Queen of Heaven Mother of God. You are the hope of the orphans and the suffering, my sins are heavy, my misfortunes are terrible, my life is like a black night. Have mercy, God-given Mother of the World, have mercy on our kind, who have sinned grievously, Your mercy is my guarantee. My patroness, forgive us, renew our souls and revive, for there is no other Intercessor for us, there is no other Redeemer, we cannot find another Comforter, except for the joy of Your forgiveness. I truly rejoice that there is You, Mother of God, our Hope and Helper. I give my heart with faith in You, Most Holy and Pure. And they will glorify you forever and ever and for all times, and the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

In the annual church cycle there are twelve holidays, called "twelfth" (in Church Slavonic duodecimal). These are the days dedicated to the most important events of the earthly life of Christ and the Most Holy Theotokos, as well as the most important historical events of the Church.

The traditions of their celebration have evolved over the centuries, and today they are celebrated all over the world, and, due to their prevalence, they cover even the lives of non-religious people. This is a church sermon, the glory of the name of Christ, which goes beyond the church fence.

One of these holidays is the Epiphany of the Lord. On this day, even non-believers know that they need to collect holy water, pray in the temple, plunge into the hole and catch the moment when Heaven opens. We will talk about baptismal traditions today.

The history and meaning of the feast of the Epiphany

On January 19, the Church celebrates the great twelfth feast - Epiphany, or the Baptism of the Lord. This day is distinguished by a number of traditions and the well-known consecration of water. However, Epiphany bathing is not just a wellness procedure.

In every Orthodox country, church holidays reflect traditions, national mentality and historical culture. In Orthodox countries, for example, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Greece, it is customary to swim at Epiphany. Thanks to the tolerance and love of the Orthodox Church, many ancient good traditions have come down to our days.

The historical event of Baptism conveys the Gospel to us. On the banks of the Jordan River on the eve of one of the Jewish holidays, during which ritual ablutions were performed, John the Baptist began his prophetic ministry with the words that before washing with water one must be washed from sins. John the Baptist himself baptized people symbolically — after all, the Lord Jesus had not yet ascended the Cross and founded the Church — but called in such baptism to be cleansed from sins by the grace of God. After the Baptism of the Lord Jesus Christ in the Jordan, the earthly path of Christ's preaching began.

On the feast of Epiphany, holy water is consecrated by the Great Order, they pray to the Lord for the cleansing and sanctification of dwellings and hearts.

Holy water - Great Agiasma

The great consecration of water takes place once a year, on the great feast of the Baptism of the Lord, on January 18 and 19. At this time, the clergy of the temples located near rivers and reservoirs go out in a big procession to the hole and bless the water in it. Drinking water is also consecrated separately.

A small consecration of water can even be performed daily, so there is always free access to holy water in the temple. In addition, you can order a water-blessed prayer service in the temple or at home to pray for your well-being, help for your family. At the end of the prayer service, draw holy water with you into an empty clean bottle (but not from alcohol).

In case of illness in the morning, on an empty stomach, make it a rule to drink holy water and eat part of the prosphora (church unleavened bread with a seal from a cross on a flat top, from which particles are removed with the remembrance of people's names; the prosphora will be given to your loved ones or to you when submitting a note “On health » to the Liturgy, which also needs to be done for you if you are sick) with prayer
"God bless!" Or
“Lord, my God, let your holy gift be to me: prosphora and holy water for the forgiveness of my sins, the enlightenment of my mind, the strengthening of my spiritual and bodily strength, the health of my soul and body, deliverance from my vices and diseases through your boundless mercy and the prayers of Your Most Pure Mother and all Your Saints. Amen".

Holy water can also be added to food. Also, in case of illness, next to the bed, it is better to place the icons of the Most Holy Theotokos, the holy doctors - St. Luke of Crimea and the Great Martyr Panteleimon by the bed.

Heaven opens up

It is known that, according to pious tradition, the sky opens on Epiphany night and during January 18-19, water is blessed in all reservoirs. Therefore, people often ask if it is possible to wash at this time and what to do, since Heaven has opened.

Firstly, it is better to turn such a tradition for spiritual benefit: go outside at midnight for Epiphany, read the troparion to Baptism:

“You were baptized in the Jordan, O Lord, and at that time the worship of the Trinity was revealed to us: the voice of Your Parent testified of You, calling You the beloved Son, and the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove confirmed His words with immutability. Who appeared to us and enlightened the world, O Christ our God, glory to Thee!”

You can also use your own words to tell God about your difficulties and thank Him for His help and love.

Secondly, you can wash at Epiphany. Of course, if you are lucky, a bathhouse can also be heated at your parish and from it there will be an entrance to the ice hole. Therefore, if you bathe in a bathhouse for Baptism and want to plunge into a pond at the same time, overshadow yourself before dipping with a cross and say the prayer we have named “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.” You can also pour yourself in the bath from the basin with this prayer. At the same time, it is better to be dressed in swimming trunks or a swimsuit, otherwise it will turn out to be a strange ceremony, it is indecent to pray naked (you are still standing before God).

You can wash on Epiphany, but it makes no sense to pray while washing, since you have no clothes on. It is better to wash, and then, putting on clothes, pray and wash. It is even better to visit the temple, pray at the service, prepare and take communion, and then draw holy water.

During the consecration of water, the priest will immerse the cross in water. If you decide to take a dip, at the end of the prayer service, go into the tent, change into a swimsuit or swimming trunks (it is better to keep up appearances, you can also put on a long bathing shirt, which is sold in the church). When entering the water, hold on to the railing. If you have the strength, get baptized, saying: "In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit," and then dive headlong. Repeat three times and get out.

Divination for Christmas time

There are liturgical and pious baptismal traditions, and there are superstitions.
Almost every priest on the eve of Epiphany - and this is the time of Christmas time, when fortune-telling is accepted according to folk traditions - is asked to be allowed to tell fortunes. They say that there is nothing to forget folk traditions; they say that this is just a harmless game, and they even believe that this action is blessed by the Church, since it is done with prayer and sanctified with church objects (candles, incense).

But believe the centuries-old experience of the Church: there is no safe divination, just as there is no division into "white" and "black" magicians. Both the pastors of the Church and very famous saints have written many times about the dangers of predictions: “Do not be curious about the future, but make use of the present. If the future brings you something good, then it will come, although you did not know in advance. And if it is mournful, why languish with grief until the time? If you want to be sure of the future, fulfill what is prescribed by the Gospel Law and expect the enjoyment of blessings, ”these are the words of St. Basil the Great, spoken back in the 4th century.

We also note that many types of fortune-telling, especially on Christmas and Epiphany days, require the removal of a pectoral cross from oneself. It is proposed to remove the cross to the side, so as not to interfere with the upcoming "dialogue" - in fact, renounce God in order to talk with Satan! It must be constantly remembered that any prediction and magical statement necessarily leaves a mark on our lives, even if we just listen to them and consider them just a “game”.

The wise men went with gifts from fortune-telling, from “magic” to Christ, but fortune-tellers leave Christ.

Therefore, the fact that Heaven “opens” at Baptism does not mean that you need to guess. This is an expression meaning God's love for people, which at this time is clearly manifested. For example, an important Epiphany miracle is that, according to many people, holy water does not deteriorate for a whole year: scientists have even found that holy water has a changed molecular composition. This is a miracle of God, and not the effect of silver, from which temple crosses are made (after all, wooden crosses are often immersed in water).

The following are the correct baptismal traditions:

    Post before the holiday. On Epiphany Christmas Eve, according to the Charter of the Church, you can’t eat until the first star (if you don’t have the strength, eat), and then they ate kutya, as on Christmas - this is a sweet porridge with honey and dried fruits.

    On the eve of the holiday, January 18, they also went to the All-Night Vigil. Today, in some churches, it is performed at night, along with the Liturgy - again, as at Christmas. In most churches in the evening, on the eve of Epiphany, water is blessed in churches and reservoirs. Sometimes, in order not to endanger the night pond, it is consecrated only on January 19th.

    It is worth visiting the temple and coming to the Liturgy on January 19 in the morning, having prepared for Confession and Communion.

After the Liturgy, if the reservoir is consecrated and it is not far away, priests and parishioners solemnly go to it in a procession. The rite of consecration of water, which will be called the Great Agiasma (great shrine), is performed only by a priest. They will lower the cross into the hole three times, and then bless the people with it.

  • They consecrate, but not so solemnly, water in the temple. On this day, and often within three days or a week, large tanks are installed in the temples, and entire queues of people line up for them. Do not take a large volume of water - it can always be added to ordinary water with reverence. Make a donation for holy water: this is drinking water bought by the temple, because, although the Lord blesses the water, you need to beware: in no temple do they take water for Baptism simply from dirty reservoirs. It is purchased with donations from philanthropists.

An important Epiphany miracle is that, according to many people, holy water does not deteriorate for a whole year: scientists have even found that holy water has a changed molecular composition. This is a miracle of God, and not the effect of silver, from which temple crosses are made (after all, wooden crosses are often immersed in water).

May the Lord keep you and enlighten you!

Behind is a long series of holidays, and Orthodox Christians have one more ahead - the Baptism of the Lord. It is believed that on the night of January 19, the sky opens and all prayers, requests, desires up there, will be heard, and, hopefully, fulfilled. How not to believe such a seductive opportunity and not make a cherished wish "the bluest midnight"!?

They look into the magical night sky on Epiphany Christmas Evepreceding the holiday. However, before appearing before him, you need to put a bowl of water on the table and say at the same time: "at night the water itself sways"- this is a special sign. To check whether this is so or not, you need to neglect sleep and observe: if at midnight the water in the bowl really starts to move, then you need to hurry to look at the “open heavens” and ask, ask for your most cherished. They say it will come true.

In general, many folk signs and beliefs are associated with Christmas Eve. But modern women "from the legends of antiquity" can take advantage of a few. It was in ancient times that they loved to tell fortunes, and for this they had conditions. Especially in the villages. The girls from the haystacks collected pure snow in order to whiten their skin and become even more attractive after washing. This method is perhaps more accessible and simple for young ladies and ladies of our day. True, those Russian girls collected snow from stacks, according to folk rules, but on magical Epiphany days, probably, any pure snow has power. Epiphany snow is considered healing, they were treated for ailments, why not try to wash our faces with the stored snow for a while?

It is believed that the eve of the Epiphany is a time of special revelry of evil spirits. To protect yourself from it, on the doors in the house and buildings in the yard, if any, draw a cross with coal or chalk, after that no evil spirits will dare to enter your possessions. Nowadays, you should not be shy about such a ceremony, a lot of people know about it and willingly use it, so feel free to draw a cross with chalk on the doors of your home without thinking about how others will perceive it.

On Epiphany Christmas Eve, not only rituals and ritual actions were performed, this is a day of strict fasting. The hostesses cooked sochivo - lean porridge, vegetable pancakes, honey pancakes, kutya from rice, raisins, honey, washed down with compote, tea.

The night when the sky opens

On Epiphany, believers went in procession to the river to the "Jordan" - a cut-out cross-shaped or round hole, where the great consecration of water took place. Nowadays, this rite has noticeably more supporters - children, youth, women and men are interested in seeing the night miracles by the reservoir with their own eyes. The priest plunges the cross into ice water three times, prayers are read. After the consecrated water is taken into their dishes by everyone, those who are strong in body and spirit bathe in the hole, bringing obvious pleasure not only to themselves, but also to curious spectators. Those who plunged into the Epiphany river or lake water did not complain about the chilling cold, on the contrary, they spoke of the water as in the summer.

The great Orthodox holiday has two names - Epiphany and Epiphany. Both on Epiphany Christmas Eve and on the holiday, the great consecration of water is also performed in churches, and the water in its strength does not differ from water taken from a river hole. The lines to the temples, of course, far exceed those that gather at the reservoirs. If there is no opportunity to visit the temple during these great days, do not be discouraged. You can draw ordinary water from a tap or other source, but certainly on Epiphany night, and use it as consecrated in the church.

True, it is impossible to consider her a saint. Epiphany water has special properties - it does not deteriorate for several years, it is used to consecrate the body, dwellings, household items. It must be stored with reverence - in a special dish, in a dark place, it is better to take it on an empty stomach and always with a prayer on your lips. When accepting or giving Epiphany water, in no case should one swear, quarrel, or use foul language. From such an attitude, it deteriorates, loses holiness. Consecrated water is considered the best medicine for spiritual and bodily ailments. But women should not take it on critical days, but if a woman is sick, an exception to the rule is permissible, and let Epiphany water be a help!