Ways to memorize new words. The best techniques for memorizing English words. Technology of memorizing foreign words

When learning a foreign language, it is very important to constantly replenish your vocabulary - to memorize new and new words in English. However, not everyone succeeds in doing this. Here are seven tips to help you memorize new words in English more effectively.

Make associative networks

Our brain takes in what we read and transforms it into images, ideas and feelings, and then forms connections between new information and what we already know. This is how memorization takes place - the new is combined with the old.

Imagine a tree. Isn't it easier to see a large, spreading tree with many branches and leaves than a small tree with several branches? The same is true for the brain. When you combine a new word or concept with something you already know, it is easier for the brain to find it and remember it at the right time.

How to do it? Very simple. Draw a web of concepts. Take what you want to remember (word, idea, sentence) and write it in the center of the sheet. Then draw lines from it in all directions, like a spider's web.

At the end of each line, write down any English words, or even draw pictures that come to your mind when you think of the word written in the center. It doesn't matter what the associations are, just write down whatever you come up with.

It only takes a couple of minutes, and now all words or concepts will be interconnected in your brain. If you see or hear one of them, it will be easier for you to remember the rest.

To make it work even better, spell out how a particular word in English relates to others. The more often you do this, the more connections are formed. And the more connections, the easier it is for your brain to "see" the word you want to remember.

Memorize phrases (phrases)

Remembering a word is important, but English, like any other, is not just a collection of concepts, it is a tool that people use to communicate and express their thoughts. Find examples of how a particular word is used in the text.

Write down not only the word itself, but also the adjacent ones. For example, if you need to memorize the English word “arrogant”, you could write “the tall, arrogant man”.

This will help you remember that "arrogant" is an adjective used to describe people. Then try three complete sentences to practice using it.

Use pictures

Draw small pictures to memorize the meaning of the word. Can't draw? It's not scary, it's even better. Our brain receives so much monotonous information that a strange picture is a kind of surprise, and we always remember surprises.

Our brains are better at reading visual information. Draw a funny picture to illustrate the meaning of a word, and you will remember it much faster.

Compose stories

English learners often complain that there are too many new words and they are difficult to remember. There is one trick you can use to learn words quickly. Write any story, even a ridiculous one, in which every word in English is involved. Present it in detail.

We can easily remember stories, especially strange ones, if we can recreate them in our imaginations. Feel free to combine words in funny and awkward ways. Let's say you need to memorize the following 20 English words:

shoes, piano, tree, pencil, bird, bus, books, driver, dog, pizza, flower, door, TV set, spoons, chair, jump, dance, throw, computer, stone

(shoes, piano, wood, pencil, bird, bus, books, driver, dog, pizza, flower, door, TV, spoons, chair, jump, dance, throw, computer, stone)

You can make such an incredible story out of them:

There is a piano wearing shoes and sitting in a tree. The tree is strange because someone has stuck a giant pencil through it. On the pencil a bird is sitting and watching a bus full of people reading books.

Even the driver is reading a book which is bad because he isn’t paying attention to driving. So, he hits a dog that is eating a pizza in the middle of the road and kills it. The driver digs a hole and buries the dog in it and then puts a flower on it.

He notices that there is a door in the dog’s grave and opens it. Inside he can see a TV set with 2 spoons for antennas on top of it. No-one is watching the TV set because they are all watching the chair. Why? - Because the chair is jumping and dancing and throwing stones at the computer.

The piano is sitting on a tree with shoes. The tree looks strange because someone pierced it with a huge pencil. A bird sits on a pencil and looks at the bus full of people reading books.

Even the driver reads a book, which is bad, because he does not pay attention to the road. Therefore, he knocks to death a dog that was eating pizza in the middle of the road. The driver digs a hole and buries the dog, and then places a flower on top.

He notices that there is a door in the dog's grave and opens it. Inside, he sees a TV with two spoons on top, which act as antennas. Nobody watches TV because everyone is looking at the chair. Why? Because the chair jumps and dances and throws stones at the computer.

Try it. You yourself will be surprised!

Remember opposites

Memorize words in pairs with opposite meanings(antonyms) and words with similar meanings (synonyms). For example, memorize the pairs angry / happy and angry / cross at the same time. We remember similar and opposite things faster, as the brain creates connections between them.

Parse the word by composition

Use roots, prefixes and suffixes to guess what the word means.

For example: even if the word "microbiology" is unfamiliar to you, you can guess what it means. First, take a look at the "micro" prefix. Micro means something very small. You may know that the "-logy" part means science, the study of something.

So, we can already say that we are talking about learning something small. Also, you may remember that "bio" means the life of living things. Thus, we can conclude that "microbiology" is the science of microscopic living organisms.

It must be admitted that knowledge of a foreign language is indispensable for self-development and career growth in the modern world. Of course, to master it, you need to memorize many unfamiliar words, be it English, French, German, Chinese, Hindi, Swahili, Hausa or Quechua. Let's try to figure out how to work on vocabulary correctly and productively. What the virtual space guru advisesGoogle? The trainer-methodologist for the development of figurative memory Tatyana Nikolaevna Mazina will help us to understand this.

Relations with foreign languages, of course, were different for everyone. There are bilinguals whose brains are arranged in such a magical way that memorizing words is not difficult for them. There are those who, from childhood, had the opportunity to communicate in a linguistic environment. Some of us have had the opportunity to learn from talented teachers.

Someone was unlucky enough from school, when there was no motivation, the lessons seemed boring and sometimes turned into torture, and the ball thrown to you, the flight of which was accompanied by a question that caught by surprise, even more developed a persistent feeling of dislike for all foreign languages, without exception. Each of us has his own story of joy and disappointment, victories and defeats in learning English, German, French. Leaving in the distance the pain and bitterness of the previous negative experience, like people who, at a conscious age, decided to take up the development of the language thoroughly, let us dwell on some useful techniques.


A pretty standard way to learn any foreign words, also relevant for hieroglyphics. On the front side you need to write the word itself, and on the back side there is transcription and translation. Work with cards should be done regularly, otherwise you will have to wait a very long time for positive results. Important! The cards must be produced by yourself. Perhaps if you buy them in a store, they will be prettier and with funny pictures. However, the process of memorization is beneficially affected by your own hard work on creating them.


Attach tags or stickers to objects around you. Although with this approach only visual memory will be involved and the range of objects is limited, this method will allow you to learn the necessary words.


Pictures with signed words are known to help you learn new vocabulary. When words relate to a specific subject, we do not have to resort to translation into our own language. This is how a certain image is formed for us. Moreover, there are no difficulties with the required materials. Today we have at our disposal many dictionaries with pictures on various topics.


We must not forget that when mastering a language, learning to write is just as important as speaking, reading and listening. What to do in this case? If you want to write correctly - write, prescribe and rewrite... A better alternative to lines of words has not yet been invented.

The construction helps to simplify memorization somewhat. synonymous series or memorizing antonyms. An exercise in word formation, when we add all kinds of prefixes and postfixes to the word, can be a good help.


Quite a simple and effective way to memorize. Any word is assigned visual image... They say that the more non-standard your association, the better the new lexical unit will be remembered. Without such a method, it is very difficult to cope with hieroglyphics. For those who study Japanese, the Path of the Tailless Bird helps. And be sure to repeat! Otherwise, the association will not be fixed in memory.

Context and only context!

There is also another approach. Do not memorize words yourself, but master them in context. It is important to work with the memorized word by composing several sentences with it. It is necessary to pronounce the constructed phrases aloud several times. This will help not only to better remember the meaning of the word, but also to feel the linguistic situation in which its application will be most appropriate. In addition, such a simple technique helps to improve speaking skills and grammar.

Proverbs, tongue twisters, poems and songs

Do not forget about these useful things, as Tongue Twisters and proverbs... This is a very good way to learn new words.

Try to speak fluently several times: "You cuss, I cuss, we all cuss, for asparagus!" or "Seven slick slimey snakes slowly sliding southward"... As long as you hone your pronunciation of tongue twisters, while conscientiously working on speed, the words will be remembered by themselves. Just don't forget to translate them.

For the same purposes, you can use poems... Let's remember a wonderful rhyme in English "The house that Jack built"... With so many repetitions, willy-nilly, new words will be remembered.

This can also include songs... Especially uncomplicated. At the level of preschool and primary education, this method of memorization is used quite often. Why not use it now? Then language learning will be much less burdensome. And you can understand that the learning process can be fun too.


You can't write off the benefits of games. This helps an adult as much as a child. Word game "Broken phone", "gallows"(Hangman), crossword puzzles are pretty good ways. Active play works best when you are in a group.

We do not ignore technical progress!

There are many applications for memorizing new words! In a free minute or during a trip in transport, you can quickly repeat the words on the cards and take a short test to understand which of the new words you have already mastered, and which still need to be worked on. These applications include Anki... It will always remind you that it's time to work on the words a little. There are versions for both Android and iOS. And, importantly, cards in Anki can be created by yourself, so it can be used to study different languages, and also add pictures for clarity.

The work of the application is also based on spaced repetitions. Memrise... The words in it are also voiced. For some of them, there is even a video. Available for Android and iOS.

There are special applications for memorization phrasal verbs , and there are always plenty of difficulties with them. For example, for Android it is English Idioms and Phrases, and for iOS it is English Idioms Illustrated.

Don't forget to be emotional.

If you fill the word alive emotion By the way, it doesn't have to be positive, the memorization process will be more effective. The lexical unit will quickly go into your active vocabulary from the passive one. The main condition is that the feeling you are experiencing should be bright.

These simple techniques will help you streamline your work and memorize new vocabulary with the least amount of time loss. This is what the omniscient Google says. And on this we could put an end to our story. But no. That's not all. Since we adhere to a scientific approach to any issue and are not ready to take everything for granted, we will ask our expert about the methods of memorization, trainer-methodologist for the development of figurative memory of the training campaign of the VOC Tatyana Nikolaevna Mazina.

Expert opinion

Memorizing new words is pretty global problem... We have been learning the language for 8 years, and in the end we speak and read with a dictionary. Several criticisms of the advice presented can be made right away. Of course, you cannot learn words outside the text. Knowledge of a foreign language is not only knowledge of words, but the ability to explain one's thoughts with the help of competently built speech forms. Therefore, learning foreign words is only necessary in context. The word must be "Alive"... Highly useful wayuse pictures... With their help, we immediately form an image. Although, of course, not all words can be matched with these pictures. Visual images are also good for remembering spelling, but without speaking it will be ineffective. Words should be heard.

Need to remember clear rule: when learning a foreign language, it is necessary to read texts only aloud, pronouncing words and sentences.

As for associations in our textbooks, this technique is often suggested, but usually incorrect. Associations should be unusual. It's right. However, there are certain laws that will allow you to assign an association to the word. It must necessarily correlate with the meaning of the word.

Tongue twisters, songs, poems- are always good, just like games. Helps to memorize words and solve crosswords. There is nothing wrong with that. Any work in excess of the norm will be useful. But the inscriptions on objects from this list can be safely excluded. It doesn't make much sense. At best, the words will be remembered only visually. Moreover, they are usually never spoken.

Let's focus on three fundamentally important points that you should pay attention to when mastering a language.

1) A foreign language in your home should be spoken as often as possible. You need to regularly read, listen to music, watch films with subtitles. Use native speech as little as possible.

2) It is important to read at least 1 page of text aloud a day. You can do without translation, but there should be no more than 1/3 of unfamiliar words in it. At the initial stage, you should not take too complex texts. If you are serious about learning a language, the page should be read twice. When a person comes across unfamiliar words during the first reading, he can refer to the dictionary and read the transcription. Situations often occur when we are visually memorizing a word, but cannot pronounce it correctly. The second time, the process will go smoother, now without errors.

3) And the most important note. You can never memorize a foreign word, and then its Russian translation. Just the opposite should be done. Read first Russian word... Then present its clear image, its specific meaning. Only then can you read a foreign word and apply some special methods to memorize it.

And be sure reiteration... There are rational systems of repetition and entry of information into long-term memory... It is important to know that the largest drop in information occurs in the first 12 and 24 hours. Therefore, you need to repeat the words in the following mode. Learned - immediately repeated. We fixed all the errors. Then it was repeated after 20 minutes, 8 hours and after 24 hours. So the new vocabulary will remain in long-term memory.

It is important to learn words only from texts. The word must work. Why should you always say everything out loud? Our receptivity immediately increases. The memory starts working at once through 3 channels: I see, I hear, I speak. This is how we learn to perceive the language by ear and speak at the same time. We prepare the speech apparatus so that it can be used with ease. Gradually, we begin to better understand the psychology, rules and logic of constructing phrases, to get used to how words are arranged in the form of a sentence, in what order. "

Well, most of the Google tips have been helpful. But let's pay attention to the fact that these are additional ways of memorization, which should be based on a fairly clear methodology. Taking up the development of a foreign language, you need to competently carry out systematic work... Our expert told us how to build the right base. Everything else is additional funds. When we learn a foreign language, the memorization of new words occurs constantly: while reading, listening, writing letters and essays.

Learn new words in a fun way! Be sure to try different techniques memorization, find your own and combine them. Then progress will not be long in coming. And remember the main recommendation of our expert: "Speech in the target language should be heard every day!"

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Many who begin to learn a language, from the very beginning, wonder how to memorize foreign words easily, quickly and with pleasure, so that they can speak a foreign language immediately.

Technology of memorizing foreign words

First of all, one most important remark - this technology of memorizing foreign words is configured in such a way that you need to quickly learn words in the direction of "foreign - Russian", that is, we look at a foreign word and remember its meaning in Russian, but not vice versa!

As soon as you decide to speak a foreign language quickly, the question arises of how to memorize foreign words hundreds of a day? This is not always possible, because words by themselves cannot jump into the head. You always need someone to put them there or enter them into memory like in a computer.

Stage 1 Working with foreign words

At the stage of working with foreign words, we choose, divide and memorize foreign words.

1) Choose a portion of words to memorize in the amount of one hundred pieces!

I want to note right away that 100 is the maximum maximum, at least for me. Maybe if this technique starts to work for you, you can immediately quickly learn words and overcome 200 and 300, but for a start it is better not to take more than 50-60. Limit your speed!

2) Divide the portion into five parts

This is akin to separate meals, so that not everything at once, but all day, but little by little. Please note - the parts must be equal! Therefore, in order to quickly learn words, initially take such an amount that is divisible by 5 without a remainder!

3) memorize words

Of course, you need to memorize as much as possible, because the art of quickly learning words requires great accuracy! In total, memorizing the words from the first part will take you no more than 30 seconds!

Short-term memory mechanism

How does the short-term memory mechanism work at stage 1? 30 seconds is a very significant figure! It is directly related to our short-term memory, which allows and does not allow us to quickly learn words. Why? But because short-term memory is like a computer's RAM, only in humans it is very quickly overloaded.

Well, judge for yourself, how can you quickly learn words if this memory holds information for only 30 seconds, and it remembers from 2 to 26 units of information for these half a minute! This cannot even be compared with the first computers of the 1980s.

But! Man is not a machine, so his memory has some other interesting possibilities! For example, she doesn't care how long the word you memorize! That is, if we have seven letters, seven words and seven phrases, memorization will be the same! Moreover, the preference is given to longer information. So it's better to quickly learn not single words, but whole expressions!

Impairment of short-term memory

And one more important circumstance - a deterioration in short-term memory may occur, short-term memory will not work if you, having started to quickly learn words, begin to repeat the word that you just memorized many times! The memory will just overflow and freeze.

In other words, if you repeat one word for more than 30 seconds, then it will simply be erased from your short-term memory and will not go into long-term memory in any way! And in reality, even if one learns words very quickly, a person is unlikely to be able to repeat one word with such a speed 10-20 times in half a minute.

Hence the conclusion - make the primary element longer - quickly learn not the word itself, but the phrase in context. It is more pleasant for memory and more useful in order for you to quickly learn to speak a foreign language. The number of foreign words and expressions that you memorize in "one sitting" should be limited.

If you increase it even a little bit, you will immediately begin to forget everything.

How is the process of remembering in the brain

How does the process of memorization take place in the brain and what can improve it or, conversely, damage it? We do not repeat, we remember! Moreover, look - we memorize from 2 to 26 units in "one sitting"! Therefore, do not overload initially - after all, additional blocks random access memory you do not have. Pause! Memorized words from one part - do not rush to the next!

Slow down and switch to some neutral process, not related to the desire to quickly learn words. The pause must be at least ten minutes! You need to "recharge" your short-term memory and open the long-awaited door to long-term memory.

During these ten minutes, you unconsciously begin to quickly learn and repeat the words you just memorized. Slowly "cooling" the brain gives you a unique opportunity to increase the time of finding new words in short-term memory up to a day - one and a half!

Stage two: rhythm, contexts, repetition

In the second stage, we have to learn how to work with rhythm, include words in contexts and repeat correctly.

1) We repeat the words!

10 minutes after memorizing the first part of the words, put a paper sheet on the translation, go over the words with your eyes and check how you remember them. Don't worry if you missed something. Catch up on everything in the next steps!

2) Knock the rhythm!

We take something evenly and loudly ticking, for example, a metronome - mechanical, electrical, computer or something like that. If there is none, boldly arm ourselves with a pencil and start knocking a rhythm of 1 beat per second. Likewise, set the rhythm on the metronome to 60 beats per minute.

And so, with each such blow, we look at the word that we have memorized and try to recognize it. Knock-word, knock-word, knock-word ... and off we go. At the same time, we mentally count how many words have already passed. If at this second we cannot remember the word, we leave it and move on to the next. Our task here is to keep up with the rhythm!

Why are we doing this at all? And then, in order to just turn on the internal resources of the brain and long-term memory, which activates the ability to quickly learn words. We kind of put ourselves into a "language trance", as we concentrate on the rhythm, and all our fears and inner criticism stand fooled and they cannot interfere with us at this moment. At the same time, the mechanisms of word recognition and its deeper memorization are activated.

All actions, starting from Step 4, are recorded by the clock - how much time you need to go through all these steps. In the future, it will be possible to quickly learn words and plan the number of words to memorize in the total portion.

3) We work with the following parts of words

We move on to the second and subsequent parts of the words from our portion and repeat the first stage. Remember the 10 minute pause after the first memorization of each part! And so quickly we learn words and study the whole portion!

4) Check the entire portion!

We do it very simply - we read all the words that we have memorized and repeated. This step is important because we summarize a kind of result of our "brainstorming" and "clean up the tails", that is, we recall those words that have already been forgotten.

As a result, it should take you no more than one hour to learn words quickly. How many words you can memorize and repeat during this time is up to you, but be prudent. Quantity does not mean quality at all.

What should you do now, after you have studied the entire verbal portion? You must start the process of loading the learned material into long-term memory. This is done using spaced repetitions in order to "push" information from short-term memory even deeper.

How not to forget foreign words

The answer to the question of how not to forget foreign words can be spaced repetitions. Interval repetitions are repetitions of a learned portion of words at regular intervals, after which this tasty portion is remembered seriously and for a long time.

When you started to quickly learn words, you already repeated them once - each part 10 minutes after memorization. Now you repeat the entire batch as follows:

First repetition - after 24 hours

Second repetition 24 hours after the first

Third repetition - 24 hours after the second

The fourth and final repetition is 2-3 months after the third!

Do not be confused by such a long break in repetitions - in reality you will be able to remember the words even after a year! So don't worry about your memory! The main thing is to go through all four intervals!

Okay, you passed the first portion, but what about the rest? After all, on the next day you will take the next portion, on the third day - another one, and then another and another! How not to drown in this avalanche of words that suddenly rush into your consciousness and completely confuse your cards?

Everything is very simple! You will need not only to quickly learn the words themselves, but also to streamline the process of learning foreign words and their repetition.
To do this, designate each portion with a serial number from 1 to infinity and put these numbers on the calendar, according to the repetition intervals.

Enter the serial number of the portion right in the date window and that's it! Just do not forget under which number which portion of words is hidden By the way, the portion number can be initially written down in the very source of these words.

Can I learn a foreign language on my own?

Having learned how to quickly memorize foreign words, the question immediately arises - is it possible to learn a foreign language on your own? What can I say? The technique works! The brain accelerates, but it does it gradually, as if spinning up the speed, but then it may not stop.

I quickly learned words and in about one week I reached the level of 50 words per hour, but then I already felt the strain of my brain, a kind of “burning out” of it. You know, I read that simultaneous interpreters in their work change every half hour, because their brain simply cannot withstand a longer time due to constant tension and concentration.

Something similar is felt here too! At first, in general, everything goes quite difficult and unpleasant. Everything inside refuses to quickly learn words and longs for the familiar cramming of words, which then happily disappear from memory.

However, after several days of such accelerations, the body gets used to it and the first results begin to come. Even later, it is tempting to quickly learn words and swing this flywheel to the maximum, but here I would recommend that you take your time.

The number of words in a portion needs to be increased little by little, and even then if you see that your technique has "gone". How much this quantity should be is up to you, but think for yourself! For me, the optimal portion is 50-60 words, well, it's like the permitted speed in settlements.

Now about how often you need to apply this technique. Who wants to quickly learn words "with a breeze" at 200 per hour, evaluate your capabilities to start. After some testing, I am deeply convinced that it should not be your basic way of learning foreign words.

It would be very uncomfortable for me if every time during memorization and repetition, I accelerated all my neurons, and then would calm them down for a long time. This is somehow fraught, I think ... The technique is unambiguously effective at the basic stage of vocabulary typing. This is where you need to quickly learn words in order to quickly start speaking a foreign language and learn to comprehend a foreign language by ear!

It is also possible to quickly learn words and apply the “two hundred words per hour” technique at the stage of mastering thematic vocabulary, that is, on some specific topics and areas, where there are many words and most of them are specific terms.

Luca Lampariello

Italian polyglot. Knows 11 languages, including German, Russian, Polish, Mandarin. Lampariello became famous person in the language learning community. He currently resides in Rome.

Finding associations is a process by which new information is linked to existing knowledge.

One piece of information can have thousands of associations with memories, emotions, experiences, and individual facts. This process naturally occurs in the brain, but we can take it under conscious control.

To do this, let's go back to the aforementioned words: “gene”, “cell”, “synapse”, “skeleton” ... If we memorize them separately, we will soon forget everything. But if we learn these words in the context of a sentence, it will be much easier for us to put them together in our mind. Think about it for 10 seconds and try to connect these four words.

You may end up with something similar: "Genes influence the development of such different elements as the skeleton, brain synapses and even individual cells." All four words are now united by a common context - like pieces in a puzzle.

Approach these exercises progressively. First, try to combine groups of words that are united by a certain topic, such as physics or politics. Then try to build more complex associations between unrelated words. You will get better with practice.

3. Repetition

More than a hundred years ago, the German physicist Ebbinghaus came to the conclusion that we forget information according to a certain scheme, which he called the "forgetting curve". We perfectly remember everything that we have recently learned. But the same information disappears from memory in a matter of days.

Ebbinghaus discovered a mechanism to combat this phenomenon.

If new information is repeated at precise intervals, it will become more and more difficult to forget it. After a few spaced repetitions, it will become entrenched in long-term memory and, most likely, will remain in the head forever.

You need to regularly repeat the old information while working with the new one.

4. Recording

The ancient Romans said: "The words fly away, the written remains." That is, in order to remember information, you need to fix it in a permanent format. As you learn new words, write them down or type on the keyboard to save and come back to them later.

When faced with a new useful word or phrase during a conversation, watching a movie or reading a book, enter it into your smartphone or laptop. Thus, you can repeat what you have recorded whenever you need it.

5. Application

Use what you learn in meaningful conversations. This is the essence of the last of the basic methods for effective word learning.

University of Montreal researchers Victor Boucher and Alexis Lafleur discovered Honor Whiteman. Repeating words aloud to another person increases memory recall. that using words in conversation is more effective in terms of memorization than saying them out loud to yourself.

In other words, the more you communicate with other people, the better your linguistic memory works and the faster the level of language proficiency grows. Therefore, always use the material you have learned in real conversations. This method will greatly improve your skills and provide experience in using new and long-learned words.

Let's say you've read an article on a topic that interests you. You can choose unfamiliar words from it and apply them later in a short conversation with your language partner. You can mark and learn keywords, and then retell the content of the article with their help. See how well you learn the material after the conversation.

Starkova E.V., Abalymov Kirill, Naumov Denis

Work on the philology and psychology of grade 4 pupils, where a theoretical study of the methods of memorizing foreign words was carried out, was carried out research among classmates and highlighted the best methods for memorizing foreign words for primary school age.



District scientific and practical conference of junior schoolchildren

Section "Philology"

student of grade 4b GBOU NSh p. Krasnoarmeyskoe,

Denis Naumov,

student of grade 4a GBOU NSh p. Krasnoarmeyskoe

Head: Elena Vladilenovna Starkova,

foreign language teacher of the highest category

GBOU NSh s. Krasnoarmeyskoe

from. Krasnoarmeyskoe, 2014

Introduction …………………………………………………………… .2 p.

Chapter 1. Results of our research ………………………… ..4 pages. Chapter 2. The process of memorizing foreign words ………… ...…… .... 5 p.

Chapter 3. Modern methods and ways to memorize foreign words

………………………………………………………………………….. 8 pp.

Chapter 4. Better ways memorizing foreign words ………… 10 p.

Conclusion ………………………………………………………… 13 p.

References and Internet sources ……………………… ... 15 pp.

Appendix …………………………………………………………… .16 p.


For the knowledge of the mores of any people

Try first of all to learn his language.


From the second grade we study a foreign language - we learn to read, write, listen, translate, speak.But a person can learn all this only if he memorizes individual words, becausein the Encyclopedic Dictionary, the concept of "word" is defined as follows: "A word -alone from the basic units of the language,clerk for naming objects, persons, processes, properties ”(6, 1225). It is clear that it is impossible to learn a language without memorizing its words.

There are many works on the Internet and on the shelves of bookstores devoted to this problem. Basically, they are about learning English, and there are almost no recommendations for German. In addition, it is most often an advertisement. language courses, or almost all articles are aimed at adults, and not at primary school children like us, and because of this, many methods are too difficult to understand and master. Therefore, the search for the best, that is, understandable and easy to learn by children of 8 - 10 years old, ways of memorizing foreign words is very important.

The purpose of the presented work is to find ways of memorizing foreign words for children of primary school age.

To achieve the goal, the following tasks are set:

Conduct a survey among classmates and find out what methods they use to memorize foreign words;

Analyze the methods of memorizing foreign words proposed in various sources;

Choose methods suitable for children 8 - 10 years old - easy to learn and save time;

Prepare memos for all students with recommendations on what methods of memorizing foreign words can be used;

Assess the effectiveness of our work, based on the feedback from fourth-graders.

The hypothesis of our work is the assumption that there are methods suitable for primary school age to quickly and firmly memorize words of a foreign language.

Research methods:

Search (aimed at working with methods proposed in different sources);


Theoretical analysis.

The significance of this work lies in the fact that primary school students, having become acquainted with the methods of quickly memorizing foreign words, will apply them in practice, which will improve academic performance and increase interest in learning a foreign language. Mastering the technique of memorizing foreign words will significantly reduce the time required to learn German or English.

Sources of information: psychological and encyclopedic dictionaries, books and scientific articles on techniques for memorizing foreign words, various Internet sources, including Wikipedia and electronic dictionaries.

Chapter 1

Results of our research

In order to choose the most effective ways and techniques of memorizing words, we compiled a questionnaire and conducted a survey among classmates. Our questions were answered by 48 pupils of grades 4a and 4b of the State Budgetary Educational Institution NSh p. Krasnoarmeiskoe, studying German and english languages... Three questions were asked: 1. How much time do you need to memorize 10 foreign words? 2. How do you memorize foreign words? What methods do you use? 3. Do you want to learn new ways of memorizing foreign words?

It turned out that only one student spends 10 minutes to memorize 10 foreign words, 75% spend about half an hour, 17% - almost an hour, and another student (4%) - more than an hour. Maybe it takes so much time to memorize just 10 foreign words because schoolchildren use ineffective memorization methods? We asked the children to describe how the process of memorizing new words takes place. Here are the answers we received: “I read a word many times and say it until I remember it”, “I learn from a dictionary”, “I read words in German, then in Russian, then I copy them in German and translate”, “I repeat many times ". Thus, all our classmates use two methods of memorizing words: cramming (that is, multiple repetitions of a word) and memorizing from a dictionary, when a word written with their own hand is repeated in German or in English (the translation is closed), then the Russian translation is recalled foreign word. We concluded that both of these methods of memorization are not convenient enough, as students have to spend a lot of time memorizing words. And 98% of those surveyed want to learn new ways of memorizing foreign words. Therefore, we decided to get acquainted with new ways of memorizing foreign words, choose those that suit us and offer them to our classmates.

Chapter 2

The process of memorizing foreign words

Memorization is the processes that ensure the retention of material in memory. Memorization is the most important condition for the subsequent restoration of newly acquired knowledge (4, 62).The process of memorizing any information is subject to the following laws of memory (12):

Memory law

Practical implementation techniques

Law of interest

Interesting things are easier to remember.

The law of comprehension

The deeper you become aware of the memorized information, the better it will be remembered.

Installation law

If a person has given himself the installation to remember information, then memorization will happen easier.

The law of action

The information involved in the activity (i.e., if knowledge is applied in practice) is remembered better.

Context law

With the associative linking of information with already familiar concepts, the new is assimilated better.

Inhibition law

When studying similar concepts, the effect of "overlap" of old information with new one is observed.

Optimal row length law

The length of the memorized row for better memorization should not be much greater than the volume of short-term memory.

Edge law

The information presented at the beginning and at the end is best remembered.

The law of repetition

The information that is best remembered isrepeated several times .

Unfinished actions, tasks, unsaid phrases, etc. are best remembered.

Ziganov MA, Kozarenko VA, Semin AN in their book "Technique of memorizing foreign words" believe that memorizing a new word means forming a stable connection between the visual image and the word denoting it. "Active memorization of a word means the formation of four stable connections: between the audible word and the image, between the written word and the image, between the image and the pronunciation of the word, between the image and the spelling of the word"(3,24).

The study of human memory and numerous memorization experiments carried out by scientists in many countries of the world make it possible to highlight the main features that are important when memorizing foreign words. So, in the process of teaching a foreign language, short-term memory is primarily involved. It is arranged in such a way that for effective work with new words it is necessary (7):

1. Dispense the amount of information memorized at a time. The increase in volume leads to the fact that the material is "layered", which leads to the loss of information.

2. Arrange pauses while memorizing, during which you need to try to give the brain a break. Scientists believe that during such periods of rest, there is an unconscious repetition of new words, which leads to successful memorization. However, it is worth noting that prolonged repetition of words, their cramming, do not give a positive effect - the brain is busy processing the information you say and cannot carry out the necessary unconscious repetition! In general, the repetition pattern should look like this - repeating new words after 10 minutes, and then mandatory repetition after 24 hours. This will allow new words to remain in our memory for a long time.

3. Memorize words in blocks or learn groups of phrases. On average, a person can easily memorize blocks of information consisting of seven words.

4. Distribute words into blocks so that they are as heterogeneous as possible. Words having characteristic signs that create vivid pictures are much easier to remember (7). Surely everyone noticed that the moment, day, occasion, meeting at which something unusual and bright happened is best remembered. The method of vivid images and unusual associations is the basis for effective memorization of foreign words. By connecting in your mind some word with a colorful image, preferably an unusual one, you can greatly facilitate the memorization of words. It may not be a still picture, but a small event, during which the hero takes some action, is influenced by something. Recreating then small "films" in memory, it is much easier to remember a group of words, and the more unusual the picture, the easier the brain will remember it.


Modern methods and ways of memorizing foreign words

Today there are many ways and methods of memorizing foreign words. We got to know some of them.

Kato Lomb, a professional translator from Hungary who has mastered 16 languages ​​on her own, in her book How I Learn Languagesgives the generally accepted way of memorizing words: “in the left column we write foreign words in a notebook, in the right - the words corresponding to them native language... We close one side or the other with our palm in turn: the eyes look, the lips move - and this way we can memorize the words ”(5, 46). Another way could be called "dictionary". Its adherents are people with the most opposite personalities. It is about learning words directly from the dictionary. Some words are easier to remember, while others are somehow more difficult. The first reason for this is very simple: it is easier to remember the word with which we often communicate in our native language, moreover, the knowledge acquired as a result of some effort is much more durable than that obtained in finished form. The second reason lies in the word itself, in its content. The easiest to remember are those nouns that denote a specific subject (5, 62).

Ekaterina Vasilieva in his book 2000 English Words in 1 Week. A unique memorization technique "believes that the acceleration of the memorization process occurs due to the" keys "that are matched to each word, that is, the 500 most necessary words of a foreign language - 500 keys for memorization. This method is as follows: to a foreign word you need to choose keyword from a native language that will sound like it (3, 248).

There are many more different theories and techniques that are designed to facilitate the memorization of foreign words. From traditional mnemonic schemes, the structural method to very exotic ones, like the 25th frame or memorizing in a dream.

There is also a known rhythmic memorization method, in which the main goal is not to comprehend the word, but to repeat it in a certain rhythm. The result is an effect akin to the one in which lovers of foreign music can easily memorize the words of dozens of songs in a foreign language, often not guessing about their meaning. Or a simulation method in which trainees must depict a certain action and name the words associated with it. However, this requires a lot of imagination and a certain acting skill, so this method is not available to everyone.

Technical capabilities allow today to install on a computer special programs - simulators for memorizing words. Often, such programs come with a foreign language textbook. Performing simple exercises, anyone can master foreign words - there would be a desire and time!

Whichever method a person chooses, there are no easy ways to learn a foreign language. Experiments carried out by scientists have clearly shown that any memorization method without the active work of the student does not give results. Sheets with new words hung everywhere, if you do not pay attention to them and do not work with them, will not increase your vocabulary in any way. Any best computer program, if not practiced regularly, will not yield any results.

Chapter 4

The best ways to memorize foreign words

After familiarizing ourselves with the many methods of memorizing foreign words, we have selected those that are most suitable for schoolchildren of our age. We designed the selected tips in the form of reminders that we distributed to our classmates (see Appendix 1).

So, our chosen ways of memorizing foreign words:

# 1: Keyword

New words can be memorized using the keyword method. This method is very simple and it consists in the following: for a foreign word you need to choose a keyword from your native language that will sound similar to it.

For example, you need to remember the word "Brille" (translated as glasses). Let's use the keyword method. To do this, take a few steps:

1. We are looking for a keyword. To do this, close our eyes and repeat the word Brille several times. What word from the Russian language does it resemble? It seems very much like a "diamond". This word will be our key.

2. Present the situation. This means that you need to come up with a mini-story in which the keyword (in our case, the diamond) and the translation word (in our case, the glasses) will interact. For example: you were given a gift: GLASSES, but not simple and not even gold, but BRILLIANT. More precisely, instead of glasses there are two huge diamonds. We mentally create a picture that displays a fictitious situation (8).

# 2: Memorization

It is very similar to the first method. Using images and associations to memorize these words can increase both the speed and reliability of memorization. The basic idea is simple. An image is created based on the sound of a foreign word.

The resulting image is associated with the meaning of this word using the method of associations. If you need to use a word memorized in this way, you use the association to extract the desired image from memory and restore its sound. For example: To German "bunt" (motley) - Russian "revolt". To the English word "all" (all) - Olive (9).

# 3: Cards

This method is very simple and popular. You learn words from cards, on which the word and its translation are signed on different sides. A positive point is the ability to learn words not only at home, but also far beyond its borders, using your free time to your advantage. You can divide words by subject, which will allow you not to carry all the cards at once.

# 4: Stickers

One of the oldest ways to memorize words is to stick stickers with foreign words written on them on the corresponding objects. As you use these items, you automatically learn new words without much effort. The main disadvantage of this method is the limited number of words on a specific topic (in most cases, this is "Home") (10).

# 5: Actions

# 6: Dictaphone

# 7: Practice

№8: Use the power of your emotions

Emotions are the reactions of humans and animals to the effects of internal and external stimuli, which have a pronounced color and cover all types of sensitivity and experiences (4, 289).To quickly and easily remember new foreign words, try to associate them with something that is important to you, evokes feelings (11).

# 9: You just have to want!

So, a clearly set goal, faith in yourself and careful work on yourself will definitely give a positive result, and one day you will understand that learning a foreign language is real and interesting!


So, having studied some of the methods and techniques of memorizing foreign words, we have chosen the most suitable, in our opinion, for the age of a younger student. We offered these tips to our classmates in the form of a memo.To assess the effectiveness of our work, three weeks after handing out the handouts to our classmates, we again interviewed 47 fourth-graders to find out if our advice was liked and useful. 96% answered that they were interested in new ways of memorizing foreign words. 38 people have already applied the proposed methods in practice (this is 80%), the rest are planning to use some advice in the future. As a result, 31 fourth-graders began to spend less time memorizing words: the number of those who needed an hour or more dropped from 21% to 8%. The "Keyword" and "Memorization" methods turned out to be especially convenient for the children.

The goal set before us - to find ways of memorizing foreign words for children of primary school age - has been achieved.

The tasks have been completed:

A survey was conducted among classmates and it was found that to memorize foreign words, our peers use cramming and memorization by vocabulary, so most of them spend a lot of time on homework, and almost everyone wanted to learn about new ways of memorization;

The methods of memorizing foreign words proposed in the books of Kato Lomb and Ekaterina Vasilyeva, as well as on numerous Internet sites, are analyzed;

Selected methods suitable for children 8 - 10 years old - easy to learn and save time;

Prepared and distributed reminders for all students of grade 4 with recommendations on what methods of memorizing foreign words can be used;

A survey was conducted, which showed that many of our classmates liked the new methods of memorization and are already using them.

The hypothesis of our work - the assumption that there are methods suitable for primary school age to quickly and firmly memorize words of a foreign language - has been confirmed.


  1. Averina E.D. "Foreign language in 200 hours (work system for self-study)" M .: AST, 1994. - 129 p.
  2. E. Vasilieva “300 English words in 1 day. Unique memorization technique " M .: AST, 2008 .-- 480 p.
  3. Ziganov MA, Kozarenko VA, Semin AN "Technique of memorizing foreign words" M .: Education, 2002. - 144 p.
  4. Karpenko L.A., Petrovsky A.V., Yaroshevsky M.G. "Brief psychological dictionary" Rostov-on-Don: "PHOENIX", 1998. - 318 p.
  5. Lomb Kato "How I Study Languages" M .: Progress, 1978. - 100 p.

    Material prepared by:

    Abalymov Kirill,

    Denis Naumov,

    Starkova E.V.

    GBOU NSh s. Krasnoarmeyskoe,


    In addition to the well-known multiple repetition and memorization from the dictionary, try to apply the following methods of memorizing foreign words:

    # 1: Keyword

    For a foreign word, you need to choose a keyword from your native language that will sound similar to it.

    For example, you need to remember the word "Brille" (translated as glasses). Let's use the keyword method. To do this, take a few steps:

    We are looking for a keyword. To do this, close our eyes and repeat the word Brille several times. It seems very much like a "diamond". This word will be our key. We present the situation.

    For example: you were given a gift: GLASSES, but not simple, but BRILLIANT. More precisely, instead of glasses there are two huge diamonds. We mentally create a picture that reflects a fictitious situation.

    # 2: Memorization

    It is very similar to the first method. An image is created based on the sound of a foreign word. The resulting image is associated with the meaning of this word using the method of associations.

    # 3: Cards

    Learn words from cards, on which write a foreign word and its translation from different sides.

    # 4: Stickers

    Paste stickers with foreign words written on them on the corresponding items. As you use these items, you automatically learn new words.

    # 5: Actions

    Convenient for memorizing verbs. You learn a verb in a foreign language - perform the action it denotes and say it out loud.

    # 6: Dictaphone

    We speak and write on a dictaphone (and it is in every phone) with the translation of a few words, listen to them at any convenient time and repeat.

    # 7: Practice

    Practice is the most important thing! Try watching a well-known cartoon or movie with sound in the foreign language you are learning!

    # 8: Harness the Power of Your Emotions

    To quickly and easily remember new foreign words, try to associate them with something that is important to you, evokes feelings.

    # 9: You just have to want!

    Any business will be more successful if there is some purpose, reason, motivation for it. Therefore, to begin with, set a goal for yourself, find what you need to learn a foreign language for. And you will succeed!