Aromatherapy history and tradition. History and methods of aromatherapy. Chronology of studying the properties of essential oils

Aromatherapy - this is the art of using natural essential oilsaimed at maintaining and strengthening the physical, mental and emotional human health. It is not by chance that its name "aromatherapy" takes from two Greek words meaning - "treatment of smells."

In the epoch ancient civilizations The use of incense was developed very high. They were used in China, Egypt, Persia, India and others.

Ancient texts have reached this day, written about three thousand years ago, which contains a large number of plants with their healing properties, as well as methods for their preparation and use.

The ancient Egyptians pay great attention to cosmetology and perfumery. Some herbal drugs included more than 20 components and served simultaneously as ointment, perfume and medicine. In the cosmetic purposes of the Egyptians used aromatic oils, as a mandatory part of their beauty ritual. Cleopatra took the aromatic baths daily and rubbed her body with essential oils of jasmine, musk and sandalwood. Currently, it is proved that these essential oils are strongest aphrodisiacs.

Then he moved to the study of oils of other plants, and revealed that each of them possesses pronounced healing properties.

His student and follower Dr. Jin Walna Being a military doctor during World War II used essential oils as antiseptics for the treatment of wounds. Then he continued the case of a teacher, engaged in the study of essential oils and their use in the treatment of various diseases, both physical and mental. So in 1964 a book called "Aromatherapy" appeared.

Science "Aromatherapy" since then continues to be studied and developed. And in modern medicine, essential oils are successfully used in a complex with other types of treatment.

A, now a few specific facts on the basis of the research results in the Japanese aromatic company.

The volunteers were the usual operators for setting text. Managed to set the following:

  1. when exposed to essential oil, lavender typo reduced by 20%
  2. upon exposure to the workers of the etheric oil of jasmine errors decreased by 33%
  3. when inhalation of lemon essential oil, errors fell by 54%

In a positive result, with regular use of essential oils, everyone can make sure.

Thanks to modern ultrasound diffusers, it became possible to carry out aromatherapy sessions at home, at the cottage, in a bath or even in the office. Due to the aroma, the release of the microparticles of essential oils, which are written in the air, without leaving traces on the furniture. Device security (Aromadifusor is equipped with a sensor, which will automatically turn off the lamp, in case the liquid end) allows the use of aromalamp in children's rooms.

You should only decide on we wish the result and choose the desired essential oil or a mixture of them. Aromatherapy helps: normalize sleep, speed up the process of recovery, strengthen the immune system, eliminate the alarm, feeling of fear and anxiety, stabilize arterial pressure, charge the energy, increase the sexual attraction, etc.

Do not postpone this useful procedure, order Aromadifusor right now and get essential oil as a gift!

The history of aromatherapy. How to appear science aromatherapy. Ancient aromatherapy. Doctor Avicenna. Rene Maurice Gatefosse. Modern aromatherapy.

Aromatherapy is an ancient method of healing by natural means, which appeared about 5,000 years ago. Essential oils are familiar to mankind from ancient times.

It's no secret that the plant world appeared on our planet long before the emergence of a person on it. Throughout the millions of years, the plants were born and died, fought with a sewing sun and burning cold, were experiencing an impact of radiation and electromagnetic storms, adapted to the environment and fought with viruses. Plants won this battle for life, they have gained tremendous experience in life.

Thus, the plants as it were to prepare a favorable ground for the appearance of man on earth. They took him under their defense, handed him all their survival experience, thereby help to survive a person. A long joint path of people and plants led to the fact that the millennium a man managed to identify the most dangerous plants, find the most useful and gain knowledge of how to use them.

But it all started with that ... what

The caveman worshiped fire and smoke. When burning the branches of various trees and shrubs, the attention of people attracted smells, one of which had fun, others relaxed or helped sick. The signs of healing smoke, sorcerers, sorcerers, shamans began to appear. Gradually, people cited the healing properties of plants and their flavors, accumulating new knowledge to grazing and transmitting them from generation to generation.

During the Neolithic period, people have already learned to receive olive oil using it for food, and then for the manufacture of aromatic oil, which they used to protect the skin from sunlight, to care for body, rubbing. Aromatic herbs were used for cooking, drinks.

The first mention of the process distillation, getting essential oils dates back to times harapp's Cultures (originated on the territory of the Industan Peninsula, Modern Pakistan): The city has been detected by archaeologists, which has 5,000 years, in which the vessels for distillation are found. The successor of the Harapp culture is Vedy medicine, then Tibetan and Chinese. Harappa culture used essential oils for 1,000 years before Egypt. The Egyptians also developed the industry of etching oils. The writing of the Harapp culture is not decrypted so far.

When excavations of the ancient Egypt, India, Arabia, China, Greece and Rome Numerous written sources contain indications for the preparation and use of aromatic substances.

In papyrus Ancient Egypt recorded that Imhotep- The Egyptian god of healing and healing - advises to add aromatic oils into water when bathing, rub into the skin during massage, as well as use them to embroider the dead. The ancient Egyptians even invented the primitive distillation apparatus to obtain a crude cedar oil extract.

Ancient Egypt It was truly a great civilization in the use and development of aromatherapy. The flavors were widely used in the daily lives of the ancient Egyptians. They were used for disinfection of air in dwelling and temples, body skin care, preparation aromatic baths, aromatization of linen, they were added to food and wine. Egyptian priests used essential oils not only when embalming the pharaohs, as stated in papyrus, but also treated them mental diseases.

Egyptian queen Cleopatra Uncertain for the somas of the sail of his boat, and when she sailed on the Nile, people thought that the goddess was floating. When committing important state events, Ladan, whose smell "opens" the soul. In the pyramids found ointment, jars with cosmetics and bottles with butter, with still a tangible smell of Ladan and benzo.

Ancient greek Also studied the healing forces of plants, and most of their medical knowledge was borrowed from Egyptians. They discovered that plant essences have a different action and can: excide, refresh, relax, sleep.

Greek warriors, going on the battle, took with her ointment cooked from Mirra, this ointment was used to process wounds. Hippocrates, well known as "Father of Medicine", practiced the fusion of incense, which had both therapeutic and aesthetic effect. To expel the plague from Athens, it used aromatic baths and massages using aromatic oils, as well as fumigation. Essential oils were famous not only with their resistant soothing aroma, but also anti-inflammatory properties and magic properties to heal wounds. Ancient Greek Olympians To increase strength and endurance in large quantities, fragrant substances were used. According to historical data in the II century BC. South Arabia. It took about 4,000 tons of aromatic substances per year to Greece and Rome per year. In the east, the rose oil was valued more than gold, as it was widely used not only for cosmetic purposes, but also from insomnia, headaches, with respiratory tract diseases, kidney stones and a busty bubble.

Roman Created a prosperous perfume industry. They diminished their hair, garbage, body, bed, even military flags and walls of their homes. Families were roses from which pink water was prepared in huge quantities. Petals of roses, layers in a few inches, ash cut down the floors of palaces. The consumption of aromatic plants in Rome was so common that the law was released, prohibiting ordinary citizens to use cinnamon essential oils, incense, laurel and juniper.

The beginning of a deeper study of essential oils from a chemical point of view was put in the ancient times of Arabs. It was them that they first began to extract the rose oil, which was valued higher than gold.

Famous arab doctor Abu Ali Ibn Sina(980-1037), better known as Avicenna, Left after himself scientific worksin which more than 800 plants and their action on the human body described. It is attributed to the invention of the process of distillation of essential oils.

IN AustraliaThe aborigines used the leaves of the tea tree. They were very well aware of the amazing therapeutic properties of this plant that agreed in the swamp areas of their homeland. To use these properties, crushed leaves with a thick layer were applied to the wound and covered with warm il. Thus, cuts, wounds and all types of skin infections were treated.

IN Indiaduring the construction of temples, for example, the solution was added according to secret recipes, essential oils, which not only contributed to the disinfection of air indoors, but also created the atmosphere of the coolness, having to peace, thinking and meditation.

IN Chinamedicinal plants as a supplement to acupuncture have been used thousands of years ago. Many plants they used for the "negotiations with the gods" in one situation or another. For example, during childbirth, they burned the wormwood to deliver friendly gods and help the mother will relax and resolve.

Sandal, Mirra and Ladan are mentioned in Old Testament. In the Bible There are 188 mention of essential oils and plants from which they are extracted. When building the temple, the Israelis used the cedar wood, knowing her miraculous property to destroy viruses.

By the XIII century "Aromas of Arabia" became known throughout Europe. In many European pharmacies, floral water and essential oils appeared. Noble ladies had special vials from precious metals or crystal, in which fragrant moisture was stored. This led to the development of perfumery.

In connection with their unusual antiseptic features, essential oils were recognized as an excellent means against infections and epidemics. Scary epidemics of plague, cholera, typhoid typhoids retreated in front of the essential oils of cloves, basilica, myrta, rosemary, neroli and garlic. Medieval perfumers were also rarely dangerous in cases of cholera epidemics and other infectious diseases. It was accepted, appearing in public places, having balls or small bouquets, flavored with essential oils to protect themselves from infectious diseases, primarily from the plague. Many essential oil based drugs, for example, "Water of the Queen of Hungary", created in 1370 on the basis of rosemary, were recognized as universal means against many diseases.

IN Russia Essential oils became known under Peter I. The treatment of smells was traditional. It was suitable for the so-called "Chepuccian seat." Little wooden chamber (Chepuchina), saturated with flames of planned herbs, helped get rid of many diseases. Count of Vorontsov during the epidemic of the plague ordered to overthrow the hint of huts and livestock courtyards. Thanks to these measures, the Tauride province managed to stop the spread of deadly disease. Wormwood, also used in cholera epidemic. The ladies, in the XVII-XIX centuries, took with them on balls bottles with a snuff salt, which saved from migraine, runny nose and risk of faint. Popular there were bags with scented powder, unfolded in the underwear. Women from the Meshchansky class loved geranium very much. It is believed that its smell creates an atmosphere of calm and comfort in the house.

Hippocrat, Avicenna, Arnold, Pseudo-Macr, Paracelsand other famous doctors used the healing power of odors. The delicate effect of fragrances on the human body has studied the founder of homeopathy SK Ganeman.

Much in our time has to open again, because Knowledge of the doctors of the ancient world and the secrets of Alchemists of the Middle Ages were lost. Alchemists developed precisely various methods obtaining essential oils. In the Nuremberg Aptekar Taxa (1454), a list of 56 essential oils was published, which to the 18th century. There have been more than 130 items.

Throughout history, essential oils were symbols of wealth and were presented as the most valuable gifts. The properties of flavors were considered supernatural and opened only on dedicated. With the disappearance of the ancient Empires, many recipes were lost, and therefore much has to be reopened.

Revival aromatherapy.

The revival of aromatherapy as science began in the 20th century. In 1920, French Chemist Perfume Rene Maurice Gattefossse, working in his laboratory, when conducting experience, received a serious burn hand of the 3rd degree. Quite by chance he plunged the hand in a lavender-filled container, thinking that there was water there. What was his surprise when the pain from the burn began to quiet and after the time it stopped. In the future, he did bandages with lavewandow oil. The burned hand healed, and there were no scars on the skin. As a chemist, Gattefoss was analyzed by lavender essential oil and found that it contains a large number of biologically active elements. After examining other essential oils, he concluded that they have unique, healing properties. In 1928, Gattefoss was applied for the first time the term aromatherapy.

Another French doctor and scientist Jean Valnet He served as a military doctor in the French army, and successfully used essential oils as antiseptics for the treatment of wounds during World War II. And at the end, it has achieved great success, applying essential oils in the fight against tuberculosis, diabetes, cancer and other diseases. However, after some time, practically, each natural drug was replaced by chemistry.

Today, aromatherapy in Europe and America is experiencing a real boom, and is one of the fastest growing branches of alternative medicine. In Western European countries, in the USA, Canada and Japan, hundreds of Aromatherapy Cabinets have been operating, dozens of books on it are published, scientific institutions have been published and magazines devoted to this industry are published. Even insurance medical companies began to include aromatherapy in the list of services provided. Many computer companies have introduced aromatic prevention. Experts argue that the flavors can protect people from large loads. A few years ago, aromatherapy successfully passed the test in the London metro. Fresh air with the addition of lemon essences specially reached into the metro wagons to raise the mood in the passengers. The use of natural essential oils has become the standard of quality of elite cosmetics. IN lately, on the shelves and in online stores, you can increasingly find selective perfumes - perfumes from natural essential oils. Therapists in conventional polyclinics have become bolder to recommend inhalation with essential oil from a number of diseases. Modern scientific discoveries They proved that essential oils are not only a pharmaceutical effect, but also have a powerful emotional impact on the human body.

The rapid development of aromatherapy is also connected with the fact that people are tired of using pharmaceutical chemistry, which sometimes leads to side results, and the value of essential oils in their 100% natural nature and the absence of any harmful ingredients. Unlike the "modern" drugs, essential oils used in aromatherapy, do not possess side effects. Instead, they help to achieve harmony and health, peace and tranquility. I hope that some other 5-10 years, and every Russian will be able to use natural essential oils.

Aromatherapy. The history of the emergence.

And only the aroma of blooming roses -

Flying captive, locked in glass, -
Reminds in Studu and Frost
The fact that summer was on Earth.
Flowers have lost their former shine
But they retained the soul of beauty.

V. Shakespeare

The aroma was often called the soul of the plant and not by chance. It was believed that the basis of aromatherapy lies the interaction of the human soul and the soul of the plant. Therefore, in the preparation of spirits, the age of health took into account, and the most important thing is the consonance of man and plants. Now forgot about it
On the effect of fragrances per soul and the body of a person was known for a long time. Selecting fragrant substances from plants, people learned about 7,000 years ago.

There is another point of view. Perhaps the first began to use the incense compositions of Atlanta, the ancestors of the Egyptians. Plato heard about this, and he heard from Solon, and he, in turn, from the priests of Egypt. The last remains of Atlantis, according to Platon, plunged into the quiet and Atlantic oceans a little over 11,400 years ago. If you take it chronology, the history of ancient Egypt begins not from the end of the M Mollos BC. (dodal period), and for seven millennia earlier. Consequently, we can talk about a little-known history of the most ancient Egypt, whose artifacts with later layers have been preserved to our time and still give rise to many issues.
In Critia, Plato reported on Atlantis: "... All the incense, which now nourishes the Earth, whether in roots, in herbs, in the wood, in the collapsing resins, in flowers or fruits, - all this she gave birth there and perfectly cultivated " Thus, the history of aromatherapy has at least a 12-thousand history of Egypt only in Egypt. And it is quite natural that it is in Cairo that the world's largest museum of fragrances is located, which conquers visitors from the first sigh.
In ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt, Arabia, India, Greece, Rome fragrances accompanied the life of a person from birth to death. The secret of obtaining aromatic substances in ancient times was known only to the highest class. The recipes of the priests of the priests of ancient Egypt were kept in the strictest secrecy. With the help of incense, they introduced themselves to a state in which the foresight of the upcoming events became real.
The priests studied the impact of smells and their compositions on various organs and systems of the human body. The result of these observations was the birth of science of oborology and a special direction in medicine - aromatherapy. The aromas in their significance were equated with everyday food. It is known that during the reign of Pharaoh Ramses III (1204-1173 BC), workers in the philas declared a strike due to the absence of aromatic compositions and ointments.
IN Ancient Greece Olympians for increasing strength and endurance in large quantities used fragrant substances. According to historical data in the second century BC. e. Of South Arabia, about 4,000 tons of aromatic substances per year were brought from South Arabia.
In the east more than 600 years (from the III century BC to III century. AD) Rose oil was valued more than gold, since it was widely used not only for cosmetic purposes, but also from insomnia, headaches, when Diseases of respiratory tract, stones in the kidneys and a gallbladder. From the i century AD Incense began to produce in ancient Italy. In ancient China in the "fiery clock" with the help of odors, the time was determined.
The treatment of smells was traditional and in ancient Russia. It was suitable for the so-called "Chepuchenian seat" in a small wooden chamber (chepuccin), saturated with flavors of planned herbs.
The mention of incense is also found in the scriptures. In the Qur'an, for example, there are such lines: "Spirits are food, and the Spirit is a camel, on which a person is riding and to pass."
Hippocrates, Avicenna, Arnold, Pseudo-Macr, Paracels and other famous doctors used the healing power of smells. Alchemists have developed various ways of obtaining essential oils. In the Nuremberg Pharmacetic Taxa (1454), a list of 56 essential oils was published, which XVIII century There have been more than 130 items. Unfortunately, most of the medical works of the scholars of the Middle Ages were lost. The delicate effect of aromas on the human body studied the founder of homeopathy S.Kh. Ganeman. In the years of the 1st World War, the French scientist Rene Maurice Ghattefos due to the lack of medicines began to use essential oils for disinfection and rapid healing. The results were sensational. In the 1930s, the Soviet doctor A.Kyunzel continued to study the properties of odors and their influence on a person. Later, John Walna will generalize the study of his conventions. Much had to "open" again, because Knowledge of the doctors of the ancient world and the secrets of Alchemists of the Middle Ages were lost. It was alchemists that developed various ways of obtaining essential oils.
The rapid development of the chemical industry led to the fact that artificially created drugs undeservedly displaced the natural, created by nature itself. Aromatherapy, like other methods of alternative medicine, remained for many years unclaimed. In the present, this treatment method is experiencing his new birth.

Although aromatherapy is perceived now as a new treatment method, practice on the use of fragrances in healing and religious ceremonies is tracked by the Millennium Back. Aromatherapy has a rich event and filled with the history of the story with which it should be found in order to better understand and evaluate what role they play and play fragrances in human life.

Plants were used in medicine already at the dawn of the history of mankind. Primitive people for survival relied only on their instincts. Following your sense of smell and accumulating experience, they gained knowledge that some plants have the ability to heal ailments and illness. When animals are ill, they instinctively are looking for plants capable of alleviate suffering and cure them.

Early civilization

In the caves of LASCO in the French province of Dordogne, there are rock paintings depicting methods for using plants for recovery and treatment. Archaeologists suggest that the drawings have age of 20 thousand years.

A ceramic distiller, which, according to experts, at least 5 thousand years, is kept in the Museum of Tazila in Pakistan. It was probably used to prepare aromatic liquids and, perhaps, even to obtain essential oils. As they believed, the distiller belonged to the ancient civilizations of Hindus or Arabs. The find causes great interest, especially since it was believed that distillation was invented by a thousand years ago. Other evidence of the use of distillation between the fifth and first millennia BC. e. not. So, 5 thousand years ago ancient civilizations could be much more developed than they thought before.

On a clinp table found in Sumere, Mirt, a chamber, resin trees, and also describes how to use plant drugs. In the oldest written monuments of Babylon (XI century BC), who inherited the knowledge and culture of the Sumerians, there are already a lot of information about various plants and how to use their use for the treatment of various ailments. Already ancient Babylonians were noted that sunlight adversely affects the healing properties of plants and should be dried in the shade. This rule, as you know, has survived to this day.

Then Babylon conquers the Assyrians, while maintaining all the best scientific and cultural values \u200b\u200bof the ancient Assyria, and their knowledge, in turn, borrow the Egyptians, whose lives were simply impregnated by the magical flavors of incense.

Ancient Egypt

It is believed that it is Egypt that is a state of aromatherapy art agency. The fusion of incense was carried out everywhere: in the temples, palaces and even in the poorest houses. During the most important festivities on urban areas, special aromatic substances were used. On the usual days, aromatic incenses were smirder, determined by their intended as morning, midday, evening. So, according to the information that was reached to us, at noon, when the air was too filled with the evaporation of the Earth, the Egyptians practiced the fusion of Miron. At the sunset - incense, consisting of 16 ingredients: Spherical cane, juniper, cypress, mirraine, incense, sage, mint, rosemary, saffron, cardamom, moss, etc. Preparing it incense, the vegetable herbs insisted first on honey and Wine and then added to rosin or bitumen.

The fame of Egyptian priests in the field of aromas use was so great that many wise men and healers from different countries went to Egypt for knowledge. It was the priests that prescribed medicines and only they knew all the power of the oil, which they also used to form mood during religious ceremonies. The Egyptians knew very well about the ability of fragrances to influence emotions. Each Pharaoh had many different spirits created precisely for him. They were intended to raise mood, eliminate nervousness, enhancement of sexual excitement, calm, and in case of war - creating aggressive mood. Perfume and religion had a close connection. The Egyptians decorated their gods with aromatic oils, sometimes their statues were smeared incenses. For example, Mirra was dedicated to the moon, and incense - the god of the sun.

Oils at that time were mainly obtained not by distance, but by placing aromatic plants or resin moves into animal fat, which was then exhibited in the sun and soaked in aromas, or by placing a vegetable material in olive or sesame oil.

The legendary Cleopatra, which was not at all a beauty, obviously, knew about the enhancing sexual attraction properties of oils and seduced by Anthony after a bath with Jasmine in his room, covered with rose petals. Wealthy Egyptians after the bath with pleasure took the procedures for aromatic massage. Slave girls applied to the skin of patients anti-aging aromatic oils. Cedar oil has used special success. Egyptians knew even contraception. As spermicides, special mixtures of aromatic substances were used, introducing them to the vagina.

The Nile Valley was called "Cradle of Medicine". The Egyptians were specially imported and bred at their most exotic plants from around the world. Egyptian botanical gardens were very famous, in which plants have grown even from such distant countries as China and India. This was brought here and these medicinal plants, like a cedar Atlantic, Cinnamon Tree, Ladan, Mirrian. When the outcome of Jews from Egypt to Israel began, about 1250 BC. er, they captured a lot of valuable resins and oils with them. In the old and new covenants of the Bible there are numerous references to oils, and among them: Airovoe, Cassiye, Cinnamon, Medisopoy, Olive. The newborn Jesus Christ of Volkhiva was presented to Ladan and Mirr.

Alexandria was a great storage of knowledge of the ancient world. Her famous library contained almost a million work. However, after a fire, almost 90% of knowledge of knowledge was destroyed ancient world. Despite this, the preserved papyrus on alchemy helps us understand the reverent attitude of the Egyptians to aromatic substances. They believed incense, cosmetics and fragrant oils that giving life.

Completing the story about Egypt, it remains only to add that the fragrances that occupy so important place In the life of this nation, an equally significant role was made in nutrition. Their wines and products were flavored. Cminon, Cinnamon, Anis, how to contribute to their aroma of digestion, were added to bread. Onions, garlic, thanks to its exciting and antibacterial properties, included in the group of main foods. During the pearts on all tables, the heads with garlic were lying; He was also given to the slaves, built the pyramids, so that no illness would prevent important work on the construction of the tomb of their pharaoh.


In India, plants and extracts are used at least from the third millennium BC. The oldest system of healing in India is called Ayur Veda. It uses many different massage techniques, effect on sensitive points, aromatic substances. One of the oldest Indian books on plants - Vedas contains references to basilica, cinoon, coriander, ginger, Mirrier, sandalwood tree.

In the most ancient Scripture of India, in Srimad Bhagavatam, there is such a description: "When the Lord Krishna entered the city, the elephants from the hobots were sprayed with fragrant water all roads, streets and alleys Khastinapura ... All the inhabitants gathered there and here, clarified by aromatic oils. Each house was equipped with hundreds of lamps. Inside the houses, fragrant incenses were smoking, and the smoke came out of the winds, filling the air with a pleasant aroma. "

In the Indian Ramayan, written about 200 years before our era, it is said that among other residents who meet the king frame, there were perfumers and manufacturers of smoking candles.

Recipes for the manufacture of incense in India (as well as in Egypt) were known only to devoted to the right to special secret and intimate knowledge of God, about the soul, about the dialogue with God - Prayer. In India, temples were built from sandalwood, providing disinfection of the room. So far, incense is an integral part in rituals in worship in India, as well as used for therapeutic purposes. Until this day, the custom is preserved to wonder the room before rest with special soothing flavors of Patchouli, Ladan and Lavender.

Ancient Greece

The Greeks have learned to apply aromatic substances in the Egyptians and were the following great civilization, recognizing the dominant importance of plant medicine and its aromatic properties. The Greeks promoted these knowledge, studying the medical values \u200b\u200bof the plants, improving the ability to patch flower petals in carrier oils, such as olive oil, for medical and cosmetic applications.

Especially popular were in ancient Greece Rosa, Violet and Mirra. The hands of Athenian women smelled mint, and aristocrats after a meal washed their hands in a lavender water. In Greece, the first perfumers appear - "Nobblers of Outflows", which made fragrant compositions from Saffran oils, Iris, Sage, Anisa, Cinnamon ... Many of these combinations are used and now in spirits and colognes that we use.

Greek doctors, such as Hippocrat, Galen and Dioscarides, made their contribution to the development of the world by writing a number of works and conducting research on plants. Many of their discoveries were confirmed by studies already in this century.

The most famous of the Greeks, of course, Hippocrates (460-370 years BC), is called the father of medicine. He was a supporter of a holistic treatment system (that is, a supporter to eliminate the causes of diseases, and not only to deal with the symptoms, use the natural ability of the body to self-treatment) and recommended daily aromatic baths and massages. Hippocrates was familiar with the antibacterial properties of certain plants and one day, during the plague in Athens, begged people to burn these plants on the streets so that aromatic incenses would protect them.

Greek doctor Asclepiad (128-156 BC. Er) believed in the "light" types of therapy, such as bathing, massage, music, flavors, wine. He spoke against laxatives and vomit, very popular at the time. Theophratcher, the famous Greek nerd, spoke for the use of spirits, patches, for medical purposes. Due to this, he opened the effect of externally applied oils on the internal organs.

Galen, doctor of gladiators, discovered that when mixing vegetable oil, wax and water, cream, refreshing and preserving the skin plastic. In fact, he was the first to create a koldkrem. Greek soldiers, going on the battle, may have taken a "first aid kit" - a small pouch with Mirra, helped heal wounds.

Another famous Greek Megallus created an effective preparation containing Cassia, Cinnamon, Mirr. The drug was called "Meghaleion" and was known in all Greece. It was used not only as perfume, but also for medical purposes. Having a lot of Mirra in its composition, he reduced skin inflammation and heal wounds.

During large religious festivals, Fimiam smoked there. Clothes, products and wines were flavored. Oils, ointments, lipstick enjoyed great popularity.

Ancient Rome

Romans, following the influence of the Egyptians, created a prosperous perfume industry. They loved aromatic oils, ointment, lipstick, perfume. Undress their hair, body, clothing, beds, even military flags and walls of their homes, diminished with fragrant substances. Roman prostitutes used their spirits abundantly. To create a cheerful mood among the guests, in ancient Rome, it was customary to spray the rooms of mint water. And students to activate the work of the brain, recommended during classes to carry wreath on the head of mint. During epidemics on the streets Ancient Rome Divorced fires and burned the grass lavender. Roman perfumers were a lot, and they occupied a certain part in the city. In Kapua, the city, famous for its luxury, they held a whole street.

Families were roses from which pink water was prepared in huge quantities. Petals of roses, layers in a few inches, ash cut down the floors of palaces. Rooms in the Golden Palace Nero were covered with a carpet of rose petals up to 10 cm. In the ceilings of the halls of the palace, special devices were arranged, of which flowers fell and their petals were falling.

The Romans used 3 types of fragrant substances: solid ointments, smelling oils and powders, using almost all known flowers from roses to Narcissa. Of the oils, the most famous was a shishishinum, which was made from honey, cinnamon, Mirra and Saffran. The consumption of aromatic plants in Rome was so common that in 65 the law came out, prohibiting ordinary citizens to use cinnamon oils, incense, laurel and juniper. It was explained by the fear that the aromatic material may not be enough for sacrifices of gods.

Much attention was paid to the usefulness of bathing. Rich and secular people built lush bathrooms in their homes, in which it was possible to hold room evenings, people enjoyed long-term swimming rituals in warm water. They used such oils as a lavender, to impart a fragrance of water, and then, after receiving luxury baths, there was a massage, also with the use of fragile oils. They also carried out that today is known under the technique of effective removal of dirt and dead skin cells. A mixture of Pumise S. olive oil The whole body was triturated, then with a narrow scraper, spatula, removed the resulting mixture from the skin, leaving it soft and clean. Simple mortals, clearly, went to city baths.

Going to battle, Roman legionnaires took Mirra with them to heal wounds. Knowledge of the healing properties of plants spread throughout the entire growing empire. Wherever the Romans go, they collected and plant seeds of plants. In Britain, for example, planted parsley, sage, sweet dill, rosemary, thyme.


The extensive use of aromatic substances in biblical times is evidenced by numerous instructions contained in the Holy Scriptures. The most famous were Mirra, Ladan, Nerrad, Cinnamon, Scarlet and Cassia, imported by mostly in Judea from Arabia and India. They were used for smoking, smearing the body, healing.

From a cinnamon tree, chasing in the sacred garden of Solomon, was preparing a powder, which was part of the sacred incense, which was distinguished by sacred faces and vessels. For the same purpose, Mirra was used. In the gospel of the brand, other incense are mentioned, which were used to label the head and anointing of the legs of expensive guests. Mirra was one of the gifts of Eastern Volkhvov, who came to worship to the infant Jesus.


Chinese alchemists developed their grassure system. They were also concerned about the search for a key to immortality and experimented with plants smells. They believed that the magical forces and souls of plants were concluded in the essential substance of the smells. Therefore, many plants are used to "negotiate with the gods" in a particular situation. In the houses of the rich Chinese, there was a special room for receiving births in which Zhgli wormwood to die the gods and help the woman in labor to relax. The children were wore on their necks with camphor, which activated the work of the brain and protected from diseases.

Another 5 thousand years ago, the Chinese used edible herbs and reeds, growing along the shores of Juanhe, in hygienic purposes. Treatment of herbs and fragrances Chinese healers combined with massage and acupuncture. The earliest handbook on herbs was compiled by the emperor Shen Nung. The "great herbalist" (1000-700 years BC) contains about 350 items of medicinal plants and drugs. Emperor Huangi attribute the creation of the book "Classical Internal Medicine Yellow Empire" (2650 BC. Er). In this work there are several references to aromatic medicinal products and massage, and here are also described the basics of acupuncture.

Decay and flourishing aromatherapy thanks to the Arabs

After the fall of the Roman Empire, the use of incense and aromatic substances has declined. Treats and books on incense fell into the Arab world. Arabic scientist, doctor Avicenna, reopened the distillation of vegetable substances. Primitive distillation existed before him, but Avicenna has improved the process, lengthening the cooling tube and turning it with a coil. This significantly increased the effectiveness of the steam condensation process and the receipt of the essence. Thus, pink water appeared, widely used in our days in the countries of the Middle East, especially in culinary purposes. Persians exported it to China, Europe, India. For the manufacture of spirits, roses, lilies, daffodils, violets were used.

Arabs first applied well today a well-known Musk, which turned out to be an excellent fixer of essential oils, ensuring the stability of the flavor. And it was the Arabs that were introduced for use in medicine, cooking and perfumery many well-known plants: sandals, carnation, nutmeg, camphor, Cassia and others.

For all his life, Avicenna wrote almost 100 books. The most famous of them is "Canon of Medical Science." This work referred to as many medical schools for the age of 500, up to the middle of the XVI century. Avicenna mentioned many essential oils: chamomile, brown, dill, mint.

Trading routes, spices and aromatic substances were prolonged between the West and East, the sandalwood is from India. Arab perfumery has become very popular. If the Romans delivered the seeds of many plants into foreign countries, the Crusaders brought home exotic incenses and essential oils, as well as knowledge of how to receive them. Only now truly began trading with essential oils. They traded mainly cinnamon, sandalwood, camphor, benzoic resin, musk, Lanenik, later incense and Mirra.

Middle Ages

At the time of the Middle Ages, the use of herbs and aromatic oils was widespread. In the manufacture of food, herbs and spices were used abundantly, not only to enhance taste, but also to mask the taste of spoiled meat. Also was widespread knowledge about the medical and antiseptic properties of plants.

In large, rich houses equipped a room with a distillation cube - she was always done somewhat away from the main building specifically for working with herbs and plants (with which it should be, it should be one pleasure). It was here that the main aromatic recipes of ointments, strong herbal tinctures and major medical mixers were invented. Dry herbs were placed in the tissue bags, which were then located between the linen and clothing as a means of dealing with mol. Mattresses and pillows stuck herbs and flowers with a sweet aroma.

On the floors, lavender, Issop, thyme and mint plants were placed in order to drown out strong smells that occur due to the lack of water supply and sewage and insufficient personal hygiene. In the event of the danger of the disease around the house, such a potent herbs like thyme and rosemary were hung around the house, or they were burned, realizing that until the fragments were held, the disease could hardly manifest themselves. The Middle Ages now are not famous by those an unsanitary conditions in which most people lived. Aromatic oils were used not only for the pleasure and providing cleanliness - they often turned out to be the only way to combat the ailments and pain.

In the XVI century, many books on distillation were written, especially in Germany. Alchemy was widespread - mystical science about the transformation of simple metals into preciously with a philosophical stone. The Swiss doctor and Alchemist Paracels in the XVI century wrote a "big surgical book." He argued that the task of alchemy does not turn simple metals in gold, but, on the contrary, develop medicine, especially the use of medicinal plants.

Throughout the era of the revival, essential oils were used very widely, and Botany was part of developing medicine.


In the Middle Ages, the plague, which became the scourge of all people, carried out about a third of the population of Europe. During this period, everyone advised to collect aromatic flowers, root and, drying, wear with them, as well as burn in homes and on the streets. It was believed that the enucleation of the air destroys the "spirit" of a deadly disease that vital in the air.

During the Great Plague, aromatic fires burned throughout the city every 12 hours. Huge bonfires of pine and trees gave a caustic smoke, and he was most effective. Aromatic candles burned in hospitals. Each aromatic remedy, a certain time, was involved in black death. An interesting fact was noted, the inhabitants of the English village of Blemborery in the XVIII century were escaped from Mora due to the fact that the village was the center of production and trading Lavender. Lavender is a reliable antimicrobial agent. The air saturated with lavender essential oils has strong disinfectant properties. It is also known that the French medieval perfumers, as well as the workers of the perfumery factories, rarely suffered from cholera and tuberculosis epidemics, which were caught at that time almost a cooking character.

Ancient Russia

Economic records of Russian kings are told about the appearance of aromatic substances in Russia. They say that "the flavors are made in the royal pharmacy and are saved in silver and gold aroma." The recipes of fragrances were kept secret, but it is known that their composition included pink water, gray amber, herbs.

Enclosure and primitive inhalations have long been used in various diseases and are known in many countries of the world. There was no exception and our country. And the simplest example is the Russian bath. Leaves of brooms that are used in parilots, especially young, allocate many phytoncides - healing volatile substances.

In Russia, in the mornings were batted brooms from rowan and wormwood, and the aroma of these plants was charged with bodity and health. In addition, it was believed that the smells of rowan and pizhma activate the activity of the brain, and the wormwood increases the power of muscle contraction, so pregnant women were forbidden to deal with wormwood. And the vintage custom to bathe birch brooms was preserved to this day.

In the Russian pharmacies of the XIX century, smoking candles containing coal, resins and herbs and having high antimicrobial properties. These candles disinfect the room in which was sick. Inhalations of turpentar inhalation were widely used.

IN late XIX. A century Russian doctor V. A. Manassein proposed to apply air-hearing air force to combat diseases using some odors, but he did not find support from contemporaries. In the 30s of the XX century, the Soviet doctor A. A. Künzel was one of the first to apply aromatic baths with pine and valerian extracts with neurotic states. In the course of treatment, patients have increased mood and improved appetite.

Revolution in medicine and decay in the grass

After the XVII century, the popularity of herbalism went on decline. In the nineteenth century, a revolution occurred in medicine - the creation of new generation drugs began. Chemists revealed the method of rapid and cheap synthesizing many equivalents of healing herbs and plants. Almost every natural drug acquired its "chemical twin". Thus, the modern branch appeared - pharmaceuticals, and as medicine develops on the treatment of herbs began to watch more and more suspiciously. And although the doctors continued to use essential oils until the very end of the nineteenth century as their usual medical arsenal, interest in them from the point of view of general medicine began to fade. Essential oils ceased to be used even in perfumery, since cheaper chemical counterparts were synthesized.

Nevertheless, studies of the properties of essential oils continued. The first documented study of their antiseptic properties was carried out in Paris in 1887 by Dr. Chamberland. He confirmed that essential oils are capable of destroying air-carrying viruses, bacteria and fungi sprayed in the air. Unfortunately, despite this important information, doctors and chemists of that time began to prefer new types of synthesized drugs.

Revival of aromatherapy

By the beginning of the twentieth century, essential oils, despite the fact that the century of their practical uses, the infinite number confirmed their value, were abandoned with laboratory shelves. However, interest in essential oils has also appeared in the laboratory.

The revival of aromatherapy has occurred thanks to a happy chance. The French chemist R. Gattefoss, who was engaged in perfume business, once during an explosion in the laboratory, strongly burned his hand. He immediately immersed her in a liquid, she had a lavender essence, which was at hand at hand. To his amazement, the burn healed very quickly, without leaving traces. Interested in Ghattefossa took up the study of the healing properties of essential oils. During the 1st World War, he experienced oils on his patients in a military hospital and received excellent results using chamomile, thyme, lemon oil. It was Gattefoss and introduced the term "aromatherapy" - treatment with aromatic oils. In 1937, he published a book called "Aromatherapy" - this name opened a whole new era for essential oils.

Inspired by the research of Gattfoss, the military doctor of the French army John wave began its own clinical studies using essential oils as antiseptics for soldiers he treated during Indo-Chinese War. His results were so shocked that in the future he began to treat war veterans experiencing psychological problems, also with the help of essential oils. In the future, he wrote a lot of books and articles on aromatherapy, including the "Aromatherapy Practice", which is a standard textbook for any professional aromatherapy.

Another expert who began his studies in the field of aromatherapy, Professor P. Lessow, was able to prove that depression and anxiety can be cured by inhalation with certain plants. He believed that the smells help to free the depressed emotions and memories that contributed to the development of the disease.

But the practical practice of aromatherapy, which is known today - the combination of essential oils with massage for health, beauty and well-being, was introduced by Austrian biochemist Margarita Mauri. Her husband was a homeopath, and they both showed great interest in all alternative forms of medicine. Based on its knowledge of essential oils, she conducted a research program demonstrating how effective they are when absorbed through the skin. In particular, she was interested in their healing and rejuvenating properties. In 1962, and then in 1967 she received major rewards for their works. Reading lectures and transferring their knowledge about essential oils, she opened several clinics in Europe, including one in London. In 1961, she published the book Le Capital 'Jeunesse', which was reprinted not so long ago and released on english language entitled The Secret. Of Life and Youth (Secret of Life and Youth, C.W. Daniel Company Ltd, 1989).

Interesting in the history of aromatherapy and the fact that Dr. Pemberton, the famous inventor of Coca-Cola, used cocoon, coriander, pelleran, lemon, nutmeg and orange for his wonderful drink.

With the most antiquity, since the time of worship of fire and smoke, the use of aromatic substances leads its origin. Since then, humanity has accumulated a lot of ideas about the healing and magical strength of flowers and plants, about the living magic of the effects of gravestones, which subsequently became of particular importance in magical rituals, worships and folk healing. Nowadays, aromatherapy is growing rapidly, it is used in many illnesses.

Modern aromatherapy is not alternative medicine and not a panacea. It can be both auxiliary and independent medical discipline and applied on a par with homeopathy, phytotherapy and other methods. And first of all, aromatherapy is an excellent preventive, wellness and fully natural way to maintain good psycho-emotional and physical form. Aromatherapy methods allow you to quickly shoot daily stresses, prevent the development of various ailments and harmonize our entire lives. In addition, essential oils represent a minimal threat to the occurrence of complications when applying them.

Literature: 1. Ellison Ingland. "Aromatherapy for Mother and Child". 2. Anastasia Artyomova. "Fragrances and oils healing and rejuvenating". 3. Vladislav S. Brud, Ivon Coropatskaya. "Fascular pharmacy. The mysters of aromatherapy." 4. Denis Vichell Brown. "Aromatherapy". 5. Lavrenova Galina. "Inhaling the wonderful fragrance. Aromatherapy is a pleasant and easy way Treatment. "6. Leonova N.S." Aromatherapy for beginners. "7. Libun O.K., Ivanova E.P." Healing Oils ". 8. Tatyana Litvinova." Aromatherapy: professional leadership in the world of smells. "9 . Novoselova Tatiana. "Aromatherapy". 10. Dmitrievskaya L. "Deceptioning age. Practices of rejuvenation. "11. Kedrov Maria." Fragrances of beauty and health. Secrets of Cleopatra. "12. Nikolaevsky V.V." Aromatherapy. Handbook. "13. Semenova Anastasia." Treatment by oils. 14. Edited by Zakharenkova V.I. "Encyclopedia of Aromas". 15. Carol McA-Gilverie and Jimmy Reed. "Foundations of Aromatherapy." "In the kingdom of smells." 17. Mirgorodskaya S.A., "Aromology: Quantum Satis".

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The history of aromatherapy


aromatherapy Essential Oil

The history of aromatherapy takes its origins from prehistoric times. Aromatherapy, translated from the ancient Greek "odor treatment", is known since ancient times, when the idea of \u200b\u200bthe idea that the inhalation of certain smells could be beneficial to mental and the physical state man. In the stone caves of primitive man found in the territory of different countries, scientists discovered the remains of many plants. Naturally, Paleolithic people are well-focused in the plant world, and as they use plants for their needs, in food and for treatment. Despite the scarce information (the remnants found, propolis, as well as rock paintings), can confidently assert that in the life of a primitive person, the plants played an important role. Herbs were decorated with dwellings, they were used as bed.

Most fragrant products obtained by people in antiquity were slightly treated and definedly prepared aromatic plants, as well as some animal products. They were used in the form of fresh and dried plants, their juices, a fat-based extraction for the silence (ointments), decoctions, influence on wine and vinegar, as well as various resins and mixtures films for inquisition. Anthropologists believe that primitive "perfumery" began with the ignition of resinous allocation of Ladan. Over time, plants rich in aromatic substances began to mix with animals and vegetable oils to lubricate the body during ritual ceremonies. For the entire African continent, people covered their skin with fragrant oils, thereby protecting themselves from the heat and drying the skin. This practice was spread up to the coast of the Mediterranean, where the athletes lubricated their brow with fragrant oils in front of sports competitions. In ancient Egypt in Heliopolis, the city of the Sun, in the morning, the resin was observed, at noon - Mirr, and at sunset - Keefi.

In ancient Babylon, aromatic oils were specially added to the building materials from which temples were erected. For 600 years for N.E. Babylonian merchants supplied incense in flasks, alabaster and porcelain jars on Roman and Greek markets, and about 500 years BC. In Corinth, there was a factory of incense. Incense in the form of oils, ointments of resin and "roots" were symbols of wealth and were one of the most valuable gifts.

In Russia, aromatic oils were manufactured in the royal pharmacy, the recipes were kept secret.

During the Great Plague in Europe every 12 o'clock burned aromatic bonfires. The great predictor of Nostradamus made from aromatic oils, mainly rose oils, anticipated pills that many people saved.

The term "Arommaterapy" is composed of the words "fragrance" and "therapy", implying "treatment of flavors" and was proposed in the 1920s by the French chemist and Perfumery Rene Marie Gattefos. He studied the essential oils and found that many aromatic oils act more efficiently than their synthetic substitutes or isolated active ingredients. The study of essential oils he devoted all his further life. In his studies, he noted that essential oils have a variety of properties. He wrote: "Doctors and chemists would be amazed by the variety of fragrant substances that can be used for therapeutic purposes, and a huge variety of their chemical functions. In addition to its antiseptic and antimicrobial properties, they have antitoxic and antiviral properties, they have a powerful, energy-exciting effect and heal wounds. In the future, their role will even increase. " Gattefoss discovered that the molecules of essential oils penetrate into the skin, then through the intercellular fluid in lymph, from there to blood and are spread throughout the body. Another French doctor Jean Valnet (Valnet) used essential oils for the treatment of physical and mental illness. He served in the French army and successfully used oils as antiseptics when processing wound soldiers during the war. And after the war, essential oils were successfully used in the treatment of tuberculosis, diabetes, cancer and other serious diseases. With the development of technical progress in the 19th century, the creation of synthetic drugs of a new generation began and the popularity of herbal treatment has declared. In cosmetics and perfumery began to apply cheaper artificial analogues. The use of natural essential oils is currently experiencing a true renaissance. Aromatherapy is an ancient, hopping art of the use of natural essential oils to improve mental and physical health, cosmetic leaving ha body. Aromatherapy is one of the most popular and fast-growing directions of alternative medicine, it is harmless and easy to use.

1. Aromatherapy

Nowadays, aromatherapy is experiencing a real boom. What is it - aromatherapy? How does the effects of fragrances on the human body? Aromatherapy is the use of smells and aromas to restore the body and treatment. Aromatic oils used in aromatherapy help people deal with bad mood, stress, skin disease And even cellulite. According to experts, during the aromatherapy session, the impact of odors occurs immediately at several levels: aromatic oils act on the body and the brain not only through the sense of smell, but also through the lymphatic and blood system. Aromatherapy, as a way of treatment, the restoration of the body, is widely used not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology. Modern civilization makes it impossible daily contact of a person with nature, and the environment around us became saturated with the smells of Gary and chemicals. The conditions of modern life, a rush and stress cause a number of physical, mental and emotional stresses in our body. Lack of movement and exercise, many hours of seat at the table, wheel and front TV, bad diet, pollution ambient They cause violations of the circulation of energy flows in the body, the tension in the muscles, the pinching of the internal organs and tissues, and as a result, the accumulation of toxic substances in the body, indisposition, obesity, etc., and later - the emergence of severe chronic diseases. Aromatherapy is an attempt to slow down this process. All methods of aromatherapy are very quickly introduced aromas into the human circulation system, which will distribute healing molecules throughout the body. Aromatherapy normalizes the mental state of a person, improves blood circulation and lymphatic fluid, balances the processes occurring in the body, and thereby increases its resistance to harmful external influences. The modern flowering of aromatherapy is the result of combining experience accumulated by our ancestors from ancient times, and modern scientific achievements.

2. Geographyandhistoryaromatherapy development

Aromatherapy received its main development in the era of such largest ancient civilizations as Egypt, India, China, Greece and Rome.


The most significant contribution to the development and use of aromatherapy was made by ancient Egyptian civilization. The flavors were widely used both with deities and everyday life. Aromatic plants burned in the temples, fured them out the room for disinfection of air (Mirra was widely used). An aromatic oils rubbed the body, added to food and wine, used for taking baths, to aromatize linen and clothing. Egyptian priests used oils with balsaming bodies, they also treated their mental illness and used to introduce people into trance during worship in the temples.

In ancient Egypt, essential oils were valued on a par with slaves, gold and spices.


The ancient Greeks most of the knowledge in the field of aromatherapy borrowed the Egyptians. They had very popular all sorts of oils, ointments, lipstick. The Greeks widely used the flavoring of wine, products, clothes, burned Fimiam to religious festivals. In the VII century BC. The capital of Greece Athens was a major shopping centerIn which, among others, the shops of merchants fragrant fragrances flourished. In these shops were sold products from fragrant plants, mainly dense ointments based on olive, almond, castor oils. Infusions were made from Mayoran, lilies, thyme, sage, anise, roses, iris and other plants. The incenses were considered the gift of the gods and were mainly used to commit religious rites.

The real flourishing of the era of the incense came in ancient Greece after Alexander Macedonsky made his victorious trips to Egypt and Malaya Asia. The great commander borrowed from the Persians to the tradition of using incense precisely for obtaining pleasure from excellent flavors, and not just for use in religious rites (as it was taken earlier). Egyptian priests who possess the secrets of the compilation of incense, sally believed in their divine essence and believed that the invaluable gift of the gods should not touch the person. Therefore, they looked off with condemnation to how Alexander Macedonsky chemned not only his heated body with precious drops of sacred incense, but also used it to aromatize the throne and other items of everybody. Perturbed by the behavior of the Greeks, Egyptian priests decided not to open the "Varvaram" the secret knowledge about the healing properties of plants. Hippocrates in his writings described a large amount of medicinal plants. For good well-being, he recommended daily to take aromatic baths and make massage with aroma oils.

Greek Pharmacist Galen (131-200 years AD), who lived in Rome, in more than 20 books described how to prepare medicines from plant and animal ingredients. How to tribute the accuracy of Galen in his records, the term "Galenova Pharmacy" arose. Soon, a new direction has grown and separated from the medicine - pharmacy. Doctors diagnosed the disease and discharged the medicine, and pharmacists or pharmacists were prepared by the preparation of drugs. Thus, the term "Materia Medica", meaning in the translation of "medical materials", was a synonym for substances and products obtained from natural sources and used by the doctors of that era.

The Romans have made a considerable contribution to the development of healing by plants, adding traditional rituals adopted in Egypt and ancient Greece with the use of incense, bath procedures and massages. In the first century N.E. Rome imported about 2,800 tons of Ladan and 550 tons of Mirra per year. Both men and women literally bathed in incense, and their slaves serving them were called "Cosmetae" (Cosmetae). The Romans used fragrant substances of three types: Ladismat (Ladysmata) - solid ingredients, stimaty (Stymmata) - aromatic oils and ranges (Diapasmata) - perfumes in the form of powder. After the fall of the Roman Empire, the knowledge of the Greeks and the Romans were inherited by scientists of the Middle East. During the raids of barbarians on Rome thousands educated people, fearing for his life, were forced to look for shelters in the cities of the Middle East. With you, they carried books with invaluable knowledge, in which all the great heritage of previous generations were collected, including the experience of healing by plants. Ancient books were translated into Arabic. Arabic scientists picked up and developed the science of plants. Perhaps the most complete work that came to the present day is "Canon Medical Science", written by Arabic Alchemist, Astronomer, Philosopher, Mathematics, a doctor and a poet named Ibn Sina (Avicenna) (980-1030).


In India, the development of the philosophy of Ayurveda was developed. Ayurveda is a Sanskrit word having two roots: "Ayur" ("Life") and "Veda" ("Knowledge"). Ayurveda - science about knowing life. It is built by complex treatment man. Nowadays, such treatment is called holistic. That is, all sides of life should work together - food, lifestyle, image of thoughts, etc. One of the key components of holistic treatment is the realization that life energy ("Prana") plays a significant role in the recovery processes. Indian lekari received information from the religious source of "Vedas". This is the oldest sacred book, famous for people. It is in it that some medical recipes are indicated that are considered the first recorded recipes in the history of mankind. The book describes the spiritual and philosophical concept, according to which people are part of nature, and the preparation of drugs from plants is a sacred effect. Ayurvedic system is one of the oldest methods of treating diseases using plants. However, first of all, this is a philosophical system in which the reception of the plant was accompanied by exercise and spiritual meditation in order to achieve harmony between physical and spiritual beginnings.


In China, the first book on the grass appeared about two thousand years BC. During the Chin Han dynasty. Like Christian Gnostics, the followers of Taoism believed that the soul of plants lives in the flavors of the plants. To designate fragrances, incense and perfumery, the Chinese used the word "Heang". They believed that the same drugs from plants were far from the same action on a variety of organism functions. In successful treatment, each trifle should be taken into account, up to which sequence it is necessary to mix plants. Pressing the patient of the medicine, the time of day was taken into account, when a favorable equilibrium between Yin and Yang can be achieved in the human body with medication. After the fall of the Roman Empire, the knowledge of the Greeks and the Romans were inherited by scientists of the Middle East. During the raids of the barbarians to Rome, thousands of educated people, fearing for their lives, were forced to look for shelters in the cities of the Middle East. With you, they carried books with invaluable knowledge, in which all the great heritage of previous generations were collected, including the experience of healing by plants. Ancient books were translated into Arabic. Arabic scientists picked up and developed the science of plants. Perhaps the most complete work that came to the present day is "Canon Medical Science", written by Arabic Alchemist, Astronomer, Philosopher, Mathematics, a doctor and a poet named Ibn Sina (Avicenna) (980-1030). Which described the property of more than 800 plants in his writings and their influence on the human body. It is believed that Avicenna first invented the distillation method of essential oils. For the first time, he received a pink essence by distillation. In the Middle Ages, Arabs achieved success in the study of the chemical composition of essential oils. They were the first to get rose oil, which was even higher than gold. With the fall of the Roman Empire, the progress of science in Europe stopped, and at the same time she fell into decay science on healing by plants. Knowledge that came from ancient times were mainly concentrated in monasteries and are not available. simple people. Early medieval It was characterized by a superstitious attitude to plants. Some plants were directly persecuted. There are many superstitions. So, for example, among the people of that epoch, there was a belief that a scorpion lives under the bottom of the pot with a basilica. And if inhaling the aroma of the Basilica, Scorpio can get into the brain. Throughout almost a thousand years after the fall of the Roman Empire in Europe, the world of plants, along with the rest of the knowledge, was devoted to oblivion. The inquisition was raging, millions of people were burned in the bony. People who dared to engage with herbs with the help of herbs ruthlessly destroyed. And with them the experience and knowledge of the plant world went. During the Renaissance, fashion for knowledge appeared again. To know Europe sought to collect all the well-known literary sources in their private libraries. There was also a tradition of breeding gardens rich plants, where drugs were adjacent to the decorative plants. Some of the aristocrats entrusted to artists to make beautiful, although not always accurate, catalogs of their plant collections. At universities, they began to study the botany and plant life of "medicinal gardens.


In the XIX century, use medical plants In the medical institutions of Russia, Russia has significantly decreased due to the success of chemistry, which allowed to allocate and use highly active therapeutic drugs obtained from vegetable raw materials. However, many Russian scientists did not stop the study of plants and their use with therapeutic goal. Outstanding Russian scientists G.A. Zaharin, F.I. Inozemtsev, S.P. Botkin, A.A. Ostrums and others. Often in the treatment of patients resorted to the help of medicinal plants. S.P. Botkin demanded from his disciples to study medicinal plants and checking their action in hospitals.

3. Chronology of studying the properties of essential oils

In 1876, Robert Koh opened the microbes that cause a disease of the Siberian ulcer and received the Nobel Prize. In 1884, the scientist proved that they are terpling (components of a series of EM) and can even destroy microbes that cause, in particular, Siberian ulcers and tuberculosis. In 1910, Martinotell (Martindale) showed that Esgano's essential oil is the strongest antiseptic plant origins Of all the antiseptics at that time. Dr. Rene Gattefosse (Rene Gattefosse), who re-opened the essential oils and their healing properties, conducted research with his colleague and other Jean Valnet, a practitioner from Paris. In 1937, Rene-Maurice Gattefoss was introduced for the first time in the term "aromatherapy" in his book "Aromatherapy". During World War II, Dr. Valnet fought in the ranks of the French army. When the supplies of antibiotics for the front decreased, the doctor of currency began using essential oils for the treatment of wounded. To his surprise, essential oils perfectly suppressed various infections. Case Vnetnet was continued by two students; Dr. Paul Belaiche and Dr. Jean Claude Lapraz (Jean Claude Lapraz). It was found that essential oils possess antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal and antiseptic properties, and are also excellent oxygen carriers at the cellular level. In 1949-1950, Schroeder and Messing (Messing) developed a method that later became known as the "aromatogram" (the test method, which allows to investigate the effectiveness of essential oils for the treatment of a wide range of diseases). In 1954-1956, Kellner (Kellner) and Kobert (Kobert) published a study on the effect of 175 essential oils on eight bacteria propagating through the air, as well as various fungi. In 1964, Jean Valvet published the book "The Practice of Aromatherapy" (The Practice of Aromatherapy). Calnet discovered that with the help of essential oils it is possible to treat psychiatric patients, while the result of treatment was felt almost immediately. The Austrian Cosmetologist Margaret Mori (Marguerite Maury) put forward the idea of \u200b\u200bthe combined use of essential oils and massages. Managing Margaret Mori in Aromatherapy: "The Secret of Life and Youth" - famous bookwhich was first published in 1961. In 1972, H. Odea (H. Audhoui), P. Belas, J. Bourgeon (J. Bourgeon), P. Durafford (P. Duraffourd), K. Durafford (C. Duraffourd), M. Girolt (M. Girault ) and J.K. Lapraz applied the aromatogram method to develop treatment techniques with essential oils of a wide range of infectious diseases. Forty-essential oils and one tincture was investigated.

In 1977, Robert Tisserand (Robert Tisserand) published the first Aromatherapy Book in Aromatherapy Art (The Art of Aromatherapy). In 1978, Panel published his three-volume work on clinical use of aromatherapy for the treatment of a wide range of infections and degenerative diseases. In its work "Application of phytotherapie and aromatherapy" (Traite de Phaytotherapie et d "Aromatherapie) Dr. Paula proved that Esgano's essential oils, thyme, cloves, cinnamon and tea tree have very strong antibacterial and antifungal properties. In 1979, Choir Kubeczka) developed a guide to determine the quality of essential oils used for medical purposes. In 1990, Pierre Franchomme and Daniel Peniel (Daniel Penoel) published a guide on medical aromatherapy "L" Aromatherapie ExacTement ". Currently, in France, essential oils are used mainly to control infections. In France, certificates of aromatherapists and phytotherapists can only receive certified doctors. Only doctors, nurses, aesthetic cosmetologists (Aesthetician) and masseuses can practic aromatherapy. In Russia, the practice of aromatherapists is not regulated by the state. In the trading network, most essential oils refer to the category "Cosmetics", and only a very small part of the oils are performed in accordance with the pharmacopoeia. Studies in the field of aromatherapy are actively continuing. However, they are currently shifted towards the allocation and study of individual components from the composition of essential oils. So, for example, the main chemical substance From the composition of Essential oil Lemongrass - citral - is a strong skin irritant. While lemongrass essential oil, which contains up to 90% of the citral, does not have such an action. This is explained by the fact that the composition of the essential oils is not fully studied. Many substances are not even identified. Of the 300 components, not more than 170 substances are known.

4. Aromatherapy development in Russia


The art of healing by plants in Russia also has its long-standing traditions transmitted orally from generation to generation. Often, the herbalists were afraid by hanging them magical abilities. Data on the development of herbal treatment on the territory of ancient Russia has preserved a little.

The Scythians who lived in the Northern Black Sea region on the territory from Dnipro to Don (VII-I century AD), a variety of plants were successfully used in medical practices. Pliny senior noted that Scythian medicinal plants were used as an excellent medical agent not only in their homeland, but also far beyond its borders - in Greece and Italy. The distribution of Scythian medicinal plants also testify also writers and philosophers of antiquity of Herodotus, Aristotle, Caton Senior, Float. "Scythian women are rubbing on rough stone slices of cypress, cedar and incense, pouring water. Then the test resulting from rubbing is deceived by all his body and face. From this body acquires a pleasant smell, and when the next day is washed out the smeared layer, it becomes clean and glitter. " "Taking a hemp seed, the Scythians are subject to the felt yurt and then throw it on red-hot stones. From this it rises such strong smoke and steam that no Hellenic steam bath compares with such a bath. Enjoying her, Scythians scream loudly from pleasure. " The experience of Scythians inherited residents of Kiev, and then Moscow Rus. In the IX-X centuries in Kievan Rus Information about the medicinal properties of herbs gradually penetrate. They mainly proceeded from Byzantium. The first official physician in Russia was Greek Moranny Sumy (1053-1125), which Vladimir Monomakh invited. The herbs were taken from Constantinople (Tsargrad) and from the Genoese colonies to the Crimea. In the XI century, the treatment of herbs passed into the hands of monks who began to organize the collection and processing of herbs. At this time, written works appear with a description of the accumulated experience - herbalists and potions, copies of which in many people spread.

In the XIII-XV centuries during the Mongol-Tatar invasion, almost all early manuscripts in medicine died. Only after the overthrow of the Mongol-Tatar yoke, the connection between Russia and the Western European countries was again established. In Moscow at Ivan IV in 1581. The first pharmacy was opened for servicing the royal court, the work of which was built on the Western European pattern. At the same time, in 1581, "Pharmaceutical Izba" was opened, which confessed the original Russian traditional medicine. On the Board of Boris Godunov "Pharmacaric Izba" was transformed into the "Perekariya order", where the drying, warehouses, pharmacies and other utility rooms were included. In these years, more and more medical literature begins to appear in Russia. I especially want to allocate the so-called vertograd ("Vertograd" - means "garden", "Flower", "Garden"). Windograds called translations of the books of Western European authors about the use of medicinal plants. They remained very popular until the XIX century.

In the XIX century, the use of medical plants in the medical institutions of Russia has significantly decreased due to the success of chemistry, which allowed to allocate and apply highly active therapeutic drugs obtained from vegetable raw materials. However, many Russian scientists did not stop the study of plants and their use with therapeutic goal. Outstanding Russian scientists G.A. Zaharin, F.I. Inozemtsev, S.P. Botkin, A.A. Ostrums and others. Often in the treatment of patients resorted to the help of medicinal plants. S.P. Botkin demanded from his disciples to study medicinal plants and checking their action in hospitals. As in the West, periods of hot interest in aromatherapy were replaced by times of persecution, decline and oblivion.

Nevertheless, for almost half a century, phytoncides of plants, vegetable antibiotics and essential oils were seriously studied in the USSR. The term "phytoncides" first suggested that in 1928 the famous Soviet microbiologist Boris Tokin. Later, Professor Vyacheslav Nikolaevsky, the enthusiast of the wide use of essential oils as bioregulators, including in pulmonology and in harmful industries, contributed to the promotion of aromatherapy ideas. Tens of candidate and doctoral dissertations were defended in the USSR, valuable information was obtained on the mechanisms of action of volatile fragrances per person and on microorganisms; Finally, many effective drugs were created - among them known to all "Inhalipte", "Kameton", "Camphoman", "proposol". However, the nomenclature of available essential oils was limited to three-five names produced from domestic raw materials. And to create a wide scientific and practical database, a much broader spectrum was required, which could only be ensured by imports.

Currently, aromatherapy in Russia is experiencing time of decline in the plan research work. However, it is widely used in everyday life at the level of mass use without any serious scientific approaches and accounting for world achievements in the field of aromatherapy. This process is in no way controlled by the state, which can lead to serious health problems.

5. The main directions of aromatherapy

In general, the smell of a very interesting tool of the human body, one of the most important feelings. After all, it is worth capturing some kind of smell, then this or that or another memory associated with it is immediately coming. Once a caught smell remains in our memory forever. It binds to the entire gamut of sensations of the moment when you felt it. And the next time you catch it, be sure you remember all the feelings that you had at the time of the first dating with him. So the smell of spirits of a person significant for you will be associated only with him, even if you just skip the bottle of perfume, you immediately remember this person. Congenital memory to smells is also one of the tools for the impact of aromatherapy.

Another tool is the immediate effect of one or another oil on the body. His properties. Chemical composition.

Severally related directions in aromatherapy should be distinguished: domestic aromatherapy, examination, aromacology (aromachology), as well as scientific, or evidence aromatherapy. Scientific aromatherapy, despite the ancient roots, began to develop only lately. Due to the fact that aromatherapy in most countries is not included in the system of conventional medicine, the content of the term in different countries is different, even within the same country, the names of the aromatherapy directions and traditional medicine can coincide, but to designate absolutely different treatment methods. Revival aromatherapy. It is the method of the aromatogram that marked the beginning of the revival of aromatherapy, despite the fact that previously unknown and unused essential oils were rejected by a medical pharmacology. Dr. Calnet made an aromogram of approximately 60 essential oils. Their properties of suppress infections were striking. It was revealed that the most effective essential oils, destroying infections, contain the same components. Knowledge of the chemical composition of essential oils with anti-infectious properties makes it possible to use these properties.

Results show:

* Phenols: Carvacrol, Timol and Eugenol - are extremely strong antibacterial substances

* Cinnal aldehyde - the same strong as mentioned phenols (used as anti-infectious means)

* Wide spectrum of monoterpenol activity: Linalol, Tuypineol, Geraniol, Tuyanol and menthol are effective and useful means in the fight against bacterial infections.

* CESVITERPENOLES: KOTROOTOL and Viridoflorol are very strong anti-infectious substances.

* Aldehydes: Citral, Qitronellal and Kumin - are important antibacterial substances.

* Ketones: Verbenon, Tuion, Camfar, Pinocamon, Crypton, Fenxon, Menton, Piperiton and Carwon - are effective in infections accompanied by mucous secretions.

* Oxides: Especially 1.8 - cinetol - are an important anti-infective molecule and a means that toning the lymphatic system.

* Timol, carvacrol and eugenol are well known as powerful antifungal agents.

AromoMedicine and Aromacology

Treatment of infectious diseases using essential oils has become a branch of clinical medicine after large-scale studies conducted by Dr. Paul Belaiche, and then Dr. Pierre Franchomme and Daniel Peniel. This unique approach to therapeutic use of essential oils became known as the French School of Aromatherapy, Medical Aromatherapy or AromoMedicin. The association of modern scientific arguments obtained as a result of laboratory studies with appropriate clinical trials and with a stable, clearly preserved, holistic orientation, represent the main features of this approach.

Scientific discipline - aromaticology - made a significant contribution to our understanding of the properties of essential oils into the possibility of their use in pharmaceutical practice. It is based on scientific research of psychological effects caused by some aromatic substances, emphasizing the psychological perception of fragrances.

Aromacology is the science of the influence of fragrances on human psychology. The terms "aromatherapy" and "aromaticology" are often used to differentiate science, research and theory (aromatic) from the practical use of essential oils by clinicians and aromatherapists (aromatherapy).

6. Aromatherapy methods

For its history, aromatherapy and the use of essential oils were widespread and more progressive methods of exposure use in our time:

Aromatic massage perfectly affects the central nervous system, on blood circulation and respiratory organs. Essential oil is mixed with basic or massage cream, and there is already a massage on them;

Compresses with aromatic oils are designed to affect a certain area of \u200b\u200bthe body or body. For this, essential oil is added to hot (or cold) water, then wet the fabric and applied to the desired area for 10-30 minutes;

Aromatic baths usually take courses. Essential oil or a mixture of oils are added at the very last moment so that it does not evaporate. The effects of oils in the baths is based on the fact that they are instantly absorbed into the skin and penetrate after a few seconds in the internal organs: kidneys, lungs, liver;

Inhalation with essential oils Aromalamps (oil drops are added to warm water, the candle, heating water), hot inhalations (when you need to breathe a hot steam with the addition of oil, covered with a towel) and cold inhalations (oil dripped on the fabric and sniff for five minutes) .

Aromatherapy Especially widespread use in creating all sorts of cosmetic products. Essential oils added to cosmetic products: creams, masks, lotions.

7. Use of traditional essential oils

It all started with the fact that Gattefoss, experimented in the laboratory, burned his hand and lowered it into a vessel with a lavender oil. The chemist surprised that the oil had reassured the burn, he began to impose bandages with lavender oil on the burn and soon he helated without a scar. This fact pushed Rene to the study of essential oils. This example shows how important the essential oils are correctly selected in aromatherapy. All oils have certain properties, and choose them strictly individually. Nevertheless, they have and general properties: Anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antimicrobial. In addition, all oils have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, increase the performance, remove stress and normalize sleep. But aromatherapy requires attention and compliance with the rules for receiving procedures and recipes. Therefore, it should be said about the multipurpose action of some oils on the same person: depending on its state, they can affect the opposite way, and sometimes even mixed (for example, toning to one body system and relaxing to the other). Such multifaceted oils are called adaptogens.

8. Useful properties of some essential oils

The main tools of aromatherapy are essential oils. In the "encyclopedic dictionary" F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron is given the following definition: "Essential oils: under the general name of E. Oils collect a large amount of substances having, in essence, in general, only that they are formed in plants and possess the smell, and then this last quality must be taken with the reservation. Some E. oils are not in finished form in plants, but are formed with a known rooding of fermentation, which precedes oil isolation. The name of E. Oils was given to these substances at the time when the chemistry was in infancy and these titles wanted to show that these substances, on the one hand, are similar to fat oil - fat to the touch, swim on the water (now there is exceptions) and give on paper and tissues translucent stain, and on the other hand, they, like ether, volatile; This was seen by their main and almost the only difference from oily oils: the spot on paper from these latter does not disappear even when heated, and the stain from E. oils disappears without a trace after some time in the cold and rather soon when heating. In reality, E. Oil, except external view, nothing to do with fat do not have and, while all grades of oily oils have a similar chemical composition, oil E. in relation to the composition of a large variety. Each E. oil is not certain chemical compound, and represents the mixture, sometimes very complex. "

In BSE, an outdated identification of essential oils is given, which is refuted by modern science. "Essential oils, odorous substances that are produced by ether solid plants and cause their smell. Synthesis of essential oils occurs in special cells of various organs of plants. The biological role of these oils is not finally clarified. It is assumed, for example, that they are attractants or repellents, reduce heat transfer, etc. " Currently, it is proved that the components of essential oils can be formed in various parts of plants; In the future, they can be distributed in plant tissues, and often accumulates in certain tissues, in a dissolved or emulsified state. There are two types of similar formations: exogenous (external) and endogenous (internal). The components of essential oils are treated as the products of the secondary metabolism of plants. Starting from the 20s of the last century, with the development of perfume chemistry, which has learned to imitate the aromas of concentrated volatile substances obtained from plants, the term "essential oils" Some have become incorrectly transferred to artificial or synthetic products (flavors) created in chemical laboratories, and natural, which are obtained by physical methods from plants.

In English, in order for one concept not to be replaced by other, there are special designations. The term "Essential Oils" is used to designate natural essential oils. Artificially created essential oils call "Fragrances Oils" ("aromatic oils", that is, flavors). In Russian for these products, unscrupulous sellers sometimes use one term - "essential oils", which generates not only confusion, but can seriously harm health during aromatherapy practice. Artificially created "essential oils" for chemical composition usually do not have anything in common with natural. Their relatives are exclusively fragrant. To distinguish natural oils from artificial flavors, a rule was introduced: all natural essential oils should have a botanical name of the plant from which it is obtained. For example, if in the name of the essential oil it is written: "Rosemary's essential oil", it may mean that this product of artificial origin. Natural essential oil rosemary should be referred to as follows: Rosmary's essential oil (Rosmarinus officinalis), where the botanical name of the plant is indicated in brackets from which it is obtained. To avoid confusion that can have serious negative consequences for those who use aromatherapy as a treatment method in one of tutorials Aromatherapy was proposed to introduce new terms. Natural essential oils were suggested to assign a term, "which more fully reveals their properties and appointment": "Phytoessentials". For artificial "essential oils" it was proposed to leave the former name - "essential oils". Currently, these new terms are used by their practicing aromatherapists, but due to the lowest prevalence, they can only increase misunderstanding and introduce an additional confusion. Taking into account the above, the definition of aromatherapy can be formulated as follows: Aromatherapy is an area of \u200b\u200bknowledge about methods and forms of holistic (holistic) effects of essential oils and other volatile fragrances to the body.

Juniper to

Juniper is used as a diuretic, cleansing agent, helps to purify blood from toxins and uric acid, normalizes the water-salt exchange and strengthens the nervous system. As a psychosomatic action, juniper normalizes mental activity, relieves fear, improves confidence in its own forces. In cosmetology, juniper is used to treat seborrhea and acne, swelling of lower extremities, eczema, dermatitis.


Lavender - anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, drainage. As a psychosomatic action, lavender normalizes mental activities, relieves imperitust, facilitates decision-making. Cosmetology has a cleansing drainage effect on the body, used to increase the elasticity and elasticity of the skin, improves the skin color after the tan. Added to cosmetics, massage oils and aromalamps.

rose flower

National Activity: A softening agent, a rejuvenating effect, prevents the decrease in the skin tone. As a psychosomatic exposure, the rose helps to cope with the feelings of sadness, melancholy, survive disappointment. In cosmetology, Rosa warns the skin aging, is used to treat sensitive skin, restoring a healthy face, eliminates hormonal dysfunctions. The oil is used in baths and inhalations.


Essential oil from rosemary normalizes the activity of the cardiovascular system, reduces muscle pain, eliminates the angry rash. Psychosomatic effects of rosemary: stimulates work nervous system, increases the sense of confidence in their own power, removes the feeling of fear. In cosmetology, rosemary is used to treat oily skin, Correction of Figures and Cellulite Fight. With rosemary to make a massage and inhalation.


Ylang-Ilang normalizes the work of the heart, is used as Aphrodisiac, relieves breath. As a psychosomatic remedy, relieves irritation, aggression, anger. In cosmetology is used to normalize the work of the sebaceous glands, for the correction of the figure, to combat cellulite. With butter, ylang-ylang makes baths, inhalation, added to shampoos.


The lemon has a drainage effect, reduces blood pressure, activates the water-salt exchange, normalizes the tone of blood vessels. In addition, Lemon enhances mental activity, increases the concentration of mental resources. In cosmetology, lemon removes swelling in the treatment of cellulite, contributes to the removal of stagnation, for the treatment of nail fragility. With this oil makes the baths, it is added to the cosmetics.


Cypress normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands, eliminates the acne rash and reduces the sweating. Psychosomatic action: contributes to psycho-emotional relaxation, increases stress resistance, contributes to clarity of thinking. In cosmetology is used for deep skin cleansing, as an anti-waste agent, for the treatment of varicose veins. Used in massages and contrasting baths.


The overall effect of eucalyptus: improves the body's tone, has an antimicrobial effect. Eucalyptus increases mental immunity, has an anti-depreciation effect, increases stress resistance. In cosmetology, it is used as energy to increase elasticity, elasticity and homogeneity of the skin (on the face it is not recommended). And eucalyptus is used to treat herpes and fever. It is used in inhalations.

9. Aromatherapy in medicine

Aromatherapy activity field is very extensive. This is due to the fact that its tools, essential oils possess the most various actions On the human body: soothing, restoring, stimulating, antibacterial, etc. Therapeutic effect includes care for the condition of the skin, prevention and treatment of various internal diseases, impact on the emotional level.

For example, massage using essential oils not only relaxes muscle, but has a beneficial effect on the skin. In the process of massage, the aromas of essential oils contributes to the relaxation of the nervous system and its recovery. Essential oils "work" in harmony with the body, helping him to restore and balancing its natural functions.

Roman chamomile essential oil not only restores the cells of the body, it has antiseptic and healing effect equally, as is the anti-game and anti-inflammatory effect. Most essential oils, in contrast to synthetic drugs, have many beneficial properties.

10. Aromatherapy Impact Mechanisms

Three possible aromatherapy mechanisms are distinguished:

* Pharmacological: After applying essential oils in the body, chemical changes occur, caused by the interaction of components of essential oils with hormones, enzymes, organism acids, etc. factors;

* Physiological: Essential oils have a stimulating or soothing effect on organs or body tissues, and a nervous system can be involved in this process;

* Psychological: As a result of inhalation of the aromas of essential oils, an individual (conscious or subconscious) response an organism on the smell occurs. The emotional reaction, in turn, can cause mental or physiological changes in the body.

11. Methodsaromatherapy

In the practice of aromatherapy there are several ways to use essential oils:

Internal use:

* Reception inside

* Rectal administration

* Vaginal administration

Outdoor application:

* Massage;

* baths;

* Compresses.

Spraying in the air:

* Inhalation;

* Aroma lamp;

* Sprays.

-humidifiers-type« sink air»

Cardiovascular diseases

Some essential oils, such as hyssop, can have a tonic or regulatory effect on blood circulation. "Acute", "hot" essential oils, stimulate circulation, heated, increase body temperature (for example, benzoin, camphor, corticarius, juniper, sage, thyme). "Cooling" oils help reduce blood pressure (lavender, pink geranium). Like Melissa and not role, the Ilang-Ilanga essential oil has a soothing effect on the heart, cuts a rapid heartbeat, removes heart spasm. Forms and methods of using essential oils: inhalation, massage, baths, compresses.

Diseases of the nervous system

Aromatherapists consider some essential oils by "regulators" or "adaptogens", since they have "modulating" or normalizing properties. For example, geranium can calm or excite, depending on the situation and individual features man. Some essential oils such as Bergamot, Melissa or Lemon can be sedative for the nervous system, and at the same time "lift the Spirit." Conversely, Jasmine, Ilang-Ylang and Neroli stimulate the CNS, but at the same time reduce the level of emotional tension. Forms and methods of using essential oils: massage (preferably), bath, inhalation (inhalation).

Diseases of the digestive tract

Peppermint essential oil is well known as an antispastic and improving digestion. It is also used to treat irritable intestinal syndrome (CPC). Such properties have other essential oils, such as a clove, which increases the acidity of the gastric juice due to the presence of eugenol in it. Forms and methods of using essential oils: Oral, aromatic back massage (spinal and lumbar parts) and local compresses in the area of \u200b\u200bthe stomach and abdominal surface.

Diseases of the urinary system

In case of urine diseases caused by staphylococcus, the essential oils of juniper, sage, sandalwood and thyme are effective. There are data on efficacy in the treatment of chronic cystitis using sandalwood essential oil. Forms and methods of using essential oils (phytoessentials): Oral, Baths, Massage in the area bladder / Kidneys in front and rear. Note: Avoid applying massage for people who have renal stones, urban glomerulas, etc.

Diseases of the sexual system

Some essential oils, such as rose and jasmine, are traditionally considered as a stimulating effect on the sex system. They are used in the treatment of genital infections and sex disorders. The mechanism of this action is not clear, whether they are indirectly through the brain or directly, due to the direct effect of essential oil on the hormonal system. The effect of some essential oils is considered a "monthly" (for example, Juniper Cossack), possibly due to irritation of the gastrointestinal tract, that is, they do not possess a specific abortion effect. Black Caraway essential oil (Black Caraway) has a reverse action to some extent - reduces the activity of generic activity. Forms and methods of using essential oils: orally, through massage, "femoral baths" or vaginal sinking, compresses or massage of the bottom of the back and aromatic sessions - the spread of aromas in the air (including the use of aromalamps).


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