The element is a name that is common in the universe. Rating of the most important chemical elements and compounds. The rarest chemical elements on Earth

There is the most common chemical element and the most common substance on our amazing planet, and there is the most common chemical element in the vastness of the Universe.

The most abundant chemical element on Earth

On our planet, oxygen is the leader in prevalence. It interacts with almost all elements. Its atoms are found in almost all rocks and the minerals that form the earth's crust. The modern period in the development of chemistry began precisely with the discovery of this important and paramount chemical element. The credit for this discovery is shared by Scheele, Priestley and Lavoisier. The debate about which of them is the discoverer has been going on for hundreds of years, and still has not stopped. But the word "oxygen" itself was introduced by Lomonosov.

It accounts for slightly more than forty-seven percent of the entire solid mass of the earth's crust. Bound oxygen makes up nearly eighty-nine percent of the mass of fresh and seawater. Free oxygen is found in the atmosphere, making up about twenty-three percent of the mass and almost twenty-one percent of the volume. At least one and a half thousand compounds of the earth's crust contain oxygen. There are no living cells in the world that do not have this widespread element. Sixty-five percent of the mass of every living cell is oxygen.

Today, this substance is obtained industrially from air and supplied under a pressure of 15 MPa in steel cylinders. There are other ways to get it. Scopes of application - food industry, medicine, metallurgy, etc.

Where is the most common element found?

It is almost impossible to find a corner in nature where there would be no oxygen. He is everywhere - in the depths, and high above the Earth, and under water, and in the water itself. It is found not only in connections, but also in a free state. Most likely, it is because of this that this element has always been of interest to scientists.

Geologists and chemists are studying the presence of oxygen in conjunction with all elements. Botanists are interested in studying the processes of nutrition and respiration of plants. Physiologists have not fully figured out the role of oxygen in the life of animals and humans. Physicists seek to find new way its use to create high temperatures.

It is known that regardless of whether it is hot southern air or cold air of northern regions, the oxygen content in it is always the same and is twenty-one percent.

How is the most common substance used?

As the most abundant known substance on the planet, water is ubiquitous. Everything is covered and permeated by this substance, but it remains little studied. In-depth study of it modern science took up relatively recently. Scientists have discovered many of its properties that cannot yet be explained.

Not a single human economic activity can do without this most common substance. It's hard to imagine Agriculture or industry without water, also without this substance nuclear reactors, turbines, power plants where water is used for cooling. For domestic needs, people use an increasing amount of this substance from year to year. Thus, ten liters of water a day was enough for a Stone Age man. Today, at least two hundred and twenty liters are used daily for the share of every inhabitant of the Earth. People are eighty percent water, each day, each day consumes at least one and a half liters of fluid.

The most abundant chemical element in the universe

Three-fourths of the entire Universe is hydrogen, in other words, it is the most abundant element in the Universe. Water, being the most abundant substance on our planet, is made up of more than eleven percent hydrogen.

In the earth's crust, hydrogen is one percent by mass, but as many as sixteen percent by the number of atoms. Compounds such as natural gases, oil and coal are not complete without the presence of hydrogen.

It should be noted that in a free state, this common element is extremely rare. On the surface of our planet, it is present in small quantities in some natural gases, including volcanic ones. There is free hydrogen in the atmosphere, but its presence there is extremely small. It is hydrogen that is the element that creates the radiative inner earth belt, like the flow of protons.

Hydrogen is about fifty percent composed of many stars and the sun, where it is present in the form of plasma. It contains most of the interstellar medium, as well as nebular gases. Hydrogen is also present in the atmospheres of planets and comets.

It was identified as a chemical element in 1766. Henry Cavendish did it. Fifteen years later, he found out that the result of the interaction of hydrogen with oxygen is water. The "character" of hydrogen is truly explosive, for which it received the name explosive gas.

But the largest star in the universe has a diameter of 1,391,000.
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  • 4. Characteristic features of the empirical and theoretical levels of scientific research.
  • 6. The role of natural science in the formation of a scientific picture of the world and its contribution to the development of the culture of thinking of mankind.
  • 7. Natural science as a phenomenon of universal human culture. Fundamental natural science directions: subject and research methods.
  • 8. The reasons why the knowledge accumulated by the ancient civilizations of Babylon, Egypt, China cannot be considered scientific.
  • 9. Natural and social cataclysms that contributed to the birth of the origins of scientific knowledge in Ancient Greece.
  • 10. The principles and rules of true knowledge, laid down by Thales of Miletus. The search for the origins and the concept of atomism (Leucippus and Democritus).
  • 12. Foundations of the doctrine of the movement of bodies according to Aristotle. The first system of the universe of Aristotle - Ptolemy.
  • 14. Reasons for the extinction of interest in scientific knowledge, the flourishing of monotheistic religions, the role of the Arab and Eastern peoples in the preservation and development of ancient Greek knowledge
  • 15. The reasons for the development of criteria for scientific knowledge in the Middle Ages. Subsequent milestones in the development of the scientific method, its components and its creators
  • 20. Types and mechanisms of fundamental interactions in nature.
  • 21. Manifestations of fundamental interactions in mechanics, thermodynamics, nuclear physics, chemistry, cosmology.
  • 22. Manifestations of fundamental interactions and structural levels of organization of matter.
  • 26. Specificity of the laws of nature in physics, chemistry, biology, geology, cosmology.
  • 27.The basic principles underlying the pictures of the universe from Aristotle to the present day.
  • 32. Modern implementation of the atomistic concept of Leucippus - Democritus. Generations of quarks and leptons. Intermediate bosons as carriers of fundamental interactions.
  • 34. The structure of chemical elements, the synthesis of transuranic elements.
  • 35. Atomic-molecular "constructor" of the structure of matter. The difference between physical and chemical approaches to the study of the properties of a substance.
  • 40. The main tasks of cosmology. Solving the question of the origin of the Universe at different stages of the development of civilization.
  • 41. Physical theories that served as the basis for the creation of the theory of the "hot" Universe G.A. Gamow.
  • 42. The reasons for the insignificant duration during the initial "eras" and "eras" in the history of the Universe.
  • 43. The main events that took place in the era of quantum gravity. Problems of "modeling" these processes and phenomena.
  • 44. Explain from an energetic point of view why the Age of hadrons preceded the Age of leptons.
  • 45. Energy (temperature) at which the separation of radiation from matter took place, and the Universe became "transparent".
  • 46. ​​Building material for the formation of the large-scale structure of the Universe.
  • 49. Properties of black holes and their detection of themselves in the Universe.
  • 50. Observable facts supporting the theory of "hot" Universe.
  • 51. Methods for determining the chemical composition of stars and planets. The most common chemical elements in the universe.
  • 50. Observable facts supporting the theory of "hot" Universe.

    The physical theory of the evolution of the Universe, which is based on the assumption that before stars, galaxies and other astronomical objects appeared in nature, matter was a rapidly expanding and initially very hot medium. The assumption that the expansion of the Universe began with a "hot" state, when the substance was a mixture of various interacting elementary particles of high energies, was first put forward by G.A. Gamov in 1946. At present, G.V.T. Considered generally accepted, The two most important observational evidence for this theory is the detection of the CMB predicted by the theory and the explanation for the observed relationship between the relative masses of hydrogen and helium in nature.

    51. Methods for determining the chemical composition of stars and planets. The most common chemical elements in the universe.

    Despite the fact that several decades have passed since the launch of the first spacecraft into space, most of the celestial objects studied by astronomers are still inaccessible. Meanwhile, enough information has been collected even about the most distant planets of the solar system and their satellites.

    Astronomers often have to use remote sensing methods to study celestial bodies. Spectral analysis is one of the most common. With the help of it, it is possible to determine the approximate chemical composition of the atmosphere of the planets and even their surfaces.

    The point is that atoms various substances emit energy in a specific wavelength range. By measuring the energy that is released in a certain spectrum, specialists can determine their total mass, and, accordingly, the substance that creates radiation.

    However, more often than not, some difficulties arise in determining the exact chemical composition. The atoms of a substance can be in such conditions that their radiation is difficult to observe, therefore it is necessary to take into account some side factors (for example, the temperature of the object).

    Spectral lines help, the fact is that each element has a certain color of the spectrum and when examining some planet (star), well, in general, an object, with the help of special instruments - spectrographs, we can see their emitted color or a series of colors! Then, according to a special plate, it looks to which substance these lines belong! ! The science behind it is spectroscopy

    Spectroscopy is a branch of physics devoted to the study of the spectra of electromagnetic radiation.

    Spectral analysis is a set of methods for determining the composition (for example, chemical) of an object, based on the study of the properties of radiation coming from it (in particular, light). It turned out that the atoms of each chemical element have strictly defined resonance frequencies, as a result of which it is at these frequencies that they emit or absorb light. This leads to the fact that lines (dark or light) are visible on the spectrum in the spectroscope in certain places characteristic of each substance. The intensity of the lines depends on the amount of matter and even its state. In quantitative spectral analysis, the content of the analyte is determined by the relative or absolute intensities of lines or bands in the spectra. Distinguish between atomic and molecular spectral analysis, emission "by emission spectra" and absorption "by absorption spectra".

    Optical spectral analysis is characterized by relative ease of implementation, rapidity, lack of complex preparation of samples for analysis, a small amount of substance (10-30 mg) required for analysis for big number elements. Emission spectra are obtained by converting a substance into a vaporous state and exciting the atoms of elements by heating the substance to 1000-10000 ° C. A spark, an alternating current arc is used as sources of excitation of spectra in the analysis of materials conducting current. The sample is placed in the crater of one of the carbon electrodes. Flames of various gases are widely used for the analysis of solutions. Spectral analysis is a sensitive method and is widely used in chemistry, astrophysics, metallurgy, mechanical engineering, geological exploration, etc. The method was proposed in 1859 by G. Kirchhoff and R. Bunsen. With its help, helium was discovered on the Sun earlier than on Earth.

    Element abundance, a measure of how abundant or rare the elements are compared to other elements in a given environment. The prevalence in various cases can be measured by mass fraction, mole fraction or volume fraction. The abundance of chemical elements is often represented by clarke.

    For example, the mass fraction of the prevalence of oxygen in water is about 89%, because it is the fraction of the mass of water that is oxygen. However, the mole fraction of oxygen in water is only 33%, because only 1 out of 3 atoms in a water molecule is an oxygen atom. In the Universe as a whole, and in the atmospheres of gas giant planets such as Jupiter, the mass fraction of the abundance of hydrogen and helium is about 74% and 23-25%, respectively, while the atomic mole fraction of elements is closer to 92% and 8%.

    However, since hydrogen is diatomic and helium is not, in the outer atmosphere of Jupiter, the molecular mole fraction of hydrogen is about 86%, and helium is 13%.


    It was a sensation - it turns out that the most important substance on Earth consists of two equally important chemical elements. "AiF" decided to look at the periodic table and remember thanks to what elements and compounds the Universe exists, as well as life on Earth and human civilization.


    Where occurs: the most common element in the Universe, its main " construction material". Stars, including the Sun, are made of it. Thanks to thermonuclear fusion with the participation of hydrogen, the Sun will warm our planet for another 6.5 billion years.

    Why is it useful: in industry - in the production of ammonia, soap and plastics. Hydrogen energy has great prospects: this gas does not pollute environment, because during combustion it gives only water vapor.

    CARBON (C)

    Where occurs: any organism is largely made of carbon. In the human body, this element occupies about 21%. So, our muscles are 2/3 of it. In a free state, it occurs naturally in the form of graphite and diamond.

    Why is it useful: food, energy and many others. others. The class of compounds based on carbon is huge - hydrocarbons, proteins, fats, etc. This element is indispensable in nanotechnology.


    Where occurs: the Earth's atmosphere is 75% nitrogen. It is part of proteins, amino acids, hemoglobin, etc.

    Why is it useful: necessary for the existence of animals and plants. In industry it is used as a gaseous medium for packaging and storage, as a refrigerant. With its help, various compounds are synthesized - ammonia, fertilizers, explosives, dyes.

    OXYGEN (O)

    Where occurs: The most common element on Earth, it accounts for about 47% of the mass of the solid earth's crust. Sea and fresh waters are 89% oxygen, the atmosphere 23%.

    Why is it useful: Thanks to oxygen, living things can breathe; without it, fire would not be possible. This gas is widely used in medicine, metallurgy, food industry, and energy.


    Where occurs: In the atmosphere, in the sea water.

    Why is it useful: Thanks to this compound, plants can breathe. The process of absorbing carbon dioxide from the air is called photosynthesis. It is the main source of biological energy. It is worth recalling that the energy that we get from burning fossil fuels (coal, oil, gas) has been accumulated in the bowels of the earth for millions of years thanks to photosynthesis.

    IRON (Fe)

    Where occurs: one of the most common elements in the solar system. The cores of the terrestrial planets consist of it.

    Why is it useful: metal used by man since ancient times. Whole historical era received the name of the Iron Age. Nowadays, up to 95% of the world production of metals is accounted for by iron, it is the main component of steels and cast irons.

    SILVER (Ag)

    Where occurs: One of the scarce items. Previously found in nature in its native form.

    Why is it useful: Since the middle of the 13th century, it has become a traditional material for making tableware. Possesses unique properties, therefore it is used in various industries - in jewelry, photography, electrical engineering and electronics. The disinfecting properties of silver are also known.

    GOLD (Au)

    Where occurs: used to be found in nature in its native form. It is mined in the mines.

    Why is it useful: the most important element of the world financial system, since its reserves are small. It has long been used as money. All bank gold reserves are currently estimated

    in 32 thousand tons - if you fuse them together, you get a cube with a side of only 12 m. It is used in medicine, microelectronics, in nuclear research.

    SILICON (Si)

    Where occurs: In terms of prevalence in the earth's crust, this element ranks second (27-30% of the total mass).

    Why is it useful: Silicon is the main material for electronics. Also used in metallurgy and in the production of glass and cement.

    WATER (H2O)

    Where occurs: Our planet is 71% covered with water. The human body is 65% composed of this compound. There is water in outer space, in the body of comets.

    Why is it useful: It is of key importance in the creation and maintenance of life on Earth, because, due to its molecular properties, it is a universal solvent. Water has many unique properties that we don't think about. So, if it did not increase in volume during freezing, life simply would not have arisen: the reservoirs would freeze to the bottom every winter. And so, expanding, the lighter ice remains on the surface, maintaining a viable environment underneath.

    We all know that hydrogen fills our Universe by 75%. But do you know which ones are still there chemical elements, no less important for our existence and playing a significant role for the life of people, animals, plants and our entire Earth? Elements from this ranking shape our entire universe!

    10. Sulfur (prevalence relative to silicon - 0.38)

    This chemical element in the periodic table is listed under the symbol S and is characterized by atomic number 16. Sulfur is very common in nature.

    9. Iron (prevalence relative to silicon - 0.6)

    It is designated by the symbol Fe, atomic number - 26. Iron is very often found in nature, it plays an especially important role in the formation of the inner and outer shell of the Earth's core.

    8. Magnesium (prevalence relative to silicon - 0.91)

    In the periodic table, magnesium can be found under the symbol Mg, and its atomic number is 12. What is most surprising about this chemical element is that it is most often released during the explosion of stars in the process of their transformation into supernova bodies.

    7. Silicon (prevalence relative to silicon - 1)

    Designated as Si. The atomic number of silicon is 14. This gray-blue metalloid is very rarely found in the earth's crust in its pure form, but it is quite common in other substances. For example, it can even be found in plants.

    6. Carbon (prevalence relative to silicon - 3.5)

    Carbon in Mendeleev's table of chemical elements is listed under the symbol C, its atomic number is 6. The most famous allotropic modification of carbon is one of the most coveted precious stones in the world - diamonds. Carbon is actively used in other industrial purposes for more everyday purposes.

    5. Nitrogen (abundance relative to silicon - 6.6)

    Symbol N, atomic number 7. First discovered by Scottish physician Daniel Rutherford, nitrogen is most commonly found in the form of nitric acid and nitrates.

    4. Neon (abundance relative to silicon - 8.6)

    It is designated by the symbol Ne, atomic number - 10. It is no secret that this particular chemical element is associated with a beautiful glow.

    3. Oxygen (prevalence relative to silicon - 22)

    A chemical element under the symbol O and with atomic number 8, oxygen is indispensable for our existence! But this does not mean that it is present only on Earth and serves only for human lungs. The universe is full of surprises.

    2. Helium (abundance relative to silicon - 3.100)

    The symbol for helium is He, the atomic number is 2. It is colorless, odorless and tasteless, non-toxic, and its boiling point is the lowest among all chemical elements. And thanks to him, the balls soar up!

    1. Hydrogen (abundance relative to silicon - 40,000)

    True number one on our list, hydrogen is in the periodic table under the symbol H and has atomic number 1. It is the lightest chemical element in the periodic table and the most abundant element in the entire studied universe.

    The simplest and most common element

    Hydrogen has only one proton and one electron (this is the only element without a neutron). It is the simplest element in the universe, which explains why it is also the most abundant, Nyman said. However, an isotope of hydrogen called deuterium contains one proton and one neutron, while the other, known as tritium, has one proton and two neutrons.

    In stars, hydrogen atoms fuse to create helium, the second most abundant element in the universe. Helium has two protons, two neutrons, and two electrons. Together, helium and hydrogen make up 99.9 percent of all known matter in the universe.

    However, the universe has about 10 times more hydrogen than helium, Nyman says. “Oxygen, which is the third most abundant element, is about 1,000 times less than hydrogen,” she added.

    Generally speaking, the higher the atomic number of an element, the less it can be found in the Universe.

    Hydrogen in the Earth

    The composition of the earth, however, is different from that of the universe. For example, oxygen is the most abundant element by weight in the earth's crust. It is followed by silicon, aluminum and iron. In the human body, the most abundant element by weight is oxygen, followed by carbon and hydrogen.

    Role in the human body

    Hydrogen has a number of key roles in the human body. The hydrogen bonds help the DNA to stay twisted. In addition, hydrogen helps maintain the correct pH in the stomach and other organs. If your stomach becomes too alkaline, hydrogen is released as it is involved in regulating this process. If the environment in the stomach is too acidic, hydrogen will bind with other elements.

    Hydrogen in water

    In addition, it is hydrogen that allows ice to float on the surface of water, since hydrogen bonds increase the distance between its frozen molecules, which makes them less dense.

    Typically, a substance is denser when it is solid rather than liquid, Nyman said. Water is the only substance that becomes less dense in solid form.

    What is the danger of hydrogen

    However, hydrogen can also be dangerous. Its reaction with oxygen led to the disaster of the Hindenburg airship, which killed 36 people in 1937. In addition, hydrogen bombs can be incredibly destructive, although they have never been used as a weapon. Nevertheless, their potential was demonstrated in the 1950s by countries such as the USA, USSR, Great Britain, France and China.

    Hydrogen bombs, like atomic bombs, use a combination of nuclear fusion and fission reactions, which leads to destruction. When they explode, they create not only mechanical shock waves, but also radiation.

    What is the most abundant substance in the universe? Let's approach this issue logically. It seems to be known, this is hydrogen. Hydrogen H makes up 74% of the mass of matter in the Universe.

    We will not go into the jungle of the unknown here, we will not consider Dark Matter and Dark Energy, we will only talk about ordinary matter, about the usual chemical elements located in (at the moment) 118 cells of the periodic table.

    Hydrogen as it is

    Atomic hydrogen H 1 is what all stars in galaxies are made of, this is the bulk of our familiar matter, which scientists call baryonic. Baryonic matter consists of ordinary protons, neutrons and electrons and is synonymous with the word substance.

    But monatomic hydrogen is not quite a chemical substance in our dear, terrestrial understanding. It is a chemical element. And by substance, we usually mean some kind of chemical compound, i.e. compound of chemical elements... It is clear that the simplest chemical substance is a combination of hydrogen with hydrogen, i.e. ordinary gaseous hydrogen H 2, which we know, love and with which we fill airships-zeppelins, from which they then explode beautifully.

    Two-volume hydrogen H 2 fills most of the gas clouds and nebulae in space. When, under the influence of their own gravity, they gather into stars, the rising temperature breaks the chemical bond, turning it into atomic hydrogen H 1, and the ever increasing temperature rips off an electron e- from a hydrogen atom, converting into a hydrogen ion or just a proton p+. In stars, all matter is in the form of such ions, which form the fourth state of matter - plasma.

    Again, the chemical hydrogen is not very interesting thing, it's too simple, let's look for something more complex. Compounds made up of different chemical elements.

    The next most common chemical element in the Universe is helium. He, its in the Universe is 24% of the total mass. In theory, the most common difficult chemical there must be a combination of hydrogen and helium, but the trouble is, helium - inert gas... Under ordinary and even not very ordinary conditions, helium will not combine with other substances and with itself. It can be made to undergo chemical reactions by cunning tricks, but such compounds are rare and usually do not last long.

    So you need to look for compounds of hydrogen with the next most common chemical elements.
    Their share is only 2% of the mass of the Universe, when 98% are the aforementioned hydrogen and helium.

    Lithium is not the third most popular Li, as it might seem, looking at the periodic table. The next most abundant element in the universe is oxygen. O that we all know, love and breathe as a colorless and odorless O 2 diatomic gas. The amount of oxygen in space is far ahead of all other elements from the 2% that remained minus hydrogen and helium, in fact, half of the remainder, i.e. about 1%.

    This means that the most common substance in the Universe turns out to be (we deduced this postulate logically, but this is also confirmed by experimental observations) the most ordinary water H 2 O.

    There is more water (mostly frozen in the form of ice) in the Universe than anything else. Minus hydrogen and helium, of course.

    Everything, literally everything, consists of water. Our Solar System is also made of water. Well, in the sense of the Sun, of course, consists mainly of hydrogen and helium, from which gas giant planets like Jupiter and Saturn are collected. But all the rest of the matter in the Solar System is not concentrated in rocky planets with a metal core such as Earth or Mars, and not in stone belt asteroids. The bulk of the Solar System in the icy debris left over from its formation consists of ice comets, most asteroids of the second belt (Kuiper belt) and the Oort cloud, which is even further away.

    For example, the well-known former planet Pluto (now dwarf planet Pluto) consists of 4/5 pieces of ice.

    It is clear that if water is far from the Sun or any star, it freezes and turns into ice. And if too close, it evaporates, becomes water vapor, which is carried away by the solar wind (a stream of charged particles emitted by the Sun) to distant regions star system where it freezes and again turns into ice.

    But around any star (I repeat, around any star!) There is a zone where this water (which, again, I repeat, is the most widespread substance in the Universe) is in the liquid phase of water itself.

    The habitable area around the star, surrounded by areas where it is too hot and too cold

    Liquid water in the universe to hell. Around any of the 100 billion stars in our Milky Way galaxy, there are zones called Habitable Zone, in which there is liquid water, if there are planets, and they should be there, if not every star, then every third, or even every tenth.

    I will say more. Ice can melt not only from starlight. In our Solar System there is a mass of moons-satellites, revolving around the gas giants, where it is too cold from the lack of sunlight, but on which the powerful tidal forces of the respective planets act. It has been proven that liquid water exists on Saturn's moon Enceladus, it is assumed that it is on Jupiter's moons Europa and Ganymede, and probably many other places.

    Water geysers on Enceladus, captured by the passing Cassini probe

    Even on Mars, scientists speculate there may be liquid water in underground lakes and caverns.

    Do you think I'll start talking about the fact that since water is the most widespread substance in the Universe, then hello other forms of life, hello aliens? No, quite the opposite. I find it funny when I hear the statements of some overly enthusiastic astrophysicists - "look for water, find life." Or - "there is water on Enceladus / Europa / Ganymede, which means there must be life there as well." Or - in the Gliese 581 system, an exoplanet was discovered in the habitable zone. There is water, we urgently equip an expedition in search of life! "

    There is a lot of water in the Universe. But with life, according to modern scientific data, is somehow not very good.

    According to most scientists, the emergence of chemical elements in the universe occurred after the Big Bang. At the same time, some substances were formed more, some less. Our top provides a list of the most common chemical elements on Earth and in the universe.

    Hydrogen becomes the leader of the rating. In the periodic table, it is designated by the symbol H and atomic number 1. Discovered in 1766 by G. Cavendish. And 15 years later, the same scientist found out that hydrogen is involved in the formation of most substances on the planet.

    Hydrogen is not only the most abundant, but also the most explosive and lightest chemical element in the universe in nature. In the earth's crust, its volume is 1%, but the number of atoms is 16%. This element is found in many natural compounds, for example, in oil, natural gas, coal.

    In a free state, hydrogen practically does not occur. On the surface of the Earth, it is present in some volcanic gases. It is in the air, but in very small doses. Hydrogen occupies almost half of the structure of stars, most of the interstellar sphere and gases of nebulae.

    The second most abundant element in the universe is helium. It is also considered the second lightest. In addition, helium has the lowest boiling point of any known substance.

    Discovered in 1868 by the French astronomer P. Jansen, who discovered a bright yellow line in the circumsolar atmosphere. And in 1895, the English chemist W. Ramsay proved the existence of this element on Earth.

    Except in extreme conditions, helium is only a gas. In space, it was formed in the first moments after the Big Bang. Today, helium appears in thermonuclear fusion with hydrogen in stellar depths. On Earth, it is formed after the decay of heavy elements.

    The most abundant element in the earth's crust (49.4%) is oxygen. It is designated by the symbol O and the number 8. It is indispensable for human existence.

    Oxygen is a chemically inactive non-metal. Under standard conditions, it is in a colorless gaseous state, tasteless and odorless. The molecule contains two atoms. In liquid form it has a light blue tint, in solid form it looks like crystals with a bluish tint.

    Oxygen is essential for all living things on Earth. It has been involved in the circulation of substances for over 3 billion years. Plays a significant role in the economy and nature:

    • Participates in plant photosynthesis;
    • Absorbed by living organisms during respiration;
    • Acts as an oxidizing agent in the processes of fermentation, decay, rusting;
    • Contained in organic molecules;
    • It is necessary for obtaining valuable substances of organic synthesis.

    In a liquefied state, oxygen is used for cutting and welding metals, underground and underwater work, and operations at high altitudes in an airless space. Oxygen cushions are indispensable when performing medical procedures.

    At the 4th place, nitrogen is a diatomic, colorless and tasteless gas. It exists not only on our, but also on several other planets. Almost 80% of the earth's atmosphere consists of it. Even the human body contains up to 3% of this element.

    In addition to gaseous nitrogen, there is liquid nitrogen. It is widely used in construction, industry and medicine. It is used for cooling equipment, freezing organics, getting rid of warts. In liquid form, nitrogen is non-explosive and non-toxic.

    The element blocks oxidation and decay. It is widely used in mines for the formation of an explosion-proof environment. IN chemical production it is used to create ammonia, fertilizers, dyes, and is used in cooking as a refrigerant.

    Neon is an inert, colorless, odorless atomic gas. Opened in 1989 by the British W. Ramsay and M. Travers. Removed from liquefied air by excluding other elements.

    The name of the gas is translated as "new". It is distributed extremely unevenly in the Universe. The maximum concentration was found on hot stars, in the air of the outer planets of our system, and in gaseous nebulae.

    On Earth, neon is mainly found in the atmosphere, in other parts it is negligible. Explaining the neon scarcity of our planet, scientists have put forward a hypothesis that once the globe lost its primary atmosphere, and with it the bulk of inert gases.

    On the 6th place in the list of the most common chemical elements on Earth is carbon. In the periodic table it is designated by the letter C. Possesses extraordinary properties. It is the leading biogenic element of the planet.

    Known for a long time. It is included in the structure of coal, graphite, diamonds. The content in the earthly firmament is 0.15%. The not too high concentration is explained by the fact that in nature carbon is subject to constant circulation.

    There are several minerals that contain this element:

    • Anthracite;
    • Oil;
    • Dolomite;
    • Limestone;
    • Oil shale;
    • Peat;
    • Brown and hard coal;
    • Natural gas;
    • Bitumen.

    The storage of carbon groups is living creatures, plants and air.

    Silicon is a non-metal commonly found in the earth's crust. In free form, it was bred in 1811 by J. Thénard and J. Gay-Lussac. Content in the planetary envelope - 27.6-29.5% by weight, in ocean water- 3 mg / l.

    Many silicon compounds have been known since ancient times. But the pure element remained for a long time beyond the bounds of human knowledge. The most popular compounds were do-it-yourself and gems based on silicon oxide:

    • Rhinestone;
    • Onyx;
    • Opal;
    • Chalcedony;
    • Chrysoprase, etc.

    In nature, the element is contained in:

    • Massive rocks and deposits;
    • Plants and marine life;
    • Deep in the soil;
    • In the organisms of living beings;
    • At the bottom of the reservoirs.

    Silicon plays a huge role in the formation of the human body. Every day, at least 1 gram of the element must get inside, otherwise unpleasant ailments will begin to appear. The same can be said for plants and animals.

    Magnesium is a malleable, lightweight metal with a silvery hue. In the periodic table it is marked with the symbol Mg. Received in 1808 by the Englishman G. Davy. It occupies the 8th place in terms of volume in the earth's crust. Natural sources are mineral deposits, brines and sea water.

    In the standard state, it is covered with a layer of magnesium oxide, which decomposes at a temperature of + 600-650 0 C. When burned, it emits a bright white flame with the formation of nitride and oxide.

    Metallic magnesium is used in many areas:

    • When regenerating titanium;
    • In obtaining light casting alloys;
    • In the creation of incendiary and illumination rockets.

    Magnesium alloys are the most important structural material in the transport and aviation industries.

    Magnesium is called the "metal of life" for a reason. Most physiological processes are impossible without it. It plays a leading role in the functioning of the nervous and muscle tissue, participates in lipid, protein and carbohydrate metabolism.

    Iron is a malleable, silvery-white metal with high level chemical reaction. It is designated by the letters Fe. Rust quickly at elevated temperatures / humidity. Flammable in purified oxygen. It can ignite spontaneously in fine air.

    In everyday life, iron is called its alloys with a minimum amount of additives that preserve the pliability of pure metal:

    • Steel;
    • Cast iron;
    • Alloy steel.

    It is believed that iron makes up the bulk of the earth's core. It has several levels of oxidation, which is the most important geochemical feature.

    Sulfur is the tenth most abundant chemical element on Earth. It is designated by the letter S. Shows non-metallic characteristics. In its native state, it looks like a light yellow powder with a characteristic aroma or shiny crystals of glassy yellow color. In regions of ancient and recent volcanism, there are crumbly sulfur deposits.

    It is impossible to carry out many industrial operations without sulfur:

    • Production of drugs for agricultural needs;
    • Giving special characteristics to certain grades of steel;
    • Sulfuric acid formation;
    • Rubber production;
    • Sulphate production and others.

    Medical sulfur is found in skin ointments, it is used to treat rheumatism and gout, and is included in cosmetic preparations for skin care. It is used in the manufacture of plaster, laxatives and drugs for hypertension.
