Russia of the 18th century through the eyes of the Japanese: falling noses, ruddy women and “muddy sake. Russia in the 18th century through the eyes of the Japanese: falling noses, ruddy women and "muddy sake" A summary of Chinese and Japanese faces

Talented Japanese love to borrow the culture of other countries, they have not bypassed us. Endowed with superpowers, made heroes of anime and comics.

Fedor Dostoevsky

Fyodor Dostoevsky is one of the most famous Russian writers. His work is well known in Japan as well. So, it was he who became the character of the cult anime series "The Prose of Stray Dogs", among whose fans there are hundreds of thousands of Russians.

In this anime, the character's name is Fyodor Dostoevsky. According to the plot, he has a superpower, and it is called (attention!): "Crime and Punishment." He himself looks very young, and the main detail of his clothes is a snow-white hat with earflaps.

You can also see this hero - on November 1, 2018, the full-length anime “The Prose of Stray Dogs. Film, where Dostoevsky is one of the main and certainly the most controversial and mysterious characters. It's nice that the plot of this anime action movie does not require knowledge of the series, and therefore everyone can watch it. Given the frenzied popularity of the franchise both in Japan and in Russia, the rental of “Prose of Stray Dogs. The film will be wide-ranging and will be shown in more than 500 cinemas in our country.

Evgenia Medvedeva

Evgenia Medvedeva is a Russian figure skater who competed in women's singles and became widely known after participating in the 2018 Olympics. She has won the World Championships twice, the European Championships and the Grand Prix Final. In 2017, Medvedeva set three new world records - in free and short programs, as well as in total points at the world championship.

Medvedev attracted the attention of the Japanese audience after she performed in the image of Sailor Moon. The dance in the style of the most popular cartoon character in Japan, performed by Medvedeva, delighted the audience, and in Japan it became one of the most discussed and vivid informational events.
After that, the Russian figure skater repeatedly appeared on Japanese TV in the form of an anime heroine. And admirers of the talent of the Russian figure skater Evgenia Medvedeva posted a video online in which they compared her dance in the image of the heroine of the Japanese anime Sailor Moon with the animated original.

Vladimir Putin

The President of Russia is incredibly popular in various parts of the world, and in Japan, too, they could not ignore such a significant figure. In the manga (manga - a literary work with pictures - a kind of "Japanese comic") called "The Legend of Koizumi", real world politicians became the prototypes of the heroes, among them Vladimir Vladimirovich. According to the plot, famous people rule the world, guided by the ancient Japanese game of mahjong. Putin comes to Japan as the leader of the G8 and participates in the secret round of this game. In the manga, the Russian leader is represented as strong man who owns several types of martial arts and is a master of mahjong.


In 2001, the cartoon "Cheburashka" was shown in the capital of Japan. It was shown in a small cinema hall, the organizers did not expect a large number of spectators and made a big mistake: a huge queue lined up for tickets, thousands of people wanted to see the unknown Russian little animal on the big screen.
What is the popularity of the character among the Japanese is a big mystery. They say that the Japanese were impressed by the puppet animation, so popular in the Soviet Union, perhaps the point is the similarity of Cheburashka and Pokemon.
Be that as it may, in 2003 SP International bought from Soyuzmultfilm the rights to distribute cartoons about Cheburashka for 20 years. Then a number of courts swept in Russia due to copyright infringement. A few years later, Chebumania led the Japanese to decide to make their own cartoon, but not a puppet, but a cartoon. The result was a series with 26 three-minute episodes.
In 2013, the Japanese also released a full-length cartoon about Cheburashka - an hour and a half remake based on 3 cartoons: "Cheburashka and the Circus", "Cheburashka Goes to the Zoo" and "Shapoklyak's Tips".

Many owners of European appearance often joke that "all Asians look the same!". Is it true? Let's try to understand how the Chinese differ from the Japanese. A list of all the most striking features and differences especially for you in our article!

Ethnic information

If we compare China and Japan, it is easy to see that the first, mainland, state occupies a large area and boasts a rich multinational composition of the indigenous population. At the same time, many Chinese peoples have their own characteristics of appearance. Representatives of some of them are not at all like the Chinese, as they are represented by Russians and Europeans. For this reason, it is difficult to determine the average phenotype and some kind of standard. After all, among the representatives of the small there are people similar to the Tajiks, and similar to the Mongols.

It would seem that things should be much easier in Japan, an island state occupying small area. But this is not entirely true, modern Japanese can differ significantly from each other in appearance. The reason for this is the immigration to the Land of the Rising Sun of residents from neighboring states. So how do the Japanese differ from the Chinese in appearance? If you look closely, there are still some differences.

The eyes are the mirror of the soul!

According to Europeans, the most bright sign Asian type of appearance - narrow In the Chinese, this feature is most pronounced. The eyes of the Japanese are larger, often they are convex. The Chinese are more likely than the Japanese to have a single eyelid. This feature It is also found among the inhabitants of Japan, but much less frequently. Very often, the eyebrows of the Chinese have a raised outer edge. For this reason, the eyes visually appear even narrower. It is worth noting that the hair and eyes of representatives of both nations are almost always dark shades.

But there is one sign that helps to understand that the hair of the people of China is tougher and more naughty. The Japanese, on the other hand, have softer and silkier hair.

Characteristic facial features

An inexplicable fact - the bones of the Japanese are thinner than those of the Chinese. For this reason, the physique itself is usually more fragile, and the figure is somewhat more elegant. At the same time, the head of the Japanese is larger than that of the Chinese. Residents of Japan have a more elongated oval face. Characteristic- protruding nose, while in Chinese it is often flattened. The faces of the Chinese are broader, with emphasized cheekbones, sometimes with large cheeks.

The inhabitants of China are noticeably distinguished from the Japanese by darker skin, often it has a yellowish tint. In Japan, a whitened face is considered the highest chic. At the same time, the skin of the locals is quite light in itself.

What is the visual difference between a Chinese and a Japanese? A popular joke is that the people of Japan are like fish. The Chinese are often compared to kittens. Perhaps this comparison is rather abstract, but many agree with it.

Makeup secrets and beauty concepts

The concepts of beauty and aesthetics of the Japanese and Chinese differ markedly. In China, many women devote too little time to taking care of themselves and their own appearance. In many provinces of this country, for example, you can see a lady in pajamas or home clothes on the street. The appearance of Chinese men can also often be described with reference to a lack of desire for neatness.

The Japanese, on the contrary, are too sensitive to personal hygiene and cleanliness in principle. You will never see a representative of this nation in a public place with unwashed hair or dirty nails. Japanese women like to emphasize the whiteness of the face, choosing the lightest tonal means.

Women in China are much more likely than in Japan to dye their hair in unnatural colors. Another feature of Chinese women is the use of special stickers and glue to create a "European" double eyelid. When it comes to make-up, the natural and modest version is the most popular in Japan. In China, women of fashion often choose bright shades of lipsticks and eye shadows.

The physique of the Japanese and Chinese

It is believed that the average Japanese is taller than the Chinese, up to 10 centimeters. The indigenous people of Japan are distinguished by a more proportional physique. There are very few overweight people in the Land of the Rising Sun. As for the Chinese, by nature they are often of short or medium height and are distinguished by a thin physique. However, in last years In China, there are more and more cases of obesity.

Most Chinese women can boast of very beautiful and slender legs. But the Japanese have problems with this. What is curious, despite the natural curvature of the legs, many residents of Japan are happy to wear leggings and high stockings.

Fashion style

What is the difference between a Chinese and a Japanese in appearance? Residents of Japan often wear clothes from world famous European brands. At the same time, they look elegant and attractive in it. But in China, cheap clothes are more popular. The Chinese choose fake branded items, often combining colors and textures of fabrics in the most unimaginable way. There are also “fashionistas” in China - more often they are young girls and women. Most of all they love clothes and accessories with an abundance of sequins, rhinestones and beads. The fair sex from Japan does not dress in this way.

The appearance of the Japanese is often characterized as modest and elegant. In this country, only a few of the locals wear clothes made of fabric with large patterns or bright prints, while in China such things are quite popular. Tracksuits are quite popular among Chinese men. Many choose them as everyday wear. In Japan, it is customary to have separate clothes for each occasion and activity. It is unlikely that you will ever see a Japanese in a tracksuit somewhere outside the fitness center.

Behavior and propriety

The Japanese and Chinese have differences even in the manner of communication. Residents of Japan speak clearly and quite quietly. Their culture provides for an abundance of subtle polite gestures. Expressing their respect, the representatives of this nation nod approvingly (a symbolic bow). If you observe the communication of a group of Japanese from the side, you can be amazed at their politeness and calmness. In Japan, in principle, it is not customary to raise your voice in a public place and interrupt the interlocutor.

The Chinese communicate quite differently. It is believed that this nation is one of the noisiest among all Asians. Chinese people are quite impulsive. During a conversation, they can shout loudly, actively gesticulate, waving their arms. And it's better not to tell them that it's indecent. The eyes of the Chinese will express surprise at such a statement, but, most likely, their owner will not even understand his mistake. After all, in this country all the inhabitants communicate emotionally.

Language and other features

You can distinguish a Japanese from a Chinese by listening to the speech. To the ear, Japanese is perceived as quite rigid, with an abundance of consonants, while in Chinese vowels are much more common. One more interesting feature The Japanese language is monotonous, it practically does not use intonation and stress.

China and Japan have different traditions and customs, and the mentality of the inhabitants of these countries also differs significantly. The Chinese are more pragmatic, while the Japanese, on the contrary, are distinguished by their craving for contemplation and philosophy. You can trace these features in all spheres of life.

In Japan, traditionally, special attention is paid to beauty and rituals. Even a simple meal in this country comes down to admiring the design of the dish. The Chinese, on the other hand, are not so fastidious, very often they seek to satisfy physical needs first of all. The eyes of the Japanese are able to see the beauty in small things, it is for this reason that the representatives of this nation strive for perfection in all its manifestations. The Chinese, on the other hand, prefer to think less about aesthetics and higher matters.

In the 18th century, the Japanese captain Daikokuya Kodai spent 10 years in Russia against his will. It happened like this: in 1783, a merchant ship under the control of Kodai got into a storm and lost control, and only after seven months of wandering around Pacific Ocean the ship washed up on one of the Aleutian Islands. The crew lived for four years among the natives and Russian industrialists. The Japanese spent another year in Kamchatka, and then the local authorities sent them to Irkutsk and, finally, to St. Petersburg - to submit a request to return to their homeland.

In November 1793, Captain Kodai and his colleague Isokichi were interrogated, and Katsuragawa Hoshu, who was present at the reception, compiled a protocol document “A record of the reception by the shogun of those who were wrecked.” Then, based on the protocol and Dutch literature, he prepared a work of 11 chapters - " Summary heard in the northern regions. It became the first written evidence of the Japanese about Russia. Since Japan followed a policy of isolation from the outside world, the records were considered secret and kept in public institutions. Hoshu's work was found only at the beginning of the 20th century, and published in 1937.

Here are some excerpts from Katsuragawa Hoshu's book:

1. There are 31 letters in the Russian alphabet, all letters have a sound, but do not have a meaning. Put together, several letters form one word, and only then does the meaning appear.

2. In Russia, the production of five cereals is very small, so all salaries are paid in cash.

3. Churches are much higher than the houses of ordinary people and are built in such a way that they gradually narrow upwards. The roofs are round, like an inverted pot, and in the center they put a cross covered with brass. The main building of the temple and the bell tower are the same. There are many round holes for pigeons around the roof.

4. Russians have blue eyes, very large noses, and brown hair. Russian hair grows from the day of birth, so it is very thin and soft. Beards are shaved by both nobles and simple people, only among the peasants you can meet people with beards.

5. The inhabitants of Siberia have black hair and eyes. The men generally dress like the Dutch.

6. The women all dress in German fashion. Women with ruddy faces are considered beautiful among them.

7. Throughout the country in the summer go to bed from 8 to 10 pm, and get up from 3 hours 30 minutes to 5 hours 30 minutes in the morning. In winter, they go to bed from 9 to 11 o'clock in the evening, and get up from 12 o'clock to 2 hours 40 minutes in the afternoon. This is because the day at this time is very short and the night is very long.

8. In Moscow and St. Petersburg, and not only there, but throughout the country, the old Russian language is not used, but often mixed with French and German. Etiquette is completely based on French rules.

9. Since the country is located close to the north, it is very cold everywhere. Usually snow falls from the end of September and lies until April-May.

10. It is especially cold in Yakutsk and St. Petersburg, because they are located closer to the north. Often there is such a frost that ears and noses fall off, and sometimes even arms and legs are left without.

11. In summer, there is no particular heat, even in unlined cloth clothes it usually does not get hot. In such a cold country, of course, five grains do not grow. Sow only buckwheat, tobacco, cucumbers, watermelons, beans, radishes, carrots, turnips and lettuce. Rice is brought from Turkey, so rice is very expensive there.

12. Officials attach a flower woven from silk to a hat: the military - White color ok, civilians are black.

13. Both men and women, after they do their hair, sprinkle it with powder, and the hair becomes like gray. People of the lower classes use potato powder for this.

14. Both men and women ride horses, but women, sitting in the saddle, bend one leg and put it on top of the saddle, and hang the other. However, lower-class women ride in the same way as men, mounted on horseback.

15. Babies lie in hanging boxes, where a cloth mattress stuffed with bird down is laid out. When the baby cries, the box is shaken.

16. For everyone - both noble and simple - one husband has one wife, they do not give birth to concubines.

17. Foreigners are allowed to marry Russians, but for this they must accept the Russian faith and change their first and last name. Otherwise, marriage is not allowed.

18. When a child is born, all relatives come to inquire about his health and bring money. A richer person is chosen from relatives and acquaintances, and he, as the betrothed father, gives the newborn a name.

19. Medicine is not divided into therapy and surgery: one person deals with the treatment of eye, dental, female and children's diseases. In addition, there are pharmacists who are called apothecaries and run pharmacies.

20. In the capital, Negroes are always kept in the families of officials and the rich, sometimes three or four people, and sometimes seven or eight. It also happens that black men and women are brought in so that they have children. Their faces are as black as black lacquer, their noses are wide, their lips are everted and very red, only the soles of their feet are white.

21. Five versts from Petersburg there is a large island, where foreign merchant ships are constantly flowing into. This explains that, although almost nothing is produced in Russia, everything is completely satisfied with the products of other countries.

22. The author translates the Russian words “vodka”, “wine”, “beer” in his dictionary in a descriptive way: his vodka is “good sake”, wine is “bad sake”, beer is “muddy sake”.

23. The order of eating common days like this: first they eat ham with bread, then chicken soup, after it beef, then fish broth, after which - round koloboks filled with milk from dough.

This is followed by a roast goose, and at the end they eat thin porridge. Finally, sweets are served, then they wash their hands, rinse their mouths, drink coffee, smoke and get up from the table. After dinner, both noble and common people lie down to sleep for an hour.

24. A lot of sugar is added to the dishes and butter. Before cooking, fish and poultry are stuffed with grapes, white plums, oranges covered with sugar, as well as rice or cereals.

25. For ordinary people, lunch consists of one dish - meat or fish with bread. Radish is eaten raw, sprinkled with salt. Utensils consist of pewter or wooden bowls, and spoons are made of copper or wood. Beef is an everyday food both at the top and bottom.

26. Female roles in theaters they are performed by real women, as a result of which sometimes there are cases of debauchery in the theater.

27. There are three brothels in St. Petersburg and three on Vasilyevsky Island. In addition, there are also secret lairs of individual prostitutes in various places. The rules there are very strict, and if such an illegal prostitute is found, then not only her, but also her guest is punished.

28. In Russia, they do not celebrate at all New Year, nor five seasonal holidays, and the birthday of the Empress is considered a joyful holiday, celebrated throughout the country by both noble and ordinary people. The birthdays of the heir to the throne and the grandchildren of the Empress are celebrated in the same way.

29. In Russia, many pets are castrated. Thanks to this, they grow fat well and the color of their coat becomes more beautiful.

30. Petersburg is new capital Russia, it was built in the highest degree Beautiful. The houses are all brick, four or five stories high. The dwellings of ordinary residents do not differ much from the houses of government officials.

31. Russians are tall, large, with a correct posture, they are distinguished by a respectful and peaceful character, but at the same time they are brave, decisive and stop at nothing. They do not like idleness and idleness.

The article is illustrated with frames from the 1992 Russian-Japanese film "Dreams of Russia" - a film adaptation of Yasushi Inoue's novel about the adventures of Japanese sailors led by Daikokuya Kodai.

In the photo Tanaka Hitoshi,

Let's now look at Japan through the eyes of a Japanese. This is how the Japanese Tanaka Hitoshi, who studied at the Institute of Journalism of Belarusian State University (Belarus) and now lives in Minsk, writes about his country.

Childhood and school years

Here in Japan, a child is not raised until he is 3 years old, because they think that forcing is bad. As the Japanese proverb says: "Do not touch the soul of a child until 3 years old, and it will remain beautiful until 100 years old." However, recently another proverb has come into vogue: "All life is decided in childhood." So, modern parents do not raise their children themselves, but send them to Kindergarten. Therefore, others bring them up from childhood, teaching them manners.

From the age of 7, children start attending elementary school. Well elementary school lasts 6 years, training is free. During their school years, they study not only school disciplines, but also learn etiquette. School years This is the period of formation of the character of the child. In Japan, there is a saying, "learn well and play well." Unfortunately, catch-up, hide-and-seek, football, baseball and other active games are now being actively replaced by computer games, and no one knows how to deal with this trend.

Summer vacation is a month and a half from mid-June to early August. Schoolchildren are given a lot of homework for the summer. The most difficult task is to write an essay based on a book they read during the holidays. In Japan, most children do not read books, but manga (comics), which are also considered literature.

After graduating from elementary school, children continue their education in secondary school for 3 years, and after graduation they go to a "short university" (college). Previously, colleges were mostly attended by girls, but the situation has changed. College education is paid, but the level of preparation meets the stated requirements, sufficient to enter a good university after college.

A large load affects the psychological state of the child, so many of them experience constant depression. Such students are called "Hikikomoli". They become lazy, don't go to school and just sit at home.

Caring parents indulge their whims, and children do nothing but sit at the computer in their room, not communicating with anyone except their parents. We need to take them to a psychologist, but in our country it is not yet widely customary to turn to a psychologist.

Youth years

After leaving school, some go straight to work, while others go to a school, college, institute or university. To enter the university, you need to prepare a lot, study and pass a difficult entrance exam. Studying at the university is easier than the admission process. At the university, some students are paid a scholarship for good study. But still, we have paid education in both public and private universities.

The average cost of education is 10 thousand dollars a year. The most prestigious university in Japan is the University of Tokyo, and the second is Kyoto. 4 student years at the university is considered the most fruitful and important period. Each university has many circles and sections of interest. Usually at the university, students find their calling and true friends for life.

After graduating from the university, most graduates get a job, and some remain in graduate school. The number of those wishing to study and work abroad is decreasing every year, because it is difficult for the Japanese to adapt in a foreign country.

The Japanese say: "Japanese can only live in Japan."

They cannot get used to foreign food. Japanese cuisine is one of the most delicious cuisines in the world. And it is good for health. The most famous Japanese dish is rice and fish sushi. It enjoys worldwide fame. Only a cook who has been trained in this for at least 5 years can cook real sushi.


In Japan, prestigious professions are: doctor, lawyer, school teacher, university lecturer, librarian, civil servants. Their salary is more than 3, 4 thousand dollars a month, and the average salary of Japanese workers is 2 thousand dollars a month. But the cost of living in Japan is very high. To ensure the life of one person, you need at least 1 thousand dollars a month. Therefore, many work diligently day and night to feed their families.

At work, one should not be late, lazy, but one must treat colleagues and bosses well in order to make a career. By law, every employee can take paid leave at any time. However, this opportunity is not allowed by the atmosphere at work, where they believe that taking a vacation for personal purposes is ugly. In addition, vacation in Japan is short: summer vacation - 3 days, winter - 6 days and May - 5 days. Under such conditions, it is difficult for every Japanese to devote time to his family.

Although we have a short vacation, but there are many holidays - every month, except for June, we have a holiday. For example, girls' day is March 3rd, boys' day is May 5th, sports day, labor day, etc. are celebrated in the fall. We say that autumn is the best season for sports, reading, food, art and love.

The most important holiday in Japan is the New Year. In Japan, it is the first of January, when people visit Shinto and Buddhist temples or gather at relatives' houses. After midnight we traditionally eat Japanese buckwheat noodles. During the festival, you can meet people who wear the Japanese national dress "Kimono". Wearing a kimono for the holidays is a modern fashion among girls.


Usually, Japanese people at the age of 30 and later get married, and each family has one or two children. Previously, after marriage, a woman became a housewife, and now both spouses work and raise their children due to the fact that women and men are now equal and the cost of living is high. In the family, the wife used to be inferior to her husband in everything, but now she has more rights.

We say that “a good family is one where there is a wife who has a strong character.”

Previously, spouses did not get divorced, even if they fell out of love with each other, but now the percentage of divorces is growing: according to statistics, a quarter of marriages break up. The number of bachelors is increasing and the birth rate is declining.


As for the characteristic features of the Japanese, they are kindness, modesty, punctuality, patience, stubbornness and shyness. The people of Japan are peaceful. The Japanese always try to shy away from conflict, as they prefer mutual respect and harmony above all else. When meeting, parting and talking, the Japanese constantly exchange bows, even between relatives and friends, usually they do not look into each other's eyes. They even bow when they talk on the phone, even though they can't see each other. That's when the devastating earthquake hit northeast Japan Tohoku in 2011, they rallied together and supported the rebuilding of the city.

The Japanese are so shy that they cannot look directly at another person. If someone is sitting in the transport opposite, then he looks at the screen of the mobile phone and looks down.

The cell phone is so widespread in Japan that everyone and everywhere uses it. Many prefer to send SMS messages to each other, not only because it is forbidden to talk on a mobile phone in many public institutions, but also because it is convenient for shy Japanese who are embarrassed to see and talk with their interlocutors. They are addicted to SMS and mobile Internet, which even during communication and dating do not look into each other's eyes, but at the screen of a mobile phone during a conversation. As a result, it happens that people who are dependent on mobile devices as if from drugs.

It is not easy for the Japanese to express their opinion directly and say “no”, being afraid, no matter how they quarrel. Therefore, while pretending to smile, they very gently and modestly say what they want, even sometimes pretending to agree with their opponent. So in Japan it is very difficult to find out what the interlocutor thinks.

There is a saying "even if without words, read the atmosphere and find out what to do."

Because of this patience, they quickly accumulate stress. We are now afraid of losing sincerity. Many people tend not to express their feelings outside the home, but to share them only with the family.


Yet they drink their favorite sake together, watch baseball, Japan's most popular sport, and go to karaoke. Despite being shy, in karaoke, a Japanese dances cheerfully and sings songs loudly, even if he cannot sing.

It is popular in Japan to keep a dog. The Japanese love dogs more than cats. This is connected with the story of the legendary Japanese dog Hati, who waited every day for the return of his master at Shibuya Station.

Her character reflects the punctuality and patience of the people of Japan, who do not like to be kept waiting and breaking promises. The Japanese prefer to arrive at the meeting point 5-10 minutes before the appointed time. In Shibuya station, a monument to the most obedient dog Hati is built, which is famous for the place where people agree to meet.

There are many hobbies in Japan - sports, music, drawing, singing, dancing, yoga, calligraphy, sado tea ceremony, ikebana flower arrangement, aikido, anime, etc. Their fans are called "otak", that is, who can not do without this hobby.

Japanese women love to shop

It is not uncommon to find such men and boys in a department store who patiently wait for their wives and girls with a pile of things bought by women. In particular, women are addicted to buying cosmetics and clothes.

They put on powder and dress so beautifully that they look younger than their years. In addition, due to the humid climate of Japan, they have fewer wrinkles, and this helps them maintain their youthfulness. But they all powder the same way, and their faces seem the same. And men like to buy expensive and high-quality electronic goods.

The average life expectancy of the Japanese is approximately 85 years. This is the biggest average duration life all over the world. After the age of 65, they retire. Some, out of habit, tend to continue to work or earn extra money, although they have already freed themselves from the obligation to work. Some have hobbies, while others like to take care of their grandchildren.


The most modern city in Japan is the capital of Tokyo, where there is nothing! There are so many trains, including 13 subway lines, that even the Japanese can easily get lost. A huge number of Japanese study and work in Tokyo, coming from neighboring towns and stations.

In the former capital of Kyoto, historical sites are most concentrated, and you can get acquainted with the culture of Japan. There are many Shinto and Buddhist temples, and the residents usually wear Japanese traditional dress "kimonos" like samurai, many geisha and maiko.

The southern city of Fukuoka is appreciated for its amazing nature and delicious dishes. In this city, people are cheerful, friendly and good-natured, like Belarusians. They say that there are many beauties. By the way, many actresses and singers are from Fukuoka.

In closing, let me introduce my homeland Ashiya, which is the smallest and richest city in Japan. It combines elements of modern Japan: department stores, cozy cafes, expensive restaurants and beautiful nature: the sea, rivers, mountains. Ashiya is the only city in Japan that does not have a single gambling or nightclub. Therefore, this city is recognized as one of the most prestigious cities in Japan. Many famous people prefer to settle in this quiet city, which does not interfere with their personal life.

So, come to Japan and see it with your own eyes, get to know its culture and guess its riddle. Everything you like is there!

The difference between the Japanese, Chinese and Koreans in the faces. Japanese eyes

About Japanese eyes and eyelashes

About Japanese eyes and eyelashes

As you know, the eyes are the mirror of the soul, so all girls, including Japanese women, strive to improve them. It is believed that the Japanese eyes are smaller than European ones. But this is an illusion, it's just that the Japanese have a Mongoloid fold of the upper eyelid that fills the empty space of the eye socket, and the eye socket itself is larger than that of Europeans. But we are used to a different ratio of the size of the eye and orbit, so we get the feeling that the eyes of the Japanese are narrower than those of Europeans. This optical illusion is characteristic only for our sensations, the Japanese themselves do not perceive European eyes as wider. But still, many Japanese and Japanese women want European-type eyes, so they willingly go to a plastic surgeon. But not all, many Japanese women find other ways to make their eyes beautiful. These are lenses with large pupils, mascara, hot perms, various eyelash impregnations, false eyelashes and many other ways that Japanese women use as an opportunity to slightly increase the length of their eyelashes.

Historically, Japanese women on white skin have always distinguished dark eyes and bright sensual lips. With the help of a pencil or liquid eyeliner, the outer corners of the eyes are highlighted and lifted. This visually changes the shape of the eyes to almond-shaped, makes the look open and a little more naive, but at the same time very seductive. The Japanese women actually did not use colored shadows, like mascara, preferring natural colors and an expressive eyeliner line. One of the reasons why mascara was not popular with geishas and ordinary Japanese women is eyelashes. The national problem of Japanese women is not only small breasts, but also the absence of normal eyelashes, Japanese women have almost none. More precisely, there are eyelashes, but they are very rare and short, the average length of eyelashes in Japanese women is about 5.8 mm, which is less than half the length of the eyelashes of European girls. Long and thick eyelashes are the dream of any Japanese girl. In the old days, eyelashes were not extended, they preferred to emphasize only the line of the eyelid. Now, in order to better highlight the outer corners of the eyes, they use not only eyeliner, but also shades of pink or red. And the Japanese women themselves paint the eyelashes with lengthening mascara with curling, but the result differs little from the original, so many girls use false eyelashes every day, which are very popular in Japan..

Japanese women use original and unusual false eyelashes in everyday life. Fluffy combed long black eyelashes are considered beautiful. Eyelashes are glued on with glue. molecular basis to live lashes. As a result, eyelashes look lush, long, and very natural. According to the Japanese technology of eyelash extensions on live eyelashes, false eyelashes are glued one after the other, as a result, the effect of luxurious and very natural eyelashes is achieved. Gluing and wearing eyelashes is quite easy, they are light, hold well and at the same time are well removed, just a slight pull is enough. The glue is white and liquid, does not stretch, you can easily apply it with a stick on the edge of the eyelashes, and it is not visible before your eyes. The eyes of girls using them become more expressive and brighter. False eyelashes have a significant advantage over mascara, they can be of different lengths and thicknesses, they are not allergenic, like mascara, and do not peel off when wet.

Eyelash material - silk fiber, synthetic fiber or any natural fiber obtained by extracting proteins from the hair fiber. In the inner corner of the eye, the shortest eyelashes are usually placed, in the center - medium, in the outer corner - long. This is the way when the eyelashes look like natural ones. A popular way to imitate your manga heroines in everything is by making doll eyes for yourself, when eyelashes are placed in the outer corner even longer and even thicker. Artificial eyelashes are divided in length from 8 to 15 mm. Japanese women choose the size depending on the conditions of the natural eyelash, the shape of the eye and personal preferences. If the eyes are of a classical shape, then long and thick eyelashes are placed in the outer corner of the eye. In case of too protruding eyes, the length of artificial eyelashes should not exceed 10 mm. If the eyes are deep set, then very long eyelashes 12-14 mm long are recommended. In addition to black eyelashes, brown, blue, purple and even red and green eyelashes are popular.

In addition to cosmetics, false eyelashes, special lenses that allow you to make eyes like cartoon characters, Japanese women use special glue that lifts the eyelids. It is considered very beautiful, probably the same anime influence. First, the eyelids are lifted with a special horned stick. Then a special glue is applied, in two layers and each layer is dried. Then the third layer is applied. Men also use this procedure, instead of glue, they prefer to use adhesive strips. This technique is called futae te-pu. Below is a video on how to properly lift the eyelid.

What is the difference between Chinese and Japanese? Appearance description

Many owners of European appearance often joke that “all Asians look the same!”. Is it true? Let's try to understand how the Chinese differ from the Japanese. A list of all the most striking features and differences especially for you in our article!

Ethnic information

If we compare China and Japan, it is easy to see that the first, mainland, state occupies a large area and boasts a rich multinational composition of the indigenous population. At the same time, many Chinese peoples have their own characteristics of appearance. Representatives of some of them are not at all like the Chinese, as they are represented by Russians and Europeans. For this reason, it is difficult to determine the average phenotype and some kind of standard. After all, among the representatives of the small nationalities of China there are people similar to the Tajiks, and similar to the Mongols.

It would seem that things should be much easier in Japan, an island state occupying a small area. But this is not entirely true, modern Japanese can differ significantly from each other in appearance. The reason for this is the immigration to the Land of the Rising Sun of residents from neighboring states. So how do the Japanese differ from the Chinese in appearance? If you look closely, there are still some differences.

The eyes are the mirror of the soul!

According to Europeans, the most striking sign of the Asian type of appearance is a narrow slit of the eyes. The Chinese have this feature most pronounced. The eyes of the Japanese are larger, often they are convex. The Chinese are more likely than the Japanese to have a single eyelid. This feature is also found among the inhabitants of Japan, but much less frequently. Very often, the eyebrows of the Chinese have a raised outer edge. For this reason, the eyes visually appear even narrower. It is worth noting that the hair and eyes of representatives of both nations are almost always dark shades.

But there is one sign that helps to understand how the Chinese differ from the Japanese. The hair of Chinese people is more rigid and naughty. The Japanese, on the other hand, have softer and silkier hair.

Characteristic facial features

An inexplicable fact is that the bones of the Japanese are thinner than those of the Chinese. For this reason, the physique itself is usually more fragile, and the figure is somewhat more elegant. At the same time, the head of the Japanese is larger than that of the Chinese. Residents of Japan have a more elongated oval face. A characteristic feature is a protruding nose, while among the Chinese it is often flattened. The faces of the Chinese are broader, with emphasized cheekbones, sometimes with large cheeks.

The inhabitants of China are noticeably distinguished from the Japanese by darker skin, often it has a yellowish tint. In Japan, a whitened face is considered the highest chic. At the same time, the skin of the locals is quite light in itself.

What is the visual difference between a Chinese and a Japanese? A popular joke is that the people of Japan are like fish. The Chinese are often compared to kittens. Perhaps this comparison is rather abstract, but many agree with it.

Makeup secrets and beauty concepts

The concepts of beauty and aesthetics of the Japanese and Chinese differ markedly. In China, many women devote too little time to taking care of themselves and their own appearance. In many provinces of this country, for example, you can see a lady in pajamas or home clothes on the street. The appearance of Chinese men can also often be described with reference to a lack of desire for neatness.

The Japanese, on the contrary, are too sensitive to personal hygiene and cleanliness in principle. You will never see a representative of this nation in a public place with unwashed hair or dirty nails. Japanese women like to emphasize the whiteness of the face, choosing the lightest tonal means.

Women in China are much more likely than in Japan to dye their hair in unnatural colors. Another feature of Chinese women is the use of special stickers and glue to create a “European” double eyelid. When it comes to make-up, the natural and modest version is the most popular in Japan. In China, women of fashion often choose bright shades of lipsticks and eye shadows.

The physique of the Japanese and Chinese

It is believed that the average Japanese is taller than the Chinese, the difference in height is up to 10 centimeters. The indigenous people of Japan are distinguished by a more proportional physique. There are very few overweight people in the Land of the Rising Sun. As for the Chinese, by nature they are often short or medium height and have a thin physique. However, in recent years, more and more cases of obesity have been reported in China.

Most Chinese women can boast of very beautiful and slender legs. But the Japanese have problems with this. What is curious, despite the natural curvature of the legs, many residents of Japan are happy to wear leggings and high stockings.

Fashion style

What is the difference between a Chinese and a Japanese in appearance? Residents of Japan often wear clothes from world famous European brands. At the same time, they look elegant and attractive in it. But in China, cheap clothes are more popular. The Chinese choose fake branded items, often combining colors and textures of fabrics in the most unimaginable way. There are also “fashionistas” in China - more often they are young girls and women. Most of all they love clothes and accessories with an abundance of sequins, rhinestones and beads. The fair sex from Japan does not dress in this way.

The appearance of the Japanese is often characterized as modest and elegant. In this country, only a few of the locals wear clothes made of fabric with large patterns or bright prints, while in China such things are quite popular. Tracksuits are quite popular among Chinese men. Many choose them as everyday wear. In Japan, it is customary to have separate clothes for each occasion and activity. It is unlikely that you will ever see a Japanese in a tracksuit somewhere outside the fitness center.

Behavior and propriety

The Japanese and Chinese have differences even in the manner of communication. Residents of Japan speak clearly and quite quietly. Their culture provides for an abundance of subtle polite gestures. Expressing their respect, the representatives of this nation nod approvingly (a symbolic bow). If you observe the communication of a group of Japanese from the side, you can be amazed at their politeness and calmness. In Japan, in principle, it is not customary to raise your voice in a public place and interrupt the interlocutor.

The Chinese communicate quite differently. It is believed that this nation is one of the noisiest among all Asians. Chinese people are quite impulsive. During a conversation, they can shout loudly, actively gesticulate, waving their arms. And it's better not to tell them that it's indecent. The eyes of the Chinese will express surprise at such a statement, but, most likely, their owner will not even understand his mistake. After all, in this country all the inhabitants communicate emotionally.

Language and other features

You can distinguish a Japanese from a Chinese by listening to the speech. To the ear, Japanese is perceived as quite rigid, with an abundance of consonants, while in Chinese vowels are much more common. Another interesting feature of the Japanese language is monotony, it practically does not use intonation and stress.

China and Japan have different traditions and customs, and the mentality of the inhabitants of these countries also differs significantly. The Chinese are more pragmatic, while the Japanese, on the contrary, are distinguished by their craving for contemplation and philosophy. You can trace these features in all spheres of life.

In Japan, traditionally, special attention is paid to beauty and rituals. Even a simple meal in this country comes down to admiring the design of the dish. The Chinese, on the other hand, are not so fastidious, very often they seek to satisfy physical needs first of all. The eyes of the Japanese are able to see the beauty in small things, it is for this reason that the representatives of this nation strive for perfection in all its manifestations. The Chinese, on the other hand, prefer to think less about aesthetics and higher matters.

Why do Japanese people have such narrow eyes?

Recently I happened to witness a dialogue between a little girl who was looking at pictures in a magazine with an article about Japan, and her grandmother. The girl asked why the Japanese have such narrow eyes? To which the grandmother could not answer anything, Do you know why?

The Japanese, like the Chinese, Vietnamese, Koreans and many other peoples of Asia, as well as the inhabitants of the Far North - the Eskimos, Chukchi, Aleuts, Nenets belong to the Mongoloid race, whose representatives differ from other races in their yellowish skin tone and slanting eyes. The effect of “narrow-eyedness” is created due to the presence of a special fatty fold of the eyelid in the Mongoloids at the inner corner of the eye - the epicanthus. Scientists do not have a common opinion about the reasons for the presence of the epicanthus - someone believes that it helps protect the eyes from sand in the inhabitants of desert sandy regions, and who I am sure that the epicanthus serves to protect against frostbite of the face in cold winter conditions among the peoples of the Far North. In addition, snow, as you know, reflects the entire spectrum of sunlight and the inhabitants of the north had to constantly squint to protect the retina from bright light. So nature itself took care of people here ...

Some Asians in Lately resort to plastic surgery in order to give the eyes a more rounded (European) shape, such operations are especially popular in China. This is more of a tribute to fashion, although the “narrow-eyedness” also causes some inconvenience, among the Japanese eyeball shorter than the norm, so more than 90% of the population wears glasses, although you won’t see so many bespectacled people on the streets, since the majority now prefers to wear optix contact lenses, and they actively use lenses that change eye color. Therefore, do not be surprised if you see a Japanese with piercing blue or green eyes.

How to tell a Chinese from a Japanese? Features of the national character

Most of all, this question is of interest to representatives of the Caucasian race, for whom all Asians are the same person, whether they are Koreans, Japanese, Vietnamese or Chinese. In order to learn to distinguish nations by sight, one should carefully study characteristics appearance and character of their representatives.

Features of the Japanese As a rule, the faces of the inhabitants of Japan have a slightly elongated, regular oval shape. At the same time, high cheekbones are pronounced. The eyebrows are arched, the eyes are wide. Japanese eyes are large and expressive. The noses are for the most part straight and not large, without humps. The skin of the Japanese is the lightest among all Asians. The definition of "yellow-faced" does not fit this nation. Naturally light-skinned Japanese women emphasize their pallor in makeup. They carefully whiten the skin with special means, after which they apply decorative cosmetics.

A Japanese can be recognized not only by their appearance, but also by their manner of speaking. This nation is distinguished by muted tones in speech. The Japanese language sounds monotonous and melodic. The tone is polite and friendly. In the speech of the Japanese, you will not hear raised tones and loud expressions. Even in crowded places, it is surprisingly quiet. The Japanese are known for their impeccable taste in clothing. As a rule, they prefer clothes of well-known brands from high-quality natural materials.

Calmness is called the national trait of the Japanese. This nation prefers to live without haste, in a calm rhythm. So, if you notice a calm, pale-faced Asian with a quiet monotonous speech, you can be sure that you have a Japanese in front of you.

Features of the Chinese Indigenous Chinese are more often chubby. Like the Japanese, they have prominent cheekbones. The outlines of the lips are rounded, and the corners are often raised. The outer edges of the eyebrows are noticeably higher than the inner ones. Because of this, the eyes of the Chinese seem slanted. The skin of the Chinese has a yellowish tint, but on the faces of women this is hardly noticeable due to the abundance of decorative cosmetics. Chinese women are real masters in applying makeup. Few of them seek to emphasize their natural Asian beauty. More and more women are using cosmetics to give their face a European look. To do this, they use all sorts of tricks, from stickers that pull off the upper eyelid, to special lenses that increase the size of the eyes.

The Chinese are less demanding about clothing than the Japanese. Men and women prefer clothes that are comfortable to wear, often sporty. The manner of speech will also help to distinguish a Chinese from a Japanese. The Chinese speak hurriedly and loudly, regardless of the environment in which they are. The Chinese have a characteristic loud laugh, which is commonly called chest.

It is surprising that all the recommendations on how to distinguish a Chinese from a Japanese can be used for these nations in the age range from 20 to 50 years. After, as you know, external differences are erased, and it remains to rely only on intuition and personal experience.

A video that explains the differences between Japanese and Chinese styles!

How to distinguish Japanese from Chinese or Korean:

The faces of the Japanese are elongated oval, the nose is more pronounced, the eyes are large with a wide slit. The head of the Japanese is large. Japanese women often use a pale white face color in makeup, and also use active whitening products. Japanese women are the whitest among Asians.

The difference between Koreans and other Asians.

The Japanese most often wear clothes of world brands and are distinguished by good taste. The Chinese do not always match the tone and beautiful combination of clothing elements, they have their own style, different from the Japanese one. For example, you can easily meet a Chinese woman in the street in pajamas in the evening, Japanese women never do this. The Chinese - men allow themselves to walk in cheap sportswear. The Japanese, if they use a sporty style, wear only world-famous, expensive things.

Thus, if you cannot distinguish the language at all, then you can determine the nationality by the manner of communication. The Chinese speak loudly, often spit on the ground, even in public places. The language of the Japanese is without accents and raising tones, monotonous - polite, they speak in a muffled voice, so in Japan, even in public places, it is always very quiet.

Interesting facts about Japan - Mosaic of oddities

The modern Japanese mentality, although it has undergone a significant influence of Western values ​​(which somewhat changed the relationship between personal freedom and a sense of duty), nevertheless remained compromise and group in nature, retaining all its features in full.

Some kind of horror movies (with asses)

What color are Japanese eyes?

Black, like all Asians

Or brown.

They probably don't do it now...

They also say... there is frenzied Creativity... creativity and unusual Design are everywhere... from which one starts to feel sick... one wants to run away... anywhere... even to the trash heap... it's so good there... they say that in the city they all look lonely ...... as I understand it ... the Japanese are in a hurry to live ... always ready to quickly put on their shoes and run somewhere ... this is because of ... probably constant earthquakes ...... have time to work out ..., eat ..., buy a fashionable chameleon ..., okay ...... CLASS ...!

Creatiff weigh!

And why take off your panties at a meeting of schoolgirls? Is this a punishment or a reward? ;)

These are illustrations from Japanese porn. Their fantasies.

Yes, you are an expert! Thank you;)

Thanks for the trust! It will be necessary to catch up so as not to get into a puddle with a particular survey. Here the husband will be delighted.

So what. We are still interested. They are completely different. Exotic.

And I've never seen...

And I was amazed after Fukushima, how they carried the found safes, money and other other people's valuables to hand over to the police. No looting. I just take off my hat for such an upbringing or a common metal ...

This is their norm. Europeans have a lot to learn from the Japanese.

This spring we lived in a hotel with the Japanese. Getting into a restaurant with them is a hell of a punishment. They smell, i.e. They don't even smell, they stink terribly!!! Moreover, this is the smell of a body that has not been washed for a long time ... Here. Or were they some kind of wrong Japanese? As for their cleanliness.

Or maybe it was not the Japanese, but the Chinese. They will smell...

They were darlings, they))))) the essence is as follows. My husband and I planned a small tour of Turkey. We arrived in our beloved Istanbul for three days, took a walk, chose a carpet for the house and at the same time met the owner of the store. He changed all our plans and routes as well. Because his second business is tourism and it is with the Japanese. The hotels that he advised us along the way are inhabited exclusively by the Japanese. They, hotels, are beautiful to the point of impossibility, but the Japanese ... When we went to the restaurant on the first evening ... We had just arrived and we were tired of driving all day, we decided to eat and sleep. I was ready to cry in a restaurant. Thank God they left after 10 minutes and the waiters were breaking the windows .... Horror! Then we didn't meet with them at all. But I remembered. And my sister worked in a restaurant in the center of Moscow, which received mega rich tourists thirsty for Russian exoticism (bears, caviar, girls with blond hair in kokoshniks, etc.). so she told me that the tour of the Japanese groups did not see anything worse. And precisely because of the stench. And with the Chinese, I had no experience of communication, I can’t say anything. Although in Moscow at rush hour in the metro, be healthy too! You understand this especially clearly when you have been driving for many years and suddenly you need to drive public transport.

The difference between the Japanese, Chinese and Koreans in the faces

Many people think that all Asians look the same or find it difficult to distinguish between them. But the Asians themselves easily distinguish people of their nationality from other peoples of the East. Even in the neighboring countries of Central Asia, residents understand by the face whether a person is Kazakh, Kyrgyz or Uyghur.

Moreover, differences in faces exist among residents of such geographically different countries: island Japan and mainland China.

How to distinguish a Japanese from a Chinese or Korean

The faces of the Japanese are elongated oval, the nose is more pronounced, the eyes are large with a wide slit. The head of the Japanese is large. Japanese women often use a pale white face color in makeup, and also use active whitening products. Japanese women are the whitest among Asians.
Chinese faces are rounder than Japanese and Korean faces. China is a huge multiethnic country, unlike Korea and Japan (which are more ethnically homogeneous), which makes it much more difficult to differentiate and generalize on the surface.

The difference between Koreans and other Asians

Korean faces tend to be flat, with high, square cheekbones. The eyelids of Koreans are more often single than double (European style), however, recently a high percentage of the Korean population has operated eyelids, which can be misleading as to their nationality.
In addition to the external differences in the faces of Asians, there are also indirect signs.

The Japanese most often wear clothes of world brands and are distinguished by good taste. The Chinese do not always match the tone and beautiful combination of clothing elements, they have their own style, different from the Japanese one. For example, you can easily meet a Chinese woman in the street in pajamas in the evening, Japanese women never do this. Chinese men allow themselves to walk around in cheap sportswear. The Japanese, if they use a sporty style, wear only world-famous, expensive things.

The Koreans are somewhere in the middle in terms of clothing style: ahead of the Chinese, but not yet caught up with the Japanese.

If you cannot distinguish the language at all, then you can determine the nationality by the manner of communication. The Chinese speak loudly, often spit on the ground, even in public places. The language of the Japanese is without accents and raising tones, monotonously polite, they speak in a muffled voice, so in Japan, even in public places, it is always very quiet.

For those who are not at all versed in Asian faces, tutorial with illustrations of faces of all races of the world, including Asians from Thailand, Vietnam, Taiwan, Cambodia, China and other countries.

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