How to find out the type of scalp. How to determine your hair and scalp type. Taking care of oily hair

Each person has their own specific hair type, and this circumstance cannot be changed in any way, but it is interesting to note that not everyone knows what kind of hair they have, especially men. Only knowledge of this will make it possible to determine the appropriate and correct care for them. Let's take a look at how to determine your hair type.

The following hair types are distinguished:

  • Normal hair quite thick and elastic, have good durability and have a healthy shine, shimmering effectively in the sun. These properties persist for a couple of days after the last shampooing. The pluses include the fact that the normal type of care is quite simple. They practically do not split, they are easily combed dry and wet. It is worth noting that even with repeated twisting, they will not break, but will immediately restore their original shape, and they are also easy to style. People with a normal type are not worried about dandruff and itching, the scalp is usually clean.
  • Dry hair much thinner than their normal counterparts, they are sensitive to cosmetics and chemicals, as well as to the effects of atmospheric agents. Due to the reduced secretion of sebum, they quickly lose their pleasant shine and their elasticity, which is why they become brittle and fragile, often resembling artificial ones. All this leads to the formation of dry dandruff, which gives itself out when combing, imperceptibly settling on clothes. Dry hair will be more difficult to style even after washing, it is combed much worse, quickly gets tangled, splits and breaks. A couple of days after the last wash, fine dry dandruff may appear on the head.
  • Greasy hair have good elasticity, practically do not absorb water, differ in a characteristic dull shine, after a while they begin to stick together, they seem untidy and dirty.
  • Mixed type differs in different hair condition depending on its length. This is due to the fact that such hair is not evenly lubricated with grease, so the ends split, while the roots are oily. In this case, special care is required using several products.

How to determine your hair type: table

Normal Fatty Dry Mixed
Do you often wash your hair? Once every two, three days Almost every day Once a week Every 4 days
Root condition
Fatty by the end of 3 days The day has passed and they are already fat After washing, immediately dry, for 3-4 days normal, oily for 7 days Roots become greasy by the end of 2-3 days
Assess the condition of the hair ends
Dry or normal, sometimes split The condition of the tips is good, they do not split at all The ends are brittle, often split Brittle, dry ends, also split
Hair shine
Healthy and shiny Shine only on the first day after shampooing Mostly lackluster The tips are dull and the roots have a greasy sheen
Rarely Almost never Relatively often Usually the tips
Splendor average Normal splendor only 1 day after washing, then they begin to stick together and lose their splendor Increased splendor The tips fly apart quickly, and the roots are splendid.
In general, the styling holds up well Great for styling, but it doesn't stick Hair is poorly styled On average, styling lasts fine, but deteriorates faster at the tips

For proper and effective hair care, it is important to correctly determine your hair type (that is, the nature of the sebum secretion of the scalp).

Distinguish between normal (with moderate sebum secretion), oily (with increased sebum secretion), dry (with reduced sebum secretion) and mixed hair.

Each of these types requires special care. Failure to identify your hair type correctly can worsen the condition.

In general, oily hair corresponds to the type of skin: if the skin is dry, dry hair grows on it, and oily hair grows on oily skin.

Hair types: normal hair

Normal skin is moderately oily and does not flake off. Healthy normal hair is elastic, thick enough and not thin. They reflect light well, have a healthy shine, shimmer in the sun. These qualities persist for several days after shampooing.

Normal hair is easy to maintain. They almost do not split, easily comb both wet and dry. Even with repeated twisting, such hair does not break, but immediately regains its original shape and easily fits into any hairstyle.

The scalp is clean, without dandruff and itching.

Hair types: dry hair

Dry skin is often chapped, irritated, and flaky. Dry hair is much thinner than normal hair and is very sensitive to weather conditions, chemicals and cosmetics. Due to the reduced sebum secretion of the scalp, dry hair loses its shine and elasticity, becomes dull and brittle, often resembling artificial hair. Dry dandruff often appears on the scalp, which, when combed, settles on clothes in the form of light dust.

Such hair is difficult to style after washing, it is difficult to comb, easily tangle, break and split at the ends. Dry fine dandruff may appear 1-2 days after shampooing.

Dry hair can not only be the result of decreased activity of the sebaceous glands, but also the result of improper care. With this type of hair, it is necessary to avoid procedures that lead to their drying (dyeing with chemical dyes, perm, lightening, exposure to direct sunlight, etc.).

Hair often becomes dry with age, replacing normal hair. Excessive washing, using a hot hair dryer, sun exposure, temperature fluctuations, and health conditions are to blame.

If your hair has become dull and brittle, then it means that you need to properly take care of your health.

To acquire elasticity and shine, dry hair needs additional nutrition, which activates blood circulation, normalizes fat metabolism and restores elasticity to the hair. It is useful to make compresses and masks from various vegetable oils(olive, soy, castor, burdock, mint, jasmine, etc.).

Hair types: oily hair

Oily skin is covered with a thicker layer of sebum and has a specific oily sheen, it is characterized by enlarged pores. Oily hair is also covered with grease, it is elastic and absorbs less water than normal hair, has a characteristic dull sheen, after a short time after washing it sticks together and begins to look dirty and untidy.

Oily hair is the result of increased activity of the sebaceous glands of the scalp. To some extent, the amount of sebum produced depends on the type of diet and the amount of carbohydrates (primarily) and fats consumed with food. When caring for oily hair, you need to follow a diet low in fat - it helps to normalize the endocrine system.

Disorders of the sebaceous glands can be associated with diseases nervous system, hormonal disorders, taking certain medications, poor diet.

Oily hair is usually found in young people, but older people may also have oily hair. Without special care, they have a characteristic dull sheen, after a short time after washing (2-3 days, even several hours), they lose their fluffiness, stick together and stick together in separate strands, hang like icicles and begin to look untidy.

Excess sebum is deposited on the scalp in the form of scales or yellowish crusts that cause itching. Therefore, oily hair is often combined with oily dandruff.

Hair types: mixed hair type

Mixed hair is generally long, greasy at the roots and dry at the ends. This is a result of the fact that they are not sufficiently greased along their entire length. The ends of blended hairs often split without the proper lubrication. They need a combination of care using various special products.

How to determine your hair type? Determination of hair type

If you have any difficulties with determining the type of your hair, and accordingly with the choice of the most suitable for you hair care and scalp care products, then you should pay attention to the following features inherent in this or that type of hair.

Dry hair:

Do not become greasy for a long time;
- hair roots are dry immediately after washing, on the 3-4th day - normal, by the end of the 7th day - oily;
- tips are dry, split ends, brittle;
- after drying with a hairdryer, the hair becomes brittle and brittle;
- after washing the hair, there is a feeling of tightness of the scalp.

Normal hair:

Become fat in 2-3 days;
- hair roots are normal immediately after washing, by the end of the 3rd day - oily;
- tips are normal or dryish, sometimes split;
- after drying with a hairdryer, the hair becomes fluffy and pleasant to the touch;
- after washing your hair, occasionally there is a feeling of tightness of the scalp.

Greasy hair:

They grow fat quickly;
- hair roots are normal immediately after washing, by the end of the 1st day - oily;
- the ends do not split;
- after drying with a hair dryer, the condition of the hair does not change;
- after washing your hair, there is never a feeling of tightness of the scalp.

Mixed (oily roots, dry ends) hair:

Get oily in 3-4 days;
- hair roots are normal immediately after washing, on the 2-3rd day - oily;
- dry ends, split ends;
- after washing, the feeling of tightness of the scalp can occur extremely rarely.

To keep your hair looking beautiful and well-groomed, you need to take proper care of it. In this case, for this you need to use, ideally suited for the type of curls. Therefore, every woman should know and be able to what type of hair is peculiar to her.

Depending on the external characteristics curls, experts subdivide hair into four types: dry, oily, normal and combined. Let's take a look at the symptoms that are specific to each of these types.


Oily curls have an unkempt look and look untidy within a few hours after. And this happens due to the excessive work of the sebaceous glands, which is why too much subcutaneous fat appears on the scalp and hair roots.

Such failures in the body occur for various reasons. Quite often, such a problem occurs in adolescence, when hormonal changes occur. In addition, the work of the sebaceous glands can be disrupted by improper nutrition, when there are a lot of carbohydrates and fats in the diet.

Also, the condition of the hair can deteriorate greatly when using styling products that were selected incorrectly. It is also worth noting that this type of curls can also be caused by various diseases, therefore, you should contact a specialist and undergo an examination for identifying pathologies.

How do you know what type of hair? This question is asked by many women who are beginning to understand that they previously used the wrong care for their hair. So, there are several ways to do this. The first is the easiest.

Wash your hair with shampoo, rinse well and dry. You do not need to use conditioners or balms. Then take some parchment paper. Apply it to the crown, back of your head, or the skin behind your ears. Look at the paper. If there are oily marks on it, then this indicates the presence of subcutaneous fat on the scalp. And its such a quick appearance after shampooing indicates an excessive activity of the sebaceous glands. This means that you have an oily hair type. If there is no oily spot, then you most likely have dry or normal curls.

But since this option for determining the type of hair does not give precise answers, it is best to use the second method. The characteristics of all types of curls are described below. If at least 3-4 symptoms are typical for you, then you can determine the types of your hair.

If you experience the following symptoms, then you have dry hair:

  • pollution after 5-7 days;
  • dullness;
  • tightness of the scalp;
  • increased electrification;
  • practically not amenable to styling.

Oily hair is characterized by:

  • pollution every 2 days;
  • healthy tips;
  • there is no feeling of tightness of the skin;
  • hair quickly loses its healthy look and become "oily";
  • after applying the hair dryer, they remain in their usual state;
  • hair fits well, but quickly loses its shape under its weight;
  • do not electrify.

The following symptoms are characteristic of normal hair type:

  • get dirty 3-4 days after shampooing;
  • the ends of the hair split, but not much and look healthy with regular trimming;
  • after water procedures, they acquire a beautiful shine, which can be observed up to 3 days;
  • a feeling of tightness of the scalp is extremely rare;
  • drying with a hairdryer does not negatively affect their condition, they also remain soft and obedient;
  • electrification is rare;
  • fit well and retain their shape for a long time.

The combination hair type has the following characteristics:

  • pollution for 4-5 days;
  • the presence of split ends and brittle ends;
  • quick salting of roots (they acquire a greasy sheen);
  • there is no feeling of tightness of the scalp;
  • when using a hair dryer, the tips are fluffy;
  • difficult to style.

How to care for different types of hair?

Having decided on the type of hair, you, for sure, became interested in learning how to properly care for them.

So, if you have normal hair, wash it no more than 3-4 days later. Apply face masks regularly. In addition, you are allowed to visit a hairdresser and perform various chemical treatments.

If you have oily hair, then you need to water treatments every 2 days. When doing this, you should use a mild shampoo. Cosmetic masks can be used, but not too often. You also need to edit your food.

Dry hair should be washed no more than once a week. During water procedures, you should use moisturizing shampoos that do not contain silicone. Before every shampoo, make homemade moisturizing masks. It is also recommended to regularly trim split ends. This will give your hair a healthy look.

Combination hair needs special care. They should be washed 2 times a week. At the same time, you should not use various balms and conditioners too often. They are very good for combination hair. You can use sage, and. But it is advisable to treat the ends with various cosmetic oils.

Now you know how to understand what type of hair you have and what kind of care it requires. Now all you have to do is go to the pharmacy and purchase suitable cosmetics.

Video on how to determine your hair type

Determining your hair type will help ensure proper hair care. There are several types of hair that differ in their characteristics.

Knowing them, you can choose care and skillfully handle them. Let's analyze the main ones.

Dry hair is often weak, lifeless, dull and lacking in shine. This type is also characterized by split ends, tangling, tightening, itching and irritation, dandruff. Hair does not "grow greasy" up to 5-7 days due to reduced sebum secretion.

Causes of dry hair:

  • frequent procedures;
  • improper care (products, combs);
  • regular use of thermal tools for hair (hair dryer, iron, curling iron, curlers);
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • climatic conditions - dry winds, sun.

Dry hair should not be permed, aggressively dyed and washed in hot water.

Dry hair care

Dry hair is difficult to style and comb. They need special care more than other types. There are certain rules for caring for them:

  • Detergents and care products must be of the correct type.
  • Comb them when they are a little dry, not right after washing.
  • Pamper your hair periodically with nourishing masks and special products.
  • If possible, reduce the effects of a hair dryer, ironing, curling iron.
  • Give up different types staining.
  • Include in the diet foods rich in vitamins A and E, fruits, berries, drink plenty of plain water.
  • Hot cut the ends of your hair once a month or so.

Oily hair type

This type is characterized by excess sebum production. This happens due to disruption of the endocrine system and metabolism.

Improper nutrition and emotional outbursts can also cause oily hair. They are characterized by the following features:

  • quickly grow greasy after washing (maybe during the first day);
  • matte, sticky, dirty-looking;
  • unpleasant odor;
  • "Greasy" shine;
  • styling and hair do not last long.

  • Wash them no more than once every 2-3 days.
  • Wash them with a specially selected product with warm water.
  • Apply balms and gels for oily hair to the length of the hair without touching the roots.
  • Replace the comb brushes with wooden combs.
  • Exclude fatty, salty, smoked, spicy foods from the diet. Eat more dairy products, fruits, vegetables.
  • Use drying products at home.

Perm is suitable for oily hair, and massage is contraindicated.

How to make oily hair a little drier

For this purpose, it is important to use mustard - it reduces the production of sebum and stimulates blood circulation in the scalp. To do this, dissolve a tablespoon of dry mustard until gruel and rub into the scalp. Leave it on for 15 minutes and then wash off with warm water.

There is also another mask. Mix the juice from two raw potatoes with a glass of kefir, apply to hair for 40 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Rinse oily hair preferably with herbal decoctions. For this, oak bark, sage, nettle, scarlet are suitable.

- not uncommon. You can read how to get rid of it and what to do in this case.

What should be in shampoos for dry hair? We talked about it. Get to know the mountain useful information which you will not find on other sites!

How to make fluffy and dry hair smooth? Helpful hints are described in.
We have collected and published only the most working recipes and tips on this topic.

How to determine your hair type?

There are several methods to determine your hair type:

  1. Using a paper napkin. To do this, you need to take 3 white napkins - attach one to the hair roots and hold it with your fingers for a while; with a second napkin, go along the entire length of the hair; the third is to pinch the tips for a while. The bold type will leave an oily mark on all paper napkins. Dry - there will be no traces of sebum, but fragments of cut hair may be present. With the normal type, all wipes will be clean. The mixed type will leave a greasy mark on the first napkin, and the rest will be clean.
  2. Through various tests. These include questions that can help you determine your hair type based on the results.
  3. Contact a trichologist. Using laboratory methods and examination, a specialist will determine your hair type.

Combined hair type

Often women have a combination hair type, in which oily roots and dry ends are noted. Usually, the main reason for such a case is improper care in combination with hormonal disorders in the body and a lack of any elements.

With frequent use of the hot air of a hair dryer, dyeing or perming, the hair structure is very damaged, and the ends are especially affected. Oily hair shampoos contain strong chemical substances that dry the hair and scalp. In order to rescue, the sebaceous glands begin to work hard and produce fat, which explains the fatty roots.

In order to properly care for such hair, you need to simultaneously solve the greasiness of the roots and pay attention to the dry-type ends.

There are some rules for mixed hair types:

  • do not use products for oily hair (it is better to take products for a combined or normal type);
  • wash your hair 2-3 times a week;
  • limit or eliminate extreme temperatures of devices;
  • organize healthy eating and drink plenty of fluids;
  • for dry ends, there should be additional care in the form of moisturizing, nourishing and softening masks, balms.

Apply the shampoo to the mixed type hair on the roots, without massaging the ends too much. When using medical masks or balm, on the contrary, the product should be applied to the main length, without affecting the hair roots.

Hair types in men

Men lose hair early, not only due to the androgenetic factor, but also due to improper care or its complete absence. To provide your hair with proper care, you need to have information about hair type... since it is in accordance with it that such means as shampoo, balm, mask, rinse are selected.

How to determine your hair type?

Determining a person's hair type will require personal observation. If you have problems with terminology, you can contact a trichologist, dermatologist or stylist. Hair types in men are determined according to several criteria and are as follows.

Normal hair

Normal hair is not difficult to identify. They have strength, elasticity, shine, which last more than one day after washing. Such hair does not split and is easy to comb, even when wet. Caring for them is simple, but it is important to remember about its regularity.

Dry hair

Dull, thin, brittle, with split ends - these are dry hair. Dry hair is caused by several reasons.

  • Low activity of the sebaceous glands.
  • Improper care.
  • Coloring and brightening using a high concentration oxidizing agent.
  • Prolonged exposure to wind, direct sunlight.
  • Long-term styling in one type of hairstyle.
  • Improper combing, combing wet hair, poor quality combs and brushes.

Dry hair needs intensive care and restoration, which can be provided with the help of special masks and oils... In addition, dry hair is prone to splitting, so you need to regularly renew it by cutting split ends at the hairdresser. at least once every 6 weeks... In sunny and windy weather, you should protect your hair with a headgear. Also, people with dry hair should not abuse drying with a hairdryer.

Greasy hair

Oily hair becomes dirty soon after washing, and looks stuck together, untidy, lacking volume, sometimes with dandruff. The causes of oily hair are varied.

  • Genetics... The sebaceous glands of the scalp are naturally overactive.
  • Improper nutrition... eating an excessive amount of sweet, fatty, fried, smoked foods.
  • Improper care... frequent use of oily masks intended for dry hair, frequent combing.

To care for oily hair, products that reduce sebum production and medicated shampoos are used. For oily hair, massage of the scalp and blow-dry is contraindicated.

Mixed hair

Quite a common phenomenon is the type of hair in which the roots and scalp are oily, and the length and ends are dry, often split. This is the hair mixed type... As a rule, hair is not natural, but becomes for several reasons.

  • Rare combing long hair: if long hair is not combed in a timely manner, sebum cannot be evenly distributed over the entire length of the hair and accumulates at the roots.
  • Frequent hair washing... increased regular flushing of the natural protective fatty film leads to disruption of the activity of the sebaceous glands, which begin to actively produce sebum.
  • Seborrhea .

To solve this kind of problem, ideally, you need to wash your hair much less often than usual... But, unfortunately, not everyone can afford it, because in some cases it is necessary to look perfect every day. When choosing a shampoo for mixed hair, you should focus on the condition of the scalp; balm, mask, rinse, conditioner - on the condition of the hair shafts.