A guide and walkthrough for "The Curse of Monkey Island". The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition: Corsairs 3 Wind of Freedom Monkey Ship Walkthrough

Studio 77 showed how large-scale quests can be. Not so long ago, a new performance appeared here, which sends players to the jungle, where many, many wild monkeys live. The space really looks like a real rainforest. So beautiful that for some time I just wanted to stand and look at the locations. But still, the plot developed in all this splendor, because there are several characters, and in the adult version, even boo-moments were present.

It is important to understand that this is a performance, because attention is paid not only to the scenery with riddles, but also to the acting. The project has versions - for children and adults. Accordingly, there is more help, light on the nursery, no one is trying to frighten. But on an adult, the opposite is true. There is twilight around, and at any moment a huge evil monkey can jump out from somewhere! It was the mighty monkeys that were the kind of evil that had to be overcome. Well, or at least run away ...

Quite an unusual villain who immediately made me remember the films about King Kong or "Planet of the Apes". The actor's costume is also appropriate. But besides him, there was also a guide to the island in the game, who had several tasks at once. Through him, some facts about local history were conveyed, clues were given, and the very mood of the adventure was created.

Without a doubt, the main feature of the project is the atmosphere. This is an incredibly beautiful embodiment of the jungle on the quest. Just the same 10 out of 10. Although all the projects of “Studio 77” would like to give this very grade, because the scenery is put at the head here. In fact, there is not even a division into rooms, because the whole quest is, as it were, in one space of a tropical forest, but it has several zones, which are separated from each other by sometimes very unusual transitions.

There were caves, the forest itself, and a wooden house. I would like to highlight the presence of open water in the quest especially, because few people would dare to do this due to the "adequacy" of some players. But here she was, and even in impressive quantities. A large area, around plants, animal sounds, lighting effects, trees and other beauty.

But here it was necessary not only to examine, but also to solve riddles. Equally, there were tasks for searching, for logic, for interacting with actors, a quest and technical mechanisms. Yes, and dexterity was found for those who are not particularly burdened with the mind! The complexity ranged from the most basic to the most difficult to understand. The technique here was equally combined with locks, so that nothing was knocked out of the general atmosphere of the jungle. And due to the fact that the actor leads the game, there were no shortcomings in the dynamics of the passage.

In general, it is extremely sad that we have passed all the currently open quests of the Studio 77 company, because there are so many memories associated with them. We celebrated holidays here, and the scale was amazed, and ate deliciously at the local bar, and made many new friends, and held photo sessions, and even the Quest Cup was judged! But we believe that soon there will be many more reasons to return here.


This game is converted from a very popular, very funny adventure date game made for PC. You will play the role of Guybrush Threepwood. a teenager who wants to become a pirate. During the game you will face many pirates, fall in love with the beautiful Governor of the island and even find a small treasure .. but will you be able to find out the secret of the island of monkeys?



The game begins with your meeting with the watchman of Mile Island. He will tell you where to start your search, and you will automatically find yourself in the village. Remember where the watchman is, for you will have to return to him a little later. WALK right to Scumm Bar. OPEN the door and WALK. WALK TO the red curtain, but first TALK TO the pirates (and the dog) for a little laugh.
Behind the curtain you will find three IMPORTANT PIRATES. TALK to them and say: "I wan! To be a pirate". They will tell you about the Three Trials. Try to shake as much information out of them as possible, then end the conversation and OPEN the door on the right. The CHEF will say that you can't go inside. Oh really? We'll see! Wait for the chef to go to the kitchen and leave the left edge of the screen. Then WALK.
IN THE KITCHEN, PICK UP a piece of meat and a pot under the table with the meat on it. OPEN the right door and exit. WALK TO the very edge of the pier and wiggle the board to scare away the Gull, then PICK UP the fish before the bird returns. You can do this an infinite number of times.
Now leave the Scum bar and WALK to the left to the watchman (he is at the top of the cliff), then WALK along the path to the right. When the map of Miley Island appears, head towards the clearing in the middle of the island, then WALK left and enter the CIRCUS TENT.
Interrupt the Fettuccini brothers' squabble and listen to how they haggle. Then ask, "How much will you pay me?" ("How much will you pay me?") Agree to their proposal by saying: "Okay, sounds good" ("OK. Sounds good") Then they will ask if you have a helmet, and you will answer: "Of course, I have a helmet "(" Of course I have a helmet ".) GIVE the pot to the brothers and they will shoot you with a cannon. Talk to them, tell them everything is all right and you can leave.
WALK back to the path and return to the VILLAGE. WALK right past the Bar and under the ARCH to the "main street" of the village. TALK TO Mile's inhabitant. He asks about someone named Swei, answer like this: "No, but once I had a barber named Dominique" ("No. but I once had a barber named Dominique".) Buy a card from him that he offers ...
WALK past the man down the street and OPEN the first door on the right. WALK INSIDE THE STORE WILL. PICK UP the chicken on the chest, then LOOK AT at it. OPEN the door and WALK back outside. GO (WALK TO) to the arch under the clock, then GO (WALK TO) along the ALLEY, from where the sound comes: "Shhh ...-
A man will appear from the alley and ask you some questions. Answer his questions. You will find out that he is the sheriff. When he's gone. GO (WALK TO) STREET and OPEN the STORE door on the RIGHT. WALK inside.
PICK UP the shovel and sword and USE the call. Tell the WELDED SELLER you want these items (by saying "About this sword ...") or "About this shovel ..." ), then say, "I want to rent it" (I "d just like to browse"). Exit the store and WALK TO the guard, then WALK TO the trail for a map to appear. You have already finished collecting the items you need. Now it's time to complete the Three Trials)
After checking the map, go to the HOUSE, which stands on the right end of the island. On the BRIDGE you will be stopped by an IMPROVED TROLL. GIVE the fish to the troll and he will let you through. When the map appears again, go to the house. Try to OPEN the door of the house, and a man will speak to you. Say, "Can you teach me?" ("Could you train me?"), Then insist on that. that you have everything you need. When he finally agrees, give him 30 pieces of eight and show him your sword. when he asks. He will take you inside and have some energetic (and very exciting) activities with you.
When class is over, you need to learn some offensive language. WALK to the path and a map will appear, then WALK to the CROSSROADS, which is to the left of the fork in the road. This is best place in order to face pirates and get involved in a fight. Continue to fight pirates in order to properly internalize the insults and responses to them. When you learn them. check them out on the list below. If you hear a phrase to which you do not know the answer, use it and get the answer. "In the end, the pirates you defeat will say that you are experienced enough to fight the Queen of the Sword. Not yet! Keep fighting until until you hear everything on this list.


I: Do you still wear diapers?
S: What, did you want to borrow?

I: I got this scar on my face in a brutal fight!

I: I can't sit seeing such impudence!
S: Does hemorrhoids bother you again?
I: I once had a dog, so it was smarter than you!
S: It looks like she taught you everything you know.

I: I heard that you are a pathetic sucker!
S: But no one has heard anything about you at all.

I: I talked to monkeys who were more polite than you.
S: It is gratifying that you do not forget to communicate with your family.

I: I will wipe your blood off with my handkerchief!
S: So you still managed to get a job as a cleaner.

I: No one has ever seen or will see my blood!
S: Do you run that fast?

I: People fall down in front of me.

I: Soon you will wear my sword like a servant!
S: First, stop waving it like a fan.

I: There are simply no words to describe how disgusting you are.
S: No. there is. You just never learned it.

I: Your end has come, pathetic coward!
S: I'll leave you a little piece.

I: You fight like a shepherd.
S: Not bad. And you look like a cow.

I: You have the manners of a beggar.
S: I just try not to embarrass you in my presence.

I: Just looking at you makes me sick.
S: Looking at you, it seems to me that someone has already done this.

I: You are still far from my brains, you pathetic idiot!
S: Yes, but you never used them.

When you have learned all the insults and the answers to them, use the map to WALK TO THE FORK ON THE ROAD. You will find yourself in the FOREST. WALK to the path in the background of the screen, then PICK UP the yellow plants when you find yourself in another area. Now you have to find the Lord of the Sword. There are two ways. The first is to wander through the forest until you come across a deep gorge with a sign hanging next to it. PUSH the sign, go over the bridge and go right, where you will find the house of the Lord of the Sword. The second method is to tell the STORE OWNER that you want to find the Lord of the Sword. When he leaves the store, follow him and he will lead you to her house.
TALK TO WITH THE LORD OF SWORD; tell her you came to kill her. The fight begins! She uses phrases you haven't heard before. The following is a list of these insults and the responses you need to say:


I: Every word you say to me is stupid.
S: I just try not to embarrass you in my presence.

I: If your brother is like you, it is better to sleep with a pig.
S: Looking at you, it seems to me that someone has already done this.

I: I hope you have a boat to get off quickly.
S: What, did you want to borrow?

I: Do I often see people like you die on the floor in taverns? S: Even before they smell your mouth?

I: I intend to teach you a little lesson today.
S: You would keep it to yourself.

I: I have the courage and skill of the lady of the sword!
S: Yes. but you never used them.

I: I will drain all the blood from your body, drop by drop.
S: Not bad. You fight like a cow.

I: After the last fight, my hands were stained with blood.
S: I hope this has taught you not to pick your nose.

I: My name is known in every nook and cranny of this dirty island.
S: So you work as a cleaner.

I: The glory of my sword goes all over The Caribbean!
S: The fact of the matter is that no one has ever heard anything about you yourself.

I: My tongue is sharper than any sword.
S: First, stop waving them like a fan.

I: My worst enemies flee, barely noticing me!
S: Even before they smell your mouth?

I; No one has seen me fight as badly as you!
S: Do you run that fast?

I: Now I know what fools and scoundrels look like!
S: I'm glad to hear that you remember to communicate with your family.

I; Only once have I met such a coward!
S: It looks like he taught you everything you know.

I: It looks like there are no tricks that can save you.
S: No, there is. You just never learn them.

I: You are like a nail in the ass!
S: What, hemorrhoids bother you again?

When you defeat the Lady, she will give you a shirt. LOOK AT HER. (By the way, using the Master's phrases you can win any sword fight, although you won't have to fight anymore.) WALK across the bridge and follow the path. When the map appears, WALK TO the fork again.
Once again in the FOREST, LOOK AT at the map, which should indicate where the treasures are stored. "Back" - means that you need to WALK to the background of the screen. "Left" ("Lett") and "Right" ("Right") means WALK in the corresponding direction. Follow these directions and you will find yourself in a clearing. WALK right and USE the shovel at "X". You will find another shirt. LOOK AT her, then WALK to the left to the forest path (and map).
Head to the village and go to the store. Do not enter the store, but WALK to the left, through the arch, and you will see the GOVERNOR'S MANSION. GO (WALK TO) to the mansion. But don't go near the bloodthirsty dogs. USE the yellow petal on top of the meat, then GIVE the meat with "seasoning" to the poodles. OPEN the door and WALK inside.
OPEN the door to the right of the front door and WALK. A FIGHT will follow, after which you will have a few more items. WALK OUT front door and go back to town. WALK TO PRISON. (This is the first doorway on the left when you enter the city; can you guess it by the bars on the windows?)
TALK TO THE PRIOR, then go outside. OPEN the STORE door. WALK inside and TALK TO the master. Ask if he has any refreshing mints. He will give you the whole package of WALK back and return to PRISON. GIVE the mints to the prisoner, then ask if he has a file. When he's finished talking, GIVE him rat repellent. In gratitude, he will give you a cupcake.
Get out of the prison and WALK back to GOVERNOR'S MANSION WALK inside. OPEN the cupcake and you will find the file WALK TO the gaping hole and you will get into a fight again. The sheriff will stop you and ask what is going on. Give him any explanation and the governor will appear. She will send him away. Talk to her and OPEN the front door when she leaves. The sheriff will stop you again. Answer him whatever you want and he will throw you off the dock! Wow!
When you're underwater, PICK UP the idol. You will automatically take the sword and climb back to the pier. Then the watchman will appear and say that the governor's wife has been kidnapped. Ask him to tell you more about it, and he will give you a note from the evil LeCHUCK. LOOK AT at the note.
WALK TO SCUM BAR and WALK there. PICK UP all the mugs and WALK TO the red curtain. TAKE (PICK UP) the remaining mugs and TALK TO with the COOK. Ask him: "What was served, old drunk?" ("What" s wrong, old sot? ") And ask where you can buy the ship, then OPEN the kitchen door and WALK outside.
Everything that follows must be done quickly. USE one of the mugs to pour liquids from the keg into it and head to the jail. Grog is slowly but surely eating away at the mug, so you'll have to stop with that several times. to periodically USE empty circles under it. If you dig for a long time and don't change the mugs, the grog will turn the mug into a lump of tin and spill out. Then you will have to go to the bar again, collect the mugs again and try everything again.
When you get to PRISON. USE the grog mug to destroy the castle and release the prisoner. He will run away as soon as you invite him to join your team. But don't worry about it.
WALK out of the prison and return to the guard, then WALK TO along the path After checking the map, go to the SHORE in the upper right corner of the island. When you get there, USE the rubber chicken on the rope to get to Hook Island. OPEN the house door and WALK inside.
A powerful MITHUK will appear and say that he does not like guests. Say: "The governor's wife has been kidnapped!" ("The Governor" s been KIDNAPPED! "), Then say" Let "s get a crew together. Mithuk will want to test you to see if you can be the captain. When he opens all the doors and runs away. OPEN the small door and TICKLE the bloodthirsty winged demon. Mithuk will agree to join your team.
USE the rubber chick to get back, then WALK TO the path. After checking the map, GO (WALK) to the HOUSE OF THE LORD OF THE SWORD Talk to her and say: "The Governor has been kidnapped!" ("The Governor" s been KIDNAPPED! ") She will immediately join your team. WALK TO the path. Checking the map WALK TO THE LIGHTS at the very bottom of the island (which, in fact, means the Second hand market Stan's ships).
When Stan is finished praising the product, say, "I really don" t have that much to spend. "He will show you the Sea Monkey ship. When he is finished, say," On I was actually going to get one on credit. "(Actually, I was hoping to get one on credit.") He will refuse, so tell me you want to think about it a little more. Before you leave, Stan will give you his card and a magnetic compass.
GO (WALK THAT) to the VILLAGE, then GO (WALK THAT) to the STORE. TALK TO the landlord and say: "I am interested in procuring a note of credit", then say "Yes, of course I do "). The owner will open his safe and take out the bill. Look carefully and remember the combination of numbers on the lock! So you do not talk about it. He will not believe you and put the bill back in the safe. Now say:" I am looking for the Lady of the Sword of Mile Island " "I" m looking for the Sword Master of Melle Island "). And the store owner will leave.
GO (WALK TO) to the safe and use the combination. (The PULL command turns the safe handle counterclockwise; the PUSH command clockwise.) When the door opens, you automatically take the bill. Go back to Stan's Used Ship Market.
Ask Stan, "Ugh ... can I take another look at the cheaper one?" Ask Stan, "Okay, how much does it cost?" ("Well, what do you think it" s worth? "), Then say," Forget it. "Stan will beg you to do something, say," Yes. maybe you're right ... "(" Well, may be you "re right ...") and repeat: "Well, how much does it cost?" ("Well, what do you think it" s worth? ") Then say" I "d like to make you an offer. Choose the phrase: "Good! 5000!" ("All right! 5000!") And Stan will sell you the ship.
Return to the VILLAGE. You will meet Stan at the pier, and before you leave, he will give you some literature. Greet all your crew members as they appear, and head to Monkey Island!


After the mutinous crew has decided to go out to the Caribbean, go to your CABIN. OPEN the desk drawer and LOOK AT what's in there. LOOK AT at the dusty book to read it, PICK UP pen and ink, then WALK TO the door to WALK TO the rope ladder and PICK UP " Jolly Roger "when you climb to the top.
GO (WALK TO) to the hatch on the deck of the ship (just above the rebel team). GO (WALK TO) to the DOOR and enter the galley. PICK UP the cauldron and OPEN the cupboard. PICK UP the box of oatmeal, OPEN it and take out the item. LOOK AT it to see that it is a small clue.
GO (WALK TO) to the stairs and to the HATCH to enter the SHIP'S BAR. OPEN the chest on the right and LOOK AT it: you will find a bottle of white wine. PICK UP a huge piece of rope and OPEN the kegs on the left to get some gunpowder. Now go back to your cabin.
USE the key to open the locker, then OPEN the chest and LOOK AT there. There you will find a sheet of paper and cinnamon. LOOK AT the piece of paper to read the recipe and WALK TO THE SHIP'S GALLERY. USE the following items into the BOILER: Refreshing Mints, Oatmeal, Cinnamon, White Wine, Gunpowder, Ink, Jolly Roger, and Rubber Chicken. The water in the cauldron will soon begin to boil and you will pass out.
WALK TO the deck and find that you are already off the coast of Monkey Island. WALK TO the hold and OPEN the kegs again to get more powder, then WALK TO the deck. USE the gunpowder in the cannon and USE a huge piece of rope to make a fuse. Now all that remains is to set it on fire!
Go down to the galley and USE the feather to set it on fire *? under a boiling cauldron. You will have a torch. Go back to deck. USE this torch to light the cord and quickly USE the boiler. The cannon will shoot and throw you onto the island.
When German Toothrot leaves. GO (WALK TO) to the JUNGLE to see the MAP OF MONKEY ISLAND. GO (WALK TO) to the JOINT OF TWO RIVERS in the middle of the island. (This is where the river runs through the mountains.) GO (WALK TO) to the trail on the other side of the river and climb the huge rock. GO (WALK TO) to the second chain of tracks to climb to the top of the hill. PUSH the rock. You will flood the Sea Monkey, but don't worry.
Herman will appear on the screen; talk to him, then GO (WALK TO) to the path below. PULL or PUSH the primitive painting until it points towards the edge of the screen, then WALK TO the steps and back to the top of the hill. PICK UP a pile of rocks and place one on the edge. PUSH the stone; it will hit the banana tree on the beach. WALK down to the confluence and return to the jungle.
GO (WALK TO) to the FORT at the left end of the island (it is located on the north side of the crater). PICK UP the telescope and rope, then PUSH the cannon. When Herman appears, say "I saw a monkey leaving here". Ask German a question, then end the conversation. PICK UP a cannonball and gunpowder and WALK to the jungle.
Go back to the TWO RIVER JOINT and PICK UP the note under the rock. LOOK AT at the stone that attracted your attention and you will understand that it is flint. USE a handful of gunpowder on the dam, then USE the flint and cannonball. The dam will explode and the stream of water will carry you downstream.
WALK TO THE POND at the very end of the new river and PICK UP the rope from the sickly looking man. Herman will appear; talk to him or chase him away. then WALK TO THE JUNGLE and WALK TO THE CREEP on the south side of the island. USE the rope to tie it to the tree branch at the edge of the crevice and WALK down to the next ledge. USE another rope to tie it to a sturdy tree stump and WALK TO the ground. PICK UP the paddles, then climb back up the ropes and WALK TO THE Jungle Then WALK TO THE BEACH from where you started your journey across the island.
PICK UP the bananas and USE the oars as you board the boat. Row to the right, skirting the peninsula, and head for the coast at the top of the island. When you come ashore. GO (WALK TO) into the jungle and GO (WALK TO) TO THE VILLAGE.
WALK TO the far left hut and PICK UP the bananas from the fruit bowl. Try to leave the village and the cannibals will stop you. Talk to them and GIVE them something (they will refuse). You will be locked up in the guest hut. PICK UP the skull off the floor. OPEN the board that was underneath and WALK TO the opening in order to run.
GO (WALK THAT) to the beach and GO (WALK THAT) to the boat. Row to the beach where there is a banana tree, then WALK TO the jungle. WALK TO the monkey walking on the north side of the beach. GIVE all five bananas to the monkey and WALK TO back into the jungle WALK TO THE EAST on the right side of the island; the monkey will follow you.
On the EMPTY WALK to the right to find two idols. PULL the left idol by the nose and WALK TO the gate that will open. The gate will close, but the monkey will grab the idol by the nose. to open them again. WALK through the gate and approach the GIANT MONKEY HEAD.
PICK UP the little idol, return to the jungle and WALK TO THE VILLAGE. WALK left to the fruit bowl, then try to leave and the cannibals will stop you again. GIVE them the idol. GO (WALK TO) to the hut on the left and enter there. PICK UP the banana picker and WALK out of the hut. You will see Herman; GIVE him a banana picker and he will give you the key to the monkey head.
GO (WALK TO) to your boat and paddle to the shore just west of the wasteland. GO (WALK TO) to the forest, then to the wasteland. then to the giant monkey head. USE the key to open the head by inserting it into your ear. Go back to the boat and paddle to the upper beach, then WALK TO the village. Say "Well, actually, there is something ...", then say, "I am looking lor somebody." "). Explain more precisely by saying: "I am looking for 30 dead guys and one woman" (I "m looking for 30 dead guys and one woman"). Keep talking to the natives until they finish talking. GIVE them a leaf, and they will give you the SEAFARER'S HEAD and a magic NECKLACE.
Get on the boat and row back towards the shore, which is next to the wasteland. WALK TO the jungle, then WALK TO the wasteland. Enter the giant monkey head and WALK to the right until you enter the cave, then USE the navigator's head. WALK through the CATACOMBS, following the direction the head is facing until you reach Lechak's ship. TALK TO the seafarer's head and say, "Please, can I take this necklace?" ("May I please have that necklace?"). Keep asking the head until she agrees to give it to you, then USE the necklace to turn invisible. All in all and business.
WALK TO THE GHOST SHIP and OPEN the left door, then WALK inside. USE magnetic compass and the key hanging on the wall, then WALK to the deck. GO (WALK TO) to the HATCH and GO (WALK TO) to the passage on the right. PICK UP the ghost feather next to the ghost chickens and WALK back down the aisle. USE the ghost feather to tickle the sleeping ghost's feet and PICK UP the grog jar he drops. But you shouldn't drink grog!
WALK TO the right aisle again and USE the key to open the hatch. WALK TO THE HATCH and USE the jar of grog to pour it onto the dish and thereby confuse the ghost rat. PICK UP the cooking oil and return to the DECK. USE a ball of grease to grease the door on the right, then OPEN it and enter. PICK UP the ghost tools and return to the DECK.
GO (WALK TO) to the hatch and then GO (WALK TO) to the aisle. USE the tools to open the glowing crate (it is under the ghost pigs), then LOOK AT the crate; you will find the magic voodoo root there. Now get off the ship and WALK TO the cave. You will find yourself again in the village of cannibals. Chat with the three-headed monkey while the cannibals prepare your potion, then WALK TO the jungle.
Go back to where the DOCTOR'S SHIP was. You will find that the ship is no longer there. Ask the ghost about the ship and the wedding. When Herman appears, ask him to take you to Mili Island. It's time for the final showdown!


GO (WALK) right. The GHOST will stop you. Ask him, "Would you like a beer, sir?" ("Could I interest you in some root beer, sir?") And sprinkle the potion on it. GO (WALK) right again and enter the city. GO (WALK THAT) to the sinister ghost. Say: "No, but I have a deadly magic beer from the root" ("No, but I do
have this deadly magic root boor ") WALK TO the arch under the clock, then OPEN the door of the CHURCH (building with colored stained glass). WALK inside. Now don't waste your time.
Say, "STOP THE WEDDING CEREMONY!" ("STOP THE WEDDING !!") and when Lechak threatens you, say: "Look what I have!" ("Take THIS!"). The Governor's wife suddenly appears, embarrassing everyone present. Ask her questions until she leaves, then tell Lechak again, "Look what I have!" ("Take THIS!"). Unfortunately, you cannot get the bottle out and you are introduced to Lechak's huge fist.
After taking a few more hits, you find yourself in Stan's Used Ship Market. at the MACHINE. MANUFACTURING GROG. Lechak rushes after you. When he grabs you, quickly PICK UP the potion bottle and USE it before Lechak can hit you again. Then grab a bag of popcorn, relax and watch the wonderful ending.

Part 1. Three courts.

Go to the Scum Bar and talk to the pirate by the window, Mancomb Sipgood. Tell him that you dream of becoming a pirate. Ask where you can find the governor. Instead of answering, he will tell you a story and send you to Esteban, who will tell it to the end. Exteban stands under the chandelier. Ask him about Le Chaquet.

Walk right behind the curtain. There you will see a group of serious pirates. Please them with your intention to become pirates. They will explain that only the one who has passed all the "three courts" becomes a pirate: he will master the art of swordsmanship, theft and adventure (that is, he will find the treasure). Moreover, the pirate must provide evidence of the completion of each of the 3 ships. You can ask them about each of the ships, or you can end the dialogue.

Open the door to your right - the chef will send you to hell. Wait for him to leave the kitchen and go in. Take a piece of meat from the table and a pot. Use the meat on the stew pot in the corner. Now pick up the pot of stew.

Open the door leading to the bridge. A seagull will land nearby and start pecking fish. Walk to the end of the bridge: you will step on a loose bar, which will make a lot of noise and scare away the seagull. Do this several times and pick up the fish. Return outside by going through the kitchen.

On leaving the bar, watch the cartoon: Bob tells Le Chuck that the newly minted pirate is creating problems on the Skirmish Island. Turn left, return to the lookout and walk past him to the right. Before you will be a map of the Skirmish Point. The places you can visit are limited to highlighted locations. You need to go to a location close to the center of the island, called a clearing. The name hid a circus. Go inside. You will see the Fettuccini brothers engaged in a heated debate. Wait for them to shut up and talk to them. They will ask you to test the gun. Agree to a deal - you will be paid 478 coins. The brothers will ask if you have a helmet. Answer yes and show the pot. Then Guybrush will fly out of the cannon and land exactly on his head. Say something to comfort the brothers. Get paid. Exit the circus and return to the map. Go back to town, past the Dregs Bar.

At the corner, you will notice a guy with a parrot on his shoulder. They call him a citizen of the Skirmish Island. Talk to him. He sells a treasure map for only 100 coins. Feel free to buy it.

Examine the map. At first glance, it seems that you have been deceived, but you just need to find out how this card is read. We will return to the map later. Turn left - three people with a rat will appear in the distance. Make the rat run away. To do this, move the cursor over it. Now go up to the men and say: you are sorry that the rat escaped, and you yourself are a big rat lover. Men will share an important story. Enter the first door on the right. Pick up the Rubber Chicken. Turn right and meet the Voodoo witch. Talk to her about everything that is on the list of dialogs. Then leave her house and go through the archway. Someone will call you from a side street nearby. Go to the alley. Fester Shinetop called you. Talk to him and leave the alley. Go to the door on the right - this is the store. The owner must meet you. If not, ring the bell. Climb the stairs and take the shovel next to the safe. Go down and take the sword from the red chest. Now tell the store owner that you want to buy both items. Don't ask him who to test the sword on. We will return to this later.

Return to the top of the cliff and go to the map. Select the location "home" - a place in the right half of the map. A troll will stop you on the bridge. Talk to him and give the fish. (Pay attention to how the troll eats.) Click on the "house" location again. Captain Smirk lives there, teaching swordsmanship. For lessons, he takes 30 coins. Knock on the door. The captain himself will meet you. Ask him to coach you. In the conversation, the captain will mention Karla, the master of fencing. When the captain agrees to give Guybrush a lesson, both will go into the house. Watch cartoon with training. You have mastered swordsmanship. But before you beat Karla, you have to learn a couple of insults.

Return to the map. Dots will appear on it, marking the position of the pirates. You need to fight them to learn pirate abuse. Just stand somewhere on the map and wait for the pirate to come to you. The picture will change: you will find yourself opposite the pirate a few steps away from him. Tell him to prepare for death. The fight will begin. The enemy will scold you. You must answer. The first few times you’re unlikely to win, you’ll at least learn to swear. Keep fighting the pirates until you hear the acknowledgment of your skill: “Wow! Yes, you can even handle the master! " Now you need to find her. Return to the store. Say you are looking for a blademaster. The owner will answer that he must first visit the craftswoman. Once the owner is out, follow him. When you open the map, you will see that now only the location of the shopkeeper is highlighted. Follow him to the master's lair. When the shopkeeper leaves, talk to Karla. A long-awaited fight ensues. Fight her like you do with pirates. The defeated craftswoman will give a T-shirt as a certificate of your victory. It is not necessary to return to the pirates in Bar, but if you want, you can boast once again.

Return to the forest. You can walk along any road: eventually you will stumble upon yellow flowers. Now back to the treasure. To get started, visit the first section of the map in the forest. Look at the map. If the card tells you “back! two-three-four! ”, ignore“ 2-3-4 ”. Left will be on the left, right on the right, but back in this context means "up". Now go along the map. You should find yourself in a part of the forest that is noticeably different from the rest of the lawns and edges. Walk right. Somewhere there must be a cherished "X". Dig up the treasure and watch the cartoon. Guybrush will dig the shirt. Again, you can visit the pirates if you like.

Return to the city, walk past the shop to the mansion. Now you need to steal the Many-armed Idol. Dogs will block your way. Use the yellow petal (sleeping pill) on the meat pot. The dogs will fall asleep from the meat. Open the door and enter. Now open the door next to the vase. Fester Shintop will try to arrest you. A fight ensues. You will escape, and Fester will remain trapped. Guybrush will come to the conclusion that he needs a hacksaw to open the door. Go outside and head towards the prison. Talk to the prisoner named Otis. Guybrush will refuse to talk to him because of the terrible smell from the mouth. Buy mint lozenges from the store and give them to Otis. Discuss everything on the list of dialogs with him. Give him the repellent. In return, you will receive a carrot cake with a hacksaw hidden in it. Return to the mansion and make your way through the hole formed in the fight. A cartoon will follow again: in it Fester will nevertheless grab Guybrush. The enemy will demand an explanation from you. Choose to meet with the Governor, Elaine Marley. She will acquit you. Go outside. Shintop will not calm down in any way: he will grab you, steal the sword and throw you into the sea with an idol tied to his leg.

Pick up the idol. Guybrush will raise his sword and rise to the surface of the sea. Once in the air, you will see a ghost ship sailing towards the horizon. The lookout will appear on the stage. He brought bad news: Le Chuck had kidnapped Elaine Marley and sailed to his lair on Monkey Island. Also Le Chuck left a note. You need to get a ship and assemble a team of 3 people. But first, check out the Scum Bar. There you will find the chef crying. Talk to him about everything. When leaving, grab all 5 mugs. Open the map and select the brightest cluster of lights - the location is called “lights”. Stan will meet you here. He will show you ships, including a half-submerged ship. The hero will fall on this particular ship. Ask Stan to show you the ship. Ask if you can borrow it. Stan does not give loans - you have to go to the shopkeeper. As you leave, you will receive a compass from Stan.

Chat with the shopkeeper. Say that you need a loan and lie that you work. The shopkeeper will go to the safe for a receipt. Remember the combination. The store owner will want to find out who you are. You have to admit that you have no work. The shopkeeper will put the receipt back in the safe. When he gets back to the desk, tell him you are looking for a swordsman. He will go to Karla again, and you can take the receipt. Push the lever and pull it.

Visit Stan again. You will have to bargain with him: he wants 10,000 for the ship, and you have only 5,000. Talk to him about additional equipment. End the dialogue about each outfit with the words “I don’t need this garbage”. Torment Stan and say "Stop talking about extra equipment." If the price only dropped to 7300, discard the ship. Stan will bring the price down to 6300. Offer 5000 and he will agree. Stan will be waiting for you at the dock with the ship.

The team will consist of Karla, Otis and Meathook (Mithuk). Click on the map on the location "house of the fencing master". Tell Carla that the governor has been kidnapped and she will join you. Return to the map. This will be followed by a cartoon from which it will become clear that Fester Shinetop and Le Chuck are one person.

Select the "island" location on the map. Hook Island can be seen in the distance. To get there, connect the chicken to the rope. The same Meat Hook lives in the house. Say that Marley was kidnapped, and you are recruiting a team to rescue her. Hook will only agree to join if you touch the winged devil. Open the small door - there is a parrot behind it. Touch it and the Hook is yours.

Go to jail to talk to Otis. Otis will agree to help you if he is released. Go to the Trash Bar. There's a barrel of grog in the kitchen. Fill your mug. Grog burns through the mug, so on the way to the prison you will have to pour it into new mugs. Douse the prison castle with grog and return with Otis to the dock. By answering your crew's questions, you can finally go out to sea.

Part 2 - Travel.

Open the chest of drawers and look there: the hero will get an old book. This is the captain's diary. From it you will learn how Captain and Mr. Tutroth ended up on Monkey Island. Take the quill and ink from the table. Exit the room and climb the rope ladder. Once at the top, take the flag with the Jolly Roger, go downstairs and open the hatch. Going down, you will see a door and another hatch. Go down it. You will find yourself in the pantry. Pick up the long rope; look into the red chest (there is wine); check the kegs to your left (they contain gunpowder). Return to the hatch, go upstairs and open the door - you will find yourself in the kitchen. Take the pot from the table. Open the locker to your left: take the box with cereals and open it; a key is hidden inside. Return to the captain's cabin and open the chest of drawers with the found key. There is a chest in the chest of drawers. Look inside: the hero will get a cinnamon and a parchment with a Voodoo spell. Read the spell: it will lead you to Monkey Island. Go down to the kitchen. Throw in a pot: cinnamon, wine, pirate flag, gunpowder, ink, mints, rubber chicken, grits. This hellish concoction is your ticket to Monkey Island.

After the interlude, you will find the hero sleeping on the floor. Click on the floor - this will make him wake up. Go up to the deck. The island can be seen in the distance, but you need to get to it somehow. You will have to repeat the cannon trick. Go down to the closet and grab some more gunpowder. Pour gunpowder into the mouth of the cannon, and use the rope on the back. Go down to the kitchen and light a map or T-shirt on the fire under the pot. Go up to the deck. Light the wick, put on the pot and climb into the cannon. Do not have time to climb the first time - just go down for a new portion of gunpowder and try again.


The Course of Monkey Island (Part 3) - Curse of Monkey Island (1997)

Year of issue: 1997
Genre: Quest
Developer: Lucas Arts
Publisher: Fargus
Publication type: license
Interface language: English + Russian
Medicine: Not required
Platform: WinXP
System requirements: Windows 95/98/2000 / XP
Pentium 200
32 Mb RAM
Description: Guybrush Threepwood sails into the sea in one of the cars in the amusement park.
Unbeknownst to him, he swims to Plunder Island, governed by none other than Elaine Marley.
The island is under siege by Guybrush's mortal enemy LeChak, who is still thirsting for Elaine's hand.
Noticing Guybrush, he orders him to be seized and thrown into the hold.
At this time, LeChak is about to use his most powerful weapon - a voodoo cannonball.
But the powerful recoil of Guybrush's cannon forces LeChak to drop the cannonball under his feet, which killed him and sank the ship.
Guybrush manages to escape from the overturned ship.
Guybrush meets with Elaine, asks for her hand and hands over a diamond ring, not knowing that it is cursed.
Elaine turns into a golden statue, and Guybrush will have to find the same unenchanted ring to remove the curse.
But first, he needs to find the statue of Elaine, since she was immediately kidnapped (who leaves the golden statue on the pirate island?).
In his adventure, Guybrush will visit the Isle of Blood, the Isle of Skull (which for some reason looks like a duck), and, finally,
in the lair of LeChak himself, who is gathering an army of undead to take over the world. He will also meet interesting characters, like new ones,
and those already encountered in previous games.

Add. Information: The game is English, the archive contains Russian subtitles.
Be sure to read the Readme file before launching the game.


Tales of Monkey Island: Chapter 3 Lair of the Leviathan (2009)

Tales of Monkey Island: Chapter 3 - Lair of the Leviathan will invite you, together with the main character, to experience a unique journey through the intestines of a giant manatee. In the womb of an inhabitant of the depths of the sea, you will meet many colorful characters, solve a lot of problems, solve dozens of riddles and get answers to questions that arose after ...

Year of issue: 2009

Developer: Telltale Games

Interface language: English
Platform: PC
System: Windows XP / Vista
Processor: 2.0 GHz + (3 GHz Pentium 4 or equivalent)

but I

The Monkey Island Special Edition Collection (2011)

The Monkey Island Special Edition Collection is a disc edition that contains The Secret of Monkey Island Special Edition and Monkey Island 2 Special Edition: LeChuck's Revenge. Both games feature new voiced dialogues, hand-drawn locations and characters, improved controls and a hint system. A sequel besides ...

Year of issue: 2011
Genre: Adventure
Developer: Lucasarts
Publisher: Activision
Publication type: License

Interface language: English
Platform: PC
Tablet: Present (R E L O A D E D)
Operating system: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7


The Secret Of Monkey Island Special Edition (2009)

A new, expanded version of the original game. Among the features - high-resolution graphics (1920x1080), full voice acting, a hint system, an updated soundtrack performed by a live orchestra, a new interface, two game modes (classic and advanced), between which you can switch at any time.

Year of issue: 2009
Genre: Adventure
Developer: Telltale Games
Publisher: LucasArts Entertainment
Developer site: www.lucasarts.com/games/monkeyisland/
Interface language: English


Tales of Monkey Island: Chapter 2 The Siege of Spinner Cay (2009)

The second episode of the five-part season of the Monkey Island Legends. We left Guybrush at the moment when he escaped from the island of Flotsam in the Screaming Narwhal. But nothing is over: his hand is still bewitched, LeChuck in human form is whipping up Elaine, and then a new mysterious and unfamiliar figure comes into play ...

Year of issue: 2009
Genre: Adventure / 3D / 3rd Person
Developer: Telltale Games
Publisher: LucasArts Entertainment
Developer site: www.telltalegames.com/
Interface language: English
Platform: PC -
System: Windows XP / Vista -


Tales of Monkey Island: Chapter 1 Launch of the Screaming Narwal (2009)

The first episode of five of the long-awaited saga about the adventures of the frustrated pirate Guybrush Threepwood! By sending the evil pirate LeChak to the forefathers, Guybrush Threepwood inadvertently infected all the Caribbean black magic Voodoo, as a result of which all pirates are about to turn into terrible zombie-like monsters. Pursued by a brutal pirate hunter and ...

Year of issue: 2009
Genre: Adventure / 3D / 3rd Person
Developer: Telltale Games
Publisher: LucasArts Entertainment
Interface language: English


Tales of Monkey Island: Chapter 5 Rise of the Pirate God (2009)

In the fifth chapter, our pirate heroes will have a decisive battle. Will the world of Monkey Island be saved? Find out for yourself in an exciting ending to the saga.

Year of issue: 2009
Genre: Adventure / 3D / 3rd Person
Developer: Telltale Games
Publisher: LucasArts Entertainment
Developer site: www.telltalegames.com/monkeyisland
Interface language: English
Platform: PC -
System: Windows XP / Vista -
Processor: 2.0 GHz + (3 GHz Pentium 4 or equivalent) -

Hard disk: 500 MB


Monkey Island 2 Special Edition: LeChuck "s Revenge (2010)

A remake of the cult quest Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge. The game has updated graphics, a re-recorded soundtrack, a new system of prompts and fully voiced dialogues. How all pirates hate Guybrush Threepwood. The name of this reckless and desperate young hero evokes various associations: he is considered useless warrior, ridiculous m ...

Year of issue: 2010
Genre: Adventure
Developer: LucasArts Entertainment
Publisher: LucasArts Entertainment
Developer site: http://www.lucasarts.com/
Interface language: English
Platform: RS


Tales of Monkey Island: Chapter 4 The Trial and Execution of Guybrush Threepwood (2009)

In the fourth part of Stories of Monkey Island, our hero returns to Flotsam, but not of his own free will. What is the fate of the Mighty Pirate?

Year of issue: 2009
Genre: Adventure / 3D / 3rd Person
Developer: Telltale Games
Publisher: LucasArts Entertainment
Developer site: www.telltalegames.com/monkeyisland
Interface language: English
Platform: PC -
System: Windows XP / Vista -
Processor: 2.0 GHz + (3 GHz Pentium 4 or equivalent) -
Memory: 512 MB - Video Card: 64MB DirectX 8.1 Compliant - Audio Card: DirectX 8.1 Compliant -
Hard disk: 500 MB


Graphic Adventure "The Book of the Dwarf. Part One" (2010)

The protagonist of the game, the gnome Gron, comes to the village to visit his old (like himself) friend Milberk. What lies ahead for him? About it right now! The debut project of a domestic developer-enthusiast is a small point-and-click quest "with an RPG element".

Year of issue: 2010
Genre: QUEST
Developer: Fairy Forest
Publisher: Fairy Forest
Developer site: http://www.fairyforest.com/
Interface language: Russian
Platform: PC XP / Vista / 7 CPU: 1.0 GHz RAM: 512 MB DirectX: 8.0 or higher

but I

Ghost Pirates of Vooju Island (2009)

A Monkey Island-inspired adventure set in the Pirates of the Caribbean universe. You will have to play as many as three characters: Daddy Doc, Jane Starling and Blue Belly. All three have recently become ghosts and are now looking for a way to resurrect. Living people do not see or hear this trinity, and ghosts cannot move objects. But maybe there are others ...

Year of issue: 2009
Genre: Adventure
Developer: Autumn Moon Entertainment
Publisher: dtp Entertainment AG
Developer site: http://www.ghostpiratesofvoojuisland.com/
Interface language: German + English (text)
Platform: PC OS: Microsoft Windows XP x32 / x64 or Microsoft Windows Vista x32 / x64


Treasure Island: In Search of the Pirate Treasure Treasure Island (2008)

Treasure Island is a fully 3D adventure game based on the novel by Robert Louis Stevenson. All events, characters and places are as close as possible to the "book". The game has a huge number of different puzzles: from simple mini-games and combining objects to multi-stage logic tasks. Seventeen-year-old D ...

Year of issue: 2008
Genre: Quest
Developer: Radon Labs
Publisher: Akella
Publication type: license
Interface language: Russian
Tabletka: http: //www.antistarforce.com/load/29-1-0-1098
Platform: PC


Cursed Island: Mask of Baragus. Collector's Edition / The Cursed Island: Mask of Baragus. Collector "s Edition (2014)

The famous archaeologist Dr. Gordon Levitsky went missing with his group while exploring the infamous "Cursed Island"! He went there in search of a powerful ancient artifact - the Mask of Baragus, which, according to his information, was kept by an unknown tribe of this island. Travel with Casey, the daughter of a scientist ...

Year of issue: 2014
Genre: I'm looking for, quest
Developer: TODO Games
Publisher: Big Fish Games
Developer site: N / A
Interface language: Russian
Platform: PC

RAM: 1 GB.


Myths of the peoples of the world 9: The Island of Forgotten Evil. Collector's Edition / Myths of the World 9: Island of Forgotten Evil. Collector "s Edition (2016)

Before he died, your uncle hid mysterious artifact that only you can find. However, the ghost of a warrior decided to interfere with the search for truth. Will you be able to break the legionnaire's curse - or will you be the next victim yourself?

Year of issue: 2016
Genre: Quest, Hidden Object
Developer: Eipix Entertainment
Publisher: Big Fish Games
Developer site: eipix.com
Interface language: Russian
Platform: PC
Operating system: Windows XP / Vista / 7/8 / 8.1 / 10
Processor: any, with a frequency of 2 GHz.
RAM: 1 GB.
Video card: any, with 256 MB. Video Memory DirectX: 9.0
Audio card: DirectX compatible. Free space on hard disk: 1 GB.


Grim Legends 3. The Dark City / Dark Legends 3: The Dark City (2016)

Sylvia, a young member of the Order of Monster Hunters, follows in the footsteps of a former member of the Order of Gabriel. He stole an artifact containing one of the evil creatures Koshmaar. Nightmares now dominate the city. Sylvia, together with her mentor Solomon, will have to work hard to save people, because the dark legacy of the past is much more terrible than m ...

Year of issue: 2016
Genre: I'm looking for, quest
Developer: Artifex Mundi
Publisher: Alawar
Developer site: Alawar.ru
Interface language: Russian
Platform: PC - OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7/8 -
Processor: 2.0 GHz or higher - RAM: 2048 MB or higher - DirectX 9.0 or higher - HDD: 1.01 GB free space


Secret Files 3: The Archimedes Code (2012)

The basis of the Secret Files series is stories about historical mysteries and world conspiracies, combining real events and fiction. The first part was devoted to the riddle of the Tunguska meteorite, the second - to the prophecies dangerous sect... In connection with criticism pointing to the lack of depth of the main characters and some cliché of the plot, for the third hour ...

Year of issue: 2012
Genre: Adventure
Developer: Animation Arts
Publisher: Deep Silver
Developer site: http://www.animationarts.de/
Interface language: Russian
Platform: PC √
Operating system: Windows® XP / Vista ™ / Windows 7 ™ / Windows 8 ™ √
Processor: Pentium® IV - 2 GHz + Single Core √