Improving personnel potential assessment methods on the example. Thesis: Improving the personnel potential of the organization. Features of the personnel potential of the state and municipal service

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Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Sverdlovsk Region

State autonomous educational institution of secondary vocational education

Sverdlovsk region "Yekaterinburg Technical School Automation"

Course work

By discipline: "Management"

On the topic: "Evaluation of the personnel potential of the organization"

Performed: Training III Course, Groups up to 31

Nutalov Natalia Alexandrovna

Lecturer: Pork Olga Nikolaevna


1. Evaluation of personnel potential of the enterprise

1.1 Personnel concept and its classification

1.2 The main aspects of the development of personnel potential

1.3 Main indicators Evaluation of personnel potential of the enterprise

1.4 Personnel potential: development and improvement perspective


List of sources used


The development of the modern economy, its competitiveness, the scale of scientific and technical transformations, the release of high-quality products is determined primarily by the country's labor resources.

In modern conditions, it is labor resources to consider as the most important resources of the organization. They are the main productive power of society.

In modern practice, such concepts as "frames" and "personnel potential" have great importance in the modern practice of managing labor resources.

Frames are the main (regular) composition of qualified employees of organizations, government agencies, professional, public and other organizations.

Category "Personnel potential" is not identical to the category "Frames". This concept includes not only personnel actually, but also a certain level of personnel teamwork to achieve the specified goals. The personnel potential of the organization depends on the potentials of the personnel of this organization, but is not their amount. It has the property of integrity, fundamentally different from the properties inherent in the potential of each employee separately.

The facility of the personnel potential control is a separate worker, as well as some of their combustion, acting as a labor collective. The combination of workers may include both all frames of the enterprise, which is subject to management's management declarations and frames of the structural division of the department, the workshop. Such parties of production and economic activity are also subject to management, as defining the rational structure of production personnel, the alignment of working in the production process, improving the efficiency of living work, the improvement of the qualitative composition of the aggregate labor force in enterprises.

The leaders and specialists of employees of enterprises, as well as managers of all levels that perform the control function in relation to their subordinates are actuated as entities of the personnel potential of the enterprise.

The essence of personnel potential reflects the qualitative and partially quantitative characteristics of the employment potential of employees of the enterprise.

According to a number of authors, personnel potential is the cumulative abilities of personnel employees of the enterprise, which are necessary in order to choose, perform and coordinate actions that provide the enterprise with strategic advantages in the markets of goods, services and knowledge.

This paper presents theoretical issues related to the use of labor and organization, analyzing their use in the enterprise, the methodology for comprehensive system analysis of the main economic indicators used to analyze the use of labor resources of the company's activities characteristic of a market economy is disclosed.

The relevance of the topic under study in this work was dictated by the fact that in connection with the economic reforms carried out in Russia, more and more managers of enterprises pay attention to their staff, aware of its value. Many of them began to understand that improving the use of labor resources of the enterprise, you can have a good niche in the market of the product produced, to be competitive (quality is demand), have a good profit.

The main task of this work is the disclosure of the studied theoretical basis and bringing some practical issues of economic analysis of the enterprise.

The goal of the work is to analyze the activities of the organization, its personnel potential and determine the possible ways to improve its perfection.

The personnel potential of the organization is the most important strategic factor determining its success. The qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the workforce determine the possibility of implementing economic programs, structural restructuring, expansion of production, growth in product quality and labor productivity. It is events that contribute to the development of personnel make it possible to increase the personnel potential of the company.

1. Evaluation of personnel potential of the enterprise

1.1 The concept of personnel and its classification

Personnel, or staffs, is a staffing of employees of the organization performing various production and economic functions.

The employment team of the enterprise, regardless of its organizational and legal form, make up all employees participating in their work in its activities on the basis of an employment contract. The structure of the labor collective is certain socio-economic groups that are associations of workers in generality of a significant sign: the same complexity of work, a common profession or qualifications, similar rights and duties.

The structural characteristics of the staff of the enterprise is determined by the composition and quantitative ratio of various categories and groups of workers.

For the organization of accounting, development and wages, the number of employees of the enterprise is divided into accounting for reporting and monitoring

* on the areas of labor,

* According to professional qualification features, etc.

Personnel of the company and its changes have certain quantitative, high-quality and structural characteristics.

The quantitative characteristics of the personnel of the company are primarily measured by such indicators as a list, firm and secondary number of employees. The list of employees of the company is an indicator of the number of employees of the piston composition for a specific date, taking into account the workers adopted and left for this day. The uncertic value is the calculated number of employees of the list of composition, which should appear to work to perform a production task. The difference between the fracture and list composition characterizes the number of native downtime (vacation, disease, etc.).

To determine the number of employees for a certain period, an average number of average is used. It is used to calculate labor productivity, average wages, turnover coefficients, personnel turnover and a number of other indicators. The average number of employees in the month is determined by summing up the number of employees of the piston composition for each calendar day of the month, including festive and weekends, and dividing the amount received for the number of calendar days of the month.

In addition to the number of employees, the quantitative characteristics of the employment potential of the company and its internal divisions can be represented by the labor resource fund in man-days or human-hours, which can be determined by multiplying the average number of workers on the average working period in days or hours.

The qualitative characteristic of the company's personnel is determined by the degree of professional and qualification suitability of its employees to achieve the goals of the company and the production of work. The qualitative characteristics of the personnel of the company and the quality of labor to evaluate much more difficult. The main circle of parameters or characteristics that determine the quality of labor: economic, personal, organizational and technical and socio-cultural.

Depending on the functions performed, the employees of the manufacturing enterprise are divided into several categories and groups. Cadres of the enterprise directly related to the production process of production, i.e. Employed main production activities are industrial and production personnel who are divided into two main groups - workers and employees. The workers include persons engaged in creating material values, repair of fixed assets, the provision of material services, etc. In turn, workers are usually divided into basic and auxiliary.

The group of employees usually identifies such categories of working as managers, specialists and actively employees. The attribution of employees of the enterprise to a particular group is determined by the classifier of professions of workers, posts and tariff discharges of employees who are essentially the importance of the All-Russian State Standard. Heads include employees who occupy the positions of managers of the company and its structural divisions, as well as their deputies. Specialists include employees engaged in engineering, technical, economic, accounting, legal and other similar activities. The actually employees include employees who prepare and design documentation, accounting and control, economic service and office work.

Depending on the nature of the work activity, the company's personnel are divided by professions, specialties and qualifications levels. At the same time, under the profession, it means a special kind of work, requiring certain theoretical knowledge and practical skills, and under the specialty - type of activity within the profession, which has specific features and requires additional special knowledge and skills from workers.

Employees of each profession and specialty differ in the level of qualifications, i.e. The degree of mastering by employees by a profession or specialty, which is reflected in qualifying (tariff) discharges and categories that simultaneously characterize the degree of complexity of work.

Depending on the term, which is a contract of hiring, employees are divided into permanent, temporary and seasonal. The constant includes employees who entered the work without specifying the term; to temporary - entered a job for a certain period, but not over 2 months; For seasonal - entered a job for a period of seasonal work.

1.2 Main aspect foreign Capacity Development

One of the main elements of the development of personnel is his training. Personnel training is a targeted, planned, systematic process of mastering knowledge, skills, skills and ways to communicate under the guidance of experienced teachers, specialists, managers.

In modern organizations, vocational training is a comprehensive continuous process, including several stages.

Taking into account the development strategy of the enterprise and the need for training, promising and current annual personnel training plans are being developed. At the same time, the principles of continuity of training of each employee are laid on its basis throughout its production activities.

The training process begins with the definition of learning needs, which can be carried out at several levels.

The first level is the need of an organization as a whole. This need must be analyzed by a personnel specialist or training department in accordance with the general production objectives of the enterprise and personnel policy of the organization and with the participation of line managers.

The second level is the need to teach the department or division. This need can best be determined by the manager of this unit with the participation of a learning specialist. Here it is necessary to carry out additional analysis: to analyze the current situation in the department.

The third level is the level of work performed. The main requirement here is to determine all the functions and actions that employees carry out in the process of real performance of specific work. The needs for training related to the performance of production responsibilities are determined on the basis of applications of linear managers and employees themselves, by survey (survey), employee testing.

The subject of training is:

Knowledge - theoretical, methodological and practical, the necessary worker to fulfill their duties in the workplace.

The ability is the ability to fulfill the duties assigned to the employee at a particular workplace.

Skills - A high degree of ability to apply the knowledge gained in practice, the skills suggest such a measure of work development, when a conscious self-control is produced.

Methods of communication (behavior) - a form of vital activity, a set of actions and actions of an individual in the process of communicating with the surrounding reality, developing behavior that meets the requirements for a workplace, social relations, society.

Distinguish three types of learning:

Professional training - the acquisition of knowledge, skills, skills and training to communication methods aimed at performing certain tasks. Preparation is considered complete if qualifications are obtained for relevant activities.

Raising personnel qualifications - training personnel in order to improve knowledge, skills, skills and communication methods due to the growth of the requirements for the profession or an increase in position.

Professional retraining of personnel (retraining) - training for the development of new knowledge, skills, skills and ways to communicate in connection with the mastering of a new profession or strongly changed requirements for the content and results of labor. According to the results of professional retraining, students receive a state diploma, which gives the right to conduct professional activities in a certain area.

Within the framework of the continuing training system, the following main types of personnel training are assumed:

Training at work it is carried out to study the specifics of activity and closely associated with the adaptation program of employees. Start of learning - immediately after registration of documents on employment. Training duration from one to two weeks. Successful completion of primary learning provides admission to work in a particular position.

Annual training of managers and specialists is carried out in order to familiarize them with new technologies, effective methods of management and analysis, innovation in the field of production, etc. The duration of such training is usually a few days.

Advanced training, which occupies a special place in the training of enterprise personnel as a basic way to ensure the compliance of the qualifications of workers in the modern level of development of science, technology and economics. It is known that the knowledge gained is tired of half every five years, if a person is not engaged in self-education and does not increase the level of qualification. Advanced training is popular in enterprises by virtue of a number of reasons:

1. Improving the qualifications of cheaper training of specialists.

2. Lower duration of learning in comparison with staff training.

3. Target focus on a narrow circle of modules for specialists and managers.

1 .3 Maintenance p proters estimates K. the adver potential of the enterprise

Personal dynamics indicators

For an uninterrupted production process and performing a planned task, it is necessary to define the reasonable need for frames, taking into account the specifics of production and labor functions in the workplace. The calculation of the number should be based on the balance of the actual use of working hours, the need for workers by profession, the level of qualifications and additional numbers. In addition, the enterprise's personnel policy should reflect the forecasting of labor demand on the basis of the main objectives of the enterprise for the upcoming plan period in accordance with the terms of production and its sales. For this, they define the overall and additional need for personnel.

General Need this is the number of personnel necessary to fulfill the planned scope of work. Additional need it characterizes an additional number of personnel to the already existing number at the beginning of the period to perform the intended tasks.

The team of the enterprise for numerical composition is characterized by a change in the number of employees due to admission to work and disposal for various reasons. Analysis of movement and fluidity of frames is important when planning the number of employees. The movement of workers during the reporting period can be represented as a balance:

The list of employees at the end of the reporting period \u003d the list of employees at the beginning of the reporting period + the number of employees adopted during the reporting period is the number of workers who retired during the reporting period.

The movement of workers is characterized by the performance of frame turnover and the indicator of the constancy of personnel.

Travel circulation this is a totality of employed and retired workers, considered in the ratio with the average number of employees for a certain period.

The intensity of turnover of frames is characterized by the following coefficients:

total turnover is the ratio of the total number of accepted and retired for the reporting period to the average number of employees;

turnover on receiving is the ratio of the number taken during the reporting period to the average number of employees in the same period;

the turnover on the disposal is the attitude of the retired workers during the reporting period to the average number in the same period.

The coefficient of replenishing workers characterizes the replenishment of workers who retired on various reasons from the organization, newly accepted employees and is calculated by dividing the number of accepted workers for the period on the number of employees who retired on various reasons during this period.

The consistency coefficient of personnel The ratio of the number of employees consisting in the list of all year, to the average number of employees for this year. The number of employees consisting in the list from January 1 to December 31 inclusive, i.e., worked on the whole year, is defined as follows:

The number of employees who worked the whole year \u003d the number of employees who were in the fields at the beginning of the year (on January 1) - retired during the year for all reasons (except translated into other organizations) *

They are not excluded from the number adopted in the reporting year, since they did not have them in the organization's lists on January 1.

The yield coefficient is defined as the ratio of excessive turnover to the average number of personnel for the period. Personnel flow rate ratio - the ratio of the share of employees of the I-th group among the yield reasons to the share of the I-th group in the total number of employees. Personnel potential staff training

The coefficient of fixture is equal to the ratio of the number of persons with a certain experience, who left the organization to the average number of personnel for the period.

The movement of jobs is characterized by a change in the number of jobs in the organization as a result of their creation or liquidation. With regard to employment statistics, the number of jobs is expressed by the actual number of employees and the number of vacancies.

The number of vacancies (free) jobs is expressed in the number of employees required in the organization, subject to ensuring their full employment.

The number of additionally entered jobs is expressed by the number of employees who are adopted or can be adopted for newly educated jobs as a result of expansion, reorganization of production, increasing the replacement of work, etc.

Important, but to the end, the problem of the employment of labor potential remains not solved, in which it is possible to measure and intensively use both personal employment and the organization as a whole. In practice, the following methods of measurement of labor potential are applied: quantitative assessment (It is usually carried out only with respect to a separate employee for such indicators as the floor, age, experience, level of education, etc.), palkal estimate (produced at 7-10 ballets in terms of indicators characterizing age, health, employee training, etc.), volume size An organization's employment potential can be established through the total working time fund, expressed in man-hours. The magnitude of the organization's labor potential is determined by the formula:

F P \u003d F K - T NP

F p \u003d h · d · t cm,

Where fp is a cumulative potential fund of working time organization, hour; F to - the value of the Calendar Fund of Working Time, hour.; T NP - non-serving non-appearance and breaks, hour. (i.e. regulated costs that are necessary - weekends and holidays, etc.); H - the number of employees, people; D - the number of days of work in the period, DN; T cm - the duration of the working day, an hour.

The personnel potential of the enterprise, less labor potential of the enterprise on the magnitude of the potential possibilities of unqualified and unqualified workers, abnormal workers and partners. This is the main difference.

The employment potential of the organization may be designed for the following formula:

TP \u003d h p · s r · s r · k to · to p,

Where h p is the total number of personnel, people; With p - an indicator of the average duration of the employee's work activity during the year, is calculated as a value weighted average according to the number of time spent (month / person); S p - reinforcement rate of staff calculated by the formula

S p \u003d d z + l (1-d h),

where D h is the share of the admired workers,%; l - the duration of the work period of the employee adopted, but not secured in the organization; K to - the qualification indicator of employees, calculated by the formula

K \u003d 1 + V (M - 1),

where V is the proportion of qualified workers in the total number; M - the coefficient of the reduction of labor, is made equal to the tariff coefficient, reflecting the qualification of the employee (difficulty) in the range from 0.1 to 6.0; K P is an indicator of productivity growth in various age and sexual structure of the collective.

1.4 Personnel potential: perspective va development and improvement

When admitting specialists, even subject to competitive selection, testing candidates, organizations of professional interviews with the help of experienced bank specialists do not always detect gaps in their qualifications. The task of vocational training is to eliminate them, bringing the employee's qualifications in line with the requirements for its official provision. An employee who was accepted for a job for a while ago and at that time fully satisfying the requirements of its activities, today also requires replenishing his knowledge (adding a foreign language, go to a new operating computer system, study a number of new documents, etc.).

A serious factor in the successful development of the Bank's personnel work is to create a bank training center. Without major changes in the field of training and retraining, personnel is difficult to expect qualitative changes in the Bank's work. Seminars, internships abroad cannot replace permanent focused training, retraining, employee informs.

The implementation of the Strategy for Successful Advanced Traffic Qualification is the idea of \u200b\u200b"go from professional knowledge and skills of an employee at its real workplace." It is necessary that the specific workplace be described by the set of requirements for knowledge, skills, the skills of the employee who occupies this place, and taking into account the prospects for the development of this place and, of course, the employee. And this difference between the requirements for the employee and the real level of its qualifications is the base to select the learning scheme.

The approximate range of services of the banking training center may be as follows:

· Implement such forms of advanced training as courses, seminars, internships, including in foreign language and computer training. With each study, the appropriate contract is concluded, and in the case of its violation, penalties are included;

· Definition (jointly with the heads of the Bank's divisions) of the required amount of knowledge required and forms of the current training of employees;

· Regular assessment of the professional qualities of an employee, the level of its qualifications, the compliance of the existing knowledge and skills of the job instruction;

· Instructing on newly introduced banking technologies;

· Informational support of employees.

· Received employees (except technical personnel) during the test period take place 8 - 16-hour introductory course (with a separation from production) to study the relevant regulatory documents, bank structures, key areas and principles;

· Adopted once or appointed executives, as well as experts moved by posts, pass after appointment with a separation from work, the corresponding 24 - 32-hour training course;

· The heads of the Bank's structural divisions, as a rule, should be trained on one of the programs determined by the Governance of the Department (on courses, seminars, at the Institute for Advanced Training, or are internified in Russia or abroad);

· Employees of mass professions (operationalists, cashiers) should annually learn on advanced training courses;

· All bank employees should be instructed as new regulatory and regulatory documents are released related to their activities.

The remaining types of staff training are determined by the heads of divisions based on annual advanced training plans.

It is also recommended to create a professional level assessment sector, business qualifications of workers and knowledge of instructive documents. The main task is to systematically verify the professional level of employees and compliance with their job descriptions.

To improve the effectiveness of the vocational training system, the Bank administration, the heads of departments and staff must conduct a certain work on creating maximum interest in employees to the planned learning. For this purpose, individual motivation methods using one or more moral and material incentives are being developed:

· The desire of a specialist to get an increase in position or salary;

· The interest of the employee to master the new knowledge and skills in order to acquire the adjacent banking profession;

· Employee's desire in perspective to take a steering position in the bank.

A qualitative solution to the problem of improving personnel potential involves training not individual employees of the unit, but, preferably, the entire divisions. Otherwise, the effect of learning individual groups and employees is lost. As a last resort, a group of people (critical mass of students) should be drawn up, the improvement of the qualifications of which will have a positive effect on the professionalism of the division as a whole.

It should be striving to ensure that the training center is also the center of the Bank's customer training center, including their ability to work with banking products, find optimal financial and organizational and management decisions.

First of all, this is the creation of specialized divisions - a training center or training department. In such structures, professionals familiar with learning experience in commercial structures should be operated.

When organizing training, a tight principle of the teacher's material responsibility is needed (poorly taught - reobuchi at his own expense) - a listener (training - an expensive process, decided to go before the established period for another job - compensate for the bank's costs for training).

The best learning option is in the workplace, through the knowledge that the employee is poorly given at its workplace, in its working technology. In this case, the teachers require the ability of the operational diagnosis of knowledge, skills, professional training of employees. It is necessary to have teachers who study employees in workplaces, and capable of assessing the level of knowledge necessary for successful work. Of course, training and training can and should be carried out in stationary conditions, where there are necessary training technologies and equipment for this. But the emphasis should be on the diagnosis in relation to the real working situation. The main thing in working with the staff of the Training Center is the authority of their knowledge and skills. It is not necessary to save money for the remuneration of the teacher - the losses from the illiterate specialist will be even more.

When solving the problem of improving personnel potential of the organization, it is impossible not to affect the experience of some foreign countries. Consider the principles of creating effective personnel potential in the United States and Japan.

Personnel policies in US firms are usually built on more or less identical principles in the following directions.

American firms using traditional personnel selection principles when taking work, focus on specialized knowledge and professional skills.

General criteria for the selection of personnel are: education, practical experience, psychological compatibility, the ability to work in the team.

In American firms, an orientation is made to a narrow specialization of managers, as well as engineers and scientists. American experts are usually professional in a narrow area of \u200b\u200bknowledge and therefore their promotion on the management hierarchy occurs only vertically, which means that the financier will make a career only in this area. This limits the possibilities of promoting management levels, which causes the fluidity of management personnel, their transition from one company to another

In modern conditions, training and retraining of personnel managers are given important both at the official level and at the level of individual firms. Each company practically has its own retraining system. New employees are obliged to undergo retraining annually, as a result of which the learning process is continuous.

This line of American style management finds an expression in the training system and advanced personnel training, the development of its training technologies. This system includes four types of organizations - Schools of Management (Schools of Business); Faculties and branches in higher educational institutions; Professional societies; Consultative firms.

The main task of all forms and types of training and advanced training is to "make knowledge of productive". Schedule management (business schools ) We are engaged in the preparation and advanced training of specialists and managers in various directions. Currently there are over three hundred schools of business, schools of administration and economics, industrial management schools, which use two- and four-year training, there are awareness and short-term improvement courses. The Japanese style of human resources management style has passed several stages in its development, and today it can be said about the diversity of these styles in modern Japan.

The usual camp of the new workforce is carried out in the case of expanding the production or improvement of economic conditions. This hir does not guarantee the newly employed employee of permanent work in one enterprise up to his retirement. Moreover, this worker can be fired at any time and for any occasion, especially during periods of economic difficulties.

This form allows the company to freely and quickly regulate both the quantitative and the qualitative composition of hired personnel.

Another flexible form is repeated or secondary hiring on the new conditions of previously dismissed workers. This form also existed before, however, the enterprises that resorted to it with "life-owned hiring" carried before the fired workers as moral and material obligations. Today, this hiring is carried out without any guarantees and obligations from the enterprise before re-employed employees.

Most of them are hired by significantly worst than before, conditions, including concerning wages. Moreover, each of them can be fired at any time.

This allows the enterprise not only to save significant amounts for payment of labor, but also makes such workers work with even greater than before, energy - as a sign of gratitude for not forgotten and recruited them, as well as from fear of being subjected to another dismissal.

The first specified group also includes a set of temporary workers (temporary hiring), hiring on an incomplete working week (by partially occupied) and the so-called "System of Arbayito", or hiring for a short period of time for utility work (mainly students, retirees). These forms of hiring are particularly beneficial to enterprises, since the listed categories of workers are subject to all provisions of Japanese labor laws.

A comparatively new forms of hiring also includes the "Mandatory Set" system. Its essence comes down to the following: Working force is not recruited by each individual, but by the Company's administration at the same time for all enterprises. Every 4-7 years, employed workers are given the opportunity, and in fact imputed to the duty to go to another enterprise of this company. Such a flexible form of hire is beneficial to enterprises, since it allows you to quickly solve issues related to hired personnel.

Finally, the comparative new forms of hiring include the so-called "group lifetime hiring". The enterprise administration hires not every employee individually to work separately, but at once a whole group of people and therefore does not affect personal responsibility before each individual individual. This often leads to a violation of obligations to them.

So, summing up the above, it can be concluded that the system of "lifetime hiring" is displaced more profitable for the enterprise in the new conditions of economic development forms of employment of labor.

Training and training of personnel in Japan is usually carried out within the company, most often without separation from production. One of the important goals is the development of a variety of skills and abilities necessary for a particular firm. So that workers can perform a wide range of production operations or qualified to solve many industrial and technical and managerial tasks, they should know well the entire production and technical system of their enterprise, to deal with the whole technologies used by the company.

Vocational training without separation from production Organize special departments that exist in every large company. Direct "mentoring" is entrusted with specially trained instructors.

Exercising vocational training with a separation from production, most of the major Japanese companies, along with the use of their own training centers and specialists, also resort to the help of such specialized non-governmental organizations as the Japanese Labor Productivity Center, Japanese Production Efficiency Association, Japanese Center for Economic Research and DR .

Summing up the above, it can be concluded that, undoubtedly, each method of managing staff management has its advantages. If the US personnel potential is formed at the expense of highly qualified and interested workers, then in Japan there is still a system of "lifelong hiring", although it is already outstanding with newer in forms of management.

It is difficult to say how much such or another system is suitable for Russian organizations, because in America, and in Japan, these systems have been formed primarily on the basis of national mentality, traditions and even the nature of the people. The Japanese system of "life hill" is not suitable for the use of Russian practice, because there is no stimulus to promote career stairs. The American method can be closer to our, but one cannot forget about differences in the economic and social conditions of life, which is at the moment it is almost the main reason that Russia, although it is necessary to consider the experience of other countries, you still need to go on your own way formation and development of personnel potential.


Due to the fact that the selected course of the course work is quite extensive, it is impossible to fully state and reflect all the difficulties of working with frames. I tried to consider the priority issues of the formation of personnel potential in a modern organization. In conclusion I would like to once again touch the questions that were set out, summarize and draw conclusions.

Working with staff is not only acceptance and dismissal and statistics. It is a constant, everyday concern for the formation of a coherent, workable collective, that each of his employees, every unit worked to fully measure their knowledge, strength, abilities, with love of the case, constantly improving their professional skills. Working with personnel is planned in such a way as to gradually seek an increase in those people who better own modern professional skills. This is the concern and responsibility of the entire leadership of the institution.

The principle of selection and placement of personnel involves the development of specific requirements for the personnel of the organization, based on the scale of its activities, its competitiveness in the market, traditions, as well as the scheme of rational accommodation of personnel between divisions, departments and branches of the organization.

Training and advanced training provide for continuous training of organization personnel at all levels or within the organization itself, or in special training centers or higher educational institutions. The need for training in order to improve the qualifications is mainly due to the requirements and conditions of the modern market, growing competition and high level of scientific and technological progress.

After analyzing my coursework, it can be concluded that in general organizations have a fairly effective personnel potential and, most importantly, all prerequisites for further development and improvement. This is evidenced by the performance of personnel, as well as its training and advanced training. Almost all of them have a positive trend. This is facilitated by the number of funds allocated annually on improving the level of education and quality of labor in the organization.

The processes of formation and use of personnel potential are closely interrelated.

The formation of personnel potential is the creation of the real potential of living labor, knowledge and skills covering the whole society and each individual.

The use of personnel potential is the implementation of labor and qualifying abilities and employee skills, labor

the team and society as a whole. In the market conditions, the rational use of personnel potential is to more complete the identification and implementation of the abilities of each employee of the enterprise, giving the work of the nature of creativity, raising the professional-qualification level of employees by stimulating and evaluating the contribution of each employee to the final result.

The effective use of personnel potential of the enterprise contributes:

Establishment of scientifically based labor norms;

Timely review of them depending on the conditions of production; Conducting certification and rationalization of jobs;

Determination of the required quantity and reduction of unnecessary jobs;


Organization of the introduction of advanced receptions and working methods;

Use flexible work schedules.

Thus, the personnel potential of the enterprise is a combination of high-quality and quantitative characteristics of staff employing to achieve certain goals of an enterprise, which include the number, composition and structure, physical and psychological capabilities of workers, intellectual and creative abilities, their professional knowledge and qualifying skills, Communication and ability to cooperate, the relationship to work and other qualitative characteristics.

List of sources used

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    The concept and methods of evaluating personnel potential, its high-quality and quantitative characteristic. Management of the process of formation and use of the capacity of the enterprise labor collective. Analysis of the recruitment system, optimization of personnel alignment.

    coursework, added 12/14/2011

    Types of personnel potential management strategy. Formation of personnel potential of the enterprise and the process of recruitment. The need and strategic planning for the development of personnel potential. Stages and goals of vocational training.

    coursework, added 11/23/2010

    The concept of personnel potential of the organization, organization staff as its basis, analysis methods. Problems of formation of personnel potential of the organization, the main aspects of its development. The influence of motifs and needs for the formation of personnel potential.

    examination, added 03/17/2010

    Essence and concept of personnel potential. Methodology for assessing management in this area. Principles of building interpersonal relations and motivation of employees. The effectiveness of the use of personnel potential of the correctional colony. Ways of improvement.

    thesis, added 02/25/2015

    Indicators of evaluation of personnel potential of the organization, aspects of the general and professional development of personnel. Characteristics of staff training. The role of motivation and stimulating staff. Analysis of the company's security by labor resources.

    course work, added 01/28/2012

    Studying the structure and categories of personnel, the methodology for the diagnosis of personnel potential of the enterprise. Conducting research and assessment of the state of the enterprise's personnel potential on the example of Bayard Security Enterprise LLC, and its improvement.

    thesis, added 08.08.2010

    The overall characteristics of the principles, sequence of planning and factors for the formation of personnel potential of the organization. Formation of management teams as a way to increase personnel potential. Features of the stages of cohesion and command formation.

    coursework, added 04.03.2013

    Theoretical foundations for using the company's personnel potential. Personal evaluation methods. Diagnosis of personnel potential of the company. Directions improve its use. Development of effective measures to optimize personnel management at the enterprise.

THEM. N. P. Ogareva "

Faculty of Economic

Department of Economics and Logistics


Personnel potential of the company: Evaluation and development

Specialty 080105 Finance and Credit

Currency designation KR-02069964-080105-65-09-10


cand. ECON. science, st. prep. N.V. Korneva

Saransk 2010.

State educational institution
Higher professional education

"Mordovian State University

THEM. N. P. Ogareva "

Faculty of Economic

Department of Economics and Logistics

Task for the course work

Student 206 groups Grishin Anastasia Vladimirovna

1 Theme Personnel Potential Enterprise: Evaluation and Development

2 Terms of performance (project) to defense 24.04.2010

3 Source data for Scientific Research: Works of domestic and foreign authors, Tutorials, Periodic printing materials, Statistical data, Internet sources of information

4.1 Enterprise personnel as the basis of his personnel potential

4.1.1 Frame structure of the enterprise

4.1.2 The main aspects of the development of personnel potential

4.1.3 Indicators Evaluation of the Employee Capacity Enterprise

4.2 Study of the personnel potential of LLC "SDS-Management of construction"

4.2.1 Evaluation of the personnel potential of LLC SDS-Management Construction

4.2.2 Development of personnel potential LLC "SDS-Management Construction"

4.3 Development of areas of further development of personnel potential LLC "SDS-Management Construction"

Head of work ________________________________ N.V.Korneva

The task took to execute


Course work contains 41 pages, 1 drawing, 2 tables, 33 sources used

Personnel, personnel, personnel potential, personnel, qualification, personnel retraining, training personnel training, personnel movement.

Object of the study: Personnel potential of LLC "SDS-Management of Construction"

The goal of the work is to study the personnel potential of LLC SDS-Management of Construction and develop directions for further development of its personnel potential.

Research methods: statistical and analytical.

The results obtained: the theoretical foundations of the assessment and development of the personnel potential of the organization were studied, the personnel potential of LLC "SDS-Management of Construction" was analyzed and the directions of its further improvement were determined.

The degree of implementation is partial.

Scope - in the practical field of LLC "SDS-Management of Construction"

Introduction 5.

    Enterprise staff as the basis of his staff 7

      Structure of enterprise frames 7

      The main aspects of the development of personnel potential 12

      Indicators Evaluation of the staff capacity of the enterprise 19

    Study of the personnel potential of LLC "SDS-Management of construction" 23

2.1 Evaluation of the personnel potential of LLC "SDS-Management of construction" 23

2.2 Development of personnel potential LLC "SDS - Construction Management" 26

3. Development of areas of further development of personnel potential LLC "SDS-Management of construction" 30

Conclusion 37.

List of used sources 39


Creating production is always associated with people working (firm). The correct principles of the organization of production, optimal systems and procedures play an important role. However, production success depends on specific people, their knowledge, competence, qualifications. Disciplines, motivations, ability to solve problems, training susceptibility.

In modern conditions, it is labor resources to consider as the most important resources of the organization. They are the main productive power of society.

In modern practice, such concepts as "frames" and "personnel potential" have great importance in the modern practice of managing labor resources.

Frames are the main (regular) composition of qualified employees of organizations, government agencies, professional, public and other organizations.

Category "Personnel potential" is not identical to the category "Frames". This concept includes not only personnel actually, but also a certain level of personnel teamwork to achieve the specified goals. Under the staffing potential is the total (quantitative and qualitative) characteristic of the personnel as one of the types of resources associated with the implementation of the functions laid on it and the achievement of the goals of promising enterprise development, these are the available and potential opportunities of workers, as a holistic system (collective) that are used and can be used at a certain point in time. The personnel potential of the organization depends on the potentials of the personnel of this organization, but is not their amount. It has the property of integrity, fundamentally different from the properties inherent in the potential of each employee separately.

The facility of the personnel potential control is a separate worker, as well as some of their combustion, acting as a labor collective.

The subject of the personnel potential management of the enterprise is the leaders and specialists of personnel services of enterprises, as well as managers of all levels that perform the control function relative to their subordinates.

The essence of personnel potential reflects the qualitative and partially quantitative characteristics of the employment potential of employees of the enterprise.

The main role belongs to personnel potential at the enterprise. It was the personnel that are the most important component of the process, it is dependent on them how efficiently the means of production and how successfully the enterprise works as a whole.

The purpose of the work is to study the personnel potential of LLC SDS-Management of Construction and to determine its possible ways of development and improvement.

Tasks of work:

Study of theoretical aspects of the analysis of the personnel potential of the enterprise;

Evaluation of the personnel potential of LLC "SDS-Management of Construction";

Development of directions for further development of personnel potential of the enterprise

1 enterprise personnel as the basis of his personnel potential

      Structure of frames of the enterprise

Labor resources - part of the country's population, which has physical development, mental abilities and knowledge necessary for exercising socially useful labor.

The main part of the country's labor resources is its population in working age, as well as teenagers and retirement ages that can work.

Thus, the company's labor resources as part of the country's labor resources are potential labor.

Human resources they are the main resource of each enterprise, from the quality and efficiency of the use of which the results of its activities and competitiveness are largely dependent.

The staff of the enterprise is a combination of individuals consisting of a firm as a legal entity in relations regulated by the employment contract. It is a team of workers with a certain structure that meets the scientific and technical level of production, the conditions for ensuring the production of workforce and established regulatory requirements.

The number and structure of the personnel is the main characteristics of the staff of the enterprise.

The number, the quantitative characteristics of the personnel of the company primarily measured in such indicators as the list, the fancy and average number of employees.

The list of employees of the company is an indicator of the number of employees of the piston composition for a specific date, taking into account the workers adopted and left for this day. The uncertic value is the calculated number of employees of the list of composition, which should appear to work to perform a production task. The difference between the fracture and list composition characterizes the number of native downtime (vacation, disease, etc.).

To determine the number of employees for a certain period, an average number of average is used. The average number of employees in the month is determined by summing up the number of employees of the piston composition for each calendar day of the month, including festive and weekends, and dividing the amount received for the number of calendar days of the month.

The combination of individual groups of workers forms the structure of personnel, or the social structure of the organization.

The structure of the company's framework, is characterized by the relationship of various categories of workers in their total number, and is defined as the ratio of the average number of employees I - the category to the total average number of personnel:


where DPI is the proportion of each category of employees, PI is the average number of employees I - the category, man, P is the total average number of personnel, man.

Depending on the functions performed, all staff is divided into 2 large categories: industrial production and indiscriminate staff of the enterprise.

Personnel potential is a combination of opportunities and abilities of personnel to ensure the effective functioning of the organization. The list of such abilities and opportunities, usually includes: professional knowledge, skills and skills, competence, professional mobility, innovation, vocational civil laws, etc. [... 01]

1.1. Personnel potential: concept and essence. Main characteristics.In modern conditions, the development of the Russian economy at the enterprises of the industrial sector there is a problem of improving the quality of human resources, which is caused by a significant outflow of the most qualified workers in other sectors of the economy, the reluctance of young professionals to be arranged by industrial enterprises, the physical aging of working industrial personnel. All these factors lead to a lack of industrial and production personnel, a decrease in its intellectual and employment, which leads to an increase in the risks of economic activity.

The personnel potential of the enterprise and improving the efficiency of its use is a complex process and for the successful formation of a sustainable, competitive and reliable collective, a consistent implementation of a number of processes is necessary. In general, the efficiency of the enterprise depends on the qualifications of employees, their rational use and alignment, which, in turn, affects the volume and growth rate of the produced products, as well as to the use of material and technical means.

Personnel potential can be characterized by a number of quality and quantitative indicators.

Quantitative characteristics determine the number of personnel in accordance with the production needs of the enterprise. They should be determined according to the structure of the personnel: managers (managers of different levels of management), specialists (engineering and technical composition and functional specialists), basic and auxiliary workers. This includes such indicators as:

    The number of personnel of non-industrial divisions and the number of industrial and industrial staff;

    The amount of working time at the normal level of labor intensity.

The most important characteristic of the quality of personnel potential of the employee is the level of development of its individual intelligence. These include the following indicators:


    The amount of general and special knowledge, labor skills, educational and qualifying levels;

    The physical and psychological potential of employees of the enterprise;

    Responsibility, maturity, interest, involvement in the activities of the enterprise.

But it should be noted that the personnel potential is not permanent; His qualitative and quantitative characteristics change constantly. This occurs under the influence of not only objective factors, but also management decisions. The development of personnel potential is based on a system of continuous education, training and retraining of personnel, on improving organizational structures and management styles. That is, the higher the personnel potential of this enterprise, the higher the potential capabilities of the hired labor and the more difficult tasks can be solved by such employees. But it should be remembered that the presence of listed benefits is not an indicator that the main and only personal management task is the maximum increase in personnel potential.

Consider existing restrictions. For example, working force whose personnel potential will be overestimated for certain production conditions or will not comply with its needs, is unwanted personnel for the enterprise. This is explained by the fact that in this case, firstly, the set and preparation of the workforce of this quality will do the company too expensive, and, secondly, the employment will not be fully utilized, the funds spent will not pay off. In the same employees themselves, this can cause a certain degree of dissatisfaction with the work at the enterprise, and, as a result, lead to dismissal at your own request.

Personnel potential can be formed both by the state and the management directorate. The potential is expressed as qualified personnel on all control functions. Therefore, there may be an obvious need to develop personnel potential, which can be two types: internal and external. The criterion for which this classification occurs may be the orientation of personnel potential on the external environment in the formation of personnel composition or on its own staff of the enterprise.

External personnel potential has the following features:

    potential employees are visible tasks and development prospects;

    you can start working with both "zero" and from the post at the top management level;

    the company can hire and a qualified employee, but only if he wants to reveal his potential and experience in related organizations.

This type of personnel potential is most needed for developing organizations whose goal is rapid growth, market conquest and leadership in the industry.

The internal personnel potential has the following features:

    new workers start a career only from the lowest job level;

    when appointed to a higher position, preference is given to deserved employees of the enterprise.

Personnel potential of this species is characteristic of enterprises that are focused on creating corporate culture, feelings of involvement in business development, on the formation of a certain level of responsibility.

Features of internal and external personnel potential.


Personnel potential



Increased involvement in business, knowledge of the potential of each employee, the possibility of moderate payment

New approaches to solving problems less than the cost of motivation, creating an enterprise image, an increase in competitiveness


Psychological incompatibility in a new place (envy of others, the potential of the employee does not correspond to expectations, no leadership qualities)

Adaptation period is longer, negative experience of another organization, inconsistency of his position, inability to work in the team

Personnel potential is a system in which the internal and external part of the personnel management must be perfectly balanced. In this case, there is a need for the expediency of made attachments that are associated with the hiring, training and opportunities of the employee to disclose their potential.

For managing personnel potential, the following principles can be offered:

    respect for the employee itself, as well as to its moral and leadership qualities, professional abilities, and so on.;

    responsibility of each employee, i.e. awareness of his place in the enterprise and what he should do;

    an employee should know who he obeys and what accommodation measures can be applied;

    motivation, i.e. All employees, regardless of their official position in the enterprise, should be encouraged both morally and materially.

If the personnel potential does not meet the needs of production, this is a serious problem, since, with a low labor potential, this may be an obstacle to the introduction of innovations into production. All this leads to the need for constant monitoring of the situation, identifying and timely preventing possible negative phenomena through permanent management impact on labor in accordance with the current and promising tasks of the development of the enterprise itself.

It is necessary to note another factor of increased personnel potential - corporate culture. A well-established system of traditions and values \u200b\u200bof the enterprise, and the style of relations between subordinates and bosses, between the employees themselves also plays a major role. A certain stereotype of people's behavior in labor activity allows you to maximize the use of personnel potential.

In combination with the organizational culture, the personnel potential expresses the level of professional maturity of the labor collective in the process of implementing the goals and mission of the enterprise. This can be explained by the fact that such a combination of culture and potential cannot be called tough, compared, for example, with an organizational structure or enterprise budget.

For enterprises with high personnel potential and high level of organizational culture, such features as high competitiveness, a tendency to improve the level of qualifications of their employees, the dynamism of the enterprise, the relatively small composition of management personnel and the goodwill of employees will be characterized.

The organizational approach to capacity-building allows you to solve significant problems of the enterprise, for example:

    the personnel service of the enterprise or does not carry out or weakly implements the studies of the personnel potential of the market. This problem leads to a deficit of personnel of any definite qualification, as well as to the great flow of employees;

    lack of regulatory consolidation of personnel policy of the enterprise in a single document, which makes it difficult to work the entire system as a whole;

    the system of adaptation of new workers, in most cases, there is no enterprises;

    the reserve of personnel in enterprises is legally and documented, which leads to a negative reaction of employees - career growth is unknown, and, therefore, the motivation to work is reduced.

An effective personnel improvement system is not only high results of production, but also a complete social security of a person, comfortable working conditions, ample opportunities for self-realization, as well as high quality of life, which coincides with the main desire of each person.

An important task in modern conditions is the motivation of managers to think about personnel costs not as expenses that need to minimize, but to consider the staff as suggests that should be optimized.

Analysis of the effectiveness of the use of personnel potential of the enterprise is the process of identifying and measuring information on personnel potential and providing this information to decision makers in the organization.

The cost of personnel potential of the enterprise is the total estimated value of all employees of the enterprise, the cost of forming a collective, and ensuring its operation.

The estimated cost of the employee is the estimated value equal to the paid or expected wage of the employee.

The value of the personal potential of the employee is the business reputation of the personality within the framework of this organization, reflecting the real ability of the employee to perform those, or other functions, solve the tasks set by the organization. The value of personal potential is established by ranking employees on a five-point scale, that is, the minimum value of value is set to employees who are easily replaced by new employees for a short period of time; And the maximum - employees who have particularly valuable for the organization of business qualities, which require additional training and long period of time.

The cost of forming a collective includes costs for selection, hiring and adaptation of personnel. The cost of ensuring the functioning of the team includes the cost of training and development of personnel, the cost of implementing social programs of the enterprise. To assess the individual "cost" of the employee:

  • - identify a mutually exclusive set of posts that can be occupied by workers in the organization;
  • - determine the significance of each post and the likelihood that the employee will take this position.

To assess the effectiveness of the use of personnel potential, technologies such as personnel controlling, personnel monitoring, personnel audit are used.

Personnel Controlling is a modern concept in personnel management corresponding to a new, sharply increased role of human resources. The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe personnel controlling is to disseminate its concept, originally oriented on the analysis of exclusively quantitative indicators, on high-quality personnel management. The most important functions of the personnel controlling: analysis of the work of personnel and the results achieved coordination of personnel planning with other planning spheres; Creating and maintaining an integrated personnel database.

Personnel monitoring. Its main task is to identify problem groups of workers for any conditions that do not meet existing or planned requirements. To the issues solved in the framework of personnel monitoring include: control over changing formal indicators: age, experience, etc; Monitoring the performance evaluation indicators: production volumes, the number of concluded contracts, the deadlines for the delivery of the project; Control of indicators reflecting the employee's profile and compliance with its position.

Main indicators of personnel monitoring:

  • - flow fluidity (circulation index) - the ratio of the number dismissed at their own request and for violations of labor discipline for a certain period of time to the average number of employees for the same period of time, is measured as a percentage; Sustainability index - the number of employees with a service life of one year to the average number;
  • - analysis of the service life - the average service life of employees in the enterprise;
  • - the share of retired as percentage taken over the year;
  • - analysis of age groups;
  • - Analysis of the causes of non-workers to work for a disrespectful reason.

Personnel audit - a peculiar process management tool, its essence:

  • - an assessment of the consistency of personnel potential of the organization of its goals and development strategies;
  • - diagnosis of the causes of production problems due to the fault of personnel, assessing their importance and possibility of permission;
  • - Formulation of specific recommendations for the upstream guide to eliminate inconsistencies and problems.

According to the results of the audit, the directions of improving the organization of the employment process and the formation of new labor relations in the organization are determined. The audit can contribute to personnel permutations that improves the qualitative composition of workers, the promotion of the most promising employees, makes it possible to make sure that the employment capacity is fully and efficient, and the organization and working conditions comply with the requirements of the legislation.

The staff audit uses such tools as interviews, surveys and reviews, analysis of official documents. Consequently, the subject of personnel audit is almost all components of the personnel management process.

The presence of a personnel reserve makes it possible to prepare candidates for newly created vacant positions on a scientific and practically substantiated program, to effectively organize training and internships of specialists involved in the reserve, to use them in various directions and levels in the management system. According to its qualitative and quantitative composition, the reserve of executives should meet the current organizational and staff structures, taking into account the prospects for their development. The reserve is created for all the position of managers carrying out management functions at a particular level. The formation of the reserve is carried out on the basis of the findings of attestation commissions based on an objective comprehensive assessment of information on the business and personal qualities of candidates for senior positions. At the same time, the findings of such commissions should be based on the analysis of specific results of the professional activities of specialists achieved at various stages of their work in the management system.

Special removal is paid to the level of professional and general education, organizational and analytical abilities, a sense of responsibility for the results of work, purposefulness, the ability to justify and make independent, responsible decisions.

When nominating the reserve, the results of the assessment of the knowledge of candidates obtained in the course of their training in the system of advanced training, imprisonment on the results of internships, testing, etc., as well as the physical condition, the ability to transfer additional loads.

Work on the formation of the reserve folds from the following steps:

  • - preparation of the forecast of the alleged changes in the management personnel;
  • - Evaluation of business and personal qualities of candidates for reserve for nomination;
  • - Definition of candidates for reserve4
  • - making a decision on the inclusion in reserve;
  • - coordination of the list of candidates included in the reserve, with higher organizations.

When forming a reserve, it is necessary to accurately know the qualification requirements for the position for which the specialist is credited to the reserve, take into account what special knowledge and experience are needed in each specific case to ensure highly professional leadership.

Every year in December, the head of the organization's personnel service conducts preparatory work to identify candidates worthy for enrollment in reserve. Then a preliminary list of reserve frames for extension is compiled. This list is discussed at a meeting of the permanent commission, and then approved by the head of the organization.

To carry out systematic systematic work with reserve frames in all organizations, permanent provisions for working with reserve are created. These commissions should contribute to qualitative training and effective personnel alignment, the maximum elimination of subjectivism in the assessment of business and personal qualities of specialists enrolled in the reserve.

The composition of the Commission is determined and approved by the head of the Organization.

It includes: the head of the organization (the deputy responsible for working with personnel), as the chairman of the commission, he is responsible for organizing work with the reserve; Head of the personnel service, as a secretary of the Commission, he conducts office work, monitors the order and organization of work with the reserve; Chairman of the trade union organization; Representatives of psychological services and lawyers, as well as specialists in the direction of professional activities.

The Reserve Commission regularly holds its meetings, but at least twice a year. The following questions are considered at its meetings:

  • - ensuring high-quality selection;
  • - arrangements and training;
  • - formation of reserve frames for extension;
  • - Analysis of the arrangement of management personnel and specialists;
  • - Summing up the results of working with the reserve of personnel to nominate leadership positions;
  • - Work with the heads of structural units.

Work on the preparation of reserve frames is targeted, systemic and planned. The organization of this work is aimed at ensuring the qualitative and intensive training of each specialist for independent activities in a new, higher level.

The differences in the structure and composition of the reserve, as well as the initial preparedness of the employees, determine the principle of an individual approach when choosing forms and methods of work, their order and duration.

Work with specialists included in the reserve, according to the plan, which provides for specific measures to acquire the necessary theoretical, economic and management knowledge, deep development of the work of work, to develop a specialist of the skills and skills of management at the level of modern requirements.

The system of this work includes:

  • - study in the system of improving the qualifications of managerial workers with a separation and without separation from production;
  • - Internship in office, which specialist is credited to the reserve;
  • - temporary replacement of missing managers for the period of their business trips, vacations; trips to other organizations in order to study positive experience;
  • - participation in teaching work in the advanced training system;
  • - participation in the inspections of the organization's and their divisions;
  • - Participation in the preparation and conduct of conferences, seminars and meetings.

Planning a personnel reserve aims to predict personal promotion, their sequence and associated activities. It requires the entire chain of promotions, movements, dismissal of specific employees.

The work plan for the organization's management personnel includes the following sections:

  • - determination of the need for leading frames;
  • - selection and study of management personnel;
  • - recruitment, consideration, coordination and approval of the reserve;
  • - work with the reserve of management personnel;
  • - control over the preparation of executive reserve;
  • - Determination of the readiness of the reserve of steering frames for appointment.

Personnel reserve plans can be drawn up in the form of substitution schemes that have a variety of forms depending on the characteristics and traditions of various organizations. It can be said that substitution schemes are an option of the development scheme of an organizational structure-oriented personality structure with various priorities. The basis of individually oriented substitution schemes are typical substitution schemes. They are developed by the personnel management services under the organizational structure and are a variant of the conceptual model of rotation of workplaces.

All persons enrolled in the reserve are subject to accounting in personnel services. In the personal affairs of candidates for nomination, certification sheets, documents on advanced training, training in the IPC, on FPK, in the training centers of additional professional education at universities, reports on the results of internships, characteristics. In December of each year, in all executive bodies of the territorial and sectoral management, the arrangement of management personnel is carried out, as well as the state of the reserve for nomination. At the same time, the activities of each employee enrolled in the reserve last year, it is decided to either leave it as part of the reserve, or exclude. The exception to the reserve of frames is associated with unsatisfactory performance in the observed area according to the results of certification, the state of health, retirement, etc.

Improving the personnel potential of AmurladePlus LLC

For more rational use of personnel in AmurladePlus LLC, it is primarily necessary to conduct certification of working personnel in order to identify potential and compliance with positions.

Not only employees of personnel services are involved in the certification, but also leaders (chiefs) of departments. An important aspect of the personnel organization and requirement during certification is the need for good knowledge by the direct head of not only its immediate subordinates, but also employees in the organizational hierarchy of position in several levels below. It is advisable that the leader standing at two levels above, considered the direct assessment manager and taking into account the worker's manifested reaction and claimed them. In cases where the results of labor and the potential of the employee are superior to the standards, one more approval at a higher level may be required.

Effective information collection, especially on labor assessment, can contribute to attracting all employees of all employees of the unit, in which certification, and workers directly interacting with this division.

Taking into account the objectives of the certification, namely: estimates of the level of labor efficiency and the conformity of employees occupied by posts, as well as the identification of promising employees for their preparation and promotion, you can allocate two components of the certification:

  • · Labor assessment;
  • · personel assessment.

Labor assessment is intended to compare the content, quality and cost of labor with the planned. The planned result of labor is represented in the maps, plans and programs of the organization. An assessment of labor makes it possible to assess: quantity, quality, labor intensity.

In terms of certification of managers, it makes sense to conduct not only the labor assessment of each of them, but also organize special procedures for assessing the labor of the department led by him (for this it is advisable to attract information from related units of the organization, as well as external partners and customers with which this unit interacts).

The staff assessment is aimed at studying the exercise of the employee to fulfill the registered type of activity that it is engaged in, as well as reveal the level of its potential opportunities to determine the growth prospects (rotation).

Especially useful to use both types of evaluation of the activities of workers affecting the achievement of results, i.e. According to the results of labor and quality assessment.

The choice of a candidate of a particular organization is associated with its own goals, plans and features, as well as with the actual situation. For the personnel manager, the idea of \u200b\u200bhow a person is looking for a job can help organize the most effective process of attracting a candidate:

Organization of the process of attracting a candidate for the position

Actions of a potential candidate

Personnel Manager Tasks

Step 1. Definition of the ultimate goal of service promotion and sequence of workplaces on the way to this purpose.

What allows you to consider the proposed places in the organization in terms of the option of a final or intermediate workplace

Analysis of the labor market and the allocation of possible segments, whose representatives from its point of view may strive for targets, adequate corporate culture of the organization and a specific workplace (at a certain stage of career). An attempt to reconstruct those goals to which the person you are looking for.

Step 2. Determining current sources of information on the proposed workplaces.

What allows a candidate to choose as the most informative media confidence, so in certain way oriented (by specialties, in terms of status level, etc.)

Analysis of ways to obtain information most suitable for your potential candidate.

Assessment of the influence of various media on that segment of the labor market, from which it is possible to attract a candidate.

Step 3. Analysis of the proposed jobs, comparing them between them:

  • · Industry industry
  • · Group types,
  • · Suggested functions,
  • · Other reasons.

The narrowing of the spectrum of offers to several, which should be considered more intended. The candidate forms the so-called competitive sheet and compares the conditions offered in different organizations based on the specifics of its own motivation: in terms of remuneration, if possible, professional development, etc.

Analysis of competitive proposals and development in case of the need for ways to argument for your company.

The assumption of additional parameters that may be important to your potential candidate. In order for this to be done, it is necessary to reconstruct the specifics of the motivation of the person who is looking for the organization - to which it should be oriented primarily: finance, growth, development, defined guarantees, etc.

Step 4. Analysis of your own capabilities of the candidate. This allows you to build the most successful argument when passing qualifying procedures.

Flexible approach in negotiations with a candidate. The ability to change the functional duties, status in the event of the prospects of the candidate. Assessment of Candidate Perspective, Career Design

Step 5. Permanent observation in the process of career growth for progress from one workplace to another, tracking new jobs for jobs and changes in personal capabilities. This step is not a situational action - it is rather a common installation that can be realized.

Amourladplus LLC uses most often only six signs for staff assessment: qualifications, personal qualities, education, professional skills, work experience and compatibility with others. And the proposed form of an estimated sheet is more expanded and complete, on the basis of which the evaluation of the employee will be more objective, and therefore is fair.

Certification is advisable to spend more than once every 2 years. However, to monitor the effectiveness of personnel activities, especially if simplified assessment procedures apply - every six months. Again, it should be noted that, along with the information of technological processes in personnel management, AmurladePlus LLC will be possible to conduct attestation procedures every half of the year. And not only. If labor assessment procedures are well formalized, it is possible to carry out evaluation measures more often, for example, at the end of each week, month, quarter. These activities themselves are not attestation, but can be used during certification and provide significant information about the dynamics of labor efficiency of workers and units as a whole.

It is advisable to conduct interim assessments of labor efficiency during the end of the trial period (after 2-3 months of work), after 6 and 12 months of work.

Careful control during the entry of the employee to the position is designed to speed up the adaptation process. Hard control and evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of the employee's activities allow it to provide him with the necessary assistance, to fix the shortcomings faster. At the same time, the correctness of the decision on the appointment is checked. With regard to ordinary executors, the heading of the lower link should be obtained after a few months, with respect to the leaders of secondary and senior links - no later than the year.

Another purpose of reducing the timing of a formal assessment during this period is to impose an employee of high standards of work. It was in the first months of social adaptation of the employee that the norms of behavior and the basis of its future activities are laid. In the future, the classified worker's work standards seek to consolidate and support with the use of an already regular annual assessment procedure.

Developing the principles of certification, it is necessary to be guided by the main objectives in the field of working with personnel. If the organization is focused on the allocation and promotion of people who can accurately perform the specified activities, then in the framework of the certification it is important to analyze how fully and in accordance with the rules work was carried out whether there were complaints in which areas the most frequent errors. If the organization is focused on the allocation of people capable of professional and official growth, it is necessary to develop procedures for assessing business and personal qualities of employee growth potential.

To improve work on the formation of a personnel reserve in LLC AmurladePlus, it is necessary to take into account the following most important points in the preparation of the list of reserve:

  • · Categories of positions that are basic to create a reserve of the head of a particular division (department) are taken into account the differentiation of the reserve depending on the characteristics of the organization and technology activities;
  • · The possibility of selection of deputy heads (chiefs) should be provided. When selecting candidates for the reserve of deputy heads, the determining factor should be the opinion on their prospects for further growth on the service staircase for all the estimated qualities;
  • · The personal responsibility of managers for the rational arrangement of a certain category of personnel should be identified.

So, the certification should be a large-scale process covering the entire organization, which is carried out by workers not only by personnel service, but also the heads of departments (middle managers).

Another important point when working with personnel is the help of a new employee in adaptation to the working conditions in LLC AmurladePlus.

In domestic companies, work on personnel adaptation is essentially a period of its formation. Unfortunately, the importance of vocational guidance activities and adaptation of employees in our country is not seriously perceived by personnel services throughout the long period. Many organizations, both state and commercial, do not even have basic adaptation programs. At the same time, there is a large overseas experience of using adaptation techniques, which only recently began to adopt domestic personnel.

However, AmurladePlus LLC, the staff of the personnel adaptation is ignored.

Consequently, AmurladePlus LLC, the adaptation process should be built from the very reason. First of all, it is necessary to create a commission, develop and implement the adaptation program at the initial stage of candidates.

Stage 1. Acquaintance with production features, corporate culture, Amurvladplyus staff, etc. The newcomer is offered a minimum list of regulatory documents for studying within two weeks. After this period, the newcomer is invited to an interview with the members of the Commission, which initially assess the level of knowledge acquired by him in the archive area. An employee at the interview asks questions to members of the Commission on the incomprehensible aspects of the activities of AmurladePlus LLC. After the interview with the members of the Commission, the candidate is coming to the director, where the vision of the current state of affairs in LLC AmurladePlus and suggestions for improving the quality of its work.

Stage 2. Practical acquaintance of a new employee with its duties and requirements that are presented to it from Amurvdplyus LLC. Personnel adaptation specialist conducts familiarization of newcomers with personnel policies, working conditions and rules, explains the tasks and requirements for work.

The orientation program includes a number of small lectures, excursions, workshops (work in certain workplaces), instructing safety and labor protection. Commission members put the boss "Newbie" specific tasks for performing during the test period and provide recommendations for the fulfillment of the tasks.

Stage 3. The newcomer is assigned a mentor.

Stage 4. Commission members assess the employee according to the results of adaptation. The curator makes it a characteristic and evaluates its work during the trial period.

For 2 months after the arrival of the new employee, the director of the enterprise or the deputy of his deputy and answer all the questions that arose, and possibly listen to suggestions for work.

The project developed although quite schematically, the project adaptation of Amurvdplyus LLC will allow, with its further improvement, to create an effective system of adaptation, ensuring a decrease in personnel flow, an increase in labor productivity, motivation.

So competitive techniques gives more opportunities in the implementation of the process of selection and selection process, and also gives the best results compared with the existing in the company (related links, on recommendation). The competitive selection will allow to increase the personnel potential of the company and adequately assess the level of employees newly accepted, as well as already working in the company.

The assessment of the staff helps to solve other tasks:

  • · Detection of the potential opportunities of the employee in order to enhance it in service;
  • · Stimulating the advanced training and growth of professionalism of employees;
  • · Formation of professional personnel potential.

Elections are the easiest and most traditional way at which the opinion of the majority is taken into account and special preliminary tests of candidates are not carried out. Their compliance or non-compliance of the vacant position is determined by the personnel commission based on the study of official (diplomas for education, certificates) and informal documents (characteristics from management, recommendations), interviews. Information about candidates is communicated to the Collaborative Assembly, which are coming applicants with their posts. The preference for one or another candidate is given by voting, the procedure of which is pre-agreed (a simple majority, 2/3 of the composition of the voters, etc.).

The advantage of the method is the speed and possibility of accounting for the opinions of members of the team. The disadvantage is subjectivism and the inability to insure from errors, since the voting majority have to trust the information obtained from the characteristics of the candidate or, at best, to trust their subjective opinion based on the observation of the behavior of the candidate, his performance and responses, if the performance is organized.

In addition to elections, it is possible to recommend the use and method of selection of candidates for senior positions. This is a way in which the decision on the compliance of the candidate is accepted by the personnel commission, headed directly by the superior supervisor or the face appointed by him. This method is most suitable for high-level governing positions, where along with professional competence, great importance is attached to the ability to establish relationships with partners of different levels, as well as the ability to be compatible with higher management and subordinate.

Evaluating the requested candidates, the personnel commission in addition to the analysis of documents and their characteristics conduct interviews, sometimes structured interviews and candidates are subject to psychological testing.

The advantage of the method is an individual approach and the possibility of obtaining more informed information about the professional and personal qualities of candidates. However, it is slow and requires preliminary training.

It should be noted that the described method is also not deprived of a lack of subjectivity, to decide on a candidate based on the first impression, without taking into account the information obtained with the future interview. Errors often occur due to the trend to evaluate the candidate compared with the impression left by the previous candidate.

At the same time, a structured interview (a pre-harvested questionnaire, increases the reliability of the results of the interview.

The best result can be achieved by building an interview with the candidate in such a way that it includes elements of all types of interviews. A similar interview requires a certain experience and multilateral preliminary preparation from its conducting person, but allows us to objectively and comprehensively assess the candidate.

Modern personnel services are not enough just to execute orders and orders, storing personnel information. They gradually should turn into centers for the development and implementation of the labor organization strategy, the purpose of which increases the employment, creative impact and activity of personnel, the development and implementation of personnel development programs, ensuring fair wages, etc.

The path to improving the personnel management system in Amur Valladplyus LLC is to increase its organizational status - from the status of the "personnel department" to the status of the "Department of Human Resources Management", in which it will be strong in professional terms, structurally interrelated with other personnel management departments.

The new personnel management system involves a highly developed corporate culture, based on the mutual responsibility of the employee and the employer, the desire of all employees of the Corporation to make it the "best company" due to the support of the initiative at all levels of the organization, permanent technical and organizational innovations, an open discussion of problems.

AmourladePlus LLC does not pay attention to the formation of a single corporate culture. Corporate culture allows you to:

combine employees into a single team that several times increases productivity, efficiency and efficiency of labor;

create a system of effective moral incentives. Satisfying the main human needs in the field of professional activity (achieving perfection in the profession, influence on other people, recognition by colleagues, the opportunity to realize themselves) contributes to the desire to actively work, and not only for the sake of salaries.

Among the motives that encourage employees of the organization to work efficiently and efficiently, the following can be allocated:

satisfying the needs for vital material and spiritual benefits;

self-determination and self-affirmation of the individual;

social interaction.

A sufficient motivation of employees to work in the organization positively interacts with their satisfaction with labor, which contributes to stability and well-being and employees and the organization as a whole.

Based on various studies, we can conclude: if the head is interested in the development of the organization's activities, is interested in the conviction of all employees that their organization is the best, he must change and develop employee motivation, and this in turn leads to a change and improvement of corporate culture.

So, to increase the efficiency of human resources management in AmurladePlus LLC, it is necessary:

  • · Permanent participation in the management of not only personnel services, but also the leader;
  • · A clearer distribution of functions between all personnel management participants and the coordination of their actions;
  • · Creation of an appropriate regulatory and methodological base regulating the activities of each of the participants in the management process;
  • · Determination of priorities in working with personnel potential;
  • · Strengthening and expanding personnel service;
  • · Formation of a single corporate culture.