Runic stavas for the treatment of mental illness. Uruz - heal all ailments and restore your health! will sweep away all your failures, move things off the ground and open any doors for his master! How to use runes to diagnose health problems

Health is complete physical, mental and social well-being. Everyone wants to have good health and strong immunity.

Runes can help with healing. The healing rune of health transforms an ailment into a quick recovery. But the ritual will require faith, fortitude and knowledge runic symbols.

There are certain runes that help a person with various diseases, both individually and in combinations of several signs - staves. Recovery along with the use of symbols becomes faster and more effective.

The main signs that respond to health and healing:

  1. Dagaz - has only positive value transforms everything bad into good. The symbol means change and a quick recovery. In a scenario with positive runes, it promises a person longevity.
  2. Inguz - carries vital energy and fertility.
  3. Uruz - embodies the power of recovery, used by both women and men. Directed to the nervous system. Eliminates disorders of the musculoskeletal system, genital organs and respiratory problems. Treats infertility and impotence.
  4. Fehu - has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole and treats sick people from involuntary urination and urinary incontinence. Improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. And in an inverted state, it helps with pain in the heart, back. Increases sexual energy.
  5. Turisaz. Improves metabolism in the body and treats arthritis.

Runa Uruz is not recommended for people with pressure problems and hypertensive patients. And Inguz during inflammatory processes will call for even more microbes. This is only a part of the runic symbols that positively affect the human condition both on the spiritual and physical levels.

The impact of runic formulas on health

Diagnosis of health problems with the help of runes

Runes are magical drawings, thanks to which ordinary objects gain strength and become amulets. But amulets do not completely replace trips to qualified specialists.

They help identify the problem and its cause. Scandinavian rune healing helps to remove not only physical pain, but also mental.

There are no most powerful symbols among all the runes, because each is responsible for a certain area or part of the body. Diagnostics can be carried out with different combinations of characters. One formula will be responsible for healing the state of mind, the other will save you from toothache or high blood pressure.

Runic formulas for health and beauty create a harmonic aura that nourishes with human strength. Staves block the aging process, especially as amulets or slander on objects. The sign of Raido allows you to return youth and energy.

Runic formulas for women's health

For women, there are certain sets of signs - runic vitamins that protect against diseases. Using a combination of Algiz + Berkana + Algiz, you can achieve complete recovery female body. And Hyera + Kano + Berkana will help with infertility. For girls in position, they offer rates:

  • Algiz + Perth + Berkana + Algiz - for a stable pregnancy;
  • Dagaz + Berkana + Raido + Otil - for safe childbirth.

Against polyps and most female diseases, a combination of Perth + Evaz + Dagaz + Laguz + Hyera is used. Becoming draw inside the bag, on linen white color or on an amulet made of wood, plastic, metal. Rune treatment has a positive effect on the female body, making it more tender and elastic.

Runic formulas for child health

To protect the child from adverse magic and strengthen his immunity, there are runic formulas. One of them is the recovery rune - Algiz + Uruz + Mannaz + Algiz. The formula is drawn with a pencil on any object made of natural material:

  • on the inside of the portfolio;
  • on your favorite wooden toy;
  • on an amulet with a chain.

It is important to follow the sequence of writing. To activate becoming, they use a slander or put their hands on an object and visualize a desire.

The runic method of protection can save the child from lung diseases or newly formed tumors. You can also draw the Algiz sign, which plays the role of a guardian and protects from negative influences. Scandinavian Gebo will bring balance and improve communication between mother and child. And they will carry out preventive actions and freeze the development of current diseases.

In case of deterioration of health, an appeal to the attending physician is a must!

The correct interpretation of runes for health can only be obtained by contacting a highly qualified specialist. During fortune-telling, maximum focus on the result is important - you should completely control your own emotions and not be distracted.

Since ancient times, people have turned to the help of magical signs - they are able not only to tell about a person, but also to help, even save a life.

The individuality of each person is taken into account when interpreting the runes, since everything depends on the direction of thoughts, on mood, on mental state. Even life experience and memories matter.

The associations that arise during the magical action help the interpreter to accurately understand the answer given by the runes.

The meaning of runes on health does not always show the future, but the symbols will certainly tell about the current situation. And, knowing all the existing circumstances, you can understand how to move forward, what steps to take.

Meaningrunes of healthand healing

Runic staves for health

Not only individual symbols have healing properties, but also combinations of runes, as well. They can be used as amulets that bring a long-awaited recovery.

To restore the body after complex procedures or a long stay in a supine position, it helps Kenaz-Perth-Inguz .


This is the strongest combination of magical signs. The energy of the runes is so harmoniously combined that the person using them quickly achieves balance and confidence in his healing.

Kenaz is responsible for the positive attitude of the patient. It helps to pull myself together and, despite the obstacles, move forward, develop and strive for the goal.

The energy of the rune symbol protects from the negative effects of demonic forces. Kenaz directs: with her help, it is easier to make a difficult decision.

Perth accelerates the healing process, tunes the subconscious to self-healing. Faith in one's own strength is crucial in the fight against ailments, even fatal ones. Sometimes, the most hopeless patients got on their feet and forgot about past problems forever.

Inguz symbolizes rebirth - the transformation of personality. It reveals the potential of the body and turns on all previously hidden resources.

Runes for getting rid of diseases (video)

The meaning of runes in divination for health


It is possible that surgery will be needed in the near future. A high probability of fractures, injuries, as well as pathological processes in the body. If an inverted Turisaz fell out, then the operation can be avoided. But serious treatment will still be needed.


In case of diseases, you should not immediately run to the doctor - home treatment will be many times more effective. But the inverted Kenats says the opposite - without specialized help, recovery will not come soon.


The rune serves as a warning of a serious illness. Without wasting time, you need to do all the necessary tests and diagnostics. The sign in an inverted position shows that the disease is already progressing.


A full medical examination is required for all specialists. It is worth doing this at least for the sake of prevention. If the symbol is upside down, it means that your family is hiding something about the health of a close relative.


Despite the heavy workload at work or troubles of a different nature, take a break. Recover well, otherwise the general condition may deteriorate significantly.


It means an unfavorable course of the disease, unsuccessful treatment, progressive symptoms.


The Creator is watching you, so trust him completely. In your situation, doctors are helpless - only divine intervention can save. The inverted Urus, unfortunately, is bad news - your ailment has already completely taken over the body.


The gastrointestinal tract is vulnerable - be careful with this area. Limit your use junk food, alcohol. If the rune fell out during a fortune-telling of a pregnant woman, the development of the fetus may be in jeopardy. In the inverted position, Perth suggests that the conclusion of the doctors is incorrect - it is necessary to double-check the diagnosis.


The patient needs female help. It will be very good if the attending physician and nurses are women. But the inverted Berkana, on the contrary, speaks of the maximum restriction of the sufferer's communication with all female representatives.


It means that soon the disease will begin to progress or recede - one of two things will happen.


In the near future, the patient's condition will be stabilized. Reverse Fehu - new injuries, fractures, manifestation of chronic diseases.


Supernatural powers will help. If you address them correctly, then the symptoms, and then the cause of poor health, will go away. The inverted rune Laguz shows that it was otherworldly forces that caused problems.


It shows that a person has an instability of the nervous system, so mental disorders and depression are very likely.


Smile - soon you will forget about your illnesses.


In the near future you will not have reasons to go to the doctors. But the reverse Vunyo warns that caution will not hurt. It is better to play it safe and not expose yourself to danger.


If you do not miss the point and make it a rule to contact a specialist as needed, then everything will be in order. But delaying treatment will lead you to very unpleasant consequences.


Visit a doctor and undergo a complete examination - it is likely that the disease has begun to develop. Reverse Algiz speaks of your indifference to your condition.


A very unpleasant rune that carries dangerous predictions. If it fell out during fortune-telling, then you should prepare for the worst: serious long-term ailments or other serious health problems.

I wish you good health and long life!

Alena Golovina- white witch, psychic,site author



Do you want to regain lost strength for yourself and your loved ones? Then in this article you will learn the meaning of runes for health promotion and healing, as well as get acquainted with some types of popular staves. Enjoy reading!

How runes affect the health of the body

To find out detailed information about the runes for creating health restoration stakes, I recommend signing up for training at the Russian Tarot School. In the meantime, check out which rune and how it affects health.

Fehu. A rune that has a positive effect on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, the urinary system. Eliminates disorders in the work of the stomach, kidneys, intestines. In an inverted position - normalizes the circulatory system of the spine, the etheric body of a person. It will help with arrhythmias, strong energy losses. Promotes sexual energy.

Uruz. The rune works with disorders of the central nervous system, treats the genitals, problems of the respiratory tract, and the musculoskeletal system. Restores after a protracted illness with a huge "animal energy". Helps to cure frigidity, infertility, impotence.

Attention! When working with Uruz, keep in mind that it can increase blood pressure, so it is not recommended for hypertensive patients

Turisaz. Runa treats arthritis, diseases of the ureters, disorders of proper metabolism.

Ansuz. Rune of restoration of speech, which can relieve stuttering, fear of speaking in front of a mass audience. Able to cure throat diseases (hr. Tonsillitis, etc.), migraines. Eliminates possible nervous disorders, including VVD, dizziness associated with disorders of the immune system.

Ansuz inverted position treats colds, bronchitis, sinusitis, allergic conditions (runny nose, asthma, etc.).

Raido. The rune has a beneficial effect on metabolism. It has proven itself in the treatment of gout, rheumatism, and other diseases of the joints.

Kenaz. Allows you to heal ulcers, wounds, and other manifestations of skin diseases. It heals, increases the potential in the sexual sphere.

Gebo is a source of new vital energy.

Vunyo. Healing effect. Even with a short wear, it can significantly improve mood.

Hagalaz. Affects the urinary organs and the nervous system. Harmonizes the body, soul and spirit, curing mental disorders. Brings out of melancholy, depression, etc.

Nautiz. In addition to neuroses, it can cure baldness, diseases of the cardiovascular system. It will protect against alcohol addiction, cure the existing one - for this purpose it is recommended to make an amulet and carry it with you all the time. You can draw an image on the nail plate of the middle finger.

The inverted position of Nautiz works with the lymphatic, endocrine systems, breakdowns, obesity.

Isa. Freezes the development of the current disease, acting on the principle of ice. It will save a person from obsessive complexes. It can be used for hormonal disorders, vision problems, muscle pain. There is a pronounced healing effect with low blood sugar, partial paralysis.

Hyera. Preventive, healing action. It will give confidence, strengthen the nervous system.

Eyvaz. Works with blood diseases, colds, strengthens the central nervous system (central nervous system), the digestive tract.

Perth. Normalization of hormonal levels, the inclusion of internal reserves of the body.

Algiz. Restoration of the nervous system, elimination of headaches. Helps improve blood supply to the brain, heal injuries. The inverted meaning of the rune is the effect on the lower abdomen, liver.

Soul. Solar energy that allows you to cleanse the chakras, the human aura. Normalizes blood sugar levels, removes paralysis, strengthens the cardiovascular system.

Teyvaz. Improves the work of the bone marrow, endocrine glands, eliminates fragility of blood vessels, tremor of the limbs.

Berkan. It has a targeted effect on the genitourinary organs, the cerebral cortex. It is successfully used in pyelonephritis, andexitis. Aligns the energies of Yin, Yang.

Evaz. Strengthens the central nervous system, maintains chronic ailments in remission, cures mental pathologies from the series "obsession", "loss of soul", etc.

Mannaz. Eliminates breakdowns, gives cheerfulness and confidence to its owner. Treats gynecological diseases, often used in hematology.

Laguz. Strengthens bones, skin diseases, infectious manifestations, schizophrenia. It allows you to get rid of fears, doubts, therefore it is used in psychological practice.

Inguz. Gives vitality, has a restorative effect on the entire body. Can cure impotence and infertility with regular use.

Otala. Revives brain cells, harmonizes the state of the musculoskeletal system, develops intuition.

Dagaz. Gives strength, self-confidence, strengthens the central nervous system. Promotes healing from protracted diseases, including their psychosomatic etiology (origin).

Attention! Berkan. It is not used in the treatment of neoplasms and other diseases, as it exacerbates existing ailments.

Inguz. Strengthens the immune system, but can not be used to treat inflammatory processes, as it can attract hordes of microbes. The interpretation of this symbol is the harvest.

How to use runes to diagnose health problems

Diagnostics allows you to determine the presence / absence of protection on a particular object. Correctly carried out diagnostics using the runes of health and longevity will help to show negative magical effects such as damage, evil eye, curses.

Recommendations before conducting runic diagnostics are simple. Sit down, calm down, relax. Any negative manifestations (feeling unwell, irritability, etc.) will nullify the diagnosis. You can meditate, light a candle, turn on pleasant music.

When asking a question regarding health, use the interpretation of the values ​​​​listed below.

  • Uruz: Health will soon be shaken
  • : Expect negative comments addressed to you
  • Kenaz: Change your worldview, otherwise diseases, ailments will fall like from a cornucopia
  • Raido: There are paths that lead to corruption, unsuccessful journeys.
  • Gebo: Relations with partners will soon deteriorate - a break in long-term contracts is possible
  • : Wait for depression, stress
  • Nautiz: They want to force you to do something
  • Isa: Implementation paths will be temporarily unavailable
  • Perth: Violations of the normal functioning of female organs are coming
  • : The body's defenses are weakened
  • Soulou: Failures, failures
  • Teyvaz: When divining for a man - take care of men's health
  • : stay alone
  • Evaz: Closing Development Opportunities Related to Diseases
  • Mannaz: You have damage received during the transfer
  • Inguz: Diseases will appear soon, discord in relations is possible
  • Dagaz: Psychological problems are coming

Note! If you get one of the runes listed below, you need to clarify the question, which boils down to a short answer "yes-no"

  • Turisaz: Clarify the progress that will be made using the predicted rate
  • Hagalaz: What kind of destruction will be after applying the selected runescript
  • Eyvaz: What to expect from the state of uncertainty / obscurity
  • Perth: Which of the mysteries will finally be revealed
  • Inguz: The path of development of a new situation / new life stage
  • Dagaz: Predictable outcome from rapid change

Runic staves for health promotion

There are several popular runic staves for health promotion. Let's start with the most common ones.

The essence of the stav is the joy of gradually increasing well-being, well-being. Improves physical well-being until the period when you felt as comfortable as possible, were full of ideas, inspiration to realize yourself as a person. The formula allows you to increase the breakthrough that helps to destroy temporary blocks that prevent the body from restoring, connecting to the matrix of health, longevity.

Runic becoming consists of the following components.

  • Dot. Points to a matrix. In this situation, represents a beautiful, young, healthy body
  • The triple formula ALU - personifies the ongoing changes under the auspices of the Gods. The goal is to completely sweep away existing blocks that interfere with the process of restoration, updating
  • Yera - Inguz. Allow you to start the recovery process, working like a matrix
  • Berkana - Perth. Indicates the rebirth of the object's body
  • Algiz - Vunyo - Otala - Fehu (mirror). Symbolizes the restoration of health, youth

Visualize the desired result, make a reservation by writing it out on a piece of paper. Speak over each component of the stav.

Runes to heal the soul

This becoming includes money, love and health.

It is known that any oncological diseases are the result of feelings of guilt, lack of forgiveness for insults. The same applies to other somatic diseases.

The task of this runic formula is to get rid of psychological problems that adversely affect the health of any person. I will give a brief decoding of the symbols.

  • Otala: She is the patroness of the elderly. It gives you the opportunity to realize, accept the life experience gained, stop blaming yourself for the mistakes you have made. Allows you to slow down the aging process as much as possible, maintain clarity of mind until old age
  • Dagaz: The task of this rune is to fill a person with harmony, happiness, good luck, peace. Allows you to get rid of the manifestations of negative emotions
  • Mannaz: Allows you to strengthen the central nervous system, develop resistance to possible stresses at work and at home
  • Laguz: Relieves fears, phobias, other complexes
  • Evaz: Heals the soul, especially the presence of mental disorders
  • Berkana: Women's helper. It will allow you to get rid of insecurities, complexes, and other phobias. Fills with feminine energy, makes it more attractive

Becoming to restore lost vision

The main essence of the runic formula is the slow restoration of vision to a normal level.

Symbols used.

  • 2 Kenaz (direct, mirror position) - 2 Dagaz
  • Direct/mirror position of two Perth - Fehu
  • 2 Vunyo (straight / mirror position) - Soulu - Hyeres

Runic staves for beauty and longevity

The right combination of runes for health and beauty in staves allows you to maintain an attractive appearance even after years. I will give the most interesting examples of runic formulas.

Is one of the most strong runes ical combinations to preserve health and beauty. This formula should be applied to the bottle of any perfume, specifying it for beauty, youth.

Becoming consists of the following characters: Laguz - Berkana - Gebo - Soulu. Charging the combination is carried out with the help of breathing.

Gives beauty and charm to ladies of any age. Becoming drawn should be from the side of the lower beam, gradually connecting the runes.

The interpretation is as follows.

  • Gebo - Nautiz: Symbolizes attention, the flow of new acquaintances
  • Vunyo - Kenaz: Stimulate attractiveness, the light of the soul of a certain person, a kind of haze based on charm
  • Inguz - Soulu: It is a kind of magnet for attracting pleasant, joyful events into the life of the operator. Creates a harmonic aura, nourishing with human forces

The peculiarity of this stav is blocking / slowing down the aging process. The only drawback is that the impact is easily removed by cleaning from possible negative. The effect is obvious, especially if used as a talisman. It is allowed to apply on the skin of the face (specify the desired result on the cream).

Consists of the following characters.

  • Hv: Promotes the return of beauty, youth. It is a Slavic letter
  • Soulou: Beauty, youth (dub Xv)
  • Raido: Allows you to return the above item (duplication Xv)
  • Turisaz: Elimination of the aging process in the human body
  • Yera: Acts on a permanent basis (until the negativity is cleared)

Runes for women's health

To bring the lost women's health back to normal, I will give some interesting, in my opinion, staves.

Runic becoming to maintain women's health on an ongoing basis

This formula will take care of you for a long time. To consolidate the effect, it is recommended to apply it to a stone, any other natural material, and always carry it with you. Alternatively, you can draw a picture on an object that is with a woman. It can be a wooden comb (not plastic), inner part leather handbag, leather-bound diary.

The combination used is Soulu - Evaz - Gebo - Uruz - Dagaz - Yera - Uruz - Gebo - Evaz - Soulu. You need to update becoming no more than once a month.

Addressing women's health issues

It is a very strong combination that can eliminate existing diseases of the female organs. It is successfully used in diseases such as fibroids, endometriosis.

Attention! Incorrect application of the formula in rare cases leads to perforation of the cyst, the occurrence of acute diseases. Before use, a consultation of specialists from the Russian Tarot School is shown

The composition of the stave includes the following signs - Perth - Evaz - Dagaz - Laguz - Hyeres.

Draw the above combination on white lingerie, put it on yourself from time to time. You can also create an amulet with this stav scheme. Activation of the reservation - breathing.

Runic formulas for child health

To protect the child from negative magical influences, to help maintain health, strengthen immunity, there are several runic formulas. See below for details.

Becoming from childhood diseases, to strengthen immunity

Judging by the name, becoming allows parents to heal the child from diseases, increase immunity. The formula should be drawn with a pencil on any object made from natural material. It is advisable to choose one with which the child often interacts - the inside of the briefcase, a favorite wooden toy, etc.

The combination consists of Algiz - Uruz - Mannaz - Algiz.

When compiling a stav, be sure to write the characters in the above sequence. You can update the drawing once a week. There are several options for activating the stav - breathing, slander, laying hands on an object.

Becoming cleansing from negativity for a child

It involves the protection of the child from the Higher forces, eliminates negative magical influences, harmonizes all plans - psychological, astral, mental, emotional, astral. Appeasement is the main goal of this formula.

Consists of the following Scandinavian characters:

  • Algiz: The rune acts as a fuse, symbolizes the protection of higher powers
  • Raido: The symbol removes negativity from the child's body
  • Soulu: Promotes the accumulation of psychological energy, restoring light, clean children's energy
  • Laguz: Eliminates negativity
  • Berkana: Protection, renewal, purification. Gives you the opportunity to find inner peace, regardless of the situation
  • Gebo: Balance, normal mother-child communication
  • Soulu - Raido: Is a psychological assistant
  • Laguz - Algiz - Berkana - Soulu: Allows you to destroy any negative manifestations of magic

Attention! The reservation should be aimed at eliminating the negative impact on all spheres of the child's life, the elimination of energy blocks, other, third-party negative

The above becoming is applied to paper. You can make an amulet so that the child always carries it with him. If the latter option is not relevant, wash it with water in which this talisman has been.

Stay tuned for more updates and more. Don't forget to leave comments. All the best!

Loss of vitality and constant illness - these problems indicate a violation of the energy flow. The rune of health allows you to correct the situation, speed up recovery and remove damage if it is the cause of a serious condition. Ancient symbols are suitable for children and adults.

The impact of runes on the human body

Runes for the treatment of various diseases are used individually and in formulas. Some symbols have a directed effect on certain parts of the body or internal organs, others give a general strengthening effect. For complex treatment stakes are needed. In them, each rune for quick healing acts on the destruction of the accumulated negativity.

Runes in the treatment of diabetes

For any type of diabetes Nice results shows becoming from and The combination provides strengthening of blood vessels, promotes the launch of regeneration processes. The bundle is universal and suitable for female, male and even children's bodies.

Uruz in upright position exhibits healing properties. Strengthens the body, helps to restart the immune system. The final rune is . It strengthens the immune system and protects the body from future diseases.

Treatment for stuttering

The Ansuz rune has several uses. It is used to improve health and ensure the proper functioning of all organs. Ansuz also helps with stuttering. Use the rune as a personal amulet. It is given to children or people suffering. The symbol helps if the patient is frightened, and due to an unpleasant situation, a speech disorder has occurred. The rune eliminates the psychological cause of the disease.

Stavas are effective against stuttering. They have a complex effect, eliminating both the cause of stuttering and its consequences. What an effective position looks like:

  • three runes Laguz;
  • three runes Ass;
  • Ansuz;

Such becoming does not eliminate stuttering immediately. It acts gradually: for its complex effect, it will take at least 2-3 weeks.

Prevention of dizziness

From dizziness, a simple bunch of Eyvaz-Perto helps. In this case, the cause of the disease is crucial. If you do not find why dizziness is repeated, runic staves will only have a temporary effect.

Eyvaz gives protection from illness. The rune blocks external negative influences. She starts working first, and gives relief from dizziness. Perto in this case enhances the work of the first rune and provides a prolonged result.

Skin cleansing

Working formulas give a person not only health, but also. For people who have been opposing for years, becoming a complex is a real salvation. It guarantees liberation even from chronic diseases.

Becoming for clear skin:

  1. Works first. Eliminates the inflammatory reaction, affects the resulting scars.
  2. Changes healing skin. Hagalaz has already removed the main problems, and Inguz provides skin smoothing, improving its appearance.
  3. Laguz. Additional skin cleansing. As soon as Laguz begins to work, new skin problems do not arise.
  4. Eyvaz. The rune gives beauty. It is supported in appearance and in the internal state.
  5. Secondary rune. Responsible for the rapid restoration of the skin.
  6. Plastur. Helps in healing and promotes rapid healing.

To enhance the effect is used.

Therapy for a child

Children have health problems due to the task of the operator to use runes that cannot harm the child. Universal and powerful signs of various respiratory diseases, and increased anxiety help. These signs include Hagalaz. The symbol clears away negativity and starts regeneration processes.

From snoring and poor sleep in a child helps the Symbol burns all the diseases that have settled in the body of the baby. Allows you to remove diseases in the initial stages without obvious symptoms. Working formulas for children include Rune symbolizes weapons and resists any disease.

Restoring good vision

Restoration of vision occurs through the strengthening of the body, after its purification. It would be useful to restore immunity, then the correction of vision will be faster and with a better effect. Working formulas affect the optic nerve, the circulatory system and the body.

Through what runes is the restoration of vision:

  1. Algiz. One of the most powerful runes responsible for recovery. It gives relief from diseases of all organs. Acts as a powerful cleaner.
  2. Laguz. Symbolizes water, its fluidity and ability to adapt. In the stave, it works as a mechanism for restructuring the body. Helps eliminate unpleasant symptoms - blurry vision, blurry pictures.
  3. Kenaz. Rune of energy disclosure. Leads a person to the right path. In treatment, it allows you to choose the most effective therapy. Enhances the effect of neighboring signs.
  4. Sovelo. Another name for the rune is Soulu. She symbolizes harmony. Allows you to restore health, strengthen the body.

Becoming helps in combination with traditional medicine. If an operation is performed to restore vision, the runic formula speeds up rehabilitation.

Removing blocks

To start the proper functioning of the internal organs, a strong runic formula. It removes energy blocks that create health problems. They remove blocks for recovery and to prevent recurrence of diseases in the future.

Ansuz is an integral part of the stave. Helps to collect thoughts, take a sober look at the situation. Thurisaz is chosen as the second rune. It weakens the oldest blocks. They disappear instantly. To remove the negative accumulated in the body and in thoughts, Soul is used. It enhances Turisaz, and allows you to destroy the energy of the disease in the past and in the future.

Uruz is doubled in the formula. The rune activates the internal forces of the body. After cleansing, she adds energy to completely overcome the disease. The final rune in the stave is Teivaz. It gives stability to the task at hand.

Strengthening immunity

From diseases, staves are used that strengthen the immune system. One of these formulas is Bull. Becoming consists of Uruz, giving physical forces, Gebo, activating internal forces, Dagaz, changing poor immunity. In addition, the runes Teyvaz are depicted to fight diseases and Inguz, personifying a new strong immunity. Concludes strong staves Algiz - the best defender of immunity.


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runes for depression

There are several sure ways to get rid of depression and other psychological disorders:

  • Algiz - Laguz - Berkana - Soulou

These are not just runes, these are real saviors. This union of sacred symbols works with nervous system person. Their magic is aimed at normalizing psychological factors.

There are many positive reviews about the work of this formula. It removes all fears, all anxieties. Thanks to special magic, a person becomes more confident.

If you always carry an amulet with inscribed runes with you, you will become much calmer and stronger. Rune magic will help to achieve many successes in life.

  • Algiz - Laguz - Uruz - Soulou

This runostav fights depression and helps to cope with the recovery period. It helps to move forward, to believe in yourself. It is noted that after the application of the ligature, a sharp jump up takes place in life.

  • Algiz - Laguz - Kenaz - Soulu

This is a lifesaving technique for people who suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorders, from panic attacks and from numerous phobias.

Appeal to the gods

Divine intervention in the creation of amulets has great importance. Runes for health without replenishment from the Scandinavian gods do not manifest themselves at full power.

When creating a rune amulet for health, you can turn to the following gods.

  1. Hel. Goddess of death and disease, she can be asked to take your gift and restore health. It is worth contacting in the most extreme situations, Hel requires an equivalent exchange.
  2. Siv. Goddess of fertility, can help with conception problems.
  3. Freyr and Freya are also gods of fertility and good harvests. Favorable to requests for children.
  4. Idun. Goddess of youth. You can ask to wrap "senile" diseases.
  5. Clay. Small goddess, protects people from injuries and promotes their healing.
  6. One. Supreme god. Able to give relief from the disease. Just keep in mind that death can also be liberation.
  7. Gullveig. It is considered an evil sorceress, but is able to bestow healing. Be extremely polite in addressing her and place good gifts.

How runes affect health

Human health is within the competence of the ancient Scandinavian runes.

Each rune operates with energy. The effect of the spell on human health depends on the value of the runes in the stav.

  • Dagaz brings change, turns negativity into positive, makes a breakthrough to healing and helps to recover. The rune eliminates the psychosomatic component of diseases.
  • Inguz - symbolizes vitality, it is a rune of health and longevity.
  • Uruz embodies health and restores the body. The rune of health affects the reproductive system, back and breathing. Uruz increases arterial pressure and in its pure form is contraindicated in hypertensive patients.
  • Berkana is responsible for women's health and protects against diseases, works with the kidneys and the cerebral cortex. It is not recommended to use Berkana for neoplasms - the action of the rune will accelerate the growth of tumors.
  • Kano heals wounds and works with skin diseases, increases potency.
  • Algiz protects the body from external circumstances and magical influence, restores the normal functioning of the nervous system, improves blood supply to the brain and accelerates wound healing. Inverted, it has a beneficial effect on the liver and lower abdomen.
  • Fehu fills with energy. The rune affects the gastrointestinal tract and the stomach area, kidneys, digestion and immunity. Inverted Fehu normalizes the blood circulation of the spinal column, acts on the etheric body, awakens sexual energy.
  • Soulu nourishes with strength, normalizes blood sugar levels, removes the cause of paralysis and its consequences, strengthens the heart muscle.
  • Turisaz and Teyvaz normalize metabolism, strengthen joints and bones.
  • Ansuz is responsible for the speech apparatus, treats stuttering, migraines and throat diseases, improves vascular function and improves immunity. In the inverted position, it treats bronchitis, allergies and runny nose.
  • Raido affects joints and metabolism, heals gout, rheumatism and other joint pains.
  • Gebo works with the nervous system, gives energy.
  • Gebo, Yera and Eyvaz are runes of health and healing, used for prevention and healing.
  • Nautiz relieves harmful addictions, breaks attachments, treats baldness and the cardiovascular system. The inverted rune fights obesity, has a beneficial effect on the endocrine and lymphatic systems, and helps to cope with weakness.
  • Isa inhibits inflammatory processes and stops the course of the disease, restores hormonal background and relieves muscle pain.
  • Odal works with the circulatory system, stimulates the appearance of new synapses, puts the musculoskeletal system in order.
  • Perth works with hormones and activates internal forces.
  • Vunyo enhances the healing effect, uplifts the mood and brings the result closer.
  • Hagalaz brings a person into a harmonious state, removes depressive disorders, heals the psyche.
  • Evaz is responsible for strengthening the central nervous system, supports remission with chronic diseases treats psychiatric disorders.
  • Mannaz invigorates and gives confidence, heals hematological and gynecological diseases.
  • Laguz eliminates skin diseases and any inflammation, manifestations of infections, strengthens bones. Psychologists familiar with the action of Laguz use it in medical practice to level the manifestations of schizophrenia.