The reaction of the nervous system for stress. Stress - species, causes, symptoms and treatment. Types (levels) of a person's reaction to stress

Types of stress are separated by the degree of personality impact, each view can have both positive and negative impact. The traumatic factor causes certain reactions on the emotional and physical level. Stressful behavior depends on personal characteristics, each individual behaves in different ways in tense and extreme conditions. We will analyze the main questions of the response of a person for stress.

What are the types of stress

Stress appears when the human body and mental conditions appear. The following types of negative expressions are exist:

  • Long traumatic stressor. A long-term emotional load is critical of the personality. This may be a prolonged conflict with the leader, quarrels due to living on one territory, a relative illness and other reasons.
  • Physiological injury. In this case, the effect of external influences is manifested. This group includes cold, heat, physical overvoltage, hunger. Types of physiological stress reactions are manifested in the form of physical and moral fatigue, irritation, there is an exhaustion and general weakness.
  • Negative experiences associated with human relationships are called psychological trauma. It includes emergency response situations, betrayal, treason.
  • Extreme stress load. The group includes events that threaten human security. Accidents, environmental disasters, crimes, severe illness, accident, war, forced emigration and other difficult living conditions.
  • Information overload. The tension occurs due to the influence of the information component, the person has a great responsibility and is forced to make important decisions daily. This type of stressful experience is possible in a number of professions. For example, dispatcher, part of managers, surgeon doctors and others.
  • The above-described traumatic factors cause people who are subject to certain types of reactions. They have set symptoms and signs.

    Stress factors cause a number of emotional and physical reactions of the organism.

    Types of emotional reactions:

    Emotions may vary, the protracted experience is most negatively affected by the psyche, the state goes into depression, apathy, neurosis symptoms appear. Successful resolution of a short-term stressful situation removes emotional manifestations, but for some types of stress requires the help of a specialist.

    Types of physical reactions:

    • headache;
    • fatigue;
    • pain in the thoracic department;
    • dry mouth;
    • problems with gastrointestinal tract;
    • reinforced or lowered appetite;
    • tiki, stuttering.

    If an emergency threat disappears, physiological manifestations return to normal. With a long-term stress factor, symptoms are moving into chronic, diseases develop.

    Personal Features and Reactions

    Types of response to the traumatic factor is purely individual and depend on the characteristics of the personality. It matters temperament, human character, level of self-esteem and parental installations.

    There are a number of studies that conduct the connection between temperament and types of reactions to the critical situation.

  • People with a weak nervous system, melancholic temperament during stressful events are alarming, neurotic anxiety, strong fright. They are prone to self-evaluation and panic sentiment, they often have no strength to fight. In many cases, insomnia begin, sleep problems.
  • The choleric type of person gives the following set of reactions: anger, protest, aggressiveness. Rady feelings give rise to the development of stomach ulcers, hypertension. Cholerics are dependent on success, they are hard to experience failures, they are very afraid to make a mistake.
  • The phlegmatic type of temperament in tense situations retains self-control, suppresses emotions, ignores the problem. They tend to love the problem, which brings their weight to the critical indicator, finding in long-term injury. Stress factors in phlegmatics slow down thinking, there is lethargy, sipping.
  • People with the predominance of the sanguine temperament react to stress with optimism, can protest, but are always confident in their own value. Sanguines have a strong nervous system, so easily coped with a negative emotional load.
  • An important meaning to the manifestation of emotional reactions in stress has the level of self-assessment. An understated assessment of themselves, insecurity increases the state of anxiety and panic at stressed life moments. There is evidence that negative self-esteem affects examinations, students do not cope with an exciting load, low points are obtained.

    Parental installations affect the types of reactions in stress. Some psychologists argue that the scenario of behavior with a traumatic factor man draws from his parents.

    The child absorbs parental examples, and then unconsciously repeats them in adulthood.

    So, one person will be in stress silently swallow resentment, the other will resort to alcohol, the third one will start looking for the way of optimization. You can understand the life scenario with the help of a psychologist or with an independent analysis.

    Methods of response to stress

    By type of response to the stress factor, people also differ. There are several categories of reactions.

  • "Rabbit stress". In this case, a person is passively experiencing a traumatic situation. He has no strength to activate, he hides from problems.
  • "Lion stress." Personality with this manifestation is rapidly, angry and expressively responds to stressful events.
  • "Stress ox". The method implies the type of reactions at the limit of their mental, emotional and physical capabilities. Such a person can live and work in a traumatic situation.
  • Stress factor causes various emotional manifestations, they affect the physical and mental state of the person. Psychologists note that negative stimuli can actually exist, for example, divorce, but also be contrived. Funny situations include reactions to this or that behavior of others. The stress reaction is manifested depending on the type of personality, parental installations. The response is influenced by the characteristics of character and temperament.

    What are the types of reactions to stress / stress symptoms

    Stress completely changes human behavior. What are the types of reactions to stress? What do stress symptoms look like? Know answers to these questions is extremely important for making a decision on actions in a specific situation.

    Physical symptoms of stress

    What are the types of physical reactions of the body for stress? Physical symptoms include:

    Feeling compression in the chest

    Painful sensations in the body

    Dizziness and shortness of breath.

    As for the muscular system, such symptoms may be observed as

    Increased bugs (too strong response to sudden noise or an unexpected movement),

    Psychological and social symptoms of stress

    To emotional symptoms warning us that a person has a stress response:

    Frequent seizures of anger. The state of psyche may also indicate stress: sorrowful feelings, fears, difficulties with focus, forgetfulness, nightmares, loss of self-esteem and complexity with making decisions - all this warns us that it is necessary to take action.

    Stress can change our behavior, it is noticeable to increase alcohol consumption, tobacco, adoption medicines; Increases the danger of accidents.

    What are the types of reactions to stress

    The way we react to stress is vital. Symptoms of stress are purely individual in critical situations. But there are adequate, correct reactions, and there are inadequate, harmful to us and others. How we behave in a caronda minute, depends on the characteristics of temperament. Let's consider which types of reactions to stress.

    Here are two main types of stress reactions:

    What are the types of reactions to stress: struggle

    There are two varieties of symptoms of the reaction to stress. The first one is characteristic of ambitious individuals, which can accompany success, and they are often leaders. In the worst case, they are aggressive, irritable and impatient. Once in stressful situations, they behave in such a way that the load on the heart and the circulatory system increases, and this leads to heart disease. Another type of fighter reaction to stress involves an internal struggle with stress. In this case, the individual sends all the energy on itself. Such people with the symptoms of stress "keep themselves in their hands" are most often organized, neat, accurate and consistent, they may look dry and in the worst case become obsessed, their thoughts and actions are monotonous. They hardly transfer situations when they have to deal with unexpected events that knock them out of the rut, questioning their ability to control their actions.

    In stressful circumstances, gastrointestinal diseases may appear, such as peptic ulcers or intestinal dysbacteriosis syndrome.

    What are the types of reactions to stress: caring from struggle

    People who are typical of such behavior in stressful situations are always trying to avoid contact with stress factors. They do not like to discuss difficult problems and may, for example, do not pay bills. This type of reaction to stress can make them carefully and conservative, turn into wounded, dependent, not able to stand up for people. They can feel "small world of this." Create your own world, in which they remain lonely and suspicious. The constant desire to escape from stress is characteristic of people with phobias or hopeless syndrome, which has recently been associated with the development of certain types of cancer.

    Types (levels) of human reactions for stress

    The study of psychological states characterized by high emotional tension. The concept of stress, its species associated with physiological and moral changes in the body. Consideration of human reaction levels on stressful states.

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    2. Stress in human life

    4. Types (levels) of human reactions for stress

    The emotional sphere of a person is a special class of mental processes and states that reflect the direct experience of the individual and affect its behavior and activity. A special role here is given by emotional states characterized by high emotional stress. These include the condition of stress.

    The concept of stress initially arose in physiology to designate a non-specific generalized reaction of the body - "general adaptation syndrome" (Selre, 1936) - in response to any adverse effect. The content of this reaction was described primarily by typical neurohumoral shifts that ensure the protective energy mobilization of the body. Later, the concept of stress was expanded and began to be used to characterize the characteristics of the states of the individual in extreme conditions on the physiological, psychological and behavioral levels. The concept of stress denotes a complex of human responses when a collision with a situation that has a danger of its well-being. These responses of the individual may leak on the physiological, cognitive, emotional and behavioral levels. Under stress, sometimes the situation of high demands and limited resources is also understood. The last interpretation of stress describes a more emergency situation rather than a person's response to unfavorable life events.

    Stress causes all serious life events: a wedding and divorce, the birth of a child and the death of the great-grandmother, moving and changing work. Contributes and the little things that seemed to be made not to attach special importance: Sosport of colleague, lost his favorite team, transferred the bus stop further from the house.

    Residents of large cities face stressful situations especially often. Causes - intense, busy rhythm of life, a large number of people around people, many of whom are in a bad mood (remember) in transport), often more responsible and nervous than rural residents, work.

    Situations imposing requirements for people who exceed their usual adaptive potential are described in different terms: life difficulties, critical situations, negative life events, stressful life events, traumatic events, unwanted events, life crises, Economic deprivation, disasters, catastrophe. Each of these situations lies either a challenge, or the threat of human vital activity, or even causes irrelevant losses. Each of these situations limits the activity of the individual, makes it necessary for him, often exceeding its abilities, moral and material resources. In a word, these situations unites what they all act as stressors, that is, the factors causing stress.

    Let us return, however, to the concept of "vital difficulties" and we will give the definition of its options that are used most often.

    Negative life events are incidents, incidents that violate the normal course of life and the cause of physical or psychological pain. If the event turns out to be unexpected and stunning, violent and dangerous to human life, it is defined as a traumatic event. "Injury," writes Perry, it implies a sudden, massive and insurmountable threat to human safety. "

    Such sharp, stunning, unexpected, non-control and management and management of the situation are called crisis. Crisis is considered the most complex form of the stressor, as they carry the shada of the eventualness, threats and the need for an urgent action.

    Naturally, crises are also experienced by a person as negative events.

    The most serious and dramatic form of crisis are disasters. This is how the disaster of Fritz was determined: "The event concentrated in time and in space, when society or relatively independent part of society is subjected to harsh danger and exposes its members and physical environment to such deprivation that the social structure is destroyed and the implementation of all or certain important functions becomes impossible. Thus, the disaster is an event that violates the life functions of society. It affects the system of biological survival (nutrition, blood, health, reproduction), system of order (division of labor, power model, cultural norms, social roles), system of values \u200b\u200b(values, general definition Reality, Communication Mechanisms) and to motivate people within all these systems. "

    Negative life events are sometimes referred to as disastrous if the intensity of their influence and the rate of the offensive is so high that the changes caused by such events go beyond the usual changes in the medium, and their consequences are perceived as dramatic.

    All these events entail their vital difficulties. All of them are created for society or an individual obstacle, overcoming which requires significant efforts, labor costs and excessive tension. These difficulties are sharp, chronic, diverse, enjoying one to another, cumulative.

    1. Types of stress

    psychological stress emotional moral

    G. Selre, which introduced the concept of stress in 1936, determines the stress as a "non-specific response of the body on any demand presented to it", the state of mental stress caused by the implementation of activities in particularly difficult conditions. Literally, this word is translated as "voltage", and quite often it is indicated by a wide range of human states. But it is always - the voltage of the entire body of a person responsible for the impact of various factors, both physical and psychological. So, the concept of "stress" covers a wide variety of mentally extremely intense states caused by various extreme impacts (stressors).

    Physiological stress differences (overvoltage of physiological functions) and psychological stress.

    Physiological stress is caused by the immediate action of an unfavorable incentive to the body. For example, we immerse your hand in ice water and we have stereotypical reactions (we pull out your hand out of the water).

    Psychological stress as a more complex integrative state requires a mandatory analysis of the significance of the situation with the inclusion of intellectual processes and personal characteristics of the individual. If with the physiological stress of the reaction of the individual stereotype, then with psychological - individual and not always predictable. Psychological stress may not arise due to the objective characteristics of the situation, but in connection with the subjective peculiarities of the perception of its person. Therefore, it is impossible to allocate universal psychological stressors and universal situations that cause psychological stress to equally in all people. For example, even a very weak stimulus in certain conditions can play the role of a psychological stressor or one, even a very strong stimulus, cannot cause stress at all without exception to people who have exposed to it. These factors are very important when evaluating the emotional state of a person, especially in forensic practice.

    Psychological stress is divided into information and emotional. Information stress arises in the conditions of operational information overloading of a person in the fulfillment of complicated managerial functions with high degree responsibility for the consequences of decisions made (for example, in conditions emergency situation). Emotional stress arises in extreme, extremely dangerous situations (a sudden attack, spontaneous destruction, personal significant "strategic" conflicts).

    Moreselin still by the introduction of the concepts of "Eustone" and "Distress" differentiated an understanding of stress. Eustone - the positive emotional reactions of the body on the requirements for it, corresponding to its resources; Disstsshess - emotional and stressful states characterized by negative experiences due to the lack of available resources for the implementation of the claims presented. But in that and in another case, no matter how stressing is positive or negative, it will always be a state of equilibrium loss. Thus, it can be noted that stress is inherent in our life itself, it is an integral component of existence.

    According to Selle, the situation of stress can be critical for the subject only when it is aimed at urgent (here-and-now) satisfying the need subordinated to itself all its being, and provided that he does not imply any obstacles in the external or the inner world and does not imply the need to overcome them. The internal necessity for the subject in this case is the receipt of the urgent (here-and-now) to meet its needs.

    Different people are required for happiness different degrees of stress. Only in rare cases, the person is inclined to passive, purely plant life. Even the least ambitious are not satisfied with the minimum life level, providing only food, clothing and housing. People need something big. But a man, selflessly devoted ideal and ready to devote all his life to improving in areas requiring bright gifts and perseverance (science, art, philosophy), occurs as rarely, as well as purely plant type. Most people are among the average between these two extremes.

    The average citizen would suffer from longing aimless existence in the same way as from the inevitable fatigue caused by persistent desire for perfection. In other words, most people do not like the lack of stress, and excess it.

    Laureate. Nobel Prize Albert Saint-Differi expressed this thought very clearly: "The human activity is sent by the desire for happiness. Happiness is largely the realization of yourself, that is, the satisfaction of all spiritual and material queries. Pleasure is to satisfy the need, and there can be no big pleasure without a great need. The ability creates the need to use this ability. "

    According to the city of Selre, there are types of people differing in the method of reaction to stress. He called some "racers", other "turtles". People of the first type feel in stressful situations as "fish in water", i.e. They live and happy only in the rapid rhythm of life, love thrill.

    The other type of people ("Turtles") seeks to peace, silence, constancy, it is very difficult for them to survive any change in their arranged, measured life.

    Of course, the young man is easier to get out of the stressful situation, without much harm for his body, since its adaptive opportunities are much higher than the possibilities of an elderly person.

    With Distress, the body's destruction of the human body, various kinds of hormonal inconsistencies, therefore, a person needs to try to find a way out of a conflict situation, to localize an affective state.

    Anyone should be able to protect himself from the harmful effects of Disteres "strengthening its physical and mental state. G. Selre suggested his own "recipe" of behavior, calling it "altruistic egoism": it is necessary to think about himself, but be useful and necessary for others, seeking a good arrangement of others.

    Well, if the desire to be useful and necessary for other people, will be the life credo of each person, but should not bring this striving to the absurdity, to Altruism, because This can lead to a constant, albeit unconscious frustration due to stress.

    Another extreme is too persistent and merciless persecution of its goals can lead to serious problems, because Such a stress approach to life inevitably leads to antagonism and hostility between people.

    People of the middle, older age and the young with a weak nervous system need to develop the ability to correctly assess their strength and opportunities. It is sometimes enough for a person to bring himself 10-15 minutes in a relaxed condition and donate from the outside world to fully restore forces.

    Any event can cause stress, and, as everyone could experience, such events do not always come in one way. Often stressful events happen simultaneously. They themselves are not stress, but they cause it and therefore are called stressors. Stress - response to stressors. As soon as the body recognizes the presence of a stressor, he tries to protect himself.

    1) by the type of life events or by the type of difficulties (financial, service, interpersonal, associated with health, with the death of close, etc.),

    2) intensity (sharp, medium, moderate),

    3) the magnitude of losses or threats,

    4) duration (chronic, short-term),

    5) according to the degree of manageability of events (controlled, uncontrollable),

    6) in terms of the level of influence (macro- and microstrators).

    The selected types and characteristics of the stressors are important, primarily because based on them the strategy of coping with negative life events is chosen, individual and collective resources are mobilized. The nature and intensity of the experience of the same type of circumstances varies depending on the value attributed to these circumstances. Stressful estimates include, for example, damage or loss estimates, threats or calls. Loss fixes damage (losses, insults, wounds), which has already been applied. The threat is defined as the potential for damage or loss. When the threat comes, it is not known whether she will entail losses. The challenge differs from the first two characteristics of the events with its positive opportunities, although in this situation there are significant efforts of the individual to overcome the requirements of circumstances.

    Losses are often becoming acute stressors, while the challenge and threat can be short-term or chronic. Life events are generally discrete magnitude. They are finite, arise and are completed at a certain time. However, chronic stressors are continuous and there is a very long period.

    The most important component of psychological stress is an emotional reaction to stress.

    * Emotional reaction. As a rule, stressful situations cause strong emotions, more often negative, but positive. Simple and unambiguous dependence between stress type and specific emotions do not exist.

    The most common emotional reactions to the negative stress impact can be divided into two types: ram (irritation, anger, anger) and asthenic (fears, apathy, sadness, sadness, stupid). Stress often causes anger feeling that can vary in intensity from easy irritation to an attack of uncontrollable rabies. Such a typical reaction, for example, in the event that an irresistible or difficult obstacle arises on the way to achieving the desired goal (in psychology, the term "frustration" is used to designate such a situation). Perhaps the most common emotional reaction to stress is the emotion of fear of one or another intensity. Sometimes stress worsens the mood, causing despondency and sadness. This reaction is especially characteristic of the stressful situation that cannot be changed. Emotional reactions to stress can lead both positive and negative consequences. Even negative emotionsarising from stress can serve as important goals. For example, like physical pain, unpleasant emotions can be alarmed about the dysfunction and the need to do something.

    The positive emotional response to stress is, first of all, the overall emotional excitation associated with energy release at the resource mobilization stage (resistance). As numerous studies show, the effectiveness of the task is growing with an increase in emotional excitation. However, an increase in efficiency occurs to a certain limit, after which the excitement reaches such a force that becomes destructive. The level of excitation, which corresponds to the highest performance indicator of activity, is called the optimal level of excitation. This optimal level is varied for different tasks. In part, it depends on the complexity of the task. The general rule is such that the more difficult task, the lower the optimal level of excitation.

    * Behavioral reaction. The stress behavioral reaction primarily includes actions to overcome it. Overcoming stress is actions aimed at resolving, reduce or outset requirements ambient, caused stress. People cope with stressing many different ways. The choice of a person of one or another strategy overcoming depends on a number of factors, both due to external circumstances and individual features man himself. It is important to note that it is from the strategy of overcoming largely depends whether the consequences of each specific stress will be positive or negative.

    All behavioral reactions to stress can be divided into two poles: the response of the flight (as a rule, the unconscious) and the response of the struggle (as a rule, conscious).

    The latter can be attributed to the so-called coping-mechanisms (or cooping mechanisms). By definition of R. Lazarus, coping-mechanisms are a strategy of actions taken by a person in a psychological threat situation. These strategies are active in nature, significantly determine the successful or unsuccessful adaptation of a person in a new, subjectively difficult situation. Coping-mechanisms cover the cognitive, emotional and behavioral spheres of personality and are implemented in the following forms.

    a) in a cognitive (cognitive) sphere:

    - distraction or switching thoughts on other topics;

    - adoption of the situation as something inevitable (philosophy of humility);

    - reducing the seriousness of the situation with the help of humor, irony;

    - Problem analysis of the current situation, thinking about the strategy of their behavior;

    - Comparison of yourself with others in a relatively worst position;

    - giving the personal meaning of the situation created, for example, the attitude to the current situation as a challenge of fate or verification of the resistance of the Spirit.

    - reacting negative emotions in a reasonable, acceptable form;

    - suppression of negative emotions while maintaining self-control, self-control;

    c) in the behavioral sphere:

    - distraction - appeal to any activity;

    - the manifestation of Altruism - concern for others when his own needs are moved to the background;

    - active protection - actions aimed at changing the situation;

    - Active search for emotional support - the desire to be listened, meet assistance and understanding.

    There are also unconscious reactions aimed primarily on caring from the resolution of the stressful situation. These include the mechanisms of psychological protection, the idea of \u200b\u200bwhich was originally formed in the framework of the psychoanalytic theory (for the first time this term appeared in 1894 in work 3. Freud "Protective neuropsychoses"). These mechanisms are aimed at depriving significance and thereby neutralizing the injuries of the impact of stress on personality.

    - displacement - the inability to recall any event, or perceive any information due to the traumatic nature of this information;

    - denial - a protective mechanism in which various facts containing a threat to humans are denied or not perceived by it;

    - the projection is an unconscious endowment of another person with its own features and properties, transferring its feelings and experiences to another person or another situation;

    - regression - the transition to earlier, less mature and adequate samples of behavior;

    - rationalization - the construction of acceptable moral, logical justifications for explaining and justifying unacceptable impulsive forms of behavior;

    - sublimation - the direction of energy on socially appreciated, as a rule, creative spheres of human activity;

    - suppression - exile from the memory of unpleasant, causing displeasure memories, images, thoughts, desires; and etc.

    Despite the differences between specific types of protection, their functions are similar. They consist in mitigating the traumatic impact of undesirable events on the psyche, reducing the level of personal alarm, preserving the sustainability and the immutability of personality representations about themselves.

    According to a number of research, ripe, harmonious personalities Among the reactions to stress, the mechanisms of consolation predominate, while in immature, disharmonious, infantile personalities - mechanisms of psychological protection.

    Let's go back to the issue of the influence of individual and personal characteristics of a person on the emergence and development of stress.

    Numerous studies have established the dependence of the development of psychological stress from the following individual and personality characteristics of a person: age, general health, such as nervous response and temperament, locus control, psychological endurance (sustainability) and self-esteem.

    Age. It has been established that children and elderly people are most vulnerable. As a rule, they are distinguished high level Anxiety and stress, not enough effective adaptation to changing conditions, a long-term emotional response to stress, a quick depletion of internal resources.

    General health. Obviously, people who have good health are generally better adapted to changing environmental conditions, it is easier to carry negative physiological changes that occur in the body under the influence of the stressor have a greater supply of internal resources to maintain the resistance phase. In people who suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, hypertensive disease, bronchial asthma, neuropsychiatric disorders and a number of other diseases, under the influence of stress, there is a sharp exacerbation of these diseases, entailing severe consequences for their health.

    Type of nervous response and temperament. The individual reaction of a person on stressful impact is largely predetermined by the congenital properties of its nervous system. According to the opinion of the majority of researchers, temperament is a congenital biological foundation, which forms a holistic person. It reflects the energy and dynamic aspects of human behavior, such as mobility, pace and rhythm of reactions, as well as emotionality. In scientific and popular literature on psychology, you can often find a mention of four types of temperament): Sanguine (strong, balanced, movable), phlegmatic (strong, balanced, inert), choleric (strong, unbalanced) and melancholic (weak).

    Relying on the specified typology, it is possible in general terms to consider the effect of temperament on the development of a stress reaction in humans.

    The temperament is characterized mainly by the energy reserve and speed of metabolic processes. It depends on how the actions are implemented and their meaningful side does not depend. For example, the effect of temperament on attention is reflected in the stability and switchability of attention. Effecting the memory, temperament determines the speed of memorization, the ease of memories and the strength of saving. And his influence on thinking is manifested in fluency of mental operations. The effectiveness of solving problems does not always correlate with high speed Thinking operations. Sometimes a leisurely melancholic, thoroughly thinking about his actions, achieves better results than a super-speed choleric.

    In an extreme situation, the effect of temperament on the method and efficiency of activity increases: a person falls under the management of congenital programs of its temperament, requiring the minimum energy level and regulation time.

    What are different people who have different temperament different from each other? First of all, they have a different emotional organization, manifested in sensual mobility and in the inclination of persons of different temperatures to respond to the situation mainly one of the innate emotions, which differ only in power. Choleric is especially inclined to the manifestation of negative emotions of anger and rage, the Sanguine is predisposed to positive emotions; The phlegmatic is not inclined at all to the rapid emotional response, although it is potentially, like a Sanguchik, a positive emotion, and melancholik quickly gives back to negative emotions of fear and anxiety.

    It is clearly characterized by the specified temperament types Generalized household definitions: they say about cholerics that they are emotionally explosives, about Sanguits, that they differ in emotional liveliness, about phlegmatics - are emotionally inexpressive, and melancholics are considered emotionally sensitive and vanis.

    Choleric and Sanguiniki are better coping with the tasks in which there is a place of creativity, phlegmatic and melancholic, with tasks that require rigidly regulated execution.

    In general, people with a strong type of higher nervous activity are easier to endure the impact of stressful situation, more often use active ways to overcome, consocting, while people with a weak type of nervous system are prone to avoiding, care from stressful impact, shifting responsibility on other people or external circumstances. The most violent, ram (irritation, anger, rage) The emotional reaction to stress is characteristic of people with choleca temperament, especially acutely react to the occurrence of a sudden obstacle to the way to achieve the goal. Nevertheless, they cope well with urgent unexpected tasks, since the presence of strong emotions "spurs" them to active activities. Sanguits have a slightly calmer emotional background: their emotions quickly occur, have an average force and a small duration. The source of stress for both types is rather monotony, monotony, boredom than events requiring active actions and cause strong emotions. Flegmatic feelings are slow. It is even invented in emotions. He does not need to make efforts on himself to keep cool, so it is easy for him to resist the hasty decision. In the situation of stress, phlegmatic will cope well with spent, stereotypical actions, at the same time do not expect effective solutions from it in the conditions of a rapidly changing environment. The most difficult stress tolerate melancholics. They are initially inclined to emotions of fear and anxiety, their feelings are prolonged, suffering seems unbearable and above all consolations. If necessary, to act in the stressful situation of melancholic will demonstrate the absence of energy and perseverance, but their advantage can be high self-control.

    As it was already noted, it should be borne in mind that the specified temperament typology is a simplified scheme, far from exhausting the possible features of the temperament of each particular person.

    Fabricating difficult situations, a person adapts every day to the surrounding physical and social environment. Psychological stress is a concept used to designate a wide range of emotional states and actions of a person who arise as an answer to a variety of extreme effects (stressors).

    Numerous factors are influenced by the development of psychological stress, among which it is possible to note the characteristics of the stressful event, the interpretation of the event by man, the influence of past human experience, awareness (awareness) about the situation, individual and personal features of a person. In turn, stress has an impact on human mental processes, in particular, the highest mental functions.

    A person reacts to stressful impact on the physiological, emotional and behavioral level. From the type of response, in particular the choice of the strategy of overcoming, largely depends on what the consequences of each specific stress will be.

    It is clear that it is possible not to cope with the crisis situation for a variety of reasons. However, two large class of such reasons should be highlighted. Contrary to all attempts to overcome adverse circumstances, failures occur first, due to the displacement of actions, secondly, due to erroneous actions. In the first case, real actions disagree with the original plans and intentions. In the second case, the actions performed are non-functional.

    The reasons for failures are extremely important, both with academic and practical point of view. Failures not only generate new problems. They primarily deplete and destroy the resources. In addition, failures in savorsia with life difficulties themselves become factors of stress.

    1. Psychology of emergency situations for rescuers and firefighters / under the general edition of Yu K. Shoigu. M.: Meaning, 2007. - 319 p.

    2. Osuhov G. N. Psychological assistance in difficult and extreme situations: studies. Manual for studies Higher. studies. Vehicles / M: Publishing Center "Academy", 2007 - 288 p.

    3. Hans Selre. Life stress,

    Types (levels) of a person's reaction to stress

    A number of researchers lead the following scheme of stressful reactions (Waiten, Lloyd, 1994) (Fig. 4).

    We have previously reviewed the following levels of the diagram: stressors (potentially stressful objective events), subjective cognitive assessment, physiological response. The most important component of psychological stress is an emotional reaction to stress.

    Emotional reaction. As a rule, stressful situations cause strong emotions, more often negative, but positive. Simple and unambiguous dependence between stress type and specific emotions do not exist.

    The most common emotional reactions to the negative stress impact can be divided into two types: ram (irritation, anger, anger) and asthenic (fears, apathy, sadness, sadness, stupid). Stress often causes a feeling of anger, which can vary by intensity from easy irritation to

    Reactions to Stress

    (irritation, anger, anxiety, fear, despondency, sadness, etc.)

    (excitation of the vegetative nervous system, emission of hormones, neurochemical changes, etc.)

    (Attempts to cope with stress, for example, to hit someone, to engage in self-vacation, seek help, solve the problem, express emotions, etc.)

    Fig. 4. Reaction levels for stress

    stupa uncontrollable rabies. Such a typical reaction, for example, in the event that an irresistible or difficult obstacle arises on the way to achieving the desired goal (in psychology, the term "frustration" is used to designate such a situation). Perhaps the most common emotional reaction to stress is the emotion of fear of one or another intensity. Sometimes stress worsens the mood, causing despondency and sadness. This reaction is especially characteristic of the stressful situation that cannot be changed. Emotional reactions to stress can lead both positive and negative consequences. Even negative emotions arising from stress can serve important goals. For example, like physical pain, unpleasant emotions can be alarmed about the dysfunction and the need to do something.

    The positive emotional response to stress is, first of all, the overall emotional excitation associated with energy release at the resource mobilization stage (resistance). As numerous studies show, the effectiveness of the task is growing with an increase in emotional excitation. However, an increase in efficiency occurs to a certain limit, after which the excitement reaches such a force that becomes destructive. The level of excitation, which corresponds to the highest performance indicator of activity, is called the optimal level of excitation. This optimal level is varied for different tasks. In part, it depends on the complexity of the task. The general rule is such that the more difficult task, the lower the optimal level of excitation.

    Behavioral reaction. The stress behavioral reaction primarily includes actions to overcome it. Overcoming stress is actions aimed at resolving, reduce or endure environmental requirements that caused stress. People cope with stressing many different ways. The choice of a person of a particular strategy of overcoming depends on a number of factors, as caused by external circumstances and the individual characteristics of the person himself. It is important to note that it is from the strategy of overcoming largely depends whether the consequences of each specific stress will be positive or negative.

    All behavioral reactions to stress can be divided into two poles: the response of the flight (as a rule, the unconscious) and the response of the struggle (as a rule, conscious).

    The latter can be attributed to the so-called coping-mechanisms (or cooping mechanisms). By definition of R. Lazarus, coping-mechanisms are a strategy of actions taken by a person in a psychological threat situation. These strategies are active in nature, significantly determine the successful or unsuccessful adaptation of a person in a new, subjectively difficult situation. Coping-mechanisms cover the cognitive, emotional and behavioral spheres of personality and are implemented in the following forms.

    Distraction or switching thoughts to other topics;

    Taking a situation as something inevitable (philosophy of humility);

    Reducing the severity of the situation with the help of humor, irony;

    Problem analysis of the current situation, thinking about the strategy of their behavior;

    Comparison of yourself with others located in a relatively worst position;

    Giving a personal meaning of the situation created, for example, the attitude to the current situation as a call to the fate or verification of the resistance of the Spirit.

    b) in the emotional sphere:

    Reacting negative emotions in a reasonable, acceptable form;

    Suppression of negative emotions with the preservation of self-control, self-control;

    Distraction - appeal to any activity;

    The manifestation of Altruism is a concern for others when one's own needs are moved to the background;

    Active protection - actions aimed at changing the situation;

    Active search for emotional support is the desire to be listened, to meet assistance and understanding.

    There are also unconscious reactions aimed primarily on caring from the resolution of the stressful situation. These include the mechanisms of psychological protection, the idea of \u200b\u200bwhich was originally formed in the framework of the psychoanalytic theory (for the first time this term appeared in 1894 in work 3. Freud "Protective neuropsychoses"). These mechanisms are aimed at depriving significance and thereby neutralizing the injuries of the impact of stress on personality.

    Recall the fables I. Krylova "Fox and grapes". The fox was easier to declare grapes immature than to confess even myself that she could not get it.

    To date, more than twenty types of psychological protection mechanisms are known to those skilled in the art. Among them can be called:

    Displacement - the inability to recall any event, or perceive any information due to the traumatic nature of this information;

    Denial - a protective mechanism in which various facts containing a threat to humans are denied or not perceived by it;

    The projection is an unconscious endowment of another person with its own features and properties, transferring its feelings and experiences to another person or another situation;

    Regression - the transition to earlier, less mature and adequate samples of behavior;

    Rationalization is the construction of acceptable moral, logical justifications for explaining and justifying unacceptable impulsive forms of behavior;

    Sublimation - the direction of energy on socially appreciated, as a rule, creative spheres of human activity;

    Suppression - exile from the memory of unpleasant, causing displeasure memories, images, thoughts, desires; and etc.

    Despite the differences between specific types of protection, their functions are similar. They consist in mitigating the traumatic impact of undesirable events on the psyche, reducing the level of personal alarm, preserving the sustainability and the immutability of personality representations about themselves.

    According to a number of studies, ripe, harmonious personalities among reactions to stress predominate the mechanisms of consolation, while immature, disharmonious, infantile personalities - mechanisms of psychological protection.

    Let's go back to the issue of the influence of individual and personal characteristics of a person on the emergence and development of stress.

    Types of stress and classification - description, features and consequences

    Anyone occurs with stress. On the way to work, throughout the labor day and on returning home, people face intense situations.

    For some, this lifestyle becomes usual, they gradually adapt to it, and it is sad. After all, various physical and mental pathologies can become the consequence of nervous overvoltage.

    Due to the events that occur in the lives of people (conflicts, hurry, troubles in the workplace, difficulties with money) there are phenomena that affect the activities of the body. A complex of such symptoms is called stress. This is a combination of physiological and psychological reactions. To prevent such states, successfully cope with them, it is necessary to have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bstress, species, the causes of this phenomenon.

    There are several different classifications of this concept. According to one of them, Eustone and Distress are distinguished. The first category is a situation that affects a person more positively than negative. With eustress, even anxiety and emotional overvoltage are accompanied by awareness that the obstacles that have arisen can be overcome. This phenomenon as a whole positively affects the organism, and its presence in life is necessary. Unlike the first species, the second - Distress is a violation of psychological equilibrium. This phenomenon negatively affects the body's condition.

    Types of stress providing harmful effects

    So, the nervous overvoltage does not always adversely affect the person. With eustress, people direct their strength and use internal reserves to obtain the result. When the goal is achieved, they feel joy and satisfaction. However, during Distress, the situation is the opposite. Such a phenomenon arises suddenly or develops gradually. In any case, it leads to diseases, mental disorders. Types of emotions Stress of this nature provoke only negative. So, the destructive impact on the human body have the following types of overvoltage:

    If the stressful condition is present in the life of a person constantly, the body becomes more and more difficult to resist the overstrain and cope with it. This leads to a decrease in immunity, severe pathologies and even death.

    Physiological overstrain

    This is one of the types of stress that appears due to negative influence External environmental factors. It can be supercooling, overheating, lack of sufficient amount drinking water and food. In the case when people consciously observe themselves on such tests, they must understand which consequences are capable of calling these phenomena. Even after the negative effect of the environmental factors is discontinued, a person needs a recovery period. The following varieties can be attributed to physiological stress:

  • Chemical (arises due to the influence of certain substances on the processes occurring in the human body).
  • Biological (due to the presence of viral, infectious or other pathologies).
  • Physical (associated with intensive sports activities from professionals).
  • Mechanical (caused by the injury of any organ, part of the body or surgical intervention).
  • Among those types of stress, which are often found today, allocate overvoltage associated with food disorders. However, if the dietary restrictions continue not long, they do not cause a strong harm to organize.

    Psychological and emotional stress

    This phenomenon is an overvoltage due to circumstances that cause concern and strong experiences. Sometimes a person has to infeit his problems and experience unrest for non-existent difficulties. However, psychological stress arises even in this case. This phenomenon is short-lived. In some situations, the mobilization of the organism resources can save a person life. A short-term distress arises suddenly, associated with danger. It usually passes quickly and does not negatively affect the body. Chronic Distress is constant emotional overvoltage. It affects the body and psyche of people negatively, provokes a sense of fear, depression and even suicide attempts. There is also a nervous distress. This is a condition that accompanies people with neurosis. Such people need the help of a specialist.

    Types of stress in psychology

    This phenomenon arises as a result of experiences associated with a personal crisis or interaction with others. The following types of psychological stress distinguish:

    1. Personal (arises due to the lack of human harmony with himself).
    2. Interpersonal (appears due to quarrels in the family, intense relations inside the working team).
    3. Emotional (arises due to strong experiences, accompanies long or chronic overvoltage).
    4. Professional (appears as a result of problems in labor activity).
    5. Information (arises due to the rapid rhythm of life, a large number of tasks that a person is forced to solve and with which it is difficult for him to cope).
    6. Environmental (appears due to negative effects of environmental factors).
    7. Various stressful situations inevitably arise in life from everyone. Otherwise, human existence would be meaningless. However, psychological stresses are often associated not so much with the current situation as with how the specific person responds to it.

      Stages of development of stress reactions

      So, the human body certainly responds to the impact of overvoltage factors. There are several phases of stressful reactions. It is customary to consider the following stages:

      1. The phase of the alarm (involves the inclusion of protection mechanisms and mobilizing the resources of the body to combat overvoltage).
      2. Stage of resistance (implies a decrease in the activity of the mechanisms that help to fight stress). If the body can not withstand the action of a strong stimulus, it is weakened.
      3. The phase of exhaustion (characterized by strong fatigue, decrease in activity, painful symptoms).
      4. Almost all types of psychological stress assume the passage of these stages. The intensity of the body's reactions depends on how strong the overvoltage is and for how time a person is experiencing it.

        Strong emotional overvoltage is accompanied by the appearance of a number of symptoms. As signs of stress, you can list such as:

      5. Increased excitability.
      6. Permanent experiences, inability to distract from them.
      7. Deterioration of cognitive functions.
      8. Irritability.
      9. Passivity.
      10. Depressed mood.
      11. Sleep disorders.
      12. Reducing or strengthening appetite.
      13. Such symptoms suggest that a person has mental violations and he needs help from a specialist.

        Psychological features and their influence on the emergence of stress reactions

        It is known that some individual characteristics of a person explain how he behaves in overvoltage conditions. As a result of perennial observations, specialists managed to establish the relationship between psychological features and manner behavior in difficult circumstances.

        People with the melancholic type of temperament in stress feel strong fear, anxiety. They tend to blame themselves in the current situation, panic, can not show the power of will.

        Choleric in critical situations demonstrate aggression, break off on others. Often, due to increased excitability, they arise pathologies, such as peptic disease, increased pressure, heart problems. Persons with choleric temperament are difficult to accept the situation, they cannot accept it.

        Phlegmatics tend to be trying to be balanced in difficult circumstances. Salvation from stress they are looking for food, and it provokes a problem of excess weight. With overvoltage of phlegmatics often demonstrates closure, drowsiness, lethargy, reluctance to cope with difficulties.

        Sanguins in stressful situations are trying to think positively, to maintain self-confidence. They are able to show the power of will and effectively cope with overvoltage.

        Reaction to different types Stress, the emotional response to it is largely laid in childhood. If the mother and father taught the child not to panic, adequately evaluate themselves and their capabilities, he will be able to continue to confront the negative impact of complex circumstances of life.

        Acute reactions to stress

        Such phenomena arise when a person falls into critical situations that threaten his life, or becomes a witness. These may be military actions, natural disasters, terrorist attacks, accidents, accidents, crimes. Such situations have a negative impact not only on those who have undergone physical and moral damage, but also on their relatives and friends. Types of acute reactions to stress are as follows:

      14. Overexcitation, increased motor activity (manifests itself against a strong frightened, panic when a person is not able to control his actions).
      15. Braking (reduction of activity, lethargy, indifference to what is happening, the lack of desire to talk and perform any actions).
      16. Often, people who become participants or witnesses of any traumatic events are experienced so strongly emotional overvoltage that they need medical care.

        Types of stress in professional activity

        Any person who works faces emotional overvoltage. It is connected both with labor and communicate and between the bosses and subordinates, within the team. Among the types of professional stress, you can list the following:

      17. Communicative (associated with interpersonal relationships between people working in the team).
      18. Professional stress achievement (arises due to fear to make work incorrectly, not to achieve goals).
      19. Professional competition stress (the desire to be better than colleagues, unjustified victims for this).
      20. Stress success (feeling of meaninglessness of those efforts that were aimed at achieving the result).
      21. Stress subordination (fear of responsibility, fear of bosses, increased anxiety in the performance of duties).
      22. Overvoltage associated with routine (a phenomenon characteristic of office workers who have to solve quite monotonous tasks, lack of novelty, positive emotions).
      23. Estimation associated with professional activities often lead to mental violations and development of depressive disorders. Sometimes rest, a favorite business, sports or journey helps to cope with the problem. But if stress has acquired a chronic course, assistance is needed.

        How to prevent emotional overvoltage?

        Having an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat types of stress and its signs are, many ask the question of combating this phenomenon. It is not easy to cope with overvoligration, since it is not always possible to prevent or avoid situations that provoke it. However, if you adhere to general recommendations (it is good to hurt, play sports, spend your free time with loved ones, thinking positively), you can significantly reduce overvoltage. But not everyone can effectively cope with stress. If the situation is too complicated, you can seek medical attention. As a rule, sedatives help reduce unpleasant experiences. However, medications should be taken only on the appointment of a doctor. If there is chronic stress in the life of a person, he must develop tactics to combat it, as this phenomenon is dangerous in that it provokes health problems.

    In former times, a person was guided primarily by instincts and body reactions, they were needed for survival, therefore stress was quite useful. It is worth understanding that the body cannot distinguish a real threat, for example, when a predator attacks you, and psychological stress, as when you receive a reprimand at work. The reaction is still the same. This leads to the fact that some people live in a state of chronic stress. What happens at such a moment in your body? Explore this list to get a detailed idea of \u200b\u200bthe impact of stress on health.

    You worsen sleep

    Excessive production of cortisol hormone associated with stress affects the brain and endocrine system, which can disrupt the body control over the sleep and wake cycle. When there are too many cortisol in the body, as well as other stress hormones like corticotropin and norepinephrine, a person can just lose the ability to dive into sleep. If you do not accept any measures to reduce the anxiety, you may encounter insomnia, because the tension in itself will not disappear.

    You grow blood glucose levels

    When your body is experiencing a stressful state, he assumes that it remains to cope with the threat to life. To prepare for a potential attack, it produces glucose reserves into blood. because of increased level Cortisol Insulin cannot cope with its task and transform glucose into energy. As a result, its level in the blood is growing. Studies demonstrate that when stressing the level of glucose levels in the blood is required six times longer than usual. For people suffering from diabetes, it may be a serious problem.

    You have a strongly reduced libido

    The level of hormones is directly related to sexual deposition. This means that excessive generation of cortisol leads to the fact that your body cannot concentrate on other hormones. Because of this, the lack of testosterone and estrogen, controlling your libido, may be manifested.

    You have a menstrual cycle

    Cortisol acts on how many estrogen and progesterone in the organism, namely, these two hormones control the menstrual cycle. It turns out that stress can lead to the disappearance of menstruation. In an evolutionary sense, it is quite logical - if a woman is experiencing a serious tension, physical or emotional, it suggests that the moment is not suitable for pregnancy. The body is simply turned off.

    You have a shortness of breath

    Due to the alarming muscles that help to breathe, become tense, as a result of which a person can notice a shortage of air. If you notice that you can not deeply sigh due to nervous overvoltage, try to attach a conscious effort to make calm and deep breaths. This will help you to recover.

    Immunity weakens you

    There are a number of studies that demonstrate the shocking link between the degree of emotional tension and the physical health of a person. Scientists found that the medical faculty students have a weakens during the session. There were fewer cells capable of fighting viral infections and tumors in the blood. In addition, the body practically stopped producing interferon-gamma, which is necessary to combat a variety of diseases.

    You have a migraine

    When your body is experiencing stress, your muscles are immediately strained - this is a protective mechanism necessary to combat the potential threat. Unfortunately, this means that you may encounter a migraine caused by stiffness of the muscles in the shoulders and neck. The discomfort will not pass until you can stabilize your mood.

    Your heart rhythm is expensive

    According to research, the production of adrenaline hormones, norepinephrine and cortisol during a stressful moment leads to the fact that the heart rhythm is significantly accelerating, in addition, the heart muscle is reduced with greater force. You can feel how heart is shortened. These symptoms will pass when the body will no longer experience voltages. If you live in the state of chronic stress, your heart cannot relax, which significantly increases the risk of cardiac attack and stroke.

    Your metabolism slows down

    In the days when you feel the maximum emotional overvoltage, it is best to abandon harmful snacks. According to research, women who experienced stress burned onto a hundred calories less after a dense dinner than those who had no psychological tension. This is due to the fact that in a state of stress, a person shows stability to insulin, a hormone that allows cells to use glucose as a source of energy. As a result, metabolic processes slow down and the body accumulates fat instead of spending calories. In addition, in the state of nervous tension, a person usually wants fat and sweet food. The combination of such products with slow metabolism can lead to obesity if chronic stress.

    You have digestion

    The state of the brain and the state of the intestines are closely connected. When you are experiencing stress, the intestine begins to shrink. Some spasms are very strong, then you may encounter diarrhea. If spasms are manifested only on one intestinal section, you will encounter constipation that will last until the nerve voltage decreases. There are medicines to stabilize the state of their intestines, in addition, you can ease your condition if you avoid products like coffee or chocolate.

    You have trouble fertility problems.

    The point is not only in the already mentioned violation of the menstrual cycle. Due to the nervous voltage, the egg cell can not lock in the uterus. According to experts, women who are experiencing nervous tension, twenty-nine percent of the longer try to get pregnant than those who have everything in order with a psychological state.

    Your memory may suffer

    If you have a tendency to lose the keys from the machine when you are experiencing stress, you are definitely not alone. According to studies, chronic nervous voltage leads to a deterioration of spatial memory, thanks to which you find your belongings, remember recent events and focus in the city. In addition, scientists found that constant stress can change the structure of the brain and make a person more prone to the development of psychological disorders like schizophrenia or bipolar disorder.

    You have a predisposition to diabetes

    When your body is in stressful state, it produces hormones of epinephrine and cortisol. This leads to the fact that the liver reacts - it begins to produce as much glucose as possible to provide energy for the body at the moment when the survival task is. If this excess glucose is not used, a person can usually assimilate it back. In people with predisposition to the second type diabetes, everything happens differently, the excess sugar is a serious threat to their health. If you know that prone to the development of diabetes, try to take additional precautions in order not to expose the body to excessive overstrain.

    Ecology of consciousness. PSYCHOLOGY: Many of us will be useful to learn about effective techniques with which we can cope with the consequences of emotional stress and tension, return the harmony, balance in its physical, emotional and mental well-being, feel full forces and energy.

    Many of us will be useful to learn about effective techniques, with the help of which we can cope with the consequences of emotional stress and tension, return the harmony, balance in its physical, emotional and mental well-being, feel full forces and energy.

    We sometimes suffer from the impact on our accumulated minor stresses, and sometimes experiencing serious injury.

    Instructors of the kinesologists around the world were experimed using "healing attachment" techniques to assist in a situation of minor and serious emotional stress, and this article summarizes the results of their work.

    In order to understand how we can help yourself cope with stress, it is important to first understand the basic reactions of our body for stress.

    Despite the fact that we are all different that the reasons for us frustrating and the reactions of our organisms will also differ, there are certain templates for which changes occur in the body.

    Hans Selre, the founder of studies of stress discovered that the stress lies the deep process - the basic reactions of the body, in essence, the same for all people. He called this process with a common adaptation syndrome (OAS) and showed that he begins to act on us, as soon as we understand that we need to somehow respond to changes.

    Types of reactions:

    Stage 1: Warning.

    When we only face stress, the brain immediately sends the signal to the body of the eyelid into the blood of the stress hormone from the glands, where they are produced and accumulated. These hormones are transferred to each part of the body. They produce many metabolic changes, but it is important for us to understand two of them:

    1. Blood begins to bypass the digestive tract and takes plenty of skeletal muscles. There are stress hormones prepare each cell to develop a large amount of energy.

    2. The blood flow is reduced to the front of the brain (cerebral cortex), that is, the secondary areas of the brain are disconnected, our thinking processes are optimized.
    Now we are ready for action. If the stress is weak and the need to respond is small, the process freezes at this initial stage. We return to a normal state. But if the stressor continues its impact or the need to respond large, then we go to the next stage of the OAAS.

    Stage 2: Answer.

    The well-known name of this stage is "Fighting / Flight". In it we are trying to cope with stressor and protect yourself. In general, our choice is straight line:

      we accept a change, if we can;

      avoid it if we cannot accept it;

      we fight him when we cannot evade him;

      i give up to him if forced.

    Suppose we decide to deal with the change. Then the brain automatically sends more blood to face, neck and chest. So top part Body is preparing for physical struggle. For the same reason, when we are angry, our face is blushing.

    When flight, blood drops on behalf, neck and chest and served in hand and legs to make it easier to run. That is why the face is pale, when we are scared.

    Our body is still mobilized, even if we just experience anger or fear without taking any action, so after emotional shocks we often remain with tense and tired muscles.

    When "fighting and flight", the blood is given from the anterior lobe of the brain. In this area of \u200b\u200bthe brain there is our conscious thinking, which helps us in solving our complex problems. Than in the larger stress we are, the more this function is turned off. Control the situation earlier and primitive brain centers. These decisions are adopted unconsciously, on the basis of our instincts, the main purpose of which is survival.

    Fortunately, our stressors often dissipate themselves, or we cope with them. If we react effectively, then stress hormones are burned, circulating in our blood flow, the body returns to normal state.

    But, at times, our attempts to cope with changes exceed our capabilities, then another protective mechanism comes into force.

    Stage 3: Shock.

    We are stunned, lost the balance, do not know where to go. We are no longer owning themselves, we break apart by part, lose your head. We cannot think clearly, I do not remember anything, we go into a dead end and we are completely lost. We all experienced unpleasant shock symptoms.

    But not everyone knows from us that the task of this state is to prevent fatal stress overload that the physical tested by us, the mental disorientation actually helps us. There are times when excessive dose of stress hormones are thrown into our body. Running reactions - often useful - violate the chemical structure of our body.

    Attempts to cope with constant problems we are pulled out and depleted. Strong emotional shock can sharply increase stress hormones.

    Events can be too quickly followed by each other. There is a moment when we have to stop and regain your domestic balance. If this does not happen, our physiological reactions will eventually kill us. The mechanism of shocks is designed to stop in time.

    Unlike the response stage, which mobilizes us to make changes, the shock of us demobilizes. Blood is given away from the limbs and is sent to the abdominal bodies, the liver, lungs and kidneys begin to remove the hormones of stress from the blood.

    In the muscles it becomes less blood, hands and legs getting much harder to move. This condition pushes us to slow down and relax. At the same time, the blood circulation in the brain decreases even more to decrease our mental ability to make us not completely respond to something new.

    Small overdose of stress lead to a little shocks. With us more often, trouble happens, we lose interest and make mistakes when performing everyday affairs, we feel feeling behind, we do not have time or notice that we start to postpone all for later.

    A more serious shock is manifested in the form of thumping thinking, frank inattention or even dizziness. At this level, physical activity requires additional effort. We can feel fatigue that does not leave even after sleep. Due to the fact that in the area of \u200b\u200bthe belly there has been accumulated by a lot of blood, you can feel the weight, the desire arises to sit down or lie down.

    A high degree of shocks can be quickly defined if a person is fainted easily.

    Shocking news and unbearable pain usually give such a result, which is the last line of protection against too hard for of this person situations.

    Many can be suppressed by the suppression stage, therefore realize that they have lost control, but the actual function of this stage is protection. After the period of stress, the recovery period is required so that the body can eliminate damage and begin all over again.

    For us, the functioning of the forehead sections of the brain at the time, when we are in a state of stress, as the theory underlying the methodology for the release of emotional stress (VES), which we use in the "healing touch" is as follows:

    Touching the frontal grouse restores the proper blood supply to the front of the brain so that we can cope with stress consciously, and not unconsciously.

    Recent studies have shown that despite the fact that the lower nerve centers of the brain control the majority of our stress reactions, certain reactions lie in the scope of the front sections of the brain.

    The frontal cerebral cortex regulates the heart rate and the power of heart cuts, at the time of stress adapts some other functions of the body from the lower nerve centers of the brain. However, the frontal share may cause excessive reaction to stress, which, in some cases, can lead to heart attack and death.

    Research data indicate that at least 15% of people who died from a heart attack have no blockage of coronal arteries, therefore, the cause of death of these people was something other, not an insufficient influx of blood.

    Dr. James Skiner from the Medical College of Beilor on the basis of his research showed that animals may die of heart fibrillation (irregular reduction of heart muscles), even if the influence of blood to the heart is sufficient.

    According to him, in animals with an insufficient inflow of blood to the heart, fibrillation does not occur if they are not in a state of stress. The heart does not respond to stress in any way if the front share of the brain is removed or if the work of the frontal bark is blocked ("physiology today", July 1980, p. 124)

    What can we understand for yourself from this study?

    Changes in blood flow to the frontal cortex of the brain in a state of stress are one of the factors that not only reduces our ability to think and consciously cope with stress, but also directly provoke some excessive reactions of our organism systems.

    Using the "healing touch" techniques, we can normalize brain functions and return to normal ability to think and normal reactions of the body, even despite the fact that we are experiencing stress.published

    according to the materials of N. Jokell and L. White Ferguson

    Stress is special to which the body responds to an extreme impact. For the first time, stress is described by Hanssel Selleg as a common adaptation syndrome. The term stress was proposed to them later.

    In medicine, physiology, psychology allocate positive ( eustobe) and negative ( distress) Stress forms.

    Eustress. The concept has two meanings - "stress caused by positive emotions" and "non-stress, mobilizing organism."

    Distress. The negative type of stress, with which the human body cannot cope. It destroys human moral health and can even lead to severe mental illness.

    As a result of stress, depression arises. The immune system suffers from stress. In stressful state, people are more likely to be victims of infection, since the products of immune cells fall noticeably during the period of physical or mental stress.

    Extreme situations are divided into short-term, when responding programs are updated, which in man always "ready" and for long-term, which require adaptive restructuring of human functional systems, sometimes subjectively unpleasant, and sometimes unfavorable for its health.

    Distinguish physiological and psychological stressors. Physiological stressors have a direct effect on the body tissue. These include: pain exposure, cold, heatExcessive exercise stress. Psychological stressors are incentives that sign about the biological or social significance of events (alarms, danger, insults, etc.). In accordance with the two types of stressors distinguish physiological and psychological stress. The latter is divided into information and emotional.

    Information stress Arises as a result of information overloads, when a person does not cope with the task, it does not have time to make decisions at a given pace. If the information load exceeds the possibility of a person with its high interest, talk about information overload.

    Emotional stress Called alarm. It is manifested in the situation of threats, resentment, in conflict situations. Universal psychological stressors are verbal stimuli.

    Psychological stress has a special meaning for a person, since many events lead to the emergence of stress in humans not because of their objective features., And because a particular person perceives an event as a source of stress. This implies an important principle of overcoming psychological stresses: it is easier to change the representation of a person about the world than the world itself.

    Biological function of stress - Adaptation. It is designed to protect the body from threatening, destroying the effects of different sense: physical, mental. Therefore, the appearance of stress means that a person is included in a certain type of activity aimed at confronting hazardous impacts with which it is exposed. This type of activity corresponds to a special functional state and a complex of various physiological and psychological reactions.

    Siele allocated three phase lardes:

    1. The stage of anxiety is to mobilize the adaptive capabilities of the body, at which the resistance of stress drops below the norm. It is expressed in the reactions of the adrenal glands, the immune system and the gastrointestinal tract. If the stressor is strong, (heavy burns, extremely high or low temperatures), due to limited reserves, death may come.

    2. The stage of resistance occurs if the action is compatible with adaptation capabilities. At the same time, signs of anxiety practically disappear, and the resistance level is higher than usual. With most diseases or injuries, antibodies are directed to the affected area. In psychological stress, the sympathetic nervous system is preparing the body to fight or escape.

    3. Stage of exhaustion. Each person passes through the above stages set many times. When the resistance turns out to be successful, the body is returned to normal. But if the stressor continues to act, the organism resources can exhaus. Then the depletion stage comes, in which there are signs of anxiety reaction, but now they are irreversible and the individual dies. In the case of psychological stress, exhaustion takes the shape of the nervous breakdown.

    The effect of stressful states on the activity in general and on its separate processes is ambiguous. Differences are due to the existence of the three main phases of stress development, affect activities in different ways.

    Phase mobilization . The first stages of the development of stressful state are characterized by the fact that the overall emotional tension has not yet reaches its maximum. Therefore, it has a predominantly positive (rack) impact on mental processes, and on the overall organization of activity. Here, emotional activation increases the productivity of the main managerial functions. External stressors act as peculiar incentives to intensify mental processes and to complete the involvement of personality potential. This phase is indicated by the concept productive stressor "Evstress" (Evstress is a comprehensive word from the combination of "heuristic stress"). The volume of perception and attention increases, flexibility and lability increases random access memory. The state of "high readiness" translates the information of the past experience; Increases originality, productivity and creativity of thinking (phenomenon hyperactivation of thinking). The ability to formulate alternatives and analyze them increases, which increases the effectiveness of decision-making processes. Methods and methods of organization of activity are also more adequate, diverse, effective. In general, this phase should be considered as adequate - the mobilizing reaction of the psyche and the body as a whole to complicate the external situation.

    Phase frustration . By virtue of the objectively inherent mental and physiological organization of a person restrictions, there is a certain limit for the resistance of the intensity of stressful effects. As long as it is not achieved, there is mobilization of available opportunities. However, then the psyche "begins to malfunctions"; Of the positive (mobilizing-energy) factor are transformed into a predominantly negative - destructive factor. First of all, the changes occur in the cognitive sphere. The volume of perception is narrowed, the volume and quality of RAM is reduced, the update of information from (phenomenon blocks of past experience). Particularly significant changes are characteristic of thinking. Its stereotype increases, the productivity and ability to adequately recycling information are dramatically reduced. The solution of the solution is replaced by an attempt to recall the decisions that have previously occurring (reproduction of thinking); The originality of thinking is reduced (phenomenon flooding thinking).

    For activities, in general, attempts to organize it are not characteristic of the type of creating an adequate situation of the method, but by the type of research in the last experience of the regulatory method (phenomenon corgoritmiznation of activities). In the process of making management decisions, a phenomenon occurs global reactions. It consists in tendency to choose from too general and inaccurate action options; solutions lose concreteness and realizability; In addition, they become either impulsive or overly tightened - inert. The emerging and increasing phenomena on this phase are characterized, therefore, illictive stress denoted by the concept disteres(Distress is a comprehensive word from the phrase "dysfunctional stress").

    Phase destruction it is characterized by the maximum distressability - the full collapse of the organization of activity and significant impaired mental processes providing it. May take a phenomenon blockade of perception, memory, thinking(The phenomena of the type "I see nothing", "darkened in the eyes", the phenomenon of "white pellets", as well as failures in memory, "disconnecting thinking", "intellectual stupor", etc.). The main regularity of the phase of degradation in terms of the general organization of activity is that they acquire one of the two main forms: destruction by type hyper excitation and degrament by type hyperships.In the first case, it becomes completely chaotic, it is built as a random sequence of inorganized actions, actions, impulsive reactions - a person "does not find a place." In the second case, on the contrary, there is a blockade of activity and behavioral activity; There is a state of inhibition and stupor, "off" from the situation. The phase of destruction is no longer just a decrease in performance performance, and its shared breakdown.

    Three marked phases have general. However, along with them there are quite pronounced individual response differenceson stressful impact. They are expressed in the comparative duration of the specified phases; in their overall dynamics; Depending on the indicators of activities from the strength of stressful effects. To refer to the "measures of resistance" of a person with stressful impacts, the concept is used stressfulnesspersonality. This is the ability to maintain high indicators of mental functioning and activities with increasing stress loads. An important side of stress-resistant is the ability not only to maintain, but also increase performance indicators, productivity in stress complication of conditions. In other words, this ability depends on how much the person is presented the first phase of the development of stress - the mobilization phase.

    Depending on the degree of stressfulness, as well as on the ability to withstand stress for a long time, three main types of personalities are distinguished. They differ in how longpersonality can maintain stressfulness (resistance) to the temporal pressure of chronic stressful conditions, characterize its individual stressfulness threshold. Some managers can withstand stress load for a long time, adapting to stress. Others even with relatively short-term stressful impacts already give failures. Third - in general only and can work effectively under stress. Accordingly, these three types are indicated as "stress of the ox", "rabbit stress" and "Lion stress".

    The main mechanisms of stress - hormonal. The main morphological basis formed by the OAS is the so-called classic triad: the growth of adrenal cortex, a decrease in the fork gland and the ulceration of the stomach.

    Selle believed that the stressors cause a stereotypical, automated response, starting with the activation of the hypothalamus, an increase in the activity of the pituitary gland and adrenal glands with the simultaneous inclusion of the sympathetic unit of the autonomic nervous system.

    Regarding how the stress factor reaches the hypothalamus, there is no single point of view. Some authors believe that stressor through the appropriate analyzer structures affects the bark of the brain. Next, through the Talamus, the signal comes to the hypothalamus and in parallel - B, which is a "binder" between consciousness and body. In this case, the physical nature of the stressor, as well as the psychological stress, can influence the cognitive processes, launching the same psychophysiological mechanisms, regardless of the nature of the stressor. At the same time, there are evidence that information on the stressors perceived by vision comes directly to the hypothalamus in a special visual tract. In any case, no one has doubts that reticular formation, hypothalamus and limbic structures are directly involved in the development of a stress reaction; In awareness of the stressor and the formation of the necessary adequate response, the entire brain is attended, including the vegetative nervous system. It is always necessary to remember the understanding of the brain as a part of the holistic neuroendocrine system that manages our psyche and behavior. In many modern work, new ideas about hormonal mechanisms and peptide regulation of distress states are developing, up to the molecular mechanisms of stress, the inclusion of certain media systems.

    So, apparently, under the influence of rural, underestimating the role of the central nervous system, the main emphasis in the study of stress was carried out on studies of distress mechanisms, vegetative and hormonal regulation. At the same time, the role of the CNS in the emergence of a stress reaction or underestimated, or was generally ignored.

    After the works of W. Kennon, in 20 years of the 20th century, it was gradually an understanding that the control body is a neuroendocrine system in which some CNS perform neuroendocrine functions. Anhin P.K., Simonov P.V., Sudakov K.V. And many other researchers began to pay attention to the important role of the CNS in the development of both stress and the distress states and the associated psychosomatic diseases.

    The main structures of the brain involved in the emergence of stress: the frontal bark; limbic structures; The vegetative component implemented through the hypothalamus and centers. Simonov's works emphasizes the role of the front sections of the bark, hippocampus, almonds and hypothalamus in the occurrence. Such similarity of the structures participating in the genesis of different stress and emotions should not be embarrassing. All these structures are extremely heterogeneous and polyfunctional. If the functional unit of the brain is a distributed system, then closely related functions can be provided by a different system of modules through the interacting integrative zones in the same structures. Thus, the functions of the hypothalamus are not limited to the regulation of the activity of the endocrine system. As the main subcortex center for controlling the vegetative nervous system, the hypothalamus takes part in the regulation of the activities of the cardiovascular system, thermoregulation, metabolism, manages functions and wakefulness, stressful and emotional systems.

    But we will focus on the mechanisms that are well studied. When an individual encounters stressor, the hypothalamus activates the endocrine system and the vegetative nervous system. This activation can be carried out both through nervous paths and humoral. From the front share of the hypothalamus along the direct nervous path, the pituitary was activated, which produces oxytocin and vasopressin. In addition, this proportion of the hypothalamus produces a thyrotropic release-hormone. This hormone, in turn, acts on the pituitary gland in such a way that the thyrotropic hormone begins there. The latter gumoral activates the thyroid gland, which begins to produce thyroxin ejected into the blood.

    The rear share of the hypothalamus through the sympathetic department of the vegetative nervous system activates the brainstabs of the adrenal glands, which begin to produce large doses of adrenaline and norepinephrine entering blood. The latest hormones are combined into a group of metabolic hormones, since cellular metabolism directly activate.

    The front share of the hypothalamus during the continuation of the action of the stressor, in addition to the nervous path of the impact, has a hypophysia and humoral effect - produces a corticotropic release-hormone, which acts on the pituitary gland, forcing it to produce an adenocorticotropic hormone. He, in turn, acting on the bark of adrenal glands, leads to the release of corticoid hormones, one of whose representatives is Cortizol - "Hormon of Stress" and Aldosterone. The main function of cortisol is to increase blood sugar - sharply reinforces cellular metabolism, preparing us to combat stressor. Aldosterone raises arterial pressure, providing the fastest flow of oxygen and nutrients to active structures of the body.

    Studies of recent years have allowed to allocate anatomically independent structure of the stress system, to which the blue spot is attributed in the back of the brain. This zone is rich in neurons producing norepinephrine. The second structure is the paravementricular core of the hypothalamus (the main corticoliberin manufacturer). Neurons of hypothalamus producing corticoliberin are regulated in the main neurons, which contain norepinephrine and are in the back of the brain. These corticoliberine and norerained neurons systems are "node stations" stress systems. They are connected to a large brain through bonds, including neurons separating dopamine, and are projected into a meso-limbic dopamine path, which allows them to participate in the regulation of brain systems and reinforcements. The detected relationship of neurons excretion of corticoliberin, with almond and hippocampus, is important for extracting information from memory and emotional analysis of information on the external events that caused stress-level changes.

    Effect of stress on behavior and human activity

    We have already noted that objective signs for which one can judge stress are its physiological manifestations (raising blood pressure, change in cardiovascular activity, muscular stress, change in respiratory rhythm, etc.) and psychological (anxiety experience, irritability, feeling of concern , fatigue, etc.). But the main sign of stress is the change in the functional level of activity, which is manifested in its voltage.

    Stress disorganizes the human activity, his behavior, leads to a variety of psycho-emotional disorders (anxiety, depression, emotional instability, mood decay, or, on the contrary, overexcitation, anger, memory violation, insomnia, increased fatigue, etc.). As a result, a person can mobilize his strength or on the contrary, the functional level decreases, and this can contribute to the disorganization of activities as a whole.

    With demobilizing stress (distress), all the motivational sphere of personality and its adaptive behavioral skills are deformed, the feasibility of actions are disturbed, speech opportunities are worse. But in some cases, stress mobilizes adaptive personality opportunities (such a type of stress is called Austrass).

    For a legal assessment of human behavior in a state of stress, it should be borne in mind that in a state of Austrase a person's consciousness may not be narrowed - a person can be able to extremely mobilize his physical and mental opportunities to overcome the extreme impact to reasonable ways.

    Human behavior in stress is not fully reduced to the unconscious level. His actions to eliminate the stressor, the choice of guns and methods of action, speech funds retain social conditionality. The narrowing of consciousness during affect and stress does not mean its complete disorder.

    A number of researchers lead the following scheme of stressful reactions. (Waten, Lloyd,1994) (Fig. 2).

    We have previously reviewed the following levels of the diagram: stressors (potentially stressful objective events), subjective cognitive assessment, physiological response. The most important component of psychological stress is an emotional reaction to stress.

    Emotional reaction.As a rule, stressful situations cause strong emotions, more often negative, but positive. Simple and unambiguous dependence between stress type and specific emotions do not exist.

    The most common emotional reactions to the negative stress impact can be divided into two types: ram (irritation, anger, anger) and asthenic (fears, apathy, sadness, sadness, stupid). Stress often causes anger feeling that can vary in intensity from easy irritation to an attack of uncontrollable rabies. Such a typical reaction, for example, in the event that an irresistible or difficult obstacle arises on the way to achieving the desired goal (in psychology, the term "frustration" is used to designate such a situation). Perhaps the most common emotional reaction to stress is the emotion of fear of one or another intensity. Sometimes stress worsens the mood, causing despondency and sadness. This reaction is especially characteristic of the stressful situation that cannot be changed. Emotional reactions to stress can lead both positive and negative consequences. Even negative emotions arising from stress can serve important goals. For example, like physical pain, unpleasant emotions can be alarmed about the dysfunction and the need to do something.

    Reactions to Stress

    Emotional reaction

    (irritation, anger, anxiety, fear, despondency, sadness, etc.)

    Physiological reaction

    (excitation of the vegetative nervous system, emission of hormones, neurochemical changes, etc.)

    Behavioral reaction

    (attempts to cope with stress, for example, hit someone

    to do self-vacation, seek help,

    solve the problem, express emotions, etc.)

    Fig. 2. Turning reactions to stress

    The positive emotional response to stress is, first of all, the overall emotional excitation associated with energy release at the resource mobilization stage (resistance). As numerous studies show, the effectiveness of the task is growing with an increase in emotional excitation. However, an increase in efficiency occurs to a certain limit, after which the excitement reaches such a force that becomes destructive. The level of excitation, which corresponds to the highest performance indicator of activity, is called the optimal level of excitation. This optimal level is varied for different tasks. In part, it depends on the complexity of the task. The general rule is such that the more difficult task, the lower the optimal level of excitation.

    Behavioral reaction.The stress behavioral reaction primarily includes actions to overcome it. Overcoming stress is actions aimed at resolving, reduce or endure environmental requirements that caused stress. People cope with stressing many different ways. The choice of a person of a particular strategy of overcoming depends on a number of factors, as caused by external circumstances and the individual characteristics of the person himself. It is important to note that it is from the strategy of overcoming largely depends whether the consequences of each specific stress will be positive or negative.

    All behavioral reactions to stress can be divided into two poles: the response of the flight (as a rule, the unconscious) and the response of the struggle (as a rule, conscious).

    The latter can be attributed to the so-called coping-mechanisms(or cooping mechanisms). By definition of R. Lazarus, coping-mechanisms are a strategy of actions taken by a person in a psychological threat situation. These strategies are active in nature, significantly determine the successful or unsuccessful adaptation of a person in a new, subjectively difficult situation. Coping-mechanisms cover the cognitive, emotional and behavioral spheres of personality and are implemented in the following forms.

    a) in a cognitive (cognitive) sphere:

    distraction or switching thoughts to other topics;

    taking a situation as something inevitable (philosophy of humility);

    reducing the severity of the situation with the help of humor, irony;

    problem analysis of the current situation, thinking about the strategy of their behavior;

    comparison of yourself with others located in a relatively worst position;

    giving a personal meaning of the situation created, for example, the attitude to the current situation as a call to the fate or verification of the resistance of the Spirit.

    b) in the emotional sphere:

    reacting negative emotions in a reasonable, acceptable form;

    suppression of negative emotions with the preservation of self-control, self-control;

    c) in the behavioral sphere:

    distraction - appeal to any activity;

    the manifestation of Altruism is a concern for others when one's own needs are moved to the background;

    active protection - actions aimed at changing the situation;

    active search for emotional support is the desire to be listened, to meet assistance and understanding.

    There are also unconscious reactions aimed primarily on caring from the resolution of the stressful situation. These include mechanisms of psychological protection,the idea of \u200b\u200bwhich was originally formed in the framework of a psychoanalytic theory (for the first time this term appeared in 1894 in work 3. Freud "Protective Neuropsychozes"). These mechanisms are aimed at depriving significance and thereby neutralizing the injuries of the impact of stress on personality.

    Recall the fables I. Krylova "Fox and grapes". The fox was easier to declare grapes immature than to confess even myself that she could not get it.

    To date, more than twenty types of psychological protection mechanisms are known to those skilled in the art. Among them can be called:

    displacement - the inability to recall any event, or perceive any information due to the traumatic nature of this information;

    denial - a protective mechanism in which various facts containing a threat to humans are denied or not perceived by it;

    the projection is an unconscious endowment of another person with its own features and properties, transferring its feelings and experiences to another person or another situation;

    regression - the transition to earlier, less mature and adequate samples of behavior;

    rationalization is the construction of acceptable moral, logical justifications for explaining and justifying unacceptable impulsive forms of behavior;

    sublimation - the direction of energy on socially appreciated, as a rule, creative spheres of human activity;

    suppression - exile from the memory of unpleasant, causing displeasure memories, images, thoughts, desires, etc.

    Despite the differences between specific types of protection, their functions are similar. They consist in mitigating the traumatic impact of undesirable events on the psyche, reducing the level of personal alarm, preserving the sustainability and the immutability of personality representations about themselves.

    According to a number of studies, ripe, harmonious personalities among reactions to stress predominate the mechanisms of consolation, while immature, disharmonious, infantile personalities - mechanisms of psychological protection.

    Let's go back to the issue of the influence of individual and personal characteristics of a person on the emergence and development of stress.

    The effect of individual and personal characteristics of a person on the emergence and development of stress.

    Numerous studies have established the dependence of the development of psychological stress from the following individual and personality characteristics of a person: age, general health, such as nervous response and temperament, locus control, psychological endurance (sustainability) and self-esteem.

    Age.It has been established that children and elderly people are most vulnerable. As a rule, they are distinguished by a high level of anxiety and voltage, there is not enough effective adaptation to changing conditions, a long-term emotional reaction to stress, a quick depletion of internal resources.

    General health.Obviously, people who have good health are generally better adapted to changing environmental conditions, it is easier to carry negative physiological changes that occur in the body under the influence of the stressor have a greater supply of internal resources to maintain the resistance phase. In people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system, the gastrointestinal tract, hypertension, bronchial asthma, neuropsychiatric disorders and a number of other diseases, under the influence of stress, there is a sharp exacerbation of these diseases, entailing severe consequences for their health.

    Type of nervous response and temperament.The individual reaction of a person on stressful impact is largely predetermined by the congenital properties of its nervous system. The concept of the types of nervous system (or types of higher nervous activity) was introduced by I. Pavlov. Originally discussed two main types of nervous system: strong and weak. The strong type, in turn, was divided into balanced and unbalanced; And balanced - on the movable and inert. These types were compared with classical ideas about temperament types.

    Temperament -this is a combination of the corresponding dynamic properties of behavior, which are peculiar in each individual (HippenReuter,2002) . According to the opinion of the majority of researchers, temperament is a congenital biological foundation, which forms a holistic person. It reflects the energy and dynamic aspects of human behavior, such as mobility, pace and rhythm of reactions, as well as emotionality. In scientifically popular literature on psychology, you can often find a mention of four types of temperament: a Sanguine (strong, balanced, movable), phlegmatic (strong, balanced, inert), choleric (strong, unbalanced) and melancholic (weak). These types of temperament were first described by the hypocratic, and in the future, the submission of them were developed by numerous researchers in the field of physiology and psychology. Currently, such an idea of \u200b\u200btemperament has a greater extent historical than scientific value, since in reality the combination of the dynamic properties of human behavior and their combination is much more diverse. Nevertheless, based on the specified typology, it is possible to consider the effect of temperament on the development of a stress reaction in humans.

    The temperament is characterized mainly by the energy reserve and speed of metabolic processes. It depends on how the actions are implemented and their meaningful side does not depend. For example, the effect of temperament on attention is reflected in the stability and switchability of attention. Effecting the memory, temperament determines the speed of memorization, the ease of memories and the strength of saving. And his influence on thinking is manifested in fluency of mental operations. The effectiveness of solving problems does not always relate at a high rate of mental operations. Sometimes a leisurely melancholic, thoroughly thinking about his actions, achieves better results than a super-speed choleric.

    In an extreme situation, the effect of temperament on the method and efficiency of activity increases: a person falls under the management of congenital programs of its temperament, requiring the minimum energy level and regulation time.

    What are different people who have different temperament different from each other? First of all, they have a different emotional organization, manifested in sensual mobility and in the inclination of persons of different temperatures to respond to the situation mainly one of the innate emotions, which differ only in power. Choleric is especially inclined to the manifestation of negative emotions of anger and rage, the Sanguine is predisposed to positive emotions; The phlegmatic is not inclined at all to the rapid emotional response, although it is potentially, like a Sanguchik, a positive emotion, and melancholik quickly gives back to negative emotions of fear and anxiety.

    It is clearly characterized by the specified temperament types Generalized household definitions: About cholerics It is said that they are emotionally explosives, about Sanguits, that they differ in emotional liveliness, about phlegmatics - emotionally inexpressive, and melancholics consider emotional and wounded (Granovskaya,2004).

    Choleric and Sanguiniki are better coping with the tasks, in which there is a place of creativity, phlegmatic and melancholic - with tasks that require rigidly regulated execution.

    In general, people with a strong type of higher nervous activity are easier to endure the impact of stressful situation, more often use active ways to overcome, consocting, while people with a weak type of nervous system are prone to avoiding, care from stressful impact, shifting responsibility on other people or external circumstances. The most violent, ram (irritation, anger, rage) The emotional reaction to stress is characteristic of people with choleca temperament, especially acutely react to the occurrence of a sudden obstacle to the way to achieve the goal. Nevertheless, they cope well with urgent unexpected tasks, since the presence of strong emotions "spurs" them to active activities. Sanguits have a slightly calmer emotional background: their emotions quickly occur, have an average force and a small duration. The source of stress for both types is rather monotony, monotony, boredom than events requiring active actions and cause strong emotions. Flegmatic feelings are slow. It is even invented in emotions. He does not need to make efforts on himself to keep cool, so it is easy for him to resist the hasty decision. In the situation of stress, phlegmatic will cope well with spent, stereotypical actions, at the same time do not expect effective solutions from it in the conditions of a rapidly changing environment. The most difficult stress tolerate melancholics. They are initially inclined to emotions of fear and anxiety, their feelings are prolonged, suffering seems unbearable and above all consolations. If necessary, to act in the stressful situation of melancholic will demonstrate the absence of energy and perseverance, but their advantage can be high self-control.

    As it was already noted, it should be borne in mind that the specified temperament typology is a simplified scheme, far from exhausting the possible features of the temperament of each particular person.

    In order to determine the type of temperament, we invite you to take advantage of the following method of Aizenka (Coke,1981) .


    You need to answer "yes" or "no" on the questions proposed below.

      Do you like the revival and bustle around you?

      Does you often have a restless feeling that you want something, and you do not know what?

      Are you of those people who do not climb the word in his pocket?

      Do you feel sometimes happy, and sometimes sad without any reason?

      Do you usually hold on to the shadows in the company?

      Did you always do in childhood immediately and badly what they were ordered?

      Do you have a bad mood?

      When you are drawn to a quarrel, do you prefer to get silent, hoping that everything will cost?

      Do you easily make mood change?

      Do you like to stay among people?

      Did you often lose sleep because of your alarms?

      Do you suffer sometimes?

      Could you call yourself dishonest?

      Do you often come good thoughts too late?

      Do you prefer to work alone?

      Do you often feel tired and apathetic without a serious reason?

      Are you a living person by nature?

      Do you sometimes laugh at indecent jokes?

      Do you often bother you, and you feel "full of throat"?

      Do you feel embarrassed in any other clothes, except everyday?

      Are your thoughts often distracted when you try to focus on something of your attention?

      Can you quickly express your thoughts with words?

      Are you often immersed in your own thoughts?

      Do you completely free from any prejudice?

      Do you like primarial jokes?

      Do you often think about your work?

      Do you like to eat delicious?

      Do you need in a friendly arrangement of a person to speak out when annoyed?

      Is it very unpleasant to take off or sell something when you need money?

      Do you sometimes boast?

      Are you very sensitive to some things?

      Would you prefer to stay alone at home than to go on a boring party?

      Are you sometimes so restless that you can't stop in place?

      Are you prone to plan your business carefully and even earlier than it would be?

      Do you have dizziness?

    36. Do you always answer letters immediately after reading them?

      Do you deal with the best deal, considering it yourself, and not discussing with others?

      Do you ever have shortness of breath, even if you did not do any hard work?

      Is it possible to say that you are a person who does not care for everything to be what?

      Do you worry your nerves?

      Do you prefer to build plans than act?

      Do you sometimes post for tomorrow what should be done today?

      Are you nervous in places like an elevator, metro, tunnel?

      When you meet, you usually first show the initiative?

      Do you have strong headaches?

      Do you usually believe that everything goes by itself and will come to normal?

      Is it difficult for you to fall asleep at night?

      Lang you ever in your life?

      Do you sometimes say the first thing that comes to mind?

      How long do you worry after the confusion?

      Are you usually closed with everyone except close friends?

      Does the trouble often happen to you?

      Do you like to tell funny stories to friends?

    54. Do you prefer to win more than playing?

      Do you often feel embarrassed in the society of people above you on the position?

      When circumstances against you, do you usually think that it is still something else?

      Do you often have "sucking under the spoon" before important?

    Test processing

    Answers must be calculated on two "X" and "Y" scales, then find the intersection point. The area where the intersection point is is your temperament. For example, if on the scale x \u003d 10, a Po y \u003d 13, then the intersection point will lie in the field "phlegmatic"; Or if x \u003d 20, a y \u003d 3, then the intersection point will lie in the "choleric" area.

    Table 3.

    Keys for the "X" scale and pcs "¥"

    Scale "X"

    13 yes

    22 yes

    25 yes

    32 yes

    51 yes

    53 yes

    Scale "¥"


    Table 4.

    Table results
















    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

    13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

    phlegmatic person















    calm 24.


    Control locus.The locus of control determines how effectively a person can control the environment and influence its change. The positions of people on this issue are located between two extreme dots: external (external) and internal (internal) locus control. Externals perceive most of the events taking place as the result of the accident or action of external forces, non-perplexed person. Boarding, on the contrary, believes that only some events are outside the sphere of human influence. Even catastrophic events, from their point of view, can be prevented by well-thoughtful actions of a person. The internets have more efficient cognitive coping mechanisms. They spend a significant part of their mental energy to receive information, allowing them to influence the significant events for them. The internets also have a pronounced tendency to develop specific action plans in various situations. Thus, they can develop the ability to own themselves so much that it allows them to more successfully cope with stressful situations.

    Psychological endurance (sustainability) 2 . To psychological endurance, specialists include a number of factors, among which the previously noted locus of control and self-esteem, as well as the level of criticality, optimism, the presence of internal conflicts, beliefs and moral values \u200b\u200baffecting the giving the personal meaning of the stressful situation.

    Each person has its own individual ability to cope with the stressful situation. Everyone has its own "threshold level" stress. Criticality reflects the degree of importance for human security, stability and predictability of events. The more important for a person a sense of security, stability and predictability, the more painful it will carry the stress event. It is also noted that people are optimistic, cheerful psychologically more enduring. Great importance He has a personal understanding of a man of the meaning of a stressful event. The famous Psychiatrist V. Franca convincingly showed in his works (in particular, in the book "Man in search of the meaning") that a person can endure anything, if he sees the point.

    Self-esteem.Self-assessment is an assessment of its capabilities. If people value themselves and, accordingly, their capabilities are high enough, it is likely that they will perceive stressful situations as overcoming, and therefore, less severe in terms of emotional response. Thus, in case of stress, people with adequately high self-esteem coped with it better than people with low self-esteem, which gives them additional information about their capabilities and, in turn, contributes to the further strengthening of their self-esteem.


    Fabricating difficult situations, a person adapts every day to the surrounding physical and social environment. Psychological stress is a concept used to designate a wide range of emotional states and actions of a person who arise as an answer to a variety of extreme effects (stressors).

    Numerous factors are influenced by the development of psychological stress, among which it is possible to note the characteristics of the stressful event, the interpretation of the event by man, the influence of past human experience, awareness (awareness) about the situation, individual and personal features of a person. In turn, stress has an impact on human mental processes, in particular, the highest mental functions.

    A person reacts to stressful impact on the physiological, emotional and behavioral level. From the type of response, in particular the choice of the strategy of overcoming, largely depends on what the consequences of each specific stress will be.