The effect of vibration on the human body. Influence of vibration on the body. Basic security measures

Vibrations are oscillations of solid bodies - parts of the apparatuses, machinery, equipment, structures perceived by the human body as concussion. Often vibrations are accompanied by audible noise.

According to the method of transferring a person, vibration is divided into local and common.

The total vibration is transmitted through the supporting surfaces on the body of the standing or sitting person. The most dangerous frequency of general vibration lies in the range of 6-9 Hz, since it coincides with its own frequency of oscillations of the internal organs of a person, as a result of which resonance may occur.

Local (local) vibration is transmitted through man's hands. The vibration acting on the legs of a seated person and on the forearm in contact with the vibrating surfaces of desktops can be attached to the local vibration.

Sources of local vibration transmitted on working, can be: manual machines with a motor or a manual mechanized tool; controls of machinery and equipment; Hand tools and processed parts.

General vibration, depending on the source of its occurrence, is divided into:

the total vibration of the category 2 is a transport and technological, affecting a person in workplaces in machines moving on specially prepared surfaces of industrial premises, industrial sites, mining workings;

  • 3A - at permanent workplaces of industrial premises of enterprises;
  • 3B - in workplaces in warehouses, in the canteens, household, duty and other auxiliary industrial premises, where there are no cars generating vibration;
  • 3B - in workplaces in administrative and official premises of plant management, design bureaus, laboratories, training points, computing centers, health care, office premises and other premises of mental work workers.

By temporary characteristics, vibration is divided into:

  • - permanent, for which spectral or frequency corrected by the normalized parameter during observation (at least 10 minutes or the time of the technological cycle) changes no more than 2 times (6 dB) when measuring with a time constant 1 s;
  • - non-permanent vibration, for which spectral or frequency corrected normalized parameter during observation (at least 10 minutes or time of the technological cycle) varies more than 2 times (6 dB) when measured with a time constant 1 s.

As for noise, the entire spectrum of the frequency of vibrations perceived by a person is divided into octave stripes with medium meterometric frequencies 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 63, 125, 250, 500, 1000, 2000 Hz.

Since the range of changes in the vibration parameters from the threshold values \u200b\u200bunder which it is not dangerous, to valid - large, it is convenient to measure the invalid values \u200b\u200bof these parameters, and the logarithm ratio of valid values \u200b\u200bto the thresholds, then the units of its measurement - decibel (dB).

The maximum allowable level (remote control) of vibration is the level of a factor that in the daily (except weekend) work, but not more than 40 hours per week during the entire working experience, should not cause diseases or deviations in a state of health detected by modern research methods in The process of work or in the long-term deadlines of the present and subsequent generations. Compliance with the Vibration remuneration does not exclude a violation of health from hypersensitive persons.

Vibration refers to factors with high biological activity. The severity of response reactions is mainly due to the force of energy effects and the biomechanical properties of the human body as a complex oscillatory system. The power of the oscillating process in the contact zone and the time of this contact are the main parameters that determine the development of vibration pathologies, the structure of which depends on the frequency and amplitude of the oscillations, the duration of the impact, the place of application and the direction of the axis of the vibration effect, damping the properties of the tissues, resonance phenomena and other conditions.

There is no linear dependence between the responses of the organism and the level of influencing vibration. The reason for this phenomenon is seen in the resonant effect. With increasing frequencies of oscillations of more than 0.7 Hz, resonant fluctuations in human organs are possible. The resonance of the human body, its individual organs occurs under the action of external forces in the coincidence of its own frequencies of fluctuations in internal organs with frequencies of external forces. The area of \u200b\u200bresonance for the head in the sitting position during vertical vibrations is located in the zone between 20 - 30 Hz, with horizontal - 1.5 - 2 Hz.

Of particular importance, the resonance acquires in relation to the organ of vision. The disorder of visual perceptions is manifested in the frequency range between 60 and 90 Hz, which corresponds to the resonance of the eyeballs. For organs located in a chest and abdominal cavity, frequencies are 3 - 3.5 Hz. For the whole body in the sitting position, the resonance occurs at frequencies of 4 - 6 Hz.

Long-term systematic impact of vibration leads to the development of vibration disease, which is included in the list of occupational diseases. This disease is diagnosed, as a rule, working in production. In the conditions of settlements, vibration disease is not registered, despite the presence of many sources of vibration (ground and underground transport, industrial sources, etc.).

The oscillations transmitted from the vibrating surface, the human body cause irritation of numerous nerve endings in the walls of blood vessels, muscle and other tissues. Response impulses lead to violations of the usual functional state of some internal organs and systems, and primarily peripheral nerves and blood vessels, causing them to reduce them. The nerve endings themselves, especially skin, are also subjected to change - become less susceptible to irritation. All this manifests itself in the form of undepid pain in their hands, especially at night, numbness, the feeling of "crawling goosebumps", a sudden peeling of the fingers, a decrease in all types of skin sensitivity (pain, temperature, tactile). The whole complex of symptoms, characteristic of the impact of vibration, was called vibration disease. Patients with vibration disease usually complain about muscle weakness and fast fatigue. In women from the effects of vibration, in addition, there are often disruption of the functional state of the sexual sphere.

Development of vibration disease and. Other adverse events depends mainly on the spectral composition of vibration: the higher the frequency of vibration and the greater the amplitude and speed of oscillations, the greater danger represents vibration on the timing of the development and severity of the vibration disease.

Vibration pathology is in second place (after dust) among occupational diseases. Considering violations of health under vibrational effects, it should be noted that the frequency of diseases is determined by the value of the dose, and the characteristics of clinical manifestations are formed under the influence of the spectrum of vibrations. Three types of vibration pathology are distinguished from the impact of general, local and pecculent vibrations.

Under action on the body of the general vibration, the nervous system and analyzers suffer primarily: vestibular, visual, tactile. Vibration is a specific irritant for the vestibular analyzer, and linear accelerations - for the rolled apparatus located in the sheds of the run-in, and angular accelerations - for semicircular channels of the inner ear.

The working vibration professions have dizziness, disorders of coordination of movements, the symptoms of the tech, the vestibulo-vegetative instability. The violation of the visual function is manifested by the narrowing and loss of individual sections of the fields of view, a decrease in visual acuity, sometimes up to 40%, subjectively - by darkening in the eyes. Under the influence of general vibrations there is a decrease in pain, tactile and vibration sensitivity. It is especially dangerous to pecculely vibration, causing microtraums of various tissues with subsequent reactive changes. The total low-frequency vibration has an impact on metabolic processes that are manifested by a change in carbohydrate, protein, enzyme, vitamin and cholesterol exchanges, biochemical blood indicators.

Vibration disease from the impact of general vibration and jolts is registered with drivers of transport and operators of transport and technological machines and aggregates, at factories of reinforced concrete products. For drivers of machines, tractor drivers, bulldozer, drivers of excavators exposed to low-frequency and thick vibrations are characterized by changes in the lumbosacral spine. Workers are often complaining about pain in the lower back, limbs, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe stomach, on the absence of appetite, insomnia, irritability, fast fatigue. In general, the picture of the impact of general low- and mid-frequency vibrations is expressed by common vegetative disorders with peripheral disorders, mainly in the limbs, a decrease in vascular tone and sensitivity.

Beach of modern production, especially mechanical engineering, - local vibration. Local vibration is mainly undergoing people working with a manual mechanized tool. Local vibration causes brush vessels, forearms, breaking the limbs with blood. At the same time, the oscillations act on the nerve endings, muscle and bone tissue, cause a decrease in skin sensitivity, deposition of salts in the joints of the fingers, deforming and reducing the mobility of the joints.

Low frequency oscillations cause a sharp decrease in capillar tone, and high frequencies - spasm of vessels.

The deadlines for the development of peripheral disorders depend not so much from the level, but from the dose of (equivalent level) vibration during the working shift. Predical importance is the time of continuous contact with vibration and the total exposure time for vibration for shift. For modulers, drillers, sharpeners, Richtovshchikov, with a mid-frequency spectrum of vibrations, the disease develops after 8 - 10 years of work. Maintenance of the shock action tool (riveting, hardware) generating the vibration of the mid-frequency range (30-125 Hz) leads to the development of vascular, neuromuscular, bone-artistic and other disorders after 12-15 years. With the local impact of low-frequency vibration, especially with a significant physical voltage, the workers complain about noving, bringing, pulling pain in the upper limbs, often at night. One of the permanent symptoms of local and general impact is sensitivity disorder. The most sharply suffer from vibration, painful and temperature sensitivity.

The factors of the production environment aggravating the harmful effects of vibration on the body include excessive muscle loads, adverse microclimatic conditions, especially reduced temperature, high intensity noise, psycho-emotional stress. Cooling and wetting hands greatly increases the risk of vibration disease due to increased vascular reactions. With the joint action of noise and vibration, there is a mutual increase in the effect as a result of its summation, and possibly the potential.

Measures to combat noise and vibration in many ways.

First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the technological process and equipment, if possible, replace operations accompanied by noise or vibration, others. In some cases, it is possible to replace the metal forging with its stamping, riveting and chasing - pressing or electrical welding, elastic stripping metal-- fire, sawing with circular saws - cutting with special scissors, etc. It is necessary to ensure that with such a replacement Or additional hazards that can have more unfavorable effects than noise and vibration.

The elimination or reduction of noise and vibration from rotating or moving nodes and units is achieved, first of all, by accurate fitting of all parts and debugging their operation (decrease to a minimum of tolerances between the connecting parts, eliminate the breakdown, balancing, timely lubricant, etc.). Under rotating or vibrating machines or individual nodes (between the comprehensive parts), it is necessary to lay the springs or shock absorbing material (rubber, felt, cork, soft plastics, etc.). In cases where it is permissible for technical conditions, it is advisable to replace the rolling bearings on the sliding bearings, the flat transmission with a sewn strap - on wedge-shaped, gearial transmission of the outer, parts and nodes with reciprocating movements - to rotational.

Rotating parts of the machine (wheels, gears, shafts, etc.) are not recommended: this complicates balancing and leads to vibration. Vibrating large surfaces, creating noise (rattling), such as housings, overlap, covers, walls of boilers and tanks when they are riveted or stripping, having alert drums, etc., should be more tightly connected to fixed parts (bases) Shock-absorbing lining or trimming like material from above.

To prevent the deunions of air or gas flows that create high-frequency noise, it is necessary to carefully mount gas and air communications and devices, especially under high pressure, avoiding rough surfaces, protruding parts, sharp turns, non-rotations, etc. for the release of compressed air or Gas should be used not simple cranes, and special valves such as LUDLO. Air or gas pressure in systems cannot be raised above the values \u200b\u200bnecessary for this technological process, for which it is desirable to install pressure limiters. The circumferential velocity of the fans turbines and other rotating parts of the equipment, fonding air flows, should not exceed 35 to 40 m / s. Compounds of fans with air ducts, and in some cases of gas and air communications, it is advisable to produce soft transitions (rubber, tarpaulin sleeves, rubber gaskets on flanges, etc.). On the exhausts of pneumatic installations are equipped with silencers.

An important role in the fight against noise and vibration is played by architectural and construction and planning solutions in the design and construction of industrial buildings. First of all, it is necessary to make the most noisy and vibrating equipment beyond the limits of industrial premises where workers are located; If this equipment requires constant or frequent periodic observation, soundproofed booths or rooms for service personnel are equipped at the site of its placement.

Rooms with noisy and vibrating equipment should be as long as possible from other work areas. Similarly, it is advisable to insulate among themselves and places or sections with noise of different intensity and spectrum. Walls and ceilings in noisy rooms are covered with sound-absorbing materials, acoustic plaster, soft drapes, perforated panels with lining from slags, etc.

Powerful machines and other equipment of rotational or shock action are installed in the lower floor on a special foundation, fully separated from the main foundation of the building, as well as gender and support structures. Similar equipment of less power is installed on the supporting structures of the building with gaskets from shock-absorbing materials or on consoles that are attached on capital walls. Equipment that creates noise is covered with cables or lies in insulated cabins with sound-absorbing coatings. Sound or air communications are also soundly insulated, according to which noise may be distributed (from compressors, pneumatic actors, fans, etc.).

In order to prevent the adverse effects of local and general vibration, working should use personal protective equipment.

When working under the conditions of the impact of general vibration under the feet, a special vibration (shock-absorbing) platform is placed. When exposed to local vibration (more often in hand), handles and other vibrating parts of machines and tools (for example, pneumatic carrot), contacting the body of the worker, are covered with rubber or other mild material. Mittens play a vibrational role. Vibration Anti-Vibration Activities are provided not only if you directly work with vibrating tools, machines or other equipment, but also in contact with the details and tools that vibration from the main source is distributed.

It is necessary to organize a labor process in such a way that operations accompanied by noise or vibration alternate with other works without these factors. If it is impossible to organize such an alternation, it is necessary to provide periodic short-term breaks in working with the disconnection of the noise or vibrating equipment or the removal of workers to another room. Significant physical exertion should be avoided, especially static stresses, as well as the cooling of the hands and the whole body; During breaks, it is necessary to make physical exercises (physical assemblies).

When taking a job associated with the possible impact of noise or vibration, mandatory preliminary medical examinations are carried out, and during operation - periodic medical examinations once a year.

In enterprises with the participation of SanEpidnadzor of medical institutions, labor protection services, a specific complex of medical and biological preventive measures should be developed, taking into account the nature of the impact of vibration and related factors of the production environment.

One of the most common prof. Diseases in Russia is a vibration disease occupies one of the leading places among occupational diseases. The most "problem" are enterprises of heavy, energy and transport engineering, mining industries (more than 9.8 cases per 100 thousand working).
According to statistics, more than 30% of diseases are associated with direct impact of vibration and noise.

Unfortunately, during the inspection honey, only 1-10% of real cases of disease are detected.

In addition, static-dynamic loads, cooling and wetting, forced working pose, etc. also affect the development of the disease.

Not important importance is the nature of the impact and distribution of vibration on the human body. For example, local vibration of small intensity can have a beneficial effect on the human body, restoring trophic changes, improving the functional "state of the central nervous system, speeding up healing of wounds, etc. However, higher levels of oscillations can lead to the development of pathologies. Most diseases are related to local influence of vibration.

At the moment, vibration disease is subdivided by N A3 Categories:

  • initial symptoms (I degree)
  • moderately pronounced symptoms (II degree)
  • pronounced symptoms (III degree)

If we consider the clinical picture with vibration disease leading are cerebral peripherals

angodistical syndrome and vegetative-sensory poly-neuropathy syndrome in combination with polyradiculone-eyereropathy syndrome, secondary lumbar sacriven syndrome (due to osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine). Employees whose work is associated with the impact on the body of vibration, there are localization of degenerative changes in one and that The same spine department and significant frequency of lumbar osteochondrosis. We are, as a rule, about the lower edges I and II of the thoracic and lumbar vertebrae, as well as the upper edges II, III and IV lumbar vertebrae. At the same time, the pathological changes of the bone structure are diagnosed on radiographs sometight be the only and relatively early signs of vibration disease.

The adverse effect of vibration on the human body is characterized by a local action on the fabric and indirectly through the central nervous system on various systems and organs.

With vibration disease due to local or general vibration, neuroso-judicial disorders, lesions of the neuromuscular system, musculoskeletal system, changes in metabolism, etc. can occur. Different variants of the course of the disease with preferential manifestation of neuro-vascular disorders or pathology Motor machine.

The impact of low-frequency vibration leads to the development of vibration pathology with the prevalence of lesions of the neuromuscular system, the musculoskeletal system and a less pronounced vascular component.

Medium and high-frequency vibration causes various severity of vascular, neuromuscular, bone-artistic and other disorders. When working with grinding machines and other sources of high-frequency vibration, there are mainly vascular disorders.
As a result of the influence of intensive local vibration, the functional arises first, and then dystrophic changes in the receptor apparatus and pressing nerve plexuses of small vessels in the region of the upper limbs. Gradually, other departments of the peripheral and central nervous system are involved in the process. The pioneering of the fingers is more often observed in those whose work is related to the residence in the cold, the effect of which causes the reflex narrowing of the vessels.
In some cases, vascular disorders in vibration disease can lead to the gradual development of chronic brainwater failure. There are also changes in the functions of the hormonal system, shifts in calcium-magnesium exchange, etc. Skim tool when there is a significant voltage of the upper limbs, myofassciculites are often observed, the museum of the muscles of the shoulder belt, the tendomyosit of the forearm. Destructive-dystrophic processes are often found in the bone-articular apparatus.

Based on clinical, functional and experimental studies, it was established that one of the pathogenetic mechanisms of the vibration disease, along with neuro-reflex disorders, is an increase in venous resistance, a change in venous outflow, leading to venous full-rod, an increase in liquid filtering and a decrease in fabric nutrition with development in further peripheral anegio --Distonic syndrome.
Low-frequency vibration leads to a change in blood morphological composition: erythrocytopenia, leukocytosis; There is a decrease in hemoglobin levels. The effect of general vibration on the exchange processes that manifest themselves in the change in carbohydrate exchange, biochemical blood biochemical characteristics characterizing the violations of protein and enzymatic, as well as vitamin and cholesterol exchanges are noted.

Vibration can have a very diverse effect on the body. It is used for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes and at the same time under certain conditions may cause a number of pathological changes in the body. This variety of properties depends on the nature and parameter of vibration, from the place and area of \u200b\u200bits application and mainly on the characteristics of the body, its reactivity caused by the functional state of the central nervous system. It is known, for example, that the vibrations of large amplitudes and small frequencies can cause temporary or persistent displacements of individual organs (ptosis), and the vibrations of small amplitudes, but large frequencies act mainly on the nerve endings, including vessels, and are the cause of "vibration Diseases. The strongest vibration acts under its local application, and the reaction of the body turns out to be the most pronounced too local. However, due to the mechanical conductivity of oscillations of tissues and resonance in them, and mainly due to the generalizing ability of the nervous system, the entire body is always involved in the process, the response to the concussion is always involved at the frequency of oscillations close to the frequency of its own oscillations of the body or individual organs. For the resonant frequency of oscillations of the entire body Vas takes 6 Hz. With small intensity and short-term action, vibration has a beneficial, stimulating effect on a number of physiological functions (performance, trophic, exchange). Meanwhile, the same vibration, but with greater intensity and during long-term exposure causes a number of pathological changes in the body. Local vibration was used in ancient times (massage) and widely used now in physiotherapy. It is successfully used in the clinic of nerve diseases for the treatment of lesions of the peripheral and central nervous system, especially a functional nature. Good results were obtained from the use of vibration massage with many therapeutic diseases.

But especially widely with therapeutic purpose, vibration was used in gynecological practice.

According to the observations of M. M. Volkovkov, Kumlf, S. Ya. Miklasel and many others, this method of massage is very effective, in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the female sexual sphere, the irregular positions of the uterus, functional uterine bleeding, dysmenorrhea, etc.

It should be indicated that the vibration is a commociological factor affecting all living cells and fabrics. R. A. Sososov writes about the experiments of T. M. Kondratyeva, which, by vibrating the yeast cells, proved that with a long concussion, a more abundant vacuole appears in them, the homogeneity of the protoplasm is disappeared and cell reproduction is oppressed. The author also reports a slowdown under the influence of the vibration of the growth of bacteria (Meltel's experiments) and an increase in the excretory function of the stomach, liver and kidney, established by the experiments of Colombo and Kelgren.

The response of the body to vibration is different depending on its nature and parameters. There are three types of reactions to this irritant. The first type is adequate to the nature of the affecting factor is the reaction of the vestibular apparatus or vibration sensitivity receptors.

The second type of reaction is the reaction of living cells and tissues. It manifests itself, according to D. N. Nononova and V. Ya. Alexandrov, in changing the state of protoplasm of cells (reducing the dispersion of colloids, an increase in viscosity, coagulation, coactervation).

The third type of reaction is the bias, internal organs, cells, intracellular elements. The value of the bias of organs depends on the nature and parameters of vibration, as well as on the mass of the organ itself and the degree of "freedom", from the presence of natural dampers, the properties of the ligament apparatus, the individual properties of the body. Especially large displacements of the internal organs are caused by jim, and the more their amplitude and the shorter the time of their impact on the body, the more significant the offset.

The study of physiological and pathological phenomena in the body, which is a consequence of the impact of vibration, should, as indicated by E. C. Andreeva-Galanina, began to begin with the study of vibration sensitivity, since "the perception of vibration should be considered as the first stage of its impact on the body." However, there is still no consequential opinion regarding the independence of the vibration feeling, and its nature is completely installed.

Some researchers think that vibration sensitivity is a form of surface sensitivity, on the contrary, consider it a variety of deep sensitivity. Currently, most authors believe that there is an independent, different sensitivity, a vibratory feeling associated mainly with skin and partly with nerve endings located in the underlying tissues.

There is also no single opinion regarding the localization of the receptors of the vibratory feeling. Some authors think that such receptors are laid in periosteum, joints and ligaments. Neutra assumes the localization of them in the muscles, K. I. Noneshevsky - in the endings of the nerve trunks, K. A. Kunakov - in the bones and vessels, A. G. Nauman, V.M. Bekhterev, A. V. Triumphs indicate that they Are in all tissues. However, most authors believe that receptors that perceive vibration irritation are laid in the skin. It is possible that specialized receptors exist for the perception of vibration in the body in the body, for long periods of oscillations - the vestibular device, for high-frequency vibrations - the receptors of the vibration sensitivity laid throughout the skin surface and in particular - in the distal limbs. V. P. Ryumin showed that the vibration can be perceived by interoreceptors.

Thus, the effect of vibration on the body is apparently carried out by means of a complex of receptors laid in the skin, muscles, bones and internal organs.

The most pronounced influence of vibration has a nervous system. From the point of view of action on the body, this feature of vibration is the most characteristic. According to a number of authors, vibration, the intensity of which is below the threshold of sensation, does not have a noticeable influence on the nervous system. When exposed to more intensive vibration (above the sensation threshold), stimulation of nerve processes is observed, and the strong and very strong vibration slows down or completely stops the excitability of the nerves. The harmful effect of vibration on the central nervous system is proved by a number of clinical and experimental observations.

M. Ya. Breitman, A. G. Nauman, Kerman, A. F. Lebedev and others observed in people and animals drowsiness during and after the vibration action, which is explained by the brain of the brain process in the cerebral cortex.

V. G. Terentyev was experimentally established that as the frequency (10-70 Hz) and amplitude (0.4-2.4 mm) of the total vibration occur (0.4-2.4 mm), more or less pronounced disorders of the nervous system occur. The vibration of considerable power caused the weakening of the cerebral cortex, the development of phase states and spilled security braking in it. In addition, as the experiments showed, neurodynamics of the spinal cord change under the influence of general vibration, which manifests itself in a decrease in the strength of tendon reflexes. The same changes from the central nervous system in similar conditions were observed by I. Ya. Borschevsky, M. D. Emelyanov and A. A. Koreshkov. N. I. Galat points to oppression of unconditional reflex activity.

D. A. Krizhanskaya studied the influence of the vibration of the parameters that occur on transport, on the vegetative nervous system of a person under the experimental conditions and found that most persons it causes a distinct vegetative reaction. Especially interesting is the indication of the author on the fact that during the monthly reaction this changes markedly, which is expressed in increasing the sensitivity of the body to vibration and in the loss of the ability to adapt to it.

The pronounced phenomena of general vegetative dysfunction with the presence of characteristic vegetual-bean symptoms from the neuropsychic sphere found in workers serving deep drilling machines, Z. V. Bazhanov. Under the influence of vibration, there is a decrease in pain sensitivity. This observation was confirmed by a number of authors who examined workers dealing with a vibration factor.

With long-term local influence, vibration reduces the sharpness of the touch. S. Z. Kostyukov found in 50% of surveyed workers suffering from vibration disease, weakening the tactile sensitivity at the tips of the fingers. E. Ts. Andreeva-Galanina discovered a decrease in tactile feeling in 70% of the surveyed polishers.

V. G. Terentyev observed a violation of surface sensitivity under experimental conditions under the influence of a total vibration with a frequency of 10-70 Hz with amplitude of 0.4-2.4 mm.

The following in the meaning of the action of vibration on the body is its effect on the vascular system, mainly on the capillaries. The emergence of vessel spasms as a result of the impact of weak vibration and the expansion of them under the influence of strong vibration was noted by I. R. Tarkhanov and M. Ya Breitman.

In the works of the newest researchers, these observations received their confirmation on the material of the surveys of the working "vibration" professions.

Yu. M. Uflynd, A. Ginzinsky, O. N. Cheltnikov noted at pneumatics noticeable changes in the pulse. Many authors indicate a change under the influence of vibration, blood pressure level.

Research E. C. Andreyeva-Galanina It has been proven that the appearance of vascular disorders is associated with the frequency and intensity of vibration. The vibration frequency of 35 Hz is critical and the transition through this border entails the possibility of the appearance of angiospasm. This provision is confirmed by the experimental works of V. A. Bondina, Z.M. Butkovskaya et al.

One of the most characteristic manifestations of vibration pathology is a disturbance of peripheral blood circulation, mainly as a result of spasm or Atonia capillaries. Clinical observations show that under the action of low frequency vibration (up to 35 Hz), the phenomena of atony of vessels prevail, while the workers exposed to the vibration of higher frequencies (100 Hz), on the contrary, the phenomena of spasm prevail.

When exposed to a common vibration with a frequency of up to 70 Hz with amplitude of 0.5-2.4 mm I. J. Borschevsky, M. D. Emelyanov and A. A. Koreshkov found the emergence of spasm of peripheral vessels and some increase in blood pressure.

Significant fluctuations in the level of maximum and minimum blood pressure (15-45 mm Hg) were observed in workers serving gasoline-engine saws (vibration frequency 100-115 Hz), N. N. Malinskaya, L. N. Waockers and in: A . Volodina.

Mechanical oscillations can have an adverse effect on blood circulation, especially with significant accelerations (flights).

Shaking have a negative impact also on the muscular and bone system. Recent studies have established that the local vibration of large intensity lowers the tone of the muscles of the upper limbs. The data of these studies coincide with the data of Yu. M. Uflyanda, A. Ginzinsky, V. M. Grigorieva and
Others who have surveyed kitchels and pneummatics have found a decrease in muscle tone and reduce the strength of the upper limbs. The reduction of muscle strength and violation of the correct relationship between antagonists muscles is also also noted with a superficial vibrator.

Patology arising from the vibrational impact in the bone apparatus, domestic and foreign radiologists were engaged. The changes found by them are expressed in the appearance of finely cystic formations in Metro and Clay bones, small endostoses in the distal phalanges of the fingers, the presence of spurs and other occasions in the area of \u200b\u200bthe elbow joint.

B. M. Stern and Yu. Nazarov found a number of degenerative changes in the shoulder bones, shoulder joints and spine (osteoporosis, expansion of intervertebral spaces, deforming spondillosis).

The Vichik indicates that changes in the bones under the influence of the effects of vibration are particularly easily arising in adolescents, in whom the author found changes in the X-ray picture of the bones of the upper extremities (in 27%), although the surveyed and did not make any complaints.

A. V. Greenberg believes that those peculiar changes in the kosty-articular apparatus, which occur when working with vibrating tools, are the physiological response of the body and are compensatory. Being the result of restructuring the structure of bone tissue, they lead to its strengthening of maximum pressure lines. However, in cases where the prolonged influence of the vibration factor is combined with work in adverse conditions, serious pathological changes may occur in the joints.

Vibrating stimulus in some cases can have a harmful effect on the functions of hearing and vision organs. A. V. Zaher, Ya. S. Temkin, G. S. Tombitsky and E. Minkin and other authors were found during the examination of the vibration of workers that or another degree of damage in the internal and middle ear. Animal experiments confirmed these observations.

S. S. Markaryan, studying the effect of a common vertical vibration on the function of the sound and (vestibular apparatus, it has established that even with long-term exposure, it does not affect the hearing sharpness. But with the simultaneous action of vibration and noise, the intensity 105-110 dB naturally noted the increase Hearing thresholds from 5 to 25 dB in the frequency range from 500 to 4000 Hz.

The change in the hearing sensitivity threshold under the influence of the total vibration is also noted by Z. M. Butkovskaya. Experimental by the author discovered a violation of the function of the vestibular apparatus and the disorder of the existing interaction in normal conditions between individual analyzers.

The effect of vibrations on the visual analyzer is expressed in reducing the boundaries of the fields of view, lowering its sharpness and perversion of the color.

The violation of visual functions in people under the influence of the total vertical vibration was observed in the experiment Yu. P. Petrov. According to him, the degree of decrease in visual acuity varies depending on the frequency and amplitude of the vibration, reaching the maximum value (40%) at a frequency of 20 Hz and amplitude of 1.6 mm.

A number of authors noted the influence of vibration on metabolism. According to V. A.Glov et al., Shaking a large amplitude (35 mm and more) with a number of jokes about 10 in 1 second and less increase the energy costs of the body. He observed depending on the nature of the vibration. Increased energy costs 57-110%. Maximum energy costs are observed at a frequency of about 5 Hz (frequency, resonant body). Sued, exposing to the long-term effects of the vibration of mice, watched their weight loss. The author believes that under the influence of vibration there is an increase in the main exchange. A. F. Lebedev in the experiment on white rats found that with short-term exposure to the vibration of small frequencies, the gas exchange is observed by an average of 23% compared with the initial level, and with a long vibration, on the contrary, a gas exchange is reduced by about 6%. S. A. Carchmage also in animal experiments noted the oppression of a general exchange under the influence of a total vertical vibration with a frequency of 25-50 Hz with amplitude of 0.4-1.5 mm.

As witnessed observations I. Ya. Borschevsky, M. D. Emelyanova and A. A. Koreshkova, the total vibration denoted by the authors as intolerable, causes a sharp decrease in the content of vitamins C and B1 in the human body and the fall of body weight.

From the previously stated clearly, vibration can have an adverse effect on many organs and the functions of the human body. Moreover, the actual material accumulated to date indicates that this harmful factor of the external environment under certain conditions is the cause of the occurrence of the working professions of a specific painful state with a characteristic clinical picture, which leads to a decrease in working capacity and even disability.

This professional disease initially received several items and described in the literature as "Disease Reyo", "angio'eurosis", "spastic angioedeurosis", "angioedeurosis from concussion", "vibrating syndrome", "vegetative neurove", and recently it has been firmly strengthened Offered by E. Ts. Andreyeva-Galanina name - "Vibrational disease".

The most pronounced objective symptom of suffering is spasm or inclination to the vessel spasm of the upper limbs, which is particularly easily detected after the use of functional samples (cooling, mechanical irritation of the brush). The capillaryoscopy method establishes that spasm, arising at first in the end phalanges of the fingers, as the disease progressing the disease gradually spreads to the entire brush. However, the vascular reaction with this pathology is not limited only by the capillaries, it is observed from the larger limb vessels. Skin covers in this case are cyanotic or sharply pale, the ends of the fingers, and sometimes the whole brush, edema, the skin temperature is significantly lower than normal.

Further study of the clinic of the disease showed that vascular disorders are the most characteristic, but far from its only symptom.

In particular, workers often impose complaints of severe pains in their hands, mainly in the brushes that arise spontaneously and most often at night. There is also a significant reduction in skin sensitivity. Pneummatikov found M. E. Marshak, A. M. Warszaver, S. Z. Kostyukov, L. N. Grazian and others. The pain of which begins with the fingers of the hands and gradually covers the whole brush And in some cases it applies to the forearm and even on the upper part of the body. Detected changes also temperature sensitivity.

With this disease, it is pretty early, long before the appearance of other symptoms, vibration sensitivity is disturbed.

Along with this, in persons suffering from vibration disease, there are also trophic violations. Changes are appear in the form of hyperkeratose, improper growth and nail fragility, the secretory function of the skin suffers (hyperhydrosis). As a result of nerve damage, muscle atrophy is developing, most often in the area of \u200b\u200bThenar and Hypothenar, muscle force is noticeably reduced. Serious pathological processes are detected in the bone-articular apparatus. In severe cases, fingers are significantly thickened and strongly deformed, the endostica, creeping formations and deforming arthrosis are detected.

In addition to local manifestations of the disease, it is necessary to indicate a number of accompanying general functional shifts. D. S. Gubern Grits and others. Noted in workers dealing with vibration, an increase in reflex excitability on the lower limbs, and N. A. Kryshova found a decrease in the strength of tendon reflexes. A. M. Warshaver in 26% of the surveyed vibration, found hypertension. O. N. Cheltzova at Pneumatikov watched the hypotension. L. N. Grazian indicates the presence of vegetative reactions (overall sweating, pronounced tremor fingers, anisocorium).

Thus, the symptomatology of vibration disease is distinguished by a large variety, and the predominance of one or another signs in each individual case depends on a number of factors (individual characteristics of the body, the nature of vibration, working conditions, work experience, etc.).

Comparing the clinic of the disease with the nature of the production vibration, it was possible to prove that the leading etiological moment in the development of vascular spasm is the frequency of oscillations. Based on numerous experimental studies for the lower critical frequency, the excess of which can lead to angiospasm, take 30 Hz, believing that the upper limit for its occurrence is the frequency of 250 Hz. According to E. C. Andreyeva-Galanina, the main role in the occurrence of vibration disease belongs to the frequency of concussions, and they have a significantly smaller value in this case.

The pathological process is not developing immediately, but after some time after the start of work and, moreover, the faster, the greater the frequency of the active vibration. Early symptoms of the disease L. I. Antonovsky and A. S. Krichevsky found already after 1-2 months of work. N. A. Govseev and Sh. A. Rossin believe that the first manifestations of the disease occur a little later, namely after 8 months, and L. N. Grazian identified this period equal to 6-9 months. It also determined the dependence between the frequency of the disease and work experience. Many authors note the resistance of the changes arising, which remain even subject to the cessation of work related to the impact of vibration.

In the clinical course of the disease distinguish between four stages. In the first stage, only the initial phenomena of the disease occur, which are easily reversible (periodic, non-timbble pain in their hands, sensitivity disorder only on end phalanges, a tendency to the capillar spasm, a decrease in the threshold of vibration sensitivity). But the second stage, all the symptoms of the disease are detected with great constancy, but are expressed moderately. Pain and parastheses are more persistent, the temperature of the skin of the fingers is reduced, there is a pronounced angiospasm of capillaries. In this stage, subject to the elimination of the vibration stimulus and special treatment, the process is quite reversible. For the third stage, the presence of persistent, slowly inferior treatment of changes. Significant vascular disorders are noted, manifested in spasme or speakers of capillaries, the edema of the palm surfaces of the fingers, the change in the peripheral sensitivity and segmental type. Significant severity reaches changes in the muscles of the limbs. The fourth stage is characterized by generalizing vascular disorders and pronounced sensitivity disorders resembling a picture of Siringomyelia. This stage meets relatively rarely, but the changes arisen bordered with organic and little reversible.

In the past, many researchers interpreted this disease as a local, resulting in the immediate action of concussions on the brush tissue.

However, further, deeper studies showed that serious pathological disorders occur not only in the brushes, they capture the entire body and primarily the nervous and cardiovascular system. It became obvious that this is not a local, but a general disease and that the direct action of vibration on the fabric, although there is no, but cannot be considered the main one.

The assumption was expressed, according to which the most bright clinical symptom of the disease - angiospazas - develops by the type of simple reflex within one ganglionevron.

Currently, it is known that vascular disorders in vibration disease occur by the type of complex reflexes with the participation of the centers of the head and spinal cord. On the leading importance of functional violations of the activities of the bark of large hemispheres in the pathogenesis of this disease, studies of Z. M. Butkovskaya and V. E. Lyomomudrov said.

Based on the teaching of the introduction of parabitals, E. Ts. Andreeva-Galanina explains the development of the most important symptoms of vibration disease as follows. Arriving under the influence of prolonged (concussing, resistant cekeling in the spinal cord and the development of proceedable braking of vibration centers in the cerebral cortex leads to the fact that, due to the laws of irradiation, the excitation captures vessels located in the neighboring vessels, the irritation of which causes angiospasm. Development of dystrophic changes from these positions It is fully explained by the long propagation of the excitation from the spinal centers of the vibration sensitivity on the side horns of the spinal cord, and the emergence of spontaneous pain in the hands - the excited state of the Talalamic centers. At the present stage of our knowledge, this theory is most true and fully covers the basic patterns of the development of vibration disease.

Adverse effects of vibration on the human body

Determination of vibration:

Vibration is a physical factor, the action of which is determined by the transfer of mechanical energy from the source of oscillations; The main characteristics of vibration are the offset amplitude, speed and acceleration.

Main types of vibrations:

Generally accepted is the division of vibrations on common and local.

Total vibration is the oscillation of the entire body transmitted from the workplace.

Local vibration (local vibration) is an application of oscillations only to a limited area of \u200b\u200bthe body surface.

In production, both types of vibration are common: local - through hands (most often when working with manual machines), total (throughout the body) - when sitting or standing in the workplace (at the machine and technological equipment). All types of vibration acting in production are combined by the term "production vibration".

Vibration of cars, means of transport and self-propelled equipment, driver jobs have predominantly low-frequency character, differs in high levels of intensity in octaves 1-8 Hz. Vibration of the car and automotive technology depends on the speed of movement, the type of seats, shock-absorbing systems, the degree of wear of the machine and coating roads.

The vibration of technological equipment works places has a medium and high-frequency nature of the spectra with the maximum intensity in the octaves of 20-63 Hz.

Manual machines, especially shock, shock-rotary and shock-rotational action, were widespread in various sectors of the national economy (construction, engineering, aviation, forestry and mining industries). Studying the working conditions of working on these machines showed that the implementation of diverse employment operations is accompanied along with the effects of vibration with significant physical voltage. Workers hold in the hands of the machine weighing up to 15 kg, while applying the additional force of pressure on the instrument's handle in 10-40 kg. Uncomfortable working postures, various pressure powers on the tool create a significant static tension of the muscles of the shoulder and the shoulder belt, which aggravates the adverse effects of vibration.

The influence of general vibration on the human body:

Studies of the features of the mechanical effect of general vibration showed the following. The human body due to the presence of soft tissues, bones, joints, internal organs is a complex oscillatory system, the mechanical reaction of which depends on the parameters of the vibration effect. At a frequency of less than 2 Hz, the body responds to a common vibration as a rigid mass. At higher frequencies, the body reacts as an oscillatory system with one or more degrees of freedom, which is manifested in the resonant increase in oscillations in separate frequencies. For a sitting person, the resonance is at frequencies of 4-6 Hz, 2 resonant peaks were found in the standing position: in 5 and 12 Hz. The own frequency of pelvis and back oscillations - 5 Hz, and the stomach breast systems - 3 Hz.

With long-term exposure to general vibration, mechanical damage to the tissues, organs and various organism systems (especially in the event of a resonance of their own oscillations of the body and external influences). That is why the mechanical effect of vibration often leads to the emergence of diverse pathological reactions from drivers of trucks, tractor drivers, pilots, etc.

The effect of local vibration on the human body:

In the study of the features of the mechanical effect of the exposure to local vibration on the human body, it was found that the vibration attached to any area is generated throughout the body. The zone of propagation when exposed to low vibration frequency, as the absorption of oscillatory energy with it in the body structures is less. With the systematic vibrational effects of low-frequency oscillations, muscles are primarily affected, and the stronger than the larger muscular voltage requires work with a tool.

Workers, for a long time using manual machines, arise, a variety of changes in the muscles of the shoulder belt, hands and brushes. This is due to both the direct traumaism of the muscles and with the violations of the regulation due to the lesions of the CNS. Under the influence of local vibration, kosty-articular changes arise, especially in the elbow and raying joints, in small joints of the brushes. Kosty-articular deformations occur due to disruptability of tissue colloids, as a result of which the bone loses the ability to bind calcium salts.

The effect of vibration on the nervous system causes a violation of the equilibrium of nerve processes towards the predominance of excitation, and then - braking. The cortical brain departments are sensitive to vibration. Especially sensitive to the action of local vibration are the departments of the sympathetic nervous system, regulating the tone of peripheral vessels.

Surveys of workers of various professional groups: burgers, rivestovers, grinders, drillers - made it possible to establish that capillar spasms often happen in vibrations with a frequency of more than 35 Hz, and at lower frequencies, the capillars usually comes an atonic state. In patients undergoing local vibration, there are primarily a change in the reograms of fingers and brushes, and due to the overall impact of vibration - on the cards of the feet and on reophiecephalograms. Many patients observed the ECG changes, pulse frequency, blood pressure, brain circulation indicators.

The effect of vibrations on the vestibular apparatus leads to a variety of vestibly general and vestibulestative reactions. Impact on vision, especially on resonant frequencies 20-40 and 60-90 Hz, increases the amplitude of oscillations of the eyeball and worsens visual sharpness, reduces the color sensitivity, narrows the boundaries of the field of view.

Vibration disease:

Some clinicians allocate independent nosological form - vibration disease - and they find 4 stages:

1) The initial stage of the vibration disease, it proceeds without pronounced symptoms. Non-expressed pain and parasthesia in their hands arise periodically. With objective inspection, a reduced sensitivity of fingertips is detected;

2) a moderately pronounced stage of vibration disease, with it a sense of numbness acquires greater resistance, the decrease in sensitivity applies to all fingers and even on the forearm, hyperhydrosis and cyanosis of hands are expressed;

3) the pronounced stage of the vibration disease, when the fingers of the hands are significantly white, the brushes are usually cold and wet, the fingers of the edema, the sensitivity of the brushes is reduced, changes in muscles are stronger;

4) the stage of generalized disorders; It is rare and only in workers with great experience. Vascular disorders apply not only to hands, but also legs, spasms can capture heart and brain vessels. This stage of vibration disease refers to low-respectable states with a noticeable decrease in performance.

7 basic syndromes of vibration disease:

1) Anhydic syndrome: reflects the initial phase of the vibration disease;

2) angiospastic syndrome: observed predominantly when exposed to high frequency vibrations and having a tendency to generalization with a pronounced disease;

3) Vegetative polyneurite syndrome with predominant localization in hand: usually arises due to low-frequency vibration, may be accompanied by pain symptoms;

4) Vegetomyophaccitis syndrome: revealed when exposed to low-frequency vibration, is characterized by the presence of dystrophic changes in the muscles;

5) the syndrome of the damage to peripheral nerves and muscles (neuritis, plexitis, cervical radiculitis): widespread, especially with low-frequency vibration;

6) Vestibulopathy syndrome;

7) Diencefal syndrome.

Influence of vibration on female organism:

The long-term impact of vibration on the body of women contributes to the emergence of significant shifts from the female genital sphere. Violation of the menstrual function was noted in tractor driver, bus drivers and trams, railway transporters. The vibrational impact creates a danger of pregnancy, increasing the number of spontaneous miscarriages. Under the influence of low-frequency vibration, women develop expressed changes in the blood circulation of small pelvis organs with the development of stagnant phenomena.

Protection against industrial vibration:

The main way to combat the harmful effects of production vibration should be considered to design more advanced equipment with remote control, the replacement of shock and rotational processes by other technological operations (for example, a riveting can be replaced by welding). In the mining industry to replace the hand-haired hammers and perforators, machines with remote control (coal combines, perforators on columns, etc.) should come. Concreteers also molds a concrete mix without manual labor. Protecting the driver from the harmful effects of vibration can be achieved by improving the depreciation of the workplace (seat).

Ensuring protection against vibration of manual operator is a complex comprehensive problem. First of all, it is necessary to achieve a reduction in vibroactivity in the source due to thorough balancing of moving parts, improving the form of the power chart in machines of shock action, optimization of the structural power structure, etc. It is important to produce vibration insulation of handles and other contacts of the machine with the operator's hands, optimization of machine operating parameters In order to reduce resonant states, a decrease in the thermal conductivity of a contact site with a vibrator. Among the means of individual protection, vibrational mittens with a palm lining made of elastic material were obtained, vibrating shoes with an elastic sole or insole.

Medical prevention of adverse effects of vibration on the human body:

Medical prevention of vibration disease, as well as the overall adverse effects of vibration on human health, is to prevent people with Reino syndrome, diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system, cardiovascular diseases, chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system, gastrointestinal tract, sexual sphere .

In order to prevent vibration disease, as well as the preservation of high human performance, water procedures, massages, production gymnastics, ultraviolet irradiation, vitaminization are recommended. When identifying initial signs of the disease, an outpatient and spa treatment is recommended. With timely treatment and rational employment, the forecast of vibration disease is favorable.