The secret of ancient civilizations is the white gods. Alien Gods. Humanoid White Gods - Earth before the Flood: Disappeared Continents and Civilizations The Legend of the 9 White Gods

Where did the white gods come from? How did they manage to survive the global catastrophe?

Alexander Koltypin, a writer-researcher, candidate of geological and mineralogical sciences, tells about legends and traditions telling about the life of our distant ancestors. Why was it known to all peoples about the existence of white gods or gods of the North, and why are they mentioned in different mythologies: from Egyptian to Japanese? How did the resettlement of the gods all over the Earth take place? Did the white gods really have the gift of immortality? What did they look like? Were they vegetarians? How did the legends about the time of the white gods transform into legends about the promised land? How did the relief of the Earth change: what parts of the land went under water? How did the white gods escape: did they flew to another planet or temporarily descended underground? Where do most peoples have the cult of the Mother Goddess? What symbolism of the sun gods runs through all mythologies? How did people of the modern type originate from the gods?

Alexander Koltypin: It is described that life was a continuous holiday, there were no sick, no old people, no one ever died, everyone spent their days in joy and fun. Legends told to our time that people then did not consume or the gods, I do not know what to call them, this is the second question, they did not consume meat, everyone was vegetarians, nature itself gave generous harvests, that is, no one ever needed anything , that is, magic music poured around, everyone enjoyed life. This, of course, is a wonderful time, it was transformed into a legend about the promised land, about the islands of the immortals, and even back in Greek, Roman times and later medieval times, some brave navigators, travelers tried to find this country, and there were many trips in search of this land where there were many beautiful women where time stood still, where people never died. That is, the legend reached this distant time, but this time, one way or another, was organically connected, intertwined with these white gods, whom the legends describe as fair-haired or fair-haired, were tall, all blue-eyed, and their girls or women, the goddesses had breathtaking beauty , which drove mad later than all mortals. In the beginning it was, apparently, the northern continent: Svarga, Jambudvipa, Hyperborea, whatever, Laurasia, as you call it, but gradually from geological data we know this well, about 50 million years ago this continent began to sink. The history of its sinking is well documented by drilling of ocean sediments, and for about 30 million years it has already disintegrated into separate islands that were in the Arctic. And before that there was still an Eocene-Oligocene catastrophe 34 million years ago, and it is with it that I compare the legends about the White Island, Blavatsky, when she described, she believes that the White Island was somewhere in the Gobi Desert, which at that time was covered by the sea, and it was covered by the sea exactly up to 40 million years ago, this is also known from geological data. As a result of this catastrophe, perhaps someone left the Earth, perhaps someone migrated in a different direction, but the legends brought us two main branches, which some of them settled in Agarta, some in Agarta, Shambhala, and after that they became from there to guide the development of the rest of humanity. But apparently these were not limited, for sure there was a branch, since they had flying vehicles, they could leave the Earth temporarily, at least leave the Earth, they could then leave from under the Earth, apparently, they began to actively settle in other territories throughout our Earth, because in Chinese mythology, in Japanese mythology, in Korean mythology, in Sumerian mythology, in Egyptian mythology, in American Indian mythology and South America, and North America , not to mention the Scandinavian mythology, the Irish play a big role for the white gods or, I remind you, they are called the gods from the North, and in China they are sometimes called the gods from the West. Almost everywhere there is such a heroine as the Mother Goddess, and as I have established, it is the Mother Goddess who is organically connected with the white gods, because the white gods, when you begin to examine their mythology in detail, had matriarchy, that is, the equality of men and women, initially this principle was their main religion, an equal role and a very high role of the Mother Goddess, that is, apparently, when they arrived on Earth, they brought this with them, as opposed to later religions, where there was already patriarchy. This Mother Goddess, for example, the sun goddess Amaterasu in Japanese mythology, is considered the mother of all Japanese people. In Chinese mythology, Sivanmu is the mistress of immortality, the goddess of the West, it is with her that the divine shooter I is associated, which in many ways is compared with Indra, and even the rule itself, according to ancient Chinese chronicles, it periodically boiled down to alternating the power of either white gods or some serpentine gods, but always until the era of Zhuan-xu, who himself had the appearance of a dragon with horns, with some kind of incomprehensible body, until the era of Zhuan-xu, who closed an iron curtain between heaven and earth. Before him, the white gods had direct control of the Celestial Empire, and after him they became formal leaders, although the power already belonged to the serpentine gods, and their terrible dispersal all over the globe began, but these white gods were still considered the dominant forces. In Sumer, if we take, Inanna, the most characteristic goddess, can also be a mother, she is often compared, who flew in a heavenly chariot, on a heavenly boat. Her other name is Ishtar, Astarte, and already in more western territories she was often called Astarte. This is a typical Mother Goddess who carries a feminine principle, and many other gods, such as Enlil, are also probably Marduk, they are very similar to the white gods that were. In Egypt, all female warrior goddesses, according to many signs, are Nehbet, Hathor, Tefnut, who were compared with a tiger, a cat, a lion and flew in heavenly boats, fought with snakes, sometimes a bird was depicted as their symbol, and many other symbolism is associated with these goddesses, their comparisons with the Mother Goddess allow us to believe that they were also white goddesses who occupied southern Egypt. By the way, in Northern Egypt there was something else, there already serpentine gods ruled, that is, Egypt was divided into two territories: Northern Egypt is a country of white gods, Southern Egypt is already a country of some amphibious serpentine gods, and between them there has always been some kind of agreement, balance. Approximately the same situation is observed in American mythology, that is, a number of gods there have a serpentine origin, and a number of gods, most likely Tezcatlipoca belonged to them, are already very close to the white gods. After this catastrophe, apparently, and after Hyperborea, Svarga began to flood, these white gods settled not only in Shambhala, in Agarta, but many of their branches left, settled all over the Earth. And wherever they were, the religion of the solar gods began to arise, everywhere we see the worship of the cross, solar signs that include a bird, first of all, an eagle, often a two-headed eagle, a lion, a cat, that is, all this is the symbolism of the solar gods, and it passes practically through the mythology of all peoples, in contrast to the quite ancient religions of the lunar gods that have also arisen. And the Indian dynasty says that initially, at the dawn of mankind, there were two dynasties: solar and lunar gods. And between them even marriages took place, and as a result of these dynastic marriages, there were further dynasties that were already of mixed origin. Also in Japan, that is, the descendants of Amaterasu, the solar dynasty, married or married representatives of the lunar dynasties, who are depicted in the guise of dragons, which are completely different from human forms, they had children who also had an intermediate appearance, and gradually all this had already happened before people of the modern type.

(Witzliputsli). According to the books of the Old Testament, Yahweh is the creator god. Yahweh and Huitzilopochtli never appear before people in their true appearance, but represent a kind of animate space. One gets the impression that this is a living organism with a superintelligence.
Yahweh creates heaven, earth, light, plants, animals and creates man. In this respect, he is similar to the ancient Indian Brahma. However, there is one very significant difference between them. Brahma creates the Earth, which has undergone countless catastrophes and rebirths (at least seven). The age of such a creation is much more than 100 million years, and, most likely, is estimated at several billion years. According to Old Testament legends, Yahweh participates in the revival of life on Earth after the second, maximum of the third (but this is unlikely) global (destroyed the world) catastrophe, if you count them starting from the last. And this is no more than 5-17 million years.

Readmy works "5,184,000 - 12,500 years ago - the lifetime of modern mankind from the Creation of the World to the Flood", "Legends and hypotheses about ... the origin of the Moon and the connection of the Moon with death and immortality - a description of catastrophes at the turn of the Third and Fourth and Fourth and the Fifth World Epochs, the acquisition of a modern look by the Earth and the emergence of modern man - Homo Sapiens "," The Creation of Modern People at the Turn of the Fourth and Fifth World Epochs ","The most important catastrophe in the history of the Earth, during which humanity appeared. When it happened", " Once again about the time of the Creation of the world and the biblical (Noah's) flood. Adjustments made by geology and folklore"
Read also my new job "Yahweh and Huitzilopochtli - who are they? Reflections on the similarity of the outcomes of the Jews and the Aztecs and the nature of the gods who guided them"

Yahweh recreates the destroyed world, creates the first real people, adapted to the new, changed, environment. These people leave the Garden of Eden created for them and meet in neighboring territories disunited tribes - the pitiful remnants of the former inhabitants of the Earth, most of which are gigantic in size and different from humans in appearance. The Lord warns his pets against coming into contact with them ... You will learn about what happened next from my works on the formation of human races (and)

White humanoid alien gods who originally lived on Hyperborea belonged to sun gods... Their oldest symbols were a cross, a solar disk or a halo, a fravahar and a bird (see also), and in Egyptian and American legends also a cat, a lion and a jaguar, which were opposed to a snake - an attribute of serpentine gods. Jesus Christ belonged to the sun gods. Read about it in my works Cross as a symbol of the Sun, Symbols of solar gods in the Church of the Holy Tomb in Jerusalem and UFOs, NGOs and NSOs - spacecraft of the ancients. Will there be a meeting with the gods?

Reada series of my works (summarizing my books "

Mysterious places are sometimes so close to us that they seem completely ordinary to us. But if you look at them with an open mind, sometimes you can be amazed at the abundance of secrets and mysteries surrounding our habitats. Take, for example, the Moscow region - it would seem that the studied area is far and wide. But they always find something strange in him. There is in the Moscow region, say, such a place (or, more precisely, a natural boundary) - White Gods. No matter how much you write about it, it does not become clearer yet ...

It is located near the village of Vozdvizhenskoye, in the Sergiev Posad region. By the way, this village itself has a very specific historical link - it was there that there were rifle mutinies, when Princess Sophia tried to fight off her zealous brother Peter the Great, here she executed Prince Khovansky and his son, here their bodies were trampled into a swamp, and the place of execution was named "A wretched mountain".

Nearby there is the village of Leshkovo, also known for mysterious events, and a little further, between the villages of Kirimovo and Ryazantsy, there is a completely enchanted place that will show any local resident to the traveler behind the secrets.

The place itself White Gods is a rather ancient artifact: a hemisphere with a diameter of about six meters, made of rough stone, at a height of three meters. And next to this structure is an image of a man-lion. Many of them agree that these are the remains of an ancient temple, which, according to historians, was once a large cult center of Radonezh. It is quite possible that a pagan altar once stood where the "dome" is. And the whole structure is surprisingly similar to many ancient buildings scattered around the world.

I must say, this ancient temple was not found today. I still knew about him great traveler Semyonov-Tyan-Shansky, the Polish ethnographer Khodakovsky conducted research here. It was he who left us such a written testimony: “... The priest and several old-timers took me to their small town and told all the tracts around them. There was only one thing missing, which would have at the beginning or at the end the syllable "God" or "Bug". For a long time my interlocutors could not remember. Finally, one of them said: “There is a name similar to God; but it is not in our possession, and may not be useful to you; it is adjacent to us and no further than one verst from this town ”. The young woman who, in the absence of men, brought me with big road in a neighboring town, I also knew about the "White Gods", and brought me to them. I examined this place; it is in an excellent position, near a expanse or hollow, which is separated from the tract called Mogiltsy. "

They were also interested in this place today. In the early 80s of the last century, local historian Nikolai Akimov visited here, who discovered strange magnetic anomalies on the spot. This is how the Sergiev Posad researcher of antiquities near Moscow Alexei Lipkin wrote about the White Gods. Finally, specialists from the now well-known association created by Vadim Chernobrov - "Cosmopoisk", also came here.

The antiquity of this place (and the villages located in the vicinity) is also hinted at by photographs of this area of ​​the territory from space. It is known that the ancestors of many European nations, including the Slavs, used a ring structure in the buildings, placing housing near rivers. What could this place be like?

Many researchers of anomalous places and antiquities agree: since Radonezh was a well-known cult region in ancient times, where sacred oak forests grew and where the Magi came for annual ceremonies, the White Gods tract could well be the temple of Belobog, to whom they prayed and asked for protection from evil. Or it could be a place of worship of Sventovid (who is to some extent identical to Belobog - through the root "light", according to other sources - his father). Finally - and this is another version - the very name of the area "Radonezh" may indicate the worship here of the deity Radegast (or Radogost) - the God of light.

One way or another, the place is truly mysterious. And it is still waiting for real research - both topographic and archaeological.

In China, there have been three revisions of Chinese characters that are not Chinese inventions at all. According to one ancient Chinese legend, Chinese civilization began with the fact that the White God Huang Di arrived to them on a heavenly chariot and taught them everything: to cultivate rice, build dams, make boats and chariots, dig wells, make musical instruments, be treated with acupuncture, sew clothes, etc. He gave them a calendar and writing, taught them to write in hieroglyphs. The Slavic-Aryan symbol - - is still used by the Chinese.

Other Chinese chronicles also mention the influence of white people from the North, who came to the land of the Celestial Empire, and who claimed that there they directly communicated with the gods. In addition, the Emperor in Ancient China was considered the empowered "King of the Cosmos" who resided at the "Heavenly North Pole".

So, the hieroglyphs transmitted to the Chinese changed three times, the books written in the old hieroglyphs were destroyed, and the history of the Chinese was rewritten with these new hieroglyphs, and information about the role of the White Gods in the history of China, unwanted by the scribes, was removed from it. At present, some hints of this can be gleaned from ancient Chinese mythology and folklore, which experts reconstruct from fragments of historical and philosophical writings: "Shujing", the oldest parts of the 14th-11th centuries. BC.; "Yi Ching", the oldest parts of the 8th-7th centuries. BC.; "Zhuanzi", 4th-3rd centuries BC.; "Lezzi", 4th century BC - 4 c. AD; Huainanzi, 2nd century BC.; Wang Chun's Critical Judgments, 1st c. AD). The largest amount of information on mythology is contained in the ancient treatise "Shan Hai Jing" ("Book of Mountains and Seas", 4th-2nd centuries BC), as well as in the poetry of Qu Yuan (4th century BC) ...

From them you can learn that the Chinese also have myths about the world mountain (Kunlun), at the top of which is the lower capital-palace of the supreme heavenly ruler, the world tree (Fusan), the flood and]]> the last planetary catastrophe]]> that occurred 13,000 years ago when Ny destroyed the moon Fatta. Different Chinese legends tell about this event in different ways. Some talk about the arrow I, which struck 9 suns with a bow. Others - about the Great Dragon Kun-Kun, who destroyed the pillars that supported the firmament, and the sky collapsed to the Earth and flooded it with water. Still others say that the Earth's support was broken, the sky began to fall to the North, and the Sun, Moon, stars and planets changed their trajectory. Another interesting fact is that according to legends, Huang Di was a totem animal.

I.S. Lisevich (1932-2000) - orientalist and sinologist - devoted his life to translating from Chinese. Along with the works of ancient Chinese prose and poetry, he translated and studied the Taoist canon Daodejing - the Book of the Way and Grace. It, in particular, tells about the activities of the "Sons of Heaven" led by Huang Di. He had amazing tripod, which could sometimes be a "dragon flying in the clouds." The apparatus could "rest and go", "become light and heavy." Let's read the comments of Lisevich about this "dragon".

“A flying stone basket (ie made of some non-metallic material) could probably not fly very high. But the aliens also had another aircraft. The ancient inhabitants of the Yellow River Valley, of course, christened it "dragon" ... But the same ancient Chinese with complete confidence pointed to ... the unusualness and dissimilarity of this dragon from all others that are so often found in Chinese folklore. They could be blue, red, white and black, with or without horns, but only the one on which Huang Di flew, had wings and a metallic sheen... And the most interesting thing is that he was not indifferent to the weather conditions. It was due to unfavorable weather conditions that Huang Di was once forced to postpone a very important flight, although, as stated in the original source, "everything was ready, and the dragon had already taken water." The fact that he was afraid of rain and wind is very funny, since in Chinese mythology, it is the dragon that is the ruler of the rain! But if the dragon had a real technical prototype, then its behavior becomes understandable ... "

In addition to the "dragon", Huang Di had "flying turtles", "mountain silver carts" and some kind of "stone basket": "... strong, but extremely light, it floats freely in the wind over the sands." Also "Sons of Heaven" used various technical devices. For example, he smelted "12 great mirrors and used them." When light fell on these mirrors, "all the images and signs of its back side clearly stood out in the shadow cast by the mirror."

He made flying "tripods" with cauldrons, which were made of "metal that was mined on Shoushan Mountain." The height of the apparatus was "one fathom and three steps" (approx. 3.5 m), 2/3 of its height was occupied by three supports, and the structure was crowned with a half-meter "boiling cauldron filled with the spirits of animals and monsters", which was "the likeness of the Great One." and "the hidden engine of the Tao Universe." Interesting that the boiler "had no barriers in the past and in the future".

Other devices were also described, the purpose of which was incomprehensible to the ancient author. Here is how he describes, for example, the landing of an aircraft: "A huge star, like a ladle, sank onto a blooming island."

“In some ancient Chinese sources -“ Critical Considerations ”by Wan Chun (1st century AD),“ Historical Records ”by Sim Qin (2nd century AD) and others - the scene of the departure of HuangDi and his companions is quite realistically depicted : “Huang, having mined copper on Shoushan Mountain, cast a tripod near the foot of Jingshan Mountain. When the tripod was ready, a dragon with a hanging mustache descended from above behind Huang, Huang climbed the dragon, all his assistants and their families moved after him, only seventy faces. The other subjects could not get up, and all at once grabbed their mustaches. The whiskers broke off and they fell (on the ground). "

Isn't it a helicopter with hanging steps?

Emperor Shun (approximately 2258-2203 BC), legends tell, not only built flying machines, but also created a "parachute". Emperor Chen Tang (1766 BC) ordered Ki-kunshi to build a flying chariot. The ancient designer completed this task and carried out a test flight: he flew to the province of Hunan. Over time, the ship, by order of the same emperor, was destroyed so that it did not fall into the hands of enemies.

In ancient Chinese manuscripts, we also find a mention of the official Wang Gu, who built two large kites with a seat between them. He attached 47 missiles to the seat. 47 assistants had to simultaneously set fire to all the "missiles". Nevertheless, for some reason one of them exploded earlier than was necessary, and set fire to other "missiles". Both the apparatus and the inventor died in the fire ...

Isn't there any rational grain in these descriptions of "flying chariots", do they not reflect the actual events that took place in hoary antiquity and reached us in a distorted form through the abyss of centuries? .. "

And yet in recent times there were also some material evidence of the presence on the territory of China of a highly developed civilization, which was created not Chinese! One of the material evidence of this is the Chinese pyramids, which the world learned about relatively recently.

In central China, about 100 kilometers from the city Xi'an(Xi'an) there are about 400 pyramids in Shaanxi province different forms and sizes. On the map of the pyramids located near the city of Xi'an, the pyramids are indicated with a height of more than 30-40 meters. Near each such pyramid, within a radius of one kilometer, there are from 5 to 20 small pyramids. Nobody knows their total number yet. These pyramids are very ancient, but the first mention of them in modern history was recorded only in 1912 in the diaries of Australian trade agents Fred Schroeder and Oscar Meman.

Pyramids surround the city of Xi'an from all sides. They are even within the city! In the northern vicinity of the neighboring city of Sanyang, there is also a huge valley of the pyramids, and to the northwest of it there is another valley of the older and higher pyramids. About them, too, nothing is known to the world, and it is there that the legendary White Pyramid is located. To the northeast of Xi'an is another valley of unexplored pyramids.

The height of all the pyramids located on the plains of Shaanxi province ranges from 25 to 100 meters. The only exception is one, which is located to the north of the others, in the valley of the Jia Lin River. This is the so-called Great White Pyramid... She's huge! She may well be called the Mother of all Chinese pyramids. In 1945, US Air Force pilot James Gausman flew over the territory of central China. Flying over one valley, he saw a giant white pyramid, the sight of which shook him to the core. According to his calculations, the height of the pyramid was about 1,500 feet (457.2 m). For comparison, the height of the largest Egyptian pyramid, the Giza pyramid, from base to top is 480 feet (146.3 m).

“Having flown over the mountains, I turned left and found myself above a flat valley, in the middle of which there was a giant white pyramid. It looked like something indescribable from a fairy tale, as it reflected a very bright white light. It could be metal or a special kind of stone that emits pure white light from all directions. We no longer wanted to fly anywhere else, we wanted to land right there ... "

This story spread around the world in 1947, but was soon forgotten for many decades, until in 1994 the German traveler Hartwig Hausdorff visited the Xi'an Valley of the Pyramids. He wrote the world's first book about the Chinese pyramids and called it "The White Pyramid", in which little was said about the white pyramid itself.

Until now, Chinese scientists have not carried out detailed studies of the pyramids. In addition, not so long ago, the Chinese government declared the area adjacent to the Great White Pyramid a closed area, since it has built a launch pad for launching rockets that put satellites into orbit.

All Chinese pyramids are built of loess - loamy, sandy loam soil, which has turned into stone during all this time. Most of the pyramids are strictly oriented along the four cardinal points and have a square base, but there are also rectangular ones. The most common form is a pyramid with a truncated top, and for pyramids 40-50 meters high, the upper platform measures 50x50 meters. There are also pyramids with a sharp top, like the Egyptian ones, and there are pyramids with sunken peaks that have a perfect regular spherical depression.

The Chinese pyramids are also stepped - multi-stage and single-stage. The steps of the pyramid are terraces with a height of 1-2 meters. Sometimes the steps reach the middle of the pyramid, then disappear and appear only at the very top.

An interesting discovery was made by a Russian researcher of the Chinese pyramids]]> Maxim Yakovenko]]>. He discovered near one of the pyramids an incredibly large number small stones with remnants of various ornaments on which squares, rhombuses and straight lines could be identified. There were so many of them that, having walked along and across the field, it was possible to load several trucks with them. The researcher concluded that these fragments were not fragments of ancient utensils, but could well have been the facing plates of the pyramid, and the ornament applied to them reflected the language and culture of the builders of the pyramids.

And in this regard, there are some interesting moments and questions. The facts show that the Chinese were not pyramid builders... It is known that structures of this type are absolutely not characteristic of any of the known periods in the history of Chinese culture and architecture. Yes, and the Chinese hid them very carefully and for a very long time, and now they are in no hurry to open and prepare them for mass tourism, while their other historical sights, for example, numerous pagodas, have been carefully restored to their original form and are kept in excellent condition. Moreover, the Chinese diligently plant the pyramids with evergreen trees and thorny bushes, which makes them look like ordinary hills.

Incidentally, Yakovenko discovered that the Great White Pyramid was faced with massive white stone blocks, while it itself was built of pressed clay. And in this fact there would be nothing like that, if not for one moment: within a radius of 30 km from the pyramid, there is nothing where it would be possible to mine a stone. The question arises: where, then, did the ancient builders of the pyramid take the material for the manufacture of these blocks and how did they deliver it? And in general, who were they, when and why did they build these colossal structures and in such numbers?

Regarding the purpose of the pyramids, orthodox Chinese science is trying to say something about the "tombs of the emperors." Indeed, in some pyramids, tombs have been found, and even together with Chinese emperors. However, these tombs turned out to be much younger than the pyramids themselves. For example, Emperor Gao-tsong of the Tang Dynasty was buried in a specially made tomb inside the Great White Pyramid only at the end of the 7th century AD.

So how ancient are the Chinese pyramids?

Exploring an aerial photograph of a group of pyramids east of Xi'an, ancient culture explorer and writer Graham Hancock came to the conclusion that on the plane they form constellation gemini... Indeed, computer analysis showed that So the constellation Gemini looked on the vernal equinox in 10 500 year BC.

Besides, Hartwig Hausdorff was able to track down the diaries of those two Australian traders who managed to visit Shaanxi in 1912. Then they happened to meet an old Buddhist monk, who reported that these pyramids were mentioned in extremely ancient records kept in his monastery. The records are about 5 thousand years old, but even there the pyramids are called “very old, built under the ancient emperors, who said that they came from the sons of heaven who descended to earth on their fire-breathing metal dragons...»

In the ancient literary source, the chronicle "Yunae Dadian, scroll 11956" tells about Huang Di's travels in the Universe, for which he used a certain vehicle called "Dragon Chen-Huang". According to the Chinese chronicles, he arrived from the star Xiu-ayu-Yuan - the star Alpha Leo from the constellation Leo (the palace of the Race).

The activity of the "sons of heaven", which is described in ancient Chinese texts, such as the Taoist canon "Tao Tzu" and "Notes on the Generations of Lords and Kings", was not only in teaching people of the yellow race various sciences and crafts. They also closely monitored the aftermath of a planetary catastrophe just over 13,000 years ago, and took action to stabilize the planet and the planet itself. One of the stabilization methods was the construction of colossal structures - pyramids - at certain points on the Earth.

In this regard, the following fact is noteworthy: the location of the three pyramids of Giza in Egypt and the three pyramids in China, in Yasen Park, is similar. The pyramids are located schematically in the same way, oriented to the cardinal points, the ratio of the distances between the pyramids of Egypt and Yasen Park is also striking in its similarity.

“WHITE GODS - an ancient structure of incomprehensible purpose, located in a tract near the village of Vozdvizhenskoye in the Sergiev-Posad region in the north-east of the Moscow region in the town of White Bogi. Here, in a deep forest, there is a hemisphere of about 6 m in diameter and 3 m in height made of wild stone of regular shape, which was known even to P. Semenov-Tyan-Shansky, an outstanding traveler and geographer. IN XII - XIII centuries, according to legends, there was a pagan altar, the layout of which resembles the plan of Stonehenge (where, by the way, also, according to the chronicles, sacrifices were made). "
This is how it looks on the Internet, a publicly available description of an ancient temple, which was born as a result of the consolidation of the materials of several existing legends about different objects and the publication of an attractive hypothesis to the world.
And so the temple of the White Gods is described by the researcher Alexei Borisovich Lipkin, who collected material about the history of the Radonezh land in ancient archives and books of historians and colleagues:

“.... human memory brings to us the news about the ancient pagan sanctuaries.
One of them - the ancient temple "White Gods" was located not far from Radonezh, in the past, the most ancient Slavic settlement, from which today a small village and a settlement remain. The exact location of the sanctuary is forgotten today, but we find mention of it from the materials of the Polish archaeologist and ethnographer Khodakovsky, who visited this place.
... In Dmitrovsky Uyezd, being in the village of Gorodok, which was formerly called Radonezh, I learned a very rare name.
... The good-natured local priest and several old-timers took me to their small town and told all the tracts around them. There was only one thing missing, which would have at the beginning or at the end the syllable "God" or "Bug". For a long time my interlocutors could not remember. Finally, one of them said: “There is a name similar to God; but it is not in our possession, and may not be useful to you; it is adjacent to us and no further than one verst from this town ”. A young woman who, in the absence of men, brought me from the main road to a neighboring town, also knew about the "White Gods", and brought me to them. I examined this place; it is in an excellent position, near a expanse or hollow, which is separated from the tract called Mogiltsy.
So what are these gods, the mention of which was so carefully sought by the researcher?
One of them is Belbog, who was part of the pantheon oldest gods, he was the personification of good. According to some sources, the Idol of Belbog was installed on a hill in July and begged for protection from his antagonist - Chernobog.
They (Belbog and Chernobog), together with their father Svantevit (god of the gods), formed the image of Triglav (triune deity), thereby representing the image of the Slavic pagan system of the universe, uniting together the heavenly world (rule), the world of people (reality) and the world of the dead (Nav ).
And when the days of Oats come, we end the harvest and rejoice at it. And if another does not keep his nature this time and says insane, then this is from Chernobog. And the other will receive joy - and this is from Belobog.
So, maybe there were other sanctuaries here - the sanctuaries of Svantevit and Chernobog?
There is a chance that this is indeed the case. The assumption about the possibility of the existence of a temple dedicated to Svantevit is quite reasonable.
If we remember the name of the "town", near which the "White Gods" - Radonezh, should be, then we will encounter another of the Slavic gods, which will serve as the key to finding the answer to the question asked. This is Radegast - the god of advice, who left in his memory a lot of traces on geographic map(including Radonezh). Some researchers of the pagan traditions of the Slavs make an assumption that is not devoid of justification (based on a comparison of images of Radegast and Svantevit, as well as the epithet Radegast (swan-winged) and one of the translations of the name Svantevit (mister swan)) that Svantevit and Radegast are one person, one god ...
And now we already have two sanctuaries: one - "White Gods", and the other - located directly in Radonezh or its immediate vicinity.
But what about Chernobog? And Chernobog, apparently, will also find a place here. Let us recall the Mogiltsy tract mentioned by Khodakovsky. Let us also remember that in Slavic mythology Chernobog also carries the functions of the ruler of the land of the dead.
So, did human memory clearly work, leaving us with a message about the existence of places of worship, places where idols stood, where our ancestors communicated with the gods?
And yet, why exactly Radonezh became one of the cult centers of our ancestors? Maybe these are not simple places, but special ones with a strange, incomprehensible power? After all, ancient settlements, and even more so sanctuaries, did not arise anywhere, but required certain conditions for their foundation. These necessary conditions one can consider the presence of river bends in the immediate vicinity of the settlements, certain geophysical conditions: the presence of groundwater, the intersection of water veins, ring structures and geological faults. Pictures from space, analysis of the points of location of ancient settlements, sanctuaries, churches and monasteries, stories about places with unusual, anomalous properties, local toponymy - all confirm these features.
And Radonezhie meets all these conditions.
Along the banks of the stream, flowing slightly away from Radonezh, there are many springs, thanks to which it was called Orzhavets. It was here, on the coast, in the middle of the 19th century, according to the testimony of local residents, that “white stones” lay. The area on Orzhavets is one of the few places in Radonezh where in ancient times there were springs near oak forests. "Therefore, it can be assumed that in the choice of this place the Slavic custom of venerating old oaks, near which springs flowed, affected. With the spread of Christianity, the oak began to be revered as an earthly reflection of the tree of paradise, which sharpens living water that heals from ailments.
Legends about the reserved oak also live in this land ...
There is a legend that on the territory of Radonezh there is still a cult tree - an oak tree with magic symbols and ritual decorations, near which, at a certain time, the initiates gather - the Magi, who carry in their memory the ancient customs and behests of our distant ancestors. This place is not indicated in any way for the uninitiated, moreover, they say that on the way to it, the unkind will get lost, the accidental will pass by without noticing anything unusual, and only to a person with a good heart and pure thoughts the tree will open in all its innermostness.
And popular rumor brings to us the news about another oak - the oak of St. Sergius of Radonezh.
There was an oak tree here, planted according to legend by the Monk Sergius, but, as we were told, not so long ago a shepherd inadvertently set it on fire.
There is also a clear attachment to the cardinal points. In principle, the Slavs had in the form of a certain arrangement of sanctuaries, cult stones, sacred springs and groves - not bad enough "calendars - observatories" that helped them determine the dates of special holidays and the dates of the agrarian cycle.
Byahu, then, the trash, devouring the lake and the treasure and the grove.
The eastward direction was thought of as the main axis of the sacred space. The graves were located strictly to the east of Radonezh, and the inhabitants of the town could watch the sunrise over this tract at the equinox, which occurred at the end of the 13th - 14th centuries. on March 19. Moving towards the "summer sunrise", as the place was called then summer solstice, the point of sunrise by April 10 moved to the cape, on which the "White Gods" sanctuary was located.
Probably later, on these sacred places were built Orthodox churches... The legend, recorded by I.M.Snegirev, speaks of the existence of seven churches and two monasteries in the vicinity of Radonezh. Churches were often established on the sites of devastated pagan sanctuaries.
... where is the tree of trash to the demons on the mountains - there are now the chrkvi there are golden-domed.
A similar replacement of pagan sanctuaries with Orthodox churches with the arrival of the Christian took place everywhere in Russia. According to the chronicle, Prince Vladimir (988) laid the foundation for this process.
... ordered to cut down churches and put them in the places where idols used to stand.
There are two legends, one of which tells that Sergius of Radonezh himself "laid the cross" on one of the stones of the "White Gods" sanctuary, the other tells about Sergius' intention to initially found a monastery on this place.
To this I would like to add one more element that allows us to talk about a whole pagan complex located in Radonezh, and later will help us travel to other mysterious places in the northeast of the Moscow region.
Specialists - archaeologists, ethnographers, historians of religions - are well aware of a number of legends that are recorded with suspicious consistency over vast territories. They use them as one of the tools for work, for example, to discover ancient settlements or sanctuaries.
To find ancient sanctuaries, it is important to pay attention to toponymy. Place names with stems are quite typical for such places: Chertovo, Bozhie, Poganoe, Svyatoe, White, Black, Red, Dedovo, Babino; with roots Lyub, Rad, Roth, Slav, Ver, etc.
The local names of meadows and hills tell us about the ancient veneration of these places - the very ones where bonfires were kindled on holidays, there were round dances, and lingering girlish songs were sung. And here there are Black Meadows (Black Golyginsky and Black Vozdvizhensky), Red Meadow (which, after the death of people on it in a thunderstorm, was called the Dead), Matrenkina Gora, there is also a Besova Kuliga - a meadow about which people told all sorts of unusual stories. In the Devil's Meadow, a person was haunted by various visions.
Near Radonezh, the village of Vozdvizhenskoe is located, which witnessed dramatic events - the streltsy riots and the struggle of the princess-ruler Sophia with her brother Peter I. It was here that Sophia executed the archers suspected of treason. This fate was not spared either by Prince Ivan Khovansky and his son. They were beheaded in the square near the great Moscow road at the testimony of the minors Peter and Ivan. The place of execution is still called the "Wretched Mountain". The bodies of the executed were not ordered to be buried - they were simply trampled into the swampy banks of the Vori near the village of Golygino.
There are stories that they go out at night, on the full moon, executed by Sophia Khovansky on the road and ask a bystander to witness their innocent death, taking off their caps in front of him in gratitude, along with severed heads. No, it is clear that their souls have peace to this day.
Near Vozdvizhenskoye, practically merging with it, is the village of Leshkovo. Is it really from Leshy himself that its name comes from? And a few kilometers to the north of this place, there is another, "enchanted" place. It is located between the villages of Ryazantsy and Kirimovo.