The cat has small kidney stones. Urolithiasis in cats: symptoms and treatment. Signs of urolithiasis in cats. Preventing the formation of stones in the bladder

Kidney stones in cats are relatively rare, but nevertheless occur. Various causes can contribute to their appearance, ranging from heredity, ending with the wrong choice of food or the diet of your cat.

The kidneys of the cat, like the kidneys in humans, purify the blood and remove waste from the cat's body. When a cat's kidney stones develop, it is difficult to remove waste from the body, and the cat may experience discomfort and physical pain. There are several common types of feline kidney stones: calcium oxalate (the most common type), bile pigments, urates, struvite, and calcium phosphate can also occur.

All of these substances accumulate, starting in tiny formations, and then turn into real stones. The larger your cat's kidney stones are, the more uncomfortable your pet will be.

Kidney stones in cats. Symptoms

Kidney stones in cats can go unnoticed if they are relatively small. When a stone moves to the ureter from the kidney, it can lead to obstruction, as it can get stuck in the ureter. Difficulty urinating is one of the main symptoms of feline kidney stones. Among the symptoms of this type, the following can be observed:

  • Strenuous urination of the cat;
  • The cat doesn't stop licking its genitals;
  • The cat is crying while going to the toilet;
  • The cat has frequent urination with a small amount of urine;
  • There is blood in the cat's urine;
  • The cat has a stomach ache;
  • The cat is vomiting;
  • The cat is depressed;
  • In cats, the kidneys become swollen as a result of the difficulty in removing fluid from them.

Symptoms can also include chronic urinary tract infections, urinary tract obstruction (especially in males), and urination in unusual places.

Note : Obstruction of the ureters can lead to irreversible kidney damage, and accumulation of toxins in the blood can lead to uremia.

Kidney stones in cats are a medical emergency. If you find at least a few of the listed symptoms in your cat, immediately contact your veterinarian.

Kidney stones in cats can occur for a variety of reasons.

  • Improper diet and lack of essential nutrients;
  • Insufficient fluid intake;
  • Urinary tract infections;
  • High concentration of magnesium, ammonium and phosphate in urine;
  • PH level in urine, which promotes crystal formation;
  • Dietary supplements and pharmaceuticals in the cat's diet;
  • Congenital pathologies of the liver and kidneys.

Risk factors for kidney stones in cats

Kidney stones in cats can appear at any age, but the older the cat gets, the higher the risk of this disease. The risk of calcium oxalate stones is particularly increased. There are certain cat breeds that are more prone to kidney stones.

The risk group includes males of the Burmese breed, Himalayan, Persian cats.

Kidney stones in cats. Diagnostics

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If you suspect kidney stones in a cat, you should contact your veterinarian and tell him about the symptoms that you have noticed in the animal. After a physical examination, your veterinarian may:

  • Complete blood count of the animal;
  • Analysis of the released stone;
  • An ultrasound or x-ray to detect the presence of kidney stones in a cat;
  • A urinalysis to examine the functioning of the cat's kidneys and whether it contains blood or small stones.

How to treat kidney stones in cats

For a cat or a cat suffering from kidney stones, time is of the essence. In as little as two weeks, feline kidney stones can grow to dangerous sizes. That is why you should not hesitate with the treatment of cat kidney stones.

Common treatments for kidney stones in cats are:

  • A special diet prescribed by your veterinarian to regulate the pH level in your cat's urine and dissolve stones;
  • Increasing your cat's water intake
  • A special procedure to fill the cat's bladder and induce urination;
  • Special methods of crushing kidney stones in cats;
  • In some cats (mostly females), kidney stones can pass naturally during urination, as they have a wider urinary tract.

Surgery to remove stones from the kidney of a cat

  • Before the operation, the animal should not be fed for about a day, as there is a risk that the cat may inhale and choke on vomit when under anesthesia.
  • After the operation (if there are no contraindications), it is necessary to ensure that the animals receive a sufficient amount of fluid.
  • You should also find out what medications will be used during medical procedures and if your cat is allergic to them. If so, ask your veterinarian what to do in this case.

The cat also needs to be provided with post-operative care to keep it comfortable. Listen carefully to your veterinarian's advice. Your cat may need additional treatment and veterinary visits. The veterinarian can analyze the stones extracted from the cat's kidneys in the laboratory to determine their exact mineral composition and prescribe correct treatment to prevent future feline kidney stones.

Preventing the appearance of kidney stones in cats

You can prevent your feline kidney stones by following these guidelines:

  • Discuss your cat's diet with your veterinarian. You will be advised on a diet low in minerals that have triggered kidney stones in your cat.
  • Wet food is much better for cats than dry food. Water helps prevent stone formation and also dilutes urine.
  • Be sure to provide your cat with the right amount of water daily. Make sure to keep water in the cat's bowl at all times, and refresh the water at least once a day.
  • Your cat must remain physically active to reduce the risk of kidney stones.
  • Your veterinarian may recommend regular urinalysis of your cat to check for infection and to watch for new kidney stones.

The author of the article: Ilya Samokhvalov, "Moscow Medicine" © Disclaimer: The information provided in this article about kidney stones in a cat is for informational purposes only. However, it cannot be a substitute for consulting a veterinarian.

Urolithiasis disease in cats, it manifests itself in the formation of two types of stones: struvite and oxalate. The former are formed in an alkaline medium and have a solid structure. Alkalinization of urine is mainly due to the excess of phosphorus and magnesium in the cat's food.

The second type occurs if the urine pH is highly acidic, which is caused by an increased calcium content. Oxalates are characterized by sharp edges and a loose structure.

Why do cats get urolithiasis?

Among the causes of urolithiasis (another name for urolithiasis) in cats, there are:

  • errors in the diet (the predominance of any substances in food);
  • lack of water or its excessive saturation with salts;
  • Availability chronic diseases, foci of inflammation, metabolic disorders in the animal's body;
  • congenital or acquired features of anatomy;
  • hereditary factor.

How pathology manifests itself

To find out that a pet has urolithiasis, at first, its development will not work: he cannot complain of discomfort or problems with urination, so the owners will learn about the presence of a dangerous pathology when it has gone too far. You need to run to the clinic if the following symptoms of ICD appear:

  • the cat goes to the toilet not to its usual place, but anywhere;
  • little urine is released, grains of sand, blood can be noticeable in it;
  • the urge to urinate itself, on the contrary, becomes frequent;
  • pain and irritation of the urinary tract with sand makes the cat lick the urethra.

Gradually, the pet's body temperature rises (up to 40 ˚С), he refuses food, moves a little. When urine cannot pass along the paths, the cat becomes very anxious, meows, assumes a characteristic posture to facilitate outflow.

It is especially important to have time to see a veterinarian in case of a critically dangerous condition of a cat, which is characterized by the following symptoms of urolithiasis:

  • the abdomen becomes denser, its volume becomes noticeably larger;
  • since the urine can no longer come out, it stagnates in bladder, causing severe tissue intoxication;
  • the cat hardly moves;
  • frothy saliva comes out of the mouth;
  • the temperature of the animal drops, the pet is trembling;
  • vomiting is possible.

In the absence of timely assistance, the animal dies.

Important: intoxication occurs already a day after urination stops!

Is it possible to diagnose urolithiasis in a cat?

ICD in a cat can be diagnosed in the initial stages of the development of the disease, if regular examinations are carried out. Methods such as help identify the disease or differentiate it from other pathologies (tumors, cystitis and others):

  • urine tests (general and microscopic polarized);
  • x-ray;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs.

During the diagnosis, the veterinarian will definitely ask the owner about the conditions of keeping the cat, its physical characteristics, past illnesses and other nuances. It is important to tell when you noticed the first signs of the disease, how often they appear, and so on.

Treatment of urolithiasis in cats

When contacting a veterinarian with an attack of ICD in cats, the treatment of the disease necessarily begins with the restoration of the patency of the urinary tract. A catheter is used to remove the urinary calculus or to clean out accumulated sand. All manipulations are performed under general anesthesia. After the formations are removed, the urethral lumen is thoroughly washed with an antiseptic solution.

In difficult situations, doctors need to first create an artificial excretory duct - this intervention is called a urethrostomy. However, with very large deposits that greatly exceed the diameter of the urethra, an abdominal operation is performed, directly removing the stones.

Further treatment is aimed at normalizing the acid-base balance in the pet's body, cleansing it of toxic products. At the same time, they eliminate the inflammatory process by prescribing antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs. The total duration of therapy can be 14 or more days, depending on the complexity of the intervention performed, the condition of the animal and other circumstances.

Features of drug therapy

A mustached patient for the treatment of urolithiasis can be assigned to different groups of drugs:

  • pain relievers (often - Papaverine, Analgin);
  • antibiotics (for example, Zeparin);
  • drugs that eliminate the inflammatory process (Palin, Furagin and others);
  • antispasmodic drugs (Baralgin).

Supportive therapy is indicated if necessary. It can be: vitamin complexes, funds aimed at normalizing the heart, drugs to restore the digestive tract. All medications are prescribed only by a veterinarian in accordance with the age and sex of the cat.

What to do after treatment

Regardless of the complexity of the treatment (even if urolithiasis in a cat is found on early stage) the further life of the pet should take place in conditions of constant preventive measures. The owner will be required to regularly examine the pet: take urine for analysis and do ultrasound diagnostics of the organs of the urinary system.

In addition, the cat should be immediately transferred to an appropriate diet that excludes the components that provoke the development of the disease. If necessary, the mustachioed friend will need to periodically give antibiotics and / or diuretics.

How to feed a cat (cat) with urolithiasis

Only with proper nutrition can a cat diagnosed with ICD live painlessly for several more years. Since some pets prefer dry food and others prefer homemade food, dietary approaches will vary.

Dry food for a cat with ICD: which one to choose

Most of the dry food is completely unsuitable for feeding a cat with urolithiasis - they contain too much mineral salts. But there are also special mixtures that can be selected depending on the type of urinary stones, for example:

  • Oxalates - Royal Cannin Urinary S / O LP34, Hill's PD Feline K / D;
  • Struvites - Purina Pro Plan Veterinary Diets UR, Hill's Prescription Diet C / D.

You only need to buy feed that are premium and super-premium.

How to feed your cat homemade food

Feeding a cat with urolithiasis at home also depends on the type of stones. Since the high acidity of urine is due to calcium, you need to limit the pet in eggs and milk (and their derivatives). Vegetables rich in this element should also be eliminated from the cat's diet. In addition, with oxalates, it is extremely undesirable to give your pet by-products, since they contain a large amount of oxalic acid.

Monotony in food should be avoided. A cat's menu should be based on meat dishes, while it is prohibited to add any kind of industrial feed to food.

It is important to provide the animal with free access to water. Since cats drink a little, you need to try to teach your pet to regularly visit the "watering hole". The bowl of water should not be near the stern, so that the cat does not turn his attention to food.

Important facts about urolithiasis in cats

There are several important facts about the IBC in cats that every owner should know.

  • At risk are cats living in hot environmental conditions, since the increased temperature causes thickening of urine and an increase in its concentration.
  • It is noted that most often urolithiasis develops in animals in age period 2-6 years old.
  • Obese, overweight cats are also more likely to develop ICD than lean or normal-weight cats.
  • A predisposition to the deposition of stones in the urinary system is noted in long-haired cats.
  • Because of the narrow urethra, the disease affects more cats than cats.
  • The disease is more often noted in cats after castration, as well as in cats in which heat is "wasted".
  • Experts noticed that in cats suffering from urolithiasis, relapses are observed more often in the autumn period (especially at the beginning) and from the 1st to the 4th months of the year.
  • Struvite formation is more often observed in animals under 6 years of age. At the same time, the formation of oxalate stones is more typical for cats over 6-7 years old.

Urolithiasis in castrated cats: true or not

The development of urolithiasis in castrated cats is confirmed by statistical data. but scientific confirmation there is no fact of the direct influence of castration on the formation of stones. It turns out that both facts contradict each other. In fact, castration has an indirect effect and leads to ICD in an indirect way.

In a castrated animal, there is a sharp hormonal disruption. Changes in the activity of the endocrine glands contribute to the appearance in cats of slowness, some passivity (although a young pet can be very active), calmness in behavior. With age, the cat moves more slowly, reacts less to stimuli, including the opposite sex, eats more. All together cause the appearance excess weight and sometimes obesity.

It is known that most of the overweight animals sooner or later fall ill with urolithiasis. Moreover, the slowed down metabolism in castrates is the reason for the rare emptying of the bladder, which leads to congestion. And if the operation was performed too early, then the urinary tract remains underdeveloped and narrow, which also provokes the formation of stones. It can be concluded that neutered cats are indeed at risk.

How to prevent urolithiasis in cats (cats)

Prevention of ICD in cats is as follows:

  • monitor the variety of the pet's diet, and if the need arises, purchase specialized food;
  • avoid the development of obesity by controlling the calorie content of food (you can contact a specialist for this);
  • stimulate regular water consumption, ensuring its availability and freshness;
  • keep the animal active, not allowing laziness to develop;
  • do an ultrasound scan every six months, especially if there is a predisposition to ICD;
  • regularly donate cat urine to the clinic for the detection of salts;
  • undergo a full course of treatment if sand or stones are found.

Such simple measures will provide the mustachioed pet with health for many years. If the cat has already been treated for urolithiasis, then they will help to avoid relapse, because it is impossible to completely get rid of this pathology.

Our pets are susceptible to many diseases that are common to humans. But unlike humans, cats and cats cannot say what exactly hurts and bothers them. The owner must carefully look at the behavior of the animal in order to understand in time: the cat is not all right. Urolithiasis is one of the most common in the feline family. Veterinarians tell you what to do if your cat has kidney stones.

Provoking factors

Urolithiasis is not uncommon in cats and cats. But most often cats that live in cities are susceptible to this disease. The formation of stones in the kidneys and urinary tract is facilitated by an unfavorable environmental situation, surrogate nutrition, which is based on many harmful substances.

Often, experts simply cannot say why this disease occurs. But now it is absolutely clear that the older the pet is, the more likely it is to develop a disease. But there are a number of factors that clearly provoke the appearance of stones in the ureter and kidneys..

  1. Not proper nutrition, monotonous without taking into account all the features of the cat, as well as the balance of all food components.
  2. The cat's diet contains only dry food and nothing else. There is no additional feeding with vitamins, microelements. All this provokes the crystallization of active substances, which leads to the fact that stones begin to form.
  3. Excessive presence of bone meal in food as a dietary supplement.
  4. Inflammation of the genitourinary system and renal pelvis.
  5. Lack of vitamins.
  6. Genetic predisposition, problems in the endocrine system, as well as the influence of climate.
  7. The urinary tract has narrowed and this can also cause kidney stones or sand in the ducts.
  8. Abuse of medicines, which become a source of crystallization in the process of urolithiasis.
  9. Too fatty food, as well as the predominance of fish in the diet.
  10. Poor quality feed.
  11. Infections caused by staphylococcus, streptococcus.

The most common cause of the appearance of stones is the slow dissolution of minerals. Therefore, the formation of sand and urinary stones in the kidneys is a controlled process, but in order not to miss the moment of illness of a cat or cat, you need to know the symptoms.


The symptoms of kidney stones in a cat are quite bright and such that it is impossible not to pay attention to:

  • the cat urinates frequently, the urine is blood clots and is accompanied by pain, which causes great irritation in the cat;
  • often comes to the tray, but little urine is released, these are also sure signs of urolithiasis in cats;
  • sitting on the tray for a long time because of pain, the pet meows, arch its back, shakes its tail;
  • often the animal just sits on the tray and this does not lead to anything;
  • the bladder is full, and the slightest touch on the cat's belly causes a negative reaction on his part.

The most unpleasant thing that can happen is rectal prolapse, since the animal is constantly pushing and this becomes the reason for this situation. In addition, persistently retained urine is a source of intoxication for the entire body. The pet becomes lethargic, his nose is dry, he categorically refuses to sit on his hands. Delay in going to the veterinarian will kill the animal in 2 - 3 days.

How to diagnose

Some of the listed signs of the disease are quite possible for other diseases. Considering that it is impossible to interview an animal and obtain additional information that will help to correctly determine the disease, one has to rely only on the veterinarian's instincts and diagnostics, which consists in the following:

  • A blood test, primarily a biochemical one, will determine the presence of a disease.
  • Analysis of urine.
  • Contrast X-ray.
  • Analysis of chemical stones.

The latter is important, since the method of treatment of the microbiota will depend on the chemical composition of the stones. If these are struvites, that is, stones consisting of ammonium, phosphates and magnesium, then they are completely soluble by drugs. But oxalates, which are composed of calcium, can only be removed surgically.

What factors affect the appearance of the disease

Urolithiasis in cats and cats can develop most often in:

  • cats, since their ureter is much narrower than that of cats;
  • the risk of developing the disease is especially high between the ages of 2 to 6 years;
  • neutered cats and non-neutered cats;
  • breeds of cats and cats with long hair, for example, Siberian long-haired.

It has long been noticed that the disease worsens either at the beginning of autumn or in the interval between January and May.

How to avoid illness

The best way to prevent a pet from developing kidney stones is through prevention, i.e. a series of measures which will prevent the onset and development of the disease.

  • The room where animals live should always be warm.
  • We must try to ensure that the pet does not have constipation, and for this the food must be varied.
  • If stones appear, then you need to choose a special diet, which will depend on the composition of the stones.
  • Make sure that the animal does not gain excess weight.

It is also important that the cat or cat drank only purified water. Observing these simple rules, it is possible to completely avoid the appearance of stones or to significantly facilitate their removal from the kidneys.


Treatment for cats with kidney stones is either conservative or surgical. If, during an acute attack, the cat experiences severe pain, before taking it to the doctor, it is necessary to put a heating pad between its hind legs. This will relieve the condition and become the first aid in the treatment of stone disease..

  • Operation (surgical method). Under general anesthesia, stones are removed from the animal. If it is fine sand, the veterinarian, also injecting the animal with soporific agents, will rinse the bladder with an antibacterial solution using a catheter.
  • With the help of medicines ( conservative method). This is a set of measures using special drugs that dissolve stones, antispasmodics, as well as a diet that is aimed at helping to dissolve stones.

The conservative method is safer and simpler than the surgical one, but less reliable because the drugs may not dissolve the stones. The decision about which method to choose is made by the doctor. And this choice will depend on the type of stones, their size and quantity.

After the treatment, a special diet will be prescribed, which must be followed.

What is the diet for a cat

Diet for urolithiasis consists in the correct organization of the cat's day regimen and therapeutic nutrition.

  • Feeding three times a day, between meals, the cat should not have access to food.
  • If struvite stones are excluded from the diet fermented milk products, eggs, the basis of the feed is meat. If the cat agrees to drink acidified water, add a drop of lemon to it.
  • With oxalate stones, everything that contains calcium is excluded from the products. Fish and boiled meat are given in limited quantities.
  • It is necessary to make sure that the cat drinks as much as possible, or soften the food that he eats with water.

The diet for the disease itself consists in the fact that the cat or cat consumes special medicinal food. Most veterinarians say that during this period it is necessary to exclude natural products from the animal's diet altogether.

For struvite stones, the cat feeds on Hills Prescription S / D or Eukanuba Struvite Urinary Formula. With oxalates, the same Hills only with the X / D marking, or Eukanuba only with Oxalate. When both stones are present, Royal Canin Urinary S / O Feline is used.


The appearance of kidney stones in a cat is due to a violation of metabolic processes in the body and the presence of inflammation in the organs of the genitourinary system. In this case, the failure of metabolic processes is often a congenital phenomenon.

Details about the appearance of kidney stones in a cat

The disease is called nephrolithiasis. Most often, this pathology manifests itself in males.

Nephrolithiasis is a disease in which kidney stones appear.

Acquired ailment does not depend on the age of the pet , but cats that live in the city are most susceptible. By chemical composition formations are divided into urates and phosphates. Often there is a blockage of the urinary tract, the presence of sand and salts in the bladder.

IN last years the tendency of disease affection is growing. The disease proceeds in acute and chronic forms.

Provoking factors

A factor in the appearance of the disease can be the lack of a correct varied diet.

To date, experts cannot accurately determine the causes of this disease.

Often, deposits are formed due to the delayed dissolution of minerals, which, after being processed, are secreted by the kidneys. The accumulation of such waste leads to the formation of crystals, and then larger deposits.

Additional factors for the development of the disease in cats

An overdose of medication can make your cat sick.

As a result of this, a malfunction of the water and salt balance in the animal's body occurs. Among other things, there are other factors that allow diseases to arise:

  • the presence of microorganisms - streptococcus;
  • salt sediment due to alkalization, as a result of stagnant processes of urine;
  • regular drug overdose;
  • lack of a complex of vitamins necessary for;
  • congenital predisposition;
  • climate features;
  • failure in the endocrine system;
  • narrowing of the urinary tract as a result of sterilization or congenital features of the anatomical structure;
  • inflammation in the renal pelvis or organs of the genitourinary system.

Kidney stones

The formation of uroliths does not occur immediately. It is important to observe the animal and be guided by any alarming symptoms.

Symptoms of kidney stones in cats

The main signs of pathology are associated with urination disorder.

  1. The cat often urinates, while experiencing severe pain.
  2. Urine comes out in small portions, has impurities of a different nature.
  3. Most often, blood impurities can be observed in the pet's urine - small streaks, clots, or simply blotches.
  4. An almost complete reddening of the liquid occurs.
  5. Pronounced symptoms directly depend on the location of the stones and the size.
  6. The animal experiences sharp pain while visiting the tray, meows plaintively, arches its back, is nervous.
  7. It happens that he spends a long time on the tray, but never empties.
  8. Breathing quickened, intermittent.
  9. Appetite completely disappears, the cat is depressed, lethargic, does not give in to his hands and does not allow him to touch his stomach.
  10. The bladder is often full due to the inability to properly flush out excess fluid.
  11. With strong attempts it is possible that in itself is fraught with even greater complications.
  12. Prolonged stagnation of urine leads to severe intoxication of the body.

In case of illness, the cat can spend a long time on the tray, but it will not be emptied.


An ultrasound of the internal organs can make an accurate diagnosis of the presence of kidney stones.

An accurate diagnosis depends on the collection of information and the conduct of special clinical examinations.

Held general blood test , which allows you to identify inflammatory processes.

A biochemical blood test for this pathology will reveal an electrolyte imbalance.

  • with this pathology, it will reveal an electrolyte imbalance.
  • detects blood impurities, determines the level of leukocytes, protein, bacteria and crystals.
  • A culture of urea is carried out, which will allow you to find out what type of infection is present and establish the level of sensitivity to a particular antibiotic.
  • At the same time, it is necessary to conduct a contrast radiography, which will indicate the location of the formations.
  • In parallel, an ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity should be carried out in order to assess the condition of the kidneys, bladder, and also confirm or deny the presence of phosphates or urates, their quantity and size.

Kidney stones treatment

If the examination revealed kidney stones, then it is necessary to start treatment with a diet.

First of all, a sick animal should be put on a diet that excludes the use of dry food.

Appointed drugs that help dissolve stones... The use of antibiotic therapy is shown to eliminate infections in the kidneys, bladder and urinary tract. Intravenous infusion of saline solutions is recommended to replenish lost fluid, when, to eliminate vomiting, if any, and to restore appetite.

Allowed appointment hemostatic drugs if blood was present in the urine. Antispasmodics and analgesics to relieve pain and spasms. If it is impossible to achieve results with conventional therapy, in advanced cases, they resort to surgical removal of nephroliths.

If there is blood in the urine, the appointment of hemostatic drugs is permissible.

Herbal medicine is a good help in the treatment of kidney stones.

It is permissible to give to the cat fresh parsley juice - a fourth of a teaspoon about three times a day. You can also give your cat an infusion of parsley seeds in the same doses. Good recommendations at the infusion of lingonberry, which is given to the cat in a dosage of two teaspoons after each feeding.

Helps with nephrolithiasis strawberry or carrot juice - one teaspoon on an empty stomach. Steamed pumpkin with honey helps to assimilate useful microelements and medicines, promotes the fastest absorption of drugs.

Surgical intervention (18+)

What to do for prevention?

To prevent relapses, you should not feed the animal with raw fish and meat, exclude canned food from the diet.

Access to fresh and clean water must be free. It is advisable to teach from infancy to eat fermented milk products. Pay special attention to spayed cats, as they are most at risk of nephroliths due to metabolic disorders.

The kidneys are a filtering organ through which substances formed in the pet's body as a result of metabolism pass. Some mineral components are characterized by a low level of solubility, as a result of which they accumulate in the kidneys in the form of crystalline sand. After a while, large formations are formed from it - nephrolites, that is, stones.

The appearance of kidney stones in cats is the result of metabolic disorders or inflammation in the organs of the genitourinary system. When diagnosing a disease at an early stage, treatment at home is allowed, with an advanced form of the disease, hospitalization of the pet and an operation are necessary.

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    Who suffers more often?

    In the risk zone of urolithiasis (Urolithiasis) are:

    • males, since the diameter of the urethral lumen in males is much smaller than that of females;
    • overweight cats and cats;
    • not spayed cats;
    • castrated cats;
    • long-haired cats (Siberian, Persian);
    • pets aged 2 to 6 years.

    The disease worsens from January to May, as well as early autumn.

    Causes of kidney stones in cats

    There are external and internal causes of the formation of stones in the bladder, urethra, renal tubules. External factors include:

    1. 1. Climate. If it is very hot, the pet's urine becomes more concentrated, as the filtration of the primary urine deteriorates.
    2. 2. Geochemistry. The composition of air, water and soil significantly affects the health of a cat. Water, in which there is a significant amount of lime salts, helps to lower the pH of the urine, and this leads to the accumulation of excess calcium salts.
    3. 3. Nutrition. A large amount of protein in the pet's diet, mixing industrial feed and homemade food increases the concentration of urea.
    4. 4. Vitamin deficiency. Lack of vitamins, especially vitamin A (found in carrots, egg yolk, vegetable oil, greenery) adversely affects the cells of the epithelium of the genitourinary system.

    Internal causes causing the development of urolithiasis:

    1. 1. Hormonal disruption. When the functions of the parathyroid gland are impaired, the concentration of calcium in the blood and urine increases.
    2. 2. Anatomy of a cat. Sometimes a cat has a special structure of the urethral canal, as a result of which urinary inhibition is observed.
    3. 3. Pathology of the gastrointestinal tract. Due to disruptions in the digestive processes, the pH of the body is disturbed, and calcium does not leave the intestines, forming stones.
    4. 4. Hereditary predisposition.
    5. 5. Streptococci, staphylococci, infections.

    As a result of external and internal factors the following types of stones form in the cat's bladder:

    • oxalates (oxalic acid and calcium salts) - occur in older pets;
    • struvites (phosphate stones) - observed in 80% of cases.

    Symptoms of kidney stones in cats

    It is difficult to notice the disease at an early stage. Often, the owners observe the appearance of signs of ICD when the situation is close to critical. Without timely assistance, the cat can die, so you should know the main signs of the disease.

    The first symptoms of ICD:

    • constant licking under the tail;
    • frequent and prolonged urination;
    • the presence of a small amount of blood in the urine;
    • the cry of a cat when going to the toilet;
    • trips of the animal to the toilet in the wrong place;
    • discharge of urine from a cat in a thin stream;
    • change in the habits of the animal.

    Severe symptoms:

    • frequent and painful urination;
    • urinary incontinence;
    • blood in the urine;
    • significant weight loss.

    Critical signs:

    • complete absence of urination;
    • convulsions;
    • vomiting;
    • loss of consciousness.

    At this stage, the cat is in danger. Saline deposits, moving along the urinary tract, clog the ducts, fluid collects in the bladder, resulting in intoxication of the body. If urine does not pass within 24 hours, it is deadly.

    Diagnosis of the disease

    If you suspect ICD, the pet is carried out such laboratory tests:

    • general clinical blood test to determine the presence of inflammatory processes;
    • biochemical blood test to diagnose electrolyte balance and determine renal parameters;
    • general analysis of urine to identify blood in it and determine its composition;
    • bacterial culture of urine to determine the type of infection.

    In addition, an X-ray of the animal's abdominal cavity and an ultrasound scan are performed to determine the structure of the kidneys, and determine the number and size of stones.


    Therapy is selected individually, taking into account the general condition of the pet and the type of kidney formation.

    Diet therapy

    With urolithiasis, proper nutrition plays an essential role, so the owners need to adhere to these recommendations when feeding the cat:

    1. 1. You need to feed the pet 3 times a day, and remove the leftover food so that the cat does not have access to it between meals. Exceeding the required dose of food increases the amount of mineral components in the urine.
    2. 2. In the presence of struvite stones, it is necessary to fill the cat's diet with foods that acidify the urine. Eggs and dairy products should be excluded. If your pet agrees to drink acidified water, you can add a little redcurrant juice, cranberry or lemon juice to it.
    3. 3. In the presence of oxalate stones, it is worth limiting the number of eggs, fish, boiled meat in the animal's diet. Liver and calcium-rich foods are also prohibited.
    4. 4. The sick animal should be given plenty of fresh and clean water. If the pet drinks little liquid, it is necessary to soak the food.

    Drug treatment

    In the initial stages of the disease, conservative treatment can be limited. So, thanks to the diet, the acidity of urine changes, urate, cystine and struvite stones dissolve. In addition, it is necessary to give the animal and medications:

    1. 1. Antibiotics. If the disease is accompanied by an infection, the specialist prescribes Lincomycin, Tseparin, Kefzol. The drugs must be given for 5-7 days, 0.2 g 2 times a day.
    2. 2. Uroseptics. These are antibacterial drugs that affect the genitourinary system. Cats are prescribed Palin, 5-NOC, Furagin. Uroseptics should be given in a quarter of a tablet, 2-3 times a day for 7 days.
    3. 3. Preparations for rehydration, for example, Rehydron. In case of severe dehydration, they should be poured into the cat's mouth in small portions.
    4. 4. Homeopathic remedies, for example, Cantaren. The drug must be administered intramuscularly or intravenously, 1-2 ml 3 times a day, 7-10 days. The tool has a diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties.