Aluminum fever and metal detector Clone PI-W. Aluminum fever and metal detector Clone PI-W Instructions from the clone pi in

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Attention! Stock! Take two metal detectors and get a 5% discount!

Buying Clone Pi-AVR You can be sure that you purchase high quality and reliability metal detector. Guarantee on the device - 1 year.

The depth of the search with this device reaches up to 3.5 meters, when using deep sensors. You can easily connect sensors of any sizes from 5 cm to the frame 1.3x1.3 meters.

A lithium-ion battery is built into the device, a microprocessor controller is installed for its charge. The controller prevents battery from reloading and strong discharge and on it is implemented to turn on the device with a clock button instead of mechanical. The accumulator is enough for 8-12 hours of continuous operation.

In the kit includes:

  • electronic unit of the device;
  • adjustable rod with factory painting;
  • sensor 27 cm;
  • battery;
  • charger.

Brief description of the characteristics of the device:

  • Food: lithium-ion battery 2200 (Real capacity) Mach 3.7B.
  • Principle of operation: Pulsed.
  • Search modes: static and dynamic.
  • There are no selection and discrimination.
  • Automatic setup to a sensor of any size.
  • Tightening the soil by pressing one key.
  • Material rod: aluminum.
  • The rod is adjustable for growth.
  • Metal detector weight assembly: 1200 grams.

Clone: \u200b\u200bunpacking and test at home.

Clone: \u200b\u200breaction to precious and non-ferrous metals.

Clone, spontaneous cop.

Made in Ukraine! Quality, reliability, good deep indicators, easy to use!

Search depth with 27 cm sensor:

  • Casque 90 cm.
  • Car 1.9 m.
  • Coin 5 kopecks. USSR - up to 27-35 cm.
  • Gold and silver ring - 20-25 cm.

Search depth with 50 cm sensor:

  • Casque 1.2 m.
  • Car 2.5-3 m.

What can I find at all?!

Coins - This is perhaps the most popular findings in the sphere of search engines. At all times, people used money, and earlier as a rule, they were in the form of coins. And it is not difficult to assume that their owners often lost.
So, to find vintage coins can almost anyone walking with the metal detector in any terrain where people lived (or live) at least 100 years ago - that is, in the outskirts of any village. You can find and coins of the time of the USSR and the coins of the Tsarist Russia (imperial coins).

Coins not only lost, but also injected purposefully into the ground. In order to hide, save, in the times of the Troubles, robbery, war, decking, and just - to save on old age, because banks before in the villages were not. Yes, you are not mistaken - we are talking about treasures. Let it sound a little utopian, but thousands of search engines know that it is quite real!

Vlasts - come across search engines with enviable regularity. Not all of course they bring indispensable treasures, because the treasure is not only chests with jewels, but also just a pot with a hundred other coins. But they also cost a lot of money, not counting the pleasure of their finding with the metal detector. Such pots (and even barrels) with coins with enviable regularity are found on the site of the former and even existing villages or their outskirts.

Where people lived - the Earth always pays different secrets, finds and discoveries. It is only necessary to take the device and the shovel in the hands!

In addition to coins, people lost and many other items: decorations (they were at our ancestors too), crosses, household items and tools, elements of clothes ornaments, vintage buttons, various devices and products.

Many of the search engines (treackers) collect and make out their finds.
And it is much more pleasant than buying elements of the collection. In the future, these collections can become a museum exposition.

First cop with clone (user video):

Successful metal copper with clone Pi AVR:

Golden fever.

Even if you live not in the golden area, you can experience the gold fever with interest. And again, the metal detector and a little luck will help us. To do this, it is enough to go to any sandy beach of your area, where there is a high concentration of swimsuit in hot periods of summer. And there, walking along the edge of the sand in the water and in the water "knee" (the coil of the device can be immersed in water, not wetting the control unit) - you can find a lot of interesting things lost by numerous swimsters: watches, keys, key chains, kilograms of modern little things, as well as gold and Silver Decorations. After all, people rest near the water quite actively, running, frolic, often not quite in sober form and lose the content of pockets, as well as decorations.
The search on the beaches is recommended to spend in the early clock in the summer (so far there are still few resting and you will interfere with you) or from any time starting from the period of closing the swimming season.

Attention! Be careful - it is very exciting! Immersing in the search hobby with the device further, you must be prepared for the fact that it will absorb you entirely, maybe even replace fishing, and what is even more dangerous - football!

Of course, this is a comic warning, most likely everything will be a little different: fishing can be enjoyable to combine with the search with the metal detectorSunday family trip to nature can also be checked with a kebab and a walk with a metal detector In the surroundings - this hobby is conquered by all ages and all family members!

This is the most optimal model for your start!

The magnificent choice on the basis of the value of the price and quality, try with this model and you will love to search seriously!

Clone Pi Avr. This is a simplified and improved version popular with radio amateur radio amateurs. Since, in the manufacture of the CLONE PI metal detector, many have difficulties with the acquisition of ADC, then in the new version of the metal detector clone ABR, the peak controller and the external ADC, were replaced by an affordable AVR microcontroller with an internal ADC ATMEGA8.

Metal detector scheme Clone Pi AVR

As well as a clone PI AVR scheme with specified DC voltages

On the Internet there are several options for breeding a printed circuit board for a metal detector clone Pi AVR. Below is a photo quite a decent version of the printed circuit board.

One of the options for implementing the metal detector fee clone ABR:

For the firmware of the microcontroller, the configuration bits must be packed as follows:

CLONE PI AVR metal detector has a medium level of complexity Production, due to the presence in the metal detector, a programmable microcontroller. But in the rest of its manufacture, should not cause special difficulties.

Coil for Metal Detector Clone Pi AVR

With CLone PI AVR metal detector, you can use coils from pulsed metal detectors Tracker and Koschey, as well as large deep frames.

The most universal diameters of the coil 20-30 cm. Such coils will have a depth of detection 1 - 1.5 meters and retain sensitivity to small metal objects (coins, jewelry, etc.).

For the manufacture of a universal search coilYou need 26-27 cm on a mandrel, winding the winding enamel of the wire with a diameter of 0.7-0.8mm. As a mandrel, you can use a saucepan of a suitable diameter, or make a mandrel as in the photo below:

For the manufacture of mandrel, we take a sheet of plywood or chipboard. On it, with the help of a circulation, draw the circle with the diameter we need. Then we take screws or screws, we dress on them Cambricks. Screws with the Cambrids screw in the perimeter of our circumference, and we get a mandrel for winding the coil.

The coil dulls in the bulk. Then the coils tightly with each other, scotch tape, or a tape. To the ends of the winding, we swell the wire 2 * 0.75 mm in isolation.

We connect our coil to the metal detector board clone PI AVR (to connect it better to use the connector) and check its performance. Such a coil is suitable for testing and experiments, but for real work, it should be protected from shocks, moisture, etc.

For this, the coil must be fixed in a suitable plastic case. We are in our designs, we use such a versatile body.

The coil is fixed inside the housing, with the help of a thermal oil, and then the coil housing is riveted with dichloroethane, or twisted with non-reserved self-pressing.

To obtain a submarine coil, the housing is better filled with epoxy resin. This will reduce its swimsuit, and will prevent the water to the inside the case.

And the article describes the methods of making deep frames for pulsed metal detectors.

Firmware for Metal Detector Clone Pi AVR:

  1. Firmware version 1.7.3 for ATMEGA8 -
  2. Firmware version 1.7.3a for ATMEGA8, with a changed algorithm of the car of the soil -
  3. Firmware version 1.8.0 for controller ATmega8. - Changes:
    • The volume of the buttons voice is aligned with the main volume.
    • Ground Adjust (Ground Adjust) now operates in 3 modes - adaptive., fixing. and oFF (Static).
    • The protective interval can now be seamless when turned on ( aUTO.), Memorated value ( last.), or selected by the user forcibly in the range 2 … 80 .
    • Added parameter VOLUME RAISE.allowing to reduce the volume at the beginning of the scale (with weak responses). This improves the stability of the scheme at a low threshold.
    • Removed double power mode, which showed its practical usefulness.
    • With the backlight on the indicator, the letter "L" (LIGHT) is displayed.
  4. Firmware version 1.8.1 for controller ATMEGA8,in the firmware corrected errors and reduced power consumption

Conclusion: cLONE PI AVR Metal Detector This is a proven and popular metal detector among radio amateurs and search engines. It has a search depth and fully open scheme and firmware for its manufacture with factory metal detectors. TO disadvantages Metal detector should include overestimated power consumption.

Review of the finished board of the metal detector Clone Pi AVR

Clone PI AVR Metal Detector Start Video Collected DIY, and the ability to set it up:

When writing this article, materials were used:

  1. Developer site -
  2. And this site -
  3. And also the forum -\u003d5&t\u003d660 - here you can ask questions on self-assembly of the metal detector.

Search artifacts underground is a fairly popular occupation. For someone, this is a profession, someone is just fond of archeology. There are numerous groups of treasure detectors: both romantics and pragmatic properties of values. All these people unites one passion: search for metal objects hidden at different depths.

If you have an accurate map indicating the burial site of the treasure, or the plans for the fighting during the war, this does not guarantee success. You can shock the tons of soil, and the desired item will calmly lie in a pair of meters from the place of active search.

To search for gold, and less valuable metals, you will need a metal detector, which can be made with your own hands.

Important information: The use of such devices is not prohibited by law. However, there are punishments for the consequences of such a search relating to the excavations, as well as the extraction of detected items.

We will not go into subtleties, this is the topic of another article. Simply put: If you have found a golden ring on the beach, or a handful of Soviet coins in the forest - the problems associated with the use of electronic search will not be.

But for the removed bronze spoons by age from 100 years and older, you can get a real time or a large fine.

Nevertheless, the instruments for searching for metal objects in the thickness of the Earth are freely sold, and those who want to save can make the metal detector with their own hands at home.

Principle of operation of the device

Unlike soil detectors working using waves of various frequency or ultrasound, metal detector (factory, or created with your own hands), works with inductance.

The coil radiates the electromagnetic field, which is then analyzed by the receiver. If there is any item that conducts electricals in the area of \u200b\u200baction, or has ferromagnetic properties - the field format is distorted. It is more accurate to say, under the action of an active field of the coil, the object forms its own. This event is fixed by the receiver, and an alert is generated: the instrument arrow moves, the tone sounds, light indicators light up.

Knowing the work technique, you can calculate the electrical circuit, and create a powerful metal detector with your own hands. The complexity of the design depends only on the presence of an element base and your desire. Consider several popular options, how to assemble a homemade metal detector:

The so-called "butterfly"

Such a nickname was obtained due to the characteristic form of a platform, on which inductors are located.

The location of the elements is associated with the principle of work. The diagram is made in the form of two generators operating at one frequency. When connected to them the same coils, an induction balance is created. It is worth falling into an electromagnetic field to an unauthorized item with electrical conductivity, as the field balance collapses.

Generators are implemented on NE555 chips. The illustration shows a typical scheme of such a device.

The coil for the metal detector (two of them, in the diagram: L1 and L2) is made with their own hands from the wire with a cross section of 0.5-0.7 mm². The perfect option is the transformer winding copper live in a varnish insulation (extracted from any unnecessary transformer). Characteristics do not necessarily withstand with jewelry accuracy, under one condition: the coils must be the same.

Approximate parameters: 190 mm diameter, in each coil exactly 30 turns. The assembled product should be monolithic. For this, the turns are grabbed the mounting thread, and is poured with a transformer varnish. If this is not done, the vibration of turns will shoot down the scheme from the configured balance.

Electrical circuit

There are two manufacturers:

  • given the small number of items, you can collect it on the dumping board, connecting the legs of parts using conductors;
  • for accuracy and reliability, it is better to raise a fee on the proposed drawing.

Any soldering "on snot" can bring in the field, and you will be disappointed for the past time.

Just like the metal detector on the transistors, the device on the NE555 needs to be fine tuning before use. The diagram shows three resistor variables:

  • R1 is designed to configure the generator frequency and achieving the balance sheet;
  • R2 roughly sets the sensitivity;
  • using the resistor R3, it is possible to set sensitivity with an accuracy of 1 cm.

Information: A similar scheme cannot discriminate with metals. The seeker only makes it clear that the object exists. And according to the tone of the signal (based on your experience), you can determine the approximate volume and depth of the occurrence.

Food is quite universal: 9-12 volts. You can choose the battery from the uninterruptible power supply, or collect the power supply unit from the AAA batteries. A good option - batteries 18650 (they are still used for Weip).

Setting up "Butterflies"

The principle of operation is described above, so we will simply analyze the technology. Expose all resistors to the middle position, and we provide a breakdown of generator synchronization. To do this, we fold the "eight" coil, and move them relative to each other while the squeak does not turn into crackle. This is a breakdown of synchronization.

Fix the rings and rotate the resistor R1 before the appearance of stable crackling with smooth intervals.

Running to the place of overhearsow coils (this is the search points) metal items, achieve a stable pisc. Sensitivity by adjusting the R2 resistor.

It remains an adjustment of the R3 resistor, which is used rather to adjust the voltage drop in the power supply.

Mechanical part

The rod for the metal detector is made from the light plastic pipe, or from the tree. The use of aluminum is undesirable because it will interfere with work. The scheme and controls can be hidden into a sealed case (for example, a dispenser box for wiring).

The "Butterfly" seeker is ready to work.


Another popular impulse model for beginner treasures - the Pirate metal detector is also easy to make it yourself, detailed instructions in two versions:

Food is desirable to bring closer to 12 volts, since the quality of work depends on the voltage. The printed circuit boards are already tested, both options on the illustration.

The coil (in this case is one) is made from the same transformer wire 0.5 mm. The optimal diameter of 20 mm, the number of turns 25. Since we make the metal detector "Pirate" with their own hands, exterior design is moving into the background. Labor materials that you were ready to throw out.

The handle is better to complete the detachable, for the convenience of transportation. We remember that the use of metals is unacceptable.

Sensitivity is regulated by two real-time variable resistors when searching. No accurate adjustment of the generator is required.

And if you manage to warm up the housing, you can search for "treasures" in the beach strip of the surf, and even at the bottom of the reservoir.

The underwater metal detector is more difficult to make her own hands, but it will give an indisputable advantage over competitors.

Improving characteristics

The deep metal detector with its own hands without additional costs can be made from the finished "pirate". For this you can go in two ways:

  1. Increase the diameter of inductance coil. In this case, the permeability is significantly increased, but the sensitivity to small objects is reduced.
  2. Reducing the number of turns of the coil with a simultaneous adjustment of the circuit. To do this, you will have to sacrifice one coil for experiments. We remove (and cut off) the turn by the turnout until we see that the sensitivity began to decline. We remember the number of turns at maximum parameters, and make a new coil for this scheme. Then change the resistor R7 to variable, with similar power parameters. After conducting several experiments with sensitivity, fix the resistance, change the change of a change over a permanent resistor.

Metal detector "Pirate" can be collected on the popular Controller "Arduino".

It is more convenient to use such a device, but there will still be no discrimination against metals.

Having understood how to make a metal detector with your own hands for amateur tasks, we will briefly analyze several serious models.

Metal detector Clone Pi W do it yourself

In fact, this is the recommended version of the professional CLone PI-AVR seeker, only the LED line is used instead of the LCD display. It is not as convenient, but still allows you to control the depth of the array of artifacts.

The optimal option - on the CD4066 chip and the ATMEGA8 microcontroller.

Of course, there is a printed layout for this solution, only the control buttons are taken to a separate panel.

Programming ATMEGA8 is a topic of a separate article if you worked with such controllers, no difficulties will arise.

The powerful metal detector CLONE PI W, made by its own hands, allows you to find metal not depth of more than a meter, though without discrimination.

Finder "Chance"

A similar scheme on the ATMEGA8 controller is called "Chance". The principle of operation is similar, only the possibility of eliminating (partial discrimination) of ferrous metals appeared.

Also worked with a pattern of a printed circuit board, which can be successfully replaced by a classic "layout" for Arduino

"Terminator 3" with his own hands

If you need a homemade metal detector with discrimination of metals, pay attention to this model. The scheme is quite complicated, but your works pay off by the found coins that can be gold.

The feature of the Terminator is to dissolve the receiving and transmitting coils. For the emission of the signal is made by the ring 200 mm. For it, 30 turns of the wire are stacked, then it is cut, as a result we get 2 semi-coils with a total capacity of 60 turns (watch the circuit).

The receiving coil is located inside, 48 turns with a diameter of 100 mm.

The setting is made using an oscilloscope, after reaching optimal results by amplitude, the windings are fixed in the housing using an epoxy resin fill.

Then an experienced practical setting of the discrimination switch is performed. For this purpose, real objects are used from various metals, and their type is applied on the modes switch (after checking).

The radio amples are being worked out with an improved version "Terminator 4", but there is still no practical instance.

Simple metal detectors from finished electrical appliances


Regardless of the complexity of the scheme, the manufacture of a self-made metal detector will require you enough time and strength. Therefore, from curiosity, such devices do not. But for professional use is an excellent alternative to factory instances.

Video on the topic

Pulse metal detectors, among homemade, are known to the highest indicators of the depth of metal detection. Also they are better than others can work in salted water and strongly mineralized soil. All impulse workers are similar in principle of work and have common pros and cons. Metal detector Clone, which we will collect, has the following advantages:

  1. The sensor is made from a single coil, which is transmitting and receiving. This greatly simplifies the assembly and eliminates the time-consuming setting. The coil size can be selected independently depending on the purpose of the metal detector.
  2. Simplified scheme in comparison with high-quality homemade metal detectors.
  3. Simple push-button adjustment.
  4. A slightly reduced power consumption compared to pulsed metal detectors with on-screen indication.

The disadvantages include:

  1. Lack of discrimination.
  2. The need is the firmware of the chip. However, this cannot be called a big problem, since the article will provide detailed instructions for this process.

Metal detector assembly Clone Pi W begins with electrical components: a diagram, sensor, their connection and microcircuit firmware. The final stage is the manufacture or purchase of cabinet parts and device setup.

Assembling scheme

All necessary parts, their analogues and comments are shown in the table in Figure 2.

Details get strictly new! This will free you from problems in the performance of the scheme.

Metal detector clone PI W clone is assembled on two circuit boards. One basic, and the second control board and indication with buttons and LEDs. Both printed circuit boards for the Sprint Layout program you can download the link. For the future fastening of the main board, you can leave the stock of textolite or limited to hot glue. For the second board, the connectors for fastening are already provided on the circuit board. The connection of the two schemes is made by signed outputs B1 - B4 and VD4 - VD13 and is implemented by a stranded loop, for example, from old hard drives or disk drives.

Soldering radio components is carried out in accordance with the circuit and circuit boards in Figures 3 and 4.

The main assembly requirements are accuracy, attentiveness and lack of random connections between tracks and details. After the manufacture of the printed circuit board must be thoroughly rinse it from flux.

Microcircuit firmware

Metal detector Clone works on a specially written program that needs to be recorded in the ATMEGA8 chip. Download Firmware version 1.2.2m You can link.

Consider some simple ways to record firmware:

Method 1. We take a chip, downloaded firmware, and go to the nearest workshop for the repair of electronics or to a friend, who disassembled. We ask for free or for a low board to perform the firmware.

If the firmware is performed in the PonyProg program, show the Master Figure 5, which shows the configuration bits settings.

When firmware, other programs pay attention to Spien item. If when reading information, the check mark is not worth it, then set all other configuration bits in the opposite state! This is very important, since in case of error, return the processor to the original state much more complicated the firmware process.

For an example, you can take a look at the configuration of Uniprof (Fig. 6), when reading in which the Spien parameter was without a tick.

Method 2. Customize the simplest programmer, referred to as "Gromov programmer", and produce firmware yourself.

The scheme is connected to the COM port of the computer. If you do not have it, you can, again, contact your acquaintance with an older computer or purchase a fee with a COM connector. All details, processor contacts and programmer are signed on the respective schemes.

When assembling, pay attention to the fact that a separate power supply of a 5-voltage processor is required to take it from the USB wire, connecting it to the computer.

Do not forget to connect the minus programmer and minus power.

After assembling the programmer on the items, we flash the metal detector Clone Pi W:

  1. Insert the processor;
  2. We connect the programmer to the COM port;
  3. We run the Uniprof program;
  4. Let's supply 5 V to the processor;
  5. We are convinced that the program saw the processor;
  6. Read configuration bits and configure, as described above;
  7. Open the firmware by the program, and click "Record."

On this, the microcircuit firmware is considered complete.

Production of the sensor (coil)

The sensor consists of a hermetic coil, mounting for the rod and wires.

As described above, the coil for pulse metal detectors is very simple. We find a wire with any insulation with a diameter of 0.4 - 0.5 mm. And, according to the table in Figure 8, select the number of turns and the diameter of the coil. The optimal diameter of the coil 20 is 26 cm. You can also build a square deep coil, but it will not give a significant increase.

There are many ways to manufacture a winding, such as basket type or in one plane, but they do not give big improvements, so we choose any simple type. We produce a winding in the ball on some round item of a suitable diameter, then tightly tighten the coil with a tape and display two end wires. The coil does not shield!

The housing is performed from any submitted means, ranging from plywood and ending with plastic, but it is better to purchase a mandrel with ears for a bar in the store, it will give the quality and an acceptable type of sensor. Metal should not be used in the sensor.

Wire for connecting the sensor and block is desirable to take with good insulation and a pair of living with a cross section of about 0.7 mm². Shielding is also not necessary. We connect the soldering conclusions of the coil and wire, and reliably insulated. At the end of the wire, connect the connector.

After the manufacture of the coil, we settle it in the mandrel and seal with special means - epoxy glue, by mounting foam or other dielectric compositions.

The manufactured sensor can be installed on any clone metal detector.

Figure 9 shows various variants of coils for this metal detector.

Build cabinet elements

To make a housing to the metal detector with your own hands, it will take some fastening work, a suitable tool and material, as well as the desire to do something beautiful.

For the control unit, you will need a box of plastic or wood. We select dimensions with such a condition that two boards fit into it and, in the case of using batteries, a contact box. The contact box can also be taken separately and secured next to the control unit housing. The main fee can be fixed with hot glue or silicone. For control board and display, cut out or drill suitable holes for LEDs and buttons. After the coincidence of all holes under the buttons and LEDs, fix the board, as well as the main one. We make holes on the box under the switch and the connector for the coil, and fix them. The box is trying to make hermetic to exclude moisture, for example, during the rain.

The rod is performed from PVC pipe. Thinking the structure, buying the necessary pipes and adapters in the store, taking into account the fact that the rod must be collapsing, dielectric and convenient - the presence of a handle, armrest and battery packs, if used (Fig.11).

To flexing the pipe, you can use the gas stove. To adjust the length, use the difference of pipe diameters and winding rings. With a sufficient desire, the rod can be made from other items - crutch, rod. The main condition is the lack of metal parts. A qualitatively assembled rod is suitable not only for the CLONE PI W metal detector, but also on other types of metal detectors.

After the manufacture of the rod, fix the control unit on it and plastic fasteners or other means attaching the sensor. Sign up buttons.

Configure and inspection

After assembling the metal detector, turn it on. Self-diagnosis with voice acting and flashing LEDs should occur. To eliminate the loss of sensitivity, the device must be included from metals.

The setting is made away from the ground, metal and other items, for example - in the air. Do not forget to remove everything that can contain conductive material. Button S1 exhibit a minimum barrier. Rotate the R7 resistor to achieve a loud continuous signal. Then by a little we return its position until the metal detector silent.

In the future, during the operation of the metal detector, the soil detuning performs the S1 and S2 buttons. Coppers S3 and S4 respectively reduce and increase the volume. The S5 button is designed to configure some functions, but in this scheme it is removed. S6 button - reset. We use it after detuning from the soil, as well as with the hangs and glitches of the device.

With a discharged battery, the metal detector will produce two short sounds with periodicity within a few seconds.

In contrast to the metal detector, the CLONE OF AUR, which is collected with the display, the LEDs protrude as visual indication. The amount of lights signals the depth and power of the signal, as well as about the level of sound and tuning from the soil when setting up.