When 3 World War begin. Predictions about the Third World War, which you did not know. Russians go to the "West"

Can a third world war break out in 2018?

If so, then here are five foci of risk, where it can happen that the AftonBladet newspaper defined.

"There is an increased risk," says Isak Svenson (Isak Svensson), a professor of research in peace and conflict in the Uppsa University.

The Republican Senator Bob Korker (Bob Corker) warned that Donald Trump would lead the United States to the "path to the Third World War".
There is a risk that it is not entirely mistaken.

According to Isak of Svensson, professors of research of peace and conflict, three factors more than others impede the war.

All of them are now destroyed, in many respects due to the Trump and growing nationalism.

1. International organizations

"One of the objectives of the UN, OSCE (Organization for Safety and Cooperation in Europe), the EU and the like organizations to reduce the risk of armed conflict. But due to the fact that Trump is trying to dismantle international cooperation all the time, these organizations can weaken. It will affect the risk of war, "says Isak Svensson.

2. International Trade

During his election campaign, Trump accused China that he "rapes" the American economy. Therefore, many experts expected that he will introduce customs fees to Chinese goods, which would result in a full-fledged trading war.

"So far, it has not happened, but, in any case, he called for the fact that it is not particularly interested in encouraging free trade," said Isak Svensson.

3. Democracy

Two democratic states never fought with each other. But the wave of nationalism, which overwhelmed the world, can rock democracy.

"Populist nationalism aimed at democratic institutions: universities, courts, media, electoral authorities, and so on. This is noticeable in the United States under the rule of Trump, in Hungary, Poland and Russia, for example, "says Isak Svensson.

Nationalism threat

Svensson sees how nationalism threatens with all three prevent war factors.

India adheres to policies not to use nuclear weapons first. Instead, an attempt was made to increase the ability to respond to provocations, quickly sending armored columns deep inside Pakistani territory.


Russians go to the "West"

Reuters 19.09.2017

"Death to American bastard!"

The Guardian 08/22/2017

Five main fleets in the zone of Indian and Pacific

The Diplomat 01/24/2013 Pakistan was weaker from a military point of view, he replied that he introduced the Middle Rasius Rockets of the Action "Nar", which can be equipped with nuclear warheads.

Many experts are afraid that such a development of events, when Pakistan feels forced to apply tactical nuclear weapons to defend, can quickly turn a small conflict into a full-scale nuclear war.

Niklas Svanstroes, however, believes that the likelihood of world war is Mala.

"In other countries there are no interests related to security policies. Pakistan has a close relationship with China, and in India - with Russia. But neither Russia nor China will risk and start a large-scale military confrontation. It is also difficult for me to imagine that the United States will intervene in such a conflict. "

India - China

The Army General of India Bipin Rawat (Bipin Rawat) stated in early September that the country should prepare for the war on two fronts against Pakistan and China.

Shortly before that, the Himalayas ended the ten-week confrontation of China and India in connection with the definition of the border. Chinese road builders, accompanied by the military, stopped Indian troops. The Chinese argued that they were in China, Indians - that in Bhutan, the Allied Indian country.

According to Bipina Ravat, such a situation could easily grow into a conflict, and Pakistan then could take advantage of this situation in their own interests.

"We must be prepared. In the context of our situation, the war is quite real, "said Rawat, as Press Trust of India wrote.

The border between China and India has long been the subject of disagreement, however the atmosphere is now quite relaxed. But, despite the fact that China and Pakistan got together economically, aggressive nationalism suggests that it may change.

"It is difficult to see some hints on why the conflict could be broken there, but there is an increased risk of this. The economy of both countries is growing intensively, and both countries spur rather aggressive nationalism. A unresolved territorial question, of course, is a clear risk factor, "says Isak Svensson.

Niklas does not think Svanstrocery that China will win much from this conflict, and India win the war against China simply will not be able to. Conflicts will continue, but on a limited scale.

"The only situation that can lead to a full-scale war is if India recognizes Tibet by an independent country and starts to support Tibetan military movement that fights against China. I regard it as something extremely unlikely, "says Niklas Svanstrole.


States: Russia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, NATO Military Alliance.

One of the greatest risks that can now lead to conflict are the growing ambitions of Russia against Europe, it believes Niklas Granghalm, head of scientific work at the Total Defense Institute, FOI.

"Russia has dropped the set of rules operating since the early 1990s and the decisive measures of European security, says Niklas Granhalm. "The main milestone in this matter was the war against Ukraine, when in 2014 the invasion of this country happened and was annexed Crimea, which marked the beginning of the conflict in the east of Ukraine. Russia has demonstrated a great faith in military means of exposure. The Baltic region was again on the confrontation line between the East and the West, which many seemed completely implausible several years ago. "

The cause of the conflict can be ethnically Russian minorities in the Baltic countries, Isac Svensson believes.

"In Ukraine, Russia showed that it is ready to use military power to, from its point of view, to protect Russian-speaking minorities. Thus, there is a hidden risk of the Russian intervention in the Baltic States, if the internal crisis will begin in some countries. Such a scenario can be imagined. It is pretty unlikely to date, but in the future it is possible. "

Insurance materials contain estimates of exclusively foreign media and do not reflect the position of the EOSMI's editorial office.

Recently, the previously forgotten threat of the Third World War is again the topic of universal discussion. A week ago, US military cars and Russia were almost faced in Syria. NATO is increasing military potential on the border with our country and is not going to abandon hostile rhetoric. What are the scenarios of a possible military conflict? It is necessary to think about it in order to prevent not quite adequate actions of our "Western partners", which have long been turned into "probable opponents" again.

Military analyst Valentin Vasyeschka from Romania, a country located on the advanced NATO Anti-Russian Front, is trying to answer this question on the basis of the US tactics characteristic of the last military operations and the characteristics of the weapon used. On the pages of the English-speaking analytical center "Katechon", he argues that the aggression of the United States and their allies against Russia is not an excluded scenario. The United States is obliged to stop Russia at any cost, which by their actions in Syria, and before that in the Crimea and Ukraine changes the American-centered status quo. In order to preserve hegemony, Americans go to a big war.

The main direction of the strike

According to Vasyeschka, the main direction where the US impact is expected - West. "The United States does not plan landing in the Russian Far East, instead, like Napoleon and Hitler, the United States will strive to occupy the strategically important capital of the country - Moscow," he summarizes. According to him, the goal of Euromaidan initially was the creation of a convenient bridgehead for aggression against Russia. Lugansk, analyst notes, is only 600 kilometers from Moscow. However, the plan of American aggression was running after the reunification of Russia with the Crimea and the creation of the People's Republics in the east of Ukraine.

After that, the plan of American aggression was revised, and the Baltic Direction was chosen as a new zone of aggression. From the Latvian border to Moscow - all the same 600 kilometers, and to St. Petersburg and that closer. In order for the local population to be outraged by the fact that their countries will soon turn into a bridgehead for aggression, American and local media and generals in unison began to talk that the countries of the Baltic and Northern Europe threatens the danger of attacking Russia. In Norway, they even launched the series about the future Russian occupation.

In addition, the United States strengthened pressure on Sweden and Finland. They are not joined to NATO yet, but American troops have already placed. Moreover, in May 2016, Northern Quintet is a meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Norway and Iceland stated that it is necessary to urgently neutralize a Russian threat. The defense cooperation of Swedish Finnish neutrals and NATOs was proposed as an outcome.

According to Valentina Vasyeschka, the NATO's main task is to cause Russia a rapid defeat, which will make the country's political system. Pro-American influence agents overthrow, Vladimir Putin, and the war can be considered won. Therefore, the United States will act on the logic of Hitler, setting Blitzkrieg to tactics. In the event of Russia's defeat, NATO occupies the territory to the line of St. Petersburg - the Great Novgorod - Kaluga - Tver and Volgograd.

At the same time, as an expert notes, due to the rapid modernization of the Chinese army, which will be a serious danger to the United States at the Pacific Theater of Military Activities, the Pentagon will not be able to throw all the necessary forces and funds against Russia. At least a third of all US Armed Forces will have to focus in the Pacific region, waiting for a possible strike from the Union Now Russia now.

Probable strike time

According to the military analyst, the United States has a chance of success only if they invaded until 2018. After the 2018, the chances of success will be significantly reduced, since after the completion of the re-equipment of the Russian army started with Sergey, the Pentagon will lose a technological advantage in conventional weapons. And in order to win the war, you will have to resort to nuclear weapons - and this is a step towards mutual nuclear destruction.

War in the air - colossal losses

The main targets of the first wave of air raids will be Russian airfields and air defense systems. In service with Russia there are high-class fighters and mobile anti-aircraft systems that can detect and destroy even the American fifth generation aircraft. Therefore, even with the support of allies on NATO, the US military will not be able to achieve superiority in the air. With great efforts, they can achieve temporary superiority in the air in some areas on the border of Russia with a depth of 300 kilometers. In order to protect flights in those areas where Russian air defense systems are actively working, Americans will be forced to throw at least 220 aircraft in the first wave of attack (including 15 bombers B-2, 160 - F-22A and 45 - F-35). B-2 can carry 16 GBU-31 bombs with laser guidance (900 kg), 36 cassette bombs GBU-87 (430 kg) or 80 GBU-38 bombs (200 kg). The F-22A aircraft can carry 2 JDAM bombs (450 kg) or 8 bombs 110 kg.

A serious obstacle for Americans will be the fact that AGM-88E missiles, designed to combat air defense systems with a range of 160 kilometers, are too large in order to be loaded inside F-22A and F-35S (4.1 m long and 1 m high). If they are installed on the pilons, there will suffer praising "invisibility" of these aircraft. Previously, such a problem did not arise, since in the past 20 years the United States conducted war exclusively against opponents with obsolete air defense systems.

As for the F-22A, they will mostly be shot down. As the expert notes, the reports of the Pentagon indicate that the US military was satisfied with the results of the use of F-117 (the first fifth generation aircraft in the US Air Force) in Kuwait and Yugoslavia and intended to replace with new devices outdated models. Pentagon planned to order 750 F-22A to replace the F-16 aircraft. However, Russia has developed 96L6E radars capable of detecting American "stels". The Pentagon as a result reduced the order to 339 F-22A aircraft. So far, the Americans have been developed and tested these aircraft, Russia has appeared C-400 complexes that can detect these devices. As a result, only 187 F-22A aircraft arrived at the US Air Force.

In order to complicate the task of Russian air defense systems, the United States will produce more than 500-800 winged rockets from ships and submarines in the Baltic Sea. Russian aircraft, primarily MiG-31 fighters, and air defense systems will be able to neutralize most of these missiles, the expert is sure, but this is not all that Americans can apply.

At the same time, the F-18, F-15E, B-52 and B-1B aircraft, while at a safe distance from the Russian border and not entering the S-400 system zone, will strike with mini-walled AGM-154 missiles or AGM-158, whose range is up to 1000 kilometers. They can hit the ships of the Baltic Fleet of Russia and missile batteries of the complexes "Iskander" and "Point". In case of success, Americans will be able to neutralize 30 percent of the Russian RLS network, 30 percent of the C-300 and C-400 battalions placed between Moscow and the Baltic countries, and 40 percent of the components of the automated intelligence system, management, communication and target designation, and airfields will suffer, More than 200 aircraft and helicopters will be blocked.

However, the expected losses of Americans and their allies will amount to 60-70 percent of aircraft and winged rockets, which will enter the Russian airspace already at the first wave of air raids and shocks.

But what will become the most important obstacle to the conquest of NATO forces in the air? According to the expert, these are effective means of radio-electronic combat.

We are talking about complexes "Krasuha-4" types of SIGINT and COMINT. These systems can effectively lead the radio electronic struggle against American Lacrosse and Onyx Tracking Satellites, Grumman RC-135 RFS and DRAWPRs of Northrop Grumman RQ-4 Global Hawk posted on RC-135 reconnaissance aircraft.

According to the expert, the Russian troops of the RES system can effectively interfere with American bombs and laser, infrared and GPS-guiduations.

Also, Russia may create on the border with the Baltic countries in the districts of St. Petersburg and Kaliningrad two zones, impenetrable for enemy aviation, combining the air defense system (C-400, Tor-M2 and Pole-2M) and Rab.

Currently, 8 C-400 battalions protect the sky around the Russian capital, one is in Syria. In total, in the Russian armed forces of 20-25 P-400 battalions. Some of them can be transferred to the western border together with 130 C-300 battalions, which can be upgraded and equipped with 96L6E radar, effectively detecting NATO "stels". An even more perfect air defense complex is currently being tested, which allegedly goes to troops since 2017.

The author is confident that due to the advantages of Russia in NATO Reb funds will not be able to achieve advantages in the radio electronic war. As a result, in the first wave of attack against Russia, NATO wax in 60-70 percent cases will strike at false goals. Due to the high losses in the first wave of air strikes and the impossibility of achieving superiority in the air, NATO Air Force will carry high losses. Their allies will join the American grouping of 5,000 aircraft. But they will not be able to provide more than 1,500 aircraft.

War on the sea

The Pentagon can put up to 8 aircraft carriers, 8 helicopters, several dozen landing vessels, rocket mines, destroyers and submarines. Two Italian aircraft carriers can join these forces and one aircraft carrier from Spain and France. Russian anti-worker defense means - Wing Rockets X-101 and NK "Calibr" move at a subsonic speed and can be neutralized at the initial stage of the Space. It will be more difficult to copier with P-800 "Onyx" missiles and P-500 "Basalt". And finally, in 2018, the killer of aircraft carriers - a rocket 3M22 "Zirkon" will be sent to the Russian fleet, capable of moving with hypersonic speed at low heights. "This USA will not be able to oppose anything," the expert concludes.

Excellence in armored vehicles

Currently, the samples of armored vehicles are in service with the Russian army - T-90 and T-80 tanks and modernized versions of T-72 tanks, Vasyesk notes, correspond to NATO counterparts. According to the expert, only BMP-2 and BMP-3 are inferior to American M-2 "Bradley".

However, the new tank T-14 "Armat" has no analogues in the world. In all indicators, he is superior to the German "Leopard-2", and the American M1A2 "Abrams", and the French AMX 56 "Leclerc", and the British "Chelenger 2". The same can be said about BMP T-15 and Kurgana-25 and the new BTK-7829 BTR-amphibian "Boomerang". After 2018, Russia will have the most modern armored vehicles that radically changes the ratio of forces on the battlefield.

During the war in the bay and invasion of Iraq in 2003, the United States was used to break the defense of the enemy Mobile groups from tanks, cars, BTR and BMP. The actions of these groups in Russia will need to support massive airborne operations. And here they are waiting for an unpleasant surprise. If against Russian air defense systems "Pancir" and "Tunguska", as well as against the IGLE "needle" and "boom", American combat helicopters and aircraft can use the installation of electronic ant / AlQ-144/147/157 radio electronic combat, then against CRCK 9K333 "Verba" entering the Russian troops in 2016, this equipment is powerless.

Self-based Sensors "Verba" can work simultaneously on three frequencies in the visible and infrared spectra. The Verba can work in a complex with the Barnaul-T system responsible for electronic reconnaissance, RES and automatic control of landing compounds. Barnaul-T neutralizes the radar of enemy aircraft and makes interference with the work of laser guidance systems and enemy bombs.

As can be seen from the above analysis, now the war with the use of conventional weapons can cost our Western opponents. The re-equipment of the Russian army, which will occur by 2018, completely eliminates the technological advantage of the West in the military sphere. The more finished, powerful and equipped our armed forces, the less the probability that the West will decide on the open war against Russia.

Today, this issue is asked by many international experts, but, according to the military, inevitable! Most likely, most of the readers are not surprised by learning that it will start only for two reasons:

    Due to oil in which absolutely all civilized countries need.

    Due to the fact that new states began to actively develop, which leads to increased competition for superpowers.

In general, the Third World War is, which will be deployed to hold its position on the world arena.

Who can third world war begin with?

It is worth noting that the answer to this question is extremely unexpected, with Iran! The thing is that recently, this country shows large ambitions in the field and nuclear energy, which clearly does not like the United States. Moreover, America very much hoped that Israel would cope with Iran, whose Air Force in 1981 was destroyed by the first atomic project of Iraq with the help of 16 missiles, thereby not allowing the region. But unlike his neighbor, Iran took into account the possibility of such a scenario, and already starting from the first work all the objects, distributed in the country evenly, and even under the ground. Simply put, to pick up nuclear weapons at Iran can only with the help of a infantry military operation, but it will really provoke the beginning of the Third World War. It is also worth noting that Iran is ready to defend its interests, which led to a rapid, and most importantly effective re-equipment of the army. By the way, the Iranian army took very convenient heights that, regardless of the size of the conflict, the state makes the state extremely strong.

And where is the Third World War?

If Iran has a nuclear weapon in the amount of which it is in the United States, America will no longer be able to dictate its conditions in the region, and therefore oil prices will increase significantly. For a complete understanding of the situation, it must be said that the region contains Europe and America with its oil by 90%, that is, the increase in prices will lead to an even greater crisis, and this is not permissible. It is also worth noting that Iran is not afraid of the Third World War due to the fact that, firstly, it has the ability to block the channel in which oil falls into the United States and to Europe, thereby paralyzing. Secondly, the "praised" fleet will first try to give the possibility of tankers to pass a dangerous site, which means that he will fall into the trap. Thirdly, Iran can count on what if the 3rd world war begins, then, despite past conflicts, the state will be supported by Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Syria. In fact, the entire Muslim world will fall on the side of Iran during the Third World War.

What can aggravate the situation even more?

Please note that an additional factor for a possible third World War is that China has its own interests and production in this region, which immediately defines his place next to Iran. Simply put, there are already two countries with nuclear weapons! By the way, do not forget that Russia has an agreement on mutual cooperation and defense with the subway, which can lead our country or to the role of the participants or to the share of peacekeeper.

It is worth noting that in a number of reasons for the development of the Third World War, it is necessary to mention our country that is extremely unable to grow oil prices, as this will automatically lead to the loss of many customer countries. Yes, and other interests of Russia will be eaten, for example, any military operation can lead to a random shots in our direction.

In order for the situation more clear, it should be noted that if the development of the plot of the Third World War will go this way, the territory starting from Africa will be drawn into the conflict and ending with all Asia. And this is not to mention the countries of neighbors who will definitely suffer, the question is only from what, from artillery fire or from nuclear weapons!

What do peaceful Iranians think about the possible 3 world war?

This is a very controversial question, since on the one hand, Iranian citizens are fanatically committed to their ruler, which means they are not afraid of the beginning of the Third World War, and on the other, they began to massively buy Azerbaijani lands, as they say, just in case. If you believe experts from Azerbaijan, then the percentage of the buying land of Iranians has grown over the year by 30 indicators, which indicates that they are waiting for the early 3rd World War.

When will the third world war begins?

This question is perhaps the only one for which the military, and civil specialists cannot say anything. The conflict and the political intrigues mentioned above occur right now, which suggests that the 3rd World War can begin at any time. And if you consider the mentality of the Muslim community and their universe, the military clash will raise all new and new hordes of people who are ready to fight to the end.

The only country that at least somehow could resolve the conflict is Turkey, but it is not ready to take on the role of a peacemaker, whether due to indifference, or because of fear lose all the same oil because of fear. Surprised? Yes, Turkey is 30% depends on the mood of the region's negotiable!

Well, and finally it is worth saying that people who will have to become in army uniforms, in the rank of soldiers on the field of the 3rd world war, do not envy, and therefore it is necessary to hope that the military collision will still be avoided.

Today, this issue is asked by many international experts, but, according to the military, the third world war is inevitable! Most likely, most of the readers are not surprised by learning that it will start only for two reasons:

  • Due to oil in which absolutely all civilized countries need.
  • Due to the fact that new states began to actively develop, which leads to increased competition for superpowers.

In general, the Third World War is an armed conflict that will be deployed to hold its position on the world arena.

Who can third world war begin with?

It is worth noting that the answer to this question is extremely unexpected, with Iran! The thing is that recently, this country shows large ambitions in the field of nuclear weapons and nuclear energy, which is clearly not like to like the United States. Moreover, America very much hoped that Israel would cope with Iran, whose Air Force in 1981 was destroyed by the first atomic project of Iraq with the help of 16 missiles, thereby not allowing the region. But unlike his neighbor, Iran took into account the possibility of such a scenario, and already starting from the first work all the objects, distributed in the country evenly, and even under the ground. Simply put, to pick up nuclear weapons at Iran can only with the help of a infantry military operation, but it will really provoke the beginning of the Third World War. It is also worth noting that Iran is ready to defend its interests, which led to a rapid, and most importantly effective re-equipment of the army. By the way, the Iranian army took very convenient heights that, regardless of the size of the conflict, the state makes the state extremely strong.

And where is the Third World War?

If Iran has a nuclear weapon in the amount of which it is in the United States, America will no longer be able to dictate its conditions in the region, and therefore oil prices will increase significantly. For a complete understanding of the situation, it must be said that the region contains Europe and America with its oil by 90%, that is, the increase in prices will lead to an even greater crisis, and this is not permissible. It is also worth noting that Iran is not afraid of the Third World War due to the fact that, first of all, it has the ability to block the canal, in which oil falls into the United States and to Europe, thereby paralizing the economy. Secondly, the "praised" fleet will first try to give the possibility of tankers to pass a dangerous site, which means that he will fall into the trap. Thirdly, Iran can count on what if the 3rd world war begins, then, despite past conflicts, the state will be supported by Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Syria. In fact, the entire Muslim world will fall on the side of Iran during the Third World War.

What can aggravate the situation even more?

Please note that an additional factor for a possible third World War is that China has its own interests and production in this region, which immediately defines his place next to Iran. Simply put, there are already two countries with nuclear weapons! By the way, do not forget that Russia has an agreement on mutual cooperation and defense with the subway, which can lead our country or to the role of the participants or to the share of peacekeeper.

It is worth noting that in a number of reasons for the development of the Third World War, it is necessary to mention our country that is extremely unable to grow oil prices, as this will automatically lead to the loss of many customer countries. Yes, and other interests of Russia will be eaten, for example, any military operation can lead to a random shots in our direction.

In order for the situation more clear, it should be noted that if the development of the plot of the Third World War will go this way, the territory starting from Africa will be drawn into the conflict and ending with all Asia. And this is not to mention the countries of neighbors who will definitely suffer, the question is only from what, from artillery fire or from nuclear weapons!

What do peaceful Iranians think about the possible 3 world war?

This is a very controversial question, since on the one hand, Iranian citizens are fanatically committed to their ruler, which means they are not afraid of the beginning of the Third World War, and on the other, they began to massively buy Azerbaijani lands, as they say, just in case. If you believe experts from Azerbaijan, then the percentage of the buying land of Iranians has grown over the year by 30 indicators, which indicates that they are waiting for the early 3rd World War.

When will the third world war begins?

This question is perhaps the only one for which the military, and civil specialists cannot say anything. The conflict and the political intrigues mentioned above occur right now, which suggests that the 3rd World War can begin at any time. And if you consider the mentality of the Muslim community and their universe, the military clash will raise all new and new hordes of people who are ready to fight to the end.

The only country that at least somehow could resolve the conflict is Turkey, but it is not ready to take on the role of a peacemaker, whether due to indifference, or because of fear lose all the same oil because of fear. Surprised? Yes, Turkey is 30% depends on the mood of the region's negotiable!

Well, and finally it is worth saying that people who will have to become in army uniforms, in the rank of soldiers on the field of the 3rd world war, do not envy, and therefore it is necessary to hope that the military collision will still be avoided.

Prophecies about the Third World War

Military actions, according to the predictions of the Provons, will begin at the end of summer or in the fall (September, October). Muslims will attack unexpected and come from the east.

Quote from Baikirha's book "Prophetic voices", 1849: "The month of May will be seriously preparing for war, but it will not reach the war. June will also invite to war, but it will not reach it either. July will be so serious and formidable that many will come with their wives and children. In August, in all corners of the earth will talk about the war. September and October will bring great bloodshed. In November, amazing things will occur. "

Alois Irlmayer: "a year, when the third world war breaks around, March will be such that the peasants will be able to sow Oats. The year before the war will be fertile, with an abundance of fruits and grains. The time of year I am able to draw only on the signs. On the mountain vertices is snow. Overcast, it is raining ahead of the snow. In the valley everything yellows. " (Fall?)

Norwegian fisherman Anton Johanson (1858-1929): "The Third World War will begin in mid-July - early August. In North Sweden Summer. There are no snow in the Norwegian mountains. A hurricane will be the beginning of the war in the spring or autumn year.

The prediction of Herman Kappelman from Shaudingen: "In a few years a terrible war will break. The harbingers of the approaching war will be the primrose in pastures and widespread concern. But this year nothing will start yet. But when a short winter goes, everything will be blossoming prematurely, and it will seem that around calmly, then no one else will believe in the world. "

"Forest Prophet" Mülchiazl (1750-1825): "One of the noticeable approaching war will be" construction fever ". Build will be everywhere. And everything will not look like at home, including buildings, resembling honeycombs. When people are so carried away by their arrangement, as if they were never going to leave the Earth, then the "great destruction of the world" will begin. "

Abbot Kurikye (1872): "Strong struggle will begin. The enemy literally rushes from the east. In the evening you will still speak "Peace!", "Peace!", And the next morning they will already have your threshold. In a year, when a powerful military confrontation begins, spring will be so early and good that in April the cows will be thrown into the meadow, the Oats can still be hardened, and wheat can be ".

Vanga, the famous Bulgarian predictor, in the seventies of the 20th century, said: "When a field flower stops smears, when a person will lose the ability to compare when the river water becomes dangerous ... then a general destructive war will break down"; "War will be everywhere, between all nations ..."; "The truth about the end of the world should be sought in old books"; "What is written in the Bible will come true. The apocalypse is coming! Not you, but your children will then live! "; "Humanity has many more cataclysms and turbulent events. Consciousness of people will change. Grave times are coming, people will divide them faith. The oldest teaching will come to the world. Ask me when it happens, is it soon? No, not soon. Syria still did not fall ... "

Perhaps the war between Christian and Islamic countries will begin in 2038, but the main hostilities with the use of nuclear weapons will occur in 2060.

After the cataclysmen committed to the neutron star, a short-term passage will come in the battle of peoples, but after a while again the war will begin. Based on the information available in prophecies, the main hostilities will occur in the territory of Western Europe. This slaughter will apply nuclear, chemical and bacteriological weapons. Alliance of Muslim and African countries will capture Israel, Egypt, Greece, Hungary, Czech Republic, Poland, Spain, part of Italy, France and Germany. Predicts about Russia's participation in this world slaughter is very small, but it will also be involved in the battle of this terrible war.

Michel Nostradamus about times reminiscent of the end of the world, wrote that they will begin a year in which a passionate Friday would have to St. George's Day (April 23), a bright Sunday (Easter) - on St. Mark's Day (April 25), and the feast of the Body of Christ - On St. John's Day (June 24). Such coincidences occurred repeatedly, in particular, in 1886 and 1943.

In Catholic Easvelops - tables in which the days of the annual celebration of Easter and other religious celebrations, depending on the movement of the Earth around the Sun, the position of the Moon (Easter Full Moon Communication), as well as in connection with the seven-day week (Sunday), the dates of the holidays are not permanent and moved From year to year. Due to the unequal rules for calculating Easter from different religions, Easter celebrations do not correspond to each other and fall on different dates. According to Catholic canons, the following coincidence of the above-mentioned religious holidays and Easter celebration will occur in 2038 (April 25). It is curious that Orthodox Christians, despite the differences in the methodology for calculating Easter, this event will also happen on April 25, 2038 - a rare coincidence.

Nostradamus has specific instructions on the dates of military conflicts, which will begin in the forties of the XXI century, which will begin in the cores and sexenas. In the 6th century, Katrer 54 Prophet gives an exact indication of the number from which some four-digit dates must be counted (per year from Liturgy 1607-M).

6-54 2045

At the dawn, with the second cries of the rooster, the people of Tunisia, Fez and Bohi, (in general), Arabs - captives King Morocco, in the year from Liturgy, 1607th.

In 1607, nothing like this was happening in Morocco. Nostradamus indicates that this event will occur in such a year from liturgy, i.e. not from the Nativity of Christ. When adding existing numbers, we obtain (438 + 1607 \u003d 2045), i.e. 2045 year. .

The period from 2040 to 2060, Nostradamus devoted especially a lot of predictions. Perhaps, at this time, another war will begin on the territory of France, Germany and Italy.

Head of Aries, Jupiter and Saturn.
God of Most High, what changes!
Then through the long century it will return its evil time.
Gallium and Italy, what excitement.

1-2. According to the Julian calendar, which was produced by the Nostradamus era, the beginning of March ("head of the Aries") falls at the end of February in the Gregorian calendar. The difference of dates between two calendars in the XVI century - 10 days. With this in mind, we will define the time of the joint of Jupiter and Saturn in the sign of the fish (February). The connection of these planets is a rather rare phenomenon, and it occurred on February 18, 1941.

Changes - events of the Second World War.

3-4. Then, through the long century, his evil time will return - the next connection of Jupiter and Saturn (after a century) will occur on October 27, 2040.

The prediction of terrible events similar to the Second World War, which will occur in a hundred years in France and Italy.

Nostradamus in several sixes indicates three-digit numbers with which you can determine the year of the upcoming event. And all of them are devoted to the forties of the XXI century. Perhaps the number 1 intentionally missed in these dates.

On the great throne, large atrocities will resume in large quantities than ever. In six hundredth, the fifth on the greenery will be captured and return.

The soldiers will be in the fields to the cold, then everything will begin again.

In six hundred and fifth - adding this number to the date of the first Catholic liturgy (1605 + 438 \u003d 2043), we get 2043. In subsequent sens, a similar decryption date is used.

XIX. 2043-2045, 2055 years.

Six hundred and fifth, six hundred and sixth and seventh will show us up to the year of the seventeenth instant rage, hatred and envy, hidden for a long time under the olive tree. What was dead will come back to life.

XIII. 2044-2048 year

The hired soldier in six hundred or ten will be struck by the bile placed in the egg, and will soon be deprived of the power of the general powerful lord. There is no such and equal to which is not in the world, and which everyone obeys.
Six hundred sixth or tenth - i.e. In 2044 or 2048.
It will be amazed by bile placed in the egg - military actions with the use of chemical weapons.

Xxvi. 2044-2048 year

Two brothers belong to the church order. One of them will raise the weapon for France. Another strike in a year six hundred sixth, is not broken by severe illness, with a weapon in his hands up to six hundred tenth, his life will not last longer.

XLII. 2048 year

The Great City, where the first person is
I absolutely call the city,
All alarmed and soldiers in the fields.
Will be very destroyed by fire and water
And finally, freed by the French,
It will happen, starting with six hundred to the tenth year.
Great city - Rome. The first person is Pope.

In the centuries of Nostradamus there are many mention of wars, which have already taken place, and the upcoming world thermonuclear favory with terrible consequences. I will give only some mosses of the Great Prophet relating to the events of the coming.

In the sky there will be noise of battle weapons.
In the same year, the enemies of the Lord
Write to blasphemously challenge the holy laws.
Orthodox devoted to death with lightning and war.

1. Military actions using aviation.
2. The beginning of religious wars between Christians and
Islamists who, according to Nostradamus, will extend
With small breaks until the end of the XXI century.
3-4. An attack of Islamists for one of the Christian countries. Numerous victims of war.

At sunrise they will see a big flame, noise and thunder stretch to the north. Inside the circle - death, hear shouts, they are waiting for death from the sword, fire and hunger.

Unleashing war with the use of thermonuclear weapons. Inside the circle - the epicenter of the explosion.
Noise and Thunder stretches to the north - usually Nostradamus in this way indicated the countries located north of France, or Russia.
The invasion of the aggressor after applying a bomb or rocket strike. Numerous victims of war and as a result - hunger.

At the 45th degree lights up the sky, the fire will come close to the large new city. Instantly gets the shower flame. When they want to experience Normans.
At the 45th degree - France is located on this latitude.
Large new city - the name is not identified. In most cases, the prophet uses this phrase to Naples.
Instantly, the stretched flame is instilled - the use of nuclear weapons in France ("When they want to experience Normans").

In a year, when Saturn and Mars both (will) are burned, the air is very drained, a long meteor. Hortified lights burned a large space, little rain, hot wind, war, invasion.

1. The connection of Saturn and Mars is quite frequent phenomenon. One of them will occur on July 28, 2064. The term used in astrology is burned to designate a close compound of planets within three degrees.
2, 4. Drought in the country or on the entire planet. Wars.
3. Hortified lights scattered a large space - perhaps war with. The use of thermonuclear weapons.

On the Danube from the Rhine will be given a great camel (and) does not rush in this. Ron shudders and stronger from the Loire, and near the Alps rooster will destroy him.

1. occupation of countries whose territory is located
We are in the Basin of the Danube and part of Germany.
2. The Great Camel is a Muslim commander.
3. The invasion of Islamic troops to France from the East. Perhaps on the part of the Alpine Mountains.
4. The death of the Islamic commander and the defeat of his army in the Alps. Rooster - commander, president of France.

France due to negligence attacked from five sides, Tunisia, Algeria plunged into the confusion of Persians, Leon (Tina, that for) Sicily, Barcelona will fall without having received the fleet, (promised) venetians.

1. Aggression of Muslim states against France. Attack into French territory, including air ("attacked from five sides") using aviation.
2. The attachment of Tunisia and Algeria to the Union of Islamic states led by Iran.
3. Capture of Sicily Islands and the city of Barcelona in the northeast of Spain.
4. Violation of Italy of the previously concluded agreement on the provision of military assistance is likely to with Spain, and failure to support Sicilians.

Thames enhances Girondu and La Rochelle.
0. Trojan Blood! Mars at the arrows gate;
A staircase is pressed behind the river to the fortress.
Fire knives (produce) a large massacre in the break.

1. Gironda - the mouth of the rivers Garonna and Dordogne. La Pocher is a port city in southern France in the Biscay bay. The United Kingdom ("Thames") will help France's military assistance during the invasion of the Muslim Empire to Europe.

2. Arrow - Eiffel Tower - a symbol of Paris. War in France.
3-4. The seizure of one of the cities of France, which is located near the river. Perhaps Paris. Fire knives - tracing shells or a new type of weapons.

Gallic kingdom, you will change very much. The empire moved to a foreign location. Submit to someone else's businesses and customs, Rouen and the tatcher cause you a lot of evil.
Occupation of France by Muslim troops. The loss of the country of independence, significant changes in laws and religion ("submit to other strangers and customs").
Transferred the capital and government to the territory of another state.
Rouen and the tatcher cause you a lot of evil - maybe the betrayal of the interests of France by these cities? Cooperation with invaders?

In Fua will enter the king in blue chalme
And less than one turnover of Saturn.
The king in Belaya Chalme in Byzantium, the winner extension.
Sun, Mars, Mercury near the urn.

Foa is the historical area in the south of France, in the Pyrenees.
One turnover of Saturn - the period of circulation of the planet around the Sun is 29.4 years (small cycle).
Blue Chalma - Sufi Persia. White Chalma - Sunni Turkey.

1-2. The invasion of Muslim troops to France and the occupation of its southern regions for almost 29 years.
3. Exile - winner. In Almana, for 1566, Nostradamus wrote: "The kingdoms will be flooded by Byzantine blood. The exile will reign on the throne ... revealed the movement of the kingdom as a decline of muggetanism. After 960 years, the on the eve of the period in 72 will begin a certain great discord between white and blue heads, or whiteness and celestial color; And with them there will be some greatest events. "
4. Connection of the data of the planets and the Sun in the box of urn (January) will occur on January 1, 2073.

Bavarian Fountain Builder Alois Irlmayer, originally from Freilasing (Bavaria), predicted: "Already at the beginning of the Third World War, chemical and bacteriological weapons will apply.

Soon after that, the first atomic rockets will be released. While the Armed Forces of the East (Muslim troops. - approx. Auth.) Wide the front will move to Western Europe, fights in Mongolia will pass ... The People's Republic of China will conquer India. The battle center will be the area around Delhi. Beijing during these battles will apply its bacteriological weapons. As a result, twenty-five million people in India and neighboring countries will die. Completely new, unknown epidemic disposal. In the east, Iran and Turkey will fight. Balkans will also be occupied by their troops. (Chinese?) We will invade Canada. USA from 1907 will participate in just five wars. During the war, the Great Darkness will come, which will continue 72 hours ... In Europe, unfamiliar diseases still will appear. In France, people, primarily young, will hit blindness and loss of reason, human bodies will begin to decompose completely. "

According to the predictions of numerous prophets, at this time, part of Western Europe will be seized by Muslim and Chinese troops. The prophet does not specifically indicate in his visions, with whom the Russians will fight in this war. Perhaps Russia will attempt to prevent the occupation of European countries, but will be defeated.

Vision of Alisa Irlmayer: "Everything spoke about the world, everyone shouted" Shalom! " I see: "Great" falls, there is a bloody knife near him. Two men will kill a special rank. One of the killers is a low brunette, the second is blond, a little higher. They will be hired. After this murder will grow up a new Middle Eastern war. In the Mediterranean Sea will occur the battle of various naval forces - the situation will be intense. I see three numbers: two eights and nine (perhaps 2088- 2089 year. - Approx. Aut.), But I do not know what they mean, to what time they are attributed. War flashes at dawn and will come suddenly. Farmers sitting in a pub busy playing cards will see other people's soldiers looking into the doors and windows. The Black Army will come from the East, everything will happen very quickly. I see Troika, but I do not know what it means maybe three days or three weeks. This applies to the Golden City. A year before the war will be very harvest, and winter will be soft.

The combined troops are marched from the east to Belgrade, and then put forward to Italy. Then three army with the speed of lightning, without any warning put forward in the direction of the Northern Danube to the Rhine River. The first will appear near the Bavarian Forest in the northern direction along the Danube. The second army will take place from the east to the west over Saxony to the Rura's pool. The third will go from the northeast to the West and will pass over Berlin. The Russians are nowhere to delay anywhere, day and night they will uncontrollably to strive for the goal, to the Rura's pool. The population in panic will run away to the West. Cars blocked roads and become an obstacle to tanks. I do not see any bridges on the Danube north of Rachibon. The destroyed Frankfurt will not remind a big city. The valley of the Rhine will be devastated, mainly from the air.

I see the land, no matter the ball, and on it the air jackets of aircraft that fly up as a flock of white pigeons. Retribution will immediately come from "big water". At the same time, the "yellow smoke" will overtake Alaska and Canada, but it will not go far ...

I see the land in front of you, as if the ball, whose white pigeons fly. A large number of pigeons from the sand pulled out, and then yellow dust fell. It will happen in a warm night when the Golden City will be destroyed. Airplanes will relieve yellow dust between the Black and Northern Seas. A strip of death will appear, from the sea to the sea, with a width of half of Bavaria. Where dust falls, everything will be dead - every tree, bush, grass, animals, will die and turn around. Houses will remain integer. Yellow dust line will reach the city located above the bay. It will be a long line, but I do not know what it is, and therefore I can not describe more precisely. Who will go through this line, he will die. Those who will be on one side will not be able to go to another. Therefore, the attacking troops will disintegrate. They will be forced to go north. All that they will have with them will throw out. No one will come back there. Russian supply will interrupt ...

Two troops will fight from the west to the southwest. Divisia will turn to the north and will refund the attack of the third army. In the east there will be many tanks that are still going, but inside there will be some blackened corpses. There, the pilots dump small black boxes, which, almost the reach of the earth, explode. Then yellow or greenish smoke or powder is spread. Everything that will face this dust is dying, still a person, an animal or plant. This poison is so strong that people become black, and their bodies are lagging behind. During the year, no one can enter this zone, otherwise he risks life. Because of this, the attack on the Rhine will be stopped. No soldier of the three armies return home. In the infected zone, the grass will not grow already, but people will be able to live.

Because of the natural catastrophe or something else, the Russians will be forced to return to the north. On the Rhine I see Crescents (Muslim troops. - approx. Aut.) Who wants to devour everything. They will fly to the north, where the third army fell to destroy everything. There will be a sign that everything died - people, animals, grass. They will want to cut down and lose all. None of the three armies return home. The last battle will play around Cologne.

I see a plane flying from the east, who throws something into the Great Water, and then something amazing will happen. Water will rise as high as the tower, and will fall, everything will be flooded. One part of England will disappear when the pilot drops this thing into water. I do not know what it is ... (perhaps, the Muslim troops will be used geotectonic weapons. - approx. Aut.) Earthquake will occur, and the southern part of England will sweat. Three cities will be destroyed: the first water, in the second, located above the sea level, will be visible only by the tower of the church, and the third will be completely destroyed. Everything will happen very quickly.

I see three lines - maybe 3 days, 3 weeks, 3 months - I don't know exactly, but it will not last long. The islands will drown, because the sea will be drawn up. I see big holes on the sea, which will be filled when large waves come back. A beautiful city, located near the sea, almost completely drowshes in the sea, in dirt and sand. Other countries located by the sea will undergo a big danger, the sea will be restless, and the waves with a height of the house will foam, as if something was cooked under the ground. The islands will disappear, and the climate will change. January will be so warm that mosquitoes will dance. Maybe it will be a transition to another climatic zone. Then there will no longer be normal winters, such as we know now.

During the war, a dark will come, which will last 72 hours. During the day it will be dark, dear will fall, there will be lightning and thunder, the earthquake will make the planet twitch. At this time, do not get out of the house, burn only candles. Who will inhale dust, he falls into convulsions and die. Distow the windows and do not open them. Water and food that will not be tightly closed, will become infected, as well as that which will be stored in glassware. Everywhere death, provoked by dust, a lot of people die. After 72 hours, everything will end, but I repeat: do not leave the house, burn only candles and pray. That night will die more people than in the two world wars. Do not open windows for 72 hours. In the rivers there will be so little water that they can easily move them. Cattle will die, grass will yellow and dry, human corpses will become black or yellow. Then the wind will send clouds to the east.

The city with the Iron Tower will be a victim of their people. They will be burned, there will be a revolution, people are wild. The city will absorb fire due to its inhabitants, but not because of those who come from the east. Very clearly see that the city is completely destroyed. In Italy will also be restless. Aliens from the east will kill a lot of people. Dad will run away, many priests will be killed, many churches will be destroyed.

A revolution and civil war will happen in Russia. There will be many corpses on the streets, no one will clean them. Russians will again fight in God and take the sign of the cross. The leaders will commit suicide, thereby melting their bloody guilt. I see how the masses of red and yellow are mixed, a riot and terrible murders will arise. Then the Christmas song will sing and burn the candles near the icons. The prayer of Christians may be the monster of hell, many young people will believe in the intercession of the Virgin.

After the victory, the emperor will be crowned dad. How long it will last, I do not know. I see three nines, the third brings the world. When everything is over, some people will die, and the rest will be afraid of God. Laws that bring death to children will be abolished. Then the world will come. I see three glowing crowns, a thin elderly man will be our king. In the south, the "old crown" will also appear. Dad, who for a long time could not escape because of the water, will return and will complain because of his killed brothers.

After these events will come long and happy time period. Those who live will be very happy. People must start a new life where they started their ancestors. "

In many cases, the vision of Alisian Irlmayer is largely coincided with the predictions of Nostradamus and other prophecies, so it can be assumed that they are not the fruit of the author's fantasy.

There is a mention of the three world wars and Grigory Rasputin, he published his predictions in 1912. The image of the snakes can be interpreted as destructive wars. Prophecy of the elder: "People go to a catastrophe. The most immersible will rule the wagon and in Russia, and in France, and in Italy, and in other places ... Humanity will be crushed by the act of madness and villains. Wisdom snack in the chain. Ignorant and domineering will dictate the laws of wise and even humble. And then most of the people will believe in the power of the people, but will light up in God ... Kara God will not be skiing, but terrible ... Three hungry snakes will crawl along the roads, leaving them as ashes and smoke, they have one house - and this is a sword, and They are one law - violence, but, dragged humanity through dust and blood, they will die from the sword. "

The first two snakes already walked through long-suffering Europe. This is the first and second world wars, another snake remained - the third and most terrible: "The world's time will come, but the world will be written in blood. And when the two fire is nervous, the third fire will burn ashes (perhaps radioactive ash - the consequence of the explosions of atomic bombs. - Application auth.). Few people and few things will continue. But what will persist should be subjected to new cleansing before entering the land of the earth. "

Another prediction of Rasputin about the future war: "The world expects three" lightning ", which are consistently smeared the land of the sacred rivers (possibly - Iraq), palm garden (Egypt) and Lilies (France). From the West, a bloodthirsty prince will come from the West, which will enslave a person with wealth, and from the east, another prince will come, who will enslave a person with a poverty. "

The prophet and aggression of Muslim countries against Christians were predicted: "Magomet will move his house, having passed the road. And there will be wars like summer thunderstorms, Valya trees and ruining the villages.

And it will be until it reveals that the Word of God is one, even though it is said in different languages. And then the table will be one, as one will be bread. "

After many years of occupation of Muslims of significant territories of Western Europe, the liberation war under the auspices of Germany and France will begin. Russia will take part in this war.

In centuries, Nostradamus describes in detail this period of time.

The German heart will be born from Trojan blood, which will be very powerful. Off the alien Arabic people, returning the church initial superiority.

1-2. The German heart will be born from Trojan blood - the great German ruler of French origin.
3. Exile of Muslim invaders from Germany, which previously capture part of the German territory.
4. Restoration of the Christian religion and the influence of the Church in the occupied territories.

On the herbaceous fields of Alein and Vneghe
At Mount Luberon, near Durene,
From the sides of both camps, the fight will be sharper.
In France, the intercourse will fade.

1-2. Alein, Vernega - settlements northeast of the salon. Luberon - Mountains north of the Duran River in Provence.
3. The decisive battle in the south-east of France between Islamists and the French.
4. Meternrech (Mesopotamia) is modern Iraq. Obviously, in this case, the symbol of the Alliance of Muslim states. The final victory over Islamists on the territory of France ("Miscellennium").

The latter is won by a hostile man among Gallov, instantly extinguished (his) strength and land, when the envious enveloped, combat the arrow.

1. The Great French State Worker, a military leader, under the leadership of which the invaders will be expelled from the territory of France and are crushed.
2-3. Military actions of the French army in the territory of the aggressor.
4. The death of the opponent ("envious") is the ruler of one of the states. The battered arrow is synonymous with weapons.

The Great Razmi will come close to Byzantium, the barbaric union will be expelled.
Of the two laws (win) one, pagan weaken. Barbarian and Franc in a constant enmity.

1. The Great Razmi is an outstanding French commander or prominent statesman.
2. Exile of Islamists ("Barbarian Union") from Europe.
3. Restoration of the influence of the Christian Church.
4. Barbarian and Franc in a permanent hostility - confrontation and war between France and the Muslim world.

Big City Tara Gallam
Will be destroyed, all in Chalmi captives.
From the Great Portuguese (comes) Help by sea
On the first day of summer, dedicated to St. Urban.

1. Tare (Tarsus) is the Turkish city in the south-east of Malaya Asia.
2. The destruction by the French of the Turkish city and capture the prisoners.
3. Support for the Portuguese Navy in the War with Muslims.
4. On the first day of summer, dedicated to St. Urban - May 25 in the Julian calendar.

Twice rising and dropped twice, East, as well as the West weakened. His opponent after several battles is expelled from the sea, when it will be needed, will not come.

1-2. Prediction of elevation and decline of the countries of the East and West. Probably Muslim and Christian states.
3-4. His opponent - i.e. Islam countries. The defeat of Muslim troops in several battles and defeat the sea fleet.

Next year, not far from Venus, two of the greatest Asia and Africa, from Rhine and Istra, how they will say, come. Screams, crying in Malta and the Ligurian shore.

1. Not far from Venus - probably angrum, which Nostradamus uses several times in his skates, i.e. Italian city of Verona, near Venice.
2. Two of the greatest Asia and Africa are the leaders of the Alliance of Asian and African countries.
3. From Rhine and Istra - the Union of Germany and Russia against the aggressor. Moscow Region River Istra Nostradamus is a symbol of Moscow and Russia.
4. Screams, crying in Malta and the Ligurian shore - military actions in Malta and in Italy, which, based on the information laid down in previous katsins, will be occupied by Islamists.

Similar to Griffon, the king of Europe will appear, accompanied by the people of the North, will lead a large army of red and white, and (they) will go against the king of Babylon.

1. Griffin - in ancient mythology a fantastic flying animal with a torso lion, orline wings
mi and head of eagle or lion.
The King of Europe is the leader of the Union of European countries.
2. Accompanied by people of the North - German or Scandinavian troops.
3. A large army of red and white - the Armed Forces of the Spaniards ("Red") and French ("White"). White color - the bourbon dynasty symbol.
4. And (they) will go against the king of Babylon - the war with the Alliance of Muslim states.

Descriptions of the events of the Third World War, who predict the prophets, are surprisingly similar to each other. And this can not be a random coincidence. Humanity needs to listen to these numerous warnings and take all measures so that all this does not happen. Although, according to the same prophecies, all this is useless. No one will take any measures to prevent the next bloody slaughter.

The aggravation of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict was inevitable as a flash of conflict on the border with gas. If you do not solve the problem, it does not dispel it.

We will not go into specific details of the Kerch incident, which are already considered detail. And not Israel to perform a moral arbiter in this situation, especially since it is more likely to reproach in analogy with the gas, which he blocks how Russia is trying to block Ukraine or delays vessels trying to break through this blockade.

Similarly, both both leaders, Ukrainian and Russian, beneficial to the aggravation of the conflict to solve their internal political problems - and our Prime Minister (however, as other Israeli premieres) often uses the security sphere to expand the situation in their favor. That he perfectly done last week, twisting his hands naphtali Bennetu (Israeli Minister of Education - Ed.) And Moshe Kahlonu (Israeli Finance Minister - Ed.).

However, it is worth dealt with the geostrategic value of the next incident, because it reveals some trends of the new round of world development.

The first - civilization opposition of the West and the East is impossible to further regulate within geopolitics and geo-economic. Russian and Ukrainian leaders are trying to resolve them by traditional geopolitical methods, where territorial acquisitions and military force are important. The West is trying to influence the decision of the conflict with the help of geo-economic, applying investments in some cases and sanctions in others. None nor the other brings positive results.

With the advent of Samuel Huntington's book "Conflict of civilizations", which marked the transition to a geocultural approach, has come to understand that the current situation is cultural and religious contradictions between the main civilizations of the world: Western, Orthodox, Islamic, Chinese, Hindu and others.

However, in predicting the upcoming conflicts, this theory does not answer the question of what needs to be done to prevail the general cultural values, and not national-religious? As a result, a false theory of multiculturalism appeared and political correctness, which only aggravated the desire of people to protect their traditional values \u200b\u200bfrom migrants or other strangers.

Hence the answer in the form of the growth of European nationalism, whose conductors were leaders like the type of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban and French Politics Jean-Marie Le Foam, in the form of great popularity of the German "alternative for Germany" and the true cause of brexit.

The same is for the struggle of the Trump with immigrants, and the whistle around the Israeli law on the national nature of the state from the same series, because it does not meet the real request.

In his work, "History Comprehension", the English historian Arnold Toynby pointed out that civilizations that do not give a response to the challenge challenge die. Moreover, the answer to this challenge usually lies in the spiritual area. So, the response to the crisis of the ancient world was the emergence of Christianity. If the current world is limited to the modern version of Hellenism, with an emphasis on well-being for everyone, as the only basis for cooperation, he will collapse in the same way.

According to the calculations of the same Huntington and another leading political scientist, Immanuel Wallerstein, the author of the theory of a mass system approach, while maintaining the current trends, a third world war will break out between 2025 and 2050.

How to avoid a similar scenario and where is the exit from a dead end?

As always, Jewish genius offers the answer to this question. The Israeli researcher of Yuval-Noi Harari in his new bestseller "Divine Man" believes that the exit lies in the person gaining new abilities to cooperate. Just as he was able to move from the animal to a man to a reasonable, now the time has come for a new evolutionary jump.

It encourages such a cooperation three main challenges for the entire civilization: the threat of a nuclear war, an environmental disaster, the problem of artificial intelligence.

In his book, Harari offers citizens of all countries to ask their politicians leading the election campaigns, the question of how they suggest fighting these threats for all mankind, plus another mischief question: what do they see the world in 2040?

The Azov precedent is also dangerous by the fact that it shows how a new war in Europe is already underway in all areas: on land, in the air and the sea.

And the first and the second world wars began with incidents in Slavic countries. It will be regrettable if the tradition will repeat. However, in the "our Palestines" no better situation. It will be fine if the voice of the Jewish philosopher will hear primarily in Israel.

And our own voters in the closest elections will ask our leaders that are these questions.