Story about clown English. What I see, about and sing: how to describe the picture in English. Verse in English with translation into Russian about garments

My favorite character from the cartoon "Tom and Jerry" Cat Tom. Tom is one of the main characters of the series of cartoons about Tom and Jerry. His main rival is a mouse of Jerry, who loves him to tease. Sometimes Tom wants to just entertain or entertain a mouse or his friends. Tom tries to be a good homemade cat. Sometimes they are very good friends with a mouse.

My favorite character from the cartoon "Tom and Jerry" Cat Tom. Tom is one of the main characters of the series of cartoons about Tom and Jerry. His main rival is a mouse of Jerry, who loves him to tease. Sometimes Tom wants to just entertain or entertain a mouse or his friends. Tom tries to be a good homemade cat. Sometimes they are very good friends with a mouse.

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Determine the Language of Klingon (Piqad) Azerbaijan Albanian English Arab Armenian Afrikaans Basque Belarusian Bengalsky Bulgarian Bosnian Welsh Hungarian Vietnamese Galician Greek Georgian Gudjarati Danish Zulya Hebrew Idish Yidish Indonesian Irish Icelandic Spanish Italian Yoruba Kazakh Cannada Catalan Chinese Chinese Traditional Korean Creole (Haiti) Khmer Lao Latin Latvian Lithuanian Macedonian Malagasy Malay Malayalam Maltese Maori Marathi Mongolian German Nepali Dutch Norwegian Punjabi Persian Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Cebuano Serbian Sesotho Slovak Slovenian Swahili Sudanese Tagalog Thai Tamil Telugu Turkish Uzbek Ukrainian Urdu Finnish French Hausa Hindi Hmong Croatian Chewa Czech Swedish Esperanto Estonian Javanese Japanese Klingon (pIqaD ) Azerbaijani Albanian English Arab Armenian Afrikaans Basque Belor ENGLISH Bengali Bosnian Bulgarian Welsh Hungarian Vietnamese Galician Georgian Greek Gujarati Danish Zulu Hebrew Igbo Yiddish Indonesian Irish Icelandic Italian Yoruba Kazakh Kannada Catalan Chinese Chinese Traditional Korean Creole (Haiti) Khmer Lao Latin Latvian Lithuanian Macedonian Malagasy Malay Malayalam Maltese Maori Marathi Mongolian German Nepali Dutch Norwegian Pepjabi Persian Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Seban Serbian Sisido Slovak Slovenian Swahili Sudanese Tagalog Thai Tamil Telugu Turkish Uzbek Ukrainian Urdu Finnish Khausa Hindi Hmong Croatian Cheva Czech Swedish Esperanto Estonian Javelian Japanese Source: Purpose:

My Favorite Character from the Cartoon "Tom and Jerry" Tom Cat. That Is One of the Main Characters of the Series of Cartoons about Tom and Jerry. His Main Opponent IS Jerry Mouse Who Loves to Tease Him. Sometimes That Just Want To have fun. Or Enjoy The Chase, or His Friends. Tom Tries to Be a Good House Cat. Sometimes They Chase Very Good Friends.


My Favorite Character from the Cartoon "Tom and Jerry" Tom Cat. Tom - One of the Main Characters of the Series of Cartoons about Tom and Jerry. His Main Rival - The Little Mouse Jerry, Who Loves to Tease Him. Sometimes Tom Wants To Just Have Fun and Enjoy Little Mouse and His Friends. Tom Tries to Be a Good House Cat. Sometimes They Are A Little Mouse Is Very Good Friends.

We bring to your attention a few short poems in English, which will help both the teacher and the parent learn clothing items in a short time with a child. Such training will be cheerful, interesting and fascinating.

English verse about clown and his clothes with translation into Russian

1. Print one of the options for pictures (clown).
2. When reading verses in English, you can show the appropriate clown clothing items in the picture.
3. Next to call items of clothing in English, and the child should show them on a clown.

Verse in English with translation into Russian about garments

MY. T-shirt IS BLUE AND MY hat. IS PINK.
Tell Me, What Do You Think?
MY. trousers. ARE YELLOW, MY socks. Are Green.
Tell Me, What Do You Think?
MY. jacket IS PURPLE, MY shoes. Are White.
Tell Me, What Do You Think?
MY. gloves. ARE Brown,
MY. scarf. is black.
Tell Me, What Do You Think? Do You Like The Clothes I'm Wearing?
Do You Think The're Good or Bad?
Do You Like The Clothes I'm Wearing?
OR Do You Think I Just Look Mad!
My T-shirt is blue, my hat is pink.

My pants are yellow, socks - green.
Tell me what you think about it?
My jacket is purple, shoes - white.
Tell me what you think about it?
My gloves are brown,
My scarf is black.
Tell me what you think about it? Do you like clothes that for me?
Good she or bad, what do you think?
Do you like clothes that for me?
Or do you think I look like a crazy.

As can be seen from the poem, you can learn not only the objects of clothing in English, but also the main colors. After the verse is learned, you can offer a child to draw a picture of a character from a verse.

You can get acquainted with other poems on various topics in English with translation in the section ""

English PoEms About Clothing for kids. / Poems about clothing objects in English with translation for children

And let's come up with an unknown science of the beast? Or even aliens? Or what's the horror) of a terrible-prejaceous monster? Children of the second year of study can easily do it in English.

1) First you need to come up with and draw, what the unknown science looks like a beast. Well, for example, like this:

We need to clarify who it is. And then suddenly no one will understand that this is an unknown science of the beast (or a monster. Or the newcomer from space).
In order to make a signature to the picture, we use the phrase:

This is a ...- This is (that's exactly what is drawn here) - ...

For example:

This is a monster. - This is a monster.
This is an alien. - this is an aliens
(Please note: An Alien, because the word alien begins with vowels).
This is a dragon. - This is the dragon.

We will write about our unknown science of the beast:

This Is My Animal. - this is my animal
(note: Use or A (AN), or My. A - some kind of general, but my - is no longer any there, namely mine. Therefore, simultaneously use them: or An Animal, or My Animal)

2) Our beast you need to come up with a name or name. Let his name ... well, for example, BUMPSY.
We remember that we talked about the names of people:

HIS Name IS. ... - His name - ...
HER NAME IS.... - Her name - ...

About animals usually do not say HE and SHE, but use the word IT:

ITS NAME IS.... - His (not a man) Name - ...

So it turns out:

ITS Name Is Bumppsy. - His name is Bumppsy.

3) It is necessary to describe how our animal looks like. It can be said what size it is and color, it is ridiculous or scary, cheerful or sad. All phrases-descriptions in English begin:

I am. ... - I am ...
He. (She, IT, My Monster, This Animal, The Alien) iS. ... He (she, it, my monster, this is an animal, aliens) there is ...
They (You, We, The Children, The Animals, The Monsters) are... they (you, we, children, animals, monsters) there is ...

Since we describe the animal, it turns out like this:

IT IS. ... - it (not a man) there is ...

But we already gave our animal beast, so now we can call it and call:

Bumppsy Is Little. IT IS GREEN AND YELLOW. IT IS VERY FUNNY.- BUMPSY - small. He is green with yellow. He is very funny.

4) Now let's come up with, and what our animal can do. We remember that for this Nan need a CAN verb (I can, I can):

IT CAN ... - It may (knows) ...
IT CAN "T ... - It can not (can't) ...

It turns out:

BUMPSY can jump. He can jump and dance. He knows how to play football.

Bumppsy does not know how to sing or play piano.

5) Maybe our animal loves something (or does not love). We remember how we talked in such cases about yourself:

I Like ... - I love ...
I DON "T LIKE ... - I do not like ...

And now we are not talking about yourself, but about someone else (about it, about it, about it). This means that the verb Like should change (I love, and he loves). In English, the verb appears the end of S:

IT Like S. ... - He (not a man) of love IT
IT DOE. S.n "T Like... - He (not a man) does not love ...

IT Likes Jam and Ice Cream. IT Doesn "T Like to Sing.
He loves jam and ice cream. He does not like to sing.
(Note: IT Doesn "T Like to. Sing. - He does not like (what are things t.?) Pe. t.)

6) You can come up with who (or that) is from our animal. Do not forget about the end of S in the verb:

IT HAS GOT ...- He has...
IT HASN "T GOT ...- He has no ...

Bumppsy Usts Mom and Dad.

He has a lot of toys.

Bumppsy has no bike.

7) And finally, you can come up with where our animal lives. Do not forget about the end of S in the verb Live (live):

IT Lives ... - He (not a man) lives ...

For example:

He lives in the woods.

________________________________________ ______________________________________

This is what happened in the end:

This is My Animal. ITS Name Is Bumppsy. Bumppsy Is Little. IT IS GREEN AND YELLOW. IT IS VERY FUNNY.



Surely every person who studies a foreign language is more than once asking: how to correctly describe the picture in English?

Perhaps there are any rules or certain requirements? Today we suggest to consider the main techniques of this fascinating process that you will be very useful in the future. So let's get up?

1. To begin with, focus on the main part of the pattern. Carefully consider this picture.

What do you see?
In This Picture I See A Young Woman Lying On The Grass, Smiling and Listening to Music With Headphones. In this picture I see a girl lying on the grass, smiling and listening to music in headphones.

  • This Picture Shows ... On this picture…
  • There Is / There Are ... Here there…
  • In This Picture I CAN SEE ... In this picture I see ...

2. Try to describe as much as possible.
She Seems to Be in Her Early Twenties. She's Got Long Blond Hair and a Charming Smile. She's Wearing A White T-Shirt ... On the sight of it twenty with a little. She has long blonde hair and a charming smile. She is dressed in a white t-shirt ...

Use such phrases:

  • In The Foreground / in the background ... In the foreground / on the background ...
  • ON THE RIGHT / ON THE LEFT ... Right left…

3. Try to connect your imagination when building assumptions.
She Could Be Listening to Some Energetic Rock Music, Because She Looks Happy and Engaged. Maybe She Is Listening To The Best Album of Her Favourite Singer and Is Singing Along. By The Way, IT CAN BE EVEN NOT MUSIC AT ALL. She Could Be Listening to a Humorous Audiobook That Makes Her Smile. She May Be Listening to An Audiocourse, Learning A Foreign Language And Trying to Repeat The Phrase After The Speaker. Perhaps the girl listens to energetic rock music, because she looks happy and absorbed by the music. Maybe she listens to the best album of the beloved artist and sinks. By the way, she can listen at all and not music. Maybe she listens to humorous audiobook and that's why it is smiling. It may be listens to the audio course to explore a foreign language and trying to repeat the phrase for the speaker.

Use such phrases:

  • I Think ... Maybe / Perhaps ... I think ... maybe / possibly ...
  • SHE MUST / CANT / MIGHT BE ... It should / can not / maybe ...
  • SHE LOOKS LIKE ... (My Little Sister) ... She looks ... (joyful) / She looks like ... (My younger sister).

4. You can also use stories from your life. Use your own stories and examples from life - it will give you the opportunity to speak more. People are much more comfortable to talk about their own experiences, so tell me about yourself! For example, describing a girl with headphones, you could say:
I CAN SEE An Engagement Ring On Her Finger. Perhaps She Has Just Got Engaged and Is Trying To Choose The Song for The First Dance with Her Fiancé During The Wedding Ceremony. I know how hard it can be bebecuse i'm getting married in August and i've been listening to various songs, trying to choose those to be played on my wedding day. I Fall Asleep with My Headphones on and Spend My Working Hours in A Similar Pair of Headphones, Not to Irritate My Felow-Workers with My Music. On her finger she has a ring, presented in honor of the engagement. Perhaps she recently wore and choose a song for the first dance of newlyweds during the wedding ceremony. I know how difficult it is, because I get married in August and listen to different songs trying to choose those that will sound at my wedding. I fall asleep in headphones and sit in headphones at work, so as not to bother to colleagues with your music.

Now you understand what we mean? Using examples based on their own vital experience, in the process of describing the picture, for example, a young girl with headphones, you will feel more calm and comfortable.

It is best to think about Who! What? Where? When? Why? How? Depicted on each picture.

Think about items depicted in the picture, environment, time of day, weather, location, culture ... All this will give you ideas for a more colorful description of the picture.

5. Training to describe images every day. If you are learning to train your mental activity in this way, then soon you will find that during the exam you will be completely unemployed to select ideas to describe any images. You will come to mind interesting ideas, quickly and without much effort.

Now you are familiar with the basic principles of the description of any image. Applying new knowledge in practice, you will receive an excellent result. We wish you success in learning foreign languages!

I Like to Go to the Circus Very Much. There IS A Very Good Circus in Our City. It is situated in the center of the city not far from Gagarin Avenue Undeground Station. Last Time My Brother, My Mother and I Went To the Circus During My Winter Holidays. First We Went by Undeground to the Metro Station "Gagarin Avenue" And then We Went to the Circus on Foot.

We Left Our Coats In The Cloak-Room And Then Went To the Hall. AT The Entrance We Bought a Programme of the Show. Then We Went and Took Our Seats. Our Seats Were Not Far from The Ring and We Could See Everything Very Well. The First Part of The Performance Was Very Interesting - We Saw Many Circus Performers: Acrobats, Rope Walkers, Jugglers and Clowns. The Clowns Were Very Funny and Everybody Applauded Them.

During The Performance The Circus Band Was Playing Music All The Time. Then Came The Interval. During The Interval We Went To the Bar and Bought Ice-cream, Cotton-Candy and A Bottle of Coca-Cola.

In The Second Part There Were Wild Animals. MOST OF ALL I LIKED TIGERS AND LIONS. They Were In A Large Cage and Performed Various Tricks. The Animal Trainer Was Very Brave and Spectators Applauded Much. There Were Also Bears Riding Bicycles and Dogs Playing Football.


My last visit to the circus

I love to go to the circus. In our city there is a very good circus. It is located in the city center, not far from the metro station "Gagarin Avenue". My brother, my mom and I went to the circus during the winter holidays. At first we reached the metro station to the metro station "Gagarin Avenue", and then we went to the circus on foot.

We left our coats in the wardrobe, and then went to the hall. At the entrance we bought a program of the show. Then we took our places. Our places were not far from the arena and we could see everything very well. The first part of the presentation was very interesting - we saw many circus artists: acrobats, rope, jugglers and clowns. Clowns were very funny, and everyone applauded them.

During the presentation in the circus, the orchestra played music all the time. Then there was an intermission. During the break, we went to the buffet and bought ice cream, sugar wool and a bottle of Coca-Cola.

Wild animals performed in the second part. Most I liked Tigers and Lions. They were in a big cage, and performed various tricks. The trainer was very brave and the audience applauded a lot. There were also bears on bicycles and dogs playing football.

After the presentation, we took a coat and went home. On the way home we discussed the idea and everything we saw in the circus. I really liked a visit to the circus.