Personal friendship - personal integrity (About the Don Governor). Vitaliy Borzenko demanded to strengthen measures to prevent fires in the Aksai district

"Chairman of the Commission: Borzenko Head of the Aksai District 1 Vitaly Ivanovich Deputy Chairman of the Commission: Mamonov Head of the Aksai Interdistrict Department Oleg Vladimirovich..."


meetings of the anti-drug commission of the Aksai region

Time: 11:00 a.m.

Venue: office No. 10 of the Aksai District Administration building

Chairman - Borzenko Vitaliy Ivanovich, Head of Aksai region

Secretary - Andrey Bychek

Present: 23 people

Commission Chairman:

Borzenko Head of Aksai region

Vitaly Ivanovich

Deputy Chairman of the Commission:

Mamonov Head of the Aksai Interdistrict Department Oleg Vladimirovich of the Office of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia for the Rostov Region.

Commission members:

Kosivtsova Deputy Head of the Aksai District Administration Galina Pavlovna for Social Affairs Bishtov Deputy Chairman of the Assembly of Deputies Yuriy Ramazanovich of the Aksai District Kremen Head of the Internal Affairs Department of the Aksai District Alexander Nikolaevich Rezinkov Representative of the Department Federal Service Pavel Mikhailovich of the Security of Russia in the Rostov Region in the Aksai District Melnik Chief Physician of the Municipal Institution Larisa Nikolaevna of Health of the Central District Hospital of the Aksai District Bobkova Head of the Department of Culture of the Administration Anna Stepanovna of the Aksai District Kolesnikov Head of the Aksai Urban Settlement Gennady Nikolayevich Klesov Head of the Department for physical culture, sports, Egor Anatolyevich tourism and work with youth Administration of the Aksai district Vozdvizhensky Acting head of the department for coordination of work Andrey Vladimirovich of the social sphere of the Administration of the Aksai district Dziuba Head of the organizational department of the Administration Sergei Nikolaevich of the Aksai district Chernousov Head of the education department of the Administration Vladimir Ivanovich of the Aksai district Badgutdinov Head of the department of public utilities and road Khalil Faritovich of the administration of the Aksai district 15 Zhigalina Executive secretary of the commission on minors and protection of their rights Margarita Yuryevna 16 Lukina Director - editor-in-chief, Municipal Natalya Andreevna unitary enterprise"Editorial office of the newspaper" Pobeda "


1. On the activities of cultural institutions of the Aksai region in the field of preventing the illegal use of drugs.

2. On preventive work with students of educational institutions to promote an anti-drug culture and a healthy lifestyle.

3. On the results of the work of the children's and adolescent narcological service to reduce the number of drug users and the problems of its activities and the elimination of conditions conducive to the spread of drugs.

4. On the composition of the anti-drug Aksai district.

5. Current issues.

1. HEARD: About the activities of cultural institutions of the Aksai region in the field of preventing the illegal use of drugs.


Bobkova A.N. - Head of the Department of Culture of the Aksai District Administration.

In 2010, in the cultural institutions of the Aksai district, in order to prevent the spread of drug addiction among young people and information on the consequences of their use.

All cultural institutions of the district took part in the district festival "Say no to drugs!" in March.

In RDK "Fakel" together with the library. M. Sholokhov and the Department of Youth Affairs of the Aksai District Administration held a series of events within the framework of the regional festival "Say no to drugs!".

An exhibition-reflection "What do you choose?" was arranged in the exhibition hall. The main objective of the exhibition is to show that one of the most important ways to prevent and combat drug addiction is to create conditions for strengthening the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle - an alternative to this asocial phenomenon. The exhibition included two opposite ways of human life. The first stand “There is such a life, but by the way, this is not life ...” reflected literature, posters, publications revealing the motives that push young people to drug intoxication, as well as photographs and stories of pop stars who fell under drug addiction, but managed to cope with her.

Each person has ample opportunities to improve their health, maintain their ability to work, and be physically active. This idea was reflected in the second stand "There is such a life." With sports hobbies famous people Russia: politicians, pop and sports stars are introduced to this part of the exhibition. It also presents publications: the collection "The Road to Good Health", the digest "Addictions that take away life", as well as booklets: "Healthy lifestyle and its components", "Spiritual health of youth".

The exhibition was also organized before every disco for young people in RDK. It was visited by more than 3000 people of youthful age.

As part of the implementation of comprehensive measures aimed at preventing asocial phenomena among adolescents, promoting a healthy lifestyle, stands were decorated in the cultural institutions of the district throughout the year: “What do you choose?” (DK p. Berdanosovka), "The delusion of the century - drugs" (DK "Molodyozhny"), "The health of all riches is more expensive"

(RDK), “Viruses in our life” (Verkhnepodpolny village), “A book barrier to bad habits” (SDK village Divny), “Smoking or health - choose for yourself” (KFOR village Pchelovodny), etc.

In March 2010, an oral journal “Narcomania:

dangerous myths. In the foyer of the House of Culture, students of Aksai schools N2 and N3, the lyceum gathered, a pediatric narcologist V.I. Balkunov. An electronic presentation was shown: "Dangerous myths about drugs", followed by a debate: "Drugs: myths and facts." The result of the discussion was the opinion that drugs will not help solve problems, but only add new ones. After the event, the guys got acquainted with the information presented at the stand “What do you choose?”.

The round table "Nasvai: spitting to live" was informative, held by the staff of the RDK, the library named after. Sholokhov, Department of Youth Affairs of the Aksai District Administration, Department of Education. Several videos containing information were shown at the event for young people. In great detail, pediatric narcologist Yu.A. Bondarenko described the composition of the narcotic drug nasvay. Memos about nasvai and its detrimental effect on health were published and distributed.

February 25, 2010 in the exhibition hall of the MCB them. Sholokhov hosted the talk show "Curfew for teenagers: the time has come ...". The theme of this event was not chosen by chance. January 26 to February 25, 2010 in the Aksai district, the month "Teenager and the street" was held. This event was attended by the executive secretary of the commission for minors and the protection of their rights of the Aksai District Administration A.A.

Gadiyan, Assistant Prosecutor of Aksai District T.A. Kryzhanovskaya, chief of staff of the Aksai yurt I.M. Vasilenkov, Acting Head of the Juvenile Department of the Department of Internal Affairs for the Aksai District, Senior Lieutenant of Militia I.V. Sidorov. They commented on the videos shown to the talk show participants, answered numerous questions from schoolchildren, their parents and teachers. The conclusion made at the event was unequivocal: the purpose of the adopted regional law

Not the restriction of the rights of minors, but the prevention of harm to their health, as well as the prevention of child delinquency.

Speaking about the events held by cultural institutions, it should be noted also the work of clubs with such a category of readers as teenagers and youth. So, one of the meetings of the club "Sobesednik" KFOR art. Olginskaya was devoted to the problem of AIDS "We live in a world where there is AIDS."

The participants of the event received information about this disease, the latest statistics on the situation in the region and in general throughout the country. Their attention was given a review-presentation "AIDS - a disease of the careless."

All work was built in close contact with schools, libraries, women's councils, which are created in each settlement.

Club institutions, together with the libraries of the district, have prepared various printed publications (booklets and memos) on medicine, psychology, morality when working on topics aimed at preventing a healthy lifestyle. It was a great help in holding discos, promotions and other events. More than 300 publications were created and distributed among young people. Among them are lists, booklets, collections: “The trouble is on the point of the needle”, “Do not take away your health”, “Lifestyle is health”, “Teenage alcoholism”, “Healthy lifestyle or addiction”, “Smoking is a harmful and dangerous habit ".

At one of the seminars held by the RDC, the heads of cultural institutions received homework: find out how young people feel about drugs, drunkenness and other asocial phenomena, what is their attitude to a healthy lifestyle. To this end, various sociological research. "Youth in a Changing World" was the name of the survey conducted on the basis of the KFOR Art. Mishkinskaya, a survey was conducted in the RDC on the topic “Am I difficult?”, “Speaking between us schoolchildren” and a mini-survey “What do you know about AIDS?”.

As part of the interdepartmental preventive operation "Teenager" in the period from 15.05.10. until 01.10.10 more than 500 events were held in the clubs of the Aksai district, about 57 thousand visitors were covered. These are activities such as:

Measures to prevent bad habits: drug addiction, smoking, alcoholism: educational program "How to protect yourself from bad habits" RDK "Torch", conversation "Healthy lifestyle or addiction" KFOR art. Grushevskaya, hour useful information“Quitting smoking on my own” KFOR x. Cheryumkin, topical conversation “Being healthy is fashionable now” KFOR p. Rekonstruktor, sports festival “Health is the head of everything” KFOR x. Small Mishkin and others;

Measures for the personal safety of children and adolescents on the road and in public places: meeting with a representative of law enforcement agencies “Our safety is in our hands” KFOR Pchelovodny village, educational program “Learning good manners” KFOR x.

Underground, cognitive lesson "In the country of road signs" KFOR x.

Ostrovsky, meeting with a psychologist "Familiar and unfamiliar rules of conduct" KFOR p. Rekonstruktor and others;

Cycle of events on legal knowledge: role-playing game"Children's Rights"

KFOR Art. Starocherkasskaya, discussion room “Fathers and Sons. Is there always conflict? JSCB No. 1, meeting with the lawyer "Children's neglect and the law" of the DK "Druzhba", the dispute "My rights in public places" KFOR x. Lenin and others;

A series of events on the topic: ecology and local history: game program"Our neighbors on the planet" KFOR x. Upper underground, excursion, dedicated to the day tourism "Meeting by the fire" KFOR x. Maly Mishkin, erudite - cruise "We will be worthy of the memory of our ancestors" KFOR settlement of Divny, the game-journey "Secrets of the steppe mounds" of battery No. 2, etc.

In total, 348 club formations work in the club institutions of the district, both amateur folk art, and interest clubs and amateur associations, in which more than 6,000 children and adolescents are involved.

These are such clubs as: variety and music club "Crystal" RDK "Fakel", cinema club "Ladder" of the recreation center "Molodezhny", table tennis club "Magic Racket" SDK p. Shchepkin, multidisciplinary club "Teenager" recreation center "Druzhba" , local history club "Local historian" KFOR x.

Lenin and many others.

The directions of their meetings are varied - legal education, environmental and local history work, patriotic education, collecting and collecting activities, arts and crafts, etc.

Every year, along with the festival of amateur folk art, the region also hosts a film screening “Say NO to drugs!”, within which conversations were also organized with a narcologist, representatives of the juvenile department, and, of course, demonstrations of thematic films and videos about the dangers of drug addiction and the promotion of a healthy lifestyle.

In cultural institutions, a number of events were held as part of the promotion of a healthy lifestyle among young people under the motto: “Healthy children on the native planet!” world day health”, “World No Tobacco Day” and “ international day fight against drug addiction.

These are events such as: the sports and game program "Sports Reenactor" KFOR in the village of Reconstructor, a photo exhibition and a meeting with a narcologist "Let's say no to drug addiction!" SDK x. Upper underground, wellness family program"We are a sports family" DK "Molodezhny", a meeting of the club of dance lovers "Inspiration" on the topic: "Drugs destroy talent"

RDK Fakel and others.


2. Recommend the head of the department of culture of the Administration of the Aksai region (Bobkova A.S.), the head of the department for physical culture, sports, tourism and youth work of the Administration of the Aksai region to continue holding mass events to promote a healthy lifestyle.

2. HEARD: About preventive work with students of educational institutions to promote an anti-drug culture and a healthy lifestyle.


Chernousov VI - Head of the Department of Education of the Administration of the Aksai District No students of general educational institutions of the district who use drugs have been identified.

educational institutions by the forces of pedagogical workers responsible for education at school, social teachers, class teachers, teachers (OBZh) the basics of life safety;

institutions additional education(RTsDOD, DYUSSH No. 1, DYUSSH "Youth") - 4363 pupils (52% of the total number of students);

Regional Center for Diagnostics and Counseling;

Involvement in this activity of specialists from the Central District Hospital, the narcological office, the District Department of Internal Affairs, the Center for Employment of the Population, the Department for the FKST and work with youth of the Aksai District Administration, etc.

In all educational institutions of the district there are "Prevention Councils", which keep records of minors prone to the consumption of drugs, psychotropic and other psychoactive substances.

The duties of keeping records and organizing individual preventive work with minors in schools are entrusted to the chairmen and secretaries of the Prevention Council. The "Council of Prevention" includes teachers, psychologists, medical specialists. employees, inspectors of the Department of Internal Affairs and precinct settlements, employees of the Administrations of rural settlements and parents. In each educational institution, a database of “risk groups” is created on the basis of psychological and pedagogical conclusions. At the beginning of the 2010-2011 school year, there were 136 students on intra-school records of the "risk group" (in the 2009-2010 school year there were 148 students). The reason for the production was absenteeism, inappropriate behavior, smoking, drinking alcohol. With children of the "risk group" individual work is planned, which is carried out by class teachers, psychologists, social educators. A set of preventive measures is directed not only to the minor himself, but also to his parents or persons replacing them. Creating motivation to lead a healthy, productive lifestyle as an alternative to drug use is the main focus of all activities for students at the educational institution.

Interchangeable information corners have been created in the educational institution, reflecting the consequences of drug addiction and information with addresses and telephone numbers of special services for assistance in cases of drug poisoning, etc.

The EI of Aksai district have their own program or plan of complex measures, developed in accordance with the existing plan of complex measures for 2008-2010. These programs are aimed at:

Formation of installations on a healthy lifestyle;

Prevention of the use of surfactants and drugs;

Prevention of HIV/AIDS.

Preventive measures are aimed at:

students (lessons of biology, life safety, valeology, the programs recommended by the Ministry are used in schools " healthy habits”, “Healthy Skills”, individual work is carried out with students of the “risk group”);

parents (in educational institutions, events of pedagogical general education, parent meetings are held, at which issues of prevention are brought up);

teachers (conducting training seminars, work of creative groups).

Testing is underway in educational institutions district methodological developments on the prevention of drug addiction and substance abuse, developed by the Rostov Regional Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining of Education Developers, within the framework of the regional program "Comprehensive measures to combat drug abuse."

As methodical literature for the teacher in each school there is a multimedia guide "Good Habits", which is used by both teachers and students. There is literature for the teacher in the form of brochures and recommendations in sufficient quantity for work: “Handbook of the modern class teacher”, “ Methodical materials for educators on the problems of prevention of drug and psychoactive substance abuse. The main direction of prevention among students who are not at risk is not only educational, but also educational work aimed at involving students in activities such as:

Physical culture and health;


Participation in self-government;

Work in children's associations;


Other types of creative activity.

In the pedagogical collectives of the Aksai district, preventive work is carried out differentially in three areas:

With all students

With students of the "risk group";

With students who use surfactants.

All schools monitor changes in the health-saving environment, parameters of the health status of schoolchildren. Methods have been developed for tracking drug use.

All schools have gyms. In three OS - rooms for psychological unloading, two training rooms.

Creating motivation to lead a healthy, productive lifestyle as an alternative to drug use is the main focus of all activities for students at the educational institution.

Active prevention of asocial phenomena among the youth in the district in the past year is monitored by the following activities:

Events dedicated to:

International Day Against Drugs;

VII All-Russian action“I choose sports as an alternative to addictions”;

Social propaganda youth action "Sport against drugs";

Carrying out prophylactic days at OS;

Carrying out joint preventive raids on places of possible mass gathering of young people in order to prevent non-medical drug use;

Conducting lectures, preventive classes, seminars, anti-drug round tables;

In 2010, a new form of prevention work was introduced to promote a healthy lifestyle among adolescents and young people with the participation of famous athletes, entrepreneurs, cultural figures, political leaders, heads of enterprises and organizations.

Educational institutions have plans for meetings with famous alumni.

Scenarios for class hours, disputes, conversations with the participation of various medical specialists and lawyers have been developed. For example, staged Classroom hour"The Drug Trial", a lecture hall in the city library.

Sholokhov, the conversation of the doctor of the MUZ CRH. It is planned to hold the days of Great Prevention with the participation of representatives of the Department of Internal Affairs, a specialist of the KDN and ZP, a specialist of the department for the FCT and work with youth.

On January 26, 2010, in order to strengthen the work on anti-drug propaganda and drunkenness, specialists and methodologists of the Education Department of the Aksai District Administration held a training seminar “Improving interdepartmental cooperation in the field of combating drug abuse on the basis of educational institutions of the Aksai district. Introduction into practice of new pedagogical and psychological methods on preventive work for deputy directors of schools for educational work and heads of methodological associations of class teachers. The seminar was attended by:

Secretary of the KDN and ZP (commission for juvenile affairs and protection of their rights) of the Administration of the Aksai district, head of the PDN ROVD (division for minors), secretary of the anti-drug commission of the Aksai district, head of the department for physical culture, sports, tourism and youth work of the Administration of the Aksai district , child and adolescent doctor - narcologist of the regional narcological dispensary, psychologist of the regional center for diagnosis and correction, deputy.

Prosecutor of the city of Aksai.

New methods and forms of drug addiction prevention Use of a new information resource prepared by the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia in the organization of work in educational institutions of the Aksai region, including the organization of the All-Russian Internet lesson on anti-drug topics.

The main tasks of the Internet lesson are:

Disclosure of negative medical, psychological, social and moral aspects associated with drug addiction;

Raising a negative attitude towards drugs;

Distribution of advanced forms and methods of counteracting this asocial phenomenon.

Conducted Internet - lessons in educational institutions of the district:

The number of classes and extra-curricular hours on this topic - 219,

The number of people (students and adults) who took part in the All-Russian Internet Lesson - 5365 students, 994 adults.

Development of Yard Sports

In the structure of the Aksai Regional Center for Additional Education for Children, there are three clubs at the place of residence: "Dream", "Hope", "Spring", the activities of which are most directly related to the life of the residents of the microdistricts of the city of Aksai, the "yard" life of children and adolescents.

Clubs are a voluntary association of children and teenagers. The activities of all clubs are carried out on the basis of the educational program MOUDOD RTSDOD "Microdistrict of our" Dream ".

One of the important blocks of the program is the direction of "GAMES OF OUR YARD", which includes quizzes, Mind games, competitive entertainment programs,

The goals of the program are:

employment with useful leisure of children of the microdistrict, development of "yard" kinds of sports;

providing children and adolescents with additional opportunities for spiritual, intellectual and physical development, protecting them from negative impact society;

meeting the creative and educational needs of children;

educating the needs of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, the ability to engage independently exercise, consciously apply them for the purpose of rest, training, increasing efficiency and strengthening health.

In addition to the traditional forms of work of clubs at the place of residence of the work of children's associations, clubs at the place of residence of RTSDOD are visited by children and adolescents who are not enrolled in children's associations. The material and technical base of the clubs includes 12 sets of power simulators various types, which helps to attract residents of nearby houses, as well as teenagers, students of GOU vocational school No. 57, to the life of clubs. So for the period from 2009 to the present, 64 health-improving events of various form and content were held in the club "Dream" with participation, in which about 650 people (children and their parents) took part.

220 people participated in 17 sports events. So, for example, during the entire academic year, competitions in power pentathlon, table tennis, and yard football were held among students in the children's association "Movement". Also, pupils of all three clubs annually take part in the tournament in honor of the Day of the Athlete.

During 2010, the "Chess Club" worked in the club "Dream" under the guidance of the master of sports of international class in chess.

Pupils spent a lot of time at the chessboards, repeatedly took part in various tournaments. Courtyard chess tournaments were especially popular.

In January 2010 a group of children of the children's association participated in the city qualifying tournament at the Palace of Creativity for Children and Youth in the city of Rostov-on-Don, where 5 pupils of the club fulfilled the standards for sports categories.

Contribute to the development of "yard" life, held in the children's association "School early development"(99 students on the basis of 2 clubs), active physical events organized for students in the children's association in the warm season, on the territories attached to the clubs" Rodnik "and" Nadezhda ".


1. Take note of the information.

2. To recommend until 15.06.2011 to the head of the Department of Education of the Administration of the Aksai district V.I. Chernousov, the executive secretary of the commission for minors and protection of their rights Zhigalina M.Yu. provide information on interdepartmental interaction on organizing individual preventive work with minors prone to the use of drugs, psychotropic and other psychoactive substances, take additional measures for their early detection, and ensure individual preventive work.

3. The control over the execution of the decision shall be entrusted to the Deputy Head of the Aksai District Administration for social issues Kosivtsova G.P.

3. HEARD: About the results of the work of the children's and teenage narcological service in reducing the number of drug users and the problems of its activities and the elimination of conditions conducive to the spread of drugs.


Bondarenko Yuri Alexandrovich - Doctor of the Children's and Adolescent Narcological Service.

Bycheka A.E. - Secretary of the Anti-Drug Commission of the Aksai District In 2010, the children's and adolescent narcologist read 46 lectures, conducted 186 conversations, took part in three television programs and two radio programs, took part in organizing an action on the World Day against Smoking in the MEGA shopping center with the participation of more than 900 people and also participates in the "Days of Great Prevention".

In order to optimize the provision of psychiatric care, an anonymous reception was organized, an anonymous office for the treatment of tobacco dependence was opened.

in the MUZ CRH of the Aksai region round-the-clock reception of citizens who are in a state of alcohol and drug intoxication is carried out, medical care is also provided in the children's, infectious and resuscitation department of the MUZ CRH of the Aksai region, according to the severity of the condition, a transfer is carried out to the toxicology department of the 20th city hospital in Rostov -on-Don.

Children with deviations in behavior are consulted by a district psychiatrist, according to indications they are sent to a regional psychiatric clinic, on the recommendation of which they are hospitalized in a children's psychiatric hospital in the city of Peshkovo, Azov district.

When providing specialized assistance to children with mental and behavioral disorders, the use of psychoactive substances, we are guided by the schemes in accordance with Appendix 3 to Order No. 307 of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

Identification of minors who use alcohol, drugs, psychoactive substances is carried out according to the information of the Department of Internal Affairs, the Central District Hospital of the Ministry of Health, the Department of Education of the Aksai District Administration and anonymously.

The situation in the Aksai district remains difficult.

The main types of drugs that are used are marijuana, heroin, desomorphine, narcotic drugs of the synthetic group.

The main channel for the supply of heroin remains such cities of the Rostov region as Gukovo, Shakhty, Novoshakhtinsk, Novocherkassk, where drug addicts or persons selling drugs purchase small quantities of heroin, which they subsequently use themselves or sell to everyone.

Due to the fact that codeine-containing preparations and other components necessary for the manufacture of the narcotic drug desomorphine are freely available in the district, in 2011 an increase in the number of crimes related to the organization and maintenance of brothels is possible. At the same time, it should be noted that desomorphine has an extremely negative effect on the human body, in connection with which the issue of limiting the circulation of codeine-containing drugs should be considered.

In the course of operational activities in 2010, employees of the Aksai MRO in the territory of the Aksai district revealed 29 crimes related to the illegal circulation of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, potent substances, as well as crimes related to the organization and maintenance of brothels.

In the course of work and measures taken to identify dens, employees of the Aksai MRO in the district identified 3 dens for the manufacture and consumption of desomorphine, 2 dens in the city of Aksai and 1 den for the manufacture and consumption of desomorphine were identified on the territory of st.


At present, it is necessary to continue preventive work with the population living in the Aksai district, mainly with minors, as they are most at risk of being involved in criminal activities, and are also prone to drug use. To this end, it is necessary to strengthen the joint work of employees of the Aksai MRO with the Heads of urban and rural settlements to attract the population to participate in identifying brothels. Heads of settlements at citizens' gatherings to inform the population about hotlines. Carry out joint raids in places of leisure for young people, by the police department and the Cossacks.


1. Take note of the information.

2. Recommend to the editor-in-chief of the Municipal Unitary Enterprise of the Pobeda edition (Lukina N.A.) by May 1, 2011, to inform the population about the consequences of the illegal cultivation of drug-containing plants and the need to take measures to destroy wild-growing hemp.

3. Recommend to the Heads of urban and rural settlements of the Aksai region, the head of the Department of Agriculture and Food of the Administration of the Aksai region (Sotsky V.K.), in 2011, to take measures to destroy the raw material base for the production of drugs from narcotic plants:

before 01.07.2011, conduct a land survey, determine the centers of growth of wild-growing hemp, consider the possibility of using herbicides to destroy drug-containing plants on lands that do not have an owner;

in June-August 2011, together with the inter-district Aksai department of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia for the Rostov Region, the Department of Internal Affairs of the Aksai District, the Office of the Rosselkhoznadzor for the Rostov Region, organize work to clear land in the Aksai District from wild-growing hemp;

a certificate on the contamination of lands with wild-growing hemp and the results of work on its destruction should be submitted to the department for the FKST and work with youth of the Administration of the Aksai district, room. No. 37 for summarizing information before 05/21/2011, 08/01/2011 and 11/01/2011.

3. The control over the implementation of the decision shall be entrusted to the Deputy Head of the Administration of the Aksai district for social issues Kosivtsova G.P., the head of the interdistrict Aksai department of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia for Rostovskaya Mamonov O.V., the head of the Internal Affairs Department of the Aksai district Kremen A.N., the head of the Department of Agriculture and food of the Administration of the Aksai region Sotsky VK, Heads of urban and rural settlements of the Aksai region.

4. HEARD: On the composition of the anti-drug Aksai district.


Kosivtsova G.G. - Deputy Head of the Aksai District Administration for social issues.


1. Take note of the information.

2. The Secretary of the Anti-Drug Commission (Bychek A.E.) to prepare before 30.06.2011 a draft resolution of the Administration of the Aksai region on amending the resolution of the Head of the Aksai region dated 02.04.2008.

No. 413 "On the establishment of the anti-drug commission of the Aksai region" in terms of inclusion in the anti-drug commission of the Aksai region:

O. V. Mamonov, head of the Aksai inter-district department of the federal drug control service of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia for the RO; Deputy Chairman of the Assembly of Deputies of the Aksai region Bishtov Yu.R.;

Zhigalina M.Yu., Executive Secretary of the Commission for Juvenile Affairs and Protection of Their Rights of the Aksai District Administration; head of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Aksai district Kremen A.N.; Senior State Inspector of the Department of Land Control of the Office of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance in the Rostov Region Kovalevsky G.N.; the chief physician of the MUZ CRH of the Aksai district Melnik LN;

5. Current issues.

–  –  –

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«No. 3, 2013 56th edition of the Journal of the Kln Zoo Director of the Kln Zoo Theo Pagel NR. 3/2013 56. JAHRGANG Zeitschrift des KLNER ZOOs "Klner Zoo 2020 – Begeistert fur Tiere" Theo Pagel, Zoodirektor/Vorstandsvorsitzender COLOGNE ZOO MASTER PLAN "Klner Zoo 2020 Inspired by animals" Fig. 1. Kln Zoo Masterplan "Kln Zoo 2020 Inspired by Animals". Sketch: FSWLA, GmbH Landscape architecture INTRODUCTION In the following, I would like to present you with a master plan ... "

“Bulletin of new arrivals for March 2011. A 41/42 Apricot [Text] / ed. V. K. Smykova. M. : Agropromizdat, A 166 1989. 240 p. ISBN 5-10-001370-2: 1-30. Apricot chz 65.42 Arustamov, E. A. A 868 Equipment for trade enterprises [Text]: textbook. allowance for universities / E. A. Arustamov. 7th ed., revised. and additional M. : Dashkov i K, Publishing House of Trade Corporation, 2011. 452 p. ISBN 978-5-394hz 01141-2: 214-00. Equipment of trade enterprises, subject, content, tasks, trade and technological ... "

"G. Belgorod News Digest 1. Investors reacted nervously to the Ukrainian events 2. The Central Bank described a new payment system 3. Deputies refused to introduce total identification for online payments. 4 4. Shuvalov: there will be no restrictions on currency exchange 5. Since the beginning of the year, vodka production in Russia has fallen by 17% 6. Investments in commercial real estate in Russia have noticeably decreased 7. Representatives of the largest companies will gather in Chelyabinsk at an international forum. 7 8. Titov: pressure ... "

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United Nations A/HRC/WG.6/20/SLV/1 General Assembly Distr.: General 18 August 2014 Original: Spanish Human Rights Council Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review Twentieth session 27 October-7 November 2014 National report submitted pursuant to paragraph 5 of the annex to Human Rights Council resolution 16/21* El Salvador * This document is reproduced as received. Its content does not imply...

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Many times, looking at our Guarantor, I was filled with pride, it’s not even about the “totalitarianism” that foreign media ascribe to Putin, but we call “Strong hand”, it’s about inexhaustible concern for the younger generation. It's a pity it turns out like in a fairy tale - the Tsar is good, but the boyars are bad. One such boyar is Vitaliy Ivanovich Borzenko, head of the Aksai region, for 20 long years this man has reigned supreme over his specific principality and skillfully "spits" on everything and everyone. The development of sports in Russia has always been one of the priorities in the activities of our President.

Vladimir Vladimirovich repeatedly demanded from regional and local officials to develop and support children's and youth sports, to raise their own champions, so to speak. Billions of taxpayers' money were allocated from the Russian budget and directed to the regions for the construction of stadiums, swimming pools, ice palaces, and children's sports grounds. Part of the taxpayers' money ended up in the Aksai region, and a year-round ice rink was erected in the city of Aksai.
The skating rink is beautiful and for two years the regional officials found funds to service the ice miracle. During this time, the skating rink has become a favorite place for recreation and training for young winter sports fans and not only. Two hockey teams were created, skaters trained, but any winter fairy tale melts like April snow when faced with the indifference and indifference of officials. From September 1, 2014, all exorbitant expenses will fall on the shoulders of the parents of young figure skaters and hockey players, monthly representatives of the Skating rink (yes, with a capital letter) will collect bribes from the parents of rising champions. The administration of the skating rink does not give any explanations, does not explain what, to whom and why they are going to collect funds, and most importantly, it is not clear why funding from the budget has stopped. Perhaps it still continues, but the enterprising local officials traditionally decided to earn extra money.
Repeated appeals to Borzenko and his assistants with a request to keep the financing of the rink did not receive an intelligible answer, but in behind-the-scenes conversations it became clear "There are funding cuts, Crimea is ours, etc."

It is not clear how the moment of Unity and Triumph of the Russian people interferes with Russian children's sports? Why do officials hide behind the small difficulties of reuniting Crimea with Russia in matters of the future of Russia! Children are our future, and people like Borzenko want to continue to bear the bitterness of the defeat of the hockey team at future Olympics!

Dear Vitaly Ivanovich, do not dishonor our national leader! Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin has many tasks and problems that arise with external sworn friends! Do not add problems to him with internal "well-wishers" of the future of Russia!

Andrey Temernitsky 15.08.2010

Two months ago, Vasily Golubev, the new governor of the Rostov Region, officially took office. In this post, Golubev replaced the former governor Vladimir Chub, who ruled the region undividedly for nineteen years.

Residents of the region had high hopes that the "new broom" would sweep away the regional elite, mired in corrupt family ties. It seems that the hopes of Rostovites are not destined to come true.

Vasily Golubev - the former head of the Leninsky district of the Moscow region, a young politician by political standards, powerfully entered the Rostov region. He entered contrary to the forecasts and expectations of almost all serious analysts and experts, contrary to the will of the governor Chub, and therefore the will of the entire regional elite.

Whatever versions and guesses were put forward by the local press as to who was behind the new governor, the interests of which of the interested groups he would promote in the Rostov region, one thing was clear - Golubev came to the Don to carry out a global reorganization of regional power, to implement large-scale personnel and structural changes in the region.

It is logical that the majority of the population of the Don enthusiastically accepted the news of the arrival of a new, young governor to replace Vladimir Chub, who had already been sitting too long. But time goes by, and there are no tangible changes yet, and the personnel appointments that new governor, even in some ways demonstrate the continuity of the previous course.

Not a good succession

They say in Rostov that the new governor has arrived thoroughly and for a long time. Otherwise, why would he have acquired a piece of land in one of the so-called "fashionable corners" near the Don capital. They also say that a plot of land in the village of Kamyshevakha, Aksai district, cost the new governor a very ridiculous amount of money, and that a new house for the new governor.

It is only worth reminding the reader that in the same village are located, and the house of the former governor of the region Vladimir Chub, and the house of the head of the regional department of the FSB and the houses of other very respected people. One of the experts we interviewed expressed doubts that the governor would take any new political line - "If you want to work independently of all the exes, why are you buying land and building a house next to them?" - sums up the expert.

Even more disturbing is the fact that the land for the new governor was allocated precisely in the Aksai district of the Rostov region, the head of which was considered almost the closest associate of the old governor.

good neighbors

They say that at one time Vasily Golubev was introduced to Vitaliev Borzenko by the director of Mostransgaz LLC. Mostransgaz probably has its own interests in Aksai, in any case, it also owns a land plot in a picturesque corner of the Aksai region.

They also say that upon the arrival of the new governor at his place of appointment, an old acquaintance turned into almost friendly relations. They say that the governor often visits the head's house, and that the officials are practically friends with families.

Based on the information presented above, it turns out to be completely logical and appropriate for the new governor to settle in the area where a new house is being built for him.

"Moscow smog" in Aksai district

They say that if the new governor knew all the problems of the Aksai region, he would hardly want to build a house there. Recently, a group of summer residents, whose plots are located near the village of Kovalevka, sent a letter to the head of the Office of the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources, a copy to the regional prosecutor and the governor. In their letter, summer residents inform high officials about “numerous and constant facts of violation of environmental protection requirements during the operation of a landfill for disposal of solid household waste (MSW), located near the village of Kovalevka.”

Almost at the same time, when Governor Golubev demanded that the heads of cities and districts of the region introduce a special fire regime and ensure its implementation, summer residents from the Aksai district inform the governor that - “On the territory of the landfill operated by Sigma LLC and the director Nazarov A.A., MSW is burned systematically at intervals of 1-2 weeks. The landfill constantly smokes, all adjacent forest belts and cottages are covered with soot, it is impossible to breathe within a radius of 1-2 km. The management of the landfill not only does not take measures to prevent the fire of MSW, but, apparently, such burning is purposefully organized in order to increase the capacity of the waste working maps of the landfill. As a result, there is a terrible stench in the territory adjacent to the landfill, all permissible standards for the emission of pollutants into the atmosphere have been exceeded....

What is a natural disaster for Moscow has become a sad everyday life for the residents of the dachas of the village of Kavalevka.

And if the summer residents' letter has not yet reached the governor's table, then the summer residents have only one hope: Kovalevka is not so far from the Kamyshevakh farm, where the new house of the regional chief is being built. And, it is possible that with a good gust of wind, having breathed in the “fresh air”, the governor will pay attention to the problem of the landfill.

"Sigma" can do everything

It so happened that waste incineration was not the only area of ​​work for Sigma LLC and its director Andrei Anatolyevich Nazarov. Some time ago, "Sigma" was allocated land for the construction of a residential building in the city of Aksai. They say that representatives of the company famously got down to business, announced the construction site, dug a foundation pit and began to collect money from equity holders for construction.

Unfortunately, the construction was not destined to be completed. Either the financial crisis, or the usual Russian theft, but having collected about 44 million rubles from equity holders for the construction of one third of the house, the developer left his ambitions at the level of the foundation pit.

Considering that the foundation pit is costing them dearly, people rush to court. The court satisfied the claims, but it turned out that it was impossible to recover money from the developer due to the lack of any property. The arrested truck crane and several wheeled units will in no way pay off the developer's obligations to investors - failed owners.

What was the reaction of the local authorities to this situation? The reaction of the head of the district, Vitaly Ivanovich Borzenko, under whose nose an act was committed on the grounds of composition, very well suited to the articles of the criminal code on fraud, misappropriation and embezzlement, in particular large sizes. There was no reaction, none.

"Tender relationship"

What is the secret of such a gentle attitude of the head of the district to such not petty pranks of the leadership of one of the economic entities operating in the Aksai district.

How did the deputy of the district assembly of deputies, as well as the owner of the Sigma construction company, Andrey Anatolyevich Nazarov, “took” the head of the district in such a way?

Is it not the one that built another interesting object in Aksai on Sadovaya street 31?

The very object in which the property of the family of the head of the district Vitaly Ivanovich Borzenko is present. Namely, the premises in which the best beauty salon in Aksai "Person" is located, the director of which is none other than the first lady of the district, Natalya Vasilievna Borzenko, the wife of Vitaly Ivanovich.

New "allocation" of land

Passions have not yet completely cooled down after a large-scale prosecutor's check on issues related to illegal land acquisition, and a stone is being laid in the region for a new corruption scandal.

There is another picturesque place in Aksay - the left bank of the Don with the Mezhonka duct. This place is so picturesque that many connoisseurs of natural beauty considered it their duty to acquire lands in it. Among the owners of land plots, we will find here State Duma deputy Alexander Popov, and former deputy mayor of Rostov Anatoly Labusov, and Mrs. Dimitrova, wife of former deputy plenipotentiary Viktor Anpilogov, and many other respected entrepreneurs. What will all these people say to the head of the district after the prosecutor's office checks the legality of allocating land plots for their dachas?

Agrosoyuz Yug Rusi also owns a large plot of land in this place, it is planned to build a new hippodrome here. Literally across the road from the alleged hippodrome, on the banks of the Mezhonka channel, the land is rented by the same Sigma LLC known to us.

It is known that the land still belongs to the municipality, but it is also known that Sigma LLC has already put this land up for sale.

The land alienation scheme, voiced by a confidential source, looks like this: a hectare of land leased from Sigma LLC is undergoing an “independent” assessment by the only appraiser accredited in the administration - IE Mogila V.F., who evaluates the land and the buildings located on it in the amount equivalent to 1.5 million rubles. For this money, Sigma buys the land from the municipality. At the same time, Sigma is looking for a buyer for this land plot, offering to buy it for already NINE million rubles.

Seven and a half million rubles from the bounty of the municipality is a good deal.

Friendship or business?

Here a number of questions arise - is there a connection between the allocation of land for the construction of this Sigma facility and the property acquired by the Borzenko family in a new house? - Is there a connection between the acquisition of all the same property and the administration's ignorance of the problems of the burning landfill and the problems of deceived equity holders?

And if you look a little deeper, is not the business of Sigma LLC the business of Vitaly Borzenko himself, together with the director Nazarov, who covers his interests? And the most serious question is whether all of the above circumstances will not become a reason for further initiation of a criminal case on the fact of abuse of office and illegal participation in business activities against the still acting head of Aksai district Vitaly Borzenko. The heads of the district, in which it has long been decided: for whom to build, whom to "cut", and whom to poison.

At the same time in Rostov

And in Rostov, in front of the building of the regional administration, literally the other day a rally of residents of the same Aksai district was held. According to them, the district administration is taking away their land in order to transfer it for the construction of another dacha settlement.

Hence one more question - will the governor pay attention to the lawlessness that is happening on the territory of the Aksai region? Where is the governor looking?

And the governor in the Aksai district is building a new dacha for himself. And he is also close friends with the head of the Aksai region. And it is very likely that with respect to the head of the Aksai region and under the new governor, the old principle will apply - "There is no extradition from the Don" ...

So, the hopes of Donetsk residents for a new governor, and for changes for the better, will not come true.

Today, August 25, the head of the Aksai District Administration held an extraordinary meeting of the Commission for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergencies and Prevention of Fire Safety in the Aksai District.

Vitaly Borzenko stressed that a critical fire situation has developed in the Rostov region, due to hot and windy weather, fires occur almost every day and it is difficult to cope with the fire. With difficulty it was possible to extinguish a multi-day fire in the Ust-Donetsk region, 118 residential buildings burned down in the center of Rostov. In order to prevent such a tragedy in the Aksai region, Vitaly Ivanovich demanded to mobilize all forces and means, recalled that all services should work as clearly and harmoniously as possible.

The head of the district department for the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations, Valery Matveychuk, told in detail that at the beginning of the year there were 53 domestic fires and 48 fires of grass and reeds in the district. In all cases, the perpetrators were identified, 124 protocols were drawn up. The participants of the meeting analyzed in detail the biggest fires - their causes, how the work of fire extinguishing services was organized, analyzed the measures that are taken in case of new fires.

As statistics show, the cause of fires, as a rule, is an elementary violation of fire safety rules: a thrown cigarette butt, making a fire. In such hot and windy weather, any spark can start a fire. And although information and explanatory work is constantly being carried out with the population that a special fire regime has been established, special fire safety requirements, some still carelessly neglect them, and as a result, a fire starts.

Vitaliy Borzenko instructed the responsible services to intensify explanatory work with citizens, and also to work with the leaders of gardening associations. Heads of settlements should intensify work on land control, because it is garbage and dry weeds that are potential sources of ignition.

It is necessary to use all services as much as possible, to attract volunteers, vigilantes, Vitaly Ivanovich emphasized. - It is very important to notice the fire in time and stop the fire in time. And for this, it is necessary to constantly monitor the situation, bypassing the territory of settlements by observers.

The head of the district administration proposed to create a single fire extinguishing center on the territory of the Aksai district, to hold another training seminar on the actions of responsible persons in case of fire within a week, as well as meetings of the commission for the prevention of emergencies in the settlements of the district.

The head of the Aksai district told how his district lives

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Aksai district is constantly being heard, as they say: here are located the largest shopping centers, it is also planned to build one of the megaprojects of the Rostov region called the Southern Hub, and the other day the head of the district Vitaly Borzenko received a diploma from the hands of the governor Vasily Golubev for 2nd place in terms of performance municipal districts. In a word, some solid pluses.

We decided to meet with Vitaliy Borzenko to find out the secrets that allow him to keep the district in the lead for many years in a row.


Vitaly Ivanovich, you can be said to be one of the "elders" among the heads of districts of the Rostov region: how many - seventeen years have you been at the helm? - Yes, since 1994, when he was first appointed to the post (before that, he worked as deputy head for two years, and even earlier he worked in the executive committee of the district council people's deputies), then was re-elected four more times, again in 2010. - What is your area like today? What do you think was the most important thing that happened at the very Lately? - And we almost every day, in general, there are significant moments. Literally a few days ago, for example, a big, very important event took place: we turned on gas in x. Kamyshevakh - there are more than a hundred households, people were happy, and it's great. You know, this is probably the whole, as you say, “secret”: both I and my subordinates - we all try to fully “get involved” in what the people live, what worries them, what problems they pose in first place. Not we, the officials, that is, determine, but the people themselves.

- Agree. Only after all, what is called a “channel of communication” between the authorities and the people is needed ...- And he is. These are both personal receptions and field trips. For example, by analogy with the government of the region (this idea was submitted by the head of the region), we have information groups that periodically, according to the drawn up schedule, go to settlements, meet people, listen to everything that bothers them and requires a solution. Something is really needed and has to be decided right now, this minute, otherwise it will be too late later. Recently, for example, I traveled at the head of information group No. 1 in Art. Starocherkasskaya - to talk with its inhabitants, almost a hundred people came to a fairly frank conversation.


- By the way, your area is considered one of the largest in terms of population?- Today - almost 103 thousand, according to the last census. Most of all, of course, live in Aksai, almost half. In terms of wages, we exceeded the regional average of 15,918 rubles, ours is 16,576 rubles. In general, it must be said that the main attention is paid to the social direction in the Aksai district: 80 percent of the budget (and according to data for nine months, its income amounted to 466.3 million rubles - with an increase of 38 million against last year's figures) is spent specifically on social issues. - Tell me, Vitaly Ivanovich, to be honest - how do you feel about criticism? I mean, once Governor Vasily Golubev, as part of his acquaintance with the region, having visited Aksai, said something like this: “The region is one of the leaders in attracting investments, developing logistics, and transport infrastructure. However, there are a number of serious problems with the state of social facilities, providing the population with preschool institutions. The field of activity of the local authorities is very large and it is too early to stop there.” - It really was. And I take constructive criticism quite calmly. It was a fair remark. We have worked in this direction, and there are results. More than 7 million rubles were spent on the overhaul of the educational institution. These are kindergartens in Leninsky, Olginsky, Rassvetovsky settlements, plus schools in Mishkinsky, Istominsky and Shchepkinsky settlements, an additional education center in Aksai. And we are making every effort to resolve the issue of shortage of places in kindergartens - last year, for example, the "Solnyshko" kindergarten in the district center was put into operation after reconstruction. And at the meeting of the regional government on November 16, Vasily Yuryevich (Golubev) announced that in accordance with the regional target program "Development of Education in the Republic of Tatarstan for 2011-2015", five more kindergartens with a total of more than a thousand places will be built in our district.

- By the way, how do you solve another, one might say, all-Russian problem - with roads?- We are doing everything possible within the limits of the money that can be directed to this cause. This year, for example, more than 60 million rubles have been spent on roads - maintenance, overhaul and construction of new ones. - Let's talk about the topic of investments, named by the leadership of the country and the region as one of the key ones. In this case, as far as I know, you are, as they say, "ahead of the rest of the planet" - in the sense, in the Rostov region. - Yes, there is something to be proud of, it's true. The active attraction of investments not only allowed us to create new jobs and increase the volume of manufactured products, but also affected our financial performance: over the past ten years, it has annually exceeded the planned indicators for budget revenues. Priority is given to logistics and trade. For example, a logistics warehouse complex has been put into operation, another one is scheduled to open in December - at the exit from Aksai in the direction of Aleksandrovka. The volume of investments is over 50 million rubles, more than 120 people will be employed. In the near future, it is planned to complete the construction of the Fort fruit and vegetable terminal, next year the first stage of the logistics complex for the sale of deep-frozen vegetable products will be launched, dealer centers Toyota, Infiniti, Lexus will open. The global brands Nissan, Ford, Honda additionally “come” to us. This is more than 1.1 billion rubles of investments! 530 jobs!

- Plus, the Mega, Leroy Merlin, Auchan shopping centers still continue to operate ...- ... And "Repair World", and "Tape". To make it clear, the turnover of catering products amounted to more than 400 million rubles. - And that's not all, is it?- A register of investment projects of 28 objects with a total investment of 37.7 billion rubles has been approved in the district. Six of them are included in the "governor's hundred", that is, they are personally supervised by the head of the region, including the project "Southern hub" - the largest air hub in southern Russia, which will be located near the station. Grushevskaya. This year, financing of another serious project also continues - the Northern bypass of Rostov, a bypass road, a furniture factory is also being built in the Grushevsky settlement, in Leninsky - the first three stages of the Grifon auto complex were commissioned, in the village. Dawn is building a dormitory building for students of the Aksai Cadet Corps. Danila Efremov, next year it is planned to put into production the first stage of the Mercury trade and logistics center.


The Rostov Region has developed a "Strategy-2020", which predetermines the vectors of the socio-economic development of the region. What are the priorities of Aksai district? - The strategic directions are trade and logistics, which I have already mentioned, then tourism and recreation, as well as low-rise housing construction. And, of course, a further increase in the standard of living of the population.

- And what is being done in the region to develop the last thing you said?- A lot. And specifically - well, let's say, on December 1, it is planned to open a multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services in Aksai, which should and should greatly facilitate the life of the residents of the district in terms of processing various rights, subsidies and other documents. - I can not ask about the next moment. Aksai district, despite all the investments and projects, still remains an agricultural center. What are the achievements in this area? - We really have a significant potential for the development of the agricultural sector of the economy. The harvested area of ​​early cereals, for example, in the region as a whole, amounted to more than 18 thousand hectares, more than 53 thousand tons of grain were harvested. Taking into account this aspect, we pay special attention to attracting young personnel to the village. As part of the implementation of the federal target program "Social Development of the Village until 2012", starting from 2006, that is, in five years, 49 families were provided with housing (about 40 million rubles were spent on this), seven families received certificates in the nine months of this year . - What would you like to wish the residents of the area?- Work hard and strive with our common efforts to make our lives even better. We, in turn, will try to make everything planned work out.

BUSINESS CARD Aksai district is located in the southwestern part of the Rostov region and borders on the eastern side with the city of Rostov-on-Don. The area of ​​the district is 1,156 sq. km. The population is almost 103 thousand people. The first documentary evidence of the existence of a Cossack settlement within the current Aksay dates back to 1570: in a letter from Ambassador I.P. Novosiltsev, Ivan the Terrible is told about a meeting with the envoy of the Turkish Sultan at the "Aksai Mouth" near the Kobyakov settlement. Here in 1720 - 1740 there was first a royal, and then a customs outpost, next to which there was a small settlement.

In 1742, this Cossack settlement was put on the map as "Ust-Aksai Stan". In 1791, it was renamed the village of Aksaiskaya, which in 1957 received the status of a city. During the Azov campaigns of Peter I and later, the village served as a guard post on the outskirts of Cherkassk, the capital of the Don Host Region. In the winter of 1783 - 1784, A.V. was in the village. Suvorov, who then commanded the Kuban Corps.

As an administrative unit in the modern sense, Aksai district has existed since 1924. It is subdivided into 11 territories: the city of Aksai and ten rural settlements. Main focus - Agriculture. This is a large industrial-agrarian structural formation of the Rostov region, where more than a thousand enterprises and individual entrepreneurs operate. The area is attractive from the point of view of tourism: in Aksai there is a museum of local lore, museum complexes "Customs Outpost", "Post Station", which Pushkin mentioned in his works.