Benefits when connecting gas to a private house. Gas connection according to new rules

There is also an answer to the main question that worries citizens in connection with the new gasification rules. Namely, is it now really possible to gasify a private house will cost only 50,000 rubles?

The correct answer is no, it is not true. For 50,000 rubles, they will only stretch the pipe to the border of your site. Laying the pipe from the fence to the house, arranging an internal gas pipeline, drawing up a project - all this will have to be paid for separately. It is difficult to say today what the final cost will be and how much it will be lower than current prices.

New technological rules for connecting capital construction objects to gas distribution networks set out in the Government Decree Russian Federation dated December 30, 2013 N1314, entered into force on March 1, 2014.

Gasification under the new rules: three categories of consumers

All consumers are divided into three groups. The first group includes those subscribers whose gas consumption will not exceed 15 m³ per hour with a design working pressure in the connected gas pipeline of up to 0.3 MPa for legal entities and 5 m³ per hour for individuals.

The next group includes those consumers whose gas consumption will not exceed 500 m³ per hour (these are small or medium-sized businesses, cottage settlements or a medium-sized boiler house) with a design: working pressure in the connected gas pipeline up to 0.6 MPa.

And the third group - gas consumption for which exceeds 500 m³ per hour with a design: working pressure in the connected gas pipeline over 0.6 MPa, and the payment for technical connection is calculated according to an individual project.

Distance from the pipe to the gasification facility

What should be the distance from home to the gas distribution network in order to be able to connect to gas according to the new rules?

For applicants (individuals) whose gas consumption does not exceed 5 cubic meters. meters per hour, and the distance from gas-using equipment (for example, a boiler or stove) to the source gas pipeline does not exceed 200 m in a straight line, there is a fee for technological connection to gas distribution networks. Those. the cost of construction of gas pipelines-inputs to the boundaries of the site will be fixed. This connection fee was approved by the Committee for Prices and Tariffs of the Moscow Region - 50 thousand rubles.

Gasification under the new rules: what is included in the fixed price of 50,000 rubles?

According to the new rules of the technological connection, Mosoblgaz creates conditions for gasification of the house - it brings the pipe from the distribution gas pipeline to the border land plot... Further, the owner of the land plot or real estate object decides for himself how to conduct gas through the territory of his plot. That is, the fixed amount includes the construction of a gas pipeline to the border of the applicant's land plot; tie-in of the constructed gas pipeline; acceptance of the gas pipeline built by the applicant inside its site at its own expense (both the underground part and inner part); as well as gas start-up.

How will the gas connection price be calculated for the second category of applicants?

As for the second category, standardized rates of connection to gas networks are also applied, which are established by the Committee on Prices and Tariffs of the Moscow Region. The pricing mechanism is clearly understandable here for the subscriber. The algorithm is clearly spelled out - a formula by which the subscriber can independently (or with the help of specialists) calculate the cost of connection.

What is the time frame for gasification under the new rules?

The resolution clearly defines the terms of work under the contract. For the first category of applicants, the period of implementation of connection activities cannot exceed 1 year, for the second group - 1.5 years, for the third group - 2 years or more.

Why can they refuse to issue technical conditions for gasification?

The applicant can refuse to issue technical specifications if there is no technical possibility of connecting (technological connection) of the capital construction facility to the gas distribution network (for example, if the throughput of the gas distribution network has reached the maximum allowable value) or if the capital construction facility is not subject to gasification.

Where do you need to submit documents for gasification and how long does it take to process them?

All work with subscribers is now carried out through the customer service (SCS), organized according to the principle of a one-window operation, where applications are accepted and contracts are concluded. SCS were opened in each of the 12 branches of Mosoblgaz. The contract under the new rules is concluded within a month. A subscriber comes to Mosoblgaz, submits an application, within a month, specialists consider the possibility of technical connection, then technical conditions are issued, the parties sign an agreement, and Mosoblgaz begins work under the agreement.

Those. the subscriber does not have to go to agree on technical conditions, then a project and many more documents, as it should have been done before. There is no need to contact intermediaries, thus the client is completely protected from fraud by individual market participants during the gasification process.

Gasification and connection to a private gas pipeline

What if the connection point belongs to a third party (for example, SNT)?

If the gas consumption network to which the applicant intends to connect belongs to another subscriber, the applicant must provide consent from the main subscriber to connect the applicant's capital construction facility to its gas consumption network.

Gasification under the new rules, if the technical specifications have already been issued earlier

Is it possible to connect to the gas network according to the new rules if the technical specifications have already been issued and the gasification project is calculated by March 1?

If you already have technical specifications, then you can contact Mosoblgaz and conclude an agreement for technological connection according to the new rules, abandoning the already issued technical specifications in writing, or carry out gasification according to the old rules.

What documents are required to apply for technological connection to gas networks?

The list of documents for an individual carrying out the construction (reconstruction) of an individual housing construction object, with a planned maximum hourly gas consumption of no more than 5 cubic meters (this list for filing an application for technological connection is intended for those applicants who have not yet received technical specifications):

1. Application for connection (technological connection) in the prescribed form.

2. Applicant's documents:

Copy of the passport;

A copy of the certificate of registration with the tax authority (if any).

h. Copies of title documents for the land plot (certificate, lease agreement with the consent of the owner, etc.).

4. Copies of the right establishing documents for the building (if any).

5. Situational plan for the location of the land plot with binding to the territory of the settlement (A4 format).

6. If it is necessary to develop a calculation scheme for gasification (non-gasified buildings) - a territorial planning document containing information on the nature and density of buildings and having passed the stage of approval by the Architecture authorities (if any).

7. Power of attorney or other documents confirming the powers of the representative of the applicant (if the request for the provision of technical specifications is submitted by the representative of the applicant).

Non-working pensioners will be compensated for 90 percent of the cost of gasification of housing. Members of the Social Policy Committee of the Sverdlovsk Legislative Assembly voted for this. The implementation of the project in the period from 2017 to 2020 will require 276 million rubles.

The amendments to the regional law "On the provision of state social assistance, material assistance and the provision of social guarantees to certain categories of citizens in the Sverdlovsk region" approved by the legislators apply not only to those who are going to connect to gas networks. Pensioners who installed the equipment before 2015, but did not receive compensation due to the "fault" of the federal legislator, can claim reimbursement of costs.

1202 pensioners from those who have already carried out gasification of housing could not exercise their right to receive material assistance, - said the Deputy Minister of Social Policy of the Sverdlovsk Region Sergey Zolotov.

Until 2015, pensioners received compensation for gasification. Funds for these purposes were channeled from two sources - the Pension Fund of Russia and the budget of the Sverdlovsk region. Funding was suspended because the State Duma of the Russian Federation changed the rules of the fund.

In 2013-2014, a partial refund of funds for connecting to gas networks was provided to 1,007 pensioners. Residents of the region all this time continue to send applications for benefits. According to the territorial departments of our ministry, the number of non-working citizens who have reached retirement age and have applied for compensation for connecting to the networks of residential premises is now 3572 people. There is an opinion that from 2017 to 2020 more than 4 thousand people can apply for help, - S. Zolotov specified.

It is important for us now to prevent a situation that cannot be called anything other than paradoxical. The highways are stretched, gas has come to the village, and people cannot take advantage of the blessing due to the fact that the costs of equipment and connection to gas distribution networks are quite high. The residents of the region and the representatives of the GAZEKS company, who carry out gasification, speak about this. Therefore, we consider the initiative to compensate the expenses of non-working pensioners as timely, effective and support unanimously, - said the chairman of the committee on social policy Vyacheslav Pogudin.

The amount of compensation will be 90 percent of the costs of pensioners. These are the costs for the development of project documentation, installation gas equipment, commissioning and other works related to the technological connection of residential premises to gas networks, as well as the purchase of household gas equipment from the list approved by the regional government. This year, 164 million rubles will be spent for these purposes from the regional budget.

The deputies also paid close attention to the consideration of the bill envisaging an increase in the budget of the territorial health insurance fund by almost a billion rubles. The parliamentarians were puzzled by the fact that a significant share of the funds allocated will go to pay off accounts payable.

What are the reasons for the growth of creditors, why does it increase by 50 million rubles every two weeks? - the legislators asked the head of the TFOMS Valery Shelyakin and the Deputy Minister of Health Nonna Kiveleva.

From the answers of the officials it was possible to understand that the debt is growing for various reasons. As for the allocated funds in the amount of 968 million rubles, they will go not only to pay off utility and other debts, but also to repair and purchase medical equipment and consumables, improve the qualifications of medical personnel, as well as support nursing staff, day hospitals and outpatient polyclinic link.

“In 2017, the regional fund received less than 2.1 billion rubles from the budget of the federal compulsory health insurance fund. Probably, we need to actively seek to increase the volume of subventions, ”the parliamentarians insisted.

The chairman of the committee recalled that on this issue the Legislative Assembly sent an appeal to the State Duma of the Russian Federation, and that it is necessary to achieve funding in the required volumes by joint efforts.

We know the situation in medical institutions in the region, we receive feedback and complaints from citizens and are trying to find any opportunities to increase funding for health care, - V. Pogudin summed up.

Natalia Gorbacheva

Photo taken from the site

  1. It is necessary to select the type of gas supply. To do this, you need to decide how many cubic meters of gas per hour you plan to spend. Basically, all private houses fall into the first group. The amount of the consumed product should not exceed 5 m³ per hour. This amount is enough to heat a house with an area of ​​up to 200-250 m² and provide for a family of four.
  2. Next, you need to draw up a draft technical specification or technical conditions in the gas service of your city or village. To obtain a TU, a specific list of documents is required, namely: an application for a TU, a copy of a passport and documents on ownership. And if the house is only in the project - then the right to land, a certificate of registration of the right of ownership of the property and a plan for the location of the house. In this case, the house will be connected only if it is located no more than 200 m from the main gas main... Your application should be considered within 1 month.
  3. After submitting all the necessary documentation to the gas service and drawing up a project, the technical connection is carried out. Gas workers must carry out gas pipe from the main road to your site. The cost of this work ranges from 25-50 thousand. It all depends on the length of the pipe and the complexity of its implementation.
  4. The most expensive procedure is drawing up a gasification project for a house. There are two ways: either go to Gorgaz, then you will save money, but lose 6-8 months of your time and effort, or go to a private company, which, of course, will be much more expensive, but faster. To draw up a project, you need a list of devices that consume gas and the rules for their operation, as well as the location of devices in the house in accordance with your room and the chimney.
  5. When all the paperwork is done, installation and construction work begins. It is advisable to hire a person from the firm that drafted the contract as a contractor.
  6. The final stage is connecting gas to the house. Gorgaz employees should come to you and check the fulfillment of all conditions. This will take 2-3 weeks. After that, a receipt for technical supervision is issued, after which, together with all the documents, it is submitted again to the gas department. Within 21 days, employees of the department must seal the gas meter, conclude a contract for its supply and conduct a safety briefing. After all the procedures, gas is connected to you.

Average cost as of November 2016

The prices for connecting gas to your home will vary depending on the location, but on average:

  1. Collection of primary documents (registration of an application costs from 8,000 to 50,000 rubles).
  2. Design work is estimated from 3,000 to 20,000 rubles.
  3. The construction of a pipe from the central highway to your house and the distribution of pipes through it will cost from 2,000 to 5,000 rubles per meter.
  4. To cut your pipe into the main one, you will have to pay from 10,000 to 15,000 rubles.
  5. The work of the inspection to check the readiness for operation will come out from 1,000 to 2,000 rubles.

Gasification terms

They were established earlier, but now this issue is placed under special control by the supervisory authorities. Let's remind: for the issuance of technical specifications - maximum 2 weeks; for laying the "string" and connecting - no more than 24 months.

Benefits for connecting a house to gas

At the same time, there are many citizens in our country who are supported by the state, and they are provided with a large number of benefits, but they do not apply to gas transportation. There are concessions only for gas payments. The federal government has retained the right to choose the local government to provide benefits to various categories of citizens.

For example, in a number of cities, a subsidy is provided in the amount of 50%, not exceeding 20,000 rubles of the cost of gasification costs. It is available to such categories of citizens:

  • large families;
  • home front workers;
  • WWII participants and widows of those killed in WWII;
  • disabled persons of the 1st and 2nd groups;
  • juvenile prisoners of fascism;
  • disabled veterans;
  • citizens who were in besieged Leningrad

If you need to clarify the availability of gas equipment you need for gasification, you can contact the manager of Gazovik Group by phone 8-800-2000-230 or