Day of the border guard of the ussr. Day of the border guard: history and traditions of the holiday. Patriotic education of the younger generation

Traditionally, Russian border guards, regular officers and veterans of the border troops celebrate their professional holiday. Border Troops Day or Border Guard Day was established by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1011 of 1994 "On the establishment of the Day of the border guard" "in order to revive the historical traditions of Russia and its border troops."

It is no exaggeration to say that the history of this type of troops is counted in hundreds of years - from the moment the first centralized border outposts appeared. For example, in Ancient Rus for protection from the raids of nomads and the protection of its borders, defensive structures were used - ramparts and a notch line. They were built along the borders of Russian territories. A serif guard was created to look after them. Sniffer guard - the first mention of the border service.

In 1571, the "Code of the village service" appeared, which regulated the rights and obligations of the guards and the procedure for protecting the borders. Border protection was carried out by dragoon regiments, which were based at outposts, and by customs civilian patrolmen. In 1782, by the decree of Empress Catherine II, the institute of "customs chain and guards" was established to guard the borders and carry out border control. In 1827, the "Regulation on the structure of the border customs guard" came into force, which was subordinate to the Department of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Finance of Russia.

At the end of the 19th century, the border guards were separated from the Department of Foreign Trade into a separate Border Guard Corps of the Ministry of Finance (OKPS). With the outbreak of World War I, most of the OKPS units were taken over by the military command and joined the field armies. In subsequent years, the border guard passed into the jurisdiction of various departments, but always the tasks of the service remained the fight against smuggling and illegal crossing of the borders of our state.

And the historical event that became the basis for choosing the date of the holiday was the establishment by the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars on May 28, 1918 of the Border Guard of the RSFSR Border (but officially the Day of the Border Guard in the USSR was established in 1958). At the same time, the Main Directorate of the Border Guard was created, into which the officers of the former Directorate of the separate corps of the Russian border guard moved in full force.

After the collapse of the USSR, the Federal Border Service of Russia (FPS RF), created by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation in 1993, became the legal successor of the Main Directorate. Since 2003, the FPS of Russia came under the jurisdiction of the FSB and is called the "Border Service of the Federal Security Service Russian Federation(PS FSB of Russia) ".

The Russian Federation has the longest borders in the world and borders 18 countries. No other state has so many neighboring countries. Border cooperation has been established and secured by contractual documents with thirty-two foreign states. More than 11 thousand border guards, dozens of ships and boats go out daily to protect the state border.

The main tasks Border Service Russia is - ensuring the implementation of the state border policy of the country in the field of protecting the state border, territorial sea, continental shelf and the exclusive economic zone of Russia; organizing (within the limits of its powers in cooperation with other structures of state authorities) the fight against organized crime, smuggling, illegal migration, illegal circulation of weapons, narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, as well as countering the activities of illegal armed formations within the border territory.

Project 10410 border patrol ship "Firefly"

Border guards-pilots are on duty to protect air borders. Border guards-sailors are on duty to protect the sea borders. Border guards are also on duty at the coastal outposts. The border guard service is very dangerous, but very honorable.

Border guards celebrate their professional holiday on a grand scale. After all, the Day of the Border Guard is a demonstration of the combat power of this kind of troops, the establishment of this holiday also serves to raise the morale of soldiers performing their official duty to the people, the Motherland and the state.

Border Guard Day is widely celebrated throughout the country - traditionally many are timed to coincide with it. celebrations in Russian cities and units of border troops, laying flowers and wreaths on the graves of the Unknown Soldier and other memorable places, as a tribute to those who were the first, not sparing their lives and blood, to repulse enemy attacks on all borders of the vast Motherland. Also on this day there are many concerts and other festive events, and in Moscow, the hero cities and in the cities where the border districts and groups of border troops are located, the sky is illuminated with festive fireworks.

The streets are crowded today
The greens can not be appeased with caps,
And even toddlers find it easy
The reason for this is to understand -
They walk in a merry crowd;
Their souls are full of holiday;
They wave to them from the windows of the school,
And from the tram window;
Step by step in a chased march,
And a good glass in hand ...
Perhaps someone started earlier;
But the border is locked!
I know, though not a border guard,
That it's time to congratulate
You and all the guys are great
Happy border guard day! Hooray!

At the end of spring, Russia celebrates one of the most popular professional military holidays - the Day of the Border Guard. This is a holiday for current and former servicemen of the Border Service of the Federal Security Service of Russia (FSB RF).

When is the Day of the Border Guard in Russia

In Russia and in most of the post-Soviet space, with the exception of Ukraine (more on that later), Border Guard Day is officially celebrated annually on May 28. In 2018, the holiday falls on Monday.

history of the holiday

Flag of the Federal Border Service of Russia

The day of the border guard was invented in the Soviet Union: in 1958, the Council of Ministers of the USSR adopted a resolution on the establishment of this holiday, securing it on May 28. In Russia, the professional holiday of border guards has been officially celebrated since 1994: that year, the president signed a decree establishing it. Moreover, it was decided to leave the celebration date the same - May 28.

But why on May 28, and not some other day? The explanation is simple - because it was on May 28, 1918 that the Border Guard appeared in the RSFSR: it was established by a decree of the Council of People's Commissars. A year later, it was renamed from the guard to the troops.

After that, the border troops were repeatedly subordinated to various departments. They were under the jurisdiction of the Special Department of the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission (VChK), and the United State Political Administration (OGPU), and the People's Commissar of Internal Affairs (NKVD). After the Great Patriotic War border protection was entrusted to the Ministry of State Security, and in 1953 the responsibility passed "by inheritance" to the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. But already in 1957, the KGB took over the defense of the borders.

As you know, in 1991 the Soviet Union collapsed. However, the need to guard the state border remains. Therefore, on June 12, 1992, the Russian border troops appeared, which became part of the Ministry of Security.

And on December 30, 1993, the authorities of our country withdrew the border troops into a separate structure. It was on that day that the President of the Russian Federation signed a decree on the creation of such an independent executive body, as the Federal Border Service - the Main Command of the Border Troops (FPS - Glavkomat).

Exactly one year later, the FPS-Glavkomat was decided to rename simply the Federal Border Service (FPS). Nevertheless, the renamed structure continued to report directly to the President and Cabinet of Ministers of our country.

But in March 2003, the border guards were under the jurisdiction of the Federal Security Service (FSB).

Holiday traditions

Border Guard Day 2018: when celebrated, history and traditions, how Ukrainians were deprived of the holiday, congratulations in verse

On Border Guard Day in Russia, they remember those who guard and guard the borders of our Motherland, honor veterans of the border troops, lay flowers at the graves of heroes, and hold other solemn events.

Among the former military personnel of the border troops, it is customary to vividly celebrate this holiday in an informal stop - in this part, the border guards do not lag behind the paratroopers and sailors. Many former border guards, who fondly remember the times of their service, try to take a day off on May 28 and the day after the holiday in order to have a good rest in the company of former colleagues.

Ukrainians were deprived of their favorite holiday

In pursuit of decommunization, Ukraine, although not immediately, nevertheless abandoned the "Russian" option of celebrating the Day of the Border Guard, Ros-Registr became known. Since 2018, in Ukraine, this holiday, according to the decree of Petro Poroshenko, is celebrated on April 30. Nevertheless, former border guards living in Ukraine continue to gather in an informal setting on May 28.

Ukraine has already tried to part with this holiday immediately after the collapse of the USSR - in 1992, the date of the celebration was postponed to November 4, in honor of the creation of the Ukrainian border troops on that day in 1991.

However, the new date did not take root in Ukraine, the border guards who served in the Soviet army still widely celebrated their professional holiday "according to the old style" - May 28.

And now - a new blow, this time from Poroshenko. However, former border guards living in Ukraine are still going to informally celebrate this holiday together with the Russians - on May 28.

Border Guard Day is mainly a men's holiday, although women also serve at the border. The choice of a gift should be considered carefully, based on the preferences of the person.

It is worth noting that this holiday is not as big and significant as, for example, a birthday, so gifts here play an exclusively symbolic role. Nowadays, it is not a problem to find what every man or woman who serves at the border needs.

You can donate a khaki-style computer mouse complete with the same mat. It is also worth paying attention to writing materials if a man writes a lot during work. You can think of inscriptions on a T-shirt or a mug with congratulations for the Day of the Border Guard - this would be a great gift.

You can also order a cake on the festive table in the form of a green cap or a border post with the inscription "Happy Border Guard Day!"

In that wonderful holiday be sure to congratulate your family and friends who served in the border troops or are serving now. If it is not possible to congratulate in person, you can send a short SMS message or a small beautiful verse.

Problems in borderline life,

I wish to close the bolt.

And in life, let it be purely personal

Love is always present.

May everything be calm at the border

And happiness hurricane roars in the soul.

We wish you to meet the holiday with dignity,

And may good luck await you.

For congratulations, you can choose a beautiful verse by sending it to e-mail or by sending it in a private message via social networks.

So that there is always silence on the border,

You guard her from morning to morning.

In rain and cold, heat and frost,

You will repulse the enemy without indulgence, seriously.

Take care of yourself, our dashing border guard,

All power is behind you.

We wish you happiness, peace, goodness,

Let there always be silence at the border.

At the border, you served the Motherland, the Fatherland.
And now let only joy in life await you.

Border guard, dear, we respect you.
And today we sincerely congratulate you.

We wish you strength, health and love,
So that there is peace on all earth,
Take care of yourself!

Day and night, in the snow and in the rain,
From the heat when it’s unbearable
You don't whine, don't sleep,
You are guarding the border.

Defend the border sensitively -
This, I can tell you, is not a joke.
After all, the insidious enemy does not sleep -
Looking for an extraordinary way.

Happy Border Defenders Day!
Let the faces shine with happiness
Your days are easy and calm,
You deserve only the best!

Quiet in our town
And peace in the capital.
We are grateful for that
Those who serve on the border.

Service to the Motherland for the good
It's not easy
The border guard never
Troubles do not give up.

Faithful, brave,
Brave guys:
Go to the border guards
The best soldiers!

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Professional Border Guard Day in 2018 will be celebrated on May 28, as well as every year, because it is celebrated on the same day regardless of the day of the week and falls on the warm end of May. Originally, the Day of the Border Guard was a holiday of the Border Troops of the State Security Committee the former USSR, now - the armed forces of the Russian Federation.

Border Guard Day is not an official holiday, like any other professional holiday. However, his goal is quite important - to show and prove to everyone what a powerful superpower Russia is, and to raise the morale of the guards of our borders. Moreover, the work at the clock lines is not easy: the border of the Russian Federation is the longest in the world, and besides, we have more neighboring countries than anyone else - as many as eighteen.

Day of the border guard in 2018 what date: the history of the holiday

One of the main parts of the structure of any state is its territory, the boundaries of which are the border. Since ancient Russia, the territorial borders were under special protection and control, since there was a danger of an invasion of nomads. To preserve the immovability of the borders, the Russian princes strengthened the approaches to the state with fortresses and defensive outposts. At the end of the 14th century, Tatars began to raid Russia more and more often. The defensive fortresses could not withstand such a powerful pressure, so it was decided to create detachments that would guard the borders.

As for the history of the creation of the holiday, it is worth knowing that in 1918, on May 28, the Soviet People's Commissar approved a decree on the creation of the Main Directorate of the Border Service. Already in 1958, the Russian Border Guard Directorate was attached to it. In the same year, the Day of the Border Guard was officially adopted by the Soviet government. And in 1994, the Day of the Border Troops was officially approved by the government of the Russian Federation.

This holiday in the Russian Federation is celebrated on a special scale. A solemn laying of wreaths at the monuments and mass graves is taking place as a sign of recognition and gratitude to those who gave their lives for the Motherland.

Military parades and concerts are organized and broadcast on television. Also on TV screens you can see a number of documentaries, historical and feature films dedicated to representatives of this difficult profession.

At the festive tables, under the clink of glasses, the heroes of the occasion accept congratulations from relatives, friends and colleagues. On this day, the warmest and most sincere words are dedicated to them.

Day of the border guard in 2018 what date: congratulations

Let's fill our glasses to the brim now,
Get the pickled cucumbers
And let's drink to green caps -
For you, our dear border guards!

Do not dare, frowning, let the clouds over you
Various troubles to walk around.
Let a ray of love always send love to your souls.
And we wish to live in happiness without borders!

And on holiday let the hearts rejoice
Under the glass, ringing until the morning dawn!
But watch out, otherwise the little men
Green spies to introduce to us ...

The border is always under control
The enemy will definitely not pass here.
Border guards today
From all of them special honor.

Congratulations on your day,
Always be vigilant
Under your gallant protection
The whole country is sleeping peacefully.

Congratulations to the border guards -
Udaltsov and fellows.
I wish you strength and good luck
Be happier and richer.

Endurance, and prosperity,
And the boundaries of retention,
Infinite health
Together with fiery love.

Eyes look beyond the horizon
And in them there is one salvation for us.
You cannot forget about debt,
May there be luck every day!

A reward for the border guard,
House, his whole family.
Let the enemy fear only a glance
Colleagues will be like friends!

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Border Guard Day is celebrated every year on May 28. This is not a day off, but it is very significant for those people who are related to the defense of the Motherland. Border troops guard territories both on land and along maritime borders. Their work is very important, because it is thanks to these people that violators are delayed, not having time to be on the territory of the country. During the years of armed conflicts, the first blow falls precisely on the border troops, which can hold back the enemy for a long time, as the Soviet people were convinced of at the very beginning of the Great Patriotic War.

history of the holiday

The history of this day begins in the era of the USSR. In 1918, exactly on May 28, by the decree of the Council of People's Commissars, such an important unit as the Border Guard was created. Subsequently, this day will be considered the birthday of the service. During its existence, the unit was under the control of various departments, and with the collapse Soviet Union each country has its own border troops. But the military continued to celebrate the birthday of the service always on the same day. This is the case when the tradition was preserved for a long time, and then it was consolidated at the official level.

In Russia, the date was officially recognized in 1994, in Belarus - in 1995, and in Ukraine - in 2003. And although the holiday is not an official weekend, it is celebrated quite widely, many people know about it. This is due to the military orientation and the fact that a huge number of conscripts serve in the border troops.

It should also be noted that in 1993, by decree of Russian President Boris Yeltsin, the Federal Border Service of the Russian Federation (abbreviated as FPS of the Russian Federation) was created. Since 2003, this structure came under the jurisdiction of the FSB, after which it was named the Frontier Service of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation.

Every year at the end of May, Russia celebrates the Day of the Border Guard. It is difficult to miss this event: the streets are flooded with military men in green caps, and words of gratitude to those who defend the borders of our country sound on TV. And this is by no means an easy task: after all, there is no other state in the world with so many neighbors.

When is Border Guard Day?

Russian border guards celebrate their professional holiday on May 28. This date was established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1011 of May 23, 1994 "in order to revive the historical traditions of Russia and its border troops."

The end of spring was not chosen by chance: in 1918, it was at this time that the Council of People's Commissars founded the Border Guard and its Main Directorate, under which officers of the former Directorate of the Separate Corps of the Russian Border Guard were transferred.

history of the holiday

The history of the border troops in Russia goes back hundreds of years: from the time the first outposts appeared to the present day.

In the days of Ancient Russia, special structures were used to protect the borders - ramparts and notch lines, which were built on the path of the movement of enemies near the borders. To control them, a notch guard was created, which is considered the first known border service body in our country.

Guard defensive rampart and a watchtower in the Penza region for protection Of the Russian state from nomads

It included residents of nearby settlements - 1 person from 20 households. The first border guards were armed with axes and squeaks, but in case of danger they could call for help from more equipped garrisons from the fortress cities.

Reference! A notch line is a protective structure, consisting of wooden chocks, used in Russia from the 13th to the 16th century.

In 1571, the "Code of the village service" was published, in which the procedure for protecting the borders was clearly spelled out and the duties of the guard were determined. Then dragoon regiments appeared, which were assigned to outposts, and customs civilian patrolmen.

Two centuries later, Catherine the Great established the institution of "customs chain and guards", and also issued a Regulation, which spoke of the subordination of this body to the Department of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Finance of Russia.

Only during the First World War did the border guards join the army. In the future, the service many times passed from one department to another, but retained its original functions.

After the collapse of the USSR, the Federal Border Service of Russia became the legal successor of the Main Directorate, founded in 1918. And in 2003, control over it was transferred Federal Service security.

Holiday traditions

Every year, on this holiday, everyone who sacrificed their lives to defend the borders of Russia is remembered. Therefore, laying flowers at memorials remains its main tradition.

But they do not forget about the living heroes. In the morning, the military have been receiving congratulations from relatives and friends, colleagues, officials and even the President.

Ceremonial meetings and formations are held, where those who distinguished themselves are celebrated with certificates of honor and awards. Also on May 28, border defenders often receive new titles and promotions. Moreover, each celebration necessarily begins with a minute of silence.

Solemn march on the Day of the Border Guard

Those who have already completed the service on this day also put on green caps and striped white-green vests and go to city parks, squares and places of greeting events.

Reference! It is customary for border guards to swim in fountains on a professional holiday.

Whom are they congratulated and how are they celebrated?

This day is a holiday for everyone who is in one way or another connected with the Border Service: those who have ever served, trained young fighters, provided the material and technical needs of the border units. We must not forget the families of the military, because this solemn day is no less close to them.

In all cities, concerts are held in honor of the Day of the Border Guard, exhibitions of military equipment and weapons are organized, fireworks are launched. And on the streets every now and then there are cars with the symbols of the troops.

The most popular way to spend a holiday is to meet with colleagues and army comrades in order to remember youth and everything that has already been experienced. Usually meetings are held at memorials and monuments, as well as in alleys and parks.

The holiday is celebrated on a particularly large scale in Moscow. The centers of attraction on this day are Gorky Park, VDNKh and Poklonnaya Gora. Not only Muscovites come here. On May 28, those who specially came to meet their comrades also gather here.

But the celebration begins a little earlier - on May 27 at 19:00 with the traditional "Combat crew", on which veterans-border guards are being built near the Yauzsky gate. In the service - this procedure is necessary for setting tasks and assigning responsibilities, but here it is the time when honor is given to all who died in the line of duty.

Reference! The choice of the start time for the calculation is due to the fact that the border day begins in the evening at 19:00.

On the morning of May 28, the Kremlin's website published the text of a solemn telegram - the president's congratulations to the country's border guards. This message is read at all events that day.

The opening of the solemn events marks the raising of flags of border ships. This is followed by demonstration performances by various units of the troops. Here they demonstrate the skill of dogs, mastery of the technique of hand-to-hand fighting, modern species weapons and more. A little later, a parade begins, in which the current employees of the Border Service participate. And after the laying of flowers at the monuments, entertainment programs start.

But most of the border guards spend their professional holiday in the service. Indeed, even on this day, the activity to protect the state border does not stop. However, everyone who completed their journey in this structure and those who have a day off will certainly raise a toast: "To those who are now at the border!"

Reference! Per festive table the third glass must be raised for those who died during the execution.

  • In Belarus, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan, since the times of the USSR, the tradition of celebrating the Day of the Border Guard on May 28 has been preserved.
  • In 1943, after the Tehran conference, a football tournament was organized, in which four teams participated: two from Iran, the English "Arsenal" and a team of the 131st rifle regiment of the border troops of the NKVD of the USSR. In the final, Arsenal fought the Soviet team and lost.
  • Before the revolution, there was no secular holiday for the border guards, but there was a church one. The service was held on the day of the Entry into the Temple Holy Mother of God... By the way, the tradition of carrying it out has been preserved. The prayer service is held on December 4.
  • Until the 1960s, there were dovecote houses at all outposts. The border guards used the birds as a "mobile connection" and took them with them in their outfits. Sometimes service pigeons were even disguised as other birds, painting their feathers.
  • One of the first leaders of the border troops in Soviet times was Andrei Nikolaevich Leskov, the son of the famous writer Nikolai Leskov.
  • The most famous Russian border guard is Nikita Fedorovich Karatsupa. On his account there are 338 detained and 129 killed, who did not want to surrender, violators and 130 armed battles with saboteurs. He wrote the book "Notes of a Pathfinder" about his work, and a stuffed animal of his first service dog is on display in the Museum of the Border Troops.
  • After the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the border guards made great efforts to prevent the consequences of the disaster. They allocated from their reserves equipment, insulators, oil necessary to impregnate the supports of the route under construction, wire and technicians to guide the workers.
  • In 1941, the border guards were the first to fight the fascist army. Then they held the city of Przemysl for 2 days on their own until the order to retreat. Among them was a 16-year-old boy - Shura Golubev, who not only brought shells, but himself destroyed several enemy soldiers. For his feat, he was awarded the Order of the Red Star.

Cadets of the Moscow Border Institute of the FSB of Russia during a military parade on Red Square

Border Guard Day is not just a professional holiday for service employees, but also a demonstration of Russia's military power. Holding celebrations on this day is not only gratitude to the veterans and the memory of those who dedicated their lives to protecting the borders of the Motherland, but also support to everyone who does this today.