The name of the sea in the Hainan. Hainan Island: useful information, precautions - ngs.tourism. What washes Hainan: sea or ocean waters

Hainan Island is located in the south of China and is considered the largest tropical island, which has preserved its flora and fauna today. It is often called "East Hawaii" because of its location.
The most tourist cities are the capital of the island of Haikou, the city of Sanya and Wenchang.

The capital of Hainan Island is Haikou.

Haikou is the largest tropical coastal city. It occupies almost 240 square kilometers of territory and has a sufficiently developed and modern infrastructure. The largest international airport, Meilan, is located in the southern part of the city, while the passenger port, which is the main gateway to the island, is in the western part. In the center of the city, buildings of colonial and southern Chinese architecture have survived to this day.

Most of the hotels and architectural landmarks are located on Xinhuananlu Road. Where the most significant are the Wugong Temple, the ancient forts of Xiuying and the tomb of the ancient statesman Hai Rui.
Also in the city, you can visit the beautiful beaches and, and for more active entertainment, you can go to the marine Disneyland.

You can explore the outskirts of the city or get to the desired place either by bike for 2 yuan, or by motorcycle or taxi, which will cost you a little more - 15 yuan.

Sanya resort.

It is considered the second largest city on Hainan Island and is home to Fenghuang International Airport. Located in the very south of the island, surrounded on three sides by mountains, and on the fourth by the sea. This city annually attracts a very large number of tourists who want to get exotic and unforgettable emotions from travel.

A beautiful coastline 210 km away, sandy beaches, exotic wild groves, harbors, bays provide the tourist with a wonderful vacation.
The city's main attractions are its beautiful tropical beaches. And all hotels are located on three bays, which are rightfully considered the most beautiful in China.

Dragon's Bay stretches for 20 km and resembles a young moon in shape. The white sandy beach and the beautiful sea are ideal for diving, surfing and water skiing. Wild rocks and nature will immerse you in an exotic fairy tale.
Sanya Bay is located 8 km from the city, and the beach offers unique views.
The Bay of the Big East Sea is the most saturated with resort hotels, restaurants and shops. The most expensive nightclubs and seafood restaurants are located here. Located 2.8 km from the city of Sanya.
Also among the attractions of the city of Sanya, Monkey Island, which is home to more than 2 thousand rare macaques, and the Nanshan Temple, which is held annually International festival weddings. The temple was built in 1998 and is located in a beautiful park. The cost of an excursion to the temple is very expensive and will cost 150 yuan.

The city also hosts the annual Li and Miao National Models and Nationalities Festival.

Having explored the surroundings of the city of Sanya, you can see and visit many nature reserves. The most popular places include the Guantate and Xinglong hot springs, the amazing Butterfly Gorge and the Mango Trees Sanctuary.
The main means of transport around the city are buses or taxis. The approximate cost of a trip to the beach will cost 10-15 yuan.

Wenchang city.

Located in the northeast of Hainan Island, 40 km from international airport Meilan. Attracts tourists and Chinese because of its many unique locations. And it has a very convenient location, thanks to which it is washed by the sea from all sides. The length of the coastline is about 210 km, and more than 37 bays are located on the territory of the entire city. It is very rich in various natural resources and is considered the main attraction of the whole island among the locals.

More recently, this resort was popular only among local residents, but every year more and more foreign tourists visit it. Wenchang is the perfect place for a relaxing holiday.
The most popular spots in the city are the coconut plantations, the rock park and the Tongu Great Barrier Reef. Particular attention should be paid to Coconut Bay - it will give you many unique, colorful impressions and will enchant you with its azure coast. And the most ancient attraction on the entire territory of Hainan Island is the Temple of Confucius in Wenchang, the entrance to which will cost only 10 yuan.

When visiting this city, do not miss the opportunity to taste the local urban cuisine. Seafood dishes are delicious and popular, and Wenchang noodles and chicken are the most popular Chinese dishes. The average cost of a dinner at a restaurant or local cafe will cost from 50 to 95 yuan.
A large number of excellent hotels are located off the coast of sandy shores, in the city center and near coconut plantations.


In Hainan, tourists can relax calmly and not fear for their lives - grave crimes against tourists are extremely rare here. But deception, body kit, "money scam", unfortunately, happen all the time. In addition, on the streets and beaches, many different molesters and beggars.

• It is worth keeping a close eye on your personal belongings and not carrying too much cash with you. Valuables, including passports and tickets, are best kept in a hotel safe. In Sanya, there are cases of theft of handbags and equipment from a motorcycle or moped passing at high speed.

• On beaches, do not be persuaded to pay for a sun lounger or umbrella. They are free, the only exceptions are sun loungers directly next to the cafe.

• Check the change carefully. Ask your guide about the peculiarities of local counterfeit bills (most often counterfeit 10 and 50 yuan).

• Most often tourists are cheated in restaurants and markets. In restaurants and cafes, carefully study the bill. Be sure to bargain in the markets. You can always bring down the price at least 2 times, and sometimes you can drop it up to 70-80%. The cheapest way to buy fruit is from the vendors in the evening.

• Before traveling to Hainan Island, special vaccinations are not required, but medical insurance is recommended. Also, do not forget to bring along remedies for indigestion, local food may be unusual for the body. It is not recommended to drink raw tap water; it is not recommended to wash fruits with it. Consume either boiled or mineral water in bottles. The room usually has an electric kettle or thermos.

• Be sure to use sunscreen products (you need to bring them with you, as only Chinese brands with a whitening effect are sold in Hainan). The sun is very active, and you can burn out in 15-20 minutes.

• The sea off the coast of the island is considered quite safe, there have been no cases of attacks by marine predators on bathers or divers.

It's important to know

Timing for travel... The best time to visit Hainan is from late September to early May. In March-April it is quite hot on the island, the air and water temperatures average about 30 °. The weather is similar in October-November. If you are not comfortable with the heat, then it is better to visit the island from December to February. The coldest month is January: as a rule, it stays at 18-20 ° for one week, 21-25 ° the rest of the time. The water is cool in January: 20-22 °. Therefore, it is impossible to consider Hainan as a place where you can sunbathe and swim in abundance during the New Year holidays.

Chinese. Hainan is a favorite holiday destination not only for foreigners, but also for the Chinese themselves. (Hainan for China is like Crimea for the inhabitants of the USSR in Soviet times, almost everyone seeks to go there at least once, and many families save up for this trip for years.) Some foreign tourists take such a neighborhood calmly, others it annoys. Particularly intolerant is better to go to Yalongwan, where mostly foreigners rest.

Currency exchange... To exchange for Chinese yuan, you can import US dollars or euros. Currency exchange is carried out at the branches of the Chinese bank, which are available at all airports, hotels and large stores. The course is set by the state. It is not recommended to change currency in markets and streets. Within the PRC, circulation and settlement in foreign currency is prohibited.

Taxi and transport. Insofar as international law are not valid in China, then car rental is possible only with a driver. Traffic on the island's roads is very chaotic, drivers honking constantly. The easiest and cheapest way to get around Hainan is by taxi, and the blue "official" taxi is considered the safest. Ask the driver to turn on the meter. Typically, the cost of a 10 minute ride is around RMB 10.

Bank cards... Hotels and large stores usually have ATMs where you can withdraw cash from Visa, American Express, Mastercard, Diner "s Club, etc. In large cities, cards are accepted for payment in large stores, but in small stores and restaurants most often you can only pay in cash.

Tip... Officially, it is forbidden to take a tip to the service staff, but most often the maid or porter at the hotel will not refuse 1-2 yuan. Tipping should not be left in restaurants.

Electricity grid... The mains voltage on the island is 220 V, all hotel rooms are equipped with universal sockets and adapters.

Photography... Almost everything can be photographed, with the exception of naval objects, which are usually guarded by sentries. When photographing members of national minorities, it is recommended to be tactful and ask permission to shoot. It is forbidden to photograph monks and some Buddhist shrines. Also, as a rule, photography and video filming inside temples and museums is prohibited (sometimes you can get permission for an additional fee).

Communication. As a rule, even on the way from the airport, the guides offer tourists to purchase a local sim card and an IP card. Both for 100 yuan (you can bargain cheaper). The sim card is a tourist one and is only useful for local calls (in order to get a regular sim card and be able to call abroad, you need to come with a passport to the office of a telecom operator). For calls to Russia, it is better to use an IP card. You can call it from any landline phone (if you have problems dialing a number, you can ask your guide for help). Of course, you can use international roaming or make an international call from the hotel, but these services are quite expensive.

the Internet available in almost every hotel. Many hotels have wi-fi, in some places computers with an Internet connection are available in the rooms. There are still few Internet cafes on the island.

Traditions... Money and business cards can be submitted with both hands (this is a sign of deep respect) or right hand... When eating, do not insert chopsticks into the dish or point the spout of the kettle at your neighbor. Do not smoke in Chinese temples. Also, step over the threshold in front of the entrance to the temple - it is forbidden to step on it. When shopping at markets and street vendors, be sure to bargain.


China is known to many as the "Celestial Empire". This name is associated with ancient religion, in which Heaven was considered the highest deity. In Beijing there is a stunning ancient temple of Heaven, but it is on the island of Hainan that you can feel the connection with the sky more vividly, the Chinese themselves say.

Indeed, it is here, unlike mainland China, that a person is in absolute harmony with nature. Here, instead of the noise of big cities, there is silence in which fantastic tropical nature lives, kilometers of white beaches, the sun shining here 300 days a year and magnificent Buddhist monuments and temples.

Hainan is "another China", but it is also different. In order not to get confused in all the intricacies of rest on the island, we have highlighted only the most important for you, "put Hainan on the shelves."


The easiest and most convenient way to get from Russia to Hainan is to use direct flights, which are carried out only by charter airlines ordered by tour operators. All Russian flights to Hainan this winter are operated with an arrival at the Phoenix airport in Sanya.

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The Chinese island of Hainan is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the PRC. A tropical climate, mango plantations and organized beaches coexist with ethnographic indigenous settlements. Hundreds of thousands of tourists from all over the world visit the island every year.

Where is Hainan located?

The island is located in the southern part of the People's Republic of China. Many people call it the "Chinese pearl". Unlike mainland China, it is almost never cold, you can plunge into the sea at any time of the year. The climate on the island is tropical, which makes it attractive for tourism. The island is washed from all sides. The average annual air temperature is 24-25 degrees Celsius. The time zone is UTC / GMT +8.

In terms of area, Hainan ranks second after Taiwan among the Chinese island territories. Its coastline stretches for 1,500 kilometers.

The law strictly protects the ecology of the island. Many natural sites are protected by UNESCO, and all industrial enterprises are located in the north.

Interesting fact: the island is located on the same latitude as the Hawaiian Islands.


During the Tertiary period, the island was inseparable from the mainland, but the movement of tectonic plates led to the emergence of the strait and the separation of Hainan. Extinct volcanoes and hot springs, which are now very popular with tourists, are evidence of the active processes that once took place on the island. The last volcanic eruption was recorded in 1933.

The first mention of the population of this tropical island dates back to the reign of the Western Han dynasty. The annals contain a description of the victories of General Lu Bode over the local tribes that inhabited the island long before our era, and about the annexation of Hainan to Chinese empire... Today the Li people live in ethnographic villages - the last descendants of the indigenous tribes who once inhabited these lands.

At the beginning of the first millennium AD, Hainan becomes a place of exile. In those days, it was not a tropical paradise, but uncomfortable and wild lands. Among the people in exile on the island was Su Dongpo, a great Chinese poet and artist. Thanks to him, an academy and a library were opened in Hainan.

For hundreds of years, Hainan has been important point Silk Road. Archaeological finds show that the trade was very intense. Today, you can look at antiques in museums dedicated to the history of the island.

Due to its magnificent nature and favorable location, the island was often the target of foreign invaders. Many countries planned to seize Hainan, but in the 19th century, France almost realized this idea. A monument to Chinese resistance to French expansion is the Xiu-in fort.

During the Second World War, the island was under Japanese occupation. This is a sad period: almost a third of the men who lived on the island died in the struggle for liberation.

When the People's Republic of China was proclaimed, Hainan resisted the new government for a long time - numerous partisan detachments operated on its territory. Today, Hainan is one of the most comfortable resorts in the world.

Interesting fact: Hainan becomes a separate Chinese province only in 1988.


Hainan is part of the People's Republic of China. The red color of the Chinese flag is the traditional color of communism, and a large star on it denotes the leadership of the Communist Party.

Island dimensions

The area of ​​the island is over 34 thousand square kilometers. Its highest point is Mount Wuzhi, the peak of which is 1867 meters above sea level. By the scale of China, the size of the province is very modest. It is also one of the most sparsely populated areas in the country.

Holidays on the island - prices for tours

Today you can find tours to Hainan in a wide variety of price categories - both luxury exclusive offers and inexpensive budget tours. Travel agencies offer economy-class vouchers to the island from Moscow costing from 25 thousand rubles, and with accommodation in five-star hotels, the price for a tour will be from 80 thousand and more.

You can buy a ticket in any major city in Russia. You can also choose a tour that combines a trip to the mainland of China and a vacation on the island.

Private housing - prices

It is possible to rent an apartment on the island even without knowing English, because due to the popularity of Hainan among Russian tourists, it is easy to find offers in Russian. The advantages of self-hosting are as follows:

  1. Possibility to withdraw a private house where there will be no other guests besides you;
  2. Large selection of offers;
  3. The likelihood of finding accommodation in a resort area at prices lower than for a hotel room;
  4. Convenient for accommodating a large company.

The minimum rental cost in Sanya is about 500 rubles per day. On average, prices for daily rent of apartments range from 1,500 to 2,000 thousand rubles. Much depends on the time of the year - when the peak tourist season on the island, prices increase.

Flight tickets to Hainan and their prices

There are two international airports on the island. Air traffic between Russia and the island is carried out from Moscow and major cities of the Far East, but most of the flights are interchangeable. The average travel time from the Russian capital to Hainan is 10 hours. A quick and relatively inexpensive flight option is to get by plane with a departure from Guangzhou. The cost of tickets from Moscow starts from 18 thousand rubles.

Travel advice: when booking tickets, you should remember about the time zone - the difference between Moscow and Hainan is 5 hours.

Hotel prices

The most popular are hotels located near the main resorts of Dodonghai, Sanyavan and Yalongwan bays. Accommodation in hotels near the latter will cost more due to the purity of the water and beautiful landscapes.

The average prices on the island are as follows:

  • accommodation in three-star hotels, depending on the season, costs from 150 to 550 yuan per day. Good feedback has the Fortuna Hainan hotel;
  • a room in a four-star hotel will cost 350-1000 yuan. The best impressions of tourists about such hotels as Sanya Resort Golden Palm, SOUTH CHINA HOTEL;
  • five-star hotels offer rooms ranging from RMB 800 and up. Sheraton Sanya Resort is one of the best high-class hotels.

The most budgetary accommodation option is hostels. A bed can be found starting at RMB 30.

Food on the island - prices

Meals at four- and five-star hotels are expensive, with prices starting at 135 yuan. It is much cheaper to dine at the numerous cafes located near the beaches. Locals prefer to dine in international fast foods and Chinese eateries - you can eat in such establishments for only 10 yuan.

Many tourists are eager to taste seafood, which are rich in the waters of the South China Sea. There are dozens of restaurants near the coast, serving crab, squid and other seafood.

Fans of Russian cuisine will be delighted by restaurants where you can order dumplings and other familiar dishes. You can find establishments with other cuisines: Italian, Japanese, Korean. And those who prefer a varied and hearty table will appreciate the buffet restaurants. For 120 yuan, there will be dozens of different dishes to choose from.


Unusual shopping center Pineapple, located in Sanya, is located next to Dodonghai Beach, therefore it is very popular with tourists. It houses a variety of shops, including Japanese goods stores. Also in the shopping center there are various cafes and restaurants.

Another shopping mall, Haitang Bay Duty Free, will impress with its modern architecture and variety of souvenir shops. And the Flowers Valley shopping center will appeal to lovers of local cuisine, because there are dozens of interesting restaurants in it.

Tourist advice: the cost of souvenirs in the markets can be very high, but it is worth trying to bargain with the seller.


There are two types of excursions on the island: cultural (historical sites) and ecological (natural sites). The main places of interest for these types of tourism:

  • "The end of the world". The park, located not far from, is a beach with huge stones. These blocks are the remnants of those times when active volcanic eruptions took place on the island.

An interesting fact: the park "Edge of the World" is really the edge, but not of the world, but of the land area of ​​the PRC.

  • Nanshan. Here is the Buddhist center of China and an artificial island on which a temple was built in honor of the Goddess of Mercy. But most of all attention is drawn to the huge statue of Guanyin, decorated with precious stones... This statue is one of the most important shrines of Buddhism.
  • Dong Tian. Taoist temple complex. Another religious place located near Sanya. The buildings are over 800 years old.
  • Ethnographic villages. There are still settlements on the island in which aborigines live - the descendants of people who settled there before the arrival of the Chinese. Their houses are built according to traditional technologies, the way of life corresponds to the old way. The villages are held folk holidays, which are visited by thousands of tourists.


Transport on the island is well developed: there is a bus service, works Railway... In cities, it is easy to hail a taxi or use rickshaw services. Car roads modern and high-speed, it is possible to rent a car. You can also take a ride on the cable car: it connects Hainan with Monkey Island.

Island beaches

The beach resorts of Hainan Island are the main reason why tourists tend to get to this province. You can choose the beach to your taste:

  • Sanyavan. Accommodation near this bay is the most affordable, since you need to cross the road to get to the shore. This may cause some inconvenience, but is fully compensated for. clear water and great views.
  • Dadonghai. Most often, tourists choose this bay, because the sand on the beach is snow-white, the water is clear, and there are many souvenir shops, restaurants and bars around. Discos are organized on the shore at night.
  • Yalongwan. The most expensive hotels of the island are concentrated near this bay, which have individual beach areas. Also, this beach is popular with divers, as in the coastal waters you can admire the delightful underwater landscapes.

What Washes in Hainan?

Hainan is washed by the South China Sea, which belongs to Pacific Ocean... Since the government is very strict about the ecology of the island, the water in the sea is clean and transparent.

Weather and climate in Hainan

The climate in different parts of the island is different. It is always warm in the southern part, but the stifling heat does not happen. In the north, it is cooler - the thermometer can drop to 16 degrees.

Winter on the island is warm, but fogs are frequent. The peak of the tourist season is March-April. There are no typhoons at this time, rains are rare. Precipitation starts closer to May.

In summer and autumn, the air is humid, with frequent precipitation. Storms rise on the sea, strong winds blow. The advantage of this season is that house prices are going down significantly.

Interesting fact: Hainan is the second cleanest island in the world. The first place is taken by Cuba.


Russians will need a Chinese visa to visit the island on their own. You can get it at the consulate or use the services of intermediary firms. But it is also possible to visit Hainan without a visa - for this you need to visit the resort center as part of a tourist group.

How to get there?

The flight from Moscow to Hainan takes about 10 hours. For residents of the Far East, it is convenient to use interchange flights with a connection in Beijing. Airlines also offer many options for flights with connections in other cities in Asia. If you choose a flight with transfers, you can spend several days in the connecting city and thus diversify your vacation.

Flight search

To search for air tickets, you can use popular Russian-language services. It is better to buy tickets in advance, especially if the trip is planned during the high tourist season.

Pictures of Hainan

The beautiful nature of the island attracts many professional photographers. But ordinary tourists also take a photo as a souvenir of their trip.

Internal transport

Despite the fact that the cities of Hainan are small relative to other Chinese megalopolises, they have excellent transport - both urban and intercity.


Any tourist can easily catch a taxi on the island. You can order a car, stop it on the street, or contact one of the many taxi drivers usually standing near tourist points.

Traveling by taxi is absolutely safe - private drivers are not allowed to charge a toll. All trips are carried out strictly by counters.


This exotic look transport is designed only for tourists, so its price is higher than for a taxi. But you can bargain with a pedicab - bargaining on the island is normal. It is worth considering that no rickshaw can make a long trip from one end of the city to the other. It is better to use this transport for small tourist walks.

Railway connection

There is a high-speed railway in Hainan, with the help of which you can move around the cities of the island. During the trip, you must keep your boarding pass - you will need it to get out of the station.

Urban transport

There are two bus routes in Sanya (# 2 and # 4) that travel around the city. There are also minibuses that go to popular tourist spots.

Car rental

To rent a car, you will need to obtain a special Chinese driver's license (it is issued to tourists for up to one month). The minimum term for its registration is one week.

You can rent a car at the airport, but it will be cheaper to apply for a rental in advance. This can be done on the website of any of the car rental services operating on the island.

Transport tips

  1. In Sanya, it is possible to rent a car with a driver, but the cost of the service is high.
  2. Bus number 8 runs from the airport to Dadonghai resort.
  3. You can also get to Yalongwan Bay by bus - route number 27.
  4. Large groups can order an individual transfer to the desired point.


Although tourists most often visit Sanya, the largest city is Haikou. This region includes not only Hainan, but also several other islands.

Beaches and bays

The resort beaches of Hainan Island have everything you need for a comfortable stay - sun loungers, showers, a developed catering network. All beaches are sandy, without rocks and sharp approaches to the sea. For surfing, it is best to choose Dadonghai resort, and for diving Yalongwan.

What else to see?

A popular excursion destination is Monkey Island. This is a protected area, which is home to a little less than two thousand monkeys, accustomed to the presence of humans. Animals easily make contact, but you should be careful - they may try to steal something from the tourist's belongings. The reserve also hosts performances in which monkeys perform circus acts.

Another place where you can get acquainted with the fauna of the island is the Flying World Park. A huge number of tropical birds live here, as well as running competitions for ostriches.

Interesting fact: the fauna of the island is the richest in all of China. More than 70 species of mammals and more than 340 species of birds live here.

A trip to the Ma An volcano, located near the provincial capital, will also be memorable. The volcano is not active - last time it erupted over 40 thousand years ago. Around it there are many grottoes that have arisen due to the accumulation of magma.

Holidays on the island of Hainan: reviews

On the Internet, you can find many reviews of tourists who were vacationing in Hainan, as well as get acquainted with the photos of resorts. Vacation experiences depend on the time of the year, the chosen hotel and the purpose of the trip. Thus, one of the travelers highly appreciated the medicine on the island: “Like many others, we visited the island for the purpose of treatment. We completed a course of massages and acupuncture. It's not cheap, but I'm going to come back for it again. "

Another traveler left the following description of a vacation on the island: “There are a lot of people, but the beaches are snow-white, and the nature is amazing. I liked the food in the Russian restaurant "Moscow". I would also like to note the quality Chinese tea that is sold on the island. The impressions of the trip are excellent. "


If you want to look at the “other” China, then Hainan Island is perfect for this purpose. The trip can be included in a big trip around the PRC, since the communication between the island and the mainland is well developed.

All people visiting the island are enthusiastic about nature and the clear sea. Such a trip will not be cheap, but it will combine both beautiful beaches and acquaintance with cultural monuments, and beautiful photographs will remain as a keepsake.

- the largest island of the southern Chinese province of the same name. There are several more small islands around it. Translated from Chinese "Hainan" means "South of the Sea".

Most of the income here comes from the resort and tourism business. The island has a wonderful climate, there are sights and monuments of history and culture, a developed tourist infrastructure, many excellent beaches, entertainment and hotels.

The largest city on the island of Hainan is called Haikou. More than 8.5 million local residents live in the entire province. During the year, no fewer tourists from all over the world come here on vacation.


It is small tropical island located in the South China Sea off the southern coast of China. Hawaii is located at the same latitude, which is why Hainan is often called "Eastern Hawaii". It is slightly larger in size than Crimea - 33 sq. km.

In the center, dense tropical forests grow here, in which unique species of flora grow and endemic species of fauna, listed in the Red Book of China and the whole world, live.


The average annual temperature in Hainan is + 24C, the average water temperature is + 26C. Three hundred days a year, the weather is splendidly sunny. This is truly a heavenly place for both beach and sightseeing holidays.

There is eternal summer and there is no division into High and Low seasons. The weather is favorable for recreation at any time of the year. However, winter is still considered the velvet season, and in summer prices for hotels and air tickets go down slightly due to the appearance of precipitation.

Throughout December, January and February, during the dry season, the daytime air temperature is about + 22C, and the sea water temperature is about + 25C. In summer, during the rainy season, the air warms up to + 25C, and the water in the sea - up to + 28C.


Hainan got its name during the Mongol Yuan dynasty in the 13th century. After its fall during the Ming empire in the XIV-XVII centuries, this province grew significantly and was populated by the Chinese population.

Since the beginning of the 20th century, the island has acquired an independent administrative status. Deng Xiaoping created here the largest free economic zone (FEZ) in China, after which Hainan began to develop by leaps and bounds.


The island is known for its magnificent beaches and beautiful coral reefs. The beaches have beautiful views, are clean and well-groomed, equipped with all the necessary infrastructure.

Almost all of them are covered with shiny fine white sand, which is a pleasure to rest on. The resort staff carefully monitors the cleanliness of the beaches near hotels of any class and star rating.

The most famous local beach is called the "Jade Belt". It is a thin strip of white sand that separates fresh river waters from salty ones. sea ​​waters... The beach is located near the Boao resort.


The largest Buddhist center Nanshan is located 40 km from the Sanya resort. There you can see a huge temple, a statue of the goddess of mercy over 100 meters high and a beautiful Chinese-style park.

It is an artificial island located near Sanya. Several skyscrapers have been erected on it, in which hotels for vacationers are located, there are also luxurious villas, a yacht club, a beach, etc.

Li and Miao are ethnic groups that have lived on the island for centuries. The old way of life has been recreated in these villages. Traditional houses of these peoples are built in a large park, and local actors play the role of residents.

All historical and cultural artifacts related to Hainan are collected here. Tourists are presented with an extensive exposition, incl. old local porcelain, edged weapons, silk, national clothes, medieval jewelry, etc.

The most expensive and luxurious hotels in Hainan are located on the shores of this bay, which is called the Dragon Coast in Chinese. Around them - tropical forests, mountains, pristine white beaches. This is a real Garden of Eden on earth.

Dongshan Safari Park

A beautiful natural park where tourists can see how animals live in natural conditions without endangering themselves. Ostriches and parrots, monkeys and crocodiles, lions and tigers live here.

This reserve was created specifically to study the local subspecies of macaques. Today more than 2,000 of these little monkeys live there. Tourists love to communicate with them, to feed them. But be careful, macaques go into pockets looking for shiny things.

Butterfly park

This nature reserve, located next to Yalong Bay, has a unique collection of butterflies from all over the world. You can also see unique insects here.

Pirate Island

This is a tiny island near Hainan, where you can enjoy the almost untouched local flora and fauna, pristine rainforest. Along the coast there are white beaches and coral reefs.

Park "Heavenly Grottoes"

A wonderful natural park where you can walk through caves and grottoes, touch sacred trees, visit the famous Dragon Temple. This park is sacred to all those who practice Taoism.


The center of tourism on the island is the Sanya resort, where the famous Bar Street is located. The most popular among vacationers are the bars:

  • - SOLO,
  • - SOHO,
  • - M2.

Also here you can find good nightclubs, discos and karaoke bars. Nightlife continues until the morning. In karaoke bars, like ours, there is no dance floor and a DJ, they just gather in companies and sing.

The nightclubs are very beautiful, decorated in Chinese style, invited artists and dancers often perform here. In the clubs you can always have a good time and have a good time, the prices for drinks are quite reasonable.

Not far from Sanya is Dadonghai Bay, near which is the most big number boutiques, shops, restaurants, bars, etc. There is everything for lovers of noisy entertainment and shopping.


The first acquaintance with the island begins at Phoenix International Airport. It is here that tourists from Russia and other countries arrive. There is also Meilan Airport, but it is far from the resort area, so it is less popular.

Main view public transport- buses. Bus ticket prices are not high. Also, tourists often use taxis or simply rent a car. "Bombed" by private traders on motorcycles. There is a high-speed train "Sanya - Haikou".

Pros and cons of Hainan

Hainan's resorts are truly heaven on earth. But the rest here are mostly rich Chinese, as well as the European middle class and above. The prices are quite high, although it is easy to find a decent 3-star hotel.