During school spring break. It is not limited to place an ad for free and without registration throughout Russia. Holidays in higher education

The educational process of schoolchildren must be balanced. Vacations are just as important as school days. In most Russian schools, there are 4 types of vacations: summer, autumn, winter, spring. When autumn vacation at school in 2018 2019. When is winter vacation at school in 2018 2019. When spring break is at school in 2018 2019. When is summer vacation at school in 2018 2019.

Vacation calendar 2018-2019

Each school can set the vacation schedule independently, adhering to the recommendations developed in the legislative acts. Summer vacations should be at least 8 weeks. And school holidays during the school year should not be less than 30 calendar days. Holidays must start on Monday and cannot be shifted by more than 2 weeks.

The academic year 2018-2019 begins on September 1st. The educational process will last 34 weeks, excluding the final certification, and the vacation will last 18 weeks.

In addition, schoolchildren will rest on public holidays.

School holidays in quarters. Moscow

  • Winter - from December 30, 2018 to January 8, 2019.
  • Additional holidays for first graders - from February 16 to February 24, 2019.

School holidays in quarters. St. Petersburg

  • Autumn holidays - from October 27 to November 5, 2018.
  • Winter - from December 29, 2018 to January 12, 2019.
  • Spring break - from March 23rd to March 31st, 2019.
  • Additional holidays for first graders - from February 4 to February 10, 2019.

Each school can choose the vacation schedule on its own, but it is necessary to meet the established deadlines.

Russia is a huge country. It so happens that due to unforeseen circumstances (natural disasters, quarantine), children cannot go to school. If this lasts 3-4 days, then the students are able to catch up with the program. But in cases where students do not attend an educational institution for more than a week, it is possible to change the vacation schedule. Or some weekends can be educational.

How to organize your holidays

Before leaving for the holidays, all children should listen to instructions on how to behave correctly during the holidays. Homeroom teachers should explain to students what can and cannot be done.

A separate topic should be devoted to the rules road traffic, since a large number of road accidents involving children occur precisely during the holidays.

If pupils go on summer holidays, parents must inform where and with whom their children will be. Before summer break, parents should also listen to the briefing and sign for it.

How to keep your child busy on vacation

How fast children grow up. More recently, a baby snuffled comfortably in the crib. He constantly needed love and care: feed, change, calm down. Now he is already a schoolboy, a person, a person who is able to come home from school himself, change into home clothes, have something to eat, and even, if he is in the mood, wash the dishes and sit down for lessons. But it is too early for parents to relax. He is still a child and needs parental supervision and attention. Especially during the holidays, when a lot of free time falls on him. What you can do with your child on vacation largely depends on the time of the year in which they fall.

Autumn vacation

Autumn holidays are the first since the beginning of the school year. Autumn is a very beautiful time of the year. So that the child can appreciate all its charm, take him to the forest or park. There, the child can be shown what trees, shrubs and herbs grow in our area. Tell why the foliage falls in autumn and make a beautiful bouquet out of it. And at the same time, collect beautiful twigs, berries, cones and make fun crafts out of them, the ideas of which can be spied on the Internet or come up with something to your taste. Such items can be a great gift for grandparents or home decoration. They will help preserve the memory of a beautifully spent autumn day. Autumn holidays are followed by winter ones.

Winter holiday

In winter, it's time to get sleds, skis or skates from the mezzanine. If there is no money for ski resort or an indoor skating rink - it doesn't matter. You can have a great time with a sled on the nearest slide or yard skating rink, if there is one. And having dashed off to make a snowman, play snowballs or just lie in the snow.

Spring break

You can also spend spring break outdoors. Put on rubber boots and become brave captains of paper boats that can be launched in the surrounding streams and puddles. Or go to the park to admire the nature that comes to life after winter. If you collect a bouquet of twigs with buds and, when you come home, put them in water, then soon tiny leaves will appear on them. Not only a child, but also adults will be happy to follow their gradual appearance.

Summer vacations

Summer vacation the longest in time and the most suitable for outdoor recreation. Parents have the opportunity to come up with something new at least every day. Biking, rollerblading or hiking. Hiking and kayaking on the river or relaxing on the beach. Football, beach volleyball or family picnics. Picking berries and mushrooms or reading a book on a park bench. It all depends on the temperament, physical capabilities, or just the mood of the parents and the child.

If the weather is poor.

Outdoor recreation is very useful for all family members, but if, suddenly, the weather is completely inclement: be it unbearable heat in summer, drizzling autumn rain or fierce winter cold, you can always go to the theater, museum, library, water park or sit in a cozy cafe.

At home with a child

Unfortunately, sometimes it happens that there are plans, but the weather or the health of one of the family members fails. Then many can come to the rescue board games, fun charades, handicrafts, reading aloud, or family movies. The main thing is not to be lazy and not to be afraid to come up with something new. After all, the ease and attitude with which the subsequent study period of your treasure will pass depends on how much the holidays are spent with the benefit of the soul and body.

School vacations are loved and long-awaited not only for millions of students in our country, but also for their parents. In order to successfully plan the winter vacation period at school and the schedule of their vacations, parents should know the schedule of New Year's holidays for 2019-2020 and the dates when their children begin their studies. This way they will be able to adjust the time of their vacations and other events to the period of rest of the schoolchildren. At this time, the whole family can go on a trip to the country house, plan trips to museums, theaters and other entertainment programs.

Holidays are not only for children. This is a wonderful and long-awaited time, which always passes incredibly quickly and, often very brightly, is available to adult citizens of Russia. Every year, at the legislative level, the country's authorities decide when and how many days residents of the state will have the opportunity to take a break from working days. As a rule, such a calendar of holidays and weekends applies only to officially arranged citizens working in the public sector of the labor market, and this also applies to schoolchildren and students.

Holidays, as well as the time of general holidays for all, are determined by the Labor Code. Russian Federation... According to this state document, in 2020, in the month of January, we will rest in accordance with the wording, which is enshrined in the TC and is called "New Year's Holidays". This concept includes the numbers from January 1st to January 8th inclusive. This general rule has been in effect on the territory of our country since 2012 and suits our fellow citizens completely. True, some servants of the people are trying to introduce an initiative to extend the period of holidays and add December 31 to them. But so far this amendment has not officially passed, and we will rest in accordance with the Labor Code.

In 2019-2020, the New Year will begin, as always, on the night of January 1, 2020. Russians will have the opportunity not to go to work from January 1 to January 8 inclusive. Loved by all Old new Year will fall in 2020 at the beginning of the week, and therefore, here the residents of Russia will not have the opportunity to rest and relax. So, if you adhere to the tradition of celebrating this controversial but fun day, then be patient and wait until the end of the working day on January 13th. And remember that on January 14 you will be back to work in the morning, in this sense, Russian legislation did not provide for indulgence for citizens.

New Year's calendar of working days and days off for the New Year 2020

The days when the whole family can enjoy a serene vacation in January are the longest, and therefore long-awaited. In the coming year 2020, no exceptions are foreseen in this sense. Russian citizens are planning various trips with the whole family for these days. This time really gives people an atmosphere of kindness and family warmth. New Year's holidays are like a little vacation that people really value and which they carefully plan.

The first of January falls in the middle of the week, it will be Wednesday. New Year's holidays will last from this day until January 8 inclusive. But on January 4 and 5, which fell on Saturday and Sunday in the calendar, in the future they will definitely return to themselves the status of a full-fledged holiday weekend. They will be rescheduled for another time. There is no exact information yet on how the authorities will dispose of these days off. Perhaps the New Year holidays will be extended, and we will go to work not on January 9, but only on January 11. In this case, the 2020 New Year holidays will be incredibly large. Another option is that this couple of days will go to May and will complement the weekend period as part of the May Day holiday, or two days will be added to Victory Day. In any case, Russians should not worry, people will definitely get their legal holidays, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation simply will not allow other scenarios.

If we talk about the production calendar, then everything here depends on the specific organization. In many spheres of production and services, there is an irregular working day, where people work 12 hours or even days. For these categories of the working population, these features need to be taken into account when drawing up an appropriate schedule. In general, across the country, with a 5-day working week, when a person works 8 hours every day, the following features of accounting for working and non-working hours in the first month of 2020 can be determined.

In January 2020, the total number of days - 31. Official working days in January - 17. Number of non-working days - 14. Postponements holidays for other dates - 2 (January 4 and 5).

Where to go on vacation?

Where to go in Russia in winter? When the long winter holidays come, many parents have a question: where to go or go with the child, so that he would be interested so that he does not spend all the holidays in front of the TV or computer. Of course, a lot is organized for children, but I would like variety, so that not only Christmas trees, and that children take a walk in the fresh air.

There are interesting places where you can go with children from Moscow or the cities of the Moscow region. This is the reindeer farm "Reindeer", which is located in the village of Antsifirovo, Orekhovo-Zuevsky district, not far from the city of Yegoryevsk.

The farm is located right in the forest, among a beautiful snow-covered forest and fields. Children will have a lot of fun sledding on a real reindeer sleigh on a snow-covered field.

Happy New Year 2020 for schoolchildren

Modern children are the same boys and girls as 10 years ago, but with some differences. And this is understandable - when times change, it is the children who are the first to pick up the wind of change. Today the guys still love to communicate, have fun, make plans and fool around, as before. Only now the methods have changed a little. Most of the older guys these days school age communicate, get to know each other, make friends, find entertainment on the Internet.

What about the holidays? How do today's children prefer to spend their weekends, especially when the holiday period lasts as long as during the winter holidays? Among the dominant entertainment for schoolchildren during the New Year holidays, the following options can be distinguished:

schoolchildren create New Year's chats on the Internet and communicate with peers on a variety of topics;

  • are engaged in photography, because on New Year's holidays there are many wonderful places and decorations, against which your selfie will look very attractive. After that, most often the guys arrange unspoken contests for the best photo on Instagram and other virtual networks;
  • play in computer games over the network when competitions are held with real people;
  • if, nevertheless, children get tired of surfing the Internet, then they choose for themselves a sports and entertainment type of leisure. This includes slides, ice rinks, ski resorts, and so on;
  • visiting cinemas, since during the New Year holidays, as a rule, a huge number of film premieres, both foreign and domestic directors, are released;
  • the organization of so-called "apartment houses", when the parents went to their relatives, and the children invite friends to their home for a festive party.

Exciting winter holidays 2019-2020 for students

The New Year will come very soon, the session and exams are behind us, and now it’s time for students to have a good rest and gain strength before the next academic period. How to entertain yourself during such a long vacation, which the state gives us at the beginning of January? Sitting in front of the TV all days, eating salads, is perhaps not the most promising prospect, especially for young people.

There are quite a few options for spending a useful and exciting holiday weekend. The main thing is not to get lost in this variety, but to draw up a more or less clear plan and try to stick to it.

Who are the students? These people are already quite adults, but in fact most of them are still real children! Therefore, the way of spending leisure time in a student environment is a cross between children's fun and adult leisure. During the New Year holidays for students of all ages, we offer the following options for activities:

  • a trip to the country of your dreams;
  • a trip to the mountains in the company of like-minded people;
  • meetings with old friends, classmates and classmates;
  • organizing sports activities, for example, the option to gather friends, rent laser tag equipment and go to the nearest forest for a true adrenaline rush;
  • going to nightlife in your city;
  • participation in various master classes and quests;
  • a trip to a ski resort;
  • visiting memorable places hometown and the region in which he was born and raised;
  • going to the theater or cinema;
  • spending evenings in a coffee shop in the company of a loved one;
  • a trip to relatives in another city.

How the Russians spent their winter holidays on New Year's holidays 2019, see the video:

Holidays are the most favorite time for students. And even those who left the school walls a long time ago recall the times of rest with a cheerful smile. Both pupils and their parents are waiting for a break in the educational process, but the autumn ones - the very first ones - are waiting with special impatience.

When will the rest begin

Many students, and their parents as well, notice that in different educational institutions the autumn holidays fall on different time... The reason for this discrepancy is the learning process adopted in each particular school. The academic year can be divided into either four parts - quarters, or three - trimesters. At the end of each part, be sure to take a short break. The 2018-2019 academic year is no exception.

For schools with teaching in quarters

The minimum time allotted for rest in the fall is one week. Schools prefer to start on Monday and end on Sunday, respectively. This facilitates the process of distributing the load, plus it helps schoolchildren to adapt more easily, to get involved in studies after a break.

As a rule, in institutions with a quarterly education system, the first holidays fall in October, most often in the last week of the month. Autumn holidays 2018-2019 will not be an exception - the rest will begin on October 29. But with the date of the beginning of the second quarter, some questions may arise.

The fact is that the autumn holidays of the 2018-2019 academic year are the Day of National Unity - an important public holiday, and therefore a general day off. It is celebrated on November 4, Sunday. According to the law on the transfer of holidays, the day off will be the next day after the holiday - Monday 5 November. Thus, the holidays are extended for another day, and instead of seven days, schoolchildren will have a rest for eight. And if we add to this the official days off before the start of the rest - Saturday, October 27 (if the school has five days) and Sunday, October 28, then schoolchildren will have a rest in the fall for nine or even ten days.

Let's summarize:

  • Autumn holidays in 2018-2019 - from October 29 to November 5 inclusive.
  • The last day of school in the first quarter is October 26 or 27. The second quarter will start on November 6th.

For schools with teaching by trimesters

With trimester training, it is somewhat easier to calculate the beginning of the break. In this process, rest time and study time alternate with enviable regularity: four or five weeks of study are followed by a week off. That is, a short break in the middle of the trimester and rest at the end of the trimester. It may seem to someone that with such a training system there are more days off than with a quarter. In fact, the total rest time in both systems is almost the same - the difference can be literally a couple of days.

Students on the trimester system will be able to rest twice in the fall - at the beginning of October and at the end of November.

  • Autumn holidays 2018-2019 in the middle of the trimester - from 8 to 14 October
  • Autumn holidays 2018-2019 at the end of the term - from November 19 to 25.

School plans: study and rest

How is the schedule for school year? Why is there a different number of breaks each year? Is it really impossible to prescribe strict dates for the first and last days of rest once and for all in school rules, so as not to ask each year the question of when the rest will begin? Let's try to figure it out.

The school administration finally determines the time period during which there is a break in studies. This right is assigned to educational institutions at the legislative level. The reason is simple: it is not always possible for schools to follow the curriculum "from and to", clearly following every letter and every number written in the documents. In fact, sometimes force majeure circumstances occur, due to which plans have to be adjusted already in the learning process. Accidents (for example, a breakthrough of a sewer or a heating pipe), natural disasters (severe frosts or rains that threaten flooding), a state of emergency in the region, outbreaks of diseases (flu quarantine, for example) - there can be a lot of reasons. And in order to educational process did not suffer from force majeure, schools are left with the right to change the schedule - reduction or postponement of the dates of the beginning and end of quarters or trimesters.

Before the start of the school year, the Ministry of Education issues an order indicating the total length of study time and rest time. So, in 2018-2019, at least 30 days are allotted for holidays in total. And regardless of whether training is conducted in terms of trimesters or in quarters, students of all schools in the country will have to rest for at least a month for the whole year (not counting the summer break).

Traditionally, schoolchildren who study in quarters take two weeks off in winter. This year's winter holidays are from December 26, 2018 to January 8, 2019. There are additional vacations for first graders - they will be held from February 25 to March 3. This is necessary in order to dose the load and not overwhelm the baby with studies from head to toe. Such additional vacations will help those lagging behind to catch up with the rest, and those who are already doing well with their studies - just take a breath.

Some difficulties can be caused by calculating the first school day in 2019. The long New Year and Christmas winter holidays, when both adults and children rest, usually last exactly ten days - the first ten days of January. But in 2019, the winter "vacation" will be somewhat shorter than usual.

The reason is the Christmas holidays. Christmas, although not on the list of public holidays, is an official day off. That is, in relation to this date, the law on the transfer of holidays comes into force.

But January 7 and 8 - Christmas days - fall on Monday and Tuesday. This means that no transfers and prolongation of the usual rest are expected. And the first working day in 2019 for everyone, including schoolchildren, will be Wednesday, January 9th.

When will there be winter holidays at the school where they study in terms of trimesters

The entire period of study will be divided into 6 terms, between which there will be a minimum of 7 days for children to rest. On average, one trimester takes 5 or 6 weeks.

The educational process will be structured as follows

  1. Third trimester. The new period of study starts on November 25 and will take 5 weeks. This period will be the finish line before the onset of the New Year holidays and extended vacations, during which the whole country rests. The last day of study will take place on December 27th.
  2. Fourth trimester. The next segment of training will begin on Wednesday January 9, 2019 and will last almost 6 weeks, until February 15.
  3. Fifth trimester. From February 25 to April 5, the educational process will again be active. During it, schoolchildren will celebrate Women's Day, having rest for 3 days off.
  4. Sixth trimester. The final trimester will be long, but it will have a record number of holidays. Therefore, starting on April 15, it will last until May 24 and will take 6 weeks. During the May holidays, Wednesday 1st May will be closed, as well as Thursday and Friday 9th and 10th May. The school year 2018-2019 will end with the last call, and schoolchildren will have a rest all summer.

Moreover, the total number of rest days is the same for all systems. This is 30 days during the school year (for first graders - 35 days) and three months in summer.

How to find out the exact dates of the winter break at school

The vacation schedule in schools in various Russian regions during the school period may undergo minor changes due to the postponement of holidays and decisions of the local school administration. Only in Moscow does the Department of Education establish a unified educational schedule for students using the traditional and modular system.

The exact calendar of school holidays for the 2018-2019 school year can be found in the most appropriate way.

  1. Go to the official information portal of the educational institution, where there is a calendar schedule for the academic year.
  2. The child's electronic diary should also contain information about the rest periods in the information section for parents or in the news and announcements section.
  3. The class teacher is obliged to provide such information to the parents, since the curriculum is drawn up in the summer and the vacation schedule is approved in advance.
  4. For rest periods during the school year, contact the secretary by calling the school reception.

Possessing all the necessary information, parents can plan in advance the upcoming joint vacation with their child.

Holidays are periods of rest from school for schoolchildren.

In Moscow, the vacation schedule is established by the city Department of Education. It is the same for all schools.

Winter holiday

Winter period school holidays depends on the teaching system adopted at the school.

Students have a quarterly rest in winter once: in late December - early January. Vacations last 10-14 days. First graders receive an additional one week winter weekend in February.

Students in terms of trimester rest twice in winter: in late December - early January and in February. The first vacation lasts 10-14 days, the second - a week.

Winter holidays in the 2017-2018 academic year when studying in quarters (Moscow)

For students on quarters in Moscow, the winter holidays in the 2017-2018 academic year will be held from Monday, January 1 to Wednesday, January 10, 2018 inclusive. In fact, the rest will begin on Saturday, December 30 (with a five-day training system). Students will start classes on Thursday, January 11th.

Winter holidays in the 2017-2018 academic year when studying in quarters (regions of the Russian Federation)

For students in quarters in the regions of Russia (all except Moscow), the winter holidays in the 2017-2018 academic year will run from Monday December 25, 2017 to Monday January 8, 2018 inclusive. In fact, the rest will begin on Saturday, December 23 (with a five-day training system). Schoolchildren will start classes on Tuesday January 9th, after the end of the New Year holidays.

First graders will receive an additional winter break from Monday 19 February (in fact, from Saturday 17 February) to Sunday 25 February 2018.

Winter holidays in the 2017-2018 academic year when studying in terms of trimesters (Moscow)

For students in terms of terms in Moscow, the winter holidays in the 2017-2018 academic year will last 2 periods:

  • from Monday January 1 to Wednesday January 10, 2018 inclusive (in fact, the rest will start from Saturday December 30 - with a five-day training system);

Winter holidays in the 2017-2018 academic year when studying by trimester (regions of the Russian Federation)

For students in terms of terms in the regions of Russia (all except Moscow), the winter holidays in the 2017-2018 academic year will last 2 periods:

  • from Monday December 25, 2017 to Monday January 8, 2018 inclusive (in fact, the rest will start from Saturday December 23 - with a five-day training system);
  • from Monday 19 February to Sunday 25 February 2018 (in fact, the rest will begin on Saturday 17 February - with a five-day training system).

Additional holidays

The administration of an educational institution may introduce additional holidays in winter if:

The air temperature is below -25 ° С (for students of grades 1-4), -28 ° С (grades 5-9) and -30 ° С (grades 10-11);

The temperature in classrooms is below +18 ° С;

The epidemic threshold of morbidity exceeds 25% of the total number of students in the school.