Drinking famous people. Celebrity Alcoholics: Actors and other famous alcoholics. Women who overcame addiction

Dirty torn "sweatpants" with stretched knees, an old greasy vest, a staggering gait of a chess horse - this is how we always imagine a classic "drunk", with disheveled hair and an unshaven, bluish face. But what can we imagine, such characters often live next to us, in the same house! And we constantly encounter them at the grocery store, see them dozing on benches or lying in playgrounds.

Their name is Ivanych or Petyunya, they idle in the yard all day, at best they work as a plumber or a loader in the market. They regularly bring their wife to tears, dishonor their children, annoy all the neighbors to hell. They got everyone, they hinder everyone with their uselessness, importunity and quarrelsomeness.

But there are other alcoholics: jack of all trades, kind people with an open soul, eccentrics who are fond of unusual hobbies, interesting intelligent interlocutors. And also great historical personalities and brilliant thinkers, fiery politicians and bright talents who did not extinguish even in the most insane state - but, alas, burned out too quickly in the fire of alcohol fumes. Those whom we respect and even love, whose opinion we listen to, whom we regularly vote for in elections ...

The first of famous stories great alcoholics was Alexander the Great ... He inherited his passion for wine from his father, but other bad habits from his friends. All this brought him to his grave at the age of 33. A great admirer of Bacchus was his contemporary Diogenes ... The philosopher who lived in a barrel was content with a jug of wine and a couple of flatbreads a day, but in sex he preferred masturbation - moreover, in public. But he was distinguished from an ordinary drunken Greek by his great intellect, infinite eloquence and an unbearably bilious character. Diogenes did not go into his pocket for a word and mercilessly sarcastically at them all, for him there was nothing sacred - and as a result he became the founder of the philosophy of cynics. At the same time, the obnoxious old man lived for 85 years! As soon as he was tolerated ...

Three pillars of medieval culture and science were also wine lovers: Omar Khayyam and Avicenna and Paracelsus ... Moreover, the first two did not just booze, but also sang drunkenness in verse - despite the fact that they lived in Islamic countries, where the use of alcohol was called sticks. But Paracelsus, in whose house it was not always possible to find clean water, but plenty of strong wines and alcohol, once decided to wash their wounds with them - and so he discovered the first disinfectant.

The great Ukrainian poet often found consolation or inspiration in wine. Taras Shevchenko ... This little-known side of Kobzar's life was described in the book by Oles Buzina, published a decade and a half ago, which caused a storm of indignation among patriots who were offended for the debunking of the “shrine”. And completely in vain, since alcoholism among creative people is almost the norm of life.

Greatest American Writer Edgar Poe not just drinking, he was repeatedly hospitalized with delirium tremens, from which he died at the age of forty. True, having managed to create a mass of immortal works - some of which were born in his imagination, restless in the vapors of alcohol. His fellow countryman Jack London passed the hardest life path, which then became the basis for his books, which amaze the imagination of urban dwellers. And a bottle of whiskey helped him go all this way - he honestly told the readers about it in the biographical story "Jack - Barleycorn".

Ernest Hemingway believed that "an intelligent person is sometimes forced to get drunk in order to endure communication with fools." Probably, fools were drawn to him, because with the growth of his popularity the writer got drunk more and more often. Over the years, disillusioned with life, he found its meaning at the bottom of the bottle, and argued that "whiskey is food for the soul." In the end, he drank himself to the point of depression and shot himself.

Until now, many famous American writers of the 20th century are remembered not only for their books, but also for their favorite bars - which became their museums, which still serve their favorite alcoholic cocktails. Hemingway loved the mojito Francis Fitzgerald "Ricky's gin" William Faulkner "Mint julep" Charles Bukowski - vodka with beer. “Drinking is like a form of suicide, where the next day you come alive again. I've done this 15 thousand times already! " - once declared Bukowski.

Domestic literary geniuses also loved to pawn by the collar. Sergey Yesenin and Alexander Blok did not crawl out of the taverns, where inspiration rolled over them - and then they wrote their poems on napkins, bills, shirt fronts, cuffs. Famous writers booze in black Alexander Kuprin and Yuri Olesha ... Alcohol caused the death of the composer Modesta Mussorgsky and singer Vladimir Vysotsky .

You can almost always smell alcohol and set, especially if star celebrities are invited to the main roles. Drank mercilessly for such great actors as Oleg Dal, Yuri Bogatyrev, Vladimir Basov, Andrey Panin, Vladislav Galkin. Today the captives of the green serpent remain Tatiana Dogileva, Alexey Nilov and Mikhail Efremov - so inimitable roguish drunkards playing in the movies.

Actor Georgy Yumatov during his life he suffered many shocks, and by old age he was already used to pouring vodka over his grief. Once his dog Frosya died, his only close creature (the actor lived alone), and after her funeral he quarreled with the janitor, who, without thinking, blurted out “it would be better if the Germans won the war”. But Yumatov did not just play Soviet heroes, he sincerely shared their beliefs - and therefore these words became like a slap in the face for him. Grief and alcohol clouded the old man's mind, and the actor shot the chatty janitor with his hunting rifle.

“At thirteen - fourteen years old I drank five glasses of vodka at a time. But then we drank not because we wanted alcohol, but because of idiocy, "- said the actor Mikhail Boyarsky , the famous Soviet d'Artagnan throughout the country. His career was reminiscent of an explosion at a Chinese pyrotechnics factory: in a few years he became a star of the first magnitude, who was recognized by both old and young, and his movie characters were never boring. And all this time, the actor regularly celebrated his creative successes, until one day he was crushed by diabetes. He had to be treated and tied, although, according to Boyarsky, life without vodka became black and white for him. “And in general it is a sin to die sober,” the actor sighs.

Elite Piaf drank so much that she crawled out into the street on all fours and barked at passers-by. van Gogh in a drunken stupor he cut off his ear. Arkady Gaidar having sucked himself into the trash, he walked around Moscow in his underwear. Christian Slater binges were brought to jail five times, and Mel Gibson, who has been drinking since the age of 13 , incited either to fight with the police, or to push anti-Semitic sermons. And, nevertheless, for us they remain unsurpassed geniuses and talents!

"Stop drinking, go in for sports!" - we often hear this call, not realizing that one does not interfere with the other. In any case, there are many famous athletes who, it would seem, should personify healthy image life, regularly take on the chest not only the barbell. Football stars became famous for drunken drunks Paul Gascoigne, Manet Garrincha, Tony Adams, Brazilians Edmundo and Adriano ... English actor Vinnie Jones in his youth he played for Chelsea and Wimbledon, and was distinguished not only by his violence and pugnacity, but also by his great addiction to beer and scotch ...

Interestingly, according to a beautiful legend about the choice of religion for Kievan Rus, love played a decisive role in this choice Prince Vladimir for intoxicating drinks. “There is joy in Russia, it cannot be without it,” he explained to the Muslim delegation.

"This is the best medicine for all sorrows," he once said Bohdan Khmelnytsky holding out a cup of wine to his colonel. According to contemporaries, the greatest Ukrainian hetman was also the greatest drinker, sometimes going into binges for a week - and fully justifying his surname. The fame of his drunken partying reached Moscow, where Khmelnitsky became a kind of symbol of the Orthodox Bacchus. However, historians have the opinion that the cunning hetman drank much less than it seemed, and simply skillfully played others in his interests - after all, what is the demand from a drunken man?

But the modern Ukrainian politician Yuri Lutsenko on the contrary, he became a prisoner of the image created by the press. It all started a few years ago with his drunken scandal at the Frankfurt airport. After this incident, journalists began to closely look at Lutsenko, noting his every appearance in a drunken state. So gradually Lutsenko got the role of a drunkard, which, in particular, was played in the comic animated series "Fairy Russia".

But, as we have already noted, alcohol does not detract from the qualities of a person - if, of course, he has them. Politicians are no exception here, and in general, many great reformers have applied to the bottle: Peter the Great, Joseph Stalin, Boris Yeltsin ... Suffered from alcoholism and Friedrich Engels - a well-known associate of the founder of Marxism.

The famous drunkard was Mustafa Kemal Ataturk who created modern Turkey from the decayed Ottoman Empire. They say that it was precisely the love of French wines that was the main reason, according to which he raised a rebellion against the Islamic order and reformed Turkey on the European model. But they also killed him: Ataturk died of cirrhosis ...

It cannot be denied that alcoholism is a complex disease that seriously harms a person. However, in our time, it is not only ordinary homeless people or the average static inhabitants of the planet who suffer from it. But also a huge number of celebrities. And history can remind of talented people who were drunkards.

Hollywood alcoholics

  • The list of famous alcoholic actors opens with the handsome pirate Johnny Depp. In his interviews, he repeatedly confessed his love for alcoholic beverages. And even demanded that after he died, he was put in a barrel of whiskey. His drunken stories have been retold by word of mouth for years. He even tried to go to doctors, but it is still not known whether he managed to quit this addiction.
  • Robert Downey Jr. His love of alcohol almost took his career away. Film studios one after another broke off all relations with him. And one day, in a drunken stupor, he entered the house of his neighbors and fell asleep in their daughter's bed. They expelled him from there with the help of the police.
  • Mel Gibson. Actor with a long history of alcoholic. I got acquainted with drunkenness at the age of 13. Since then, he has been fighting an unsuccessful war with this addiction, almost bringing himself to suicide.
  • Zac Efron. This handsome, slender actor, having got rid of drugs, became addicted to alcohol, ruining his life with incredible zeal.
  • Shia LaBeouf. The star of the epic "Transformers" has repeatedly admitted that alcohol has ruined his life and career. Scandals based on alcoholism terrified spectators at the performance, visitors at the club and colleagues at work.
  • Former husband Avril Lavigne was hospitalized in serious condition due to alcohol. The lead singer of Sum 41 was on the edge of the abyss and nearly died.
  • Christian Slater. The actor often ends up in the police for drunken scandals. Also, everyone knows about the frequent binges of this handsome man.

Russian alcoholics

Russian alcoholics are no less famous. Among them are actors, singers, honored workers of our country.

  • Mikhail Efremov. A talented actor considers the fight against alcohol useless. And I stopped wasting time on this a long time ago.
  • Philip Kirkorov. Even his ex-wife Alla Pugacheva complained about the "pop king". And it is no longer a secret for anyone that he loves to attach himself to strong drinks.
  • The singer's voice is mesmerizing. But Leps himself does not at all try to hide his addiction, and he is not going to cure his craving for alcohol.
  • Sergei Shnurov. The outrageous singer admits that alcohol helps him in his work. Therefore, on stage, he always performs podshofe.
  • Alexey Panin. The internet is replete with videos of a drunken actor. His antics are so immoral that many already doubt his mental state.
  • Marat Basharov. Recently, the actor was seen drunk driving a car in which his daughter was also. And when he beat his wife, they say that he was drunk too.

Other famous Russian alcoholics include Alexei Nilov and Alexander Domogarov.

Alcoholic Writers

  • It is known that Edgar Allan Poe got drunk to a delirium tremens, fought with ghosts and was repeatedly sent to the hospital. As a result, he died from a blockage of blood vessels in a drunken stupor. Until now, unknown people leave a bottle of whiskey at his grave.
  • Erich Maria Remarque. The author of the famous work "All Quiet on the Western Front" was also a big drinker.
  • Sergey Donatovich Dovlatov. Russian writer. He wrote ironic stories about emigrants abroad, while simultaneously kissing the coveted bottle.
  • Ernest Hemingway. American writer and journalist committed suicide. However, during his lifetime he adored mojito and games with death.
  • The Czech writer drank a lot and wandered around. He died at the age of 39.
  • Sergey Yesenin. All the newspapers of those times wrote about the drunken antics of the famous Russian poet. He got drunk before epileptic seizures and had absolutely no control over himself.

  • Jack London. His work was inseparable from whiskey. He sincerely told about this in his book "Jack Barleycorn".
  • Taras Shevchenko. Ukrainian poet who looked for inspiration in wine.

This list is also supplemented by Yuri Olesha, Yuri Nagibin, Nikolai Rubtsov, Mikhail Sholokhov, Vyacheslav Ivanov, Yuri Kazakov, Vasily Belov, Charles Bukovsky, Alexander Kuprin and Alexander Blok.

Drunken Scientists

There are also famous alcoholic scientists in history.

  • Famous Russian physicist, popularizer of science. Drowned my genius talent in a glass of booze. Which, however, did not prevent him from becoming a significant person in the history of science.
  • Omar Khayyam. Only the lazy does not quote this famous scientist and poet. But he also loved to kiss the bottle of alcohol.
  • Paracelsus. Medical scientist. It was he who invented the first pill in the world. He loved to drink very much, and even wrote his own scientific work intoxicated.
  • Diogenes. Philosopher Ancient Greece could not refuse wine. And he wrote down his views under the influence of a harmful drink.

World famous alcoholics

  • In the list of the most famous alcoholics in the world, the first place, undoubtedly, is occupied by Alexander the Great. As a great admirer of Dionysus, the great commander conquered half the world. However, he also became famous for his hard drinking. After another such binge, he died.
  • Anacreon. The ancient Greek poet was famous for orgies and feasts. Ironically, the grape seed in the wine was the cause of his death.
  • Peter the First. The reformer, who brought a lot of new things to Russia, loved feasts and feasts. Before him, vodka did not know such popularity in Russia and was considered a German drink.
  • Alexander the Third. This is a tsar who loved his wife and ... vodka very much. That's why he died, ruining his liver.
  • Frank Sinatra. A mind-blowing career, millions of fans and his beloved wife could not keep him from sinful addiction. Even in the afterlife, he left with a bottle of whiskey, which was placed in his coffin.
  • Vincent Van Gogh. Perhaps the most famous alcoholic in the world. The Dutch impressionist was famous for drunken brawls, in one of which he cut off his earlobe. He loved absinthe and drank a lot, like his colleague Picasso. He eventually committed suicide by shooting himself in the head.
  • Francis Scott Fitzgerald. The author of "The Great Gatsby" was having a good time with his wife, who survived him, but in a psychiatric clinic.
  • Stephen King. The greatest writer of our time admitted that he wrote many of his works in a drunken stupor.
  • Lord Byron. A very controversial figure about whom there were many rumors. But his love for alcohol, alas, is not a rumor, but a true truth.
  • Nero. The emperor of the Roman Empire followed his passion for the rest of his life.
  • Benjamin Franklin. His portrait is depicted on dollar bills. This American politician suffered from syphilis and loved Madeira very much.

On the Internet, you can find many photos of famous alcoholics, in which they are depicted with a bottle or glass.

Long-lived alcoholics

Probably, every person has heard the phrase "alcohol kills" at least once in his life. But there were also famous long-lived alcoholics who proved by their own example that this is not always the case.

  • Queen Elizabeth. George VI's wife drank a wide variety of alcoholic beverages during the day. Despite this, the favorite of the people lived to a ripe old age and died at the age of 101.
  • Politiman. The surgeon lived for 140 years. However, he drank every day.
  • Henry Miller. A writer whose works described the lives of dissolute women, the elite of society, their addiction to alcohol and other vices. He died, despite drinking, at the age of 88.
  • Winston Churchill. The famous politician ruled Britain with one hand and held a glass of cognac in the other. It is difficult to imagine this person without a glass and a cigar. He lived to be 90 years old.

They conquered drunkenness

Fortunately, there are many famous alcoholics who quit drinking and live full lives.

  • Anthony Hopkins. The famous Hannibal Lecter got drunk to hell. And this would have continued for a long time, if not for the incident that happened to him after another booze. He just woke up in the morning in a completely different state and did not remember anything. After that, he joined AA (Society of Alcoholics Anonymous). And since then I have never drunk alcohol.
  • Eminem. There was a time when the rapper almost died from an overdose. But he managed to pull himself together in time, which is no small merit of Elton John. Now he's famous again and has regained his top positions in the charts.
  • Elton John. The famous homosexual distinguished himself not only by his alcohol addiction, but also by drugs, to which his manager taught him. His friend Ryan White helped restore it. And for more than 20 years, the artist has not been drinking.
  • Ian McGregor. The actor of the movie "Trainspotting" decided to quit drinking when he lost almost everything and became ashamed of his reflection in the mirror.
  • Stephen Tyler. The vocalist of Aerosmith used drugs and alcohol. After the group began to lose its popularity, he underwent rehabilitation.
  • Ben Affleck. He was treated for alcoholism in 2001. Ten years later, he fell through at the Sundance Awards. But I was able to pull myself together again and cope with the addiction. The brilliant actor and director won an Oscar for Operation Argo.
  • Daniel Radcliffe. "Harry Potter" sometimes came to the shooting drunk. He was treated several times, but again went into a binge. Now he does not drink, but how long he can hold out - no one knows.

  • Alec Baldwin. For almost 10 years, he fell asleep with a bottle. He was helped by a man whom he passed almost every day. The pity in his eyes sobered the actor, and with the help of A.A. he quit drinking.

Politics in a bottle

Among the mighty of the world this also can be found lovers of the green serpent.

  • Boris Yeltsin. This ruler has repeatedly dishonored Russia with his drunken antics. The whole country watched him as he danced drunkenly at receptions or played on the head of the Kyrgyz president.
  • George W. Bush. In America, he was known not only as a president, but also as an example for people who want to quit drinking.
  • Kim Jong Il. Ruler North Korea a great lover of cognac and cigars, which reminds Winston Churchill.
  • Reformer, first president, Turkish Lenin. As soon as this famous politician was called. He died of cirrhosis of the liver, which he received from his beloved cancer (aniseed vodka).

Of the modern politicians who are clearly friends or were friends with a glass, M. Poroshenko, S. Nakagava, L. Kuchma and others are noted.

Women and wine

There are many famous alcoholics and women on the list.

  • Betty Ford. President Ford's wife battled alcoholism for many years and established a clinic for others with similar problems.
  • Edith Piaf. This talented singer was accustomed to wine as a child, which led her to alcoholism.
  • Galina Brezhneva. This woman had everything one could dream of. But the passion for vodka was stronger. Having lost everything she had, she died in a mental hospital.
  • Tatiana Dogileva. Beautiful woman and the beautiful actress was ruled by alcohol for a very long time. Most recently, she was able to overcome this addiction in herself, but the external changes are too obvious.
  • Lera Kudryavtseva. She managed to stop thanks to her son, whom she was afraid to leave an orphan.
  • Larisa Guzeeva. The lover of feasts was able to quit the addiction and now leads a healthy lifestyle.

Among the Western beauties who have overcome alcoholism, Britney Spears, Kelly Osbourne, Drew Barrymore, Paris Hilton, Lara Stone, Lindsay Lohan, Courtney Love, etc. are distinguished.

Alcoholic athletes

It would seem that sports and alcohol are incompatible things. But no, not in this case.

  • Mike Tyson. Famous for his addiction to alcohol and drugs.
  • The footballer promised to stop, but ...
  • Adriano. The Brazilian footballer combined night out with morning workouts.
  • Sisinho. The Brazilian defender does not make excuses in front of society and claims that he would take drugs if he was not afraid of doping tests.

And also like to drink A. Bugaev, G. Tumilovich, P. Gascoigne, A. Milevsky, T. Adams.

Departed from life

Many celebrities who are no longer alive were famous for their familiar attitude with alcohol: V. Vysotsky, V. Galkin, Yu. Bogatyrev, A. Panin, V. Tsoi, O. Dal, N. Eremenko, Yu. Hoy and many a lot others.

Bill Wilson and A.A.

In 1935, Bill Wilson and friend Bob Smith formed the Society of Alcoholics Anonymous. A hard-core drunkard, Wilson achieved tremendous heights in his career, but did not become happy even with great wealth. Only AA saved him.

Today it is one of the best organizations, whose activities have allowed many famous alcoholic people to get rid of addiction.

Despite the fact that alcoholism is often found among disadvantaged people, famous alcoholics are also known to the world. Sometimes even great people (politicians, rulers, actors, writers) could not resist addiction. Many greatest people ended their days in poverty, oblivion and disease due to alcohol addiction, but others were able to overcome the addiction and become popular and loved again. When you are a rich and famous person, alcoholism becomes a stigma that deprives you of work, friends, fans. In our article we will consider the fate of the most famous people of our country and the whole world who suffered from alcohol addiction.

The most famous male alcoholics

Many famous people could not refuse alcoholic beverages; some great military leaders, writers, reformers and even modern politicians depended on alcohol. So, the greatest drunkards in the world are the following people known to many of us:

  1. The first in the list of great people who are not indifferent to the bottle was. The booze killed him at the age of 33.
  2. The greatest philosopher Diogenes could never deny himself a drink. However, oddly enough, alcoholic beverages did not prevent him from learning the truth, making new discoveries and thinking logically. This man, despite his addiction, was able to live up to the age of 85.
  3. Such a great commander and tsar of Russia, like Peter the First, also could not refuse alcohol.
  4. Even Joseph Stalin was a big fan of drinking feasts. His favorite alcoholic drink was wine. He could drink it almost every day. And this did not prevent him from solving important state issues.
  5. The famous Turkish commander Mustafa Kemal Ataturk invested huge contribution in the creation of modern Turkey. But death overtook him not in battle, but through the fault of alcohol, since alcohol destroyed his liver.
  6. Another admirer of Bacchus can be called Prince Vladimir, who was very fond of entertaining feasts with drinking alcohol.
  7. Bohdan Khmelnitsky did not disdain alcohol either. He was convinced that wine should be drunk as a medicine for various problems. That is why he became famous in history as a lover of drunken celebrations.

Perhaps great writers, rulers and politicians drink alcohol because they are constantly under stress and their lives are quite intense and difficult, and alcohol allows you to relax. As for our time, such famous people of our time suffered from alcoholism:

  • Quite often, the Ukrainian politician Yuriy Lutsenko became the hero of anecdotes, press jokes and humorous shows because of his alcohol addiction. Although today we can say that this person was able to cope with addiction and take the path of a sober life, which allowed him to continue a successful political career.
  • Suffered from alcohol addiction and a great actor of the times Soviet Union Radner Muratov. Many of us will remember him for his role in the film "Gentlemen of Fortune". The life of this famous person ended in loneliness and poverty due to his passion for alcohol.

Alcohol killed many talented writers and poets of our country:

  • Starting at the age of 24, Sergei Yesenin was an ardent admirer of Bacchus. But, nevertheless, this did not prevent him from writing wonderful poetry. He repeatedly tried to cope with addiction, undergoing treatment in the clinic and referring to psychiatrists.
  • The writer Edgar Poe died of brain inflammation due to severe alcohol intoxication when he drank himself to a state of insanity.
  • Among the famous writers with alcohol addiction, it is worth mentioning Remarque and Ernest Hemingway. What they drink, these people did not even try to hide and kissed the bottle regularly. It is known that Hemingway committed suicide. Alcohol is believed to be the culprit of this tragedy.
  • The well-known drinking poet Omar Khayyam also could not refuse alcohol and kissed the bottle regularly, which did not prevent him from writing wonderful works.
  • Among the famous people who are addicted to alcohol, it is worth mentioning the writer Jack London.

Such famous Russian and Ukrainian writers as Alexander Kuprin, Taras Shevchenko, Alexander Blok also drank a lot. If we talk about famous foreign alcoholics, then we can name Stephen King, who claims that he created most of his great horror films in a state of alcoholic delirium.

You can also mention the great artist Vincent Van Gogh, who has repeatedly turned to psychiatric clinics for the treatment of alcohol addiction. The death of the famous composer Modest Mussorgsky is to blame for alcohol, which brought a person to a state of delirium tremens. One can only guess how many wonderful great works these people could create if alcohol addiction had not interfered with them, and if alcohol had not taken their lives.

Great women alcoholics

We all know that alcoholic celebrities are not only men, but also great women who are addicted to alcohol. There are many Russian celebrities and world stars among them:

  1. The world famous singer from France Edith Piaf became addicted to alcohol in her youth. She often drank to unconsciousness, which was the reason for her death in her youth.
  2. History knows another alcoholic woman - Galina Brezhneva. Due to her passion for alcoholic drinks, she lost her mind, which led to death within the walls of an insane asylum.
  3. The famous Russian actress Tatyana Dogileva still drinks. The reason for the addiction to alcohol was deep depression. This subsequently led to alcohol addiction.

Important: everyone knows that female alcoholism develops much faster and is more difficult to treat, nevertheless, there is famous women who were able to cope with alcohol addiction and continue a successful career and fulfilling life.

The following famous women have given us a wonderful example of successful healing from addiction:

  • TV presenter and actress Larisa Guzeeva was very fond of holidays and fun parties, at which she could not refuse alcohol. She became addicted to alcohol during her marriage to her first drug addicted husband. However, in the future, she was able to completely overcome her addiction and continue working on television.
  • Another TV presenter who was able to cope with addiction is Lera Kudryavtseva. She became addicted to alcohol after her first divorce, which plunged her into deep depression. But then the girl was able to give up alcohol. Now she does not drink alcohol even on holidays.
  • Despite her successful career and fame, Drew Barrymore also became addicted to alcohol. But then the girl was able to cope with herself and completely refused to drink alcohol, which allowed her to get rid of alcohol addiction.
  • Another famous woman who has successfully recovered from alcohol addiction is Kelly Osbourne. Kelly can be a good example of how much a person changes, giving up alcohol and embarking on the path of a sober life. Before that, she was quite plump and unattractive, but after giving up alcohol she took up her appearance, lost weight and became a very beautiful and successful girl.
  • Everyone knows the singer and actress Britney Spears, who, after the divorce, found solace in alcohol and drugs. But later she changed her mind, recovered from harmful addictions and continued a successful career. Her personal life also improved.
  • If Christine Davis did not drink alcohol, she would have been able to build a career as an actress much earlier. But at the age of 25, she simply could not imagine life without alcohol and, only when she got into the group of Alcoholics Anonymous, she was able to completely get rid of addiction and become successful.
  • Previously, Paris Hilton was arrested many times for drunk driving. But Lately she was able to overcome the craving for alcohol and no longer appears in society drunk.
  • The famous fashion model Lara Stone, due to frequent stress and stressful life, quite often relaxed with the help of alcohol. But after she realized that she had formed an addiction, she turned to specialists and completely got rid of the addiction.

Not many great and famous people have conquered alcoholism. Unfortunately, examples where celebrities were able to cope with addiction are not numerous. Many of them do not admit that alcohol has completely taken over their lives and are not going to be treated. So, today, rampant drunkenness captured the actress Courtney Love and Lidsay Lohan.

Famous alcoholic actors of Russia and the world

It has been proven that every third celebrity is prone to alcohol abuse. Most likely, this is due to their great popularity, the awareness of their greatness and solid fees. Alcoholism was especially widespread among actors:

  1. The famous actor, singer and poet was treated many times and still could not cope with his pernicious addiction. Due to alcoholism, he had repeated episodes of cardiac arrest. Despite the fact that everyone knew about the addiction, even after his death there are fans of Vysotsky's work.
  2. Such famous actors as Andrei Panin, Yuri Bogatyrev, Vladislav Galkin have been noticed in addiction to alcohol. The last of them died due to alcoholism in all alone at the age of 39.
  3. Numerous life upheavals caused alcoholism in old age for the actor Georgy Yumatov.
  4. Some talented Russian celebrities still cannot cope with their addiction. These are Alexander Domogarov, Mikhail Efremov, Marat Bashirov, Alexey Nilov.

Alcohol has a significant impact on the image of famous people, as they are constantly in sight of the public. As a result, such celebrities can lose their health, popularity, good looks. Over time, their career declines due to lack of professional demand. This often contributes to an even greater dependence, as the person begins to seek solace in alcohol.

Many of us would like to be in the shoes of famous people, because their life seems so carefree, wonderful, positive, successful. But, as experience shows, not everything is as smooth as it seems, and sometimes even stars in their lives have continuous negatives. As a result, many of them find a solution to their problems in a bottle, and sometimes in drugs. And even being rich and famous, recovering from alcoholism is quite difficult, and sometimes impossible.

In today's selection were those celebrities who managed to get rid of alcoholism, as well as those who to this day are struggling with this bad habit. So, 12 famous alcoholics in Hollywood.

1. Ben Affleck

Ben Affleck is one of the most famous alcoholics in Hollywood. According to the actor, bad habit he inherited from his father, who became so degraded that he turned into a homeless person. Ben himself had to undergo a long course of treatment, during which he repeatedly broke down. He recently revealed that he has finally completed 16 years of rehab and hopes that he will never return to the addiction again.

2. Johnny Depp

Another famous Hollywood alcoholic Johnny Depp. For a long time, Johnny and alcohol had very tender feelings. He even dreamed of being put in a barrel of whiskey after his death.

"I researched spirits deeply, and they obviously researched me the same way, and we found out that we get along just fine ..."

But in the end, after a series of ridiculous drunken antics, he realized that it was time to quit and turned to doctors for help. Whether he managed to finally get rid of his addiction to alcohol is unknown.

3. Demi Moore

Demi Moore has had problems with alcohol and illegal drugs more than once. Perhaps the celebrity inherited this addiction from her mother, a chronic alcoholic. Unfortunately on Demi family tradition did not end, her youngest daughter Tallulah, by her 22 years old, had already managed to visit a rehabilitation clinic.

4. Robert Downey Jr.

One of the famous alcoholics in Hollywood almost ruined his career because of alcohol and drugs. At one time, Robert drank so much that almost all film studios broke contracts with him. Once, having got drunk, he climbed into a neighbor's house and decided to sleep there a little. His sweet Dreams was interrupted by the police, who were called by the mistress of the house, who found a sleeping man in her daughter's crib.

5. Daniel Radcliffe

"Harry Potter" became friends with the green serpent at the age of 18. The new "friend" helped Daniel get rid of the depression that had seized him after filming in "Potterian". The actor admitted that after drinking, he turned into a completely different person:
"I can't say which person exactly - I don't remember, but it looked like chaos"

6. Mel Gibson

The Hollywood celebrity started drinking at age 13. Almost all of his adult life is an ongoing struggle with alcohol addiction. Once, when the addiction once again prevailed over him, Gibson even tried to commit suicide.

Due to a series of drunken antics and racist remarks, no one in Hollywood wanted to communicate with him for a long time. One night, Gibson called his girlfriend and, interspersed with foul language, wished to be raped by a "gang of blacks." In 2006, he swore and verbally abused two police officers who arrested him for drunk driving.

7. Lindsay Lohan

Lindsay Lohan takes an honorable place in the list of famous alcoholics in Hollywood. At 17, Lohan had everything one could dream of: fame, money, amazing looks and interesting work. And she lost all this due to the fact that she was carried away by alcohol. At the age of 30, Lohan turned into a real ruin and, moreover, morally sank. For example, while relaxing in one of the nightclubs in Moscow, she tried to accuse one of the visitors of stealing her phone. And this is in order not to pay the bill!

8. Shia LaBuff

The Transformers star was introduced to drugs and alcohol very early on. At the age of 11, he smoked his first marijuana cigarette, which his father gave him. By the actor's own admission, alcohol ruined his life. His hooligan antics have repeatedly shocked the public. So, in 2014, the actor was arrested for misconduct at the Studio 54 club on Broadway. During the performance, a drunken Shaya smoked, yelled and even insulted the actors and spectators. As the police escorted him out of the hall, an enraged LaBuff yelled: "Do you even know who I am !?"
In 2015, Shia underwent a rehabilitation course and since then, according to him, has not drunk.

9. Eva Mendes

Few people know that the beautiful Cuban woman suffered from alcohol addiction for a long time. It’s hard to believe, but behold, Eve was included in the list of famous alcoholics in Hollywood. With alcohol, she tried to relieve the stress of overwork at work. In 2008, Mendes went to rehab, and when she got out, she made the decision never to drink again. And now her motto is "Not a drop of alcohol!"

10. Colin Farrell

For over 10 years, Colin Farrell has been a staunch teetotaler. But it was not always so: “When I asked for help in 2005, the doctor asked me to list everything I had consumed during the week. My list was: three bottles of whiskey, twelve bottles of red wine, 60 pints of beer ... "

For 15 years, Farrell almost did not dry out, and when he began treatment, he needed to learn to communicate again: over the years of drunkenness, he forgot how to talk to people without alcohol doping.

11. Anthony Hopkins

By nature, Hopkins is a reserved and reserved person. He began to drink alcohol to feel more relaxed on stage. As a result, the actor drank himself to such a state that one morning he woke up in an unfamiliar state, not remembering how he got here. At that moment, he realized that it was time to quit and joined Alcoholics Anonymous.

12. Kate Moss

The state of the 43-year-old top model raises serious concerns: too often the paparazzi find her drunk. Kate has been treated for alcoholism and drug addiction by the best doctors for a long time, but it seems that the final point in her fight against bad habits has not been set. In September 2016, due to disagreements with her husband, she did not get out of the binge for a whole month, starting the day with champagne, and ending with his whiskey. And in February 2017, journalists managed to photograph a drunk Moss at one of the parties, where she looked terrible.

Hello dear readers! Today I would like to talk about such a terrible problem as female alcoholism.

When a man drinks without restraint, it is terrible, but a woman subject to such a pernicious passion is a disaster.

Children suffer the most from alcoholic mothers

The female body is designed to bear and give birth to children, but he can cope with an addiction to alcohol in exceptional cases.

Vivid examples are the famous women alcoholics, whom the love of alcohol has disfigured everything: career, personal life, and deprived many of the opportunity to become a mother.

I think it is no secret to anyone that the addiction to alcohol has roots in childhood. Many famous women have acquired this habit through the fault of their environment.

For example, in the case of the "Parisian sparrow" - a petite woman named Edith Piaf. She had an incredibly powerful voice, especially considering her height and complexion. Personally, when I hear her voice, goosebumps always run through my body. And you?

Edith Piaf "The Parisian Sparrow"

But this talented woman was devoured from within by a terrible addiction - Piaf was a drug addict and an alcoholic. If she was able to overcome the addiction to drugs, then she could not cope with alcohol. The reason for this may be the fact that she, still a tiny baby, was constantly given wine so that she would sleep and not scream if she wanted to eat. Can you imagine the damage caused to the child's body by the next of kin? Naturally, in her case, the passion for alcohol was literally absorbed with her mother's milk.

Edith Piaf suffered from alcoholism and drug addiction

Another woman who can be classified as famous drunkards is Galina Brezhneva. In her youth, she had everything she could wish for, even large diamonds in her vase were like candy candies. But love for vodka ruined her health, destroyed her mind, ruined and killed.

Galina Brezhneva with the famous father

Brezhnev ended her stormy life in madhouse, one, useless, sick.

Alcoholism destroyed happy life Galina Brezhneva

Female alcoholism

A woman is outwardly a very fragile and delicate creature, but by nature her body is designed for serious overloads - she must endure, give birth and feed a child. A woman even lives longer than a man, but she cannot drink along with him. Her body is not designed to fight alcohol, so a woman becomes addicted to alcohol much faster and holds on much stronger.

Our beloved Tatyana Dogileva was able to defeat alcoholism

The stars who coped with alcoholism

We all know celebrities who quit drinking. A prime example is Britney Spears, a young American singer whose love of drinking, drugs and partying led to the almost complete destruction of her successful career, shameful press shots, the breakdown of her marriage and the withdrawal of custody of her two sons.

Britney Spears and alcohol

Now she is gradually aligning and changing for the better, but what has been done cannot be returned - the stamp of rejection will forever remain on her. It's a shame that the flight, which had begun so well, was cut short at the very beginning, and Britney herself, like a wounded bird, was left to reproach herself and fate for the tragic events in her life.

An equally notable example from the life of stars who have come out of binge forever is Elizabeth Taylor.

Elizabeth Taylor is out of the binge forever

This incredibly beautiful woman slowly got involved in a booze, trying to save her husband - artist Richard Burton, but soon she herself began to drink no less than him. She quickly grew fat, looked ugly and began to lose roles. But the fighting character took its toll, and she was able to cope with alcoholism. What can not be said about her husband - a handsome and talented actor, whom we know from his roles in "Cleopatra" and "Young Lions", Burton died suddenly, not even reaching the age of sixty.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of women suffering from alcoholism in the artistic environment. The availability of booze, a pernicious example and the environment became the reason for the unrestrained drunkenness of such stars as actresses Drew Barrymore, Lindsay Loan, singer and actress Courtney Love, Larisa Guzeeva, supermodel Lara Stone, and many other famous women. However, if Drew Barrymore, Guzeeva and Stone were able to overcome addiction, this is not yet available to other women.

How sobriety changes can be demonstrated by the example of Kelly Osbourne - the daughter of the "great and terrible" Ozzy Osbourne.

Kelly Osbourne Mixed Alcohol

She was a monstrously plump, ugly girl with excellent vocal abilities who simply killed herself with alcohol because of the painful perception of her own appearance. As soon as she realized that vodka would not help her, she just needed to take care of herself, as the result was not long in coming. Kelly lost weight, fell into the hands of a talented stylist and literally transformed - a very attractive and talented young woman with a bright and successful future opened up in her.

Kelly Osbourne became a beauty thanks to sobriety

To do this, she had to realize that she herself had value, and not the alcohol she had drunk.

Alcohol kills a woman

You don't have to rely on alcohol to solve all your problems. Where a glass of cognac relieves stress, the bottle will be a step into the abyss. Consider if you are ready to take this step.

I am very glad that you were with me today.