The professional standard of the teacher of additional education for children and adults is educational and methodological material on the topic. Professional standard "Teacher of additional education for children and adults Professional standard of the organizer teacher

Administration of Novoburasky

municipal district Saratov region

Municipal institution additional education

“House of Children's Creativity, r. the village of Novye Burasy

Saratov region "

Topic of presentation:

Professional standard

"Teacher of additional education for children and adults"

as a condition for the development of human resources in the system of additional education.

Director of MU DO

" The House for arts and crafts for children

R. the village of Novye Burasy

Saratov region "

Rat N.Yu.

Professional standards are documents of a new type, systematically presenting relevant information on the requirements for qualifications necessary to perform certain types of work. Occupational standards (PS) began to be developed in Russia in the mid-1990s. The initiators of their creation were representatives of the business community. As part of the implementation of the Agreement on Cooperation between the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia and the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RUIE), the developed and approved professional standards were recommended to be used when creating the corresponding state educational standards and professional educational programs. Given the significant share state structures and organizations with state participation in the Russian economy in 2012, a political decision was made on the active participation of the state in the development of the national qualifications system. Today, the creation of professional standards is coordinated by the Ministry of Labor of Russia. Draft standards can be developed by associations of employers, employers, professional communities, self-regulatory organizations and other non-profit organizations with the participation of educational organizations vocational education and other interested organizations. The methodology for developing professional standards provides for their broad public discussion. Thus, the public format for the development of professional standards was replaced by the state-public one. At the end of 2015, about 800 professional standards had been adopted, but the developers plan to approve about 1200 professional standards. In the field of education, professional standards Teacher (pedagogical activity in the field of preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary general education) (educator, teacher) Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia N 544n dated 10/18/2013 Educator-psychologist (psychologist in the field of education) Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia N 514n of 07.24.2015 Teacher of additional education for children and adults Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia N 613n of 08.09.2015 Teacher of vocational training, vocational education and additional vocational education Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia N 608n of 08.09.2015

Attention! Professional standards are applied by employers in the formation of personnel policy and in personnel management, in the organization of training and certification of employees, in the conclusion of labor contracts, in the development of job descriptions and the establishment of remuneration systems from 01.01.2017. Until 01.01.2017, when solving issues related to the qualification requirements for teaching staff, one should be guided by: - ​​A unified qualification reference book for the positions of managers, specialists and employees; - clause 23 of the appendix to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation of April 7, 2014 N 276. (For details, see the Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia of 08/10/2015 N 08-1240)

Professional standard of a pedagogical worker: basic provisions

The professional standard of a teacher of additional education contains:

    Description of the labor functions of the teacher.

    Special requirements for admission to work.

    Information about the requirements for education, training and work experience of the teacher.

    The purpose of the employee's work.

Profstandard helps to competently conduct personnel policy and manage employees. The document is used in the certification of a teacher, determination of the size of wages, preparation of job descriptions and the conclusion of labor agreements.

You can continue to work

The professional standard of the teacher of additional education 2016 allows teachers who have passed compulsory or voluntary certification to work.

According to order No. 613n, the following requirements are imposed on the training and education of a pedagogical worker:

“Secondary vocational education - training programs for middle-level specialists or higher education - bachelor's degree, the direction (profile) of which, as a rule, corresponds to the direction of the additional general education program mastered by the students, or the taught course, discipline (module).

Additional vocational education - professional retraining, the direction (profile) of which corresponds to the direction of the additional general education program, mastered by students, or the taught course, discipline (module).

In the absence of pedagogical education - additional professional Teacher Education; an additional professional program can be mastered after employment. It is recommended to study additional professional programs in the field of pedagogical activity at least once every three years. "

The professional standard of the teacher of continuing education in 2016 regulates the activities of the employee until 01.01.2017.From the beginning of next year, other norms will begin to apply.

Professional standard: the need for implementation

The Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation has developed a professional standard due to the difficulties encountered in the process of determining the qualifications of a teacher. Some of the legislation was passed over 20 years ago. They are no longer relevant. To meet global trends, new standards are being introduced.

The norms adopted at the legislative level will help to increase the responsibility and interest of employees. To ensure that they are fully implemented, it is recommended to send employees to refresher courses.

Competent use of the standard

To achieve high results, you must adhere to the following rules:

    Do not use the professional standard as a strict regulation of the work of employees.

    Do not force employees to do work that distracts them from their direct responsibilities.

    Encourage employees to seek out-of-the-box solutions.

Standard, but non-standard

According to the professional standard, a teacher is obliged to:

    To recruit children for training in accordance with the developed program.

    Select children for training according to the developed program (together with the commission).

    Motivate learners.

    Develop measures to improve the equipment of the classroom.

    Prepare required communication materials.

    Advise children and their parents.

    Help students, control them.

    Correct the behavior of children.

    Understand the needs of students.

    To recruit groups of students, taking into account the peculiarities of educational programs.

    Ensure the safety and correct use of consumables, equipment, etc.

    Create comfortable conditions for the development of children.

    Prepare students to participate in competitions, exhibitions and other similar events.

    Create conditions for the development of self-esteem and self-control in children.

    Collaborate with colleagues, maintain a supportive atmosphere.

In order for the educational process to proceed according to the standard and at the same time in an unconventional way, the teacher of additional education must have the following personality traits:

    High intellectual level.

    Awareness of the needs of children.

    Sense of humor.

    High creativity.


    Tolerance of beliefs.

According to the changes introduced this year to the Federal Law No. 273 "On Education in the Russian Federation" in 2017, each teacher of additional education must pass compulsory certification. This procedure shows the degree of skill of the employee. The pedagogical worker must necessarily provide evidence of his achievements: thanks, letters, diplomas. According to the results of certification, he is assigned one or another qualification category. The result of the certification can be challenged in court. Also, a special labor commission can be created to resolve the issue.

The minor changes that happened in 2016 are not problematic. Everything is clear and doable. Heads of centers and municipal institutions for additional education for children should prepare by January 1, 2017. The professional standard will enter into force, on which depends not only the level and, as a result, the result of the work of teachers, but also their earnings.

In order to avoid mistakes, while introducing a plan for a phased transition to the professional standard of a teacher of additional education for children and adults, take part in the webinar« » , which will take place on November 11.

Professional standard of a teacher of additional education

Slide number 1 (title sheet)

Slide number 2

Occupational standards are one of the elements of the national qualifications system. On September 8, 2015, order No. 613n of the Ministry of Labor was signed and social protection Of the Russian Federation on the approval of the professional standard "Teacher of additional education for children and adults." By order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated May 27, 2015 N 536, the schedule for the development and application of professional standards in the field of education and science for 2015 - 2018 was approved. In accordance with the schedule, in 2016, the pilot regions will be testing professional standards. In accordance with the plan for the implementation of the Concept for the development of additional education, the professional standard for PDE is introduced everywhere from January 1, 2017. In the Kemerovo region, in accordance with the order of the Department of Education and Science, GAU DO "Regional center for additional education of children"

Slide number 3

As for the concept of a professional standard, it was introduced into the Labor Code of the Russian Federation back in 2012 and is enshrined in Article 195.1

Slide number 4

A professional standard is a characteristic of the qualifications required by an employee to carry out a certain type of professional activity. The professional standard regulates not so much the labor relationship between a specific employee and his employer (there are other documents for this, for example, an employment contract or an effective contract), but the relationship between the professional community and a citizen who would like to confirm his qualifications and become a part of this professional community. This approach excludes the reduction of the professional standard to an updated version of the job description.

The development of a standard and thoughtful measures for its implementation in the future will make it possible to remove many contemporary problems:

    unclearness of the complex of labor functions that ensure the functioning and development of the system of vocational education and additional education;

    the lack of clear (transparent) criteria that allow assessing the level of qualifications of specialists in the field of education and create on this basis a system and stimulate the quality of professional activity and professional development;

    the isolation of teaching staff training from the realities of education

prospects for its development.

Slide number 5

Why is a standard needed?

    The Standard is a Tool for Implementing an Education Strategy in a Changing World

    The standard is a tool for improving the quality of education and the entry of domestic education to the international level

    Standard is an objective measure of a teacher's qualifications

    Standard is a means of selecting teachers for educational institutions

The standard is the basis for the formation of an employment contract that fixes the relationship between the employee and the employer.

Slide number 6

The key idea of ​​the professional standard is the teacher's ability to work with different categories of children, namely:

    Working with gifted children;

    Work in the context of the implementation of inclusive education programs;

    Working with migrant children;

    Working with children with developmental problems;

    Work with deviant, addicted, socially neglected children, including those with deviations in social behavior.

    Have ICT competencies

For some of the teachers, the new requirements are not a problem, because they already use the most modern methods... But someone will have to solve the problem of mastering in practice new labor actions for them, the necessary knowledge and skills.

We are well aware that no one person can meet all the qualification requirements of labor functions recorded in the standard, and each manager has the right to focus on specific aspects of activities, depending on the characteristics of his educational organization... The standard allows you to place emphasis on different work functions in the total scope of activities. In addition, no one requires the teacher, for example, to correct complex deviations in the child's behavior, but his main task is to be able to recognize certain problems in time (be it developmental delay or mental retardation or just attention deficit) in order to guide the child to the right specialist. Therefore, one of the main requirements of the standard is the ability to interact with other specialists: psychologists, social educators, defectologists, etc.

Slide number 7

Scope of the standard

    When applying for a job in an educational organization

    When conducting certification of teachers of educational organizations

    When conducting certification of teachers by the educational organizations themselves

A professional standard can become a mechanism for personnel management, professional self-development, as it reflects the requirements for the effectiveness of pedagogical activity.

The professional standard can be used as a basis for the development of assessment materials, the content of qualifying exams. In order to avoid ambiguity and subjectivity in the certification procedure, clearly defined, achievable and diagnosable tasks for each teacher and an understandable mechanism for assessing the results of their actions are needed.

Slide number 8

Requirements of the standard for the education of teachers

Requirements for a teacher of additional education:

higher education (bachelor's degree) or secondary vocational education in the direction of "Pedagogical education", as a rule, in the profile "Additional education (in the relevant field);

higher education (bachelor's degree) or secondary vocational education corresponding to the profile of a circle, section, studio, club and other children's association, and additional vocational education in the direction of "Pedagogical education".

Pedagogical workers are obliged to undergo training and testing of knowledge and skills in the field of labor protection in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

It is recommended to study according to educational programs in the profile of pedagogical activity at least once every three years.

Slide number 9

Content of the professional standard

The professional standard is built as a set of generalizedlabor functions, the implementation of which leads to a common goal.Each of the generalized functions integrates a complex of labor functions, the labor function, in turn, is subdivided into labor actions, skills and knowledge necessary for its implementation. This approach allows and gives a detailed description of pedagogical activity,to formulate objective and diagnosable criteria for its quality of activity.

Slide number 10

Let's look at the generalized work functions of the PSE

    Teaching on programs of additional education for children and adults;

    Organizational and methodological support of the educational process for the implementation of additional education programs for children and adults;

    Organizational and pedagogical support for the implementation of additional education programs for children and adults;

Teaching in additional education programs for children and adults includes the following functions:

    Organization of students' activities aimed at mastering an additional general education program;

    Organization of leisure activities for students in the process of implementing an additional general education program;

    Ensuring interaction with parents (legal representatives) of students who are mastering an additional general education program when solving problems of education and upbringing;

    Pedagogical control and assessment of the development of an additional general education program;

Organizational and methodological support for the implementation of additional general education programs:

Organization and research of the market of additional education services for children and adults;

Organizational and pedagogical support of the methodological activities of teachers of additional education;

Monitoring and assessing the quality of the implementation of additional general education programs by teachers;

Organizational and pedagogical support for the implementation of additional general education programs:

    Organization and holding of mass leisure activities;

    Organizational and pedagogical support for the development of social partnership and promotion of additional education services for children and adults;

    Organization of additional education for children and adults in one or several areas of activity;

Slide number 11

The professional standard allows, based on general characteristics activities, "recruit" the functions of an individual employee. All the functions presented should not be performed by one universal specialist. They are distributed among all employees involved in the process.

The head of the organization ensures the performance of functions due to the rational staffing, due to the improvement of the qualifications of his employees, due to the adequate distribution of areas of responsibility between them.

This approach allows us to get away from the situation of equating the qualifications of a young and an experienced teacher, assigning identical functions to them and assuming that these functions will be performed at the same level of quality.

The professional standard is a tool for the formation of a new pedagogical culture, even more so, of social consciousness. The very activity of teachers of vocational education is assessed from the standpoint of a competency-based approach - a teacher needs to be shown at the certification how he copes with professional tasks; show your knowledge in ways of doing things.

The professional standard has set a number of tasks for the teacher that he did not solve earlier. All this he must learn. After all, you cannot demand from a teacher what he does not know how.

Slide number 12

Will the introduction of a professional standard help improve the quality of education?

First, the quality of the education system cannot be higher than the quality of the teachers working in it; secondly, the professional standard helps to improve the professional training of the teacher and the need for constant professional growth; thirdly, the professional standard increases the teacher's responsibility for the results of his work, and, accordingly, increases the quality of education.

Slide number 13

Thank you for your attention!

Professional standard of a teacher of additional education

Slide number 1 (title sheet)

Slide number 2

Occupational standards are one of the elements of the national qualifications system. On September 8, 2015, order No. 613n of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation was signed on the approval of the professional standard “Teacher of additional education for children and adults”.By order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated May 27, 2015 N 536, the schedule for the development and application of professional standards in the field of education and science for 2015 - 2018 was approved. In accordance with the schedule, in 2016, the pilot regions will be testing professional standards.In accordance with the plan for the implementation of the Concept for the development of additional education, the professional standard for PDE is introduced everywhere from January 1, 2017.In the Kemerovo region, in accordance with the order of the Department of Education and Science, GAU DO "Regional Center for Continuing Education of Children"

Slide number 3

As for the concept of a professional standard, it was introduced into the Labor Code of the Russian Federation back in 2012 and is enshrined in Article 195.1

Slide number 4

A professional standard is a characteristic of the qualifications required by an employee to carry out a certain type of professional activity. The professional standard regulates not so much the labor relationship between a specific employee and his employer (there are other documents for this, for example, an employment contract or an effective contract), but the relationship between the professional community and a citizen who would like to confirm his qualifications and become a part of this professional community. This approach excludes the reduction of the professional standard to an updated version of the job description.

The development of a standard and thoughtful measures for its implementation in the future will allow to remove many modern problems:

  • unclearness of the complex of labor functions that ensure the functioning and development of the system of vocational education and additional education;
  • the lack of clear (transparent) criteria that allow assessing the level of qualifications of specialists in the field of education and create on this basis a system and stimulate the quality of professional activity and professional development;
  • the isolation of teaching staff training from the realities of education

prospects for its development.

Slide number 5

Why is a standard needed?

  • The Standard is a Tool for Implementing an Education Strategy in a Changing World
  • The standard is a tool for improving the quality of education and the entry of domestic education to the international level
  • Standard is an objective measure of a teacher's qualifications
  • Standard is a means of selecting teachers for educational institutions

The standard is the basis for the formation of an employment contract that fixes the relationship between the employee and the employer.

Slide number 6

The key idea of ​​the professional standard is the teacher's ability to work with different categories of children, namely:

  • Working with gifted children;
  • Work in the context of the implementation of inclusive education programs;
  • Working with migrant children;
  • Working with children with developmental problems;
  • Work with deviant, addicted, socially neglected children, including those with deviations in social behavior.
  • Have ICT competencies

For some of the teachers, the new requirements are not a problem, because they already use the most modern methods in their work. But someone will have to solve the problem of mastering in practice new labor actions for them, the necessary knowledge and skills.

We are well aware that no one person can meet all the qualification requirements of labor functions recorded in the standard, and each leader has the right to focus on specific aspects of activities, depending on the characteristics of his educational organization. The standard allows you to place emphasis on different work functions in the total scope of activities. In addition, no one requires the teacher, for example, to correct complex deviations in the child's behavior, but his main task is to be able to recognize certain problems in time (be it developmental delay or mental retardation or just attention deficit) in order to guide the child to the right specialist. Therefore, one of the main requirements of the standard is the ability to interact with other specialists: psychologists, social educators, defectologists, etc.

Slide number 7

Scope of the standard

  • When applying for a job in an educational organization
  • When conducting certification of teachers of educational organizations
  • When conducting certification of teachers by the educational organizations themselves

A professional standard can become a mechanism for personnel management, professional self-development, as it reflects the requirements for the effectiveness of pedagogical activity.

The professional standard can be used as a basis for the development of assessment materials, the content of qualifying exams. In order to avoid ambiguity and subjectivity in the certification procedure, clearly defined, achievable and diagnosable tasks for each teacher and an understandable mechanism for assessing the results of their actions are needed.

Slide number 8

Requirements of the standard for the education of teachers

Requirements for a teacher of additional education:

higher education (bachelor's degree) or secondary vocational education in the direction of "Pedagogical education", as a rule, in the profile "Additional education (in the relevant field);

higher education (bachelor's degree) or secondary vocational education corresponding to the profile of a circle, section, studio, club and other children's association, and additional vocational education in the direction of "Pedagogical education".

Pedagogical workers are obliged to undergo training and testing of knowledge and skills in the field of labor protection in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Slide number 9

The professional standard is built as a set of generalizedlabor functions, the implementation of which leads to a common goal.Each of the generalized functions integrates a complex of labor functions, the labor function, in turn, is subdivided into labor actions, skills and knowledge necessary for its implementation. This approach allows and gives a detailed description of pedagogical activity,to formulate objective and diagnosable criteria for its quality of activity.

Slide number 10

Let's look at the generalized work functions of the PSE

  • Teaching on programs of additional education for children and adults;
  • Organizational and methodological support of the educational process for the implementation of additional education programs for children and adults;
  • Organizational and pedagogical support for the implementation of additional education programs for children and adults;

Teaching in additional education programs for children and adults includes the following functions:

  • Organization of students' activities aimed at mastering an additional general education program;
  • Organization of leisure activities for students in the process of implementing an additional general education program;
  • Ensuring interaction with parents (legal representatives) of students who are mastering an additional general education program when solving problems of education and upbringing;
  • Pedagogical control and assessment of the development of an additional general education program;

Organizational and methodological support for the implementation of additional general education programs:

Organization and research of the market of additional education services for children and adults;

Organizational and pedagogical support of the methodological activities of teachers of additional education;

Monitoring and assessing the quality of the implementation of additional general education programs by teachers;

Organizational and pedagogical support for the implementation of additional general education programs:

  • Organization and holding of mass leisure activities;
  • Organizational and pedagogical support for the development of social partnership and promotion of additional education services for children and adults;
  • Organization of additional education for children and adults in one or several areas of activity;

Slide number 11

The professional standard allows, based on the general characteristics of the activity, to "recruit" the functions of an individual employee. All the functions presented should not be performed by one universal specialist. They are distributed among all employees involved in the process.

The head of the organization ensures the performance of functions due to the rational staffing, due to the improvement of the qualifications of his employees, due to the adequate distribution of areas of responsibility between them.

This approach allows us to get away from the situation of equating the qualifications of a young and an experienced teacher, assigning identical functions to them and assuming that these functions will be performed at the same level of quality.

The professional standard is a tool for the formation of a new pedagogical culture, even more so, of social consciousness. The very activity of teachers of vocational education is assessed from the standpoint of a competency-based approach - a teacher needs to be shown at the certification how he copes with professional tasks; show your knowledge in ways of doing things.

The professional standard has set a number of tasks for the teacher that he did not solve earlier. All this he must learn. After all, you cannot demand from a teacher what he does not know how.

Slide number 12

Will the introduction of a professional standard help improve the quality of education?

First, the quality of the education system cannot be higher than the quality of the teachers working in it; secondly, the professional standard helps to improve the professional training of the teacher and the need for constant professional growth; thirdly, the professional standard increases the teacher's responsibility for the results of his work, and, accordingly, increases the quality of education.

Slide number 13

Thank you for your attention!

By order of the Ministry of Labor dated May 5, 2018 No. 298, a new professional standard "Teacher of additional education for children and adults" was approved. The order was registered with the Ministry of Justice on August 28 under the number 52016. The professional standard, approved by the order of the Ministry of Labor dated September 8, 2015, No. 613n, has lost its force.

The information is relevant for students of professional retraining and advanced training courses in the following areas:

Requirements for methodologists of additional education for children and adults

Methodist add. education of children and adults must have a higher or secondary vocational education in the direction of "Education and Pedagogical Sciences", or not having a pedagogical education, but corresponding to the additional programs. education, which is implemented in the institution, pass (from 3 months).

Educator-organizer: job requirements

To hold the position of a teacher-organizer, it is not necessary to have a higher pedagogical or secondary vocational education in a pedagogical specialty. If the teacher-organizer does not have a ped. education, it can be obtained at professional retraining courses (from 3-6 months).

On August 28, 2018, it was registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation "order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of May 5, 2018 N 298n" On the approval of the professional standard "Teacher of additional education for children and adults." The order comes into force on September 9, 2018, and the order of the same department of September 8, 2015 N 613n "becomes invalid.

Please note that in the order of May 5, 2018 N 298n there is no provision stating that “the professional standard is used by employers in the formation of personnel policy and in personnel management, in the organization of training and certification of employees, the conclusion of labor contracts, the development of job descriptions and the establishment of systems wages "(previously it was required).
In addition, the following requirements have now been established for the education and training of persons applying for the position of a teacher of additional education:
- higher education or secondary vocational education within the framework of enlarged groups of training areas higher education and specialties of secondary vocational education "Education and pedagogical sciences";

- either higher education or secondary vocational education in the framework of another direction of preparation of higher education and specialties of secondary vocational education, subject to its compliance with additional general developmental programs, additional pre-professional programs implemented by an organization carrying out educational activities, and, if necessary, after employment, additional vocational education in the direction training "Education and Pedagogical Sciences".
Previously, requirements were established for the presence of secondary vocational education or higher education - bachelor's degree, as well as compulsory professional retraining .. At the same time, the presence of secondary vocational education or higher education - bachelor's degree, the focus of which corresponded to the taught academic subject, course, discipline (module), not freed from the need for professional retraining.

Source :
Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia of May 5, 2018 N 298n "On approval of the professional standard" Teacher of additional education for children and adults "(registered on August 38, 2018, registration number of May 5, 2018 N 298n)" On approval of the professional standard "Teacher of additional education children and adults ""
Letter of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated June 6, 2017 No. 14-2 / ​​10 / B-4361 (On the implementation of professional standards and bringing job titles in line with the requirements of Russian legislation)

The new professional standard "Teacher of additional education for children and adults" comes into force: 20 comments

    Question: are the refresher courses in the direction "Education and Pedagogical Sciences" additional professional education? Are there enough refresher courses every 3 years if there is education in the field of activity (for example, higher art education and the teacher teaches fine arts)? Please help me figure it out, since some teachers say that there are enough advanced training courses, while others say that professional retraining is required.

    I read about the new professional standard "Teacher of additional education for children and adults." It is written on your website: "At the same time, the presence of secondary vocational education or higher education - a bachelor's degree, the focus of which corresponded to the taught subject, course, discipline (module), did not exempt from the need for professional retraining."
    Question: according to the new professional standard, does the presence of higher education, the focus of which corresponds to the subject being taught, exempt from the need for professional retraining?

    Good afternoon, please explain the phrase “Please note that in the order of May 5, 2018 N 298н there is no provision that“ the professional standard is used by employers in the formation of personnel policy and in personnel management, in the organization of training and certification of employees, the conclusion of employment contracts , the development of job descriptions and the establishment of remuneration systems "(previously required)".
    And another question if I graduated from a university in the field of "chemistry and biology", and I work as a teacher-organizer in the art and aesthetic department, in connection with the introduction of a new professional standard, I have the right to work not in my specialty "chemistry and biology"?

    Good afternoon! Explain the wording in the new prof. the standard in the section "requirements for education and training" in relation to the position "teacher-organizer" - higher education or secondary vocational education within the enlarged groups of areas of higher education and specialties of secondary vocational education "Education and pedagogical sciences". This may mean that just any secondary vocational education is enough for the position of a teacher-organizer?

    Good afternoon! faced the following problem. According to the Procedure for attestation of pedagogical workers, the CPA is established after no earlier than two years. and during this period the worker is regarded as a teacher without a category. How is remuneration made in this case? if possible, give me a link to the document regulating this moment.

    I am a teacher of additional education with 25 years of experience, secondary specialized technical education. I work under the program of arts and crafts. Can I be certified for my position by new prostaglandins.

    I would like to understand specifically, I am a teacher of additional education, I have completed retraining courses for 522 hours, pedagogy and psychology of preschool children, can I work as a teacher at home according to the new professional standards. with children aged 14 and over ??? Or only with preschoolers?

The senior teacher of additional education, in order to ensure coordination of the activities of teachers of additional education and provide them with methodological assistance, additionally performs the functions described in the generalized labor functions In "Organizational and methodological support for the implementation of additional general education programs" and C "Organizational and pedagogical support for the implementation of additional general education programs" of this professional standard.

The name of the position is used in the implementation of additional pre-professional educational programs in the field physical culture and sports.

The senior trainer-teacher, in order to ensure the coordination of the activities of trainers-teachers and the provision of methodological assistance, additionally performs the functions described in the generalized labor functions In "Organizational and methodological support for the implementation of additional general educational programs" and C "Organizational and pedagogical support for the implementation of additional general educational programs" of this professional standard.

The name of the position is used in organizations of additional education in the implementation of additional pre-professional and general educational programs in the field of arts (children's art schools by types of arts).

Articles 331, 351.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2001 N 197-FZ (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2002, N 1, Art. 308, 2010, N 52, Art. 7002, 2013, N 27, Art. 3477 , 2014, N 52, Art. 7554,2015, N 1, Art. 42).

Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia of April 12, 2011 N 302n "On approval of the lists of harmful and (or) hazardous production factors and work, during the performance of which mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations (examinations) are carried out, and the Procedure for conducting mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations ( surveys) of workers engaged in heavy work and work with harmful and (or) hazardous working conditions "(registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on October 21, 2011, registration N 22111), as amended by orders of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated May 15, 2013 No. 296n (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on July 3, 2013, registration N 28970) and dated December 5, 2014 N 801n (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on February 3, 2015, registration N 35848), by order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia, the Ministry of Health of Russia dated February 6, 2018 . N 62n / 49n (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on March 2, 2018, registration N 50237); article 48 Federal law of December 29, 2012 N 273-F3 "On education in the Russian Federation" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, N 53, Article 7598); Articles 69, 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2001 N 197-FZ (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2002, N 1, Art. 3; 2004, N 35, Art. 3607; 2006, N 27, Art. 2878 ; 2008, No. 30, article 3616; 2011, No. 49, article 7031; 2013, No. 48, article 6165, No. 52, article 6986).

additional characteristics