World Youth Day. World Youth Day When is World Youth Day

World Youth Day, traditionally celebrated on November 10, is dedicated to the founding of the World Federation of Democratic Youth. The historic event happened in 1945 in London at an international conference. It was the first global event that brought together more than 30 million young people from dozens of countries with different skin colors, their own views on politics and religion. All of them were united by one thing - the desire to unite in the struggle for independence, democracy and peace on earth.

With the collapse of the USSR and the end of the cult of communism in Russia, this holiday was not widely celebrated. However, the country still remembers the events organized by the World Federation of Democratic Youth - two festivals of youth and students held in 1957 and 1985 in the capital.

world youth day
Everyone is celebrating today.
No matter how much life
Youth is always in the soul.

Let this mood
Helps to live easily.
Keep the ardor and vigor
They are bright and light.

Congratulations on Youth Day
We are all girls and guys,
All young people - everywhere the road,
Let them walk on it
Let the peaks conquer everything
Live in harmony with themselves
And no matter what happens in life
They walk with their heads up!

I congratulate you on World Youth Day and I want to wish you not to waste a single day, to take big steps towards success, fame and happiness, to declare yourself with loud words and worthy deeds, to fill the pages of your life with joyful moments and romantic adventures.

Youth is a beautiful time
Life is full of fun.
I wish not in vain
Live the years, the days of the week.

On World Youth Day
Let all the people walk
There is no more youth
Life always rushes forward.

Youth is a beautiful time
After all, spring blossoms in the soul.
I wish not in vain
With pleasure, great
Everyone drink it to the dregs.

We count among the youth
Everyone who can do anything in the world
Who is energetic, active,
Cheerful, bright, positive.
And it doesn't matter how old.
Youth is the light of the soul!
Congratulations on this day
And we wish spring in our hearts
Optimism, spark!
Let life be sweet!

Youth Day - what is this holiday?
Everyone needs to be congratulated, whatever one may say.
After all, each of us is young at heart

We wish you a fighting spirit,
Sparks in the eyes and the right path,
Not a day without humor, not an hour without a smile
Years from three to ninety-nine.

Happy World Youth Day,
I want your soul to bloom
So that joy, kindness, fun,
Surrounded you everywhere and always!

For happiness to settle in the house,
So that all the years are bright
To forget all the bad
I wish I never be sad!

I wish you more extreme
You always get everything from life,
In everything you be unique,
Always come to the rescue!

We are celebrating World Youth Day,
And for the young we have all the ways open,
We have a very wide circle of work ahead of us,
But entertainment is not forgotten!

We study diligently, we gain knowledge,
We work, communicate, travel,
We know that all our efforts are not in vain,
In life we ​​will get whatever we want.

On this beautiful day, remember your youth,
If you have seen many years,
So that the soul from the ringing song startled,
And the light of the sun would become stronger and brighter.

Is being young for a long time?
Full of energy, initiatives, ideas!
Fresh and pure, full of duty -
Today we are the abode of all violent passions!

We are bright, new,
Doesn't look like anyone...
Everything will be fun!
Happy Youth Day everyone!

Happy youth day to all young people
And all those who are young at heart
Only together we will win
There is hardship and hunger in the world.

Let the soul soar in the clouds.
Youth is the dawn of life.
We are young and in our hands
The future of the planet.

Once upon a time everyone was young.
It seemed like life was great
There were many spiritual forces,
The eyes shone with happiness.

Youth is capable of love,
And to exploits and to friendship,
Hurry wherever you call
Help if needed.

She does not know one thing:
How hard it is to lose
Friends and relatives, without whom
You won't be able to breathe.

And on this holiday young
Let everyone become young
The motive will hear the big world,
Our spiritual strings.

Congratulations: 43 in verse, 6 in prose.

"Day of the Soviet Youth", began to celebrate in 1958. It is celebrated annually on the last Sunday of June. In 1993, the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin moved the holiday to June 27. But despite the official order, in many cities of the country the date of the Youth Day remained "floating" - last Sunday of June. The reason is simple: June 27 is not considered a non-working day, so everyone festive events trying to make it to the day off.

“The young are dear to us everywhere, the old people are honored everywhere” - is sung in a famous song. And this is absolutely correct, because only careful succession and mutual respect of generations can give rise to a happy future. Ah, if it were not only in the song! But the first steps have been taken: the calendar includes both the Day of the Elderly and the Day of the Youth - who knows, maybe someday we will become more attentive to each other, not only on the appointed holidays and memorable dates?

How is this day celebrated? Of course, noisy, fun, sparkling - as befits youth. On Youth Day, as a rule, concerts, all kinds of entertainment events, etc. are planned.

But after all, the purpose of such "named" holidays is not only entertainment, but also to attract the attention of society and the state to a certain group of the population. Therefore, various events are held on Youth Day - conferences, seminars, competitions - allowing talented young people to diversify themselves and present their creative ideas to the general public. Often this day allows a young person to find a job they like or choose a profession.

Of course, society turns its attention to young people not only on this day, here is one of latest news in this area: Russia plans to host the 19th Youth and Student Festival in 2017.

Similar festivals have been held since 1947. Festival of youth and students in Russia last time was before the collapse of the USSR. Therefore, if these plans come true, it will be very interesting and certainly fruitful.

By the way, there is another holiday dedicated to young citizens. This is International Youth Day. It is celebrated every year on August 12 all over the world. It was established by the UN General Assembly as part of the World Conference of Ministers on Youth Affairs.

In 2000, the first official celebration took place international day youth. Here is another reason to remember the concerns and problems of young people and support them in the difficult task of growing up.

And here is another interesting memorable date - World Youth Day, but it should not be confused with the holidays described above! World Youth Day is a religious holiday established by the Catholic Church. True, not only Catholics are invited to the World Congress of Young People, but everyone who wants to, regardless of their religion. Such a congress is held once every two or three years.

I wonder who is considered youth, what age group? Official statistics are strict: people from 14 to 30-35 years old are considered young people. But in fact, Youth Day exists for those who are young at heart and young at heart. So this is a holiday for all of us?

Every year, young people all over the world widely celebrate their holidays and events: August 12 is International Youth Day, June 27 Russian Youth Day is celebrated by Russian boys and girls. November 10 is World Youth Day, which is established in honor of the founding of the World Federation ofDemocratic Youth (WFDY) (World Federation of Democratic Youth, WFDY).

This event took place at the World Youth Conference held October 29 - November 10, 1945 in London. This historic conference was convened at the initiative of the World Youth Council, which was created during World War II to fight fascism. For the first time, the conference brought together representatives of the international youth movement, which united more than 30 million young people of different political ideologies and religions, youth of more than 63 nationalities. Since then, the international association of youth organizations has been the center of the international democratic youth movement, uniting young people from all over the world without distinction of political and religious views, race and nationality. The WFDY is fighting for peace, the rights of young people, the independence of peoples, and the international unity of progressive youth; against colonialism, neo-colonialism, fascism and racism. Emblem of the XII Festival in Moscow (1985) The most famous event held by WFDY is the Festival of Youth and Students. The 1st World Festival of Youth and Students (1st World Festival of Youth and Students) was held in Prague in 1947 and gathered 17 thousand participants. Russia has twice been the host country of the festival. The 6th World Festival of Youth and Students was held in Moscow in 1957. Moscow that year hosted 34,000 participants from 131 countries. The motto of the holiday was the words: For peace and friendship! (For Peace and Friendship!). Moscow also hosted the 12th World Festival of Youth and Students in the summer of 1985. A festival held under the slogan: For anti-imperialist solidarity, peace and friendship!(For anti-imperialist Solidarity, Peace and Friendship!),collected 26 thousandparticipantsfrom 157 countries.

Where are you from, youth?

"Where are you from, youth?"
"I'm from everywhere!"
"Who will you be to the world?"
"Tomorrow I will."

"Where do you nest?"
"On the Steeps of Hope".
"And who are strangers to you?"
"Fools and ignoramuses."

“And who are yours, youth,
Heroes in life?
"Freethinkers of all countries
Since Troy!

"Than the world's roads
Are your famous?
"They are not flat,
They haven't been beaten."

"Where do they start
These roads?
"And where the fathers
Legs are imprinted."

"Your love is comparable
With what in the present?
"Comparable to fire
Forever burning."

“What about hate?
With the passing day?
No, she is like fire.
Forever burning."

"What are you, youth,
"I am a blood daughter
Native people!

"What do you speak
Are you language?
"On the one on which
Reply slander!

On the one on which
Do not express flattery.
“What is glorious about your tongue?”
"The foundations of honor!"

"What song
Are you inseparable?"
"Where is courage tenderness
It happens to be consonant!

"Why do you need it?"
"To sing heartily!"
"And you will be young
Are you long?"

Rasul Gamzatov

Song of the Young

Give way to us, gray rocks,
Let your backs
The paths are not blocked.
"Who you are?"
We are young!
"It's too early for you to climb the peaks!"
Time called us to climb them!

You embrace us, sea waves,
Us ship
Hand over the rudders!
"Who you are,
Who you are?"
Time has called us - we are young,
Time tells us to lead the ships.

Hey you brown ones, hey you bay ones,
Hey ravens,
Fly to hell!
"Who you are?"
We are young!
Time is calling us through the distances of the earth,
The stirrup gives us enviable things.

The first to storm the rank and file,
Love has become an amulet
For them.
We are young,
We are young.
To distant planets, according to many signs,
To the stars sung - we are closer than others.

Life will not plant evil thoughts in us,
The right word
Sounds like a curse.
We are young,
We are young.
We are all at the mercy of the call,
We hear again the horn of time.

Rasul Gamzatov

my generation

Do not scold my generation -
This is your ranks replenishment.
And don't judge him for fashion
WITH with a pure heart approach him.
It's not about how we dance,
It's about how we sow and plow.
As in swamps we wander knee-deep -
This is also my generation.
You are right, we have not seen the war,
And you have orders and medals.
But for a feat at any moment
My generation will rise up.
Ahead and awards and titles,
We, senior comrades, are with you.
If necessary, we will freeze in granite -
Do not scold my generation.

Raisa Sarbi

* * *

Youth is an unconscious reserve
Moons and springs waiting ahead!
Age - if not even twenty -
The distance of a long life warms us.
In a word, life is creeping, and we are flying ...
But one day in maturity we will understand:
The flow of time is inevitable -
This life flies, and we crawl ...
Get yourself early.
Draw a road from roads;
You will not find the way in time -
Life will slip through your fingers
Like sand...

Alexander Koval-Volkov

World Youth Day is an international holiday of young people celebrated in many countries around the world.

When is Youth Day celebrated in 2019?

How is World Youth Day celebrated?

The program of events includes seminars, conferences, lectures, exhibitions, flash mobs.

On World Youth Day, various educational events and charity events are also organized in support of educational and medical programs.

History and traditions of World Youth Day

Let's talk about the history and other traditions of the holiday. World Youth Day was established in honor of the organization of the World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDY) at the World Youth Conference held in London in 1945.

This event brought together more than 30 million young people with different colour skin, different views on issues of politics and religious beliefs.

The main activities of the WFDY are the struggle for world peace and the rights of youth.

Priority directions are: international rallying of progressive youth; opposition to colonialism, neo-colonialism, fascism and racism.

WFDY organizes International Festival youth and students, which is held in different countries peace. The 6th World Festival of Youth and Students was held in Moscow in 1957, the 12th was held in the capital of our country in 1985.

In 2017, the XIX festival was again held in Russia under the motto "For peace, solidarity and social justice, we fight against imperialism - respecting our past, we are building our future!". Participants of this event from 185 countries were hosted by Moscow and Sochi.

There are almost 3 billion people under the age of 25 in the world today. In many countries, the rights of young people to education are not respected: for example, over 100 million children and adolescents are unable to attend school for various reasons.

Many young people are unemployed, with over half a billion living below the poverty line.

There are other holidays for young people.

  • World Youth Day, established by the Catholic Church in 1986, is celebrated every 2-3 years.
  • Russian Youth Day is celebrated on June 27.
  • International Youth Day - 12 August.

Also established: International Day of Youth Solidarity, International Youth Day.

2009 was declared the Year of Youth in Russia. During this period, various events were held for young people, including the World Orthodox Youth Day.

World Youth Day, traditionally celebrated on November 10, is dedicated to the founding of the World Federation of Democratic Youth. The historic event happened in 1945 in London at an international conference. It was the first global event that brought together more than 30 million young people from dozens of countries with different skin colors, their own views on politics and religion. All of them were united by one thing - the desire to unite in the struggle for independence, democracy and peace on earth.

With the collapse of the USSR and the end of the cult of communism in Russia, this holiday was not widely celebrated. However, the country still remembers the events organized by the World Federation of Democratic Youth - two festivals of youth and students held in 1957 and 1985 in the capital.

Show congratulations

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Youth is the hope of older generations for a bright, reliable future, strengthening all the strengths of our world, faith in the friendship of peoples and common happiness. Today, on World Youth Day, we wholeheartedly congratulate girls and boys on their significant event, which they will definitely celebrate, as it should be for highly developed and intellectual people.


If children are flowers, then youth are already fruits or fresh shoots. It is thanks to young people that scientific and social progress moves forward. The world is changing and the merit of this new generation. Congratulations on World Youth Day and wish that the flame of enthusiasm and purposefulness does not fade away, moving humanity into the future.


Laughter all around, all around hubbub, young people have fun!
World Day is celebrated - you won’t miss it, you won’t pass!
There is no need for a boring banquet, a holiday, sitting, - a difficult holiday!
It is not in vain that today we sing songs loudly together,
World Youth Day - it's on New Year similar,
So dance, have fun, and have a good time!


Youth is a beautiful time
Life is full of fun.
I wish not in vain
Live the years, the days of the week.

On World Youth Day
Let all the people walk
There is no more youth
Life always rushes forward.

Youth is a beautiful time
After all, spring blossoms in the soul.
I wish not in vain
With pleasure, great
Everyone drink it to the dregs.


We are celebrating World Youth Day,
And for the young we have all the ways open,
We have a very wide circle of work ahead of us,
But entertainment is not forgotten!

We study diligently, we gain knowledge,
We work, communicate, travel,
We know that all our efforts are not in vain,
In life we ​​will get whatever we want.

On this beautiful day, remember your youth,
If you have seen many years,
So that the soul from the ringing song startled,
And the light of the sun would become stronger and brighter.


Today is the feast of good fortune,
The youth of the whole planet!
Well, what about you and me?
Let's lace up tight sneakers!
Tents, campfire, guitar.
Songs again until the morning.
May it be the same in life
Lots of happiness and warmth!


Funny, sometimes desperately brave ...
Dragonflies, butterflies... Above the lush growth
Flutter, making it brighter and more colorful
Life with a shower of worries and worries in a fine drizzle.

For a thousand a day, "I love you" beat
Morse code in hearts scorched by conflagration
Unquenchable passion. And dream wildly
A line in the style of a fantasy life scenario.

Let fate cherish and nurture you!
The trouble is not to remove the dagger from the scabbard!
Beautiful, young, I greet you
And I wish you happiness. Happy Youth Day!


Is being young for a long time?
Full of energy, initiatives, ideas!
Fresh and pure, full of duty -
Today we are the abode of all violent passions!

We are bright, new,
Doesn't look like anyone...
Everything will be fun!
Happy Youth Day everyone!


Happy youth day to all young people
And all those who are young at heart
Only together we will win
There is hardship and hunger in the world.

Let the soul soar in the clouds.
Youth is the dawn of life.
We are young and in our hands
The future of the planet.


Fix it for a moment
And if you want, take a picture.
After all, youth is so fleeting
Only in memory she forever.

But it's up to you now
Who will exalt, and who will humiliate.
Don't be afraid, this is life
Just hold on tight to your friends.


Once upon a time everyone was young.
It seemed like life was great
There were many spiritual forces,
The eyes shone with happiness.

Youth is capable of love,
And to exploits and to friendship,
Hurry wherever you call
Help if needed.

She does not know one thing:
How hard it is to lose
Friends and relatives, without whom
You won't be able to breathe.

And on this holiday young
Let everyone become young
The motive will hear the big world,
Our spiritual strings.


Celebrate World Youth Day
And we will meet him more cheerfully with friends,
And we'll give each other smiles
And, of course, we will forgive mistakes!
Youth - we are proud of you,
You are beautiful and you are all heroes!
May success and good luck accompany you,
And share everything with each other in half!


In the early days of November
Youth Day is celebrated by the Earth.
Let us not twenty with you already,
But youth lives forever in the soul.

Fun, carelessness will not harm us,
Let the grandchildren want to be like us.
I congratulate you on Youth Day,
And remember, we don't get old with you!


May this day all the youth in the world
Join hands and say to the world: "Yes!"
So that in the future on a small planet,
There has never been a war!

So that people do not die from shells,
Children did not become orphans from the war,
To posthumously not give awards,
Do not feel guilty in your soul.

Guilt for tears, sorrows and pains,
For the wounded, killed sons,
Let's give the youth a lot of will,
So that the wars are extinguished as soon as possible.


Congratulations on Youth Day
All those who are young in body and soul.
Who is full of strength, vivacity, fun,
To that we send a big hello!

Let the years fly by
We want to be young forever
And don't lose interest in life
Be brave and never give up!