Table role-playing tales and games for any holiday. Role-playing games Role-playing games with a story for the company

Role-playing games are built on the principle of theatrical performances, in which each participant needs to play a role. The only difference is that in the game this role is chosen by the player himself, coordinates it with the plot of the game, he is given much more creative freedom and opportunities to improvise, as a result, the game becomes more interesting. This is not even a game in the usual sense of the word: the participants are given the right to create a kind of story themselves. As for the plot, it only sets the main direction of the game, the outcome of which is unpredictable. In each case, the game can develop in different ways. Even if the games have the same scenario and the same conditions, they are not similar to each other. It can be said that role-playing games are very individual.

The main thing in a role-playing game is not victory, but participation, from which all players get a lot of fun.

Role-playing games are divided into desktop, computer, office and field. In Western countries, the latter are also called live role-playing games. Computer games not suitable for partying as it is network entertainment.

The specificity of tabletop role-playing games is that the main events take place in an imaginary world that the participants themselves create. The game is attended by a small number of guests. They come up with characters for themselves with certain characteristics, qualities, skills, abilities, etc. One of the participants can be the leader and invents the rules of the game, and also describes the situation in which the characters of the players speak, perform some actions. In some games, the task of the host also becomes a kind of refereeing: he determines the results of the moves of the participants and reports them to everyone. Usually, dice are used for this definition. Great freedom of action and the ability to show imagination make tabletop role-playing games very popular.

Some role-playing games will allow friends to have an unforgettable party and help them get to know each other better.

To conduct desk role-playing games, they usually occupy a separate room or room. In advance, you should define the plot in general terms, write the rules, distribute the roles. These games can go on for a very long time. You can arrange costume games in which participants dress up and behave in accordance with what the role prescribes. These games make a strong impression, because all the events take place as if real. True, it also depends on how talentedly the elements of the game are composed and how seriously the participants themselves take the matter. You can come up with historical, modern or fantastic stories. However, these games only at first glance look like a performance. The roles of the participants become more lively, interesting and exciting, because they really feel like this or that character due to continuous improvisation in actions and words.

Field role-playing games are usually held in nature. This requires a large area and many participants. Sometimes up to a thousand people can take part in the game! The specialized literature presents the most popular plots and themes for role-playing games. As a rule, these are spectacular and dynamic performances. Historical events of the late Middle Ages, fantastic literature, fantasy, some modern works that allow you to create an entourage and experience real adventures are best suited for this.


This is the name of one of the most famous role-playing games in Russia. Its advantages are that it simple rules that do not require special training. It hosts a section of the team, each of which can gather from 5 to 40 people, depending on the number of invited guests.

The game layout is that all players live in the same city. Everyone can choose a role from among the mandatory and optional. Mandatory roles: mafia (criminals of all stripes), civilians and commissioner. Optional roles include doctor, poisoner, maniac, prostitute, etc.

The time plan of the game is divided into day and night. The host announces: “Night. The mafia is waking up. After that, the players representing the mafia are activated. "Civilians" at the same time close their eyes and do not peep. The mafia members choose one of the “civilians”, try to coordinate their actions, and if within 5 seconds they point to one and the same person, he is considered “wounded” and “dies” by morning.

The leader's next command announces the day. The mafia must then "fall asleep" - close its eyes. All the rest, on the contrary, wake up and perform actions that correspond to their roles: a maniac kills, a poisoner poisons, a doctor heals, etc. When the host’s team announces the morning, he also reports the presence of those killed, but does not name who exactly killed. All participants are looking for members of the mafia and may even kill one person from this group of players. True, before that, you need to bring an accusation and choose the victim by popular vote. After that, his role can be declared.

Often, role-playing games awaken creativity in the participant that they may not even have been aware of, and allow these abilities to manifest to the fullest.

When the second night comes, the "commissioner" gets the right to open his eyes and slowly follow the mafia. He can announce his role in the afternoon. There is a catch here: any other player can also call himself a commissioner, and declare a real commissioner a cheat. Mafia can give false evidence. So, by voting, "civilians" must decide which of the participants to believe, and this is not at all easy.

As a result of the game, either all civilians or all criminals become "killed". Those who survived are declared the winners. But in fact, the goal of the game is not to win, but to make the game interesting and give pleasure to all participants.


In order to play this game, you need to prepare several separate rooms. Each of them becomes a planet that has its own legend: history and traditions. Players can come up with the indigenous inhabitants of these planets themselves. For one "planet" you need no more than 10 players. The task of the game is survival. The distribution of resources between the "planets" is provided in such a way that none of them will be able to survive on their own. The goal can be achieved only with active and necessarily friendly interaction with other “planets.

The plot of the game is that each "planet" is visited by "aliens" with an encrypted message that contains information on how to save all the "planets". The inhabitants of the "planets" must decipher this message.

The message is divided into several parts, according to the number of "planets". Residents receive different parts, in which they talk about different possibilities of salvation: through the mutually beneficial distribution of the resources of the "planets" or with the help of a powerful reactor, as well as the location of the reactor, and what needs to be done to start it. In another part, ciphers for all messages are given.

The result of the game and the victory in it depends on the decisions that the participants will make.


This game is rightfully considered one of the most exciting. In order for it to take place at the proper level, serious preparations should be made, which will require good organization and initiative leaders. True, even preparing for the game is a pleasure. Worth a try to be sure!

The adventures of the game can take as little as an hour, or they can last several days. Moreover, the game does not depend on whether it is planned to be held on a holiday or on weekdays, it can serve as great entertainment and distract from the routine of everyday life.

The purpose of the game depends on the imagination of the organizers. Most often, this is either finding a treasure, or a criminal, or missing jewelry, or a person who suddenly disappeared.

First, the hosts write a script. The treasure must be hidden somewhere. It should be something tempting, such as a supply of condensed milk or beer. It's great if the game takes place in nature or at least in the courtyard of a private house. In this case, the treasure can really be buried.

After that, you should draw a map designed to help in the search for treasure. Hints are provided for searchers, each indicating where the next one is located.

All participants are divided into "good" and "evil": treasure seekers and pirates. These groups compete among themselves who will find the treasure faster. Several players are declared to belong to one of the groups. The rest from time to time go on reconnaissance to the enemy camp.

Both groups have their own territory and headquarters. They must also choose the top military leadership and build their own flag.

"Cossack robbers"

This game does not regulate the number of participants, but if there are a lot of them, more than 10 people, it becomes much more interesting to play. Places where shelters will be located are preliminary discussed. Participants make up two teams: "Cossacks" and "robbers". "Cossacks" also choose a room - a "prison" for the caught "robbers".

At the beginning of the game, the "robbers" run and hide. The "Cossacks" should not only find the "robber", but also try to escort him to the "prison", which is quite difficult to implement in practice, since the "robbers" are actively resisting. In the "prison" they are looked after by "guards", while the "Cossacks" are engaged in the capture of the next "robber". For "protection" you need to choose by no means weak participants, otherwise they will not be able to prevent escapes.

"Robbers", of course, do not leave their fellows without help and try to help them out. The game categorically prohibits assault, so participants must make a lot of efforts to get by with other methods of influence.

"Knight Tournament"

Couples participate in this unusual game. If it is possible to use stage costumes, the game can become a kind of performance, but this is not the main thing. The meaning of the game is a romantic idea.

Participants are divided into pairs, which include a guy and a girl. The competition is held in several rounds.

First, pariahs must show eloquence, uttering the most heartfelt compliments in honor of the lady of the heart. The winner will receive an intermediate prize. By the way, the members of the jury should be chosen from among the guests in order to eliminate bias.

Then the situation is set: the young man accidentally met the lady of the heart, only she is on the other side of the street and goes for a walk. The road that separates them is constantly driven by cars. Of course, the young man intends to invite the girl on a romantic date (to the skating rink, to the circus, to the disco, to the cinema, to the forest, to skiing, etc.), but she does not hear him because of the noise on the street. Therefore, it remains for him to explain to her with gestures what he wants from her and where exactly he invites. The jury determines whose invitation was the most accessible and beautiful (and decent, one should add), for which the winner receives a prize. However, if the girl did not understand her "knight", there can be no question of any victory.

Sometimes it is even a pity that it is impossible now to hold a real jousting tournament. However, this does not mean at all that the modern world there are no men left who are ready to treat women like knights, and for this it is not necessary to arrange battles. It is enough just to demonstrate your feelings, to show that they are sincere.

The next round should show whether the guys are attentive to their girls. To do this, they must stand with their backs to each other, and the presenter begins to ask questions to the “gentleman” about how his girlfriend looks, what clothes she is wearing, hairstyle, jewelry, etc. The more accurate the answers, the closer the guy is to victory and a well-deserved prize.

The next round should reveal the most economic guy. At first, the necessity of cooking, which is considered only a female occupation, may cause dissatisfaction among the participants, but it is worth reminding them that outstanding chefs are men.

Competitions for this tour must be related to food. For example, young people blindfolded must determine what kind of cereal they were given. It doesn't matter if the participant is trying to do it with their fingers or by taste. If he answers correctly, he still receives a prize.

The next round determines the most artistic guy in the company. To get a prize, it is enough to perform some number: a song or dance, a funny story from life, an anecdote, playing a musical instrument. The participant's task is to convince the jury that

it is his number that deserves the prize. The task of the girl is to help her knight win as much as possible.

The sixth round determines whether the participant is a true gentleman. The competition consists in presenting a bouquet of flowers to your girlfriend, and making this gift from the bottom of your heart and convincing the audience and, most importantly, the jury, which distributes the prizes among the participants. You can set the preparation time, for example 3 minutes. This time is enough for a successful improvisation.

The seventh round involves the participation of both a guy and a girl who demonstrate their ability to dance. Dances should be different - at first fast, after 2 minutes slow. Best of all, if the records allow you not to repeat the repertoire. The couple should also be well oriented, that is, the change of accompaniment should not embarrass the dancers, they successfully adapt to the sound of the music, show artistry and a harmonious, eye-pleasing dance. To do this, each pair of participants should put the melody that has not yet sounded. In this case, it will be possible to avoid repetitions. The task of the jury is to choose a couple that coped with this difficult competition better than others.

After that, the jury can sum up the results with a calm soul, because the competitions reveal different aspects of the relationship in the presented couples, and this allows you to judge how the guy and the girl fit together, how strong their feelings are. Thus, the winners are announced: the perfect couple. They receive a well-deserved prize and can perform a slow dance that ends the competition.

In the scenario of any holiday, there comes a moment when all the main solemn toasts have already been pronounced, but the guests are not yet ready for active competitions or dance entertainment. It was then that, to the aid of the hosts, funny fun comes that can be spent right at the table.

The proposed selection is role-playing fairy tales and games for any holiday, written by talented Internet authors (thanks to them). Each of them can be safely attributed to the category of games - "icebreakers", which "split the hall", liberate guests, give the mood for festive fun, and therefore serve as a wonderful transition to an active entertainment program.

Fairy tale - noise maker at the table "Lambs"

For conducting, the presenter divides those present into several teams, each of which will represent one of the members of the "drum" family: Grandfather, Grandmother, Father, Mother or Son, then the participants, at each mention of "their" character, make "their" noise: rustle, rattle etc. When a family is mentioned in the text, everyone makes noise actions at the same time.

Characters and noise actions:

lamb grandfather- rustling newspapers,

Grandmother-drum- rattling dishes

lamb father- stomp their feet three times and make the creak of an opening door

mother lamb- make a scratching sound on a wooden surface

lamb son- clap your hands three times

lamb family - everyone present makes sounds at the same time.

Leading(reads text):

In the house thirteen on Mira street
In a very shabby old apartment,
That our people call a communal apartment.
lamb family has been living for a long time.
They settled in a huge closet,
Wherever a human foot goes.
This closet, littered for a very long time,
family of lamb here endures two centuries.
Other residents of the communal apartment
Little by little this family was forgotten:
Accustomed to their usual noises and sighs -
Under the same roof, they lived not badly.
lamb grandfather loved at leisure
Slightly play a trick on your dear wife:
shurshal Grandfather old newspaper in the corner
driving Babusya rustling in anguish.
granny in retaliation strummed dishes,
How lamb son was frightened many times.
lamb father when I was out of sorts,
He made a mess in his house:
He stamped his feet, creaked the doors
And everyone is tired of these sounds.
BUT mother lamb loved him so:
I did not scold at all for these tricks.
And as a sign of their tender and fiery feelings
Mommy bought him a watermelon.
lamb father was not known as a stinger -
Watermelon certainly shared between everyone.
Residents of a communal apartment then
Heard how the family champs together.
lamb son tried the hardest:
With relish watermelon he gorged himself.
So friendly lamb family lived,
Until the big trouble happened:
Suddenly, one day they decided to resettle the tenants.
And the house was promptly demolished.
The people left the communal apartment,
family of lamb have, of course, been forgotten.
Now they're looking for another place to live
Where they will be satisfying, cozy, warm,
Where lamb grandfather without any interference
Will continue to rustle with his pile of newspapers,
Where sometimes Granny lamb
Can rattle his old pot
Where lamb son clap your hands,
lamb father foot suddenly stomps,
BUT mother lamb sometimes without fear
Scratch at the door of a dear spouse.
Respond, people who are not very against
Hear all this late at night?

Table role-playing tale "Nebremen non-musicians"

Four guests who received cards with remarks easily "reincarnate" in their heroes, for this it is enough for them to pronounce their phrase expressively after each line where it is said about them. It is important for the host to remember to make small pauses at the right time and, if necessary, to make signs to the participants.

Actors and lines:

Donkey: "Horse I run!"
Dog: " Woof! I want to wet my throat first "
Cat: " Moore-meow, suddenly I will become fat and important!
Rooster: " Ku-ka-re-ku-ku! You can even hear it in Moscow!”

In a neighboring village the year before last
Some peasant suddenly went crazy:
He drove out all the living creatures that are in the house
I have lived side by side for fifteen years.
And lived with him all these years in the world:
DONkey shebutnoy... (Horse I run!)
The DOG that didn't growl anymore...
There lived an old robber, a CAT who loved sour cream...
In the company of this COCK was not superfluous ...

The company quietly wandered along the road,
The paws and legs of the poor are tired.
Suddenly the light appeared in the forest hut -
The terrible robbers have a home there.
And friends began to discuss right here,
How best to scare the robbers.
The DOG was suddenly the first to say softly... (Woof! I want to wet my throat first!)
Donkey, however, decided that he was not passive either. Still would! … (Horse I run!)
The CAT was very afraid of a night ram ... (Moore-meow, suddenly I will become fat and important ?!)
Friends offered to scare the gang -
Disperse the robbers with a cry.
A COCK that has already flown onto the roof ... ( Ku-ka-re-ku-ku! You can even hear it in Moscow!)

The animals quietly went to the hut
And all together: DONKEY, DOG, CAT, COCK - they shouted (Everyone screams).
The robbers immediately ran away from the house.
Who settled in it? They are familiar to us.
And lived for many more years in a house in peace
Brave donkey... (Horse I run!)
A DOG that growled menacingly... (Woof! I want to wet my throat first!)
And a subtle connoisseur of homemade sour cream, CAT ... (Moore-meow, suddenly I will become fat and important!)
And, of course, - COCK, he is not superfluous at all ... (Ku-ka-re-ku-ku! You can even hear it in Moscow!)


Table role-playing tale "Happiness is near."

Klava has been waiting for happiness for a long time,

Everyone wonders where it is

Then a FRIEND came to her

And hugged the owner.
Together we decided it was time
Invite PETER to visit.
Like, even though he's a fool,
But ditties to sing a master.
PARROT, having heard about it,
Sat on a perch higher
Began, poor, to lament:
"Where would the HOLIDAY wait?"
Here at the first call
PETER came - ready for anything.
KLAVA made a salad
And washed the grapes.
And he approves of the recipes.
There's a knock on the door! KLAVA darted:
Suddenly some kind of setup?
The door opened - the PRINCE appeared.
PETER almost shot himself!
To put it bluntly, without offense:
He had views on KLAVA!
Here they remembered about the HOLIDAY,
The song was pulled together.
PETER hiccupped and choked,
And swung at the PRINCE.
PARROT flew around the cage,
He called his ancestors for help.
And the GIRLFRIEND is only happy:
There will be a fight, what you need!
Only KLAVA does not yawn,
Raises a toast to happiness.
Sipped a glass
And Pyotr's glass is not enough!
But kinder, he's in a drinking bowl
PARROT pours vodka.
PRINCE, eating a herring,
Everyone mutters their motive.
KLAVA says softly:
"Grooms are our glory!"
A GIRLFRIEND whispers to her:
“You pour them a third ...”
The PRINCE made his decision,
Having made an offer to CLAVE.
PETER, blushing with effort,
Cookie makes a GIRLFRIEND.
And from the cage PARROT
Suddenly he let out a dog bark.
It's been a glorious HOLIDAY!
PETER eventually passed out.
PRINCE hid his face in a salad
(It was delicious, by the way.)
KLAVA sings a song
How it all ends, waiting.
And envious, FRIEND,
Though left without a spouse,
Sing along to her too
About "sorrows from the fields."
After seeing these things,
PARROT our gray hair.
He is silent on weekdays
And as a HOLIDAY - so screams.
Here the fairy tale ends
And who listened - well done!

Game moment "Cheerful table orchestra"

Who sits, who sits to the right of the bottle

Beat rhythmically on the glass with a fork.
Who sits, who sits from the bottle to the left
Tap the plate boldly with a fork.
Who sits, who sits to the right of the herring
Hit the plate with a fork and spoon.
Who sits, who sits to the right of the potato
Hit your knees with both hands.
Who is at the table today drank quite a bit
Beat slowly with a fork on a spoon
Who is in this hall today arrived late
Tap the glass gently on the table.
Who is today arrived on time and arrived
Beat as best you can with your heels on the floor.
Who is satisfied everyone left - clap your hands!
Who is a little was angry- don't be shy either.
And now together with everything you can - at once!
Have fun and joy at the holiday with us!

Collection posted for review

The yacht was designed as a role-playing game for teenagers, nevertheless, for adult players it is of no less interest than children. Moreover, when the role-playing game Yacht is played by adults, game process becomes a really action-packed spy detective. The yacht has long been a good classic example of a game scenario and deservedly takes its place in the file cabinet of any “armchair” role player. Even if you are far from the role-playing movement, and are quite a respectable person, this role-playing game, as a means of having an unforgettable time and relaxing from your serious problems and worries, will undoubtedly come in handy for you. Many firms dealing with the theme of corporate recreation take a lot of money for organizing the role-playing game "Yacht". Below, I will tell you how to download the game script and give you some tips that will greatly help the organizer to make Yacht more interesting and better.

So, if you are planning to become involved in this role-playing game as a player, then I categorically do not advise you to read the game script. Only the master should know the entire script. You can read the tips written below, as they wear general character and do not reveal the essence of the legend of the characters.

You can download the script for the role-playing game Yacht, and now let's get down to the tips:

There is a version of the scenario online that adds two more players, but this is for the most extreme case. These two roles are written into the game without changing the roles of other players, and in fact, no one needs them. I advise you to meet with all the players in advance, give them their roles (at least a couple of days in advance, since you need to get a grasp of the role and, ideally, make a costume). In addition, I recommend taking payments for the game (for consumables, etc.) in advance. It disciplines the players. If, nevertheless, one of the players refused at the last moment, urgently look for a replacement, or, what can you do, you need to start without any player. (the main thing is that the captain was J). If the absent player had to have an important prop, we stage a suddenly dead character with the help of any toy and whoever has time to rummage around him, well done. In extreme cases, even without two players, the game can go with a bang.

According to the scenario of the role-playing game Yacht, you will need various props.

It is detailed in the rules, however, I will say the following:

  1. 1. The map can be printed, or you can draw it beautifully on whatman paper, if you have time and hands.
  2. The seal of the captain, you can buy at the kiosk of Rospechat (seals with Smeshariki are sold there).
  3. If you simply stick a piece of plasticine as a seal, it will easily peel off from the door jamb and stick back without a trace of opening. To avoid this annoying possibility of hacking, you can make real seals: we take a cap from under the soda, coat it with plasticine and tightly tape it into the door jamb. To the door, just as tightly we fasten a thin rope with adhesive tape. We wind the rope into the lid, to a slight tension and put a piece of plasticine on top, pressing the prospector into the lid. From above, on plasticine (preferably light colors), we stamp a signet. Thus, it will become impossible to open the room without damaging the seal. The sealing procedure must be carried out by the captain in the presence of the owner of the cargo, but the props must be glued with adhesive tape in advance.

According to the scenario, in almost any role-playing game for teenagers or adults, you will need a weapon.

Pistols can be used from children's pneumatics of two types: with plastic balls and with rubber bullets. The difference is as follows:

With plastic balls, the gun is easier to reload and there is a real magazine that can be removed. However, the bullets are small, and it is not always possible to notice whether you hit the enemy or not.

With rubber bullets, the gun will have to be reloaded like a musket, driving the bullets into the barrel after each shot. This bullet is much easier to find on the floor, pick up and use a second time.

Which option is preferable - decide for yourself, the main thing to remember is that All weapons must first be tested on yourself, on the strength of a shot at close range. Shooting point-blank (really point-blank) I recommend modeling like this: the shooter points a pistol into the body of the enemy and says “bang-bang”, after that he immediately lowers the barrel down and shoots at the floor. If the bullet flew out and the shot was successful, then the enemy was killed. If it turns out that before the bang-bang the shooter forgot to cock the gun, then there was no shot.

The entourage of the role-playing game "Yacht" can be provided by the following elements.

In addition to the general design of the room, you can download music from the 30s and 40s for the cabin campaign and the sounds of the sea for other rooms on torrents.

As a radio station, you can use not a typewriter, but a cell phone glued / tied to the captain's table (respectively, using a walkie-talkie is sending the right SMS or calling the right number). At the same time, do not forget to write down the number in this phone as a “radio station”.

Also, if you have portable radio stations, then you can organize a speakerphone from the captain's cabin to the entire yacht (and also make masterful announcements through them).

During the organization of the role-playing game Yacht, you need to take into account one flaw in the script.

More precisely, a phrase in the tasks of one of the players. He needs to "acquire a document confirming the right of ownership ...". No one can issue this document. Because of this, the game task becomes impossible. The solution is as follows: 1. Remove this phrase from the task. 2. Give the captain the powers of a notary (confirmation of transactions, weddings, issuance of death certificates, etc.). In other words, any document sealed (signature is not important) becomes legal. Well, except for passports, of course. The second option complicates the task of the first character and brings a little variety and side jobs to the life of the captain.

In almost every role-playing game, there are hard-core "bad guy" roles.

Otherwise, the role of the bad guy would be played by the master. Given that the game is pseudo-historical in nature, it is important to pay special attention to the issuance of such roles, especially if the game is played for teenagers. After the game, it is always necessary to give each player the opportunity to speak out. For those masters who will be especially stressed by the brutality of a number of roles, I recommend looking for a version of the Yacht about the Caribbean crisis. In fact, this is the same yacht, only a remake with different names and countries. But the remake, in terms of atmosphere, is worse than the original, so take it only as a last resort.

The finale of the plot-role-playing game "Yacht" can be beautifully beaten.

This can be done with the help of killed players. 5 minutes before the final in one of the rooms (preferably not a game room), we dress them all in camouflage (and the master also dresses), put on bulletproof vests (black bags with holes for the arms and head), paste the necessary chevrons with adhesive tape, distribute spare pistols ( the more weapons, the better). In two minutes we explain who they are. And at the moment when the game time expires, we break into the playing territory and then, depending on what chevrons you have on, do so. But in general, the process of victory should be driven by the winning players, and not special forces in camouflage (he only makes sure that no one else takes out pistols and tries to escape, well, he also controls the behavior of the winners, checks passports if necessary).

If you decide to enlighten your friends on the game according to the scenario of the yacht, then be sure to write how it went. Also, if you have any questions while preparing for the game, feel free to ask in the comments. I will help with all I can. And if there are other powerful scenarios in your file cabinet of role-playing games, I will be glad if you share the link.

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This post has 39 comments

  1. Leonid 27th May 2012 .

    Interesting. Tell me, in what place does the murder, the introduction to sleep and the search take place? Not in front of everyone. And how then does the put to sleep react to the put to sleep?

  2. Yuri 10th March 2013 .

    an interesting situation arose 12 guys and 3 girls was it worth rewriting the legends or just giving it to the girls male roles, and women's guys?

  3. Denis 11th July 2013 .

    Hey! Decided to play the game on the other camp site. There are only 13 of us, so I excluded English intelligence from the game and edited the roles.
    A few questions.
    How is it possible that the flag will be moved not by the captain and the first mate? When will they be offered money, for example?
    how to open a safe with weapons in the game?

  4. Denis 12th July 2013 .

    In the role of the captain, it is written that he and the first mate are on duty in turn, but in the role of the first mate, this is not written.
    in the roles still in my opinion a mistake. the first mate of the sapota wrote that “Among the passengers, you recognized several more people: SS officer Peter Bocca (F. I. player), who rides under the name of Pierre Brusso, and José Balboa (F. I. player). You have never met them personally. You saw Peter Bock once in the Reich Chancellery. And you know Jose Balboa in absentia - his photograph appeared in the case of the laboratory, it was assumed that he was well acquainted with the author-developer of "Weapons of Retribution."

    José is a typo and refers to Tomaso?

    About the safe. - the captain has the key and they can steal it, redeem it probably? I'm interested in the game. Can it be hacked?

    About the management of the yacht is written only by Abraham Weinger (in addition to the captain and the first mate)

    Another question - is there enough poison for only 1 person?
    What about a sleeping pill?
    Where to put the antidote? Isn't it released to anyone?
    The seal and the false seal must be identical?
    Are real passports different from fake ones? on what basis?

  5. Vova 16th November 2013 .

    And how long does the game last?

  6. Elizabeth 2nd December 2014 .

    Good afternoon!
    Tell me, please, where can I find more scenarios for cabinet role-playing games? I can't find any scripts on the internet.
    I really liked the yacht, but, unfortunately, we are not recruited 15 people.

  7. Roman 26th December 2014 .

    in the text document CAPTAIN FORMS, a link is given to this page and it says that on this page we will find out why the captain's forms are needed, unfortunately I did not find this (
    that was the first question.
    The second question: in the terms of the game it is said about a real phone and about real calls and SMS, where and to whom should they be sent?

    (As a radio station, you can use not a typewriter, but a cell phone glued / tied to the captain's table (respectively, using a walkie-talkie is sending the right SMS or calling the right number)
    Or here in question about masterful announcements, then in this case you don’t need to write or call anyone, and the phone may not be real, and I can pronounce announcements out loud ???!!!

  8. Roman 26th December 2014 .

    How to use radio?

  9. Roman 28th December 2014 .

    Please write an answer regarding the captain's forms!
    And it is not entirely clear how infection occurs, how to determine who has become infected.

  10. Roman 28th December 2014 .

    Who should initially have an order for the right to issue funds ... and who should find it??

  11. Andrew 13th January 2015 .

    Hello, super scenario, there are only a couple of questions that I did not find answers to.

    If there are fewer than 15 players, which characters should be eliminated in order?

    In 1 of the comments I saw that there are other characters, where to find information about them, this is if more than 15 characters play

  12. Victor 14th January 2015 .

    How to "throw the body overboard"? Carry the dead man in your arms or tell him that I threw you overboard?

  13. lexrem 26th April 2015 .

    The question arose, are coffee / cookies in the bar sold for play money, or is it better not to bother with this and consider food included in the fare?

    Funny Reply:
    April 27th, 2015 at .

    In general, this is the captain's competence - this is his ship and his rules. But according to logic and torture, they are usually sold for 1-2 dollars a piece. The fact is that both the bartender and the captain will be able to earn extra money somehow + the bartender and the waiter do not have the feeling that they are wasting their time + eating like the rich on the ship. so the poor for whom 1-2 dollars is a significant amount. So it's better for the money, however. the captain can announce for free and make an exception for someone separate (sometimes the team is fed by the yacht)

    lexrem Reply:
    May 5th, 2015 at .

    I apologize for a possibly stupid question, but I can't figure it out. And how to attach the lid (for sealing) to the jamb with tape? Then cut a hole in the tape? But she won't hold on, will she? Or does it need to be tied to the end? Nothing comes to mind at all ... I completely lost my ingenuity. 🙁

  14. lexrem 11th May 2015 .

    Thank you so much for your help, we played the game. The first time it turned out a little crumpled, but everyone just loved it terribly. If anyone is interested:

    Funny Reply:
    May 11th, 2015 at .

    Normal such money))
    How many people survived by the end of the game?

    lexrem Reply:
    May 14th, 2015 at .

    And by the way, here is the file, there is money, passports and slightly reworked add. roles that I used in the game.

    Maria Forest Reply:
    December 26th, 2016 at .

    You have Israel in additional roles. In 1945, there was no such state yet :) Do not kill historical authenticity))

  15. lexrem 14th May 2015 .
  16. Alex 5th February 2016 .

    What's the point of giving Sandra Trevolyan the skill to control the radio if the task of British intelligence is not to transmit anything over the frequencies?

  17. Alexander 17th April 2017 .

    Do I understand correctly that the captain's cabin is in a separate room so that no one can see who is there now? What about the cargo compartments? Should they be located so that no one sees that someone is approaching them? And another question: if, for example, the V-2 documents and the amber room are a folder and a box, respectively, then all players will immediately see if someone has taken possession of these items. What is the best way to avoid this?

Dear friends! Let's play with you now...
I have a funny interesting role-playing game for you.
miniature. I will now choose nine people from you, and
I will distribute according to their roles. You just have to
remember your nickname and phrase ... I call
name, and you say each your own phrase ... So, are you ready?
Then let's start!!!

Man: "I'm macho!
Work: “Yes, he is lying!
Head: “And they didn’t see that!
Wife: Where have you been?
Girl: "I'm your pussy!
Flowers: " Best gift
Family friend: "It's okay, girls!"
Pillow voice: Kashpirovsky: "ALL TO SLEEP!

A tipsy MAN comes home from WORK.
He's slightly dizzy.
In his hands he carries FLOWERS for his WIFE.
Suddenly he sees a beautiful GIRL.
The MAN gives the FLOWERS to the GIRL.
The GIRL goes with the MAN to his house.
The MAN tells the WIFE that he was at WORK.
Just then a FAMILY FRIEND comes out of the bedroom.
MAN don't like it
and he beats FAMILY FRIEND
by HEAD.
Angry WIFE
beats the HUSBAND
kisses his broken HEAD
and leaves home with a FAMILY FRIEND.
The MAN stays with the GIRL.
But he is very tired from WORK
and therefore immediately falls asleep, dropping his HEAD
on the PILLOW.
Morning has come. Lying under the bed
at the MAN
terribly aching HEAD.
He tries to remember where this creepy GIRL came from.
He follows the GIRL to the door.
throws FLOWERS into the bin.
puts HEAD under cold water.
and going to work...

Applause for you!!! Well done you did this job!
So let's drink to-
So that we do not chase after a beautiful temptation
Don't lose your head!!!

Mistress, nurse, stewardess, schoolgirl - all these are well-known sex images! invites you to diversify your sexual games and update your usual roles and plots.

It is worth thinking about role-playing games, as the same images, the same plots come to mind. A mistress punishing a slave or a delinquent student who was left by the teacher after school, or a nurse who “treats” a patient with the help of sex therapy. Why are these images so firmly entrenched in our imagination? Perhaps the whole point is that our subconscious desires in most cases are very similar.

For example, many girls secretly fantasize about being raped by a handsome stranger who looks like Johnny Depp, because in this game our deep need for submission is realized. Usually, girls practicing such role-playing games want to relieve themselves of all responsibility for what is happening, relax and surrender to the mercy of a male male who roughly takes her by force, as it happens in the animal world.

All these old and time-tested role-playing games have become so popular for a reason. After all, despite the banality of the roles and the predictability of the plot, they affect the thinnest strings of our nature and allow us to realize our most secret desires.

We decided that we should not reinvent the wheel and come up with new role-playing games. Instead, we invite you to enrich the usual plots and add zest to the images you already love. offers you 10 ways to diversify the most popular erotic scenarios.


Habitual Scenario: a nurse, dressed in the best traditions of Evelina Bledans, carefully cares for the patient. Does artificial respiration, massage, measures the temperature and listens to the heartbeat. And then he prescribes his own "original" method of treatment through sex.

Game Benefits: simple plot and great opportunities for improvisation. In addition, there are no women in the world who would not wear a medical uniform, and men who would refuse to have sex with a nurse. Everyone loves this look! And additional sex toys will only add spice.

New scenario: swap places. Let your MCH become a real Dr. House - he is defiant, sarcastic and distant. Or charming George Clooney. In a word, he himself will decide which disease to treat you for. He can even try himself as a gynecologist (by the way, many guys played this as a child, so this image can awaken vivid associations).

Base Clayton, or Prisoner of the Caucasus

Habitual Scenario: latex-clad mistress punishes her slave with whips and other BDSM paraphernalia with or without reason.

Game Benefits: many men (especially those who hold high positions at work and bear great responsibility) from time to time want to become a thing, a servant, a slave of a beautiful lady. Yes, and a woman is always pleased to feel her power - to subjugate a man, at least in sex.

New scenario: change banal leather, latex and other fetishes for things in military style. Turn your bedroom into military base, himself into Jane's fearless soldier, and him into his prisoner. You can conduct a brutal interrogation (at the same time you will find out everything you want about his secret desires). You can torture your loved one (within reason, of course). You can stop attempts to escape. In a word, become a real commander in chief in bed!

East is a delicate matter

Habitual Scenario: a man usually plays the role of a sultan, and a woman is assigned the role of a slave concubine in a harem. The disadvantage of this plot is that MCH usually quickly get into the taste and may require the introduction of additional characters (that is, other female concubines) for the plausibility of the plot. And then it's up to you to decide whether you show him a bisexual show with your girlfriend, let him sleep with another, or just turn off the game.

Game Benefits: an opportunity to show what you have learned in belly dancing. And an unusual oriental flavor - carpets, incense, oriental music - can greatly decorate your bedroom.

New scenario: become a sultana yourself. And make him your concubine, whom you allow to make yourself oriental massage, fan you with a fan and please in every possible way. At the same time, it is up to you to decide whether it will come to sex or you will limit yourself to violent caresses.

"Managing Flights"

Habitual Scenario: the girl plays the role of a stewardess serving a first-class passenger. The classic phrase of this performance is: “What do you want, sir? Tea? Coffee? Or me?" Of course, the passenger chooses the latter, and then the game ends and just sex begins.

Game Benefits: The flight attendant has always been considered one of the sexiest professions. Every man dreamed at least once to pass the flight for spicy entertainment with a hot flight attendant.

New scenario: Give the game a bit of drama, like in a movie. Imagine that the plane crashes or is hijacked by terrorists. Let your man "save" you and humanity to boot. Superheroes are always attractive. Just think what passions could flare up between the two of you in the face of danger. However, given the fact that thought is material, make sure that the game has a good ending and a happy ending.

"Back to School"

Habitual Scenario: one of the partners becomes a student, and the other a teacher who seduces him. This may be a variation on the theme of Humbert and Lolita, or, on the contrary, a strict teacher and a naughty student.

According to the plot, a negligent student is usually left after school for "extra classes", and only further ...

Game Benefits: our first erotic experiences are usually associated with school: falling in love, kissing, love notes, etc. So such a game is likely to be fueled by a powerful sense of nostalgia.

New scenario: the game can become doubly enjoyable and rewarding if you really try to teach each other something in the process. For example, offer to laboratory work with your vibrator. Or teach your loved one to do cunnilingus. The highlight lies in the fact that within the framework of this plot, you can delicately tell your MCH about all your erogenous zones, as well as the correct ways to exploit them. And you yourself can ask him to "teach you a lesson." So you will not only have fun, but also improve your sexual skills.


Habitual Scenario: a couple turns the bedroom into a working office, where serious passions boil. The man acts as the boss, and the girl as his sexy secretary. Or, vice versa: a woman becomes an inaccessible business woman, a strict boss, and her MCH becomes a subordinate.

Game Benefits: office theme is a rich ground for sexual fantasies, especially if nothing like this happens in your office. No wonder office romances and intrigues arise!

In addition, the game does not require any special costumes. Just a strict jacket, skirt, stilettos, stockings and glasses with simple glasses will create a harmonious and attractive look.

New scenario: Take your game from the bedroom to the real office. This may seem like an extreme undertaking, but the sharpness of feelings and passions are guaranteed! You can visit your loved one during your lunch break. Or stay in the office for "extracurricular work" and invite him to your place with a special erotic letter to e-mail. This, of course, is not street sex, but it is quite extreme.


Habitual Scenario: a girl transforms into a prostitute, and a man becomes her client. The bedroom transforms into a red-light district, and the night into a never-ending sexual marathon.

Game Benefits: even the most decent girl is sometimes curious what it is like to receive money for her beauty and sexuality? The game provides an opportunity to satisfy curiosity. For a man, such a scenario can greatly liberate and relax. Indeed, with a prostitute, he can afford any pranks, not being afraid to offend her, scare her away or cause her condemnation.

New scenario. For more credibility, take money from your man for sex. Then spend it on something nice. If such a thought disgusts you, then you may well repeat the beautiful scene from the movie Pretty Woman, where Richard Gere takes Julia Roberts shopping and dresses her up from head to toe.

"Burned Innocence"

Habitual Scenario: the girl plays the role of a virgin, and the man becomes Dracula / vampire / rapist, kidnapping her and taking her by force.

Game Benefits: in sex it is especially pleasant to feel like a helpless and innocent girl, who is in the power of a brutal and sexual master. In addition, each of us at least once dreamed of “redrawing” and editing our first sex in accordance with our own desired scenario.

New scenario: not required. The game tickles the nerves of both men and women!

An engagement ring is not just a piece of jewelry.

Habitual Scenario: girls love to fantasize about the wedding and everything connected with it. If you are not yet led to the altar, you can at least rehearse the first wedding night (so the MCH will soon understand that it is better not to delay the proposal!).

Game Benefits: you will feel like a bride, and your MCH will understand that in family life has its significant advantages.

New scenario: make the plot more unpredictable. You can play the role of a bride who is due to marry the unloved in an hour, and your MCH can play the role of a very sexy best man who seduces you. Or vice versa: let him be the groom, and you be the bridesmaid, who has the last chance to seduce the man of her dreams.

In sports, it's not about winning!

Habitual Scenario: one of the partners becomes a sexy fitness instructor, the other becomes a client of a fitness club who comes to work out. Of course, regular workouts gradually develop into private, personal and oh-so-very sexy.

Game Benefits: the situation when the coach seduces the client (or vice versa) is quite realistic. And therefore, you don’t have to fantasize or get used to the role.

New scenario: for the safety of home workouts, you should go to the gym together to gain proper fitness and skills. By the way, sweating on the simulators, both of you will feel a surge of sexual energy. Such training will benefit both your libido and your relationship.