International Vegan Day is celebrated on November 1st. International Vegan Day is a wonderful celebration - GO VEG! Vegetarianism as a way of life. Why people go vegan

Far from being for people who have their own principles and worldviews, their own holiday has been established. But vegans, thanks to the huge popularity of their community, got this opportunity. And they celebrate the unity of those who have excluded animal products from their diet on November 1. This tradition began in 1994, and the day is associated with the date of the establishment of the Vegan Society.

Vegans are strict vegetarians who oppose any kind of animal exploitation, so they don't even use materials that contain animal ingredients. On International Vegan Day, members of the community hold information events to promote their lifestyle. Most vegans have one motivation - ethical.

There is cabbage on the table,
And radish and salad
For us vegans it tastes good
This is a holiday, they say!

Come on and chew your meat,
It's too tough for us
And life is beautiful without meat,
We will prove it to you.

Will be completely healthy
Will live a very long time
And of course, we will offer everyone
Like us, be a vegan!

To eat deliciously
We don't need meat!
We eat satisfyingly
There is energy reserve!

In vegetables, mushrooms and fruits
We find heaven on earth
And also, of course, in cereals -
Our main diet!

Congratulations to everyone who is vegan
You are on the right track!
From the bottom of my heart I wish you
To the true goals only go!

Bring veganism to the masses,
We don't need flesh and blood!
Give to living creatures
Your affection and love!

Happy International Vegan Day! I wish you to achieve your goal. To comprehend the truth in the chosen path and achieve the desired enlightenment! Health, strength, energy and desire to make the world a better place!

Being a vegan means appreciating all life,
What is so precious on our Earth!
And the vegan rule is pretty simple -
Do not do to others what you do not want yourself!

We congratulate you and sincerely believe
That your spirit will continue to be strong!
May health be only stronger, stronger,
And the world will not hear the animal groan!

You don't offend animals
You don't eat their meat at all,
And you don't eat fish,
Don't wear leather clothes.

Let the world be free from evil!
After all, you help in this.
Happy International Vegan Day!
Kindness, love and beauty!

One potato, two potatoes,
There will be a delicious cake
We make a cake from carrots -
Delicious still life.
Squeeze juice from parsley,
And in it a piece of beet.
The dinner will be very tasty
And garlic, like a hundred pearls,
And it beckons and smells,
There was a groan in my stomach ...
So raise a mug of juice
So that at our doorstep
Vegans of all stripes
From various areas
There was a lot of laughter in life
A lot of happiness and success!

I want to congratulate you on the holiday
I am vegans of the whole earth,
Wishes to send
Health, joy, love!

You have chosen a difficult path,
I wish you perseverance in it.
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart
Happy international this day!

Vegetarians are great
You eat cucumbers
And do not eat meat at all,
And don't look at the fish,
Do you feel sorry for the animal world,
Even you do not drink kefir!
It's your choice, your right,
We shout you bravo from the bottom of our hearts!
Today we congratulate you,
Happy vegan day and we wish you
Health, joy, success,
More fun, more laughter!

I wish vegan day
The food is tasty and healthy.
A bright and happy life
Joyful and serene.

Let the position give
You have strength and patience,
Helps philosophically
Always make decisions.

Happy International Vegan Day!
I wish you good health and blooming.
Let there be only nutritious food
Let it always be useful.

Giving up meat is cool
Let your life reach the absolute.
Nothing will be a hindrance to you
I wish you success in everything.

Happy vegan day, congratulations
And from the bottom of my heart I wish you only well.
You protect from the death of animals,
You don't want to live like everyone else.

May there be only happiness in your house
Let the fate of bad weather pass you by.
Nature's helpers, kind people,
No one will forget your work and care!

Congratulations: 28 in verse, 4 in prose.

"Vegan freak"
November 1st is International Vegan Day

World Vegan Day has been celebrated since 1994 every year on November 1, the anniversary of the establishment of the "Vegan Society", founded in the UK in 1944. Veganism is very popular today, people write about it a lot, it is often recommended. Vegan Freak is not just a book. This is a guide to action for anyone who, as a vegan, feels uncomfortable around "normal" people, or is intimidated by the mere thought of switching to a vegan diet.

"Vegan Freak" - instructions on how to use conversational and behavioral tactics when communicating with family, friends and other representatives of the majority. Finally, this is a useful database: the text contains almost everything there is to know about animal rights violations, their consequences and alternatives to routine - from exposing the livestock system to a review of fashionable clothing brands that were not involved in the exploitation of smaller brothers.

Chapter 2. Animal rights

For meat eaters, we vegans are pathetic dumb ... s. The killers. Yes Yes exactly. We kill without repentance, often boiling prey alive in boiling water or frying it alive without a single thought of life and freedom that we take away, and of the pain that we inflict. Sometimes we even cut our victims into small pieces and eat with garlic, full of delight. We are sick and perverted. We are ruthless tyrants with no pity for the oppressed.

Are we considered that way because we confessed that we were having bloody orgies? Nope. We just try on a suit made by meat eaters.

For them, driven into an intellectual corner, we vegans are the Hannibal lecters of the vegetable world. One has only to mention that you are an ethical vegan, as some omnivore instantly raises his tail and begins to "rub down" about the "plant rights". His reasoning is that if you care about animal rights, you should also take care of flora rights. And while many vegans do try to do the least damage to the environment, omnivores are trying to do something completely different with their criticism. They want to destroy our arguments for veganism with thousands of mosquito bites, because if they muddy our values, they can get indulgence in the form of the right not to think about the direct or passive struggle that we have as vegans.

And so all your life you will listen to whining about the exploitation, suffering and killing of plants, while an omnivore with a triumphant grin eats a chicken, obviously forgetting that it takes more than one kilogram of cereals to produce a pound of chicken meat. Therefore, if an omnivore really cared about plant rights, he would eat only a few grains of wheat, instead of feeding bags of cereals to those animals on the farm, whose dead flesh he would later eat with gusto. But these are trifles. It's much more fun to tease vegans by calling them executioners.

On top of that, plant rights advocates are ignoring some sound conclusions. Let's have a little brainstorming session. Let's experiment with broccoli and a piglet. Let's touch the broccoli with a hot poker. What happened? Nothing: the broccoli is a little fried (which makes it smells not very good), but it does not scream, does not twitch and does not show any reaction, because it does not have a nervous system and pain receptors. If you do the same with a piglet, it will most likely screech in pain and run away. Since it can sometimes be difficult to say something for sure about the sensitivity of a particular person or animal, things like a shrill scream can be very helpful in making educated guesses about his health and well-being. In addition to the fact that the piglet uses sound and behavioral signals, letting us know how it feels, it knows that it has nervous system and pain receptors. And the plant? It leads a "vegetable" lifestyle and feels everything in the same way, let's say.

Eating meat for food is part of people's lives. In order for this part to change, the whole must first change, that is, the whole life. Of course, it happens that changes in life begin with the refusal to eat meat, but this does not happen often. Meat-eating habits are more likely to be called a symptom of the disease, rather than its cause. Until the cause is eliminated, it is useless to fight the symptoms.

The depth of the absurdity of the struggle for plant rights clearly shows how far people are willing to go to deny the fact that they indirectly cause suffering to animals. Omnivores are more or less responsible for the bloodbaths in slaughterhouses, since they are even ready to rush to vegans for eating the notorious broccoli. Yes, the universe is not easy.

Sadly, these accusations have to be heard by any vegan, especially if he is an ethical vegan. Consumer society's rampant narcissism can still forgive veganism as a manifestation of concern for their own health. Tell them you want to lose a couple of kilos or what you got high level cholesterol, and they will fully support your decision, even if they think that it is a little extreme. They will most likely also take your side, saying that you are very “brave” - because you are ready to suffer, giving up animal products.

But if you blurt out that you are a vegan, because you think that animals should not suffer for the sake of the pleasure of people, they will immediately write you down as a freak. The moment you happen to mention animal rights, people stare at you as if you just kicked a deafening and aromatic kick.

The most striking thing about this behavior for vegans is that most meat eaters have their own cats and / or dogs and they know very well that their pets are able to feel pain, experience such sensations as joy, sadness and delight, and have every right not to suffer ...

However, due to social mechanisms imposed on us, as well as to traditions, tastes and habits, we continue to take away from animals what they deserve: freedom from pain and exploitation and the ability to live life to the fullest as conscious beings. And instead of critically thinking about the transcendent suffering inherent in every gram of meat, eggs or dairy products, and how we exploit animals for our own comfort, omnivores, as usual, worry about how much they will miss chicken wings, hamburgers and cheese. We know that we are not the only ones who see this relationship between the forces of good and evil.

Based on such an inadequacy in the perception of living things in our culture, we will dump on you all the harsh person regarding animal rights. We'll discuss some of the ethical, environmental, and physiological reasons for becoming and staying vegan. We emphasize the ethical dimension of veganism, using logical arguments about pain and sensitivity to prove that the exploitation of animals for our needs is morally unacceptable.

We delineate a modern philosophical frame of reference on this issue and insist that we must develop a culture of advocating for the rights to a life free of suffering. Our main argument is that animals are not property that we can dispose of as we please, and we will explore the common root of oppression of humans and animals (is it okay to say "capitalism"?) And demonstrate how the rights of humans and animals are intertwined with each other. friend.

Finally, we look at how disastrous the impact of industrial livestock farming on the lives of people, animals and the planet is. We will also destroy the logic of the popular vegan argument that really pisses us off. To wrap up, we will assess veganism for its health benefits and discuss animal rights in everyday life.

But, before we start, we make one important point.

Although we know a lot about what is happening in circuses, zoos, fish farms, fur factories, laboratories and the hunting industry, we believe that the most important issue today is industrial animal husbandry. First of all, it is the most common way of oppressing animals by humans. In addition, it is in this area that greatest number murders. Therefore, we focus on agriculture paying less attention to problems in other areas of operation. Don't think that we think fur coats are normal, that dissecting animals is helpful, or that bullfighting is fun. We do not question the fact that it all "sucks" and we hope that this kind of thing will be over soon.

Now let's talk about a sadist named Simon.

A sadist named Simon

In his book, An Introduction to Animal Rights: Your Child or Dog, Gary Francione 1 offers a disarming concept for meat-eating theorists that illustrates the problems of animal perception in human culture. It is as follows. Imagine f ... the sadist Simon, who mocks his dog, burning him with a blowtorch. Now ask yourself a sad question: "Is it okay?" If you are in the same boat with us, you will answer unequivocally: "Not a fig!" Any sane person will agree that there is something unnatural in this. As far as we can tell, Simon is causing the dog incredible suffering. And if you ask him why he is doing this, he will calmly answer that he gets great pleasure from the process.

This will seem outrageous to most. reasonable people: some dodger tortures a dog just because he likes it. He cannot give any other reasons. Let's make the bold assumption that you don't have to be a vegan at all in order to realize that there is something wrong with the guy. But what's the problem? The overwhelming majority would answer that the dog feels pain and any person is obliged to relieve it of this pain. In the meantime, it is in the dog's best interest to avoid torture. Everything seems to be correct, right? To top it off, many would say that there is simply no need for livestock.

Reasonable people tend to extend the same logic to other animals. Many dudes and chicks believe that cows, chickens and pigs should also not be cauterized with a soldering iron; and when they witness the bullying of these animals, these bullying shocks them in earnest. Outrageous cruelty seems to them absolutely unnecessary, since they understand that animals are suffering. Most are aware of this and oppose this practice (curiously, outside of the slaughterhouse, where Simon could “just do his job,” he would have been prosecuted for animal cruelty).

A hardliner should only be a strict vegan (vegetarians eat milk and eggs), prefer natural and organic food. Thus, most of the products that come from third world countries are also banned - sugar, chocolate, tropical fruits, coffee and tea - due to the hazardous working conditions in which they are produced.

Once the majority agree with the conclusion that all animals are worthy of respect and relief from pain, how can they eat dairy products, eggs, meat, fish and poultry? If we agree that animals should not suffer for the sake of someone's pleasure, how can we allow them to go under the knife and then eat? Vegans demonstrate that it is more than possible to exist without any animal products, without suffering mentally and physically. If we take for granted the fact that we are able to easily live without these products, then the thirst for meat and everything else is explained only by traditions and preferences. And if we really want to reduce the suffering of animals to zero, it turns out that our preferences in this case have no more right to exist than Simon's desire to burn the dog with a blowtorch. And the point.

Despite this, we have inherited a world in which living beings are killed, dismembered and eaten, considering such actions to be the norm, and the bullying of idiotic teenagers over animals on the street is "unacceptable." As soon as our whims come into play, we see in the vicious practice tradition and the natural course of history.

Yes, it is possible to eat meat - a tradition, but with the same success in many countries it is still considered a tradition to prevent women from certain positions, deny homosexuals the rights given to straight people, or discriminate against people by skin color. If we turn to the arguments about the "natural course of history", how did it happen that we never hear about the natural course of history when a bear eats a child (as often happens in New York State) or when a crocodile attacks a human? Besides, what's natural about going to the store and buying a bloody hunk covered in Styrofoam?

Here you can argue, they say, Simon is mocking the dog, and the animals that eat do not directly suffer. True, in theory, on the way through the slaughterhouse to the plate, cruelty is not foreseen, but we must not forget that birds, for example chickens, are cut off their beaks so that they do not injure their neighbors in cramped concentration camps, raging from hellish conditions; that, say, piglets are castrated (without any anesthesia) so that they grow fatter; that horns are removed from cattle (also, of course, without anesthesia).

This is only one hundredth of what is happening on livestock farms, where animals do not have access to sufficient air, light and space. For example, chickens that lay eggs spend their entire lives in cramped cages without the ability to move until they go to the slaughterhouse. Their beaks are removed so that they do not peck themselves or their neighbors to death from permanent mental trauma. As for the roosters, which are useless for egg production, they are usually thrown into garbage containers, worn out and ground into porridge - but alive!

It should also be remembered that many animals (for example, cows) are killed by cutting their throats, while hanging them upside down by their ankles on a chain. Although killing in many slaughterhouses involves stunning, this practice has proven to be ineffective. In a word, the modern agricultural machine puts animals in conditions that completely and permanently subordinate our brothers to our lesser human whims, without caring about their feelings and interests. Perhaps we do not seek to bring suffering to animals, but the methods that are practiced cannot be called humane. And why? Because people love the taste of eggs, milk and meat. There are simply no other reasons.

Yes, ovolacto vegetarians, you read that correctly: we included eggs and milk on the list. Some of you have decided that by giving up meat you have given a powerful kick to the killing and pain industry, but unfortunately this is far from the truth. The moment cows stop producing enough milk or can no longer get pregnant, they become beef.

In addition, the production of veal is inextricably linked with the production of milk. When a cow gives birth to a bull, the farmers have nothing to do with it but put it under the knife. When chickens get old and are no longer able to produce eggs, they also go for meat. If someone suddenly did not know: there are no fabulous pastures for retired cows, where they live out their days in gratitude for record milk yields; there are no nursing homes for their spent chickens. But it is very pleasant to think that you do not support the massacre by eating eggs and cheese - you do not eat the animals themselves. But if you consider the suffering of animals for the sake of the pleasure of people unjust, you must admit that neither eggs nor milk carry anything good in themselves.

This is not written to offend ovolacto-vegetarians, but to emphasize: it is necessary to be aware of the fact that receiving milk and eggs for human needs brings pain and death to animals. We can live just as well without eggs, meat and dairy products as we can live without bullying animals. In both cases, everything depends only on our ability to adequately relate to our desires and whims. Is our hunger for animal products justified enough for 500 animals to be killed for meat in the time you read this book? How strong is this a reason for 8 billion living beings to be slaughtered annually in the United States alone?

1 Francione, Gary Lawrence (b. 1954) is a legal scholar and author of several books on animal rights. His theoretical research investigates three main issues: the property status of animals; differences between animal rights and charity in relation to them; a theory of animal rights based on their ability to feel.

3. The split of vegetarianism

The term "veganism" was coined by the Englishman Donald Watson in 1944.

In wartime, due to the lack of meat products, there was no need for bans, because food was sorely lacking. The British government recommended that residents grow potatoes and Jerusalem artichoke using every opportunity - to plant vegetables on lawns and squares.

The improvement in the supply of food to the country led to a split in the vegetarian movement. Many began to consume eggs and dairy products.

4. Vegan society

The vegan society was created by Donald Watson as a result of the split of vegetarians, divided into those who consume dairy products and those who exclude them. The term "vegan" was coined by Watson to separate himself from vegetarians.

The purpose of the organization was to disseminate information so that everyone can make an informed choice by receiving the necessary knowledge. The establishment of the Vegan Society November 1, 1944 is International Vegan Day.

5. How is the holiday celebrated?

November 1 at different countries Celebrate Vegan Day with events. The purpose of the information campaign is to educate everyone about veganism. Thus, the movement's supporters are trying to draw public attention to the problems of animal cruelty.

Vegan Day is a call for a humane and ethical attitude towards nature. And, although vegans give each other gifts for the holiday, in the manufacture of which not a single animal was harmed, the essence of the holiday is not about having fun.

The main idea is a humane attitude towards nature.

6. The essence of veganism

A vegan is a vegetarian who follows strict dietary guidelines that include avoiding animal products.

Unlike vegetarians, vegans exclude from the diet not only meat and chicken, but also dairy products, seafood, and eggs. By ditching fur and leather clothing, vegans oppose the killing of animals.

It would seem, what relation to murder can milk have? But vegans believe that keeping cows for milk is abuse of animals, so such a product cannot be used for food.

They also oppose the use of animals in the entertainment industry: horse racing, dolphinariums, circus, bullfights, zoos.

So veganism is not a desire for a healthy lifestyle, but a whole philosophy based on psychological, ethical and environmental aspects.

7. Veganism in Russia

The ideas of veganism appeared in Russia in the 1860s and were actively developed until October revolution... The dissemination was based on ethical views. The bulk of vegetarians followed a lifestyle similar to modern veganism.

The author Leo Tolstoy had a tremendous influence on veganism in Russia. Seeing the killing of an animal in the slaughterhouse, Tolstoy rethought a lot, and began new life at the age of fifty.

However, being a vegan in Russia is not easy. Especially in Siberia, where fresh fruits and vegetables are more expensive, and cold winters cannot be survived without hearty food.

Basically, for this reason, veganism in Russia is less common than in Europe.

8. Veganism in the USA

The exact opposite of Russia can be called the United States - a paradise for vegans. Despite historical traditions that run counter to the ideals of veganism, society is actively trying to overcome old prejudices.

The propaganda of plant foods has reached state proportions. Notable personalities advertising on TV, posters on city streets and highways - everything is aimed at healthy eating.

America even has vegan fast food stalls. And the shelves of most supermarkets offer a huge selection of varied plant foods.

9. Day off or not?

It is known that in Russia Vegan Day is not a day off, otherwise every resident knew about this holiday.

However, November 1 is not only vegan day, but also All Saints Day in the Catholic Church... In Poland, Italy, Finland, Austria, Germany and many other countries, November 1 is officially a public holiday.

Can it be argued that there will be more vegetarians in Russia if this holiday is made a day off? It's hard to say. It is only obvious that such an action will become an impetus for the dissemination of information and people will learn that veganism is not only dietary rules, but something more.

10. Opinion of doctors

There is an ongoing debate about whether veganism is harmful or beneficial. In this matter, it is especially important to listen to the opinion of doctors so as not to harm your body, saving everyone else.

After analyzing the human digestive organs that will help get an answer, scientists have come to the conclusion that evolution has created humans as omnivores. The human body cannot eat only meat or only one grass.

Meat is essential for normal growth and contains important vitamins that are not found in plant foods. Therefore, vegans are deficient in some important micronutrients. BUT positive influence the lifespan of veganism has not been proven.

11. Healthy lifestyle month

October is considered the "month of vegetarian awareness." October 1st is the International Vegetarian Day.

Due to the fact that between Vegetarian Day and Vegan Day there are several minor holidays related to them, it was decided to devote the whole month to this movement - from October 1 to November 1.

12. Celebrities

There are many vegans famous people- both in Russia and abroad.

These include the famous Hollywood actors Joaquin Phoenix, Woody Harrelson, Natalie Portman, Demi Moore, Brad Pitt and many others.

Famous representatives of veganism in Russia are Nikolai Drozdov, Mikhail Zadornov, Valery Zolotukhin, Elka, Sati Kazanova.

13. About the number

It is known that one sixth of the population are vegetarians, and this is a whole billion inhabitants.

Among the countries with a large number of vegetarians, one can distinguish England (6 million), the United States (11 million), France (1 million) and Spain (almost 800 thousand).

Russians lag significantly behind: out of 150 million inhabitants, only 200 thousand people adhere to the idea of ​​veganism.

But what is especially surprising is the constant decline in the number of vegans, in contrast to other countries.

Whether or not you want to go vegan is up to you.

But to celebrate this holiday, it is not at all necessary to be. It is enough just to take care of nature by planting a tree that day or to save a homeless kitten from starvation.

Holiday November 1 - International Vegan Day

It's a strange word - isn't it ?! But this is at first glance. It is formed from the first three and the last two English names vegetarian (vegan), which in Russian sounds literally like a vegetarian, and in a broader sense, vegetarian, vegetarianism. It was first heard in 1847 in England, when Donald Watson, a famous opponent of animal nutrition in the country, founded the "Vegetarian Society" in London. By the way, the International Vegan Day ends the "Month of Vegetarian Awareness", which begins on October 1, which marks the onset of World day vegetarianism.

In vegetarianism, let us clarify, there are four directions. The first is lacto vegetarianism. Representatives of this kind of humanity allow the use of milk and lactic acid products in food. But meat, fish, seafood are completely excluded from the diet. The second direction is Ovo-vegetarianism. His furious supporters say resolutely no to meat, fish, dairy products, but they willingly eat eggs, and, of course, everything vegetable. Sometimes you just wonder how talented they are at preparing delicious salads and egg dishes! The third area is Lacto-ovo vegetarianism. It is especially popular and in demand in Europe and it allows eggs, milk, dairy products as food, but fish and seafood, in their opinion, like meat, are categorically forbidden. And finally, the fourth direction is Vaganism. It recommends eating only food. vegetable origin... The rest (meat, fish, milk and even honey) is a strict taboo.

An instructive statement - vegetarianism in one form or another is widely developed on all five continents of the Earth. One sixth of the world's population adheres to it. And more specifically, almost a billion inhabitants. At the same time, you can name the figures for some countries. In England itself, which has already celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of this movement, 59.5 million people are known to live. Six million vegetarians. In the United States, the population is much larger - 278, 3 million, therefore, vegetarians too - 11 million, while 42 percent of them consider the killing of animals as murder. In Spain, the figures are corresponding: for 39, 4 million of its inhabitants, there are 788 thousand vegetarians. France is home to 58, 6 million people, 1 million and 172 thousand of them are vegetarians. Well, what is the situation in Russia? According to these indicators, we are not ahead, but behind the entire planet. Of the 150 million people living in the country, vegetarians of all forms account for only two hundred thousand (!?). And by the way, every year there are fewer supporters of plant-based foods. This is largely due to our harsh climate. People logically believe that without meat, fish on some cabbage leaves, bunches of carrots and other things, you can easily stretch your legs!

There are many celebrities among vegetarians. From ours, for example, Leo Tolstoy, author of "War and Peace", "Anna Karenina". He even published some research, entitled "On the Unreasonableness of Meat Eating." A staunch supporter of vegetarianism is the head of the Liberal Democratic Party Vladimir Zhirinovsky. And also the Russians - Alexander Revzin, stage director, Nikolai Drozdov, scientist-zoologist, doctor biological sciences professor, presenter of the popular program "In the world of animals", Rashid Nurgaliev, ex-minister of internal affairs, Nadezhda Babkina, head of the ensemble "Russian song" and many others. Among foreigners - talented film actors - Leonardo DiCaprio, Richard Gere, Brad Peet, laureate Nobel Prize physicist - theorist Albert Einstein - and the list goes on and on.
Of course - International Vegan Day is celebrated in the world widely and with a wide variety of events. But the main thing is the active propaganda among the population of the use of food of plant origin, the prohibition of killing for the sake of their greedy appetite of the animal world!

"Vita" congratulates its like-minded people all over the world!

Vegans are strict vegetarians who eliminate all animal products from their diet, including meat, fish, eggs, milk and dairy products. Vegans do not use animal fur and skin; they oppose the killing of animals for the sake of experience and entertainment.

The number of adherents of strict vegetarianism in the world is increasing every day, and Russia is also no exception. Especially popular among young people, as evidenced by the emergence of many vegan cafes and restaurants in various countries. A sharp increase in the number of vegans in the world and the transition of people to plant-based diets (vegetables, fruits, cereals, legumes, nuts, mushrooms, algae) were promoted by people's awareness of the suffering of animals in agriculture and the recognition of the benefits of a vegan lifestyle by doctors. Other reasons for veganism are ecology (the problem of global warming, pollution the environment, conservation of earth's resources), the problem of hunger on the planet.

The term "vegan" was first coined in 1944 by Donald Watson, the founder of the first Vegan Society in England. Supporters of a vegan diet (as opposed to a vegetarian one) justified their rejection of all animal products by explaining that the production of eggs and milk cannot be called ethical, since it is always associated with the merciless exploitation of animals and the destruction of unnecessary offspring. and his associates, by their example, were able to break the stereotypes of traditional medicine and prove that the vegan lifestyle is complete and life-sustaining. Donald Watson died in 2005 at the age of 96 (!), Keeping his capacity for work and energy until his last days.

Convinced vegans are: the President of Slovenia; actors Alicia Silverstone, Natalie Portman, Eric Roberts, Woody Harrelson, Casey Affleck, director Peter Bogdanovich; legendary athletes, Martina Navratilova, Suria Bonali (Olympic champion in figure skating), Jack La Lanne (bodybuilder, fitness guru), Kate Holmes (boxer, two-time world champion); musicians Moby, Prince, Brian Adams, Sinead O'Connor; famous scientists: mathematician, physicist; doctor, teacher Benjamin Spock, TV presenter.

A well-known vegan with many years of "experience" is Nick Jukes - the head of the worldwide organization InterNICH (a network of organizations for humane education), thanks to the sparkling energy of which thousands of experimental animals around the world have been replaced by progressive humane alternatives.

"Vita" also congratulates its other like-minded woman on Vegan Day - the director of a unique shelter for farm animals in the south of England. Being a vegan for almost 20 years, Fiona constantly participates in the Peace Marathons held in different countries (in Russia - annually) to prove the benefits of vegan nutrition. The Vegan Society awarded Fiona an honorary vegan title in its anniversary year of 2004.

"Vita" today also congratulates famous Russian vegans - a writer and journalist, artist, soloist of the group "ScenaCardia" (Grand Prix of the Sochi festival "5 stars" in 2005).

Today, vegans openly demonstrate the benefits of their lifestyle and advocate their views with great vigor. For example, an eleven-year-old vegan woman from Christchurch, New Zealand recently challenged nutritional professor Robert Picard to declare the indispensability of animal products.

Ella, who hasn't eaten animal products her entire life, won her high school triathlon last year and was a finalist in the 2005 and 2006 Vegan Triathlon. Ella wants to face off in a triathlon with Professor Picard one-on-one.
"I want to challenge Professor Picard to a race and run and swim and cycle with him." Yolanda Soril, the mother of a young triathlete, says keeping up with her four energetic vegan kids is no easy task, and wishes Dr. Picard the best if he's brave enough to compete with her daughter.

Additional Information:

Discoveries of scientists in last years proved that vegan nutrition provides the human body with all the components necessary for normal development. The Association of Dietitians of America, in conjunction with the Association of Dietitians of Canada, announced in 2003 that a properly balanced vegan diet is suitable for all ages, including newborn babies. Scientists have proven that essential amino acids are synthesized in the body of vegans (research by Academician Ugolev), and vegans also have no problems with calcium, iron, or vitamin B12.

The fact that Benjamin Spock, the author of the books on healthy eating for children, popular all over the world, was also a stunning fact. Unfortunately, the 7th edition of Spock was not published in Russia, in which he cites doctors' data on the benefits of vegan nutrition for children:

“Our understanding of nutrition has expanded significantly in recent years. Whereas earlier we were supporters of including a large amount of meat and dairy products in the children's diet, now we know that children should receive nutrients from plant sources. cereals and legumes are rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber, while being low in fat and completely cholesterol free. herbal products and realized how many health problems can be prevented by putting them at the heart of the diet. "

Other doctors are of the same opinion. Dr. Tim Radack, Nutritionist of the Physicians' Committee for Responsible Medicine (USA): "Doctors have long been recommending plant-based foods because they are good for the heart, but collectively switching to a vegetarian diet would not only eliminate the source of harmful animal fat and cholesterol. It would also eliminate poultry farms that cultivate avian influenza and other infectious diseases. How much more must die before we know these outbreaks can be prevented? "

However, an even more compelling conviction for the transition to a vegan lifestyle was the UN report in December 2006 about. Citing the need to reduce the greenhouse effect that causes global warming, People for the Ethics of Animals (PETA) have asked the US Congress to encourage people to switch to vegetarianism by paying taxes to promote sustainable lifestyles.

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