Information resource of the Lotoshinsky municipal district (Moscow region). and development of the territory of the urban settlement Lotoshino



On the preparation of the draft Rules for land use and development of the territory of the urban settlement Lotoshino

Guided by the Federal Law of 06.10.2003 N 131-FZ "On the General Principles of Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation", Federal Law of 29.12.2004 N 191-FZ "On Enactment", the Charter of the urban settlement of Lotoshino, in order to create conditions for the sustainable development of the territory of the urban settlement Lotoshino, conservation environment and objects cultural heritage, creating conditions for planning the territories of the urban settlement of Lotoshino, ensuring the rights and legitimate interests of individuals and legal entities, including right holders of land plots and capital construction projects, creating conditions for attracting investments, including by providing the opportunity to choose the most effective types of permitted use of land sites and objects of capital construction,

I decide:

1. To carry out the preparation of the draft Rules for land use and development of the territory of the urban settlement Lotoshino.

2. Approve the procedure for the development, coordination and approval of the draft Rules for land use and development of the urban settlement Lotoshino (Appendix N 1).

3. Create a Commission for the preparation of the Rules for land use and development of the territory of the urban settlement Lotoshino (Appendix N 2).

4. To approve the Regulations on the Commission for the preparation of the draft Rules for land use and development of the territory of the urban settlement Lotoshino in accordance with (Appendix N 3).

6. To impose control over the execution of this resolution on the Deputy Head of the Administration of the urban settlement Lotoshino Kulikov Aleksey Grigoryevich.

Head of urban settlement

Lotoshino V.V. molars

Appendix N 1. The procedure for the development, coordination and approval of the draft Rules for land use and development of the territory of the urban settlement Lotoshino

Appendix No. 1
to the decision of the Head
urban settlement Lotoshino dated 01/25/2013 N 39

1.1. The procedure was developed on the basis of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts Russian Federation, establishes the types, procedure, conditions for the development, coordination and approval of the draft Rules for land use and development of the territory of the urban settlement of Lotoshino (hereinafter referred to as the draft Rules).

1.2. The draft Rules are being developed in order to:

1) creating conditions for the sustainable development of the territory of the urban settlement of Lotoshino, the preservation of the environment and cultural heritage sites;

2) creating conditions for planning the territory of the urban settlement Lotoshino;

3) ensuring the rights and legitimate interests of individuals and legal entities, including the right holders of land plots and capital construction projects;

4) creating conditions for attracting investments, including by providing an opportunity to choose the most efficient types of permitted use of land plots and capital construction projects.

1.3. The draft Rules should include:

1) the procedure for applying the Rules and making changes to them;

2) urban zoning map;

3) urban planning regulations.

1.4. The draft Rules are approved after the approval in accordance with the established procedure of the master plan for the urban settlement of Lotoshino.

1.5. The draft Rules are sent to the Commission for the preparation of the draft Rules for land use and development of the territory of the urban settlement of Lotoshino (hereinafter referred to as the Commission), the composition of which is approved by the resolution of the Head of the urban settlement of Lotoshino.

1.6. The procedure for the activities of the Commission is carried out in accordance with the Regulations on the Commission for the preparation of the draft Rules for land use and development of the territory of the urban settlement of Lotoshino.

1.7. The commission checks the project against the requirements of technical regulations, master plan urban settlement Lotoshino.

1.8. Based on the results of the audit, the Commission sends the draft Rules to the Head of the Lotoshino urban settlement with suggestions and comments identified in the process of reviewing the submitted documentation.

1.9. The head of the urban settlement of Lotoshino, upon receipt of the draft Rules from the Commission, decides to hold public hearings on the draft Rules no later than ten days from the date of receipt of the draft Rules or decides to send this project for revision.

1.10. Public hearings on the draft Rules are held by the Commission in accordance with Article 28 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation.

1.11. The duration of public hearings on the draft Rules is at least two and no more than four months from the date of publication of the draft Rules in the official print media of the urban settlement of Lotoshino, as well as on the Internet.

1.12. If the introduction of amendments to the draft Rules is associated with the placement or reconstruction of a separate capital construction object, public hearings on amendments to the draft Rules for land use and development are held within the boundaries of the territory planned for the placement or reconstruction of such an object, and within the boundaries of the zone established for such an object With special conditions use of territories. At the same time, the Commission sends notices of public hearings on the draft Rules to the owners of land plots that have a common border with land plot where it is planned to place or reconstruct a separate capital construction object, to the right holders of buildings, structures, structures located on land plots that have a common border with the specified land plot, and to the right holders of premises in such an object, as well as to the right holders of capital construction objects located within the boundaries zones with special conditions for the use of territories. These notices shall be sent no later than fifteen days from the date of the decision by the Head of the settlement to hold public hearings on the draft Rules and amend the Rules.

1.13. After completion of public hearings on the draft Rules, the Commission, taking into account the results of such public hearings, organizes the introduction of amendments to the draft Rules and submits the said draft to the Head of the Lotoshino urban settlement. Mandatory appendices to the project are the protocols of public hearings and a conclusion on the results of public hearings.

1.14. The head of the urban settlement of Lotoshino, within ten days after the submission of the draft Rules to him, decides to send the said draft to the Council of Deputies of the urban settlement of Lotoshino or to reject the draft Rules and send it for revision, indicating the date of its resubmission.

1.15. The draft Rules for land use and development are approved by the decision of the Council of Deputies of the urban settlement of Lotoshino. Mandatory appendices to the draft Rules are the minutes of public hearings on the specified draft and the conclusion on the results of such public hearings.

1.16. Individuals and legal entities have the right to challenge the decision of the Council of Deputies on the approval of the Land Use and Development Rules in court.

1.17. The rules for land use and development of the territory of the urban settlement of Lotoshino approved by the decision of the Council of Deputies of the urban settlement of Lotoshino must be published in the official print media and posted on the official website of the municipality on the Internet.

Appendix N 2

Appendix No. 2
to the decision of the Head
urban settlement Lotoshino
dated 25.01.2013 N 39

Chairman of the Commission: Aleksey Grigoryevich Kulikov - Deputy Head of the Administration of the urban settlement Lotoshino

Deputy Chairman of the Commission: Aleinikov Vladimir Vasilievich - Head of the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of the Administration of the Urban Settlement Lotoshino

Secretary of the Commission: Kozlovsky Vasily Yakovlevich - Chief Specialist of the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of the Administration of the Urban Settlement Lotoshino

Members of the Commission:

Veselov Alexander Yurievich - Chairman of the Council of Deputies of the urban settlement Lotoshino (as agreed)

Syrbov Alexander Vasilievich - Deputy of the Council of Deputies of the urban settlement Lotoshino (as agreed)

Sergeeva Maria Evgenievna - head of the financial and economic department of the administration of the urban settlement Lotoshino

Veselova Ekaterina Alexandrovna - and. O. Head of the Department of Legal Expertise, Property and Land Relations of the Administration of the Urban Settlement Lotoshino

Lebedeva Elena Viktorovna - head of the department of improvement and social development of the administration of the urban settlement Lotoshino

Boytsov Yuri Borisovich - head of the general department of the administration of the urban settlement Lotoshino

Lisyutina Nina Nikolaevna - Head of the Department for Culture, Sports, Youth Affairs and Tourism of the Administration of the Urban Settlement Lotoshino

Appendix No. 3

to the decision of the Head
urban settlement Lotoshino

dated 25.01.2013 N 39

Regulations on the Commission for the preparation of the draft Rules for land use and development of the territory of the urban settlement Lotoshino

1. General Provisions

1.1. These Regulations on the Commission for the preparation of the draft Rules for land use and development of the territory of the urban settlement of Lotoshino (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) govern the formation of the activities of the Commission for the preparation of the draft Rules for land use and development on the territory of the urban settlement of Lotoshino (hereinafter referred to as the Rules), the procedure for considering incoming proposals for the project.

1.2. The Rules are a regulatory legal act that establishes the procedure for the allocation of territorial zones within the boundaries of the urban settlement of Lotoshino and the implementation within the allocated zones of urban development and land use based on the principles of urban zoning. The preparation of the draft Rules is carried out taking into account the provisions on territorial planning contained in the territorial planning documents, taking into account the requirements of technical regulations, the results of public hearings and proposals of interested parties.

1.3. The rules are developed in accordance with the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, other regulatory legal acts that determine the main directions of socio-economic, urban development, social support and housing construction.

1.4. The Commission for the preparation of the draft Rules for Land Use and Development on the Territory of the Lotoshino Urban Settlement (hereinafter referred to as the Commission) is a permanent collegial advisory body established to organize the preparation of the draft Rules and make changes to them.

1.5. The Commission in its activities is guided by the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, the Land Code of the Russian Federation, the Charter of the urban settlement of Lotoshino, other regulatory legal acts, as well as these Regulations.

1.6. The composition of the Commission is approved by the Head of the urban settlement Lotoshino.

2. Aims and objectives of the Commission

2.1. The Commission is created for the purpose of preparing the Rules.

2.2. The main tasks of the Commission are:

2.2.1. Creation of conditions for sustainable development of the territory planning of the urban settlement Lotoshino, preservation of its environment.

2.2.2. Creation of conditions for observance of the rights and legitimate interests of individuals and legal entities, including the right holders of land plots and capital construction projects.

2.2.3. Creation of conditions for attracting investments, including by providing an opportunity to choose the most effective types of permitted use of land plots and capital construction projects.

2.2.4. Ensuring the compliance of the Rules with the master plan of the urban settlement of Lotoshino by making timely changes to them.

2.2.5. Ensuring the participation of citizens and their associations in the implementation of urban planning activities, ensuring the freedom of such participation.

2.2.6. Consideration of proposals and comments of interested parties on the draft Rules, as well as providing all interested parties with equal opportunities to participate in public hearings.

2.2.7. Organization of data collection for the preparation of the draft Rules, their generalization, analysis.

2.2.8. Organization of the process of coordination and approval of the Rules by the Council of Deputies of the urban settlement of Lotoshino.

3. Functions of the Commission

3.1. The Commission, in accordance with the tasks assigned to it and within the limits of the powers granted, performs the following functions:

3.1.1. Consideration of proposals of individuals and legal entities on the preparation of the draft Rules;

3.1.2. Organization and conduct of public hearings in accordance with the established procedure:

On the draft Rules, as well as on draft amendments to the said Rules;

According to the territory planning projects;

According to land surveying projects;

3.1.3. Involvement of independent experts to prepare recommendations;

3.1.4. Consideration of issues related to the reservation of land plots for municipal needs;

3.1.5. Performance of other functions assigned in accordance with the established procedure.

3.3. Recommendations and conclusions adopted by the Commission on issues within its competence are considered by the Head of the Lotoshino urban settlement and are the basis for making decisions on relevant issues.

4. Procedure for the activities of the Commission

4.1. The Commission carries out its activities in accordance with these Regulations in the form of meetings.

4.2. The necessity and frequency of holding meetings of the Commission are determined by the Chairman of the Commission and are determined by the timing of the approval of individual stages of the development of the draft Rules and the procedure for their approval, as well as the number of applications and proposals received for consideration.

4.3. The Commission develops a work plan for the preparation of the Rules.

4.4. The Commission is headed by the Chairman of the Commission.

4.5. Chairman of the Commission:

Carries out general management of the activities of the Commission, determines the list, terms and procedure for consideration of issues at meetings;

Distributes powers (duties) between the deputy and members of the Commission;

Signs the minutes of the meetings of the Commission, extracts from the minutes and other documents of the Commission;

Submit proposals and draft regulatory legal acts on issues within the competence of the Commission for consideration by the Head of the urban settlement of Lotoshino;

Gives instructions to the members of the Commission for the revision (preparation) of documents (materials);

Provides for the holding of meetings of the Commission.

4.6. The Deputy Chairman of the Commission performs the duties of the Chairman of the Commission during periods of temporary absence of the Chairman of the Commission or on his behalf.

4.7. Secretary of the Commission:

Provides organizational and technical support for the activities of the Commission;

Prepares requests, draft decisions, other materials and documents related to the implementation of the functions and tasks of the Commission;

Carries out the preparation and formation of materials for the meetings of the Commission and reports on issues submitted for consideration by the Commission;

Organizes the preparation of a consolidated opinion on the submitted materials, taking into account the conclusions of the relevant bodies, with subsequent inclusion in the list of issues considered at the meeting of the Commission;

Keeps minutes of the meetings of the Commission, draws up and distributes decisions, extracts from decisions, as well as other documents and information;

Fulfills the instructions of the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Commission.

4.8. Members of the Commission:

Participate in the discussion of the issues under consideration at the meetings of the Commission;

Express comments, suggestions and additions regarding the main provisions of the draft Rules, in writing or orally;

express special opinion with mandatory inclusion in the minutes of the meeting;

Timely carry out all instructions of the presiding officer;

Consider proposals for the preparation of the draft Rules, as well as proposals for amendments to the Rules, which are sent to the Commission.

In case of absence from the meeting, a member of the Commission has the right to express his opinion on the issues under consideration in writing, which is announced at the meeting and attached to the minutes of the meeting.

The Commission, within thirty days from the date of receipt of proposals to amend the draft Rules, prepares an opinion containing recommendations on making proposals to the draft Rules or on rejecting proposals, indicating the reasons for the deviations.

4.9. The meetings of the Commission are chaired by the Chairman of the Commission, and in case of his absence - by the Deputy Chairman of the Commission. Members of the Commission have the right to send an authorized representative to work in the Commission.

4.10. Commission meetings are held as needed.

4.11. The Secretary of the Commission notifies the members of the Commission and invited persons about the place, date, time of the meeting, if necessary, distributes the agenda of the meeting.

4.12. The Commission makes decisions on the issues considered by open voting by a simple majority of votes of those present. In case of equality of votes "for" and "against", the vote of the chairman of the Commission or the person replacing him is decisive.

4.13. The results of each meeting of the Commission are documented in minutes, which are signed by the chairman and secretary of the Commission. Copies of materials on the topic of the meeting may be attached to the minutes.

5. The procedure for sending proposals of interested parties to the Commission during the preparation, approval of the draft Rules for land use and development of the territory of the urban settlement of Lotoshino

5.1. From the moment of publication of the decision of the Head of the urban settlement of Lotoshino on the preparation of the draft Rules for land use and development, during the period of work on the preparation of the draft Rules, interested persons have the right to send proposals to the Commission addressed to the chairman for the preparation of the draft Rules (hereinafter referred to as the Proposals).

5.2. Proposals for the preparation of the draft Rules for land use and development can be sent by mail to send the Proposals directly to the Commission or left personally in the general department of the administration of the urban settlement of Lotoshino at the address: 143800, Moscow Region, Lotoshino district, Lotoshino settlement, st. Shkolnaya, 19, for transfer to the Commission.

5.3. Proposals must be presented in writing (printed or written in legible handwriting) signed by the person who submitted them, indicating his full last name, first name, patronymic, return address and date of preparation of the proposals. Illegible written, unsigned proposals, as well as proposals that are not related to the preparation of the draft Rules, are not considered by the Commission.

5.4. Proposals may contain substantiating materials (both on paper and on magnetic media). Submitted materials are non-refundable.

5.5. Proposals received by the Commission after the completion of the preparation of the draft Rules shall not be considered.

The meeting addressed a number of important issues for the region, including the elders discussed preparations for spring field work, milk production in the agricultural organizations of the region, the purchase of fertilizers and seeds, road repairs, bus service between Lotoshino and Moscow.

The head of the sector told the elders about the preparation of spring sowing, the situation in agriculture of the district Agriculture administration of the Lotoshinsky district Pavel Bashkatov. He noted that, in general, the indicators for the region are good, 3,800 hectares out of 6,300 have already been plowed for spring sowing, which is 300 hectares more than in 2016. In total, there are 3241 cows in the agricultural enterprises of the district, as of March 12, 2017, the gross milk yield in the district is 59,143 kg. In total, 67,634.4 kg of milk with an average fat content of 4.1% was sold in the test weight.

Last year, Pavel Ivanovich noted, in connection with the program of the governor of the Moscow region Andrei Vorobyov, 1933 hectares of land were introduced into agricultural circulation in the Lotoshinsky district, this year it is planned to introduce another 2470 hectares. Separately, the elders were interested in the ecological state of the district's lands, in particular, the situation around wastewater in Palkino and Uzorovo. Pavel Bashkatov told the elders that this problem had been solved - sewage stopped flowing into the river.

Pavel Bashkatov also reported to the Council of Elders on the delivery of mineral fertilizers to the agricultural enterprises of the region, on the purchase of seeds, on the state of equipment, on winter crops - and answered questions from the elders. In particular, he spoke about the greenhouse complex in Novy Lisino, which, according to the plan of the district administration, will be launched in 2018. This project will create 330 jobs in the region.

Under the special control of the Council of Elders there are problems with the bus service between Lotoshino and Moscow, with the replacement of buses with uncomfortable minibuses, with numerous complaints from people about this. Aleksey Kulikov, deputy head of the district administration, reported this situation to the elders. He said that the administration is taking all possible steps to solve this problem.

Alexey Grigorievich also informed the elders about the formation of a new composition of the Public Chamber of the Lotoshinsky municipal district, since this issue is also under the constant attention of the Council of Elders. Alexei Grigorievich also had to answer numerous questions from the elders. They were interested in many things, including the Kulpinsky paramedical station built last year. Local residents complain that the building was built on a low, swampy area. Aleksey Kulikov explained to the elders that this building was built according to the regional program - construction decisions, including those of a technical nature, were made at the regional level. Nevertheless, Aleksey Grigorievich took control of this problem, promising to look into the situation.

Press Service of the Lotoshinsky Municipal District Administration

Source of information and photo: https://lotoshinye.rf





In accordance with Federal Law No. 25-FZ of March 2, 2007 "On Municipal Service in the Russian Federation", Federal Law No. 273-FZ of December 25, 2008 "On Combating Corruption", Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 821 of July 1, 2010 "On commissions on compliance with the requirements for the official conduct of federal civil servants and the settlement of conflicts of interest", in order to prevent and resolve conflicts of interest in the municipal service, I decide:

1. Create a commission to resolve conflicts of interest in the administration of the Lotoshino urban settlement.

2. Approve the composition of the commission for the settlement of conflicts of interest in the administration of the urban settlement of Lotoshino (Appendix No. 1).

3. Approve the Regulations on the commission for the settlement of conflicts of interest in the administration of the urban settlement Lotoshino (Appendix No. 2).

4. Decree No. 349 of October 23, 2009 of the head of the Lotoshino urban settlement "On the establishment of a commission to resolve conflicts of interest in the administration of the Lotoshino urban settlement" as invalid as of February 25, 2011.

6. I reserve control over the execution of this resolution.

Head of the city

Lotoshino settlements

V.V. molars

Application No. 1

to the decision of the head

urban settlement Lotoshino

Moscow region



Commission Chairman: Aleksey Grigoryevich Kulikov - Deputy Head of the Lotoshino Urban Settlement Administration.

Secretary of the commission: Bovtik Valentina Vasilievna - chief specialist of the sector "Military registration table" of the general department of the administration of the urban settlement of Lotoshino.

Commission members:

Kulikov Vladimir Borisovich - head of the general department of the administration of the urban settlement Lotoshino;

Veselova Ekaterina Alexandrovna - Head of the Department of Legal Expertise, Property and Land Relations of the Administration of the Urban Settlement Lotoshino;

Lebedeva Elena Viktorovna - head of the department of improvement and social development of the administration of the urban settlement Lotoshino;

Bobrova Elena Vladimirovna - chief specialist of the department of improvement and social development of the administration of the urban settlement Lotoshino;

Atmashkin Vladimir Evgenievich - chief specialist of the department for culture, sports, youth affairs and tourism of the administration of the urban settlement Lotoshino;

Antonova Olga Valerievna - chief specialist of the financial and economic department of the administration of the urban settlement Lotoshino;

Korkina Nina Igorevna - chief specialist of the department of legal expertise, property and land relations of the administration of the urban settlement Lotoshino.

Application No. 2

to the decision of the head

urban settlement Lotoshino

Moscow region




1. General Provisions

1.1. The Commission for the settlement of conflicts of interest in the administration of the urban settlement of Lotoshino (hereinafter referred to as the Commission) was established to consider issues related to compliance with the requirements for the settlement of conflicts of interest in relation to municipal employees replacing municipal service positions in the administration of the urban settlement of Lotoshino.

1.2. The commission operates in the administration of the urban settlement Lotoshino on a permanent basis.

1.3. The Commission in its activities is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation, laws of the Moscow Region, these Regulations.

2. Tasks and functions of the Commission

2.1. The main task of the Commission is:

a) assistance to municipal authorities in ensuring compliance by municipal employees with restrictions and prohibitions, requirements for the prevention or settlement of conflicts of interest, as well as in ensuring the fulfillment of their obligations established by federal legislation, the legislation of the Moscow Region and municipal legal acts (hereinafter - the requirements for the settlement of conflicts of interest) ;

b) assistance to municipal authorities in the implementation of measures to prevent corruption.

3. Rights of the Commission

3.1. The Commission has the right:

a) ask Required documents and information from public authorities and local governments, as well as from organizations;

b) invite officials of public authorities and local self-government bodies, as well as representatives of organizations to their meetings.

4. Order of work of the Commission

4.1. The grounds for holding a meeting of the Commission are:

a) submission by the head of the urban settlement of Lotoshino of verification materials, indicating:

on the submission by municipal employees of false or incomplete information, provided for in Art. 12, 13 federal law"On municipal service in the Russian Federation" and Art. 9 of the Law of the Moscow Region "On Municipal Service in the Moscow Region";

on non-compliance by municipal employees with the requirements for the settlement of conflicts of interest;

b) received by the unit for municipal service and personnel of the local self-government body, or to an official in charge of personnel work in the local government, or the head of the urban settlement Lotoshino in the prescribed manner:

an appeal from a citizen who held a municipal service position in a local self-government body included in the list of positions approved by municipal regulatory legal acts to give consent to fill a position in a commercial or non-profit organization or to perform work on the terms of a civil law contract in a commercial or non-profit organization, if certain functions of the state or municipal administration of this organization were included in his official (service) duties, until the expiration of two years from the date of dismissal from the municipal service;

a statement by a municipal employee about the impossibility, for objective reasons, to provide information on income, property and obligations of a property nature of his wife (spouse) and minor children;

c) a presentation by the head of the urban settlement Lotoshino or any member of the Commission concerning the enforcement by municipal employees of the requirements for the settlement of conflicts of interest or the implementation of measures to prevent corruption in the local self-government body;

d) information about the existence of a personal interest of a municipal employee, which leads or may lead to a conflict of interest.

4.2. The commission does not consider reports of crimes and administrative offenses, as well as anonymous appeals, and does not conduct checks on the facts of violation of official discipline.

4.3. The Chairman of the Commission, upon receipt of information containing the grounds for holding a meeting of the Commission, in accordance with the established procedure:

a) appoints the date of the meeting of the Commission within 3 days. At the same time, the date of the meeting of the Commission cannot be set later than seven days from the date of receipt of the said information;

b) organizes the familiarization of the municipal employee, in respect of whom the Commission is considering the issue of compliance with the requirements for the settlement of a conflict of interest, his representative, members of the Commission and other persons participating in the meeting of the Commission, with the information received and with the results of its verification;

c) consider applications for invitation to the meeting of the Commission of persons with the right of an advisory vote:

Other municipal employees replacing the positions of the municipal service in the local self-government body, determined by the chairman of the Commission;

A representative of a municipal employee, in respect of which the Commission is considering the issue of compliance with the requirements for settling a conflict of interest, - by decision of the Chairman of the Commission, taken in each specific case separately at least three days before the day of the meeting of the Commission on the basis of a petition of a municipal employee, in respect of which the Commission this issue is considered, or any member of the Commission, makes a decision on their satisfaction (refusal to satisfy) and on consideration (refusal to consider) additional materials during the meeting of the Commission.

4.4. The meeting of the Commission is held in the presence of a municipal employee, in respect of which the issue of compliance with the requirements for the settlement of a conflict of interest is being considered. If there is a written request from a municipal employee to consider this issue without his participation, the meeting of the Commission is held in his absence. In the event that a municipal employee or his representative fails to appear at a meeting of the Commission in the absence of a written request from a municipal employee to consider this issue without his participation, consideration of the issue is postponed. In the event of a second non-appearance of a municipal employee or his representative without good reasons The Commission has the right to decide on consideration of the said issue in his absence.

4.5. At a meeting of the Commission, explanations of the municipal employee (with his consent) and other persons are heard, materials are considered on the merits of the claims made against the municipal employee, as well as additional materials.

4.6. Members of the Commission and persons participating in its meeting are not entitled to disclose information that became known to them in the course of the work of the Commission.

4.7. Based on the results of consideration of the issue specified in the second paragraph of subparagraph "a" of paragraph 4.1 of these Regulations, the Commission shall take one of the following decisions:

a) establish that the information provided by the municipal employee specified in paragraph two of subparagraph "a" of paragraph 4.1 of this Regulation is true and complete;

b) establish that the information provided by the municipal employee specified in paragraph two of subparagraph "a" of paragraph 4.1 of this Regulation is unreliable and (or) incomplete. In this case, the Commission recommends that the head of the urban settlement Lotoshino apply a specific measure of responsibility to the municipal employee.

4.8. Based on the results of consideration of the issue specified in the third paragraph of subparagraph "a" of paragraph 4.1 of these Regulations, the Commission shall take one of the following decisions:

a) establish that the municipal employee complied with the requirements for the settlement of conflicts of interest;

b) to establish that the municipal employee did not comply with the requirements for the settlement of a conflict of interest. In this case, the Commission recommends that the head of the urban settlement Lotoshino point out to the municipal employee the inadmissibility of violating the requirements for settling a conflict of interest or apply a specific measure of responsibility to the municipal employee.

4.9. Based on the results of consideration of the issue specified in the second paragraph of subparagraph "b" of paragraph 4.1 of these Regulations, the Commission shall take one of the following decisions:

a) give the citizen consent to fill a position in a commercial or non-profit organization or to perform work on the terms of a civil law contract in a commercial or non-profit organization, if certain functions of the state or municipal administration of this organization were part of his official (service) duties;

b) to refuse a citizen to fill a position in a commercial or non-profit organization or to perform work on the terms of a civil law contract in a commercial or non-profit organization, if certain functions of the state or municipal administration of this organization were part of his official (service) duties, and to motivate his refusal .

4.10. Based on the results of consideration of the issue specified in the third paragraph of subparagraph "b" of paragraph 4.1 of these Regulations, the Commission shall take one of the following decisions:

a) recognize that the reason for the failure of a municipal employee to provide information on income, property and property obligations of his wife (spouse) and minor children is objective and respectful;

b) recognize that the reason for the failure of a municipal employee to provide information about income, property and obligations of a property nature of his wife (spouse) and minor children is not valid. In this case, the Commission recommends that the municipal employee take measures to provide the specified information;

c) recognize that the reason for the failure of a municipal employee to provide information on income, property and property obligations of his wife (spouse) and minor children is biased and is a way of evading the submission of this information. In this case, the Commission recommends that the head of the urban settlement Lotoshino apply a specific measure of responsibility to the municipal employee.

4.11. Based on the results of consideration of the issue provided for by subparagraph "c" of paragraph 4.1 of these Regulations, the Commission shall take an appropriate decision.

4.12. Based on the results of consideration of the information specified in subparagraph "d" of paragraph 4.1 of these Regulations, the Commission may take one of the following decisions:

a) establish that in the case under consideration there are no signs of a personal interest of a municipal employee, which will lead or may lead to a conflict of interest;

b) to establish the fact of the existence of a personal interest of a municipal employee, which will lead or may lead to a conflict of interest. In this case, the employer's representative is offered recommendations aimed at preventing or resolving this conflict of interest.

4.13. The representative of the employer, who became aware of the occurrence of a personal interest of a municipal employee, which leads or may lead to a conflict of interest, including if such a fact is established by the Commission, is obliged to take measures to prevent or resolve a conflict of interest.

In order to prevent or resolve a conflict of interest, the representative of the employer must exclude the possibility of the participation of a municipal employee in decision-making on issues related to the conflict of interest.

The representative of the employer has the right to remove the municipal employee from the occupied position of the municipal service (not to allow official duties) during the conflict of interest settlement period.

4.14. Based on the results of consideration of the issues provided for by subparagraphs "a" and "b" of paragraph 4.1 of these Regulations, if there are grounds for this, the Commission may take a decision other than that provided for in paragraphs 4.7 - 4.10 of these Regulations. The grounds and motives for making such a decision must be reflected in the minutes of the meeting of the Commission.

4.15. Decisions of the Commission on the grounds specified in paragraph 4.1 of these Regulations are taken by secret ballot, by a simple majority of votes of the members of the Commission present at the meeting. In case of equality of votes, the Commission decides on a repeated open vote, in which case the vote of the chairman of the Commission is decisive.

4.16. The decision of the Commission is documented in a protocol signed by the members of the Commission who took part in its meeting. Decisions of the Commission, with the exception of the decision taken as a result of consideration of the issue specified in paragraph two of subparagraph "b" of paragraph 4.1 of these Regulations, for the head of the urban settlement of Lotoshino are advisory in nature. The decision made following the consideration of the issue specified in the second paragraph of subparagraph "b" of paragraph 4.1 of these Regulations is binding.

4.17. The minutes of the meeting of the Commission shall indicate:

a) date of the meeting of the Commission, last names, first names, patronymics of the members of the Commission and other persons present at the meeting;

b) the wording of each of the issues considered at the meeting of the Commission, indicating the last name, first name, patronymic, position of the municipal employee in respect of which the issue of compliance with the requirements for the settlement of conflicts of interest is being considered;

c) claims against the municipal employee, materials on which they are based;

e) surnames, names, patronymics of persons who spoke at the meeting and summary their speeches;

f) the source of information containing the grounds for holding a meeting of the Commission, the date the information was received by the local self-government body;

g) other information;

i) decision and justification for its adoption.

Paragraph numbering is given in accordance with the official text of the document.

30. A member of the Commission who disagrees with the decision of the Commission has the right to express his opinion in writing, which is subject to mandatory attachment to the minutes of the meeting of the Commission and which the municipal employee must be familiarized with.

4.18. Copies of the minutes of the meeting of the Commission within 3 days from the date of the meeting are sent to the head of the urban settlement of Lotoshino, in full or in the form of extracts from it - to the municipal employee, and also by decision of the Commission - to other interested parties.

4.19. The head of the urban settlement is obliged to consider the protocol of the meeting of the Commission and has the right to take into account, within the limits of his competence, the recommendations contained in it when deciding on the application of measures of responsibility to the municipal employee provided for by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, as well as on other issues of organizing anti-corruption. On consideration of the recommendations of the Commission and decision the head of the urban settlement notifies the Commission in writing within one month from the date of receipt of the minutes of the meeting of the Commission. The decision of the head of the urban settlement Lotoshino is announced at the next meeting of the Commission and is taken into account without discussion.

4.20. If the Commission establishes the fact that a municipal employee has committed an action (fact of inaction) containing signs of an administrative offense or corpus delicti, the Chairman of the Commission is obliged to transfer information about the commission of the specified action (inaction) and documents confirming such a fact to the relevant federal state bodies within 3 days, and if necessary, immediately.

4.21. A copy of the minutes of the meeting of the Commission or an extract from it is attached to the personal file of the municipal employee, in respect of which the issue of compliance with the requirements for the settlement of conflicts of interest has been considered.

Official publication in the media:
"Selskaya Nov", No. 42, 10/20/2011

Decree of the head of the urban settlement Lotoshino of the Lotoshinsky municipal district of the Moscow Region dated February 25, 2011 No. 41
"On the establishment of a commission to resolve conflicts of interest in the administration of the urban settlement Lotoshino"
(together with the "Regulations on the Commission for the settlement of conflicts of interest in the administration of the urban settlement of Lotoshino")

Appendix No. 1
Appendix No. 2
1. General Provisions
2. Tasks and functions of the Commission
3. Rights of the Commission
4. Order of work of the Commission


On the preparation of the draft Rules

Guided by the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law of 01/01/2001 "On general principles organizations of local self-government in the Russian Federation”, the Federal Law of January 1, 2001 “On the Enactment of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation”, the Charter of the urban settlement of Lotoshino, in order to create conditions for the sustainable development of the territory of the urban settlement of Lotoshino, the preservation of the environment and cultural heritage sites, creating conditions for planning the territories of the urban settlement of Lotoshino, ensuring the rights and legitimate interests of individuals and legal entities, including the right holders of land plots and capital construction projects, creating conditions for attracting investments, including by providing the opportunity to choose the most effective types of permitted use of land plots and capital construction projects,

p o s t a n o v l i u:

1. To carry out the preparation of the draft Rules for land use and development of the territory of the urban settlement Lotoshino.

2. Approve the procedure for the development, approval and approval of the draft Rules for land use and development of the urban settlement Lotoshino (Appendix).

3. Create a Commission for the preparation of the Rules for land use and development of the territory of the urban settlement Lotoshino (Appendix).

4. Approve the Regulations on the Commission for the preparation of the draft Rules for land use and development of the territory of the urban settlement Lotoshino in accordance with (Appendix).

6. To impose control over the execution of this resolution on the Deputy Head.

Head of urban settlement


Send to: members of the Commission - 10 copies. (certified), the editors of the newspaper "Selskaya Nov", the prosecutor of the Lotoshinsky district, in the case.


to the decision of the Head

urban settlement Lotoshino


development, approval and approval of the draft Rules for land use and development of the territory of the urban settlement Lotoshino

1.1. The procedure was developed on the basis of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, establishes the types, procedure, conditions for the development, approval and approval of the draft Rules for land use and development of the territory of the urban settlement of Lotoshino (hereinafter referred to as the draft Rules).

1.2. The draft Rules are being developed in order to:

1) creating conditions for the sustainable development of the territory of the urban settlement of Lotoshino, the preservation of the environment and cultural heritage sites;

2) creating conditions for planning the territory of the urban settlement Lotoshino;

3) ensuring the rights and legitimate interests of individuals and legal entities, including the right holders of land plots and capital construction projects;

4) creating conditions for attracting investments, including by providing an opportunity to choose the most efficient types of permitted use of land plots and capital construction projects.

1.3. The draft Rules should include:

1) the procedure for applying the Rules and making changes to them;

2) urban zoning map;

3) urban planning regulations.

1.4. The draft Rules are approved after the approval in accordance with the established procedure of the master plan for the urban settlement of Lotoshino.

1.5. The draft Rules are sent to the Commission for the preparation of the draft Rules for land use and development of the territory of the urban settlement of Lotoshino (hereinafter referred to as the Commission), the composition of which is approved by the resolution of the Head of the urban settlement of Lotoshino.

1.6. The procedure for the activities of the Commission is carried out in accordance with the Regulations on the Commission for the preparation of the draft Rules for land use and development of the territory of the urban settlement of Lotoshino.

1.7. The commission checks the project with the requirements of technical regulations, the master plan of the Lotoshino urban settlement.

1.8. Based on the results of the audit, the Commission sends the draft Rules to the Head of the Lotoshino urban settlement with suggestions and comments identified in the process of reviewing the submitted documentation.

1.9. The head of the urban settlement Lotoshino, upon receipt of the draft Rules from the Commission, decides to hold public hearings on the draft Rules no later than ten days from the date of receipt of the draft Rules or decides to send this draft for revision.

1.10. Public hearings on the draft Rules are held by the Commission in accordance with Article 28 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation.

1.11. The duration of public hearings on the draft Rules is at least two and no more than four months from the date of publication of the draft Rules in the official print media of the urban settlement of Lotoshino, as well as on the Internet.

1.12. If the introduction of amendments to the draft Rules is associated with the placement or reconstruction of a separate capital construction object, public hearings on the introduction of amendments to the draft Rules for land use and development are held within the boundaries of the territory planned for the placement or reconstruction of such an object, and within the boundaries of the zone established for such an object with special conditions for the use of territories. At the same time, the Commission sends notices of public hearings on the draft Rules to the right holders of land plots that have a common border with the land plot on which it is planned to place or reconstruct a separate capital construction object, to the right holders of buildings, structures, structures located on land plots that have a common border with the specified land plot, and the right holders of premises in such an object, as well as the right holders of capital construction objects located within the boundaries of zones with special conditions for the use of territories. These notices shall be sent no later than fifteen days from the date of the decision by the Head of the settlement to hold public hearings on the draft Rules and amend the Rules.

1.13. After completion of public hearings on the draft Rules, the Commission, taking into account the results of such public hearings, organizes the introduction of amendments to the draft Rules and submits the said draft to the Head of the Lotoshino urban settlement. Mandatory appendices to the project are the protocols of public hearings and a conclusion on the results of public hearings.

1.14. The head of the urban settlement of Lotoshino, within ten days after the submission of the draft Rules to him, decides to send the said draft to the Council of Deputies of the urban settlement of Lotoshino or to reject the draft Rules and send it for revision, indicating the date of its resubmission.

1.15. The draft Rules for land use and development are approved by the decision of the Council of Deputies of the urban settlement of Lotoshino. Mandatory appendices to the draft Rules are the minutes of public hearings on the specified draft and the conclusion on the results of such public hearings.

1.16. Individuals and legal entities have the right to challenge the decision of the Council of Deputies on the approval of the Land Use and Development Rules in court.

1.17. The rules for land use and development of the territory of the urban settlement of Lotoshino approved by the decision of the Council of Deputies of the urban settlement of Lotoshino must be published in the official print media and posted on the official website of the municipality on the Internet.


to the decision of the Head

urban settlement Lotoshino

Composition of the Commission

for the preparation of the draft Land Use Rules

and development of the territory of the urban settlement Lotoshino

Chairman of the Commission: - Deputy Head of the Administration of the Urban Settlement Lotoshino

Deputy Chairman of the Commission: - Head of the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of the Administration of the Urban Settlement Lotoshino

Secretary of the Commission: - Chief Specialist of the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of the Administration of the Urban Settlement Lotoshino

Members of the Commission:

- Chairman of the Council of Deputies of the urban settlement Lotoshino (as agreed)

- Deputy of the Council of Deputies of the urban settlement Lotoshino (as agreed)

- Head of the financial and economic department of the administration of the urban settlement Lotoshino

- and. O. Head of the Department of Legal Expertise, Property and Land Relations of the Administration of the Urban Settlement Lotoshino

- Head of the Department of Improvement and Social Development of the Administration of the Urban Settlement Lotoshino

Head of the General Department of the Administration of the Urban Settlement Lotoshino

- Head of the Department for Culture, Sports, Youth Affairs and Tourism of the Administration of the Urban Settlement Lotoshino


to the decision of the Head

urban settlement Lotoshino


on the Commission for the preparation of the draft Rules for land use and development of the territory of the urban settlement Lotoshino

1. General Provisions

1.1. These Regulations on the Commission for the preparation of the draft Rules for land use and development of the territory of the urban settlement of Lotoshino (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) govern the formation of the activities of the Commission for the preparation of the draft Rules for land use and development on the territory of the urban settlement of Lotoshino (hereinafter referred to as the Rules), the procedure for considering incoming proposals for the project.

1.2. The Rules are a regulatory legal act that establishes the procedure for the allocation of territorial zones within the boundaries of the urban settlement of Lotoshino and the implementation within the allocated zones of urban development and land use based on the principles of urban zoning. The preparation of the draft Rules is carried out taking into account the provisions on territorial planning contained in the territorial planning documents, taking into account the requirements of technical regulations, the results of public hearings and proposals of interested parties.

1.3. The rules are developed in accordance with the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, the Land Code of the Russian Federation, other regulatory legal acts that determine the main directions of socio-economic, urban development, social support and housing construction.

1.4. The Commission for the preparation of the draft Rules for Land Use and Development on the Territory of the Lotoshino Urban Settlement (hereinafter referred to as the Commission) is a permanent collegial advisory body established to organize the preparation of the draft Rules and make changes to them.

1.5. The Commission in its activities is guided by the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, the Land Code of the Russian Federation, the Charter of the urban settlement of Lotoshino, other regulatory legal acts, as well as these Regulations.

1.6. The composition of the Commission is approved by the Head of the urban settlement Lotoshino.

2. Aims and objectives of the Commission

2.1. The Commission is created for the purpose of preparing the Rules.

2.2. The main tasks of the Commission are:

2.2.1. Creation of conditions for sustainable development of the territory planning of the urban settlement Lotoshino, preservation of its environment.

2.2.2. Creation of conditions for observance of the rights and legitimate interests of individuals and legal entities, including the right holders of land plots and capital construction projects.

2.2.3. Creation of conditions for attracting investments, including by providing an opportunity to choose the most effective types of permitted use of land plots and capital construction projects.

2.2.4. Ensuring the compliance of the Rules with the master plan of the urban settlement of Lotoshino by making timely changes to them.

2.2.5. Ensuring the participation of citizens and their associations in the implementation of urban planning activities, ensuring the freedom of such participation.

2.2.6. Consideration of proposals and comments of interested parties on the draft Rules, as well as providing all interested parties with equal opportunities to participate in public hearings.

2.2.7. Organization of data collection for the preparation of the draft Rules, their generalization, analysis.

2.2.8. Organization of the process of coordination and approval of the Rules by the Council of Deputies of the urban settlement of Lotoshino.

3. Functions of the Commission

3.1. The Commission, in accordance with the tasks assigned to it and within the limits of the powers granted, performs the following functions:

3.1.1. Consideration of proposals of individuals and legal entities on the preparation of the draft Rules;

3.1.2. Organization and conduct of public hearings in accordance with the established procedure:

On the draft Rules, as well as on draft amendments to the said Rules;

According to the territory planning projects;

According to land surveying projects;

3.1.3. Involvement of independent experts to prepare recommendations;

3.1.4. Consideration of issues related to the reservation of land plots for municipal needs;

3.1.5. Performance of other functions assigned in accordance with the established procedure.

3.3. Recommendations and conclusions adopted by the Commission on issues within its competence are considered by the Head of the Lotoshino urban settlement and are the basis for making decisions on relevant issues.

4. Procedure for the activities of the Commission

4.1. The Commission carries out its activities in accordance with these Regulations in the form of meetings.

4.2. The necessity and frequency of holding meetings of the Commission are determined by the Chairman of the Commission and are determined by the timing of the approval of individual stages of the development of the draft Rules and the procedure for their approval, as well as the number of applications and proposals received for consideration.

4.3. The Commission develops a work plan for the preparation of the Rules.

4.4. The Commission is headed by the Chairman of the Commission.

4.5. Chairman of the Commission:

Carries out general management of the activities of the Commission, determines the list, terms and procedure for consideration of issues at meetings;

Distributes powers (duties) between the deputy and members of the Commission;

Signs the minutes of the meetings of the Commission, extracts from the minutes and other documents of the Commission;

Submit proposals and draft regulatory legal acts on issues within the competence of the Commission for consideration by the Head of the urban settlement of Lotoshino;

Gives instructions to the members of the Commission for the revision (preparation) of documents (materials);

Provides for the holding of meetings of the Commission.

4.6. The Deputy Chairman of the Commission performs the duties of the Chairman of the Commission during periods of temporary absence of the Chairman of the Commission or on his behalf.

4.7. Secretary of the Commission:

Provides organizational and technical support for the activities of the Commission;

Prepares requests, draft decisions, other materials and documents related to the implementation of the functions and tasks of the Commission;

Carries out the preparation and formation of materials for the meetings of the Commission and reports on issues submitted for consideration by the Commission;

Organizes the preparation of a consolidated opinion on the submitted materials, taking into account the conclusions of the relevant bodies, with subsequent inclusion in the list of issues considered at the meeting of the Commission;

Keeps minutes of the meetings of the Commission, draws up and distributes decisions, extracts from decisions, as well as other documents and information;

Fulfills the instructions of the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Commission.

4.8. Members of the Commission:

Participate in the discussion of the issues under consideration at the meetings of the Commission;

Express comments, suggestions and additions regarding the main provisions of the draft Rules, in writing or orally;

Express a dissenting opinion with the obligatory inclusion of it in the minutes of the meeting;

Timely carry out all instructions of the presiding officer;

Consider proposals for the preparation of the draft Rules, as well as proposals for amendments to the Rules, which are sent to the Commission.

In case of absence from the meeting, a member of the Commission has the right to express his opinion on the issues under consideration in writing, which is announced at the meeting and attached to the minutes of the meeting.

The Commission, within thirty days from the date of receipt of proposals to amend the draft Rules, prepares an opinion containing recommendations on making proposals to the draft Rules or on rejecting proposals, indicating the reasons for the deviations.

4.9. The meetings of the Commission are chaired by the Chairman of the Commission, and in case of his absence - by the Deputy Chairman of the Commission. Members of the Commission have the right to send an authorized representative to work in the Commission.

4.10. Commission meetings are held as needed.

4.11. The Secretary of the Commission notifies the members of the Commission and invited persons about the place, date, time of the meeting, if necessary, distributes the agenda of the meeting.

4.12. The Commission makes decisions on the issues considered by open voting by a simple majority of votes of those present. In case of equality of votes "for" and "against", the vote of the chairman of the Commission or the person replacing him is decisive.

4.13. The results of each meeting of the Commission are documented in minutes, which are signed by the chairman and secretary of the Commission. Copies of materials on the topic of the meeting may be attached to the minutes.

5. Procedure for sending proposals to the Commission

stakeholders during the period of preparation, approval

draft Rules for land use and development

territory of urban settlement Lotoshino

5.1. From the moment of publication of the decision of the Head of the urban settlement of Lotoshino on the preparation of the draft Rules for land use and development, during the period of work on the preparation of the draft Rules, interested persons have the right to send proposals to the Commission addressed to the chairman for the preparation of the draft Rules (hereinafter referred to as the Proposals).

5.2. Proposals for the preparation of the draft Rules for land use and development can be sent by mail to send the Proposals directly to the Commission or left personally in the general department of the administration of the urban settlement Lotoshino Moscow region, Lotoshinsky district, Lotoshino settlement, st. Shkolnaya, 19, for transfer to the Commission.

5.3. Proposals must be presented in writing (printed or written in legible handwriting) signed by the person who submitted them, indicating his full last name, first name, patronymic, return address and date of preparation of the proposals. Illegible written, unsigned proposals, as well as proposals that are not related to the preparation of the draft Rules, are not considered by the Commission.

5.4. Proposals may contain substantiating materials (both on paper and on magnetic media). Submitted materials are non-refundable.

5.5. Proposals received by the Commission after the completion of the preparation of the draft Rules shall not be considered.

Decree of the head of the urban settlement Lotoshino of the Lotoshinsky municipal district of the Moscow Region of February 25, 2011 N 41

In accordance with Federal Law No. 25-FZ of March 2, 2007 "On Municipal Service in the Russian Federation", Federal Law No. 273-FZ of December 25, 2008 "On Combating Corruption", Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 821 of July 1, 2010 "On commissions on compliance with the requirements for official conduct of federal civil servants and the settlement of conflicts of interest", in order to prevent and resolve conflicts of interest in the municipal service, I decide:

1. Create a commission to resolve conflicts of interest in the administration of the Lotoshino urban settlement.

2. Approve the composition of the commission for the settlement of conflicts of interest in the administration of the urban settlement Lotoshino (Appendix N 1).

3. Approve the Regulations on the Commission for the settlement of conflicts of interest in the administration of the urban settlement Lotoshino (Appendix No. 2).

4. Recognize invalid from 25.02.2011 the resolution of the head of the urban settlement of Lotoshino of 23.10.2009 N 349 "On the establishment of a commission to resolve conflicts of interest in the administration of the urban settlement of Lotoshino."

6. I reserve control over the execution of this resolution.

The head of the urban settlement Lotoshino V.V. molars

Appendix N 1 to the resolution of the head of the urban settlement Lotoshino of the Moscow Region of February 25, 2011 N 41


Commission Chairman: Aleksey Grigoryevich Kulikov - Deputy Head of the Lotoshino Urban Settlement Administration.

Secretary of the commission: Bovtik Valentina Vasilievna - chief specialist of the sector "Military registration table" of the general department of the administration of the urban settlement of Lotoshino.

Commission members:

Kulikov Vladimir Borisovich - head of the general department of the administration of the urban settlement Lotoshino;

Veselova Ekaterina Alexandrovna - Head of the Department of Legal Expertise, Property and Land Relations of the Administration of the Urban Settlement Lotoshino;

Lebedeva Elena Viktorovna - head of the department of improvement and social development of the administration of the urban settlement Lotoshino;

Bobrova Elena Vladimirovna - chief specialist of the department of improvement and social development of the administration of the urban settlement Lotoshino;

Atmashkin Vladimir Evgenievich - chief specialist of the department for culture, sports, youth affairs and tourism of the administration of the urban settlement Lotoshino;

Antonova Olga Valerievna - chief specialist of the financial and economic department of the administration of the urban settlement Lotoshino;

Korkina Nina Igorevna - chief specialist of the department of legal expertise, property and land relations of the administration of the urban settlement Lotoshino.

Appendix N 2 to the resolution of the head of the urban settlement Lotoshino of the Moscow Region of February 25, 2011 N 41


1. General Provisions

1.1. The Commission for the settlement of conflicts of interest in the administration of the urban settlement of Lotoshino (hereinafter referred to as the Commission) was established to consider issues related to compliance with the requirements for the settlement of conflicts of interest in relation to municipal employees replacing municipal service positions in the administration of the urban settlement of Lotoshino.

1.2. The commission operates in the administration of the urban settlement Lotoshino on a permanent basis.

1.3. The Commission in its activities is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation, laws of the Moscow Region, these Regulations.

2. Tasks and functions of the Commission

2.1. The main task of the Commission is:

a) assistance to municipal authorities in ensuring compliance by municipal employees with restrictions and prohibitions, requirements for the prevention or settlement of conflicts of interest, as well as in ensuring the fulfillment of their obligations established by federal legislation, the legislation of the Moscow Region and municipal legal acts (hereinafter - the requirements for the settlement of conflicts of interest) ;

b) assistance to municipal authorities in the implementation of measures to prevent corruption.

3. Rights of the Commission

3.1. The Commission has the right:

a) request the necessary documents and information from public authorities and local governments, as well as from organizations;

b) invite officials of public authorities and local self-government bodies, as well as representatives of organizations to their meetings.

4. Order of work of the Commission

4.1. The grounds for holding a meeting of the Commission are:

a) submission by the head of the urban settlement of Lotoshino of verification materials, indicating:

on the submission by municipal employees of false or incomplete information, provided for in Art. 12, 13 of the Federal Law "On municipal service in the Russian Federation" and Art. 9 of the Law of the Moscow Region "On Municipal Service in the Moscow Region";

on non-compliance by municipal employees with the requirements for the settlement of conflicts of interest;

b) received by the subdivision for municipal service and personnel of the local government, or to the official in charge of personnel work in the local government, or the head of the urban settlement of Lotoshino in the prescribed manner:

an appeal from a citizen who held a municipal service position in a local self-government body included in the list of positions approved by municipal regulatory legal acts to give consent to fill a position in a commercial or non-profit organization or to perform work on the terms of a civil law contract in a commercial or non-profit organization, if certain functions of the state or municipal administration of this organization were included in his official (service) duties, until the expiration of two years from the date of dismissal from the municipal service;

a statement by a municipal employee about the impossibility, for objective reasons, to provide information on income, property and obligations of a property nature of his wife (spouse) and minor children;

c) a presentation by the head of the urban settlement Lotoshino or any member of the Commission concerning the enforcement by municipal employees of the requirements for the settlement of conflicts of interest or the implementation of measures to prevent corruption in the local self-government body;

d) information about the existence of a personal interest of a municipal employee, which leads or may lead to a conflict of interest.

4.2. The commission does not consider reports of crimes and administrative offenses, as well as anonymous appeals, and does not conduct checks on the facts of violation of official discipline.

4.3. The Chairman of the Commission, upon receipt of information containing the grounds for holding a meeting of the Commission, in accordance with the established procedure:

a) appoints the date of the meeting of the Commission within 3 days. At the same time, the date of the meeting of the Commission cannot be set later than seven days from the date of receipt of the said information;

b) organizes the familiarization of the municipal employee, in respect of whom the Commission is considering the issue of compliance with the requirements for the settlement of a conflict of interest, his representative, members of the Commission and other persons participating in the meeting of the Commission, with the information received and with the results of its verification;

c) consider applications for invitation to the meeting of the Commission of persons with the right of an advisory vote:

Other municipal employees replacing the positions of the municipal service in the local self-government body, determined by the chairman of the Commission;

A representative of a municipal employee, in respect of which the Commission is considering the issue of compliance with the requirements for settling a conflict of interest, - by decision of the Chairman of the Commission, taken in each specific case separately at least three days before the day of the meeting of the Commission on the basis of a petition of a municipal employee, in respect of which the Commission this issue is considered, or any member of the Commission, makes a decision on their satisfaction (refusal to satisfy) and on consideration (refusal to consider) additional materials during the meeting of the Commission.

4.4. The meeting of the Commission is held in the presence of a municipal employee, in respect of which the issue of compliance with the requirements for the settlement of a conflict of interest is being considered. If there is a written request from a municipal employee to consider this issue without his participation, the meeting of the Commission is held in his absence. In the event that a municipal employee or his representative fails to appear at a meeting of the Commission in the absence of a written request from a municipal employee to consider this issue without his participation, consideration of the issue is postponed. In the event of a second non-appearance of a municipal employee or his representative without good reason, the Commission has the right to decide on the consideration of this issue in his absence.

4.5. At a meeting of the Commission, explanations of the municipal employee (with his consent) and other persons are heard, materials are considered on the merits of the claims made against the municipal employee, as well as additional materials.

4.6. Members of the Commission and persons participating in its meeting are not entitled to disclose information that became known to them in the course of the work of the Commission.

4.7. Based on the results of consideration of the issue specified in the second paragraph of subparagraph "a" of paragraph 4.1 of these Regulations, the Commission shall take one of the following decisions:

a) establish that the information provided by the municipal employee specified in paragraph two of subparagraph "a" of paragraph 4.1 of this Regulation is true and complete;

b) establish that the information provided by the municipal employee specified in paragraph two of subparagraph "a" of paragraph 4.1 of this Regulation is unreliable and (or) incomplete. In this case, the Commission recommends that the head of the urban settlement Lotoshino apply a specific measure of responsibility to the municipal employee.

4.8. Based on the results of consideration of the issue specified in the third paragraph of subparagraph "a" of paragraph 4.1 of these Regulations, the Commission shall take one of the following decisions:

a) establish that the municipal employee complied with the requirements for the settlement of conflicts of interest;

b) to establish that the municipal employee did not comply with the requirements for the settlement of a conflict of interest. In this case, the Commission recommends that the head of the urban settlement Lotoshino point out to the municipal employee the inadmissibility of violating the requirements for settling a conflict of interest or apply a specific measure of responsibility to the municipal employee.

4.9. Based on the results of consideration of the issue specified in the second paragraph of subparagraph "b" of paragraph 4.1 of these Regulations, the Commission shall take one of the following decisions:

a) give the citizen consent to fill a position in a commercial or non-profit organization or to perform work on the terms of a civil law contract in a commercial or non-profit organization, if certain functions of the state or municipal administration of this organization were part of his official (service) duties;

b) to refuse a citizen to fill a position in a commercial or non-profit organization or to perform work on the terms of a civil law contract in a commercial or non-profit organization, if certain functions of the state or municipal administration of this organization were part of his official (service) duties, and to motivate his refusal .

4.10. Based on the results of consideration of the issue specified in the third paragraph of subparagraph "b" of paragraph 4.1 of these Regulations, the Commission shall take one of the following decisions:

a) recognize that the reason for the failure of a municipal employee to provide information on income, property and property obligations of his wife (spouse) and minor children is objective and respectful;

b) recognize that the reason for the failure of a municipal employee to provide information about income, property and obligations of a property nature of his wife (spouse) and minor children is not valid. In this case, the Commission recommends that the municipal employee take measures to provide the specified information;

c) recognize that the reason for the failure of a municipal employee to provide information on income, property and property obligations of his wife (spouse) and minor children is biased and is a way of evading the submission of this information. In this case, the Commission recommends that the head of the urban settlement Lotoshino apply a specific measure of responsibility to the municipal employee.

4.11. Based on the results of consideration of the issue provided for by subparagraph "c" of paragraph 4.1 of these Regulations, the Commission shall take an appropriate decision.

4.12. Based on the results of consideration of the information specified in subparagraph "d" of paragraph 4.1 of these Regulations, the Commission may take one of the following decisions:

a) establish that in the case under consideration there are no signs of a personal interest of a municipal employee, which will lead or may lead to a conflict of interest;

b) to establish the fact of the existence of a personal interest of a municipal employee, which will lead or may lead to a conflict of interest. In this case, the employer's representative is offered recommendations aimed at preventing or resolving this conflict of interest.

4.13. The representative of the employer, who became aware of the occurrence of a personal interest of a municipal employee, which leads or may lead to a conflict of interest, including if such a fact is established by the Commission, is obliged to take measures to prevent or resolve a conflict of interest.

In order to prevent or resolve a conflict of interest, the representative of the employer must exclude the possibility of the participation of a municipal employee in decision-making on issues related to the conflict of interest.

The representative of the employer has the right to remove the municipal employee from the occupied position of the municipal service (not to allow the performance of official duties) during the period of conflict of interest settlement.

4.14. Based on the results of consideration of the issues provided for by subparagraphs "a" and "b" of paragraph 4.1 of these Regulations, if there are grounds for this, the Commission may take a decision other than that provided for in paragraphs 4.7-4.10 of these Regulations. The grounds and motives for making such a decision must be reflected in the minutes of the meeting of the Commission.

4.15. Decisions of the Commission on the grounds specified in paragraph 4.1 of these Regulations are taken by secret ballot, by a simple majority of votes of the members of the Commission present at the meeting. In case of equality of votes, the Commission decides on a repeated open vote, in which case the vote of the chairman of the Commission is decisive.

4.16. The decision of the Commission is documented in a protocol signed by the members of the Commission who took part in its meeting. Decisions of the Commission, with the exception of the decision taken as a result of consideration of the issue specified in paragraph two of subparagraph "b" of paragraph 4.1 of these Regulations, for the head of the urban settlement of Lotoshino are advisory in nature. The decision made following the consideration of the issue specified in the second paragraph of subparagraph "b" of paragraph 4.1 of these Regulations is binding.

4.17. The minutes of the meeting of the Commission shall indicate:

a) date of the meeting of the Commission, last names, first names, patronymics of the members of the Commission and other persons present at the meeting;

b) the wording of each of the issues considered at the meeting of the Commission, indicating the last name, first name, patronymic, position of the municipal employee in respect of which the issue of compliance with the requirements for the settlement of conflicts of interest is being considered;

c) claims against the municipal employee, materials on which they are based;

e) last names, first names, patronymics of the persons speaking at the meeting and a summary of their speeches;

f) the source of information containing the grounds for holding a meeting of the Commission, the date the information was received by the local self-government body;

g) other information;

i) decision and justification for its adoption.

30. A member of the Commission who disagrees with the decision of the Commission has the right to express his opinion in writing, which is subject to mandatory attachment to the minutes of the meeting of the Commission and which the municipal employee must be familiarized with.

4.18. Copies of the minutes of the meeting of the Commission within 3 days from the date of the meeting are sent to the head of the urban settlement of Lotoshino, in full or in the form of extracts from it - to the municipal employee, and also by decision of the Commission - to other interested parties.

4.19. The head of the urban settlement is obliged to consider the protocol of the meeting of the Commission and has the right to take into account, within the limits of his competence, the recommendations contained in it when deciding on the application of measures of responsibility to the municipal employee provided for by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, as well as on other issues of organizing anti-corruption. The head of the urban settlement notifies the Commission in writing about the consideration of the recommendations of the Commission and the decision taken within one month from the date of receipt of the minutes of the meeting of the Commission. The decision of the head of the urban settlement Lotoshino is announced at the next meeting of the Commission and is taken into account without discussion.

4.20. If the Commission establishes the fact that a municipal employee has committed an action (fact of inaction) containing signs of an administrative offense or corpus delicti, the Chairman of the Commission is obliged to transfer information about the commission of the specified action (inaction) and documents confirming such a fact to the relevant federal state bodies within 3 days, and if necessary, immediately.

4.21. A copy of the minutes of the meeting of the Commission or an extract from it is attached to the personal file of the municipal employee, in respect of which the issue of compliance with the requirements for the settlement of conflicts of interest has been considered.

  • Order of the administration of the city district Elektrostal MO dated December 30, 2014 N 862-r On approval of the Regulations on the commission on compliance with the requirements for official conduct of municipal employees of local governments of the city district of Elektrostal, Moscow Region and the settlement of conflicts of interest and the Procedure for the Commission on compliance with the requirements for official conduct of municipal employees of local governments of the city district of Elektrostal, Moscow Region and the settlement of conflicts of interest
  • Approximate regulation on the commission for the settlement of conflicts of interest in the municipality
  • Decree of the head of the urban settlement Lotoshino of the Lotoshinsky municipal district of the Moscow Region dated 08/06/2014 N 435 On the formation of the Commission for compliance with the requirements for official conduct of municipal employees in the administration of the urban settlement of Lotoshino and the settlement of conflicts of interest
  • Decree of the head of the Lotoshinsky municipal district of the Moscow Region of July 10, 2009 N 436 About creation of the commission on settlement of the conflict of interests in administration of the Lotoshinsky municipal area
  • Decree of the head of the urban settlement Lotoshino of the Lotoshinsky municipal district of the Moscow Region dated 03.03.2011 N 57 On approval of the Regulations on verification of the reliability and completeness of information submitted by citizens applying for municipal service positions in the administration of the urban settlement of Lotoshino, and municipal employees of the administration of the urban settlement of Lotoshino, and compliance by municipal employees of the administration of the urban settlement of Lotoshino with the requirements for official conduct
  • Decree of the head of the urban settlement Lotoshino of the Lotoshinsky municipal district of the Moscow Region dated 11.08.2010 N 285 On the introduction of amendments and additions to annexes N 1, 2 to the resolution of the head of the urban settlement Lotoshino dated 05.04.2010 N 100 "On the approval of the Regulations on the Certificate of Honor of the head of the urban settlement Lotoshino and Thank you letter administration of urban settlement Lotoshino"
  • Decision of the Council of Deputies of the urban settlement Lotoshino of the Lotoshinsky municipal district of the Moscow Region of August 14, 2014 N 80/11 On amendments to the decision of the Council of Deputies of the urban settlement of Lotoshino of the Lotoshinsky municipal district of the Moscow Region dated September 4, 2006 N 42/9 "On the flag of the municipality urban settlement Lotoshino, Lotoshinsky Municipal District, Moscow Region