How many degrees to not go to school. At what temperature can you not go to school. There are also rules for conducting physical education lessons on the street or in the gym. This is also determined by air temperature combined with wind speed and

Severe frosts have come to many Russian regions. The January cold can be a legitimate reason not to go to work or school. Taking into account the weather conditions in a particular region, the decision to cancel classes is made by the local department of education, and in production by the company's management, taking into account the requirements of the Labor Code and sanitary standards.

Workers in production

At extremely low temperatures, the work of specialists in some professions is stopped, and the working day is also reduced for employees of those offices that are poorly heated. Work in cold weather outdoors or in closed unheated premises is regulated by Article 109 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

According to the document, persons working outdoors should be provided with breaks in work for heating, which must be included in work time. The duration and number of breaks is determined by the administration of the company together with the trade union organization.

The work of masons stops at a temperature of -25 ° C with a wind of more than three points or a temperature of -30 ° C without wind.

The work of representatives of other professions related to being outdoors stops at a temperature of -27 ° C with a wind of more than three points or a temperature of -35 ° C without wind.

If the activity is related to equipment that failed during the cold weather, forced downtime should be paid at the rate of two-thirds of the salary.

Office workers

For office workers, weather conditions, according to the law, do not affect work. Only the temperature at the workplace is taken into account. Working conditions are regulated by sanitary rules and norms SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for the microclimate of industrial premises".

According to the document, those who work indoors are conditionally divided into five categories.

* 1a - sedentary work. This includes managers, office workers, workers in the clothing and watch industries. For them, the most comfortable room temperature is +22°С - +24°С.

* 1b - if you spend the whole day on your feet. For example, these are controllers, sales consultants. They should work at +21°С - +23°С.

* 2a- work involves some physical stress. For example, tour guides, staff Borochny shops at machine-building enterprises. The optimum temperature for them is +19°С -+21°С.

* 2b - work associated with walking and carrying loads up to ten kilograms. Basically, these are factory workers - locksmiths, welders. For them, the room temperature should be + 17 ° С - +19 ° С.

* 3 — involves heavy physical labor, for example, in foundries and blacksmith shops. This category also includes loaders who carry furniture and equipment heavier than ten kilograms. For them, the temperature is somewhat lower - + 16 ° С - + 18 ° С.

If the temperature at the workplace drops by 1 degree below normal, the working time is reduced by 1 hour. Thus, at a temperature of +19°C, the working day of an office worker will be 7 hours, +18°C - 6 hours, and so on. At a temperature of + 12 ° C and below, work stops and, in accordance with Article 157 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, working hours in this case are paid by the employer in the amount of at least two-thirds of the tariff rate.


The kindergarten works at any air temperature on the street. But according to the sanitary standards SanPiN, at an air temperature below -15 ° C and a wind speed of more than 7 m / s, the duration of the walk is reduced. The walk is not carried out at air temperatures below -15°C and wind speeds over 15 m/s for children under 4 years old, and for children 5-7 years old at air temperatures below -20°C and wind speeds over 15 m/s (for mid lane).


The regulations that apply today regarding school attendance by children in severe frosts are as follows:

- at a temperature of -25 ° C, schoolchildren of grades 1-4 of rural schools do not study
- at a temperature of -27 ° C - students of grades 1-4 of urban and rural schools
- at a temperature of -30 ° C and below, all students do not study - from grades 1 to 11

When the above temperatures occur, the Ministry of Education issues appropriate orders. But the decision to stop classes due to frosty weather is made by the leadership of each educational institution on one's own. If such a decision is made, the child, on its basis, can rest from school.

The cancellation of classes in schools is affected not only by temperature, but also by the strength of the wind. Usually temperature cancellation threshold schoolwork due to the wind it drops by 2-3 degrees.

Cancellation of school classes in the regions

For the northern regions of the country, the temperature limits for canceling classes are lower. In the Urals, the following scale for canceling classes is applied:

25°C - -28°C - kids do not go to school,
-28°С - -30°С - students of grades 5-9 do not study,
-30°С - -32°С — high school students may not come.

In Siberia, elementary grades do not study at -30°C degrees. Schoolchildren in grades 5-9 may not come if the thermometer drops to -32°C and -35°C. High school students do not go to school if it is -35°С - -40°С outside.

In Yakutia, in order for students in grades 1-4 not to go to school, the thermometer must drop to -40 ° C. For high school students, the temperature should be -48 ° C, and high school students do not go to school only if it is -50 ° C outside.

I remember how in school years I rejoiced in the frosts ... not that I really loved cold weather - but simply in such cases they canceled classes at school (after all, despite all the sentimental clichés - I did not consider school lessons “wonderful” at all, and once again meet with classmates (who for the most part, they were the most unpleasant subjects) and there was no desire to endure a massive “sonic attack”).

This practice of caring for the health of schoolchildren continues today. But what are the exact numbers - how cold should it be for classes to be cancelled? Some information on this subject was obtained from one of the schools in Kostroma (fortunately, it does not represent a state secret - everything is posted on the stand for interested persons).

It turns out that the decision to cancel a lesson depends not only on the air temperature, but also on the wind speed (the higher it is, the lower the temperature is needed to cancel the lessons).

"Starting point" - temperature at a wind of 5 m/s Classes are canceled from 1st grade to 4th grade. At a temperature from t - 26 0 C to t -28 0 C, 3 m / s is enough for this, and at a temperature t -29 0 C with a wind of 5 m / s do not study in the sixth grade inclusive.

Classes in classes from 1st to 11th are canceled at temperatures from t -30 0 C to t -38 0 C with a wind speed of 4 m / s, at t -39 0 C or t -40 0 C 2 m / s is enough with and, finally, at a temperature of t -41 0 C and below, they do not study even in calm weather.

Moreover, if the cancellation of classes is announced, this does not mean at all that the school will be closed on that day: teachers are still obliged to be at their workplaces and - if one of the children still comes - to study with them (even if individually), thus. the cancellation of classes in the cold means permission not to come to school, not a ban on coming.

There are also rules for conducting physical education lessons on the street or in the gym. This is also determined by the air temperature in combination with the wind speed and the age of the students.

With children 7-11 years old you can exercise outdoors in calm weather at temperatures up to t -15 0 C, with winds up to 5 m / s - up to t -10 0 C, from 5 to 10 m / s - up to t -7 0 C.

With students aged 12-13: in calm weather - up to -17 0 C, with wind up to 5 m / s - up to t -13 0 C, from 5 to 10 m / s - up to t -10 0 C.

14-15 year old teenagers can exercise outdoors in calm weather - at temperatures up to t -20 0 C, with winds up to 5 m / s - up to t 17 0 C, from 5 to 10 m / s - up to t 17 0 C.

Norms for high school students (16-18 years old): calm weather - up to t -21 0 C, wind up to 5 m / s - up to t -20 0 C, from 5 to 10 m / s - up to t -15 0 C.

And finally - with any students (from the first grade to the eleventh), at any air temperature, lessons are supposed to be held physical culture in the gym (and not on the street) with a wind speed of more than 10 m / s. Nothing was reported about rain or hail in the indicated tables posted in the school lobby - but, apparently, this moment entirely depends on the sanity of the physical education teacher. However, if he decided to raise and educate "Spartans" ... then parents will have to decide directly with the headmaster - whether they want "Spartan" education for their children or not.

Frosts are approaching, schoolchildren and their parents are wondering at what temperature it is possible not to attend educational institutions.

Parents have the right to decide whether their children will go to school in the cold or not. According to representatives of the Department of Education and Science, students have the right not to attend kindergartens or schools if the thermometer indicates a very low temperature.

At what temperature do children not go to school in 2018, what should be the air temperature for children to have the right to skip school

Grades 1-4 may not go to school at temperatures of -27°C or below.

5-6 classes - at a temperature of -30 ° C and below

7-8 classes - at a temperature of -32 ° C and below

9-11 classes - at a temperature of - 36 C and below

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation also emphasized that for Central Russia the reason for the cancellation of lessons in primary school in the countryside, the temperature is -25°С and lower, and in the city -27 ºС. Senior classes have the right not to come to classes at a temperature of -30 in the city -27 ºС, in senior classes -30 ºС. and below.

If we talk about Oymyakoe, then the village education department decided:

Students in grades 1-5 have the right to be absent from school at a temperature of -52 ºС and below.

At what temperature do children not go to school in 2018, how does this apply to teachers

These guidelines do not apply to teachers in any way. Teachers must come to work in any weather, and if at least one student comes to class, they are obliged to conduct lessons for him.

The only reason not to conduct classes at all is the temperature in the educational institution itself. If the thermometer shows +18 ºС and below, then according to the decree of the Ministry of Education and Science, teachers and students have the right not to come to school at all.

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When low temperatures occur, the Ministry of Education of the Regions issues orders to visit educational institutions in frosts. Standards for attending school in cold weather are in force today in accordance with sanitary standards SanPiN

But the decision to stop classes due to frosty weather can be made by the leadership of each educational institution independently. If such a decision is made, the child, on its basis, can rest from school.

At what temperature do children not go to school?

At a temperature:

  • -25°С schoolchildren of 1-4 grades of rural schools do not study
  • -27°С - schoolchildren of 1-4 grades of urban and rural schools
  • -30°C and below, all schoolchildren do not study - from grades 1 to 11

The cancellation of classes in schools is affected not only by temperature, but also by the strength of the wind. Usually, the temperature threshold for school cancellations due to wind drops by 2-3 degrees.

With more high speed Wind conditions for canceling classes are as follows:

  • -25 degrees for students in grades 1-4;
  • -30 degrees for students in grades 1-9;
  • -35 degrees for students in grades 1-11.

Cancellation of school classes in the regions

For the northern regions of the country, the temperature limits for canceling classes are lower.

In the Urals, the following scale for canceling classes is applied:

  • -25°С - -28°С - kids do not go to school,
  • -28°С - -30°С - students of grades 5-9 do not study,
  • -30°С - -32°С - high school students may not come.

In Siberia:

  • -30°С - primary classes do not study
  • -32°С and -35°С — schoolchildren of 5-9 grades
  • -35°C - -40°C - high school students grades 10-11

In Yakutia:

  • -40°С — students of grades 1-4
  • -48°С — schoolchildren of 5-9 grades
  • -50°C - high school students in grades 10-11