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Chapter 1

There are no people with which it is easy to live ...

- Moron! - Run a bunny. - There is no strength to endure it!

"You, perhaps, it's time to drink Valerian," Arkady said with inquiries. - If a person stops understanding the jokes, then he died.

- Well kesh! - Masha wedged into the conversation. - She does not know whether the firewood needs! Suddenly needed?

"In principle," the brother laughed, "the woman decorates stupidity. Now offer me someone choosing between smart drank and fool-beauty, I do not hesitate, choose the second option.

Silence reigned. Then he came to me a deafening cotton, cracking, ringing ... I pulled the blanket on my head just in case. You can consider my position affected, but I am absolutely sure: during family scandals, it is best to pretend to be dead. I really do not like to swear. Maybe because of weak voice ligaments? I am not capable of cutting like an attackering elephant, so I prefer to pose. There is another consideration that makes me not interfere.

I will explain on the example. Bunny now called a cache. Because of which? Most likely, the latter cheered over it, and Olga sometimes brings a sense of humor. If I run down and intervene in their quarrel, you will have to accept someone's side, protect one and reinforcing the other. Suppose from female solidarity I will support a hack, and then Arkashka is offended at me; If I try to unite with him - Olga inflates. Then they will confuse and decide that the scandal provoked precisely I, in an unfaithful hour to decide to try on myself a peacemaker.

Well, I do not! Shut down under the blanket and fall into sleep - here the best way live to old age without shocks. One misfortune, I will now recruit me to allies.

In the corridor there were light steps, the door to the bedroom swung open, the nervous voice was heard:

- Mmmm ... - I washed.

- Dryknesh or not? - Olga did not calm down.

"Stay in the arms of Morpheus," I lay. - I see nothing and do not hear. Something happened? Burst pipe? Fuel ended in the house, and we cut off electricity? U hucha poultry?

- Your reaction clearly demonstrates your spontaneous attitude towards people, - did not slow down to start the Zainka. - I enter, ask anxious questions. No you get worry, jump, run ...

I was silent. Well, what is the sense of a woman who, in a minute, the danger of a crazy chicken will begin to rush around the house, exclamation: "What happened? What to do?" It is more logical to try to preserve the composure and sobriety of thinking. Yes, and a family sklock between our lawyer and a television station cannot be considered to be categorized national tragedies.

- And you remembered the leaks, "Olga continued to be outraged, - about emergency lighting and dog! Of course, I adore High, but there are things to be more likely at pug! You did not even mind asked: "Olga, you did not get sick? .."

I kept sigh. The sick person does not yell like that.

Olga sobbed and ran away. Well, I still will be to blame!

I dropped back the blanket. Interestingly, this time I dumbled the Kesha? On Saturday, he put a heavy bar in his pocket a heavy bar, on which Irka sharpens knives, and when Olga was indignant, with absolutely serious mine stated: "In the street, a strong wind, I worried about you, a year-round one cauldron, did not take a hurricane "

The door to the room again began to open quietly, I vividly jurmed under the blanket.

- Mother, are you sleeping? - asked Kesha.

Surprisingly, why is Olga with the arcash constantly quarreling? They are very similar, even the same questions ask, invading without an invitation to someone else's bedroom.

- Dryknesh? - did not learn arkadium.

- Mmmm ... - I decided to follow the selected tactics.

- You are not wondering what is happening in our house?

I got lost. I will answer "no" - I will send the egoist, I will say "yes" - instantly I will be in the center of conflict. How to proceed?

"Mmm," I washed again. In the end, this sound can be interpreted in different ways, let Arcasha regard him as "yes" or "no".

"People are divided into good and bad," Kesha unexpectedly said. - The first are never tormented by insomnia, but the second get a lot, so to speak, pleasure in the clock of long-time awake. I advise you to think about it!

The sash knocked about the jamb, I slipped the nose out and sighed heavily. If there is a lawyer in your family, be prepared to listen to the bore and incomprehensible centies ... And yet I was well done, I managed not to get up on anyone! Now the homemade will run away by affairs, and I calmly go to the Paradise for Animal Store [the name is invented by the author. All coincidences are random.] - need to replenish the stock of dog canned food.

- Mother! - came from the threshold.

I automatically grabbed the blanket.

"Do not hide," Masha shook, "the abolition of a combat alarm. You know, because of what our bombarded?

"No," I replied, "but I guess that there was a worthy occasion."

Manya squinted.

- The other day we broke the microwave stove.

- That's how? And I did not notice.

"A master arrived early in the morning," the daughter continued. - He became in the unit picking up, and then a bunny is pumped and flirtary so asks: "You will not sell me microwave firewood?"

- Cool! - I exclaimed.

Masha nodded.

"The master was confused, and the bunny says:" We have a stock, those that we have gotten when buying the stoves. " Well, then the guy began to laugh!

Dasha Vasilyeva: Lover of the private owl of Dasha Vasilyev- 32

Chapter 1

There are no people with which it is easy to live ...

Moron! - Run a bunny. - There is no strength to endure it!

You, perhaps, it's time to drink Valerian, - Arkady said with intake calmness. - If a person stops understanding the jokes, then he died.

Well, cache! - Masha wedged into the conversation. - She does not know whether the firewood needs! Suddenly needed?

In principle, the brother laughed, "the woman decorates stupidity. Now offer me someone choosing between smart drank and fool-beauty, I do not hesitate, choose the second option.

Silence reigned. Then he came to me a deafening cotton, cracking, ringing ... I pulled the blanket on my head just in case. You can consider my position affected, but I am absolutely sure: during family scandals, it is best to pretend to be dead. I really do not like to swear. Maybe because of weak voice ligaments? I am not capable of cutting like an attackering elephant, so I prefer to pose. There is another consideration that makes me not interfere.

I will explain on the example. Bunny now called a cache. Because of which? Most likely, the latter cheered over it, and Olga sometimes brings a sense of humor. If I run down and intervene in their quarrel, you will have to accept someone's side, protect one and reinforcing the other. Suppose from female solidarity I will support a hack, and then Arkashka is offended at me; If I try to unite with him - Olga inflates. Then they will confuse and decide that the scandal provoked precisely I, in an unfaithful hour to decide to try on myself a peacemaker.

Well, I do not! Loosen under the blanket and fall into sleep - here is the best way to live to old age without shocks. One misfortune, I will now recruit me to allies.

In the corridor there were light steps, the door to the bedroom swung open, the nervous voice was heard:

Mmmm ... - I washed.

Dryknesh or not? - Olga did not calm down.

Stay in the arms of Morpheus, - I lay. - I see nothing and do not hear. Something happened? Burst pipe? Fuel ended in the house, and we cut off electricity? U hucha poultry?

Your reaction clearly demonstrates your spinning attitude towards people, - did not slow down to start the Zainka. - I enter, ask anxious questions. No you get worry, jump, run ...

I was silent. Well, what is the sense of a woman who, in a minute, the danger of a crazy chicken will begin to rush around the house, exclamation: "What happened? What to do?" It is more logical to try to preserve the composure and sobriety of thinking. Yes, and a family sklock between our lawyer and a television station cannot be attributed to the category of national tragedies.

And you remembered the leaks, Olga continued to be resentment - about emergency lighting and dog! Of course, I adore High, but there are things to be more likely at pug! You did not even mind asked: "Olga, you did not get sick? .."

I kept sigh. The sick person does not yell like that.

Olga sobbed and ran away. Well, I still will be to blame!

I dropped back the blanket. Interestingly, this time I dumbled the Kesha? On Saturday, he put a heavy bar in his pocket a heavy bar, on which Irka sharpens knives, and when Olga was indignant, with absolutely serious mine stated: "In the street, a strong wind, I worried about you, a year-round one cauldron, did not take a hurricane "

The door to the room again began to open quietly, I vividly jurmed under the blanket.

Mother, are you sleeping? - asked Kesha.

Compote from the forbidden fetus
Daria Dontsova

For a friend - in the fire and in the water! Dasha Vasilyeva sowing head rushes to search for a launcher, having daring to insult her friend - Colonel Degtyarev. Bachelor Alexander Mikhailovich, says aunt, married and threw his spouse that Holly and cherished him. Dasha is outraged. Doesn't it know that Degtyarev is free and clean like a tear. Invisory search of the namesake of the Colonel turns into a criminal investigation, which is known to give, a large hunter. In the course of the matter, she learns that another Degtyarev ...

Dollars Tsar Gorosha
Daria Dontsova

Well and day! Initially, Dasha Vasilyeva, having left Laskina, stumbled upon a pack ... Penguins! In the summer, in the heat! They brought it to the overturned van, in the cabin of which was a wounded driver - Sergey Yakunin. He asked her to transfer the envelope with some Clare money ...

And then it turned out that a terrible hurricane was a roof from Dashina, and she, together with his family, moved to a terrible Halup with the crank owner. But household difficulties do not interfere with Dasha to seek mysterious Clara. And at this time they begin to occur with ...

45th caliber smile
Daria Dontsova

Dasha Vasilyeva is invited to the evening to Professor Yuri Rykov. What was her indignation, when the next morning, the spouses of the rim accused her in the stealing of the Golden Eggs of the Faberge, allegedly the family relics. Boulevard Gāzegeta "Route" published an article where Dasha was also called the thief. To protect your reputation and help return the egg to his legitimate owner of Amalia Corf, the lover of the private owner of Dasha Vasilyeva begins its own investigation. And then one by one on ...

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Bilingwa. Polish with John Khmelevskaya. Ilya Frank reading method.
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Figure of Lung Epataza
Daria Dontsova

Want to do as better, but it turns out ... a terrible story! I, a private detective Evlampia Romanova, agreed to help the client play the role of the niece of Professor Antonov and was blunting into a nightmare. I was accused of murder! The customer's lady, of course, the cunning, however, and the lamp is not Schit. I will find out for free, where the legs are growing in this business ... But here all the devices got out in my house! Now it's not food to cook, nor TV see or boil the tea ... but in ...

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Takeense case
Daria Dontsova

One after another fellow students Dasha Vasilyeva dying. Passing out from behind the corner "Volkswagen" submissible under the wheels, which turned the road by Zoya Lazarev. Twice passing through a lifeless body, the car was silent away. Who sat behind the wheel of this car? And is it not connected with these murders, the mysterious LOK, on \u200b\u200bthe foot of which, at the request of the Colonel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Degtyarev, is trying to leave the desperate lover of the private owl of Dasha Vasilyeva? ...

Hobby of the Gadsky Ducky
Daria Dontsova

Fatal bad lucky in the family Dasha Vasilyeva began after the weekend, which they all spent on the conewater of their familiar Vereshchagin. There was another respectable couple - Lena and Misha Cayurov, owners of two horses. True, half a year ago, when Dasha met Cayurs, they were just beggars. And Lena, who dropped the car with a rag doll from the window to Dashin, was absolutely unbearable. Now she seemed completely healthy ... Then Daria endhartened to Cayurov's quarrel, and later Lena was found m ...

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Arriving into a small village to Girlfriend Ank, Kira and Lesya were most afraid of boredom. And in vain! That's where I had to show my detective abilities on the full coil. On the second day, after arrival, someone drewed by Niko's knife - Uncle Anine her husband. Spouses lived in the soul of five years. And uncle did not recognize the daughter-in-law. The nature of the old man was a nepful, but for this they do not kill. Next, one more killings occurred after another. Add tangled love connections with a criminal tint, searching ...

Benefis Martov Cat
Daria Dontsova

Dasha Vasilyeva catastrophically brings to the corpses! .. Only she agreed to go to the concert of classical music with an impressive man Stas Komolov - and now he is already a corpse. In the intermission Dasha ran for him behind water and drops, thought he was bad from the stuff, and he take me. And the next day cops were applied to her home. They clearly suspect Dasha in murder. What to do? Of course run! And now she is already at the Kursk railway station with the sacrifice in one hand and the pug hooch - in another. At the back of the amateur ...

Firescontrol on the main role

Darya Dontsova

Lover of the private cheese of Dasha Vasilyeva # 32

Sensation! An old manuscript was found, followed by many historians, and including Nina Lavrentyeva's husband, Dasha Vasilyeva's girlfriend ... But he, calculating the location of the cache, where a unique library of Pankratka Panbarkina was kept for almost a hundred years, did not risk it to climb. According to the legend, the cave is imposed on the cave enter. But it was decided by Nina - she really needed money, and rarities are millions! Curse accomplished - Lavrentiev fell into someone. And here is horror, it came to treat it ... the same witch. But it has long been alive for a long time! Then how did you get the fingerprint on the call in the house? No, something is wrong here ... a lover of private cheek as an outer with a head throws into an investigation. First, it is necessary to find out what kind of illness suddenly struck Lavrentiev, secondly, to reveal the secret of the spell, thirdly ...

Darya Dontsova

Firescontrol on the main role

There are no people with which it is easy to live ...

- Moron! - Run a bunny. - There is no strength to endure it!

"You, perhaps, it's time to drink Valerian," Arkady said with inquiries. - If a person stops understanding the jokes, then he died.

- Well kesh! - Masha wedged into the conversation. - She does not know whether the firewood needs! Suddenly needed?

"In principle," the brother laughed, "the woman decorates stupidity. Now offer me someone choosing between smart drank and fool-beauty, I do not hesitate, choose the second option.

Silence reigned. Then he came to me a deafening cotton, cracking, ringing ... I pulled the blanket on my head just in case. You can consider my position affected, but I am absolutely sure: during family scandals, it is best to pretend to be dead. I really do not like to swear. Maybe because of weak voice ligaments? I am not capable of cutting like an attackering elephant, so I prefer to pose. There is another consideration that makes me not interfere.

I will explain on the example. Bunny now called a cache. Because of which? Most likely, the latter cheered over it, and Olga sometimes brings a sense of humor. If I run down and intervene in their quarrel, you will have to accept someone's side, protect one and reinforcing the other. Suppose from female solidarity I will support a hack, and then Arkashka is offended at me; If I try to unite with him - Olga inflates. Then they will confuse and decide that the scandal provoked precisely I, in an unfaithful hour to decide to try on myself a peacemaker.

Well, I do not! Loosen under the blanket and fall into sleep - here is the best way to live to old age without shocks. One misfortune, I will now recruit me to allies.

In the corridor there were light steps, the door to the bedroom swung open, the nervous voice was heard:

- Mmmm ... - I washed.

- Dryknesh or not? - Olga did not calm down.

"Stay in the arms of Morpheus," I lay. - I see nothing and do not hear. Something happened? Burst pipe? Fuel ended in the house, and we cut off electricity? U hucha poultry?

- Your reaction clearly demonstrates your spontaneous attitude towards people, - did not slow down to start the Zainka. - I enter, ask anxious questions. No you get worry, jump, run ...

I was silent. Well, what is the sense of a woman who, in a minute, the danger of a crazy chicken will begin to rush around the house, exclamation: "What happened? What to do?" It is more logical to try to preserve the composure and sobriety of thinking. Yes, and a family sklock between our lawyer and a television station cannot be attributed to the category of national tragedies.

- And you remembered the leaks, "Olga continued to be outraged, - about emergency lighting and dog! Of course, I adore High, but there are things to be more likely at pug! You did not even mind asked: "Olga, you did not get sick? .."

I kept sigh. The sick person does not yell like that.

Olga sobbed and ran away. Well, I still will be to blame!

I dropped back the blanket. Interestingly, this time I dumbled the Kesha? On Saturday, he put a heavy bar in his pocket a heavy bar, on which Irka sharpens knives, and when Olga was indignant, with absolutely serious mine stated: "In the street, a strong wind, I worried about you, a year-round one cauldron, did not take a hurricane "

The door to the room again began to open quietly, I vividly jurmed under the blanket.

- Mother, are you sleeping? - asked Kesha.

Surprisingly, why is Olga with the arcash constantly quarreling? They are very similar, even the same questions ask, invading without an invitation to someone else's bedroom.

- Dryknesh? - did not learn arkadium.

- Mmmm ... - I decided to follow the selected tactics.

- You are not wondering what is happening in our house?

I got lost. I will answer "no" - I will send the egoist, I will say "yes" - instantly I will be in the center of conflict. How to proceed?

"Mmm," I washed again. In the end, this sound can be interpreted in different ways, let Arcasha regard him as "yes" or "no".

"People are divided into good and bad," Kesha unexpectedly said. - The first are never tormented by insomnia, but the second get a lot, so to speak, pleasure in the clock of long-time awake. I advise you to think about it!

The sash knocked about the jamb, I slipped the nose out and sighed heavily. If there is a lawyer in your family, be prepared to listen to the bore and incomprehensible centies ... And yet I was well done, I managed not to get up on anyone! Now the homemade will run away by affairs, and I calmly go to the Paradise for Animal Store [the name is invented by the author. All coincidences are random.] - need to replenish the stock of dog canned food.

- Mother! - came from the threshold.

I automatically grabbed the blanket.

"Do not hide," Masha shook, "the abolition of a combat alarm. You know, because of what our bombarded?

"No," I replied, "but I guess that there was a worthy occasion."

Manya squinted.

- The other day we broke the microwave stove.

- That's how? And I did not notice.

"A master arrived early in the morning," the daughter continued. - He became in the unit picking up, and then a bunny is pumped and flirtary so asks: "You will not sell me microwave firewood?"

- Cool! - I exclaimed.

Masha nodded.

"The master was confused, and the bunny says:" We have a stock, those that we have gotten when buying the stoves. " Well, then the guy began to laugh!

"I understand," I smiled, "this is the work of Arkady."

"Exactly," the girl slept. "Keshka, as it turned out, said Za:" The microwave stoves are dried with special microwaves, their small amounts are given when buying an instrument. When the reserve ends, the repairman comes. But he is forbidden to give the owners of lamps. " Bunny asked why. Then Arkashka stated: "Manufacturers are interested in people buying new stove models. Do you imagine what hemorrhoids are waiting for us? The stove is built into the closet, the box will have to break, and the new days from Italy wait. Yes, it is necessary to hire workers. By the way, now July, and in August, the Italians have a vacation ... In general, you have to warm us up to the middle of the autumn on Gas. There is, however, the exit. When the mechanic arrives, ask him a little half. To you, a viewer, he will not refuse. " Here is a bunny and launched its charm, I really didn't want to repair

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in the kitchen soaring!

I quietly laughed, listening to Manya. Now the reason for Olga perturbation is clear. And Kesha, obviously, realizing that the wife was angry with his next draw, came running toward me, wanting to enlist the support.

- Irka, - came from the first floor an angry slide, - why in the storage room on the floor slaughters from orange?

"The thing is bad," Mashka moved to whisper, "the zaya decided to do housekeeper. Do you remember what happened when she last year began to disassemble the kitchen cabinets?

I entered:

- Would you forget this!

- Oh, oh, oh, - Maruska snatched, - I was time, hurry into the city ... uh ... uh ... in the case! Very rush, I'm afraid to be late!

"Wait a little, and go together, I myself gathered for a dog feed."

"No," Manya shook her head. "While you die, we can't drink coffee ... better to quickly wear a leg, you hear?"

I nodded. It seems that the dining room is gaining momentum of tornado. Until the second floor, a bunny-indigrating voice:

- In the house, enchanting mess! Well, thank God, now I have time. I am free for a month. Ivan! Who put the batteries on the shelf with the reserves of cereals?

"Dar Ivanna," the gardener was trying in response.

I'm numb. What other batteries? I do not use them! I do not even know which side of them to put them in all sorts of consoles, alarms, calculators! I remember, for this you need to know physics, well, where there is a plus, and where is minus. No, no, it's not my mind business!

- And tea! - Olga grunted. - There is green in one bank with black!

"Dar Ivanna stirred," Irka passed by MiG.

I jumped on the bed. Ay da Ira! It seems not to lay, but in fact she said the blatant lie. A couple of days ago I acquired several packs of tea. To be honest, I just liked tin boxes with the image of charming cats. So I thought: "When the tea is over, take the banks in the bedroom and I will fold all the trifle in them." But on the road from the garage to the house I dropped the package. Banks revealed. The contents were poured. Therefore, I asked Iru to throw tea mixed in package, but to leave tin.

But the housekeeper is a pity to throw out like an empty bottle from under vegetable oil. At one time, Irka collected an egg shell in them, motivating his strange behavior with the original statement: they say, there is a lot of calcium in it, there is no need to purchase expensive additives, and if you wash the shells, dry, crush in the coffee grinder, it turns out vitamin. And I added: "If the money is constantly crowded, sending useful on the garbage," you will die in poverty. "

You see why Irka did not fulfill my indication and refer to the tea mixture to banks, and did not send a bucket to the garbage? I will not be surprised if it brews green-black chaps for "non-parade" guests. If you live in your own home, then once a month will certainly call the plumbing, electrician, roofer. And the guards of the village, mail delivery, garbage cleaners and so on will probably look at you. And they, as a rule, complain: "Oh and tired, getting to you!" Elementary education requires in this case to offer a worker to eat.

- And thorah of the wrapper from under the candy, too, Dasha told it here? - I did not get up.

I collapsed in the pillow. All true, husband and wife - one Satan!

"Well, I ran," said Manya, "Kesha will throw me.

I looked after the silent Mashka and only now appreciated the scale of the catastrophe: a bunny vacation! Olga will not go to work, she will stay at home. And intends to put in order launched, in her opinion, the economy.

- I flew away! - screamed from the Hall Mashka. - I will come back very, very, very late! We ... uh ... uh ... scientific experiment According to the survival of rats!

- So far! - picked up Arkady. - That's the trouble, I was hastily called to the client! Maruska, in the car!

"Either sleep, no rest to a servant person," Degtyarev stood up. - It is only worth planning a day off, as in the Shabash department begins. Everything! I dreamed! To the general called!

I, having shook a stupor, rushed to the closet. Clear households run in different directions, and only I, as always, late. Now it comes to bunny: it is left alone, and I will not be able to snap.

The bedroom door switched out, I frown. Well, not saved. Olga on the threshold! But from the corridor came nervous embroying.

"Hoicker ..." I exhaled. - Well, you scared me ...

Pug, who does not pay attention to me, delulitically crossed the room and, groachty, climbed into the opening cabinet. Immediately Cherry appeared - the elderly Padelikha jurmed into the bathroom. Jorkshirich Juli, who was brought by vividly found shelter - I would have risen in a chair behind the pillow. It was worse than Bundy and Snap - Pete with a great difficulty shake under my bed, Rottweiler chemged behind the curtain and tried to pretend to be a tiny trembling hamster. Even the dogs turned out to be more agile with me, lay down in shelter, having honed the gathering thunderstorm.

"I went for water," the Irka has proved, "we have a mineral water."

"I will help you," Ivan's unprecedented knighthood showed, "he does not follow the gravity of gravity." Everything, the supermarket was pressed! Let's go back to dinner! Questions everywhere - death straight! For a long time!

In response from the kitchen there was a deafening ringing. Looks like a bunny dropped on the floor plate. Hucho quietly overwhelmed, I grabbed the bag and crawled to the stairs. Lord, if I could unnoticed to get out, I will certainly bother smoking ...

Having safely leaving the gate of Loughn, I pulled a pack of cigarettes and chirped a lighter. What only stupid promises will not give a man per minute danger! Okay, make a plan of action: first I'm going to the store for dog canned food, then ...

Smooth thoughts violated mobile call. I grabbed the phone, said: "Hello" and immediately frightened - suddenly the bunny call?

But heard another familiar, a little hoarse voice:

- Dashuta! Hey!

- Ninosha! - I was delighted. - How are you?

"Different," Nina suddenly answered suddenly, than a little frightened me.

I got acquainted with Nina Lavrentoye for a very long time - and her, and they called me to the head of the kindergarten, in which our children walked. The reason was serious: Arkady and Arina, the daughter of Nina, came up with a special savings. But worse turned out to be another. The times were the Soviet, in the stores the shelves were empty, and the children managed to smash almost all the dishes. Here is the terrible chief of kindergarten and told us categorically:

- Buy new plates and cups!

Nina and I tried to get rid of money equivalent, but I could not do with a small blood, I had to drive in Moscow and the area with a dried language in search of a service. I will not now tell the horror plate about the total deficit, there is no need to scare people. Especially since in a bad, as usual, there was something good: in the process of hunting for dishes, we also discovered the community of views and became friends.

The strengthening of our relations contributed to the fact that I and Lavrentyeva practically were practically engaged in one thing - knowledge was driven into student heads. I dispersed inexpensive the foundations of French grammar, and Nina tried to enlighten young people in the field of history. We are very similar and externally: both subtitle blondes with blue eyes, love animals, we have a bunch of relatives and not

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we carry out scandals. And with me, and with Nina's life, real wonders occurred. I, after Arkady and Manya became the heirs of Baron McMayer [more about the history of the Dashi Vasilyeva family, read in the books of Darya Donz "Cool heirs" and "For all hares", the publishing house "Eksmo".], Turned into a ladder and not hiding his joy. on this occasion. A truly Christmas story happened to Nina: in the nineties she won a large amount of money in a casino. I have never fond of Lavrentiev with gambling games, and that she pulled it into the abode of "one-hand bandits", she could not explain clearly. Nina described me the situation like this:

- she went past the lights of the building, the mood was disgusting, in his pocket the last two kopecks, and here the quiet inner voice whispered: "Go, Favorite, put on twelve. Just do not follow the number! "

And Lavrentyeva obeyed. By the way, she still does not understand why. Inner voice all evening suggested Nina winning combinations, and by morning my girlfriend turned into a millionaire. If we consider that the case happened the sixth of January, then all sorts of mystical thoughts begin to climb. The most interesting thing is that the hosts of the institution did not deceive the naive visitors, moreover, even helped her. The most important boss started nine in his office and said:

- I saw anyone! You just got lucky. Do not go here anymore, this luck happens once in my life, better raise money on the money won. Think than you want to do, we have here in visitors full of different people, I will bring you with the right little men ...

That's how Ninina was decided. Do not hesitate, she replied:

- I will reveal your own university.

And now she has a private educational institution. Famous and prestigious.

"You will not believe," Nina got excitedly, "the magic story happened to us.

I just remembering about the casino laughed:

- Tell me.

- Eric found a cache! - Nina's shout.

- Draw! - I blurted out. "That is, I'm sorry, you are mistaken."

"Never for a second," Lavrentyeva moved below.

- So, Eric was right. And we laughed at him ... - I was amazed.

Of course, you do not understand anything. Now the frustrated the essence of the case.

With all the similarity between me and Nina, there is one cardinal difference. I got married repeatedly and each time I attacked the notorious rake - all my marriages ended with collapse. In the end I had to admit: I better exist without a spouse. A strange thing, I am quite a good friend, for many years to suffer Degtyarev, I understand perfectly well that herself is not a role model and condescending to the casses of Alexander Mikhailovich. But if you imagine for a second that the brave fighter with crime will be my spouse ... Do the stakes, gentlemen, how many days our joint accommodation will last? Personally, it seems to me that we will not defeat the weeks together!

And the ninula lives all his life with Eric. And, to be honest, I am very surprising at this fact. Is it possible to consider a good spouse of a person who is constantly missing at home? However, I am not right, Eric just doesn't come out of the apartment. Yes, yes, physically he is constantly in the family, but ...

Eric and Nina met as students, and she immediately fell in love with the guy. However, it still remains a mystery to me, in whitually my girlfriend managed to drag the chosen one to the registry office. Did Eric understood what he was going on, and in general, did he know now, who he knows Nina? Because Eric is a classic copy of a scientist who are written in novels, that is, absolutely not adapted to life, a short-sighted man, thoroughly deprived of common sense, a bad husband and no father.

I think our professor still does not know who he was born: a boy or a girl. In the house, Eric is equally useless, like Cat Venedict, ugly a fat representative of the British breed. However, I am unfair to the Wennedikt, sometimes a quotes, covered with dense shiny wool, falls out of Nirvana and can play with you, praise. And Eric sits in his office and screaming books. He defended all the possible dissertations, received many scientific titles and kilograms of regalia. When Nina had no own home, Lavrentian removed the apartments, and every time the move from one to another was the same in the same way: first Nina and her little daughter Arina, hanging out, dragged her bags, then the daughter solemnly endured transportation with Cat Murchik (Venedict appeared later), And my mother took Eric, who was not confused: "What is happening? Return me to the office, I did not finish the chapter! "

Is it worth mentioning such trifles as financial well-being? Alas, in Russia, scientists, if, of course, they do not work on defense, receive a penny, Oklad Eric barely grabbed the salt, bread on it could not be bought. When Nina founded the institute and became a rector, she recorded her husband into substitutes for scientific work. Now Lavrentiev is sitting on a big salary, and at the end of each month in the family is played by a comedy. Eric receives an envelope in accounting, signs in the statement and solemnly carries his wife her money.

"Sun," says Professor, "this is your farm."

Ninosha verbally thanks the spouse and demonstratively puts bills in the letter box. At one time I doubted: did the doctor of science do not understand that his own spouse pays a huge amount? But then I was convinced: Eric is a day child, like all the children, he is selfish and busy only. However, the Justice should be noted: the Lavrentiev is not Zhadalad, does not make the hooks, not conflict, not attracted either in food, nor in clothes, considers Nina an authority in all matters, never argues with her, does not have his own opinion, does not change his wife, And in general, he does not stop the step without her consent.

In my memory, Eric only once arranged a scandal, and it was connected with the choice of space for the construction of a country house of Lavrents. Nina looked at a wonderful site in a relatively quiet place - in the forest near the lake. The girlfriend was so confident in the harmony of her husband on the plot chosen by her, which did not even tell him about where the building would be erected. But I came to visit, Nina began to demonstrate photos of the area. During the study of the pictures in the living room, Eric's voice rang out:

I had a surprise from surprise, and Nina asked in amazement:

- Cute, what did you say?

- Against what? Building a house? - she was swinging. - Are you afraid of trouble? Do not worry, I myself solve problems with workers.

"I don't like the plot," said Professor. - I have long found another.

For a short moment, Nina lost the gift of speech, then carefully asked:

- What did you do?

"Maid ..." the scientist burned and, showing unprecedented acne, ran into the office.

- He is ill? - Nina turned to me in horror.

I confusedly shrugged, but I did not have time to answer, Eric got back with the map of the Moscow region under the arm.

"Watch carefully, here is the village of Kiryaewka," she caught in words, she looked at Lavrents. - I want to live there!

"Darling," Nina's gently objected, "feed, where you target."

"It's very close," the husband did not flow, the twenty-fifth kilometer from the capital.

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Leningradka! - I snorted. - This highway is constantly clogged. Yes, aside from her how much to go!

"Kiryaew ..." Nina picked up. - Wow, navalitsa!

"I doubt that you will be able to spend a water pipeline and gas in a new building," I sang in unison. - This, sorry for the expression, Kiryaewka - God forgotten villaic, around anything, except the forest, no. Nina found a place much better.

- Not! - stood on his Eric.

"Listen," Nina, who is not accustomed to her husband's objections, began to go out of himself, "how did you like an idiotic village?"

Eric poked his finger into the map.

- There is a cemetery.

- That's great, - I exclaimed, - Life from the grace! Although, if on the other hand to see, it's quiet there. Well, what kind of ghost will wisely, will win at midnight under the window.

Eric angrily called me:

- Shut up! Dai say!

I bited the language. It seems that Professor fell in the extreme degree of excitement, until now he has never grown anyone.

- Sun, maybe a doctor to call? Nina was worried.

Eric was settled.

"I am writing a book about the history of the genus of the barbarkinic," he started the voice of the lecturer, "this family has long been interested, which is rooted in the tenth century.

- To go nuts! - Missed Arina, to this afternoon silently observed for the scandal.

- The last representative of the Pankrat Barbarkin family, - not paying attention to the daughter, continued Eric, "the book was a book, he kept a unique collection of editions collected by his grandfather and father, but she did not show it to anyone. Vintage volumes require special conditions of content, bright sunlight and high humidity are harmful to them, so the collector built a special storage in the manor, where no foreign one was allowed. Contemporaries said that Barbarkina's meeting is the best in the world.

"But how could they judge him if the owner did not demonstrate the books?" - asked a fair question Arina.

- Barbarkins made up a catalog of the collection, "father patiently explained," all the treasures described in detail.

- Fu! - enrina shifted. - What if they all came up with?

- And how do you come to mind! - the historian was indignant. - Scientists never lie.

"Yeah, and the angels do not write," Arisha shook. - Dad, to lie anyone, especially if you want to become famous.

Eric clouded for a second, and then sternly said:

- Consider, I did not hear your statement! Otherwise, I can be disappointed in my daughter.

"Oh, so, that means you remember who I am," Arina stated with adolescence. - This makes me happy. Pay attention, I do not demand to call my age and voice the name, just happy that my father, great person, remembers: he has a daughter. By the way, who of the two blondes present here is your wife?

Eric stared at Nina, his cheeks blushed.

- Arina, silent! - angrily cut a mother's girl.

- Excellent, Ma! - said daughter. "I'm a mute, deaf, blind, tup and full of respect for a great man - his father."

Eric, not paying attention to the frank rudeness of Arina, continued:

- Pankrat possessed unique works. Such, about which no one had previously knew. Well, for example, the chronicles of the monk Aristarha. " This is a stunning document. Look at him - the dream of any historian.

- Dad, - Arina smiled condescendingly, - if no one has heard anything about the manuscripts, they did not see them in the eyes, then why did you decide that they had this uncle?

- Cards! - Mentors raised the index finger of the parent. - I did a gigantic work and found the directory of the Pankrat library in the archives.

- Walk! - responded in his spirit of Arina.

- Moreover! - Eric's inspired. - I know where to look for a treasure!

- Papula, - unexpectedly asked Arina, - and when Pafnuti died?

"Pankrat," the father corrected.

- Monthly, - the girl dismissed. - Is he alive?

"Pankrat left Russia in nineteen by the twentieth year," Eric said. "He would have run to run before, but the collector hid a book, equipped the cache. Only carefully soroning rarities, he leaned into France. Unfortunately, Barbarkin did not get to Paris, died on the way to Odessa from Tifa.

"Sad, Nina nodded." - But what does Kiryaevka have?

"The question is essentially," Eric nodded. "I guess, rather, absolutely sure: the library is located near the village, next to the former estate of the barbarkic.

- Clear. And you want to live next to the place where wealth may be kept, "Nina resums.

"I don't need money," the scientist reminded. - My duty to return the cultural values \u200b\u200bto Russia. We will have to work long and painstaking, I could not accurately calculate the coordinates of the library.

"I don't want to live in some kind of bear corner because of the father's whims," \u200b\u200bArina was silent. - How can I travel from there?

- It is very convenient, "Eric said," I'm not so unspoked to life, what do you think! " From Kiryaews a bus walks twice a day, at six in the morning and eight in the evening. It goes to the station, and there is an electric train.

- Are you seriously? - Flagled Arina. - Do you order me to get up in your cocktail? In winter, in the fall, in the spring? In the dark to stop? And if the bus break? It is necessary to ride once a month in the city! Egoist!

"You're a narcissist girl," dad bought off. - It's about the matter of my life!

"And about my studies," Arina inflated. - seek what no one has seen and what, most likely, not in nature, just idiocy! It would be better if you, like Father Kati Vinogradova, traded vodka. That Katyukh presented the car!

Understanding that now the family scandal will break out in my eyes, I spoke and ran away.

A month after this conversation Nina began building a mansion in Kiryaew. The big house is not quickly erected, the work was four years. When the last curtain was hung, Arina has already finished school, out of the age of puppy harm, got a cavalier and moved to the suburbs without any scandals. Nina bought daughters to a small car, so the question of bus trips and train disappeared. In addition, it turned out that Kiryaewka is quite a good place. Despite my fears, there were water pipes, gas, electricity and even the city phone with the Internet. Of course, Leningrad turns into hell, the flow of cars stands on it with a dense mass, but the motion is difficult for all metropolitan highways. Especially on the garden ring or Tverskaya. Unfortunate inhabitants of the Central District are forced to suffer with hours, dreaming to go beyond its limits. Moreover, oxygen in the center is not, and in Kiryaew, an amazing air, in the winter he carries the aroma of Antonovsky apples, and in the summer - jasmine, lilac, tulips, daffodils.

The life of Lavrentov now flows completely peacefully, Nina leads the institute, Arina works, Eric runs around the neighborhoods of Kiryaews, trying to open - in the literal sense of the word! - invaluable meeting of books. After a long age, which the scientist dedicated to the search, it was logical to conclude: Pankrat Barbarkin or sold the library, or was eliminated about its existence. Otherwise, why haven't the publications described in the notorious directory have not pop up anywhere else? After the death of Pankrat passed almost a hundred years, the heirs did not have left, so where is the books? Surely lie in a secluded place?

"They were simply not there," they decided to all who knew about this story, and calmed down. And only professor

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constantly calculated all the new and new coordinates of the cache, but, alas, every time I endured a crushing failure.

"What would the child be treated, just not to cry," the philosophically answered Nina on my duty question about the affairs of her husband. - Let it seek, busy something - and okay.

And now Lavrentiev said in the hype:

- Eric discovered the library.

"Can't be," I smelled.

- I did not believe it myself! - she shouted even louder. - Yes, he succeeded! Want to come to us?

- already fly! - I screamed. - After forty minutes, I will be in Kiryaew.

"Do not delay," Nina asked.

I, thoroughly throwing out the idea of \u200b\u200bdog canned food from my head, pulled out on the highway and rushed away from Moscow. According to the "concrete", once a secret, closed military road, and now the most ordinary highway, I will get to Leningradets much faster than in the Moscow Ring Road.

Kiryaewka lies in the lowland, and when you enter the hillock, the village turns out to be on the palm of the palm of the palm of the pondery and a little bit away from them a good two-storey house under the tiled roof with an attic. The Lavrentov Mansion is strongly inferior to the palaces, which are towering on Rublevo-Assumption and Pushkin's highway (the latter is not so known to the general public, but surpasses the first at the cost of the Earth's cost). Yes, and our house in Lozhkin looks richer, but against the background of rural buildings, Nina's cottage looks like a castle. The most interesting thing is that Lavrentov has no friction with local residents. However, in recent years, the population of kiryaews is inexorably declining.

- Looks like we will soon stay in proud loneliness, "Nina noticed when I was in last time came to visit. "I just don't understand why some construction corporation still did not get here?" From Moscow is not so far away, now the cottage villages and for a hundred kilometers erected.

"Rejoice in peace and peace," I stopped the girlfriend, "and then there is a mischief: they will put excavators, cranes, trailers with workers, and will begin in Kiryaew Shabash." Little in the suburbs of such protected, untouched corners.

"Your truth," Nina agreed. But immediately added: - and yet one to live is uncomfortable. We are not wolves! The people are dying here, who is from old age who are from drunkenness, and the youth leaves for the city.

I parked the car in a spacious courtyard, entered the hall at home and almost came to the Cat of the Venedikt, who brazenly falls apart from the galoshnica.

"Meow," Venya dismissed lazily.

- Sorry, dear, but you yourself are guilty. It was necessary to get up at the sight of Guest, "I said to kitty, removing shoes.

"MRR," Briton responded unequally responded.

"Yes, you lost weight," I stated. - What, planted on a diet?

"The doctor ordered him to convert him to the food for Tuffers," Valya explained the housekeeper, having walked into the hallway. - Daria, Daria, how did you get?

"Thank you, great," I said. - It can be seen, good food acts, since the Venedak has changed so much.

"Only externally," Valentine chunked, "he began internally.

- Is it really possible? - I laughed. - In my opinion, Lena was born much earlier than Wennedict! And what is happening here?

Valentine works at Nina not the first year, as it were, a member of the family, so he can sometimes have very frank statements.

- Madhouse! She snorted. "The owner at all ... no words ... In short, you will see themselves.

- Not! - shouted in the depths of the house. - said: through my corpse!

- in! - Raised Finger Valya. - Started!

- What? I was frightened. However, I am not lucky today: he drew from the scandal from Lozhkin and declared in Kiryaew in the midst of a quarrel. Although, you agree, someone else's Swarh is not so mentally trauma, as clarifying relationships in his own home.

"Dad, it's necessary to see what's there, the voice of Arina rang.

- Never! - Enlighted Eric in response.

Valentina, forgetting about me, dissolved in the corridor, and I, having fluttering, went to the living room, from where the sounds of conversations on elevated colors came. I think Nina will be delighted by my appearance: usually the distinction pitted when a guest comes to the house, few of the owners will want to quarrel in the presence of even a very close friend.

But my calculation was not justified - none of the Lavrentian duly responded to my brisk: "Hello!" - uttered exaggerated fun.

- That's, let her tell you! - immediately declared Arina. - Dasha, Dad is just obliged to open the cache! It is so?

I looked at Nina in confusion. But she did not even turn into my direction.

"Eric, the Institute is experiencing not better than the best times," the girlfriend said very seriously, looking at the spouse. - there was a huge number of higher educational institutions, yesterday's schoolchildren big choiceI had to lower the training fee to attract applicants. And this led to a decrease in the general financing of the university. Nevertheless, the building requires repair. Stop this idiot!

- nonsense! - Eric shouted.

I was staring at the professor with amazement, because I first squeezed him in a similar form. The scientist is always carefully dressed, even at home wearing trousers, shirt, vest and very often obscures the cervical handkerchief. For many years of friendship, I did not notice on his cheeks of three-day bristles, and Eric's hair carefully combed and even seems to be slightly bonded with varnish. Eric is similar to Professor-Humanitarian from Western Movies: He is not able to score a nail, die from hunger next to the fridge, scored food, thorough forgets about the holidays and days of birth of relatives (however, he will not remember about her either). However, in different boots, the historian will never come out of the house. Yes, his shirts are far from fashionable, Eric does not study glossy magazines that are now released for men, the width of his pantian does not care, but the straw and pants professor will wear clean and ironed, and he has even more perfumery than our France Degtyarev. But now Eric was closed into minting dark gray pajamas. Red from anger, ahead raised, and on the face the expression of a dog, who saw the cat in the apartment enters the cat with the Kalashnikov machine in the paws.

- No, no and NO! - he repeatedly repeated. - Although kill! Never!

- You never thought about us! - buried Arina and ran out of the room.

Eric flinched and then noticed me.

"You," I clarified.

- In pajamas!? He backed up.

- Cozy, homemade apparel, - I decided to bother Eric.

- Nightmare! "He grabbed his head and flew out."

- What happens to you? I turned to Nina.

The girlfriend sat on the sofa, picked up his legs and somehow lost his way:

- You will not believe, he found a library.

- Where? When? Is it really true there are ancient manuscripts? - I began to ask a girlfriend.

Nina shrugged.

- You know, Eric is very pedantic. He had many papers, and in the end he managed to decipher the Diary records of Pankratka Panbarquarka. They seemed to be indicated: the entrance to the storage near the centenary oak, which grows in the cemetery.

"Not very fresh information," I interrupted. - How much I remember, last years Five Eric studied the polls.

"True," Nina nodded. - The thing is that there are oak, but around him - nothing, no

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footprints. And then the husband got a vintage burial plan and realized: there was another tree. But his spill during the Patriotic War, in the forty-first year. There were the Germans, well, they kind of oak on firewood and chopped. In short, Eric went there. By the way, this is not a cemetery ...

- Sorry I dont understand.

Nina sighed deeply.

"Something I raked," she admitted. - Okay, I will try to explain calmly. Eric knew that Barbarkin had a certain room, took the book there and carefully disguised the entrance. Do not forget, the case happened in nineteen by the twentieth year. Then the representatives of the aristocracy were confident: the Bolsheviks will not last for more than five years, it is necessary to wait - and either the monarchy will return, or Russia will become the parliamentary republic. Pankrat's meeting could not take away abroad. He collects books, but how do you drive? The precious stones can be swallowed, cut pictures from the frames and wind around the body, and what to do with fat volumes? Suppose, taking advantage of the illiteracy of the Red Army, he will declare: "I took this book to read the way." Okay, let the editions be two, well, three ... But after all, the collection has hundreds of manuscripts and volumes!

... Pankrat has equipped the cache and left Kiryaew. The further fate of the barbankin is covered with darkness of the unknown, it is known for certain: he did not get to Paris, died on his way. Where did he died, for what reason? It seems to death happened from the abdominal typhoid, which then raged in Russia. But I will not delve into the details, let's go back these days.

Eric found a cache - Pankrat made him in a hill, which approaches Kiryaew. Why did the scientist immediately thought about the cave, in which it is so convenient to drag the boxes?

In the diary, Barbarkin wrote: "Dead warriors guard the old parchments, their souls will not allow a cruel and arched man to touch the great heritage." Well, the like. The words "dead warriors" pointed out the cemetery. By the way, the relatives of Pankrat are buried: his uncle and two cousins \u200b\u200bwho fell during the First World War.

Here is Eric and began to study modern graveyard, but only in vain. And only recently, having received information about the mouth of the Germans, Lavrentiev understood: a tree grew at the foot of the hill. But it's not enough - there is no grave!

Eric wandered around the hill for a long time, trying to understand Pankratkina's thoughts of Pankrat. The centenary Giant has once drop acorded to the foot of the mountain, the scientist managed to detect the stump remains covered with moss. But the dead warriors rest on decent from the place of distance - the relatives of Barbarkina lie in a family crypt. The cemetery in Kiryaew was small, only the peasants from the small villages da Local Nobalas from the county were buried. For many years, the polls have already been closed, Kiryaev residents are now buried in the cemetery near Petukhovo. However, the brotherly grave was nearly near the stump, where the bodies of those who died here in the forty-first year were resting. But at that time, Pankrat Barbarkin has been dead himself for two decades!

Erica began to seem that the riddle had no deposit. However, there is no wonder: if you want to succeed, never stop halfway.

Lavrentiev sat down again in the archives, walked around the local churches and "hacked" -taki Sharada.

Long ago, long before the birth of Pankrat, a young general with his comrades came to the village. The military was going to marry a young beauty Fotine, a nobleman's daughter, who lived near Kiryaewka. But the triumph did not take place - the groom immediately, he was seriously ill and died and died and not going under the crown. In the next, the general died and his accompanying. Obviously, the military picked out some infection on the road.

Father Fotina, a person educated, scared the spread of infection and ordered immediately to get buried the bodies, but not at the local cemetery. In the hill found a cave, demolished the coffins there, and the entrance was carefully closed. The girl got sick, and he married another. But, apparently, the Fotina could not forget the general, because and the years later she often told her grandchildren and their buddies about brave warriors who sleep in the mountain and waiting for an hour of a terrible court. At the grandfather of Pankrat, the infinitely repeated legend made an indelible impression, he even wrote at ten poem "Full Warrior".

When Eric got to this story, he rushed to the hill and almost died of joy. The stump from the oak was ten meters from the foot of the hill, and if you imagine a real tree on the spot, then his shadow should specify the place where the entrance to the cave once was disguised. At this expense, Pankrat left very accurate instructions in the diary: "In the hour of my mother's birth, on the day of the grandfather's holiday to get up so as to see the shadow dropped by a council of oak. At the end, among sleeping warriors, wisdom is stored. "

Erica again had to climb the archives again, and as a result he found out that the mother of Pankrat was born at noon, and her father considered the tenth of July, the number when he had kissed the Emperor person for the faithful service to the king and Fatherland.

Well, all the finally happened. Yesterday, Lavrentiev found the entrance to the cave ...

"To go nuts," I whispered, after hearing the narration of Nina. - And what, is there really a library?

"I don't know," the girlfriend answered angrily. - Eric refuses to open the entrance.

- Why? - I was amazed. - It is illogical! I searched for so many years and found, now it is necessary to urgently open the cave. I hope Pankrat has been well packaged books and at least a small part of them has been preserved. Oh, Nina!

- What? She asked gloomily.

- It only came to me now! Millions are stored in Mount! - I exclaimed. - Do you imagine what money is the manuscripts in calf bindings? You will be fabulously rich! Even if the library will consider the treasure and take to the state pag, then twenty-five percent, which will find a treasure, you can buy an aircraft carrier, a nuclear reactor and will still remain on old age.

- Here! - Jumped Nina. - And I thought about the same about the same. Of course, we are not starving, we live quite well, but only competition in the field of education is huge! And I enhanced me every day to fight with difficulties. Do you think I just cut the coupons? Smile parents of students and replenish the cashier?

"No, no, I don't think so," I tried to stop her hysteria.

- Permanent troubles! - I fell into the rage Nina. - The roof flows, the toilets break, on the tables someone cuts out, steal toilet paper ... I caught one - like a decent woman, a professor, and a roll of stamped cabin. Well, isn't it ashamed? Yes, if everyone tells everything, you will be overwhelmed from the heard depressnyak, and I twisted every day.

In the face of Nina, tears flowed, I hugged a girlfriend.

- Calm down, everything is not so bad, you are just very tired!

- Why am I doing all this? - moaning Nina. - Vulgar's answer: I need money. Damned, frozen money!

- Maybe you slightly slow down the speed? - I suggested.

Nina turned out of my hands and sat on the sofa.

"It will not happen," she snapped her nose. - Cottage contain expensive, you yourself know, and a housekeeper, a gardener ...

"I understand," I nodded.

- Three cars, - Nina began to flexing fingers, - gasoline, maintenance, winter tires, insurance ... And how to live without cars? Not on the train to ride. Thank God,

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the husband learned to steer himself, I can save on the driver for him. Now Arina. Sits in his newspaper for a penny, writes, e-mine, nonsense about cats. Who shoes her, dresses, french spirits pours, feeds? Can you say?

- You, of course.

- For sure, I. More than no one. Yes, she also found a cavalier doctor. He was already married a hundred times, "Nina whispered. "I tried to drag Arina to my institute, frankly asked:" Help, daughter. " And she replied: "For any rewards, I will not bother journalism!". Baby, I say, wake up, you swallow articles about feline childbirth. By the way, daughter and hubby eight times a year to rest ride. Eric Bessrebrenik, he does not consider money, only he drives health to Maldives. Ticket there and here, three weeks on the islands ... call the final amount? In addition, the spouse loves me in the evenings to call. Just-go home, drop in bed, Dzin-Dzin. Who's there? Eric from the islands! "How do you?" - asks. The answer does not listen, I do not give my answer, it begins to talk about the weather, about his mood ... And I am lying and imagine how dollars at the expense of the telephone company the river flows. Last time I gave this amount for roaming! Still IKAY.

- So tell him not to mind.

- tried. He was offended, "Nina jerked. - Like, what I lived, they stop the piece. And Arina girlfriend has the only thing - the loss and lazy. The daughter is constantly spending money: then Margarita needs to do the repair, then you need to buy new furniture ... Yes, so deft the conversation leads that I feel myself with a bastard if I refuse. And recently, Arina bows her products. So, on trifles, a cherry in December. No, I can no longer!

"Now you decide the question with the found library, sell rarities, and you will be able to forget about financial problems by the end of days," I said.

- Have you not realized yet? - Rounded Nina's eyes. - Eric does not want to enter the cave! Overweight!

- Why? - I was amazed. "Okay, I would understand, he would refuse to exhibit manuscripts for trading, but not to look at what I was looking for a lifetime ...

Nina climbed into the plaid.

- Pankrat left a warning in his diary. Posted by putting a curse to the cache, and now everyone who goes inside, will die.

- Well, nonsense!

"Nevertheless, Erik believes in it," Nina cried, "and categorically refuses to open the entrance." Probably in the cave millions, and the husband ... Dashun, talk to him.

"You, you," Nina rushed. - He listens to the words of strangers. It is known: there is no prophet in his fatherland. The opinion of the wife for Eric does not mean anything, and your arguments he can perceive.

"I'll try," I replied uncertainly. - But I can't promise anything.

"He's in the office," Nina was delighted. - Do not bag.

I spent a broken hour trying to convince Eric, but he stood like a stone rock. He did not go out of himself, was not angry, did not scream, only he repeated monotonically:

I tried to find weighty arguments:

- There are unique books!

- They will allow you to make amazing discoveries!

- The scholar world is abnet.

- You yourself dreamed of getting a library.

"Okay, you will not take anything from there."

"Eric, Nina works for wear, she needs rest."

"I can't make her," the scientist got off. "Easy to live on Hercules, I'm not capricious, I don't need a special comfort."

The language was asked different wordsBut I swallow evil reproaches and asked:

- Justify your decision.

The professor stood up and began to measure the steps of the Cabinet.

- The library is imposed curse.

- Do you believe in such nonsense?

Eric stopped, then turned away to the window.

- The story knows a lot of examples when archaeologists or folders of treasures died in torment.

"Erunda," I objected.

- I heard about the tomb of the Egyptian Pharaoh? - lowered the voice of Lavrentiev. - scientists warned: better do not close, the mummy will revenge. So it came out! All members of the expedition were killed, the pilot, which was transported by Sarcophag, the Museum employees who visited the remains.

- As far as I remember, in the death of unfortunate turned out to be no one mold fungus, not the virus, which was kept ...

"It's easier for a person to believe in real," Eric sighed. "Okay ... What will you say about the grave of Genghis Khan?"

- With her something?

- The decision to open the burial was taken at the very high level- Eric died. - Local servants of the cult and elders felt violently, they spoke to archaeologists: "The grave under the protection of the Higher Forces. If you disturb the peace of the great warrior, the spirit will break out of the coffin and the very bloody war will begin in the history of mankind. " Monks managed to get to Stalin and told the legend to him. I do not know, the truth is or not, but they say, Joseph Vissarionovich asked Soviet scientists: "Is there really true in these rosks?" It was assured by: "This is just a myth." And burial revealed. And the next day, the fascists have already stormed the Brest Fortress, the Luftwaffe aircraft bombed Kiev and other cities, and the Patriotic War began. What is it like?

- No. Simple coincidence.

- In Pyramid, Pharaoh had a mold? - Seeking Eric. - Due to her killed people?

"Yes," I agreed.

- And the story with Genghis Khan is a simple coincidence?

- Naturally.

"Talk with archaeologists, they will tell you many stories about the mysterious deaths of treasures," Eric said gloomily. - From the Diary of Pankrat clear: he put a spell on the treasure. Yes, by the way ... when Genghis Khan again buried, the Soviet army began to win victories.

- Who was Barbarkin by profession? - I squinted.

"The landowner," Eric answered confusedly. "He led the farm, trying to do everything in science - he advised the peasants to keep part of the lands" under the ferry ", had varietal plots, took the best seeds for future crops. Very educated person for that time!

- Believer?

- In the church, of course, he walked, the atheist was not, but he did not apply to his relationship with God even in the diary.

- Does such a person be engaged in the obscuration? - I question. - And where would Pankrata own magic?

"He called to the aid of a sorcerer," Eric stated in full seriously.

I hardly kept restrained laughter. No, no, it is impossible to laugh, the professor inflates. Erica should be convinced using logic.

- I think there is a nonsense. Barbarkin regularly went to the temple, and the Russian Orthodox Church warns a flock from communicating with witches and others like them. Is the library really meaningful for Barbarkina that he neglected the salvation of his own soul?

Eric came with his hands about the windowsill.

- You do not understand his psychology. Collapsed by centuries established way. Milnographed peasants and workers, as unreasonable children, rushed to manage the state. But Barbarkin understood perfectly: speeches about people's self-government are intended for the cattle, which took the Winter Palace and killed the father-king with his whole family. Is Lenin from proletarians? Or maybe Trotsky hardly read the letter? Kamenev, Bukharin, Zinoviev, Rykov ... None of them did not go for dear! There was a coup in the country. Before Kiryaew, the Bolsheviks simply have not reached, and the local peasants loved Pankrat, so he was not touched. Barbarkin was not rich, home theaters did not have, how, say,

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Obolensky or Golitsyn, lived poorly, all spent on books. And what are the villagers of Tom? Gold, gems, Earth, cattle - here, in their opinion, wealth. Pankrat had only dilapidated paper. So Barbarkin lived on himself. I went away when I felt a danger: the aristocracy was cut out, just before the second and to the third line of the nobility.

Eric turned the Spirit, paused. I was silent and I, thinking about myself, what he is cloning. Finally, Professor continued:

- The witch lived in the forest, Sophia Skavron.

- Polka? - I interrupted.

"I don't care who she is by nationality," Eric twisted the neck. - Baba was known, the grass knew, the birth took. They rumored, the men hit and the abortions did. Here to her Pankrat and went. It was Sophia who left the spell. You go to the village, listen to the old women!

- What? - I was confused.

"Local," Eric explained. - Alive still granny, remember what. Suppose Larisa Matrenkin, her mother about Skavron told.

- It was when it was!

Eric took the box from the assortment from the table, chose candy. Shoved behind the cheek and, without offering to treat me, said:

- And not so long ago. Skavronsky died at the beginning of the nineties. For a hundred years she was!

- Wow!

"It only seems that the former times in the fly canno," said Eric, "and you will start digging and you understand: there is no old woman, but there is her granddaughter, and a grandmother about the spell about the spell."

- Skavron's relative remained? - I clarified.

- You know, what is the essence of the conspiracy? - did not answer my question Eric.

- Open the cache can either Pankrat Barbarkin, or the person he emphasized, or a completely sinless person, not burdened with a breath. The rest, bold on the treasure, will die in the torment in twelve hours. Pankrat is very detailed by the symptoms of the disease, which will hit the thief: first the temperature will rise, then the runny nose will begin, cough, hemoptia - and death.

"A bunch of infections will fit under this description," I grinned.

- Yeah. But I do not want to risk. Pankrat Barbarkin did not emphasize me, and I sinned, and more than once. I did not observe posts, did not particularly honor the parents. No, I do not intend to climb into the cave. By the way, in the village remembers the case when the local Bashibuzuk, Petka's drunkard, decided to get started. He disappeared for a day, then rambered home in an insanitable state and admitted mother that he wanted to find the treasure of Barbarkina. "I thought, there is gold chests," the drinker whispered in delusions, "but he did not manage to take, Laz passed, and got into the darkness. And I don't remember anything else. I barely got home! " Petka died in the morning, his death was so scared by Kiryaevatsev, that they have since even whisper is afraid to talk about pancrat. During the Patriotic War, most of the population of the village died, only women with babies were left in the village with babies and almost forgotten about Barbarkina. Yes, I found the entrance to the cave, but ...

And so, and so trying to convince the professor, I failed. Returned to the lying in the living room on the couch Nina and said:

- He is unshakable.

"It is clear," the girlfriend said and turned away to the wall.

I became uncomfortable.

- Sorry, I have to go.

"Goodbye, good luck to you," girlfriend wished gloomily.

I went to the porch. It seems that Nina was completely upset. For the first time they were released from Kiryaew, not offering any dinner, nor tea. Lavrentiev is not a greedy man, she always rejoicedly exposes treats on the table, and here even the boiling water splashed ...

I sat in the car and went towards the highway. In any scandal or quarrels there is a peak, emotion emotions, when conflict participants thoroughly lose the ability to think wisely. Now the Lavrentian is such a situation. Let the storm be saved, tomorrow I will be back, and I think, together, we will be able to break Eric. Although why do we need it?

The professor described in detail the place in detail: the hill, old stump ... Find a disguised entrance to the cave will not be so difficult, Eric, I suppose there is a plan. If Lavrentiev does not want to take Nina to the cache, we will handle themselves. Of course, I am a sinful person, but the first will enter where the books are stored, because I do not believe in the nonsense about the spell. I do not scare either black cats, nor broken mirrors, nor empty buckets nor a witch with beautiful last name Skavron. I'm sorry for Nina. Girlfriend works like a shaft horse [a mining horse - before mankind came up with all sorts of cars that facilitate the life of miners, horses used in the coal mining spears. They were descended under the ground and never raised to the surface. Before death, the unfortunate animal dragged in the dark of the trolleys. Mine horse is the most unfortunate horse. Approx. the author.], and she deserved a quiet life. Judging by our today's conversation, the nichest to nausea was tired of leading the university, but she cannot quit an adult occupation according to a completely vulgar reason: then the family will immediately remain without money.

Okay, distracted by other people's problems, I'll get into the store for animals, I will get food.

On trouble, a shop where we buy canned food for a feline flock, is inside a huge shopping center. I parked the car and rushed to the entrance, leaving a firm promise to not even look towards boutiques. Well, or just walk along the corridors, I lick on the shop windows, but to buy nothing but feed, I will not.

The first on the way I got a salon mobile phones. And why did I go into it? The new cell phone always gives the birthday of Arkady. It should be left, but here I noted at the box office a pretty sticker in the form of a dog.

- What is this for? - I asked the seller, a disheveled guy with Badzhik "Dima" on a T-shirt.

- Funny things! - shouted the guy's eyes. - Attach on the back panel of the phone, and when there is a challenge, the dog flashes.

I was delighted.

- Great! I take two. No, three. Rather, four, - counting those who give a funny thing out loud, I stopped at the "4" figure, deciding that Irka would also want such a priterbus.

- Want to glue? - suggested Dima. - Let's Mobile.

I took out the handbag from the bag.

- Wow! - handed the young man. - Hey, people, glance, what she has!

Two girls standing for the counter approached the call.

"Cool," noted one.

- My phone is unusual? - I was surprised.

"He has a breakdown," Dima sighed, "we do not trade so."

- Do you really not remember how much it dropped for him? - Surprised one of the saleswomen.

"This is a gift," there is no time why I started to justify, "from the son.

- Is he married? - Girls exclaimed chorus.

"Yes," I coordinated their hopes.

- Young man! - a man came to life, looming at the showcase, where new models were shown on plastic stands. - Why do they have a different price?

"Phones differ from each other," answered Dima.

- What? - the buyer was amazed. - Design the same, function too.

"Seven two series and a series of eight three," the seller explained mysteriously.

- For the number to overpay? - the uncle was indignant. - I lost all the shame!

- No, "Seven Two" calendar with a diary up to two thousand one hundred fifth year, "Dima explained to fully," you can pay far ahead.

The peasant got off, I giggled and turned away to the checkout. The most funny that the seller did not think to joke!

- And what about crap? -

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the buyer asked who was quite satisfied with the answer about the calendar to two thousand one hundred fifth year.

Dima scratched in the back of the head.

- Which?

- Plastic box with wiring and light bulb.

"Well ... like ... I don't know," Dima squeezed out. - The product is new, just enrolled. SHA should return and explain from dinner.

- I have no time to wait, let's two pieces! - ordered the buyer.

I turned to the checkout to hide the grin. Well, men ... If the unit is buzzing, flashes and requires at least three batteries, the absolute majority of strong sex representatives will want to possess.

Remember, there was a time when the Russians wound around the border in mass order and brought things from there, equipment, cosmetics and products for sale. "Shubles" - this is how the people called the people of travelers called this category. By the way, large trading figures rose from some such businessmen. One of my friend, Nikita Vodyanov, now owner of the network of immense shopping centers, I started with two striped bags with which Moscow - Warsaw - Moscow rushed. Nikita brought the goods, sold it on the market and turned back to the Poles. In Russia, then there was nothing, and the Slavs brothers were freely acquired by instant coffee, candy, cigarettes, tights ...

Once, Weddanov acquired lipstick and gave Mahu - did not check all the packages that the supplier folded into the bag. Imagine his indignation when, folding goods on the counter, Nikita found in one of the boxes not tubes with cosmetics, and incomprehensible items - small and thin metal rectangles with buttons. If you turn to this mechanism the battery, he started to buzz quietly. And nothing else happened. This illiquid resembled Gravita from the Kin-Dza-Dza cult film. There was no chance to sell a chance.

Nikita with indignation looked at the mysterious product, carved out of the box, and then a man came up to his tray with a question:

- And what do you have here?

"And hell knows him," honestly answered evil as a hungry badger, Nikita.

- Super! - admired the buyer. - I take three units.

During Nikita, Nikita got rid of the miracle of electronics, "welded" is a good amount. Vodyanov frankly warned all the men who fly to his crochet table, like dogs on meat:

- FIG will discern why this crap is needed.

But the guys praised "Gravitza". Wateranov still dwells in bewilderment: what is he neopher from the Poles? Obviously, the "Nikita rule" is valid in the cellular salon!

Becoming a happy owner of a dog-sticker, I began to go to each store and everywhere I certainly found something extremely necessary and useful. Well, let's say silicone coasters under the mugs. True, the cute squares were only blue, and in our kitchen everything is in pink gray tones, but they can be given to Oksana.

After three hours of non-stop running, I was interrupted for lunch, and then continued to study the store. Time flew unnoticed. About nine I called Masha.

"Musya," she got fun, "well, you won't believe that we have grown!"

- Better immediately tell me: the news is good or bad? - I was lingering.

"On the one hand, horror, and on the other hand, nothing terrible, and did not live with such," said Manya.

- Oh no! - I dismissed. - Guests? Who is this time?

Mashka laughed.

- relatives bunny.

"You're kidding ..." I have slammed.

Olga has grown in exemplary, even one can say, a patriarchal family. Her mother, living in Ukraine, always solid hand led the farm: she makes amazingly delicious pickles, washings, smoked. And the mother bunny loves the twin grandchildren and always takes them for the summer, motivating their solution simply:

"You once never live in a crazy rhythm, and I miss."

There is one more feature for my meeting - it very rarely arrives in Moscow, the invitations will be on the invitations, repeating:

- There is no need to sit relatives to the head.

Once upon a time she, by chance, challenged, said:

- Our children got married, but we did not go with you to the registry office. Do not interfere with living to each other. In general, I will not visit myself, and no one comes from me.

Probably, it's not very good to confess, but I was pleased with her words. Just how much people moved in Lozhkin! Sometimes we were clogged with all guest bedrooms and had to arrange foreign people in the library, but nobody touched Oli's mother. By the way, the bunny does not like outsiders in the house, and if someone is delayed, it starts sweeping into my ears:

- Unceremonious penguins! Honest them time! Well, really you can not say to the headers: "Our house is not a hotel"?

I have nothing to answer a bunny, she is right. And after all, her mother does not send guests to a naughty! Why can't I say a categorical "no" to those who want to settle with us just on ... a couple of years? And here is a surprise: relatives from Ukraine!

First, the news about the next guest launched me, then it was upset: Well, again, other people's home. And only five minutes later I realized: if the relatives of Olga will be treated in a naughne, it will not start the general cleaning. Moreover, it will try to jump out to work as quickly as possible, in order not to communicate every second with guests, and will still forgive the cache, will forget about the not very successful joke of the husband about microwave wood and other things, and in the mansion, peace and peace will be played.

And then my philosophical consumer reflections interrupted a new mobile call. The image of the house was filmed on the display. So, someone from Lozhkin wants to communicate with me.

- Well! - Boyko wrote down. - Shopping shopping, buying small things.

- Not tired? - Olga asked sparkling. - It's too late, and you, I think, did not dinner and did not dinner.

"I had a snack in a cafe," I answered Krotko.

"Come, please," the bunny prayed. - Here ... uh ... well ...

- Guests arrived?

- Have you already grieved? - Olya indignant.

"No, no," I decided not to give out Maryus for anything, "he himself guessed. What, any friends of my buddies?

"Well ... these are our common relatives," Olga dispersed the tail, "flew by plane from Kiev.

- From Kiev? - I clarified.

"Yeah," Olga's nose squeezed, - Vitec and Lesya. You are hurried!

I walked a bunny. Entertained as a brick on the head of the people is not easy.

- Only I will buy canned animals and immediately in Lozhkino.

"Thank you," Olga responded with great relief, - and then I am completely alone here ...

As it was called, the admission with food for cats and dogs crowded the people. I was peacefully attached to the end of the queue and began to learn the range. Yes, well in our abundant times to be a pet favorite: if you write in the corridor not every day, but only in moments anger to punish the owner, you will buy many delicious delicious, toys, soft mattresses, massage brush, sponN, shoes, shampoo…

- Sorry, I did not understand? - Surprised saleswoman. - Name once again firm.

"Slak," repelled the girl. - For a little dog.

- Sorry, we do not feed

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we trade, - sounded in response, - and, honestly, I never heard about Siruk. Who produces it?

"I have no idea," the buyer shook the curls.

- Try another food. I can offer "rings with beef", premium class, balanced food. How old is your peel?

The blonde revealed the clutch bag, pulled out a tiny, similar to the toy, faded and stretched out:

- I do not know. I left his girlfriend. I left for a week, warned: "Eats only" Sokro "- and Sunules the jar with some brown rubbish. I left her bowl - no fig, there is no want! The third day is hungry!

- Poor him. It is possible to pour on a sample of different things to some kind of food, he will take, he suggested the saleswoman.

But the poodles, seeing the bunch of granules and "crackers", demonstratively turned his nose.

- "Srook" ... - thoughtfully stretched out the merchant. - Okay, I will try to help you. Len, looked there on the list of feed allowed in Russia. Who is "sruk" trades?

- There is no such thing - it sounded in response from the back. - Marin, did you call it right? Maybe "Cook"?

- Maybe "Cook"? - repeated Marina, looking at the blonde.

- "Cook"? - That was confused. - Not!

"Cook", "the invisible Lena spook out from the back, is the tight pieces for your favorite hamster.

- I have a dog! - the buyer was indignant. - Dachshund!

"On the shell of a poodle," Marina pushed her eyes.

- What is the difference, poodle, dachshund, shepherd! - blonde called. - The main thing is not a hamster. I have nothing to handle the bug for hares!

"Hamster is not a rabbit," Maryna decided to clarify.

"You're so smart," the buyer traveled through the teeth and poked his finger into a dog: "I didn't come here for a lecture on astronomy, I want to buy Havalo for this!" Carrying "Slak" and not Trepi language without a case, understood?

- Where is it easier! That's just what is the science of stars? - Echigiously informed Marina. - Animals studies veterinary medicine.

"Girls, don't argue on trifles, do not waste time," the old woman who stood behind me conciliatoryly said. - You are not alone! We are waiting for our turn.

"We have no" Siruk, "Marina cut off.

- And where to take it? - Blonde was completely peacefully asked again.

- I have no idea!

"So, the peak with hunger will die," the girl summarized.

I became a pity a poor dog. Of course, the poodles of the capricist, I suppose only with the hands of the hostess ... And then I had a funny assumption. I walked around the blonde, approached the curly peel, put the nickname of the feed on the palm and extended to the dash with the words:

- Eat, dear!

The black nose was walked, the pink tongue was alive with "Crustics".

- Eating! - Spot blonde. - How did you do it?

"I think the stern" Slak "does not exist," I sighed. "Your girlfriend warned that her favorite feeds on his hands, then you need to feed it, putting food to the palm. "C" - the pretext, "Hand" - a noun. And, as far as I remember the grammar, the above parts of the speech are written separately.

- Well, finally! - just managed to say blonde. - And I used this "Siruk" on the Internet!

Buyers laughed, the saleswoman made a box with feed on the counter, and trade went without a bitch and zadorinka.

The disgusting day ended wonderful. When I told home, guests who were tired after the road were already to sleep, and a bunny, tired by the morning scandal, economic activity and the rapid manifestation of hospitality, locked in the bath. I drank tea and calmly settled in my bedroom to watch the movie with the affectionate name "Maniac with a brick." But communication with art did not last long: ten minutes, after the twentieth corpse, I heard a diminer noise - it rain drumped on the roof. My eyes closed ... And opened only about eleven in the morning.

There was a suspicious silence in the house. I pounced a bathrobe, went down the stairs and entered the kitchen. Irka, singing under his breath, cleaned the saucepan.

- Where are people? I asked.

The housekeeper shuddered, dropped the ass and turned around.

- Fu! It is you!

- And who did you wait? - I was amazed.

"I completely forgot that you are here," Irka extended.

Very good! By the way, I'm counting in the house of the hostess.

- Manya went with dogs to vaccinate, "the housekeeper said," Degtyarev was summoned to the office, Arkady Konstantinovich at work, Olga Relatives were lucky on shopping, Vanka Behind the manure, it is necessary to pretend to be a thuuya, and I will calmly dishes, and here, on back like a zarut! I'm not lost a little mind. I thought I was alone at home.

- You did not call me, listed by the members of the family members!

"Well, yes," Irka nodded, "you fell out of my memory."

"I can pick up the kappuccino," I translated a conversation in a different direction and pushed my finger into the coffee machine.

Instead of the usual buzz, the unit issued a strange sound.

"It doesn't work," I upset.

- Why would the coffee maker break? - Ira was amazed. - Yesterday might and main plowed. Oh, here she is life! Before midnight, you download, have fun, and by morning I died. Everything hangs on a thin thread!

I silently went to the refrigerator. It seems that today Ira have the day of philosophical pondays, sometimes such attacks sometimes happen. I remember very well, as in the late spring she read the article about the fact that all living things, including vegetables and fruits, has an immortal soul. For a whole week of Irka, clouds wandered around the house and sighed:

- And how many tomatoes have spoiled!

Our Ira is too impressionable. She sacred believes printed in newspapers and on all my exhortations: "Do not believe nonsense, published in the jaundice newspaper! - with a feeling objects: "No in vain people wrote it. Who will he want to lie so much? "

Today Irishke, probably, caught a leaf dedicated to esoteric, or to us in the mailbox, a free edition of philosophy was thrown.

I could not get to the refrigerator - I prevented the phone call.

- Dashuta, - ran out of the tube, - Can you come?

"Light," I responded to alive. - But, noine, I think my visit will again be useless. Eric yesterday was unshakable, unlikely he had changed his mind per night!

"Figs would have, with Eric," Nina whispered. - You will not believe ... I got a unique book!

I started.

- went to the cave.

- You are crazy! - I broke out.

- Do you really believe in idiotic signs? - Nina laughed. - Make a favor, come, I really need your advice.

"I'm already running," I promised and rushed to dress.

Lavrentiev waited for me on the terrace. The rain ceased, because of the clouds looked for the sun.

"Eric works in the library," a girlfriend conspired. - Let's go to the bedroom. Just quietly, I do not want the husband to know.

I was obeying and tiptoe began to rub next to her up the stairs, a covered thick carpet. At the site between the first and second floor lay Venedict.

"I got," Nina whispered, stepping through the cat, "not even move!"

"He lost heavily," I said.

Ninusha nodded:

- Yeah, I try to keep track of his diet. And then, as if not died of an increment. Eric with Arina his disliked him, the roller, too, is looking at the cat to the cat, they don't care what it will be with him. I adore one vein, so I have to endure him else. How, the favorite mistress boy! By the way, he is a smart bastard, understands that only I love him, and

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do not friends with the rest. That Arina for bare feet will give, then Eric bites. But getting worse than all the rolling rolling - she pisses into her sneakers.

- Do you remember Katya Ragozin? She also had a cat, he dreamed of everyone, - I did not fly to the place.

- Katyukh? Of course, I remember, "Nina sighed. - To die terrible for forty years!

"The doctor said, she had no one noticed heart disease," I clarified.

"Hmm," Nina nodded, and the following ten steps we passed silently.

Already opening the door to the bedroom, she suddenly asked:

- Listen, and where did Katyukhi cat like?

"He was whipped," I didn't think, I told the truth. " "He was very aggressive, here the family of Ragosina and decided to part with the animals.

Nina pale and grabbed me by the shoulder:

- Dashuta, give a honest word! Promise to fulfill my request!

- It depends on what, - I grinned. - Suddenly ask me to jump from the Ostankino Tower?

But Lavrentyeva did not appreciate my joke.

- I'm talking seriously!

- Well? Test.

"If I die before you, take the Venedikt to yourself," Nina blurted out. - My exactly of him on that light is brushed alive.

- Well, some nonsense comes to people in the head! - I jumped. - Why do you suddenly die?

- I do not know. But you now remembered about Katka ... and I thought ... I decided ... she also did not expect such a close end ... Promise!

I scored the full air chest. Lavrentyeva, it seems very tired, she needs to forget about work for a while, go to a rest.

- Promise! - Nina told, pressing his arms to her chest.

- Okay.

- No, give a complete answer!

The teacher always remains a teacher, even at a tense moment, he begins to be familiar to it.

I cleared myself, raised right hand And stated:

- solemnly swear, if necessary, give the shelter to Kotu Wennedikt in his home, provide it with food, drink, fresh filler for the toilet and medical services. I promise to fuck and cherish Venedikt, but I reserve the right to explain it to his cat mistakes. In return, I require Nina a lavevent response service!

- What? - I froze ta.

- If I die before you prigify Degtyarev in your family? From the colonel is not an example less trouble than from the cat. Alexander Mikhailovich never goes to bed on the steps of the stairs, and he, I hope, does not come to mind enough people for bare legs. The colonel does not piss the sneakers, it will not require a daily to change the filler in the pot, and he, in principle, is omnivore. Even too omnivorous, in my opinion - if you can put it, Degtyarev is universal. One misfortune, he unlike the veni knows how to talk, but the plugs stuck in the ears easily stop this drawback. Well, do you agree?

I expected that the face of Nina will take tension and she will laugh, but Lavrentiev wide open eyes and answered seriously:

- Yes, you can not doubt me, I will free an oval living room for the colonel on the first floor.

I entered - the joke did not pass. Maybe Nina got sick? She looked not in the best way: the face acquired an earthy hue, the eyes of feverishly glistened. And no longer caded, and I got the impression that she was cold.

"It seems that I was blown on the hill," Nina said suddenly and sat down in a chair. - Although July is in the yard, and fresh in the morning, and I ran without a jacket. And smelled there strange - like spirits, floral. But it is impossible.

- What are you talking about? - I was surprised, having arranged on the sofa.

Nina cautiously took from the table a large book in a leaving leather binding.

- See?

- What do you know?

"Come on without riddles," I replied.

Lavrentiev was repent, then said:

- I showed you a unique. This is a handwritten book, the chronicle of the monk Aristarha. Legends go about her in the circles of historians. Most scientists, however, believes that the document died in a fire of a thousand eight hundred twelfth year, rarity owned someone Kubnitsyn, a trustee of one of the Moscow gymnasiums. He demonstrated precious pages to friends. But Kunitsina's house burned down the duck, the extensive library appealed to the dust, the chronicle was enrolled in the list of dead cultural values. But she is alive! Look!

And Nina raised the book.

- Wait! - I smelled. - Is this the same chronicle? We told about her at the Institute!

"Yes," Nina nodded. - Of course, it will have to confirm its authenticity, but I think there will be no difficulties here. Eric - Genius, in vain I recently angry with him. He found the cave with the books of Pankrat Barbakkin and ...

Nina could not finish Nina, she twisted the cough attack, this time it seemed to me that she had a cough. The face of Lavrentyeva flushed, on his forehead and neck made veins, she clearly lacked the air.

"Wait," I whispered when she managed to breathe freely, "did you go to the cache?"

"Yes," Nina answered with the challenge.

- Oh! - I broke out.

- Do you really believe in all sorts of nonsense? - Lavrentyeva flared.

"Of course, no, but it's scary to visit the cave," I started.

Nina stroked the treasure binding.

- You know how much will this rarity give?

- Even assume scary.

Lavrentiev quietly laughed.

- Millions! Not in rubles - in euros. The largest libraries of the world will be fighting for the publication, not to mention collectors. Davignon last name, often happening in France, obviously heard?

- Davignon French, but lives in Australia.

"It doesn't matter," Nina dismissed. - He collects books and is one of richest people World.

I nodded. All right, Gregory Davignon Radicate in the eighties. What he made money, no one knows, but now he lives on a small ranch, spreads a manual kangaroo and is the favorite of the French press. The library of Gregory go legends, his volunteers are chipped around the world in search of unique scrolls and books.

"I will sell the find and throw a job," Nina whispered. - End of work biography ...

I silently listened to Lavrentiev and amazed: someone else's life and really dotmon! It turns out that Erica and his wife were not pastoral.

- at first I was funny to drive him by the hand, "Nina grinned crookedly, putting himself in revelation, - it can be seen, I woke up unrealized maternal instinct. Yes, everyone else thought Erica was a genius, he defended his doctoral early, received a professorial title, and I, accordingly, sunk in the rays of the Husband. Naturally, the Ericika whims were performed in the house on the first whistle. Then Arishka was born, all worries lay down on my shoulders. The rest took place on your eyes. What are you currently? Wife - a tortured horse with inadequate reactions, a husband - a squirrel peach, a healthy dog. His mistress, imagine? I know for sure, he has a woman!

The new attack of cough bent nin. I just blinked, the words of the words were not.

"I as I asked him to go to the cache to go, bring books," Nina stuck, "there is no, she rested, the curse remembered, about the disease sheptal." And I want to live calmly ... Kha-Kha-Kha ...

I squeezed into a lump, inexplicable anxiety covered me. Why does Nina look so bad? Yesterday she had a blooming species and never choked, and now she was worse and worse in her eyes.

- I waited until Eric falls, - feverishly muttered Lavrentiev, - went to his office, discovered on the table a plan, took a lantern, shovel, and

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let's hit the road. At seven in the morning broke into the cache, there are full chests ... scary ... dark ... But very dry ... smells of spirits ... flowers ... Opened one box, and the chronicle is right above ... in the treasure cave billions! Kha-Kha-Kha ... help me! Help!

- How? - I asked what I asked.

"Your sister, Natasha, Baroness Makmayer [about Dasha and Natasha's relations, about how a simple Muscovite became Baroness Macmayer, read in the book Daria Dontsova" Cool Hired ". Publisher "Eksmo".], Lives in Paris ...

I have already been tired to explain the surrounding that the Nataska is not a blood relative (although, in my opinion, the sisters can become and having no common parents), so just nodded.

"She is the lady of the highest light," Nina whispered, "with huge connections, also a popular writer."

"True," I agreed, "Nataska is in the house where anyone else's person is not letting."

- Ask her to tie me with Davignon. He will buy a chronicle!

- Natasha is friends with Gregory.

- Lord! That's happiness! - Nina was attracted. - I agree to any conditions, I will not bargain. Only no one word, Dashun! Neither Erika nor Arina. In the cave of the Mountains of the boxes ... Eric was not mistaken ... Barbarkina collection exists! .. I feel bad! The head is spinning! Water!

I darted to the bottle standing on the bedside table.

"Help me to lie down," Nina whispered, "I feel sick, it's inconvenient to sit ..."

Unfortunately, I do not possess great physical strength, so I failed to drag the girlfriend on the bed, she stayed in the chair.

- Dark! - Suddenly he shouted Nina. - Light light!

I threw a confused view of the window, followed by the July sun, and then grumbled for Eric.

After half an hour, all members of the Lavrentov family, including the housekeeper, stood around the bed, on which Nina shakes in chills.

- Dad, do you think this curse works? "Arina asked in horror.

Eric did not answer.

"The" ambulance "is already on the way," I decided to encourage Arina.

"She will have to get here for three hours in traffic jams," the housekeeper launched his hands. - Von Seraphim from the village and died. Her children called the doctor in the morning, so he pulled out in the evening, just a death to register.

I swung inventory:

- Shut up!

She buried convulsively.

- Dad, what to do? - Craisted Arina.

Eric took a notepad from the village of Village.

- I deciphered the records of the barbankin.

I wanted to crack a professor on the forehead. Nina has obvious signs of cardiopulmonary failure, it is required to make an injection, and the husband shares its scientific discoveries.

- There are medicines in the house? I interrupted Erica.

"Valya, bring," the owner ordered.

- What? Where to? - howled the servants.

"Now," Arina picked up and carved.

I took a mobile, connected with Oksana and described the symptoms of the disease in the details.

"Best to take your girlfriend to the hospital," said Ksyusha.

- I know, "ambulance" is already riding. But what can be done for Nina now?

- Recovered medications that have them, "Ksyun ordered.

I, sulking in a large iron box, which Arisha brought, began voice titles.

- Do you need a dam to do? - Oksana asked.

- intramuscularly yes, - I answered the brave, "I won't enter the medicine.

- Well. Act on my instructions ... - Oksana told.

When Eric saw that I had a syringe in my hands to Nina, anxiety flashed in his eyes.

- Do not! Suddenly she will become worse?

"Oksana does not advise the bad thing," I also called him and, mentally crossing it, stuck under the skin Nina's sick needle.

After a couple of minutes, the convulsions released Nina, she opened one eye.

- Mum! "Arina rushed to her." - Are you better?

"I managed to decipher the records of Pankrat," Eric's new started.

I collapsed into the chair. Oksana is an excellent surgeon, she has a huge experience, she worked on ambulance, in resuscitation, can quickly and accurately assess the situation. Thank God that the Lavrentiev in the first-aid kit there were medicines, however, not everything necessary, but after all, Nina helped.

- Barbarkin reports: If you open the cache, you will definitely die, - Skryanal Eric.

"Saluch," I stuck, "the wife hears you.

- Without negative consequences, - as if not noticing me, the professor continued, "Barbarkin himself may touch the volumes, his messenger or an absolutely sinless person with pure thoughts.

- The rest will die? "Arina asked in horror.

"Yes," the scientist nodded.

- Vortes! - Girl screamed. - crap! Stupidity! Mamuli is simply inflammation of the lungs.

- It does not develop so quickly, "Eric interrupted it. - But Pankrat left a loophole for thieves.

- A person who has bitten on the collection can survive? - I was delighted.

- Right. But you need to make a rite.

- What? - I got it.

Just do not think that I believed in nonsense about the curse. Although Eric spoke very confidently. And then, Nina somehow instantly got sick. If the rite, invented by the barbquet, will be performed, then why not spend it? It will not be worse than anyone.

"Help," Nina whispered, "Eric ... Cute ... Come on ..."

"Do not waste for nothing," her husband stopped.

- What to do? Talk! I ordered Eric.

- Nina must repent in sins.

- Begin! - I screamed. - Ninulya, can you talk?

- Yeah, - came to the bed with a bed.

- Does anyone remember God's commandments? - I got it.

- Do not kill! - exclaimed Arina.

"I think it can be skipped," I dismissed, "Nina definitely did not deprive life.

"Nina did abortions," said Eric suddenly, twice. And this is a murder.

In my soul, unexpectedly boiled malice.

- I wonder who made her unnecessary children, and then blessed on operations? Not one Nina participated in the process!

Erika neck acquired a Punchy shade.

"I didn't climb into the cache, it's about Nina now," he blocked.

"I admit and repent," Lavrentyeva whispered.

- adultery! - Sporated Valya. - Has her husband changed?

"Honestly, no," Nina replied more confidently. - Even mentally! Eric is my only love.

- Piece! - Mased me.

Ninosha slowly coughed.

- I repent, it was not always polite with my father and mom.

"Don't worry, everyone gets married with relatives," Valya calmed down her, "no one had a life without fail.

- Do not steal! - announced Eric.

From bed came sobbing.

- Sorry, Dashuta, forgive ...

I looked at Nina.

- Not nervous, doctor at the entrance. If the "ambulance" delays, I will make another injection. Are you easier?

- Yes, yes, yes, much. "Lavrentiev sat down and pulled his hands forward," I think Eric is right. " The point is not in the medicine, but in repentance. As soon as I said about abortion, as the fingers were broken!

- Whose fingers? - I did not understand.

Nina showed her throat.

- Someone as if stuck me, and then the gaze let go. And after talking about parents and stop the throat stopped!

"Well, thank God," I said, settling on an empty syringe. - If you just feel it easier!

- Sorry, I'm sorry, I'm a thief! Fucking! Stole money!

"Honey, you say nonsense," Eric tried to stop her, but Nina has already suffered.

"No one knows, but only if I don't attend, I will die," Lavrentyeva hurried. - Dashulya, remember how you have under New Yearat the end of the seventies

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coter wallet?

- Yes, I was so upset then! I took the amount accumulated on gifts, went to the "Children's World" and lost to the purse. Until now, hurt, - I admitted. "Although there happened in my life and more significant losses, but I can't forget about that incident. Probably because of the fact that before the new year you are not waiting for podlans. And how do you know about that little fact? I did not tell anyone other than Nataski.

- I stole this wallet! - Celebrated Nina. "You called me and said:" I gathered in the children's world, I want to buy presents, and then look for food, join, merrive together. " And my pocket is empty! Eric acquired some books, walked for a holiday for a holiday, before you call, I poured my head, where to take the Tugria. No one before the new year will not give a debt ...

I was mechanically nodded, and Nina continued:

- Well, I decided: I will go to the "Children's World" and the ride of your wallet. I knew perfectly like you wear a bag - a strap on the shoulder, a rush to the side, no fastener, one button. If you feel something, I will look like this is a draw, you will never in theft you will suspect.

"Yeah," I agreed that I agreed, "for sure.

- But you did not notice anything.

- incredible! - grabbed Erik's chest. - Nina! It's horrible!

"But I'm already better," the wife soberly recalled. - Dashuta, I repent! Sorry! I feel so ashamed! I wanted to return the money, but how?

I got my head. Maybe I sleep? Ninusha tritely stripped my wallet, and then smiled, treated tea ... I do not mean anything in people!

- I just got cold! - Scale Nina. - I suffered, sobbed, all the subsequent years tried to help you. Well let me go sin!

I tried to find the right words, but the language seems to be out. Nina again began coughing.

"She is worse," Eric stabbed concernedly.

Arina rushed in front of me on his knees.

- Dasha, forgive mom! She did a bad thing, but now sincerely repents. We will refund you stolen! In stock screen! Transfer to currency! We take into account the interest!

I shook my head.

- In no case! Do not need anything! Ninosha, I forgive you!

Cough attack stopped. And I made an absolutely not peculiar to me gesture - quickly crossed.

- Works! - Sporated Arina. - Dad, Mom is not so pale! Clearance - True!

I was stuffy. Obviously, Erica too, because he approached the window, took the handle and asked:

- Can I open? I do not have enough air.

"Of course," allowed Nina.

Eric open the glass, the fresh air of July broke into the window, I took a deep breath. What kind of damn is happening to Nina? An hour ago, she was dying, she was really bad, but it was worth a friend to recognize his sins, as health quickly returned to her. But I do not believe in sorcerers, witches, conspiracies, whispering and passages. Lavrentva helped an injection that I did on the Council Oksana. I wonder how long the medicine acts? And it would be time to come ambulance. I, causing doctors, clearly said:

- The patient is very bad, hurry, please!

A sharp call on the door made me flinch.

- Doctor! Said Valya and ran to the hallway.

"Thank God," I exhaled.

"I think this is not a doctor," said Eric suddenly. - Even sure.

- Who? - painted the eyes of Arina.

- Stop sideways! - I broke. - Enough to cuddle the great Nostradamus!

"I studied the Diary of Pankrat," Eric stupidly returned a conversation at her beginning, "recorded records. Everything goes according to the plan of Pankrat. And now she is here!

- Hey, where are you! Pave! Fuck! - Valentina's voice came to us.

The bedroom door swung open, a lady joined the room, dressed in a pink dress, clearly intended for the party. The person of the stranger hid a mask of dark material, long hair was unnaturally glistened. In the hands of the uninvited guest held a fancy bluish bottle.

- I did not want to let her, and she went! - shouted, running over, Valya.

- Who are you? - asked Arina.

The lady was silent.

- Imagine, "the girl did not calm down.

Guest stood, not moving.

"Crazy," Valya was frightened, "I ran away from the hingerist, there is a boarding school for psychos.

"No," Eric objected. - Your surname Skavronskaya?

The stranger nodded.

- Have you brought medicine?

The lady nodded again.

"Let's," said Eric.

A thin hand extended a bottle of Lavrentiev, he handed her wife.

- Dad, you fuck! - Arina was frightened.

- Nina, Give the flask! - I ordered.

"Do not listen to them," Eric said toughly.

Arina rushed to the mother, but Nina has already overturned the bubble.

- Good people, the owners of the prosicheli! - Valya sled.

I fell into the chair, Nina slowly sank on the pillow, the aunt in pink retreated to the door.

Arina rushed to his father.

- What's happening? Are you up to date?

- Immediately explain to us! - Valentine demanded, forgetting how to talk to the employer.

I tried to cope with the heartbeat and at the same time I was very frantic. Approximately two kilometers from Kiryaews the village of Polyovka is located, it has a boarding school for the mentally retarded people who refused relatives. Obviously, Valya rights, a strange aunt drew from there. It is necessary to delay the patient and return it to the boarding school.

- Dad! - Arina continued to shake the professor. - Answer immediately!

A smile unexpectedly flashed on Erik.

"I am well done," he said unexpectedly. - I'm genius!

Arina confusedly turned to me.

- Father, yes?

I shakeped and squeezed with difficulty:

- This is the consequence of stress. I hope the doctors nearby, help will need not only Nina, but also Eric.

He rubbed his hand.

- No, Nina recovered. See, she sleeps!

All prevailing looked towards the bed. The hostess of the house and in fact peacefully stretched out, the head of Lavrentieva rested on the pillow, the hands were scattered on the parties, on the face of pacification, no suffered grimas.

- Sleep? Valya asked frightened. - And why?

Eric sat down in a chair.

- You do not give me words to say, arrange hysterics, and meanwhile I have specific answers to all questions.

- So let us know them! - I exclaimed.

"I'm trying, but you prevent," Eric said arrogantly.

"We will be silent," Arina promised.

- The spell of Pankrat worked, - Eric went down, - Barbarkin, wanting to save the library, did too radically. He found Spavron ...

- Mom recovers? - did not stand Arina.

- Here you go! - threw up the professor. - And how do you order to cheat the material? Nina will find the next morning. I think you will have enough of this information.

- Papulichka, - I cried Arina, - Well, I'm sorry ...

- Eric, do not be angry and explain to you! - I chemished.

"I don't know how to talk with an audience that does not respect the lecturer," Professor responded to pactetto. - I admit that I'm slightly joined, but I must set out everything in order, the scientific report does not tolerate hasty. Better, of course, write the theses. Yes, this is the right idea! I will go to the office, prepare. Let's gather ... uh ... on Saturday, and then I will set all the material, give a list of necessary literature.

- Are you Sakrendil? - I could not stand it.

- In terms of? - threw the eyebrows professor.

"In the sense, you're an idiot," I clarified. - Enough to show off, alive say that you

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you know! If you arrange hysterical once again, you have a spoiled girl, I call Degtyarev here. Believe, Alexander Mikhailovich Master of Interrogations, he will pull out of you all the necessary and unnecessary.

The room became quiet.

- Well, the trend holds, "Valya whispered. - Terecherich he finally will leave and five days from the cabinet will not get out.

"Okay," Eric unexpectedly smiled. - It's guilty! I am focused on a student or scientific audience, accustomed to a respectful conversation colleagues, and you are closer to the style of the bazaar. I will try to communicate in your language. But still try to abide by silence, make an effort above yourself.

- So that I die if weaknu! - solemnly promised Valya.

"Papulichka, tell," Arina asked.

I was silent.

"Pankrat suffered due to the fact that in order to preserve the books of the books to black magic," calmly, as if we did not have a scandal, I got Eric. - The church is sternly condemn the witchcraft. But, apparently, Barbarkin was ready to burn in hell for saving the collection. However, he decided to warn a man who climbs into the cache. In his diary, Pankrat wrote that the cave wall left a record in which the method of stopping the consequences of hacking is described. First: it is necessary to repent in all sins, nothing to forget, to give the most unsightly secrets. The second: if the repentance is complete, the sorceress of the Skavronskaya will come to the house of the thief and bring the medicine. Drinking it, the man will fall on twelve hours, and when he wakes up, he will forget about the incident, so the library secret will be observed. We have just observed the development of events promised by Pankrat. At first, Nina was bad. So?

Eric looked at me.

- Tell me, she almost lost consciousness? He insisted.

"Yes," I had to admit. - Nina cripped, coughing.

"But it was worth it to tell about the wallet stolen with you, as her condition improved sharply," the professor continued, "and I realized that the Spavronskaya will come now.

- But this is unreal! - The ability to think slowly to come back to me. - Pankrat has long died, the cord is also on that light. She could not materialize in your home.

Valentine used and quickly ran out of the room, and I stated:

- In your story, the ends meet with the ends. If a person after taking the drug will fall and wake up, forgetting about the cache, then where will the book made them from the cave?

Eric got off.

"They will stay at the kidnapper," I continued, "back to the boxes are not teleported. Already incomprehensible. Further. How does the ghost of Skavronskaya find an apartment of the thief? And what, the sorceress even in the world keep a medicine bottle?

Professor Fellows on his knees.

- Daria. It `s Magic! Inexplicable phenomenon for mind! Well, let's say it is a zombie. In which it is possible ...

"In the case of zombies, it's possible," I rushed into a fight. - Haitian signs own poison secrets. The sorcerer aboves man, and the unfortunate is done very similar to the dead man, they bury him, and then dig and get quite healthy physically, but absolutely frantic, submissive foreign order orders.

- So, do you recognize the existence of zombies? - Eric was surprised.

- Yes, doctors have long drive in Haiti, study the cult of voodoo. But I guess, I guess to the end of a white person, do not understand Black Magic, "I replied.

- Then why do you deny the power of Russian witches? - Eric was surprised. - Skillful travelers in the villages lived in the villages, treated patients. And monks? You are not in the material, I read the manuscripts and I know that the monasteries functioned the therapeutic gardens, the brothers were medicine, sculpted pills, some of them reached amazing results. There is information that the representatives of the clergy could make operations, even taken for the trepanation of the skull.

- I do not deny the herbage, but ...

"But every medal has a revolving side," Eric interrupted by Jesuit tone. - Pattern helps with a sick heart, but can kill. The entire focus in the dose: five drops or five liters. And about conspiracies ... The ability to "speak" the hernia or toothache is not uncommon. Here, in Kiryaew, some Antonina lived, they went to her from all over the Moscow region. Rare abilities were an old woman. She once removed the attack of migraine - something hesitated, hesitated, spit, and the pain was gone. You can believe in the sign, you can consider it fraud, but it exists. Pankrat managed to find a strong sorceress, that's the whole answer. Nina tomorrow will wake up healthy. By the way, we can now calmly go to the cave. The spell is triggered only once.

- Why? - shred to the wall of Arina. - And why spit there?

- There is a collection. God! - shouted Eric. - I just realized the books! They lie in the drawers! Huge scientific wealth! Mostly carry the lanterns! No, no, dangerous so immediately, the light can destroy the paper ... Oh! ABOUT! ABOUT!

Continuing to scream, Eric grumbled out from the room.

- unthinkable, "Arina whispered.

I rinsed, then jumped in a chair, like a bite snake hare.

- Where is the sorceress?

"She died for a long time," Arina reminded.

"I know," I dismissed, "I mean today's aunt with a flask." We forgot about it! They shouted here, demanded from Eric's explanation, and should have been talking to the lady. Sorry, with all respects to folk medicineI do not believe in the ghosts. It came here a completely lived woman.

"Let us imagine for a second," Arina's teeth shed out, "that Dad told the truth, and the spirit of Sophia Skavron's spirit was declared. But for what the hell does he call on the door? As far as I remember from fiction, all sorts of demons and others like them are materialized right in the room, they are no doors not to hindle. And the Spavronskaya called, and she communicated with us. The intangible substance is not located to contacts. Although I am not a specialist, I just read books in which ghosts act.

- Where is the bottle? - I woke up.

- What? - continued to tremble Arina.

- With the remnants of the medicine. Hmm, it seems that the Spirit dragged with him a blank bubble, - I sighed. - Very prudent. Probably, they have there, in the underworld, you can hand over the bottles.

- What are you talking about?

- I guess ...

I could not agree - Valentine broke into the room, he entered the old woman in a black scarf.

"There are no icons, his forehead does not cross," she stated without any aggression.

"This is Larisa," the housekeeper has gained, "let her look at Nina."

"It's better to wait for a doctor," I said firmly.

- Are you afraid that I have a hole in the corrge? - Spearbed grandmother.

"No," I did not flinch. - You can see, but published. It is impossible to touch it. And you will not wake Nina, as we will not allow you to eat it with all sorts of drugs there. Enough for us nonsense.

Larisa bowed the head of the side and realized:

- And she does not even drink water, not the fact that drugs. Bad at all. And she does not sleep at all, he moves to that light, after a couple of hours there will be a deceased. I'm not a helper here. I can read prayer, but only you have no icons. Bring God's image, and I will stay. Do not want to go.

Arina buried. I jumped up, grabbed Valentina by the shoulders, shook her and told:

- Immediately led the old cargu!

"Ohohyushi ..." Larisa was not offended. - I am drowning myself. And about the cargo you are in vain, nobody always left. Old age is not sin. And warn you, I have to: the hostess is not sleeping, it is unconscious. Her help

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need, but not mine. Leave her to lie like that.

- Watch both from here! I went to the ambulance. - What is happening here? Although one normal person in the house is?

Larisa looked at me from under the handkerchief.

- I will go, if I have not needed. Farewell!

Without waiting for my answer, the old woman was sown into the corridor.

There was also a knock, steps, and I saw two men with glasses with iron boxes in my hands. The car was finally added to Kiryaews, on which, as if in the mion, the inscription "Ambulance" was concerned. Given that after my call, the dispatcher passed more than three hours, such doctors only for death send.

As long as the patient arrived, we and Arina, hugging, stood in the corridor. Then the doctor shouted:

- Relatives can?

I quickly entered the bedroom.

- I listen.

"We don't know where to give it," the doctor said sternly.

- What about mom? - I cried Arina, who entered me.

"Give her something there," Feldeshru's doctor ordered gloomily.

He obediently pulled the bubble from the suitcase and extended Arin.

"Drink and calm down," he said. - Only with water.

- Nina is very bad? I asked when Arina went to the kitchen.

- Who are you? - asked the doctor.

"A close girlfriend," I explained, "I think the only normal person in the house. Nina survive?

"Unfortunately, I do not have the necessary equipment to clarify the diagnosis," the doctor left a direct response, "but the faster we deliver the patient to a specialized clinic, the better."

"I went here for a long time, it would be even worse," said Feldscher. - Popping on the highway, it is single-band, traffic jam to Nikologorsk.

"The hospital is good," his doctor interrupted, "but, alas, we are bad with the equipment." Surgeon, however, golden hands and an obstetrician ingenious, to him, even from Moscow, give birth stretch.

- Obuster Nina without need! I got sick. - Do something!

"Well ... we must help," Feldscher's conversation won without much enthusiasm. - Peter Sergeevich, maybe she will do what to do?

The doctor frowned, I felt myself anemone in the desert. Well, what sense in such ambulance? Three hours drove on the call, so much turns back. And even unable to alleviate the suffering of the patient.

- now! Now! - screamed Arina, breaking into the room. - Nothing! A very close person, Volodya Korolev, heads a branch in the clinic named after Rodionov. Is this a huge hospital, heard about her?

"Of course," the doctor nodded. - Here they also have everything.

"Volodya will take mom to himself and cure," Arina gained, a twitch in the cell phone. - Mom didn't even want to meet with him, he was angry that Vova had been divorced twice, but who was to blame that the bitch came across? This is how it happens, Mom was against my relationship with him, and he will save her. And then we get married ... Vova! Hello! It happened in misfortune ...

I tried to cope with dizziness. The clinic named after Rodionova is a major medical institution, a whole city, there is a huge number of buildings. Local doctor, such a clinic, unlike a rural hospital, is equipped with the latest technology.

- Vova said: Carry out as soon as possible! - Sporated Arina. - Vivid, "ambulance", we pay you how much you want! Just go to Moscow!

"Tomorrow the morning is just a retirement," the paramedic sighed. - Highway is worth it. Although we are not averse to work ...

- What to do? - Arina shook. - There are no alternatives, put mom on stretcher!

And then I was painted.

- Helicopter! He doms Nina in seconds!

Doctors overwhelmed.

"Cool," the Feldscher chuckled. - But we have no aircraft.

Now I grabbed the phone. If only Max answered ...

"Hello," Polyansky was displetened to the Polyansky tube.

- Hello! - I was delighted. - I need your helicopter.

"A great start," did not slow down to cite the former husband. - did not call a year - and hello to you ... What happened?

- It is necessary to transport a sick woman in the clinic. Urgently!

- I hope she is not a plague?

- heart attack or stroke. This is not at all contagious. Max, I beg!

- Where to send the car? Dictation address. Is there a playground there? - Cravito asked Polyansky.

- Volleyball? - I did not understand. - What for?

- Well, Yoxel-Moxel! Helicopter needs to sit down. In the same place.

"On the road to the village we saw a football field," the doctor came to life.

- There is! - I screamed. - But not asphalt, just a lawn. Record: Kiryaewka village.

"Suitted," Polyansky agreed. - Now he will fly away. I, however, I was going to Tver, the pilot was already laid ...

- Max! I will not forget this!

"It sounds impressive," said Polyansky. - Taking your babo on the glade, on the map to you in the summer seven minutes.

For a certain MZDU, Dr. and Feldscher agreed to accompany Nina before the reception rest.

- terrible, - whispered Arina, looking, how to install stretchers inside the helicopter.

- Brought us back? - asked the doctor.

"Yes, don't worry," I murmured.

"It seems that no one except me is really worried," Arina said strictly tightly. - Father said somewhere. He seemed to be what happened to her mother. He seemed to wait for the misfortune! Another ghost. Interestingly, the ghost left the fingerprint on the doorbell? If so, then it is a person. Something I do not like what is happening ... at all. Dasha!

I started.

- We fly away! Thank you thank you thank you!

"Erunde, hurry," I dismissed.

Arina sat near peacefully sleeping mother, there was no place for the place, so, having spent the point quickly removing in the sky, I returned to Kiryaew. To enter the house to Lavrentiev and talking to Eric I did not want. There was even a desire to take their bag. But there were keys, rights, passport, not to mention the cosmetic. I raised my hand to click on the call, and suddenly froze. They remembered the words of Arina about the prints. Doctors have not called, Valya led them, having conducted Larisa.

Fasting quickly, I climbed into the only opened window of the first floor and found it in the bedroom of Nina. The heart sank - Valentine and did not think to remove in the room. The crumpled bed, shifted chairs, thrown on the floor's blanket, empty ampoules on the bedside table ... everything said that the misfortune happened here.

I took my handbag, went to the toilet table of Nina and rummaged in the boxes. Of course, it is not good without the permission of the hostess to smoke in her things, but I need a nail file. And not a new-fashioned version of the glass, and the most common piece of iron with a pointed tip. And you will need a bag.

I find it necessary, I got out through the window to the garden, took a step and suddenly realized that someone holds me for the blouse. I am not in my own, but then I realized: near the house of the Lavrents there is no one, I clung to clothes for a high spikey bush, you just need to twitch - and I will find freedom, that's just the jacket will be irrevocably corrupted.

I do not belong to the army of unmanaged Shummotchniks, although I love beautiful things, but I do not make a fetish of them and never go over the torn skirt. But, like any woman, I have a particularly pleasant heart of the outfits. Silk blouse, which is now on me, brought Masha from London. Not only that she perfectly guessed the size, so another blouse turned out to be my favorite gentle-blue color, did not sweat, did not lose the form and easily erased.

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You can shed tea, coffee, ketchup, red wine, and water is mad. But if I rush forward now, the spikes will cut the block ... In general, goodbye Blouses!

But from any hopeless position there is always a way out. I dropped a handbag to the ground, then carefully unbuttoned the buttons, gently got out of the blouse and began to carefully pull the spikes from the lightweight fabric. The main thing is not to make the hook and do not break the silk, and small holes can then be eliminated.

In the end, the blouse was found in my hands, I looked at the bush and upset almost to tears - a pretty big flap was hanging on the branch, bright pink. Do I still breed blouse? But do not be upset, you can always find a solution to any problem. By the way, the hole on the blouse can be covered with appliqué. Or art duct will help. Do not lose heart - here is the basic principle of struggle with life problems.

I once again looked at the blouse, then on the flap. What is it with me? At all ceased to catch mice! My sweater is blue, and the fragment is pink! Yeah, it means that a female ghost took place under the window, she broke his outfit. Of course, our ghost is even alive! It not only wore terrestrial clothes, but also saw the "cola", the little bottle from the beverage was lying around the bush.

Why did I decide that "Koloy" was dismissed "Sophia Skavronskaya", and not members of the Lavrentov family? Nina's healthy nutrition fan, it never drinks any drinks, except mineral water without gas, even kvass has subjected to ostracism. The professor does not use sweet water, Arina is forever sits on a diet, and Valentina has problems with stomach. In addition, none of them will throw garbage in a carefully well-kept garden. No, there was a woman in a pink dress, she waited for something, drank a gas composition, threw a blank to the bush under the bush and caught his clothes over the branch.

By the way, the ghost dress was quite modern cut, in such a calm you can go to a party, but during the day it is completely inappropriate. Ghost is clearly bad with taste! But he seems to have money. Metrained from the next light, chilled in a boutique and bought a dress. I was gained, so to speak. And the trick with a mask, a kapron curtain, covered with the whole face, except the eyes, is quite good. I think the hair is a lady - this is a wig, but where to take him a led from that light? And in the same place, where the evening toilet has reserved the externitude - in a fashionable shop!

I vividly pulled a jacket, very carefully pulled off a piece of pink, also a silk fabric, put it in a handbag, in a small pocket on zipper, then rose down the steps to entrance door And manicure scissors and a seal pulled out from the table of Nina. Sorry, dear owners, but you will temporarily have to suffer inconvenience. Now I will sink a call, put it in a bag and straight instrument to Degtyarev. I hope I'm not a bombing current during this operation. It is good that Lavrentievs live in the god of the forgotten kiryaew and they did not need to install the intercom or purchase alarm alarm.

On the way to Moscow, I got into a multi-kilometer plug. Most cars, moving forward in a turtle step, turns into boiling teapots, whose steam blows the lid, and the drivers are similar to the bears of Grizzly. Although few of the above-mentioned bears will keep a baseball bat with them. So now the fight broke out before my little fell. The guy on the Red "Nine" tried to crawl into the left row, and a man on an economical car or Chinese, whether Korean production found a young man's action offensive for his dignity and decided to stop the height. In my opinion, standing in a traffic jam, you can understand the one who is in a hurry. If a person is stubborn in front of you, it means that his house remained turned on, or the wife gives birth. The rest is clear that it is pointless to fuss in a car collapse.

But men have their own customs, to us, women, the course of their thoughts is unavailable. Why do you need to chat if someone has gained you on the road? Even always unperturbed Arkady shows signs of anxiety, realizing that he "makes" some home-grown Schumacher. And it is very inexplicable for me the desire of men to punish those who, in their opinion, rides too slowly. How many times did the domestic production machines arrive me, and then they were not removed away, but began to drag before my nose at a speed of twenty kilometers per hour. I was wondering for a long time so far as the bunny explained the essence of what is happening.

- You are taught.

- What? I asked.

"Fast ride," Olga laughed. - There are such idiots, they want everyone to fly with the speed of light.

- But I'm going in the second row.

- Does not matter!

"And only the owners of Russian cars are indigrant," I did not calm down.

"Professional drivers are mainly sitting behind the wheel of pathoral foreign cars," Olga smiled, "they are ridiculously competed with a woman. The owners of a slightly cheaper plate, like "Ford", "Peugeot", "Renault", etc., are also not nervous. But the stray metal is complex, he wants to prove his coolness on the road.

- But why should I exercise on a woman? - I swallowed.

- Who else? - bunny frankly. - Try, make a goat face with a tinted jeep. He will Namig hedge you, to the sideline will fit and pass into the nose. By the way, the aunts on the "Lexus", "Bentley" and other pathos such freaks are also afraid - still the driver's driver will record and complain to the one who bought her beautiful wheels. Therefore, you are their tallest prey: blonde on a not very chic foreign car.

After conversation with Olga, I ceased to be surprised in the strange behavior of some men's drivers, pity for them settled in my soul. Poor! If they have only one way of self-affirmation, then on health. I do not care in which row and how fast to go, let me raise me how much they want, the main thing is that it makes it easier for them. And I also understand perfectly: in a traffic jam, you must not be angry, but do things: send SMS, straighten the manicure, snack. I have long started the thermos and enjoy coffee with forced stops. You can still get acquainted with comrades on the drain - omit the glass, look around. The advice is good for those who are looking for a man will absolutely find a cavalier ...

I leaned back on the back of the seat. Coffee does not want a romantic acquaintance without need, I will better think about what happened at Nina.

Lavrentiev went to the cave, pulled out a book and ... got sick. I do not believe in the spell, therefore it is necessary to look for a logical explanation for what happened.

Eric has long been worn with the idea to open the collection of Barbarkina. He only spoke about the collection of Pankrat since he found a collection catalog in the archive, and she thus lost peace. Nina loves her husband, but she sometimes is offended by him, she wants to get from the spouse at least a little love and caress, sometimes Nina seems to be a wooden horse feed, so Eric is egoistic. But my girlfriend understands perfectly well: her husband is a talented scientist, encyclopedically educated personThinking only about science!

Is it easy to live with a genius? Eating the Lord from such happiness! All the great people are akin to children, they want to deal with only their loved things and exactly like kids do not think about the bread, nor about money, or about the rent or other everyday trifles. Near an outstanding personality

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there is certainly a wife, mother or sister, which provides genius a comfortable existence. In my opinion, always in the shadow of the ladies should also be given Nobel Prize. Yes, the scientist made an outstanding discovery, but what would happen to him, do not he have a nearby housekeeper, a nurse, psychotherapist, cook, laundry, secretary in one bottle? No employee will agree to fulfill such a number of responsibilities at the same time. This is capable only unless loving woman.

Nina, however, had to Erica never expressed out loud claims. Yesterday she broke through, the curtain was slightly revealed, and I became clear how the girlfriend was angry. But Lavrentiev did not cease to consider her husband a genius, she believed him and therefore went to the cache. Eric was not mistaken in the calculations, Nina pulled an invaluable book into the world. I think the collector Gregory Davignon will agree to fall off the whole condition for the chronicle.

But why did Nina get sick? The easiest answer: she was already unhealthy, and the walk in the early morning and the experiences associated with her aggravated the disease. Or another option. Nina was influenced by Eric and in the depths of the soul still believed that in history with a curse there is a rational grain. And in psychology, there are cases when the hand of a person was applied to the teapot with cold waterAnd the poor fellow got a burn. In the brain of the test, the usual thought was triggered: the kettle means boiling water. The experimental himself caused the burn. The abilities of human psyche are poorly understood. And after all, such a thing as placebo works! In the depths of the soul, the girlfriend feared the revenge of Pankrat Barbarkina and believed in the sorcerer. And here is the result: spontaneously caused by bronchitis or inflammation of the lungs.

Only I, unlike the rest acting persons, I retained the ability to soberly think. The phenomenon of the ghost of Spavronskaya does not climb in any framework! Who is a woman in a pink dress that appeared before us? I did not see her face. He was covered with strands of hair, bangs and mask. What did she drag in the flask? It seems that we are all in the bedroom of Nina, fell into temporary madness, if they allowed the hostess at home to take a bottle. The clarity grabbed a blank container with him. On the other hand, the witch still left traces. Arina law, the call itself does not earn. Let in the laboratory remove the fingerprint buttons and drive it through the database, perhaps the person who performed the main role in the performance. And another pink flap. He hung on a bush for a short time, most likely appeared there today in the middle of the afternoon.

Why did I come to this conclusion? Last night there was heavy rain. However, he frowned in the morning. When I approached the porch of the house of Lavrentov, from the roof of a drop, but the sun was already out of the clouds and began to fit. Silk scraps can not be kept on the bush during a shower, and it will certainly not be preserved clean. Consequently, the stranger stumbled under the window after bad weather. I dare to assume that I portrayed ghost a very real woman. By the way ... Did the sorcerer at his lifetime go to the clothes of piglets? Most likely, she wore black clothes. And here is a deft person. It took advantage of what we rushed to Nina and unnoticed evaporated.

The course of my thoughts interrupted the mobile call.

"Mom in a coma," said Arina, - unconscious. Nothing reacts.

- She is alive! - I was delighted.

"Physically, yes," Arina cried, - it was connected to the device. Forecasts are none. Considerations about why she fell into this state, too. Now doctors make all sorts of analyzes, I sit in the corridor.

"Drive home," I advised.

- Leave mom one? Not.

- You will not help her. Nina does not see you.

"I'll talk to her," Arina persisted.

"I think no longer hears you," I said carefully, "the coma does not give a person to communicate.

- You are not a doctor!

"And the nurses said: It is necessary to sit and keep her hand," Arina boiled. - They saw people unexpected from the coma. Some of the patients later reported that everyone felt and understood, but could not say. In general, I do not move away from the spot.

"Of course, of course," I hurried to agree. - Bring you to eat?

- There is a buffet. And people are very cute, allowed to sleep near mom. Volodya, my groom, constantly near, he is the main thing here, everyone is taken care of me. Korolev ingenious doctor will certainly save mom. It will be better!

- If Volodya advises, then actively talk with Nina. She will definitely recover! - I said optimistically. - Return home, Erik will hurt, his vennedikta stroke ... That's hell!

- What happened? - Arina shouted, which seems to be nerves were stretched as guitar strings.

"Erunda, some idiot decided to cut me," I loved the famously, including the left turn signal. "

- You are driving?

- Well, yes, on the highway.

"Then you better not chat," Arina spun, - I'll call later.

I put the tube into a special stand on the torpedo. She gave me Arkady, and in addition to the will, I have to use it. I do not like to think about the trifles, I prefer, completing the conversation, throw a cell phone on an empty seat, but Kesha is a car and trying to teach others, including me, to order.

I lowered the glass and mad a car from the next row. The window of the foreign car was opened.

- What happened? - asked the lady driving.

"Allow it in front of you," I asked, "I want to turn around."

"Please," she nodded.

I quite deftly wedged in front of a nice special, Pomorkal accidents and repeated the trick with a window. This time the man responded in the cap.

- What do you need?

- Sorry, there, ahead, turn.

- Pull me, please.

- I need to turn.

- Now the flow is touching, I will not be able to perform a turn, wait a couple of seconds, I will stand in front of you.

- Ofigel, or what? I'm in hurry.

- just a few moments! I will go before you only before reversal.

- Learn to a climb, and then behind the wheel of the clock! - Garked the man and closed the window.

I sighed. Cars ahead came to life, Ham rushed forward. Well, now you have to go to another turn ...

Suddenly, Gazelle in the left row Pomorgala Farams. I leaned out the window - the driver, a whiteobry guy, waved his hands. Full thanks to the young man, I rebuilt, turned around and flew back to Kiryaew.

I really want to think that Nina will be recovering soon, but I know well from Oksana: Even if the Lavrenteva succeeds in safely to dig out from the coma, the recovery will take months. It is only a person who has already launched ten years unconscious, opens his eyes, pulls up the tubes, catheters, droppers and begins in front of his sobbing relatives to dance Jig. In fact, such a patient looks like a baby who needs to learn to go, speak, have and use the toilet. The longer the impurity lasts, longer way rehabilitation. So now I have to pick up the cat Venedikta - I gave Nina promise to take care of Kotya, but I forgot about him in forth. Eric does not notice Venia, but Valya frankly dislikes the British, will drown him and declare:

- Udrl, back did not return.

The way to Kiryaewka took a few minutes (there was no traffic jam in that side), so I pressed on gas and

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flew by a bird.

The house of Lavrentov turned out to be locked - most likely Eric and Valya went to the hospital. Holding a fabric blanket in his hands, which usually lies at the bottom of the trunk of my car, I was confused at the porch. I know very well that there is a table on an open veranda, and a hefty candlestick is piled up on it, and if you raise it, you will find two keys from home under it ...

And here in the bushes flashed a black shadow.

- Venya! - I upset. - So Valentine has already shuffled you. Come here ... Kis-Kis-Kis ...

The cat came out of the bushes and issued a strange hiss. Such sound can be heard, if you drop with cold water on a hot frying pan.

- We will go to the naughto, - I sat down, - temporarily ...

Venedict pressed her ears to his head, but I turned out to be fast, like lightning. In the blink of an eye, the hands pounced a tapestry cape on the cat, I grabbed the animal feeding and walked into the car, gentlely Vorkuya on the road:

- Werene, we are familiar! Why are you always calm and apathetic, turned into hyena? Boy, quiet ...

Probably, the Venedikt recognized my voice because they fell. I put a selent animal on the back seat and decided to go straight into the nipnelo. In the end, you can talk at home with Degtyreavev. On the clock eight, the colonel is probably going home. While I will reach the native fenate - the program "Time" will begin. Crazy July day flew with an incredible speed.

Drinking to the house, I gladly noted that the light burns in the window in the window. So, Alexander Mikhailovich and truth returned. Leaving the car right from the front door, I, without anyone who did not face anyone, flew without a knock into the spacious bedroom fat man, saw an open balcony door and shouted:

- Are you here?

From the balcony came to the pass.

"We will talk about the treasure," I decided to immediately intrigue the fat man. And, slowly approaching the door, continued: - It is hidden in the cache and is an incredible value. Collection costs millions in currency. The most interesting thing that no one believed in his existence, but it was already discovered! Imagine? Millions! It remains only ... oh! And where is Degtyarev? Who are you?

Wide-and-aided man standing on the balcony, cleared his way and said:

- I am Vitek, healthy.

- How did you get here?

- Well ... like ... came out ... smoke ...

- Kill? - I repeated in amazement. - Sorry, but do not smoke at home.

- Sestrum allowed a tunic to astrate.

- Who? - I was even more confused.

"Duc, she ... Well ... Grit ... Wald into the air ... that ... the lazka oarse green himself, I and run. Clear? In, sister! Hey! Current do not really! I'm on the air!

My nose caught the fragrance of familiar spirits, and then Olga's voice rang out behind his back:

- Well, how many times do you need to repeat? Smoking causes lung cancer. And the outstanding cigarette can cause a fire. Dasha, you promised to quit smoking!

"It's he," I poked my finger in a man. - Here, look, I have no cigarette in my hands.

"Cracks are good for beer," the nepoupe said Vitek, then threw the cigarette cigarette. - Oops! And I have nothing. Do not be angry, sister! Men must be forgiven, otherwise you will stay with a bob.

I froze. So Vitek - Brother Bunny? Well, well ... I wonder how Olga will react to the behavior of a relative?

- For a minute ... my man! - the little woman said signer, rushing into Degtyarev's bedroom. - And there is nothing to attach to him! Eka Bed, smoked. It was standing on the street, not in the house the walls of the wall. Patiently you, Olga, harmful. Once in the course of the years came, and immediately give Honor ... Use it, we have nowhere to go? Oh, I warned Mamonka: do not bind to rich, they do not consider you for people, the Olydarka.

"Oligarchs," I corrected the teaching habit, I am surprised by the strange behavior of the bunny - she was standing by lowering the eyes to the floor.

- Life saved you, and what? What is your gratitude you expressed? - completed the speech of the aunt.

"It's good to gone," Vitek broke her off, "the hunt went to sleep. Calm dreams to you.

"Good night," diligently playing the role of a hospitable mistress, I replied, "I hope you will be comfortable in a new place."

When a strange couple has disappeared in the corridor, I was not kept and asked Olga:

- Who is this?

Bunny sat on Degtyarev's bed.

- Immediately and not explain. After all, I grew in Moscow, my mother has moved to Kiev. And dad - in the sense of native, and not step off, which raised me, went to a small town, a closed settlement with the defense plant. Mom S. former husband Saved a good relationship, and stepfather with him normally communicated. Dad died when I was ten, and while I was small, I was sent to my father for the summer. A wonderful place, by the way, very calm - the protection is more than residents, the forest, the river and supply products are much better than Moscow. Children some everywhere ran, except the plant of the plant, of course. Well, one day we went to swim, but I did not have seven years old. Do you know what rivers in the Urals? Quick and very cold, local children got used to them, and I am from Moscow ... In general, stepped into the ice water, slipped on the stones, fell, I suffered a flow. What do preschoolers can do? They shouted, but there are no adults nearby. Soon the fate was drown to me ... And here, from wherever the Lesha Paramonov, he was knocking fourteen, he was completely adult for local standards. He pulled me out, and even an artificial respiration made. In short, saved. Here Dad then solemnly and announced: "You are now relatives."

"Clear," I extended. "But your Savior was called Alexei, and Vitya arrived to us.

"This is his brother," the bunny explained. - Leshik for a long time in America, business organized there, sometimes calls, and Victor wanted to go to Moscow, to show his wife the capital. It is difficult for me to deny Alexey ...

"No need to quarrel with a person who saved your life," I smiled. - Vitya is nice, he just did not know that we did not smoke in the house. By the way, where is Degtyarev?

"I left Peter," Olga explained, "he took his topic with him, for a week.

- What for? - I was amazed.

Bunny spoke to the grimace.

- It turns out that the colonel never was in the Hermitage.

"I think the fat man didn't suffer very much about this," I said rashly.

- The person is obliged to develop culturally! - Olga indignant, "Alexander Mikhailovich walked, no mental progress, thinks only about work!

"I guess you make mistakes about mental progress," I came down for a friend. - Who is who, and the colonel is constantly improving the service.

- We are talking about spiritual development, "Olga blocked blond curls. - Three days ago, my friend came to visit us, Rosa Gavrilova, well, and came the conversation about the literature. Retail take and ask Degtyarev: "Do you like coelo?" Do you know what was the answer?

"I doubt that Degtyarev seen at least one book of the writer," I sighed. "But Alexander Mikhailovich did not become worse, coelo is not a Bible, there is no need to read it. Equally, not everyone should be admired by Malevich, personally, for example, I don't find anything outstanding in the Black Square. I will even say anymore: everyone can draw a geometric shape, but to portray the bears in the forest much more difficult.

- terrible! - Run the eye bunny. - I hope you are joking?

- No, - I shook my head, - I just don't understand why no one

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did not draw a red circle or blue triangle.

- Okay. In the end, everyone has the right to his own opinion. However, even though you do not understand the work of Malevich, but even heard his name, "the bunny smiled. - And you won't call coelo composer!

"Of course not," I agreed. - True, I do not share the delight about his books. In my opinion, they are boring and compiled.

"Detectives are cheerful," the hack did not miss me a pixel. - But it's not about you, but about Degtyarev. Colonel heard a question of roses and stated: "Coel? I do not want to spoil your appetite to anyone, but I do not like dishes in which the chicken, meat, fish and rice with shrimps are mixed at the same time. It is better separately to absorb these products. I do not want a coel, I prefer ordinary cutlets! "

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Sensation! An old manuscript was found, followed by many historians, and including Nina Lavrentyeva's husband, Dasha Vasilyeva's girlfriend ... But he, calculating the location of the cache, where a unique library of Pankratka Panbarkina was kept for almost a hundred years, did not risk it to climb. According to the legend, the cave is imposed on the cave enter. But it was decided by Nina - she really needed money, and rarities are millions! Curse accomplished - Lavrentiev fell into someone. And here is horror, it came to treat it ... the same witch. But it has long been alive for a long time! Then how did you get the fingerprint on the call in the house? No, something is wrong here ... a lover of private cheek as an outer with a head throws into an investigation. First, it is necessary to find out what kind of illness suddenly struck Lavrentiev, secondly, to reveal the secret of the spell, thirdly ...

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