How to celebrate the new year at home with friends. New Year with Friends Celebrate New Year with Friends

We present to your attention many different interesting ways, options and ideas where to successfully celebrate the New Year with friends and how to spend the New Year's Eve in an original way in the company of your best and beloved friends.

New Year is the main holiday of winter. No other has so much fun and joy that unites everyone. But everyone prefers to celebrate New Year's Eve in their own way. For some it is a family holiday, someone wants to be alone with a loved one, but for someone it is important to be in a cheerful and noisy company.

If you are going to celebrate the New Year with friends, but have not yet decided how and where you will celebrate the holiday, the following options (list of places) will help you choose the best way.

Best friend's party at home in apartment

The easiest, but also the most time consuming way. If you invite guests to your place, remember that home decoration, cleaning and cooking will fall entirely on your shoulders. Entertainment, contests, interesting quizzes will help make the holiday fun and memorable. To give New Year's Eve an extra polish, you can throw a party to which guests will come in themed costumes.

Let's arrange a New Year's party on the roof of the house

Bright stars, shining garlands, lights and colorful fireworks in the sky will add a touch of romance to New Year's Eve. Celebrating a party on the rooftop is quite a fun way. Do not forget to decorate the roof at least minimally, bring hot drinks (mulled wine) and simple tasty snacks with you. And if you have a telescope or binoculars - take it with you, it will be interesting!

Meeting friends in a cafe or good restaurant

If you think that for the whole year you have already spent a lot of time cooking and cleaning, and do not want to stand at the stove on New Year's Eve, get together with your friends in a cafe or restaurant.

You will have fun in your favorite friendly atmosphere, and at the same time, under the joyful smiles and noisy clinking of champagne glasses, you will meet the New Year. Another brilliant excuse to meet old friends. Only a place should be ordered in advance, as a rule, a couple of weeks before the New Year, there are no free tables left in any cafe or restaurant.

New Year's Eve in a friendly company in the suburbs

If you have a large company, then it is better to go to a country house. The choice of entertainment in the suburbs is unlimited: you can cook kebabs, barbecues, play snowballs, decorate a Christmas tree with garlands right in the yard, make a snowman, go for a walk in the forest or fill a small ice rink. Do not forget to take with you fireworks that can be launched during the chimes on New Year's Eve.

Celebrating the New Year in the center of your city

In every city on New Year's Eve, solemn festivities are held on the central square. So why not go there? A noisy crowd, perky music, city spruce, splashes of champagne and fireworks will provide fun and festive mood.

Going to the theater (puppet show, operetta, drama and comedy) or the Philharmonic

Cultural option. Suitable for a small group of friends. On the eve of the holiday, New Year's performances, performances and concerts are popular. This method is good because during the day you can go to the theater with friends, and in the evening you can celebrate the holiday with your parents, children and loved ones.

A fun trip to the resort with friends

Quite an unusual way. True, it requires careful organization and a significant amount of money. You can go to a ski resort, plunge into the sea in a sunny country or even go to the homeland of Santa Claus - the choice is unlimited. It is important here to choose the option that suits you and all your friends.

Wherever you decide to celebrate the New Year with your friends, the main thing is careful organization. Think in advance of all the little things, entertainment and possible force majeure. So you will avoid any unpleasant situations and have a fun New Year. Happy holiday and carefree pastime! Enjoy, relax and rejoice!

New Year is a long-awaited holiday for most. It is often said that you need to meet him with your family, but many, on the contrary, try to spend it in a noisy company. Celebrating the New Year with new friends is a great idea, the main thing is to properly plan the event, venue, gifts, congratulations, entertainment and, of course, the menu.

Where to meet

You can celebrate the New Year with friends in an entertainment complex, restaurant, club, bathhouse, recreation center, dacha, apartment or just in nature. Each option has its merits. If you go to an event in any entertainment establishment, there will be a festive program, a table, and a cheerful noisy company where you can make a romantic acquaintance and just make many new friends. However, if you do not like a large number of people and feel uncomfortable in such a company, it is better to get together only with close people.

It's good to celebrate the New Year with new friends in nature. Rent a cottage at a recreation center. There will also be an entertainment program, fun games, contests, fireworks and congratulations. You can sit at the table with your company in a cottage or go to a general event.

A non-standard option is to celebrate a holiday with a picnic in the forest or on a river. If you take an electricity generator with you, you can even decorate a living tree with a garland with flashing lights. The only drawback of such an event may be too cold weather, snow or wind. However, if you actively have fun, stock up on alcohol and snacks, as well as make a fire and put up a barbecue grill, it will not be cold. It is better to go out into nature, of course, by cars, but the drivers will only have to drink juice.

The most wonderful and budgetary option for how to celebrate the New Year with new friends in a small cozy company is to gather at someone's dacha. In this case, you will get all the advantages of a trip to nature, the opportunity to warm up in a heated house and sit at a festive table in beautiful outfits.

Often New Year's Eve is spent with one of your friends in an apartment or rented space. Holiday rentals can, of course, be very expensive, so it's better to find an option among your own.

How to organize a celebration

If you are the owner of the apartment where the event will take place, it is important to plan everything in advance.

The New Year with friends should be remembered for its joyful mood and fun time. The following should be foreseen:

  • The composition of the guests (your immediate friends and their significant other) and the corresponding number of seats and cutlery.
  • It is worth discussing the menu in advance for everyone together, deciding who will buy and cook what, how and how much you discount in money.
  • Also discuss the number and type of alcoholic beverages in advance. Take with a margin so that you don't have to run after the second batch at night. Better to keep unopened bottles.
  • Decorate your table and apartment as festively as possible.
  • Buy fireworks for a fun walk.
  • Think over contests, congratulations and entertainment.
  • Provide gifts.

It is better to think about all this together and immediately distribute responsibilities: some buy food, others cook, others decorate the room, and still others come up with contests. Everyone should be involved in the preparation and conduct of the event. If you are going to celebrate the New Year with new friends, for example, the girls of your acquaintances will come, you should inquire in advance about their preferences. Both in terms of alcohol and snacks, as well as gifts and contests that they like.

Gifts for the New Year to friends

Here you can offer two options:

  1. Each of those present brings gifts only to those whom he knows.
  2. From the general money, souvenirs are bought for everyone, and Santa Claus and Snow Maiden will give them, which one of you will dress up with.

You can even arrange a whole masquerade show, that is, invite everyone to come in some kind of carnival costume.

Happy New Year to friends

If you do not know everyone who will be present, it is worth preparing universal gifts and congratulations. You can write poetic lines on pieces of paper, roll them up and arrange them into balls, which you can then inflate. Everyone chooses the balloon they like, bursts it and reads out the wish.

You can take quotes from famous people and arrange them as congratulations or find comic lines. It all depends on the composition of your company and its preferences. The main thing is that the New Year with new friends is successful, and everyone is happy.


In order not to get bored, it is worth choosing a presenter in advance and coming up with or finding ideas for contests. It can be forfeits, any other version of comic tasks, reading prepared poems, joint singing of songs. New Year with friends is a fun holiday, not boring sitting at the table. Create joy and great mood yourself. After all, as you mark it, you will cheat!

So, you have learned how and where you can celebrate the New Year with new friends. Choose the option you like, gather a fun company and have fun! Happy holiday!

It is not necessary to go somewhere to distant countries or to celebrate it in some unusual way. You can celebrate the holiday wonderfully at home. The main thing is to approach the celebration creatively, with festive enthusiasm. And it doesn't matter if you will be alone or with a noisy company. If desired, this day will be memorable and special, regardless of the number of people at the festive table.

So ... Quite a few New Year's scenarios have already been described. Most often, many people prefer to have themed parties, when people dress up in costumes or gangsters, throwing a party in the style of Chicago. Or in Japanese style, Western style, Hollywood, appearing in front of the public in chic evening dresses or a tuxedo. Oksana Chistyakova wrote about this very interestingly in the article “How to celebrate the New Year at home”. I advise you to read.

All of this is undeniably fun and interesting. But ... it already happened. But how can you celebrate the new year at home with friends so that it is fun and interesting? But what if we arrange a short tour of our favorite films ?! How? Well, for example, if you decide to get together with a small, or maybe a large company at someone's home, to play scenes from Russian and not only Russian comedies. Only by making a remake in our modern way. Moreover, it is best if these are scenes related specifically to New Year's films.

Still, they remember one of their favorite films, which is traditionally already shown on channels on December 31st. Have you already guessed what movie you are talking about? Of course - "The irony of fate or with light steam."

Play one of the scenes from this film in the manner of how events would develop in our modern world. The irony of fate - 30 or even 40 years later! Turn on your fantasy, artistry and go! Moreover, it is not necessary to spend money on costumes. Clothes can be absolutely ordinary, everyday - it's a movie! And you are the director in it. The entourage can also be ordinary - your apartment. So nothing complicated, the main thing is your imagination and ability to funny parody the heroes of the film.

In addition to "The Irony of Fate" there are many films, scenes from which can be shown in a funny and interesting way, so that people laugh and get charged with an excellent mood on New Year's Eve! For example, "New Year's Tariff", "Wizards", "Carnival Night", "Home Alone", "Intuition" ...

And you can also not say what kind of film you are showing now, but let your friends guess for themselves what kind of scene you are playing now.

You can give everyone a task in advance, think over your scenario and show it at a party.

And after this exciting film industry, it's time to move on to gifts. And here you can arrange a whole adventure and show.

For example, come up with a quest. Let each guest try to find his gift, passing several tests or using keys, solving charades and riddles, to find his coveted prize. What to give your friends, Oksana Chistyakova advises in her article, I think it will be interesting for you to learn about many ideas of what to present to them on this bright holiday.

You can also arrange contests, as in one of the TV shows, such as "Mine can" or "Mine can", when your other halves compete with each other for the title of the most daring, strongest, dexterous, artistic, and so on. For example, whoever eats a whole lemon at a speed, sits down holding his beloved in his arms, peels a tangerine without hands, and so on. It all depends on your company, who is good at what! The one who shows himself best in one test gets a prize. It may be a small present that you, as the owner of the house, should think about in advance.

To celebrate the New Year having fun with friends, you can play Crocodile with a company. The rules are as follows: two participants enter the "stage", one of whom thinks out a word to the other, any, even tricky and difficult. And the other person must show it with facial expressions and gestures to the rest of the participants. The main rule is not a word - only gestures. Very fun and entertaining! Laughter and good mood of your company are guaranteed! The one who guessed the word comes out to show the next one, which will be guessed by the one who showed the previous word.

Think in advance of the decorations that you will create on the eve of the holiday. Perhaps you dreamed of being on exotic islands together and celebrating the New Year under a palm tree? So what's the deal! Draw on the posters the sea, palms, white and white sand. Clip your artwork to the walls and you will feel like you are in some heavenly place. Just the two of you. Nearby there will be a New Year tree, champagne, a festive table and, most importantly, your love!

And if you are already thinking about a summer vacation, then you can plan it now, in winter. I advise you to read the tips in the article "Where to go on vacation in the summer."

Or you can stick luminescent stars, planets on the ceiling, light candles, garlands - the atmosphere of the holiday will be amazing. Imagine that you are on another planet!

It is very romantic to celebrate the New Year by the fireplace. Of course, not everyone in an apartment has such an opportunity. Do you remember in the tale about Pinocchio? In the same place, Papa Carlo also had not a real fireplace, but a painted one! Why not be children and create a similar one in your apartment ?! Draw a fireplace on a Whatman paper, and candles can serve as fire ... lots of candles.

Lay a blanket next to him, turn off the lights, lay out holiday dishes right on the floor. Why, according to tradition, on the table? Let it be this year that everything will not be the same as before. Let's move away from tradition - to sit at the table and watch holiday programs on TV! You can have a picnic by the fireplace!

You can read more about ideas on how to celebrate the New Year together in the article by Oksana Chistyakova.

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In general, the most important thing in the holiday is your imagination! The main thing is to approach this issue creatively, with a share of humor, adventurism, even if you will not forget the devilry and this New Year. After all, the truth is they say, as you meet him, you will cheat him!

Or you can take and dial an unfamiliar number together and congratulate people on the holiday. And perhaps it is this congratulation of yours that will make someone happy. Perhaps this person marks this day alone, and your kind words will make this person feel not alone. But it’s so great to do good deeds and know that thanks to you, someone is now smiling ...

Mila Alexandrova

It is customary to celebrate the New Year with a family or a noisy company. But it so happens that it didn't work out to get out to your family during the winter holidays, your friends went to a ski resort, and you will spend the holiday together with your friend. Do not be discouraged about this! You have a chance to celebrate the New Year 2020 in an unusual way and devote time to a loved one. We've put together a few ideas to help you meet January 1st in a great mood!

Celebrating the New Year 2020 with a friend is a great idea!

Join the festivities

In every city, New Year's concerts are held, skating rinks, etc. If the holiday at home doesn't inspire you, fill a thermos with tea, put it on, and head out. You can listen to the chiming clock along with the crowd, and then look into a coffee house that you never knew existed. True, in severe minus 20 degrees, the option becomes extreme. Raging revelers can also pose a danger, for communication with whom you need to stock up on a gas canister.

Have a bachelorette party

In other words, have a New Year's Eve party. Only double. Instead of dresses, you can wear pajamas, and put on the table, not diet snacks. Review the "Irony of Fate" or choose any of them, discuss the events of the past year, record a video wish for those who could not keep you company. And by all means, conceive a wish or tell fortunes on the betrothed - nobody canceled the New Year's magic! Organize a bachelorette party and spend all the New Year's time only for yourself!

Closer to the stars

If you live in a high-rise building, ask if you can easily get out onto the roof on New Year's Eve. Imagine how great it is to admire the fireworks and illuminated streets from above! Such a spectacle sets you in a philosophical mood. An alternative is a table in a cafe or restaurant located on the observation deck. True, on December 31 this pleasure will cost you and your friend dearly.

Dance until the morning

Do you want to have a lot of fun and make new acquaintances? Choose a nightclub or restaurant to your liking, prepare colorful outfits and go dancing. Most establishments prepare a festive program for the New Year, so you won't be bored. The downside to this scenario is that on December 31st, clubs are often overcrowded and tables must be booked in advance. Otherwise, the evening may end in disappointment. You can spend New Year's Eve with a friend at a cool disco.

Enjoy Your Bath!

Follow the example of the heroes of "Irony of Fate" and go to the bathhouse on New Year's Eve. It can be a small steam room outside the city or a full-fledged sauna in a spa complex. The main thing is your comfort and safety. Do not be zealous with high temperatures, alcohol and casual acquaintances, otherwise the holiday may end with no less surprise than Lukashin's.

Take a trip

To a neighboring city, capital or other country - the decision is yours. Travel agencies offer a huge number of New Year's itineraries. On holidays, the old cities of Europe are especially good, saturated with the aroma of mulled wine and the sounds of Christmas songs. This also applies to neighboring countries: Lithuania, Estonia, Poland. In addition, you will taste the best delicacies of the local cuisine and bring unusual souvenirs.

A trip for the New Year 2020 to St. Petersburg, the city of the Golden Ring or even the nearest regional center can be no less magical. The main thing is to buy tickets in advance, think over the route and check the hotel reservation. You can go to nature by choosing a ski resort. You will remember for a long time how you celebrated the holiday on a snow-covered slope or a forest glade, wrapping yourself in a down jacket! At the camp site you can have fun and breathe fresh air!

Adventurers or New Year on the train

If your soul craves adventure, spend New Year's Eve ... in a train compartment. The spirit of the holiday disposes to acquaintances and sincere conversations, and in the morning you will find yourself in an unfamiliar city, almost deserted after festivities. The option is risky. It is impossible to guess who will become your coupe neighbor, and if he will be at all. But vivid memories are guaranteed.

And finally, we will offer a scenario for real adventurers! Decorate the car interior with tinsel, buy tangerines, turn on Frank Sinatra - and go. Someone will be a driver, someone will be a navigator. Drive around the city at night together or give a lift to cute passers-by (here we will once again remind you of safety precautions).

We wish the New Year 2020 to give you happy memories, no matter where and how you meet it!

On this day, we look back 😻😻😻, recalls all the good things that happened in the old year, make plans for a new one, drink champagne and enjoy life. A special moment is that for each new year, as a small chance to start a new life, or improve the old one, because for this we still have a whole year ahead of us.

But the most important thing is that this holiday can be spent next to the most dear and beloved people - our relatives and friends. If this year you decide to spend New Year's fun at your home, a lot of difficulties immediately arise. After all, I want the holiday to be fun, and to be remembered by everyone for a long time. So, you need to figure out how to have fun celebrating the new year with friends.


First, decide on the venue. When choosing a place where to celebrate the new year with friends, you need to take into account the location, comfort, taking into account the number of guests. This can be your own apartment, or a summer cottage, as well as the house of your friends. If the company is going to be quite large, you can rent a separate apartment or house for the duration of the holiday. A country house would be an ideal option. In nature, the holiday will be especially fun, because, for sure, in addition to the usual feast and entertainment, you will want to play snowballs and fool around in the snow. It will be great if there is a sauna or bathhouse on the territory of the house or in the house itself. She will be, by the way, on the second day. For gourmets, you can combine business with pleasure, and spend the whole celebration in the sauna. Such a venue will add variety to the traditional order of the new year.

Other ideas for how and where to have fun celebrating the new year with friends will only depend on the personal preference of your company.

The main thing is the topic!

Before you grab your cookbook and run for groceries, figure out what you will take as the basis of your fun. After all, a well-set table has not replaced a cheerful atmosphere. The best option for such an occasion would be a costume party of a certain theme. The theme of the holiday, of course, is determined by itself, but it does not have to be associated with the mascot of the year, or meet the standards. You can safely arrange a "red party", where guests will be required to come in red, or have, some kind of make their own clothes of this color. Accordingly, you will build on the red color when decorating the room, Christmas tree and table setting. Or, for example, to implement a very popular gangster theme today, setting a password for the entrance, and the corresponding dresscode.

If you want to get as close as possible to the theme of the New Year, come up with certain roles for guests that they will receive upon entering the apartment, along with obligations to fulfill them during the evening. These can be fairy-tale heroes, everyone's beloved Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, characters invented by you personally. Such actions on your part will surely cheer you up and give tone to the New Year's party.

In general, the theme will depend only on your personal preferences and imagination, in any case, this approach is only a plus, to the fact that it would be fun to celebrate the new year with friends.

Adults are children too.

Remember your children's New Year's parties, everything was so festive and funny. You happily danced, sang, read, with such diligence, memorized poems, and certainly participated in competitions. Adults are just big children, and they, just like in childhood, will not refuse, they will fool around a little. Do not be lazy to arrange funny contests for your guests, for participation in which they will receive memorable prizes. Depending on the company that is going to, such competitions may have a slightly "adult" character. Such an active New Year with friends is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent.

Also, remember the main reason why you were waiting for this holiday as a child? Of course, these are gifts under the tree. Do not forget about this point either. There is no need to spend money on expensive things, it is enough to be limited to small souvenirs. Such a manifestation of your attention will cause only positive emotions in the guests, and may even become your tradition.

Festive table.

Well, of course, where is it without a festive table. What to cook will depend only on your capabilities and personal preferences. Do not chase after novelties if your whole company is waiting for an old, kind bowl of Olivier, or vice versa, do not stand over traditional dishes if your soul requires something interesting. The main thing is not to cook too much, so that later you will not finish eating for another week. With the experienced eye of the hostess, evaluate the appetites of your future guests, and from this start off in the number of servings of future dishes.

Strive to diversify the menu, then you will be able not only to celebrate merrily, but also to satisfy the gastronomic tastes of all those present. Pay special attention to the design of your culinary masterpieces. After all, your guests should initially "eat with their eyes", and only then appreciate the taste. For such cases, table decorations made from vegetables and fruits will not be superfluous. Firstly, this will make the table truly festive, and secondly, the process itself will give you a lot of pleasure.

The main thing.

The main thing when organizing a holiday is to remember that, in addition to a chic table and a good idea, most of all efforts are required to create a holiday atmosphere. Unfortunately, with age, we lose this feeling, and the magic of the New Year ceases to exist. Try to bring your friends back to a fairy tale. Be in a good mood, support the mood of your guests, do not hesitate to take the initiative for the celebration, because perhaps you will be able to provide a cozy atmosphere and a positive attitude.

As you celebrate the New Year, you will spend it, so make an effort so that the whole next year will be remembered only with positive emotions.