Corsairs 3 to each his own how to capture the ship. Passage of "Corsairs: To Each His Own". Computer games. Long, short way home

Corsairs To Each His Own Seizure of Settlements
Sooner or later, the hero will have to face the need to capture a settlement. Port cities are guarded by a fort and sometimes by warships, which may be in the port at the time of the attack. Settlements and forts in the jungle do not have forts, and they can only be captured from land. The forts differ in appearance, have a different number of weapons (moreover, different types) and different numbers of garrisons. Nearly every fort is armed with long-range and powerful fortress 48-pound cannons, in many ways superior to the most powerful naval cannons. They usually fire bombs and are supported by batteries of 42-pound cannons and 36-pound coolerines, which prevent them from approaching fortifications.
Corsairs To each his own Destruction of the fort and battle in the settlement
In a naval battle, you have to destroy most of the fort's guns. The number of guns to destroy depends on the difficulty of the game. As soon as this happens, next to the mini-map, the "Landing" quick action icon will appear, which will take you to the second stage - a battle in the fort itself with the remnants of the garrison. In addition to destroying the cannons, you can bombard the fort with buckshot to reduce the number of soldiers in the garrison. After the cannons are destroyed, the defenders will retreat deep into the fortifications and buckshot shots will become useless.
Corsairs To each his own Especially valuable materials to improve your ship in shipyards
On some ropes, you can select a specific improvement of the ship in the dialogue menu, for doubloons and special items. It is extremely difficult to get these items, but you can find them on pirate ships, in the holds. These items should be taken immediately, no benefit can be compared with the achievements of these items. You can store especially valuable materials in a warehouse, on the shore. Valuable items in the hold of the ship are at the very bottom, you cannot view them, you cannot sell them in the store, you can only throw them overboard. Finds on pirate ships depend on your luck stat. On the ship, you can store acquired "in an honest way", what the character carries, should be stored in the captain's cabin in the chests.
Ship silk - designed to increase the ship's speed and angle of movement, an additional three knots in battle will give you an advantage in battle. The masterpiece of the Lyons weaving manufactories is a dense silk sailing cloth. Incredibly strong material, lightweight and breathable, quickly absorbs moisture and dries even faster, retains its shape and is resistant to stretching. With all the advantages, silk fabric has a significant drawback - the sun's rays have a destructive effect on it. Weight 2 q, pack 1 pc.
Ropes- designed to increase maneuverability and reduce the minimum crew size. Durable hemp fiber ropes with virtually no wear from contact with sea salt are the best material for ship rigging. The most famous and desired ropes by sailors of any profile are produced at hemp-spinning factories in distant Russia. Weight 1 centner, pack 1 pc. If you bring at least one blade that Fadey asked you to, he will sell you 50 bays of this product every month on the 20th, the cost of one bay is 10 doubloons for a total of 50 bays of 500 doubloons.
Lignum vitae- a specially designed tree for the deck rebuilding of the ship, in order to increase the numerical capacity of the ship. Hard, dense and resistant wood, unable to split, the heaviest on the market, sinks easily. Backout is resistant to wear, but difficult to process, has self-lubricating properties (especially in water). Shipboard elements from the backout do not require replacement at all, despite the harsh conditions during their operation at sea. Weight 7 q, pack of 1 pc.
Resins- serve to strengthen the hull of the ship, increases the life reserve of your ship. Natural tar, a sticky gray-black mixture of bitumen, fine clay and salt water, is Trinidad's most famous, albeit not the most beautiful, attraction. These resins and tar from them are used to impregnate the hull of the ship. It is believed that they are significantly superior in quality to analogs supplied to shipbuilders by northern European countries. Weight 1 q, pack 1 pc.
Corsairs To each his own Improvement at the shipyard
Jamaica Island Port Royal - increasing the speed of the ship or the angle of movement (ship silk, doubloons)
St. Christopher Island, Capsterville Settlement - increase in maneuverability or decrease in the minimum crew size (ropes, doubloons)
- increase in the strength of the hull (resins, doubloons)
Curacao island, Willemstad settlement - increased space for the crew (bakkout, doubloons)
In the Spanish colonies, shipyards also carry out improvements, for example: Cuba Island, Havana settlement
Corsairs To Each Their Own Improving Relations With Nations
If you have any problems with the English authorities and have announced a reward for your head one way out - Fadey. Isle of Guadeloupe home of Fadeus along the street, prepare doubloons, and get out of sight for a couple of weeks, taverns, brothels of your place for the next two weeks. After a couple of weeks, your reputation will change to hostile. We approach Fadey again, he asks for doubloons and wait a couple of weeks. Sleep in the tavern until the attitude changes to neutral, Fadey has done his job. Fadey's pay depends on how bad your attitude is. Don't forget about your ship's crew, food and rum.
If you have any problems with the Spanish authorities, in the Church of St. Pierre on the island of Martinique, you can always at the Abbot Benois, for a certain amount of doubloons, establish relations with the authorities, remove hostility within a couple of weeks.
Corsairs To Each His Own Available warehouses
Capsterville Island, Saint Christopher Settlement, Curacao Island, Willemstad Settlement, Jamaica Island, Port Royal Settlement, Cuba Island Havana Settlement.

October 22, 2014

Today we are going to talk about a game with an amazing story. Created by a team of Black Mark Studio fans, it piqued the interest of the official distributor of this series of games. So a full-fledged version of the continuation of the epic - "Corsairs: To Each His Own", was published.

Lots of Easter eggs, updated fleet improvement system. It also became possible for the protagonist to create things and ammunition. In addition, the world has become more open, and the plot is less linear.

Beginning, or Where to get a million

In this game, you play the role of the French aristocrat Charles de Maure. Your father asked you to find your missing son, your brother, in the Caribbean.
So, after you got off the ship in Saint Pierre, Martinique, you have two options for further development of the plot at your disposal. The variety is the beauty of the game "Corsairs: To Each His Own". Quests can be done in a variety of ways.

First, you go to the authorities. For a beginner, it is more correct, but there are some tricks here. Things will need to be hidden, and the weapon will need to be replaced with a harpoon. The stash can be made in the box that stands to the right of the fort gate.

Why such a turn? It's very simple - then you will be arrested and all your things will be taken away. The governor-general of the island himself will come to the prison with a proposal. He frees you, and you pay off your brother's debts. The amount is impressive, a million pesos, after all. Here help would be useful, but in the game "Corsairs: To Each His Own" cheats are rare.

After agreeing, you go to the quartermaster, who will give out a basic set of armor and weapons. If at the beginning you hid things in the chest, further development will be easier. We just go to the brother in the dungeon.

The second path of development of the plot is suitable for more experienced people familiar with the game "Corsairs 2: To Each His Own".

Here we, having felt the freedom and expanse of pirate life, keep away from the authorities, and figure it out ourselves. It will be necessary to run around the city, to communicate with residents. We are interested in the fate of our brother. In the process, from one person, you will learn about the abbot. Further, the path lies to the church. Benoit, through a friend, will help you go to your brother in the dungeon.

Let's find out about - oh, God! - a debt of a million pesos, we get the first task. Please note, it is for a while. The bottom line is this. Michel paid a deposit for the ship, but owes another 17,000 pesos. It is necessary to find this amount in three days, otherwise you will get a wreck.
Where can I get the money? Let's figure it out.

Call girl

For this quest, you will need to find one senior. He usually loiters in the square near the church. Look for a light-colored camisole and hat. Passage "Corsairs: To Each His Own" open and non-linear. Therefore, the name is generated differently.

The bottom line is what. It is necessary to go to a brothel and agree with its owner about the girl Lyutiss Montagne. She must be brought to this aristocrat after eleven o'clock in the evening. He gives 6 thousand for all expenses, your earnings are the amount saved.
The secret is that you need to save before taking the quest. When you receive a task, the cost of the girl for the night is randomly generated. It can be from 2500 to 5000 pesos. We load until we get the minimum figure.

When talking with the hostess, choose the option that speaks of the girl's inexperience. It will be possible to pick it up from 23.00 to 00.00. In an hour it would be easy to cope and take her to the aristocrat.

In the meantime, there is some time, we will earn some more money. Remember - in the game "Corsairs: To Each His Own", the map of the island is an indispensable assistant when completing quests. Do not forget to look into it from time to time.

Warehouse worker

There is a shop near the brothel. Our path lies there. There, the owner will complain about fate and tell about the escaped worker. We agree to find him. One thousand pesos are promised as a reward. And that's just for finding it. According to the orientation, it is located somewhere outside the walls of the city.

Our path lies in the pirate settlement of Le Francois. On the way, by the way, we will complete two more tasks. They are described below.

So, the worker is in or near the tavern. After talking with him, we understand that the owner of the store is a curmudgeon, and Gralam will never return to him.

What can you do. We come back with bad news. The merchant gets upset, but gives a reward. And besides, it promises more if we help to hire a new employee. The higher the qualifications, the more your earnings. The game does not allow you to relax. What can you do - "Corsairs: To each his own"! The ships will be redeemed soon, remember? So let's work hard.

We run to Le François. Where to look for an employee? At the tavern. He, it turns out, is a small responsive. For just a thousand pesos, it will help with the task, but you need to walk for an hour.
While we are waiting, you can play dice, a possible win will not hurt. After the agreed time, we return to the tavern and see the applicants. And then everything becomes just great. In addition to the fact that the owner will only take 500 pesos for help, the workers also offer you bribes!

We choose the one that gives the bag with amber shards. We will need the jewelry later, and in the city, the store owner will pay us 5,000 pesos for it. But this will be after the interview. Time is money, so we run to the head of the port department. He starts the "Cannibal" quest.

Passing tasks

On the way to the pirate settlement, you can earn some more money. The first task will be "In short supply". Do you remember where you hid things at the beginning of the game? A city guard is standing next to this chest. Talk to him. It turns out that he is also French, like you. And his delicate stomach can't stand the local liquor. You will be asked to bring some good wine.

It seems to you that it is difficult to earn money in the game "Corsairs: To Each His Own", the codes would clearly not interfere. All wrong! After this quest, you will forget these thoughts forever!

The income from this assignment is one thousand pesos. The execution time is a day. Simply and easily. Where to get alcohol? Check the chests in the fort. If fortune is not on your side, any merchant has a bottle worth seven hundred pesos.

We carry it after returning from Le François. The guardian of order will wait on the upper platform of the fortress in the evening. But it was not there! This is not a task, but a Klondike! The insatiable French are ready to buy another 60 bottles of 1000 pesos each. What to do? Where to rob the carriage?

Don't panic! We go to any merchant and for a thousand coins buy information that there is alcohol in the store. Having gone there, we come across a misunderstanding of the owner. We return to the scammer. And he demands another 2000 for a letter of recommendation. You have to pay. With this sheet, we return to the seller. You can now buy 60 bottles at 500 pesos apiece. But! This is a one-time offer, so free your inventory!

Net earnings - 27 thousand coins. And the map obtained in the next storyline task of the game "Corsairs: To Each His Own" will greatly help in the future.

In the city, all the quests available at this level are taken. We leave the gate. But what is it? A corpse lies on the road, and local aborigines run away. Let's rummage through the pockets of the murdered man. 560 pesos for expenses, small change and earrings. Save this decoration, we will need it later, when we return from Le François.

So, with the hard workers in the village sorted out (the quest is described above - "Warehouse worker"). It's time to remember the find. We go directly to the Governor-General. You can, of course, ask the price at the merchants, but the price is lower there. De Poissy will give the Cheap Island Map for them. Such a gift will greatly facilitate the passage. "Corsairs: To Each His Own" - a game that is designed specifically to earn money in the spirit of piracy.


The tropics, the starving local population, the sleek European aristocrats ... It turns out that the head of the port is looking for an assistant to his friend. Prospero's daughter was stolen. Poor father used most of his property to buy a musket and is already outside the city walls. We'll run after the money promised by the store owner, now - save the girl!

We find Truval near the well. From his story, we understand that abductions have become more frequent, and this is being wielded by the cannibal Indians. They get food, so to speak.

In this task, we will not only get rich financially, but also gain a lot of experience, if there is a desire. Only if fencing is not pumped, it will be bad. In the game "Corsairs: To Each His Own" cheats are aimed specifically at this area.

The bottom line is what. The father will tell you how to proceed. If you do so, complete the quest quickly. If you yourself destroy all the Indians, without his help, you will get a lot of experience.

In the cave we find a daughter and another hostage. We accompany them to the city and receive a reward. And this is neither more nor less - 8 thousand pesos, 35 doubloons and a good amulet.
In principle, the minimum of the game "Corsairs: To Each His Own" has been completed. The ships can already be redeemed. Just count, there should be more than 17 thousand in your pocket. However, we need more officers, a team, ammunition. In addition, in stock the whole day.

How to have a fun night

What to do in the tavern, waiting for the morning? Do not sleep!
There are several entertainments to choose from - gambling, duels, "cheating" of the waitress. But first things first.

So bones and cards. There will be a lot to be saved here. How to win? Simply. We always start with the maximum bet - 1000 coins. We bargain until the opponent agrees. For example, let's play 800 pesos. You win. Better to save. If he wins, and then begins to drain his bank to you, we rejoice and earn money.
The main thing is not to win very often, otherwise they will call you a sharper and stop inviting you to the table.

When everyone is broke, you can still make money. Blame someone for cheating. Or drink to the quarrel. Duels are won easily, and the dead drop good things and a lot of gold, if you're lucky.

The third fun has to do with the waitress. You need to flirt with her until she invites you to spend time with her. We order a room from the owner of the tavern and wait. Instead of the girl, an accomplice appears, eager to rob us. Kills easily. The beauty of this assignment is that the waitress seems to have a lot of thugs. And from each you can get things and money. Without such pranks, the passage will be boring. "Corsairs: To Each His Own" allows you to experience riotous life to the fullest.

Rum for the bartender

Morning. The owner has enriched himself on your room rental "for an hour", so kind. When asked about the assignment, you receive an offer to smuggle the cargo.
It is important to remember the password when receiving the job! He will not be recorded anywhere, and without him the quest cannot be completed. There are several options, but the most common: "the bay is ready for disembarkation" or " old thomas I was waiting for a beer. " We repeat: you may have a different one. We'll have to write it down.

So, at seven o'clock in the evening we go to the pier, sit down on the longboat and quickly move to the right of the pier. If the wind is fair, it will be easier, if not, we go in zigzags.
Destination - ship "Ghost" near Lamentin beach. When the boat from the launch approaches it, you will need to write a password in the dialog box. Do you remember him?

We receive the contraband cargo and quickly move to the Bay of Le Francois. There you pass the ship with alcohol to the people of the owner of the tavern, and you yourself go to it on foot. Get 5000 pesos, a couple of bottles of rum and a telescope as a gift.

Spanish engineer

We bought the ship. Where to get the team? That's right, in the tavern. After much questioning and persuasion, the bartender gives a tip. There is one sailor written off ashore.
We get to know each other, answer the meticulous interrogation. He agrees to go to you, but only with his entire team. Not bad! 40 sailors at once for 8,000 pesos.

But where to get a navigator? The tavern keeper doesn't know. We run to the port. Kind people say there is one. Sitting in jail for debt.

We go to the usurer. You will have to overpay 11,000 pesos. Or maybe there is another option? There is. It is necessary to free his friend from captivity. Easily!

Freebie - this is the basis of the game "Corsairs: To Each His Own"! Quests are complemented by gifts. Hide your pistol before meeting the moneylender. He will give you a new one, with cartridges!

At half past eleven in the night we go to the beach, we beat off the Spaniard from the pirates. The secret is that the first robber you meet must be killed first, right after the conversation. The rest is easy to put. But the saved one will attack you. We beat him until we surrender.
Now comes the tricky part. At night, patrols roam the city, so you need to not get caught. We are saved in front of the city.

After completing the assignment, we receive IOUs, and therefore the navigator.
We buy food for the ship. Collect as many cannon charges as buckshot and knippels. At the exit from the bay, a pirate ship will attack.

It's easy to get rid of it. We lower all the sails. Immediately we destroy all the rigging with knippers, and after a maximum of the command with buckshot. We board and rob. You can't take it for yourself.

"Corsairs: To Each His Own". "Dutch Gambit"

The second part of the epic is associated with West India Company... Here you will have to master the entire archipelago of the Caribbean islands. At this stage, you can already have several ships and a slightly more pumped team.

During the second part, you will visit Guadeloupe, Cuba, Maracaibo and other places. The advice is this. Quests for the destruction of pirates will often come across, or they will meet while sailing. Always attack several times with knippers, and then constantly with buckshot. Then board. Only such tactics will allow you to constantly win and get rich quickly.

When you complete the storyline, the reward will delight you. Awesome ship and a great experienced officer. Then there will be the last part - "Corsairs 3. To each his own."

Pirate saga

Hooray! A million pesos have accumulated! We buy out the brother. But it’s not that simple. The Governor-General took the money, but does not want to release the prisoner. Like, you still need to help him become the head of the island of Tortuga. What a task! Go against all the pirates at once!
Compared to this, the second part of the game "Corsairs: To Each His Own" - "The Dutch Gambit" - is just child's play!

But it is not all that bad. There are helpers here as well. Especially if you know the secrets. When you find yourself in Cartagena (preferably raise the Spanish flag), find a pirate in the city. He has a very good sword. Have you already learned how to fight a duel?
To capture Tortuga, you need powerful connections. Further, the path lies to Zechariah, to Cuba. He will send us to look for the cartographer. This is how the next branch of the game "Corsairs: To Each His Own" - "Island of Justice" begins.

After the task "Shadows of the Past" we will get the Morgan Flamberge, which has no equal in all the Caribbean.

At the end of the line, you will kill Levasseur, report on the change of power on Tortuga de Poissy, and free your brother. The reward is a frigate with a crew and a French marque patent.
But this is not the end of the game "Corsairs: To Each His Own"! The gambit was played out well. Now we are racing to defend Saint-Pierre, our brother's former prison. After all, now our hero is a French officer!

Do you want to become invincible right away? Or is it easy to complete all tasks? We'll cover tricks and bugs.

So, in the game "Corsairs: To Each His Own" codes are not widespread, but a lot of "raw" moments.

For example, when you capture an enemy ship, you can combine his team with yours. To do this, hold down the "shift" button. It may not work the first time, but the next ship will reward you with an endless team. It's time to bomb the forts!
By the way, about this. When all the passage behind us, "Corsairs: To Each His Own" is not over. It's only begining. No quests. Absolute freedom. We recruit officers with pumped pistols and fencing in taverns, and then using the F2 button we put them in our squad. And among the pirates you will not be equal!

The fate of a fan of the series is not easy. Instead of a dream game, an unfinished version was received, in which many features are disabled, and the sad cries of the suffering developers only reply that everything will be. However, we decided not to wait for the 1.xx patch to bring the game to a state of perfection, and still please those who need it with the passage. And some tips ...

Management news

I don’t know what prevented us from doing this earlier, but with patch 1.1 the controls were slightly changed. So, the hero now moves around the ship or around the city using the WASD keys, which are quite familiar to us. And pricks by pressing the left mouse button. True, the control of the telescope still hangs on the same mouse, so in battle you often stumble upon all kinds of fences while you are looking for how to get to the bow or stern in order to assess the enemy ship.

In general, the change in control had a positive effect on the process of moving around the ship or the city. It turns out worse with boarding, since it turns out to be quite good to run away. It is not worse - bouncing to the side or back. But turning has become a little more difficult - for this, the mouse is just used.

Combat, ground and deck

The cities in the game can be very beautiful.

First of all, let's deal with naval combat. We have a wonderful array of cannonballs, knippers, bombs and buckshot weapons. You can safely sell the kernels right away and not remember them again. This is an intermediate solution that allows you to do everything at once and not get any specific result. Although they have one advantage - they fly farther than all other projectiles, which can sometimes be used. Knippels are great for heavy ships. One accurate side salvo - and the enemy immediately loses a third of his sails, after which he will not run far. A point-blank salvo, as a rule, clears the deck of such stupid outgrowths as masts. But using knipples on small ships is sheer stupidity. You cannot really damage the sails, but one day you will run into a volley of bombs at close range and consider in detail the process of turning your ship into a submarine. Buckshot is very useful in situations where the enemy clearly has more people on board than we do. In this case, the boarding battle may be decided not in our favor, which must be stopped in the bud. In the sense - to reduce the number of thugs on board the enemy ship. And finally, bombs are an ideal weapon against all kinds of forts and when it is easier to destroy an enemy ship than to capture it. Do not forget that the reloading process takes a long time, so reload the guns in advance according to the expected situation. For example, following with an escort, you are unlikely to try to take someone on board, so feel free to load your guns with bombs.

When choosing weapons, you should dwell on those that hit further, that is, on the coulevrins. But the choice of material is not relevant until you need to storm the forts - then every weapon really counts. In ordinary naval battles you often have a choice - keep fighting or leave. If things are really bad with the guns, then just return to the port and fix it. But bronze ones will still be more reliable.

It seems that now he will ask for money.

Only a single vessel should be taken on board. As a last resort - a couple. This especially applies to situations when you are opposed by large ships. In this case, an attempt to pick up 3-4 ships at once results in serious problems in the form of a natural loss of the crew and a significant advantage of the enemy already on the second or third ship.

The boarding itself is very simple. To begin with, we select the side where the crowd of our pirates did not run, and we begin to clean up the enemy there. Otherwise, you will be doomed for a very long time to wave a saber behind the backs of subordinates who absolutely do not want to let the captain go ahead. Here the choice is simple - stab everyone who comes to hand. If the enemy decided to stay in the block, we chop. The battle with the captain is a little different. It usually starts with a pistol shot. Although this is a very weak damage to his health, the enemy still slows down for a while, and we get the right to start the attack first. If you are very confident in yourself - deliver chopping blows (V), but they are slow and give the enemy a chance to dodge. And if he managed to start such a blow a little later, then not only will he be able to dodge, but he will also give out on full program... So accurate calculation is very important here. It is much easier to prick until the end of endurance (if the enemy got into a block - chop, then he will not dodge), and then step sideways and run in circles around the cabin. And one day the enemy's health will end.

And finally, the storming of the fortress. The easiest way is to take cast-iron coolers, charge them with cores and stand in front of the fort. Under these conditions, they shoot a little further than the fort shoots. And this means that we are completely safe for ourselves deal with protective structures. And half of the guns must be knocked out. For extreme lovers, an attack with bombs is suitable, but then you need to approach the fort as close as possible.

The people we run

The hero has a whole bunch of skills. But the duck is that teaching them is not at all necessary. Most of them will be learned by invited officers, who, although for a certain fee, will allow their leader not to spend points earned in hard battles on many things he does not really need. What glasses are necessary for sure? These are fencing and pistols (are we going to somehow kill the enemy?), Tactics (normal pirates do not create a squadron, but we must somehow bring all the captured ships to the nearest port?) And luck. The latter is an extremely strange skill. It rather increases the likelihood of finding something on the captured ship than somehow affects the value of the item found. And in general, objects are cyclically - at first, the value of what was found gradually increases, then it collapses to the very bottom, and we again start with the most trashy sabers, gradually rising. Of the abilities, the hero needs everything related to the acceleration of experience gain (his own and the team's), and skills that are responsible for survival in hand-to-hand combat. And there you can see what you can buy next.


It's time to mention those who help us in the difficult task of managing the ship.

First, it's the boatswain. For him, the indicators of authority and boarding are important (he will increase them for us). But I have never seen a single boatswain whose authority indicator would have been higher than 1. I'll have to pump it myself. Do not forget to immediately endow the boatswain with boarding-related abilities, otherwise it will be extremely difficult to board even the most frail and unprotected ship. In addition, the boatswain "expels" the sailors to a boarding battle, without him you can board and be on the deck in splendid isolation under the cunning giggle of the sailors watching your suffering from your own ship.

Next on the list is the navigator. For him, the most important skill was, of course, navigation. We give him the appropriate abilities - the ship will pick up speed faster and better relate to the absence of wind.

And they will never forget to demand!

The gunner deals exclusively with shooting issues. With it, your guns shoot more accurately (the abilities "accuracy" and "guns" have been pumped over).

The physician deals with diseases and wounds, reducing the losses from them. But he does it somehow very sluggishly, and, to be honest, I have not seen any illnesses on my ship at all. I met them in cities, but here the quarantine post stops in advance, and prudent people will not enter the city at the height of the epidemic.

The treasurer will allow you to buy and sell more profitably. But who is the trade here?

The carpenter can repair damage to the ship right on the way, which will allow him not to return to the port, but to continue raiding. However, for this you need to have boards and canvas on board, and in fact the carpenter does his business only in the game started with patch 1.1.

Finally, the list is completed by three fighters who will help us in hand-to-hand combat. Just do not forget to give them new weapons, they are also mortal. A few more free officers are needed as captains for captured ships and as potential governors of the colonies. Considering that they do not ask for money as passengers, buy them as soon as possible.


A separate word should be said about the team. The number of soldiers and sailors varies from ship to ship (on different brigs or schooners there will be a different number of figures in these specialties), but the musketeers and gunners are strictly distributed.

You don't have to worry about the soldiers and sailors especially - all the fighters do not enter the battle, and if you have fewer sailors left than you need to lower and raise the sails, then it's time for your ship to go to the bottom.

The purpose of the musketeers is not very clear - they cost a lot and die first. I feel they are engaged in catching cannonballs on the chest.

But it is advisable to have the gunners in a complete set - otherwise the guns will slowly reload and shoot poorly.

When you bring the next caravan of captured ships to the city, start by expelling the extra crew from the captured ships. For some reason, the sailors themselves do not leave, and we run the risk of experiencing real personnel problems as soon as it comes to recruiting volunteers on the ship.

Unfortunately, so far there is not much to say about the management of colonies - too much does not work in them ...

Experience and money

Let's start with the first one. After all, it is with the growth of experience that we will open up the plot and the opportunity to command new powerful ships. As the saying goes, those who are not experienced do not drive frigates.

The very first experience points can be acquired without even going to sea. To do this, you need to go around the entire starting city and talk with comrades with blue exclamation marks over their heads. Not that it turned out very much, but for the first level it will definitely be enough.

Further, it is better to hire a service to the governor (which will bring an extra thousand a month) and begin to carry out his assignments. Along the way, it is worth visiting a tavern, a shop and walking along the streets. In these places you can find comrades with yellow exclamation marks over their heads. This means private tasks, such as delivering a passenger or cargo, and maybe escorting a ship.

(Here you can give two tips. Experience for execution is given the more, the higher the payment. Therefore, it makes no sense to waste time on tasks for which even thousands do not pay. The second advice is to constantly remember where which port is. will help you not to take tasks that are completely out of your way.This is especially useful if you take a task in a tavern or on the street - no one will repeat them there, if they did not take it on the first try, then an exclamation mark above "useful "Comrade will simply disappear. With the right approach to the set of tasks, you will always have something to do, and on some islands there will be several" goals "at once. We hand over tasks where they were taken: if on the street, it means on the street, but for a building, obtained from the governor will likely have to go to the tavern.)

The next most valuable entertainment experience is getting into a storm. There, points are obtained for the very process of being in the epicenter of bad weather. It is enough just to be there, and the glasses will drip by themselves (the more powerful the hurricane, the more). There is only one drawback - severe damage to the hull and sails during such a swim. So if you have enough funds, then in this way you can quickly gain a lot of points, which is especially useful at the beginning of the game.

Finally, the most popular way to upgrade your character was and remains the capture or destruction of enemy ships (or simply passing by). Of course, there are "corrections" for the complexity, expressed in the fact that the brutal drowning of a schooner by a manovar will not be assessed very seriously. But capturing a manowar from a brig will bring a lot of experience. Moreover, the accrual of experience goes both for the capture or destruction of the ship, and for shooting at it. The seizure of colonies can also be included in the same category, although much more experience is shipped for them. But there you need to work accordingly.

Now let's move on to money. How do you earn them? The easiest way is to complete tasks and get some money for it. Trading here is so inconvenient and unprofitable that you shouldn't even try. Is it worth trying to remember what to take where, if sometimes it is enough to deliver one passenger from island to island, and you will get more for this than for a month of persistent delivery of goods. The same applies to the notorious smuggling, which was nevertheless introduced into the game with patch 1.1. The same trade, side view.

It is even more profitable to seize and sell ships, but it becomes somewhat affordable if you do change the initial luger to something more decent. Otherwise, you won't be able to fight a lot.

It is interesting: captains of surrendered ships also bring in a little money. Just do not forget to demand a ransom for them, otherwise there will soon be more of them on board than the crews. And when boarding, some schooner surrenders to the Manowar without a sound.

All ships

There are not so few ships in the game. Although why, for example, the same combat tartan was made is completely unclear. Therefore, on reflection, for a start we were still given a luger, which is still a class higher than this squalor. But in the end, there is still a set of clearly merchant ships, such as a flute or a galleon, and fast or well-armed combatants, which include a brig or battleship... Of course, we will sweep aside the first ones right away, there is still no sense in them, but the combat ones are subject to some discussion, although a lot has already been said about them in the first part of the description of the game.

It is best not to approach the issue of choosing a ship too radically. That is, to try from the very beginning to capture the ship of the line on some Luger. Most likely, this will end with your sudden death due to the fact that there are a lot of soldiers on the line and you will not be able to cope with them even if you are lucky to get as many as three fighters into your team. Moreover, your soldiers will go to this mortal battle in strict proportion to how many there are relative to the battleship. That is, not enough. And even if you manage to win the boarding battle, the result will be a statement that the battleship you are not supposed to level. Therefore, the optimal "chain" of ships: luger, schooner, brig, corvette, frigate, something of the Manovar class. Although, of course, in this chain, one or more links can be safely skipped. But with this approach, you will not need to make excessive efforts in order to try to take the truly impregnable strongholds of the most powerful ships. In general, the corvette is ideal for hunting other ships (and taking them on board), the frigate is quite suitable for a firefight even with the most formidable monsters. But it is difficult to hunt other ships on a battleship or manowar - it is too bad for them with maneuverability. Although you can destroy it in one salvo. On the other hand, coastal forts should tremble in front of them.

It is interesting: the strangest ship is the manowar. It can reach excellent speed with a tailwind, and at the same time, even with the wind blowing strictly to the side, it will sharply drop its speed. He does not walk against the wind at all. Draw conclusions ...

The approximate characteristics of all ships in the game can be found in the table. They are approximate because the speed, life and maneuverability of ships may vary somewhat. And, having captured another brig on the brig, you will be surprised to find that the stranger is much better. So in the table there are specific samples that I once came across in the blue sea or at the shipyard.

Table 1
Ships in the game
Name Class Housing Cannons Speed Maneuverability Hold Team
Battle tartan 7 99 8 — 8 11,24 46 325 39
Luger 6 600 12 — 8 14,7 38 550 107
Sloop 5 907 16 — 8 13,6 48 469 154
Schooner 5 1300 20 — 16 12,8 35 1390 226
Barque 5 1432 16 — 12 11,73 29 1461 151
Caravel 5 2009 32 — 12 10,3 47 2834 345
Brig 4 2200 16 — 24 13,69 39 1667 322
Flutes 4 2576 18 — 12 12,1 35 2816 269
Galleon 4 3150 22 — 16 11,49 29 3212 441
Corvette 3 2700 32 — 24 15,9 41 2019 401
Pinnace 3 3800 18 — 24 13,6 31 3804 387
Heavy Galleon 3 3972 36 — 24 12,7 27 2820 704
Frigate 2 3363 46 — 24 12,2 35 2579 578
Battleship 1 5500 56 — 24 12,7 36 3966 793
Battleship 1 6700 80 — 24 13,2 32 5890 1069
Manowar 1 9905 102 — 24 15,11 29 7199 1504

Long, short way home

And this one there ...

For the third part of the game, the passage of it is at least short. And this is despite the fact that the quality bar was very seriously raised up by the well-known modification of the “Pirates Caribbean". After an offensive short journey through the game, you involuntarily wonder - was this the very addition? Well, okay - so far about the "Corsairs" themselves. And hardworking modders will not keep themselves waiting ...

To begin with, forget about the "five independent storylines". Whichever side we choose - everything will proceed the same. Unless the pirates are initially at odds with everyone except the French, so the range of ports will be seriously limited. But this is not such a serious problem. And the choice between the heroes does not bear any differences, besides, whose sirloin you will observe in front of you the whole game - Beatrice or Blaise. Well, the videos are different for them. So - the game is one and absolutely one ...

So, the father of our heroes died in a bloody battle. True, before his death, he took out a card from the safe, tore it into a couple of pieces and threw it into the sea. Of course, the pieces could not just get lost and, like homing ballistic missiles, sailed precisely to the grown children of the deceased captain. 20 years later. Where they roamed all this time - history is silent. But this accuracy is worthy of special mention. However, what to do with a piece of the map is still completely unclear to our hero, so we will have to patiently complete tasks from all oncoming and transverse ones and capture ships until we reach level 10.

What is doing! Beats up a defenseless girl ...

And with level 10 and the entrance to the first tavern that comes across, everything will begin. The owner of the establishment who saw us will immediately take the bull by the horns, declaring that he has some rag for us. Inexpensive, only 800 coins. In the process of a deeply intellectual conversation, you can bring down the price to 600 coins, but then we can still combine our find and the remaining piece of the map into a single whole and find out the place where further adventures await us.

The islands played in the riddle are Saint Martin and Martinique. Well, just above Martinique is the mysterious islet of Dominica, where we have to sail and visit the local grotto. In this grotto, completely without any conditions for life, our half-brother / sister lives, who / who will immediately call us a thief and try to reduce the amount of life strictly to zero. However, with some skill in fencing, luck will accompany us, and when our rival has about half of his life left, we will be told a heartbreaking story about the covenants of his father, who wanted to create a great state of free pirates. Of course, this is gleaned from the diary inherited by our half-relative. In the course of the conversation, it will be repeatedly asked to finish off the interlocutor, but we are not animals. However, little will change from such an action, so let him live for himself.

So, we got out of the grotto and went to Isla Mona. There, in the tavern, we will be told that the dream of a pirate state continues to exist and now all hope is only on us. But first you need to kill some evil pirate captain who terrorized the whole island (such evil pirates went!). Here a surprise will await you, since it is impossible to predict what this figure will float on. Most often it can be found on a battleship. But one day he substituted himself for my manowar on a frigate. Moreover, when boarding, he cowardly gave up (!). But now we can go to the tavern with a clear conscience and announce that the task has been completed.

The next task will be to challenge the most important local pirate. And, of course, stab him with your sword. And since he is a local champion in fencing, it will be very difficult to do this. Certain problems are also created by his room of extremely small size, which makes it impossible to cut circles around it. But you can cope with it, and now we are going to the tavern again.

And there we will be offered to wait a couple of weeks, and then all the pirate captains will come together, after which we can declare our will to them. So we swim somewhere these very two weeks, after which we return home and go to the management house that has already become our own. Pirate captains slightly resist our dream, but still agree with it. But the biggest surprise will come after the meeting - some of your assistants will not agree with the transition to the pirate camp. And they will express this disagreement by leaving the ship the next time you board it. So it is better to take away valuable weapons from dissidents in advance, because for some reason they themselves do not return them to the weapons room.

There was only one thing left - it would be long and tedious to capture all the colonies. After that, you will watch an obscure video about how many events happened in this world with the emergence of a pirate state, and ... we will be offered to play further. Only it will be a completely different fairy tale ...

Bug saga

In total, patch 1.03 remains the best for today. But he is not free from a number of problems, such as ships disappearing from the map. Therefore, if you are not afraid of the complete uselessness of pistols after 1.1, then start the game at 1.03 and install 1.1 after that. Oddly enough, this is the most balanced solution, when many old problems are treated and new ones do not appear.

Finally - the mistake of the game for the lazy. If you buy a couple of hundred boards, then after a while they will multiply on their own to billions in size. You cannot sell more than 90,000 to one trader, but even that is a lot. Moreover, the wrong ship does not matter ahead of time you won't be able to buy. This miracle is treated by selling a ship and buying a new one, it is unrealistic to exhaust these existing stocks in an unknown place. Also, this bug can work for all goods in general, if you press the "take all" button when capturing a ship. And then you may have reserves comparable to those in the world.

The State of Free Pirates: How It Was

Captain Sharpe's wonderful dream of a free pirate state was really tried to fulfill at one time and were quite close to success - but not in the filibuster Caribbean, but in the Indian Ocean, on the island of Madagascar and the adjacent island of Sainte-Marie.

As you know, Pope Alexander VI (Borgia), with his bull, divided the newly discovered world between Spain and Portugal, as a reward for Columbus, and Gama and Magellan: everything that was discovered to the west of the 30 meridian went to Spain, everything to the east, - Portugal. The "refined version" of this bull is known as the Treaty of Tordesillas.

According to this bull, the Indian Ocean became Portuguese. But Portugal, unlike Spain, quickly lost control over what was happening, and the British were still timidly settling on the Asian coast. And at the end of the 17th century, Madagascar became de facto the possession of pirates, and soon there was proclaimed a state - Libertaria.

But the pirate freemen could not resist the "real" powers for a long time - and the pirates requested support from the Swedish king Charles XII. This adventure was quite in the spirit of the "king-knight", but by that time he had big problems in the war with Russia. And the second proposal was sent ... to Peter I.

Alas, as is well known, Madagascar does not belong to Russia. The expedition sent by Peter failed due to a storm, and they did not have time to collect the second - Libertaria disintegrated by itself. The state of free pirates fell victim to its own device: the gallant captains simply fought, and they were quickly suppressed by their neighbors. 1723 - Last year the existence of a pirate power.

Where can I find large ships?

In the game "Corsairs: To Each His Own" the developers have reduced the likelihood of meeting huge ships of the first rank. If you want to find them, you will have to use thematic forums.

After which will the time countdown for the quest "The Pirate Saga" begin?

After an entry appears in the journal that Helen entered your service as an officer.

How to make sure that Helen will remain in the team forever?

For this to happen, you must fulfill the prophecy that the gypsy spoke about. And for this you have to:

  • Don't take a hundred doubloons from Gladys MacArthur as a reward.
  • Give the hanged man's chest found to that same Gladys.
  • Don't take the gun Gladys gives you.
  • Contact Helen by her mother's surname - Sharp.

How to give Mary Casper a Narwhal Blade?

In order to do this, you must ensure that two conditions are met:

  1. When you meet Shark Dodson, ask about his clinic, "Narwala". After that, talk to the master in arms, Jurgen, to craft the appropriate blade.
  2. Retrieve three Meteorite Ore and bring them to Jurgen. You can bring these pieces with you by purchasing from a vendor or by finding a buried treasure inside. You can also find a meteorite at the bottom of the OS.

Where to rent warehouse space?

To rent a warehouse, head to the Isla Tesoro Islands in Sharptown. In addition, you can visit the capitals of each state. As for Isla Tesoro, here the warehouse is run by a merchant inside the store. Chat with him and you will see a dialogue phrase corresponding to the rental.

To rent warehouse premises in other cities, you need to look into their shipyards and go to the back room to talk with the boss. If you turned to him for the first time, then you will need to start the dialogue again, after which the desired phrase will appear.

Why are there no useful things in the treasure?

If you bought a card in a tavern, then keep in mind that you can only get the first level treasure, which includes conventional weapons and amulets, as well as all sorts of jewelry. In addition, half of a card can be found in such a treasure. If you find the other half, you can create a map of the second level and get the corresponding treasure. In such a treasure, you can often find unique weapons that are not related to quests. And in general, much more expensive and valuable production comes across, but still there is a possibility that there will still be rubbish inside.

Where can I find guns larger than 32 caliber?

To find such weapons, you must capture enemy ships on which it is available, and then remove and transfer to your own ship.

Is it possible to become a service to a particular nation?

It is impossible to do this in this modification. All quest chains for nations have been removed from the game, but you can enlist in France, which happens on storyline... In this case, you will be given an officer, a whole ship and equipment. If you agree, you will have to give 10% of the loot, and also avoid shooting at friendly ships. In addition, new quests cannot be obtained.