Precious metal for zodiac signs. What a gem and metal fits each zodiac sign. what metal fits the sign of the zodiac fish

It is necessary to take into account the value of metals and precious stones for the signs of the zodiac, since the connection of man and metal suitable for him, in many cases luck depends, happiness, and sometimes even the character of a person. In addition, a certain sign of the zodiac will be able to strengthen its energy at the expense of a suitable stone, which will also affect life in general. Metal-talismans tend to bring good luck, protect against dangers, can help solve the unpleasant situation and give calm. Amulets and charms with one or another metal are suitable for both women and men of a certain sign of the zodiac.

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      Jewelry and zodiac signs

      Gemstones and metals are important for the signs of the zodiac, as a suitable amulet, especially if he is inherited, will become a strong source of radiation of positive energy. Knowing what metal is suitable for a horoscope, you can strengthen your energy. With a great faith in success, it brings good luck, helps in resolving conflicts and even corrects health.

      • For a good outcome, it is necessary to configure yourself in the right direction, visualize how the talisman affects a certain factor, and all the positive energy in it is spilled by the body. By doing such exercises associated with visualization, you can revive the talisman and reveal its strength.

        Aries (March 21 - April 20)

        Aries are full vital energy, often come curious and love justice. They succeed when it comes to the struggle, since they set themselves the goal and strategically go to her. If they have a chance to show their capabilities again, they will never melted it.

        Their strong parties are such qualities as decisiveness, self-confidence, optimistic and initiative, which once again confirms their element - fire. So, the metal, which belongs to the Aries - Gold. This is a great combination, since the flame in their hearts can motivate to achieve huge goals.

        Patolers of Aries - Mars and Pluto. This zodiac sign is also suitable brass and iron: these metals will help to discover new talents, activate the advantages and strengths, awaken feelings, give peace of mind and tenderness. In addition, the talismans will reveal courage and determination in them, they will have a desire to work, take the initiative, and thanks to the received energy they will be able to spend a lot of time to work on one project.

        But do not forget that, together with this, poor qualities can also be shown - capriciousness, flare and aggressiveness. Aries can be impatient about people who are superior to the mind and creativity, which seems too selfish. Rarely change their opinion, because nature has awarded them in disruptive stubbornness. Requires attention to themselves, due respect and praise for efforts - if they feel their labor unrecognized, then become rude and sarcastic.

        Ideally, the Aries should use nickel and copper-based alloys talisman.

        Precious stones for Aries:

        • quartz;
        • turquoise;
        • flint;
        • lapis lazuli;
        • ruby;
        • amber.

        The tree on the sign of the zodiac - the choice of talisman and its impact

        Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

        Tales are distinguished by their charm and tranquility even in difficult situations. People born under this sign love to plan their lives to subsequently enjoy it. They love all sorts of pleasure and luxury, although they know that before it should be buried. They are looking for stability everywhere: at work, in life, as well as in partners and colleagues. They do not like to hurry the events, they go slowly to the goal, but it is true that in the future to get an unforgettable pleasure. These people are almost always brought to the end, they think over everything to the smallest detail, they can do the right choice. Easily adapt to new circumstances, not afraid of change, especially if there is a motivation. Love time in a family circle.

        For this sign, the zodiac is suitable such metals as aluminum, silver and copper. These metals can even be associated with tales: they are also easy to external processing. If the calf falls a chance to wear a hereditary amulet from silver or copper alloys, it will be an excellent opportunity to improve self-confidence, the highest forces will help in resolving conflict situations and will allow remain strong under certain conditions. With a long wear of the talisman from suitable metals over time, it will reveal patience, responsibility, stability in relationships and work in the calves. Of negative qualities, metal reveals stubbornness, property and uncompromising, the desire to always be the leader and feel respect from others, but if it is not, they will refuse to work, finding all sorts of ways to see from work, which affects relationships with the bosses.

        Precious stones for calves:

        • pink quartz;
        • turquoise;
        • agate;
        • onyx;
        • sapphire.

        Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

        The twins sign is not in vain. It has such a name: the people of this sign rarely make something alone, they find joy in separation with the surrounding new ideas and concepts. Communication is a key factor for people born under this sign, their profession is often associated with live communication.

        Gemini in nature are adventurous, they often take part in travel, as it gives them the opportunity to get acquainted with new people and experience new feelings. This sign is eager for intellectual stimulation, so it will look for ways of development physically, mentally and spiritually.

        Patron of twins - Mars. This can be associated with a suitable metal-mercury sign: it is the same movable and changeable. In addition, the twins are most suitable for amulet from silver. This metal will help to emphasize and intensify the best parties, will save from hasty decisions and meaningless risk. It will reveal sociability, the ability to quickly adapt. When wearing the talisman, the twins will be great interlocutors and charming people who are able to support literally any topic. An indecision, nervousness, desire to always be in the center of attention can be discussed from negative parties, as in relationships and work. Egoism and rudeness also occur.

        Gemstones for twins:

        • emerald;
        • flint;
        • crystal.

        Powerful faucet for twins is also topaz.

        Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

        Deep intuitive and sentimental cancers are one of the most complex signs of the zodiac. They are very emotional and sensitive, care about domestic affairs and family. Crains are hardly tied to people, but if this happens, they hold them near until the end of life. These people are very loyal, able to empathize, feel someone else's pain and suffering. The lack of patience or love will manifest itself in regular mood and egoism, pity or manipulation. They hurry to help, try to avoid conflict and impress. When they understand that they made the right life choice, become the best, as they like to spend time at home, in harmony and in the circle of loved ones. They are very good listeners and have an open heart for the problems of other people.

        Raki devotees to friends and partners are able to achieve the goals of non-standard paths. Can find and retain those things that make them happy, rarely change their mind. The patron saint of cancers is an almighty moon, and the metal, which is perfectly suitable for them - Titan and all its alloys. If you make an amulet from these alloys, it will help to acquire inspiration and creativity, the responsiveness will emphasize, the gift of conviction, the already beautiful sense of humor. But such qualities as capriciousness and uncertainty in themselves can be revealed if the cancers feel that they are about to lose friendship or love of someone close.

        Precious stones for crayons:

        • cat eye;
        • agate;
        • amethyst;
        • onyx;
        • ruby;
        • topaz.

        Lion (July 23 - August 22)

        People born under the sign of the lion are leaders by their nature. They are not introverted, creative, confident in themselves and power, but it is very difficult for them to stay, not to get off the way and achieve everything they want in any field of life. Lions have many friends, because they are generous and loyal. Communicability - their main character trait, they are able to create a team and be in it the leader, proudly holding a bar.

        The owners of this sign love relaxation, comfort and warmth, love to represent the overall picture of the future, without thinking about the ways to achieve small goals. They do not like monotonous and boring work, they simply end patience, they do not want to be as a subordinate.

        Love and be loved is the driving motivation of this sign. If they do not feel love or ignored by anyone, it brings them a big bitterness in the shower. They are pleased when they are assessed by dignity, noticing every effort. Fiery signs, such as lion, are warm, bright peoplethat use this energy and heat to attract people to themselves.

        The fire is not in vain to the elements of Lviv, because their talisman is gold. It can be associated with these people. Metal helps them to fill the vitality and increases the mood, minimizes problems in relations and at work. If the talisman is charged with negative energy, it will cause the appropriate consequences: the lions will become stubborn and lazy, to some extent, arrogant and egocentric.

        Precious stones for Lviv:

        • golden Quartz;
        • nephritis;
        • agate;
        • opal;
        • ruby;
        • zircon.

        Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

        Despite the fact that the Virgin does not always pay attention to the smallest details and are not looking for a deep meaning in them, they are considered to be one of the most cautious signs of the zodiac. Their strategic approach to life makes it clear that nothing happens just like that, and although they are gentle, their hearts can be closed to the outside world. The surrounding confuse this with the inability to express their feelings, but the Virgin is simply afraid that they will not be taken.

        Virgin is not against loneliness until they are completely confident that they are needed and appreciated. They are good listeners and are always ready to help those who need it. Their goodwill often allows them to easily use them, and they ultimately get more working tasks than had to. This sign should be carefully considered the situation and the task before agreeing and accepting it.

        Virgo is a sign of the Earth, and this means that they love to do something with their own hands. They are not inclined to be loud or domineering, but are brilliant strategists and an asset for any team. Very often they overload themselves and take more than they should, what makes them tire themselves. The Virgin patronizes Mercury, and bronze, copper or tin - suitable metals, they will help to resume harmony in the soul and emphasize the best sides of the sign of the sign, in particular - openness and kindness of the heart, loyalty and analyticalness, hard work and practicality. Of negative qualities there may be excessive concern and shyness, as well as criticism in their address and others.

        Precious stones for virgins:

        • turquoise;
        • eye of the Tiger;
        • selenite;
        • nephritis.

        Scales (September 23 - October 22)

        People born under the sign of the scales are calm, fair, hate loneliness. Love relationship Very important to them, as they reflect their condition. These people are fascinated by harmony and symmetry, they are in a constant pursuit of justice and equality, realizing that this is the only thing that will help to achieve peace of mind in the shower. These people are ready to go for anything, just to avoid conflict situations and support the world in relations.

        Scales have high intelligence and acute mind, inspired good books and mental conversations. These people must support balance both between labor and recreation and emotional, spiritual and physical life. Because of this need, they can sometimes seem thoughtful when they are asked to make a decision. This is because they must "weigh" all the options. But when the scales will decide, it will be the best victory. This sign does not like to see people unhappy.

        For weights, the bronze is great, wearing this metal as an amulet will give additional endurance and durability, forces to perform the goals and eccentricity. With a negatively charged amulte, they appear harshness and pity for themselves, scattered and indecision.

        Precious stones for scales:

        • emerald;
        • pink quartz;
        • cornelian;
        • malachite;
        • lapis lazuli.

        Scorpio (October 24 - November 22)

        Scorpio is a passionate and energetic, excellent leader, always in the course of situations and a rather dodgy man. Scorpions often express their emotions, but do it somewhat different than others water signs, they can keep secrets.

        Scorpions are known for their calm and cold-blooded behavior, which gives them a mysterious view. Some may look older than they are actually. They are wonderful leaders, as they are very passionate about what they do. Scorpions hate lies and can be very jealous and incredulous. They are brave enough, so they have a lot of friends.

        Magic metal, ideal for scorpions - brass. Amulets from it will help a person born under this sign, to stand in a difficult situation, will give harmony in the shower. The second metal for scorpions is iron, it has not so much influence, but will help reveal resourcefulness, courage and stubbornness. Scorpions will be able to demonstrate self-control in many emergency situationsAnd as a result to defeat all its enemies. Thanks to this metal, the desire to be leaders will appear, they will be able to succeed in solving problems, as well as the search and elimination of conflict situations. The opposite side will be pessimistic, distrust and secrecy, excessive jealousy.

        Gemstones for scorpions:

        • black quartz;
        • opal;
        • ruby;
        • sapphire;
        • selenite.

        Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21)

        Curious and energetic, Sagittarius - one of the most passionate travelers among all the signs of the zodiac. Their open mind and philosophical look motivate them to wander the world in search of the meaning of life. Sagittarius - Extravert, optimistic and enthusiastic, loves change. He is able to transform his thoughts into concrete actions, so it will do everything to achieve its goals.

        Like other fiery signs, the Sagittarius must be constantly in contact with the world to get as much experience as possible. The ruling Planet Sagittarius is Jupiter, the largest planet of the zodiac. Their enthusiasm has no boundaries, and therefore people born under the sign of Sagittarius have a magnificent sense of humor and a feeling of burning curiosity.

        Freedom is their greatest treasure, because only thanks to her they can travel and explore various cultures and philosophy. They are honest, but often impatient and tactless when they need to say or do something, so it is important for them to learn how to express themselves tolerant and socially acceptable way. They hate the routine work and always eager for something new.

        Gold for fiery mains is suitable as it is impossible. It emphasizes its good qualities: generosity, dreaminess, good sense of humor and optimisticity. They will have inspiration, the desire to be the center of attention and thirst for learning new travel places and new feelings. Thanks to this metal, they will be able to find creative potential in themselves and be creative. Negative qualities may be impatient and reluctance to fight for the dream.

        Precious stones for Sagittarov:

        • lapis lazuli;
        • nephritis;
        • sapphire;
        • opal;
        • onyx.

        Capricorn (December 22 - January 20)

        Capricorn is a sign that is tactful and responsibility, and people born under this sign are strong and very serious. These people have an internal state of independence, which provides significant successes in the personal life and professional sphere. They are self-control masters and the ability to negone the rest, to build reliable and realistic plans, manage many people. They will learn from their mistakes, based solely on their experiences and knowledge.

        For Capricors, Platinum is perfect. Amulets and amulets from this metal will help them to restrain their emotions, avoid conflict situations and restore vitality. Also, amulets will help to achieve their goals and operate such qualities as responsible, discipline and self-control. But in certain cases, these qualities can turn into pessimistic, indulgence and naivety. Since Capricorns are often thinking about the future and the smallest details, they may seem boring for others who do not understand the active inner nature Capricorn. They can often seem selfish and bully, as they save information for themselves or strategically hide it for their own gain. Often they may be less inventive and refuse to look at the facts pointing to the fact that they were mistaken in something. These negative sides of the individual affect the stolen amulet or charged negative energy.

        The biggest problem for Aquarius is the feeling that they are limited in something. Because of the desire for freedom and equality, they will always strive to ensure freedom of speech and movement. Aquarius have a reputation as cold and insensible people, but it is just a mechanism for protection against premature proximity. They must learn to trust others and express their emotions.

        For water, suitable metals are gold and copper. The chambers and talismans will help to understand themselves and emphasize originality, independence and humanitarianism. The disadvantages may be manifested by alienation, uncompromising, excessive emotionality and temperament.

        Precious metals for water:

        • coral;
        • sardonyx;
        • fluorite;
        • lead.

        Fish (February 20 - March 20)

        Fish is very friendly, so they often find themselves in the company different people. They are disinterested and always ready to help others, not counting on nothing in return. They are also generous, compassionate, are very faithful and caring. People born under the sign of fish have an intuitive understanding life cycle And thereby seeking better emotional relations with other people.

        Fish often dream about brilliant ideas and plans that they can not always implement. They have a happy and bright inner life that few can split or see. They are deeply careful about others and do not like to see how people become unhappy. Fish - Extremely devoted caused people in companies within decades when others move from one job to another. The same applies to the relationship. The surrounding may notice that the fish are hard to understand because they are rarely readily sharing their main passion.

Compatibility horoscope: What metal is suitable for the sign of the zodiac fish - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

It is known that the fish are endowed with high susceptibility to someone else's mood and are subject to a light estimate of their own emotional state. Metal sign of fish - zinc. A couple of thousand years ago, the Egyptian pharaohs knew about the miraculous properties of zinc, such as a magical property, wound healing.

Metal Zodiac Sign Fish - Zinc

It so happened that the magic zinc is a faith for fish. But what do we generally know about the effect of zinc per person?

If you hit zinc leaf, pierce the strongest ringing, which will make pay attention, but very quickly calms, as well as the hot-tempered nature of the fish, which quickly leaves even after a severe quarrel, without holding evil for many years.

Fish can feel not only people, but also some specific places, events, animals. They sympathize and empathize those who have become a victim of trouble.

At first glance, they are difficult to name abnormal, which possess some supernatural abilities. This is all the fate of the truth, because most of their sensations are the most ordinary, which become a reality.

But how exactly does this metal perform this metal in the life of fish, and all other people too?

What metals and stones bring good luck sign

It is known that even the human body contains several grams of this metal, which are stored by 60% in the skeleton and muscles, as well as some internal organs of the endocrine system, which directly determine the mood and the physical state man.

Zinc is considered one of the most important nutrients for natural protection, the immune system, the body, as it increases the resistance to infections.

Zinc in pure form is used to restore noble metals (gold, silver). Also, this metal is well used in the protection of steel from corrosion. This is metallization, which is used for bridges, metal structures and tanks, and galvanizing surfaces that prevents damage to mechanical effects.

Like the fish that protect, envelop their loved ones, from emotional disruptions and alarms. And the same persistent and strong as a patron of Jupiter.

The zodiac sign of the fishes Metal Zinc is kept in their body, and do good, and to restore their forces support the level of this miraculous metal.

Humanity has found a large number of zinc applications, as well as essential fish, which, at the expense of their all positive qualities, are always surrounded by a large number of friends who will reach their broad soul.

Stones, Talismans and Metals Zodiac Signs

In astrology, each zodiac sign corresponds to certain stones and metals. If a man is decorated from the stones of his zodiac sign, they will be surprising in an amazing way to have a beneficial effect on his fate, character and health. And in some cases will be removed from dangers and enemies.

Of course, not everything is so simple. After all, the stones and metals relate not only to the signs of the zodiac, but also with the planets. This was taken into account the ancient magicians in the manufacture of talismans. For example, Jupiter's Talisman did only on the day and an hour belonging to this planet. Whereby, magic properties Talisman intensified many times.

But back to astrology. In the horoscope of each person, there are several so-called "affected" planets. They create difficulties and problems in life. If a person is wearing a stone, which simultaneously corresponds to his sign of the zodiac and the "affected" horoscope planet, the influence of such a talisman may be very and very negative. Therefore, when choosing stones, it is still worth consulting with an astrologer.

Do not forget simple rules Stone handling:

- Try not to buy decorations in pawnshops, antique stores, etc. After all, you do not know the fate of the stone, and, for example, stolen stones can be cruel to a new owner.

- Do not acquire stones with defects - cracks, stains, splashes. Their effect will be destructive.

- If the stone cracked in the process of wearing, it means that he defended you from some kind of trouble, took a blow to himself. It is impossible to wear it.

- If the decoration slides all the time with you, pebbles fall out, and the beads are scattered, it means that this mineral does not fit you.

- Do not carry a lot of minerals at the same time, they will inevitably interfere, otherwise to conflict with each other.

What metal is your zodiac sign

Each zodiac sign can strengthen its energy from the metal, which is close to them in its aura. Someone the metal-talisman will bring good luck, someone will retain from dangers, and someone will give peace of mind.

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Metals for zodiac signs that are suitable as mascots

Metal can also be a good faith. But you need to choose it right.

One of the most simple ways Selection of its metal talisman - by the sign of the zodiac.

Each sign, from Aries to fish, can increase "its" metal. The correct metal can bring good luck, strengthen health, give peace of mind, save from dangers.

The sign of the element of fire, sincere and brave oyans burns at work and at home.

And only roast and bright, but at the same time flexible gold can support the indomitable flame of the Osfovsky heart. And backing up, and do not give to burn out.

For Taurus - Metal Aluminum

Although the calves of more than other signs are prone to wealth, they are more suitable for aluminum, metal aviation. It is easy to handle, mitigating the inflexibility of the Taurus. It is soft, but racks to pressing and hard exposure.

Taurles, children of land, aluminum helps to overcome unnecessary landed fears, take off above.

This metal may emphasize the twin ease of communication and intelligence. But at the same time will save from unnecessary risks, meaningless disputes and adventurous actions.

It will help the talents of air twins lit up with warm light shine.

which will not make something contrary to their desires. That is why their metal is the alloy of Titan.

Summer and silver, but according to properties it is worse than Titan, helps cancer to go through life.

For these children, gold is almost as useful as for Aries belonging to the same element.

But lions love gold in the royal! It increases their mood, commands them with life forces, protects and gives good luck.

Virgin is the sign of the Earth, they will greatly help tin, copper, aluminum, as well as gold (it can also be attributed to this category).

Virgin prefer to rely on the analysis of the facts, and not to intuition, and soft metals will help them to balance the feelings and logic, restore the balance between mind and emotions, emphasize the natural softness of the virgins.

Air weights lack the resistance that the bronze easily fills. In addition, bronze is very beautiful, which will undoubtedly attract a sign under the patronage of Venus.

Also, this metal will give strength to perform any important tasks.

Scorpions - Steel and Iron

Scorpions are difficult to break, they are literally "steel". They possess sharp as a razor mind.

Iron alloys are great for their nature. And both iron, scorpions can only be the effect of time.

Yes, do not be surprised - this independent, original and wise sign from metals is also perfectly suitable for silver.

Silver soldiers are usually more successful, and they are easier to communicate with people.

For Capricorn sign - Platinum

This metal will emphasize the persistence of caferants to the effect of outside: they are both almost "do not enter into interaction" with something.

Platinum will protect these children of the Earth from adversity, as the mascot will help Capricorn to remain faithful to themselves.

Aquarius air sign requires soft metals, but not everyone will suit him - only chosen.

Copper amulets and gold jewelry will help our unrecognized geniuses to reveal their talents on Earth. Their era began - Era Aquarius, copper and gold will help them bring their vibrations to the desired space level.

And what is even better suited to silver fish? It as amulet keeps fish from the troubles and ailments, is a talisman of good luck in affairs.

Silver products - best gift To protect against difficulty in life and a bait for love happiness.

Fish: Colors, Flowers, Stones, Metals Zodiac Sign

Fish colors - marine greens, blue, purple, color sea wave, steel. They all resemble the elements of fish - water.

Flowers of fish - daffodil, jasmine, violet, forget-me-not. Each of these colors symbolizes one of the characteristics of the character or abilities of fish. Narcississa testifies to a tendency to pride (although in fact the fish are able to understand anyone, but they are not given to know themselves). Jasmine testifies to their sensuality. The violet shows that they are capable of long and sincere friendship, and forget-me-not speak of a long memory and loyalty to love.

Fish stones are coral and pearls. It is believed that the coral perfectly protects its owner from " unclean power"And" bad look. " In addition, fish are recommended to wear pearls. "The tears of the sea", as it is also called, can protect fish from trouble. And this is not all: the pearl can be judged by the state of fish health. If the surface of the stone fades, then the state of health of its owner still leaves much to be desired.

Metal fish - silver. He testifies to the enormous life of this sign and about his intuition, the development of which is incomparable with any other sign of the zodiac.

one site is written in one, on the other, and yet what kind of metal fish?

Everyone thinks in different ways! So writes it is true.

Fish Zodiac Sign Characteristics: Planets, Metal, Elements, Stones

The main characteristics of the fish on the horoscope

The zodiacal characteristic of fish indicates that the representative of this sign is most endowed with emotional qualities.

It is sensitive, has excellent intuition, dreamence and well-developed fantasy.

The representative of this zodiacal sign is able to experience the deepest feelings and can completely dissolve in a partner.

The fish need a constant manifestation of feelings, because not getting anything in return everything that gives in a relationship, can fall into deep depression.

And so, the main characteristics of the sign of the fish are kindness, creative abilities, emotionality, rich imagination, thrust for harmony and intuitiveness.

Knowing how different stones are affected on fish, you can learn better than the representative ...

After studying the features of the element of fish, you can learn to understand the character of this person ...

How does the Patron Planet affect the fish?

Planet fish - Neptune, who gives a representative of this zodiacal sign of well-developed intuition and creative abilities.

This introvert often succumbes to someone else's influence, draws happiness from his own rich inner world, although he himself often suffers from impassable, rich fantasy and the ability to fall into depression due to trifles.

Planet Fish sign gives this person sensitive, romantic and soft character.

In addition to the foregoing, with the help of Neptune, the fish is very tactical and modest, thanks to which they become excellent interlocutors.

Metal for fish by horoscope

The main metal fish - zinc, which helps to increase the resistance of the body, protects from emotional experiences, attaches optimism, which will certainly have a beneficial effect on sensitive fish.

You can also wear: bronze, tin, tantalum, bronze, silver, platinum.

You can wear periodically: titanium.

It is forbidden to wear: red gold.

What talisman is suitable for fish?

The fish mascot can be made of yellow sapphire, which attracts good luck, helps to develop as a person, to achieve their goals, and also performs the most intimate desires.

The product from Aventurine can give insight, and will also help overcome depression and drive negative thoughts.

The fish amulet can be made in the form of a shell, which will make a passion and harmony in relations with a loved one. Shell symbol of spiritual development, and ideal for tender and good fish.

Fish: Characteristic and Description

Find out the most interesting about fish. This information will help you to succeed in relationships with a representative of this sign, avoid quarrels and find common interests.

What metal fits you by zodiac sign

Each zodiac sign can strengthen its energy from the metal, which is close to them in its aura. Someone the metal-talisman will bring good luck, someone will retain from dangers, and someone will give peace of mind.

Metal Aries is gold. Only it is capable of supporting the blame that burns in the hearts of these dynamic people. Fire element and gold is an excellent union, and for Aries he is better doubly.

The metal tanks are aluminum, because it is also easy to process, like a calf, but despite its softness, it is racks to various kinds of influences. Aluminum calves will help not be afraid of anything in this life.

Twins are best suited for silver. This metal may emphasize their incredible intelligence, as well as save from meaningless risks and rash actions.

Craks are stubborn, but not to such an extent so that they do not like for it. With its softness, they never change their beliefs. The best metal for crayfish is titanium and its alloys. Analogue can perform silver, but its properties are noticeably worse for this sign.

Lions love gold, and gold loves Lviv. For this fiery sign, gold is almost also useful as for Aries - it protects lions and increases their mood, and also gives vitality.

For virgins, soft metals like tin, copper, aluminum, gold are excellent. Any of them will help the Virgin find a balance between feelings and logic. They emphasize these metals and the natural softness of this zodiac sign.

Zodiacal talisman for weights is bronze. It has excellent resistance, which sometimes lacks weights, and also gives strength to perform any important tasks.

Scorpions are steel people. They are difficult to break, so iron alloys are perfectly harmonized with them. Born under the scorpion sign can also be given in only the effect of time as iron.

Metal Silver is silver, which emphasizes the independence of this sign of the zodiac. Shorters who wear silver are usually more successful and experiencing less difficulties in communication.

Platinum is a patron of Capricorns. It protects them and at the same time emphasizes their resistance to the effect of outside, as well as their wisdom. Platinum does not enter into cooperation almost with anything, and it helps Capricorn to remain faithful to themselves.

Metal Aquarius - Gold and Copper. Both metal are soft - exactly the same as Aquarius itself. Aquarius carefully chooses its circle of communication. Therefore, copper amulets or gold jewelry are talismans and charms for you.

Metal fish is a silver that stores them from misfortunes. This is a great charm and good luck talisman in one person. Silver can give fish success in any field of life, especially in love.

By and large, our planet is a huge piece of metal. That is why for a successful connection with the energy of the Universe, the signs of the zodiac needs their talismans. Good luck and do not forget to press buttons and

what metal fits the sign of the zodiac fish

In antiquity, people noticed that the metals have a certain impact on a person. They assumed that each material had its energy and transmits it to a person. Over different precious metals made amulets and charms. The masters understood that it was possible to change the form of a material, but its properties would remain the same. In ancient times, seventh metals were endowed with special properties. Three of them are gold, silver and platinum - today are called precious.

Unique in its properties with full right can be called platinum. It has no negative memory, has blond and clean properties. That is why from platinum most often produced amulets protect. For example, a bracelet made of this precious metal enhances the positive attitude of the person, and the earrings exacerbate the feeling of intuition in a woman. The chain of platinum, according to magicians and alchemists, will protect against all the negative and indicate the right path.

If you are pursued by failure, you want to change your life for the better - pick up the right talisman. Your zodiac sign will tell the solution. The best talisman on the sign of the zodiac is semi-precious and precious stones and metals. If you wear them every day - your life will play with new paints. Nature and space merge in harmony for you. Your life begins to change for the better, because negative energy will be reflected. So life is easier and more pleasant - feel the energy of an effective amulet. Harmony of your life closer than it seems. For the zodiac signs, talismans and amulets help you in everyday life. This item is better to wear without removing. This will provide you with constant protection.

If the right mascot can establish life, then the wrong thing is wrong - on the contrary bring headaches, failures, extra alarms. Look at your jewelry - they are suitable for your sign? The talisman sign of the zodiac is also picked up strictly according to the date of birth.

If your talisman has started changing the color - you are exposed to outside. Put the mascot into the cold salt water for 1-2 days and clean it. Pay attention to your well-being. Color change is an important sign that cannot be ignored. Take advantage of protective conspiracies, go to church. Talisman warns of danger.

Surprisingly feminine and hardworking women - Virgin, manage not only to be wonderful hostesses, but also to remain beauties. In women of this sign, the Earth has a great taste and unique ability to create comfort. A gift for such a woman should be special, and what could be better than a memorable gem? ! Read and take a note!

The colors of this sign of the zodiac - gently yellow and green. They possess wonderful property: Awaken the best feelings, and also give softness, tenderness and soothe. Aries, with their tendency to an irrepressible courage, sometimes turning into aggression, these colors will help to find an equilibrium.

In general, precious stones are unique decorations that are choosing many women and men. Meanwhile, it is impossible to underestimate the astrological nature and the potential strength of such stones, which is revealed individually in each sign of the zodiac.

The third fiery sign of the zodiac Sagittarine symbolizes the light of spirituality, mature, originated in a ravine and tempered in a lion fire. Software forms as a basis for expressive sign symbolism. This is characteristic advantages for Sagittarov.

Elegant, timid girls adore jewelry. This zodiac sign as it were created for sensual expression, for romantic illusions, for mysterious half a mystical dream. Esmerald and Jasper, grenades and chalcedony are especially favorable for virgins. But Alexandrite, the coral and sapphire are not suitable.

This is a strong zodiac sign, which is characterized by such properties as stability and endurance. Taurus representatives can perfectly manage business, deal with commerce, they understand the meaning of money and other values \u200b\u200bin life.

Healing stones for this sign are chrysoprases and chrysolite. Elegant golden ring With inserting from these stones, portable on the Mizinz, will be a kind of talisman - a faith and bring the twins desired good luck.

The graphic image of the zodiac speaks of the need for constant equilibrium and harmony. Scales honor and respect the story, its cyclical and constancy, talisman can be precious stones in ancient binding, rare boxes and furniture. Personal silver amulet in the form of weights will help to find internal harmony And confidence in tomorrow.

Lions born in hot months need a constant feeding to maintain vitality, tone and stability. Traditional characters - eagle or lion figures painted in golden color. Gold and financial things will protect the lion, to create a personal amulet it is better to use golden coin or precious stones.

Most often, the serpento for additional support does not need, the main source of force and protection is self-sacrifice. In addition to the stones of personal mascot, a graphic image of a sign, red items, symbols are associated with treatment and health.

A sign, aquatic element, when choosing a mascot for fish is impossible to be mistaken. Any image or figure of fish bring wealth and success; Sea stones and shells give harmony, protect against experiences and vital turmoil. Blue objects contribute creative development. The mission of the fish is spiritual growth, musical instruments, amulets made of natural materials with essential oils will help achieve the goal.

The procedure for cleaning natural stone is simple - absolutely everyone can cope with this. The stone is descended by the use of a transparent vessel with clean water and remains for a few hours a breath of the illuminated place - the gem must be in contact with water and sunshine. Water, as a keeper of information, will take the entire negative, and the sun charges the new energy. After the cleaning procedure, the water is necessarily poured out and nowhere in default. It is better to pour water into the ground. Perfectly copes with negative, the usual table salt - after the procedure it is also impossible to use it.

Gemini are associated with the planet Mercury. The Roman God of the same name was responsible for the trick and the rods, so the metal twins is movable and changing from all - mercury. Stones - Talismans For this sign there are all transparent green and blue stones: Beryl, Topaz, Aquamarine.

Fish get all the energy of cold Neptune, which allows them to feel the world somewhat different than other people. And the stones of this sign are unusual - pearls and coral donated by the living sea. Fish metals - light silver and tin.

Cancers help the power of the patron very close to Earth - the moon, so that the Moonstone is expected to be the main stone. Metal - only silver. Decorations of these two materials will become a good protective amulet.

Sagittarius helps a powerful Jupiter, which gives their leadership qualities. These ballet fate approach all the stones of golden shades, as well as a sparkling adventurine. Metal Streltsov - Yellow Gold.

Desperate and self-sufficient Aquarius (January 21 - February 19) will help to feel happy smooth amulets of this sign - amethyst, chrysoprase and zircon. Each of these minerals maximizes the strengths of the nature of the Aquarius and levels the qualities that prevent representatives of this sign to achieve the living goals.

Creative, twins are constantly looking for themselves (May 22 - June 21) differ from other signs with a combination, it would seem that of the incompatible character traits. On the one hand, the twins are capable of achieving much due to its irrepressible energy and constant activity. On the other hand, the twins can in any time captivate with something more interesting, and to quit halfway the work has begun. Twins will help properly selected precious stones - talismans. Such for born under this sign is Topaz, Alexandrit and Beryl.

Dreamy and creative representatives of the sign of fish (February 20 - March 20) for the implementation of their own plans there are not enough courage and dedication. The missing qualities will help the mascots of this sign - pearls, aquamarine and amethyst to develop in fish.

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Metal Aries is gold. Only it is capable of supporting the blame that burns in the hearts of these dynamic people. Fire element and gold is an excellent union, and for Aries he is better doubly.


The metal tanks are aluminum, because it is also easy to process, like a calf, but despite its softness, it is racks to various kinds of influences. Aluminum calves will help not be afraid of anything in this life.


Twins are best suited for silver. This metal may emphasize their incredible intelligence, as well as save from meaningless risks and rash actions.


Craks are stubborn, but not to such an extent so that they do not like for it. With its softness, they never change their beliefs. The best metal for crayfish is titanium and its alloys. Analogue can perform silver, but its properties are noticeably worse for this sign.

a lion

Lions love gold, and gold loves Lviv. For this fiery sign, gold is almost also useful as for Aries - it protects lions and increases their mood, and also gives vitality.


For virgins, soft metals like tin, copper, aluminum, gold are excellent. Any of them will help the Virgin find a balance between feelings and logic. They emphasize these metals and the natural softness of this zodiac sign.


Zodiacal talisman for weights is bronze. It has excellent resistance, which sometimes lacks weights, and also gives strength to perform any important tasks.


Scorpions are steel people. They are difficult to break, so iron alloys are perfectly harmonized with them. Born under the scorpion sign can also be given in only the effect of time as iron.


Metal Silver is silver, which emphasizes the independence of this sign of the zodiac. Shorters who wear silver are usually more successful and experiencing less difficulties in communication.


Platinum is a patron of Capricorns. It protects them and at the same time emphasizes their resistance to the effect of outside, as well as their wisdom. Platinum does not enter into cooperation almost with anything, and it helps Capricorn to remain faithful to themselves.


Metal Aquarius - Gold and Copper. Both metal are soft - exactly the same as Aquarius itself. Aquarius carefully chooses its circle of communication. Therefore, copper amulets or gold jewelry are talismans and charms for you.

Castor and Pollux

The correspondence of the signs of the zodiac to certain colors, plants, stones and metals is found in almost every book of horoscopes, but probably not each of you accurately represents, what is the connection between them. Meanwhile, this connection is very deep.

The correspondence of the zodiac sign to a certain color is due to the fact that each color has a psychological value, and for people with different types of character and temperament (and zodiac astrology outlines them quite clearly) "own" are different colors.

So, let's say, purple color is found in the color characteristic of twins, maids, gear and fish. This means that in the characters of these people of these signs of the zodiac there are general features. This is some duality of nature, and dreaminess, and vulnerability, and a tendency to mystical.

The correspondence of the sign of the zodiac to a specific flower is also not accidental. Man is part of the universe, part of nature.

As for metals and stones, they have long been attributed to the magical strength, and to know which stone will help you in your problems, everyone needs.

At the same time, the strengths of stones affect various signs of the zodiac in different ways. For example, a zircon gives confidence to the weights and water bodies, which, as you know, are quite deprived of feelings soul equilibrium. But the crayfish under its exposure are capable of becoming frantic egoists and get to the extreme egocentrism.

Aries: Colors, Flowers, Stones, Metals Zodiac Sign

The colors of this sign of the zodiac - gently yellow and green. They have a wonderful property: awake the best feelings, and also give softness, tenderness and soothe. Aries, with their tendency to an unprecedented courage, sometimes turning into aggression, these colors will help to gain balance.

But if you make an analogy between the character of Aries and the color, then we can say that it is best expressed with the help of bright red - saturated, exciting color.

Aries flowers are a violet, Vasileuk, as well as a hawthorn. If delicate violets and cornflowers are able to set up Aries on a peace-loving way, then a hawthorn with tart berries is associated with the strong character of the Aries.

Stone Aries - Diamond, Symbol of hardness (similar to the characteristics of the character and assertion of Aries).

The metal of the Aries is gold, it symbolizes the non-energous energy of the people of this sign, which is also splashing through the edge.

Taurus: Colors, Flowers, Stones, Zodiac Sign Metals

The color of the Taurus is yellow-green: the character of this sign of the zodiac - charming, calm, sincere, but at the same time a few passive person.

Taurus flowers - Lily of Lily, Lilac. They respond to a somewhat sentimental character of the Taurus.

Taurus stones are turquoise and sapphire. Turquoise has many medical properties: Helps to preserve youth, protects from diseases. Particularly suitable turquoise to girls under 20 years old, as it helps them cure heart ailments.

Sapphire is useful to calves in the sense that it is able to strengthen their memory (many calves cannot boast of good memory and attentiveness).

Calves can also be worn by agate, opal, emerald, jade. We advise you to avoid wearing amber.

Metal Tales - Copper, it is very similar to the character of the Tales: the same warm in appearance and pliable, but not deprived of noble glitter and some splendor.

Gemini: Colors, Flowers, Stones, Zodiac Sign Metals

Twin colors are purple, gray, bright yellow. Purple - color mystical, mysterious, suitable twin with their variability, duality of character, as it is impossible. Gray is the color of natures reasonable, and the twin intellectuals are quite capable of reasoning (if only emotions are not overwhelmed at that time). Bright yellow helps the twin again to gain the joy of life if he suffers from the next depression.

Twins flowers are a daisy, poppy, buttercup, jasmine, daffodil. These flowers possessing tender, cheerful color, help the twins cope with the attacks of a bad mood, well affect their feelings. Giving a twin woman a bouquet of daisies, you, quite possibly, will become interested in themselves.

Stones twins - chrysoprase, grenades, agate. Chrysoprase gives twin protection and patronage, smoothes sharpness life situationsWhat is very important for twin adventurers. Agat is useful to twins, as it has a property to heal from insomnia. Agat is also a stone of sociable people, so he can come in handy twins, which in their overall well-being are often often experiencing decline.

Twins have their metals: it is gold and silver.

Cancer: Colors, Flowers, Stones, Metals Zodiac Sign

Colors of cancer - white and blue. White and light blue give a feeling of infinity and are an indicator of aggravated feelings. Blue, silver - the colors of people who are characteristic of high mental activity. All these properties of the color are ideal for the nature of the crayfish.

Cancer flowers are honeysuckle, water lilies, as well as jasmine (like twins) and all white flowers that correspond to varying and high sensitivity Crayfish

Cancer stones - Ruby, Emerald, Moonstone. Ruby is useful in that he increases the mood of the vane cancer, the emerald protects a person from diseases and strengthens memory. Cancer, wearing emerald, will never complain about forgetfulness. The lunar stone has a magical power capable of protecting its owner from trouble.

Cancer metal is silver. It protects cancers from life difficulties, but at the same time exacerbates their feelings.

Lion: Colors, Flowers, Stones, Metals Zodiac Sign

The colors of this sign of the zodiac - purple, scarlet, black, gold, orange, that is, all the brightest and rich colors that are so suitable to the powerful and even somewhat tyrannoe character of the lion.

Lion flowers - Peony, chrysanthemums, gladiolus, all the most magnificent, royal flowers. In addition, Chrysanthemum is a symbol of valor and courage, namely, this is fully characterized by the character of the lion.

Lion's stones include: Topaz, Chrysolit, Ruby, Onyx, Diamond. Topaz is needed by the lions that are disappointed in the surrounding reality. In this case, Topaz helps them cope with their problems, but it can be too frequent to lead to loneliness.

Metal Leo is gold - a symbol of wealth, to which most of the representatives of this sign of the zodiac seeks.

Virgin: Colors, Flowers, Stones, Zodiac Sign Metals

The color of the Virgin is white, blue, purple, green - it is impossible to better reflect the complexity of the nature of this zodiac sign. White characterizes the accuracy of virgins. Green shows some of their rectines, when they do not listen to other opinions. The violet unwittingly discloses one of the characteristics of the virgin character: it turns out, sometimes they may be prone to mysticism.

Flowers of virgins - Astra and red poppy. These flowers are able to reveal the deepest secrets of the nature of the virgin. Astra is evidence that the virgin has secret thoughts about someone or something. Mac discovers that the nature of Dev, despite all its straightness and even some pedanticity, is peculiar to weakness.

The stones of the virgins are carnelian, yellow sapphire, agate, jasper, malachite, topaz, marble. The carnelian has therapeutic properties. For Dev, he will also become a tool, perfectly protecting from the trouble, if you fix it in silver. Sapphire is a symbol of modesty and loyalty. Agat has a good impact on Dev, softening them and at the same time giving them self-esteem.

Metals are tin and copper: Tin gives them a sense of security and reliability. Copper helps to gain self-confidence.

Scales: Colors, Flowers, Stones, Zodiac Sign Metals

Colors of weights - dark blue, green, sea wave color, pastel tone in general. And this is not by chance, because the scales are an air sign, and each of the names symbolizes an infinite airspace.

Flowers of scales - marigold, rose and violet. Nails are able to reassure the spiritual suffering of weights. Rose - Queen of all colors - symbolizes the variability of the nature of the scales, which sometimes passes and in treason feelings. The violet symbolizes what scales often demonstrate modesty and are capable of sincere friendship.

Stones scales are opal, coral, diamond, sapphire, beryl, crystal, chrysolite, lunar stone, green jasper, zircon.

Let's say more about some of them. Opal is a stone of hope and loyalty; He can suit weights as it is impossible, because they are often able to take the most unexpected decisions based exclusively in their feelings. At the same time, hope is so necessary for them, because they are very afraid of failures. Diamond is able to make scales happy. Sapphire is able to discipline this prone to the infertility of the zodiac sign. Zircon gives confidence in himself: sometimes they are so lacking so!

Metal scales - bronze. It is this alloy if the scales will wear jewelry from it, is able to give greater stability to the volatile nature of this sign of the zodiac.

Scorpio: Colors, Flowers, Stones, Zodiac Sign Metals

Scorpion Colors - Pomegranate, Dark Red, Raspberry, Yellow. All shades of red, which so love scorpions, indicate their independence and energeticness. Addiction to yellow is an indicator of their high sociability.

Scorpion flower - carnation, symbolizing the ability of scorpion to the Great Romantic Love.

Scorpion stones are Aquamarine, Carbuncoon, Beryl, Moonstone, Topaz, Malachite. The beryl has a special force for this sign of the zodiac. Its owner is protected from hatred and black envy, because the energy and ability to achieve everything, which are so characteristic of scorpions, envy very many.

Metals of this sign of the zodiac - iron, steel. They help scorpions in acting, guided not only by feelings, but also reason, some restrain the emotions.

Sagittarius: Colors, Flowers, Stones, Zodiac Sign Metals

Flowers are blue, blue, purple, crimson. All shades of blue so comply with the smooth character of Sagittarius! In addition, for this sign of the zodiac, they symbolize modesty and skill to communicate.

Flowers Sagittarius - Narcissus and Carnation. Narcissus corresponds to some Salted Sagittance: those who belong to this sign love to play the first violin. Carnation in relation to the firing means the inclined to patience and methods.

Stones that Sagittarius can wear - Topaz, Amethyst, Chrysolit, Turquoise, Opal, Sapphire, Agat, Emerald.

All the main features of the character of the Sagittarius find their embodiment in amethyst, which symbolizes sincerely, peacefulness and sincerity. Chrysolit excellently strengthens spiritual powers, as those who treat this sign will always be high, and it takes a lot of strength. Sapphire helps the fifters in their way to success.

Metal Sagittarius is zinc that symbolizes the vital activity of this sign of the zodiac.

Capricorn: Colors, Flowers, Stones, Metals Zodiac Sign

Capricorn colors are dark green, black, blue, ash-gray, pale yellow, as well as all dark tones. Often it is due to the fact that some Capricorn are not capable of fantasy flights. In addition, it fully complies with the fact that they love muffled tones.

Capricorn flower - white carnation. It is known to be a symbol of loyalty, and loyalty and restraint are the main feature of its character.

Stones that Capricorn can wear - ruby, onyx, grenade, lunar stone, lag.

Best of all on the complex character of Capricorn affects onyx. He is able to strengthen positive traits His owner. It is believed that after Capricorn acquires Onyx, he seeks a lot of positive features. In addition, onyx is able to drive black thoughts and strengthen the health of the owner.

Capricorn metal is lead. The fact is that some sullenness and the controversy of the Capricorn corresponds to the lead (remember that the word "lead" serves to designate the gloomy and heavy: lead sky, lead clouds).

Aquarius: Colors, Flowers, Stones, Zodiac Sign Metals

Aquarius colors: blue, white - symbolize Aquarius affiliation to air signs. In addition, the blue color is an indicator that in some cases Aquarius is capable of being too balanced, prone to traditions and even old-fashioned.

Flowers Aquarius - violet, myrt, daffodil. The combination of these colors shows how unexpected the behavior of an aquarium could be, because the violet is a symbol of modesty, Narcissus - a sign of selfishness, and Mirt confirms that the advantages of power are not alien to an alarm.

The stones of the Aquarius are grenades, zircon, lags, opal, amethyst. The zircon helps the Aquarius to gain confidence, although it is impossible not to say that the same stone is able to make a person too vain and proud. But the grenade symbolizes the nobility, and, giving it a water, you awaken in it the best feelings. The remaining stones also have a positive effect on the nature of the Aquarius, and they are not allowed to wear them at all.

Metals Aquarius - silver and platinum, despite the fact that it is one of the most expensive metals, in the nature of the Aquarius symbolize its tenderness, some exaltation.

Fish: Colors, Flowers, Stones, Metals Zodiac Sign

Fish colors - marine greens, blue, purple, color sea wave, steel. They all resemble the elements of fish - water.

Flowers of fish - daffodil, jasmine, violet, forget-me-not. Each of these colors symbolizes one of the characteristics of the character or abilities of fish. Narcississa testifies to a tendency to pride (although in fact the fish are able to understand anyone, but they are not given to know themselves). Jasmine testifies to their sensuality. The violet shows that they are capable of long and sincere friendship, and forget-me-not speak of a long memory and loyalty to love.

Fish stones are coral and pearls. It is believed that the coral perfectly protects its owner from the "unclean strength" and "bad look." In addition, fish are recommended to wear pearls. "The tears of the sea", as it is also called, can protect fish from trouble. And this is not all: the pearl can be judged by the state of fish health. If the surface of the stone fades, then the state of health of its owner still leaves much to be desired.

Metal fish - silver. He testifies to the enormous life of this sign and about his intuition, the development of which is incomparable with any other sign of the zodiac.

The fact that the precious stones and metals have special properties, people say for a long time. Modern astrologers, based on the experience of past centuries, it is confidently argued that the decorations made from the "right" metal and the stone will be able to attract their owner.


Protect from adversity and give luck bright, strong and expressive stones will be able. These include: Almaz (diamond), Amethyst and Beryl, turquoise, Rodonit and Rubin.


Ideal gold in all his kinds. Active precious minerals are categorically suitable, which would interrupt their own energy of this sign. Good Option: Beryl, Turquoise, Emerald, Ruby, Sapphire, Topaz and Zircon.


The best choice: Alexandrit, Amethyst, Beryl, turquoise, Emerald, Rhodonite, Sapphire, Topaz, Chrysolit, Chrysoprase, Tsitrine.

The element of this sign is water, which means the stones are needed appropriate: transparent, bright and clean, blue or green shades.

Traditional metal - silver. From stones, you can purchase Aquamarine, Amethyst, Beryl, Turquoise, Emerald, moon stones And Black Opal, Rodonit, Ruby, Chrysoprase and Chrysolite.

Gold combined with sunny, orange or yellow, but certainly light stones will become an excellent mascot for Lviv.

Lions are better to choose Beryl, Emerald, Opal, Ruby, Topaz, Chrysoprase, Chrysolit and Zircon.


Astrologers advise to devies to have a collection of decorations with the most different stones, but to choose each of them it is necessary to approach.

Suitable metals - silver, silver in alloy with gold, gold alloys cadmium and zinc. From the stones it is better to choose a diamond, beryl turquoise, emerald, jade, opal, rhodonite, sapphire, chrysoprase or citrine.


For this sign, the stones, first of all, should give the balance of power. The correctly selected mascot will help in making a right decision.

The best metal for weights is gold or its alloy with silver. The best stones: diamond, amethyst, beryl, turquoise, demantide, emerald, opal, rhodonite, tourmaline, chrysolit, chrysoprase, zircon and citrite.


Perhaps the most mysterious sign. It presents two extremes, which means that dangerous red or black, blue or lilac stones saturated shades are well suited as a talisman.

Metals Scorpio are needed strong - gold, platinum. Stones also need to choose powerful: Aquamarine, Alexandrith, Amethyst, Beryl, Turquoise, Opal, Ruby, Sapphire, Topaz, Tourmaline, Chrysoprase.


The best metal for Sagittarov - Gold, from the stones the choice is better to do in favor of ametista, beryl, turquoise, emerald, sapphire, Topaz, Chrysoprase, Chrysolita.


Pretty powerful and self-sufficient sign. He needs fiery stones that would support the activity of Capricorn.

Silver fits perfectly as a metal. As talismans - Alexandrit, Amethyst, Beryl, turquoise, opal, ruby, tourmaline, chrysoprase and zircon.


Waterwords in their collection need to have both cold and flickering and soft, warm minerals.

It is better to choose silver as a metal. From talismans need to be purchased: Aquamarine, Amethyst, Beryl, turquoise, Demandid, Emerald, opal, sapphire, chrysoprase, citrine.


Symbolize the end of winter and the beginning of the spring. Therefore, the talismen of blue and blue-green shades are preferred especially in combination with gold.

Fish stones: Alexandrite, Aquamarine, Amethyst, Beryl, Turquoise, Demandid, Opal, Sapphire, Chrysolit, Chrysoprase, Spinel.