The names of the demons and their purpose. The most powerful demons. Right Hand of the Lord of Hell

Detailed analysis of the plot, structure and images from the horror film "Reincarnation" we found that the demon Peymon appearing in him is not a figment of the scriptwriter's fantasy, but that is reflected in the picture itself. Films series "The Conjuring" strikingly different from "Reincarnation", representing a real horror-attraction, working like a "roller coaster", where "ups and downs" alternate in the form of more or less successful screamers. But, surprisingly, demon Valak, who acts as the main antagonist in the films (2016) and (2018) - also "comes" from the grimoires.

Who is he or what is he - Valak?

The name of this powerful demon is written and pronounced in different sources differently. Actually Valac, as well as Volac, or Valak, or Valu... A description of it can be found in the grimoire. Lemegeton he is Lemegeton Clavicula Salomonis- "Small Key of Solomon". What is characteristic - the description of Peymon is also given there. Recall that the first edition of the grimoire dates from 1898 (in "The Book of Black Magic and Pacts").

The Lesser Key of Solomon consists of five parts: "Ars Goetia", "Theurgy Goetia", "Ars Almadel", "Ars Paulina" and "Ars Notoria"... In turn "Ars Goetia"(or simply "Goetia") contains a section called "Shemhamphorash", which lists 72 zodiac demon prince who played an important role in medieval magic and theurgy. Valak on this list - sixty-second. In a hellish hierarchy Valak bears the title of the Great and Mighty Governor of Hell.

The sign (sigil) of Valak.

Service Valaka is to give truthful answers about hidden treasures and tell where the snakes are found, which he can bring to the caster. Subordinate to Valaka there are thirty-eight legions of spirits.

It should be noted that, unlike the same "Reincarnation", where Peymon showed himself in full accordance with the description given in the grimoire, his "colleague" Valak in "Conjuring 2" and "Curses of the nun" very little correlates with how "Ars Goetia" describes it.

In particular, the grimoire states that Valak appears in the guise of a child with angel wings, riding a two-headed dragon. At the same time, in the films of the "Conjuring" series, the favorite appearance of a demon is a terrible old woman-nun ... and no dragons, even with one head.

One of the images of Valak.

Concept art of the film "The Curse of the Nun".

However, within the framework of the mythology of the Cinematic Universe itself "The Conjuring", as we learn from The Curse of the Nun, Valak appeared in our world in the basements of an old nunnery built by a warlock. Since the demon needs to destroy the local nuns and move into someone, it is quite logical for him to take the form of one of the nuns - this, however, does not explain why in the future, having already left the walls of the monastery, Valak continues to use the same disguise.

In "The Curse of the Nun" there is also an episode with snakes with which Valak from the grimoires is connected. In addition, one of the heroes of the picture in the past performed a rite of exorcism on a boy who eventually died. AND Valak tortures this hero, pursuing him in the guise of that very boy. Here you can, if you wish, see a reference to the image of a demon in the form of a "child with angel wings", although most likely the scriptwriters did not recall anything like that when they wrote these episodes.

Each mythology has its own list of the most powerful creations, both representing the forces of light and the forces of darkness.

In some religions they are more structured, in others less. In Christianity, which has had a considerable influence on occult views on, there are several conflicting views on demons, their essence, image, power and hierarchy.

But, nevertheless, it is possible to isolate the most powerful demons who undoubtedly occupy key places in the hierarchy of hell.

Demon names and power

According to various sources, the number the most powerful demons there is a different number of them. Here, those of them will be highlighted that are considered the strongest according to the version of most religious teachings of Christianity and religions close to it.

And also, according to the majority of mystics and occultists. The most powerful are:

Devil, Satan, Lucifer- the most powerful demon of the fiery hyena, the lord of hell, the concentration of universal evil. He has a huge number of names and forms. Moreover, in different Abrahamic religions and in different eras there are differences in its description. It is denoted as fallen angel, who rebelled against the Lord. At the same time, in the Middle Ages, the devil was also correlated with Beelzivul, although this demon is also an independent creature.

It is possible that Satan is a broader concept than just a name or title and includes a collective image of the highest demons. But this claim is controversial.

Right Hand of the Lord of Hell

The last giant sea monster, which, according to some versions, is considered the highest demons, according to others, one of the incarnations of Satan. The position of Lilith is very ambiguous.

But she definitely occupies a high position and has tremendous strength.

In a number of divisions, the four supreme, and therefore the most powerful demons are Lucifer, Leviathan, Satan and Belial.

Other positions

A separate division is proposed by Satanists with a clearer structure. But it lends itself to criticism, both the church and the occultists.

The mystics and occultists themselves also do not have a consensus on the power of demons.

There are times when representatives of different directions argue about the meaning and power of individual demons.

A completely separate look at power of demons is a statement that rarely leaves the circle of some mystics that all demons of hell are divided by species.

And representatives of the same species, being inextricably linked, have equal power. Thus, a completely different hierarchy is emerging.

The details, however, are unknown. Since the supporters of this classification of demons practically do not share this information.

The doctrine of demons (from the ancient Greek "daimon" - deity, spirit, in English it is written daemon) is called demonology. It includes their names, descriptions of appearance, behavior, rituals to summon evil spirits, methods of control and fight against them.

The doctrine is classified as black magic and is considered quite dangerous for humans. It is practiced by a demonologist with extensive knowledge of the supernatural world.

Different peoples have their own ideas about demonology. Allocate directions:

  • Christian- the origin of demons is due to the expulsion of angels from Paradise. One of them became proud of his power and rebelled against the Lord. The name of this bright angel was Lucifer (Dennitsa, in Heylel - morning star).

    He gathered a third of the heavenly army and intended to take the place of God. However, the Archangel Michael and his army successfully resisted the rebels.

    The rebels were thrown into the Underworld, so the fallen angels turned into demons. According to the Bible, for human souls and everything that exists, there is a constant struggle between the dark and light sides.

  • Slavic- mythology explains the structure of the world by the influence of demonic forces. Natural phenomena are influenced by atmospheric Spirits, family relationships, households - sorcerers, witches, brownies, life after death is represented by mermaids, ghouls, aquatic, werewolves and so on.

    A feature of the direction is considered to be the classification of human states (diseases), processes (fate), events (days of the week) in the category of mythological.

  • Japanese- Chinese and Japanese religions Shintoism means the presence of gods - kami everywhere in the world: in objects, phenomena. Demons O-bake, Youkai, Yurei, and others of a lower rank than the Kami.

    Demon Youkai

    Demon Yurei

    At the same time, a person is able to interact with them in a good or fraudulent way.

  • In occultism- magicians can use demons to fulfill their own desires. For this, the mystical traditions of Goetia (Goetia) are used to summon evil spirits, create talismans and other practices.

Perhaps an occult direction, which consists in the worship of demons (demonolatry).

Famous African Voodoo rituals to summon evil spirits, guardian angels.

Characters in demonology are different, including images of animals, plants, mythical creatures, asexual and sexually, creepy and attractive, capable of changing appearance (Alruns) or infiltrating mortals. Their connection with people is widespread: half-man - half-goat, centaur, minotaur, and so on. Almost all have horns. The teaching describes a half-demon-half-human (Ashgar), who is recognized as one of the most powerful beings.

There are many books on the topic of demons and magic in bookstores. Among the names of their authors are Kalashnikov V.I., Kontanistov Alexander and Golban Marina, Crowley and Fuller, and so on. Information about demons is provided in the teachings Christian Church: the books of the prophet Ezekiel, Job, the Revelations of John the Theologian and so on.

Names of demons: list and photo

There are a great many inhabitants of hell, since ancient times demonologists and theologians have tried to calculate how much this number is approximately. The numbers in different interpretations differ significantly: in the II century the number of demons is indicated about 30 thousand, in the 15 century Alphonse de Spina increases it to 133 306 608. In the 16th century, the biblical “number of the beast” was taken as a basis for calculating the number of monsters, as a result it turned out 66 infernal princes, leading a legion of 6,660,000 supporters of darkness.

Of the total number of representatives, according to Jewish beliefs, 12 demons of the Gates of Hell take sinful souls to the Underworld.

The list presented includes descriptions of the common names of the infernal inhabitants, in accordance with various interpretations.

Lucifer (Satan, Satanael, Devil)

He was a beautiful, powerful and beloved angel of God. After his failed attempt to seize the throne of God, which is why Lucifer was expelled from Paradise to Hell, he acquired the name Satan (translated as "slanderer"), became the Prince of Darkness, the main leader of Hell and demons.

His beautiful appearance has become ugly and ugly. He is considered the most powerful representative of the dark forces, who opened knowledge to people and leads centuries of opposition to the light side. The name Devil is also his title, and is translated into Latin Satan (enemy). There are various assumptions about whether Satan has a son or daughter. The magicians and inquisitors of the Middle Ages believed that all demons that are not fallen angels originated from the connection between Lucifer and Lilith. Moloch is named among the sons.

According to another theory, the children of the Devil are people who have denied God. Many are interested in when Satan's birthday is, while May 1 is often present - the holiday of gathering evil spirits on Walpurgis night. However, the real date is not known for certain. The direct creator and father of Lucifer is the Lord, the mother of the ancient grimoires indicates Lucida - inanimate stellar energy.

Astaroth (Asterot, Astoret)

A high-ranking demon, the guardian of the treasures of hell, in the hierarchy takes place after Satan and is his right hand. He was cast down into the underworld along with Lucifer. Strong, talented, charming, charming. The archdevil is able to give a person intelligence, invisibility, power over snakes. It infuses people, making them possessed. More often than other demons, he appears in human form, holding a viper in his right hand. Astarte is his wife; in some sources, the spouses merge into the image of one fallen angel.

Beelzebub (Verzaul)

A powerful demon of Power known as the Lord of the Flies, commander of the infernal legions. It is considered a companion and co-ruler of Satan, sometimes represented by the Devil and bears his name.

The appearance of the epic archdemon is diverse: from a fly-like to a monster with 3 heads. Bufovirt is recognized as the wife of Weselvole. The demon received his nickname for the fact that insects obeyed him from childhood, together with flies he sent a plague to Canaan.


The Supreme Demoness, the Devil's wife. Sometimes she is identified with Lilith, but Kasikandriera is considered the first wife of Lucifer. The Queen of Hell originated from the supreme astral world - the abode of the Gods. What the Queen of the Underworld looks like is shown in the photo.

She came to Hell of her own free will, where she won favor, thanks to her disposition and beautiful appearance. Kasikandriera is considered a good devil, who is characterized by compassion. Her power is so great that the girl is able to destroy Hell, Paradise and humanity. However, the main demoness observes neutrality, and does not participate in the confrontation between good and evil.


It is considered the first wife of Adam, created before Eve. She was distinguished by an obstinate disposition and, due to her unwillingness to obey her husband, was expelled from Paradise. In the underworld, the demoness becomes Satan's friend.

Mentions about her were excluded from the Bible so as not to set a bad example for women. There is a version that Lilith was a snake that entered into an alliance with Adam, and then became jealous of the created Eve, treating her to the Forbidden Fruit, and also persuaded Cain to conceive.


One of the consorts of the Great Unclean One.

Her occupation was in the placement of personnel in Hell. She was distinguished by cruelty towards humanity, shed a lot of blood. The demoness was 4 meters tall, and her head was crowned with seven horns.


That was the name of Astaroth's wife, Demoness of pleasure and lust, Queen dead souls, a warrior.

Born in the union of Satan and Lilith. Likes to play with people, is emotional, hysterical. The Phoenicians worshiped her as the goddess of love, fertility, hunting, war. The cult of Astarte was accompanied by orgies, with which the Old Testament prophets fought.


Beelzebub's wife, demoness of Power, her sign is the Fly.

Differs in refinement, beauty, decency, loyalty. Before marriage, she was a demon of Power. Miloris is the firstborn of the couple.

Valak (Volak)

A powerful governor of Hell, appearing in the form of a boy with angel wings, sitting on a dragon with 2 heads.

He commands 30 legions of spirits, reveals to the caster information about the hidden treasures, voluntarily gives the snakes.

Belial (Beliar)

The leader of the dark forces, the main priest, close to the Lord.

The demon of lies is not hostile to man, which is different from the Devil, in medieval Christianity he advocates hell against the forces of light for the right to possess over people. Belial (in other words, Velizar) is recognized as a liar, the patron saint of gambling, they note his cheerful character, his unwillingness to take the form of terrible monsters.


Demon of lust, fornication, jealousy, family troubles, hatred and revenge. Prince of the Hammer of the Witches.

He is considered to be close and friend of the Lord and can act on his behalf. He is cruel and merciless, while appreciating the concept of honor. The temper is contradictory, it is considered a psycho and the delight of Hell.

Baal (Baal, Bel, Bael, Wael)

The Duke of Hell, a powerful and cruel demon of treachery and deceit, is widely depicted in the guise of a bull.

Idolatry included human sacrifice, large-scale orgies. A terrible ritual was performed to ensure the fertility of the earth. Mostly children were sacrificed, a child under 7 years old was thrown into a fire. However, modern research has established the fact that usually the child was already dead before the ritual.


Advisor, Chancellor of Hell, in charge of the Devil's wardrobe. It is presented in the guise of a man with a mule head and a peacock's tail.

In the Old Testament, it is mentioned as a Separvaim deity, which was characterized by fire sacrifices, in which babies were burned at the stake.

Gremory (Gomori, Gemori)

Grand Duke, appears as beautiful woman wearing a crown riding a camel.

Tells about the mysterious events of the past, present and future, about the places of hidden treasures. Provides love for women, especially girls.


Demon of Brotherhood, has no wife, children, parents. There is a sister Voloyan. Considered a great and cruel warrior, he cannot put up with insolence and rudeness. Has a striking appearance: red hair, fiery wings and red horns.


Duke of the Infernal Empire, demon of robbery.

Inclines to steal, until it is brought to the "gallows". Appears with the body of a lion and a human head with a frowning expression on his face.


The Duke of Hell, appearing as a man with the head of a unicorn.

Creates or inspires mortals to create harsh, gruesome music. Allows you to hear the sound of instruments, at the request of the necromancer obeys the trees to bow.


Belongs to the group of Asmodeus, is considered the son of Satan and Lilith. He has many children, is married to Lamia, but does not maintain a relationship, as she is serving a sentence. He loves alcohol and to play with mortals, is interested in the history of Hell. Appears in the form of an attractive man with blond hair with long bangs, dark horns, impressive wings.


Marquis endowed with great power. Appears in the mythical image of a wolf with a snake's tail, then transforms into a man with a raven's head or with teeth like a dog's.

Solves disputes, tells the past and future, provides protection and love.

Arabas (Orobas)

The Prince of Hell is presented in the form of a centaur, because when falling from heaven into the abyss, he merged with his own horse. Orabas commands 20 legions of spirits. It tells about past and future events, provides titles, patronage of friends and enemies. Loyal to the magician.

Dantalian (Dantalion)

The Duke has many faces: men, women, girls, guys. He holds a book in his hands.

Reads the thoughts of mortals and changes them, prompting them to evil deeds. Gives knowledge, teaches art, can evoke love.


Demon of greed and wealth. Mamon taught a man to dig the earth in order to steal treasures. Sent to Hell among the last, walks with his head lowered.


The great avenger and the Executioner of the underworld. Also supervises Public Works. Demon of retribution, evil, which possesses the avenger. Recognized as one of the most violent representatives of Hell.

Abbadon (Abbadona, Apolion)

A powerful demon of death, a military adviser to Hell, a destroyer, a pseudonym - Apollyon, in the Middle Ages his name was mentioned as a designation of Satan, close to the King of Darkness, his faithful assistant. He is cruel and merciless, does not retreat to anything.


Who is Moloch is mentioned in the Old Testament. The Babylonians worshiped a demon-deity, the inhabitants performed a purification ceremony for children: girls and boys were forced to jump over the fire.

However, the historical interpretation claims that the offspring were burned alive. The Hebrew Bible forbade giving children to worship Moloch, the punishment was deprivation of life.

Waalberite (Valberite, Baalberite)

Chief secretary, archivist who seals agreements between mortals and the inhabitants of the Underworld.

In some interpretations, he appears as the God of Death. The devilish representative inclines people to slander, murder, and suicide. Mentioned in The Satanic Bible by La Vey.


The female demon belongs to Judeo-Christian mythology. Who it is and about the deeds of Abiz was told by King Solomon, to whom she appeared. The demoness harmed women in childbirth, trying to strangle the newborn. According to the description, the creature's body was not visible, only hair fluttering like snakes, and green eyes shone.

Naberius (Nebiros)

Marquis, Field Marshal of the Underworld, who rules 19 legions of Spirits. Gives mortals knowledge, skills, especially in rhetoric. Appears in the form of a circling black crane.


The Demon of the Brotherhood, Close to the Devil, a disciple of Asmodeus, is worthy of his rank. The wife and children are absent. Demonic warrior, fearless, demanding and diligent.


A general in the Underworld who only obeys Lucifer. A real villain, leads 3 powerful demons and the Spirit of water.

Has the ability to manage the past and the future, to reveal the secrets of the power of any state.


The sinister prince and governor, gives mortals philosophical knowledge, evokes love and hatred, is able to deprive a person of sensitivity, make him invisible, reveals events of the past and future.


A dissolute demon who inflamed the female sex with love for men, driving them to madness. Made the girls sterile. During intercourse, he could change the appearance of a woman. Men were persuaded to homosexuality.


An inferior demon, a servant of Satan, responsible for entertainment and fun in Hell. Those who live in the Underworld enjoy all human vices.


Dark Demon Slayer, Marquis. If the opportunity arises, it will easily kill the magician and his comrades, communication with him requires increased caution. Its purpose is to create disagreements and disagreements. Appears in the form of a man with the head of a raven or an owl, riding a wolf.


The Marquis and Count of Darkness, appears in the guise of a terrible teacher with a stick, which brings up careless students. Gives knowledge of languages, favors friends and enemies. The demon teaches rhetoric well, prepares excellent servants.

Merezin (Merazin, Meris, Metiris, Merihim, Mererim)

A demon with many names. Prince of Air Power, Chapter 6 Rank. Causes contagious diseases, leads to epidemics and disasters. Likes to fly in the air among lightning.


The demon is responsible for making and maintaining a fire in Hell. During the mutiny, he offered to set fire to the heavens, for which he was also expelled. Represented as a dwarf making fires in the Underworld.


Approximate of the Lord, demon of Brotherhood. Strong, courageous, ruthless, eager to fight. Appreciates the concept of honor. Has no wife or children. He is fond of playing the flute; when drinking alcohol, he loses its adequacy. Outwardly beautiful and powerful.


Governor in the form of a lion. Tells about hidden secrets, gives knowledge and skills in mechanics. Able to transform people into other creatures, send and heal diseases.


Demon of Power, close to Satan. On his instructions, he was in the human world for some time. Dangerous, powerful, ruthless, wears things made from the skin of demons and demons. He also makes whips. Hero of Hell, lower demons and demons are afraid of him.

Shaxx (Shah)

The marquis in the guise of a dove. At the request of the magician, he blinds and deafens people, deprives them of understanding, brings things to the caster. Steals money, returns after 1200 years.


Strong Governor, appearing in the form of a raven. Builds houses, towers, reads and communicates the thoughts and knowledge of enemies, their actions. Bestows good friends. Has a hoarse voice.

Abigor (Eligos)

The Grand Duke knows the events of the future, knows and reveals secrets. Appears in real life in the guise of a knight in armor. Provides love and patronage to powerful people. Outwardly attractive.

Belphegor (Velphegor)

Demon of wealth, laziness, greed, seducing mortals material goods... Revered by women, because it has an impressive size of the penis.

The center of the rituals of worshiping the greedy demon was nudity, excrement was used as a sacrifice.


A demon of incredible strength, strong constitution and enormous stature. Appears in the form of a man with a bull-shaped head. His ability is to uproot trees along with the roots.


One of the administrators of the Underworld. Archangel cast down from heaven. Aroused in people hatred and cruelty towards the poor.


A prince with a leopard head and griffin wings. Kindle passion, sexual attraction between the opposite sex. He urged me to be naked. Taking the image of a man, he was distinguished by beauty.


The standard bearer of the infernal army, the lord of the desert. As a Cherubim, he entered into relations with earthly women, as a result, giants (half-human-half-angel) appeared who participated in the rebellion against God.

As punishment, Azazel was chained to a rock in the desert until the Day of Judgment, when he would be thrown into the fire. The magicians who met the demon disappeared without a trace. A black goat was sacrificed to him every year.


Demon of Brotherhood, Approach of the Great Unclean. Married to Cali. He was trained by Asmodeus, a strong and loyal warrior, his merits are marked by the Sovereign. Loves alcohol and dancing.


The duke, who is able to find the hidden treasure, predicts the future, gives an understanding of the language of animals, birds and other creatures. Smooths out conflicts, reconciles friends and government officials.


Demon of the Order of Power. Belongs to Paimon's suite. It is believed that if a demon possesses a virgin, it will defile her purity.


A demon in the guise of a deer. Causes love between the opposite sex. Controls thunder, lightning, storm, hurricane.


The King and the Earl, appearing as a lion on horseback. Finds hidden things, exposes the witch's tricks and themselves, endowed with the gift of prophecy. Can cause a storm, at the request of the magician to build or destroy walls, houses.

Agares (Agvares)

The Duke, represented as an old man sitting on a crocodile.

Instantly teaches languages ​​and dialects, causes earthquakes, deprives of ranks. Causes an army to flee, but can also bring back those who have escaped. Dance organizer.

Samael - Angel or Demon

The meaning of the name of the representative of the Underworld is translated from Hebrew as "poison and God." Samael is not represented in general list demons, because it occupies a separate place.

He is considered the head of the infernal army, as well as the Angel of Death, who are usually outside the concept of good and evil. It is believed that Samael is in eternal confrontation with the archangel Michael, whom he tried to take with him to Hell. In some interpretations, it is believed that he was the Serpent-tempter of Eve. Samael is the Angel of Death who appeared for Moses.


A generally accepted classification of demons has not been developed, therefore, they are divided into types, according to certain characteristics.

According to the type of activity of monsters, categories are distinguished:

  • poltergeists- commit small pranks at night (move objects, spoil things, and so on);
  • parks- female demons influencing destinies;
  • service- minions of witches;
  • incubi and succubi- female and male seducers;
  • clean- attack the saints;
  • nightmare demons- appear in dreams and so on.

Habitat classification determines representatives associated with fire, water, air, earth, as well as those living under it and in remote areas of hell (lucifuges and heliophobes). The demon Mulciber was considered the architect of the Underworld itself.

Division by rank:

  • First- Pseudo-gods and Prince Beelzebub;
  • Second- Spirits of lies led by Python;
  • The third- The vessel of iniquity, headed by Belial;
  • Fourth- Punishers of atrocities with Prince Asmodeus;
  • Fifth- deceivers with the leader Satan;
  • Sixth- Air authorities led by Merezin;
  • Seventh- Furies and their master Abaddon;
  • Eighth- Prosecutors and spies, led by Astarot;
  • Ninth- Tempters and spiteful critics with Prince Mammon.

Demonologists distinguish types of demons in relation to the heavenly bodies: the spirits of Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, the Sun, Venus, Mercury, and the Moon.

The classification according to the area of ​​influence is considered the most convenient for practicing magicians:

  • love andlust- this category includes Lilith, Asmodeus, Astarot;
  • revenge, hatred, anger, war- Abbadon, Agaliarept, Andras;
  • healing and life- Belial, Verrin, Verrier;
  • death-Babael, Waalberite;
  • luck, wealth- Beelzebub, Belphegor, Mammon;
  • knowledge, witchcraft, sacrament- Python, Ronwe and so on.

The division of demons according to 7 committed mortal sins is known: pride (Lucifer), avarice (Mammon), lust (Asmodeus), anger (Satan), gluttony (Beelzebub), envy (Leviathan), laziness (Belphegor).


There is no universally recognized hierarchy either, as the underworld has always been considered a place of chaos and disorder. Demonologists put forward many variants of the demonic structure in order to systematize knowledge, to determine the difference in the powers of individual representatives.

The supreme rulers, who are the main ones in Hell, are established by Lucifer (emperor), Beelzebub (prince), Astaroth (great duke). They are subordinate to 6 spirits of a higher rank, many small ones.

In other sources, a fourth is added to the indicated leaders: Moloch, Leviathan or Belial.

The magical treatise "Lemegeton" notes 72 main demons, while they have the titles of kings, earls, dukes, marquises. There is no information about the subordination of some to others in the source of information.

The minor and inferior representatives of the Underworld include Demons (service personnel), Nols (working class), Succubus, Incubus.

Succubus and incubus

Such names are given to the smaller servants of Satan. These are a variety of tempting demons who persuaded people to have sexual intercourse in dreams. Succubus is a priestess of love who specializes in men. Appears in the form of a beautiful girl, as seen in the Gothic photo.

Incubus, on the contrary, covet female love, appearing in an attractive male guise.

Demons of gluttony, drunkenness, carnal pleasures are recognized as hunters for sinners, they prefer not to attack the righteous. They feed on the energy of the victims, devastating them.

Vampire names

Vampires are classified as undead. The source of food and energy for them is blood. They are distinguished by strength, speed and dexterity, do not have a reflection in the mirror. They hate sunlight and holy water that burn their bodies.

The names of vampires are distinguished in the mythology of various countries:

  • Adze is an African bloodsucker.
  • Algul - Arabic.
  • Strigoi is Romanian.
  • Brooks is a female vampire demon.
  • The Alps is a German monster.
  • Danag is a bloodsucker from the Philippines and so on.

The name of the Romanian vampire Count Vlad Tepes Dracula has been imprinted in literature and cinema for centuries.

Demonic creatures

In the mythology of various countries, in addition to demons in the form of people or humanoid monsters, there are creatures of creepy appearance that carry evil.


A mythical creature of enormous size with glowing eyes. He has 3 throats, from which a flame bursts out. 2 people keep his mouth open. From the belly of the beast, the screams of countless damned souls are heard.


The legendary monster is a guardian guarding the entrance to the cave of the sorcerers.

A distorted person with a twisted leg, mutilated hands, fingers, nose, mouth is also used by the Warlock as a tool for curses and revenge. Creates a sorcerer creature from an ordinary nine-month-old child kidnapped or bought from parents.


Christian demon of carnal pleasures (gluttony), taking the form of animals.

Inclines mortals to sinfulness, the manifestation of the worst traits of character. An example of a demon is the cat Behemoth from the work of M. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita".


A huge, multi-headed sea monster. In some interpretations, it is considered a fallen angel, in others - a serpent-tempter of the first people, in the third - a creature created by God before all living things.

Some sources indicate that the Lord destroyed the beast in prehistoric times, but there is also an opinion that in the future a mortal fight between Leviathan and Behemoth is expected.

Glasialabolas (Glasia Labolas)

Governor of the underworld. Represented as a dog with griffin wings.

Can make a mortal invisible, teach instantly art, arouse the love of friends and enemies. The culprit of murder and bloodshed, obeys Nebiros

The demons of hell are the ancestors of all evil. Demons were driven out of their paradise and brought many with them. Their main goal is to create evil. For them, evil is food. And the greatest pleasure for them is to commit blasphemy. The demons of hell consider God to be their enemy and do everything to harm him, and the man himself acts as a weapon. Everything in our world is in balance, light and darkness, good and evil. Therefore, the demons of hell own the world just as we own it. Man has always tried to get rid of them, and he still does.

The demons of hell also do not sit idly by, they continue to do their dirty work.

Representatives of darkness enjoy all kinds of sin - pride, vanity, revenge, debauchery, quarrels. Each demon of hell instills into the soul of a person that sin from which he himself delights. But you shouldn't blame the demons of hell for all your misfortunes. A person always has a choice. Either follow the correct, but long and difficult path, or choose the fast and sinful path. As a rule, most often a person chooses the path that the demon offers. After a huge number of committed sins, a person simply does not have a chance to go to heaven after death.

So he remains forever at the mercy of the demons of hell

During his lifetime, they did not give him rest and after death they forever take him into their ministry. But a person always has a chance to improve. God sees everything and, of course, will forgive a person. We cannot always deal with our sins on our own or get rid of the influence demons of hell... For this, today there are people who know everything about demons and even ways to fight them. Although not entirely safe, it is effective. But attempts to get rid of the demons of hell on your own can end in disaster for you. Your attempts can lead to the fact that you will become a "doll" in the hands of a demon, and that's all they need.

Watch on video demons of Hell part 1

I will tell you about the most insidious and dangerous demons of Hell, considered in demonology, their names are familiar to many. Their main goal is to create evil through man. They feed on negative human energy. The most common names for the demons of hell are

  • Asmodeus,
  • Baal,
  • Yara-ma,
  • Kali ma,
  • Itzpapalotl,
  • Kelpie,
  • Skadi,
  • Sri Lakshmi,
  • Zotz,
  • Hel,
  • Xipe-Totek,
  • elementals,
  • Belial and others.

Each of these demons of Hell is responsible for a certain evil, each has its own history and a person invented each of them. To say that demons can completely take over us is true, but all this happens only through our fault. The demon of Hell becomes stronger only from the fact that a person commits more and more sins. Thanks to this, the demon feels so good that he is able to move into a person and control his body, thoughts and actions as his own.

What are the names of the demons of Hell

This is the most terrible and dangerous thing that can happen to a person. Therefore, today very often professionals perform rituals for expelling the demons of hell. This is the most dangerous ritual in black magic. I had to be present many times with this the ritual of summoning the demons of Hell I must say that horror movies are taking a rest. It's incredibly scary. Only after seeing this with your own eyes, you begin to understand how real everything is. A person not only begins to scream in a strange, not human voice, curse everything and speak in ancient languages, but his body wriggles as if it has no bones. I described all this only because many of you decide to independently engage in the expulsion of the demons of Hell from a person. You will never do this without special knowledge. But the risk that the demon will take possession of you is very great. Here it is necessary to create a safe environment for everyone present. And this can only be done by those who have repeatedly encountered demons and did everything to resist them.

Watch on video demons of Hell part 2

We often and a lot talk about demons, devils, demons. But few people know that they differ not only in their habitat and method of exposure, but also in names. Yes, the demons of hell have names too. I will only mention some of the names of the demons. The most
the demons of hell are insidious and bloodthirsty. There are many legends and beliefs associated with them in Slavic and ancient Indian mythology.

The real names of the demons of hell differ sharply from the names we are used to.

It cannot be denied that it was man who gave names to the demons. That is why man came up with new names that have nothing to do with human ones. There are a huge number of demons. Every nation has its own list of demon names... All peoples different legends related to them. But we are all united only by the fear of them. But we have long since learned how to deal with them.

List of the names of the most famous demons of the Christian Hell:

  1. Abbadon = / demon destroyer.
  2. Abduscius = / demon uprooted trees.
  3. Abigor = / demon rider, skillful warrior.
  4. Adramaleh = / demon counselor in charge of Satan's wardrobe.
  5. Agaliarept = / demon who knows how to solve any riddles.
  6. Agvarez = / demon, duke of hell, dance organizer.
  7. Azazel = / demon, standard bearer of the troops of hell.
  8. Alastor = / demon herald.
  9. Amduscias = / demon musician, duke of hell.
  10. Andras = / demon, marquis.
  11. Asmodeus = / demon of lust and family troubles.
  12. Astaroth = / the great duke, keeper of the treasures of hell.
  13. Acheron = / a hellish monster with flaming eyes.
  14. Barbatos = / demon, a duke who knows how to find hidden treasures and predict the future.
  15. Behemoth = / a huge demon who ruled the feasts in hell.
  16. Belphegor = / demon seducing people with wealth.
  17. Baal = / demon of treachery and deceit, the great duke of hell.
  18. Waalberith = / the chief secretary of hell.
  19. Valafar = / demon, patron saint of robbers and robbers.
  20. Beliar = / Satan's powerful ally, demon of lies.
  21. Beelzebub = / commander of the legions of hell, lord of the flies.
  22. Verdelet = / Master of Ceremonies of Hell.
  23. Dagon = / demon, baker of hell.
  24. Dantalian = / demon, inciting people to evil deeds.
  25. Dubbuk = / in mythology, a wandering spirit.
  26. Zepar = / demon who drove women to madness.
  27. Incubus = / male demon lover.
  28. Xaphan = / demon who makes fires in hell.
  29. Lamia = / female demon, a vampire who hunted mainly for children.
  30. Leviathan = / a huge snake, the lord of the oceans.
  31. Leonard = / demon, master of the Sabbath.
  32. Lufitzer = / an angel who rebelled against God and was cast out of heaven, Satan.
  33. Lucifuge Rofocal = / prime minister of hell.
  34. Mammon = / demon of wealth.
  35. Marbas = / demon who could send and heal disease.
  36. Melkhom = / demon, guardian of the treasures of the princes of hell.
  37. Mephistopheles = / demon who served Faust for 24 years.
  38. Moloch = / demon-deity to whom children were sacrificed.
  39. Mulciber = / demon, architect of hell.
  40. Navki = / souls of dead or unbaptized children (among the Slavs).
  41. Nebiros = / demon, field marshal of the army of hell.
  42. Nibras = / demon in charge of entertainment.
  43. Nisrok = / demon, one of the administrators of hell.
  44. Olivier = / fallen archangel, awakening cruelty to the poor in people.
  45. Put Satanakia = / supreme commander of the army of Satan.
  46. Sabnak = / demon responsible for rotting corpses.
  47. Salamanders = / lords of fire, spirits living in flames.
  48. Sargatanas = / demon, major general of the army of hell.
  49. Satan = / The supreme ruler of hell and demons.
  50. Succubus = / devil - mistress.
  51. Ufir = / demon, doctor of hell.
  52. Utburd = / ghost of a dead child (Norwegian).
  53. Fleureti = / Lieutenant General of Beelzebub, governing Africa.
  54. Furfur is a demon that controls thunder, lightning and hurricane winds.
  55. Shaxx = / demon that blinds and stuns its victims.
  56. Kime = / at first had the form of a thrush, and then turned into a man with a sharp sword. If he was asked questions, he answered them not quite clearly - with burning ash. When he was an angel, he liked to argue, and if he was in the mood, he could talk about the meaning of bird songs, the hum of cattle, dog barks and the murmur of a stream.
  57. Leraye = / a powerful marquis, a shooter in a green tunic, armed with a bow and sharp arrows. He provoked quarrels and battles between people, but he especially strove to ensure that they wounded each other with arrows, whose wounds never healed.
  58. Sitri = / the prince who had the head of a leopard and the wings of a griffin. He stimulated sexual desire, in particular, encouraged women to walk naked.
  59. Gomori = / knew how to achieve the love of women, especially young women. As a grand duke, he appeared in the form of a beautiful woman riding a camel, with a ducal crown on her head.
  60. Parks = / demon of fate; if anyone has seen the parks, then that person is himself a demon.
  61. Oyedlet = / demon-seducer of the vow of poverty.
  62. Philotanus = / second-class demon and Belial's helper. Instigator of debauchery.
  63. Paimon = / rules in hell with public ceremonies, breaking people's will. Rides a camel. They are portrayed as a man with a woman's face.
  64. Salvo = / destroyer, builder of cities, populates them with warriors eager for battle. Has the appearance of a stork and a hoarse voice.
  65. Khabaril = / demon of fire and fire. He has three heads = / feline, human and serpentine, he rides a viper, waving torches.
  66. Vin = / could destroy the thickest walls and cause a storm in the sea.
  67. Seera = / demon of time, could slow down or speed up its course.
  68. Glasyalabolas = / winged dog. He directed the killings. In his free time from his main duties, this demon taught people the art of becoming invisible.
  69. Imp = / messenger of evil.

If I forgot to mention the name of the daemon, please add it in the comments.

H the warlock may be able to summon seven demons. In addition, he has the ability " Demon enslavement", thanks to which he can also gain control over other demons, however, for a limited time. Each of the demons serves a specific purpose. currently (The wrath of the Lich King, 3.3), the three main demons are directly connected in PvE with the Warlock talent trees. So, Imp helps to increase damage to Destroyers, and the Felguard is the Demonologist's main weapon. In PvP, the Void Demon (ability to see robbers and a shield) and Succubus (control) are very popular. More details on how to find demons and what to do with them in this guide.



T level required: 1 .

P The first demon of the Warlock, outwardly similar to a green devil. In my opinion, the funniest of all, every now and then jokes, sometimes very in the subject. This is a range-dd, the main damage of which falls on fireballs. The imp has a relatively small reserve of health, but is capable of going into the Astral, that is, becoming inaccessible to enemy attacks of any level and strength. While in the Astral, the imp cannot attack. In addition, the imp is capable of casting a spell on the Warlock and his comrades. " Fire Shield"that will deal damage to those who attack with a melee attack the target under this spell.

P you can get the imp by learning the appropriate spell from the trainer or by completing a simple quest on the first level. Until you have the Demon of the Abyss, I advise you to walk with the Imp - more fun and faster. Soul Shards are not required to summon the Imp.

Void Demon


T level required: 10 .

IN the second demon, which is often called "bruise" because of its color. The elemental-like dark blue Demon Tank is available at level 10. He has the ability to create a shield around the Warlock. The shield will absorb damage and will disappear if the amount of damage exceeds the shield's capabilities, or after a certain time. The demon deals melee damage. Also, having a large supply of health, the bruise can create additional aggro, thereby allowing the Warlock to shoot enemies from a distance. To work with him in pairs at low levels, I advise you to pump the First Aid skill. And, finally, another ability of the bruise allows him to restore health, while simultaneously imposing an effect on the group, which makes it possible to see the enemy in invisibility mode. In PvP, this is useful for battling Rogues and Druids.

H You can learn to summon the Void Demon by completing a simple quest at level 10. Alliance quest " Gakin's invitation"must be taken from Remen Markot in Stormwind. The Horde take the quest from Ageron Kargal (Brill, Forsaken), Ofek (Durotar, Orcs), Karendin Halgar (Undercity, Blood Elves). A Soul Shard is required to summon the Demon."



T level required: 20 .

T second demon, woman in revealing outfit with horns, tail, whip and wings. Deals melee damage with a whip. Just like the demon, he can hide. Has the ability to " Seduction"with which it can seduce humanoids (including players ... and their characters). The succubus is an excellent assistant in PvP, as well as in PvE if you can control its controlling ability. This requires some practice. Groups of some monsters for the absence of the Mage with his "Transformation" lends itself well to the "Seduction" of the Succubus. At low levels, the Succubus will help you develop your character faster, since its damage will exceed that of the Void Demon, and its ability to survive will be similar to the Imp.

P Rush of the Succubus is a quest reward. Quest at Alliance starts at Lago Malevovert (Ironforge), the quest is called " Gakin's invitation". Go to Gakin (Stormwind). He will send you to the Barrens, where you will meet with the real Seer. Well, the Seer will send you to Ashenvale for a tree, after which you will have to return to Stormwind. Now the most important thing is to summon a succubus and defeat After that, turn in the quest and get the skill. Horde there are several quests. Orcs and others take the quest from Gan "Rul in Orgrimmar. Blood Elves from Alamma (Silvermoon City). Summoning a Succubus requires a Soul Shard."

Fel hunter


T level required: 30 .

H The fourth demon, similar to a dog. The eyes of the dog are on two antennas, and the color of the dog is red. The dog does good physical damage and works great against magicians, both monsters and players. Thanks to the skills of silence and casting down, the dog is very effective in PvP. In PvE on some bosses, her skill is also useful. At low levels, the Hunter is a great way to diversify character development, an alternative to the Succubus. From the point of view of DpS, its positions are constantly changing, so you can only calculate the exact parameters yourself on a dummy or during a battle. In some builds and patches, she is a handy companion for the Warlock.

P You can get the Hunter in the quest " In Search of Fear"given by Lago Spitebnovert (Alliance, Ironforge) or Gan" ruled by Blood Eye and Karedin Halgar (Horde). Upon completing the quest, you will receive not only a skill, but also a bag for Soul Shards (14 slots). A Soul Shard is required to summon the Hunter.



T level required: 50 .

P This demon looks like ... Infernal. Several glowing green stones, stacked in the shape of a man. The Infernal falls from the sky, stuns enemies around it and assists the Warlock for three minutes. Moreover, if you have summoned another demon, it will disappear. Warlocks love to summon Infernal in mass PvP, as well as before Shaman Heroism in boss fights. The effectiveness of invoking Infernal depends directly on how exactly your demon should help you: with its direct damage or a buff to your damage. For example, it would be rational for the Sorcerer to summon him during a battle if his main demon does little damage. At the same time, it is not recommended for the Demonologist to summon Infernal, because his main demon will almost certainly do more damage.

P Obtaining Infernal is difficult, but a real Warlock simply has to get all the demons, right? Well, first of all, there is a small chance that you will find the Grimoire in Blackrock Mountain from the local Warlocks. The hard way is to talk to Nibi- a great warlock. We take the quest " What Nibi Wants". We talk with the Imp. The imp will send you for various entities, which will be quite difficult to get if you pass the quest at level 50. After that, return to the imp. He will tell you to talk to Nibi, after this conversation, kill Kroshius. Now Nibi will teach you how to summon. Infernal. And he will summon ... no, you have to see it yourself. Summoning Infernal requires Infernal Stone, which can be bought at the Ingredient Store.

Dread Guard

Dread Guard

T level required: 60 .

Sh The original demon, looks like a big, scary orange orc with wings and horns. Moves through the air, sometimes stomps loudly. The demon can be summoned for fifteen minutes using the Doom Ritual. The Ritual requires a group of five people, including the Warlock. After the Ritual, one group member (randomly) loses most of the health, some time ago after the Ritual, the group member died. But this had a bad effect on the group's desire to summon the Guardian, so it is now more and more humane. You can use the Guardian in completely different situations, it is worth remembering that during the battle it will not be possible to call him. The following combination is interesting: before the start of the battle, the Warlock summons the Guardian, when he disappears, summons the Infernal, and, if necessary, after the disappearance of the Infernal, summons the main demon. It is important to impose as many necessary buffs as possible, then the damage of the Guardian will be very high. If handled correctly, it can add +3 to DpS. In PvP, using the Sentinel is difficult due to the difficulty of summoning.

P You can get the Guardian of Dread by learning the appropriate spell from the book: Grimoire of Bane... The drop rate does not exceed 2%, you need to kill elite monsters, at level 60 you simply cannot do this. The Elite monsters of the Blasted Lands pose a threat even to a level 80 player. It's easier and more interesting to complete the quest. You can take it from Dayo the decrepit, which is located in Scorched Lands... We'll have several assignments: go to Winterspring, kill several monsters there, and visit Dire Maul to search for the Blood of the Satyrs. Quests at level 60 are difficult, require the presence of a good (thinking) group, preferably with a healer and a tank. The last quest in the chain, "Imprisonment", requires special preparation. You will have to clear your way among the elite monsters and fight the most elite of them. On this necessarily need a healer. If you are level 80 just be careful nat. Demon damage knocks down your spells. For the Ritual of Doom, you need a Demonic figurine, sold in the reagent store, along with an infernal stone.



T level required: 50 .

FROM the eighth demon, looks like an iron woodcutter, also called among the people, walks with an ax. Says terrible things, looks great with a Dwarf Warlock. The basis of damage for the Warlock of the Demonology branch, requires careful care: buffs, health replenishment, etc. In PvP, it is interesting only because it can deal damage while the Warlock himself is out of combat or is far away (read, running from the Warrior). In other cases, it is preferable to use other demons. In PvE, sometimes Warlocks with Guardians go to decent places in terms of DpS, but in case of a demon loss (AoE boss, change of tactics and place), the DpS of the owner drops to the level of tanks. Behind him you need an eye and an eye, although you can see him from afar.

P the demon's call is learned thanks to the talent of the Demonology branch, the talent is at the very bottom. There is no other way to get this demon, unless you find one somewhere in Outland and subdue it. Summoning the Felguard requires a Soul Shard.

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Destrolock Jan 22, 2015 at 16:10 Reply

Yes, everything is clear, the only thing that enrages in the lock is that the fragments do not fold into one cell by 20, they take up a lot of space

A guest Dec 08, 2013 at 15:32 Reply

Damn I found two mentors who give apt for a hunter, they don't have just anything

A guest Dec 07, 2013 at 16:58 Reply

I come to Ironforge to take an apartment for a dog and he is not there, what can I do help!

Vitalik November 22, 2013 at 01:37 Reply

all kv are timid thanks for the hint it is nice to play with the help of wowhead

A guest Nov 14, 2013 at 19:11 Reply

but I do not have a task ((