Women's names that bring good luck! Useful information. The most beautiful surnames in the world What surname will bring good luck

Women's names that bring good luck! Almost every name gives its owner a certain set of useful qualities. The main thing is to find and implement these qualities. All female names bring good luck to some extent, but in different areas life.

Numbers tell a lot about a name. For example, numerology will easily answer your question about what awaits you in the future and what is your destiny or destiny. Earlier we wrote about how to calculate the number of fate by name. From this article, you can learn a great way to interpret your name.

Meaning of the name

The most obvious factor that makes this or that female name lucky is the translation, its original meaning. Fate is determined by what was invested in this name at the stage of creation.

  • For example, if Victoria means "victory", then she will be more likely to succeed because that in itself attracts success.
  • Anastasia means "immortal", so women with that name are also very lucky, but this is manifested in their incredible stamina.
  • Olga translates as “holy” or “wise”, so she is very happy in marriage, rarely offends people without a good reason, and she has many loved ones.

There can be many examples, but sometimes the translation does not mean something important, so traces of luck should be looked for in something else. Learn the meaning and mystery of your name to find out where you can be lucky in life.


Most The best way to find out how lucky you can be is to check the energy of your name. Earlier we wrote about the 10 most energetically strong female names. This is an indicator that these ladies are more lucky than usual. However, other names are often fraught with secret keys to success.

Among the list of the most powerful names can be identified Varvara, Victoria, Vladislav, Daria and Irina. Getting into the biofield of these women, any person feels their influence. If these ladies are angry, then they are more afraid than others. If they are full of love and warmth, then, approaching them, you will become infected with this warmth.

In principle, this property can act as an Achilles' heel, but when the situation is stable and you need to win over a person, women with such names have almost nothing to do. It helps in love as well as business area. If you are the owner of one of these names, you can make it your charm.


The presence of various letters and their combinations in the name also greatly affects luck in a particular area of ​​life. In business and finance, as well as for moving up the career ladder, solid-sounding names with a large number of voiced consonants will be useful: Arina, Diana, Lydia, Margarita, Daria, Inga, Valeria, Vera, Veronica, Galina etc.

Soft names like Svetlana, Inessa, Nina, Christina, Tatyana, Anastasia, Faina or Ulyana, lucky in love and family life. They are subconsciously perceived by men softer, since they lack sound amplification.

The sound of a name is very important, but not only in terms of sonority. Ordinary Slavic names are now slowly going out of fashion, and there are completely forgotten and almost completely lost names, such as Zinaida, Varvara, Yaroslava or Martha. However, they are quite strong due to their connection to Rod. Just keep in mind, when choosing a name for the baby, that it is better to exclude options that are not quite harmonious for the modern ear, otherwise your child will be ridiculed.

Names are gaining popularity western type or unusual and modern sounding: Madeleine, Martha, Nelly, Nika, Olivia, Rose, Vanessa and others. This brings good luck to children, which develops into great success in all areas of life in the future. So it has always been and so it will be with all the names popular at the moment.

rare names

The very last point is the rarity of the name. Vasilisa, Venus, Eva, Oktyabrina, Eleanor, Karina, Lily- such women are always remembered, and men feel a certain zest in them, because rare and unusual names imprinted very well in their memory.

Many ladies have probably noticed that the more unique the name, the more men like them, the more success they achieve in business. People have always been drawn to the unusual.

Be careful because excessive attention can play a cruel joke, because the bad is remembered better than the good. One false step, and no one will ever forget that you broke your heel before an important meeting, your son is a loser, and your husband likes to drink. Attention can both give good luck and take it away from you forever.

We wish you that your name brings you only happiness. Remember that every woman has the right to success and good luck. Even if you do not really like your name, it is not a curse, not an anathema, but a gift from parents and fate, which must be able to unravel and decipher correctly. We wish you success in all spheres of life.

It is believed that the name affects the fate of a person and his life. Each name has its own meaning, its own properties and traits, which are transmitted throughout life to the one who wears it. But how do you know if your name suits you and whether it will bring you happiness?

What names bring good luck and happiness

Lucky names have their own specific differences:

  • The name will bring good luck to a person if he was named not by his father or mother, but by one of his distant relatives.
  • The name will bring even greater luck if it was proposed not by a relative or even a stranger. However, such a name can bring happiness only to that person in whose family troubles constantly occur, or there is damage to the whole family. In other words, if a stranger comes up with a name for a child, then he will never repeat the fate of his parents and will live in his own way.
  • In magic, those who have five, seven or nine letters are considered lucky.
  • The name will bring good luck if the child is named after his guardian angel. He will get strong protection.

Which will not bring happiness

There are also some that should be avoided.

  • The name will not bring good luck if it was inherited from one of the relatives. If a child was named after a grandmother or grandfather, then in the future he will repeat their fate and will carry their cross.
  • Unlucky are considered short names consisting of two and three letters. They have little energy, so the bearers of such names often get sick or cannot find their calling in life.
  • The name will bring trouble to its owner if he does not like it. It will also interfere with happiness if a person is not called by name, but is called by nickname or surname. The name must be constantly heard, otherwise a person will not associate himself with him, which will eventually lead to a loss of reality and the inability to find himself in life.

Love, be proud of him and hide your identity under pseudonyms. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

03.07.2014 09:00

Very often on our way there are various problems and obstacles. Sometimes they go in an endless stream, ...

Most of the events that happen in our lives are preceded by certain signs of the Universe. Our ancestors tracked every such...

with the thought of you...help yourself...magic and secrets

If you feel that you do not have enough energy to achieve what you want, you can think of a "second name" for yourself - and it will bring you good luck. Only it must contain one of the letters that make a person strong and tenacious.

It happens that something doesn’t go well in a person’s life, but it’s not at all his own fault and not the evil old women with the “evil eye”, but on the contrary, the people to whom he is dearest of all in the world are his parents. And the "program" of his failures is laid at the very moment when they give the child a name.

What is a name? This is a phonetic set of sounds, a sound is a wave. A sound wave- and now it has been proven by science - can most effectively affect the human body. Moreover, the sound wave influences the formation of certain character traits, generates certain spiritual qualities in people!

It is not for nothing that all Elenas are similar to each other in the same way that all Andreys are similar. And the most interesting thing is that a person is influenced not only by the name as a whole, but also by each of its letters!

For example, the letter A gives people a high ability to work.

The letter B generates a desire for risk, programs luck in risky ventures.

It develops in a person the desire and desire to plan his life.

Under the influence of the letter G, a person develops excellent taste and, at the same time, disgust.

The letter D generates the energy of the owner, and in its most active manifestation.

E endows a person with two opposite qualities: a thirst for intimate relationships and a desire for power.

The consonant Zh awakens in the character the desire for aesthetic completeness.

Z makes people corrosive, boring.

And brings wisdom and balance to the character.

The letter Y in the name makes its owner doubt his abilities.

K makes a person focused, immersed in himself.

The letter L provokes the desire for comfort and bodily pleasures.

M awakens in a person the desire to try everything on their own skin.

H is an insidious letter: it makes people become attached with all their heart to a person or a chosen job.

O introduces principles into the character, but at the same time conservatism, narrow-mindedness.

The motto of a man who has the letter P in his name is “I came, I saw, I conquered!”, However, he does not value his achievements at all: he needs victory for the sake of victory itself.

And for a person whose name contains the letter R, the motto could be the slogan "Not a step back!": This letter generates loyalty to the word and the chosen goal in people.

The consonant C in the name is always brilliance, sparkling, the ability to be charming.

The letter T symbolizes the passion for change, no matter what they concern: heart affections, work or furniture in the house.

The vowel Wu is a hidden cunning, the desire to hide one's true goals.

F is another letter that gives birth to an iron grip in a person. True, this grip is not active, but passive - a person does not achieve what he wants, but, as it were, takes it.

X - responsiveness to someone else's misfortune and other people's requests.

In a critical situation, people around always rely on a person whose name contains the letter C. He himself, in such circumstances, is capable of both high feat and cynical cruelty.

Those who have the letter H in their names are endowed with a heightened sense of justice.

The consonant Ш gives a person composure.

The vowel Y can make a person stubborn, "stubborn", and for the sake of his goal, he, sadly, is ready to do any evil, any violence.

The owner of the name, in which there is a vowel E, is an egoist of the highest standard.

The letter Yu simultaneously fulfills two fictions: it gives purposefulness and makes you look at the world through rose-colored glasses, it makes a person an incorrigible romantic.

The letter I gives rise to self-doubt in a person and often makes compromises.

Of course, people have always tried to give the child a name that brings good luck. And vice versa, they avoided giving such names, the owners of which suffered misfortunes. We have now stopped giving great importance the way we are called, but in vain! Our name is our problems (or lack thereof). It is believed that children should not be given the names of great martyrs (Nikita, Dmitry, Ekaterina, Marina, Anastasia, etc.). Such people have a difficult fate and often do not have a personal life. In addition, certain names correspond to the signs of the zodiac. This has been noticed for a long time and full compliance can be found in the "Saints".

But what about those who do not want and cannot change their "unlucky" "name to another - something that could bring him happiness and success? After all, how many papers need to be issued, how many people to explain why you are doing this! Is there way out in such a situation?Yes, there is!

Let's say, if you feel that you do not have enough energy to achieve what you want, you can think of a "second name" for yourself - and it will bring you good luck. Only it must contain one of the letters that make a person strong, tenacious, not wanting to retreat an inch from the conquered frontier - B, D, P, R, F, Z.

That is exactly what one girl, the loser Mila, did. She looked at herself in the mirror, and suddenly it dawned on her that she looked like a hairpin! Mila asked one of her friends to call her Hairpin (note that this nickname contains the consonant P, which generates in a person the desire to achieve the cherished goal with one powerful jerk). The nickname stuck, and the recent shy girl, unexpectedly for herself, suddenly put on a short skirt and, seizing the opportunity, sat on her boss's knees. "Intimacy after the wedding," confidently cut off the very Hairpin, who a month ago was ready to please anyone who casts an affectionate look at her. And the man willingly obeyed her. As the military say, "the fort was taken with one lightning throw"!

However, a "different" name can change the attitude of those around you, even if you yourself do not change at the same time. For example, it often happens that a man subconsciously reacts to a strictly defined image or behavior of a woman. Such a "program" in his subconsciousness is laid either by his mother or by the woman who aroused the first strong feeling in him.

But the betrothed may not have such character traits! In this case, the "second name" again comes to the rescue.

Olga fell in love with a man whose name was Oleg. As a rule, the owners of this name tend to marry a woman who is very similar to her mother. Oleg's mother turned out to be an extremely easy-going lady: her life was filled with travel, museums, shops, and visits. Olga herself, on the contrary, was a homebody, and this could become a serious obstacle to marriage.

The young woman thought and wondered what she would “break” in herself in order to become like her future mother-in-law. And she just came up with the nickname Tata - an abbreviation for her last name - the letters T, which just make a person easy to lift! And soon Oleg offered her a hand and a heart, while repeating that at last she became exactly the way he dreamed of seeing his "second half"!

What can be achieved in just 10 years after graduation? A lot. This is proved by talented managers, professional financiers and promising officials who are included in the rating of the most successful young men in Russia.

In this rating, you will not find 29-year-old CEO of Sistema-hals Felix Yevtushenkov, 30-year-old owner of several financial companies Alexander Gaydamak and 32-year-old banker Alexei Titov. If successful person has rich or influential relatives, he is not included in the list.

The first ranking of the 33 most successful young men under the age of 33 was published by Finance magazine on June 26, 2006. The project was a great reader success, and this year the journalists decided to continue it. And in 2008, the third series of the "list of the best" will be released - two dozen candidates have already been scheduled for it. According to the organizers of the project, it is these young men who will determine the face of the Russian economy for several decades.

To select candidates, journalists constantly analyze the composition of the governing bodies of significant Russian companies.

As soon as a person under 33 years old appears there, he immediately falls into the number of candidates for participation in the project. In addition, they interview business people, members of the list, track the age of people who have received a promotion. At the same time, the second person of a large company has priority over the first person of a small company. And among the second parties, preference is given to people involved in financial matters.

Most of the successful men on the list are top managers. Eight of them run companies that are professionally involved in asset management. The list contains key characters Russian industry, construction, retail, banking, consulting, audit. Top managers of Russian and Western companies.

In addition, the new rating of the magazine "Finance" includes four officials at once. The presidential administration is represented by Stanislav Voskresensky, referent of the Expert Directorate, who is the one who develops changes in Russian tax legislation. Yury Lyubimov, adviser to German Gref, and Said Batkibekov, director of the Department for the Strategy of Social and Economic Reforms, work in the Ministry of Economic Development. The list also includes a regional official - 26-year-old Dmitry Bykov, deputy chairman of the committee for economic development, industrial policy and trade of the St. Petersburg administration. There is also a member of parliament - Senator from Primorsky Krai Igor Pushkarev. And to myself young participant Andrey Zokin from Gazprombank is only 25 years old.

Natives of both capitals dominate among the most successful: 30 people (45 percent) were born in Moscow, and nine (14 percent) were born in St. Petersburg.

Among educational institutions, where the most successful men studied, won Moscow State University: 6 representatives of two ratings graduated from its Faculty of Economics, two more from the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics. The second and third places are shared by the Financial Academy and MGIMO (five graduates each). The Russian Academy of Economics gave the list four people, and St. Petersburg State University and State Academy controls - three.

The distribution by year of birth is curious. The first place is taken by 1974 (21 people). More successful men were born in 1977 (14) than in 1975 (12) and 1976 (8). And in 1979 and 1981 two people were born, but in 1980 - not a single one. Favorable months for the birth of successful people, judging by the list, should be recognized as February, March, May, June, August, October. In each of these months, seven persons in the rating were born.

Just amazing things happen with birthdays. Four successful ones were born on March 1 at once. The date of birth (January 24, February 23, May 8, August 6, September 29) is the same for five more couples. And three couples have the same date and year of birth. Do you wonder if there are auspicious days the birth of successful people. However, this may just be a coincidence.

The most successful men in Russia

Alexey Adikaev, Member of the Board of Directors, Chairman of the Board of Mirax Group. Born in 1974.

Vitaly Khismatullin, General Director of Capital Management Company. Born in 1977.

Vladislav Khokhlov, First Deputy General Director of Ursa Bank. Born in 1978.

Armen Babajanyan, General Director of the Electronics and Mechanics Plant, Vice President of ABS Holdings. Born in 1977.

Said Batkibekov, Director of the Department for the Strategy of Social and Economic Reforms of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia. Born in 1977.

Denis Bugrov, partner at McKinsey & Company. Born in 1974.

Dmitry Bykov, Deputy Chairman of the Committee for Economic Development, Industrial Policy and Trade of the St. Petersburg Administration. Born in 1981.

Dmitry Vinokurov, General Director of the audit company MKPTsN. Born in 1974.

Anton Vischanenko, Senior Vice President for Finance, Mechel Group. Born in 1979.

Stanislav Voskresensky, referent of the President's Expert Department. Born in 1976.

Ivan Gelyuta, General Director of Agana Management Company. Born in 1977.

Grigory Guselnikov, First Vice President of Binbank. Born in 1976.

Kirill Dmitriev, Managing Director of Delta Private Equity Partners. Born in 1975.

Nikolay Zhmurenko, financial director of Synterra. Born in 1974.

Andrey Zokin, Chief Investment Officer of Gazprombank Asset Management, Managing Director of the Portfolio Investment Directorate of Gazprombank. Born in 1981.

Mikhail Kokorich, General Director of Business Components LLC. Born in 1976.

Shamil Kurmashov, Deputy General Director for Finance and Investments, Sistema Telecom. Born in 1978.

Maxim Grishakov, General Manager for Russia, Wrigley. Born in 1975.

Dmitry Grishin, CEO of Mail.ru. Born in 1978.

Our reference:
1995 - graduated from the Physics and Mathematics Gymnasium No. 4 in Saratov
2001 - graduated from Moscow State Technical University. Bauman with a red diploma in CAD
Labor career:
1998-2001 - Axiom Int. (USA, Florida, Clear Water)
since December 1998 – software engineer
since October 1999 – senior software engineer
from March 2000 to May 2001 – IT-consultant
"netBridge Services" (hereinafter Mail.ru)
since March 2000 - Head of the Molotok.ru project development department
since May 2001 - head of the service center
since December 2001 - CTO of Mail.Ru
since June 2002 - Executive Director of Mail.Ru
since April 2003 - CEO of Mail.Ru

Alexander Ladan, General Director of the Siberian Coast company. Born in 1977.

Yury Lyubimov, Legal Adviser to the Minister of Economic Development and Trade. Born in 1977.

Oleg Mazurov, General Director of Allianz Rosno Asset Management. Born in 1978.

Sergei Mikhailov, General Director of the Management Company of the Industrial Construction Bank. Born in 1977.

Vyacheslav Shiryaev, CEO of Vesco Group. Born in 1977.

Andrey Yakovlev, General Director of Globus Gourmet. Born in 1976.

Valery Naumov, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Soyuz Bank. Born in 1974.

Maxim Naumov, General Director of Capital Growth Management Company. Born in 1974.

Evgeny Potapov, General Director of the Kola Mining and Metallurgical Company. Born in 1974.

Our reference
Evgeny Vladimirovich Potapov was born in 1974 in the city of Zheleznogorsk-Ilimsky, Irkutsk Region.
In 1997 he graduated from the Faculty of Law of the Irkutsk state university(in his last years he combined his studies with work at the Inter-Republican Bar Association).
In 1997-1998, he was an economic adviser to the general director of the Ust-Ilimsk timber industry complex.
From 1998 to 2000 - Director for Economics of the Korshunovsky GOK.
In 2001-2002, he held senior positions at JSC Tulunsky Coal Mine and JSC Tunguisky Coal Mine.
From April 2002 to March 2005 he worked at EvrazHolding, President of OJSC Evrazruda.
Since August 2005 – General Director of JSC Kola MMC.

Igor Pushkarev, member of the Federation Council from Primorsky Krai. Born in 1974.

Our reference:
Mayor of Vladivostok. Head of the Administration of the city of Vladivostok since May 2008. Millionaire, co-owner of the Park Group concern. Formerly - Representative of the Legislative Assembly of Primorsky Territory in the Federation Council (2004-2008), the youngest senator in Russian history Formerly - Deputy Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of Primorsky Territory of the third convocation (2001-2004) and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Park Group Management Company LLC ". PhD in Law.

Sergey Savosin, financial director of the Zurich insurance company. Born in 1974.

Our reference:
Sergei Savosin has been appointed Executive Vice President for Finance of Renaissance Insurance Group. Sergey Savosin has more than 10 years of experience in insurance. In 1996, he worked in various positions at Russian Insurance Traditions (since 1995 - Advisor to the General Director) and Euroaudit (since 1997 - Managing Partner). From 1998 to 2008, he went from an adviser to the CEO of the Zurich insurance company. Sergey has organized the work of the company's financial unit in accordance with the best world practices, the implementation of IT systems for financial management, and the integration of Zurich and Nasta after the acquisition by the latter group of Zurich Financial Services in 2007. For the last two years, Sergey has combined his work at Zurich with the post of Deputy General Director - Financial Director at Zurich.Retail (formerly Nasta).
Sergey graduated from the Financial Academy under the Government Russian Federation in Economics with a specialization in insurance, studied at the IMD business school (Lausanne), in 2009 he completed his studies on the joint MBA program at Columbia (USA) and London (UK) business schools. He holds an ACCA Diploma in International Financial Reporting.

Nikolai Sobolev, financial director, member of the board of directors of Severstal-Auto. Born in 1976.

Our reference:
Born on August 21, 1976 in Moscow.
Education: Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov, Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation, MBA Kingston (England), Candidate of Economic Sciences.
In 1997 he graduated from the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov, and in 1998 - the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation with a degree in Financial Management. In 2000, she received an MBA degree from Kingston University Business School (Great Britain), and in 2002 - a PhD in Economics from Moscow State University.
From 1997 to 2002, he held the positions of First Deputy General Director, Vice President of CJSC Yuzhuralmash Holding and member of the Board of Directors of OJSC Yuzhuralmash.
Since September 2002, he has been Director for Economics and Finance and a member of the Board of Directors of OAO Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant.
Since October 2002 - Financial Director of OAO SOLLERS.
Speaks English and German. He enjoys playing tennis.

Mark Temkin, Executive Director, Head of the Equity Business at FC Uralsib. Born in 1974.

Aleksey Chalenko, General Director of Investment Management Company, Advisor to the President of Inteko. Born in 1974.

NOVOSIBIRSK, March 20 - RIA Novosti. Many Novosibirsk residents have "happy" surnames. the day before international day happiness, RIA Novosti correspondent Elena Zhukova asked how such surnames affect their lives.

In 2012, the UN proclaimed March 20 as the International Day of Happiness to support the idea that the pursuit of happiness is a common feeling for all people on the planet. Also, according to the founders, the holiday is intended to show that happiness is one of the main goals of mankind.

Happiness is rare

There are not so many Novosibirsk people with surnames derived from the words "happiness", "luck", "joy". According to the registry office for Novosibirsk region, from 1925 to the present, 169 births of children with the surnames Udachin (a), Udachny, Successes, Successful, Happy, Happy, Happy, Radostin (a), Radostev (a) and Fortuna have been registered in the region.

Moreover, the most common of these surnames is Radostev. During this period, 58 Radostaevs were registered in the region. And the rarest surnames are Udachin, Udachny, Uspekhi.

A third of Novosibirsk use their appearance to be successful at workA third of Novosibirsk residents at least once in their lives used their attractiveness in order to achieve the location of their superiors, colleagues or clients, the recruiting portal HeadHunter reports on Wednesday following a study.

“At work, they believe that I really bring it (luck). With such a surname, interviews are easier. As my boss says, he didn’t even have questions after reading my resume - to take or not to take. Only because of the surname it was possible," Fortuna explains.

The interlocutor notes that an unusual surname gives some advantages in other situations. For example, traffic police officers become softer, studying documents, customs at the airport passes without delay.

“I don’t buy a lottery, I took a ticket several times, but alas. In a casino, they somehow accidentally gave me chips, threw them at random and won, but that’s all,” Fortuna said.

Schoolgirl Anastasia Udachina, in turn, says that her surname regularly helps in life and causes good mood those around.

“Once my new teacher gave me a good mark just because I have a beautiful and happy last name! Or, when I went to buy a kitten, the seller accidentally heard my last name and gave the kitten away for free,” says Udachina.

Christmas tree, elephants and tickets became exhibits of the Museum of Happiness in NovosibirskThe "Lucky Map of the World", a New Year tree, a horseshoe, birds, an umbrella of happiness, elephants, exotic amulets, and toys became exhibits of the Museum of Happiness that opened in Novosibirsk. RIA Novosti correspondent Maria Kormiltseva visited him, made a wish and found out how he managed to collect such a collection.

Her namesake Yulia Udachina, who works in the field of trade, on the contrary, believes that the surname does not bring her any success.

“There was no special reaction, but they said that with such a surname you definitely bring good luck. I didn’t notice much luck. On the contrary, relatives giggle that they forgot to “not” sign to the surname, ”she smiles.

Another "happy" Novosibirsk resident Alexander Radostev, who works in the field of information technology, says that his surname adds curiosities to life.

“Funny situations happened when I walked sad or gloomy and met someone. In general, a fairly frequent super-witty argument to me, “Why are you so gloomy, you are Radostev! Rejoice!". The surname helped to exchange a few words with the examiner on such an abstract topic and quickly figure out how to find mutual language", he says.

At the same time, Radostev notes that sometimes his last name is less interesting than his middle name, Jose. According to him, his surname is his mother's, and his Spanish father came to Russia to study at Moscow State University, then worked in Novosibirsk. They decided not to decline the patronymic, so that there would be no Khoseevich.

Happiness sound

Psychotherapist Alexander Butskikh notes that all words and phrases affect people in a certain way. There are many examples when, because of a surname, especially in childhood, complexes arise in people.

“With the surname Fortuna, Schastlivtsev, of course, there can be concessions, preferences, and a person can feel worthy. But besides the surname, there is a lot of everything, how a person will cope with his inner feelings, because there may be inconsistencies with such a surname. For example, he is a janitor works with the surname Schastlivtsev," Butskikh said.

Changing a last name to a happier one can certainly help a person feel more confident, he says, but it's too straightforward a way to boost self-esteem and doesn't always work.

“The strongest influence on a person is dissonant surnames that are associated with some kind of abusive words. As a rule, he is teased in childhood and he has to defend his surname. In this regard, the fighting qualities of such a person develop quite strongly. If he cannot do it overcome, then the surname will play against the person," explains psychotherapist Igor Lyakh.

In his opinion, such surnames as Radostev, Schastlivtsev and the like can influence a person if, along with the surname, parents put into the child the idea that he is their happiness, and then psychologically the child feels the love of his parents, and through this mechanism a person can feel happier for absolutely no reason.

"The second option for acquiring such surnames is when a person takes a pseudonym for himself, changing a previously unsound or unsuccessful surname to a euphonious and more successful one. Then this act is conscious for him. A surname can affect if a person believes in it, and this is associated with positive emotions" , - says Lyakh.